NUREG/CR-1433, Reassigns Differing Professional Opinion Position to RES for Informal Review IAW Mc 4125.Key Issue Raised in Adequacy of cost-benefit Conclusion Originally Made in NUREG/CR-1433 & Adoption/Endorsement by NUREG-1355 & NUREG-1251 Discuss
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MEMORANDUM FOR: Eric 5. Beckjord, Director i Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research 1
i FROM: Hugh L. Thompson, Jr.
Deputy Executive Director for Nuclear Materials Safety Safeguards 4 and Operations Support 4
! review of the DP0 by Peter Crane concerning the desirability of stockpiling r
potassium iodide for emergency planning purposes (memo enclosed). Upon -
- j further discussion with NRR, the key issue raised in the adequacy of the l i
I s
cost-benefit conclusion originally made in NUREG/CR-1433 and the subsequent l
j adoption / endorsement by NUREG-1355 and NUREG-1251. Therefore, I am
- reassigning this DP0 position to RES for informal review in accordance with
! i
} Manual Chapter 4125. NRR and AE0D are available to assist in this review effort.
l Hugh L. Thompson, Jr.
4 Deputy Executive Director.for i
Nuclear Materials Safety, Safeguards, dnd Operations Support
As stated !
cc: P. Crane i
T. Murley l E. Jordan l 1
R. Bernero j i l j DISTRIBUTION j EDD R/F 4 WKennedy i DEDS R/F j DP0 File i
- DED5 o pson:pab : : : : :
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' 3 ATE :6/3N89 : :
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