RS-14-004, Withdrawal of Exemption Request for Transnuclear TN-68 Casks Loaded with Fuel Bundles with Incorrect Cooling Times

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Withdrawal of Exemption Request for Transnuclear TN-68 Casks Loaded with Fuel Bundles with Incorrect Cooling Times
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/2014
From: Simpson P
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, NRC/NMSS/SFST, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RS-14-004, TAC L24749
Download: ML14006A355 (2)


1 2000 RS-1 4-004 RS-14-004 January 6, 2014 January ATTN:

A TIN: Document ControlControl Desk Director, Division of Spent Fuel Storage Director, Division of Spent Storage and and Transportatio Transportationn Office Office ofof Nuclear Material Safety and Material Safety and Safeguards Safeguards U. S. Nuclear Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission Commission Washington,DC Washington, DC 20555-0001 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units Peach Units 2 and and 33 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. Nos. DPR-44 DPR-44 andand DPR-56 DPR-56 NRC Docket Nos. 50-277, 50-278, and and 72-29 72-29


Withdrawal Withdrawal of of Exemption Exemption Request Request for for Transnuclear Transnuclear TN-68 Casks Casks Loaded Loadedwith with Fuel Bundles Bundles with with Incorrect Incorrect Cooling Cooling Times Times



1. Letter from P.

Letter from P. R.

R. Simpson Simpson (Exelon Generation Company, Company, LLC) to U. U.S.

S. NRC, "Exemption Request "Exemption Request for Transnuclear TN-68 Casks CasksLoaded Loadedwith withFuel Fuel Bundles Bundles withwith Incorrect Cooling Times,"

Incorrect Cooling Times,"dated dated May May23,2013 23, 2013

2. Letter from J.

Letter from J. C.

C. Nguyen (U.S.(U.S. NRC) to P. R. R. Simpson Simpson (Exelon (Exelon Generation Generation Company, Company, LLC),LLC), "Peach "Peach Bottom Exemption Request Request (TAC No. L24749),"


dated December December 17, 2013 2013 In Reference Reference 1, 1, Exelon Exelon Generation Generation Company, Company, LLC LLC (EGC)

(EGC) requested NRC approval requested NRC approval of of aa one-one-time exemption for the Peach time exemption for the PeachBottom Bottom Atomic Atomic Power Power Station Station (PBAPS),

(PBAPS), Units Units 22 and and33 Independent IndependentSpentSpentFuelFuelStorage StorageInstallation Installation(ISFSI)

(ISFSI) from from the the requirements requirements of of 10 10CFR CFR 72.212(b)(3) 72.212(b)(3) and (b)(11).

(b)(11). Specifically, exemption request addressed Specifically, the exemption addressedthe thenon-complian non-compliance ce ofof four four spent spent fuel fuel assemblies assemblieswith with the the terms termsand andconditions conditionsofofthe theTransnuclear, Transnuclear,Inc. Inc.(TN)


Certificate Certificate of Compliance (CoC) (CoC) Number Number 1027, 1027, Amendment Amendment0,0,atatthe thetime timeofofloading.


In In Reference Reference 2, 2, the the NRC NRC documented documented that that an an exemption exemption isis not not appropriate appropriate at atthis this time.

time. The The NRC based the conclusion upon the NRC based the conclusion upon the four spent four spentfuel fuel assemblies assemblieswerewereinincompliance compliancewith with the the CoC CoC requirements requirements as as of of September September14, 14, 2001, 2001, and andthat thatthe theNRC NRC had had dispositioned dispositioned the the erroneous erroneousloading loading as asaaviolation, violation, butbut not not aa continuing continuing one. Therefore, Therefore,since sinceaanon-complian non-compliance ce no no longer longer exists, exists, an an exemption exemption is is not not needed.


Based Based upon upon Reference Reference 2, 2, EGC EGC withdraws withdraws the the exemption exemption request request made made in in Reference Reference 1.1.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission January January 6, 6, 2014 2014 Page 2 There are no no regulatory regulatory commitments commitments contained containedinin this thisletter.


Should Should you you have any questions concerning thisthis letter, letter,please please contact contact me me at at (630)

(630) 657-2823.

R Patrick R. Simpson Manager - Licensing cc: NRC Regional Administrator NRC Regional Administrator -- Region Region II