PY-CEI-NRR-0731, Application for Amend to License NPF-58,revising Tech Spec Table 4.3.6-1 to Add Requirement to Verify Trip Setpoints. Summary,Significant Hazards & Environ Impact Considerations Also Encl.Fee Paid

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Application for Amend to License NPF-58,revising Tech Spec Table 4.3.6-1 to Add Requirement to Verify Trip Setpoints. Summary,Significant Hazards & Environ Impact Considerations Also Encl.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/19/1987
From: Edelman M
Shared Package
ML20236S086 List:
PY-CEI-NRR-0731, PY-CEI-NRR-731, NUDOCS 8711240210
Download: ML20236S085 (3)


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. THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUMIN ATING COMPANY I P O. BOX 97 a PERRY, OHIO 44081' s TELEPHONE (216). 259-3737 a ADDRESS-10 CENTER ROAD Serving The Best Location in the Nation Murray R. Edelman PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ,

.$$"" November 19, 1987-PY-CEI/NRR-0731 L f

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Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Washington, D. C. . 20555 j J

Perry Nuclear Power Plant' )

Docket No. 50-440 i

-Technical Specification Change Request Ge ntleme n:

The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (CEI) hereby requests amendment of Facility Operating License NPF-58 for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1. .I In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 170.21 a check in the amount of  !

$150 in enclosed. In accordance with requirements of 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1), a copy of this request for amendment has been sent to the State of Ohio as q indicated below.  ;

l This ame nd men t requests revision of Technical Specification Table 4.3.6-1 to add a requirement to verify the trip setpoints while performing weekly Channel Functional testing of the Intermediate Range Monitors (IRMs) for control rod'

! block instrumentation, and extending the interval f or channel calibration of the control rod block IRM Technical Specification to make it consistent with Reactor Protection System, and Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Calibration requirements for the same instrument.

Attachment 1 provides the Summary, Significant Hazards and Environmental' Impact Considerations. Attachment 2 is a copy of the marked up Technical .

Specification pages 3/4 3-59 and 60.

Should you have any quentions, please feel free to call me.

Very tr y d- M B711240210 DR 871119 rray R. Edelman ADOCK 05000440 Senior Vice President Nuclear Group l

MRE: cab I Attachments lph .

cc: K. Connaughton F, T. Colburn J. Harris (State of Ohio) .' g WD 00

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Attachment PY-CEI/NRR-0731 L Page 1 of 2 Summary This Change Request is sought to clarify the Channel Calibration requirements of Technical Specification 3.3.6 as delineated on Table 4.3.6-1 Items 3b, 3d, 4b, and 4d. This change request modifies the weekly Channel Functional Test requirements for Upscale and Downscale IRM Rod Block Trip Functions by requiring the test to perform a calibration check on the trip set point for these functions. As with all other Technical Specification surveillance, a calibration of the Rod Block Channel vould be required if any of these checks are found to be outside the allowable values given in the Technical Specification. This change request also modifies the Channel Calibration ,

Frequency from Semi-Annual (SA) to 18 months (R). This change is to make the Technical Specifications consistent. Technical Specifications 3.3.1 (RPS) and (Accident Monitoring) require Channel Calibrations of 1RM channels.

Both of these Specifications presently require the Channel Calibration to be-performed at 18 month frequencies. These specifications also required the respective IRM Channels to be operable in Modes 2, 3, 4 and 5 for RPS and in Modes 1, 2 and 3 for Accident Monitoring, whereas the Specification 3.3.6 only  ;

required the Rod Block Functions operable during Modes 2 and 5. It is not consistent that the calibrations are required at 18 month intervals for IRM Channels required in operating modes, but at 6 month intervals for IRM Channels required only while in modes 2 and 5. Furthermore by adding the requirement to check the trip setpoints of the required functions on a weekly basis, any setpoint out of calibration situation vould be found, thereby negating the need to perform a Channel Calibration on a Semi-Annual Basis.

Significant Hazards Analysis The standards used to arrive at a determination that a request for amendment requires no significant hazards consideration are included in the Commission's Regulations, 10 CFR 50.92, which state that the operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated, (2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated, or (3) involve a significant reduction  ;

in a margin of safety. CEI has reviewed the proposed change with respect to l these three factors.

This change request does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated. IRM Control Rod Blocks are not used in any of the Accident / Transient Analyses of FSAR Chapter 15 4 Therefore any c.hange to this instrumentation vill not affeet any previously evaluated accident.

This change request does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated. This change adds additional testing requirement to test the IRM Rod Block setpoints on a weekly j basis, and extends the Channel Calibration frequency from six months to l eighteen months. Since these test activities have always been required there j is no new or different accident created by this change request.

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Attachm:nt. .

PY-CEI/NRR-0731 L Page 2 of 2 The proposed request does not. involve a significant reduction in the margin lof safety. Extending the Channel Calibration Frequency has no,effect on the Margin ~of Safety'for'the following reasons:

1. As described above the Control Rod Block IRM instrumentation is not used in..any_ Accident Analyses in FSAR: Chapter 15. .


2. 'By the'veekly Channel Functional Surveillance Test l ' requirement to perform a' trip setpoint check, the opportunity lfor verifying that the channels are, calibrated is. increased;.-
3. The 18' month surveillance in'terval. requested for the' Control Rod Block!

l channels is.already'the approved. testing interval for'.RPS and Accident Monitoring channels. Therefore,-this frequency has been-accepted as adequate to assure operability-of the IRM instrumentation.


Therefore, CEI has concluded'that no significant hazards exist for this-Technical Specification change request.

Environmental Impact Cleveland Electric Illuminating has reviewed the proposed-Technical Specification change against the criteria of 10 CFR 51.22 for environmental considerations. As shown above,'the proposed. change aces not' involve a significant hazards consideration, nor= increase the types ed amounts.of effluents that may be released offsite, nor significantly increase individual or cumulative occupational-radiation exposures.. Based on the foregoing, CEI concludes that the proposed' Technical Specification. change meets the criteria given in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9) for a categorical exclusion from.the requirement for an Environmental Impact Statement.

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