NL-08-009, Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix a Through Appendix C (Part 1 of 16)

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Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix a Through Appendix C (Part 1 of 16)
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/07/2008
GZA GeoEnvironmental
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2010-0209, NL-08-009
Download: ML080350295 (189)



1. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this reportare based in part upon the radiological, chemical and physical data from water analyses.

These data were obtained from specific sampling locations at specific times. The full nature and extent of variations in the data between these specific locations and times are not known. The conditions existing between these specific locations and times have only been inferred using interpolation and extrapolation based on judgment.2. The subsurface profiles described in the text and presented in the report figures are intended to convey anticipated trends in subsurface conditions. The conditions shown are approximate and generalized and were developed, in part, based on judgment. For specific information at specific locations, refer to the individual subsurface investigation logs.3. Water level readings (piezometric pressures) have been made in the specific borings, monitoring wells, and Waterloo installations at times and under conditions stated. These data have been reviewed and interpretations have been made in the text and on the figures of this report. However, it must be noted that temporal and spatial fluctuations in the level of the groundwater may occur due to variations in rainfall and other factors different from those prevailing at the time and location measurements were made.4. Where quantitative laboratory testing has been conducted by an outside laboratory, GZA has relied upon the validity of the data provided, and has not conducted an independent laboratory evaluation of the reliability of these data.5. Radiological and chemical analyses have been performed for specific parameters during the course of this study, as summarized in the text. Additional constituents not searched*for may be present in soil and groundwater at the site.6. Variations in the types and concentrations of contaminants and variations in their flow paths may occur due to seasonal water table fluctuations, past and current plant operational practices, the passage of time, and other factors.. Should additional data (water analyses, water elevations, subsurface deposits, plant construction and operation, etc.) become available in the future, these data should be reviewed by GZA, and the conclusions and recommendations presented herein modified accordingly.

7. It is recommended that this firm be retained to provide further engineering services during design, implementation, and/or construction of any remedial measures, if necessary.

This is to observe compliance with the concepts and recommendations contained herein and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated. 41.0017869.10 IPEC LIMITATIONS December 2007 APPENDIX B BORING LOGS BORING LOG ISH. 1 OF 3 BORING No. MW-30 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017889.00 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. .51.7 feet NORTH: 46298.83 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST; 604885.30 FINAL BORING DEPTH 61.4 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55 Trck Ri

  • BORING CO.: Auifr Drilling anrd Tesing

AntGallasta udi PonN Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING RAMMER N.A. SATE START. t1N9 ROCK CORE: 37/8inch diameter HQ) SATE END: 11/1 1/05* --. oIN SITU PROPERTIES -!- .-_Z z 30 9 I 0zRATUE w t -" 0 HARDNESS WEATHERING PR FOT ow o > 0 2 S SAMPLE DESCRIPTION s o a o o -J o see below for see below for see belw for 0. S Values values vaRues L0 Top of bedrock at e feet S 1 .5 FRI: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical W2 4 RI 5-10 5.0/5.0 100 100 foliation: smooth to rough, moderately close, horizontal to sub-horizontal, iron oxide stained, joints/fractures; slightly mylonized ._0 4.4 10 4 0 R2: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to light brown MARBLE with faint, onry 3 R2 1-15 5.0/5.0 100 100 thin, moderately dipping to sub-vertical foliation: smooth, moderately close, su b-hodizontal, iron-oxide stained joints/fraotures; mylonized texture.4 3 IS 4 R3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, moderately 3 R3 15-20 5.0/5.0 100 74 dipping to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, close to moderately close, moderately dipping to vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; mylonized 4 ta..ure o 3 34 20 I 3 3R4: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, moderately 5 4 R4 20-25 5.0/5.0 100 100 dipping to sub-vertical foliation: smooth, wide, sub-horizontal, iron.oxide ._ .... ..* stained joints/fractures. Possible fault, slightly weathered brown discontinuity ..... -:N :0 4 at 20.4'0 25 4 0 R5: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to tan MARBLE with faint, very thin, 3 R5 25-30 5*0/5.0 100 9B -smoderately dipping to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to moderately dose, sab-horizontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-4 oxide stained, mylonized texture; several healed, white, calcified oints/fractures; healed micro-breccia, healed micro-otftets;. 3 4 30 3 0 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0 e4 VwryLOC or veey eor I -SOFT 1 vPT. (1) o <AL5 T"a-10 So"5 04 .FT 2 MEDIUM s 2EVERR 1, IN S- " 10.30 M DEIAMISE U OnTe S uaOERATory 1-000D MnCOATIA .re) 0-10 f.0 HMAORODsoTHsr w 505A 1-4,0_N m ee 0.500DENS 0.11 oilF 4 sAS aUGHT l4 11.00 .0._10 .WtonJTH1r SR S UR VEwnAL v100 DENavoSE 1540 S 'vero ADRES. '117 vEvvao orDE " ro o Irrcar 1. Bonng performed withrn an approximately 20-foot-deep excavation, Rock encountered at ground surface estinated to be approximately erA. 51.7 feet Currently nominal elevetion is at 77.5. The gomund surface elevation referenced refers to the ground surface at final completion.

12. Performed 8-inch diameter Oaouum excavAton to 5 feet (top of bedrock).

Spun 4-inch-diameter HW casing appmoimately 6 inches into the bedrock. Grout placed between exterior of the casing and the excavation sidewalls. SBORING NO. I 1W g30 BORING LOG ISH. 3of 3 BORING LOG IS.2o BORING No. MW-30 m Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY Il -fer Wnling and Tesing food ENGINEER: Anton G.lla, M =rxce Pontl 0 0 u.0 (I C;o z 0<E LU.<I Ua U, 66 w w 00 a: 0 0 o0 000 IN SI TU PROHETI ILE HARDNESS WEATHERING 0 UU NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for values see below for see below for'values values R6_ 13-5 4LI.0/5.0 1 Io 0J 1C s00-var*2 3 2 3 5* 5 3 R7 35-4.1 5.0/5.0 100 95 35 4 rd, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE with faint, very thin, rical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; mylonized texture.rd, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE with faint, very thin, tely dipping foliation: rough to smooth, very close to moderately ron-oxide stained joints/fractures; 6.7: Fracture zone, smooth to rough, close, moderately dipping to tal, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. rd, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE with faint, very thin, ately to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, moderately close to b-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; ....i FZ FZ...I ii'_ honzon 4 3 4 40 501501 100 100 3 1.1 T a I i-4 4 5 th l d tl di i t b-4 vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. FZ FZ FZ 4 45 I]N~v4C~~4 R94550 15.0 15.0 1 0 4 0 1 9 1 nooe 4 4 50 4 RIO: 3 R10 50-55 50/5.0 100 100 vertic oxide 4 3 3 55 3 R11:1 4 Ril 55-60 5.0/5.0 10t 74 vertic horizo 3 4 4 ard, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE with faint, very thin, rarely dipping to sub-vertical foliation: one, rough, close to wide, sub al, iron-oxide stained joint/fracture; trace pyrite clusters, stringers. matrix; mylonized texture.Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-al to moderately dipping foliation: rough, wide, sub-vertical, iron-stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-al, foliation: rough to smooth, close to moderately close, sub-Intal to vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. I 4 ILlI 60 4 , GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BPF MNSTY apr CONSISTENCY HARDNESS WEnTHERING NOa PEN FE SPACINofnWsCKNESu ANGLE AT-R UDE-4 VERY LOOSE <2 VERYSoFT I VERY SOFT I CDMýt (1) 0 2 VERY OLOSFIVERY THIN 4-10 LOOSE a- SOr 2 M u. 2 S Mv) 1r-2 -' CýOSE`'HN 5-5 SUaOReZOWnT 10s MEDIUMaDENSE a- a. SoIFr 3 MOOnRAaLYn HRD 3 MODERATE 3) a-I. 10-1 MODCLOSEJVMODThN S5*-55 MODODIPFNG DENSE a-15 !m1FF 4 HIARD 4 SUGHT (4) 11-20 "-Iff WvD1JAnICK 50.-Of SUB-VERTICAL ,S) VERY DENSE 15-30 V.SirY 5 VEv HAs 5 MRESH 1a' VERYVmDEERYTHtCK f-S0 VERTIQCA BORING Re. MW"30 BORING LOG SH. 3 of 3 No. MW-30 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY.ASING SIZE: 4nch diameter (HW)ENGINEER: An.on G.I1ooJIaion Ponli Refer to Tablet.3ASING HAMMER: NA, IDATE START: 1119105 I " '" " !ROCK COR E: 3 718-inch di.-ornr (HO)DATE END: 1111105 I-W E z 6 z 0'-S I.0 z 0 S_0 z wd IZI 00 0 a: L)0 S 0 00 0<Z 0.S SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0>Wit 00 IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING ED 0 z NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT 0 see below for values I 9 q A see below for values see below for values l1oRon r R12: Hard, fresh, fine gramed, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-3 R26 1 0 1'rca ola01:SOOHC1001100I~iionOIO 0100 .-t'-n O1 Bonng at 61.4 0eet.65-....... ...... ....... .... ...lilt I ...... -'* .... ...... ___;__:____ , [ I I GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS IFF DENSITY. .PF E TNyEv HARDNESS wEATHERJIG NO. PER FT > PH.PINTAICIOESS


4-10 LOOSE 2-4 SOFT 2

  • 2 SEVERE (2) -2 1 .I-1 mOSEtN ,-3 oUa-HORIZONTA.

104)0 MEDIUM DENSE 40 USEF 3 MODERATELY ARD 3 MORATE (1 &-1o 1'- -W155.'* MOD Da5ING 050 DENSE 1-15 S11FF 4 A 4 S05GHT (4) lt-20 -.lV 0DEfnH(14CK

  • C5 -H" SU1-EA'0O VERY DENSE 10-40 EW j.ý 5 VERY 5R0 N FRESH U-7 HER 40OO Rj-1. Waterloo mIltlevel sampling system installed within the borehole (refer to installation log for details);

2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot well vault installed wfthin concte, flush with ground surt BORING NO. MW.30 BORING LOG IS. I OF 3 SP*MNFR N oDCBoriNg So. MW-31 TIM.7,41Indian Point Energy Center " Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr -0. Schi pr Entergy Nuclear Northeast .PROJECT NO: 41.001769.00 ORDINATES: S"Buchanan, NY ]G. SURF. EL. 79.74 feet INORTH: 462969.114 DATUM NGVD 1929 NEAST 604924.22 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 90.4 fee DRILLUNG RIG MODEL: CME L.55 Track Rig B ORING CO.: Aquifer Drilling and Testing -- --T GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A DOREMANI DougWdN DATE I DEPTH I CASING I STABloZATION TIME f CASINGSIZE;4-ncIldiahtr(HW ENGINEER. Parck Mshn Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data v CASING KAMMER: N.A. ATE START: 1514205 I ROCK CORE: 3 7/8-nh di-,e~ (HO) DATE END :12/20,5-- 0"i0 .HARDNESS WEATHERING FRCUE 0, u = .u. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ` see below for see below for seblofr uJ m o values vle 0 0 (No Soil Samples Taken).... .... ... ... .. ........ *...... .. .... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ...RI: Hard, fresh to moderately weathered, fine grained, gray-tan MARBLE i 1 7 Ri 6-10 5.0/5.0 100 63 with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, very close to moderate'l 0 65 close, nob-horizontal to sob-vertical, iron-noide stained joints/firactures. I~.8'-17.6': Fractured zone, smooth., very close to close, sub-horizontal 5 t to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. FZ "10it 10 4 FZ g 11- R2: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray-tan MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub.4.5 R2 15.6 4.6/4.6 100 vertical foliatiov...agh to smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to 4 moderately dipping, i,.n-o.ide stained joints/fractures. " 4 FZ2 4 F 155 1- .1 1 I'll 6 1 R3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray-tan MARBLE with faint, very thin sub- PZ i;*_ -*-I5.6- horizontal to vertical foliation and rough, sub-vertical foliation: rough to 4 R3 20.6 98 smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to moderately dippining, iron- FZ 2 3 oxide stained joints/fractures. FZ 5 3 52 20 4.5 1 1 1 1 1 3 5.5 R4: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, tan-white MARBLE 3 2G.6- with faint, very thin sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to 4.5 R4 25.6 5.0/5.0 100 76 " moderately close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, silt coated, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; 4 " ._ 21.9'-22.6': Fracture zone, smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical iron-oxide stained isints/firactoros; 4.5 24.7-25.6: Fracture zone, rough, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/tfractur.s. I I -o 3.5 1 RS: Hard, fresh, fine grained, tan-white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub- " 79.67 vertical foliation: smooth to rough, horizontal to sub-vertical, silt coated, 4 R5 30.4 -4.8/4.61 96 83 iron-oxide stained joints/fractures.. , 30 1 5 1 1 ....GRANULAR SOILS .COHESIE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS eF DENSTr BP` HARDNESS WEATHERING No. PERr SoACIsG'CbJEcSs ANcLE ATn"UrE 0.4 VERY LOOSE Q VERYeOFT n VERY SOFT I COMPE.TE (1) 0 < VERYCLOVE Otn HORIZONTAL A-In LOOSE 2-4 wv2 MEOW 2n,. SEVERE (2). 1.2 7.- .CLO0SE 5*-35 SU"O-OeR TAL 0.3 MEDUM D.ENS 4-8 K. 81fF 3 MODERATELY HARD MODERATE (3) &0 3-In MOO CLUWE Rn"00 MOO oIPRNG 3040 D0NSE .5-15 00 4 -KIRM 4 SUGHT (4) 11-00 n-I e. t Wno'-n SU-VERTvCAI. >5 V~ 0NE 530 VTFF5 vERY HARD 5FRESH 16 IR ,5-0" VERTIAL NOTES: 1. Performed 84nech-diameter vacuum excavation to 4 fed (top of bedrock). Spun 4inch-diameter IW casinig epprorimately 6 inches into the bedrock. Grout placed between the exteeor of the casing the excaation sidewalls. Current Ground Surface EBevoalio is 77.45 fee 2. Slight loss of drilling fluid at approx. 17 fee 3. Brown drilling fluid return observed while drillng at deplIs between 20 to 21 feet and 25 to 26 fea tBOIUNG NO. MW-31 BORING LOG ISH. 2 of 3 Indian.Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY 1, Borina No. MW-31 ,Jr-0c 3. SURF. EL. 79.74 feet .INORTH: 462969.84°i!i 0 0 6 z 0 W 0 0!Za 00 uJ 0 0 0 0 an 0 6'oO 5Z S0 01 zo SAMPLE DESCRIPTION w 0>i-a)00 z-IN ý]l U MVK0 I t NO. OF H IFRACTURES HARDNESS 'WEATHERINGl PER FOOT see below for see below for see below for values values values 2345 112345 1 234..... .... ..... ,,_-

  • 4-I0.4-RE 35.4 5.0/5o 100I 9 4 35 very tI 3 m moder jointsi/4 31.9'-vertica 5.5 35.4-7 R7 37.4 2.012.0 100 100 :R7: Vi MARE 13 .*close'37.4- ointsi 7.5 R8 40.4 3.0/3.0 100 100 RB: Ve model 10.I __ model 9.5 " 40.4-7 R9 45.4 5.2/5.2 100 100 R9: V MARE iron-o: 2 2 2.5 40 ery hard to hard, fresh, fine grained, tan-white MARBLE, with faint, in, moderately dipping to sub-vertical foliation:

rough, very dose to rately close, horizontal to sub-verical, iron-oxide stained fractures; 32.7': Fracture zone, smooth to rough, very close, horizontal to sub-1, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. ery hard to hard, fresh, fine to medium grained, gray to light brown ILE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation rough, moderately to wide, sub-horizontal to moderately dipping, iron-oxide stained fractures; few very thin to thin, very hard silica rich zones.ery hard, fresh, fine grained MARBLE, with faint, very thin rately dipping foliation: smooth to rough, irregular, sub-horizontal to rarely dipping, slightly weathered joints/fractures. ery hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray to white-BLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical to moderately dipping foliation: th, close to moderately wide, moderately dipping, slightly weathered xide stained joints/fractures. Very hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, rately dipping to sub-vertical foliation: rough to smooth, very close tc rately close, horizontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide d joirts/fractureo. Very hard to hard, fresh slightly weathered, fine grained, tan-white-rown, MARBLE with faint, very thin, moderately dipping to sub-I foliation: smooth to rough, very close to moderately close, rately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly weathered iron-oxide stained fractures; slightly pitted texture at 52.6; 51.':Fracture zone, smooth to rough, very close, horizontal to sub-otal, slightly to moderately weathered joints/fractures. Very hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, tan-white BLE with faint, very thin, moderately dipping, convoluted foliation! to smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, slightl ered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; -57.0': Slightly weathered, pitted texture.FZ 45 45.4-3 1 .I -..IIII4-S .-1i. .3-f tst 50-50.4-A OIA f 3 R11 1.,i 14.84.81 100 1l92 .1.1t~f1 1 [ [ ~ light b 3 55-52.3 3.5 4 R12 60.4 5.0/5.0 100 98 35 R12 MAF 3 35moug 3 5 55.6 3.5 601 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS sEssnY VERY LOOSE LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE DENSE VERY OENSE PF 8-15 15,30 coNSISTENCY VERY SO1l" sonr V~Mm TF STIF 1 2 3 4 5-ARNESS VERY SOT MENIUM MVoERATnLy suesýTWE I"G COMPLETE SEVERE 3 MODERATE 4 WOW 5 FRESH 1,1. PER F (1) 0 Co 1-a (3) 3-10 (4) 1,z-a 2"1 n Wise 1,.3 no00.Cos NOTES: 4. Wire line casing was removed and core bit was sharpened between R-7 and R-5. Borehole was flushed with clear water at 416'6. Complete loss of drilling fluid while cring between 46.6' and 50.0 IBORING NO. IMW-31 BORING LOG ISH. 3of3 BORING LOG I SH. 3 of 3 J MW Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data Q_z 0 S9 0 Z z 0 0 0.Q.0!, R-f: Ztt 00 2Ew 00 W0 R 0-.0 X on SZ 0-Cr9 2 00 I IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION I OF 0 z for values see below for values 2. .1 3,4 .5, see below for: values 1,2,3,4,-' 60.4-R13 65.4 5.015.01 100 106 65.5 --1 -!-I --I Moder 4 nc 3.5 ri 4 3.5 R14 70.4 5.0/5.0 100 100 R 3 w *3.5 4.0 ] , 3.5 70 3 -704 3 15 7; 4 5015.01 100 10i.1 I 35., 1 4o 3 75 80 4 4.5 75.4-3.5 R16 80.4 50/5.0 100 92 :_R16:t MARE 4 s " sub-hr Neath 3 77.0'staine 3 80.4-3 R17 85.4 -5.0/5.0 100 93 R17: I MARE 3 sub-hr 3 [ .2.5 3.5 05.4-3.5 RIO 90.4 .5.0/5.0 100 86 Ri: F thin, s 4 _ close,'oint/fr 4.5I Hard to very hard, fresh, fine grained, tan-white-brown MARBLE, int, very thin, convoluted to sub-vertical foliation: smooth, ately close to wide, sub-horizontal to moderately dipping, iron-oxide d joints/fractures; 62.3' Very hard, imn-oxide stained, fine grained, light brown, silica narble.Hard to very hard, fresh, fine grained white to light gray MARBLE, rint, very thin, sub-yertical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, white to gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin ertical foliation: one smooth, moderately close to wide, sub-ntal iron-oxide stained joints/fracture. Hard, fresh to severly weathered, fine grained, white to gray ILE, with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: rough, close to wide, odzontal to moderately dipping, clay gouge coated, slightly ered jeints/fractures; -77.2': Fracture zone: very soft, rough, very close, iron-oxide brown d, moderately weathered, clay coated, sub-vertical joints/fractures. Hard, slightly weathered, fine grained white-gray-light brawn ILE, with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: rough, close to wide, orizontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained Hard, slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very ub-vef,;aal foliation: smooth to rough, very close, to moderately horizontal to sub-vertical, silt coated to iron-oxide stained actures.End of Roario at 90.4 ft.I A!I I 77J El 85 I I 901 4 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS NO. P00 Fr oPF 1 -a VERY L00SE MEDIUM aENsE ODENSE WVRY DEss SPF<2 2ý4-8-15 15-3 CGSENCY VEY oop SaOFT I 2 3 4"5 VERY ssFr MoDERA'TELn .0 w .0THERING I coMPLETE 2 SEVERE 3 MODERA'TE 4 SUIGIHT 5 FRESH NW. PER F'T (1) 0 2). t-1 (3) 3-1o (4) 11-20 no- Wasr 2.1f VERY was AV0 V.,y W.d-NLE A-TOIJUD W1-W1 MWO OPOIN nSS-e- ou-ssoRcvt na-r VcencA NOTES.7. Complete loss of drilling fluid while coding between approxhoately 70.50t and 90 t 8. Waterloo mult-level sampling system installed within the horehole (refer to installafion log for details); 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot well vault installed within concrete, flush with ground surl PBORING NO. INW-31 BORING LOG ISH. I OF 7 BORING No. MW-32 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed By: M.A. Pont, Jr. -D.Schip Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 78.90 feet NORTH: 462953.48 k DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604876.03 FINAL BORING DEPTH (FT) 200)RILLING RIG MODEL CME L55 T1ck Rig BORING CO.: ADT GROUND WATER READINGS" 1AMPLER HAMMER: N.A FOREMAN: D. Wood DATE DEPTH I CASING STABIUZATION TIME tASING SIZE: 44nr di.Aner (HW) " ENGINEER: An-o Gollo.slMeuvn PRoe Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data ZASING HAMMER: NA- DATE START: 121t 10 ROCK CORE: 3 7lhinch di. rr(e t0) DATE END: 1/10 /O-IN SITU PROPERTIES NO. OF" 1 -: 0 .FRACTURES Z x x 0 ~ HARDNESS WEATHERING PRFOo 2 ~ *ZW PER FOOT= o = SAMPLE DESCRIPTION I" M a z- , SML DESCRIPTIONsee below for sea below for see below for 1O- M v values values or -E r ~ l200<- 0, It 2 , 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 2 .34 5 1 1 2 t 3 1 4 i =I v BZ I I I I I I 5 (No. Sail Samples Taken)10 Top of Bedrock at 6.5 feet 2 1 Pi 1 11-16 5 0/451 90 t 43 4 -'-~ + -'--~ 4- + -+ --4 -~- --O'Moderately hard to hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained y dolomitic MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, cy lose to close, sub-horzontal to sub-vertical, moderately to slightly athered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 0'-23.0': Fractured zone: rough to smooth, very close to close, sub-izontal to sub-vertical, moderately weathered, iron-oxide stained, I 2 I I I I I I I I Inve I -or 15 3 joints/fractures. 25 R3 1E5.05.010 45[3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ornt 3 20 3 2.5 2.5 R3 21-26 5.0/5.0 100 94 clos.stair 2 3 2.5 2.5 R4;3 R4 26-30 5.0/4.9 98 86 to th hort 3.5 " 30.3 3 Hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained, gray dolomitic RBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, very close to e, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained s/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with close to moderately n, sub-horizontal to moderately dipping, slightly weathered, iran-oxide red joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained gray dolomitic MARBLE, with faint, very thin in, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, close to moderately close, sub-tontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures. '-31': Healed, very hard gray, sub-vertical, 2.5" thick quartz vein.25 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS DENSITYýy I.ODSE LOOSE.MUM DENSE DENSE VERYDENSE BPF<2 2-4 4-8 8"15 15-30>30 COQNSrSMNCY VERY SF M. 811FF" HARD 1 2 3 4 5 HAeDNS VER ram 3 ýTE 1) 0-l (2) 142 (3) 2-10 (4) I(-I0 C m oSPANusCeTNE r-i' THUNr~e mSe cB-vERnEONTA 3Y-55* MOD Deu NOTILS: 1. Performed 8-inch-diameter vacuum excavation to 7.5 feet Spun and washed 4-Inch-dlameter HW casing from 7.5 tU 11 feet (top of bedrock). Spun casing approximately 6 inches into the bedrock. Grout plac between the extedor of the casing and the excavetn sidewalls 1BORING NO. IMW-32 BORING LOG SHt. 20of?A Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY BORING No. MW-32 chipper m ICOORDINATES: INORTH: 462953.4B DATUM: NGVD 1929 lEAST: 604876.03 wV5 00 0 zM M 0 0..z Z£00 00 W.0 0 o 0{a 40 00 52Z 0.0 a, Z 0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION £0 2 0 >4 W 00 V)0 INt5IIUPPSROlPRILE NO.OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT see below for see below for see below for values values values I"0-4-4-9.-I-4 -4.-I-I 4-4-5 30 3-~ I -'- + -+ -+ 9 + 4.31 R5 131-36 5.0/5.01 1001 100 mo 6.5 -joir 32.E43 5 35 7 RA 36-41 5 01501 1001100 50/&01 100 1 100., _4 41 11 40 5 4 Rý4 R7 41-46 5.0/5.0 100 100 thi ho 4 4 5 4 5: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin to thin, F-vertical foliation: smooth, close to moderately close, mugh to smooth, derately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, irnon-oxide'stained ts/fractures; healed mylonized texture.1'- 34.0': gray quartz veins, moderately dipping, sub-vertical.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-1/cal foliation:

smooth, close to moderately dose, sub-horizontal to sub-tical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; healed mylonized zone.2'- 38.3': Fracture zone: healed fractures with calcite mineralization. Hard, fresh, fine grained, white dolomitic MARBLE, with faint, very n, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, close to moderately close, sub-izontal, to moderately dipping, iron-oxide stained jointslfractures.

Hard to moderately hard, fresh to moderately weathered, fine grained, ite MARBLE, with close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to sub-tical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained, joints/fractures;

_FZ 0* 10 0.*45'4 I I ~4 04 S2 4 1J.5~4.1~ 1 1 W 4 3 50 1 -+- *- 1. -14 4..4150.2'.50 .5: green, highly weathered, mineralized rick;2 (I 51 56-, 1 1. .1 1 1 Iwnne g 3 50 55 51.0'-54.0 2 5 50 54.1'-57.8 2 vertical, s 2 4 2 R10: Har 3 RIO 56-61 5 10144 88 64 grained M.0': discontinuity -no medium hard, fresh to moderately weathered, fine grained, y, light brown MARBLE with faint very thin to thin, sub-vertical smooth to rough, very close to moderately close, sub-horizontal rtical, severely weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; 0': Healed fault brecca; calcified, dolomitized mineralization; 8': Fractured zone: rough, very close to close, horizontal to everely weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. d to medium hard, fresh to severely weathered, gray-brown, flole ARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to ry close to moderately. close, horizontal to vertical, severely d, imn-oxide stained, joints/fractures. Fractured zone: Hard to medium hard, fresh to moderately d, fine grained, white gray, light brown MARBLE with faint very n, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close dose, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, severely weathered, iron-ned joihts/fractures. FZ FZ FZ 2 3 4 4 I 4 I m GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS BPF sesrny J Si crejs-nea HARDNESS wnavTHER[Nosuc.NO, Fr uAucmnrau aemLe AuTtUMe VE0-4 seeLOOSE Q VEeSr Ioe r viRYwso I COsMETE (1) o0 var2 RCLOSnERVYE MN (o-5* eORceOTlru a-r0 LOOSe a-4 noF a MeoIra 2 SEVeRE t2) 1.2 r.1r raosEMrrN n'` SUe-eRoconnA,. 140.0 MEraUroense 4DE NSEe SF MoonRunLY HARD a M (ORn3) 2-10 4 I-S' MOOCýOsEaboonr"s O " Moo DIPRING 0-50 0040E 1,rn unFr 4 oe Rm a SUGo T (4) 1rOC 0 0.10 WOEr~ca 55*-5* SUe-vIETca L'so veerysE ne 5.0 V. 5 ' 'I 5 FREsH reeV VERsY v 00"e_, s5" veeRTicAL ,JOTES: Z. Complete loss of drilling fluid fhom 49 to 50 feet t. No drilling fluid return between 51 to 54 feel BORING NO. IMW-32 BORING LOG ISH. 3of7 BORING No. MW-32 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY Reviewed By: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D.Schipper 9.10 ICOORDINATES: INORTH: 462953.48 SI: 604876.03 CASING SIZE: 4nch 4d CASING HAMMER: NA.ROCK CORE: 3 7/1-n41 di-otor (HO)I3 AZ z<0 o 0 0.I-0 0 Z~Z~C) 0.X Cr 0 0.J 0 0-5Z<0>OW 1-0 00-l .1. .rs~c '--- NO. OFl FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PERFOOT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 4 +see below for values see below for values see below for values , I -I 60 65 4 4 1R11161-66 5.0/5.01 100 1 90 3 70 75 dippin 4 4 3 R12: I 3 R12 66-71 5.0/5.0 100 100 sub-v.3 3 3 3 R13: 3 R13 71-76 5.0/5.0 100. 100 sub-vw oxide 3 3 3 3 R14:I 3 R14 76-81 5.0/5.0 100 100 sub-v oxide 4 4 3 4 R15: -4 R15 81-86 5.0/5.0 100 100 sub-vw vertica 4 3 3 3 R16: 3 R16 86-91 5.0/5.0 100 66 sub-ve 86.0'-3 ,.ones 3 Hard, fresh, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation th, very close to moderately close, moderately dipping to sub-a1, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 63.6': Fractured zone, smooth, very close to dose, moderately g to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin to thin, ertical foliation: no apparentjoints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, ertical foliation: Smooth, moderately dose to wide, sub-vertical, iron-stained joints/fractures. FZ FZ Hard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin.ertical foliation: smooth, moderately dose to wide, sub-vertical iron-stained joints/fractures. 80 85 Hard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, ertical to convoluted foliation: one smooth, widely spaced, sub-a1, slightly weathered, joint/fracture. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin to thin, trtical foliation: smooth, very close to moderately dose.88.5': Fracture zone with white calcite veins; healed, thin, bracciatec FZ FZ 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS SPF -sENSrTY Ps CoNSISrEmNCY .ARDNESS uVVATHERING No. Fee en SPACINGn'THCKNESS ANGLE Alrnnu,0-0.4 WnRY LOOSE < Wv-RY uCen I R I co (1) 0 ' VERYCLOSEwEeY'ThIN n' HORIONnTAL 4-10 LosE 2u-4 Suer 2 Lel. 2 SEERE (2) 1.2 0 "-1'-CLOSErHIN 5-W SUB-HORIZONTAL 10-0 MEDEUMCDEINE 4-0 M. snrF 3 MODERArLY HARD 3 MODERATE 0) 2.10 1-3 MODC4O5EJMO0TN 35-55 MOD DIPrNG S .A0 OesE V-1s S1F5 4 HeRo 4 SUGHT (4) roZo T-re *A /IC .55W4* a.W SUWEIRTrC>no sEeN IvaSE 15,.0 VsI .5 veRYHARe 5 FRESH -10 VEeymwweeWs 8r"-m0" scRTIAL'30 N MRm NOT__S-g IBORING NO. ~MW-3--' BORING LOG ISH. 4'oif7 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY No. MW-32 M.A. Par I: 41.(DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55 Track Rig BORING CO.: ADT 1 IN CITii l -0 z U5 0Ca 0 z 0<x 0 C.0 z 2 ZL..rdd 00 wi R ww 0 0 0 0 a a.0 52z So z a:.0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0>D~, Q00 HARDNESS WEATHERING 0 I 4.NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for see below for values values see below for values Ed 3"R17 3 R17 91-96 5.015.0 100 100 verti joint 3 3 3 4 -95 DtQ 19 101 50/501 1001 too-, 1 1 .3 100 3 _ " 3 3 * ,i-I J 1.01-3. .1 1 1 Vcici.4.0 3 105 3 3 4.106-

  • R20 3 R20 111 5.0/5.0 100 100 verti 3 3 tit I -3 3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation:

one smooth, wide sub-vertical, slightly weathered/fracture. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, Very thin, sub-cat foliation: no apparent joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation:

no apparent joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation:

smooth, close to widely spaced, sub-vertical, slightly thered joints/fractures; 0'-1 12.6': Healed breccia with white calcite veins.: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-ir~n failitionn ininto/lftrurmcr 110 III"2 rins 3L , .,T V., ti 3 115 3 3 , 3 I 116-3 1113 131 5 016! 100 I100.... ...... ........ ......... ..-. ..... -.......- .4 116.8'-117.4': Healed white calcite veins.4 j j jII 4 COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BPF D.NSITy BPF cnasI*rNEy HARDNESS WEATHERING NO. PER 'T SPACGrI-rCONESS

  • AOE A'niTUcO-4 VERY LOOSE <2 VERY SO"T I VERY SOFTr I (1) 0 <2 VERYCLOSF..VF-RYýHN 0`5* -m LOONO 2-4 SOaT 2 MEOIUM 2 SEVERE (2) 1-2 "1U cLOSF.IIN 5-3 SUB*HORIZOTRL I-30 MEDIUM DENSE a-a M. STIFF 3 MODEfRATELy HARD 3 MODERArO (3) 2-10 I'-n MODCLOSEAMODNtHIN M D -55 o DDIsNG v-50 DENSE 8-15 StFF 4 lAR a SuaeHT .tCm(4) 1 n- I V-E1m.Ir-cK Ra-85" SUa-VERTICk.

>on VERY DENSE Is-in V.S1rrF 5 VERYv cAR FRESH 'I VERY WvOEIvRY To e CK WF-Mo VERTICAL NOTES. " .4) No dilling fluid return from 113 to 114 feel BORING NO. IMW-2 BORING LOG _SH. 5- o.7 uJ I0 a 0 0 0 I-X 0)0 ur W Z Z'U U 0 0 oo 1W 0<O 0 U.0>-as>00 IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 z I 4 0 see=blo for see below for values values 13 1 A 1 7 1 A Ssee below for values I 99I0A 1911 4-120- 4 4-+-+ 4 4 3 IR231 126 5.0/5.01 100 Ioo 3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE, with faint, very thin-vertical foliation: rough, widely spaced, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical htlv weathered joints/fractures. 2 125 3 3 3 126- I 3 R24 131 _ 5.0/5.0 100 100 2 _2 3 3 131-2.5 R25 136 5.0/5.0 100 g0 3 E 130 3.5 135 6 3 13- R16 3 R26, 141 _ _ 5.015.0 100 00 R24: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE, with faint, very thin sub-vertlical foliation: rough, close to wide, sub-vertical; slightly weathered ointsl/factures. -25: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE with faint, very thin,;ub-vertical foliation: smooth, close to moderately close, sub-verical, slightly weathered joints/fractures; 132.9'-133.2: Fracture zone, very close, slightly weathered, sub-vertical-ractures;34.0-134.4: Very soft, severely weathered zone; chloritized. R26: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-Vertical foliation: smooth, moderately close, sub-verical iron-oxide stainec oints/fractures; 139.3-140.6' 7racture zone, smooth, close to moderately close, sub-vertical iron-oxide stained joints/fractures,:27: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-iertical foliation: smooth, moderately close, sub-vertical, iron-oxide staine oints/fractures. R28: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-iertical foliation: one rough, moderately close to wide, horizontal, slightly Asathered, joint/fracture. FZ FZ 3 140 3 3 141-3 R27 146 5.0/5.0 100 100 3 3i 3 3 146-3 R28 151 5.0/5.0 100 100 3 3 145 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS " ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS aPF DENSITY OPF CONSISTENCY0 HARDNESS WEATHERING N. PER FT SPACINSITWCKNE ANGL ATRTITDE-e .VERY LOsGE s2VERY sonRsYsOFT I COMPLITE (1) 0 2 VERYCLOSEVERYTHIN HORIZONTAL 4-10 2-4 SOFT 2 MEI5UM 2 SEVERE (l 1.2 T-1' OSFTHIN .5-45' S0U-5ORIZONTAL 10-00 MNIEDMI0NDEN 4SE M.S51FF 3 MOCRATOLvY HARD 3 MODERATE (3) 2-10 I-3 MODCL0SE/MODC-D 35"-55" MOD 0PPING 30-50 DENSE 0-15 avFF 4 HARD 4 SULGHT ( 10.20 D10 40//CK 50'00 SUa-VWRTCojL- >5O VERYDENSE 00 15-30 V.SF5 y 5 VEvY 0 SH .>10"1 VERY Wt ArV 4HICK 85-07 "ERTICAL>3O 00R0 NOTES" IBORING NO. IMW-32 BORING LOG ISH. 6 of 7 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY.BORING No. MW-32 Reviewed By: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D.Schipper PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 1COORDINATES: G. SURF. EL. 78.90 feet NORTH: 462953.48 DATUM: NGVD 1929 JEAST: 904876.03 Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data)ATE END :1110/06 0=oz, 0 Z z 0<w G.0 X 0 1.J D Z , w6 50/00 z-~0 0:S 0 30 o.Jo u. .0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0>L)00 0 NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT see below for see below for values values see below for values*1*-4-15hC 3-~ ++91"1 2.5 R29 156 5.0/5.01 100 1 100 2.5 I 3.5 .1 3 .3 ' *__R29: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, sub-vertical, oliation: rough, wide, horizontal, slightly weathered joints/fractures. R30: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, wide, sub-vertical slightly weathered oints/fractures. l5.t 610 156-6 01.01 100 I100 3= R30 4 -.-J ~ + -3 160 3 3 161- R31 2.5 R31 166 5.0/5.0 100 100 'verti 3 3.5 __3 3 165Z.11t7I- 50/501 100 1 100 2.5 170 3 2.5 2.5 1 Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-al foliation: smooth, moderately close to wide, sub-vertical, slightly ered joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-al foliation: with no apparent joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-al foliation: smooth, close to wide, sub-vertical, slightly weathered fractures. -1 73.4': Healed fractured zone, sub-vertical, slightly weathered, joints/firacturas. Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-al foliation: smooth to rough, very close to dose, sub-vertical, iron-joints/fractures. -177.4': Fracture zone, smooth to rough, very close to close, sub-al iron-oxide stained joints/fracturms. 171+3___ 1 1~.5/,0/501 001 10 I vertic~2.5 175 raugh 2.5 2.5 2.5 17 -R34:1 3 R34 181 5.0/5.0 100 72 vertic oxide 3 176.0 vertic 3.5 FZ PZ 3.5 COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS. 0-4 4-0 10,M)ýRY L006E Loose MEDIUMDENSE DENSE vERY DENGE<2 8-15 1530>30 W_ sFr, I 2 3 4 5 VEY SOFT MEDIUM MODERATELY HARD HARD VERY HARD 1 WOMoiETE 4aUGHT 5 R7ESH (t) 0 (2) 1-o (3) 2.'o (4) 1(-20 HTv SY OLOON -EY10 i14Y M00cILcsE4,U0OIiN '/0 VERY/MOOERY ICEK s , ,ezvv 06-aol vcn-WTICA/ IBORING NO. ,IMW-32 BORING LOG ISH. 7 OF 7 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY BORING No. MW-32 i (FT) 200 CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4-n, diametr (HW)r to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A.ROCK CORE: 3 7/8-inch dia tr (HQ)0 OZ ZO.Co 1_0 o z or 0~0ýu W 0: Z:3 U a.ILI ti-0 0 0 or 0 o:-SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 0>L)0 IN H D IN S u AT ERTIES HARDNESS IWEATHERING 0 z NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for see below for values values see below for values 11 18C 3.5 181- R35 2 R35 186

  • 5.0/5.0 100 94 verti sligi 2.5 3 3 181, I- I =--~ ~ ~ 0/5~. 01 100 1 1-00 2.5 S 3 190 3 t 3 191-2.5 R37 196 5.015.0 100 100 2 2 195 2.5 2 196-2 R38 200 4.0/4.0 100 100 2 3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint very thin, sub-cal foliation:

smooth, very dose to moderately close, sub-vertical, tly weathered joints/fractures; 1-182.3': Fracture zone, slightly weathered, sub-vertical fractures; 9'-186.0': Slightly pitted texture.Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, white MARBLE, with very thin, sub-vertical foliation: rough, wide, sub-vertical, slightly thered joint/fracture. Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately dipping to subvertical foliation: rough, e, sub-horizontal, slightly weathered joint/fractura. Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with faint, very thin-to thin, derately dipping foliation: one rough, wide, horizontal, slightly thered joint/fracture. ilEl 2.5 200 End of Boring at 200 ft IEELiiJ FE-1 I ..I GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 00F DNSI1 IN0 CONSISTENCY HARONESS WEATHERING W0. PO R SPAC1NrGCKNESS ANGLE A"nTUDE0 0-G VsRYLOOu E o VERYSOFs i VERY SOFT I cOcmETE (1) 0 <2 VERY CLOSEINERY nN -0" HORIZONTAL-I10 LOOSE 2.4 501' 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE (2) 1-2 Z'-I* CLOS/f1-IN 5"-35 SUB-ORIZOWNAL u-no M sW. NE .4. M. SnFF 3 MODERuATLy HORAR 3 MODERATE (3) 2-10 1-4 14OCLOSEbOODTH-N r5n5 MODDOUTING DE- S Eosoc a-15 =17FF 4 NARD 4 SUGWr 141 1020 n-In-a RE--- eUVEcnnAL>50 VERY DENS 15.30 VnTF 5 noRY sRDo5 RESH E >10 VERY DwoVERYTHCK 8c VERTICAL K% HRD NOTES.5. Watedoo multi-evel sampling system installed within the bomhole (refer to installation log for details); 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot well vault installed within concrete, flush with ground suor IBORING NO. I BORING LOG I SH. of I Boring No. MW-33 Indian Point Energy Center* Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.5017869.00 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 18.88 feet INORTH: 462995.54 DATUM: NGVD 1929 lEAST: 604767.86 FINAL BORING DEPTH : 30 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55 T.aC Rig BORING CO.: Aqtlifor Dniling and Testng GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER N A FOREMAN: Douob5od DATE DEPTH CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE 4-/OoO Sonro(Htor ENGINEER: Anton GaoasNMaudc PEonS Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER N.A. DATE START: 12/7105 ROCK CORE 3 7/0-o di- (HQ) DATE END: 1211 205 P 2 P , IN SITU PROPERTIES NO. OF.E o7 ' I Z0 FRACTURES III X .0 HARDNESS WEATHERING (9 0 0. 5 Z >_ _ w_ _ _~ z Io to"E to ~ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION H H E 0 O r a , 0 see below tar oee below for see below for O 0 Z W u, a I irn Z values values values uso 123415 1!2134 l 2 3 101".. ... .... ...... .--- .. ..... .4 -..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... .-- ..... ... .... .. .. ... ... ... .(No Soil Samples Taken)....... .... ..... ....... ...... ..... ... , .. ........ .... ... .......... I -.... .. .4 ....... ....... ..... .. ... .....4 R2 13-16 3.0/3.0 100 7 sob-vertical to vertical foliation: moth t. lose to moderately e.... ..................... clsho rizont atosbvral, imo-oulide stained joints/fractures. 3 4 25 4.4 i_4. ...... .. .... ..- ..... ... .R2: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE with faint, very thin, 4 R3 1-26 5 3.0/3.0 100 00 sub- vertical foliation smoot torough, close to moderately close, so0__..horizontal, imon-oxide stained joints.firactures. 25 4.4 R3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE with faint, very thin tc 5 R3 21-26 5.0/5.0 100 100 thin, su vi-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, close to moderatel lose, suio -.... 0_4.5 .. .. ironidstaind ined joints/fractures. .... ... .... , ..... ...251 4 1 1: :1:0.'r R4: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE 5.5 R4 26-30 4.0/4.0 100 100 with faint, very thin, subo-vertical foliation: rough, wide, sub-verfical, iron- ..... ... .... .30!5.54.55 ..... , .~27.6'-28.0': Slightly weathered, healed, calcified, brecciated E000. ..._-_30 14.51 1 End of Boring at 30 feet. 210 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BPF DENSITY BPF CONSISIENCY HARDNESS WEATHERING NO. PER FT SPACINGmHI OEOS ANGLE ATTITUDE 0-0 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT t VERy soFT t COMPLETE () 0 iY 0V0lY t,/ 0"-5V H RIONTAL 4-t0 LOOSE 2-4 S0r 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE (2) 1- 2 Croto1N. 5.ý-t. SUs-HORIZONTAL 10-SO EMOEUNDE 4-a M. S'RFF 3 MOOERATELY HARD 3 MODeRATE (3M10 I-n Mod) -0od h10 r-.0 MOD DIPReN 30-50 DENSE 8t15 ST0FF 4 HARD 4 SLuGHT (4) 11-Mo n-to wa1.Th 55a SUA-VERTICO0 050 enRY OENIE 15t-t V.TIFF 5 VERY HARD .5 FRESH 0 .n 801 e EntEAo.O O ARD 1. Performed 8-lnch-diameter vacuum excavation from 0to6. feet (top ofweathered bedrock). Spun and washed 4-inch-diameter cssing through weathered bedrock fom 6.5 to 13 feet Interface sealed with aUr 2.> No equipment installed. Bonog left as an open borehole radtoring point; B" diameter well vault installed within concrete, flush with the ground surth IBO0RING NO. IMW3 BORING LOG ISH. I of I SAMPLR RAMER N FOREAN~ uig ood DAE DEPH BCAING STNIIATO TIME4::Indian Point Energy Center by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017I69.00 S COORDINATES: .'Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 18.48 feet IN ---' 4297.79 DATUM: NGVD 1929 l5EAST 604755.31 SHARDNESS"EATHERINFINAL BORING DERA DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L5S Trak Rig BORING CO.: Aquifer Drilling and T-fing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: NA, FOREMANS Doug A DATE DEPTH I CASING bSTABILIZATION TIME ASING SIZE: -ENGINEER: Ain GalloiMaune Ponti Refer to Table 6.Z1 for Groundwater Data CAIGHAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 12r7)05 -ROCK CORE: 3 (NO) DATE END I 12V05 I P" F P' -IN SITU PROPERTIES NOF Z z 0 .HARDNESS WEATHERING FRCUESo GD , -= 0 IX Z N J "X m ::D S7 4. 9 0 A pAreLE f ESmooTh se0 below for see below for se by 1 0 w~~~~N Soi Samle Taken)_ z aue ale Top of Berc at 3. fee R3,: Hard, fresh t moderately weathered, fe grained, gray brow .3 R211-1 501.5 6 93 MARBLE with faintarerythi tolithion, smodertel to sob-hverticalos foition: 4.0rogh moderately close, horizontal to m ub-eratelicaln, iron-goide stained,2 10 107 1.' M _____ oderately weathered , iosfatrons xid he alned zrec ne. 4 3 4Moderately_(Neathered j SoiinSl ampes healed 3 i 25 64: Hard, fresh, moderately e to ohel , fine grained, gray Mo ARBl R2 16-21 -5.015.01 100 180 fra w ith no apparent foliation: sMoo th moderately close, sub-ta l 4.0

  • onts/ractres'n~dratey clsehorizontal, to moderately dipping, rog s0 31 Slightly weathereed i eath-red, iron-oxide stainedt texture. io .20 3 __1 6R: Hard, fresh, moderately weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE rowth.noapparentfah 3 65 21-30 5.0/3.0 94 94 rough, moderately close, tocltose sub-horiiontal, tonoder diing.slightto ely weathere ad jointallractures; trac e pi-- texture.3 301 3 1odera End of Boring at 30.0'. 1drty 2 slight1y1 11-3.00 COHE1SIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 4~ a....u~lcc itherso .unctut.PedFrjovnts/fmacturas; asic urvn 4.00 VERe LOOSE Q VERY Sont So soRr pra ted, i 0 sixrl HORIZONTA L.5'e-ot 100 DENS4 HarfeshFF 3 ModEerL N0 e cloEse to co10 sec flne MOD DIPPING 25w DENSE 8.15 STIFF I Nh 4o aLuppa (4) 11-20 nio: otmd eyc , -oea .....K vcan NOTES-ý1. Perfonmed Blgh-dtameter vacuum exravation from 0l t5eet Spun end ashed 4-nch-diameter casing from nte 7 tee (top of bedroek).

Intertace sealed with gre 2. No equipment installed. Bating left as en open borehote monitoidng point BV diameter well vault installed within conerete, flash with ground sashx ISC.RING NO. IM.-34 BORING LOG SH-I. I of I'V Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY FINAL BORING DEPTH: 30 feet GROUND WATER READINGS I DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME Refer to Tt Groundwater Data i = I .A 0 u-0 Q Z o 0 D.0.D.0._z S 03 Z ioo su~u 05ub wu Z r g 0 0 0 0 0-JO 01 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 3: 0>>J 00 lUJ HARDNESS/WEATHERING 0 3: NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for values see below for values see below for values-4-+-4 4-4-f--4-(No Soil Samples Taken)5-4--f--Top of Bedrock at 8 feet 1 4 RI I 8-11 3.012.81 94 1 80 RI: Hard, slightly weathered, fine grained, gray brown MARBLE with faint,]very thin, moderately dipping foliation: smooth to rough, very dose to close, horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; slightly to moderately pitted texture; fractured zone 8-10'.10 A 4 I I I I o.4 4 R2 11-161 1 5.0/5.0 tO1 0 5 I -- I I I I loinl 5 15 4 5 R3 16-21.1 1 5.015.01 100 11001 A 4 1"1- 1 1 1 1 trac 4 20 4 I 4 R4 3 R4 21-26 5.0/5.0 100 88 wit Hard, slightly weathered, fine grained, gray brown MARBLE with faint, thin, moderately dipping foliation: rough, close to moderately close, zontal, silt coated, iron-oxide stained, slightly weathered -s/fractures; slightly pitted texture.Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, terately dipping to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, moderately e, sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iran-oxide stained joints/fractures; e pitted texture.Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained gray to pink MARBLE faint, very thin, moderately dipping to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to gh, wery close to wide, sub-vertical, silt moated, iron-oxide stained s/fractures; slightly to moderately pitted texture.Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-ical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to wide, sub-vertical, iron-e stained joints/fractures; slightly pinted texture;'-29.4': Fractured zone, rough to smnooth, very close, sub-vertical, htly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. End of Borina at 30 feet 35 .S-4 Ju~3 25 I 3 3 R5: 3 R5 26-30 4.0M.8 96 88 vertn* oxid 3.5 28.8* .sligl 3 FZ 30 3.5 2 , GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS eeF DENs 8-F xOensaEnr .HARDNESS uWnEATHERING NO. PER FT SPACINCTmCNESS ANGLE Axn=0-4 v.RY LOOSE < VERY SOFT n SOFT COMPUTEnx (1) a VERYC uELOVERYTHIJN los- HOR a.T 4-10 LOSE 204 SOFT 2 MEDuM SEVERE D) 1-2 .2u-1' cLossrnl-s n 5-5 sUe-uHRaNTeA law McUvMuooeE "4 .. nT1FF 3 MODERATELY HARD 3 MODERATE tt3) n-in in M-O-OCLODTsuo 35n-5 MODs eruNG 3050 DENSE 8_15 STIFF 4 HAR 4 SUGH7 (4 1-0 3-10' m SFrHC *, U B-VERTICA>n VERY DENSE 1530 v.nnmFF 5 VERY se .5 FRESH 10` VER e nDE ArERY5 VERTICAL>00 Hues _________________B_______________ I. Performed 84nch-diameter vacuum excavation from 0 to 5.5 feet. Spun and washed 44nch-diameter casing from 5.5 to 8 feeL Interface sealed with gro 2. No equipment installed. Boang left as an open borehole rnonitoing point: 8" diameter well vaul installed within concrete, flush with ground eu/fe IBORING NO. IMW-35 BORING LOG -SH.Iof2* "Indian Point Energy Center BORING No. MW-36 Reviewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.00 COORDINATES; Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 11.80 feet 5NORTH: 463090.60. DATUM: NGVD 1929 IEAST: 604657.59 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 54 feet SAMPLER: Wrline Co-e Brre1 BORING CO.: ADT GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Splt Spoon FOREMAN: D. Wood .DATE STABIUZATION7TME CASING SIZE. 6-re.c datrI(SW) ENGINEER: Atorn GIllasoMauio, Pon- Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A DATE START: I11.06 ROCK CORE: 37/84ich 71 anotr (H1) DATE END: 1/24106 lu IN SITU PROPERTIES -Z FRACTURES e eb HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT-u: DESCRIPTION I S P D I W -see below for see below for see below for 0 --x Z l n. 0-40values values values O .un a .<e 1.23 45.1 10 In ... -.. .0, 1 3 1 10 51 10-12 12 -.16 24,2 Top 10": Dense, gray, fine, moist SAND, trace Silt*17- 18 Botom 10": Fragments of white -gray.MARBLE. 15 S2 15-17 30- 13 24/19 S2: Medium dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, some fine Gravel, trace___ 9- 5 Silt.20 lTop ofIBedrock at 24feet RI: Hard, fresh, fine grained gray -white MARBLE, with no apparent 25 8 Ri 24-29 .5.012.51 70 '25 ___foliation; osmooth, close to very dose, sub-horizontal to suob-vertical, ____ 1 slightly to moderately weathered, joints/fractures. 16 27.8'-28.2' Fracture Zone: Very close, moderately to sub-vertical, dark 22 1__ m _ _ ry irooide stained, joints! fractures. FZ L 2 16 1 FZ 301 5 1R2 29-34 15.015.01 1001 86 _________ ____________ FZ 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS OPB 651 FF DENSITYc 8PFOO AReESS WEATHEDRING NO. P60FT SPACIN/OIIbss ANGLE ATTITUDE" vERY LOOE C VER'fOFT vERY 0 C RERY coseEE DON HORIZONTAL 4-I0 LOOE SOFT 202 MEOVL~d 2 SEVERE M1 14m r= 05815 -r o400ZOITL 100 MDUM ENSE00 4.0 .sIR, 3 MODERATELY HOS 3 OOO6AODE'T 3 2c 1 a-rn M- O CI.CGI!)MOD 1100 We MODDIPPIM woo s 0665 S-r T61FF A 00a540 40 10.00 n-o e s.aBvc j 6W OOVBTI 056 VERY RIE 1540 BW 5 ca room 5. FRESHoeRRW~CRr00 lR VETR"CN.1. Performed hood excavaton to 4 fet. Spun Bndewashed 6-ieoh-diameter (SW) cadng from 41t 24 feet Casing spun approximately 6 Inobes ine bedro, Casing Remoed after well comepletion ]BORING NO. IMW-36 BORING LOG ISH. 2orf2 0;Z il-o 0 z 0 S z S 0 z Zu Wa 00 tU, W 0*1 0.0 0 Z 0o SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LU Z 0>NU, 5 00>00 HARDNESS IWEATHERING 0 NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT 9 8 35 hor 11 11 R3: 12 R3 34-39 5815.0 _ 95 8 to, 0 lto 11 *__ we.36.11 g 11 O I 4 39-44 40 5rr/5 £ 1001 150 94 1- R4- 139,44 50150 .10 10 1 n.10 39.14 .SUL 15 16'R5: 10 R5 44-49 5.0/5.0, 105 72 ligt mo 14 .. joir slightly weathered to fresh, tine grained, gray MARBLE wits thin to thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to b-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; ': Fracture zone, rough to smooth, very close to close, sub-to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. rately hard to hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained, gra)ARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, sub-vertical foliation: rough , very close to close, horizontal to sub-horizontal, moderately d, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; 9: Slightly weathered, moderately pitted texture.slightly weathered to fresh, fine, grained gray to white MARBLE pparent to faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, to close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained tures.': Fracture zone: smooth to rough, very close, sub-horizontal to moderately hard, fresh to moderately weathered, fine grained n-white MARBLE with no apparent foliation: rough, very close to ly close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained fares;': Fracture zone, slightly to moderately weathered, pitted, rough, e to close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained, ly weathered iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. fresh, fine grained, white to light gray MARBLE with faint, very n, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to Close, sUb iron-oxide stained joints/fhactures; Fracture zone: smooth to rough, very close, sub-horizontal, stained joints/fractures. FZ FZ FZ PZ PZ FZ FZ see below for see below for values values 1,2.3.4,5, 1.2 345[ I see below for values 45 15 17 *1 1 I mo 91 R6 49,54 015/5.0 100 1 86 15 I i I I i I , I I --_-15 FZ FZ Fz 16 17-I 4 4 -4 h -- -I 55 End of Boring at 54 feet"tt ....... -t-.1 f .---I -t-1]IEEEEEEEEEE I I I I I GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 8PF DENS"'I SK " VTHERING NO "SpACIN-/HCNS NL ATnTUDE 0-u Loose <2 .vE.RsorT 1 wonysueT 1 COMPtcE (1) 0 "E0 nEo E floe 0-N" HORIZONTAL 4-10 LOOSE 0-4 SOFT 2 MeoRUM 2 SEVERE ) 1-2 2-1' CLOO.frItN 5"00 SUe-RRVnO TAl.10-30 MEDIUM DEsE 4 .M.S'0FF 3 MODERILy HARD 3 MuxcER(n) 2t10 1'O-3 MOD CIOcS.MOD'nSct( 3-"1' MODrDPRNG*>50 VEnYT SEr 15-3030 HDVonoIF S wan~ stoRD 0 FREon >10r VcRnYtwwewvr15400 0>M;O .aeVERTwA 305 DNE 8-15 SanF 4 HARD 4 SUGT (4) 10-2 -o1( W=DEýCX suB-eR,1C dOTES-.. Monitoring wells installed within the borehole (refer to Installation log for details); 8" diameter well vault installed within concrete, flush with the ground surf I BORNG NO. IMW-36 BORING LOG ISH. I of 2 BORING No. MW-37 Indin~ont~erg Ceter Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D.Sch pper mmEntergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41t,017869'.00 I COORDINATES:

  • iBuchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 15.02 feet IOT:4373 DATUM: NGVD 1929 JEAST: 604604.87* ..... :::FINAL BORING DEPTH: 57 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: D-te DK515 BORING CO.: Aauifer Driling and Teetng *GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: NFA FOREMAN: Dave Carter DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4-iw and 6BpLO diannalr (HW and SW) ENGINEER:

Anton Gallas Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER N.D DATE START: 1M4150 ROCK CORE: 3 71/0ndh-rdianeter (HQ) DATE END: 1,09106 W" IN SITU PROPERTIES u.zo u " ...HARDNESS WEATHERING-u seeeto __ _ PER FOOT I Z SAMPLE DESCRIPTION I u I=) W 0 .z .ST see below for see below for see below for 0 of Rales .values values 0 000 5.12345 .12345,1,,, 2!5 (No Soil Samples Taken 0 to 22 feet)10 1 15 20 S-1: Split-spoon sample taken at 22.0-24.0'. Very dense, wet, gray fine to S-1 22-24 17-37 75 2.0/1.6 medium SAND, some rock fragments, little Silt.42-43 25 1 1 Top of Bedrock at 25 feet 5 1.0/5.0 100 30 5 R-1: Hard, fresh, gray MARBLE with no apparent fol: smooth to mough,/10 R-1 25-30 .very close to close sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, imn-oxide jointtfractures. FZ 2" 5 25' -33': Fractured zone: smooth, rough, very close to close, sub-horizontal 9 ts sub-vertical, imon-oxide joint/fractums. FZ -1 2 5 FZ 14 FZ 7 /'1 : 11 .5 FZ GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS apF asnITy sf cOsNsasncY HARDNESS WEAs. wTHER-Ne No. R Fr sPACmaGrTHICNEvuS ANGLE ATTrTUDE 0-4 .VERy LOOSE < VERY SOF I VEInySOIFT I OBMF`LtSE ft 0 oa VER CLOSENERY THIN 0s' HORvN'roA. 4-10 LOOSE 2-4 SOFT 6 500-UM 0 sEVERE 2) 1-'2 2-1 CLosEI 5-na" SUB-HORIZONTAL 10-S0 MEWUMDENSE 48 M. Sl.FF 0 MODERATELY MAsa 3 OERATE 13) -10 VZ MOOC.OSEsIODI'rý 35"-OS' MOOHIPCKO 30-50 8-15 STIFF 4 HARID SUG14T (4) 11-." 7.-10' "DEITEHICK US-VERTICA- >s VERY DENSE 1-SO vsa'FF .s v K, HARD S FRESH 10' VERY mE/NERY ICK ms'-o VERTnCAL NOTES'1. Approximately 8-nch-thIck void observed beneath the concete flow sial 2. Drilled to about 5.5 feet with a 3 7/B-tnoh-dameter roller bit (void encountered by 4.5 and 5.5 fee 2. Spun and washed (HW) casing fom 0 to 22 feet and took S-1 4. Removed HW casing end spun and washed 6-4nch-damater (SW) casing fhom 0 to 25 feet (top of bedrock). SW casing spun about 6-inshes into the bedrock. Intertace stabi/ized with grF 5. Borehole advanced using fourth gear between 25 and 57 feet b.e.t IBORING NO. IMW-37 BORING LOG ISH. 2 of 2 I n Pn EBORING No. MW-37 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti. Jr. -D. Scbi er Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017669.'900 ICOORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL.


Arton Gallas Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 14106" ROCK CORE: 3 (HQ) DATE END: 109106IN SITU PROPERTIES ~NO. OFa z .:z 1

  • v -HARDNESS WEATHERING 00 --*see below for see below for see below for In -z .Z.values values values O rro. 0 W 0 2 5(,03 , 'U 0~* 13 R-2 30-35 5.0/5.0 100 66 .Z 14.15~ 5 5o 35 7 1 -0 8 R-3 I3S401 55 t 25 R-3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation, .5.05.0 100 100 wide, sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained jointa/fractures.

11 .50 10 12 .90 1 40 13 .R-4: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin sub ..v T: IA .12 R-4 4045 5.0/5.0 100 100 horizontal to sub-vertical foliation: no appamt joints/f/rctures; trace .. ........ 0 disseminated pyrite; trace mica, trace foliated breccia clasts.7 7 10 45 10 ..R-5: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, /!/, /12 R-5 45-50 5.0/5.0 100 100 sub-vertical foliation: smooth, close to moderately close, sub-vertical, iron- S.r .t 1 .oxide stained joints/fractures; trace mica, disseminated pyrite; trace foliated 14 breocia clasts;14 140 50 12 ' 0-R-6: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin.12 R-6 50-55 5.0/5.0 100 100 medium to sub-vertical foliation: smooth, wide to close, sub-horizontal to 0 sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 10 10 _ ---- 53.4': trace disseminated pyrite, mica, breccia clast. : 55 10 .._R-7: Hard, fresh, fine grained. gray MARBLE with faint, rery thin to thin, sub-B R-7 55-57 2.0/2.0 100 30 vertical to moderately dipping foliation: smooth, wide to close, s.b-horizontal to FZ 6 sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures trace of disseminated pyrite, 12 mica, breccia clasts. .Z 7 1 8 55.5' -56.5': Fracture zone, smooth close, subhonzontal to sub-vertical. iron-oxide stained joints/fraares. End of Boring at 57 Feet 60 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BPF rENSIT OfF CONS STENCI BARDNESS WOATRERING NO0 PER FT ATAGNGITANTPE.Ee 04 OEER -E 4! vRY S0FT I vRY SOFT I COMPLETE (1) 0<2 MN


rn- unOaEDiAUS; 4"0 M. STIFF 3 ,CCIERaomIy MR 3 MODERolo l't 0-10 M C'-D uODcLOSJMOD TlaCe r5 MOMaMNG ru-S DENSE n.15 STIFF a HARe a SUr (4) r1-2n n-rn .'5"* sUo-VnRenmaL no0 unRYoDEN 15-3n ."D uFF 5 vERY 5 FREZsH -IV cRY WVyDBERYT 0CK 85-`0 waRnoAt NOTES:" 6. Lost dridling fluid between 55 and 57 feet 7. Monitorng wells installed within the borehole (refer to installation log for details); 8" diameter well vault irstalled within concrete, flush with the ground surf IBORING NO. IMW-37 i .BORING LOG GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORI Entergy BORING NO. MW-38 440 NINTH AVENUE, 18th FLOOR Indian Point Energy Center SHEET 1 of 2 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10001 Buchanan, NY GZA PROJECT NO. 41.0017869.1 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS -PROJECT LOCATION Indian Point BQ CO. ADT DRILLING RIG CME 55 BORING COORDINATES N 603810.21 E 462505.68 FW N Doug Wood TYPE OF DRILLING GROUND SURFACE EL.(FT) 14.34 ft DATUM NGVD 1929 GZA ENG. Anton Gallas SW FINAL BORING DEPTH (FT) 40 ft DATE START/END 11/29-12/1/05 Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper SAMPLER: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, SAMPLER CONSISTS OF GROUNDWATER READINGS A 2" SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN USING A 140 lb. HAMMER FALLING 30 IN DATE TIME WATER CASING STABILIZATION TIME TYPE OF HAMMER: AUTOMATIC DONUT REFER-TO TABLE 6.1 FOR GROUNDWATER DATA SAFETY SLIDING CASING SIZE: 6" CORE SIZE N/A DEPTH SAMPLE SAMPLE DESCRIPTION PROFILE feet NO DEPTH PENI REC RECOVERY BLOWS per 6"5 F Feet) (inch /inch) (% RQD (%) -z 0* ... i Boring was advanced with vacuum truck from 0.2 ft to 7.0 ft.10 S-1 14.5-16.5 24/20 3-8 Medium dense, fine to coarse, gray Gravel, little fine to coarse Sand, trace Silt, wet.10 11-17 20 25 S-2 24-26 24/18 _ 4-5 Loose, brown fine to coarse SAND, some fine Gravel, little Sill 4-3 30 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS NOTES: BLOWS/FT DENSITY BLOWS/FT DENSITY 1. Performed vacuum excavation from 0 to 7 feet.0-4 VERY LOOSE <2 VERY SOFT 2. Drove and washed casing to sampling depths from 7 to 38 feet.4-10 LOOSE 2-4 SOFT 10-30 MEDIUM DENSE 4-8 M. STIFF HSA-HolIow Stem Auger 30-50 .DENSE 8-15 STIFF MR-Mud Rotary>50 VERY DENSE 15-30 V. STIFF MRC-Mud Rotary with continuous casing>30 HARD SW-Spin and Wash GZA IBORING NO. MPw-38 BORING LOG GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORK Entergy .BORING NO. MW-38 440 NINTH AVENUE, 18th FLOOR Indian Point Energy Center SHEET 2 of 2 ,NEWYORK, NEWYORK 10001 Buchanan, NY GZAPROJECTNO. 41.0017869.1 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS PROJECT LOCATION Indian Point BORING CO. ADT DRILLING RIG CME 55 BORING COORDINATES N 603810.21 E 462505.68 FOREMAN Doug Wood TYPE OF DRILLING GROUND SURFACE EL.(FT) 14.34 ft DATUM NGVD 1929 GZA ENG. Anton Gallas SW FINAL BORING DEPTH (FT) 40 ft DATE START/END 11/29-12/1/05 Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper SAMPLER: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, SAMPLER CONSISTS OF GROUNDWATER READINGS A 2" SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN USING A 140 lb. HAMMER FALLING 30 IN DATE TIME WATER CASING STABILIZATION TIME TYPE OF HAMMER: AUTOMATIC DONUT REFER TO TABLE 6.1 FOR GROUNDWATER DATA SAFETY SLIDING CASING SIZE: 6" CORE SIZE N/A DEPTH -SAMPLE -SAMPLE DESCRIPTION PROFILE feet NO DEPTH PEN / REC RECOVERY BLOWS per 6" 0 (Feet) (inch 1 inch) (%) ROD (%) z 30 S-3 29-31 24/15 3-13 Medium dense, gray fine GRAVEL, some coarse to fine-1 Sand, little Silt.14-18 35 S-4 38-40 24/18 11-13 Medium dense, gray.fine to medium SAND, little Silt.40 15-27 End of boring at 40 feet 45 * *50 55 60 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS NOTES BLOWS/FT DENSITY BLOWS/FT DENSITY 3. Installed monitoring well within borehole (refer to installation log for details).0-4 VERY LOOSE <2 VERY SOFT 4-10 LOOSE 2-4 SOFT 10-30 MEDIUM DENSE 4-8 M. STIFF HSA-HoIlow Stem Auger 30-50 DENSE 8-15 STIFF MR-Mud Rotary>50 VERY DENSE 15-30 V. STIFF MRC-Mud Rotary with continuous casing>30 HARD SW-Spin and Wash GZA IBORING NO. MW-38 BORING LOG T F BORING No. MW-39 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 81.83 feet INORTH: 462425.51 DATUM: NGVD 1929 lEAST: 604676.87 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Trck Rig BORING CO,: Aquifer DIlling 2nd Tes/rng GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: Dog 'Wood DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 44,no diameter (HW) -ENGINEER: Dan/e, Bastos/Mausm PenN Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N/A DATE START: 2/1/D6 ROCK CORE: 3 aueter DHOI DATE END: 2/10/06 P IN SITU PROPERTIES 6 I FRACTURES-0 HARDNESS WEATHERING Ef w 0 ~ see below for see below for see below for~ ~ ~SMPEESRITON~ra z values -values values S 1243+415 1112 13 14 5 1 2,3.40 5 10 (No Soil Samples Taken )15 20 Tot of Bedrock at 24.5 feet i i l

  • l l25 t2 RI I 27 2.5/2.01 80 1 72 4 2 2 R2 27-32 5.014.5 100 90 311 RI: Hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with faint very thin, sub-vertical feliatlon:

rough, very close, sub-vertical, moderately weathered, irmn-oxide stained jointslfractures; faint mylonized texture.R2: Hard, slightlyweathered to fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, slightly to moderately weathered, imon-oxide stained joints/fractures. I I 3 30" 4.4I .I l I -GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOih 410,x LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE DENSE VER DE-NSlE 2-f 15,X VERY SOFT M. STIFF STIFF VASTIFF HARD 1 2 3 4 5 VERY SF MEDIUM MODERATELY HARE HERy*VERYHAR I Cý2 SEVERE 3 MODERATE 4 SLIGHT 5 FRESH trt)(2) 1-2 (3) 3-10 (4) fr-an V-S MODCLOSEWJDTfiD/ 7-IV WDo~rrHCK I. Performed 8-inch-diameter vacuur excavation fft 8 feet Spun and washed 4-inch-diameter (HW) casing from 8 to 24.5 feet (top of bedrock). Casing spun approximately 6 Inches into bedro nfenrace sealed with grout. NA indicates eo data availabh IBORING NO. IMW-3 BORING LOG IS-12 OF7 Reviwe P n egy BORING No. MW-39 Indian PowEnergy Centerby: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schi r Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 ICOORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 81.83 feet INORTH: 462425.51 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604676.87 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet)FILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Trnck Rig BORING CO.: Aqi~fr -d Testg GROUND WATER READINGS.SAMPLER HAMMER N A. FOREMAN: Dog Wood DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABIUZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4-.nch domete, (HW) ENGINEER: Daniea Ba.tnlMaunre Ponti Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data LASING HAMMER: NWA DATE START: 211 06 ROCK CORE: 3 7/-n ch divoter (I Q) DATE END: 2110/06..~~IN SITU PROPERTIES FRCUE_- t NO, OF I-- Z- U , HARDNESS WEATHERING SO .6 G PER POOT S --U.. LE .zo 2 Z , -, SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 2 n SA D SR- w see below for see belowfor see belowfor uJ 0 0 0 1o 2! O o0 o: .values values values= 0 Z 1, 345 0 0 x 1 1 2 13 451 112ý34ý5 1123141,-W 4 4 R3: 3 R3 32-37 5.0/5.C 100 100 .v, 3 4 4 4 35 2 1 R4 1 37-42 5.0/5.0: 10O 101 3 40 45 4 4 R&4 R5 42-47 5.0/5.0 160 100 ver 4we 4 4 4 4 4 R6 47-52 5.0/5.0 100 95 ver We=,4 3 3 4 Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-tical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-vertical a7ian: smooth, very close to moderately dose, sub-horizontal to derately dipping, iran-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-tical foliation: close to moderately close, sub-horizontal, slightly athered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-tical foliation: one smooth, wide, sub-horizontal to vertical, slightly athered, joint/fracture. Hard, fresh, fine grained white to gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, b-vertical to convoluted foliation: one smooth, widely spaced, sub-rizontal, irosnoxide st ad jointfracture. Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray to white MARBLE with faint, very to thin, convoluted to sub-vertical foliation: one rough, moderately se to wide, sub-vertical, iran-oxide stained joint/fracture.

t:ý 1- 1 -1I ] 111+ ii:I+-/+h4

.ý'.I I I I I--1 I'll 1- 4 A ý I L -I .I 1,11 ::'I: I.. :. ..: ...,::I , :!I : ... .... .... l t: IIII I------- 1 1 1 ý ý 1 ý-+i--I ý ; ý ;--ý4 4 L- " --1 -" J J ' -7 '50 NO DV I7.NooN nI non 4 no R7 -1a 4 -0~~' 1004 100 3 55 3.5 .3.5 3.0 4 R8 57-62 _ _ 5.0/5.0 100 100 3 .I. t,,t1...,~ 60 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS .ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS OPF ctNSITY BPF CONSISTENCY HARDNESS-wATHERING NO. PER FT - ANG.E ATNnrrIrE N- VERY LOosE < VERy ca RnSOFT I CSMPrETE' " (1) 0 -r VNoRY cUONVERy rTHN O eHORIZrNTAL. a-rD LOOSE .24 SOFT 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE 0) 1-0 r2-' CUOSErHIN " -ac"SUBORIZONTAL 0030 MEDIUM DENSSE a -.SFF 3 MOEoRAEL.PY HARD 3 MOOERATE (3) 3-0 00/ 4OOCLOSEOIODOMNIC-D5 Moo 0rPNr 3NAN DENSE 0-15 STrFn 4 4 nAn4 SUGNn (4) 11-SO n-r1 .R-8" sU-VERTicAc. 'OW VnRY DENSE 1530 V.STIFF EeRY HARD 5 FRESH nra VERYW0DE/RYThICK .5enar VERTI.AL 3O HARD NOTES IBORING NO.. IMW3 BORING LOG ISH. 3 OF 7'J Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY BORING No. MW-39 onti, Jr. -D. Schipper L.0017869.10 ICOORDIN/3. SURF. EL. 81.83 feet INORTH: 462425.51 0,=0'0 v-1 Z 0 p 0 6 0 Z.0On 0 0U 6 0 Sn 0 0 50.Z oU z 0>a:u D3<00 IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT W I SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Z see below for see below for values values 3 4 R9: Hard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-3 R9 62-67 5.0/5.0 100 95 vertical foliation: rough to smooth, close to moderately close, sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; mylonized texture.4 65 4 3 4 R1O: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-3.5 RIO 67-72 5.0/5.0 100 100 v vertical foliation: rough to smooth, dose to moderately close, horizontal to 3-I -I -I -I--I-i -I-i 70 3_ .___3 3.5 ___i 3.5 R11 72-77 5.0/5.0 100 100 wv 3 *0 75 3.5 3 4 R 4 R12 77-82 5.0/5.0 100 100 w 30 80 4 4 R 4 R13 82-87 5.0/5&0 100 100 v 3 85 4 3 4 4 R14 87-92 5.0/5.0 100 82 3.5 1 1 ub-hotizontal, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; mylonized texture.:11: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-ortical foliation: smooth, dose to moderately close, sub-horizontal, iron-xide stained jointslfractures. .12: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-ertical foliation: smooth, close to moderately close, sub-horizontal, iron-xide stained joints/fractures; mylonized texture..13: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-ertical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures.

14: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-ertical.foliation:

smooth, very close to moderately dose, sub-horizontal to ioderately dipping, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; mylonized texture.90 4 GRANULAR SOILS COHF5IViF sorLS GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS 4-Iný Loose nuno Loose oOO MEDIU DENSE BPF<2 2-4 4-B B-15 1530:,30 VERY SOFT M. STIFF s-ni-1 2 3 4 5 MEDIUM VTERY HARD o EccHEoIx 4 01.000 (') 0 or een CLoeScEYRIsi D) 1,2 r-l' CUoserei 01) 5-0 1, MODCOclSenrs tac 16y12 nt wDEnrocJ Ile7 VcEvnsDEIeRYrern 5' UBoO-HOORIZOTAL O* MOO siP~RNG 57-a 8Uo-VxERi-, e-aO v-T.-v!4kýIBORING NO. IMW-39 BORING LOG O R.0 Z 0 0 z 0 o p 0.0 Z Z-00 EX Mi of 0 0 ci 0 Hi 0 co Zr 0.:j u._<SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Z 0>a) H Hiw IN .511 U PIRHTU t I1=S HARDNESS WEATHERING V, 0 Z NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for see below for values values see below for values I I .I ............ 4- .. --.I .3 95 3 3 R15 92-97 5.015.0 100 tOE 3 3 2 4 3 R16 97-102 5.015.0 100 80 2 100 5-*-- I I .t -I L ----_-1 2 4"IU2-A 4 4.L4 R 15.01.Hi.1iui 1 1 1 er1ocal.-4.5 rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-o convoluted floatation: two, rough to smooth, close, sub-vertical, e stained joints/fractures; mylonized texture.rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-o convoluted foliation: rough, wide, sub-vertical, slightly*d joints/fractures; mylonized texture.issolution with pitting and vugs.rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE withfaint very thin, sub-foliation: rough to smooth, very close, slightly weathered, sub-iron oxide stained joints/fractures; mylonized texture;05.6': Fractured zone, rough to smooth, very close, slightly rd, sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; mylonized rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, al to sub-vertical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. d, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-o convoluted foliation: smooth, very close to wide, horizontal to cal, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; mylonized texture;15.0: Fractured zone, very close, rough to smooth, horizontal to cal, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 2 105 4.5 FZ 4 110 41 f 107- -R1 3.5 R18 112 5.015.0 100 100 hot 4 3.5 4 4 112- 1. "R 4 R19 117 _ _ 5.0/50 100 82 oer Sut 3 1 1, 3 4 4 ! , 117- --R2 3 R2O 122 _ __ 5,015.0 100 100 vat 3 .I}y pyr 3 FZ 11!0: Hard, fresh, sound, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, b-vertical to convoluted foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; trace ite clustes within matrix.3 12C GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS JOINTIFRA 0-4 s LOOSE Q

  • VE.RYoe I VERY SOr I COMPJETn {1r 0( <2- VEyncloSEERYTIN 05s HORIZONn-TAL 4-ro LOOSE 2-4 soF 2 MEODU1 2 SEVERE (2) 12 2r.1' =ScentsN 5sa SU.HOReZONTAL 1-so MEIAUMoNS 408 M. WTore 3 MODERATCLY HeRD 3 MODERAE (3) 3-10 S 1'- MOOCLOSEJMODhcK 35- MOD DIpPNG SDESsE 6.15 S-ns- 4 I SUGr (4) 11-20 3o.o'r 57-Hi. SUB-VnRTICAM

>5O VERY SE 154,0 Vrn- sorey 5 Ev 5 ReESH -Ire VERYViDEVERYTHICK , .en"-Hi VERTIrCA tOTES:'ROD affected by one sub-vertical weathered jointsracture between 99 and tOD fee IBORING NO. IMW-39 BORING LOG JSH. 5 OF 7l* I '0 E 0 o 0 iua C 0 0.J z-.a: o w 0-0 0 a no 0..0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION -z~0>w 't Wo u D nom 0 Z NO OF/ FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT 4 see below for see below for values values 3 3 122- R21 3 R21 127 5.0/5.0 100 95 verti~iron-4 122.3 3 125 1Z/-0/5 C) I ý I.I IO I * -I _ .-3 13C 126 4 4 132- R23 3 R23 137 5.0/5.0 100 100 corn wide 4 3 3 3 135: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth very close to wide, horizontal to sub-horizontal, oxide stained joints/fractures; mylonized texture;7-124.5': Dissolution, pitted along healed calcified, joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, voluted to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to derately close, sub-horizontal to moderately dipping, iron-oxide stained s/fractures; mylonized texture; dissemninated pyrite clusters;.8-128.9: Inn-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint very thin, voluted to sub-verfical foliation: smooth to rough, moderately close to e, moderately dipping, imn-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, voluted to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, moderately dose, Ierately dipping, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fire grained, light gray to gray MARBLE with faint, very sub-horizontal foliation: smooth to rough, dose to wide, horizontal to derately dipping, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth, wide, sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained s/fractures; mylonized texture; slightly pitted along healed, calcified Al 05/-sniant root inn 42+/-74 22+/ -1+/-2 1-1 ~I 4 140 4 3 142- R25 3 R25 147 5.0/5.0 100 100 thin, mod 3 4 4 147- L

  • R2B 3 R26 152_ 5.0/5.0 t0 100 .verti 145 K-- 1-I I I-I4- 4 -sints/tractures.

150 4 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTFRACTRyDNER CHARACK RITIC BPF cENsiTY Bep COsISTENCY HARDNESS wF.nTcERINo W. PER FT SPAC] £0KNESSc ANGLOE AT1rnrE 0-4 LOOSE W veRY SOFT I VeRYSOF-r 1 cLa (0), 0 <2 VERYCLOSENERYc4N 0"5" HeRIZONTrL 4-10 LOOSE 2-4 SO2 2 MEDiUM 2 SEcERE m 1-u r-1' c(2o)F.1T2 5"-31 =SUB-HORMzONTAL 10-30 MecoUMe05E 4-8 M. OnFF 3 MODERATELY HnRD 3 nOnnRATE (3) 310 1-4r MnOCLoOEODT05.lCi0 W.-ar MOD nIPRNG 3-ODENSE 8-15 STIF 4 HARD 4 SLGH -U) 112 ".0 rJTK 55 -5" UBVFRTXCA>5 VRY MENE 5- TIM.S1F 5 W*FRY HARD 5 FR1S WRt5"-80"IC VFRTICAL>0 HARD 30Tax oO. esa n- a'no oxe ocan a-S vspr snt eon FoslaalOvrn~n~vv ein O...- n,era. BORING LOG ISH. 6 OF 7 Indian Point Energy-Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY BORING No. MW-39 ipper ICOORDINW G. SURF. EL. 81.83 feet INORTH: 4, DATUM: NGVD FINAL BORING I CASING HAMMER- NIA ROCK CORE: 3 7/8-inh diaentr (H-)I 6 -r- F o Z 0 z 0 uJ I 0-I Lu E-U WE 0 LU oK 0 50 0 0 a 0 Z o_19 S7..SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0>)00 W Z zR-IN SITU PROPERTIES NO. OF_T FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT see below for see below for see below for ueb rs ebvalues values.234.5, 12,3,45, 12 34~3 ILILVL K LI ILL]152 texrtti Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; slightly pitted and vuggy;R27 bZý5 2 texture; pyritized. 155 4 3 3 157- R28: 4 R28 162 5.0/5.0Ct10 100 sub-v 1weath 10 _ 1158.2 160 7 10 10 162- R29:: 5 R29 167 5.0/5.0 log 100 gray I jointso 4 165 5 4 , 5 167-Hard/fresh, fine grainedgray to white MARBLE with faint, very thin, ertical foliation: smooth, moderately close to wide, slightly ered, sub-vertical jointslfractures; -160.5': Very hard, smokey gray quartz-rich zone.Moderately hard to hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical, foliation: no apparent/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, luted foliation: smooth, moderately close, honzontal to moderately rg, slightly weathered joints/fractures; disseminated pyrite.Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-al foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; slightly pitted texture;minated pyrite.Hard, frenh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-01 foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. 5 R311 1`'72 1.01.1 1 1 1 Convo 5 170 4 " 3 4. " -4 R3 I 1 I177 A 0/nit 80 I 76 2__ 4-4-.'1'7;! 175 333 .f 1/1-501501 1001 100, JV-c 3 4 180 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS BPF 4-10 103 LnOOSE nI nEDIUOc~&-15 15-30 CGNI VERY SO" M. STI" SM" V.STWT 1 2 3 4 5 HARDNESS WRYSOF'r MEDIUM MODERATELY HARD HARDýRYHARD I COMPLý2 SEVERS 3 MODERATE 4 WUONT 5 MRESH (4) 11.20 V? ERY ORVoRwEY THIN r,.' CLOSEITHN'IV VEVRY WEAIERV THICK Wýr SU"-OeIZONTLAL W04 MODO IPPING 50*O5 500-SnTICAI. 00-s.-RoTcut

3. HO rk corng difficult between 158 and 161 feet b.e-g 1BORING NO. IPMW-39 BORING LOG ISH. 7 OF 7 N 14 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY BORING No. MW-39 G. SURF. EL. 81.83 feet DATUM: NGVD 1929 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet ,,0 (-Z o 6 0 oI o.(5 Z 0.Z zZ 00 ,0U aX-at 0 0 0 0 0g D toW 0 N (a UO0.--.ir1 I I... I-rN NO. OF HARDNESS WEATHERING FRACTURES PER FOOT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 z I 4 see below for values 4 3 182- R33 4 R33 187 5.0/5.0 100 100 sub-joint 3 3 3 3 R 187- 934 3. R34 -192 __ .5(05.0 100 100 folio 185: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, vertical foliation:

one, rough, wide, sub-vertical, slightly weathered Ifracture; disseminated pyrite; slightly pitted texture.Hard, fresh; fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, vertical tion: rough, very close to close, sub-horizontal to vertical, slightly thered joints/fractures; healed, calcified fault breccia; disseminated re pitted vugular texture;.6'-189.9: Fractured zone, rough, very close, sub-horizontal tovertical htfy weathered joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin sub-cal foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. 3 3. l 88 FZ FZ 19C!31 I!R5T9 R1'SR35 197 65015.0 1 100 .100 ve t 3 !3 4 4 .195 I -I.,,, R3've 16: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin sub-rtical foliation: one rough, wide, moderately dipping, slightly weathered 3 = ff .-~P-4 joint/fircture. 4 20C.... ..- 4 -End of Boring at 200 Feet 4 200 21C GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 8-v mouY B OI .c rvsoTHIRI " io. PnnrF uPuclssTIreeICIESS wiwGLE AuTlTUDE 0-4 Lousy a- .OFT a wu I V EVSOFI" tekm (1) 0 >1 5U V ERt -sN-eerC z HORIONT 4-0 .LOOE S- oF," 2 MEDUM 2 ImEE(2) 1.2 7."-t CLSýJHN -* ."-3 SUB*ýRI=OT-rum0 MoEuMo3rIe 4 .nnFF -MO3nRulrL_ sees 11 IsTe 01 3-tO V-. MooCJ0(,0O5 D TH110 Wr Wu .OR-NG re0eu r oe-8.15 see 4o 4UnH (4) 11-00 7.CM W-0e SUB-VVMMu D5 nEoY sexs 15t0 WSev1 0 VEnY geRm 5 FRESH IVE"YWIDNevCK R 5TaL 1OTES I. Waterloo mul4-level sampling system installed within the borehole (refer to installateon log for details); 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot well vault installed within conaete, fkush with the gound sur!IBORING NO. IMW-39 BORING LOG ISH. 1 OF 7 BORING NO. MW- 40 M 11, Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed b MA. Pont Jr. -S er Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.00 COORDINATES: -Buchanan, NY 0. SURF. EL. 74.95 feet INORTH: 491950.51 DATUM: NGVG 1929 EAST: 603899.35 FINAL BORING DEPTH : 200 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Trok Rig BORING CO.: Anuifer DnIpIng and Testing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Split Spoon FOREMAN: Doug Wood DATE I DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 44nov dianeter (HV" ..ENGINEER: Anton Gallas/Daniela Btos/David SneoowlMauice Pon ..Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 1/20506 ROCK CORE: 3 71B-ncA dimater (HQ) DATE END: 1/30R06 P , " , us " IN SITU PROPERTIES NO. OF-zu 0 01 00 FRACTURES;ý --J HARDNESS WEATHERING s Z- w w' N ,8u PER FOOT.- , u ______ __z__Qs .sAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for see below for W ) 0 w o 0 values values values X 2 4 5 .. 3 0 (No Soil Samples Taken)Top of Bedrock at 5 ft.5-4-4-4-9-4-4-4-4--k -4f 4 I .-I -------4-+10.*R R1 9-11 2.0/1.8 90 0 sa S fn R_f2 11-16 503672 0J fa (Weathered Bedrock)1: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, medium to Coarse grained, light gray, tachereidal MARBLE recovered as coarse gravel to cobble size, angular agments with iron-stained surfaces or weakly healed breccia with ecomposed garnet.2: Hardc.fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with int, very thing, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, very close to Close, oderately dipping to sub-vertical, silt coated, iron-oxide stained intslfractures. 3: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine to coarse grained light gray accheroidal MARBLE, with faint, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, very close close, sub-horizontal to sub-verical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; ealed breccia with pervasive very thin calcite veins, dissolution and filling[5 iNA 7 .._____I ______0 15 1 15.0/4.3 12616 I I I I I I I I In of calcite veins.20-4-4-4-9-4-4-4 25 R4: R4 21-26 5.0/4.3 86. 52 folil oxit R5: R5 26-31 ' 5.0/4.5 90 1 58 witt hor__ I 728.__ttEE= ve9 rd, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with very thin, sub-vertical n: smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-tained joints/fractures; healed fault breccia.rd, fresh to moderately weathered, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, b-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to close, sub-tal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; .1.: Fractured zone, rough, very close, sub-horizontal to sub-iron-oxide stained, joints/fractures; .0: Recovered as coarse grave size angular fragments of MARBLE ble iron stained surfaces and pellitic lithoclasts. 30 U~Uf.L.ULLj GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS u., VERY LOOsE 0-to LOOSE 3e-50 DoE 000 VWRY DENSE I<2.SOFT OF STIFFI 1 2 HARONESS VWRY SOFT VERYY Nk .lE TH El 2 P0950 DI-(1) 0 101 3-tO (1) 10-2o NO iE S : "'1. Performed 8-/nch diametsr vacuum excavation to 5 feet (weathered bedrock encountered at 5 feet). Spun and washed HW casing through weathered bedrock to 9 feet. Interface sealed with grout.NA indicates no dats available. IBORING NO. .MW-40 BORING LOG I ........BORINGIS LO 2 OF 7 BORING NO. MW- 40 Lu 0 S 0-6 Z£0 0J o0'0 I S 0 z£0u Q: W£0'0 0J 0Y S OR 5o"i SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0>00 0 0 NO OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT see below for values R6 31-36 115.014.3 88 631 IR6:* I. fain Ti 1 oin_ _232 35--4 4-- 4--i- - -I£01 I vo,., R736 5 81 9 55 , 1 1 1 smoom io-II -l-creo, j-i-4-4-4--4--4-h--l-- 40 fresh to moderately weathered, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with thin, sob-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to y close, horizontal to sub-verfical, iron-oxide stained ures;: Highly Breciated, weakly healed, calcified with slightly pitted me dissolution along joints/fractures;

Fractured zone, rough to smooth, horizontal, to sub-vertical iron ned joints/fractures.

fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin foliation: rough, very close to moderately dose, horizontal to sub-vertical, stained joints/fractures; slightly pitted texture along healed, oints/fractures. fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-liation: rough, close to wide, sub-horizontal, iron-oxide stained ures;: Hard, fresh, coarse grained gray sacheroidal MARBLE with sub ealed micro-breccia, very thin, dark gray, healed mylonized zone;, 48.0' Moderately weathered, heavily iron stained sub-vertical fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-iation: one rough, wide, sub-horizontal; iron-oxide stained -ure;htly weathered, iron-oxide-stained subvertical fracture.RP 41-46 fl0/5o~n 100 I 2 0m01 inn 1 Q7 I .... ...45 fl44 +-+- +I -4R4 cs1i vl 4ns aQ'Rg 46-51 50/501 too 1 93 ,Nu so£0fl103.£0I R1 ve1 0: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-rtical foliation: one, rough, horizontal, widely spaced, iron-oxide stained-f23Y~2? 4 1 ..1 1 1 joint/fracture. 55 11 R11 IS6-v1 5-56' Very hard, fresh, fine to medium grained, dark grey, very thinly foliated intercolated SCHIST and MARBLE, pyritiferout .RI 1: Very hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub verfical foliation: rough, close to wide, sub-horizontal, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; few healed, calcified, very thin to thin brecciated zones.s l/not ioo I 100-4~ -~ -. .44--I 60 GRANULAR SOILS -COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS SPP.-10 10-3 WRY 1LOOSE MEDIUMonvtsE OvEn 8-15 153 M. onro 010W I 2 3 4 5 HARDNESS WFRY SOFT WXODRATMLY HAD veerDur MoRYs 3 MOOFRATE 5 rsr (1) 0 (z) 1_2 (3) 3-1o (4) 11-2M 1-O MOO DCLO50.Výhc,(n-n ac-noc'in vcvnWce£0 ,1rncK Mao A"I'LIt*W'5 eR~ow£osa r-no eSU-01UO WýeT 05'55 MOOD 01PRN5 m-4s' sue-vRnoN, er eelal NOTES: IBORING NO. I MW-40 BORING LOG 81-13 0F7 BORING LOG iSH. 3 OF 7 DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Tnack Ri.SAMPLER: Split Spoo CASING SIZE: 4-nA, CASING HAMMER: ROCK CORE: 3 710.I _ ! I 0-0_6 Z 0u o E 3_0 W ZWa 00 XAI I-O 0 I-33 0 0 o z97 0 0 W 0>r W>-C W-t I I IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING I NO, OF FRACTURES PER FOOT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION V)0 Z.d.see below for see below for values v.. values'.below for 1 ... =O R12 F;1-86 5.0/5.1 1001 100-.... ........ ...II I -65 70 75 R13 R13 66-71 5.0(5.0 100 100 yery wy]R14 R14 71-76 , 05.0/5, 100 100 thin iro_____71.~R15 R15 76-81 5.0/5.0 100 100 sub R16 R16 81-866 5.0/5.0 100 92 oerl__ 83.83.84.R17 R17 86-91 -5015.01 100 82 veil/err--86.'86.Very hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint to distinct, y thin, sub-vertical to convoluted foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; voluted foliation appears micro-mylonized. 3: Very hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint to distinct, thin, sub-vertical to convoluted foliation; no apparent joints/fractures; onized convoluted foliation. 4: Very hard, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint to distinct, very sub-vertical to convoluted foliation: two rough, close, sub-vertical,-oxide stained joints/fractures; 4'-71.9': Closely spaced, iron-oxide stained fractures soxide.I: Very hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin,-vertical foliation; no apparent joints/foliation. I: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-ical foliation: Iwo rough to smooth, moderately close, sub-vertical clay ted, joints/fractures; 2'-84.7: Healed zone; extremely brecciated; 2: Subvertical, softened clay coated fracture.7' Subvertical, yellow gray brown, clay coated fracture.7:Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, bery thin, sub-ical foliation: three smooth to rough, close, sub-hodizontal to sub-ical, clay coated, iron-oxide, stained, joints/fratu-taie

.... I ýV: Sub-vertical, black, clay coated fracture with disseminated calcite;7, 86.8: Sub-honzontal, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures.

L..Aiii.I"I-i iil 80 iit 85 90 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS I JOINT/FP/ACTURE CHARACTERISTICS oPF BnF CONSISTENCY HARDNESS WREATHERING NO. PER F s ANGLE A-Tr-orE 0-0 VERy LOOSe '<, VERY SF-n I VERY SOFT I cCOMPLTE (I) 0 07 VERY CL0SENERY IROIN 05 HORcOrNTA-4-10 LOOSE 2- "OFT 2 MEDIUM 2 SEAERE (2t 1-2 27 CuOSEnTHIN S°C° SUB-OeRIZONTAL 10,-0 MEDIUMD.ENSE 40 M. SrIPFF MODERATELY HARD 3 MOERTE c3) t -10 1'- MOOcLOSEMODrTHICK r055 MOD nIPNG 3a-5ODENSE .-15 I s `nF 4 HARD 4 SLIGHT y4) 11-iN n-in woE.,oICK ra SUB-vERTICAJL 050 VEIRYDESE 15-0 V.SrrFF 5 VERY 5 FRESH -IV VERYDIJVeERYTV -oCR -2,.K VERTICAL 4OTES: IBORING No.; MW-40 BORING LOG ISH. 4 OF7 NO. MW-40 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY)RILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Tevk Rig BORING CO 3AMPLER: Split Spoon FOREMAN: I -I --t .L t wo Z 0-Z 01 0.0 x_3 I z W 00 xAn W w 01 0 5.0 oO.30 20 Si I I SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Z 0>(0 IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING I 0 00 NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT 0 see below for values see below for values see below for values 1 2 3141-+-F-+ F-F-4-+-F-I R18t 91-96 5.0/5. 100 o 100 95 0 R1B 916-10 5.5/015. 100 90-~~~ ~~ 01 01 10 90+- F-F- ~R18: Hard, fresh, fine MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, verity close to moderately close, moderately dipping to sub horizontal, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. R19: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, foliation: smooth, very close to moderately dose, moderately to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; 97.0-105.0': Healed brecciated with penetrative iron stains on fractures and closely spaced, sub-vertical, friable fractures; 97.8-98.4': Smooth to rough, very close, moderate to subvertical, iron -oxide stained fractured zone: fractures, joints/dissolution surfaces, recovered as gravel size angular fragments. R20: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: Tough to smooth, very close to moderately close, sub-vertical, iran-oxide stained joints/fractures; 104.4'-105.0': Fractured zone, rough, close, sub-vertical, iran-oxide stained FZ FZ 10 06 i -- i Rn'I~ Id10'.1.o its 1 1 joints/fractures. FZ 101-+-+-ow- F-4 F-F-+R211 111 5.015.01 100 100 1Ic I 111-r 4NN 50/5 1 1.._Jvart: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-ical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; 111.0, led, very close, subvertical calcite veins.: Hard, fresh, nine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-ical foliation, no apparent joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation, no apparent joints/fractures;

.1'-119.0': Calcite healed highly brecciated, with fine grained, gray, very 11ii 10. 116-1 1 4R23 1214 .5.0/5.0C 100 1900 I -thin subverfical micro-mylonrzea zone at 188.60.12C GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS aPIF DENSITY 8K CONSISTENCY ... RDNESS VWEuATnERING NO. PER FT SPACINITIrCNES ANLE ATTIUDE 0"4 ERY LOOSE < VERY SOF I VERY SOFT 1 CO00sE1E (1) 0 .4" VERY CLOSEvERynrN n'5 eeOal7OerAz 410 LOOSE 204 SOFT 2 MEDIUM .2 SEVERE (2) 1.2 T.4 CLOSEr1HN 5 S3 UB-HORIZONTAL l0IO MEDIUM DENoE 4a M. S0FF 3 MODERATELy HARD 3 MODERATFE I) -10 1-0 MODCLOScIMOOT1h,1K 3r"s5 MOD DIMING 50.00 DENSE 5.15 STIFF 4 HARD 4 SU T (4) 11.00 -.10 WLDFTremCK cu5 SUB-VERTIeCc. 50 VERY DENSE 15,30 vZsTIFF 5 VERY HARD e sE DWREe F.R THIOC e-O VERTICAL.30 HARD BORING°NO. MW-40. BORING LOG SH.5 00 NlU, 1IlVV- -U Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY Reviewedby: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper)ata ROCK CORE: 3 7/8- n.h ai0mtr I rrf *1*p Z 0 0 d 0 0 p 0 Z Zu Wa Z Z 00 o 0 0 r0 ZE <SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0>aa 00 HARDNESS &WfEATHERING £0 NO. OF FRACTURES PER. FOOT see below for values see below for values 0 see below for values I I -I ...I .I R24 126 5.05.0 10In 100 I I .0 ---T f 125 R 7 1326-1 R25 131 5.0/5.0 100 100]:F6 3136 5.5. E100 100 130 I -- I .lard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-I foliation: smooth, very wide, moderately dipping, slightly weathered fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to dark gray, MARBLE with faint, in, sub-vertical foliation: no apparentjoints/fractures; few tinuous, very thin, convoluted, micro-mylonized zones; pyritized; with convoluted foliation. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to dark gray, MARBLE with faint, very ub-vertical foliation: no apparent joints/frectures; discontinuous, very thin, convoluted, micro-mylonized zones: pydtized.Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to dark gray, MARBLE with faint, very ub-vertical foliation: one smooth, very wide to wide, moderately g, slightly weathered joint/fracture; very thin; convoluted, micro-ized zones; pyritized; -141.8' Pyrtifemus, light gray, foliated.-146 disemmenated pyritiferous. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to dark gray, MARBLE, with very thin ertcal, convoluted foliation: one smooth, wide to very wide, rately dipping, slightly weathered joints/fractures; pyntized, occurring (to medium size clusters.Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-I foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. 135-I --t ~~~-l---l *t~ -I -R27 141 rn0/ot too i i0n 5 l"+-~4-4>. I -.- --.1- .1 -.-1 1 -mj yron 140 141- R28: R28 146 5.0/5.0 100 100 sub--ias St 146- R29: R29 151 5.0/5.0 100 100 vertb 145 150 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BPF DENI'Y SPF CONSISTENCY HARDNESS WEvATHERING NO. PER Fr .uPAvINTrHsceSS ANGLE ATn mJ u-4 VnRY LOOSE < WVRY SOFT 1 VERY SOFT I COMPLrETE (1) 0 4r VERY CLOSMNERY THIN T HORIZONTAL 410 LOOSE 2-4 SOFT 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE (0 r-2 24r' CLOSr0/n'N 5V- SUe-HORIZONTAL 1040 MEnUMOENSE 40 M. S0FF 3 MODERATELY HARD 3 MOOERATE COt -1. 11- MOD 400 MOSE ,'- MOO DIPPING S-ar DENSE 4.15 STIFF 4 HARD 4 SuGHT (4) 11-So n-'r s-W SUn.VERT1OCAL >5O VERy DENSE 15-an vunnF 5" WRY HARD 5 FRESH 1re VERYWiIEY muo-j0. VERTICAL NOTES: 1BORING NO. I MW-40 BORING LOG ISH. 6 OF 7 BORING NO. MW- 40 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY ,ASING SIZE: 4-"d, diameAr (H) Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data 3OCK CORE: 3 7/8-inch dae (HQ)DATE END: 0 0 0 Z 0<I 0.-0;;Z 00 00 0 0 51 0 y 0 9 0 S.-tzo 0<M/S SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0 >L)00 W 0 Z NO. OF"IFRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING FRACT PER FOOT see below for values 4-I-3 5 1 -R30 "156 5.0/4.81 96 1 96 15* _mi I0: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, subvertical MARBLE with faint, very thin, b-vertical foliation: one smooth, wide, slightly weathered joint/fracture; 3.8' Undulating, smooth sub-vertical fracture, pitted surface with pyrite neralization. 31: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-l5t 1221 [IKLLL 1 -I R3 11 15- .0l1(.(J I00 100 Au feolc a triraon: no apparefrljoinuflracrures .158.0'-160.0': Healed brecciated appearance. 16C 11611i k t 5 100115.b III 16!t-+ -swe- + ---+ 4-4 R331 M1 21 44 1 16: Hard, fresh, ine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: two smooth, close, sub-vertical, slightly weathered:t/fractures.

Hard to very hard, fresh; fine grained, gray, MARBLE, very thin, faint, bhotizontal to sub-vertical foliation:

smooth, very close to close, sub-zontal to vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures. .5-170: Fractured zone: smooth, very dose, sub-horizontal to vertical, htly weathered joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with very thin, sub-vertical, tion, no apparent joints/fractures.
Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with very thin, sub-vertical ton
one smooth wide, moderately dipping, slightly weathered tfracture; 180.5'-181.0':

Healed, thin, convoluted foliation zone.FZ FZ 2 17C R34 176 5.0/.501 100 1 100 I....--.4 -I, 4-I. -.4- I. -17!R35 181 5.0/5.0 100 100 1 8C GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BIT DENSITY ear OONSISME/Al KA~oRDES WEATHERINA N D.GRF APAONAAMEA ANSUl A~rrrrUV s-u VERY LooSE < sIYTSOuT r vERY SOFT 1 COWLE trt 0 O" VERY po)No N rr HORsa OeNTA.-10D LOOSE a-2 suFT 221 SEV,2ERE CZ) 1.2 r-1r' COuERMN 5-3 SU-eHORIZONTA. 10r,0 MiUMDoESE 4- U. S'nF 3 MOERATrELY KAeD 3 616OnATE (t -r10 u'- MOD CUOSEAODnTcr1 161 MOOPDING 300 DENSE 8.15 4 HARD .UGHr 1.) 1'.20 TA-U{ 'CE 55"-8b' SUB-VERICAL Sn VERY DENSE 15-r V.STIFF 5 'Emr aARo 5 FRESH tat ý n-e ctscc .Ao* VERonCAL t. Low recovery and ROD likely due to drilling activites. NA indicates no data alaiabl IBORING NO. I -40 JSH. 7 OF 7 I BORING LOG ISH. 7 OFT7 r .I BUORIN Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY Reviewed bv: M.A. Pr G NO. MW-40 hipper-COORDINATES: PROJECT NO: 41 5 Tlock Rig BORING CO.: Aquifer DrIinB erd Tlesng R , Z 0 0 0 on I on Z z z Z'00 0 o0 0 0 0 0 o-Jo 0<SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0>Da C C-re HARDNESS IWEATHERING 0 Z I HI=NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below foe values fR36 18 [ 1 5.0/501 01 00 185 190 18-iE .R37: H R37 191 5.0(5.0 100 100 foliation187.0'-l 191- .R38: Hr R38 196 5.0/5.0 100 100 " vertical 1 int/fra ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with very thin, sub-vertical n: no apparent joints/fractures; very thin to thin discontinuous ted zones.Brd, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with very thin, sub-vertical n: smooth, wide, sub-horizontal to moderately dipping, slightly red joints/fractures; few very thin, discontinuous convoluted zones: 198.3': Healed, calcified, brecciated appearance. ard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-foliation: one smooth, wide, sub-horizontal, slightly weathered. cture.ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; very thin, discontinuous, micro-breccia; trace pitted texture along calcite healed 195 R39 205 4.0/4.01 100 100 I I I -I I I I --ints/fractures. 200 End of Boring at 200 ft.3 I I i I ..i I iEEf~H-~-~ GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK cORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS S BF DENIR' BF CNSSEC HARDNESS "I WE.ATHERING NO E w P~N/-OxYNESS ANGLE ATMUCJE 0-a VER LOOSE C VER T 1 ooFTI1 SOEC lit 0 -VERY cLOsIren R nN (1 o HORIZONTAL 4-1 LOOSE se4 soFr 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE (2) 1.2 7e,1e CLOSFJlNIN 5"-35" SUSB-OORIONTr L 10M0 ME.DIUMDENSE 4-0 M. SnFF 3 MOrEo Ly HRD 3 MODERATE re 3-10 1i-n MOO CLOSENIODO T CrE r- 5 M Do OPeNG DENSE ."15 SnIF 4 HARO 4 SUagT (4) 11-0 -YI-V Vfi NCX 00.e SUS-VEATroL 10 1-a V.Sn 5 VERy ARD 5 2 H 001 VERY -woENERY "i n-e- .vERr L NOTES:0 3. Wateroo Mulo-level Sampl/ng System installed within the borehole (refer to installation log for details); 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot well vault installed within concrete, flush with the ground sud IBORING NO. I MW 40 BORING LOGS-I03 BORING NO. MW- 41 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Ponti. Jr. -D. Scipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 54.87 feet NORTH: 462318.68 DATUM: NGVG 1929 *EAST: 604531.11 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 65 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Truck Rig .BORING CO, AqRtAI On'ng snd Teon GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER NA. FOREMAN D Woo DATE DEPTH CASING STABIUZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4-4nc diameter (HR ENGINEER-D. Bea Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA. DATE START: 211406-ROCK CORE: 3 7/B-nh dieerCals -(HO) DATE END: 202306.SAMPLE " IN SITU PROPERTIES-o m > o u..0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for o u, .Z, values values values a)~~~~~ 00,~ Za s* ) 2) --) ,.-- o1.1,2,3,4,1234 1,23,4,5 1,2,3,4 2 3 (No Soil Samples Taken)4 -* ----6 14 15 (Wahee Berc 13t 15 11 ___*_._" -...- _12 _____13 Top of bedrock af approximatety 13 feet.._ _'14 __ _15 -----(Weathered Bedrock 13 to 15.5 feet)16 3 R1 90 85 Ri: Hard, freshtoslightlyweathered, finegrained, gray MARBLE with no ......... ... ...apparent foliation: smooth to rough, very close to moderately close, 17 3 h horizontal to moderately dipping, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; .......several, white calc-silicate healed, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, verye .i- II 18 3 -lose jointslfractures; healed breccia; FZ 19 3 17.4'-18.1': Fracture zone, rough to smooth, very close to moderately 9 3 -----rnlose, horizontal to moderately dipping, i.on-olide stained joints/fractures. 2b1 4 0_21 4 R2 25.5 5.0/4.8 92 66 __"_R2: Hard to moderately hard, fresh to moderately weathered, fine grained, ..gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation: smooth to rough, very close, to 22 4 close, horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained, silt cated FZ 2 Ioints/fractures <7.23 2 1.8'- 24.5': Fractured zone, smooth to rough, very close to close, FZ.. .24 2 horizontal to sub-vertical, imon-oxide stained joints/fractures. FZ 12 25 46 26 4 R3 30.5 15.0/5.0 100 100 R3: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE with _______2 4 very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, moderately close to wide, S27 4 -,- ----snb-horizontal, joints/fractures; trame vugular texture, iron-oxide stained, 28 4 along healed, white, vertical to sub-vertical; calcite veinlets. 0 292 3_.30 4 ,1 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS OFF DENSITY sPF CONSEiNCv HARDNESS WEATH ERING NO. PER FT Su PA cN5MI A5 ANGLE ATrInOJrE 0-4 VERY LOOE Q VERYSOFT I VERY'OT I CO.MPLETE (1) 0 VCryCEQOENERY RTHIN 0"- HORMONTAL 4-10 LOOSE 2-a S 2 MEDIUM 2 S EVERE q ) 1-2 r-1. CLOSEmN I W5. Se-eHORZONTAL 103 ME0UM DENSE oM. SIFF 3 MODERATELY HARD 3 XXFmATRE (t 3-10 14' MOOD CLOSEeMxODl 3 " MOODIoPNo DI ocE .-iS 0STFF 4 KMS 4 UsUGn (4) 11-an 5un eUn-veenCaL,>50 VERYDENSE 1530 V.SI'FF 5 VERYHARD 5 FRESH W10 VERY ViVENERY THCIC j -" VERTICAL`30 HARD 1. Performed 8-inch diameter vacuum ecavation hom 0 to 8 feet. Spun and washed HW casing to 15.5 feeL Weathered bedrock encountered from about 13 to 15.5 feeL Interface sealed with grout. NA indicates no data avaial IBORING NO. I ' MW-41 BORING LOG ISH. 2 OF 3 BORING NO. MW-P41ROER Indian Point Energy Center Rvee y ..Pni r npe Entergy Nuclear Northeast RPROJECT NO:T 41.00178691C ' CoRDINATEB: I G1oAT DP H ARDNESSIEAHRIGGE FO SBuchanan, NY G.SURF. L. 54.87 feet INORTH: 462318.68!DATUM: NGVG 1929 JAT 051i SALFINAL BORING DEPTH: 65 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Tiuck Rig BORING CO.: AqLiftr Dilfing and Te-Ung GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: 0. DoId STABILZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4 di-.meter (HM ENGINEER: B- Refer to Table 6. 1 for Groundwater Data ROCK CORE: 3 7/8-n diamete (HO) DATE END : 2/23106 I*IN SITU PROPERTIES " .O !z Z 0Z o FRACTURES::z -° w' L' uJ HARDNESSI I == r WEATHERING PRFO SAPL DECITO w ..see blwfr see below for see below for 0 0 values values vle< 'u 0 r m 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 18 5 R4 35.5 5.0/5.01 100 95 tan 5 _mo"te 5 11 20 36.0- 1R5 7 R5 41.0 5.0/4.6 92 85 apf sut 5 4 4-- I I A4A 24~~~4 i 1.0/5.01 004 10 .6 O 5 4 4 4 4j JR7 46-5 5.0/5.0 100. 96 Moderately hard to hard, moderately weathered to fresh, fine grained,* gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation: smooth to rough, wide, derately dipping, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; deep vugular tura between 30.5' and 33.3'.Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, tan, gray MARBLE no parent foliation: smooth to rough, very close to wide, sub-horizontal to o-vertical, silt/clay coated joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation: ooth to rough, close to wide, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, moderately athered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, derately dipping to sub-vertical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; 5'-49.5': Healed brecciated zone with white, calcified, irregular ntsifracturas. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, derately dipping to sub-vertical foliation: rough, wide, horizontal, slightl 1 athered, joint/fracture. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE with faint, very thin, derately dipping to sub-vertical foliation: smooth, wide, horizontal to b-vertical, moderately weathered, joints/fractures. 0 n 0 A-I I I I -ir 4 5*4 _4 R8 51-56 5.0/5.0 100 100 5 5 5 5 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4 R9 56-61 5 0/5 t 1(00 .100--+-511/50-10-4-.4 5 5 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORP CHARACTERISTICS ROCK ORE CARACTRISTICS BPF 10-3 DENSITY-LOOSE LOOSE WDUM DENSE DENSE VERY DENSE BPI U4 8-15 15",So Comis-VERY so, M. STIFF STIFF v.&TIFF 1 2 3 4 5 WtRDNESS VERY SCOF MDDERATELY HARD HE05R4 VaoEoRno n1000 2SEVERE 3 MODERATE 4 SLIGHT 5. FRSH-O pER FT n1) 0 12) 1-2 (4) 11-2-I ý .: IBORING NO. IMW-41 BORING LOG ISH. 3 OF 3.BORING NO. MW- 41 0 p 0 IA Z z 0 p-0 2 0 z Z w.a, Gu.i 00 ,"x 0 0 ,.0 6 0-20;Z0.Wa 00 0 Z IN SITU PRIOPEHIEtiS SS WEATHERING NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for values see below for values 4-4-5 5~44 -4 h 2.5 RI0 61-65 t.0/4.01 100 -100 R10: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with no apparent foliation:

mooth, wide, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained oints/fractures.

see below for values 12 3 4 3 3 3 Eno of Boang at 56.0.2-+-+-4-h-+-I I 70 71 72 I 73 , 74 _____75 76 " I 77 78 79 __80 hi ______82 83 84 85 86 .87 *88 89 90 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS OFF DEN5rY oFF xossns- v ST CYHARDNESS aWEATHoERING so. Ocx FT P WrolACsNGTC40SS ANGUE ATuITnDE 0-4 reryLOOS VSERYsoF'r I VERY SOFr I 0

13) s.1 I"- x5E.MOD 0rCK 5 MODn /NG Ven GEC/SE 8-Cs SO- a CRSaSCU .HARD ¶1-20 0-1o vawd c W s Sa-voTCA,> W0 vRYDxENCSE 154-10 V.SlD 5 VERY HARD FRESH >1(7 VERY 8COENERY rA l. Monitorng wells ixstalled wIthin the horehole (reter to installaon tog ber details);

8 diameter wel vault Instated within concrete, flush with ground surf.Following xceleoon of hornano 65h feet. a second borina was installed adiscet to accommondate overburden monltorin wn 1BORING NO. I MIW-41 BORING LOG ISH. 1 OF 3 BORING NO. MW-42 Indianr Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti. Jr. -D. Schi pper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.l0 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 69.71 feet INORTH: 462750.33 DATUM: NGVD 1929 lEAST: 604857.50 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 80.0 feel DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55 Trak Rig BORING CO.: Aqiftr Slioing and Totmg GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HANMMER: SpWi Spoon FOREMAN: Dowg Wood DATE I DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4.noh d-,-,r (HW) ENGINEER: Deeis .oe roc 'Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A DATE START: 3/4lO-ROCK CORE:37 3 iAnch d-iatr (HQ) DATE END: 3116R.0"o IN SITU PROPERTIES Z w-ThA NO.OF S- -ZH FRACTURES a" A -w HARDNESS WEATHERING

0. a 5 Z lP z -X _x a u SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 x 1 0l L 0 see below for see below for see bel for 0 L) c a, E, I- a L values values values 100 1,. "*2,3,4,5, .1,2,3,4,5, , , , 1S12 1-14 5: Medium dense gray fine fo coarse GRAVEL, andi Sand, trace Silt. (no 5l101 19____14 289 24/4 1 ____ waler return daring drilling)___ 14- 7 15 S2: Medium dense gray fine to coarse GRAVEL, some Sand, little Silt.__ S2 115-171 6 -5 9 124/4 1.. ....2 It S3: Mediam dense gray hrne to coarse GRAVEL, litte Sand, little Silt. (no__ S3 20-22 6 -8 15 2412 t ____ aer retain during drilling)

.7. 9 25 Top of Bedrock at approximately 25 feet Rt: Medium herd to harrd, fresh to sligfhtly weathered, fine grained, white S5 _ Ri 26-31 5.015.0 100 10 .___MARBLE with very thin, sub-horizontal td sub-verfical foliation: smooth to FZ 6 rough, very close to moderately close, sub-horizortalt to sub-vertical,7 5 __- -slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joirtts/fractures. FZ 3~ FZ ,_ _ ..,.- .5 1 -Z 1.'10 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS .JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS oSl' OESIT'r PFf CON5SIrFTCV HARDNESS .WEAHEARINGs NO. PER FT OPACEINQNIESS ANGLE ATTITUDE 44 VERY LOOSE VEI verSOFT I VRNSOFTs~ 1 COMPETE ~ (r) 5 veer OrnocoERY 0-N HO5ROIZONTAL. 4-IS LoisE m SOFnT 2 MEgr.y 2 SeEnS 1oars GRVErSErN s 5 tUeacORSZON(AL rD. 1 MEDIUM D0EN -M. "FF 3 MODERATELY 1retu 3 MODRATE du) s-10 MOD LEiOng .TH ..ICK ... .MOo PR DEOSE 8.rn 11FF 4 H4 -(4. 1r-20 rUVR-rTCA 00 VERY OBNSE 1540 n.Serrp 5 VER ve ARD 5o MFESH rtnERYWir T~~elCIEK~ VReemCA_NOTES: t. Vacouum excavation performed from 0 to 10 feet. Spun and washed HWN easing to samrpting depths from 19 to 20 feet. Spun end weshed Easing to 26 feet. Bedrock encountered at 25 feet. Interface seated with grr BORING NO. I BORING LOG ISN 2 OF 3 BORING NO. MW- 42 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY Reviewed bI: MA. Ponti Jr. -D. Schioser PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 ICOORDINATES: I E w a z 0 6 6 0 of, X 0 of X 01 z t6 00 Z,'w 0 0J 0 0 0: 0 51 0 u..SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0>L) 0 Lv IN Z11 I U Ft(UI't I Ib NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT b see below for see below for see below for values values- .-values I I --4 1{3 313 { 15.0/5.01 1001 25 I__ 2r.31 3 VI 35 4 4L L II R3l 13.111 R3: 4 1 R ]3~4 j 1 S.IEO~1004 0 f ain A 44 -Lvv 4 40 4 4 " 1 9-4 I " 3 R4 41-46 14- 7 5.0/5O 100 30 4 4 -+ 4---- 4 -~ --+ .-3 45 3 4 6-5B Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE with..thin. sub-horizontal to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very eto dcose, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide ned joints/fractures. 46': Fracture zone: Smooth to rough, very cdose to dose, horizontal to ical, renoxide stained joints/fractures Hard, fresh to.slightiy weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE with t, very thin moderately dipping to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to nh, very close, horizontal to vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide ned joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin derately dipping, very dose, convoluted foliation: smooth to rough, ver5 e to close, to sub-horizontal to vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide ned joints/fractures... Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, derate dipping foliation: smooth to rough, very cdose to moderately e, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-snide stained siflectures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray to white MARBLE with faint, very to close, moderately dipping foliation: ?7???? joints/fractures. Hard, fbesh, fine grained, light gray to white MARBLE with faint, very se to dose, moderate dipping foliation: smooth to rough, very dose to e, moderately dippingto vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ Fz FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ A I.. -446 51 1-501501 100 4 TVWVTVKK 50 4I 4 4_R1- -_ 1~ 10 .1)v 1 o~ ...4 55 3 3.5 3.5 4 R7 56-61 5.0/50. 100 42 5 5 60 4 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRJ 4-10 00150!-154X VEen sonr sonr V.S01F I 2 vERy soFT VERY Ro..ccý2 4 IWSH (1) 0 (2e 1.t510 4 1 1-Me r-r' cUOScvs 1.r405 -D aoAsu n Y-InV orrc rNOTES:0___________ IBORING NO. MW-42 BORING LOG ISH. 3 OF 3 BORING NO. MW- 42 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY DORING CO.: AnuIfer Drl-s arid Te55w,:OREMAN: Doug Vbond INGINEER: DanielW Ba.-)ATE START: 3/14/06)ATE END 3/16,06-r r r 4 I;p': (0 0z d Lu 0 21 0 Z Wa Z'za, 0, 0 00 0 0.o 0-0 0: 0 05 20<0>Q an I IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS"I WEATHERING ES 0 NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT I 4 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for values values see below for values 60 5 5 j IRS j 6-6 5.E0/501 oo 9 J 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 4 I I)I I I t 3 65 8 19 4 R9 66-71 5.015.0 100 100 foil sli 4 4 4 19--14 Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, light gray to white ARBLE with faint, very thin moderate dipping foliation: rough, close to oderalely close. honrizontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained nts/fractures; healed breccia;.8' -65.2% Pitted texture with vugs along calcite mineralized nts/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with no apparent atmon: smooth to rough, close to wide, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, ghtlty weathered, imn-oxide stained joints/fractures. 0: Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with faint vety thin, oderately dipping foliation: smooth to rough, very close to moderately se, horizontal to moderately dipping, slightly weathered, iron-oxide ined joints/fractures. 1: Hard, fresh, light gray MARBLE with faint very thin to thin, oderately dipping foliation: smooth to rough, very close to moderately se, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, imn-oxide stained joints/froctures. 70 4 R10 1 71-76 1 14- 7 50/150 10t 92 I-h--+ -4 .- ..-I I I I _1 1 1 L1 .-a 4 75 5 4 6-5 3 Rll 76-80 4- 2 4.0/4.0 100 98 5 4 4 80 4t 4 h 4 4 + ~ 4 I-4 4 Eno of Boong at 80 feet B-B 2 85 7- 9 II 90 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTEReSTICS I PF DENSITY 0e CONSISTENCY HARDNESS WE-THERING NoPET 1 .PEn Fr u ,snWCR4WT a, ,,,Iuce 0.4 menytooSE < mRY SOFT I VERY SOFT I COMPETE (1) n WRY cLOSENERY M4N W5 HORIZONTAL 410 LosE 2-4 WOu- 2 MEus a SEVERE (2) 1-2 7.- =SONE/'r0N -F-e SUB-NORIZOrTAL In- u. ME NSE 4-a M. STIFF 3 MOnERATnELY H MODERATE (3) n-r0 1-P WoDsc DenM THsICK ST'-55 Moo NQPrINo DENSE -sl8FI 4 HARD a SLIGHT I4 1l-an 7"IP w.0EfHlCK W- SU EýRTIEuL.S] WERY DENSE 15-sn nsvv5 s n 5 WRY H5Ro FRESH 11' sRye OEnERY wr-w K 8aca" VnERTCA>3 NARD NOTES: 2. Monitonng wells installed within borehole (refer to installation log for details); t12" darnter wel vault Installed within concrete, flush with the ground surf BORING NO. I BORING LOG ISH. 1 OF 3 BORING NO. MW- 43 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Ponti. Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast .PROJECT NO: 41.0017669.00 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF, EL.. 48.76 feet NORTH: 462192.60 DATUM: NGVG 1929 lEAST: 604429.78 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 65 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME N5 TN,* Rq BORING CO.: Aquifer DllinS rnd Tebng GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: SplI Spoon FOREMAN: Dave Ca-er DATE .DEPTH CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4"nh diae (HeIF) and N-inch dianter (SW) ENGINEER: non GaO-as Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER NAý DATE START: 2)18/ER0 ROCK CORE: 3 7/4nh dia r (HQ) DATE END: 2/24/SN PIN SITU PROPERTIES -.0 3, z x z FRCUE u, 21 U " 8 .HARDNESS WEATHERING PR FOT z of 0 Ct I z o tu w E 5ZSMLEDSRITO Q* v0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION o o see below for see below for see below for.values v. alues values z ý en mL 0;0E xI 1, ,3 4 5 12 3 4.5. 1 2 3 .4.(N 0........ ............ 3 ...2.. ....3.... ....(No Soil Samples Taken from 0 to 16 feet)10 15 -"- " ---: SI 51 16-18 3 -4 10 24124 100 SI: Stiff, brown, clayey SILT. 2, 6-7 20 S2 25-27 WOH 1 4 24024 100 __ _ S2: Loose, brown SILT.S33 GRANULAR SOILS COHES/VS SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARCTERISTICS 5`r 19 SN/' en coNSIEEV HARDNESS WEATOERING 10 PER"F OFAC.GNO0EIES T -LE ATTOITUC". VERY Looe 8/ ERY SOF I NERO SOF I 00500010 (1), 0 I VERY ELOSEIVORY 114 T.N ecOFUOceT 4-10 LOOSE -4 SOF 2 WOW/IA 2 SEVERE ER) 14 T CLOSE//SO rVr SUBe.RoeEOST 15.3 eDMDENSE/ 0/ -M. 031F 3 MOSRTELY H8/R0 3 UOOBRATE (3) s.10 1-4 013MOOEXIODB4010 .WaM. B mooDIING Z30B DENSE 8.15 81/FE 4 lUE4 0/ORE(I) 11-2 Y-IP 81011&0 RE. SBO-V8R1ICAL VS ERY DENS 10 IN- S T001F 5 NERy 110/0 5 FREE OlDr 0000 BID/ERY 31400 VE'W 008AI I HAoRD S 2. Perforved 8-inc diameter vaoHm eo44veon 100 to 6 feel Z. Spun0 and washed 4-inch (6 anter (HV) 040(8 from 6 ER 16 fee t. Removed I-SE casin8 and installed 6-inch diameter (SW=IR~BNng. Spun aed washed SER casnlg to samplling depths frow 168to35 fee IBORING NO. I W4 BORING LOG I.. ..SBORING NO. MW- 43* ,Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: OORDINATES:

Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 48.76 feet INORTH: 462192.60 DATUM: NGVG 1929 EAST: 604429.78..... 'FINAL BORING DEPTH, Rs feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55 Trak Rig BORING CO.: AquiferDrilling and Testng GROUN D WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Spift Spoon FOREMAN: DaveCare DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE; 44nh dia.e.. r(HW) and6--nh diametr tSW) ENGINEER:

Anton Gall.. Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 2A1BIDS ROCK CORE: 3 7/8-inch diametr (HO) DATE END : 2/24/06 P ý" 0, IN SITU PROPERTIES Z 2 0 w SAPEECRPINHARDNESS WEATHERING PRFOT--zo-- AMLEDECRPI-O X z AMP D a see below for see below for see below for values values values<) -_- o 1,2,123.4 5 1,2,3.45, 12.3.4" S3 30. 32 -H 3 24/2 , 1 .- .S3: Very loose, brown, Silt.-Top of Bedrock at about 32.5 feet.$4: Very dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, litle Silt, trace fine Gravel.35 S4 35-37 19 35 95 23/18 IWeathered bedrock)--I0101 I .------ --- --7 6 RI 42.5 5.0/4.6 92 R: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, moderatel 0-dipping to sub-vertical foliation: smooth, very close to moderately close, 8" _ horizontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained 0 4Dints/fractures; trace disseminated pydet at 3'.4 -4 4 F 42.5-3 R2 47.5 5.0/5.0 100 77 R2: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, FZ 4 moderately dipping to sob-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to S3. -moderately widely spaced, horizontal to sub-vertical slightly weathered, irOn FZ oxide stained joints/fractures; -..45 3 --- -41.3'-45.4': Fracture zone, smooth to rough, very close to wide, horizontal FZ"4 sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 1Z 3 47. 5-_3_R 52.5 5.0/5.0 ILO_ 00i/ _ R3: Hard, fresh, fioe grained gray MARBLE with pyrite crystals, moderately dipping to sub-vertically, very close slighty weathered and oxidized 4 oints/firactures. 0 50 4 Fractures at 48,5' and 49.5' with pyrite crystals.504 4 4 2 R4 57.5 5.0/5.0 100 73 R4: Hard, fresh, Oine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, very close to moderately close, sub-vertical, 3 slightly weathered, imon-oxide stained joints/fractures. 55 3 -" 3 3 57.5 --5: Hard, fresh, fine grained MARBLE with sub-horizontally to sub-verticall-3 R5 62.5 5.0/5.0 100 93 tlipping, very close, slightly weathered, smooth to rough joints/fractures. Minor firacture sf 60.5'.3 60 4 E l 1- 3 GRANULAR SOILS

  • VERY OF' ERT Son I IrI 0 V2 Ev5RY WVENRYa TcrK "- HORIZONTAL 4-10 LOOSE 04 Fr .2 MEDJUM 2 SEVERE () 1-2o-1n Vy R .sx MEDIUMDENSE M .5. 3 ,ODEeALY (3)0 3 1 55 r, c- MOD OIPFýNG DtESE .15 SIFF 4 HAR= SLIGHT (4) 11-20 n-tn UCon or-er SuB-vERTnCA.

VERY DENSE 15- VFF r-a v VERYHARD "uFRESc 1n VRTesAl NOTES-4 Difficult drlling with a rollerbit at 32.5 feet (weathered bedrock encountered

5. SW casing sealed into bedrock with grout at 37.5 feet IBo, NO. I~w BORING LOG...BORING NO. MW- 43Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper EntergyNulaNotesPRJCNO 4101890 C DATS Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 48.76 feet 462192.60 DATUM: NGVG 1929 JEAST: 604429.78 m FINAL BORING DEPTH: 65 feet)RILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55-Truc Rig BORING CO: AqdfOtg and Testng GROUND WATER READINGS;AMPLER: Split Spoo FOREMAN: Daveý DATE IDEPTH I CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4*ninc diarnmt, (H~v-)ad diameter (SW) ENIEERAnl Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data ,ASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE SARTl IOCK CORE, 3 7/8Anchdiameter HQ) IDATE END : WNW2 E Z 0-o z 0.Z 0n I-I: U_2 E 0==.J X z Zu~s/ti 04W 2 zu ma 00 usa'uJ 0 oýF 0 a'0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Z 0>Na, a >W , 0 0 HARDNESS WEATHERING b so NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT 0 see below for see below for values values see below for values I I -I -I- -... .., 3 3.3 R 65. 2.5/2.5 1R6 97 3 R6: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thinsub-horizontal foliation:

no apparent joints/fractures. 2 65 End of Bonng at 65.0'.1 6 I I I I I I I I I 11 I- I IF 12 ,.. I4U.. 4. 6..... i.iiI GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS SIPv m-sn BRF CONSISTENCY HARDNsESS WEATHERING O P0. 00FT OFXCICt50tH5<50 "LSE ATTITUtE 0.4 SERYLOosE Q VERY SOFT 1 VERY 5Fr I COMPLETE (1) a < 5ORYCOStENERYflON 0 HORIZONTAL 4-r1 LOOSE 2.4 S0FT 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE .2) 1 -2 r CLOS-I5 N 5.5 SUe-HORIZO `TAL" 10-30 MEDaUMD0N05 4-D N M. STIFF 3 MODERA TELY HA 3 MOoERATE 51 3-rn10 1-3 M DCLO -E fOD'TH IC K5-55 MoD DIPPING no-50 DENSE 6-15 S01FF 4 HARD SLIGUHT 1," Or-on .10' OOlt 55t SUe-VERýTIAL >5OVERY DENSE 1s- 0", FF 0 see ERyAdI 0 FRESH ..10 0 Wh-50 VoTICAe NOT9S>3O HARD -NOTES: 6. Monitoring wells installed within the borehole (refer to installation log for details); 12" diameter well vault installed within concrete, flush with ground surf IBORING NO. I MW-43 BORING LOG sH.1OFC BORING NO. 44* Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by MA. Pooh., Jr D S. Shit er Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 93.52 feel NORTH: 462499.91 DATUM: NGVG 1929 EAST: 604016.43 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 105 feet DReLLING RIG MODEL. CME 55 Tr-ck Rig BORING CO.: Aifer DnHliC an-dTear GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Split Spon FOREMAN: DougWend DATE .DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZEE 4vh dinameter (HWI ENGINEER: Danreia BastosRidi Pn Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA. SATE START: 3105106 ROCK CORE 3 7/8-inch diamete (HO) D SATE END: 3/10/SO P UJ "-- " cnIN SITU PROPERTIES U. 0 z FRACTURES i3 SAMPLEDESCRIPTION ro HARDNESS WEATHERING H So 0 O-- 5 0 I > ~ C see below for see below for see below for z ~ 0. 0 z v vales values values o. I 1. 1 1 0 -0 2 4 1m 4.323, , 12.,., ,,....... .. ..... ...... ...........-.. ....... ...'..... .. ..... .... .... ... ... ..5..--..... .-.... ....S1: Loose, brown and gray, fine to coarse SAND, and Gravel, trace Silt.S1 8-10 2-63 7 24/4 -(fil) "" 10 4 -13 4.. 4 .. ....v...... ... .:.3 15.. ..... ... .. .. .. ....' $r2: Loose, brown and gray, fine to coarse SAND, and Gravel, trace Silt.a r S $2 18-20 3 -r6 I 0*e44(firl) 7C .1.... 20 4 1 4., 25.P 2r -S3: Very dense, gray, fine to Coarse GRAVEL, some Sand, little Sit, pe 2 3 28o 6 4- 60/1di 10( 7/5 of gravel on tip of spoon. da.... .1034. feet..3OI N MW-4 ..GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS _..JOINT/FRADTURE CHARACTERISTICSSI~ R SPACI-H-NESS _-DEI 4-1 ,4 OFT2 MEDIUM .-REVIF D2) 1-2 7-1-, 5"5 U- -CT DENSE u, en- SI 3 MODRATELYHR 3 M-ORArE p3) 3,10 ill3 THI- 35.5 OD DE& 81 T 4 H`R` UH (4) 11-Z0 3-tEamO~3IC boSUV 1. Performed 8=inch diameter vacuum excavation from 0 to 8 feet and took &-1.2. Spun and washed 4-inch diameter (HW) casing to sampling depths from 8 to 34 feet.3, Bedrock encountered at approximately 31 feet. BORING LOG ISH. 2 OF 4 BORING NO.44 Rev. 1- MAP Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti. Jr. -D. Schi Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.00 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 93.52 feet NORTH: 46249.91 DATUM: NGVG 1929 EAST: 604516.43 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 105 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 T-n, Rig BORING CO.: AqAifri D1i1inf gad Teting GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Spit Sp0n FOREMAN: D5ug Wod DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE 4-inch dkmetelr tHW ENGINEER: Danieta BastelosJR Porn Referto Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. SATE START: 3/106t0 ROCK CORE: 37/8foh diamleter (H1) ATE END: 3/1006 IN SITU PROPERTIES atW NOýOF S Z I zHRDESFRACTURES u HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT E B o "0 se below for see below for see blow for v m Z alues values values o 0 ._Top of bedrock at approximately 31 feet.....~~~... ... ... .... .. ... .... ........ ..... i.... .... ... ...... ..35 1 I: Fracture zone. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE with 4 2 RI 36-41 5.0/5.0 100 50 faint very thin to thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, very dose, horizontal FZ ....../to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; FZ 2 3.5 36'-40': Fracture zone, smo th, very close to close,. sb-hodzontal to sub- FZ 5 vertical, irn-oxide stained jointstfractures. FZ 40 4 " 4 ..R2: Hard, fresh, fine grained. gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-4 R2 41-46 5.0/5.0 100 84 vertical foliation: smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-ocide stained jointslfractures; 5 43-0'-45.0': Fracture zone, smooth, very close to close, sub-hodzontal to .....sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fraect.res. F 4 ..45,4 4Z 4 4 L 4 3 I435 ./.1J D 2 R3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, w ery thin, sub- ;-'7 "" " 4 R3'6-51 5.0/5.0 f 0 7 vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to moderately close, sub- 0 horizontal to sub-vertical, sit caated, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; 5 _ rTylonized texture: 49.5'- 51.0': Fracture zone, smooth to rough, very close, sub-horizontal to 5-L -sub-vertical, silt caated, iron-oxide stained joints/tfractures. J.V 0-80 5 .. .. FZ R4: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-6 R4 51-56 5.014.0 80 40 vertical foliation: smooth, very close to dose, sub-horizontal to sub- FZ NO vertical iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; mylonized texture;6.6 54.0'- 56.0': Fracture zone, smooth, very close, sub-horizontal to vertical, 2 irn-oxride stained jointsifraotuws. 55 5 R5: Hard, fresh, fine grained, tan-white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-3.5 R5 56-61 5.0/5.0 100 68 vertical foliation: smooth, very close to moderately close, moderately 3 dipping to sub-verfical, iron-oxide stained joints/faactures. 60 4 0 _ _ _ _ _ __GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS ac DENS, conWIoroo 040000150 "HEdttcNa no en. oPA5AYR ESS -z0E OtTnAOE 4-10 .LO0000 44 NchT .z UE[AU .SEVERE (2) 1.2 a = .OScnoTHIN 1o3on ME0IU010 4.E N, SE 3 MoOdORATLy D ro MmoATE DrI 3-10 `-S MOO LOS-iBoTH W-5 MOn DoMNt DAENS 4nI-r 0-rn BrTIEF 4 0s000U0I VERyoN tt-ou VSIgp 5 oevY HARD S PRESH 00 VERyevv '30 00005 4. SPun and washed casing to 34 feet and sealed casing into bedrock wigh grout.IBORING NO. I W4 BORING LOG ISH. 3 OF 4 BORING NO. 44 Rev. 1 -MAP 0Q Z 0.0 0 a w 0 z-0u0 roo u, 0 0 0 0 aa Sz 0f-<O z 0>NWr 0 >0 0 u-m 0 zJ IN 61U PROPERTIES -NO NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for values values 1 9 ql A~5 4 2.5 R 16-66 15h.6/5.0~ 100 18 u- 3 --i 0 J 3.5.1 Ivertic en 4 I ,.,- 00 -~-61.: Fracture zone, rough, very close to close, moderately dipping b-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, ertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to moderately close, silt d, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; healed calcified breccia; slightly texture along calcified joints/fractures; -66.0': Fracture zone, smooth, very close, sub-hodzontal to sub-al, silt coated, iren-oxide stained joints/fractures. dar, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub- -Oalto convoluted, foliation: no apparent jointstfractures. lard, fresh, moderately to slightly weathered, slightly fractured to t, fine grained, tan-white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical on: smooth to rough, widely spaced, sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained ated joints/fractures, slightly pited texture along healed calcified 4 R7 -1 1 1. .1 1 10 1 vanic 4 4 70~r1Pe I 50/ 0 10 I~ lon-4 ___4... ........PZ -PS ,4 4d d- wll--- --I 4 oints/fractures. 751 4 1 I I I (0 0-I 5 0/5 0 100 10 , 'oun, 4 1 i l~~80 5 R1C 3 RIO 81-86 5.0/5.0 100 100 sub 7 3 H-a, fresh, fine grained, gray to tan-whde MARBLE with faint, very sub-vertical foliation: rough, close, sub-vertical, lron-oxide stained s/fractures; transitional contact between gray and tan-white marble al Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray to white MARBLE with faint, very thin, vertical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-I 86 R1 1 8691 01 too 1100 3-weathered joints/fractures. 4 -+ -4r P -4 ~- -I- -I~-3 90 4 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS v- VYL cve <2 veyS(wn 1 YOv T 1 COMnoETn ( I 0 ,It s.LeV-,YTHIN 01-& ,1)ovr Z CT 4 -0uaE "vr 2 MEDIUM 2 05 (2) 1.2 , a-.1 IN c,5°cS -lrT y50 ovey 00N0 i-n 150 VeFF -Vroy vero s rouse -rVEI -sk'.O"e ven'ne NOTES: IBORING NO. I W-.44 BORING LOG ISH.4 OF 4 BORINGNO.44 Rev.-MAP Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr.- .Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.00 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 93.52 feet NORTH: 462499.91 DATUM: NGVG 1929 EAST: 604516.43 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 105 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CE 55 T. Rigl BORING CO.: AW %, Ddle nd TeeTQ GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Split Spoon FOREMAN: Dol Vod DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME EASING SIZE 4.h dEareter I ENGINEER: Dunila faos'RI/K Pont Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data EASING HAMMER N.A. DATE START: DsdlN ROCK CORE: 3 711_1 diamte (HO) DATE END : W0106 R1Hrdehloe.aNned HARDNESSg WEATHERING PER FOOT 0it/r~rD c.3 0 SAPLE DSCRIPION Waý I- see below for see below for seblofr 95 4 ,,, O ovalues values vle R I I i 3:45 Had frsh flo 4ried g5, to, 2,h MABL 4oSG eyti 4 R" 611 ./. R,15 sSntia "oiton no appren "oostrdrS myo true 4 15" "R12: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray Mo with, MARBLE with faint, war-3 R12 91-96 5.0/5.0 100 10O0 thin, Convoluted sub-horizontal to sub-vertical foliation: no apparent 95 4R1 3: Hakt, fresh, fine gra ined, gra .y to .white MARBLE .with faint, vey thin, !1 " 4 R13 96-101 5.0/4.8 10 100 sub-vertic l foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; myltnized texture.1005 4 _110 __L SO10- , R14: HarCE, freshR fine grained, gray MARBLE with OTUaint, Rry thin, subC H TI 0.I3 R14 105 4.0/4.0 100 100 vertical foiatin pparent joints/fractures; mylonized texture. ...... .3 0 15End of Boring at 105.0 ft.I.. *. ..... ... .- .....1151 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACERISTS -0 LCO6E 24 SOFT Z2 UýU EGEI -2 " "3" 10-30 EDM[NSS M MO[DERAT ~ PAD (cenoo 36-,6 -,, o" ltoK]pt>0 varoT EYHRDSFEH VERY THO VERTICAL NOTES: 5. Monitoring wells installed winthe borehole (referto installation log for details): 12"diameter wall vauet installed within conerate, flush with ground surface.IBORING NO. MW-44 BORING LOG SH.1 OF3 BORING NO. MW- 4s Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41 .0017860.00 S COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 53.66 feet NORTH: 452385.52 DATUM: NGVG 1929 EAST: 604471.96 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 65 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL' CME 5STrUR Rig BORINGCO.: A fertg nd Tehing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A.. FOREMAN: S. Cater DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: -diameter (HVV) ENGINEER: AnteR Galas Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. SATE START: ýGI ROCK CORE: 3 7ric diameter (HO) DATE ENDS: 320.-IN SITU PROPERTIES NOOF Z z ZFRACTURES -2 0 III WEATHERING-of a. =_j SAMPLE DESCRIPTION " see below for see below for see below for w 0e D, X 0 --no Z values values vales o d 5_ 0...-'" oo .-. 5 *1 2340 2345 13 S 6.10.. 11.5- " 4 RI 16.5 5.0/1.51 30 0I RI: Boulders and Marble rock fragments. 3~ ... ... ...... .. ......3 *15 4

  • Top of bedrock at approximately 1 feet 4 16.5- .3 R2 20.5 4.0/3.9 97 87 R2: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub- 2 0 horizontal foliation:

smooth, very close to moderately close, horzontal to 3 sub-hodzontal ir.n-o.ide stained joints/fractures. 2.20 3 it.20.5-3 R3 25.5 5.0/5.0 100 85 R3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint very thin, sub- ! , 4' ~ ~~~~~~horizontal foliation, very close to wide ....derately dipping to sub-3 ________Vertical Iron-oxide stained jolnts/fractures; 22.6'-24.2': light mry -marble zone; : 4 ... .....25 30 R4 30.5 5.0/5.0 100 90 R4:Hard, fresh. fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-horizontal foliation: smooth to rough, wery dose to wide, sub-horizontal, F 2 slightly weathered, ion-oxide stained joints/fractures. 26.8'- 28.3' Fracture zone: smooth to rough, very close to wide, sub-3 " " horizontal, slighty weathered, iran.onide stained-joints/fractures. PZ 1 3 ___30 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS B DFENSITY BF CN rENYi.ARDNESS ,i w1COPETE'N'TRING PGNom"HI'NES, NS OiO~rLTRJ 0.4 .vROYLOCSE '2 VReYsceT 1 VOreRo n n) o Vy.rl 4-10 LOoSE 2 ,EDIw SRE .A 10.40 EOIAMNaw 04I a.nFFr 4 o I~la ,n nwe-nr tI 0-10 .1-0 UBSRE"R a olwvOR4wE 10-50 one3 N 40ev lows 0 mod NOTES 1. Performed 8-inch diameter vacuum excavaton fom 0 to a feeL Spun and washed 4-inch diameter (HW) casing from 6 to 11.5 feet and took R1.2. Spun and wasahed casing to 16.5 feet (top of bedrock et 15 feet). Interface seealed with grout to stabilize casing.IBORING NO. MW-45 j BORING LOG If=0 O 0 w¢.wLU J O-=<0 W ilk 06 0*0.a-.o 0 *oi~SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 130.5 -I 35 2rno-3.a 0.u0.u 0u ou i:: mars. Darn g[ay rvn,0Ln w~n very R5, 3u5-nonz a 1l50.o0a0on: rough, wide, sub-vertical slightly weathered joints/fractures. 3 2 .3 .I 3 35.5 -2 R6 40.5 5.0/5.0 100 94 RE: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin. sub-horizontal, foliation: smooth, very close to wide, sub-horizontal to sub.2.5 -vertical, iron-oxide stained jointslfractures. 2.5 3 I 3 .40.5 -2.5 R7 45.5 5.0/0.0 0 84 R7: Moderately hard to hard. slighly weathered to fresh, white to dark gra MARBLE with faint, very thin, siub-vertical foliation: smooth to rowgh, very 2 .._ close to wide, sub-vertical to veriical iron-oxode stained joints/fractures. 40 2 ISH.2 OP 3 BORING NO. MW- 45 d by: M.A. Pont, Jr. -D. Schipper.T NO: 41.0017809.00 COORDINATES: EL. 53.66 feet NORTH: 462385.52 NGVG 1929 lEAST: 604471.90 ORING DEPTH: 65 feet GROUND WATER READINGS DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME Refer to Table S.1 for Groundwater Data IN SITU PROPERTIES 0, HARDNESS WEATHERING PRFOT 0 see below tnr see below for see below for to values values values 00 0 3 3 1 "I 1~. 2_1 1 IBORINTG NO.SS MW-T45 II T 2 S40.50 45 R8: Hard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with faint, very thin. sub-vertica foliation: smooth to mough, close to moderately dose, sub-horizontal to vertical, iron-cndde stained joints/fractures I 4 -I -I .......1........ +/- -L -3

  • i t 50 I0.5 -15 R90n~, 41 01.0/.01 10u4 1d 90 .:~eaa 1=;i 5 2 52.2.5 2.5 2 RIO 00. 5.0/5.0 100 74 R1 55 fresh, white to dark gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-liation: smooth to rough, very Close to moderately close, sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures.

': Fracture zone,§mooth to mough, very close to moderately close, cal to vertical. Iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; tact between gray-white Marble., slightly weathered to fresh, light to dark gray MARBLE with thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to ly close, moderately dipping to vertical: CLAY GOUGE, iron-oxide intsfraclatues; ': Fracture zone, smooth to mough, very close to moderately loset ly dipping to vertical; CLAY GOUGE, iron-oxide stained.-.0. 5 -~ 0- 1 1 .1.- 1 -.1'2-I I .1 11-- -2.5 3 GRANULAR SOILS I COHESIVE SOILS I ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS I 0.iPF-E 15-30 vener w0 HARD 2 oley Wee 3 LU 4 p)o Ii ml or l GOTESw a. Graphitic mica observed in driling fluid while drilling bhetwee 30.511 and 35.5ft BORING LOG SH.3 OF3 BORING NO. MW- 45 Indian Point Energy Center Reiewed by: MA. Ponti. Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.00 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. .53.66 feet NORTH; 462385.52 DATUM: NGVG 1929 EAST: 604471.96. FINAL BORING DEPTH: 65 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 TruSR Rig BORING CO.: AquifreDrllhng Bred Teseg GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN:De Carter DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4-nNS diameter H ENGINEER: A-ton Gallas Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data EASING HAMMER. N.A. DATE START: V201086 I ROCK CORE: 3 7C8H ESJ diametTr (HO) DATR ENDC: 3RA IS6 TICS IN SITUPROPERTIE BOiN NO. OF-4 M .ý I -z: 0 o u HARDNESS WEATHERING PRFO w. 'j .w w- SAPL DESCRIPTION of see below for see below for seblofr lu -. I- to z 0 <Values values -vle oo p5 2 RI1 65.5 1 5.0/5.01 10g 98 RI 1: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white to dark gray MARBLE with no appaen!; ~~~~foliation: two, rough, close, sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide ... " 2 .stained joints/fractumrs. 65.9 3 End of Boring at 65.5 ft.4 70...... ....t.85-a 'm No ANL I LODSE~- -eaII1 2 1 l I uýVER 1 S E I BORING LOG OF 2 BORING NO. MW- 46 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed b MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast FROJECT NO: 41.0017869.00 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 18.08 feet NORTH: 462431.26 DATUM: NGVD 1929 "EAST: 604328.72 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 31.5 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME LT55 Track Rig BORING CO.: Aquifer DOlhng and Tening GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: Dave Carter DATE DEPTH F CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: diaeerer (HW) ENGINEER: Afton Dallas Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER N.A. DATE START: 2/14,06 ROCK CORE: 3 7/8-inch diaeeter (HO) DATE END: 211710 P .7.- IN SITU PROPERTIES NO OF....2 FRACTURES Zo .-...HARDNESS W EATHERING 10 Z 5 .A ~ PER FOOT 10 10 I-:1SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for see below for e. 0 10 u 1 Zw M Z values values values X .~ 3 45 12 3i4,0. 11, 2. 3 4.-------(No Soil Samples Taken)5 Top of Bedrock at 5 feet 6.05-5 R1 11.5 5.0/3.4 67 0 Ri: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, light gray to white FZ ..... ..MARBLE, with no apparent foliation: smooth, very close, horizontal to 4 vertical, .r ..-o ide stained joints/fractre s: 6.5%-13.8': Fracture zone, smooth, vetr close, horizontal to vertical iron-3-oxide stained joints/fractures. F. 1 10 10 12 1 2 !Z 11.5- R2: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-vertical 3 R2 16.5 5.0/3.6 72 40 foliation: smooth to rough, very close to close, horizontal to vertical, i.o- PZ i oxid. onie stained joints/fractures; healed breccDa, with vet thin calcite ..3 _ _ mineralization, *3 15 I12 ., 9 PZ C5 19.0- R3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-3 R3 21.5 5.0/0.0 100 82 verticai foliation: smooth, very close to close, horizontal to sub-vertical, imo- PZ 1.-oxide stained joints/fractures; trace pitted texture along calcite mineralized 3 joints/firactures between 18' and 20.2; .,Z , e, , :5 15,6'-16.5' and 17.0-17.7: Fracture zone, smooth, very close to close, -, 3 horizontal to sub-vertical, iran-oxide stained joints/fractures. 20 4 3 2...21.0-3 R4 26.5 5.0/5.0 100. 100 R4: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliaties: smooth moderately cl.ose, sb-horizontal to sub-vertical 3 iwon-oxide stained joints/fractures. 3 20 4 4 D 26.5- N -3 R5 31.5 5.0/5.0 100 68 R5: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, vew thin, sub- FZ .vertical foliation: smooth, very close to wide, horizontal to vertical, slightly 3 ----,____ eathered, iron-otxide stained loints/tfuctures; -_26.5'-27.1" and 29.5'-30.0': Fracture zone, smooth, very close, horizontal to* 3 v e rt ic a l, im -o x id e s ta in e d jo in ts /fra ct u re s ........ .GRANULAR SOILS CHSVEYSOIL ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS .JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0- Ae COOasE 10 aSRVs0 I REs "vL7 A)O --TH soOeon-r LSE a F 2 MEUA .2 SEVRE 1-2 -1 CT 1{ne ME.AU.. nsnE da a. Sr I F 3 M Ai. y meo r Moc ncRA to 0-10 1ENS 3MODEFJMIYO TIO< H DM E T3 Mo Du -Pe Ns VDENSE 0.15 SnPR a Hone a. sRESH 1-ne be-~t v CAL VE RY O ENSE = STI I ASRR v sS G t. -- VER nR 70-TES" 1. Performed 8-inch diameter vacuum excavation to 5 feet (top of bedrock). Spun and washed 4-inch diameter (HW) casing to 8.5 feet and set Into rook with grout.IBORING NO. I MW46 BORING LOG S. F BORIN LBORING NO. MW- 46 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Poll. Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.00 COORDINATES: "Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 18.08 feet NORTH: 462431.26 DATUM: NGVD 1929 6EAST: 04328.72 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 31.5 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME LT5D Treck Rig BORING CO.: AguAlar CIr 5 ced Tesl GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER:NA. FOREMAN:Dae Ce DATE DEPTH I CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SEE: 4-inch diameter r19W ENGINEER: Aeton Galas Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER N.A. DATE START: 2C1400 OCK CORE: 3 7/84on dcameter (HO) DATE END: V17M0N IN SITU PROPERTIES 0t .wNO.OF A1 l 0. oHARDNESS ý WEATHERING PRF= 0 a~uo > Z___° 0 0 0 .mO SAMPLEDESCRIPTION 000 s Nee below for see below for Seebelowtor Ow ,,00 HO, z R vles S0 value values va 00 LL 23 9 1 34 2 0 0 ,2 , ,5 , .3 4 , 119 6 8 End of Borng at 315. 2.n... ....... ..... .- ....,,.35-........-- ........~ ~ ...._ ...... ... .. ..40.... ........ .....45.... ........ .. 4 .-50 55 GRANULAR SOILS COHESESOL ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIPIRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BFF CENS`T, III 00IRnEO HAAONess WEtATHERING NO PERFT -P -NAESS OANL ArTTIlOC 0 0 LW~s, SOFTevN I GORy SOFT I 000N0' ()l.410o LNE 24 072 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE pSf 1.2' -IN 0.071 5W seooo 10.3 MEDIUM D000 S 400E S "CODREL SeA -5 300010DERl 0.( 0 1.300- 004 01103' Mo~odm11 30 D.0 NE .5. STIF HAR SLIG0 ( 45 4) 112 11e 300000 5-S sueB.RORIE

2. Borehole left opsens ae open borehole monitorngt poist. No equipmoentinstalled (refer to Inostallation log for details).

12' diameteer wellvaultinstalledwCithi concrete, fluh wthofthe ground surface.IBORING NO. I MW-46 BORING LOG ISH.I OF 3 BORING NO. MW- 47 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponl, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 70.32 feet NORTH: 462694.08 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604651.13 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 80 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL CME L,55 T-r1 Rg BORING CO.' Dnling ard TOeRi GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER RAMMER N.A. FOREMAN: Dave Carter DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 6 diaometer (SW) ENGINEER: Antn Galla/ODaniela Baeen Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA. DATE START' D'2r 6 ROCK CORE: 3 7/8-ichdiamenter(HQ) DATE END : A SITU PROPERTIES .I- NO. OF-Z E :Z FRACTURES-- 0 HARDNESS WEATHERING Z N -" PER FOOT 0Fop oA y see below fo .e below fr se below for w 0 of1-M values Values values Q~~ I O Ul 0 (No Soil Samples Taken)." ITop of bedrock at approximately 1 3 feet ... ..- -R1: Hard to moderately hard, moderately to slightly weathered, fine 15 I 3 Ri 149 5,014.9 95 '5tgrained, gray dolomitic MARBLE with no apparent foliation: rough, nery : close to close, horizontal to Vertical, ion-oxide stained silty sand Coated, healed calcified, brecclated texture joints/fractures; -15 15.7'-18.5': Fracture zone, rough, very close to close, horizontal to 10 I '1 vertical, ieon-oxide stained, silly sand coated jointstfractures. .S 3 FZ 2 ".R2: Hard, moderately weathered to fresh, Oine grained, gray MARBLE widh 20 I3 R2 19245.015.2 100 -26 no aoparent foliation: rough, very close to wide, moderately dipping to sub v. ertical iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; healed, calcified brecciated .>4 Rotexture; 3 2 22.8'-23.1': Fractured zone, rough, very close, moderately dipping to FZ 0 2 subbertical, ion-oxide stained joints/fractures.. 4 32 1R3: Moderately hard to hard. slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained. gray 25 3 R3 24-29 5.0/5.0 100 90 MARBLE with no apparent foliation: rough, very close to close, sub- .horizontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, Iron-oxide stained 3 ------________joints/fractures; 26.0'-26.4': deep nugularzone along pitted, irregular, calcified 2 _______ sints/fractures. 3 3 'Z _2-30 3 Rd 1 5.0/5.01 100 88 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS DEN SNI~TY Ow CwoSENry HARDNESSN Oo. PE SP ANG ATTTuOE 0-4 A -a ryor I VIT 1 COaR.rE I) o .,T 4-10 L.C 0-4 aT 2 MESM .2 EVERE q 10.30 MODIAM 4- 1, 1Fr 3 &RODRATELy HARD 3 UMArOi -. HcooceOm 30-n ..E15 nFF .HARD 4 IGt -1".ISO Ver IowE

  • IS-30 v- enr VRyHARO .V HIO< VErCALARD NOTES: 1. Performed 8-Inch diameter narcuum excavaton to 6 feet Spun and washed 6-inch diameter (SW) casing trom 6to 14 feet Bedrock encountered at about 13 feet SW casing set into the bedrock with grout IBORING NO. I MW-47 BORING LOG 1514.2 003 BORING LOG Fs. ot BORING NO. MW- 47 P z Er 0 Z o Lu: 0 S.w Z L Lc.o0 0 0 2 0 o 0 Sm ,o SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0, 0>mLU n00 0 Er FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT see below for see below for values values see below for values!... ..I ..... L ........ ... -Irsfo raoa ryM I O oltro monE 3 3 3 3+vi os I 34.30 In (r/ot 1001 07 35 R5 34-39 50150 1001 97 1 1 51nuoul, 3 4 3.5 R 4 .401 8 R6 3-45.015.01 10 86 A----1 --Juoe sta 3-I I-a , resh ine I grainea, gray M.AR-BLE with foliation:

smooth to ry close to wide, horizontal to vertical, slightly weathered, irev-ined joints/fTactures; healed breccia with calclc mineralization. .fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation: ctose to wide, suobhorzontal, slightly weathered, imon-oxide hints/fractures; healed breccia, with calcic mineralization., fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray to light gray* with no apparent foliation: smooth to rough, very close to wide, I to sub-horizontal, moderately weathered, clay coated, irn-ised joints/fractures; 5': CLAY GOUGE.2: Fracture zone, smooth, very close, horizontal to sub-l, clay ceated, imn-oside stained joints/fractures., fresh, fine grained, light to dark gray MARBLE with faint, very-vertical foliation: smooth torough, very close to wide, horizontal clures; healed breccia with calcic mineralization iron-oxide , fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-liation: smooth to rough, wide, sub-horizontal; iron-oxide stained ctures.fresh, fine grained, white to light gray MARBLE with no apparen smooth to rough, moderately close to wide, horizontal, lren-oxide lnts/firactu res.3 45 21 R7 .44- 100 95 3 3 *3 i 50 3 R8 49-54 i5.0/.0 1oo 100 3.3 3 55 2 R9 54-59 5.0o5.0 100 100 2 3 3 3 R.I 59-. 4' '5.0/5.0, 100 100.....GRANUJLAR vOILs S(311R GRANULAR SOILS f S iii V'y MEDIUM -I~yDE i2 1s..m. trnýMTIF Vimý]F 3 _ Tt~y HAD 4 .uto 5 vlý ý HR 1 COMPLET 2 P1) 0 (4) 2"10 MO *O0U 0-lr au Vre sr0uaenunsynm u's' eo~zo5r0E. !'.05' soe.moslmnnai. 51000 IduemePsEr 51000 rasveenreAJ. ae',Er' 0505000.IBORING No. I MW-47 BORING LOG ISH.3 OF3 BORING NO. MW- 47 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schi per Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 70.32 feet NORTH: 46 .308 DATUM: NGVD 1929 6EAST: 04651.13 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 80 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME LOS Track Rig BORING CO,: Aquiter Dtlin and Teaing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: Dav Carter DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 0-ih diameter (IS) ENGINEER: Anan Gaa Daniela Basto Refer to Table 6.1 for Grouedwater Data CASING HAMMER. NA. DATE START: SOSSO6 -- t-ROCK CORE: 3 710SAnch diatenter (HQ) DATE END: 3W1/6 IN SITU PROPERTIES ---to NO.OP a Ztb zFRACTURES --z z : J0 HARDNESS WFtAT EI NLKN 5 0 d uAR.0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION H W P P 0 A a 5 < 0 see below for see below for see below for o 9 .values values values L, .0. 0 uo .: -.0 0 0 0 2 4 AR.AR'- 13,2,345 R1 : Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, ". : i: 1 3 ____~foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; healed breccia with calcic <I N .mineralization. ' " .3 RI 1: Hard, Besh; fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin foliation: 3 Rll 64-69 .5.0/5.0 100 100 smooth to rough, wide, horzontal, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 0 65 3 3 0 3 R12: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin foliation: 3 R12 69-74 5.0/5.0 100 100 rsmooth to rough, wide, horizontal, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 0 70 3 3 .... .. ..... .. ..... ... ..-3 4 A.R13: Hard, slightly weathered, fine grained gray MARBLE with very close, 3 R13 74-79 5.0/5.0 100 100 , convoluted sub-hodzontal to sub-vertical foliation: no apparent oints/factures,. 75 .3..... .... .R14: Hard, slightly weathered, fine grained gray MARBLE with very close, 3 R14 79-80 1 1.0/1.0 100 100 coonvoloted sub-hodzontal to subi-velical foliation. 0*0 End of Boring at 80 feet.85 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS=F 005000 O W M AN SI COOA [RA FRO S ON -JAS AR INA N50.0E v PA O AG? 'RITA I CRONBB AOAA A nT h UIER-O 1Y LOOSE <O 05y0 MT 1 -V I 0000 1 -OMUPIET (1) a _,Y VevQyCLOSERn-o41 THIN oraozreVt-L 4-10 LOOSE 2 -O 0 SEAR UM A ,EVE RE Sf 0-2 ,r JI. IN 2-0" s-o N-S ipTA4 1000 MUM. BSE 4 m. -,0TIF 3 I0 MOBOTELY HARD MOABTI SI 0-tB 1'4" 00-5& MOOlA"eING n -o isNE a--T 4 HARD 4 SLIGHT (4) 11- n-r w'o-mIAOx 0- 5O 00 00NE~y~ 1000 0.00FF 5 AOVIAAOy FRESn cr0 A~VEroyADFVRrvTrIAIt 0-W*Q* 0001RAI0J>0 HARD" NOTES: 2. Monitohng wels installed within the borehole(reaer to installahon log for details); T2" diameter well vault installed wltMin ncreta, flush wih ground surface.IBORING NO. MW-47 BORING LOG ISH. 1 OF2 Indian Point Energy Center Reevveed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017010 rCI RDPE ATES,:.Buchanan, NY G.SURF. EL. 15.39 feet INORTH: 462015.66 1.5 DATUM: NGVA 1929 EAST: 603473.78 FINAL BORING DEPTH (FT): 40 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Tmck Rig BORING CO.: Am¢l Dif Olmig-ad Testing GROgUND WATER READINGS -SAMPLER: Split SpLD T FOREMAN: DugWood DATE DEPTH I CASING FSTABIUZATION TIME CASING SsZE: 4nhdia ENGINEER. AnGalls Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A_ DATE START: V26/06 ROCK COR E: 3 718-n1h diameter (HQ) DATE END :1/27106 ud 0 IN SITU PROPERTIES O F-= z -00 alusvlue vaue 0. Z 0 I- 0 HARDNESS WEATHERING z SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below lih gre beo tr o 15 Z_ w Z 0 I2 19. 0 -20.1:Dar: gr a values values vabgel 25./41: Hadfesh, booh gray ined grays MARALE, wtha faintver thin seduBan 10 $1 9-1 0-6 3 41 FL)200FZ 1. 221.' .' 3ar 4.a 5at S1,T 3,ravel.2 34 4210 LOOS 9,-4 30FF g o are 12ht Coars GRAVEL, trace fine to medium Sand 100 an 9F[M 30 4 .35211FF o0rMLL).o SO-nO S~i~nE:1: 2.15% Drethrf grainet rSIT, smARB i rai ve1. t n ne-00 S2000021 5 3 2 40 240/0 1 2e0.1 fo.00iation: coah l0 rght eray GRVL uome fe to c, oars nto 3 R1 25-3o 5. RI: Haerdia, freshofide grained gont/rayctuL~res fitvr;hisb 2 25.0'-37.6': Fracture zone, smooth to rough, very close to close, horzonte 2. S n e a r t eo vemcal, iron-oxide stained jointslflactures. 2.5 NO 14 30 10 F 1.BPF GNSITY BPF CONSISTENCY 4ARDNESS wEhFATHERING N0.nPR1 FTSACINGrITHCKNE.SS N ATTITUDE-4 VRY LOOIGE .VRY SoT I VERYsoFT I COMPLETE (1) O <2 WRYCLOSEN `ryHIN W" ' "Y" HORW ONAL " 4-10 Loose 2-4 SOFT 2 MSDIUM 2 SEVERE (2) 1"2 2"-, CLOSEn"HIN 5°35 SUB-HORIZNAL" 104K, MEDIUM DENSý .M. STIFF

  • 3 MODERATELy HARD 3 MdOEATE (3) 2-10 1'-4r MOD CLOSFEMOD THICK 3-5" MODDIMPNG 3-0 DENSE 8_:15 STIF 4 HARD 14 SLIGHT (4) ID-20 3'-109 WDCB'T4CK 55-5" SBVERTICAL 50 VERY DENSE l5=3 V.lm]F 5 WRY HARD 5 MRESH >10' VERYWtDUVERYTHi3CK 5-0 VERTICAL>O HARD NOTES: 1. Performed 8-inch diameter vacuum excavation to'5 feet Spu and washed 4-inch diameter (HW) casing to sampling depths from 5 to 19 fe, 2. Spun and washed HW casing from 1 9 to 25 feet (top of bedlmrk).

Casin g removed after well completior"" IBORNG NO. I MW4 BORING LOG ISH. 2 OF 2 BORING. NU. MW- 48 o=o-z Zr 00 z:.0 0 I 0 z ZU 0 0.M a: 0 0 1 tO 0 0 0 Zr'0 Zl SAMPLE DESCRIPTION w 0>->Q0 0)0 HARNESTI EATERNG NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for values see below for values see below for values 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.R2: Hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with 3 .R2 30-35 5.0/50 100 23 faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, horizontal to vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures. 4 3 35 4 *R3: Hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained,*gray MARBLE with 4 R3 35-40 5.05.0 100 58 faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, very close to cdose, horizontal to vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 4 '.401 51 End of Boring at 40 feet 3 II 1 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS ýTFO Y BPF ICY HDNEW VVETHERING NOWEAT ?,/C4 TI CMNE SS AGE A-TI]oJE 0-4 oVELOE u V SvF'r s VE Y ovr -1 CoMPýLET II) 0 < VEy.O "O N -HORIZONTAL 4-10 LoOse 0-4 ýFl 2 M M 2 SEVERE 02) 1-2 --1C O W SI*- " eua-,RIZOeTAu 10-30 MEN-UM P-.0E 44 M. 5FF I 3 mOO0MTELY HA 3 UMOOERATE (3) 2-10 I'4- MO00LOSEIWODT0K 35" 10 0 MOoDIPrNG 30-50 001N0E &15 511FF 4 IaRo sIr (41 1ow n-1r 55`j-an >0 VzSnwF 5 vRY-Afn` 5 FSH IV1o 85",90 VERýrC TOTES I. Monitoring wells installed wnthin the borehole (refer to installation log for details); 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-toot well vault installed within concrete, flush with ground surf?. Spun and washed HINV casing from t9 to 25 feet (top of bedrock). Casing removed after well cenpletior IBORING NO. I MW-4 BORING LOG SH. 1 OF 3 BORING NO. MW- 49 Indian Point Energy Center Revewed b MA. Ponti, Jr.- D. Schcpper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.58 feet NORTH: 463080.21 DATUM: NGVG 1929 EAST: 604445.56 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 65 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: Dale DK515 TracA Rig BORING CO: Auier Ddlig and Tt irg GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: SPl Swoon FOREMAN: Dae Cater DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4-roh dieter 10(HN4 ENGINEER: AloRn Gabs .* Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA. SATE START: 3W13010 ROCK CORE: 3 71in diameter (HO) DATE END : 3/165" 10 " SR IIN SITU PROPERTIES N_ 1 a ) ~ .-- HADNSSFRACTURES N. u,: HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT 1 DEST> 0 W O see below for see below for see below for s 0 Z I values alues values 0 0 1 , 3 0 1 , 1 2~~~~~~- -. 0 .2 4 23 5 1 (No Soil Samples taken from 0 to 10 feet)10 S1 10-12 9-16 22 24/6 S1: Dense, moist, moderately weathered gray MARBLE. (Fill)6-8=6 -" .... .. ... .... -'1 15--02: Very dense, slightly weathered to fresh, fragments of gray MARBLE, S2 16.3 28-66 100 16/6 " and white Limestone. 100/4" 20 S3 20-221 5-3 5 24/4 S3: Loose, fine, reddish gray GRAVEL (Fill).1 2-3 Top of weathered bedrock at approximately 23 feet 25 S4: Very dense, fresh, gray MARBLE fragments. S4 25-27 100/4" 100 0.3/0.1........ .... ... .. .. .... .... -U -----5: Very dense, wet, gray MARBLE fragments. $5 30.1 100/1" 100 0.1/0.1 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 01F WIIRI300TF HARONEON , NO R PR OpAAINGITHWINEm ASALA ATflRLC 0,4 ANRRLARNE 102 00000061 1. "reRy 006T I COMPLETE0 Ill 0 <"? AIEYCON .880101 TIN OOR5* Iwoaaro..A 4-10 LRS.0 t. 0061 0 USD10 2 SEVRE 5 12 2i.1' C0015wN 5'35* =U40RZONTAL 10 E.0 U MDons A o rT 0 U0R6n.y HRD S MOwRArn DI 0-0 1'43 MARGOOENonlOIGIC 35t155 MOO, OOENO 3000 11 AROE aIS en 4 488 .uý "o .00 0110 -nV0010 ERTICAL 10" ERY[,S3 " 15.30 -V.rlPI 5 PVt~yHARO FRES. "Yw00. 3 I0 ' RIy6PJSeDThOI etc AEn-Cra.> IOIARO 1. Performed 8rioch diameter vacuum exoavation from 0 to 5 feet Spun and rashed 4-inch dameter (IN) rasing to sampling depths from 5 to 30 feet Top ofwathered bedmock enountered at appmoxiately 23 feet IBORING NO. MW-49 BORING LOG ISH. 2 OF 3 BO IG LO S.......I 0 0 w=<0 Z F0 0 0 0 0 5 Z-o 0o SAMPLE DESCRIPTION U 00 N , 0>00 IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS IWEATHERING to 0 NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for I see below for-values values see below for values 4 t ~-i~*-4-4 R1 130-35 5.0/1.21 25 10 3 _ Iw 4 4 Iw 4 teR 4 R2 35-40 j 5.0/3.21 63 12 q g 35 2 Itexture.2 _-4 1 40 4A-,4 5 0/2l s 4 I 0 1.5 I 2 11 soft to hard, severely weathered to fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE, apparent foliation: smooth to rough, very close to close, hortontal to silt coated joints/fractures; several discontinuous, pited, calc0 a ted joints/fractures. Fractures zone: smooth to rough, close to very close, horizontal to iron-oxide stained joinotfractures. dium hard to very soft to hard, fresh to weathered, fine grained LARBLE with, no apparent foliation: smooth to rough, very close tc subhodzontal to vertical, iron-oride stained joints/fractures; pwtec along calcite mineralized joints/fractures; occaisional vugulai ft to hard, frsh to severely weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE apparent foliation: smooth to rough, wery close to close, horizonta cal, iron-oidde stained joints/fractures. odium to hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, grat.E with no apparent foliation: smooth to rough, very close tI tely close, subhorizontal to moderately dipping, iron-oxide staine(actuars.rd, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation very close horizontal to vertical, iron-oxide stained, joints/fractures ard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation , nry close to moderately close. subhodzontal, iron-oxide stained microbreccia; joints/tractures. Fracture zone: smooth, very close, subhorizontal, imn-oide stainec actures.45 1 i R4 45-50 FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ F7 FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ-FZ 5 5.014.21 83 1 58°I 2 1 1 1 1 ointIio s/tr.21 2 1 I E 50 n5; I 5 I0-05 50121 5B1 I n 0.5 I 55 0.5 1.5 1.5R 2 R 55-60 5.0/5,0 100 40 as h!21 2 4 4-21 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERIV 4rt- E 2 .2 MEDIUM 2 OtV0RE IS r 2 2-.r reCoEcr HIo 5.-2s sLer 1roo MEDIUMe5os E 4- 0 M. STIFF MOD mo RAELy HRD 3 M00 ERATE -0 3-rn r)o aO DCOe FJMnrrTo 30 o no" MooDCPreNs -s VERY D-NE v--a I.TF ýY Rs H VERy Vý aS-W NOTES: 2. Set HWu casing into bedroc at 30 feet with grout~BORING NO. MW-A9 BORING LOG ISH.3 OF 3 BORING NO. MW- 49 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.58 feet NORTH: 463080.21 DATUM: NGVG 1929 iEAST 604445.56 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 65 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: Davie KSI5 TrcA Rig BORING CO: Aquifer ODlning end Testng GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: SptA Spoon FOREMAN: Dave Carter DATE DEPTH I CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE, 4-nch diameter (HOP ENGINEER: Anton G00la0 Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER NA DATE START: 3/13006 ROCK CORE: 3771invh diemoter (H ) DATE END: 3/10,060_IN SITU PROPERTIES /z 0 zA~'t 14HRNS FRACTURES O HARDNESS WE-ATHERING PER FOOT= 1z 0.u cv -0000 00 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0- -> o 1- see below for see below for seR below for Ou o .' values values values4 E I a45 1o2 112.3,4,5. 1.23.465 12,3,4 2R7: Moderately Rand to Rard, sliht)yto moderately weathered, gray 2 R7 60-65 5.0/5.05 100 0 MARBLE, with sub-vertical dipping, healed, moderately weathered, very ., dose Joints/fractres.... > .In --, .12 1.12 65" 1.5*,:: End of Boring at 65 feet...~~~~~~ ~.... ... ... .. ... ..... ... ............. ...... ... .... ...,.I.,., .... ..70..... ...... ....... .P .,,- ...... .... ...... ... .... ..... .. ........+....... ...... ... ...75.. .! .. .. ...... ...... .... .......-.- .* ... ........ .... .. .i -. --80 85....... ....... .-- ...... ....GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS op, oEN app COSISTnvy NARDNESS "SATEHRINo NO FERPFT -POACCIK NEoS 000L. AATNITU_0-4 VERYLOOSE vE Avevyoer 1 ovevoERy I COMP.EnE it). C <2" iECO' o sN o'e eoIZONTAL 410 LOOSE 024 0 EAUM a SEVERE (2) 1no .1' CLA0SF/IN sMos* sUo-ooeaNTAL 1 E nU. v 0.0" o S 3 E10D L HAR0 0 M E 1CO3 -0.O TOB 005' MOON'aKpe 1073 300 DENSE 8_15 .STIFF 4 HARD_ 4 sLIHT (4) 112- 3'=10 -wETIK ijVRlICL VERY V~DENSE 15-4K .VSTIFF 5 ityHD s MRESH >1lo *dC 5.0 E3CAL.HARD 3. M onitoring wells installed within the borehole (refer to installation log for details); 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot well vault installed within conorote, flush with the ground surface.4. A 2-inch-diameter PVC well was also installed within the overburden soils in a separate, adjacent borehole. Refer to Ble instaltion log for details.IBORING NO. I BORING LOG I SH. 1 of 3 ISH 1...1..BORING NO. MW-50 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schiper Entergy Nuclear Northeast

  • . PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 CORDINATES:

Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.92 feet NORTH: 463039.18 DATUM: NGVD 1929 lEAST; 604494.30_FINAL BORING DEPTH: 67 feet)RILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55 Track rig BORING CO, Aquiter Drilling and Testng GROUND WATER READINGS 3AMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: Dave Carer DATE T CASING J STABILIZATION TIME'ASING SIZE: 4-inch diareter (I-MV ENGINEER: Anton GaIlasMaurce PonH Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data ,ASING HAMMER. N.A DATE START: 3/7/06 ROCK CORE: 3 7108nch diameter (HQ) Streline/Non-ar efine DATE END: 3/13106 c" 2 -IN SITU PROPERTIES NO.OF z 0 FRACTURES z z = o= HARDNESS WEATHERING w- gjuND ..",,n PER FOOT x 3SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for see below for M.T Z 0 an LU I z "I. z _!. values values values an (D O 112 349 12345 123e4 0(No Samples taken from 0t910 feet)02... ........ ... .. .-......... b ... ... ÷ ... .....1 .......... ..... ... .... ..... ...... ..... .. .... + .- -....2 ... ... ......... ... .... ... ..... ......_10 4 R 1~2 ____ 2.0.0Ri: Gray sound, concrete, maximum aggregate diameter =1". No apparent 4 RI_ 10-12 2.0/2.0 100 66 r'oids or discontinuity. 4 2 1 .1 3 1 5 R2 12-17 "50/4.9 88 R2: Gray, sound, concrete, maximum aggregate diameter= 1". Estimated , ..' .... .4 _ R317-22 _ 50/50 100 _ _00 -Less than 5% of air voids with maximum diameter of 3116"). Approximately i/ a.1.5 wathre.wod-- 15 57 R3: Gray. sound, concrete, maximum aggregate diameter 1" Estimated 1 4 R3 17-22 5.0/5.0 100 100 (Less than 5% of air voids with maximum diameter of 3/16"). 0 4 20 5 60 6 __ Top of Bedrock at 22.7 feet .R41: 22.0' to 22.7' gray sound Concrete, maximum aggregate diameter = 1, 5 R4_ 22-27 __ _ 5.014.5 90 6 .Irons than 5% air voids with maximum diameter of 3/16". FZ .22.7' to 27.0: Hard, slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, 3 ___ witE faint, subverticat foliation: smooth, Hery cosoe, slightly weathered, sub- FZ i'5 horizontal to sub-vertical ir.n-oxide stained jointslfractures. I -- --'25 3 1 [20 3 .FZ 4 19 2 4~~~~F Pa ,l .' 20 R5: Hard to moderately hard, fresh to moderately weathered, fine grained, 3 R5 27-32 5.013.5 70 1 8 pray MARBLE, with faint, subvertical foliation: smooth, very close, FZ 3 imoderately weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. , .2 3 FZ '~"' 20 3 F GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS OPF DENSITY BPFF CONSIsTEiNCY HARDNESS WEATHERING NO. PER FT SRHONGITHOOJESS ANGLE ATTnTUDE n-a VERY LOOSE V2 VERY SOFT RE.RY SOFT r COMPLETE r1) 0 < O- HORIZONTAL 4-10 LOoSE 2-4 SOFT 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE (2) 14 l- r-r -SUB-HORIZONTAL ru-an MEDIUM aENsE 40 M. STIFF 3 MODERATELY HARD 3 MODERATE (3) -0 r.-, r-nn Moo DIPPING WS0 DENSE 8-r15 STFF 4 HARD 4 SUGHT (4) 1I-go --17 "er SU-VEReTreAL cn VERY DENSE rn-a0 v~ST1F 5 vERY 5 IVESH .1r- er VERTICAL vOTES: I. Spun and washed 4-inch diameter (HW) casing hrom 0 to 6 feet. Casing set Into concrete with grout.. Borehole advanced from 6 to 12 feet using 3 7/-inch diameter (HQ) wiregne core barrel.I. Eorehola advanced from 12 to 37 feet using non-wireline, standard 3 7/8-Inch diameter (HQ) Core barrel: D.Dhling fluid lost while coring from 26 to 57 feel 1ORING NO. MW-50 BORING LOG ISH. 2 of 3 BORING NO. MW-50 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. PonU, Jr. -D. Scipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.92 feet NORTH: 463039.18 DATUM: NGVD 1929 IEAST: 604494.30 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 67 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55 Track ng BORING CO.: Aquifer DOfving and Tesnmg GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: Dave Carter DATE CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4-mENh diameter (HW) ENGINEER: Anton Gallas/Maunce Pont Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 3Y7106 ROCK CORE: 3 7184nch diameter (HQ) WirelinaeNon-oineline DATE END: 3113/06 I- IN SITU PROPERTIES NO OF Z 0 X Z 00 FRACTURES Z Z I I Z. 0 a 0_ HARDNESS WEATHERING

w. B IL w PER FOOT G 0 w U., .5 500 > uS w .0 __ _U.1 .2.2 .50 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION c o _ " U see below for see below for see below for W a= 0(5 Z values values values 12 4 12 4 124D 3 ,'A .> .3 " RE: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, floe grained, gray MARBLE, with no -?;1 3__ R6 32-37 5.0/2.4 48 0 -apparent foliation; very close, smooth, oub-horizontal to Sub-vertical, irorn- -.20,.... ..~oxide stained joint slfractures.

22 353 13 3 -- -----5 R7: Hard to medium hord, fresh to moderately weathered, fine grained, gray 4 R7 37-42 5.012.3 47 0 4 MARBLE, with no apparent foliation: smooth, vary clove, sub-vertical to FZ ...6 Svertical iron-ovide s tined joints/fractures .11 4014 .6 FZ 1 4 * .......5 5 15 R8: No recovery.2 RB 42-47 5.020.3 0 0 FZ NA 3 FZ 45 3 FZ 7 FZ 3

  • Z 9N 4 _ -Z .-g o r c v r. ..... ...... ..... .... ......3 RS 47-52 5.010.0 5 0 FZ NA 50 3 .I .I 7 F Z N A. ... .... .. .....3 F Z N A. ..........................3R1O. No recovery.2 RIO 52-57 ..0/00 0 0FZ 3 FZ NA 553 FZ NA 3 5 FZ NA~~~~~~R11:

Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, -I' i " 3 Ri 57-92 5.0/5.0 100 82 erticalfoliation:, verycloseto ..ose, mderately dipping to sub- recoer3 2 R105-5l 0F... Vertical i. ide stained joints/tract a; slightly pi.ed te.tu a. long ... .4hea ed cal cie weaithred joints/fractures. slightly 1t 3 FZ 6 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BPF -WNSITY BPF CONSISTPENCY HARDNESS WEATHERING NO. PER FT SPACINGw.HIOCBNESS AND. ATTInTcE 0.4 vERYLOOSE < VEROTSOFT 1 VERY SOFT I COMPLETE (1) .o 0.-N. HORIZONTAL 4-lu LOOcE 2-4 SOFT 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE (2) 1-2 r4. " 005* SUB-HORIZONTAL 1030 MEDIUM DENSE *4 M. SvFF 3 MODERATELY HARD 3 MODERATE q'0) 0.10 1,a 3Nt MOD DIPPING 30-5ODENSE 8-15 STIFF 4 HARD 4 SUOUHT (4) 51.20 7-.1 SBUB-VERTICAL '50 VERY DNSE 15,0 VsnFF 5 VERYvHARD u FRESH >19PO "noN VERTICAL NOTES: 5. Ddller switch back to 3 7/8-inch diameter (HQ) wireline core barrel. HQ wirefine core barrel used from 37 to 67 feet. -6. Split spoon sample in this zone indicated the presence of clay faun gouge.IBORING NO. Mw-50 BORING LOG ISH. 3o.3 BORING NO. MW-50 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Pono, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.92 feet NORTH: 463039.18 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604494.30 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 67 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL CME L55 Track ng BORING CO.: Aquifer Drilling erd Telng GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: Done Carer DATE I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 44nch diameter (HVV) ENGINEER: Anton GaIIas/Maono Pont Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 3,7106 ROCK CORE: 3 718winch dieaterr' (HQ) WrelinefN on-oreline DATE END: 3/13006 P' IN SITU PROPERTIES 4- NO. OF u,2 , 1 FRACTURES p N IV .HARDNESS WEATHERING PERFOOT Cy SAMPLE DESCRIPTION s -S0 0 P see below for below for below for o Z_ .: -values

  • values values*000.1, "3 5 .,2 345 1234 z RI1: 58.5 -60.4': Fractured zone; smooth, very dose, horizontal to ' T/S .4 vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; FZ .... 6 3 1 R12: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE. with faint, sub-vertical 4 R12 62-67 5.0/5.0 100 92 foliation; smooth, very stose to moderately dose, moderately to sub-vertical, __... ....0 iron-oide stained, joints/fractures;

-2 3 ,964.0'-64.5': Fractured zone, smooth, very dose, sub-vertical, iron oxide .... ..65 4 stained joints/fractures. 6 End of Boring at 67 feet..70 70 ! -* ."..............

  • _.. ... .. i ... .. 1...+ ._.. +...........

75-H ~ ~ ~ ' ... ..... -- -------------- 60.~~. .... .. i... ....- .... ... --- --- --- ----i..... .. ...... ... ... ... .- .... .... i .+ i-..... ... i. .....5 .. ... ... ..... ... .... ....--+ -......-- -.. ... --- ... .. ---f- --, -q. .85--++ ..... {. .. ... + + .+.--.i-. 4 ... .------- <- ...- .. ..i -+--,- , --i. .-- -- --- -- ---. -- -----. --- + --. -- ---- -----GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT)FRACTIRE CHARACTERISTICS I ..." 'BOF SENSIT 8PF CONtSTSINCY HDOSNESS WEATHERING NO. PER Rn SAOCR1OO.ESS ANGLE ATTITUDE 04 VRY LOOSE < VERY SOFT A VERY SoFr I COMPLETE nt- -HORIZONTAL 4-10 LOOSE 2-4 SOFT , 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE in 1-2 $11 5.0 B-HORIuONTALe .10,X MEIUMDEN0SE 4 M. STFF 3 MODERWTRLY HARD 3 MODERAIE 3) s-10 1-4r 35"-t5" MOD DIPtPNG O0"505DNSE 11.15 S61FF 4 RAR 4 SIGHT (4) 1- I- n-n1- Wa SUoB-VER'TCAL V50 ERn SER 15,X, V.TIFF 5 VERY RAW 5 FRESH >10 AtE-fl' VERTI 6. Monitoring welts installed within the borehole (refer to installafion log for details); 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot wel vault installed within concrete, flush with the ground surface.BORING NO. MW-SO BORING LOG ..s.1 OF'BORING NO. MW- 51 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 69.64 feet NORTH: 461822.43 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST; 604275.34 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Tr.& rg BORING CO.: Aquifer Drlling ndTesin GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Spoon FOREMAN: oug Wo0d DATE DEPTH I CASING O STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIE: A-Inh demeter (HW) ENGINEER: DanielaS BaSt Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA DATE START: 323106 ROCK CORE: 37/08.06 d-aneter (Hot Ornetne DATE END: 301,06 W. .SITU PROPERTIES " Z H FRACTURES P o -70( HARDNESS WEATERING 31 01 3 .WAHRN PER FOOT LI -_ 0 1,1 u 1 uJo 31: I z -LU10 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 a DECRPTON see below for see below for see below for O0 -values values values.0 0 0 .00 D0cO O 0 1.2..4,1 23 1.2345 5 (No Soil Samples taken fronm 010o 101feet)10 .Top ofBedrockat lofeet S1 -10. 10/2" 210S-1: No recovery, piece of gravelov Ep ofspoon.RI: Hard, fresh, Efle groined~w~he MARBL-E wlt no apparent foliation:

o. I.1.5 R1 11-16 5.802.3 46 B smooth to rough, very close, horizontal tovertical.

slighltly weathlered, FZ I 7 NA 15_ 11.0'-14.50: Fracture zone, smooth to rough, very Close. , horizontal to _____NA 1. rnvddhandonsfotrs --, -.4 -- -1.5 .vertical, slighlty weathtered. .151.5 FZ 1 v 2 N t R2: Hard, fresh, Eone groined, white MARBLE with very thin, convoluted 2 R2 16-21 50/5-0 100 68 sub-horizontal to sub-vertlcal foliation: smooth to rough, wery clvose to 3 close, horizontal to sob-vertiCail dipping, iron-oxide Gtained .-3 .....ints/fracures. 20 43 2 ______R3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, light groy MARBLE with taint, very thin. , ___ _] _3 R3 21-26 50/5.0 100 74 I ub-verlical foliation: mowoth to rough, vry cose to wide, horizontal to 0t vertical, irn-ooide stained joint/fra octures.25 3 2 53 1..R2: Mederately hard to hard, fresh. fine groined, gray MARBLE wdth 2 Rd 26-31 5.0/5.0 94 86 I 68 faint, vry thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to wide, horzontal to sub-verfical imn-goode stained joi*tslfracto- [ 2 3 3.GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS ROKCR HARDNSST HERISTICS o Y LOn 10 A~on MT I VORySNOT .COMPLETE aI) 0 1 -VryO-C0- IN V"45 NORIal 4-10 LncwE 2-4 0T612 SEVERE 02 1.0 0,.1 aAos .T IS SojOTAL 1O- ME-UM osEN -M.-F MODERATEIýy -AR 3 ra 350.-.OOLSaOR:K 'MOON 0000 00 8.15 001FF 4 0000HARD $ 011 4 11-01 v-e 000000001 5-I', 0 01,01 v ."InyHmno v E f 70v NOTES: 1. Performed 8-inch diameter vacuum excavation from 0 to 9 aet Drove and washed 4-lnch diameter (HW) cing to sampling depths from 9 to 11 feet Top of bedrock at 10 feet.IBORING NO. IMW-61 BORING LOG ISH. 2 OF 7 E 0_z 0 d Z 0 P E T z Z'A Lw Zn,, Li w F)0 0 0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION S01 0 >W Of 00 u, t-0 Z IN SITU PROPERTIES NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT see below for values see below for see below for values vatoes 3-,--- I -~.R5 1 6 8() 31-361 1 15.0/5.0 Fa 3 3 35 2E-0 I 00 10=3641 05.1 1 1 lgra 1 1 1 .I I I I Idip 2 40 2 3 Moderately hard to hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained light y MARBLE with very thin, convoluted sub-horizontal to sub-vertical tion: smooth to rough, very close to wide, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical lerately weathered joints/fractures. Moderately hard to hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained light y MARBLE with very thin, convoluted sub-horizontal to sub-vertical tion: smooth to rough, very close to wide, sub-horizontal to moderately ring, moderately weathered joints/fractures. Herd, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical ation: smooth to rough, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical ring, ion-oxide stained joints/fractures: 41,6'-42,8'; '-46.0': Fracture zone, smooth to rough, very dose, sub-horizontal to sub-ical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical tion: smooth, close to wide, sub- vertical, Ion-oxide stained i7 I1P7 I FZ FZ sorsol lsnn 0-'5a'501 1001 66-4--3 vert 2 4 45 R ARI I 1000 R8 50/501 100 1 100 p-a 3 oints/fractums. 50 4 2 3 R9 51-56 5.015.0 100 100 3 4 3 4 R9: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical 'oliation: smooth, moderately close to wide, sub-horizontal, iwon-oxide stained oints/fractures. il0: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-FZ 2 FZ ~ol 7 0 10 JOINT/FRACTJRE CHARACTERISTICS 000 ow~rvenrr o-r `0`ooomno sooy oaconrn mo or o"* s.E-vmlcx vliywý ERnA 55 0 I 0-rn I 000 t 000 50/501 100 1 100, wide, 3 ntained joints/fractres. 4 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS -1"0-Y-LoGe" MEDIUM -E MNSE wRY ýE<2" 4* cGNa -vMty-soFt..$T--I 2 3 uY-e wIA1E ING 2 ýE 3 ýAýnO I. F lI) 0 (4) 11-0 JOTES: IBORING NO. IMW-51 BORING LOG SH.3 OF 7.: BORING NO. MW -51 Indian Point Energy Center Revewed b- D. SchiMN W 5 Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: -Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 69.64 feet NORTH: 461822.43 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: -604275.34 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet DRILLING RIG MOOEL: CME 55 Tr ng BORING CO.: Aquiler Drilling aTesting GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Sait S-oon FOREMAN: Doug Wood DATE I DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE -inch diameer (H) ENGINEER: Daniela Basin Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 3123106 ROCK CORE: 3 tO-4nt. diareter (HQ) wfrein. DATE END: 3120,06 i P IN SITU PROPERTIES I-f d P zno NO.OF i- Zi Z ~WAhRN FRACTURESz = "1 , HARDNESS WEATHERING ~ 11 __ __ PERPOOT Xn 0010! o L a:Q DSAMPLE DESCRIPTION wW l o -x a -a 0 see below for see below for see below for z w -values Values values 3 0 , .,_-_- ...10 R11: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with aint, verythin, sub- .1 ...3 211 61-66 5.0/5.0 100 76 vertical foliation: smooth, very close to wide, moderately dipping to vertical, ....iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 65 2 *0 2 R12: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-.3 R121 66-71 , o5.0/5.0 100 100 everticaloftia.tion: smooth, close to wide, sob-horizontal dippiog, i.o..o-ie. stained joints/fractures. 3 70 3 3 71.0- R13: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white to light gray MARBLE with faint, very 2 R13 76.0 5015.05 100 100 thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, close to moderately close, sub-horizontal moderately dipping, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 3 75 3 3. 0 3~ ~~ ........ ..... ..R14: Hard, fresh, fine grained light gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, Ioub- 4 2 R14 76-81 5.0/5.0 lOo too vertical foliation: smooth, moderately close to wide, moderately dipping, iron ___....oIdde stained joints/fractures. t_0 8 3 :1 0 ..80 3 0: R15: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-3 R1 81-86 5.0/5.0 100 82 vertical foliation: smooth, very close to wide, vertical to moderately dipping, -0 iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 2 8g 3 0 23 .. ...... .-3 18R16: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-3 R5 vertical foliation: swooth, very cose to wide, sub-hoizontal, wv-nBe .....stained joints/fractures. 3 0 -.4 + 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0E onn~v p nn~nccvr` HRuNonorn ACoNo NO PenI PT--NEcovSeS ANGLE -ITEL1E 0- VERY LcOSE -O Sov y~or 1 vERyBorn 1 "OM""EME Ir) B a 0__-5o 4-in LOSE .2-3 0' 2 MEDUM 2 BEvERET(OB 1- r 2" 01' 00 5%35* suer2osmac 10.30 MEDIAU 00 40 k STEP 3 MODERATELy HARD 3 .O-ORATME 0-10 3=. 500 5,O00J140T .I 55 MOO eaninpn 0 Sy DENSo 16 TIFF I s4 y HARD 5 REH(4 11-M o JVInB THICKi 05 0 ee nCtAL NOTES.IBORING NO. 1MW-51 BORING LOG ISH. 4 OF 7 o Z 0*Sz 0.0 E v E a.uJ o w J 0.>0 0 00M 0 0 1: E o o 2.2 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0>W10 ofW-0 00 0-9 IN Gil UFRPHUPL. 'I NO. OF.WETEIGFRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING:PER FOOT Ise beo PR FOrT see below for I see below for values values see below fori values 9 R17: 3 R17 91-96 5.0/5.0 100 100 sub-oiddl 3 i t0)t 3 1~i'F -F 1.4 95 I .,.I 3 R1896-10 11 1 1= U .. Ui .1 I0U I0U 1 1 -m I 100 3 101- R19: 3 Rig 106 5.0/5.0 100 100 vefri joints 2 0. 102.5 stain 2 4 4 Hard, fresh, fine groined, light gray to white MARBLE with very thin, ertical foliation: smooth, moderately close to wide, sub-horizontal, ion-stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, light grey MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-al foliation: no apparent jointstfractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, ewry thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth, very dose to wide, sub-vertical, iron-oudde stained Afractures. '-103.5': Fracture zone: smooth, very close, subverfical, iron-onide ed joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: no apparent joifts/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with very thin, convoluted sub-onfal to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, wide, sub-horizontal, 105 106-I I 315.u015.0 100 100 1 -mr 110 I 31 I 41 344 I III-] ~rr 50,015 {000 100 3~ R1 I i+ 5~ 04 -01 10 1~' 100-~5 slightly weathered joints/fractures. 115 3 3 3 116- R2: 2 R22 121 5.0/5.0 100 100 gra* ~folil 3 we 3.5 2: Moderately hard to hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained light y MARBLE with faint, very thin, convoluted sub-horizontal to sub-vertical atlon: smooth to mugh, vry close to wide, sub-vertical moderately athered joints/fractuires.: -" " .I -3 JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS a Y-S s P oFsrc I AO~S co NN oPE T 10.10 Mraia moE a-n ~y I IMo~O( A uy o RD OuFne (h 3-ru 1-.o Mm-ci.iuE/areca a)ooraems2 I DENSr naa--iS arC a uAu c (3) Il- 0re ntm. eCAL>50 oven nosoc 15-10 occyIF n usery I-uau S 50>10 Wt nuJ e THK-K veenca..40TES: P. Fracturezone fTrom 1525'to 103.6.IBORING NO. IMW-51 BORING LOG SH.5OF7 I BORING NU. MW -51 El E'0 0z 0 u2 o;cuJ a us o.0 z Zu 0 0 00-u 0 1 0-o 2_.o.=SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 00 N, 0>W W)00 0 Z i .r~urR J=:o "1 NO. OF I FRACTURES HARDNESS .WEATHERING PER FOOT I EFO see below for see below for values values see below for values Sio,!4-4--4 125 130 135 121- R23 3 R23 126 5.015.0 Eo0 1EE .sub-4.5 126 R24 3 R24 1 31 5.0/5.0 ilEE 100 sub-3.3 3 2"" 131- R25 3 R25 136 5.0/5.0 100 100, sub-clOs 4 * .2 3 4 136- R26 3 R26 141 5.0/5.0 100 98 cone mod 4 3 3 141- R27 3 R27 146 5.015.0 100 100

  • sub-clos 2 3 2 3 146- R28 3 R28 151 5.0/5.0 100. 100 sub-closq 2 3: Hard, fresh, fine grained light gray MARBLE with very thin, convoluted horizontal to sub-vertical foliation:

no visible joints/fractures. iHard, fresh, fine grained light gray MARBLE With very thin, convoluted horizontal to sub-vertical foliation: no visible joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with very thin, convoluted horizontal to sutb-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, close to moderately o sub-vertical slightly weathered joints/fractures.

  • Hard, fresh, sound, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with very thien, voluted sub-horizontal to sub-vertical foliation:

smooth to rough, close to erately close sub-vertical slightly weathered joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, light grey MARBLE with very thin, convoluted horizontal to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, close to moderately o sub-vertical slightly weathered joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with vary thin, convoluted horizontal to sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, close to moderately o sub-vertical slightly weathered 140 145:)GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS I ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS I=-4 1s-3o 4 1 55ev .~2 SEVRE 3 MCCERATE: X1.IHT re 0 C2) 12 (4) 0,0 MWO.OmacaToIOc n-re vvavwOewOen rcucc N.OTES 3. R27: Core dropped by dillers at ground sruface, resulting in several breaks, BORING NO. MW-51 BORING LOG SH. 6 OF 7 I ~ -.~-o.0 0-0 0 0.w o w..J z ZU.0 0 o 0 0 o o SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 00 NWI 0 >00 0 z I.NO. OF HARDNESS WEATHERING FRACTURES seeRbeowEfo see bWE oRN PER FOOT see below for see below far Values oalues see below for values 3 I 151-I I 3 R~291 1 15.014.8 100 10041 R29: Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: one smooth, wide, sub-vertical slightly weathered joint/fracture. 4 155 2 3 3 156- R 30 3 R30 161 5.0/4.8 100 100 Veni jofnt 3 3 3: Hard, fresh, fine grained light gray MARBLE with faint, Very thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth, close, to wide sub-hodzontal, slightly weathered Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with faint, wery thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth, close to wide, sub-horizontal, slightly weathered 130-I 161 2. 1 1004 1O, 100 5 2 jointsifractures. 3 1s6 3 3 166- R32 2 R32 171 50/5.0 100 100 sert sligt 3 3 170 4 3 *.171 -I

  • R33 3 R33 176 I .0/5.0 100 100 v erti 3wea 2 175 2 2 176- .R34 2 R34 181 5.0/go too 100 verti wea 3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with foint. very thin, sub-cal foliation:

smooth, moderately close, sub-horizontal to vertical, htly weathered joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth, moderately close, sub-horizontal, slightly thered Joints/fractures. Hard. fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth, moderately close, sub-horizontal, slightly thered jointstfractures. 12.3 4 0 0 S0 0 2 0 0.. ..... g. .:3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS

  • JOINTIFRA(SW ovwo 2 oe~ssoryue asosS 0- -- sEny -01e 50 0- Iwzer 0,1 1005 S a,4 " w"I 0 cOOý 1 SV)O 01 1, -FU001 RYsO* TWN~rer NO0TES: IBORING NO. 1MW_5I BORING LOG IH. 37 OF 7 I BORING NO. MW -51 Q 0 0 0 S S a 0=O Z z Zfr ZUU z ,, 00o O00 0 0 1 0 03 03 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0>00.0 z I= all=IN W1 I U -It X I LL. N O ON o FRACTURES HARDNESS IWESATHERING PER FOOT V T see below for values see below for I see below for values I values 3 181- R35 2 R35 186 5.014.8 .100 100 vert wea 3 4 1V5 186-I~NIA tNN R' 0 1861 5 014 81 100 1UU 1 DO 3 19C 191- .R37: 3 R37 198 5-015.0 100 105 v_ e~ri 3"4 Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with taint, very thin. sub-cal foliation:

smooth, moderately close, sub-horizontal, slightly hered joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with faint, very thinsub-ca1 foliation: one smooth, moderately close, sub-horlzontal, slightly hered )ointlfracutre. Hard, fresh, fine groined light, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cai foliation: no apparentjoints/fractures. Hard. fesh, fine graiaed, light gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. 19!2 16~502+/-52. --02.Y .27 j "". -j-rr 2 I I I I I I ..3 3 3 20(3 End of Boring at 200 feet.4 I-+-- it-A- + --4 + -ii]20!-Il I I I I GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 4-0 L(00 2.4 -Y ' I 0E I EREs in 0.0 0-2 2"_1, C s. TH5"S SU ME3UerIrruo ovs , crew4- u"ooeonnrF 3 M ivRT S HAR oo Tour I3 3-10 I'a uMOvi.cOaJMoTroo r5%5s Moo vieeINu TOTES: I. Waterloo munlttievel sampling system installed within borehole (refer to installation log for details): 2-toot by 2-foot by 2-foot well vault installed within concrete, flush witr the ground surface. BORING LOG ISH.1 0F7 BORING LOG.ISH. I OF 7 BORING NO. MW -52 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. C.Snee/ DJS Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 lCOORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 16.77 feet INORTH: 463253.94 DATUM: NGVD 1929 lEAST: 604733.05 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55 Track Rig GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: NA. FOREMAN: Dwe CarterDoug Wood DATE DEPTH I CASING STABILIZATION'TME CASING SIZE 4-icrhdio. (HW) ENGINEER: Anton Gallas/ Daniels Beatos OA by Chds Snee, 5/11/06) Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 3/18/06 ROCK CORE: 3 718 inchE-ata (HQ) ,reline DATE END: 3121106 P EIN SITU PROPERTIES 1k d P0 NO. OF-Z

  • 0 .... Z FRACTURES-5~W z .... *HARDNESS WEATHERING_ N mo FOOT 0 :3 i i E 7. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION o = S See 0 N ee below for see below for see below for FX IL w ILI 3 0. values values values o3 0 ..o a -..= -0.0 0 1, 0 20 03 4 1 3 5 1,2,3,4,5, 1,2,3,4, (No Soil Samples Taken)5 10.~~ ~ ... ....... .. ....... .. .- --.--4-___Top of raok at 13 feet.1S 2*R-1: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, wedijaw to coarse grained, gray quartz-4 R-1 115-201 5/4.6 92 84 _ mica-garnet SCHIST. Moderate to sub-verticatl, foliation, smooth close to 1/~moderately close, sub-vertical foliation fractures, and closely spaced encipient

~ c 7'/> 7__ f __ oliation fractures arnd widlely spaced healed moderately dipping cross-foliation / "0//)2 fractures, slightly weathered, joints/fractures; few chlorite/quartz, mineralized 4_ ___ 'lOits/fractures. 4 0 20 6 i 0_______________ _______ R-/:Hard, fresh, wediuw to coarse grained, gray, quartz-mica-garnet SCH.IST, with 7 !0/, 14 4 R-2 120"2 5/4.8 96 9 very thin, moderately dipping to sub-ertical foliation: with smooth close to .'- -moderately close, moderately dipping, slighity weathered, iron oxide stained 4 .... ... joints/fractures. -0.5 25 6 .0 Hard, fresh, fee grained, gray, quartz-mica-garnet SCHIST, with very thin, 5 R-3 25-30 "5/4.6 92 92 very -noderately dipping foliation.w c 2 25.7'to 27.7 feet: sub-vertical, healed cross-foliatioo fractures, smooth, close 5_ tomoderately close, sub-horzontal moderately dipping, slightly weathered, 1 meoi xide stained joints/fratures..... 5____ 29.0'to 30.0': Conjugate healed fractures. , 5 I1 6 0__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS -JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS Dl osr aP` , Co~sITsEMY ~ HARDNESS WEATHERING

0. PEe DuPcrmboc AOLE AreTITTI W-u RYe Loou;E < WRY co1 VER SO"n coI COMPLETE tia cTR- a. p~r HORIZONTAL R0 -LOOSE 24 sO54T MEDIUM 2 SEVeERE -1 1-2 r-r 18 .. -l OUOIOO+OOHAL 1025. MEtIIRe ulENsE, TIfaU. 0FF 03 8h sun-ýTY 3 MODERATE W 3-10 1-0 Mod Oct. 0 OI ..----.ei-1040 .1co 4-r HrA RDR 4 SLuIGH -4R 114(1 n-e AU 54 rVEuRTcei VM0 R ENEfr co nI voriFF N vIitHRoS 58A S H P0 19 Wry 80tna* VERTCALe Hs ARD 1. Perforerrd 1 6-inch-dioweater vacuum excavation trom 0Oto 12 feet Allowed sufficent space to install a2" overburdee well to 12 feet.-2. Spun and washed 4-nch-dameter

-10 casing tram 12 to 15 feet. Bedrock mecountered atel 3 feeL HW casing set eto bedrock and conled with gmaut at 15 feet BORING NO. MW2 0 BORING LOG TSH.2 OF 7 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY BORING NO. MW INAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet p 0 Z (D 0 0 d 03 0 I-0u 0 iz z C.Z 0 0: 0 0 (3 0 4-0 0.2.SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0>x50 D50 IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING 03 wU I-0 I I NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for Isee below for values values I A 1 1 1 9 A see below for values J I .. ...R-4 130-35 50/5.01 1001 100 R-5 35-36 1.0/1.0 100 100 35ý I --.-.1 .6 1 -I- _ I _ I I I I .S4S~ =,.J* weamerea I-.4 4 * " l lTra urs Tan I I Irough, unev 40 I- I4A-74-4 1504.7 9.T 4 1 9'T4 1 crenuiama-~ J~ 4- 1 .-iiroaIuon TraU fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-garnet SCHIST, with very thin, pping foliataion, Smooth, close to mod. Close subhonzontal to dipping, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. ately dipping, very thin carbanate vein with angular schist nd pyrite intergrowtths. rd, fresh, medium to coarse grained grey brown quartz-mica-ferous, gneissic, SCHIST, with a very thin crenulated foliation: se to moderately close, subhorizontal to mod. dipping, slight oints/fractures. Crenulated foliation and pervasive healed micro to moderately close sub-horizontal to sub-vertical foliation d moderately spaced cross-foliation fractures,and sub-vertical to ed cross-foliation fracture with quartz and chlorite; fractures en with quartz and chlorite, 36.0' becoming schistose gneiss with onvoluted, crenulated foliation. fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-garnet SCHIST, with very thin, oliation with no apparentjoints/fractures. y spaced moderately dipping quartz and carbonate healed cross-turm with pyrite and chlorite.fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-garnet SCHIST, with very thin oliation with no apparent joints/fractures. fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-garnet SCHIST, with very thin, oliation with no apparent joints/fractures. healed breccias;sub-vertical healed cross-foliation fracture sub-vertical healed on fracture;sub-vertical stepped, undulating, polished foliation fracture with fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-gamet SCHIST, with very thin, oliation with no apparent joints/fractures; with closely spaced foliation and cross-foliation fractures. I I 45 50 R-8 46-51 5.0/4.9 98 86 Hard crant Hard R-9 51-56 5.0/5.0 100 84 creel 51.4'53.6'cros!55.1'*Hard R-10 56-61 .5.014.9 98 80 rent 56.0'55 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FR.. ... .. ... .. .... .... ...., ,...... .. ..4-10 10-30>50 DENSM VERY LOOSE LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE MNSE-- -E BPF<2."15 15,,0 OONISIMNDY VEWSOF'r výHARD 1 2 4 5 HARDNESS VEFty SOF"F MEDIUM MODERATELY HARD HARD ..WRY HARD 1COMPLETE 2SEVER1E 5FRESH-(1) 0 Q) 1.2" (4) tl-2 2%1' r-r cM..T-13 Mdlse 5-1l "a.>1T' V.rT"WuT.O]TES: F BORING NO. BORING LOG s.H. 3 OF 7 BORING NO. MW -52 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet p:1: 1-0 Z z 0 0 Z 0 z p 0.Z 0 5 z.-p o-0 (0 xu 5, uJ (0 0 C-.4 C, a Se 0l SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 04(104 0 >T.HARDNESS WEATHERING I NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT 7 6jR-11 j 61-661 1 1 5/4.8 1 96 1 52 1 Hard, fresh, fine grain foliation: smooth, very oxide stained joints/fr. 65 III chlorite 64.7-5 fracture 65.2'-4 Hard, fr 3 R-12 66-71 5/4.8 96 74 foliatior mineralization 66.3' sub-vertk , rough, stepp 65.4' slightly to eS ed, gray, quartz-mica-garnet SCHIST, with crenulated 'close to dose, moderate dipping to subvertical, iron-"atures; sub-parallel foliation fractures with quartz and cal to vertical curved, slightly weathered cross-foliation ed with quartz and chlorite mineralization. moderately weathered, very closely spaced foliation 2 70 567 2 1/__ -2 271-76 61d4 I S9t 711 5 114 9 98 70 3 2IIIH 32------75 I I I I I I I ]l l(l0I0 5 1R-141 76-81 5/5 1100 1 100 ash, fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-gamet SCHIST, with crenulated n: smooth, very close to dose, moderate dipping to subvertical, iron-tained joints/firactures; sub-parallel foliation fractures with quartz and mineralization; 8.2' open partially healed, sub-vertical cross-foliation fracture, up to erture, and slickensided, moderately weathered, very closely spaced rallel moderately dipping foliation fractures. resh, fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-garnet SCHIST, with crenulated n: smooth, close to moderately close, mod diping, iron-oxide stained ractures.resh; fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-garnet SCHIST, with crenulated n: smooth, close to moderately close, mod diping, iron-oxide stained aectumrs.ightly to moderately weathered sub-vertical foliation fracture.78.5' two very dose, sub-vertical, sub-parallel healed Cross-foliation es.81.0' healed pyritiferous breccla with and 84.4' -86.3' quartz lization.ash, fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-gaamet SCHIST, with cranulated n: smooth, close to moderately dose, mod diping, iron-oxide stained ractures.resh, fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-gamet SCHIST, with crenulated n: smooth, close to moderately close, moderately dipping to ical, foliation and Eross-fiation, iron-oxide stained joints/fractumrs. 4 179.8'r, 11____~ 19.8-Ia 5 80 85 5 H 6 R-15 81-86 -5/4.8 96 86 fc 5 4 4 5 H 2 R-16 86-91 514.9 98 88 fc 4 3 ....4 4 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS BPF DNSITY BaP CONsIsTNCY HARDNESS WEATHERING NO. PE0 FT sPAvo5Nfr cN ANGULE ATmTUOE O-4 VR00OSE V2ErRYSOF I VERYSOFT 1 COMPLETE (1) D -2 e/~ *5 HORIZONTrAL " 4-1D LOOSE 2-4 SOFT 2 MEDIU r 2 SIEVERE (2 1-2 7.10 0 -5"5 SU0HORIZONTAL 1030 MEDIUM DENSE " M. STIFF 3 MODERATELY HARD 3 MODERATE (3) S-1o 1-0 ModC0o0 35'55" MODO IPPING 30-50 DENSE a-15 S"FF 4 HARD 4 3UG0T (4) 11-20 n-.1"a Wie "* SUB-VERTICAL >50 VERY DENISE 150 va1FF S VERY HARD

  • 5 FRESH n.YWO nw VERTCAL>O HARD BORING NO. MWNT2 BORING LOG 1I1. 4 OF 7 BORING NO. MW- 52 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed y: M.A. Ponti, Jr./ C.Snee( DJS Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 "COORDINATES:

Buchanan, NY 0. SURF. EL. 16.77 feet ..INORTH: 463253.94 DATUM: NGVD 1929 lEAST: 604733.05 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet BORING CO.: Aquifer Drilling and Testing GROUND WATER READINGS (AMPLER: NSA. FOREMAN: Dave Canter Doug Wood DATE I DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME TASING SIZE. 4-incha, (H) IENGINEER: Anton Glas I Daniela Bstos (GA by Chri Snee, 5/11106)

  • Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data TASING HAMMER! N.A. DATE START: 3/18/06 ROCK CORE: 37/8 -itch-dia (HQ) wirelin DATE END: 3/21106 IN SITU PROPERTIES p * -NO.OF Z:z Zw 0 FRACTURES a ,, W a o o HARDNESS WEATHERING FRA T o' !ý ý5 PE PFOOT/I .- ' SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Xof. .bl PRO C, a '@n 0 o 3 see belowtfor see belowtfor see below for wt u 0 w I( i0 F Z values values values (0~~~ 0 ~ 0 Z.U (3 I- 0IaL 23 3 0, 50 1. 2b 34. 5, 1,2,,,.* ( ". II .4..93 5 1,23 5" 23 Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-gamet SCHIST, with crenulated R-17 91-96 5/4.7 94 60 foliation:

smooth, Close to moderately dose, moderately dipping to subvertical, ..0 foliation and cmos-foliation, (mo-oxide stained joints/fractures..B 92.4' to 93.8' intersecting foliation and cross-foliation fractures and subvertical curved fracture 92.8 to 93.8'.95 0 Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, qaartz-mica-gamet SCHIST, with orenulated R-I8 96-101 91 54.6 92 92 _ foliation: smooth, dlose to moderately dose, moderately dipping to subvertical, __foliation and cross-foliation, iron-o.ide stained joints/fractures.... ..._ _ g9.8': faulted contact with highly convoluted, crenulated, foliated schistose __,.,*gteissic zone. ....100 ": 1 101- Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray. quartz-mica-garmet SCHIST, with crenulated R-19 106 5/4.9 98 98 1 foliation: smooth, close to moderately close, moderately dipping to subvertical, .../.0 foliat ion and cross-foliation, iret-ooide stained joints/fractures. ~105 _ 1 I 106- -Hard, fresh; fiee grained, gray, quartz-mics-gamet SCHIST, with crenulated __R-20 1 il(54.8 96 98 1_ Ifoliation: smooth, dose to moderately dose, moderately dipping to subnertical, ___foliation and cross-foliation, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. .0 108.0' moderately diping, rough, uneven, softened mineralized, slightly iron I ~stained foliation fracture. 1 110 109.3'- 115.5' sab-parallel moderately dipping cross-foliation fractures, healed__nod slight dissolution. ... I... .116- = " "Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, quartz-mioa-garnet SCHIST, with crenulated .. .R-211 116 5/4.9 98 98 1_ foliation: smooth, dlose to moderately dlose, moderately dipping to sabvertical, 0 foliation and cross-foliation, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 1 0__R-221 1261 5/4.8 96 46 Hard, fresh to moderatley weathered, fine grained, gray, quartz-mioa-gamet ...... ...... .""....SCHIST, with crenulated foliation: smooth to rough, very dose to dose, il1 moderately dipping moderately weathered, joints/fractures; 118.5-118.7, R-2_12 " V5/.8 6 7 I'- -----~. 119.8-120.3', Fractare zones: slightly to moderately weathered, very Close foliation fractres, smooth, undulating and polished and weakly slickensided. GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS eaF DENSITY BPF coNsIa1EWm HARDNESS WEATHERING No. PER FT .PACING/r HCNES ANGE -ATRTITDE 0- R ViRYLOOSE <2 VERY015"T 1 VERYSOFT I COMPLITE (1) 0 <. V02- HORIZONTAL 4-I0 LOOSE u- a-4 r 2 MDIUM 2 SEVERE (2) 1-2 --1 C- 5`- SUB-ORIZOrAL MEDIUMDSE 40 FF D M. HAR MOOEBILT 00 MODERAOE .re .-10 0M4dC0 MOD DIPPNG 000 DENSE 8-15 011FF 4 HAR0 4 SUGHT (4) 11-00 3.r1a 0014. 53C SUt-VERTICAL 000 DERYNSE 15-30 V.TIFF 5 VEv HAR05 FRESH ..10 OVnPl'da J .C VERTICAL>00 HARD qOTES: BOIGNO W5 BORING LOG ISH. 5 OF 7 BORING NO. MW -52 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY Reviewed bv: M.A. Ponti. Jr I CSneel DJS PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 ICOORDINATES: p I 0 z z R .0 d z 0J p.0 x 0 Z z QI o W 0 0 0J 0 0.50 0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Lu z 00 NO 0>L 0 W~U)I-r<t0 IN 6I11 U PHUPl-N I1t HA"RDNESS WEATHERING 0)I.-0 Z NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for see below for values values see below for values-4 --4-4-4------- 4-4-4-4 .1. 4-4-4 121- .1 Hard, 5 R-23 126 514.2 84 10 SCHIS" 4 modera 4 122.0'.quartz, 5 "contact resh to moderatey weathered, fine grained, gray, quartz-mica-game T, with crenulated foliation: smooth to rough, very dose to dose ately dipping moderately .weathered, joints/fractures. shear zone: polished foliation and cross-foliation fracture with mylonite pyrite, slickensided and brecciated boundary. Moderately dippint with marble at 125.5 feet.125 4 ne to coarse grained, light gray to white, MARBLE, with distinc ry thin suboertical foliation: smooth, moderately dose slight weathered, joints/fractures; disseminated mica ant I.I1.I0-0L~Lv I ~1 I 4 1 R 241 '143'1 5/36 1 72 1 72 4 pyrite.130 135 4.3 3 131- H 2 R-25 136 5/4.8 96 96 to 3 4 4 4 136- H 3 R-26 141 5/4.7 94 94 to 4 4 3 4 .141- H 4 R-27 14 1 5/4.7 94 80 to 140 fresh, fine to coarse grained, light gray to white, MARBLE, with distincy nt, very thin subvertical foliation: no apparent, joints/fractures. fresh, fine to coarse grained, light gray to white, MARBLE, with distincy It, very thin subvertical foliation: no apparent, joints/fractures. fresh, fine to coarse grained, light gray to white, MARBLE, with distinct t, very thin subvertical foliation: smooth, moderately close, oizontal, slight weathered, joints/fractures; disseminated mica and fresh, fine to coarse grained, light gray to white, MARBLE, with distinct t, very thin subvertcal foliation: smooth, moderately dose to wide, rizontal, slight weathered, joints/fractures; disseminated mica and-153.2 closely spaced healed fractures. 3 4 145 3 4 1 146- +/-3 R-28 151 514.9 98 78 3 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS a-s O see 1000 .nY SO~rT I VERY SOFT .I coa TEr (1) 0 C v~my In. OrenIZorar. 4-t 10000 .. SOFT0 2 uOOUI 2 SEVERE M1 4. 0., CU r.r SB-eORcOsrAt Is-n UO-DIKENZ0 4" pKs 05v 3 WDERATE1L.Y HAR0 3 (Jocun 0) S.10 lý Mad -Wm MOD*40 DIPPING DE-NOSE4 8.15 STIFF .4 Kp.500 4 W-OWn Tq 1Z -0W W-I** .0U- CAncL BORING NO. .W5 I.BORING LOG ISti 6F0 BORING NO. MW -62 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY ENGINEER: /DATE START ROCK CORE: 3 718 rnch-dia. (HO) oreline DATE END: 321M6 INGIT1IYIY OF p I 0 z (0 0 o3 d 0 0 0 z 0 IT 0*z i---u 0 WT=I IT 0¸(3 B 0 P, 8)SAMPLE DESCRIPTION W z 0>WI T 0 0 03 0 IT S IN SITU PfROPERTýEI I NO. OF ýHARDNESS: I THIN IFRACTURES H S WEATHERING IPER FOOT FL 3 :JR.-2 156 i I 5/4.7 94 60 -3 3 155 16C 2 156- "Hard 3 R-30 161 5/4.7. 94 94 Rne, 3 158.1 glass 3 2 4 161- ..Hard 3 R-31 166 514.9 98 98 smoc 3 1163.1-ortho 3 4 2 166- R-32 3 R-32 171 5/4.8 96 96 foilat-sligh: 3 -grey 3 165 sh, fine-grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, subverical smooth, very dose to moderately dose, moderately dipping to a1, slightly weathered joints/fratures. h, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin foliation: oth, wide, subvertical, slightly weathered joint/fracture. 161.3' vuggy, 1/4" partally infilled with well formed orthohombic rbonate crystals and subparrel healed fractures. h, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with very thing subvertical foilation: lose to wide, subvertical, joints/fractures; 63.9' vuggy, up to 1" with open fractures, partially infilled with tbic glassy carbonate crystals.rd, fresh, coarse grained, white MARBLE with faint, subvertical smooth, close to moderately spaced subvertical to subhonzontal, eathered joints/fractures, frequently infilied or healed with stiff green ferous silty day (mylonite). 1.2' moderately dipping very thin infilled joint with carbonate sh, fine grained, gray-white, MARBLE with faint, very thin, subvertical Inn, smooth, wide, subvertical, slightly weathered joint/fracture. ecciated partially healed vuggy MARBLE with moderately dipping, let, smooth planar joints/fractures. sh, fine grained, gray-white, MARBLE, with faint, very thin foliation: dose to moderately close, moderately dipping to subvertical, slightly d, jointsifractures. dulating, rough, pydtiferous joint/fracture. 17C_ 1 j Hard, fres 4 " foilation: o 3 R31 171-34R-33 176 51_ ~4. 98 96 3 170 2 3 2 176-3 R-34 181 5/4.9 98 68 3 4 3 3 I GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS I JOIl BPFýo-4-10oVERY LOOSE LOOSE DENSE VEYDNSE ePF 8.15-15 1-30 EL 1FF 0050F 3 4 5 HAR0DNESS.ED'U-ýOERATELY HARD HARtD *VERY(HRE WEATHERING 1COMI'LETE 2 SEVRE 3MOD 4 OUGHT 5 FRESH " (n) 0 (2) 1-2 (3) 3-10 (4) '1-M0 JY V.18 U..r.r Eta r-Y Mca 01,..S-rn Ota.,ro v.~ywia.HAREI BORING NO. MW-52 BORING LOG sH..7 OF 7 BORING NO. MW -52 Reviewed by: M.A. Ponto, Jr./ C.Snee/ DJS p I 0 P to vi 01 0 0 z 0.0 D.Z z 0 Z w~0 0 0 0!.Of o.90 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 C N O 0>00 U)0 Z IN SITU PROPERTIES No. OF HARDNESS I WEATHERING FRACTURES-4--- PER FOOT see below for see below for values values I see below for values I 2,34, ,1I1-ý.1.iR4 50, 14 0 40 J 11 i lp~185 190 186- H.R-36 191 514.9 98 94 or R-3 191- -9 9 no R-37 196 514.5 90 90 rc aid, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with faint, subvertical foliation: no parent joints/fractures. 183.2' -183.9' Fault. Curved, subvertical to vertical adures with dose to moderately spaced irregular clusters of mica and lorite growth along healed fractures and micro-faults. Yellow, gray scoloration, mineralized zones, and secondary silication of marble.ard, fresh, fine grained, gray-white, MARBLE, with faint, subvertical foliation: mooth, close to moderately dose, moderately dipping to subvertical, slightly eathered, joints/fractures. ard, fresh, fine grained, gray-white, MARBLE, with faint, subvertical foliation: apparent joints/fractures. aod, fresh, fine grained, gray-white, MARBLE, with faint, subvertical foilation: apparent joints/fractures. 96.9' -197.7' vuggy healed brecaal with partial growth of orthorhombic assy carbonate minteral.195 I =QQ QQ 4-I-~ 0in0~ (I I I I I I I .3 200 End of Boring at 201 feet 205 111 r-I-I Ii GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS


" 4-10 LOOSE SOFT 2 MEDIUM .2 SEVERE 01 1-2 T"-1' SUe-HOReOONTAL 10-30 MEuDENSE "4-8 M. RFF S MODERATELY HARD 3 MODERATE f3t 3-10 1-Z MOdCG,. 355." MOD DIPPING S05 DENSE S.rn 8TIFF 4 HARD 4 SLIGHT (4) 11-20 .1V W& .SUBRTICAL'50 VEFY In-3o essaF n m.y sAm 5 FRESH O5"w." VERTICAL 3. Water loo MutftIevel sampling system instaled within the borehole (refer to installation logs for details); 2 ft by 2 9t by 2 ft well vault Installed within concrete flush with the ground surface.BORING NO. I BORING LOG ISN. I OF 5 BORING NO. MW -53 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schi er Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 ICOORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 70.26 feet INORTH: 462822.15 DATUM: NGVD 1929 JEAST: 604732.60 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 125 feet SAMPLER: CME 55 LC trck ng BORING CO.: Aquifer Drilling and Testing .GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Split Spoon FOREMAN: Ed BEner DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 5inch dO..eter IP.,


Daniela B sto1MancePotjSmCoo -Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER N.A. DATE START: 6020 ROCK -CORE: 3 diameewr (HIQ)I reline DATE END: 6r29106 z " .IIN SITU PROPERTIES NO OF 0 Z: z z ZaM 0 0N HARDNESS WEATHERING FATRS w w. od S0 z u tE ~PERFOOT 0 0 w _________Q G0. AMEDCRT0 see b for see below for see below for a I z Z u, Q x values values values Z0 0 c-s ..-j- 4 1 45 2 4 m w 1 2 3 4------ I---4.--1-4.-4-4--1-1----I-S ___ I I I I I 6.7 9 " *'10" 11 $1 10-10 50-0 0/0 0 " 12 13 S2 14 S2 13-15 5-6 2414 15 , _4-4 16 17 18 19 20, 21 S3 20-22 6-5 24/20 22 8-9 23 24 25 ....S4 26 S4 25-27 11 -9 1 24111 fre 27 10-10 28 (No soil samples taken from 0 to 10 feet)------ --- i --- 1 1---4 --- I --- --- 4 --- 1--+--+--4 --- 4-11 No recovery Loose, gray and brown, fine to coarse GRAVEL, some Sand, lttle SiRt.Medium dense, gray and brown, fine to coarse SAND, some Gravel, little Silt.Medium dense, gray and brown, fine to coarse SAND, some Gravel, ittle SiRt, coal gments.2 ij .------ F----i --- --- I --- --- 4 --- I ........... 4 --- I----- ----- -----t---I'-"--.1---t"F r4.'l""l ]" } '""l"-.1. 111111111 i 1-- --- 4--- i---P-4-4-+4-I-4-4 -4 ......I--- I---I-- "-- -- -- f-"- +-- ---- 1;-+ --"l- "F-- "F- --+ {-"-+ --- I ......... -"f --1---.--4 I I I I ~I I I 29 30 SO TO: No penetralon/No recovery p of Bedrock at 30 feet$5 30 50- 0 0.0/0.0 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS aPIF o.NITY. BP OONS4STEY H. ARDNESS WOEATHERING N0. PER FT SPAQN -IONESS ANG E AnTUDE 0-4 VERY LOOSE < C VERY SOFFTI R O CI OM TE (1) 0 02 VERYCLOSE NE Y N.p 2N 0 -5 HORIZ 'rTAL a-t0 LOOSE a-a oFT 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE (2) 1-2 r-t' C t.OSEI,4IN 5 " SU"- IZONTAL 1t-n MIEUMDENSE

u. STIFF 3E MODERATL He 3 o ttE (3) 2-1t tO MOO1 THIJ CK 3-5" MODOD4PUISG
0. OENSE &-t STIFF 4 HARD 4. oUGT (4) 1020 .0-10, W < ro55" SUB-VERtCEAL 500 VERY DENSE 0500 Vno 'n F 5 VERY HAR 5 FRESH 010 VERYOMEO JERY 0 'HCK Os "gr VERTICAL 130 .HARD NOTES 1. Performed 8-inch diameter vacuum excavation from 0 to 10 feet.2. Spun and washed 5-inch diameter (PW) casing to sampling depths from 10 to 30 feet. Bedrock encountered at 30 feet Set PW casing into bedrock at 34 feet and sealed with grout.IBORING NO. IMW-63 BORING LOG ISH. 2 OF 5 BORING NO. MW -53 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Pooh, Jr. -D Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.001769.10 COORDINATES:

Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 70.26 feet iNORTH: 462822.15 DATUM: NGVD 1929 .EAST: 604732.60 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 125 feet SAMPLER: CME 55 LC Trak Rig BORING CO.: Auifer Drilling and Testing


Daniela OBatosfMauce Por Sara Covell Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING EAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 6020/06 ROCK CORE: 3 7/11-nh danraetr (HQ) wireline DATE END: OgN/06 W IN SITU PROPERTIES e-, SE OOF a: N 00 HARDNESS WEATHERING PRFO 1.. Isablo FRACTURES 0 uW 0 *.o SAMPLE DESCRIPTION "I- ":zSM D I O s 0 e below for see below for seebelowefor z Zo I2. 00 e alues values values 0Z u .1 1Z 4 5_1 4 1 5 1 2 3 4 31 32 33 34 35]*EidL R11354 1.4/1.41 100 1 0 326 41: Hard, fresh, fine-grained, light gray, MARBLE, with no apparent toliation; rough to;mooth, very caoa 10 close, sub-verticsl to sub-horizontal, slghtly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/flacturess. R2: Hard, fresh, fine-graoined, fight gray MARBLE heated fault breccia, with no apparent oliation; rough, sub-horizontal, slightly weathered joints/fraaturess: white-calcite mineralized joints, exhibits nacro-offsets, within alterating 0.6' to d'thick zones of white 3nd gray MARBLE.-1-i- --t- ----36 37 38 2 d117V I K SI 3 7.5-11 A2 9 .2 C.0/4 4 88 68 371-~ I t t -t -I -I I I Ir 39.40 14 41 42 43 44 4A 13 42-5-" .13 R3 47.5- 5.0/5.0 100 70 3 1 2_ I_11-I --t -I I -I -I -I -46 4 47 11 "I" ," 1 47.5- R" J 4 46 12 R4 52.5 5.0/5.0 100 86 245 wit hoa 49 7

  • ner 50 7 51 5 52 5 " -52.5- I5 53 5 R5 57.5 5.0/4.9 99 99 aid 54 6 55 10 56 10 _57 4 l l I 57.5- BR6 58 7 RB 62.5 5.0/4.9 98 98 190 sm 59 5: Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE healed fault breccia with very thin, sub-r cal foliation:

rough, very close to moderately dose, sub-horizontal, slightly athered, iron-oxide stained jointslfracturess; white-calcite mineralized micro-offsets. 6-47.1': Fracture Zone: moderately hard, very close to close, epidote mineralized, nd filled, sub-horzontal, iron-oxide stained joints/fracturess, 47.1-47.2': Fracture na: angular fragments, rough, very nlose, sub-horizontal, slighty wmathered nts/mtravtrss. Hard, fresh, tne-grained, gray to fight gray MARBLE healed fault breccia (48.3), h very thin, sub-horizontal foliation; slightly rough to smooth, very dose to close, sub-nzontal, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained jointaltractures; sub-horizontal to sub-tical, Irregular, whit-calcite rineralized healed joivtd/tactures " Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-vertical foliation; rough, de, sub-horizontal, slightly weathered joetst/flacturess. Hard, fresh, fine-grained gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-horizontal toliation; aoth, close, sub-horizontal, imn-oxide stained joints/fracturess. FZ FZ FZ FZ RR 4 0....GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS .JOINT WPF 0.4 OENSTTY vIERY LOOSE DOOSE ME.- DENSE DENMEýYceqsEcofts'STENCY VERY M. ST117 sm" Vý1 2 esnR co Mnarl rwSC VERY HARD 5 FRESH-o Pft" F (1) 0 2) 1-2 (3) 2.10 (4) 'o.zo o1 WRY0EnvER DIomoeevr r $- .Oýira 0-r. MDO DIPPING no-en- suevaiica asto 00011501.NOTESý3. HO care sampling performed between 34 and 35.4 feet Aproximately 326 gallons of water used during driling. Advanced PW casing to 37.5 feet and sealed rocnkcasing Interface with grout.4. Possible highly fractured bedrock betweeo about 30 and 35 feet.IBORING NO. IMW-53 BORING LOG ISH. 3 OF 5 BORING NO. MW -53 Indian Point Energy Center Revewed b M. toi, Jr, -D. Schi.per " Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 I COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 70.26 feet INORTH: 462822.15 DATUM: NGVD 1929 lEAST: 604732.60 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 125 feet SAMPLER: CME 51 LC tack Ag BORING CO.: Aquifer Drllng and Testng GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Split Spoon FOREMAN: Ed Bonmr DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 5-mih diameter (PW) ENGINEERS: Danrela Bastoa/Mauace Port.Sana Covelli Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 6120106 ROCK CORE: 3 7 14inch diameter (HO) wrielin e GATE END : 6/29/06 6 2 PIN SITU PROPERTIES ..HARDNESS WEATHERING-Z PE at o w So O -o=o rnv-oo=c0 uj > off~u u..o. ( O DESCRIPTION Z 0 see belo for see below for see belowfor In_ j _ -values values values O -*< 1- 5 0 S1 1 .4 5 ..61 4 __62 .4 " ...62.5-63 5 R7 67.5 5.0/5.0 100 80 190 R7: Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE with thin sub-vertical foiation; rough to __.smooth, very close to moderately dose, sub-horizontal to sub-venlcal, slightly 64 6 weathered joints/fractares. 65 5 -21 66 5 _.67 5 67.5-68 4 R8 72.5 _ .0/5.0 100 92 200 R8: Hard, fresh, fne-grained gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-verfcal to vedrcal foliation; rought to smooth very close to moderately close, slightly weathered, iron-oxide

69 5 .." "stained jcints/fractures.

-...70 6 ._71 3 72 4 RB 72.5-73 7 R9 77.5 -5.0/5.0 100 B0 180 Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-vertical foliation; smrootih slightly rough, very close to moderately close, sub- horizontal to sub-vertcal, slightly 41 74 6 weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fracthres;slightly pitted; .FZ 73.T-75.3': Fracture Zone, smooth to slightly rough, very dose to close, sub-hoizontlal 761 5 73.7-77.0': White-calcite mineralized joints. F" 7651 FZ osbvriaio-xdeshndjit/atrs 77 6 77.5-78 B R10 62.5 5.0/4.9 98 90 220 RIO: Hard. fresh, flne-grained gray MARBLE with thin, moderately dipping to sub-vertcal foliation; smooth to slightly rough, close to moderately dose, sub-horizontal to 79 7 sub-vertcal, slightly weathered, slightly iron-aside stained jointifactures. Slightly pited along very close, sub-vealcal, white calcite mineralized, healed joints/fractures; 80 6 1 F/9.5-80.3': Fracture Zone' rough, slightly weathered, very close tI close, sub-hedzontal 81 7 joints/fractures; .FZ 82 6 81.3-82.5: White-calcite mineralized healed fauRt brcdac. *I 1 62 1 6* " .% ...82.5-" 83 9 RNl 67.5 5.0/4.9 98 96 240 R1 1: Hard, fresh, fine-grained gray MARBLE with very thin tothin, sub-vericalcto Is vertical foliation; very smooth to slightly rough, very close to moderately dcose, 84 7 horizontal to subývertical, slightly weathered, slightly calcite coated, trace iron-oxide stained joint/Inactures. Slightly pitted along white caldte nineralizedjoint/fracturs. 85 6 Conjugate sets and micro-offsets of white-calcite mineralized healed joints/fractures; Z--8 04.3-85.4': Fracture Zone, rough, slightly weathered, sub-hodzontal, very clne ts closse, 86 9 -joints/fractures; -89.3-97.2': dhite-caldife rnineralized healed fault breomga.97.5- .-1 88 7 R12 92.5 5.0/5.0 100 96 430 R112: Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE with very thin, suh-vertfcal to oerdcal .-.foliation; smooth, very close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to moderamely dipping, 89 9 sghtly weathered Slghtly pitted texture along wlalcie rro nerahzed --sub-hoitozonta to sub-vertical, healed jointiradures; few partially healed and healed, 90 6 white-calcite mineralized vugs (1/16-1/4" deep.)GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS RJF .065515 eaF cas Ns Y HARDNESS WEATHERING N, PERFT sPAON44N u- ANGLE ATnu1o 0.0 OEGSLOsBE vERs, SuoFT s VERYso I COMPLETE ( ) 0( <) aeRY.SENIDRVT"-N o*- HORZeONTAz 4-0 LOosE 2-4 8ouT 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE (2) 1-2 r-f CLOSEmIiN sr SUBORIZronTAL 100 OROIUM O-NE 4- .. NrFF 3 HARD

  • 3 MODERATE (3) 2ar f-0 MO1-4 OESEOD s 5-" MODDIPPING 30c0 coNaE 6-15 STnFF 4 HARD a 0U0 (4) lo-o -r1n Pererr'Oct S5- SU-v ERTItAL>50 VERY hNSE 15-"0 VnonFF 5 VERY sARD 5 FRE-S 015 VERyOnIn eNvaRYs ac VERTICAL NOT .M IBORING NO. IMW-53 w BORING LOG I SH... OF T NO. MW -53 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY 0.Cu.0z Z, 0 0 0 z 0 U,<0.Lu 1 I 0_S Z at 2z.Zr.dd ,U U 00 0 0 0 o o o E:-1 1 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION I U 0>U 0 w >,< 0, Ca (it HA DNESS WEATHERING NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT 1 0 Z at 0 I-see below for see below for values values see below for values 91 7 92 9 8 92.5-93 5 R13 97.5 5.0/5.0 100 100 290 R13 verti 94 7 spac whit 95 6 96 7 1 1 1 97 7 97.5-98 6 R14 102.5 5.0/4.9 96 94 260 R14 9roug 99 I7 textl heal 100 5 101 7 102 7 ___102.5-103 7 R15 107.5 5.0/5.0 100 94 350 R15 very 104 8 sanr 10E a 9 I .11-lnF s Hard, fresh, fine-grained gray MARBLE with very thin, moderately dipping to sub-cat foliation; one slightly rough, moderately dipping, slightly weathered, widely ed joint/fracture.

Pitted texture along very dose, sub-horzontal to sub-verfical, e calcite mineralized healed joint/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE with very thin sub-vertical foliation; stghot Ih, moderately dipping, cda.e to wide, slightly weathered joints/fractures; Pitted ure along very close to close sub-horzontal to sub-vertical, white-caldte nineralizec ed joints/tfractures.
Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE with ver thin sub-vertical foliaon; rough dose to wide, sub-honzontal to sub-vertical, slightly to moderately weathered, fine d/clay moated joints/fractures.

Slightly pitted texture along very close, sub-horizonta ub-vertical, white calcite mineralized healed joints/fractures; 105.1-105.5': Fractfre e: rough, slightly weathered, conjugate sets; 106.1-107.5': smooth, sub-vaerhal, ensided joint.: Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-vertical foliation; oth to rough, very close to dose, slightly weathered joints/fractures; 7-109.7': sub-vertical white calcite mineralized healed fault brecca.: Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE with vena thin, sub-vertical foliation; oth to rough, very close to dose, slightly weathered joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-vertical foliation; oth to rough, very close to dose, slightly weathered joints/fractures.

FZ 107 1 8 1081 1091 110 107.5-7 R16 112.5 5.0/5.0 100 94 230 8 6 5 5 -111 I 1, 114 q R171 117.6 5.0/5.0 100 100 370.1tmo 6 I 1 1 I 1 1 15 7 16 8 I 1 17 9 i117.5- to18 lg 8 R18 122.5 5.0/5.0 100 100 320 smo 19 7 '9£7 GRANULAR SOILS J COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT I BPF DENSIT 0-4 VERY LOOSE 410 LOOSE 10.0 MEDIUM DEaE 30.50 DENSE'no VERY DENSE<2 8-15 1540 VEIRY SOFT SOFT M. s0FF.0TIFF VJmIF van" I 2 3 4 5 ARDNEoSS VERY SOF MEDIUM HARD, VEcY soRT WEATHERING I COVItE'2 SEVERc 3 MODERATE 4 SUGOT 5 FRESH (1) 0 (1 1-2 () 2-1.(4)1 0-I rI c r," VEY SENm- MCLOSEIMn-MN 1Y l MOO DhICKOO Ce>cr VERY Wsntu Y mn-ace TICS Ueae a^nmUEe 1.55 MOO DIPRING W.05 Sea-5EaTICut sWý sERTICAL'JOTFS, IBORING NO. IMW-53 BORING LOG ISH. 5OF 5 SAMPLE SAMPLE Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY fifer ODnfing and Testng niela Bmtos/Maudce Pon/lSera Co-elli 20106 0)6 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION BORING NO. MW -53 mi Jr. -D. Schiper 1.07691 COORDINATES:feet INORTH: 462822.W EAST 072-H: 125 feet I GROUND WATER READINGS rH I CASING Iý STABIUIZATI v n-ter (HO) wk.reine I-a 70 UC o z 0u 0 0J'S 0U 0-In z z-'P-I-c3 d 0WuJ 0 08 X Cr u.-I 00 0>00 HARDNESS IN PROUPERTIEIS NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT WEATHERING 0)0 z see below for values see below for values see below for values 1.2 3.4.511.2 3.4.5 121 6._,, ..-..122 7 2.-123 8 R1.9 125 2512.5 100 100 210 R19: Hard, fresh, fine-grained, grey MARBLE with very thin, sub-vertical foliation; 0 23 8 smooth to rough, very close to clone, slightly weathered jointslfractur... ." " 124 7 0 125 7 __________________________________ II~ I IiIiI110 12E 127 End of Boring 125 feet 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 130 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 " " 146 147 148 _______I-1... ..... ....... ..5 140 15(0 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS aE .8PF ONsE.NCY " HARDNESS W WIEATHERING NO. PER FE SPACINGVT5 NESS ANIGLE 0-4 nunYLOOSE <. VERYCr SOF n VERY SO" n COMPLETE (1) 0 2 VOER , ýEsVERYTHIN 0-0 HORIZONTAL 4-10 LOOSE 2-4 SOFT 2 MEDIU 2 SEVERE (2) 1.2 ".1- CLOSErFHN -5° SUB-HORIZONTAL 1030 MEDIUM DENSE 4- M.e S'F 3 MýDERAnELY HARD 3 MODERATE (3) 2-10 1-3" 35"-55. MODO IPPING 00- DENSE" 8-15 STI5FF 4 (MW4 SLUGHT (4) 10.20 n-91 WI C -SUn-VERTICAL VR0 VuRYOENSE 15430 VnSIn 5 VEn HARD 5 FRESH VERY5WINR nICK 1.1 8 .VERTnu AL NOTES: 5. Monitedng well installed within borehole (refer to installatia log for details); 12" diameter well vault installed within concrete, flush with the ground surface.IBORING NO. Iwm-53 BORING LOG SM,1 OF7 BORING NO. MW -54 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA_ Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 l COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.99 feet NORTH: 462935.57 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604554.25 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 206 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: Da-ey Gnl S $S15electrirc lrarig BORING CO.: AquierDrlLinandTesing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMERi N A FOREMAN: D-e Carer DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE 0-err diameler (HW) ENGINEER: Mauroc Pontl/Angeia (o0h Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Date CASING HAMMER: NA SATE START. 7/31/06 ROCK CORE: 37/0-inch diameler (HO) eM.1e D SATE END: 8/25W*IN SITU PROPERTIES u- Lu e or-a NO.OF-C 1 L 0 u .0HARDNESS WEATHERING F OA T w. Lu Z > L oSAMPLE DESCRIPTION o W 0 see below for see below for see below for OrG JJ o. z o- 0, 00 --Z I- v1aloes .values values 0 0 1,2,3,45, 1,2,3,4,5, 1,2,3,4, Very hard, concrete 14 Ri 3.5-5.t 212 100 -5 14--Very hard, concrete 16 R2 5.5-8.0 2.52.5 100 -15 S8.5- " Very hard, concrete 12 R3 10.1 2.112.1 100 -10 13 10.1- " Very hard, concrete 13 R4 13.0 2.9/2.9 100 -14 .-is .. ............ .... .-. -15 " 14 R5 113-14 1/11" 100 -Very hard, concrete 2 14.0- ' Very ioard, concrete 15 10 R6 15.7 1.7/1.7 1tt -15.7-12 R7 18.7 3/3 100 95 15.7'-16.8': Very hard, concrete I I IT.. of Bedrock at 16.8 feet *16.8'-18.7': Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE, with no apparent 12 f_____oliation; slightly mough to smooth, oery close to moderately close, sulb-vettical ___to moderately dipping, slightly weathered, Ireo-oxide staioed joints/froctures; 12 .. 17.5'-17.9': Calcite-silated mineralized healed cavity, trace disseminated pyrite.20 -4 21.0- Rs: Hard fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with no apparent foliation; slightly 15 R8 26.3 5.365.3 100 72 0 to moderately rough, very close to moderately close, moderately dipping to " ; vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained jointsftractures. Occasional 19 _ 0 very thin, discontinuous calo-silicate mineralized healed cavities/vugs; slightly 3 pitted texiture along partiotly healed. sob-vertical, white Calcite mineralized, .~ ~ J J 16 .3 slightly ion-oxide stained joints/fracture;s;I .., 21.0'-21.6': Fracture zone: slightly to moderately rough, wry dose, sub-v 1 -ertical to vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 26.3- R9: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no 14 R9 31.0 4.714.7 100 100 0 apparent foliation; no apparent joints/fTractures; one healed slidkenside joint 0.ll 1T, w- .ith black mineralized surface (exposed by hammer break); texture indicates, 16 .. 3 healed, calcite mineralized micro-breccia; slightly pitted texture between 29' .and 31'.16 3 30 13 1 5 1 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0.4 V <2 oVRyesrr r GORyso'r 1 COMPLETE in 0 ,2 T_0RY.gNOAL 0-10 LOsB 0-4 Nr 0 00DVUM 2 E1-2 N 10.0 D0NSE0 00500 "4C M. STIFF C MOORLTE0y 0AR MORTC t 0C 1- C UOO--,OTMA Th[r-000 I-ri CrlF 4 0-R 4 0 (4) --I-n veno nOnDuE Is-o v-/F 5 oven000 5 FROESHwU. ýNOTES 1. Cored through concrete owroithong machine to 3.5 feet below top of floor slab. Advanced boring fmm3.5to 18.7 feet using ar HQ corebareel. Rollrbit between 18.7 and 21 feet 2. Core runeR4 botom remained in borehole; recovered R4 as parfof run R5.3. Top of bedrock at 1 6.8 feet 4. Advanced 4-inch diameter (HW) casing to 21 feet interface sealed with grout.IBCJNG NO. jMW-54 BORING LOG ISH. 2 OF 7 BORING NO. MW -54*C3 0-E 0 0 Z 0 U 1 ii w M K 01 z:Z w wo 0010 0 0 av 0-Z_z SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 3:)0, 0>000 IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING I-0 NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for see below for values values see below for values a 4-4-13 0 10010D 31-36 0 501501 iOn I 70 14 R1.1 31-3. 5 .,.16 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 itron-ox 13 3 35 13 3 13 R11 36-41 5.0/2.6 52 8 0 13 .3 13 5 40 14 " 3 16 ' g lard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with no nt foliation; slightly rough to rough, very close, sub-horizontal to I, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; texture slightly along calcified, healed, joint/fractures; healed micro-breccia; 36.0': Fractured zone, rough, irregular, very close, hodzontal to vertical, ride stained joints/fractures. Moderately hard, moderately to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray LE, with no apparent foliation; rough, very close, horizontal to vertical, weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; 41.0': Fractured zone, rough, very close, horizontal to vertical, slightly ered, iron-ooide stained joints/fractures. lard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; y rough, very close to moderately close, sub-hodzontal to moderately g, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; texture es healed, calcified, micro-breccia. lard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no ent foliation; slightly rough to smooth, very close to moderately close, orizontal to vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oide stained FZ FZ FZ FZ-Fz"i 0 1 1 06 0 4j .-0/.01 100 99 10 0 40 Igntil 12 0 f 14 3 451 14 0 16 +0 0m ji 01 100 1 86 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 pointsitractures; texture extuons neaieu, sogriny prrea texture along calcified 13 0 50 oxide s 14 3 16 3 R14: H 16 R14 51-56 5.0/5.0 100 96 3 smooth-iron-oxi 16 0 actums, micro-breccia; 1.0' Fractured zone, slightly rough, close, vertical to sub-vertical, iron-tained joints/fractures. ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation;, very close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to moderately dipping, de stained joints/tractures; 4.6: Fractured zone, smooth, very close, sub-honzontal, iron-oxide joints/fractures. ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; rough, moderately close, sub-hodzontal iron-oxide stained actures.FZ PS FZ n 15 0 .iamne0 15 0 55 14 f 14 R15 04-61 5.0/5.0 100 100 3 sligi* joint 13 3 13 60 13 0 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS DE. noon Lveuo CO Nvv soon #,I RnvEnr m..Aun .IR F0 -10, SPtOAC0INHINES ANGLE ATol4 EJ.eon 1LOnOSE e Y2 I -xesoVso. rev r .V nuylRyTHIN 0000. u-ROnAlro-400 LOSE .2 MEDIUM c SE0ERE ro N.1 0010 I , e o 10OMEDIUM DIEN- 4 aM.rT 3 MCoTE-y -ARD 3 ODRA0 -(3 -o lOoo`, ý30ODENE i-1 STInFF 4 HARD 4UHT(4) 11-2 "at0 WICE-TICK 5'5o- ,suBa/ETC ,*0 VEly DNSE I53 V.TFF5 y -AD 5 FRESH wDOERmY TVC I oFN NOo. IMw.,, BORING LOG L I.I....11 Q 0h 0 ;0_.E a.w w Lu do, U, 0-0.313 do 00 0 0J o 0 a20 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION W w 3 >00 0 E;IN SITU PROPERTIES -NO. OP FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT see below for see below for see Values nalues below for values 12 11 1R16161-661l [f'*~ 1 15050 10=0 44 111 1 1 1 icaicred I I 65 70 13 15 -S.:R17: 12 R1i 66-71 5.0/5.0 100 155 slightl-ron-o 12 13 14ý14 R18: 12 R18 71-76 -t.0/5.0 100 100 slightl 14 14 14 150 ard, fresh, fine grained, gray-light gray MARBLE, with no apparent .; slightly rough, moderately dose, sub-horiontal, iron-oxide stained radtures, healed micro-breccia; slightly pitted teoture along healed I1 joints/fractures. ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; rough; moderately close to wide, sub-hodrzontal to moderately dipping de stained joint/fractures: healed fault breccia.ard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; roogh, moderately wide, moderately dippingirn-oidde stained dctures; healed breccia; slightly pitted texture, 1/8"-1/4l calcified nugs.ard, fresh;fline grained gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation;, moderately close to wide, moderately dipping, slightly weathered, tactures; slightly pitted texture along calcified healed, joints/fractures; micro-breccia. ard, ftesh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; no nt Joints/fractures: healed micro-brecc.a; slightly to deeply v-gular with calcite crystal filled vugs.ard. fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; no 75 23 4 t 0 0 S-SL 0 S S 0 Smo 1 -1 1.3 R1I0 76-814 1 1 .0/5.01 100 1O _00 1 .smoot 14-I I I I 1 1 80 1A-. .-4 -+ --I t -M ___--13 1R201 81-86 5.0/5.01 100 1l100 15 15 12 13 85 I ...I --10 R2, 81 m.U 1UU 300 __.4pparent0ointt.lracta res.11 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 90 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS 0-rn LO E 2-a 3 2. UM02 0 00000 r 1-2 ro 03000,r -1Or 5"-Or S0,ol a L"w-1oo 20300D00M,300 0-a 3d nTI o C M3RAEly 15RD 4 kKe01T re 0-10 -.n -30K 0 114 nNo JIBORING NO. IMW--; BORING LOG BORING NO. MW -5s4 Indian Point Energy Center Peniewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: " Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.99 feet NORTH: 462935.57 DATUM: NGVO 1929 EAST: 604554.25 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 206 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: Dave, DnlI OK 515 eIlWiottack ng BORING CO.: Anatet Diling ard Testing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: NI A. FOREMAN: Dae Cane, DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4-inch Rdmmter fHW) ENGINEER: Maunce PonIArngea -tough Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. SATE START: 7nItr6e ROCK CORE: 3 71-Ash diametet (HO) w.reltne SATE END: 0'S00o *z I" IN SITU PROPERTIES .O NO. OF 0Z E FRACTURES-0 HARDNESS WEATHERING PERFOOT 0t OP z SAPL --ESC-IPTION see below for see below for see below for value vaus vle n0 I.M 11213145 1 23 4.5 1 234..............1 I-1--, 1r1 i1 11'I I 104 21O 41 1 1.tnla.0v 1001 4 I0n 010C. mineS 12 12, I .I iwnoe ca1ce.95 12 121 ~11 1 II I111R22 104 R231 I. 4-5.0/.00 tO 1; tO2H.Ial Ish, fine grained, gray MARBLE, healed to partially healed white tlized failt breccia with no apparent foliation; rough, widely horizontal, slightly weathered, joints/fractfres; trace calcified joint ed, ugular texture along white calcite mineralized healed:S; shallow to deep wugs 1/16"-1/2" partially mineralized with esh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, healed white calcite mioeralizet with to apparent foliation: smooth to slightly rough, moderately yweathered, sub-hodrzontal to moderately dipping joints/fractures I joint/fracture surfaces. pitted, vugular texture along white calcite ealed jointslfractures. shallow to deep vugs; 1116"-1/2"; partially ie calcite/cEystals. mineralizei 12 "filled withv 100 13 13 R24: Hard 10 R24 5.mi5n0 100 109 dh whi 12 11 t051 10-..1425:1-10 R25 5.01501 190 100 fault bf dfppin!11 _ 109.3'.11 cavity.110i 12 12 , fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE, healed to white calcite d fault breccia with no apparent foliation orjoints/fractures; pitted h 1/16"to 1/4" deep rugs, partially mineralized with white calcite 0d joints/fractures.,fesh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, healed white Calcite mineralizer a with no apparent foliation; one smooth widely spaced moderately ghtly weathered joinoifracture; pited textare along white Calcite d healed jointifracture; .5': White Calcite mineralized, healed cavity with 1/16"-1/8"deep vig* fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, With no apparent foliation; oderately to widely spaced, sub horizontal to moderately ..a'a I 1i r1zn -.n,.a , ,v i rmoonm dipping, slightly weathered joints/fractures; healed Calcified 12 1 1 4 1 .1 1 1 1 oints/fractures. 13 115 13 13* 1R27: 12 R27 5_.05,0 100 100 smoi Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; oth to rough, moderately close, moderately dipping to suob-verlical, slightly hered. iron-oxide stained jointsifractures; healed, caloified, fault breccia;Neat--.. ---.t- -J:tl9tI pitteo eto-t along calcite healed jBi.tWlltovtres. 13.-I I I I I I I I 121)GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOIL. ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS -JOIF 4.10 L0400 10430 MttoNSB'to DENSE>5 ENSE 2.-,a-1 2 3 4 5 HARD.s.'Elul.CDERATELy-HARD-HARD I SEVERE S -TE 4 M.IGHT 5 MESH-PR Itt or Sre~rAE-Nm 0--v O.OEitRNýH NOTES: IBOmJNG NO. IMW-64 BORING LOG ISH. 5 OF 7 0 0 0 0 w D uJ J cL cn 0.Z.0 u.drd wwe Zoo 0:05 ub00 0 F.Gre o0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0, Nw 0>ual 00 0 Z I 4 IN SITU PROPERTIES N FRACTU1RES HARDNESS WEATHERING FPER FOOT see below for values see below for values see below for values 3--+ won + + + -4 1. -~12 1 R28 126 5.0/5.c 1001 88 3 12 3 12 If11 25 12 4 44 13 I3 1 1 I126.0-12 IR29 131.3 3 5.3/5.31 1001 7713 1 1 1 1 1 10"- 1-- .Ionzon 130 3 13 3 131,3- .-130:1 12 R30 136.0 4.7/4.7 100 100 3. oints, 12 "3 11 3 11 3 11 -__ 3 S 1 3 o- .R31:I 10 R31 138 2.0/2.0 100 100 3 slightl 136 lard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; rough to smooth, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained ractures; healed fault breccia.lard, slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent n; slightly rough to smooth, closely spaced, sub-houzontal to ately dipping, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 126.4': Fracture zone, slightly rough to smooth, closely spaced, sub-ntal to moderately dipping iren-oxide stained joints/fractures. lard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation or ractures; healed slightly brecciated texture.lard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; f rough to smooth, close, sub-vertical to vertical iron oxide stained ractures,. lard, fresh, fine grained light gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; rough to smooth, very close to close, moderately dipping iron oxide joiets/fractums,. toderately hard to hard, fresh, fine gravel, gray MARBLE, with no nt foliation; slightly rough, very close to close, moderately dipping ractures, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; .144.7'Fractured zone: rough, very close, moderately dipping, moderately ered, ion-oxide stained joints/fractures. lard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; tough to smooth, very close to close, sub-hodzontal to sub-vertical, yweathered, iron oxide stained joints/fractures; healed fault breccia;.151.0': Practured zone rough to smooth, horizontal to vertical, vewry slightly weathered, irmn-oxide stained joints/fractures. -I 11 3--+ Son- + --+ - + -I.131 1321 143 5.0/5.1 100 84 3 140 10 3 10 _ 3 10 3 10 .32 5 143-A 10 R331 36 1 1 13.0/3.01 1001 93 1 4 appare 10 4 145 weath 10 +t _ 4i F1 46- R 34, H 10 R341 151 5.0/5.0 100 74 4 s lightly 1 islightly 105 150.3'.6 10 5 150 11 5 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0-4 £000yL.40 <2 O0V5~y 1 £000 00"T t CoMFr.£IO I1) 0 <2" VyoSe0 0"*-n hmmvAL, a-l0 wOo 2 a- , 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE r2 t-2 pi 0,OnflTI .S".3 jU40ORIONT, 1ru.s UrorveNE -MuT 3 MOOeRAT0Ey 00D 3 aunERorE 01 3-ru 1.0 (3)Oreu1vIOT 3s"o W MOOoeerriu 305ODESES15.rT-F 4 -AD 4 (4GT ) 11-20 3'a-M3*TIC A 500 y E v.- a V.T0 a y000 5 FRESH r VE8- vior T.0 VER1nCei)40 0040'IOTES: I. Core barrel jammed Inside drill rod at 140'; ddll rod removed from borelole to retieve corem run R31 i. Sub-vertical joint/fracture betweea 146.6' and 147.4' deducted from ROD IBORING NO. gMW=-54 BORING LOG IsH.OFP7"177-Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY BORING NO. MW -54 Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper PROJECT NO: ICOORDINATES: 1 it'0 0 Z 0 S Lu<X Z zU Lth 00 0 u0 20 it t oi 0<'aI SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0: Ut ml 2 0 2 0 1 NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING FRACT PER FOOT see below for see below for values values see belviw for values 150 In 5 151-s nis n5 itn0 1A s 4 -~ + -+ ~-~- + ~ + -'--10 5 30 10 155~t I TIt10 I 155-R 13 1113.1 'I'6'l 8 !),.y .ý.A.4~~~~~~~ -- -)--*4 1O~nIS/tra 12 8 160 12:1 1 1 1 1 1 8 12 a 14 IR37i 106-I I t 5,015.0 58 1 8 25 165 170 verti 28 SO 161.ý30 50 14 25 12 25 166 R38: 12 R38 171 50/5.0 100 90 0 foliat 13 .vertii 13 5 13 " 14 0 1 7R39: 12 R39 176 5.0/0.6 12 0 1 foliat* .oxidc 11 1 101 61 9 1 R40: IS R40 11 5.0/5.0 o10 54 5 foliat rd to moderately hard, slightly to moderately weathered, fine gtined, yMARBLE, with no apparent foliation; slightly rough to smooth, very close, horizontal to vertical, moderately weathered ion-oxide stained actuos; 151.0-155.1: zone: slightly rough to smooth, very close to close, horizontal to iron-oxide stained joints/tfractures. rd to moderately hard, slightly to moderately weathered, fine grained, RBELE, with no apparent foliation; slightly rough to smooth, very close to oizontal to vertical, moderately weathered, iron-oxide stained actures.rid, moderately weathered, fine grained, light gray to gray MARBLE, with rent foliation; slightly rough to smooth, very close to close, horizontal to Irmn oxide stained joints/fractures; 62.4' Fracture zone: rough to smooth, very close to close, horizontal to iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. rd, slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent; slightly rough to smooth, very close to close, moderately dipping to sub-iron oxide stained joints/fractures. rd, slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent; slightly rough to smooth, close, moderately dipping to sub-vedtical, irn ained joints/fractures. rd, slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE. with no apparent; slightly rough to smooth, very close to close, horizontal to vertcal, iron ained loints/fractures: zones: 176.5'.177.9' and 178.8'-180.0': rough to smooth, very close to onzontal to vertical iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. .1__-17513 11 i -L racture 14 q 14 4 9 ...1£1 5 tRI GRANULhR SOILS t COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS 0a-s LOOSE L-E MEDIUM D-SE-E vMy DEýe 2ý-8-15 a--11 I z I wy--a RING 2 SEvERE SIZZIAý5 F-III 0 th 1-2 P1 0-a.1a CLýs`_ywý_tm-n noworeerul s*-nv~ sou.eoeSwcrec, m-5n MOO sInew t0.m ooB-voenmeL es~uo- remlous BOJN O..IM 7. Core barrel jammed insidedrill rod at 163e dcill rod remoed from borehole and cleaned.8. Rock description based on limded core sample recovered.

9. Cow barrel jammed inside drill rod at 176: drill rod removed from borehole and cleaned.IBORING NO. I MW-1; BORING LOG ISH. 7 oF7-r ------~----~BORING NO. MW -54.0 0 0 0 z w-I.w o.I s z mb ri ZUE w, 0 Q-i w o, 0 0 Ce 0 0 oF 5 z.,o o<(9_.3 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Z 0>W w HiU.w Q0~0 Zi IN W11 U I F KV I itt= = N O .O F/FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT see blw FOr e eOwTo see below for values values Values I--I----11 5 10 R41 10 1-100 5 501A4 12 1 83-0-I-1It 5 10 .,Ii 5 9 51 f lhtly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent rough to smooth, close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to ping, iron oxide stained joints/fractures.

Ihtly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent 22ý18!O I A 5.0/4. I4QI g. -'-Y Y-9h. dose, suW.oZ0n.- In 6 slight iron oxide stained joints/fdactures. 10 6 19(FZ FZ FZ 7ID'. 41 1.b 15oi/1-31 2e 4 0 1 LI000 R R v * ..-R 15J-0,J- .-Ivan 19!10 6 7 6.- R44: 15 R44 196-201 5.0/3.6 72 31 5 with horiz 12 5 1971 12 5 12 6 14 6 Hard to soft, fresh to severely weathered, fine grained. gray MARBLE, breccia, with no apparent foliation; rough to smooth. very close, ontat to vertical, moderately to severely weathered silt/clay filled/fractures. 196': Fracture zone: rough to smooth, very close, horizontal to vertical, rately to severely weathered Hard, moderately weathered, fine grained, light gray to gray MARBLE, to apparent foliation; slightly rough to smooth, very close to close, ontal to vertical, iron oxide stained , silit/cay filled joints/ftractures; '-201.0: Fracture zone: Moderately hard to hard, slightly to moderately weathered, fine grained, gray to gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; slightly rough to oth, close to moderately close, horizontal to vertical-, iron-oxide stained, tiled jointslfractures; fault breccia;1-202.7: CLAY GOUGE soft tan, sub-vertical clay filled joints/fractures fine gravel size texture.FZ F7 FZ P7 I" 20(FZ 11 IRd5 8 201 206 50150C10 lou 201-206 6 , .05 01 1001 60 FZ FZ FZ]11 12 12-1 0 -4 - -0 -I -I--I-I -t--6--I--0--I-I I-End ot bonng at 206 reet 10*11.GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0-4 <C oEray 00 1 000y000T 1 vOainEr l1t 0 .n- , 0-n- .he Tai 10-no 4.a U erIFF e neRO S uoDioue m3 0-10 1.-0 THomn5"-n" i .Wi I[uoos .25 NOTESý 10. Watedoo mulieel sampling system installed within borehole (referto installation log for details); 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot well vault installed within concrete, flush with the gound surface.IwBORING NO. 1MW-Si BORING LOG ISH. OF 3 BORING NO. MW -55 Indian Point EnergyCenter Reviewed by: MA. Ponti. Jr. -D. Schi Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017899.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 18.25 feet NORTH 462996.42 DATUM: NGVD 1929 6EAST: 04635.96 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 77.5 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55- Tr-cE Rig BORING CO: Aqafer Driling adTestin e GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: Ed Nomrer DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4ch diameterN, (H ENGINEER: An-on GaasuMa-uPic. pRRt Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: n/St ROCK CORE: 3 7H8ardh dfreehe(HQ) wmrnahe dATE END:n 8rnd ayA L .3O ,_ 'dfle, Rdsied HARDNESS tWEATHrERING 21 9-22.5: 23.3-23.4:

rStAMPE ZDrruESC ntyRIPTIO N f,~intlt 204 DESC-IPTION sOe see below for see below for se bw Q0 uJj zQvalues " values vle 1 2,fault brer r,5. 1 2. 1 4, 3 .. n Iei R(No soil samples taken) san 4 .3. .... p _ ._ , t 0 ITop of Bedrock at 9.5 feet-I ]13,5- R4
Hard, fresh to mocerately weathered, fine grained, gray, MRBLE, witrly 10 R1 17.5 4.0/3.3 83 27 4 faint, very thin, moderately ddpping foliation; rough to smooth, very close to.......

3K _. .i S3 closet sub-horizontal to vertical, severely weathered, siltifine sand filled, imn II15 47 I 4 oWade stained jointstfractures; fault braccia. FZ :' 20: 6 "5 14'-18': Fracture zone: rough to smooth, very close, subhodizontal to vertical,, severely weathered sift/fine sand filled, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. ........ ... ...-I1:5- 11R2: Hard, fresh to moderately weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with !i -, ~ ~~~3 rough to smooth, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered silt/fine ,:- ..3 sand filled, ironoxide stained joints fractures; ..... ........ 1.n21.8-22-5'; 23.2-23.4': FractLrS zone, rogh, wery cla. ESat.b-horzontal to 0sub-vetical, silt/fine sand, matIed,imn-oxide stained jo.rds/f1ctures; healed S aRa: I ~ ~~~~~ fault breccia. : 1. *neil SadenealdInStat 2225- R3: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint,drenrra98n , 3 R3 2 7.5 5.0/5.0 LOO 76 4 very thin, moderately dipping foliation; rough to smooth, very close to close, FZ 9 3 asub-horizontal to ve.ical, fine ....d/sifted coated ia....aeide Stainedl. 3F-ndaZtrlrile/neeadf etntl..... 4 oints/Bactures, partially healed fauIt breccia.O.-R4: Hard, firesh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, wery thin, " 3 R4 5.0/5.0 L00_ dipping foliation; slightly rouglh to smooth, close. sub-horizontal to sub-....3 I _ ~~~~vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/frastures. i !GRANULAR SOILS .COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS aPF DE.s GPP CONSITEC -9, RES 5 ESt-TERING NO RERFT s o" ERyLOOS w ysoFr I GO"PLE'r -in ; výyc HzoRMNA ,4"1 LOOSE S.4 T 2 zE4U SEVRE Sus- 21 " .3 Eoiu. 4- VMIFFF 3 moo-AT]_ HARD 3 MO-ERArE s3 -10 13 NOTES, 1.Borehole hand excavated to 5 feet..2: Spun and washed 4-inch diameter casing from 0 to 11.5 feet. Bedirock-ecunterediatg,5 feet.3. Drilled ahead of the casing to 13.5 feet using 356/8-inch diameter rller bit. Interlace sealed with grout tostabilize the casing.* , IBOR'NG NO. IMW-55 BORING LOG IMH. L OF n Indian Point Energy Center cReviewed bys: MoA. Ponti, Jr. -Dse SONppat Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 tCOORDINATES iiBuchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 18.25 feet INORTH .462996.42 DATUM: NGVD 1929 2EAST 604635.96IFINAL BORING DEPTH: 77.5 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME _55 Trak Rig BORING CO.: Aquifer OfIli g and TeStng IGROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER N.A. FOREMAN. Ed BomrI DATE IDEPTH I CASING I SAIIAINTM 3ASING SIZE 7 .- diameter (H6: ENGINEERd Aftrs Ghloeraurie Poned Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data 2..R... 42.0.00...Ot............ lrhnoayoeotrnsitatue. .....'ROCK CORE: 3 7/8 r.h diamnete (HO) wi.11. DATE END : 6114105Z 0 HARDNESS WEATHERING FRCUE o w w ...~~ m O AMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for sebeofr== w o , O vausale 40 2" " 30.5'-35.0': White, healed, micro-brecciated Marble zone.2 32.5- RS: Hard, fresh, fine grained, white to gray, MARBLE, with n1o apparent 2 R5 37.5 5.0/5.0 100 0 oliation; rough to smooth, close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to s..-moderately dipping, slightry weathered, ion-oxide stained jointslfractu...- 351 2 : S 37.5 R6: Hard, freshay, icr nedgray, MARBLE, with very thin, faint, 2 R6 42.5 45.035.017 0 roderately dippingfoliation; novapparey c o ntja/actures ...ons undo-0 2 401 20 42.5- R7: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with no appent foliation;so 2 R7 47.5 5 0.0/5.0 100 85 rough to smooth, very.close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iroppine stained joints/fractures; n1h 2 4r.5' Dark gray, micro myionizoned, clastic artifact.47.347.5': Fracture zone, very close horizontal to vertical, iron oxide i,0I l 45- 2 -----__ -staied, i:ooi sane:onstatoe.0 r ~2 1.47.5- R8: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with no 2 R8 52.5 5.0/5.0 10030 apparent foliation; rough to smooth. ery close to moederately ds FZ..... & moderatelo dipping to vertical, fron-oxide stained joints/fractures: healed 2 fault breccia;" 49.5'-56.5': Fracture zone, very Close, horizontal to vertical fine sand/sift 50 t2 coated, fron-ozida stained jointa/fractures. FZ 0 2 , .....Zl ,...2.5 0 R9.F : H oof, fresh to m oderately w eathered, fine gra ined, gray, MA R B LE , w ith n-pp r nt f l i"n" 2 R9 57.5 5.0/5.0 100 3 nogapparentt liation;r to smooth, very de close, mo derately --ipin t ----dipping to vertical, sif mated, ironn-xide stained jointoltroctores; healed faulttctrea. 3 breccia. :FZ A;i 55i 2 Z6 4 .57.5, ~R10: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; ! l 3 RIO 62.55.0/5.0 100__L3_" slightly rough to smooth, very Close to close, moderately dipping to sub- 5 _ ,, ..i ~vertical, iron-oxide stained, jointaifractures, healed fault breceda. -601 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS Dp E meNSoTY HF caSnToCv

  • uARDNESS WEATH eJNG NO P0RF sPAuINOICvNs ANGLE AunTnUe, 0- wsri Lon0So ,Ra vnor I er nPT I COMPLETE n)0 0 un w 4.10 roonE 0-4
  • oral- a MooEIU 2 oSEVER -2 t-2 2".1, 00*." ' $U A 10u0 ricUe 000 4- MTP 0 MOnERnLv HERS 0OnuT q1) 010 14 rod. Moo, DIPPING Durs Iea HARD orra ooa uu-00 u EN onrSE n-no YVore s .ERD r M.a C PRESO ,0 HARD NOTES: 4. Coring in fourth gear between 30 and 52.5; third gear from 52.5'IBORING NO Mw-5 BORING LOG ISH. 3 OF 3 BORING NO. MW -55 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by MA. Ponti. Jn -0 Soam rk Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES:.

Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 18.25 feet NORTH: 462996.42 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604635.96 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 77.5 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL DIE L55 Trac Rig BORING CO.: AquileririnndTeti GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER N.A. FOREMAN: Ed eot DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE 4-inch dimeter (HW) ENGINEER: Anton a Pnti Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. SDATE START nS/06 ROCK CORE. 3 7/8Ri1nd diemhtor (HQ) wgaHnd gATE ENDr: 8/14e v n 4 Ri' 67.9.....190 t gyroughtosmoothvIN SITU PROPERTIESz = I OHARDNESS WEATHERING M L , E FO S te r-id SAMPLE DESCRIPTION e f I. -- see below for see below for seblofr oz z ,0w values values vle 0 3 4 67.5- R11: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; 4 R1 67.5 5 .O/5.9 100 56 slightly rough to smooth, very cosn to close, moderately dipping toSu" to sub-vertical; iroe-oxide stained joints/fracures; healed fault breccia.6s 3 .754 65 3 3 5 67.5- R12: hote, fresh, fine graioned, gray MARBLE. with no apparent foliation 3 R12 72.5 5.015.9 100 82 slightly rough to smooth, very close to close, moderately dipping to sub-oxrtide Sto xide staineduoinesfsrh resa bholtd foa.t 20.2 3 23 2 794 7.-R13: Hard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE, with no apparent folation; ':: R13 77.5 5.015o 0 100 72 slightly rought to ooth, dose .....deate0y dipp n toHsu-verticai, imn- B oxide stained, jointstfiractures; healed fault breccia. 2 ........2r A.e .oo .... ..0.o ER o S0 rEO r nN O~End of Boring at 77.5 feet 80...... 7 " .. .... ...... .. ... ... .. .... ....... ... ...85.... ... ._._......_..._._.._.._._._._...._...._...._.._._..._..._......_..._.... ......___ __ _90 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS J61NT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS F, ENSITY CONSL WARONESS A IERING; NO.ERFT > SPAI CNeN NO. ATUEVERY LOOSE <2 OPEE()O<" Iefd 0""" I HOatzoN 4-1 LOOSE 2- (=" , 2 MEDIUM SEVERE P2) 1-4 2-1 "3oSBRIZONTAL -03 DENSE 4- *", STIFF M- 3MORATELY -1R 1CO-RATE ( -1 1-3MdC0 5-5= MODDIPRfNo 300CNSE e-'s SonsF" HARD SLIGHT (4) 11-20 W._* U- CAI.-5 ~yDENSE 150 v.-TF .vE5 s~ H FRESH v5°"0 VIERTICAL NOTES: 5. Monitoring-well installed within borehole (refer fm installation log for details); 2-taot by 2-foot by 2-foot well vault installed within concrete, flush with the ground surface.2. Spun aod-wahed4-rich duiamifer cainng from Sto11.5 feeE. Bedrock encountered et 9,5feet Interface sealed with grout to stabilize the casing.3. Drilled ahead of the casing to 13.5 feet using 3.5013nch diameter roller bit.IBoPN NO ,o. -5 BORING LOG ISN. I OF 3 BORING NO. MW- 56 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Pont, Jr.- D. Schipp Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. -70.26 feet NORTH: 462708.49 DATUM: NGVD 1929 6EAST 804658.09 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 88.5 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55 T.& RIB BORING CO.: Aquier i11ing ae Teoting GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: 3-recR rot -oon FOREMAN: Ed Bo.e- DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE 4-wA, damer I ENGINEER: S. C-elIVA. Galla. .Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA. DATE START: 03.006 ROCK CORE: 3 7- dArh r (HO) wilreine DATE END: W9106 IN SITU PROPERTIES-L 0 14: -rnt NOýOF z z z 0 .FRACTUREA 00 HARDNESS WEATHERING R 5 A IA IA -o~ ~PER FOOT IT 0 z >4AA I ~ 0~C i ai 0 W ~ E I_ o u. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION* o see below for see below for see below for L uA 0 ZIA w m Ovalues values IA I 0 5 00 i- o 1 12,3,4,5, 1,2,34.5 1,2_3.4.1 ___,"_2 _3 * (No soil samples taken from 0 to 8 feet)4-5 ______7 S1: Loose to medium dense brown fSne to coarse GRAVEL, some fine to 9 S 51 8-10 coarse Sand.101 S2: Loose to medium dense brown-gray fine to coarse GRAVEL, with fine to 11 S2 10-12 coarse Sand, some SIRt.12 _"** 'S3: Loose to medium dense gray fine to coarse GRAVEL, some coarse 13 S3 12-14 1 SAND, little Sift.14 S4: Dense gray GRAVEL, some fine to coarse Sand.15 5$4 14-16 =16 17i .... .__" -18 I I I 18.5-19 $5 20.5 S5: Medium dense to very dense gray fine to coarse GRAVEL, with fine to ____. .S coarse brown-gray Sand, little Silt.20 , Be2U.5-21 58 22.5 S$6: Medium dense gray fine to coarse GRAVEL, trace Silt..22 S 22.0-.23 S7 24.5 "S" y7: Loose to medium dense fine to coarse gray-brown GRAVEL, some fine '_'_'24 to coarse Sand, little Silt.24 ___._25 S8: Medium dense fine to coarse gray GRAVEL, some fine to coarse gray 26 S8 25-27 Sand, fittie SiR. ...... ....27 1 1_Si: Medium dense. 80010 coarse gray GRAVEL, come coarse gray Sued, 28 S S9 27-29 " l" ittle Sift.29 -Top of Be drock at29feet ... 1!lO: Very dense, dry gray-brown weathered MARBLE, some fine to coarse 30 '510 29-31 travel lifle Slif GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 8,F .MINSTY MCOwrerENC ARDNESS WMATnERIU Nc. mER FT SeucNGsTcSS e ATTITrUD O*4 v LOOSE <2 vER]ySOFF I CoMP-t tl I ýCOFJRYTHlN -e5 OZNAL L-tn OOSE 0.2 2 MEIUM 1 15550..rdo MIASUmIE 4D EETIFF 3 MODERATELy HARD 3 I0moRATE pE) _-'S MooD,.O~coITo-O NG D0a0ENS e1 .4 HARD .SL (4) 1100 -o on Se.- turU aý.ro VSROYDNSS moo Veem B S- ramF I FRESH ScoYwe T' VERICwA.NOTES: 1. Performed 8-mich diameter racuum eravation from tO 8 feet 2. Borehole advanced using 3 5/8-inch diameter mller bit 3. Drilled through a cavity void between 16 and 18.5 feet No split spoon sample taken.4. Bedrock encountered at approximately 29 feet.IBORING NO. ImW-56 BORING LOG ISH. 2OF 3 BORING NO. MW- 56 Indian Point Energy Center Regrewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -0. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.00178P9.10 COORDINATES: JJBuchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 70.26 fee t IN1ORTH: 46 70 .49 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604658.09 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 88.5 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME L55 TaRck Rig BORING CO.: Aquifer Drting and TaeO GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: .IneR WI spoon FOREMAN: Ed Boeer DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: A dia-tc aeter(H) ENGINEER: S. CovellPA. Gatas Refer to Table 6.1 for Gmundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N A. DATE START: ROCK CORE: 3 7/R-inch dameter (HQ) wedra DATE END: RO91O6 31 .AIN SITU PROPERTIES WEATHERING FRACTURES z 0.I z IAO .HARDNESS WEATHERING PERFOOT 01 .. , 0S, w0 0 W C 0 M w 0 see below for see below for see below for IA 0 U .1 z U O I-_n values values nalues G I ~ 0 d A. 00. .G -IA -IAb -) 1 (31 5," " 32 ....33 3- _34-RI: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation., 35 3 R1 34-39 5.0/5.0 100 65 4 -slightly rough to smooth, very close to moderately close, sub-vertical to 7 l vertical, sligbtly weathered, cate-silicate mineralized joioutsfrar t tres.36 3 4 -8.0'-39.0': Healed, pitted, breccia, with moderately bealed, rouglh to smootbh calcite mineralized joints/fractures; 37.5'- 1 37 2 3 3 43.0': Fracture zone, smooth to rough, very close to close, aub-vertical to 2 " 4 Moderately dipping, slightly weathered joints/fractures.

  • 2 ' 398 4 3 4 ".....* 4 ..... 9 " R2: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation;

.151 40 4 R2 39 -44 5.0/5.0 100 25 10 slightly rough, very close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly I- .l .., -41 *3- weathered, pitted, calcite mineralized joinetlfractures. " 41 " 3 I10 " Zl42 3 20 43 4 15 444 20 R3: Hard; fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation, no 45 3 R3 44-49 5.0/5.0 100 100 a apparentjoints/flactures. 46 2 6 47 3 5 48 2 .6 49 2 .*.R4: Hard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation: 50 3 R4 49-54 5.0/5.0 100 93 10 Slightly rough, close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to moderately .dipping, iron-oxide stained, healed joints/fractures. " h1 3 a5 52 2 3 53 3 10 54 2 6 R5: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation: Very 55 2 R5 54-59 5.0/5.0 100 97 5 dose to moderately close, calcite/manganese. iRon-oxide stained 0 oints/fractures; disseminated pyrite within matrit.56 2 4 ..57 3 0 I59 59 2 ." 85 90 4 RB 59-64 5.0/5.0 100 97 9 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BPAF A [RSITY IBAR CMABARTOBAR .OBONESO NOWRI Pee Pr e IANGLE AflrBR.E 0 14 v 0 v SERY RA/ 1 .en B uMe.uETE (t) B '2 MVrYcOSEn THINR 4O Lood.S R *S-4ta' 2 SEVERE 112 2"1' ...' ""-35" rAL " D0.10 LI5 T HARD IEGHR4) 12a uLea0* SUARIS VERY DENSE 1- VS5F wavy HARD 5FRESH VSR..-TH0-ve-au., NOTES: 5. HW casing and advanced fo 31 feet and set in gout_.Roller bit used to advance borehole betwvee 31.0 and 35.0 feet tncated joint/ftractures at 35.3 fet and 40.7 feet below ground surface.7. HO coring started at 34.0 feet borehole advanced using a 3 7/8-inch diameter (HO) rock corebarrel between 34 and 88.5 feet 8. Fracture zone between 37.5 and 43.0 feet IBORING NO. MW 56 BORING LOG SH. 3OF 3 cJ 0 0 o 0 Lo o-3 0 zwt3 U 0 o 5-0 O00 0 10 0 a, 10.SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 N a, a 0 IN SITU PROPERTIES,÷ HARDNESS WEATHERING I 0 I +40o. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for see below for values values*see below for Values 4.10 4_6 4 410 R7: 4 R 0400 5/5 100 95 15 for stig 20 66.15-1.3 ." 20* ..R8: H 3 R8 69-74 5/5 100 85 20- Slight dippir 3 "_ 20 3 .20 4 *20 4 .20H 3 R9 7479 "5/5 100 53 20 appar Vertic, 20 3 20 3 _ 20 fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation: slightly mooth, moderately close, moderately dipping, slightly weathered, ures; several calcite healed joints/fractures. fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE wth no apparent foliation: smooth close to moderately close, moderately dipping to sub-vetcal, athered, imn oxide stained joints/fractures; Fracture zone: rough to smooth, nery close to close, sub-horizontal sl[ghtly weathered, imn-o)die stained joints/fradures. Healed* brccia with iron oxide staining and calcite mineralization ts/fbactures. " fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation: rough to tooth, close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to moderately lightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/frausres. fresh, fine grained, gray-fight brown, dolomithtic MARBLE with no foliation: rough to smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to on-oxide stained joints/fnactures. '-80.9': Hard, fresh, fine grained, delamitic MARBLE with no apparent rough to smooth, close, sub-vertical, iwon-oxble stained fress. .d, hresh. fine grained. gray MARBLE with no apparent follotion: I ...... I FZ PZ FZ-FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ 9 2 RlO 03.5 4.5/3.7 '77 27 20 4 20.4 " 20 4 20 4 .20 10 83.5 1 100 1 1-0 1 20 smuom ose to moderatel close moderately dippinn to sub-wrtical imn I I I I y 4 1b Ioxide stained joints/fractures. 4 _ 10 4 18 4 10 vv 89 90 End of Boring at 88.5'GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0-4 one cIyLoon <2 1 55V 1 CoMuaLn I1t 0 *' < r-ota a i 00o50 4-a , SeTO 0 t5UY10M I 00505 re 0-tO V.0I aonoflJn erao 0.0-O 0UHR.~ta-so a-Is arorF j a ORt E~y 4O 14 tt5 -t n . 55-t sro eeNO 1 0 7 0 0 : 3 1 qOTE S, ..1. Fracture zone between (8.5 and 83.5 feat I0 VerUejoint fracture between 77.5 eand 79.0 feet trsncated jointfracture at 72.3 feet 11 Core barrel jammed at 83.5 feet 12. Monitoring wells installed within borefole (refer to installation log for detals); 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot well ault installed within concrete, gush with the ground surface.BORING NO. MW-6 BORING LOG aN.10F2 BORING NO. MW -57* .Indian Point Energy Center Revewed b MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schiper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.001786910 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.98 feet INORTH: 462888.55 DATUM: NGVD 1929" EAST: 604562.36 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 47 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: DAVEY DK515 Track Rig BORING CO.: Aquier Drilling end Tastn-g GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: DGn Carter DATE -DEPTH I CASING I STABIUZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 44rich daterlW) ENGINEERS: Angela Ho...h/Moaurn PorifSam CooaB Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA .DATE START: 7114/06 ROCK CORE: 3 7184inch diamrotr (HQ wirelin DATE END: 7120Q06 IN SITU PROPERTIESF ýZ Z X 0 Z,..HRNS FRACTURES 00 u Z to .HARDNES W .EATHERING PER FOOT Z W M w X- 0 Z 0 ?. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION X .Seebelowfor see below for Bee elow for OI 0 a- o Z 01 ._ .M W 0.0, wX --0, NII " .1 "0 2 _4 I12 Ri 3.8-5.8 2.0/2.0 105 NA _Rl: Hard, hONes, gry 1/2" aggregate Boncrete Terp at Bedrock at B.N feet. < , 6 I20 1<2: Hard, eRsh, line to nmediumn grained, light gray MARBLE RB apparent estucture 2~ 1i~i. .7 I38 R2 5.8-7.0 .1.2/1.2 100 1800 __ .3 /~ Y* ! -.R3: Hard, fresh, Hone Io mrediurm grainted, gray IN white MARBLE with faint, sub-veltijal 8 I*35 R3 7-12 5.015.0: 100 "6 "" liatBN:Nn sooth torough, veryBlose toBIose, sub-honizonta toNNsub-erocol.slightly weagrered, iron-oxide stained jofets/fractaes;: 8.7'-18.8': Fracto 9 I27 zone. smIooth to slightly rough, very dose to close, moderately dippingtI. euh-vert~cal,_ ir i~l-25"-" " " Bide stained joints/fractureas. 10 25 a: ---i0 1, , 4. 5. 1, .3 .5 ,2 4 1121 12 21 R4: Hard, fresh, fine to medium grained, gray to drkgray MARBLE with faint, svery thn 13 315 R4 12-17 5.0/5.5 100 10 0 ub-er2lical o n: smooth to rouai, veryectsh ta blighoy rionh, moderately wide tB widely wepaced, sou-horizontal, shhtry weathereed iron-oxide Btained jdintNfractures. 141 21 4 4.15 21 16 19.17 t15 H4: Hard, fesh, fine-grained, Bray MARBLE. healed faal breocia with no apparenthn 18 16 R4 17-22 5.0/45. 94 94 iiatieion: vertoth t0 slghdy rolggh, -o modete close to moderate 14 2 ----.-Blase, , sligh tly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/traBtuleN; white oalehe mrneralize-d 19 15 " Jinle exhibilng heeled micro-oRfetet, t~nonafed patterns, disseeminated pydite present.201 1 21 I20 22 I20 R6: Hard, fresh, fine-grained, gray MARBLE healed fault breccia, with no apparent 23 16 R6 22-27 5.0/5.0 100 180 foliation:soothtN sg rough , sub-horizontal ty o loseBighyweathered sghgy iroenraide s etaieed ,ointjtractareN; very close, irregalar, Nob-neratual, white calcite mineralized heele 14 18 Iointractures, tault breccia, micro-offnets, with pited tertnre 1/18" deep.25 16 261 20 22 20 27 2~2R7: Hard, fresh t0 sligh, y weathered. tie-grained gray to light gray MARBLE healed faal 0 28 16 R7 27-32 5.0/5.0 100 86 breola, oery thin, gealedoconeoluted toliate ioa ght vly wdoe to wide, hotizontal to____ ------StaderateiF dipnping, moderately weathered. iran-oaide stained iaielnIratores;~ 29 I20


-VERY DENSE 15-0 5N VERY HARD .S FESH .17 ORY THICB V5-N VWETfICAL NOTES: 1. Borehole advanced using 124nch diameter concrete Catina machine to 3.5 feet, 4-lnch diameter (HW) casing advanced to 3.8 feet rolner bit concrete to 3.8 feet; rck core usinng 3 7/6-nch diameter (HQ) core batrel between 3.8 and 5.9 feet through concrete; advanced 4-fed diameter (HW) casing cusing to 5.8 feet through concrete; cored (HN) to 7 feet; concrete placed wround 14-inch road box prior to R3.2. Spun and washed 4-inch diameter (HW) casing to 3.8 feet and took R-1. Bedrock encountered at approximately 5.5 feeL 3, Spun and washed 4-inch diameter (HW) casing to 7 feet. Casing/rock Interface sealed with grout.4. Water Ioss in borehole between 9 and 1 I feet estimated tf be 108 gallons; return water observed at 11 fet 5. Water loss in bohehole between 27 and 32 feet estmated to be 330 gallont IBORING NO. BORING LOG ISH. 2 OF 2 I I. ---...- -.- ---- --Aw lki BORING NO. MW -57 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY hi~oet 0II 8.55 DATUM: NGVD 1929 lEAST: 604562.36________________________ -r~T~I E ,,=, a z_0 0 z ui W 0 X Q._.0 H.z ZL Hiw 006 His L0 U, o a: 0 Z:J SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0>U-1 W Of 2 0 Q oi IN SITU PROPERTIES N.O~NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESSt WEATHERING PER FOOT uU 0 Z 0 see below for see below for see below for values values values 1 2 3,49 5 1, 4 5 1 2 3 4.Y " NI1~ .,!' .31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 19 11 11 1 1 : Ha 8 R 1 32-37 1 5.0/5.01 10 84. U artriall 10--lon j0 12 t -1 tcry ,1 11 10 0/ 7 -]1R9 1 12 R9 L37-42 1 15.l5.01 100 1 484 JMP onfnued) disseminated pyrite, concentrated along joittsioractures; 31.1 Fresh to slightly weathered, pitted, iron-oxide stained, partially healed fault breccia e-celcite mineralized along joints/fractures. ard, fresh to moderately weathered, fine-grained, light gray to gray MARBLE, y healed, limonoete-vloite tineralized fault breccia, with very thin, convoluted n: rough, very close to moderately dose, sub-horizontal to sub-verfical, moderate]ered, limonite-oalcite mineralized joints/fractutrs; disseminated pyrite, concentrate oint/ fractures; pitted vugular texture. White-calcite mineralized, large healed vug: 4 deep; atorio retaics water;, 36.2-37.0': Fraoture Zone, rough, ose, heodzontal to vertical, moderately weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractur(Distinct contact between light gray and gray MARBLE.ard to moderately hard, fresh to moderately weathered, fne-grained, tray LE, healed to partially healed fault breccia, with no apparent foliaton; rough, very Lo ose, sub-hoizoetal to vertial, moderately weathered, iron-ooide stained, clay I jointslfractures; trace pitted, vugular texture;gland 41.3-42.0': Fracture Zones, rough, very close, moderately dipping to i, fne-sand/ clay coated, moderately weathered, iron-oxide stained joint/ fractures retains water.Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine-grained, gray MARBLE, healed fault breccia G apparent foliation; smooth to slighty rough, very close to close, sub-horizontal tc a, slightly to moderately weathered, itnegular, iron-oxidellimeonite-calcite stained ractures; Pitted vugular texture; 43.8-45.1: Fractun 9 6 B -] Pf -I v 10 FZ FZ FZ FZ 7 S-IItari, 12 4 4 4312 12 R101 42-47 1 1__ 1 2 44 45 46 15 I Z- slightly rough ery d ... sub-horizontal to vertical. sliahflv to moderatelv 11 oeathered, iron-oxide stained joint fractures. 10 46- In" 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 13-f-P"-. ..... ...f-t .I- I -E~nd of Boring 47 feet.8.72-f-P- f-f- -~-+]-f-p -~-f- -l--I GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS HiF [ENSTs WeF coNSISTENCY HARDNESS WVEATH ERING.NO. PER FT IEWS ANGU ATnTUDEw 0-4 WRYLUOcsE VERY SOFT I VERYSOFr I COMPET (1) 0 W2 FRY cLOSIDVRy THIN 0w-5 HORIZONTAL 4.10 LOOSE a-. s a 2 a 000 (2) 1-2 74t CLOSErTIN s-r 8U-HORIZoNTAIL 1t.30 urEDIUMo NrE 4-0 M. STRFF 3 MIOFoAo T.lY HARI) 3 ro -RATE (3) 2-1a 1-n MOOCLO00,'MO"t500 K no-no. N Moo DiPING, 304o0 D0EN0 5-15 51FF 4 HARI) 4 S00GH (4) 19-Hi T-10' WODf'THNK 55-go SUB-VERTICAL. 000 WRY wEN t-o vIn, 5 WeY HARD 5 RESH ty WVRYW IVIRY THIK a'-go- VERTIA>30 HAND 4OTES S. Water Ioss doring R8 estimated to be 252 gallons 1. Water lass during R9 estmated to be 304 gallons 3. Monitoring wells installed within borehole (refer to installateon log for detals); 12" diameter well vault installed within concrete, lush with the ground surf IBORING NO. MW-57 BORING LOG ISH. 1 OF 3 1 L p!03 Z 0 d z 0 0J 0 X 0 Z'0 ztA.00 040 00, 0 0 0 0 W 0 5 Z zo S'0-<SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONZ COw 00 HARDNESS IWEATHERING 0)0 Z NO. OF I FRACTURES PER FOOT'0 0 Jsee below for.values 1, Z 3 ,4, 5 Ssee below for values 1.2 3 A.,5 see below for values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 S1 10-12 10-12 21 24/12 12 -12 (No soil samples taken from 0 to 10 feet)91 : Medium dense, gray wet fine to coarse GRAVEL, little Sand, trace Silt Top of Bedrock at approximately 15 feet I 2 3 1 14 15t S.....,~ i-I .,,,,.:;.16 17 18 19 20 S2 1 15-17 120-1i01 2 167125 15 Ri 22.5 5.0/5.01 100116~15 I'IIV 14 T .....- 4 -....21 22 23 24 9R 15 1it 16 10 IR2 I27.5 tense, gray, fragments of MARcLE.fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with very thin, sub-liation: smooth to rough, very close to lose, sub-oerkcal to sub-hodzontal, y weathered, iwn-oxide stained, joints fractures; slightly to very pitted vugular omrnonly assocated with irregular white calcite-dineralized joints/fractures; ': Fracture Zone, very close to close, sub-horizontal to vertical, slightly d, iron-oxide stained joint/ fractures; 24.fially healed fault breccia with pitted, nugular texture.fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE with very thin sub-liahion: smooth to rough, very close to dose, sub-hodzontal to sub-verfical, y weathered, iron-oxide stained jointsftractures; slightly to very pitted, vugular ommonly associated with irregular white calcite-mineralized joints/fractures. fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE with very thin sub-liation: smooth to rough, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-verthcal, rathered, iron-oxide stained joint fractures; few sub-vertical white calcite-Ad jointstfractures occur as conjugate sets, sfightly pitted, few vugs 116-1-i8" FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ 4,5 6 5 0/50 10of 02-1,-I -t-l-+ --4-'--+--~- I--I 12 25 26 27 28 29 21)14 15 15 27.5-15 R3 32.5 5.0/4.9 98 96 27 72 22 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CI OPF DE-011 apr cossIonnCY HARDNESS WEATHERING

50. FcC yr SP00004JrT.OeESS 000UE ATRnnu90 0-4 venYLOosE

<c noRYonFFT ceRY SF0 1 0OMTn I) 0 <2r VERY CLOSENERYc N .nHIs HORIzON"L" 4-10 t2oE a,4 our-n 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE 12) 1-2 27-11 CLOElSErHIN 0 SUBORIZONTAL 10.0 MEDIUM DENSE 48 M. STIFF 3 MOOERATLY HARD n MODERATE (') 0,10 1.4r MODL05£9MOOT£9ECt 0'-55 MOO DPPINO 1040 08915 -crm 4 HARD 0S0GHT (4) 11-20 v-1tn WJDE.T'HfCl 5- SUo-gVe.RTC 'no ceAY DENSE 1530 v.S',T 5 WRY HARD w5 ESH >10i EWRY",DERYOCX -0"W VERTICAL'90 HARD i. Borehole vacuum excavated between 0.5 and 8 feet below ground surface.S. Drilled with 3 5/8-inch diamefter roller bit between 8 And 15 feet Bedrock encountered at approximately 15 feat.I.HW diameter casing grouted at 16.5 feet.I Borehole re-ddlled inside of 4-nch diameter casing with 3 5/8-inch diameter roller bit between 5 and 17.5 feet.HO core sampling conducted between 17.5 and 22.5 feet.i. Vugular zones common along healed, calcite mineralized joints/fractures; vugs generally range between 1/16" and 1/2' deep.IBORING NO. IMW-58 BORING LOG ISH. 2 OF 3 BORING NO. MW -58 Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Northeast Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.57 feet INORTH: 462864.26 Dniella BstoslM-ufce Pon.tSara Co-eli CASING HAMMER: NA.-lATh START: 6029106 ROCK CORE: 3 7/8-inch diameter (HQ) wireline DATE END: 7110/06-F -F ----F -------I p I 0 Z Z o 0 0 itu I 0 Z 2 2-P 00 00 010 0 01 o1 0 0 0z.JO 0<20 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 2 01 W0>-In 01 01 01 I-IN SITU PROPERTIES HIARNTESS WEATHERING NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for l see below for values f values see below for values 31 32 33 34 35 21 16 32.5-13 R4 37.5 4.9-5.0 98 83 R4 ive 25 .--su 35 22 37 34 17 ira 13 37.5-15 R5 42.5 .5.0/5.0 100 69 _ R5 3 _ Re_L3_ "e 36.37 38 39 40 4: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine-grained, gray MARBLE with very thin sub-rtical foliation;: smooth to rough, very dose to moderately close, moderately dipping to b-verfcal, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; .8'-38.0': Healed micro-mylonized zone (dark gray hairline bands);.0'-37.5': Partially healed fault brecda, pitted texture..5'-35.5': Fracture zone: rough to smooth, very close, moderately dipping to subvericaul on-oxide, stained jointslfractures. Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE with very thin sub-<rtcal foliation: smooth to slightly rough, very close to close, sub-hoeizontal to sub-rtical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained jdints/fractures with white calcite ysstallization; shallow to deep vugs occurring along jointslfractures; 0.1'-40.8' Healed fault breccia with white calcite-mineralized sub-horizontal to sub-FZ t4 I -- I'-. tarrival voni vato ioints/fr,&turus with vu ular testore 41 15 42 17 42.5-43 15 RB 47.5 5.015.0 100 62 R6: I verbir 44 14 verbt cryst 451 19 *_ -.with 4 5.8'46 13 erb(47 19.47.5-48 13 R7 52.5 1 5.015.0 100 88 R7:T 49 22 .sub-v alonl 50 28 51 30 52 20 52.5-53 14 R8 57.5 5 5.0/5.0 100 80 R8: I sub-, 54 14 verbe calc 55 14 and Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE with very thin sub-cal foliation: smooth to slightly rough, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-eal, slightly weathered irne-uxide stained jointstfractures with white calcite alfization, pitted vugular texture and calcite mineralization along healed fractures some iron-oxide staining;-46.1': Healed fault breccia with white calcite-mineralized, moderately dipping to sub cal, conjugate joints/fractures with vugular texture.Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth to slightly rough, close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to-erhcal, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/tractures; pitted vugular texture g white calcite-rnineralized, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, healed jdintlifrctures. 56 57 58 59 60 14-i-i, ~ --t t -I -I -t -1~20 15 1 119 1 .7ý.5 1 1 15.. .0110. 1.56.0'Neat=iergl digSt Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE with very thin to thin, vercal foliation: smooth to slightly rough, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-cal, moderately weathered, iron-stained joints/fractures; pitted texture along white il-mineralized, healed jointsthractures; 54.3'-55.8': pitted texture 1/4' vugs along white calcite-mineralized conjugate healed joint/ fractures; healed breccia at 54.5'-55.6; -57.5': Fracture Zone, slightly rough, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, moderately hered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractires. Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth to rough, very close to close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, tly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; FZ FZ 90.0.. i -t -. --i I i -, I 22 v.ea-z0.9": healed fracture zone,, suw-veigtcal, whtee lacrte: rnineralized, healed joints/firactures with slightly pitted texture;GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BPF ENST CONsENCY .HARDNESS WEATHERI No. PER FT SPACINGIHICKNESS ANGIE ATTITUDE W. VRY LODGE <2 VERYSOF I VERYSCI7 1 COPLT (1) 0 HO"5" 4-10 LOOSE 2- SOFT 2 MEDIUM 2 SEERE (2) 1.2 2"-1r CLOS.n'IN

  • 3 SU-OoRIZONrTAL 104.0 MEDIUM DENSE u M. STFF 3 MODERATELY HARD 3 MO.RATE (3) 3-10 1-3 MODCLOSEJMODIHIoK 3551 MOO DIPPING 10.0 DENSE 8-15 SETff4 4 AeD 4 SLIGHT (4) 11N-) 7.r10i %MDE7IrlCK no.5 SUý-VEvRTICAL WRY DENS 65E ..,-25n 050F 5 -VERYHRDtl..

5 FEa.lDVERvoWDEWRY ecK ente VERTICAL NOT--E--:- NO *M.5 BOI NGN. IMW-BORING LOG ISH 3OF 3 BORING NO. MW -58 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed b : M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schi er Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.57 feet INORTH: 462864.26 DATUM: NGVD 1929 ST: 604400.31 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 72.5 feet)RILL RIG MODEL CME L55 Track Rig BORING CO.: Aqurfer Orating and Testing GROUND WATER READINGS 3AMPLER HAMMER: 140 lbs FOREMAN: Dwe Carter DATE I DEPTH I CASING STABILIZATION TIME ,ASING SIZE: 4-inch diameter (HWM ENGINEERS Anton Gallas/Daniella BasltoiMaunce Port/SaraCovelli Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data ,ASING HAMMER: NA. DATE START: 6/29106 ROCK CORE: 3 718-nch diameter (HQ) wireline DATE END. 7110D6 4 P" ." .P ...IN SITU PROPERTIES NOOF~. ~ o HRDES EAHRIG FRACTURES 0 z =* a ;; w W 0 .oSAMPLE DESCRIPTION .beR foT a0 0 see below for see below for seebeofr=1 .1 0 60.9-62.5': Fracture Zone: very close, moderately diping to sub-vertical, tron-oxide 61 20 stained joint, fractures coated with fine saendsift. 62 20 .R10: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grainecl, gray MARBLE with very thin sub- F 62.5- vertical foliation: smooth to slightly rough, very close to close, moderately dipping to sub- F 6 63 8 R10 67.5 5.0/5.0 100 48 vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures, several filled with fine sand/ sand; healed white calcite-ninerafized joint/ fractures; pittd texture and 1/8" vugs 64 10 along few white calcite-mineralized joints/ fractures; 64.4-69.5': Fracture Zone, very close to dose, sub-verfical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained -65 11 ljoints/fractures coated with fine sand/ silt, often in conjugate sets. FZ 66 11 F .2 67 11 ___67.5- R1 1: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained,gray MARBLE with very thin, sub-68 13 RFil 72.5 .5.0/5.0 100 30 vertical foliation: smooth to slightly rough, very close to moderately close, moderately FZ S ". dipping to sub-vertical, slightly weathered. iron-oxide stained joints/ftactures, several 69 11 -filled with fine sand/silt; pitted texture and 1116" vugs along.few healed white calcite- FZ mineralized joints/ifactures. 70 13 1 71 13 72 13 0 End of Bodng 72.5 feet.*~~~.. ... ..."."....... ..... .GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS RC COE HA CT ISCSJOINT/FRACTURE CHACERISTC e3r DEssIry err cONSrENCY HRDNEScS WElATHERING NO. nRa Fr sn-],clslnvcss ANGLE ATTITUDE a-u LOnSE los WR may T soI WR Y ySOFT 1 co&p4et Ill 0 <1 seeY CUOSEneyTHIN o'-51 HORIZONTAL, a-I Los u-0.1 so. uOF acac W. 2 S~Enl (2) I-S r CWOlIDTHIN .-3. sun-ORIZONTAL 15-0 MEDIuMcorwE "- M. ownF 3 MODERATELY HAIRS 3 anuEcn pm 3ma 1-,i MODCO cEnsMrO tHICK mýe MOD SIPPING DENS0 5r -rn STIFF 4 HARD 4 SUOIIT (4 14 0 tI-1S n- Drrrn 1.tlts~ no S UBsAPERTICAL 'n -vERyDES 1eoc I-3n V.SnIFF 5 cogs HARD 5 FRESH err oVERY seDrENEY THICK 5-a VoERTCAL 7'. Monitoding wells installed within borehole (rater to installation log tar details); 2-foot by 2-ford by 2-ford well veaul Installed within concrete, flush with the ground surface, IBORING NO. IMW68 1 BORING LOG SH.1OF3 BORING NO. MW- 59 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Pooti,Jr.-D. Sclipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 ICOORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.52 feet NORTH: 462912.91 DATUM: NGVD 1929 IEAST: 604330.15 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 77 feet SAMPLER: " rspt oon BORING CO.: Aquifer DOiliog and Toestig GROUND WATER READINGS SAM.PLER HAMMER: 14101,sAuomanti FOREMAN: Ed Bomner DATE DEPTH T CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4-nO diameter QHW ENGINEER: Anton Gaolas Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. SATE START: 15006 ROCK CORE: 37/8*ch diameter (HO) wirline DATE END 9:0/06 IN SITU PROPERTIES 5- .N OF 0 u 0 w B 0 HARDNESS WEATHERING IA Wi cotoN PER FOOT A- to 1,- 1~ ~--o AMPLE DESCRIPTiON see below for see below for see below for-0 z A 0 w w 1- zdo values values values do -o ., m 4 5 1 2 3,4,5I , , ., S.... ....... ............. ..... ....3 4 (No soil samples taken from 0 to 7 feet)5-6 1*7.. ...... .. .....-SI: Medium dense, gray, medium GRAVEL, some Sand, trace Silt.8 S1 7.9 13-6 12 24116 9 .-5 02: Medium densehbrown-gray, medium GRAVEL and fine to Coarse SAND, 10 S. 2 9-11 4.6 14 24119 .trace Silt.11 8-8 11.0- 'S3: Very dense,gray, medium GRAVEL, some fine to coarse Sand, little Sif.12 S3 12.2 B 14/2 13- 50/2" Top of Bedrock at 13 feet 14 __..... .. .... .. ..15 15.0- S4: No recovery.16 S4 15.2 50/2" -2/0 174 5 ..... ...... ... .... p 18 19 S5 18918 0/100 0/0 S $5: No penetration/No recovery.20 6 21 22 23 24 I Ri: Hard, slighty weathered to fresh, fine grained; gray MARBLE with noo 25 _4 R 24-27 3.0/2.6 85 0 10 attttamt foliatioR; magh to smooth, very ose to close, moderately dipping to FZ 2 2 sub-vetical, slightly weathered, imon-oolde stained joints/fractures;

7 26 6 15 24.0-45.0:

Fracture zone, rough to smooth. very close to close, moderately FZ .. ..-~ ~~~dipping to sab-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fradaurs. ,: R2: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation, rough ./(Z.29 4 R2 27-32 5.014.5 90 23 10 to smooth, very close to close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly FZ 7 7 weathered, with calcite rmineralized joints/fractures. 29 4 10 F 30 5 10F _GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS W-1 n Bron CraOuNSTEsNC HARDEoSSu wEArocRINa FT. SPne ArsAluotoItNGEA ATnnvEo-4 VERy L-E <2 VlRY -P--EVr OFTE M1 0 <"vERy CLOS.,E-T HIN F .5 '(Z3IAL 0.10 LOOSE 0-0 n .0 MEIAM 0 0- CL IN 1500 MEDIAM OESEu an a. oner 0 .MODERATiElY 0AR0 n ODTE r'o s-no 1. I.aoo. o M O naooToro* 3GEoDN. 8-5S TF 4 -AD ',SLGHT (-o 1. 3t W -TIC5-85" SuB.vEaTcAL 10.10 DENSO A-I 1i~ -50 010 a 1.10 00 OI0lo 530 osnRDIveooo 00 NOTES 1. Bore hole was vacuum excavated between 0 and 5.0 feet below existing grade (b.e.g.) Borehole advanced using CME 55 Truck Rk 2. Weathered bedrock cuttings observed between 13.0 feet and 17.5 feet 3. Bone hole advanced with 3 5/8 diameter roller bit between 13.2 feet and 15.0 feet and 15.8 feet and 18.0 feet.4. Ddling Ruid lost between 16.0 feet and 17.0 feet estmated to be 20 gallons.5. H.W. diameter casing advanced and set with grout at 18.0 feet (b.e.g.)0. Very Soft material encountered between 10.0 feet and 24.0 feet. n rock core sampled.n .7. Core barrel locked inside the HQ wire-line casing at 27.0 feet HO casing was pulled out of the borehole, cleared and re-instalfed. IBoRiN No. IMW-59 BORING LOG ISH. 2 OF 3 I BORING NO. MW -59 ,,=, a 0 0 0 0 S 0 I 00'0 D, 0 0 1 0 0:0 En'SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0>(00 0 Z IN OPF HARDNESS WEATH E RIN FRACTURES N PER FOOT see below for see below for values Values see below for values 1 3 A 5 31 4 32 4 " " 5 R- 3 33 4 R3 32-37 5.0/5.0 100 25 5 mu oA 34 4 10 35 5 10 36 4 .3 37 5 5 11 5 I4 I 37-42 5 5.0/5.0B 100 32 3 4 4 10 40 5 5 41 4 5 42 45 R5 43 5 Rb 42-47 5. /S.0 100 23 10 to cal 44 5 10 45 4 15 4E 5 10 47 4 10 fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE. with no apparent foliation, mooth, very close to close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical iron ned and calcite mineralized joints/fractures. fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE With no apparent foliation, rough , very close to dose, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, iron-oxide ints/fractures. fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no appar folation, rough ,.very close to close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, with neralization, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation, rough very close to moderately close, sub-vertlcal to sub-hodzontal, iron ned joints/fractures.. fresh. fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation, mooh, very close to moderately close, moderately dipping, iron-ned joints/fracturos. fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation, rough very close to moderately close, moderately dipping to sub-iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; 58.4'-cture zone, rough to smooth, very close, sub-horizontal, iron-oxide ints/fractures. FZ FZ*FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ Il 48 4 I PA 147-52 5 015&0 10ntI 48 10 4 5 50 5 5 51 4it 5 52 4 8 R7 53 4 R7 52-57 5.0/5.0 100 90 8 rou 0,4 544 5 55 4

  • 4 56 3 5 57 4 5 FZ FZ so 4 " tOO 57-R2 1i 504. 51 toon I " 59 60 4 8 4 6 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE sor.s ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BF DEN.-T cc HRNS 5FWATENGES NMP-~ -1* PIGTHICKNES NL ~TD 0-4owoE~Lveoc U, 1 VOysODT 1 coMPvr~ie

./11 0 <2" eoraZONTA. 4-0 E 60 2 MEDIUM 2 SEVERE (2 a -.-1 EnCnOOrIN s5-n5 nUoaneom1re. lan MEDIUMDvNa 00 -M w3vY HARD 0T)0 l'n0 MODOLOFJOwT 10.-5* Moo EnesuN 1000 DE.lE s-1A wno 4 HAo D 4 500HT (4I 11-Mn ..10 I 0410001 -60,-wi con-Verrlat wVl -r~E 15-0 V.TF 5 WEyII.D E'R M{/I H](, 5.0 VER'lCM)30 uooo NOTES: IBORING NO. IMW-59 BORING LOG ISH.3 OF 3°I* !0 0 0 o_tu o tu Z o0 0 0 0 CO oSAMPLE DESCRIPTION o'0>0U 00J IN SITU PROPERTIES " HARDNESS WEATHERING 0 NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for I see below for values values see below for values I .I I I I._.,_ _ -.4 4 2 l [ I , *' .1 * "' 1 '1 3 3 I I A 4 R9 1 15.0/4.61 91 17 4 ioug0 4 10 4 4 3 5 4 t *4 3 1R10 67-72 5.015. 100 63 3 3 4 4 "4 43- .4 3 T- 3 3.5 " 4 4- R11 72-77 5015.0 100 R4 oug 4 3 5 4 5 4 Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation, I to smooth, very close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to sub-cal, iron-oxide stained joints/fradures; -63.4': Fracture zone, smooth, very close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, ox0de stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation, h to smooth, very close to moderately close, sub-vertical to vertical; iwn-s stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained. gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation. h to smooth, very close to moderately close, moderately dipping to sub-cal joints/fractures. g 4 3 4-6 -I- F----4 1 4--4-End of boring at 77.0 feet..I I I I I I I I:1 I I I I I I I I--1-- -t -+ --I --I- --- I. 4 .J i ... ..i i T a GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICScve M-4 s2er a MeCZ)l a s Of 1a r,-' 10-W wae-.wwzrerro. ow10300MIM cas 4-a M 0TIFv 3 uvwo(nELYv HrDr S Z (31 3-10 1-0" 0m1 mo 'm1003 3W-1" hOIOOUNG 30150 300 8-15 8T131FF 4 o~ A 1f41 I(4 11-20 3n.1 OrOieC 55aw5 waa.veeRTr.o ,0 veny[veawE 15-30 VesreF 0 vIeHARso n Free >I.0 m eROD- 1003HI sem,.eAj N-OTES: 8.Moeitorng wels ineta~led withie borehde (rterf er oistallation otogfr detarils) 2-torh3t b *oot by 2-oot wotellv..unrntotald within vvcaete, groued M.. M- -0O _n' N .0000-0 BORING LOG ISH. i OF 7 BORING NO. MW-60 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES:

  • Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.31 feet NORTH: 463381.26 DATUM: NGVD 1929 1 EAST: 604585:60 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet)RILLINGRIGMODEL:CME 55 Tnc Reg BORINGCO.:

AqndleroDdlTeng GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: De Catr OATE DEPTH L CASING I STABILIZATION TIME TASING SIZE: HO ENGINEER: Hough -Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data:ASING HAMMER: N.A. SATE START: 10111,06 ROCK CORE: 3 7T8iR h diBmeter (10) wMel.i DATE END: 10230.:""P- .-.IN SITU PROPERTIES-:. 0 0 ZO 0- ZgS. ( FRACTURES a- s z ,, -as- 0 HARDNESS. WVEATHERING 0 0. u e, -5 > -o SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 l see below for see below for seR below for.u L SOU s zo -.values values vales'0 a D, 0 1 2 345, p1213415 11.7-9-0 4.-f.-----4-4-+- -.5 S1 8.0-8.4 100/5" 5/3 (No Soil samples taken from 0 to 6 feet)51 -Very dense, medium GRAVEL, trace brown fine to medium Sand.roe of Bedrock at 8.5 feet I-I-.---10 8 RFi 110-1 5.0/5.0 180 8 160 6 7. -1 4 1 1 1 1 -4 1~- -1 6 4 Itainenoints 6-6 vej 3 6t 3 R2 15-20 0.0/5.0 100 100 6 Sul 15 A R-6 lrcSooreCIl. 6-, -i,.1 ---.4 6 h, fine grained, white to gray MARBLE with faint, very thin. sub-moderately dipping foliation; smooth to rough, very dose to ose, horizontal to vertical, fine sand/silty clay coated, imn-oxide fractures healed microbrecia. ture zone, smooth to rough, very close to close horizontal to andy/sihty coated, iron-oide stained jointsifacturs. h, fine grained, white to gray MARBLE, with raied, very thin, I to moderately dipping foliation: rough to smooth. moderately honzontal, iron-oxide stained joints/fracturms; healed Ahite calcite, healed zone;h, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-noderotely dipping foliation: one rough, sub-horizontal, ose, slightly iron-oxIde stained joint/facture; healed breccia.h, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-ub-vertical, no apparent foliation: one smooth, wide, sub-xide stained joint/fracture;healed breccla.20 4], I I.I I 11] I PZ_FZ FZ FZ 31 R3 1 20-25 5.0/5.01 100 1100 6 A 7 4 7 11lt 4 7 25 A4 PA R-~ n/ ; 1 1'.N I 4.1.. .... .R 1 3 6 35 I 111 7151 A 6 301 .- I4 6 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS -JOIP BPF 0-4 4410 3O-5O 06506 -<2 24 a.lS-'s-ENCY VERY_i 2 HARDNESS vERYý.-U..-TELY HARD HARD 2 SEvERE w"Ar"B'"a (1) 0 07 Cer0.00PnRT-IS (21 0.10 .MCLOa0SOm.NO (4) 11.0 nr R6SSO rico 0.0 e ONTeAL s'n ueo'RPNorw

1. Performed 8-rnch diameter vacuum excavation from 0 to 6 feeLt 2. Spun and washed 4-inch diameter (HW) Casing fbom to 8 feet and took S-1. Casing set into bedrock with grout al about 8.5 feet.IBORING NO. I.W O-6 BORING LOG ISI4tflF7 ISH 2 OF 7 03 Z 0.I i-0 Z u, FE z!0 0 3003-8 0 0 0 0 o00 00 SAJMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 3 0 >030 003 or 0 Z No. OF HARDNESS WEA FRACTURES N T N PER FOOT see below for see below for values values see below for vailues il-fi-4-+-4-4-+--

~-i-+--I-------------------------------------. ...3 R5 130-35 5.015.01 100 100-9 35 4 " 9 5 .It 1 10 I 03=1 10,1,0 IRS 3540 1 -*uSLna 9uu 4- IU vra0030303a 1{3--I tt-- .11, isuoounuee 4 5 13 40* .R7: 3 R7 40-45 i 015.01 100 100 13 hor 4 ._* 13 5 13 es0. fine grained, light and 0arK gray MARBLE, with faint to " y thin to thin. sub-hudzontal to sub-vertical foliation: one smooth to , sub-vertical, irn-odide stained joint/fracture healed breccia.5sh. fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, vry thin to thin, sub-tion: smooth to tough, very close to moderately close, moderately ub-horizontal, iron-roide stained jointshfractures. ed light and dark, gray, breccia, with convoluted, mylonized, clastsfioclusions; resh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, sub-rliation; no apprent jointslfractures. sh. fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-osub-vertical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. rtical, 1/2" wide calcite. crystal filled, open vug, penetrates though f core diamreter: (deducted from ROD)roderately weathered to fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE. w5th tal to sub-vertical foliation: rough to smooth, vry close to close, tal to sub-vertica, fine sandy, silly, clay cmated, iron-ouide stained.45~10301 .30-030 1001..R8 4550 0/501 100 to 4 11¸twe 5 I 11 4" I 112 4 I 122 50 4 R9 50-55 5.0/5.0 80 36 1 1 A 14 4 1 1 llounsts/faures; --I 5 12 541.81-59.7T: Fracture zone, vewrclose to close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical. I 21 fine sandy, silly clay cmated, ion-ordde stained jointscfractures. 55 5-3 20 2 10 156 150/5.-1 1001 18 2 I FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ Fz RI0: Hard, moderately weathered to fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, vewry thin to thin, sub-hodzontal to moderately dipping foliation: rough, very close to close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical iron-oxide stained joints/hactures; trace deep wlgular to slightly pitted teture, i .- --k 1 4U 5 10 511 12 5 12 60 ISTICS.n-S Tor 5-00" 03O3- .IZ14T03 nn*-nnm° n 0303O Vsunenca GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRAC 0-VERY L0.SE-154 vIRY YF I 2 hIu1ýr030 I 2 00ijE 3 MýeTTe S"unai NII 0 R-(t) o 10 .0I-0 (2) 1-0 Mq 000 2"-1 50Y.O 005/ e 000 130 :: 311 50VW0yt3030V0y 100 3. Horzontal fracture 114" wide with white alste crystals (up to 1/4" thick).IBORING NO. IMW-o BORING LOG ISH. 3 OF 7 o_P 0 0 0 u ,.w<E w a uJ Jz.o z z 00 o of 0: 0 0 10 5 0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0>0:0-to 0 IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for see below for see below for values values values 1Z.34,5, 1 Z,34,5, 112.3,4.5 R11 160-65 5.0/5.01 100 88 I 12 5 15 5 .-.1 5 5 _ .20 5 R12 65-70 5.0/5.0 100 100 20: Hatd, fresh; fine grained, gray MARBLE with taint, very thin, sunhnoozontar 0derately dipping foliation: tough to smooth very close to moderately close, erately dipping to suo-vertical joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with taint, very thin to thin, sub-zontal to sub-vertical foliation:

augh to smooth, close to moderately close, erately dipping to sub-horizontal, slightly weathered joints/fractures; healed-.I-.-..5 10 5 10 5 10--I 5 R13170-751 5.2015.0 100 84 10-5 I ,o 1__1 L L .1J t 1101 R1 3: Haol, fresh, finegrained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical foliation: smooth, close to moderately close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, fine sandy ion-oxide stained jointslfractures; trace pited texture along calcite mineralized joints/fractures; 73.1'-73.7': Fracture zone, smooth, close, sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained oints/fractures. R14: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, sob-5 Ito 0 S Thu.3S 33 I I o;° 03, I , 0/501 1001 96 gh -gh y-, 1 1 .0 I , IHI '1' 110 4-V--- V-I --5 10 5 RI5 80-85 8 5.0/&.t 100 I 100 a R thered joints/fractures; -76': Healed sub-vertical ricrobreccla, with calcite mineralized Wtfractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, lerately dipping foliation:

no apparent joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, erately dipping, foliation one: rough, wide, moderately dipping slightly thered joint/fracutre; healed microbreccia.

-4 5 5 5 .8 5 R16 85-90 5.0/5.0 100 95 4 4 4 I_-.-4 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS .J ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS o*.n traezona3 1.s rarneora w-r ,aoraewo GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICSýry IMSE Emu.-Y -E SW S.-s ccýa vERYSC" acF'T shýv-a ES0,0 WEAý ING 1 00.ý2 SEVI!RE m-1 U-I (3) 200301000150 OaTE S IBORING NO, I60 -BORING LOG .ISH.4OF7 I BORING NO. MW -60=;0 o 0 0.:=I.0c z Zl/00.Of 0 0 0 0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION W 0>Q>0W o-, O0 NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT I- "f/5see below for see below for values 1 values 1 Z .J ý ,; ... 5 , 1 ,Z, u, 5 ,.. .....5.0/50 1001 1001 8 4~r~l oaasu ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin rough, wide, moderately dipping to joint/fracture caicte; healed micro-I I 4 R171 90-95 I 3 7 4~l__-I~~.I 4 8 3 R18 95-100 5 05.01 1001 100 6 R18: Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with taint, very thin to moderately dipping foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; pitted, healed micro-I , breccia;3+/-Lz 3L 3!5 Rid 105 5 5.0/5.01 1001 100 ,1 4. 1 1, 1 1 1 1 1 -4 , 1100teoltare; 3 5 3 5 2 5-105- 1 R21 3 R20 110 5.0/5.0 100 100 8 mo we=4 8 4 8 4 7 3 8 1 110- R2 3 R21 115 5.0/5.0 100 88 B mo ver 3 10 3 10 3 B 4 1 l10 115- RZ 3 R22 120 15.05.0 100 00I 10 R2r-i we;3 15 3 15 3 15 a sh/, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint to distinct, very thin, pping foliation: rough, moderately close to wide, moderately sub-ly weathered joints fractures; completely healed breccia; trace ash, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint to distinct, very thin, pping foliation: smooth, wide, moderately dipping, pitted slightly nts/fractures. .rsh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint to distinct, very thin, pping foliation: rough, close to wide, moderately dipping to sub-tly weathered jointsi/factures. ash, fine grained, light gray to whit MARBLE mi/a /aint to distinct, terately dipping foliation: smooth, wide sub-vertical, slightly nts/fractures. GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS 0.4 12 00y RYS-? a st o 1 esoMFn /1) 0 uVEvyd.o'uJVE~THIo HORIZONTAL 4-1 L=7E .2*4 oer 2 MEDuUM .0 SEVERE '4. .1-, r.", c-lýo-emalN ..? na-n MnsIe 0L, STIFF 3 1100D.H 4 01400? "I 3) 0.10 1 400,3 M OH -5nS -oos2enrea Ian uoevessu vovrI 5 e~y 1.<0 ros FE .r1 es V

. -s*"-w0 uWorua, NOTES: 4. 104.8'-105.1':

Micasus schist IBORING NO. 0MW46 BORING LOG SH. 5OF7 BORING NO. MW -60 E.5 co o LU 1 0.0 0z Z ZU a00 22 w 0 0 0 0o SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 010 N0 00 IN SI9U PROPER I ESOF-FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT I-0 I- 4, see below for see below for values values see below for values 003 13U 2 n01 n1 02 I n 38 3 " 10 5 --10 R23: Hard, fresh, fine grained, while MARBLE with faint, very thin, subhorizontal foliation: smooth, wide, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, moderately healed, pitted joints/fractures with white calcite minerals.R24: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, moderate to s bhodzontal foliation: rough, dose, moderately dipping, slightly weathered I I 5 12 125-I 1-V u 10u 00 IU UU 0 ln I oints/fractfres.

  • 13I10 4
  • 12 3 8 R5 1 30-3 1R251 135 8 5.0/4.9 100 I100 5 0/4 91 100 1 1 Oo 8 -.--R--4-1 3 .-a 3 8 3 8 135- R26 4 R26 140 5 .05.0 100 86 8 mua;4wea 4 .10 136.hort 3 20 pitte 3 20 3 15 140- R27 3 R27 145 5.0/5.0 100 92 10 subt 4 i hod;4 15 4 8 4 8 3 , 10 145- , 0 28 3 R28 150 5.0/5.0 100 43 8 subl 3 dipp 3
  • 10 3
  • 10 3.* 8 esh, fine grained, while MARBLE with faint, very thin foliation:

to wide, moderately dipping, pitted, slightly weathered s.Ish, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin foliation: o moderately close, sob-horizontal to moderately dipping, slightly nts/fraotures; with white calcite minerals;Fracture zone, mought to smooth, close to moderately close, sub moderately dipping, slightly weathered joinfa/fractures; slightly sh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, to moderate dipping foliation: rough to smooth, dose, sub-ghtly weathered joints/fractures bsh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, foliation: rough to smooth, close, sub-horizontal to moderately ly weathered joints/fractures. FZ FZ--4"4 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILO ROCK cORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTfi* 8PF 0-4 4-10 VEny LoosE VD ENSZ oc0001<2 M, STIFF v-IF 4 VE-y a MESH FOIER F (1) 0 p3) 2z-o (4 ro-wo-.7 ccSEM,'2Nner o-lu oroe 7,-I 20112 S7 u anzen, F4 so.aNoeae 00U0 M v EeReIa TES.a na"-'Eea 1BORING NO. IMW-60 BORING LOG I SH. 6 OF7 o z 0 0 0 z0 E z: ul i:1 LU 0 z 7: 6 0 0 0 0(w 0 0 01?0 a SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0>I rOf 00 IN SITU PROPERTIES NO. OP.FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PRACT PER FOOT 0 z see below for values... .......... .. ....-.3 R29 155 5.0/5.01 100 1 100 1 8 3 6 3 10 4 8 3 _15 155-3 R30 160 5.0/5.0 100 76 20 2 15: Hard, fresh, fine granted, write MARBLE with taint, very thin, suD-ontal to moderately dipping foliation, smooth, moderately cose to wide, sut zontal to moderately dipping, slightly weathered joints/fractures.

Hard, ftesh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, oery thin foliation:

oth, very dose to moderately dose, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, htly to moderately weathered, joirtstfractures. 4-156.6: Fracture zone, smooth, very close to moderately close,-I.I.--.n 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 verticalsijnu to moderatel weatnerea 3 8 joints/fractures; slightly pitted., .... ..3 8 160-^1131 1---165 1 1 0.0/5.01 100 1 100 1 8 suoý3 10 3I{ KI-L 3 10 165 113ý go I I_6 12 Hard, fresh, fine grained, white MARBLE with faint, very thin, moderate to vertical foliation: smooth, close to wide, moderately dipping to sub-ontal, slightly weathered jointslfractures; Hard to very soft, fresh to completely weathered, fine grained, white BLE with faint, wery thin to thin, moderately dipping to subvertical foliation: th to rough, close to moderately close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, tly weathered joints/firactures; -166.7': Clay GOUGE very soft, gray to tan, silty clay, with sub-vertical, ct upper contact.Hard, fresh, fine grained, while to gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to moderately dipping foliation: smooth, close to moderately close, rately dipping slightly weathered joints/fractures; '-175.0': Hard to moderately hard, fresh, dark. gray talcaceous, quartz--gamet SCHIST, with distinct, very thin to thin, moderately dipping ions: smooth, very close, moderately dipping, slightly weathered 6 10 166.2" distin"4 8_3 8 170- R33: 4 R33 175 5.0/5.0 100 78 8 thin,.6 8 1 7 3 .t=6 mica.-fi--u jolnts/ractures; mylozecoa teture.4 12 175- R34: Hard, fresh, fine granted, dark 5 R34 180 5.0/4.5 50 56 20 SCHIST, with distinct, very thin, dis subvertical, occasionally convolute 5 20 close, moderately dipping to vertico gray talcaceous quartz-mica-gamet continuous, moderately dipping, to d foliation: smooth, very close to moderately l, slightly weathered joints/fractures; t gray, very thin lenses of quartz dcthcalo-5 20 mylonized texture, with white to ligh silicate.6 8 10}e-10 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS 0- IVcEoo (0 voRyseriT I yo .M1' It 0 C VI0yCLO0T0N 0.5 eeAt 4-10 .000E 2.4 ever 2 MEDIUM .2 0EVERE .IS 1-2 2.1 0.00001N 5,ns sue..r L 15.5 coo " MEwIUM a 4- erTer 3 stooeRlnELY HARo n ,oceATE~ce (3)210 MA0OCoJ0I(5JO< a'oraeeol mo rso j a In mr .a50 4 5raw r e 1e 010 wocrc 55 o~vew (00 V000y 0S0 15-00 vnonrr S osoory~ 5 100FR50 V~El5ry W 00yIobmE en'wK veoeo NOTES: 5. Dilling fluid return water changed color from light gray to dark gray at 166.5'- 167.0.IBORING NO. oMW-60 BORING LOG [ SH. 7 OF7 BORING NO. MW -60 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schiper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.31 feet NORTH: 463381.26 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604585.60 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Truck Rig BORING CO.: Aquife Drilling nd Ted" GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: -}e Carter DATE I DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: HO ENGINEER: Anga Houh Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER- N.A DATE START: 10/11/06 ROCK CORE: 3 7184.1h diameter (HQ) mrerine SATE ENS 11)6 IN SITU PROPERTIES 0 Z-u 0 --D .HARDNESS WEATHERING 50 a, 0, PER FOOT 0- ..3 0 >-5w 0 B. 40 -ýA o A ~SAMPLE DESCRIPTION

e 0 1 0 see below fe see below for s l O_ w u- z vu 0 01 I-Of Z values values values O 0 om 0. 0 Z 0.jU M a 1 z4 1 34 R35
Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray talcaceous, quartz-mica-garnet

<. ....9. R35 180-1851 5.05.0 100 100S "8 SCHIST;distinct,very thin to thin, moderatelydippingtosub-vernioal, occationally convolufed, r...late foliatfin: smooth, wide, sub-vertioal, slightly '.8 8 weathered joiots/fractures; micro-mylonized texture;.0 7 R36: Hard, bresh, tone grained, dark gray taIcaceAus, quarfz-mima-gamet 8 R36 185-1t0 5.0/5.0 100 100 8 SCHIST with, moderately close sub-horizontal to sub-ertical, slightly weathered _mylosized joinftstractures. 8 7.10

  • 6 i0 7 ,10 11 R937: Hard, fresh, fone grained, darE gray tal~counoa, quartz-mica-gamnf 9 R37 190-1L5 5.015.0 100 100 7 SCHIST, wery thin, distinct, moderately dipping fo sub-nertica foliation:

smooth, wide, moderately dipping to Nob-oeticaI slighty weathred joiots/fractures;micrb 9 6 mylonized texture.11 8 ..0.. ..._ 12 7 R38 Hard, ftresh, fine grained, dark gray, falca..o.s, quarlz-mica-gamet 8 R38 195-200 6.0/5.0 100 100 8 SCHIST, with smooth, close to medium closn, su.b-hodzonftal to sub-vertical, ___.._slightly weatheredjoiots/fractum; mic..-.yloized fexture;8 7 End of boring at 200 feet.*. ... .. .... ........ ÷. -GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS OFF ENS/R BEE .CONSISTENCE BARDNESS VREATSBRINA .No. PE FT SPACI-NAOTHIONEO 400CR AATNOE 0. VERY LOOSE <4 VwERySOFT 1 OBE NOSE oI CM ETALE._o 4-10 LOOSE 2.4 ROO A MBEDUM ' 2 BSEVEREB'}12 SI q 100 MEDIUM DENSE 4- M STIFF 0 uOORATIELY ro.Do MoERaI a 0-10 I'0 MOA pLOCc/MOOT`IC" 3050 VENTe.15 STIFF 4 -400 4 SUGr I.) 04 0.00 -CKRSG>50 AnyDENSE 10.40 0001FF N VESyARS 5 FRESH R1R VERY w5-D/ WSRM"ICAL NOTES: B. Vertical fracture between 182.5' and 183.7'.7. Waterloo mufti-level sampling system installed within borehole lreferto installation log for detailsI: 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot well -ft Installed within concrete, flush with the ground surface.IBORING NO. IMW-60 BORING LOG ISH. i OF 8 BORING NO. MW -61 Indian Point Energy Center Revwed by: Pont!, Jr.- 0. p Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. NORTH: DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: FINAL BORING DEPTH: 223 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CMS 55 TIdA Rig BORING CO.: Aquijer Odnq and Tetn " GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: 140 1I Auto.a..f FOREMAN: Pau addle " DATE I DEPTH I CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: (SW) ENGINEER: A. H10h. Pont Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA. DATE START: 9M006I ROCK CORE: 37/0-Awh tanteter lAG) noe banre! .. .... DATE END :-0 -IN SITU PROPERTIES _ "-,NI F RACTURES-HARDNESS WEATHERING 0 w- W ~ u E2- w > I 0 = S D see below for see below for see below for X I, M z values -values values o .Q. 0 00~ .-. ~ 0 0 0 X1 10 002, 4,, 1234,0,,, (No soil samples taken from 0 to 7 feet)5.]51: Loose. fine to medium GRAVEL, some fine to medium brown Sand, tace$1 7-9 7-3 5 24112 102 Pilt.2-4.-S2: Medium dense, fine to medium GRAVEL, some fine to coarse brown 10 S2 9-11 14-13 *27 2406 __ 147 Sand, trace Sit..14-15 S3: Medium dense, fine to medium GRAVEL. some gray Clay and Sift.S3 11-13 9-8 16 24/13 302 __ 30 I .8~~~~-15 " -,.[S4: Medium dense, fine to medium GRAVEL, trace fine to coarse brown S4 13-15 13-16 27 24/11 199 Sand.15 .11-8 55: Dense, fine to medium GRAVEL, some gray fine to coarse Sand, trace S5 15-17 11-12 31 24/13 230 Silt.19-11 S9: Dense, fine to medium GRAVEL, some gray fine to carse Sand, trace S6 17-19 10-12 30 24/11 _ 479 sIlLt.18-12 20 12 3 31 S7: Dense, fine to medium GRAVEL.S20 S7 19-21 13- 29 39 2417 173 13-5 S28: Stiff, gray CLAY and SILT, trace, fine to medium Gravel.58 21-23 5 -4 9 2414 __ 1899 4-5 59: Loose, gray SILT and CLAY, trace medium Gravel.S9 23-2S WH -2 5 24123 _ 183"'25 3-4 2-24S10: Medium Stiff, gray CLAY and SILT, trace medium Gravel.510 25-27 1-2. 4 24124 2-3 211 : Medium stiff, gray. Silty CLAY. trace medium Gravel.511 27-29 4 -3 7 24/04 4-w S12: Stiff, gray, Silty CLAY.30 S12 29-31 2-3 9 24110 26 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS Ow myewilY ow ME~yO-TEN 1 V ArI~yOFT WntPAThE00 M.11 0 V 0/Aolea11 ~ o0110.01. ATSIO1TA LS0 ENOSE u-4 Own 2 unoaJL a SEVE 1 1 7-v MM 5"" 1UnwawORobveA 10.30 M'aUm"J 0 U 0105 a MOwln.y own a u TE 1 0-10 I 1'n a oOT4NO D0ENS0 08 0-15 elI,; H lO 4 0-rr 131 11-2" .0.1 AAR 4 '-w wesue-lm0-e 010 NSE 06001 5sa noes0 Anon s00 PRES vaq001 851106 pe NOTES: 1. Performed 8-inch diameter -amum from 0 to 7 faLet 2. Spun and washed 6-bnlh diameter (SW) casing from 7 to 37 feet.SBORING NO.. IMW-6 BORING LOG SH.2OF 8 BORING NO. MW-61 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Ponti; Jr:- D. Schier .Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. NORTH: DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: FINAL BORING DEPTH: 223 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Tr-ck RN BORING CO.: AqWar DSring end Tesing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: 140lbs Automati FOREMAN: Paul Gados DATE I DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE 6-nch diaerner (SW) _NGINEER: A. Hovugloh. Port Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data -- --CASING HAMMER N.A SATE START: 916MSi ROCK CORE. 3 718-nch dmenter (HQ) Cm borEal DATE END.IN SITU PROPERTIES ZR U1n o NO.OF Z :X' Z HADNS FRACTURES z a IPERFO HARDNESS. WEATHERINGT o or ix0. .GO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION W D: w .see below for see belowtor see below for O R 6 a 0 ." a,0 0 1123 5 6 -13 S13: Medium stiff, gray, Silty CLAY, trace mediuro Gravel.S13 31-33 5- 4 8 24/24 ...... ..... ..4 -5 S14: Very stiff, gray, Silty CLAY, some medium Gravel.$14 33-35 5 -4 24/11 .74 35 5 -35.0- S 15: Top 11": Very Stiff Gray Silty CLAY, some fine to medium Gravel.S15 36.7 34 -14 24 24/24 Bottom 13": Fine to medium GRAVEL, some Gray Silty CLAY. .37.0- S $16: Very stiff, fine to medium GRAVEL, some gray Silty CLAY. Rock in tip.S16 38.8 3 -10 23 23/12 110 3 13 -106/5"

  • Top of Bedrock at approximately 39 feet 40 45 R. 4 r ......10 Ri 45- 5.0/4.7 94 0 2 R1: 46.0'-46.7':

Portland cement grout and drill2cuttings. .[Z 2 46.7'-510': Hard, fresh to slightly weatherd, fiooneraied, light gray 15 *3 MARBLE, no apparent foliation; smooth to tough, very close to close, FZ .-8 horizontal to vertical, imon-Ride stained joielslfiratore.

10 2 .a FZ 5o 11 2 .FZ T :l5 15 .3 a FZ 7:: ' .. ,'ii;, ~~~R2: Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, gray MARBLE, no ,: ..5 R2 51-56 ,.0/5.0 190 22 1 apparet foliation; smooth to rogh, very close to close, hodzontal to erical FZ iron ozlde stained joints/firactures. 14 4 46.5'-54.0' and 55.6-56.0':

Fracture zone, smooth to rough, close, horizontal FZ 1 : .." " '. " ~~~~to vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fract ures.." 18 .6 ..: 55 22 6F* ~ ~~~~~~R3: Fractur zone. 56'-62': Hard, fresh to slightly weathered, fine grained, ;5 R3 5e-6I 5.0/5.0 150 0 3 gray MARBLE, no apparent foliation; smooth to wough, very close to clos .. 12 3 horizontal to ve tical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. FZ.1 60 9 , .12 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS CPt 605.,1 00 O00IsISRO-C 60006000 .10, CR l ORC0,Co/nTHIGOES OTmflSR 4-0 SOFT2 EDU 2 SEVERE ()12 °5 10-0 MEI UM SENOR .. 4 ' ' STIFF .SO HARD S MaCwRATE (3 ) 3-10 1.0 00 0lPNO D0ENS 0000 1 0.TI1(4 .s 520050000 SFRORSA DE t '-- F FRESH VevRwICsAL NOTES: 3. Top of bedrock at approximatealy 39 feet.4 Little resistance with rollerbit Bedrock weathered teom approxlrately 39 end 46 feet Spun and washed casing to 46 feet Casing/rock Interface sealed w0 groat IBORING NO. IMIW1 0 BORING LOG ISH. 3 OF 8 I I .---...-..- BORING NO. MW -61 o 0 0 U 0 0 cS©Z 00 0 0u on 0 o Zn HW 00 0 on IN til U No. OF HARDNESS T FRACTURES HA S WEATHERI PER FOOT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for I see below for values values see below for values 8 15ý Ir, I -I I 4 0 S2HO 61 6 1 5.0/.0 00 6 1 04: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, no apparent foliation; smooth to rough, sub-horizontal to su-vertical, very close to dose, iron-ovide stained oints/fractures. -10 2 65 70 9 2 6 2 10 .2 R R5: Ha 8 R5 66-71 5.0/5.0 100 60 2 rough, joints/fr 7 2 367'-69': 9 2 made s 9 -2 10 2 R6: Ha 6 R6 71-76 500/5.0 100 46 2 rough, oifnts/fr 6 2 72.0-7: horizon 5 2 6 2 5 2 R R7: Ha 5 R7 76-81 5.0/5.0 100 72 2 foliation vertical 6 2 83.01: F vertical 5 .> 2 7 2 7 2 RO6: Ho 5 R8 81-L6 5.0/5.0 100 94 2 foliatiot sub-vol 6 3 Practur vertical 5 3 6 3 5 2 75 rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, no apparent foliation; smooth to very close to cdose, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, imn-xide stained actures.Fracture Zone: Smooth to rough, very close to close, subvertical, iron tatned, joints/fractures.

  • rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, no apparent foliation; smooth ro very dose to close,sub-horizontal to vertical, iron-xide stained actures.5.6': Fractrored zone: smooth to rough, very dose to cdose, sub-tat to vertical, won-xide stained, jointsfractures.

rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint very thin, sub-vertical t rough to smooth, very close to moderately close, horizontal to imo-oxide stained joints/fractures. 79.3-racture zone: Smooth to tough, very close to close, horizontal to imo-onide stained jonts/fractures. rd fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-vertical n; smooth to tough, very dose to moderately dose, sub-horizontal to tical, imn-o-ide stained joints/fractures. 86.0'-88.5': re zone: rough to smooth, very close to dose, sub-horizontal to sub-iren-onide stained joints/fractures. rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, vry thin, sub-vertical FZ FZ FZ P2 FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ_FZ PT PT PT.Pz PZ 80 as I =01R-O 4 1 R9 1 86 91 150/501 smooth, very closelo moderately dose, sub-ho-ittalto subm 5 vertical, irn-ooide stained joints/fractures. '! 1 1 1 1 1 1 5-90 4 3 GRANULAR SOILS " COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOIN 0 -a oco rc 2-4 4-8 8-15--yýY-1 2 3ýsýSCFr U.2 S-RE i co.-6 MiSH (2) 1-2 (M -1.(4) nna.,W 000000.nOTES: BORIPNG NO. IMW-61 BORING LOG ISH.4OF 8 11 E LU 0 0 v:=p-o_uJ o uJ.J o_0 Z D.o A uJ u C o o o =so Ox Zr S(SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 01 0 >W O-itW 000 0 Z I I I IN SITU PROPERTIES NO. OF HARDNESS IWEATHERING FRACTURES I PER FOOT see below for values 0 va9lues 1 ales 1 2 34{{{_1, 2,1,4, 2 I I 3 I iR1041961.j jj 5.0/5.01 1000 21 1 1 1 110 4 I I --.--ln 95 5 inc 4 R11 5 Ril 96-11 5.015.0 100 100 verti joint 5 S 5 R1 0 _ .1. 0 0 et jon 5 5 101- R12 5 R12 106 5.0(5.0 100 100 verti I " joint: 5 5 5i: Hard, fresh, fine grained, grey MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation; smooth to rough, close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-o stained joints/fractures; trace pitted texture along healed, calcified s/fractures. 92.5'-': Fractured zone: rough, very close to dose, sub-vertical iron-oxide Ced joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth, widely spaced, sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained s/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: one, smooth, widely spaced, sub-vertical, ion-oxide stained s/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, verythin, sub-cal foliation: no apparent joints/froctures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, ry thin, su-vertical tion: smooth, very close to close, sub-hodzontal to sub-vertical, iron-o stained joints/fractures. FZ PZ I 100 4 R,,13 ICC sea-nI coo0l t0 I... .... ....,'5 i1C 4 5 R14 116 5.0/5.0 100 100 5 6 5 110 11 6-; Dn/ n 10i I A6 5~TfTTTU"I I I [1111 5 12C GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS w.-ECyOSE < Eyso`T VI yS T 1Y I OPLT 1) 0 <"Vl=,yd *" I o-nv LOMsE C MEDIvM SEVERE -1l 0-O CC Caos. 00-Cs' a orae 1-30 MEDIUMQES D-1 Iý TF MQOERATE _,6 3-0 55" 11ocar 3O5Or -5 AD UGT(4} 11-2 5 "-U 5 R0 yDOENSE tn-n veyTIFr 5 vmyý s no rREiH nays-0 Weneca,,>OTES: IBORING NO. IMW-Bi BORING LOG 6S. 5 OF 8 I -1. --...BORING NO. MW -61 z O3 0 0 0 o.u 0 w 0 Z Zl wa.0 0v 0 0 701 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 N , 0>00 Owo 003 00 0 0 NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT see below for I see below for see below for values Values w vlue (i i I 4 5:16: Hard, fresh, fine grained. gray MARBLE. with faint, very thin, sub-vertical 'oliation; smooth, close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, slightely 4 R16 12112 5 Neathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fracures. 4 :zzj 4 4 -*125 0 I120-.4[MIJ '2 5oloo I loo, Tunanon: 3 3 3 4 13C 131-3a lul 10 .14.u/o.u IUU 1 *100 folation:r 3 4 3 135 4 IROI 141 5.0/0.21 4 O ,. fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical no apparent jointstfr'actures. d, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin. sub-vertical 1o apparent joints/fractures. I, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint very thin. sub-verfical Fracture zone: Fault breccia, with clay gouge t, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, wiRh faint, very thin, sub-vertical rough, close, sub-horizontal, irn-oxide stained joints/fracturs. Recovery 0-0 0 20 0 a NA INA 3 4 3 5 3 F., 14C 5 3 144- R20: 4 R20 146 5 17 0 3 folial 5 3 5 " 3 5 3 6 3 146- R21 5 R21 151 5.010 0 NA 3 5 3 4 3 I NA NA INA 5.145 NA NA IN.15C 5 3 1N.GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS -010 0100 48 02-1IF 2 MOOSJiM HAR 01401 TE ()10 1.2 T Uod. ..S30 aR L -S1 '-I S soi'r 2 .1Re. ()4 1.20 1.10r w410 W-M* s0Ieeero .NOTES: 5. Retuw water won thicK, white and foamy.IBOR]NG NO. IMW-61 BORING LOG IS. SOFa BORING NO. MW- 61 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti. Jr. -D. Scippe Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. NORTH: DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: FINAL BORING DEPTH: 223 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Truck Rig BORING CO,: Aqufer Dilng and Testing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: 10Q WbAtomafic FOREMAN: Paul Gaddlis DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 64-h dianmeter ENGINEER: A. HoghWt. Pont Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA. DATE START: S5=ROCK CORE: 37/84rich diamter tHO) END:, ..IN SITU PROPERTIES 2 2:NBReB uy.uSAPL HARDESS EATHRIN 0 0."Z 5 Of 4 R22 156 5.010 6 NAO 4 1591 5 .6 156- .6 23: NB Recovery ,- -3 R23 161 0 5.0/B B NA seblw- f 0 -,N1- B c. Vaue Vaue 64 18*.I B NA 1605 5 0 0 4 R22 176 5.0/0 0 NA r , e__7 7 1 156-R23: No Recovery 3 R23 617. 5.0/0 B NA 4 4 1605 15-I 6 --- -----H2:-N-Rooet 7 R25 171.5 5.0/0.3 0 NA smooth to rough, very Close, horizontal to Vertical joints/fractures. 7 7I 9 I- ~ YLaE C Oe EnI 5096 ~ Rr I 7 A. 0"0 .000 "i aONR i0 000-- __________________________.______________--________ 171.5- R26: No Recovery 5 R26 176.5 5.0/0 0 NA00-vtkl 1 1-175.E 10 176.5N R27: No Recovery 6 R27 1811.5 5.0/0 0 NA I--t-GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JON/FATRE CHRCEISTICS-P DENsTY -P CONI.-C HARDNESS NPINI" 2--K- II l AT-r.E LOOS E *2- FT2 MDU. 2 M) 1-2 2",-1 0- r°- SUIJBRONTAL uE3 D/IUM DENSE M MODER.KTLy HARD 3 MCDERATE. (3) W-1 --,3 -oC~~ -" 300 -NE I-1 I HARD 4 (4) 11-M0 vIeRY DENSE 150 V.TF e r PAD5 RS .Vo- W ERn-3 HRD NOTES7 6. Return water Is white, thick and foamy. Driller decreased spinning speed.7. Borehole was advanced with 300 to 400 psi dowrnward pressure for R24-R29.8 Sp~t Spoon sampte was taken from 166.0'-165.5'.

9. Rem water is thick and gray for R2B and R27..IBO.IN NO. IMW ,6 BORING LOG ISH.7 OF 8 BORING NO. MW -61 v.Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Ponti Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41 .017569.10 COORDINATES:

Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. NORTH: DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: FINAL BORING DEPTH: 223 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL CME 55 Truck Rig BORING CO.: Auier and Testint GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: M401bAutomatrc FOREMAN: Paul Gaddis DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIEE: 6-inch dimeter (IW) ENGINEER: A. HOiuWt. Punf Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data EASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 9006-ROCK CORE: 37/8.alc, diameter (HGI core barWet DATE END :-" 2 .;:i IN SITU PROPERTIES FRCTURES Sw w N HARDNESIS WEATHERING PE FOOT z 6i Be Zo >~PRFO--o ' o SAPL DSCIPIO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION F- see below for see below for see below for U, 0 I I- In valules values values v 0 o e. 0 0 6- 6 0 0 06 1,2,312 4,5. 1,2,34,5 1,2,34.181.5- R28: No Recovery 8 R28 186.5 5.0/0 0 NA 2 8 2 roG.--D.-- 8 2 7-85.-1 10

  • 2 11 .2. .....186.5- R29: No Recovery 9 R29 191.5 5.0/0 0 NA 4 6 3 7 3 190.ý 7 3 6 :3 ..*__ ..191.5- R30: No Recovery 7 R30 196.5 5.0/0 0 NA 4-6 4 ...4..6 4 s.! 5 " 4 5 " 4 196.5- " .S1: Fractured zone: Sevedy to completely weathered, nery close to close, 518 197.7 14 -37 NA 14/10 NA hIorzontal to vertical, clay coated joints/fractures.

Faultbrecoia. 100/2" 197.7- R31: No Recovery 8 R31 200.3 4.4 200 4 200.3- 39 S19: Fractured zone: Severly to completely weathered, very close to close, S19 201.0 100/2" NA 8/3 NA horizontal to vertical, clay coated joints/fractures. FauB breccia. .......R32: Fracture zone: hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparen R32 201-206 5.0/1.51 30 0 6 foliation: rough to smooth, very close to close, vertical to horizontal --joints/fractures. 6 205 6 6 206- -R33: No recovery.R33 211 5.0/0 0 0 5 210 1 5 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS BPF DENSnY BPF C-NI-T~ NARDNESS EATHERING No. PER IT _ -- GJ ATTITUDE 04 RLOyOSE I1 coo 1 enycv 'r r1 elaPUo r1) co -c e e.4-r1 L-aSE 2-4 SOve MEDIUM 2 M 1.2 "1 eS NTAL rc-30 MEDUM DIENSE -a M. STIF 3 0 CCRATELy HARD 3 MOrRcn (3) -10 1n, M Mele eD' Ma OUPPING , 3c/ DENSE a-IN STIce 4 o SUGnT I nr- e-re --DENv 00nSE 1SEoWnTr S Voo uvRD NRESo.-c VIR'eCA.BORING NO. IMW-61 BORING LOG ISH.8 OF BORING NO. MW- 61 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed b M.. Ponti, Jr.- D. Schi er.Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41 .0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. NORTH;DATUM: NGVD 1929 IEAST: FINAL BORING DEPTH: 223 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Tru Rig BORING CO.: Aquifer Oilling and Teaing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER' 140lb, Autoroti FOREMAN: PU1 Gados DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE. Rinoh dilameter (S ENGINEER: A. HoughoM. PoeR Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 9006 ROCK CORE: 378 71- diameter (1Q) ore barrel DATE END,.. 1 ~IN SITU PROPERTIES N.O z WA HERING FRACTURES 0'1 ,3-_.... HARDNESS O 0 D. w > a-I ° > "- = oSAMPLE DESCRIPTION EVE U see below for see below for see below tar--w .a Z values values vales 0~ 0' 00 S ~0 1,2,3.45 1,2,3,495 12 C,3,4, B 6 ...... ....~..... .. .............. ..... i..........+...... .... ..R34: No Recovery.2 R34 211-216 5.010 0 NA 2 ...... ...... ..... ~~~~...... ... ..... ..... ...... i ....... ... ........ ... ... .... ... .215 3* R35: No Recovety.4 R35 216-221 50/0 0 NA R:o ve...... ..... ..S. ... .... .. ... .. .........220 7 3..221.0- 1.75/ S20: Fractured zone: Beverly to Completely weathered, very close to close, S20 222.6 12-38 124 0.42 24 NA horizontal to vertical, clay coated joints/fractures. Fault breccia.86-Bottom of Borng at 223 feet.I. .. ...... ... .. ... ..... ........... ..225 ...... .... ...... ............ ... ..........230...... .... ... .. .....I .. ... .. ..-.- ...235 2401 1 116 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTUJRE CHARACTERISTICS RO OENSN .E CONSISTENCY0 VEIEss WECATHERING No we Er -.AATTO505


'000 MEDIUM DENE 4.0 0. or 3 MOE~Dcr 0050D OODE-AE 0130 100445S*E* Mo. -N.05 3000.SENSE 410 40- L f W- R....- 4 CLOU 50 VERY BDRNSE 110 V.-15 5 GORY5500 050 .RS Wag.051550 ý30 00550 NOTES: 116.0o equipeent enstalled. Borehole bacofelled with grout.IBORING NO. IMW41 PRELIMINARY BORING LOG ISH. I OF 7 BORING NO. MW -62 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti. Jr.- D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.69 feet NORTH: 463086.79 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604350.80 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 201 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 550 T-k Rig BORING CO,: Aquiler DigB an d T estin g GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER.M ldIb Automratic FOREMAN- Paul Gais DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME C A S IN G S IZ E : 6 rinc d iam e er (S w ) E N G IN E E R : MIu& P orol Nsndel B r" IR e fe r to T a b le 6 .1 fo r G ro u n d w a te r D a ta CASING HAMMER: 300 lbs Autoematic DATE START 0117196 ROCK CORE: 3 70/l8 f h diameter (H lo re DATE END : .P E P ... :~ IN SITU PROPERTIES NOOF HARDNESS G PER FOOT.z a) S SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for se bew for-o.o, z wo z values values values 01 o100- S A0f 1,2,3,41234 1,2.34,5, 1,2.3,4.2 ......(No soil samples taken form 0 to 7 feet)43 _6 7 ..... ....... _... ... .....S1: Medium dense. brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace Gravel, trace Sift.$ 1 7-9 6 -5 10 24/9 35 --i..9 5-5 S 02 9-11 42Mediuo dense, -gray fine to coarse SAND. little Silt, trace Gravel.$ 53: Dense, brown-gray, fine to coarse SAND, little Silt, trace Gravel.12 03 11-13 22-33 45 24/13 55 13 12-7 S4: Dense, brown-gray, fine to coarse SAND, trace Gravel, trace Sift.14 54 13-15 4-20 40 2417 30 180 15 , 20-11&5: Medium dense, brown-gray. fiee to Carse SAND, trace Gravel, trace Silt.16 S5 15-17 1-2 10 24/16 65 233 17 8 _ -10"" 1 $6: Loose, brown-gray, fine to coarse GRAVEL and SAND;.trace Silt. 7 18 S6 17-19 4-6 9 24/7 30 19 2-24 0 S7 19 21 21 7: Soft, gray clayey SILT, trace fine to medium Sand, trace fine Gravel, 20 07 19 -21 2-1 2 24/4 15 63 trace organic fibers.21 I 1-3 08: Soft, gray Clayey SILT, trace Organic Fibers.22 S8 21-23 1-1 2 24/4 15 23 ..... _ 1-2$9: Soft, gray, Clayey SILT, trace shell fragments, trace organic fibers.24 S 59 23-25 1-1 2 24,21 85 40 25 1-1 010: Soft, gray SILT and CLAY, trace shell fragments, trace organic fibers.26 S_ 10.25-27 2-1_ 2 24/17 70 27 1-1 S11: Soft, gray SILT and CLAY, trace shell fragments, trace organic fibers, 28 S11 27-29 .2-2 3 24/16 65 53 trace gravel.29 1-2 32$12: Soft, gray SILT and CLAY, trace shells.30 012 29-31 2-2 4 24/16 65 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 969 DIENSITY 0He NONSiSTENOy R.008N50S0 058A10190JN0 NO ER FT 01o*SIA00G000199 E 0AN G Ac 0.4 HERYLOASA 52 So ve;ly .-1 S~VI~yaOT 1 CWMRLS T It) 0 <2" 4-10 L0o00 ESOFT 2 .MEI , 2 SI=VERE I .-_.- QL CIN "-v°S 10o0 MEDIUM DENSE 4. M .STIFF 3 1 --.R O 3 -ORATE (3) 010 1- 3 MDEOOOcTNI0Ra 35". ° MmoaeeRoN0 0 DENSE .1S -'I HARD 00SL00T (,U} "u 1.01 n.- SEI CovER_YDo S v' s VsnFF 5 VEy 5 RS WRYVD- YTH'CK a W-oovRnCA NOTES 1. Performed 8-iech diameter vacuum excavation from 0 to 7 feet 2. Spun and washed 6-lnch diameter (SW) rasing to sampling depths from 7 to 37 feet 3. Soil samples $1 and 52 obtaired using a 2" diameter split spoon sampler, soil samples S3-S16 obtained usIng a 3T diameter splt spoon sampler 4. Stratum change at 19.0'IBORING NO. IMW-62 PRELIMINARY BORINGLOG SH.2OF 7 BORING NO. MW -62 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schir Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0L7869.10 __COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.69 feet NORTH: 463006.79 DATUM: NGVD 1929 ,EAST: 604350.80 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 201 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL CME 550 TockRig BORING CO: Aquifer Dlling and Teing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER 140 b, Aut oeati FOREMAN: Paul Ga000 DATE I DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 64n-h daeere (SW) ENGINEER: MauW--epotlndelBa Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER' 300 Ibs Automnc SDATE START.8/17/0R ROCK CORE: 37I0-inc diameter (HQo(ro bacel DATE END 4 0 ~~IN SITU PROPERTIES NO 0, HADNS WETERN F- NO OF 1L0 Z0 et -* E~hRN FRACTURES.... 0)A HRDNEss W ERFONG P- ..6ý N I -PER FOOT S w u , *- SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for see below for o_ .z o 0. =- I values values values 1 .2 1 3 12 4,5 12340 1 234j 31 32 q1 2-3 S131 31-33 1-3 10 24/181 75 w 34 35 36 7-14 I S14 33-35 14-27 52 24121 90 22 25-251 1 i S13: Top 14": Gray SILT and CLAY, trace shells;Bottom 4": Gray SILT and CLAY some fine to oarse Sand, little Gravel.S14: Very dense, gray, fine to medium SAND and fine to coarse GRAVEL, little Silt.S15: Very dense, fine to coarse GRAVEL (fractured rock), little fine to coarse Sand, little Sift.Top of Bedrock at approximately 37 feet 35., -15 36.7 3-2 118 NR 37'A 89-130/3" 17. 67-17 77 0 f012" 816: No recovery 14/0 0 110.. ... .... ..... -"i- -- -F ---h-h-h --...I I I I I IAA AO NIA qR RII I=: I I I I~ I I , Jtoation 3 3 47 3 3 48 3 3 49 3 5 R2: 50 4 R2 49-54 5.0/5.0 100 8 3 folia;ert 51 4 .2 50.5 52 4 2 53 4 2 54 4 2 R3: 55 4 R3 54-59 5.0/5.0 100 60 2 folia.eri 56 4 1 57 4 1 58 4 *_" 2 59 4 1 Ha tion ical i'-5 pIng Ha tion rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical n: slightly to moderately rough, neryclose to close, moderately dipping cal, slightly weathered joints/fractures. 7' : Fracture zone: slightly to moderately rough, very close to close, tely dipping to vertdcal, slightly weathered joints/fractures. rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-verfiCal n: smooth to rough, vary close to close, moderately dipping to sub-slightly weathered iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 6.2: Fracture zone: rough to smooth; vary close to close moderately to sub-vetical, slightly weathered iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. rd, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical smooth 1o rough, very close to close, moderately dipping to sub-sandy, slightly weathered, slightly ion-oxide stained joints/fractures. i 0 00 2 5 0/4.l 07 I80 J Lo 4 1 R4 1 9-4 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARZACTERISTICS BPF c,4 4-1ýy LOOSE LOCSZ .MEDIUM DENSE DENSE-1 .- 2-48-15>30 VERY SOFT SOFT 1 2 a 4 5'~y SOFTr MEDIUMHARD HARD-Y HR SLID.5 MESH NO PSR FT (1) 0 (3 3-10 (4) CLOSSýRY THIN?-V CUOSIETý.'10' WRY "DENERY THICK--I-NOUTES S. Stratum change at approximately 33.0'.t. Split spoon refusal at 36.7.7. Rods and spoon bouncing while sampling for sample S16. Top of bedrock encountered at approximately 37 feet.B. Casing set into bedrock between approximately 37' and 41'.JBORING NO. IMW-62 BORING LOG SH. 3 OF 7 7 7 I BORING NO. MW -62 u, 0 i z Z 0 1 1 0, S 4 Cs Z Z ww ZU-UJ16 0 0O 0 0 O 0 0 CO S1 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Z 0>tU, 00 00 P' -I" f'--'--'---- IN S01IIU I'MurOK IrLO NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PRFO see below for I see below for values I values Q 61 R69 I 1 ,3 i rolata 62 3-- -f.63 64 A-4 ' rlv CO 1 11oal 5 65.4 R5: 4 R5 64-69 5.0/5.0 100 20 4 foliC~iron 4 4 S6.1 join 5 4 J5 4 5 4 I.-tti SC NO 0044C II 'l.U/S.t'I lOt' I 00 I 0 I ltlOIO0 COLt ul 4 RS 0/5.0. 1 00 60 5 lionation: rou 5 4 T

  • iron 2 5.5 -.95 46 4 osh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint to distinct, nery thin, sub-ion: smooth to rough, very close, moderately dipping to sub-ondafy, pyrite and calcite crystals, iron-onrde stained MeS.Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-lion: very close to moderately close, sub-vertical, pitted, slightly ron-oxide stained joints/fractures.

rsh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical d close to moderately close, sub-vertical, pited, slighgty weathered, ained joints/fractures: Fracture Zone, smooth, very close, sub-vertical, iron-onide stained MeS.esh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical gh to Smooth, very close to moderately close joints/fractures; Fracture zone, smooth, very close, moderately close to sub-vertical, ained joints/fractures. esh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical y Close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained MeS.esh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical ooth, wery close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, jointsifracturas; Fracture zone, smooth, very close, sub-vertical, iro-onide stained res.esh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical gh to smooth, very close to moderately dose, moderately dipping to slightly weathered, ion-oxide stained jointsofractures. FZ_FZ FZ FZ 4 R7 74.7Q 3 5s0/50 10o 1 64... .... ... .. ........... , _v 3 77 4 4 78 4 3 79 4 5 76* R8: Ha 80 4 R8 79.84 5.015.0 100 76 5 foliatio, 61 4 5 81.6'g 8* .nints/h 82 4 5 83 5 4 84 4 5 854. R9: Ha 60 4 RIO 84-89 50./5.0 00 96 4 foliatiol 86I 4 5 87 5 1 5 88 4 5 89 4 FZ FZ RISTICS S5°ne SaS-eReccaL ne-no oovOOcOtRN -svuerarr WS.W .'nA 90 01:: :1ý: 9wl 5.0/5.0 100 73 5 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRAC ýPF-EOOE MIUM D0000 MENS V:Y WE~i 2-4 rI-no STIFF 15no V.nTI 3 4 5 sonoe 2 SýAPIRN 100M_ _T" (1) 0 0) 1-2 (3) 2.10 r'e1 MOO n.CcOO"t'V~ Toomsý00 IBORING NO. IMW-62 BORING LOG I SH. 4OF 7 BORING LOG SN. 4 OF 7 i E w Q 00 z E i-ra ul J 0 z zf-ww zýw w T Q.50 0 0u 0 0 z0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z 0>0w i-w 00 0 2 I. I IN SITU PROPERTIES ",. NO. OF H FRACTURES HARDNESSI WEATHERIN PER FOOT see below for values I I I 91 92 93 94 4 5.0/5.01 1001 73 6 5 .~ 6 5 1 S1- 1 1 1 R1f0: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint to distinct, very thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth, very close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained jointsfTractures. 93.2':Sub-vegical jointifractum, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained.R1 1: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint to distinct, very thin, sub vegical foliation: smooth to rough, very close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures. I I nv~o,4r15.01e.0no 100 1 80v1. 5 .4 6 5 51 5 1 1 1 4 5ý015.0 1.- L-~ 00 1 98 ., R12 verti wea: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint to distinc!, very thin, subo--T-ical foliation: smooth, very close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly thered joints/fractures. 0 02 3 5 03 3 5 04 3 , 104- R13 05 4 R13 109 5.015.0 100 100 4 Vert nedi 06 4 4 07 4 4 08 4 5 09 4 -4 S S09- 1 .14 10 4 R1d4 114 5.0h5.0 100 100 S 4 ert 111 4 4 12 54 13 4 4 14 4 4: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint to distinct, very thin, sub ical foliation: rough, close to moderately close, moderately dipping to sub-ical, slighty weathered joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint to distinct, very thin, sub ical foliation: rough, close to moderately close, moderaetly dipping to sub-ical slightly weathered jointslfiractures; healed breccia.Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint to distinct, very thin, sob ical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures; heated breccia.114.j 114 i1 110 :+,UIo.I. en 1 4U live f 5 4 1 44 4 4" 1_54 III 119-;05 01 11in 10Q? I I GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 4-10 LJa50 :2.4 naFT -a MEDIUa 2 anEnER -52 1-2 r-r 1,0th/roN., , --5-005 sue-ewzORaZONT -o0st aoDIM nse 4-a M. orIr 0 MoCEATmIy oAn n uaOroTn -' 0-rn t.e c rO -rasrO 3.. MO-O (p) .S 30-0 DE0S0 0t5 00ev 4 Roa a SUGHT 044 10-at vr.1e fflDoJTIC< nv-re5 -UB-VEncal roe VOy 00100 1530 I VnRY 30R0 5 owEei.n -a ver NOTES IBORING NO. MW-62 BORING LOG SH. 5 OF 7 T D 01 03 O w 1.0 w D;ý>z z w 00 0 0 0 0 o S SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Z, 0>00 0 HARDNESS WEAf'HERING3 FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for values see below for isee below for values values-4-4-4-4-4-4-.--b-4-.b-J. 4 4 121 123 123 124 s A I4 T I1414 1241 qRi5 1nn0I inn 1 A 1 _ 714 4 4 ~.~ 12 -'.....12E 121 ,4.4 4 -dl 3 4.... , 4 --12E 12E i ir 3 4 3 I * "l 4 129-IqAR =$qO~l 100 1 1001 i 0-.... .-. ...-.-.... .. I ... ....131 132 3 3 3 -4 3 3 3 3 ard. fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, vwry thin, suh-vertical

smooth to rough, very close, moderatelyrdipping, slighlriy weathered, mineralized joihts/fractures; healed breccia.ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-venical n: smooth, very close, moderately dipping to sub-horizontal, pyrite oized, iron-oxdde stained joints/fractures; trace pitted texture along calcite ized joints/fractures; Discontinuous vug 1/8g wide, 114" deep, 1" long.ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical
no apparerntjointsltractums; occasional pitted texture along calcite tized joint/fractur.

ard, fresh, fine grained, grey MARBLE with taint, very thin, sub-vertical

very close, horizontal, slightly weathered joint/fracture.

and, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-verhical o: tugh, moderately close, moderately dipping, pyrite mineralized, weathered joitts/fractures. ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical

and no apparet joints/fTractures.

I I 134 13!13F* 134-.50/5 01 to 10 1 3 j ........I 37 3 3 38 4 3 39 3 3 139- R2.40 3 R20 144 5.0/5.0 100l 100 2 folia sligl 41 3 3 42 4 2 43 3 2 44 3 2 144- R421 45 3 R21 149 5.015.0 100 100 2 tolia 46 3 _2 47 3 1.4 ...2 49, 3 1 149-Sorsllf 1n001 100 15A sa'501 loo 1 loo -GRANtULAR SOILS SCOrHESIVE SOILS GRNUA SOL COESV SOILSrrnrnO~u~~urr. 8,F- lSW VERYT0 výysc-2 I HAD VlW aRD 14 n1) o 1'2 (3) 2.10 ( o o.w" t V 8 IKN=yew comcosit-rn 35n45° MOe DreveNG IBORING NO. IMW-62 BORING LOGI SH6F7 BORING NO. MW -62 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Pont, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017569.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.69 feet NORTH: 463086.79 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604350.80 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 201 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL CME 553 Ten Ri BORING CO.: ASHDe SrRiH ard Tat i .. g GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: I4 iba Automatic FOREMAN: Pau Caddis DATE DEPTH ' .'CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASINO SIZE, H-eS dameter (SB .ENGINEER: MauAme PoH dR Barry Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASINO HAMMER 3ZIIs AoaWc.. DATE START: W/1715R ROCK CORE- 3 718-4J diamte (110) W bn~l DATE END : IN SITU PROPERTIES 6ý 0 Z: v 10 O.OF Z Z U ZFRACTURES 0 HARDNESS WEATHERING z1 0. : ..SAMPLE DESCRIPTION F 0 S P DESCIPTSe below for see below for see below for IA0 0 1 4 B 1 4,5 1.2,3,4 R22: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical ., o 151 4 2 foliation: smooth, widely spaced, sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractiures; .: :1" * ' heated breccia.1523 1 153 4

  • 2 154 3 2 154- R R23: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertlcal 155 3 R23 159 5.0/5.0 100 1B 2 foliation:

smooth, widely spaced, sub-vertica, slightly weathered joint/fracture; -a Eoccional slightly pited texture.156 3 2 .157 3 31 155 3, 2 2 159 "4 3-159- R :24: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-verticar " l T 160 3 R24 164 5.06.50 100 100, 3 holiation: smooth, close, sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures. 0 161 4 .2 .162 3 3 0 163,3 2 164 4 -3 164- R25: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical -165 4 R25 169 5.0/5.0 100 100 2 tDiation: no apparntjoivts/fractures A-0 16653 3.1673 2 3 \ : 168 3 __ 2 .1.., 169 13 _ .6 3R6: Hard, fresh, fne grained, gray MARBLE with faint, verythin, sEU-rtal, DS 170 3 R26 174 5.015.0 10" 1001 2 oldiation: no apparentjoints/fractures. .0 171i4 __ 2 172 3 3 173 3 -__ 2 174 3 2 D 174- R27: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical 175 3 R27 179 5.0/5.0 190 96 3 foliation: smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertlical, Slightly 21 17614 w2 eathered joints/fractures. .177 32 178!5 3 2 179-180 4 R28 164 5.0/5.0 100 98 2 _ __ __GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS 1 .JOINT/FRACTURE CHARATERISICS DI ENS"R ..R. sa wwray rra.10 LoGSE -r 2 E 2 EVERE ( 1. CErrN NT eata E i555 0.5 ri 4 4ER S) HAGw~m- u I RoN IARD NOTES: IBORING NO. JMW-62 BORING LOG I SH. 7 OF7 0 S9_0 d Z u0 S 0z I z Z.4 s-H0 w 0 Lu 0 0~0.J SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z S0, 0:0 0 z IN SITU PROPERTIES F I FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT see below for values I 181 3 2 821 4 1 183 3 2 184 4 " 1 18!1A, I 184-3 IR29 189 2 S01505f 1O1 100 187 4 1 188 3 2 189 4 2-189- R30 190 3 R30 194 5. 0/5.0 100 100 1 foeb 191 3 2 192 4

  • 2 193 3 -- 1 -194 3 2 194- R31 195 4 R31 199 5,0/5.0 100 100 2 folia nerti 196 4 1 197 4 2 198 5 1 199 5 ____ 21 too, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with taint, very thin,.sub-vertical rough, very dose, sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures.

adt, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical -rough to smooth, very close to moderately close; moderately dipping to tical, slightly weathered joints/fractures. ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical Srough, wide, moderately dipping, slightly weathered jointifracture. ard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical n rough, very close to moderately close, moderately dipping to sub-slighty weathered joints/fractures; trace slightly pitted texture ardo, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-vertical .no apparent joints/fractures. XEj ii Inn I 19 -2 ti 1a2 Ins 1... ...... .......... ... ... .I .......... 201 202 203 204 705 31 2 End ofBoting 201 feet Q 208 207 208 209 210 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 4"00 iLCCw' 2-4 -SOFT a MEDiUMi 2 nveen .. rs 1- 2-1' ottooh 5*-35* Hi3o,'z-HO r 5000 sitd000 at .STy t SHiO 1 WOOAO5 I HO 1*i 0iv.3" 10-O 30- VsTir .80080 .rFRES.2 eon wovelu S o-w 0.vence, 3 .10 -D 3__ _p_2_ 1 _.__ _ _ _NOTES 9. Waterloo mulhivei samrplig system installed within the borehole (refer to installntion log for details). Monitoring wells instaled within the overbuden soils adjacent to MW- S2 (refer to installation log for details).-IBORING NO. IMW-62 BORING LOG ISHIf 7 BORING NO. MW -63 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 CORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.18 feet NORTH: 462968.86 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604252.14 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 201 feet DRILL RIG MODEL: CME 550 Truwa Rig BORING CO.: Aquler DrIing and TeorS GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER RAMMER: 1.4111 Aut1omatic#00 IbR Do-It FOREMAN: Paul Gadd~s DATE DEPTH r CASINOG STABILIZATION TIME EASING SIZE: 4ý-aS diamer HII and 6-rch diamterISW ENGINEER: Itendell Barry Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data EASING HAMMER 30RIbsAutomaic DATE START: M10,6 ROCK CORE: HQ Rare -, ' DATE END: ' IN SITU PROPERTIES -. -NO. OF z z F ~. ADES RACTURES' WEATHERING PER FOOT o 0 Q. w R50 D SAMPLE DESCRIPTION z- 0 n > o 0i No ~t see below for see below for See below for o 0. I 0 1H values values values o O o 1,2,3,45 12,345 1234.. ... ....... .. ... ... .... -- .. ... ..(No soil samples talen from 0 to 8 feet)*S 5.7..5 S1 8-0 2 7 248127 S3: Medo mdese, browe-groy, fine to mediam GRAVEL and fin e to EoarseSAD r2. 2-1 litt7 1 241 ___ sANDt.aeSit $4:0 MIfm dnebrw-gray, fine to mediom GRAVEL. om fifROne tD oOR 15 25 14165 7-8 14 1419 133 S2 M4dtoe iu des ebrw S3: Vediu dense, brown-groy GAE, fineto eSadu GRAoEL S iL t cas SS, 12-14 4-2 43 24/1192 AE, rcit 6-13$8: Mediom desefbrow-gray Cfiye SIt. medium GRAVEL. itefn oCas SE 14-20 2-2 B 2419 13 212 taSit S7: Medra Slos rongray CLAY EL and SILT. rceSil SS7 20-22 4l-2 4 2412489 2-2 50: Medium sl55, b ngray ClAYayed SILT. medium Sand.. .50 22-24 2-2 _5 24134 2124 09:-3 S ofMeiut if, gray CayySLT, tane SIoLT. dSad 25 S7 24-226W -W2 2 24124 8 2-2 S10: Soft, gra y, ClAYandy SILT, trace Gravel adSn.25 10 24-26W 1-3 .2 24/24__1-2 1- ...-]7- S1; 1: Hard, gay SILT and CLAY, trace Sand.+112.-30 4-12 1421 24/121_30 3.-46 GRANULA.R SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTUIRE CHARACTERISTICS vERYLOaSE SOnn Ey_ a 1 ,,ETE In vs-0.0 LoWE -4 on .2 2RnI RSýn t 14 .'0o111 20 se~an, NOTESý1. Peromedl 8-moB diameter vacuum exravation from 0 to 8 feet.2 Spe on dro nnd washed 4-ntntu diameter cosieg to samplieg depths from ato 34 feet BORING NO. IMW-6 BORING LOG IsH..zfo 7 i: : ....Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti. Jr. -D. Schipper 3,Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41 .001878§9.10 !COO0RDINATES: 10 Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.18 feet NOWTH. 462908.88 D ATUM: NGVD 1929 1EASTý 604252.14 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 201 feet DRILL RIG MODEL: CME 550 T-ac Rig BORING CO.: Aquifr Dr~iing nd Teýg GROUND WATER READINGS *.SAMPLER HAMMER: 140 lbs Au.tomti/00 llbs Fou OREMAN: Paul Gaddi DATE IDEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 44-nc diametr (HW) and 6-inch diameter (SW) E-NGINE ER: W-n11t Refe r to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data-C.ASING HAMMER: 3O 1b, Autoatic DATE START,. Mode06 ROCK CORE: HIDor b.-Ie DATE END : LL O--A Z" ' 'IN SITU PROPERTIES -- u E--- .HARDNESS WEATHERING 0- 0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for w eo o we w Zz o E 0 .o values values vle* 3 oo. of 1 11 2 34., 1 2, 3 4 5, 1 2 3 .S1 303 1" -.378 41712: Very dense, gray SAND, some Grvew], little Silt.~30 -32 Top of Bedrock at 32 feet S13: Gray Gravel.S13 32-34 5011" NA 1/11 S14: No recovery.35 S14 34-36 5010 NA 0/0 293-RI: Hard, fresh, fine grained gray, MARBLE with faint, ewr thin, sub-vertlcora-- 3 R1 136-41 1 5.0/4.61 92 0 5 foliation: rough to smooth, very close to closeI , sub-horizontal to sub-vertical,:- ,. " ~~~iron-oxide stained jointslfracotres;. .'3 " 10 36.0'-81.0'

Fraction zone: rough to smooth, very close to close, sub- F...' 12.-* horizontal to vertical, i .... ide stained joints/fractures 40131 Z 3 10 FZ .* ... R2: Hard, fresh. fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation; 2 R2 41-46 5.M/.6 f100 46 6 to smooth, very close, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, imon-ocidJes stained .... .7,..3" 4 :Z 45,4 6 Z 6I 3 R3 51 5.0/5.0 100 12 5 to smooth, very dlose to close, moderately dipping to vertical, iron-oxide

.....stained jothts/fracutmes; healed breccia.* R4: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray, MARBLE with no aparent foliation; tough 4 R4. 51-56 5.0/4.8 9L 20 8 to smooth, wery close to close, moderately dipping to vertical, calcite ....3 .0 55.1.-56.0': Brown fine SAND on the few of fractures. ,f 4 8 "Z 1 55 I4 *10 Z1* R5: Hard, fresh. fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation; rough ]RS 56-81 5 .0/4 .9 98 50 "5 to ins fr cu e.mooth, w ery close, m oderately dipping to su bh-vertical i ron-o xide stained FZ 2..4 .Z 0 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0-4 ~~ ~ya" 1~I < ~ CIOMPLETE I') 0 ] 4-0 LCOS-4 OFT 2 2 E'vERE P) 1.2 2".1m' a sL "35 ub.."M]ONTAL IO-30 s m.O "4 .sTFF 3 -AD M.I ( 310 1-13 MOO[DF"IG DENSE a -15 VTJ- 4 IRD -v (4) ~ m 112 suc *.* NOTES: 3. R emoved I-/Vcasing from the borehole. Installed 6-4rich lamater (SW) carsing. Set SW casing into bedrock at 36 feet with grout- Top of bedrock at aboot 32 feet.. BORING LOG H.3ol`7 i-:z: p-o_w o 0 0 o 0 Lu z 0 z zi 06 0 0-o 0 o 51 IN SITU PROPERTIES N.O.HARNESS WEAHERIG IFRACTURES HADESIAHRN PER FOOT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ito S.0 to I I 04 see below for values q 4 IR6 61-66 5.0/5. 10055 5 tJS o_VI 151 5 1~-L-A-1 65 R 7 65<74 5C)15(1 Inn 1. 7I.R7 .... -. IA. .0 ...=3 70 70 4 75 -4 " " 70 4 I" _ 70 RE 3 RS 71-76 5.015.0 100 14 75. to joi 4 75 4 '75 3 75 4 75 fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation; rough , very close to close, moderately dipping to vertical, ion-oxide oints/fractums. fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliaton; mugh wvry dose, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained ctuos.fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation: rough , very close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained c0ures.fresh, ine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation; rough h on 40 q,,h.oeflrnpl imwn~nide 75 FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ.FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ Fz 4 3 IRgl 70.01 01501 1001 30 I--h-M-1 -rate to vertica! imnooAde 3 stained jointstfractums. 80 3

  • 50.3 -h50 4 70 R 3 R10 81.86 5.0/5.0 100 64 50 , to 3 so 3 .ho5 3 50 4 ____50 10: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-erfical foliation; smooth, vary close to moderately close, moderately dipping sub-vertical, imon-owde stained joints/ifactures.

11: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, vary thin, sub-agrcal foliation; rough to smooth, vary close to close, moderately dipping to erical, ion-oxide stained joints/fractures. 85 A 4 4 ' .en 4 .0~0 4 Rn+/- J I-li ~ -~ -i-60 90 60 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0-4 LOE 5 00000y0 r 0V0y;'r 1 wnucL1 (11 o 50 e'Kroaur , I4-r0 M~E 00? 4T MOoTEU 0AD suRnon r) -1.0 -,r 0OC.0141T4015 5"4* MO PN r V-n Y unoo "th1ec 0.30 U a-tr mo u5 eeyHA ro a-r 4-n( UOIO.yvS5L061t-CO m-1.40 .340 050 0 -45 era-n 4 H0'0 =4 euLIGHT 1 (4) 1-04 3'-ie cwo~nava WO'-. 40T4 I Approximately 500 gallons of dilling water was lost dudng dilling between 61 and 66 feet Change of drilling fluid color between 65 and 60 feet from gray to brown.IBORING NO. 1MW-63 BORING LOG SH. daf?.BORING NO. MW -63 Indian Point Energy Center Resiewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. SchpIer -Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY, G. SURF. EL. 14.18 feet NORTH: 492998.86 DATUM: NGVD 1929 .EAST: 604252.14 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 201 feet DRILL RIG MODEL CME 550 Tru Rig BORING CO: Aqufer and Testig GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: 140 lSeAlow-fiC3O ft Donut FOREMAN: Paad 500 DATE DEPTH CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 44rohdaeter (Ht)and ORO d " ENGINEER: VrndeI -ty Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING OMMER lbsA-a DATE START: eW30[ROCKCORE:RHnoebavel H DATE END.. ..IN SITU PROPERTIES C; NO. OF ,CIE z -L-: HARDNESS WEATHERING FRACTURES S .j 0A a -,N PER FOOT I -0 SAMPLEDESCRIPTION 8 see below fo elow for se belo for 0 z zw r, nO , -values oo e 95 1, , ,4 5 1, ..4 5 1120 5 *.60 2 R12: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; 20 4 RI3 91-96 5.0/2.0 48 0 0 tough to smooth very close moderatelyclose, sub-hoizont to sut-vertical, FZ ire-oxide stained jointa/fracfores. 4 60 wl 360 ,F..3 60 .NA R1 3: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with no apparent foliation; 12 3 R13 96-1011 5.0/3.91 75 0 60 ough fo smooth, very close to close, moderafely; dipping to sub--ertical, tree nZ oxide stained jointsi t raulores. 99.0'-7.3: Iron and magnesium crystals, as 3 ------.§l.ell as chlrcop ytite iron-ooide layers (1oix 1B x 118") '1 12_3 60 105t 3 60 9 3 60 -.10k .Rid: Hoard, fre sh, teegrained, gray MARBLE with foliation, outh to smooprth 4 R1i 109 5.05.8 120 48 60 very close. moderately dipping to sob-vertical, silty, flne sandy .Z l'-in/ron-oxie stand.- itfatre.'. 4 .0 105 4 90 4 60 106- * .R IP: 109.8-1 0.3: Hard, freshi ne grained,.gray MARBLE, with no apparent 4 Ri5 _S _ _50/4.8 98 68 60 foliation, ogh to smooth, vry close,moderately dipping to vertical , silty..1 14 60 nin-Odde stained. joins rc ts/fracts. 4 60__ 6 108.3,-1i1: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, w ith faint, very thin, sub-4 R 1 .1 -60 vertical foliation: smooth, moderately close scb-hosuzontal to sob-vertical. 110 4 faint, very lain to thin, sah-eertical, iron-ovate stained joints/fracstres. 0 4 60 ill-R 46: Hard, fresh, flee grained, gray MARBLE, with taint, very thin, sob-4 Ri6 119 5.0/5.0 100 869 60 vertical foliation, smeoth, moderately close tn close, sob-horizontal to sub-vertical. iron-oxide stained joints/fracfores. 4 60 4 60 115 4 60 4 60 116- R1 7: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, sub-4 R17 121 5.0/5.0 100 94 60 vertical foliation; smooth, wide to close, sub-vertical to moderately dipping, .slightly weathered, iron-oxede stained joints/fractures. 4 60 4 60 1201 4 68 " GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 4 <rVERySoP'r I 'Ery""lT 1SO -(1) o -E Af OClEVER vAS O,5 ORnOTe 410 2-4 W .2 10o0A 2 SEVERE Of- C5N, SUsHORZ .DE0NSEovesveo .30 no n NAR 4 cDo NOTES: 0. No water ratuer between 71 and 119 feet IBORNG NO. IMW-BORING LOG ISH. 6 of 7 T r I BORING NO. MW -63 Z 0 o 0 0 0 Z 5oo Lu W 0 0 a 0 0 <-t CC N 0 HARDNESS WEATHERING PERFTARES I P ER FOOT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 Z see below for see below for values oalues I I ; I 1 vle see below for S values" 50 4 121- -" R1 4 R18 126 5.05.01 1EO 90 50 vee d- dip 4 1 50 4 50 3 50 4 50 126- R1 5 Rig 131' 005.0 100 50 50 sut we 4 50 12! F I KN I 450 1wea!3 50 13C 4 50 131- R20: 4 R2O 136 5.0/5.0 100 92 50 smo 4 1 50 4 , 50 35 50 4_Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE witl faint, very thin to thin, sub-cal foliation; rough to smooth, moderately close to close, moderately ng to sub-vertical, slightly weathered iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE, with faint very thin to thin, vertical foliation, rough to smooth, wide to close, sub-vertical, slightly hering joint/fracture. 125.5: Fracture zone. smooth, wide to close, sub-vertical, slightly hered, joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fioe grained, dark gray MARBLE, with faint, foliation, oth. wide to close, sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin to sub-vertical foliation, smooth, wide to close, sub-vertical, slightly thered jointslfractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE, with faint foliation: no rent joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with very thin to thin, sub-0 Z=Z=Z 1 2 3 4=ZI'13 4 R 13-4 IR21 I141 5.0/5.0 100 88 1 50 4 90 14 3 _ 50 4t 4 50 4 50 141- .0R22: 4 R22 146 5.0/5.0 100 100 50 appo 4 so 5 .50 IS 450 4 50 1I 146-0 4 C~ 53, 0/5__ 0 13id20' 30 1 00 0000 00000 , 10 50appaent jint~ow00000000 4 50 ,, I I I 1 1 1 1 1 ;-0 15C 50 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERI 0P0 oE~sOO 010 CoorSTroNoy 0500005 O. 0R 000 Or O .00NGL0 oroo 0.4 sVeyL,000 a2 00090000' 1" 000000003 1 COuOtOI .li 0 00Z 0.05 eoezrenTAo, 1030 MC0[UM0 0000F# 0 10000T0 y H 2R 0000 a3 31.0 ' o* ooe.oozoI eo00 0 U 0D0NSE38"15 OnCF 00000A0000001 0 0hT 4 10 1.0l~ 0A00O0l0C pSUnI 000 v 000 00s o v 0040 0mWl 5 000030 o arms ore v es-in 0.Onmas 1, Na drilling fgaid returned durieg adoaecement between 120 end 150 feet.IBOPN NO. IMW BORING LOG ISM.$ of 7 i=0 0E 0 ZU 1 w az x 0 z 05 zu0 Z. 0 0 0.a e, 0 00 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION N 0 o NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT PERFOO T1~5n 4 4i 151- R24 4 R24 156 5.0/5.0 100 82 50 verti I mini 4 50 4 50 4 50*5 "50 155 156-161o tl 1 15.01.01 1u 87 50 vert 4 50 160 4 so 4 50 161- R. 1 26 R26 166 5.0/5.0 100 72 50 vert 4 50mod 4 --4 -1 .iti1.So 0los.Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, sub-icalfoliation, rough to smooth, very close, sub-vertical, healed, calcife eralized, pitied joints.: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with taint, vry thin to thin, sub-cal foliation; smooth, close to moderately close, moderately dipping, to vertical, with slightly weathered, joinrs/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, sub-ical foliation, rough to smooth, very close, to moderately close, lerately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures.

.1-164.4' Fracture zone' rough to smooth, very close, to moderately e, moderately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with faint,very thin to thin, sub-ical foliation, rough to smooth, very close to wide moderately dipping to-vertical, slightly weathered joints/firactums; slightly pitted.: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, sub-icalfoliation, mough, very close, sub-verfical slightly weathered s/fractfres; slightly pitted texture along clacite mineralized s/fiactures.
Herd, fresh,,fine

ýreined, grey MARBLE, with faint foliation; smoolt FZ FZ 8 4 50 165 4 -5 166-1(,0 5t)171 15.0/5,0 vert 4 50 170 5 50 4 50 171- R28 5 R28 176 5.0/5.0 100 100 50 vert A 1 -1 1 1 .1 50 join1 4 175 5 so5 4 50 176.041 I R29 1 1 1 4 1weathered joints/fr"actures. 4 " 50 4 50 180-.2 9 1 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE 4 -- .9. ~...-14.10 00000EM~t s I.: -"<2)30 1 2 vevy v 00 M...U 2 SEER--OERT 4sUW ( 1) 11 M-1 to-1 CvOSYTH H NOTES/ d d h adrilling fluid retur during advancement between 150 and 181 feet IBORING NO. IMW-63 BORING LOG ISH. 7of7 BORING NO. MW -63 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponfi, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.18 feet NORTH: 462968.86 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604252.14 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 201 feet DRILL RIG MODEL: CME 550o Trk Rig BORING GO.: AquiferOn/IIngand Tesin -GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: 1Q40bsA toaiO0( Ibs Donut FOREMAN: Pa Gaddls DATE DEPTH I CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SEE: 4-/nh diameter (HW) and -inmh diametra (SW) ENGINEER: Vndell Bary Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: 300 Ibs Automa/c DATE START: 830/06 ROCK CORE: HO mure bareI DATE END: "-" .. I "IN SITU PROPERTIES 6 -z NO. OF 0. b -.:Z i .* IHARDNESS WEATHERING LU U (lt/ PER FOOT-SAMPLE DESCRIPTION N o_ 0 0 "; ..OS see below for see below for see below for U -U 0 z I values values values O0 O.r 0 1,2,345 12,3,45 1,23 4 50 D 181- R30: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, sub-4 R3O 19986.0/5.0 100 50 vertical foliation, very close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical slightly weathered joints/fractures. _ 4 1 1 1 i..4 1 1 1 190 185 4 5o 1 4 SO5---199- -.- -R31: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin to thin, sub-3 R31 191 5.0/1.6 32 0 50 vertical foliation: rough, very close to close, joints/fractures. 3 50 *3 50-190 2 50 NA 3 .5. ....... ..191- R32: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray fragments of MARBLE with apparent 3 R32 199 5-.00.5 10 50 foliation. 3 "50 2 50 195 3 50 199- 1 R33: Hard, fresh, fine grained gray MARBLE with faint foliation, smooth very 3 R33 201 5.0/5.0 100 92 50 close to wide, moderately dipping to sub-vertical slightly weathered ..,, ..o Dints/fractures. 0 3 50 .2001 3 50 End of borng at 201 feet 205..... .... ... ... ... ... ..210 COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS OFF, ISrAh0y HAReNS OOAn=RNO N we FT nPAC In En 0251G0 ATfITUDE vALCOOSE <3 vys0--r 1 won 1 COenrr (I) 0 o( _ V0yO-OSENRTIN -". O TrALN LOOSE 2- S O0FT 2 MEDIUM 2 S/ARE -02 1.0 0%1, /0OSO01ifINln sas-owoORZT -UDIAMDM00E. a-1 00TIF 4 IONAED o 4A SUMOOfeA (4) 01-0 >1.0MO Man5" U c'ERTsAL 0E6U- 4-"S STIFF 3 M06ERATELY HARD I laRlB (3) i10. -106 W.3r .PPING NOTES: 9. Waterloo muotl-level sampling system installed within the forehole (refer to installation log for details). Also monitoring wells installed within the overburden soils adjacent to the 201-foot borehole (referto installation log for details).IBORING NO. IMW-63 BORING LOG ISH. I of 3 BORING No. MW-65 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti. Jr. -D. Sctoi Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.00 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G0 SURF. EL 69.72 feet NORTH: 462489.58 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604851.98 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 83 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 T-UAI BORING CO.: AquierDdl ngndTesalng "GROUNDWATER READINGS SAMPLER: 3-nRA Cpli soon FOREMAN: Ed Boer DATE DEPTH I CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4-inchdiameter (HW) ENGINEER: Anton- als Refer to Table 6.1 for Grounedwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A DATE START. 8a1 R6=ROCK CORE: HO wAreIne -DATE END: 8IID6.~~IN SITU PROPERTIES NO BI-A -y-r F: G 0 HARDNESS WEATHERING PERFOOT-~~~~~ 0 L.l GI 0 u _ _FI R, .IE 8 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION u 1 3- uz S P ES TOsee below for see below for sebelow for O .81 z 0 o- z (3values values values 8o- -- 0 10= 1.2,3,451 , .,5 , , , .10 o* G 2: 1234!(No soil samples take11from Oto 8 eet) 8 51: No recovery -S1 8 1 510.5" 0/0 1005 22- S2: Dense, brownr fine to medium SAND, some moca ragments, little Silt.S2 11.2 2-11 24118/50/2" --* No reouverylS3 12 50/0" 0/08---_S7 24-26 .4: Medium de2nse, brown, fine to medium SAND, some mck fragments, 3 1S 54 16-1B86-7 24/18 r_____ace Silt.10- 50 9P 2 -(-....355; Medium dense~gra' mock fragments. 20 S5 2E-22 8 .E10 24I8 18 -13 0 ......22- 58: Dense. bnrewn-gray fine GRAVEL, somen Sand. little Silt.SB 23.8 12-Il1 18111 *21 -500" s .-.S7: 24.0'-24.5': Loose met fntoCtSSADtregravel. some Silt.S7 24-28 ,3/24" 24d8 ci nd r 2 25 N *M. 6 30 .GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FEACTURE CHARACTERISTICS-rer ma-inlY Bmr eaA0.RSS O noR men BpAO0MIr0008S BONGLE uflrmx Ad Sne~yLmelE OR ADRy men 1 VlY noFr 1 II Bt ' 2" IV MISASTPN"0.5 RRSIrIO1 4-10 a-a me 2 MORJM 2 .1 1-2 ,Z.r>0V~~ MISIEVRY , MAo 5001 DENSE 15.00 V.BRFF B DVY AROB S rSH ER-A 1. Performed 8-incho diameter vacuum excavation tram 0 to 8 teet.2., Span and mashed 4-in0c0 diameter Dasing to nanpling depths foem 8 to 24 teeL 3. Spur and washed HA rcsing 00 38 teat avd rat in Sambedto w~th grut ednocko encourtered at 35 teat. BORING LOG SH.2 of 3 BORING No. MW-65 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti. Jr. -0. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017569.00 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 69.72 feet NORTH: 462469.68 DATUM: NGVD 1929 .EAST: 804851.98 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 83 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 T.. nORINGCO.: AvuiferDrling nd Teing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER:3.nch soe n FOREMAN: Ed Bere- DATE DEPTH CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4inch diaeter IHW) ENGINEER: AeteeCafls Referto Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA. DATE START: a1,06 ROCK CORE: NO W.R.line DATE END: 8/2tIDD P IN SITU PROPERTIES z z FRACTURES v. O i- ' i > -0j ;-- WEATHERING PE T w > w SAMPLE DESCRIPTION .see below for see below for see below Er o D a Z values values values o0 o. al 1.2.3,C41234 12,3,4,5, 1234 m 4 .5..I ...[4t t l 35 -Top of Bedrock at 35 feet" R: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE. with faint to distinct, very thin, 3 Ri 38-43 5.014.6 95 96 4 moderately dipping to sub-vertical, convoluted foliation: slightly to PZ --- 3 wamoderately rough, close to wide, sub-horzontal, slightly weathered irn- + I5/1 +40 4 " 3 oxide stained joints/fractures: '5 4 38.6-39.2': Fractre zone: slightly to moderate rough, very close Sab- 0 horizontal; slightly weathered; iron-odde stained, joints/fract.res. 5 4 S- -4+. ...+R2: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint to distinct, very thin, 3 R2 43-48 g5.05g 100 96 4 noderafely dipping-to sob-horizontal, canvolafed foliation, smooth, very close to moderately dose, sab-horizontal, slightly weathered, irorn-oide 4tained joinfts/fractare. 3 4___ 2 3 , 3 0 r 3 R3: ard, fresh, Bee grained, gray MARBLE, with taint to distinct , ery thin.3 R3 48-53 -5.015. 100 100 2 moderately dipping, to sub-vertical. convoluted foliation: one smooth...-moderately cdose, sub-horizontal to sub-verfical, iron-oxide stained 50 3 2 joint/fractuare. 4 .2. <3 2_ _ 2 4 2 R4: Hard fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with tainf fo distinct, very thin.3 R4 53-58 .5.0B5.B 160 100 2 moderately dipping to sub-vertical, convoluted foliation, no apparent 2 1 oints/firactures. 55 0 3 7_ _ 2 3 20 R5: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint to distinct, very thin, 2 R5 5B-63 1.005.B 166 l00 2 moderately dipping to sub-vertical, convoluted foliation, no apparent .____joittsftoctures. 602 1 r..GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0-4 no~yn<CwE .cO Ae OB~f rF. r nrVI~ r' r COMPLETE * (1 0 <0 So n"* 4-10 LOOE 2+ SOT 2 2SEVRE 2) r-2"1- CLSE aus- " L~tll~ron -MDOJOBE 40 3. aIFF S MBOeRArE.HD 3 0COreERATE & 0.10 1.0 -cv I w r. MOe v0-O D E100 N S E 15- v 4 -oy S-0 NOTES 4. Lost approxiwately 750 gallons while drilling between 26 and 35 feeL BORING NO. MW-5 BORING LOG iSH.3 of 3 T BORING No. MW-65=o (2 0 o 0z 0 o S 0 z ww Zzw a 0.0 0 0 z 30 0<Z: 0, SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 00 0.4 HA RDNEFRACTURES-HARDESS EA~hRINGPER FOOT see below for Values 0 I see below for see below for Values valoes 2 2 3 1 3 2 4 R6 63q8 50 n5 n 1 n 180 2 1 65-i.4 54

  • 1 5 2II I 1 7 .1-.7 N/CRK (1 le 00-4. 2- 4... ...2........

..-. .. .I'~2 70 3.1 R6: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint to distinct, very thin, noderately dipping to suobvertical foliation, slightly rough to smooth, moderately close to wide, sub-horizontal, slightly weathered, iron-otdde sraied joints/fractures. R7: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with no apparent foliation. slightly rough to smooth, close to moderately dose, sub-vertical to mroderately dipping, ions-oxie stained jointslfractures. 71.3'-73' fractured zone, smooth, very close to dose, sub-horizontal, slightly weathered stained; jointsnfractures; RB: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately Slipping foliation, no apparent joints/fractures. R9: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with moderately dipping FZ FZ 3 " ! .1 21 R8 73-78 5.015.01 1008 1001 20 75 3 30 2 ___ i 40 3

  • 40 3 [ 50-I...0--. ---...I~1 foliation no a arentoints/fractures 80 3 20 1] IV 5 3 3 3 I B -I End of boring at 83 feeo 7 85 on.U J .4 .OL ......GRANULAR SOILS 4 COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE. CHARACTERISTICS

.JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTIERISTICS NOTES: 5. horehole advanerd using fourth gear between 38 and 63 feet and third gear used between 83 and 68 feet 6, Bomholed advanced using fourth gear between 68 and 83 feeL 7 Monitoring wells installed within borehole (referto installation log for detals); 24o00t by 2-foot by 2-foot Yielnvaoult Installed within monmete, fusir with the ground msorare.IBORING NO. IMW-S6 BORING LOG Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed b MA. P BORING No. MW-66 Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.15 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.02 feet NORTH: 453150.28 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: .604409.21 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Týck 1g BORING CO,: Aquiler Drilling and Testing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Soli FOREMAN: D&,, Qver DATE DEPTH I CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 5nch diameter (PW) ENGINEER: MacAn. Ponrn1aNeisjn erburdenll inRt. 7/51071 Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER NA. SATE START: 11117 ROCK COnE: 3 7/84rch dimeter (HO) wirelne DATrE END :1 DINMIUPRPRTE L- u uJ HARDNESS WEATHERING 4- __Lq 0.0-'SI: LOOe.ugra-b' wR.fine t DSARPINDsoeGaliteCaypSt 0 0 see below for see below for s S2o VnD o Q. 0 values values vle o~~~ 0. a UO S I 1 0- 11 24384,1 1,2,3 4 1,2,3,4,il 1~ ...." _i. .... ..... ... ..... ...2 t(No Soil temples Taken 0 to 7 feet) .......... 6n 7t 2__ _ 4 7 IDo3: Vrdse, gray-brown, fine to Coarse SAND, some Gravel, little Clayey Silt 1 S3 7-9 8 5 10 24114. (FILL)2- S: Very dense, gray-brown, fine to Coarse SAND, some Gravel, little 10 S2 9-11 24 681115 1806 ClayeySilt 15 47 -.559: Very dense, gray-brown, GRAVEL, some Sand, tra e Clayey Silt 12 S3 11-13 61 -8 84 24(17 *_.. -13 36 ' 3 -121 ..54: Medium dense, gray-brown, SAND, some gravel, little Silt to 14 $4 13-15 13 -'17 126 24110 .. .15 9-. 6 _ _68: Medium dense, light gray-brown, fine SAND, trace medium to coarse 18 S6 17-19 8 -8 114 24112 Sand, trace Gravel ""_ _19 6 22 IS6A: Loose, gray-brown, fine to medium SAND, trace gravel, trace sift.20 S6A 19-231 -5 6 24112 Organicclayintipofspoon 21 23 11/12" 3 Very6C: Soft, organic silty CLAY, trace shell fragments 24 $63C 23-25 WOH412' 3 24/24 25 2 ST7 Medium stilf, organic Silty CLAY, trace shell fragments. 205_ S7 25-2L 2 -2 5 24/14 _27 3_ 34 28 29 __301 " GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS A10 LOOSE 4 ., ME80"M t2 "EvE 9) 1-2.CLOSE-. 5,,-0E0 DIENIEUOB

4. M: STIFF 3 MODERAELAY HARD 3 MuODER (3) 10.DENSE Ier .5 nr HARD 4 0LI0HT (4) 11.26 1.10 'H ta00eac vEOVRy D@MsE 15-, v.snFF 5 vARIo s FRES s!",N.HARD NOTES: 1. Performed 8-inch diameter v--uor excavatin from l0t 7 feet.3. Drove and washed 5-inch diameter (PW) rasing to saerpling depths from 7 to 37 feet. Soil samples obtained using 3-inch diameter split spoon sampler.IBORING NO. IMW 6 BORING LOG Is..2 of 7 Indian Point Energy Center BORING No. MW-66 1:dn onE ry ee Reviewed by: MA. Pont, Jr.- D. Schi er Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.00179.10 COORDINATES:

Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL 14.02 feet NORTH: 463150.2 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604409.21 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Tack n BORING DO. Aef DdllIEg erd Tesing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLE~R:Spllt pon FOREMAN: avearter DATE DEPTH CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 5-eh diameter (PW) ENGINEER: Mae PontWAnton GallaaINels Jeneen (ome-rrden el inst. 7150 Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NA. DATE START: 11/17060 ROCK CORE: 3 74- diamete, (HQ) wreFime DATE END: IO2WM/0...- IN SITU PROPERTIES 2 :" _ ' e .FRACTURES I-zw -. o ; SAMLEHARDNESS WEATHERING o, Qz oro PER FOOT 0 WzT w w q SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0 w 2" D P U I see below for see below for see below for U, D E 0 0 O values values values 0 00I 0 0. t.XRI 1 121314 5 11 1. 234 BR I 30.-I I2 -I 4A/19 3 -4 i lark gray, organic, sl1ty CLAY, trace organic fibers, trace shell ium dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, some gravel, tittle sift se, gray, fine to coarse SAND, some grovel, little siBt drock at 37.5 feet S9A1 35-371 8 -8 24112 8- 22 uI .....S91 37.8 16- 50-3'I RI: Moderately harf to rlAPRBLFwih fnintl ven R R1 1 40-45 5.0/3.15 70 22 I-10 B 0os00t0 close solb-bOori 8 jointslfnactures; healed 3 10 40.0'-43.2': Fracture zo0 3h 1 orizontal to sub-vertica 78 75 hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained, graf m/thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, oery ontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained micro-breccia; me: smooth to rough, wry close to dose, sub-1, iron-oxide stained jointslfractures. 7 R2 45-5001 5 /5a~.0 1oo .IM.A 7 5 I 8 I I I I I I I mo A A 7 7--R3: 5 R3 50-55 5.0/5.0 100 16 6 tain: B __ 5 45.0 hori 6 4 6 .3 5 5 75 R4: 5 R4 55-60 5.0/5.0 100 32 3 vert 6 1 3 Hard to moderately hard, slightly weathered to fresh, fine grained gra)RBLE with fint, wry thin. sub-vertical foliation: wry close to close,-horizontal to sub-vertical, partly healed joinfa/fractures (healed ccia)'-57.0': Fracture Zone, smooth to rough, very close to close, sub-zontal to sub-verfical, iron-oxide stained jointslfractures. Hard, slightly weathered to fresh, ftne grained, gray MARBLE with I, wry thin, sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close, sub-zontal to vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures (healed breccia);'-57.0': Fracture Zone, smooth to rough, wry close to dose, sub-zontal to sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/ftctures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, wry thin, sub-ical foliation: smooth to rough, very dose, sub-horizontal to sub-ical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; '60*.B': Fracture Zone, smooth to rough, wry dose, sub-horizontal to 4 I I I I I I -S ve ical sand ift-cla mated iron oxide stained lointstfiractures A 4 v I 7 3... .. 7L GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS EPF: 10-30 3O-50" DE.7 vER,_E LOOSE.E.U. DENSE DENsE VE11 DENSE8-15-Is-VERY vS`nPP t 2 3 4 5 ,HARDNESS Y SCF7 MEDIUM MODERATELY HARD HARD WIRY-2 S 3M-RE DGERATE UGW RESH p0 .,10 11, 00OLOB,120 110 14 11.-0 -IR WýIS Moo0 a--CZO4TI IE 0R"04 IB-B- sERwnoL, HARD I 3. PW casing set into bedrock at 40 feet. Casing/rock interface sealed with grout Top of bedrock at approximately 37.5 feet. NA denotes no data -iavlable. IBORING NO. IMW-66 BORING LOG SH.30o 7 MA. Ponti BORING No. MW-66by:M.. oni, Jr. -D. Schippei DIATS.-Indian Point Energy Center Reewdr.-.SrIe Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41 .0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.02 feet NORTH: 463150.28 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604409.21: FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: OME 55 T. 0ig -ORING CO: Aquifer Slang and Testnt GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Spiltpoon FOREMAN: Dae Cader DATE .DEPTH CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 5rh dameter (PaV ENGINEER:Mauns PoetVAnronGallaailsJenaenl urdanwelina 7 071 Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 11117/DR: 2 SITU PROPERTIE " z P6:_z. " o Had. rshegand ryMRL ihtit eytiSbuJ o v Lu HARDNES WAHRN_ý7 0 1u Z m W W v Z o SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 66 see below for see below for 00 26 rti vertial, r d i t e values values valueso 4.C.'7.' r{" onsot oruh eyclscbhrzna o F R5: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with taint, very thin, sub-61 5 R5 60-65 5.0/5.0 1001 66 3 vertical foliation: smooth, very close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical iron-ghl w26-ie sat ined joinrslfractures; .72-762 46 * -4 6.r-671': Fracture zone, smooth to rough, very close, sub-horizontal to0 sub-vertical, i ron-oxide wtained joints/fractures. 64 5 3 65 Z1 R6: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-66 5 R6 65-701 5.0/5.0 100 26 3 vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to close, sub-horizontal tomorl ertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; 67 6 4 64.7-70.0': Fracture zone, smooth to roughy clos, sub-horizontal to vtaio vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. 68 6 3 .... .69 5 4 F 70 5 4 IZ I RO: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-71 6 R7 70-75 5.0/5.0 1000 100 3 ,vertical foliation: rough, very close, suvehorizontal to sub-vezical, sligridtly seathered joints/fractures; 72.2'-72 5 4 73.1': gray p9ited to vuggular, moderately healed miro-gbrreacia.

  • , 73 o
  • r A 3 0R1e o r 74 34 75 3 30 R8: Hard, fr'esh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub- 76 __I a R8 75-80 5.0/5.0 100 100 4 vertical foliation:

smooth, moderately close, s-i 0 to sr Mverticalr o 77 5 lightly weathered joists/fracturas. 1!78 5 4 79 E e .3 881 4 R918i55051tot RE: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE, with faint, very thin, sub-dipping, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures; 82 8 14.oie47"91s.ind1': FractureZoinsfatrsZne, smooth , very, close, horizontal to vertical, iron- 83 6 oxd3 tie oit/iatrs 84 6 4 ...85 R10: Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub- 86 5 R10 85-90 5.0/5-0 100 8 5 vertical foliation: smooth, wery close, vertical to sub-horizontat, iron-oxide FZi stained joints/fractures; 87 6 B 87.3'N- 89.0': gray brecciated MARBLE. N 588 5 10 9o 5 8Z1 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS SWF C- S]T .' HARDNESS wEAHERINS MOIR FTSRAGINGIKXNESS ATTILUDEIYLOOMSE <2 -,~y soI T 1 ! CO.-L () o <-VyCLOSEJvEWI THIN 0 HD 4T0 LOOSE 2* OF ME01-t PEEE 1-2 2"1 IOETI UBýOIZ A_M 43 M TFMDERATE1y MARD ERATE P') 310o `,-4 MOt_O_RaTHEK MOD .PIG 300 DENSE e.15 TIF4 H'ARD I.GH () 11-20K , SUB.vERTICAL 50 VERY DENSE 15-0 V.,TIF 5 -EY HARD FRSIH -1a' VERy THICK8ogo ,dRIA NOTES: IBORING NO. IW6 BORING LOG ISH.4of 7 p-a_uJ Z.1_0 0 O 0 uJ z+©J m z_Z L uZu Zu0oO 0)(0 0 a 0 Zr S SAMPLE DESCRIPTION NZ vo 0 Ej z IN SITU PROPERTIES NO. OF HARDNEPRACTURES ~HEPER FOOT see below for see below for seblo fr vales valus belu eor values Iales. Values I ars,... ..e..gry w uro MJl L ,wi rarr, er 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 5.RFi1 90-95 5.0/5.01 100 76 5 dose 5 6 trace 6 .6 6 6 6 5 R12: 5R12195-100 5.0/5.01 100 66 6 verti 5 4-I 5 6 6 4 5 6 6 o R1112i 6 R13 105 5h.015.0 100 70 6 vert.vent 6 -_ I 51_I02 A 10.. ... i~ w--arm, fresh, fine grained, gray Drecd~aied with faint, very sub-vertical foliation: smooth to rough, very close to moderately , sub-vertical to sub-horizontal, iron-oide stained joints/fractures; pitted teuture along calcite mineralized joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-al foliation: smooth, very close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron-stained joints/fractures; -96.8 Fracture zone, smooth, very close, sub-hodizontal to sub-cal, iron-ovide stained joints/fTactures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-msl foliation: smooth, very close to close, sub--ml, healed, silty, iron-oxide stained joints/tractures; 5-103.2': Fracture zone: smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal b-vertical, iron-oxide stained 3-105.5' Fracture zone: smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal b-vertical, ion-onide stained Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, vwry thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-cal, silty, imn-oulde stained joints/fractures; 1,-113.4': Fracture zone, smooth, very close to close, sub-vertical to erately dipping, imn-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-cal foliation: smooth, very close to close, moderately dipping to sub-eal, healed, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin. sub-cst foliation: smooth, 91 vetnewdreh ii to sob-vertical. 4..-FZ PZ 104 105 109 107 7 6 2.lob--lao R111 110 10.01 too 1 66 6 90~~7It 1 1-I-I-l~ o 109 110 111 112 113 114 6 20 7 20 PZ PZ PZ PZ.PZ PZ FZ FZ PZ PZ PZ 110-I *.*I -1 " R15 ,. verti 115 15.0/5.0 100 7 20_7 1f 2 7 -g15 i 4 11!116 117 119 119 120 , 115-LD+/-?L 3 1. .1_Ul , JiuuI U +/- u iz7 20 wa-oxide stained, joints/fatures; 16.5'-119.3: Practure zone, smooth, very close, sub-vertical to vertical, won-oidde stained jointstfractures. 7 20+/-LL]LLL ][25 8 15.GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS E00 ceNor -, .C WrONTENoy rARDNESS 09ATErRo uN eR Fn I su rs .*vnrn.Ne 0. sEyL-E '2 -yw on r vY8 1 COMPLErE (1) 00 <2 V -Nyo,CiOThIN O-n5 nORIONTL-rn0 2On i-4 SoF .UM .2 (EV2)E .1.2 72.1. OcuOErTt 5"5 o An 1O0-I M'DUM~i va8 M. eTIFF a uI9900ATr.Y HAR0 5 anneRATy -' 0.10 .C109, MOmoC sTHImn MaooDoeeIN D0-0 N0130 .0-15 eTren a nARu a orsonT 1 11-20 0.107 051W- soUoaw.VElG,' 430 caiRD qOTES:..BORING NO. IVW-6 BORING LOG ISH 5 of 7 I:r 0 0 0 0 U,:r p-o_Lu a uJ 0 0 z zu-u zw 0 0 0Y 0 z SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 0o 0 z NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT sER blwFOrT see below for see below for values values see be]o for valuesOW 1,2,3,4,.15.0/5.0 too] too ig far0 6 23 6 20 24 7 40 25 6 25 12--- R18:I 26 7 R18 130 5.014.0 80 80 20 vertici joints/27 6 1 20 1128-5 28 7 20 29 7 30 30 7 20 130- R R19: 31 5 R19 135 5.015.0 100 52 15 vertici.. .knon-o: 32 5 15 130.9'to ver 33 5 20 34 4 .20 355 20 135- 1R20:F 36 4 R20 140 5.0/5.0 100 20 20 foliatio 37 7 20 38 4 -.20 39 5 -20 40 7 20-lam, rresn, eve grainen, gray MAýKitL woo taint, very toin, suo-al foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with taint, very thin, sub-li foliation: close, sub-vertical to vertical, smooth, iron-oxide stained fractures. -130': Sub-vertical to vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-dl foliation: smooth, very close to dose, sub-horizontal to vertical, xide stained joints/fractures;

.-145.0': Fracture zone, smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal ical, iron-oxide stained joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with very thin, suob-vertical on: smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to vertical, iron-oxde d joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-al foliation: smooth, very close to close sub-horizontal to sub-l, iron-oxide stained, joints/fractures. Hard, fresh, fine grained, gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, sub-l foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. 1 FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ_FZ FZ FZ 0 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 145 150 140-I I 2i 1US 1 1 15.0/5.0 1 28 20 vertica 20 5 20 6 35 8 7 30 0 I 0 evo n R221 ISO ,00 ý5 19 i r 9 5 , 6*15 f a GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS cnrrnr-ioor-r.naoa,-T-voorrv I JOINTIFRAC ROC COEuHAACERSTC 4-r0 UOuE 10 MEDIUM DýE ru-o rDEo~u000 au-n 00r 2n4-s-vaý-M, ýF V.811ý1 2 s ,,ýE`s yscýEDUIJ uooowmaýý HMD w,,Y_ccmýE 1Ev5R1 oDeýTE 4 ..-6 MESH -__I1) 0 (0 3-ru (4) t-r.= -verawh IM 5 rics 0-0 rouzoro s'-an 0-~OOrd r-an Mdndo0w Va' saoEnOAL 07Ev: -IB-ORING NO. IMW-66 BORING LOG ISH6aof 7 BORING No. MW-66 P w3 2 ID z 0 o 0 w.: 0 0 wo 0 z 2E wo.oOE 0 0 a.0 0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION o.N o 0 b IN SI I U rKl-`ti NO. OF HARDNESS WEATHERING FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for see below for values values 150--I R231 1 1 1 15;15" 15'15!15(15t 5 10 6 .15 7 .20 6 20-155 -R2 4 R24 160 5.05.0 100 100 .20 thil vei 6 ,30 0 "30 8 30 10 ,* 25 15 16 16 59 60* 160-01101.0 O1 4.1 4 US IU4 0I sUa-162 163 164 165 10*20 166 167 1i6 168.11 30 11 30 12- 30 165, -* *-9 R26 170 5.0/5.0 100 100 30 11 30 12 20 10 15 T -T 15: Hard, fresh, fine grained, light gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, vertical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, light to dark gray MARBLE wSth faint, very sub-vertical foliation:

smooth, widely spaced, sub-horizontal to sub-cal joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE with faint, very thin,.nvertical foliation:

smooth, close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures;

Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, vertical foliation:

no apparent joints/fractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, -verlical foliation:

smooth, moderately close, moderately dipping to vertical, slightly weathered, imo-noide stained joints/tfractures.

Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, vertical foliation:

smooth, moderately close, moderately dipping to sut cal joints/fractures. R26 sub-169 170 171 I 7 170-I5.0/5.1 1 00 I100 20 R2 1 &0/5 01 too I too 1 20 -.?n 173 7 20 174 6 20 175 7 20 R28 176 7 R28 180 5_0/50 100 100 15 SUb-verti 177 6 10 178F7 10.170 6 15 18(7 15 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FR, lo40 M-M -E i-e snýIcy-Y-v-I 4-M-Y-AýY-DýY-1 4 Su-T (1) 0 at) 1.0 (r) 310-cccl.0-, T-lu "ý-vElllvý--Y NOTES IBORING NO. IMW-66 BORING LOG SR. 7 of 7 BORING No. MW-66 Indian Point Energy Center Reviewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schi er Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.02 feet NORTH: 463150.28 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 604409.21 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 200 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 reg BORING CO: Aquiter Drilling and Tenting GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER SpIdtspon FOREMAN:Dane Carter DATE DEPTH CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: nch diameter (EW) ENGINEER: Murice PontiArnon Galla3eeNeIs Jensen (verburden well inst. 7&5107 Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER N.A. SATE START 11117/06 ROCK CORE: 3 7I8-inh diameter (HQ) wireftne SATE END: 1211106 2 -E_ IN SITU PROPERTIES z FRACTURES.z .z

  • _ -. " ..HARDNESS WEATHERING 3E s SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for Nee below for u, .U 0= 0 ValD-un u c --I o Values values Values ra 0 1 1- 1 3I 34 ,1 160- 20 nR29: Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, 181 7 R2.9. 1885 5.0/5.0 100 100 20 Nub-vertical foliation:

smooth, moderately close, moderately dipping tosu .182 6 20 vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joinR/fracture. 183 7 .20 184,6 20 00 1851 7 .30ý186 7 R35 195 5.012.2 44 44 20 R30: Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE with faint, very thin, 1 sub-vertical foliation: no apparent joints/fractures. 187 7 20*188 10 20 189 11 20 190 10 -20 is R31: Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE with faint; very thin, 191 6 R31 1895 8.014.7 84 88 _ sub-vertical foliation: smooth, moderately close, sub-vertical, slightly 192 .15 weathered joints/fractures. 193 6 15 194 615 195 7 15--19.- R232: Hard, fresh, fine grained, dark gray MARBLE with faint, wery thin, 1 196_ 7 R32 200 5.0/4.1 100 82 15 sNb-vertical foliation: smooth, moderatet close, sub-vernical, slightly weathered joints/fractures. 197 6 16 1986 20 1 9 9 6 1 5 8-200 6 is..... ... ....End of Bodng at 200 feet 202 203 204 205 " 206 _207 208= .... ..- ....-...200 200 , ...... -.210 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS nor DENSIRY B .sInTFcy "=ATH~EJNG NO nE1 FT-SEGCIrCINGINESS T RC-ALE ATnITlo 0.4 VOOT LOOSE <2 0099ysEET t 0I0y000 r COMPLETE V1) 0 121 VERycaEJVtRvTHIN O1no* eoaiZoerAL 4-rn LOOIE 204 SoFT 2 MEDAM .2 SRE S 1-02 Ot 91' IN Sa O rn-O0 MEDIUM SENSE 4-8 M. RTW a M"ODERTLn HARD 3 MCCERATE o1 5110 1n-35n-5 MOo DoIN.300 DEN,,E 8-15-0 vrlF 4 HAme t n rUnoT(4) -T SnSRVER'tO 0 AL NOTES: 4. HQ core barrel malfunctioned, a piece of rock was jammed between inner and outside core barrels; catcher malfunctioned leaving core sample in borehole; replaced HQ core sampler, readnnad between 185' and 190' with only 2.2' recovered; ROD based on 2.2' recovered 5 Monitng w.ells installed within the overburden oils adjacent to the borehole (refer to iostallaton log for details): 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-noot well vault installed within concrete, flush with the ground surface.6. Flute liner was installed within the 200-foot open rock borehole.IBORING NO. IMVW66 BORING LOG of 12 Indian Point Energy Center BRera d : MA P onS, Jr.- D. S Mi W6er Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NYSURF. EL 143NORTH: 6490.48 9EAST: 1129.6 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 350 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL' CME 55 T.. rg BORING CO.: Avoer DrAWS and Te .* GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: SpW Spoo FOREMAN D-, C-on DATE DEPTH I CASINO STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE; 4B e" ENGINEER: Maure Pone Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASINO HAMMER NA DATE START: 6W/,7 ROCK CORE: 37718-h dia. (19) DATE END: ROST.07- .-IN SITU PROPERTIES -4 oo ND. OP WI, HARDNESS WEATHERING FRA T N0 5 .o PER.0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION see below for see below for see bRelo fot u, .1, 0 9 0 z ,,-aues Values Ie 0 o * .B .0 -..0_________1,2,3,4,___,_1,2,3__4,5,_ 12345 1234 2 3 4 .(NB Soil Samples TakenR 010o9 feet)7 .6 S-1: Loose, brown, fine to coarse SAND, some (A) Gravel, trace (A) Silt.10 S-1 9-11 3 4 24/5 50O 11 .436 12 S 1S-2: Medium dense, brown. fine to coarse SAND, some (0) Gravel, little (--12 __ S-2 11-13 86 -24/8 .,20 )Cae il__ __ --Clayeysini. 13 8 9 S-3: Medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND. some Gravel, trace (A)14 S-3 13-15 4 6 24/5 30 Sift. ----------- 15 1 10 6 S-4: Medium dense, brown-tan, fine SAND, trace Silt, trace fine Gravel.16 _ S-4 15-17 2 3 24/11 20 17 4 6 S-5: Medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little (-) Slit, trace 18 S 5-5 17-19 8 2 2402 20 Gravel.19t 2 1 S-6: Medium stiff, dark gray SILT and CLAY, trace fine Sand, trace 20 S-6 19-21 6 2 24/6 3 Organic Shells.21 6 3* S-7: Soft, dark gray*SILT and CLAY, trace fine Sand, trace Gravel, trace 22 S-7 21-23 4 3 I 2416 5 Organic Shells.23 4 3 S-8: Soft, dark gray SILT and CLAY, trace fine Sand, trace Gravel, Shell 24 S-8 23-25 2 2 24/8 5 Fragments. 25 23 6 S-f: Soft, dark gray SILT and CLAY, some (-) fine Sand.26 ___ -9 25-27 1 1 24/04 ' 6 .. ""-27 2 4 S-10: Very stiff, dark gray SILT and CLAY, some fine Sand.28 S-10 27-29 3 9 24112 3 " -29 12 21 5-lI: Very stiff, dark gray SILT and CLAY, some (-) fine Sand; trace 30 S-11 29-31 3 3 -24/18 m edium Gravel.Granular Soils COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS .JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0-4 SOT CLOSE <2 Gley own 1 VREYS 1 (OPEE I1) 0 o '2" tAEO T 1105 0.o LWOENSE V.4 B CAB 000 /-na- V NOTES 1. Performed mirnch diameter vamum excanation from e to 9.5 ft 2. Spun and washed 4-inch-dia:eter (HW) Casing to sampling depths feom 9 to 33 feet Casing/rock interface sealed with grout."BRN NO. ,MW-67 BORING LOG M2f1 iIndian Point EnryCenter EA.PniBORING No. MW-67 IninPitEnergy Cetr Reviewed 9 : MA+ Pontg, Jr. -D. Scbipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.36 NORTH: 6490.48 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 1129.65 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 350 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CMENS TRU1 n11 BORING CO.: Aqui.r DdIlirgnrd TeshiV GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER " Soon FOREMAN:. aD. Carer DATE I DEPTH I CASING STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 4' d.. (Hw ENGINEER: Maurioc P0n0 Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: NIA DATE START: RIS/7 ROCK CORE: 37 V4ncOh die. (105) DATE END: 6RGM7-IN SITU PROPERTIES N.O?=' FAC TR--HARDNESS WEATHERING R ý 1 S SAMPL DECITO.B 0 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ~ o see below for see below for see below tor 0 o z E g 0 Z values oIues values o o_. o gu B 0~11 2,3,4, 5, 1 2 S345 1234 31 12-21 31- S-12: Very stiff, dark gray SILT and CLAY, some () fine Sand, trace 32 S-12 32.5 14-26

  • medium Gravel. 3___33 51 Top of Bedrock at approximately 33 feet 34 6 R- 33-38 515 100 22 80 BHard, fresh, gray, fine grained, MARBLE, with faint. very thin, moderately 7-- Dipping foliation:

smooth, very close, sub horizontal to subvertica,.iron- .Z 35 ..oxide stained joints/fractures. .33-48': Facture zone: smooth, very dose, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, *.39 96_ iIR.lron-oxide stained joints/ fractures. >20 37 5 "Z >20 38 5 ... Z 20 Hard, fresh, gray, fine grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately 39 4 8 dipping foliation: smooth, very close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, iron- .Z v2, 4 5* --oxide stained joints/ fractures. FZ 40 5 41 4 "FZ ..42 4 " >20 43 5 .>20 Hard, fresh, gray, fine grained, MARBLE, with fait, vry thin, moderately 44 2 R-3 43-48 5/5 100 0 150 dipping foliation: smooth, very close, sub-hoizontal to sub-vertical, iron- .Z -20 5 oxide stained joints/ fractures. 49 B 46 5 Z>47 6 "" 48 5 ,Z ,>,20 Hard, fresh, gray, fine grained, MARBLE, with taint, very thin to thin, 49 5 R-4 48-53 5/5 100 100 80 moderately dipping foliation: smooth, very close to moderately dose, sub -1_ B 6 horizontal to SuIb-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/ fractures. " 2 50 6 2 51 6 52 6 53 6 53.0- Hard, fresh, gray, One grained, MARBLE, with faint, very tthin, moderately 54 5 N- h8.0 R5 515 100 100 40 dipping foliation: smooth. very close, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical, ito- -oxide stained joints/ fractures. 55 5 56 6 57 6 Hard, fresh, gray. fine grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately 59 5 R-6 58-63 B/S 100 0 1 dipping foliation: smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub- .9 ertical. iron-oxide stained joints/ fractures. 60 5 4 Granular Soils COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0-4 2 sEySF 1 _EY scF7 1 CO(IJT 1) .V- oiý,, H.osozr., rOSA0 +cl~ M DoUnNIcE 0-a a. TrFR S MeverrTLy IHan -Muv AEoe 01} -010 1-0 3' L.C0OSE e*s 4 O. SUT 2 (2) 11.20 r,1 C L OS-.mC'So vý DeNSE ts0 v.5's" 5 vý HARDO FRESH VRTIC.iL* 0 HARD NOTES: 3. RQD affected by sub-vetkal joints/ fractures.

4. Fractures per foot affected by sub-vertil joints/ fractures.

F BORING NO.0 BORING LOG SH.3of 12 BORING No. MW-67 0 0 0 0 ul o w a.<Z 0 Iz 00 0 0!0 0 Z JI 0Z SAMPLE DESCRIPTION o 0 N 0 orE Z I -I IN SITU PROPERTIES INO. OF IN FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT vat. Ieo o see below for I see below for valoes values values I 61 62 63.I I I I I I I 1---4wrl'7 1 41 515 1o00 1 94 160 b 641 3 R.! 436 ~ p 65 66 67 4 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 65.9-4 oside 6 6 Hard 5 R-8 68-73 L/ 55 100 64 dippi."stain 5 68.9-vertit 7 7 7*Z-61.1': Fracture zone, smooth, very close, sub-horizontal to sub-al, iron-oside stained joints/ fractures, slightly pitted discontinuous ,healed micro-brecciated zone between 60.9 and 61.1 feet.Sfresh, gray, fine grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately ng foliation: smooth, very close, sub horizontal to subvenficat, iron-stained joints/ hactures.-67.1': Fracture zone: smooth, nery close to close, subvertical, iron-stained jointst fractures.

  • fresh, gray, fine grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately ng foliation:

smooth, very close, sub-verfical to vertical, iron-osde ed joints/ fractures; few pitted, calcified joints/ fractures. -697-70.5-71.6%: Fracture zone: smooth, Very dose, subverfical to cal ion-oxide stained joints/ fractures. fresh, gray, fine grained, MARBLE. with faint, very thin, moderately ng foliation: one, smooth, moderately close, slighgy weathered joint/R-9. 515 1 100 1 100 1 45 4tuppi 5 fracture.76 5 77 5 78 6 H 79 4 R-10 78-.83 5/5 100 100 40 n 80 4 fr Ofl.2 6 83 6 84 85 86 87 I... O..1 0 0 o1-o .5 5 1 6 05 .a lp p ln fresh, gray, fine grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin to thin, rately dipping foliation: smooth to rough, close, sob-horizontal to sub-1, slightly weathered joints/ fractures, slick on sides at 81 feet.0.68: Pitted texture along vertical, healed, calcite mineralized joints/es. --fresh, gray, fine grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately g foliation: smooth to rough, very close to stose, sub-vertical, iron-stained joints fractures. 3: Fracture zone: smooth to rough, very csose to close, subverticalt xde stained joints/ fractures. fresh, gray, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately dipping n: smooth, very close to cl ose, sub-vertIcal, iran-snide stained fractures. 4 7 4 R-12 8R-91 3/3 10 17 1 4.89 go 4 Granular Soils COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS 4-10 1o OE ..0 F4 (ZT 1 sc.njU (2 sr-.0 m, S"-3" sonZo'TAh rn-o10m/M nuoý 04 h.. a1n~n sos.sATE-LY HR S aeRATE I') 3.10 10.3moCL(raoTHK r,0 MOO 0054 30-0 I .'5 a nr 4 joan , OO I) S'-,i4O1."- -a ve-NOTES: 4. Vigorous rapping of drill rod against casing observed during advancement between 61 and 63 feet pulled dgil mod, repleaed 10 foot secion: no rapping observed during R-7 core saryping.IBORING NO. IMW-67 BORING LOG ISH.4 of 12 o L 0 0 0 S 0.<10-0 00 0 0 0 0 00 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Ao L.IN SITU PROPERTIES INO OFr FRACTURES HARDNESS V~frAThERING PER FOOT 0.Z0 see below for. see below for see below for values values values 234 5 1.2,3,4,5 1.2 3 4 L14 i -I I 91 921 !R-13191-931 .20 O1 -30.3 1 1 1 1 1 No Recovery.Medertely dipping foliation, smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to 94 95 99 97 98 99 100 101 93-1.5f1 1 60 0 20-1 -C .L- -5 sub-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/ fractures. 94,.- i 6 R-1Ij965 2/2 tI1001 40 1 I I 9S 5-nn n tOO R-16 1 i; I 1 0()1+*

  • a 4 *101.5.]10 .5- d'02 3 R- 17 6.5 1 1 5 1 10018 2 T * -" o.2 4 -3 109.5-5R-I 111.5 5/5 100 24 59 dH ard, fresh, gray, fine-graived, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately pping foliation, smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-rrtical,lmn-oxide joints/ fractures.
  • t.5-102':

Fracture zone: smooth very close to close, sub-horizontal to rb-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/ fractures. ard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately pping foliation, smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-rdical, iron-oxide joints/ fractures. 03-114.7': Fracture zone: smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to ub-vertical, ion-oxide stained joints/ fractures. ard', fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, wit faint, very thin, moderately pping foliation, smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub- .etical, iron-oxide joints/ fractures, healed micrebreccia; slightly pitted xture along white healed, calcite mineralized joints/ fractures. -19, R-20: Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, oderately dipping foliation, smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to rb-vertical, iron-oxide stained joints/ fractures. ord, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately pping foliation, smooth, very close to close, sub-horizontal to sub-rrtical, imo-oxide stained joilts/ fractures. uoL 3 :Ine?, ie 4 11 5* 111.5. R.12 7 R-19 113.5 212 100 0 72 m 13 6 113.5 14 6 R-20 116.5 3 100. 39 19 15 6 16 6 119.5- H, 17 6 R-21 121.5 100 38 50 di 18 5 19 4... .4L Granular Soils COHESIVE SOILS

  • ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS"04>5o LOOE u. isFVERy C I 2 EDIUM-AR.HYR 2SEVRE 1MCOCRATE 4LIGHT w"'S in 0 p 3-1re (4 1.BORING NO. IMW-67 BORING LOG 6o.5 6 12 I C ---...- --BORING No. MW-67 w (3 Fn 0 d 0 uJ=: o.w o a.<-0 0z w z zC-00 in" Z-.w 0 w u00 0 0-Co 1 E SAMPLE DESCRIPTION e N c mE *0 Z IN SITU PROPERTIES NO. OP FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER POOT see below for values 121 S 12,5/5 100 27 40 Hi 122 4 R-22 126.5 10 ve 123 6 124 6 1251 10 126 127 6 1265 414 -2316i5 Il I I I _im 127.5-101.201 131 i inn 1 40 1295 5 13011 ant, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately pping foliation, smooth, very close to close, moderately dipping to sub-ertical, iran-oxide stained joints/ fractures.

-23, R-24: Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, oderately dipping foliation, smooth, very close to close, moderately pping to sub-vertical, iron-oide stained joints/ fractures. ard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately pping foliation; smooth, very close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to ub-vertical, iron-onde stained joints/ fractures, trace pitted texture along hrie, calcite mineralized joints/ fractures. and, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately pping foliation, smooth, very close to moderately close, sub-honzontal to 132 133 134 7 R-25 136.5

  • 5/5 100 84 45 3 1 WL 4 135 136 137 130 139 14C 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 4 611 1 I IFl 1:36.b--1 4 '. 1 1 di 4 1 5 5 A 141.5- H 7 R-27 146.5 5/5 100 100 43 di W 5 6 5 ly dipping, iron-oidestained joints/ fractures.

': Fracture zone: smooth, very close to close, sub-honzontal to ly dipping, iro-nde stained joints/fractures. 1.6: Slightly pitted texture along,white, calcite mineralized joints/h, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately liation, smooth, close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to sub-no-snide stained joints/ fractures. h, gray. fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately liation, smooth, very close, sub-vertical, mon-oxide stained PZ FZ PZ 146.5. 6 1 S 5-811145b 5115 uipiputy io 6 joints/ fractures. 9 1 1 1 8 5 Granular Soils COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS4-1o 3O-5O:'50 D-Er~VIyWEC VERYMS sISTIFF-15.3 0.01FF ranO oV.en 2 4 5 ME02-UM HAD VE~y HAD 5FRESH (2) 0 112 0 H0 N S3)1.0to 0-1' 100000T1 isi -rn -0 05,50O1-l4t 11-20 0'.10 01D000010 0-35° HOcROIZONAL10 5°-5° SUOR`Z0mT-IdD-DPNGsuB-ERl1A 1 OTES 3. Mechanical discing featares observed on pieces of rock core; ROD may not be indicative of in-setu conditions. N -denotes no data available I BORING NO. IMW-67 BORING LOG iSH. 6 of 12 r E0 o 0.Z i o.uJ c)uJ.J n.< 0 z-f Z Tg 2i t 0 0J 0 0 Z11 Zr SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 1,0=NoP mE 0 Z I. ... NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS 4'4EATHERING pER FOOT see below for see below for values values values 1.2.34.A-------~ 4- --1 4 4 I 4..1 1151.5-515 I100 1001 40 5 R-29 156.5 1 1 1 icupping T011 6 4.4 6 h, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately ation, smooth, close to widely spread, sub-horizontal, slightly joints fractures; dark gray, irregular, discontinuous inclusions gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately ation, smooth, close to moderately close, slightly weathered, ures. .: Dark gray, very thin, discontinuous, silicious-marblized j!.1 15.1 -6 IR-301 161.5 515 100 91 1 4=:;Iclusions. 5 1._"161.5-1 e IR-1 1166 5 S 100 I 10 I 42-+ -'-~- + --6-h + 4 -~ -I.5 8 166. -Ham 5 R-32 171.5 5/5 1OO 100 75 dippi sub-5 166..iron-5 6 6 fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately g foliation, smooth, close to widely spread, moderately dipping to nrtice], slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints fractures. fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately g foliation, smooth, close to moderately close, moderately dipping to rtical, iron-oxide stained joints fractures. 169.9: Fracture zone: smooth, vary close to cloase, sub-vertical,. xide stained joints/ fractures. fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately g foliation, smooth, close to moderately close, moderately dipping to rtical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints fractures.. fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately. g foliation, smooth, close to moderately close, moderately dipping to nica], irmn-oxide stained joints fractures. 178.2': Fracture zone: smooth, very close to moderately close, rately dipping to sub-vertical, imn-oxide joints/ fractures. 171.t-3. 01/i M On I q0 I5 4 5.7 1 75- Hard,: 4 R-34 180 S/5 100 86 45 diippin 1 sub-ve 7 177.5-7 :, model 6 6 Granular Soils COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS-O E-NI~ BP AESS -EA 1lRN. [ s-10 LSE

  • 2.4 SOF-r2 a "'IU M .2 SVERE ( r2 1.- 21.1, .nor uae-5o.,5o j ai.I-0 "lol"M" OSE 4- .oT.r 3 MoeOtoR HAnD 3 MODuRAns t3i 3-(3 )-1 ' UOOCo00501555HIC 5sI0N Sub DENSE 8-is sný 4 -7aa 4 sua -uT (41 1l-0 '-!e 008-oK s ous oeToc.50 V0evyeNsE 1-30 VST-Ir 5 .syHO sn ES m1e7 sIsO 8o'0 "necul=OTES 0. RQD affected by one subsverticl, slightly weathered, iron-ide stained jointe/fractures between 180 and 180.9 feet.IBORIFNG NO. 10 6 BORING LOG ISH.7.F12 I.'0 w 0 0 X S Z-'0 00 0 01 0 01 2'0 3 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION N0 mE 0 IN SITU PROPERTIES NO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING FRACT PER FOOT see below for values I I I I I 4on I L, IOU-86 10 1 011 4 1R-3 1 I o/ 1 a11 1/i8 18 18 18 18 18 1 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 2C 80 5 83 6 84 6 85 6 E 86 '4 R-36 190 55 100 88 54 87 5.88 5 89 6 90 6 --91 92 0 I0.7 U10 Iq I ionn inni 1i 5 1R-37 1950 - 3 4 -6 93 6 94 7 95 8 19- Ht 96 5 R-381 200 5/5 100 100 82 m 97 8 d 98 7 99 8 00 11 lid, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint. very thin. moderately pping foliation, smooth, very close to moderately close, sub-horizontal tc rtlcal, slightly weathered, iron-ooide stained joints/fractures.

0-180.9: Fracture zone: smooth, moderately close, sub-horzontal to 1Sical, slightly weathered, iron-ooide stained joints/ fractures. ard, fresh, gray, fine-grainod, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately pping foliation, smooth, very close to moderately c0ose, sub-horizontal to b-vertical, slightly weathered joints/fractures. trd, fresh, gray, fined-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, oderately dipping foliation, no apparent joints/ fractures. ard, fresh, gray, fined-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, oderately dipping foliation, smooth, close to widely spaced, moderately pping, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. ard, fresh, gray, fined-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, oderately dipping foliation, smooth, very close to widely spaced, sub-rtical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/ fractures. 03.7-204.2': Fracture zone: smooth, very close, sub-vertical, slightly eathered, iron-oxide stained joints fracture.ard, fresh, gray, fined-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, oderately dipping foliation, smooth, close to widely spaced, moderately pping, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained joints/fradures. I I n4 200-d 20 1 1O '-4 *50 I 400 47 i1 202 203 704 12 7 205 206 207 208 10 9 205 *Hi 6 R-40 210 5/5 100 100 10 me di 8 6 7I 209 210 8 Granuor Soils 1 ..ý, COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINTIFRAC1 uooaSE<2.2-48-15 15-30>30'ST-=Fy sn TFI 2"3 4 5HR 2 ETe~N 1 COMPT E I EVR (1) 0 (2 1.2 (3) 3-10 16- 1.0ý -N 11. Cuýw--e NOTES: IBORING NO. JiTW-67 J BORING LOG ISm8f 12 I 0 0 o z 0J 3: o_LU m..J a.0!00 012 0 0 a o-0 Z0 0<SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Nc, 10 IN SITU PROPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING 0 NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for I see below for see below for values ] valus values. . I ..4'.. .....e.II I.'w .. I v 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 5 R-41 215 5/5 1001 1001 50 7 II~Ir.JiTi trace 13 7 14 8 2151 8 " 215- 1 -ard 16 5 R-42 220 515 100 100,0 wofod horiz 17 6 217.18 6 Tact, 10 6 220- Hlard Z1 5 R-43 225 5/5 100 98 34 Mod.22 5mod 23 6 25.4 6 " 0i 251 5 i, hresh, gray, fined-grained, MARBLE, wan taint, wrymin erately dipping to sub-vertical foliation, smooth, very close to widely ed, sub-elrtical, slightly weathered joints/ fractures; pitted texture along white, calcite mineralized joints/lfractures. fresh, gray. fined-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, erately dipping to sub-verlical foliation, one smooth, wide, sub-ontal joint/ fracture.6-217.9: trace pitted telture along white, calcite mineralized joints/urwso fresh, gray, fined-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, erately dipping foliation, smooth, very close to moderately close, erately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly weathered join/ fracture.fresh, gray, fined-graened, MARBLE, with faint, very thin.erately dipping foliation, one smooth, moderately close to widely aed, sub-vertical, slightly weathered joint/ fracture.fresh, gray, fined-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, erately dipping foliation, one smooth, close to widely spaced, erately dipping, slighty weathered joint/ fracture.fresh, gray. fined-greined,.MARBLE, with faint, very thin.erately dipping foliation, one smooth, close to widely spaced, erately dipping, slightly weathered joint/ fracture.36 2,1 225-4 IR-44 230 5I5 1001 100 23..... .. ... ... ... .I ......30 5 230 6 23-- -H 31 5 R-45 235 515 100 100 20 In 32 5 233 0 34 6 2351 0 2A0 235-I 0.401 240 9I/ 100I 94 27...................... 237 230 239 240 4 I 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ý I 4 6 U ~4 U 0 A Grnlolar Soils COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTIC'S JOINTIFRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS .W- -NW'ryEs STen~ .1 0A'r0F..NG W 0 F ? -lV AOING/0I1 ,ES ANGLE A 0 T0001 Z YI ý 01E $ y 1 ,Y $S0'r I COM h (1) 0 rI -VIE0y1.000N 044. cr001t'*~2 2-1 OýmJTH M~s S1.~: 1oo M. Vrl- 3 TLy HAD 310 3"10 1" O 8.5* iiiioo -P>5 iý 453 ayAD5FES 1*V~fI] ~ S.O I RhnC VERY ýS .o. -M BORING LOG SN 60012¸0 0 6 0:c tuw J to z z-Z o-00 0*0 0 ZO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION o S INSITU PPERTIES HARDNESS WEATHERING 0 NO. OF FRACTURES PER FOOT see below for values see below for see below for values values it-----...... I-I.--241 242 243 4 R-47 245 ,,1 1001 25ý5. 1 6 1 6 245.6 R-48 250 100100 30 5/5 5 0a 4 250- H*4 R-49 255 515 100 100 32 di to 5 2 am, fresh, gray, fne-graineo MARBLE, won taint, very thin, mooerately pping foliation, smooth, close to moderately close, sub-horizontal to sub eroal, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. aer, fresh, gray, fine-grained MARBLE, with faint. very thin, moderately pping to subvertical follation, smooth, close, sub-vertical, slightly eathered, joints/ fractures. 246.4-247.4': Vugs along calcified sub-onizontal to sub-vertical, White, mineralized joints/ fractures, ppropmmately 3/8" to 116" deep.ard, fresh, gray, fine-grained MARBLE. with faint, very thin, moderately pping foliation, smooth, close to moderately close, moderately dipping sub-horizontal, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. Slrd4. fresh, gray, fine-grained MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately pping foliation, one smooth, moderately close to widely spaced, sub-255--1. 1. 02 .21 dO R vertical, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. 256 5 259 g 260 6 1260-261 6 R-51 265 5/5 100 100 45 262 B 2 6 264 5 265 5 Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately dipping foliation, smooth, close to widely spaced, sub-horzontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately diyping foliation, smooth, very close to widely spaced, moderately dipping, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. 266 2M7 2I 5".1011104 t 6 1 C' 012 4 ~ 4 +/-...01- .2 6 ft I i 268 270 8 1 1 5 , aaa I Granultar Soils COHESIVCE SOILS JOINTlFRAC Granular ....... Sol C .l .L...,, ,.. .u =" '= ' I. ..BORING NO. " IMW-67 0.15 SOt-V- SIF 2 vaII 0 1?%0v00,N0O 50 o~o r rosrroe (1f 0-10 f') 0.3 4OTESh IBORING NO. IMW-67 BORING LOG ISH. 10 of 12 BORING No. MW-67 o,.w 2 0 0.0 Z 0J I p*c=uJ uJ o.2 z 020, 00_uo: 0 01 0 o, 0 ZO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 015 0o mE IN SITU PROPRTIES RNO. OF FRACTURES HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT I.z 1~see below for values see below for values 2lU 271 272 273 274 70 1ýR-53 6 1 100 4 5 5 S , 276 277 270 6 1 R-541 280 5/5.

  • 1001 1001 2 5 5 279 280 5 4 5 280-Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately tipping foliation, no apparent jointsl fractures.

271.7-273.8': trace pitted texture, vugs 1/16 to 3/8" deep along calcite mineralized joints/ fractures. Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately dipping foliation, two smooth, close to moderately close, horizontal to sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately dipping foliation, smooth, horizontal to moderately dipping, slightly weathered joints/ fractures, trace pitted tetuare along calcite mineralized joints/ fractures. Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately dipping to sub-vertical foliation, smooth, close to widely spaced, moderately dipping to sub-horizontal, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately dipping to sub-vertical foliation, one smooth, widely spaced, sub-vertical, I I n0 1 4 0 10 a 1, 010 5 10001 10D4 15J A 28 , 4 284 2 2851 4 -.286 287 5 1 R-5611 290 5/5 11001 1001 21 6 2. 1 1 .."'7 289 290 5 6 2.1, T7r"7g ll-t 00l R slightly weathered joints/ fractures. 293 6 294 5 29550 296 6 R-58 300 5/5 100 100 30 297 8 .4 298 6 H di sl ard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE with faint, very thin, moderately pping to sub-vertical foliation, one smooth, widely spaced, sub-verticel, ightly weathered joints/ fractures. 299 300 tl +5 Granular Soils COHESIVE SOLS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS --I JOINT/FRA ACTURE CHARACTERISTICS 0o4 oven .2 .ra cYovrn rVaory r COMcc.rn (tt 0 Or Inen 0v5E eoreoreer 4-0 L0 .-4 001 .a2 SnraVERE (n) 1-.2 raf nre. j roT sua.fn " 7. Core barrel jammed inside wireline drll rod, renoved drill rods and cons barrel, changedwiretine from 230 cable to 400 feet long cable, changed cu09ing bit and rock corecrtcher advanced tools to sample R-S4.IBORING NO. MW-67 BORING LOG ISH. 11 01`12 BORING NO. MW-67 2 0 w 0 1w 0 2".0 LOU 0l 0 0-00 ZO.SAMPLE DESCRIPTION .0 Es 2 Os 0 1*WETHIERING FRACTURES HARDNESS WIJPER POOT see below for values 0 15 1Ol 1001 23 1,01..1. .2 --., , + ..I 302 303 qnA 3 i0- -1 306 307 30E 30W 31C 311 31, 311 3 R-60 310 5/5 100 10 20 3 m 3 3.5 3.5 01.0 I 1'1001 1001 30 3 R-611 ;'1ý 100 log-2-4--.3" 314 315 316 317 3 3 4=31 2.5 R-62 320 100 100 26 3 3 3.5 j 4 fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately g to sub-vertical foliation, two smooth, widely spaced, moderately fractures, trace pitted texture along ca0cie mineralized fresh gray, tine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately g to sub-vertical foliation, two smooth, close to moderately close, ately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly weathered jointslfractures. fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately 9 to sub-vertical foliation, one smooth, widely spaced, sub- .otal, slightly weathered joinS fracture, trace pitted texture along mineralized joint/ fracture.fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE. with faint, very thin, moderately 1 to sub-vertical foliation, smooth, close to moderately dose, rately dipping to sub-horizontal, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. fresh, gray. fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, ewry thin, moderately g to sub-vertical foliation, two smooth, moderately close, sub-ontal, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately g to sub-vertical foliation, two smooth, very close to moderately sub-vertical, slightly weathered joints/ fractures. H di or 31E 31t 32C 35 211 3 R-631 ý'ý3 5 100 100 1 91 dippin 322 321 325 326 327 328 3 3 3 325- H 2.5 R-64 330 100 100 160 di cl 3 2 320 33C 3 Granular Soils COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARi 4-10ýY ýE L-'ýsE EDiU. 06W De".-Y e--W -T'n- aoý-F im-larý1 I 4-Nýl w"y-'G W!Eikýý IG co.ý$ý'E 3 w R I sto" svaeh vnlc re) 0.0SE p) 11U v-n oarU -114o NOTES: IBORING NO. IMW-67 -BORING LOG I S. 12 of 12 Indian Point Energy Center BORING No. MW-67 I Reviewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper Entergy Nuclear Northeast PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: Buchanan, NY G. SURF. EL. 14.36NORTH: 6490.48 DATUM: NGVD 1929 EAST: 1129.65 FINAL BORING DEPTH: 350 feet DRILLING RIG MODEL: CME 55 Tr/ar rng BORING CO.: Aquifer ODrlling and Testing GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER: Split Spoon FOREMAN: Dave Caoer. DATE


Maun-o Pont Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N/A DATE START: E/07 ROCK CORE: 3 718ncRh dia. (HRt DATE END: G/S2M7 P ~ .-IN SITU PROPERTIES 10 NO. OP Zz Eso FRACTURES 1-~O 0 I i w or ro-. oHARDNESS WEATHERING-I/O r ' C .. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SAPL DECITO 0 see below for see below tar see below for u5 o.. Z co values values values 0n O0 -E 1,2,3,4,. 23 5 2345 2 3 3311 2 R-6.= 335 -10 96 190 Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, verythin, moderately 331 2 R -pping to sub-vertical foliation, smooth, moderately dipping to sub- -Vertical, slightly weathered, iron-ooide stained joints/ fractures. 332 3 333 3 332.5-333.2': Fracture zone: smooth, very close, moderately dipping to 333 3 __ _sub-Ver/ical, slightly weathered, iron-oide stained joints/ fractures. FZ :;6.. .331-348': light gray to white healed breccia zone.334 36: ."* Z 335 59 336 3 R-R -- Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately 336 R- -5/5 100 96 _ ditoping to sub-vertical foliation, smooth, very close to moderately close, :_,___* moderately dipping to sub-vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained 337 4 " jtints/ fractures. 338 4 339 4 340 4 0 Hard, fresh, gray, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very this, moderately 341 2 R-67 -5/5 100 0 169 dipping to sub-vertical foliation, smooth, Very close to close, horizontal to ... ..,.342 2.5vertical, sli ghtly weathered, iroo-ooide steined jonits/ fractures.340.3-345': Fracture zonR: smooth, very close to close, hodrontal to 3431 3

  • vertical, slightly weathered, iron-oxide stained jointsl fractures.

344 3 345 42 Hard, fresh, fine-grained, MARBLE, with faint, very thin, moderately 346 3 R-68 5/5 100 100 156 dipping to sub-vertical foliation, one, close to widely spaced, horizontal, _.____slightly weathered joint/ fracture.347 3 348 3 349 3 .350 3.5 0 End of Borehole at 350 feet.351 8 3521 3531 3541 355 356 3571 359 .. -360 Granular Soils COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT/FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS myF DoIrn .e w~s~ocv HRODNESS "eATneRING NoI wR Fr

  • SPACIS-vTHICKNESS 0/A AnnUm 0 V4 VEYLOO 10 VRYv5r voyrn 1 roMPvn (1) .0 1? coOLI/I.SEJVRYTOIN (1) a osrNa., 4.10 LOE 2. r 0 MEDIUM 2 OF/ERE (/ 1-.0. 2 SEVERE 'y2TOS IN S5415 DvoR./orNuj,ME.AUMSown 4.0 -.STIoP o -uoeuRT.y vARD S 3 MODERAn 0/S 3-re R, --yQjMy0 T0 K" n m.m MOO DOPPING 03-so m.Sm 0 -Is e~r/r HAR 4m 0/o/T (16 11.20 3Y-1 WOE/RoveC 55°-" SUe-Sealruua, 010 DESEoo Is-o v,-s 5 vv1005 FRISo 010 SOvrE/SOOYTACR

.5.0 enAo NJOTES: 8. Waterloo mubI-level sampling system installed withi. the borehole (rener to installation log for details); 2-foot by 2-foot by 2-foot well vault installed within conorete, flush with the ground surface.IBORING NO. IMW-67.0 BORING LOG ISH. 1 OF 5 1 BORING NO. RW-1 Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schiper PROJECT NO: 41.001786910 1COORDINATES: G. SURF. EL. ' app x 79 feet' INORTH: 463006.84 DATUM NGVD 29 IEAST: 604879.15 FINAL BORING DEPTH (FT) 140 SAMPLER: Drilling Rig CME L55 Track Rig BORING CO.: ADT GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN Ed Boma DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABIUZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 6E-hn diarater (SW) ENGINEERS: Anton Gallas, Sara Cooeili Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 7/17/I ROCK CORE: N.A. DATE END :7/280 IN SITU PROPERTIESZ -4: NO. OF W -4 HARDNESS .WEATHiERINIG x: PERFOOT 0 13 0 u t )J X rg o: .SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ID~o S .AMLEESCseeO beIowfor see below for see below for I-n ~ -values values vle-- -v o ...J _3---- ----(No soil samples taken, Eattings observed to consist of granular fill)....... 4.7 I Top of concrete at 8 feet 10 ---Cooc rete.11 12 13 14 15 _ 1,2 12 16 17 19... .... .. ... ... ...19 20 21 22 23 24 4 25 4 26 4 27 4 28 3 29 3 Top of Bedrock at 27.7 feet 29 3 29 3 ..Bedrock 30 6 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS eP? DENSITY PF CCoSISTýC HARDNESS WEATH ERING No. PER FT ANGLIIOIEO ~E ATOISISE 0.4 OSRY LOOSE C VRYOFET I VERY SOFT r COMPLETE (1)~ 0 C --V, Hera.aya ORIZONTAL-.1 LOOSE -.4 SOFT 2 UE15504 2 SEVERE SIZ 1 -2 r, cbo.IflW -e Soo-ooeRrONTAI. 100 roaacaoE 40 M. STIFF 3 U00RAELYr eeRD MoE3 I Of 2.10 1-B 4 O.140tE .O MOD SIPPING DENSE 0&00815 0TIFF ..4. HARD 4 ousrrra 1020 T11.17-oe 57e Saovc-nETCAI VER ve Ier 15"0r rn V ZTIF 5 VERY HAW 5 FRESH -17 v.,pý.YTNoIE*R VERTICAL X!0 HARD 1. Borehole advanced using 5 7/8" diameter Elicone roller bit betweeo Seend 10 feet b/g. Carrent nominal ground surface elevation Is 77.5 feet.2.6-inch dianreter (SW) caoiog installed aed grouted between 0 aed 10 feet bi/g.3.4-Inch diameter FLUTE UINER installed between 2 and 90 feet b/g inside adjacent well M99-30.4. Borehole advanced teem 15 to 140 feet using a 5 7/8-inch diameter rellertat No samples taken.S. Drilling Parameters: RPM 1350; Roller Bit Pressure 950 psi; 2nd gear batween 8 and 24 feet b/g.6. Drilling Parameters: RPM 1690: Roller Bit Pressure 550 psi: 2od gear between 24 and 28 feet big.1BORING NO. IRW-1 BORING LOG ISH. 2OF5 Rereedb BORING NO. RW-1 Reiwe y M.A. Ponti. Jr., -0 Schipper PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES:


Amon Galle, Sara Covelli -. -Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 7117S06 ROCK CORE: NA. DATE END: 7/205106 _ _ __...00 ~~~~IN SITU PRPRIS .FACUE~ ~ 0 HARDNESS WEATHERING PRFO I,, t _zi == .0 ~uz u Q .1 0) P_ FOOT w: a SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONa:X l ax~~~I seAPEeECIPIN. below for see below for sceebelow for~ o~ ~ ~ .~ 8 ~'- z values values values-o to a G .0 0 .aO .31 8 32 18 7 33 16 Bedrock 34 17 36 iS 35 15 36 17 37 15 38 14 39 .12 40 11 41 13 42 12 43 16 44 15 45 14 46 9 47 10 8 48 10 49 10 50 9 9 51 14 52 15 53 13 54 11 55 8 10 56 10 57 9 58 11 59 10 60 11 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS .JOINT FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS OFF 0050W SWF OoRASTE-C BARNESS .WEATHERING .NO.1PERT FE PFSOEý oES T O AnTUMI 0.4 VERYLOOSE 0 VER oF'r I VERY NOTr I aOl.E 111 0 <2N V*Vd41LVOyt, i w" HORzoT.u-10 LOOSE 2-4 SOFT 2 MEtXUM 2 SEVERE z1 1-2 r r-1' r 0.-RE SUB-HORIZONTAL I000 MEDIUMODENE K. M. STIFF 3 MOODRATELY 0 MODERATE (3) 2-o0 I4-" udOossMoaThen R5-IS MOD DIMING-50 DENSE .8-.15 11FF .4 HA4 oIUGHT M" 10-20 -1no WM.o- j SUB-VERTICAL >50 VERY DSE 1-30 -V511FF 5 VERYý 0 FRESH 410 Vary WkdVyaidc RE" VERTICAL NOTES," 7. Bedrock encountered at approxirnately 27.7 feet big.8. Used approximately 5 gallons of ddltng fluid (tap water) between 30 and 47 feet big.9. Drilling pararnetere: 1350 RPM, Roller Bit Pressure 700 psi, 2nd gear between 30 and 50 feet b/g.10. Drlling parameters: 1450 RPM, Roller Bit Pressure 900 psi, 2nd gear between 50 and 60 feet b/g.1BORING NO. IRW-1l BORING LOG ISH. 3 OF5 BORING NO. RW-1.Reviewed by: MA. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schiper PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 COORDINATES: G. SURF. EL. approx 79 feet INORTH: 463006.84 DATUM NGVD 29 I EAST: 604879.15 FINAL BORING DEPTH (FT) 140 SAMPLER: Driting Rig CME L55 Trovk Rig BORING CO.: ADT GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN Ed Bower DATE I DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE: 6-inch diaveter (SW) ENGINEERS: Ann Galo. S- Covll Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER: N.A. DATE START: 7117133 ROCK CORE: NA. DATE ENG: 7/21BR 06 IN SITU PROPERTIES I NO. OF-: uJ > WwSAMPLE DESCRIPTION o e eo o e eo o e eo o z -.Z _ w 0 (0-0NADO0 WAHEIN0RATUE -Bedrock 13: 0 4 5. 1. .4, PE1 FOT 7 oIOJ "W _ _ _ _ __4_ _U2 9... .. .. ... .... .... ....451..63 10

  • 11..... ...... ...64 7 .4 65 11 7 66 10 .9 6798 2 689 6 69 9 7 70 8 3 71 10 *1 72 7 8 73 12 .3 -f 74 3 5 75 5 1 7 7 775 4 78 5 3 79 6 4 80 * " 4 616 5 514 827 .".5 636 4 848 4 857 5 86 6 .. 4 87 7 6 88 6 4 897 5 907 5 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS aPP F ut DENIT CowuNTsov~

HADNESS WEATHEP/ING SC PEP/Fl sPAEJ5/fGaM/EO 00 ATh/WREW.4 VERY LOOSE < VERY SOFT I VERYESOFT N COMPLETE f(I) B 02- W .Veryýt H-r .KORIZONTAL 4-10LO0SE 2.4 SOF 2 MEDoUw 2 BEVEPE (2) 1.2 ."-1. C 5"-35" SU-cOR(ZONTAL 1000 MED/"NEERER 4 ..'SnWFF 3 ME//EN/ELY HARD 3 MOCERATE 0/ 2.10 f.3 MMODose/AnTh 35'N" /1M00PP/NG 30/ NSER S- .81/FP 4 // 4 OUiOT (f /0-20 I.T.P W u "E-rW SUe.VERTICAL 0 VIRf 154E/0 EIOB I vowP 5 FVEYSH R"P/B VNP/a Ey/VPyN"R N" VERTICAL NOTES 11. Drilling parameters: 1450 RPM. Roller Bit Pressure 700 psi, 2nd gear between 62 and 69 feet big.12. Drilling parameters: 1450 RPM, Roller Bit Pressure 800 psi, 2nd gear between 69 and 73 feet b/g.13. Dr[llng paraoeters: 1450 RPM, Rolaer Bit Pressare 900 psi. 2nd gear between 73 and 81 feet b/g.14. Dritlng parameters: 1450 RPM, Rolr Bit Pressure 1000 psi, 2nd gear between 81 and 90 feet big.1BORING NO. IRW-1 BORING LOG ISH. 40F5 BORING NO. RW-1 Reviewed b M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. SoN pe PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 ýCOORDINATES: G. SURF. EL. approx 79 feet' INORTH: 463006.84 DATUM NGVD 29 JEAST: 604879.15 FINAL BORING DEPTH (FT) 140 SAMPLER:. Drilhing Rig CME L55 Track Rig BORING CO.: ADT GROUND WATER READINGS SAMPLER HAMMER: NA. FOREMAN. Ed Bomer DATE DEPTH I CASING I STABILIZATION TIME CASING SIZE 6-rich diameter (SW) ENGINEERS: Anton GI1a, Saa C-1l1 Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data CASING HAMMER N.A. GATE START: 7117106 ROCK CORE: NGA DATE END 7:8100IN SITU PROPERTIES dR Z: F1 NO, OF 81X HARDNESS WEATHERING FERFACTUE w._ uJ. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ZO ..r I a0:. see belowfor see below for see below for vaue v alues values RN o < " 91 8 4 92 6 5 " Bedrock 15 93 5 4 94 6 5 951 4 96 5 '" 97 6 5 98 6 4 99 5 44 100 7 44 101 5 8 102 5 4 103 5 4 104 6 5 105 5 4 106 5 4 107 6 5 109 6 " 109 6 4 110 7 8 111 6 .5 112 7 4 113 6 .5 114 8 6 16 115 7 6 116 8 3 117 7 -3 118 6 3 119 5 4 120 5 3 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS OPF DENSITY " PF CCEIsI1ENCy HARDNESS, WEATHERING NO. PER F


.ANGLE ATThllE 0.4 VERY LOOSE < VERY SOFT I VERYSNFT I COMPLETE (1) 0 .<2" VA.IydaslN.P/n Wel HORIZONTAL 4-0 LOOSE 2.4 SOFT 2 MEIGUM 2 SEVERE .() 1-2 Z-I , ,*-28* SUBwOR.OnTAL 104K, .M0ED`4 4E -M. HFF 3 MODERATELY HARD 3 MOCERATE a3) -1a 1-n Mod2.k0 Hao'Thw ri55 Moo DI'HINO.0 DENSE B-15 OFF 4 HARD 4 SIRGHT 149 10-28 n"In h 50s- SUB-VERTICAL >50 VERY-OFSE lSa0 V.ST N VERY HARE S FRESH OE 'V.yWdlýy .VERn"SI.1 530 HARD ,_ ._ " NOTES*15. Drilling parameters: 1450 RPM, Roller Bit Pressure 1000 psi, 2nd gear between 90 and 120 feet bsg.16. Approximately 50 gallons of borehole drilling fluId was replaced with clean ddlling water at 112 feet big.IBORING NO. RW-1: BORING LOG ISH. 5Fo5 BORING NO. RW-1 Reviewed by: M.A. Ponti, Jr. -D. Schipper PROJECT NO: 41.0017869.10 1COORDINATES: G. SURF. EL. approx 79 feet' INORTH: 463006.84 DATUM NGVD 29 lEAST: 604879.15 FINAL BORING DEPTH (FT) 140 tAMPLER: Driling Rig CME L55 Track Rig /ORING CO.: ADT .GROUND WATER READINGS 5AMPLER HAMMER: N.A. FOREMAN: Ed B.eer DATE DEPTH CASING STABIUZATION TIME.ASING SIZE: 0-inch Rameter (SW) ENGINEERS: AniRn Ga/la. Sam C-oeg1i Refer to Table 6.1 for Groundwater Data .'ASING HAMMER: NA. DATE START: 7/17/SR ROCK CORE: N.A. DATE END: 7/28/06 a .- P UU IN SITU PROPERTIES FR .TRE liw 0HARDNESS WEATHERING PER FOOT> to<./ o, I 0 > SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Z 0 a to 0 see below for. see belowfor ace below for values values values 0 0 g 0-0 11: O r~ .1. 4,5_1. 4,511,2 3,4, 1216 ."24 122 .7 .. .. .4 Bedrock 123 7 3 124 7 4 1256 3 126 .4 127 5 .6 28 a 126 E6 9 4 130 7 1 .4 131 8 8 0 132 6 ..8 133 6 6 134 7 4 1357 4 4 136 4 ..4 1375 4 138 5 .4 1397 .6 140 6 5 141 End of Borng at 140 feet 142 143 1 44 145 146 147 148 149 150 GRANULAR SOILS COHESIVE SOILS ROCK CORE CHARACTERISTICS JOINT FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS OPF DENSITY aPF CONSsTENCY HARDNESS WEATHERING NO. PER Fr LPAON'ITSOSER T NGLE AT//TUOE 0.4 VERY LOOSE < VERY SOFT I VERY SOFT I COMPLETE (1) 0 E.ryaoflwt/l 0,-/ HORIZONTAL 4-0 LOOSE 2- SOFT 2 MEDIU 2 SEVERE S2) 1.2 r-.1- ýeRAYn 5-'3 SUBo'ORIZONTAL I0530 MEO/WlDENSE 4.0 M. STIFF 3 MODERATELY HARD 3 MODERATE E3R 2-I0 .1-,ModC/=wMoRTnar SER* MOD S/PP/30-0 ENSE 5-15 STIFF 4 HARD 4 SOGHT (4) 10-20 7.10 Wfidýlt1" SUB-VERTICAL >so VERY DENSIE 154O V.un/FF 5 VERY HARD S FRESH W VERTICAL I 3O HARD 40TES"/7. Borhole flushed with dear water at the bottor of the hole to remove outings. Six feet of sedlment remained at the bottom of the hole after fusldng./8. Borehole IfR as an open rock well monitordng point. No equipment lnsta/led. 1BORING NO. IR:WI APPENDIX C GEOPHYSICAL BOREHOLE LOGS G. 0 P.H!APPLICATIO,7.NS

I N C R. P:0 R::: : E 'June 10, 2006 Mr. David Winslow, PhD, PG GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORK 440 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 1001


Draft Borehole Geophysics Logging Report voice: 212-594-8140 Indian Point Site fax: 212-279-8180 Buchanan, New York

Dear Mr. Winslow:

This report describes borehole geophysics logging performed by Geophysical Applications, Inc. at the above-noted site. The primary objective of this survey was to help GZA identify hydraulically active fracture depths and orientations encountered by nine uncased bedrock boreholes. The borehole-logging suite performed at each well included: fluid temperature (FTemp), fluid resistivity (FRes), acoustic televiewer (ABI), and heat-pulse flowmeter testing. The flowmeter testing was performed during both ambient and pumping conditions. Optical televiewer logging and conventional video logging were also performed at selected boreholes. METHODS OF INVESTIGATION Survey Control All borehole logs were referenced to depths below approximate ground surface. The geophysical logging winch contains an optical depth encoder, to maintain depth measurements accurate within approximately + 0.5 feet throughout a borehole.Borehole Geophysics Loqqing A Mount Sopris model 4MXA or 4MXB logging winch equipped with a Mount Sopris model MGX-11 electronics console recorded conventional logs at each well. All conventional log data were recorded at 0.1-foot depth increments, as determined by the logging winch's digital depth encoder.FTemp and FRes logs were recorded during the first downward logging run at each borehole, using a Mount Sopris caliper probe with a fluid temperature and fluid resistivity subassembly. These fluid logs were obtained using a downward logging speed of approximately 4 to 5 feet per minute. Caliper data were subsequently recorded while pulling the same probe upward at approximately 10 feet per minute.Acoustic televiewer (ABI) data were obtained using an Advanced Logic Technologies (ALT)model ABI40 acoustic televiewer probe, with the Mount Sopris winch and an ALT model Abox 215 Hopping Brook Road

  • Hoiliston o MA o 01746 508-429-2430
  • FAX 508-429-0488 Mr. David Winslow, PhD, PG June 10, 2006 GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORK Page 2 electronics console. ATV data were recorded at 0.01-foot depth intervals, with 288 pixels for each 360-degree scan around the borehole wall. Logging speeds were approximately 4 feet per minute with this probe.An optical televiewer log was recorded in wells MW-31 and MW-32 using an ALT model OB140 probe, also with a Mount Sopris winch and the ALT electronics console. OBI data were stored at depth increments of 0.007 feet, with 360 pixels for each 360-degree scan around the borehole wall. OBI logging speeds were also approximately 4 feet per minute.A pair of centralizer assemblies positioned the ABI and OBI probes near the middle of each borehole.

Each centralizer included four stainless-steel bow springs, clamped to the probe housings with brass compression fittings, at positions recommended by the probe manufacturer to minimize the risk of interference with the probes' internal three-component magnetometers. Conventional video logs were recorded at MW-30 (formerly designated P-i) and MW-40. These images were obtained using a Laval Cam-Pak 200 borehole video system.Flowmeter data were recorded with a Mount Sopris model HPF-2293 heat-pulse flowmeter probe, at specific depths selected from field plots of the caliper, FTemp, and FRes logs.Flowmeter data were initially recorded under ambient conditions. The same test depths were subsequently repeated while pumping at 0.4 to 0.75 (gpm) with a Grundfos, Fultz, or Whale pump. The pump was positioned a few feet below the observed static water level in each well.In some cases, the pump was operated so as to maintain the water level some number of feet below the static level (if the well produced little water and the water level Was constantly dropping while pumping).All geophysical log data were recorded on a laptop computer's hard drive, and copied to CD-ROM as a backup precaution. Post-survey plot scales were adjusted to display as much detail as possible. All conventional logs and flowmeter data were merged onto one plot, to aid data correlation. Televiewer logs are presented on separate pages, at an enlarged scale, for clarity.Quality Assurance Checks A variety of checks were performed periodically during the fieldwork, to help assure that the geophysical logging probes were functioning properly: The caliper probe calibration was checked using two rings of known diameter (3.51 and 10.25 inches).The ABI probe was visually examined prior to each logging run, to confirm that the mirror's motor was rotating in the proper direction. Following this check, the probe was not turned off until data collection was complete.The ABI and OBI probes' magnetometers were functionally checked by comparing the azimuths reported by those probes (while stationary, typically on top of a plastic shipping box) with the probe's azimuth as measured by a handheld compass.Equipment Decontamination Procedures Decontamination consisted of an Alconox scrub and tap water rinse of the logging cable and probes between logging runs.Geophysical Applications Mr. David Winslow, PhD, PG June 10, 2006 GZA GEOENVIRON MENTAL OF NEW YORK Page 3 SURVEY LIMITATIONS Measured geophysical-log depths are estimated to be accurate within + 0.5 feet at this site, allowing for some slippage of the winches' depth-measurement wheels.The caliper-probe arms can measure borehole diameters up to approximately 16 inches. Caliper logs can most-confidently detect fractures that cross a borehole at moderate angles, e.g. less than approximately 70 degrees from horizontal. Caliper logs may not accurately detect near-vertical fractures. The heat-pulse flowmeter probe can measure vertical (i.e. upward or downward) water flow rates between 0.02 and approximately 1.2 gallons per minute (gpm). Higher flow rates may be erroneously characterized as zero flow by this probe. This device does not measure horizontal water flow rates or directions. Hydraulically-active fracture zones were inferred by correlating numerous geophysical logs.These interpretations are a subjective judgment based upon available data.Acoustic and optical televiewer probes rely on a three-component magnetometer to orient the recorded images with respect to magnetic north. These images become distorted when the magnetometers approach the bottom of steel casing, typically beginning approximately 1 to 2.5 feet below the steel. The Upper portion of each unoriented televiewer image was imported into the WeIICAD log-plot software and manually rotated to match a distinctive feature below the magnetically distorted interval, to provide usable images throughout the entire water-filled and uncased borehole depth ranges. Dip orientations of televiewer-inferred features within 2.5 feet of a steel casing are therefore approximate. Calculated down-dip compass azimuths of nearly-horizontal planar features have larger uncertainties than azimuths of steeper-dipping features.RESULTS Geophysical log data and generalized log interpretations are described below. Specific interpretations regarding hydraulically-active fracture depths are listed in the "comments" column on the conventional log plots. Most caliper logs show a one- or two-inch diameter range (i.e. 3.5 to 4.5, or 3 to 5, inches in diameter). Horizontal plot scales for the remaining logs were adjusted to show the full range of observed variations at each borehole.All geophysical logs described in this report are presented in Appendix A, and summary televiewer interpretations are provided in Appendix B. These televiewer-interpretation tables are Excel spreadsheets listing observed planar-feature depths, down-dip compass directions for each inferred planar feature (note that this is perpendicular to the strike direction), feature dip angles with respect to horizontal, and whether an inferred feature was judged to be relatively open or less-open. Caliper log data are presented in the left conventional log-plot column. Caliper inflections to the right indicate borehole enlargements, for example at casing joints, or where the drill bit passed through a fracture zone.Fluid temperature (FTemp) and fluid resistivity (FRes) logs are presented in the next conventional-log plot column. Localized inflections or changes in slope of FTemp or FRes logs typically represent water entering or exiting a borehole. Large inflections at the very bottom of a borehole may represent only accumulated sediments with temperature or electrical properties that contrast with the water column.Geophysical Applications Mr. David Winslow, PhD, PG June 10, 2006 GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORK Page 4 Heat-pulse flowmeter data are presented on the caliper panel (ambient flow measurements) and on the FTemp/FRes panel (flow measurements while pumping). Shaded boxes to the left of centerline on either panel represent downwards water flow, with the box length indicating the flow magnitude in gpm. Shaded boxes to the right of a panel's centerline represent upwards water flow. Filled circles represent depths where "zero" flow was observed (i.e., flow less than the probe's minimum detectable rate, approximately 0.02 gpm). Flowmeter test depths were selected on-site using field plots of the caliper, fluid temperature, and fluid conductivity logs. Note that the plotted flow magnitudes shown are as reported by the acquisition software. Pumping rates and observed drawdown (from the eight wells where pumping flowmeter tests were performed) are listed in Appendix C, Table 1.Acoustic televiewer data are presented via two columns (ABI40 "traveltime" and "amplitude"), where each column represents a cylindrical image sliced down the north edge and laid flat on the printed page. Magnetic north is at the left edge of each column, and the plots progress through east, south, west, and back to north at the right-hand edge.Acoustic televiewer data were evaluated using WelICAD's image-processing module, to measure planar feature dip angles and down-dip azimuths. All down-dip azimuths are referenced to magnetic north. Measured feature orientations are indicated by tadpole plots, where each filled-circle indicates a feature's dip angle from horizontal (plotted on a graph that ranges between zero and 90 degrees from left to right). Each tadpole tail points in the feature's down-dip azimuth, assuming that magnetic north is straight up on the printed page. Note that the down-dip azimuth indicated by each tadpole tail is perpendicular to the feature's strike direction. Also note that the tadpole orientations were corrected for borehole deviation from a vertical orientation. ABI40 images were also presented in a cylindrical manner, in the column labeled "3D ABI40 image", per GZA's request. In this representation, magnetic north is at the middle of the image, east is towards the left, and west is towards the right.Optical televiewer data are presented in a single column (labeled "OBI40 image"), showing geologic elements with contrasting color properties. The OB140 image orientation is comparable to the ABI40 log, with magnetic north at the left edge, progressing through east, south, west, and back to north at the right-hand edge.Planes represented on both the ABI travel-time and amplitude plots are denoted as "open" features.Features represented only on the ABI amplitude plots are likely to have smaller apertures (or possibly represent bedding, foliation or mineral-filled joints), and are therefore judged relatively "less open". Red tadpoles, and red sine-curve lines superimposed on the ABI plots, represent inferred'open" fractures. Black tadpoles, and black'sine curves on the ABI plots, represent interpreted"less-open" features. The tadpoles are also shown on the conventional log plots, to help indicate possible orientations of planar fractures that contributed to groundwater flow observed in each borehole.Most planar feature orientations were interpreted from the acoustic televiewer logs, because the open or less-open nature of a fracture is more readily evaluated by the ABI data than the OB140 images (open fractures can be difficult to distinguish based on color alone, particularly when the rock is dark-colored). Televiewer interpretations are summarized using rose diagrams, to indicate the predominant down-dip azimuth(s) of features observed in a borehole. These rose diagrams are presented with Geophysical Applications Mr. David Winslow, PhD, PG June 10, 2006 GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORK Page 5 magnetic north oriented straight up on the printed page. The red rose diagram represents inferred open features, and the black rose diagram represents inferred less-open features (e.g. bedding).A stereoplot also summarizes the open and less-open feature orientations inferred from the televiewer logs. Each stereoplot was prepared using an equal-angle (Schmidt) projection on the southern hemisphere, with north oriented straight up on the printed page. The pole to a horizontal feature would plot near the diagram's center, whereas a vertical feature's pole would plot at the diagram's outer edge, opposite the feature's down-dip compass direction. Annotations on the conventional log plot describe interpreted hydraulically-active fracture depths, based on correlations between all of the available log data. Selected observations that may be of particular interest are described below.MW-30 This well was initially designated P-1, and subsequently re-named MW-30. The static water level was initially near 40.5 feet deep. GZA elected to add water to this well, such that the water level was approximately 31 to 33 feet deep during the FTemp/FRes and "ambient" flowmeter tests.Consequently, the fluid log variations may represent mostly the contrast between natural and added fluids, rather than hydraulically active fractures. GZA added additional water to this well, up to the steel casing, to facilitate acoustic televiewer logging.The caliper log shows a very smooth bedrock surface in the uncased section. Very distinct FTemp and FRes inflections near 46 feet deep may represent either a transmissive zone, or the interface between water originally in the well versus water added by GZA.The "ambient" flowmeter measurements, in this well only, represent observations after water had already been added to the borehole. These measurements suggest that ambient downward water flow exited between 41 to 45 feet deep, but this is a very uncertain result.The black rose diagram shows that most less-open planar features dip down towards the southeast, south-southeast, and northwest. No open feature planes were observed in this borehole.The stereoplot diagram shows two feature-pole clusters. The larger cluster, in the diagram's upper left quadrant, represents less-open planes that dip down towards the southeast and south-southeast at approximately 30 to 60 degrees from horizontal. The smaller cluster, in the stereoplot's lower right quadrant, represents less-open planes that dip down towards the northwest at approximately 30 to 70 degrees from horizontal. MW-31 This well's caliper log shows a significant enlargement near the casing bottom (5 to 6 feet deep), and others near 16 and 27 feet deep.FTemp or FRes inflections judged likely to represent hydraulically active zones were observed near 44.5, 47.5, 56, 60, and 82 feet deep.Weak ambient downward flow entered less than 40 feet deep, and increased between 46 to 50 feet. Some of this ambient downward flow may have exited at a zone of lower hydraulic head between 50 to 61 feet, and the remainder exited between 80 to 85 feet deep.Most inflow while pumping entered between 46 to.50 feet deep, probably at a single open fracture that dips down towards the west-northwest at approximately 25 degrees from horizontal. Inflow Geophysical Applications Mr. David Winslow, PhD, PG June 10, 2006 GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEWYORK Page 6 while pumping also increased between 40 to 46 feet deep. Pumping this well did not affect the ambient downward flow observed at the 50 through 80-foot test depths.The black rose diagram shows that interpreted less-open feature planes mostly dip down towards the northwest and southeast. The red rose diagram indicates that interpreted open feature planes exhibited similar down-dip compass azimuths.The stereoplot diagram shows at least two clusters of feature poles. A loosely grouped cluster located in the diagram's lower right quadrant represents open and less-open planes that dip down towards approximately the northwest, at 20 to.60 degrees from horizontal. A second smaller cluster, located in the diagram's upper left quadrant, represents mostly less-open planes that dip down towards the southeast at approximately 45 to 65 degrees from horizontal. MW-32 This well's caliper log shows significant enlargements near 9 and 50 feet, and other small enlargements near 22, 55, and 133 feet deep.Distinct FTemp or FRes inflections judged to represent hydraulically active zones were observed at: possibly 40, 54, 78, 86, possibly 118, possibly 122, possibly 127, 177, and 187 feet deep.Strong ambient downward flow entered less than 46 feet deep, and increased between 46 to 52, 52 to 60, 75 to 90, 90 to 105, and possibly 115 to 130 feet deep. Downward ambient flow apparently exited at zones of lower hydraulic head between: possibly 105 to 115, 130 to 145, 170 to 180, 180 to 190, and 190 to 195 feet deep.Pumping this well at a low rate reduced, but did not eliminate, the strong ambient downward flow.All water flow that exited via the pump apparently entered less than 46 feet deep, possibly at the 40-foot distinct FRes and FTemp inflections. The black rose diagram shows that most interpreted less-open planar features dip down towards the southeast, east-southeast, and south-southeast. Smaller numbers of less-open planes dip down towards approximately the northwest, north-northwest, and west-northwest. The red rose diagram shows that most interpreted open planes dip down towards the south-southeast and southeast. The stereoplot diagram shows two very wide clusters of feature poles. The larger cluster is located near the diagram's upper left side, and represents many less-open and open planes that dip down towards the southeast, east-southeast, and south-southeast, mostly at about 35 to 75 degrees from horizontal. The second wide cluster of feature poles, located near the diagram's lower right side, represents less-open planes that dip down towards the northwest, north-northwest, and west-northwest, mostly at 30 to 80 degrees from horizontal. MW-34 This borehole's caliper log shows small enlargements near 6, 10 to 11, and 15 to 16 feet deep.Fluid log anomalies judged to possibly represent hydraulically active zones were observed near 16 feet, and possibly 10 feet deep. The noisy appearing fluid logs were probably caused by transducers that were removed from this well by GZA immediately prior to logging.Very weak upward ambient flow entered between 13 to 18 feet, and exited less than 13 feet deep.Geophysical Applications Mr. David Winslow, PhD, PG June 10, 2006 GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORK Page 7 Very weak inflow while pumping may have entered between 24 to 28 feet, and increased between 13 to 18 feet deep.Most interpreted less-open feature planes (black rose diagram) dip down towards the southeast, northeast, and approximately northwest. The red rose diagram shows that the interpreted open feature planes may dip down in four azimuths: southeast, northeast, east-southeast, and north-northwest. The stereoplot appears to show at least one cluster of feature poles, near the diagram's upper left edge. This cluster represents open and less-open planes that dip down towards the southeast, at approximately 65 degrees from horizontal. MW-35 This well was relatively shallow, and contained some diesel fuel that was apparently floating on the water surface. The caliper log shows no significant enlargements throughout the uncased depth range.FTemp and/or FRes inflections judged to possibly represent hydraulically active zones were noted near 13.5, 15, 18 to 20, possibly 22, and possibly 26 or 27.5 feet deep.Flowmeter observations in this well were not as repeatable as generally seen at other wells logged during this survey. This may be due to a pump that is operating nearby, thereby causing water flow through the well at unknown rates and times.Upward ambient flow may have entered between 13 to 18 feet deep, and exited at a zone of lower hydraulic head less than 13 feet deep (possibly near the static water level).Inflow while pumping may have originated between 24 to 28 feet deep, and increased between 13 to 28 feet.The black rose diagram shows that most interpreted less-open feature planes dip down towards the south, south-southwest, and southeast. The red rose plot shows that the single interpreted open feature plane dips down towards the east-northeast. The stereoplot diagram shows a small cluster of black feature poles above the diagram's center, representing less-open planes that dip down towards the south and south-southwest at approximately 40 to 60 degrees from horizontal. MW-39 The caliper log for this borehole shows a substantial enlargement immediately below the casing bottom (approximately 24 to 25 feet deep), and small enlargements near 69 and 104 feet.FTemp and/or FRes inflections judged to possibly represent hydraulically active zones were observed at the following depths: 63, 68 to 69, 84 to 87, 95, 100, 116, 121, and 143 feet.Ambient upward flow entered between 90 to 98 feet deep, and increased between 80 to 90 feet.This upward ambient flow exited at a zone of lower hydraulic head between 60 to 72 feet deep (probably at the 69-foot deep caliper enlargement and corresponding FTemp and FRes inflections). Ambient downward flow entered between 98 to 110 feet deep, possibly near the subtle fluid log inflections near 100 feet). Some of this downward ambient flow exited at a zone of lower head between 110 to 128 feet, and the remainder exited between 140 to 155 feet deep.Geophysical Applications Mr. David Winslow, PhD, PG June 10, 2006 GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORK Page 8 Note that pumping this well at a low rate did not eliminate the downward flow observed during ambient conditions at 110 feet deep. Upward flow while pumping originated between 98 to 110 feet, and increased at each of the shallower flowmeter test depths.The black rose diagram shows that most less-open planar features dip down towards approximately the southeast. Smaller numbers of less-open planes also dip down towards the east-southeast, east, south-southeast, and south-southwest. Relatively few open planar features were observed in this well. The most common down-dip orientations of this small population of open planes were towards approximately the northwest and northeast. The stereoplot diagram shows one large cluster of feature poles, on the diagram's upper left side.These poles represent mostly less-open planes that dip down towards the southeast, east-southeast, and south-southeast, primarily between 40 to 80 degrees from horizontal. MW-40 This well's caliper log shows numerous enlargements, particularly between the casing bottom and 21 feet deep. Loose rock apparently fell from at least one of these zones during the initial logging attempt, trapping a flowmeter probe for several days. After GZA's driller assisted with removing the lodged probe, the well was reamed and subsequently logged without further difficulties. FRes and/or FTemp inflections judged likely to represent hydraulically active zones were observed at the following depths: 20.5, 26, 31, 33.5, 39, 40, 43 to 44, 48, 55, 59, 62, 65, 67, 74 to 75, and 82 to 83 feet deep.Strong ambient downward inflow entered between 18 to 22 feet deep, and increased between 22 to 25, 25 to 30, and 30 to 40 feet deep. Some of this ambient downward flow may have exited between 40 to 60 feet deep, but most exited at a zone of lower hydraulic head between 80 to 110 feet deep (probably at the FTemp and FRes inflections, and open planar features near 83 feet).Pumping this well at approximately 0.5 gpm reduced, but did not eliminate, the strong ambient downward flow. All water flow that exited via the pump apparently entered the borehole less than 22 feet deep (probably at the 16 and/or 20.5-foot deep caliper enlargements). The black rose diagram shows that most interpreted less-open planar features dip down towards due north, north-northwest, and north-northeast. Small populations of less-open features also dip down towards the east-southeast and west-northwest. The red rose diagram shows that open planar features exhibited a wide range of down-dip azimuths. A small number of open feature planes apparently dip down towards approximately the southeast. The stereoplot diagram shows two primary groups of feature poles. The largest group is located at the bottom of the stereoplot, representing mostly less-open planes that dip down towards due north, north-northwest, and north-northeast at approximately 30 to 75 degrees from horizontal. A much smaller cluster of poles, located near the plot's upper left side, represents mostly less-open planes that dip down towards the southeast at 50 to 70 degrees from horizontal. MW-51 This borehole's caliper log shows only two minor diameter increases, near the casing bottom (21 feet) and also at 26 feet deep.Geophysical Applications Mr. David Winslow, PhD, PG June 10, 2006 GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORK Page 9 The most distinct fluid log inflections judged to represent hydraulically active features were observed near 113 feet deep, coincident with an open planar feature that dips gently almost due east. Other subtle FTemp and FRes inflections that may represent hydraulically active zones were inferred at 32, 34 to 40, 43, 49, 52, possibly 88 to 90, and possibly 123 feet deep.Strong ambient downward flow entered less than 31 feet deep, near the static water level. Ambient downward flow was observed to increase at numerous depth ranges, including: 31 to 40, 40 to 47, and 55 to 70 feet deep. Some of this ambient downward flow exited at zones of lower hydraulic head between 70 to 85 and 85 to 100 feet deep; the remainder exited between 100 to 114 feet deep (probably at the 113-foot FTemp and FRes inflections noted above).Additional weak ambient downward flow was observed entering between 114 to 130 feet deep, and exiting between 159 to 176 feet deep, and greater than 190 feet.The black rose diagram shows that most less-open feature planes dip down towards the west-northwest to northwest, and southeast. The small number of open planar features represented by the red rose plot dip down towards the west-southwest, east-southeast, and southeast. The stereoplot diagram shows two primary clusters of feature poles. The largest cluster is located below and right of the diagram's center, representing mostly less-open planes that dip down towards the west, west-northwest, and northwest, mostly at about 20 to 70 degrees from horizontal. A smaller cluster of feature poles, plotted near the diagram's upper left side, represents less-open planes that dip down towards approximately the southeast, mostly at 50 to 70 degrees from horizontal. MW-52 This well's caliper log shows relatively little variation. Two minor enlargements are visible near 15 and 124 feet deep.GZA removed the following apparatus from this well, immediately prior to geophysics logging: a pressure transducer, a sampling pump, and ancillary tubing and wires. Pulling these items through the water column resulted in some mixing of the borehole fluid properties, therefore inferred hydraulically active depths based on the fluid logs are less confident compared to most other wells logged at this site. FRes and FTemp variations judged to possibly represent hydraulically active zones were interpreted at the following depths: 20 to 27, 44, 47, 53, 59, 62, 64, 77, 101,104, 115, and 135 to 139 feet.Ambient flowmeter tests showed weak downward flow entering at numerous locations, possibly including 18 to 22, 43 to 56, 70 to 83, 95 to 110, 110 to 126, 155 to 171, and 171 to 182 feet deep.Most ambient downward flow exited at a zone of lower hydraulic head greater than 182 feet deep.Weak ambient downward flow may have exited at numerous depths including: 22 to 30, 56 to 70, 83 to 95, and possibly 140 to 155 feet.Pumping this well quickly dropped the water level by several feet. Consequently, the pump was operated as needed to maintain the water level 3.1 feet below the static level. This "pumping" condition eliminated most of the downward flow observed during ambient conditions. Weak upward flow while "pumping" entered between 140 to 155, 56 to 70, 43 to 56, and 18 to 30 feet deep.Geophysical Applications Mr. David Winslow, PhD, PG June 10, 2006 GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORK Page 10 The black rose diagram shows that most interpreted less-open planar features dip down towards the east-southeast and east. Smaller populations of less-open planes dip down towards the south-southeast, north to north-northwest, and west-northwest. The red rose diagram shows that the few interpreted open planar features mostly dip down towards the east-southeast, east-northeast, and southeast. The stereoplot diagram shows a wide range of plotted pole orientations. The largest cluster of feature poles is located left of the diagram's center, representing mostly less-open planar features that dip down towards the east-southeast, east, and east-northeast at 40 to 75 degrees from horizontal. Additional (but smaller) clusters of feature poles appear to represent the following down-dip orientations: a) down towards the north and north-northwest at 40 to 60 degrees from horizontal, b) down towards the west-northwest at 40 to 50 degrees from horizontal, and down towards the south-southeast at both 30 to 40 and 60 to 80 degrees from horizontal. We appreciate this opportunity to provide geophysical services. Please call the undersigned at 508/429-2430 if we may provide additional information that would benefit GZA's project.Sincerely, GEOPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, INC.Mark E. Blackey Principal and Geophysicist 105836 -105836.rpt.doc Geophysical Applications Draft Borehole Geophysics Logging Report Indian Point Site Buchanan, New York Prepared for GZA GEOENVIRONMENTAL OF NEW YORK June 2006 Geophysical Applications Appendix A Borehole Geophysics Log Plots Geophysical Applications}}