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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19210E12818 October 1979Prefiled Testimony.Bechtel 1979 Geology Map Cannot Be Used as Tool for Seismic Evaluation of Area.Supporting Documentation,Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc EnclIncorporated by reference
ML19276H57818 October 1979Prefiled Testimony.Applicants' Inference That No Significant Northwesterly Trending Fault Exists Between Lummi Island & Clark & Matia Islands Cannot Be Substantiated.Prof Qualifications Encl
ML19276H58018 October 1979Prefiled Testimony.Two east-west Trending Faults Can Be Found Along Plant Site Vicinity
ML19276H58318 October 1979Prefiled testimony.Auger-Hole Investigation Conducted by Bechtel Did Not Provide Sufficient Evidence Approving or Disapproving Origins of Sediments Deformation
ML19276H57517 October 1979Prefiled Testimony.High Frequency Seismic Methods Inadequate to Locate Fault Traces Existing in Area.Interpolation Between Spaced Seismic Lines Is Speculative
ML19210C1638 October 1979Testimony of Nm Newmark Re Conservatism of Seismic Design Criteria & Seismic Design Provisions for Facility.Biography EnclSafe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
ML19210C1608 October 1979Testimony of Ba Bolt Re Correlation Between Peak Acceleration & Magnitude & Intensity.Biography,Publication List & Supporting Documentation EnclSafe Shutdown Earthquake
ML19256E3283 October 1979Supplemental Testimony of J Kelleher Re NRC Methods Used to Estimate Strong Ground MotionEarthquake
ML20136C52130 August 1979Transcript of 790830 Hearing in Seattle,Wa. Pp 14,802-15,048Affidavit
ML20136C52727 August 1979Transcript of 790827 Hearing in Seattle,Wa. Pp 14,388-14,573.Exhibits 213-15 EnclSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Ultimate heat sink
Fire Barrier
Anticipated operational occurrence
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Nondestructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
Tornado Generated Missile
Abnormal operational transient
Feedwater Heater
Scram Discharge Volume
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Feedwater Controller Failure
Stress corrosion cracking
Power-Operated Valves
Turbine Missile
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Pressure boundary leak
Power change
Unidentified leakage
Overspeed trip
Water rod
Loss of condenser vacuum
Water hammer
ML19249E1568 August 1979Testimony Re Financial Qualifications Submitted by J Lazar on Behalf of Intervenor Skagitonians Concerned About Nuclear Power.Asserts Applicant Will Be Unable to Secure Financing. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19207B47712 July 1979Supplemental Testimony of Es Cheney Re Alternative Site Comparison,Submitted on Behalf of Skagitonians Concerned About Nuclear Power.Goshen,Hanford & Pebble Springs Are Better Sites than SkagitEarthquake
ML19209B06810 July 1979Testimony of ML Darland on Behalf of Intervenor Skagitonians Concerned About Nuclear Power,Re Evacuation Planning.Professional Qualifications Encl
ML19209B06910 July 1979Testimony of Pr Weber on Behalf of Intervenor Skagitonians Concerned About Nuclear Power,Re Ranney Wells.Prof Qualifications & Bibliography EnclAffidavit
ML19209B07210 July 1979Testimony of J Lazar on Behalf of Intervenors Skagitonians Concerned About Nuclear Power,Re Financial Qualifications. W/Supporting Documentation
ML19247B2872 July 1979Testimony of RB Eastvedt Re Bulk Transmission Sys Requirements Associated W/Alternate Sites
ML19207B48429 June 1979Testimony of JW Ellis Re QA Program.Util Has Implemented QA Program That Fully Complies with All State & Federal Regulations
ML19207B48129 June 1979Testimony of Je Mecca Re Amended License Application & Complete Psar.Verifies Application as Amended Through Amend 4 & PSAR as Amended Through Amend 20 & Suppl 18
ML19207B48529 June 1979Testimony of Wj Ferguson Re Engineering,Qa & Const Project Organizations.Qa Program Is Autonomous & Objective.Bechtel Has Primary Responsibility for Review of Design & Procurement DocumentsNondestructive Examination
ML19207B49029 June 1979Testimony of Ev Padgett Re QA Program.Qa Program Was Developed to Meet Requirements of 10CFR50,App B & ANSI N45.2 as Set Forth in Chapter 17
ML19207B49129 June 1979Testimony of Rn Hettinger Re QA Program.Describes Current Level of QA Activities.Certificate of Svc EnclProcess Control Program
ML19246C4681 June 1979Submits Joint Testimony of Re Olson,Me Coberley,Ls Pack & Jm Coombs.Util Does Not Have Reasonable Assurance of Obtaining Funds for Const & Fuel Cycle Costs.Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19242D2021 June 1979Supplements Testimony Presented at 780217 Proceeding Re Util Use of Piping Test Data to Predict Yield of Proposed Ranney Collector Sys & Drawdown Effects of Ranney Collectors on Nearby Red Cabin & Muddy Creeks
ML19241A6171 June 1979Testimony Re Ranney Collector Sys.Sys Is Sufficient to Provide Plant Water Needs Under Varying Conditions W/Minimal Impact on Water Resources