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Email Re Questions on NRC Comments
Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 02/01/2022
From: Lux J
Environmental Properties Management
To: James Smith
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Smith J
Shared Package
ML22040A147 List:
Download: ML22040A150 (1)








Lux, Jeff J Smith, James Halliburton, Bill; Jay Maisler; Dane M. Watson; Hesemann, John; Dulle, Eric; J. Paul Davis; mike.broderick

[External_Sender] Questions re: NRC Comments Tuesday, February 01, 2022 4:20:24 PM To adequately address some of the comments you provided via e-mail yesterday, Id like to obtain some clarification from you and/or your technical reviewers.

The attached requests for information related to NRCs comments only request information on those comments for which I believe additional information is needed to formally submit the decommissioning plan (DP) for detailed technical review. I dont believe I need feedback from NRC staff to address other comments listed as RSIs in the DP.

I will request Jay Maisler, the Radiation Safety Officer for the CERT, to request information related to any NRC comments related to the radiation protection plan that he believes are needed to be able to finalize the radiation protection plan and formally submit it as an appendix to the DP.

I wanted to submit these requests for information as soon as possible to minimize the delaying the formal submittal of the DP. I believe a teleconference to discuss any or all of the requests provided in the attached may enable us to better understand how we can either address your comments in the DP, or identify some comments which may not need to be addressed in the DP, and I will attempt to be available for such a call at your convenience.

Jeff Lux, P.E.

Project Manager Environmental Properties Management LLC A Subsidiary of Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc.
