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Email from Jsmith, NRC 2/1/2024 to Jlux Regarding Request for Supplemental Information Regarding Health Physics Questions for Dp Rev. 3
Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 02/01/2024
From: James Smith
To: Lux J
Environmental Properties Management
Download: ML24043A156 (1)


From: James Smith To: Lux, Jeff J Cc: Martha Poston-Brown


FW: Cimarron DP and Appendix M (RPP)

Date: Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:41:00 PM

Hey Jeff-

Do you want to set up another teleconference with your HP contractor to discuss these issues sometime next week? We can use this as an opportunity to help understand the questions issues.

Then I can either provide you with a formal Request for Supplemental Information (RSI), or we can use this email or a subsequent one as an informal RSI and place it into ADAMS? Both Martha and my calendars are pretty free Monday the 5th, and Thursday the 8th.



From: Martha Poston-Brown <>

Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:24 PM To: James Smith <>


Cimarron DP and Appendix M (RPP)

Jim -

I need some additional information from Cimarron related to my review of the DP. Please edit as you see fit. Specifically, the information I need is related to the following:

The formula provided in the RPP for calculating MDA is identified as equivalent to Equation 3.11 in NUREG-1507 but it is not. Specifically, the formula in the NUREG uses Ts+b and the licensee uses Ts The formula provided in the RPP for calculating alpha scan MDC is identified as being extracted from NUREG-1575 Volume 2 Equation 6.14, is a draft document states on each page not to cite or quote. Is there another document that can be referenced as the origin for this formula, since it might be awhile before this document is published in its final version The formula provided in the RPP for calculating beta scan MDC is identified as being extracted from NUREG-1507 Revision 2 Section 6.2.4.

Reviewing the calculation for beta MDC scan example, the surface efficiency is identified as 0.5. Nureg-1507 descibes the use of a surface efficiency of 0.5 only for those radionuclides with a maximum beta emission of greater than 0.4 MeV. What is the technical basis for use of the surface efficiency? Thorium-231 and thorium -234 two beta emitting radionuclides identified by the licensee have maximum beta energies significantly less than 0.4 MeV Licensee makes statements that for surveys some have minimum detection limits that are less than 10% of the limit for unrestricted release, will others will have minimum detection limits that are less than 50% of the limits for unrestricted release. Please provide additional detail on which instruments will fall into which category, demonstration through calculations that that each instrument is capable of meeting that criteria, and the measures the licensee will take to make sure the right instruments are used for the right surveys.



Martha Poston-Brown Senior Health Physicist Uranium Recovery and Materials Decommissioning Branch Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs Division Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards