NRC-89-0199, Enrico Fermi Unit 1 Decommissioned Rept for Jul 1988 - June 1989

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Enrico Fermi Unit 1 Decommissioned Rept for Jul 1988 - June 1989
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1989
From: Eberhardt R, Gipson D, Orser W
CON-NRC-89-0199, CON-NRC-89-199 NUDOCS 8909070078
Download: ML20246M036 (10)




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1 August 31,'1989

' NIC-89-0199 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cmunission Attn Docunent Control Desk; Washington, D. C.- 20555 a--


Fermi 1 IGC Docket No. '50-16 NIC License No. DPR-9 l


. Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1 Annual Report Year' Thiirro June 30. 1989 Pursuant to Section I.8 (Reporting Requirenants) of the Technical

. Specifications for Anendnent 8 to Provisional. Operating License' No.

DPR-9, erclosed 'is the annual report for the year ending June 30, 1989

~ for the SES'IOR Fermi- 1 facility.


$MV W. S. Orser, '.Vice President IUclear Operations Enrico Ferm1 Atumic Power Plant Unit 1 Enclosuze e oc: J. Eckert (Monroe County OCP)

D. Hahn ~ (State Health Departuent)

C. L. Pittiglio, Jr.

L G. Rogers USNIC Region III s

b' A[i 8909070078 890630 '

PDR ADOCK 05000016 R- PDC

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TIE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY Enrico Fermi Unit I Decommissioned


- Atomic Power Plant Docket No. 50-16 License No. DPR-9 Report for Year begin ing July 1, 1988 and ending June 30, 1989 .

Prepared by: . , m- Date F

.3 dff Robert R. Eberhardt / '

Approved by Date 8, ZN1 Douglas R. tipson Custodian Approved by: b.h Date ND f 01 Robert E. Mueller Acting Chairman Review Committee i

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This' annual report is' issued by the Detroit Edison Company in compliance with the provisions of the United Stated Nuclear Regulatory Commission, {'

Provisional Operating License No. DPR-9, as amended and:is intended to' provide a summary of the activities carried out and the results of the l facility surveillance program at the the decommissioned Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1, during the twelve (12) months ending June 30,'1989 i

II SAFSTOR STATUS Primary System The primary system, as established during decontamination, remains blanketed with carbon dioxide. This was done to provide a passivating atmosphere for any sodium remains. A continuous supply of carbon dioxide maintains this cover gas at approximately 2 inches of water column pressure.

Sodium Storage Tanks A one to five psig nitrogen cover gas is maintained on the three drained primary sodium storage tanks.

. Fermi 1 License Extension The NRC issued Amendment No. 9 to the Possession-Only License No. DRP-9 for Fermi Unit 1 on April 28, 1989. This amendment renews the possessioneonly license until March 20, 2025 and revises the Technical Specifications.

III HEALTH PHYSICS Personnel Exposure From June 30, 1988 through June 30, 1989, all personnel monitored in Fermi 1 wore their Fermi 2 TLDs and DRDs. There were no exposures attributable to Fermi 1 recorded.


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Environmental Surveys

'During the' period of July 1988 to' June 1989, approximately twenty environmental monitoring samples were obtained for the Fermi 1 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program. These samples consisted of l, s>Arlace and-city potable waters, along with lake.and creek sediments. The

..0ater samples indicate no significant activity. The sediment samples indicated small amounts of Cs-137 The Cs-137 levels are consistent with

, those levels' detected in previous years.


l. The sediment sample taken on 9/8/88 in the South Lagoon for Fermi.1 L  : indicates no Cs-137 present. : This low value for Cs-137 is due to a l- statistical sampling anomaly. Cs-137 is typically found in soil and lake l

sediments and is residual activity from atomic weapons testing.

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Water Beta Activity Results of the analyses for gross beta on seven (7) water samples Date Gross Beta Sample Description Collected (pCi/L)

Fermi 1. Water Plant 9/8/88 2 9+/- 1.4

LSouth Lagoon- 9/8/88 3 0+/- 0 7 Monroe Drinking Water 9/8/88 2.2+/- 0 3 Detroit Drinking Water 9/8/88 2.8+/- 0 3 Reactor Channel 9/28/88 3 1+/- 1.2 Swan Creek 9/28/88 10.1+/- 1.7 Lake Water #3 9/8/88 2.0+/- 0.6 Date Gross Beta Location Collected (pCi/L)

Fermi 1 Water Plant 5/2/89 <4 South Lagoon 5/2/89 <4 E Detroit Drinking Water 5/2/89 <4 Monroe Drinking Water 5/2/89 <4 Reactor Channel 5/2/89 6 +/- 2 Swan CreeV 5/2/89 <5 Lake Water 3 5/2/89 4 +/- 3 The error given is the probable counting error at 95% confidence level.

Note:. Gross beta water and sediment gamma samples were not taken at precisely a 26 week interval. The revised EF1 Tech Specs incorporate an allowance from meeting exact time periods, as is allowed in other modern technical specifications.


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Sediment Gamma Activity Sample description and activity (pCi/kg wet weight) c

-Sample Description Swan Creek Reactor Channel S. Lagoon Collection Date 9/28/88 9/28/88 9/8/88 Mn-54 < 51 < 57 < 24 Fe-59 < 150 < 141 < 73 Co-58 < 52 < 58 < 26 Co-60 < 65 < 67 < 38 Zn-65 < 127. < 1.9 < 75 Nb-95 < 82 < 80 < 29 Cs-134 < 46 < 46 < 27 Cs-137 216 2 63 313 75 < 21 Sample description and activity (pC1/kg wet weight)'

Location Swan Creek Reactor Channel S. Lagoon Collection Date 5/2/89 5/2/89 5/3/89 Hn-54 < 22 < 26 < 29 Fe-59 < 56 < 67 < 77 Co-58 < 24 < 27 < 31 Co-60 < 32 Later < 39 Zn-65 < 53 < 62 < 67 Nb-95 < 27 < 35 < 33 Zr-95 < 43 < 53 < 56 Cs-134 < 18 < 27 < 21 Cs-137 153 1 30 345 1 58 209 i 40" The error given is the probable counting errer at 95% confidence level.  !

Less than values (<) are based on 4.66 sigma counting error for background sample.

Note: K-40 has been eliminated from the report, as it is a naturally-occurring isotope. Zr-95 has been added as an isotope of interest.

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..:. Pag) 5 IV i PERIODIC TEST ACTIVITIES' en Weekly Tests and Inspections

1. Water Intrusion Alarm - Continuity tests of the water intrusion alarm circuits for FARB, Lower Reactor Building and Biological shie.1d wall areas were conducted as requred by Technical Specifications. No discrepancies were encountered during this reporting period.
2. Cover Gas Pressure - Weekly checks on cover gas pressure on primary system and primary sodium storage tanks were performed. No discrepancies were encountered during.this reporting period.

Monthly Inspections

' 't . Contro11ed' Area Inspections - Visual inspection of fences, the gates, doors (locked) operation of waste sump pumps and liquid levels of MK 7, 8, 9 and 15 were conducted within specified intervals. No discrepancies were.found during this report per'od.

Quarterly Tests

1. Smear Surveys'- The Reactor Building and FARB were checked for presence of gamma radiation and loose contamination. The results of these smear surveys-indicated no decontamination procedures were required.

Smear Survey Results (in dpm/100 cm2)

Date Reactog Building FARB 09/02/88 <S00 <500 12/14/88 <500 <500 03/23/89 <500 <500 06/03/89 <500 <500 Semi-Annual Tests

-1. Water Intrusion Tests - Both of the required semi-annual functional tests of the water intrusion detectors in the FARB, lower Reactor Building and the biological shield wall were conducted within specifed intervals; no discrepancies were found.

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2. Carbon Dioxide Cover Gas Pressure - The semi-annual test of the high and low p.' essure alarm settings were successfully completed within specified intervals. Set points were within the limits established and no adjustments were required.

Annual Tests.

1. Carbon Dioxide Cover Gas Pressure Relief Valve - The annual test of the carbon dioxide cover gas pressure relief valve setting was successfully completed within the prescribed frequency. The relief actuation occurred within specifications.

V REVIEW COMMITTEE Members of the Review Committee E. P. Griffing - Chairman (retired during report period)

D. R. Gipson - Custodian M. L. Batch E. H. Newton H. J. Higgins E. M. Page E. F. Madscn R. G. Rateick W. T. Haveal N. M. Ewbank J. E. Meyers R. L. Andersen R. E. Mueller W. D. Gilbert M. A. Nelson R. C. Drouillard E. P. Griffing retired during this reporting period. R. E. Mueller is serving as Acting Chairman until a permanent Chairman is designated. The Committee's Annual Meeting was held on June 18, 1989 Several additional meetings were held earlier in 1989 to discuss the pumping down of tanks MK-9 and MK-15.

Audit Subcommittee Present members of the Audit Subcommittee are; E. F. Madsen, J. E. Meyers and R. E. Meuller. The subcommittee met at the facility on December 14, 1988 and June 14, 1989 for inspection of the facility and review of records and procedures. Memorandums containing their findings are en file. The Review Committee reviewed the findings of the subcommittee audits for action item assignments.

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1. "The Administrative Controls and Surveillance Procedures Manual, Revision 0, was written in accordance with the newly-amended license.

This Manual was approved by the Review Committee on August 23, 1989.

s 2. Tanks MK-9 and MK-15 were pumped down to the minimum levels that.would still allow tank level indication. The liquid was processed by a radwaste vendor for use at Fermi 2. The procedures and practices used ,

during this process were carefully reviewed'by the Fermi 1 Review  !

Committee. A Safety Evaluation of this activity was performed in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59. The final Safety Evaluation was approved-by the Fermi 1l Review Committee.

3 Barbed wire was added to the top of the RCA' fence to ensure compliance with the fence height requirements in the revised Technical Specifications.

.4. The review of permanent plant records for final disposition was started during this review period and is on-going.

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