PLA-6050, Annual Environmental Operating Report (Non-Radiological) PLA-6050

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Annual Environmental Operating Report (Non-Radiological) PLA-6050
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/27/2006
From: Mckinney B
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML061290462 (21)


t l' pp BrEtt T. McKinney PPL Susquehanna, LLC Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer 769 Salem Boulevard ~14 _-

Berwick, PA 18603 Ca.

Tel. 570.542.3149 Fax 570.542.1504 3am-

'. TM APR 2 7 2006 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Mail Station OP 1-17 Washington, DC 20555 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT (NON-RADIOLOGICAL) Docket Nos. 50-387 PLA-6050 and 50-388 The Susquehanna SES Annual Environmental Operating Report (Non-radiological) is hereby submitted for the calendar year 2005 in accordance with the Environmental Protection Plan.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Rocco R. Sgarro, Manager - Nuclear Regulatory Affairs, at (610) 774-7552.

Sincerely, B. T. McKinney Attachments Copy: NRC Region I Mr. A. L. Blamey, NRC Sr. Resident Inspector Mr. R. V. Guzman, NRC Project Manager Mr. R. Janati, DEP/BRP J- 1E46

Uni' 11 vt.

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Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 & 2 2005 ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERA TING REPORT (NONRADIOLOGICAL)

P PPL Susquehanna, LLC Berwick, PA L April 2006


Curtis H. Saxton

/x. /Z,. _ Date: 41/ 9190 Supervisor - Services & Programs Reviewed by: Date: _/_ LO_

  • V Bruce E. Rhoads Manager - Plant Chemistry Approved by: An7_ Date: i'/.Z /

Robert /,Xaccone ,( /

VP - Nulear Operations


Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-14 & NPF-22 Docket Nos. 50-387 & 50-388 Prepared by Plant Chemistry PPL Susquehahna, LLC Berwick, PA April 2006

FOREWORD The Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (Susquehanna SES) consists of two boiling water reactors with design electrical ratings of 1220 megawatts electrical (MWE) net for Units 1 and 2, respectively. The site consists of approximately 1,700 acres located in Salem Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, approximately five miles northeast of Berwick, Pennsylvania. An additional 700 acres of PPL mostly undeveloped and recreational lands are located on the East Side of the Susquehanna River in Conyngham and Hollenback Townships. Under terms of an agreement finalized in January 1978, 90% of the Susquehanna SES is owned by PPL Susquehanna, LLC (Licensee) and 10% by the Allegheny, Electric Cooperative, Inc.

This report discusses environmental commitments and impacts from January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005. In summary it documents that environmental commitments were met and there was no significant adverse environmental impact from station operation.



Foreword Table of Contents ii 1.0 OBJECTIVE 1-1 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 2-1 2.1 Aquatic Issues 2-1 2.2 Terrestrial Issues 2-3 2.2.1 Studies Previously Completed 2-3 2.2.2 Sound Level Survey 2-3 2.2.3 Maintenance of Transmission Line Corridors 2-3 2.3 Cultural Resources Issues 2-3 3.0 CONSISTENCY REQUIREMENTS 3-1 31 Plant Design and Operation 3-1 3.2 Reporting Related to NPDES Permits and State Certifications 3-2 3.3 Changes Required for Compliance with other Environmental 3-2 Regulations 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 4-1 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events 4-1 4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4-1 4.2.1 General Monitoring 4-1 4.2.2 Maintenance of Transmission Line Corridors 4-1 ii



SECTION 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 5-1 5.1 Review and Audit 5-1 5.2 Records Retention 5-1 5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan 5-2 5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements 5-2 5.4.1 Routine Reports 5-2 5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports 5-2 6.0 ATTACHMENTS 6-1 Table 2.1-1 2005 Shad Impingement Monitoring Program Fl-iure 5.1-1 Auditing Organization Chart (2005) iii

1.0 OBJECTIVE The Licensee has developed procedures and guidelines to ensure that operation of Susquehanna SES does not adversely affect the environment in the vicinity of the station. Also, these procedures allocate responsibilities and define interfaces necessary to monitor environmental impacts. They include coordination of U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements with other federal, state, and local requirements for environmental protection.

The objective of this 2005 Annual Environmental Operating Report (Nonradiological) is to provide a summary of both environmental programs and procedures. This report is required by the Final Environmental Statement (FES) for the operation of the Susquehanna SES, Unit 1 and 2, NUREG-0564, June 1981, and Appendix B - Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) to Operating Licenses, No. NPF-14 and No. NPF-22. The 2005 report is the 24th Annual Environmental Operating Report (Nonradiological) submitted to meet EPP requirements.

The Licensee submitted an Environmental Report-Operating License Stage for Susquehanna SES to the NRC in May 1978. This report reviewed the results of the preoperational environmental programs and described the preoperational and proposed operational environmental monitoring programs. The NRC and other agencies reviewed this report and made recommendations for operational environmental monitoring programs which were listed in the FES.


2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 2.1 Aquatic Issues The aquatic monitoring program for operation of the Susquehanna SES is divided into two parts. Part 1 includes effluent monitoring required by a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP).

Monthly discharge monitoring reports are submitted to the PaDEP as part of the permitting requirements. The station's operational NPDES permit No. PA-0047325 was reissued on September 1, 2005, and expires on August 31, 2010. Part 2 of the aquatic monitoring program deals with programs listed in the FES or recommended by the PaDEP or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The PaDEP is responsible for regulating the water quality permit for the Susquehanna SES. The NPDES permit deals with discharge parameters for the Susquehanna SES Sewage Treatment Plant, Cooling Tower blowdown, and miscellaneous low volume waste discharges. The Cooling Tower blowdown also includes in-plant process streams which discharge to the Susquehanna River. Various low volume waste sumps discharge to the storm sewers which flow into Lake Took-a-while, and eventually into the Susquehanna River. A copy of the NPDES permit was provided to the NRC in 2005 (PLA-5952 September 2, 2005).

American Shad The Susquehanna Anadromous Fish Restoration Committee continued to administer programs to restore American shad (Alosa sapadissima) to the Susquehanna River in 2005. The restoration program is a continuing commitment to return shad and other migratory fishes to historic spawning and nursery waters above major dams in the Susquehanna River.

In the spring of 2005, below average precipitation and cool air temperatures resulted in low river flows and cool water temperatures (Ref. 2.1-1)... These conditions were ideal to attract migrating American shad to fish passage facilities at the four major dams along the lower Susquehanna River. In past years, greater numbers of migrating shad used these fish passage facilities during low river flows because they could more easily find attraction flows. Cool water temperatures tend to extend the shad spawning runs.

At the Conowingo Dam, the East Lift began operations on 15 April with abundant numbers of shad arriving on 20 April, and continued daily through 8 June. During this period, 68,926 shad were transferred over the 2-1

dam and into the Conowingo Reservoir. An additional 3,896 shad were captured at the West Lift from 26 April to 6 June. Of these, 1,135 were tank spawned on-site and 445 were transported upriver. The American shad population index for the Conowingo tailrace was calculated at approximately 322,000 shad, the lowest estimate since 1998. Otolith analysis revealed that 65% of these shad were of hatchery origin and that 35% were wild fish.

A relatively high percentage of American shad that passed over the Conowingo Dam swam through the transfer facilities at the first two of the three upriver dams. The lift at Holtwood passed 34,189 shad or 49.6% of those from the Conowingo Reservoir. At the Safe Harbor lift, 25,425 shad were passed upriver representing 74% of those transferred at Holtwood.

The fish ladder at York Haven passed 1,772 shad or 7% of the total at Safe Harbor.

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's (PFBC) shad culture facility at the Van Dyke Research Station, Thompsontown, Pennsylvania, processed 17.1 million American shad eggs with a viability of 36.6% in 2005. Most shad fry from the hatchery were stocked in the lower Susquehanna, West Branch Susquehanna, and Juniata Rivers. No shad fry were stocked upriver from the Susquehanna SES in 2005 because of the reduced numbers available.

The Susquehanna SES intake screens were monitored daily for impinged juvenile American shad during 7-29 September 2005. No American shad were found, but 36 other fish of at least 6 species (gizzard shad, walleye, smallmouth bass, channel catfish, and spottail and spotfin shiners) and 47 crayfish were captured (Table 2.1-1).

Biofoulina Mollusk Monitoring The biofouling mollusk monitoring program continued at the Susquehanna SES in 2005. Currently, the program involves biweekly artificial substrate inspections, both in the river and the Susquehanna SES River Intake Building, from May through November. Additionally, monthly inspections are made of both artificial substrates and the cement shoreline of the Emergency Service Water (ESW) Spray Pond, as well as an annual scuba inspection of the pond. Finally, natural river substrates are normally examined as part of the program both near Susquehanna SES and at many sites ranging 40 miles above and below the plant.

During the annual scuba inspection of the (ESW) Spray Pond, divers discovered live specimens of Asian clams. Consequently, Susquehanna 2-2

personnel have scheduled annual treatment of the pond with a molluscide.

To date, no zebra mussels have been detected in the vicinity of the Susquehanna SES 2.2 Terrestrial Issues 2.2.1 Studies Previously Completed Terrestrial environmental studies completed prior to 1989 included Cooling Tower bird impaction and sound level surveys.

2.2.2 Sound Level Survey An increase in station power generation of 5% was completed during spring 1995. A power uprate sound level survey was conducted in June 1995.

2.2.3 Maintenance of Transmission Line Corridors Transmission line corridor vegetation maintenance and inspection records are maintained by the Field Services Department of PPL Electric Utilities and are available upon request. There were no adverse environmental impacts to transmission corridors reported in 2005. Records will be maintained for five years.

2.3 Cultural Resources Issues Environmental Protection Plan actions required to satisfy Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations Part 800, relating to archeological sites, were completed in 1987. The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), in accordance with 36 CFR 800.6 (a)(1), approved the NRC's determination of "no adverse effect" for archeological sites SES-3, SES-6, SES-8, and SES-1 1 located on the Licensee's property (NRC letter dated October 28,1987, to ACHP).

As part of the determination-of-effect process, the Licensee committed to and is taking appropriate measures to mitigate impacts from plant maintenance and operation to sites SES-3, SES-6, SES-8 and SES-1 1. A Historic Site on land owned on the east side of the river, known as the Knouse Site (36LU43), was also added later to the Station Environmental Inspection Program. There was no impact to these sites from plant maintenance and operation in 2005.


REFERENCES 2.1-1 Restoration of American Shad to the Susquehanna River, Annual Progress Report-2005, Susquehanna River Anadromous Fish Restoration Committee, February 2006.


3.0 CONSISTENCY REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Plant Design and Operation In accordance with the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP), the Licensee shall prepare and record an environmental evaluation of proposed changes in plant design, operation, or performance of any test or experiment which may significantly affect the environment. Before initiating such activities, the Licensee shall provide a written evaluation and obtain prior approval from the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Criteria for the need to perform an environmental evaluation include: (1) a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated by the NRC or Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, (2) a significant change in effluent or power level, or (3) a matter not previously evaluated which may have a significant adverse environmental impact.

The EPP requires that if an activity meets any of the criteria to perform an environmental evaluation, the NRC will be notified. If the change, test, or experiment does not meet any of these criteria, the Licensee will document the evaluation and allow the activity to occur.

During operation of the Susquehanna SES in 2005, there were three proposed activities that the Licensee reviewed as part of the unreviewed environmental question program. One of these activities, the Extended Power Uprate Project, was determined to involve an unreviewed environmental question and require prior NRC notification. The activities reviewed were:

1. Submission of NPDES Permit No. PA 0047325 renewal application to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP).
2. Evaluation of increasing generation, core thermal power from 3489 to 3952 MWT for each unit as part of Extended Power Uprate (EPU Project). A Supplemental Environmental Report was submitted to the NRC on March 31, 2006 as part of the Extended Power Uprate Licensing Submittal.
3. Evaluation of extending the present Susquehanna SES Operating License 20 years to 2042 (Unit 1) and 2044 (Unit 2) as part of License Renewal Project. The License Renewal Environmental Report is planned for submittal to the NRC in Fall 2006.


3.2 Reportina Related to NPDES Permits and State Certifications There were no NPDES permit noncompliances in 2005.

The Susquehanna SES has an NPDES permit; therefore, state certification pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act is not required.

3.3 Chanaes Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations A renewal application for NPDES permit No. PA 0047325 was submitted to the PaDEP in January 2005 (copy sent to NRC via PLA-5852, January 28, 2005). A new permit was issued effective September 1, 2005 thru August 31, 2010. (copy sent to NRC PLA-5952, September 2, 2005 and a PaDEP correction sent to NRC via PLA-5986, November 30, 2005).

The renewal permit added monitoring of stormwater annually and monthly monitoring of nutrients in Sewage Treatment Plant effluent in support of Chesapeake Bay initiatives.


4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events During 2005, there was one operating occurrence, described below, reviewed as part of the significant environmental event evaluation program. There were no significant or adverse environmental effects related to station operation and there were no EPP noncompliances.

1. A significant environmental event evaluation was prepared for splashing approximately 15 gallons of Sewage Influent on the ground in a 20 square foot area at the Sewage Treatment Plant following cleaning of a line blockage on site. The cover material and stones in the affected area were removed and replaced following this occurrence. Corrective action was instituted following this event to use Maintenance radios for improved communication during sewer line cleaning to allow the comminutor box at the Sewage Treatment Plant inlet to be covered during this activity.

This event was determined to be not a significant environmental event.

4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4.2.1 General Monitoring With the exception of aquatic monitoring discussed in Section 2.1 of this report, all monitoring of station operational impacts on aquatic and terrestrial biota listed in the FES and Appendix B of the operating license have been completed.

4.2.2 Maintenance of Transmission Line Corridors In 2005, the Field Services Department of PPL Electric Utilities maintained transmission line vegetation maintenance and inspection records.


5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Review and Audit The Licensee has established procedures for an independent group to review and audit compliance with the EPP. Audits of EPP compliance are conducted by Quality Assurance. The Manager-Quality Assurance is responsible for verifying compliance with the EPP. The Vice President-Nuclear Operations is responsible for environmental monitoring and for providing any related support concerning licensing. The Manager - Plant Chemistry is responsible for day-to-day environmental monitoring.

The Auditing Organization Chart (Fig. 5.1-1) lists the groups utilized in reviewing and auditing of the Susquehanna SES environmental programs as well as those responsible for managing these programs. The Director-Environmental Management Department is available to provide auditing support, as needed.

There are periodic audits of the EPP program. An audit of the EPP was last conducted in 2004 as part of a Chemistry Program Audit. There were no findings reported as a result of this audit.

5.2 Records Retention Records and logs relative to environmental aspects of plant operation and audit activities are retained in the Nuclear Records System. This system provides for review and inspection of environmental documents, which are available to the NRC upon request.

All records concerning modifications of plant structures, systems and components which are determined to potentially affect the continued protection of the environment, are retained for the life of the plant. All other records, data, and logs relating to the environmental programs and monitoring are retained for at least five years or, where applicable,IIn accordance.with the requirements of other agencies. Transmission line corridor vegetation maintenance records are maintained by PPL Electrical Utilities per section 2.2.3 of this report.


5.3 Chances in Environmental Protection Plan No changes were made to the EPP during 2005.

5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements 5.4.1 Routine Reports This Annual Environmental Operating Report (Nonradiological) was prepared to meet routine reporting requirements of the EPP for 2005. It provides summaries and analyses of environmental protection activities required in Subsection 4.2 of the EPP for the reporting period.

5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports There were no unusual or Important Environmental Events as identified in the Environmental Protection Plan that required reporting in 2005.


6.0 ATTACHMENTS Table 2.1-1 2005 Shad Impingement Monitoring Program Figure 5.1-1 Auditing Organization Chart (2005) 6-1

TABLE 2.1-1 2005 AMERICAN SHAD IMPINGEMENT PROGRAM 2005 Shad I Fish Other 7 Sep 0900 Nets set to begin sampling.

8 Sep 0915 0 2 smallmouth bass 2 crayfish 1 channel catfish 1 spoffn shiner 9 Sep 0910 0 3 channel catfish 3 crayfish 10 Sep Nets not checked.

11 Sep Nets not checked.

12 Sep 0911 0 2 smallmouth bass 15 crayfish 1 channel catfish 13 Sep 1320 0 0 0 14 Sep 1500 0 1 channel catfish 3 crayfish 15 Sep 1520 0 2 channel catfish 7 crayfish 16 Sep 1410 1 channel catfish 3 crayfish 17 Sep Nets not checked.

18 Sep Nets not checked.

19 Sep 1530 0 1 channel catfish 7 crayfish 1 spotfin shiner 20 Sep 1630 0 0 0 21 Sep 1600 0 0 2 crayfish 22 Sep 1445 0 1 channel catfish 0 23 Sep 1150 0 1 channel catfish 3 crayfish 24 Sep Nets not checked.

25 Sep 1730 0 1 gizzard shad 2 crayfish 3 channel catfish 1 spottail shiner 26 Sep 1500 0 3 channel catfish 0 1 walleye 27Sep 0925 0 i walleye 0 28 Sep 1530 Could not lift traveling screen net alone - too heavy with leaves & debris 29 Sep 1310 0 5 channel catfish Nets removed

. 3 spotfin shiner -

TOTAL 0 36 fish - 6 species 47 crayfish 23 channel catfish 5 spotf in shiner 4 smallmouth bass 2 walleye 1 spottail shiner 1 gizzard shad 6-2

r7 .1777 rSFM C:7 =-- r..7 r_7 11117At11- 1177 FIGURE 5.1-1 AUDITING ORGANIZATION CHART (2005)

Sr. Vice-President &

Chief Nuclear Officer Director- Env. Mgmt

- --- _ (Auditing Support as needed)

General Manager-Vice President - Performance Nuclear Operations Improvement &

Oversight I - I - _

Manager-Manager - Plant Quality Assurance Chemistry 6-3