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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20205K23515 March 1999Rev 1 to Calculation 52308.04-C-003, A-46 Evaluation of CST Tag Number 1-CN-TK-1,2-CN-TK-1
ML20205K24415 March 1999Rev 3 to Calculation 52308.04-C-004, A-46 Evaluation of RWST Tag Number 105.TK-1,2-QS-TK-1
ML20205B58226 January 1999Audit Rept on Implementation of GL 98-01, Year 2000 Readiness of Computer Systems at Nuclear Power Plants, for North Anna Nuclear Generating Station,Units 1 & 2,conducted on 990126-28
ML20202B31813 June 1997Rev 0 to Calculation 100031-C-06, Project Specific Verification of Computer Code Super Sassi/Pc
ML20202B28412 June 1997Rev 0 to Calculation 100031-C-05, Stress Calculation
ML20202B27012 June 1997Rev 0 to Calculation 100031-C-04, Sliding & Overturning Factor of Safety
ML20202B22812 June 1997Rev 0 to Calculation 100031-C-03, Pad Model & Input to Module House
ML20202B18512 June 1997Rev 0 to Calculation 100031-C-02, Sassi:Modules Point & Site
ML20202B15412 June 1997Rev 0 to Calculation 100031-C-01, Development of Soil ProfileEarthquake
ML20133B4083 January 1997Press Release II-97-02, NRC Staff Issues Order to Former North Anna Contract Employee Prohibiting Involvement in NRC- Licensed Activities
ML20134G46212 November 1996Press Release II-96-92, Surry Nuclear Plant Rated Superior in Three Areas, Good in Fourth Area of NRC Assessment ReptSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20134G48312 November 1996Press Release II-96-93, NRC Official to Hold News Conference at Surry Plant in VA on 961118Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20134D22117 October 1996Press Release 96-145, NRC Asks Utility Licensees for Info on Concrete Containment Foundations at Nine Nuclear Plants
ML18151A41425 June 1996Addendum a to Rev 0 to ME-0498, Pressure Locking & Stem Effect Thermal Binding Analysis for GL 95-07.Stroke time
Weak link
ML18153A0133 April 1995Rev 5 to ME-0465, Determination of Heat Transfer Impact to Lhsi Sump Recirculation Valves During Initial DBA Event. W/One Oversize Drawing
ML20203B43227 February 1995Rev 0 to Calculation CE-1181, Structural Design Criteria for ISFSI at North Anna Power StationSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Tornado Generated Missile
Design basis earthquake
ML20059G59010 January 1994Verification of Structural Adequacy of Manway Cover Fastners Under Design Pressure for Vol Control Tank (2-CH-TK-2)
ML18152A13330 December 1993Rev 0 to Calculation 52182-C-013, RWST Tank USI-A-46 1&2-CS-TK-1.Earthquake
ML20058P0418 September 1993Package Consisting of Employee Concerns Programs for Plant
ML20085M58811 November 1991Responses to Aquatic Resources & Socioeconomic Questions & Outage Manpower & Cost Estimates Data.Undated Document
ML20085M57311 November 1991Responses to Questions Re Waste Mgt,Aquatic Resources & Socioeconomic ImpactsLicense Renewal
ML20155F8037 September 1988Viewgraphs from Meeting on New Radwaste Facilities at PlantsProcess Control Program
ML20151M96020 July 1987Package of NRC Administered Requalification Exam Results Summary
IA-87-262, Package Consisting of Undated Chart on Matls & Undated Reportable Event 07140 on Unevaluated Info Re 861209 Event16 June 1987Package Consisting of Undated Chart on Matls & Undated Reportable Event 07140 on Unevaluated Info Re 861209 Event
ML20215D05116 June 1987Package Consisting of Undated Chart on Matls & Undated Reportable Event 07140 on Unevaluated Info Re 861209 Event
ML20213F94018 May 1987Package,Including Morning Rept Re Plant 861209 Rupture of Suction Line on Main Feedwater Unit a & Drawings
IA-87-217, Package,Including Morning Rept Re Plant 861209 Rupture of Suction Line on Main Feedwater Unit a & Drawings18 May 1987Package,Including Morning Rept Re Plant 861209 Rupture of Suction Line on Main Feedwater Unit a & Drawings
ML20215H9625 February 1987Package Consisting of NRR Presentation to ACRS Re 870115 Technical Meeting to Consider Generic Implications of Facility Feedwater Line Failure & J Rosenthal Failure of Main Feedwater Pipe 861209 OutlineNondestructive Examination
Water hammer
ML20203H28528 July 1986Package of Documents Re Operating Experience W/Westinghouse PWR Steam Generators Through 820131Hydrostatic
Eddy Current Testing
IA-86-445, Package of Documents Re Operating Experience W/Westinghouse PWR Steam Generators Through 82013128 July 1986Package of Documents Re Operating Experience W/Westinghouse PWR Steam Generators Through 820131Hydrostatic
Eddy Current Testing
IA-85-442, Package of Operator Exam Results Summary Sheets18 July 1985Package of Operator Exam Results Summary Sheets
ML20134L58118 July 1985Package of Operator Exam Results Summary Sheets
ML20129F4839 May 1985Package of Compilations of Results of Operator Licensing & Requalification Exams
ML20080D55312 December 1983Press Release Re Fatal Accident Involving Wc Jones. Expansion Joint Ruptured During High Pressure Drain Pump Valve Operation.Related Info Encl
ML20040C06112 May 1976Slide Presentation from 760512 Meeting W/Nrc Re Tube Denting at Facilities
ML20040C0551 May 1976Summary of 760510 Telcon W/V Stello Re Program for Tube Denting Investigation & Status of Efforts to Date