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PRM-009-001 - Petition for Rulemaking - Availability of NRC Records in Response to the Freedom of Information Act
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/14/1986
Download: ML23156A432 (49)




PRM-009-001 KEYWORD: RULEMAKING COMMENTS Document Sensitivity: Non-sensitive - SUNSI Review Complete

/ IN THE UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMramo Residents Against a Polluted Environment, Inc . , et . al . , (see attached list) ~ Jl 22 AlO :52 Petitioners, OFFiE 0f]3.l8~ 1Al<Y OOCf ETING SU'\' ICF: C

                                                                 ) BRANCH r

and )


The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , )


Respondent .

                                                            *oodKEr NUMBt~~
                                                            £.ETIT11J  RUL.£ P     9-1
  • Petition for Rule-Mak i ng This is a petition for rule-making brought by the Petitioners pursuant to 10 C. F . R. Section 2 . 802 . Petitioners seek to amend 10 C. F . R. Section 9 . 4, whi ch defines the scope of availability of NRC records in response to the Freedom of Information Act .

A. Petitioners

1. Residents Against a Polluted Environment, Inc . is a non-
  • profit Illinois corporation based in LaSalle County , I llinois .

Its offices are located at 624 Court Street , Ottawa , Illinois . I t was founded to address issues of environmental problems in LaSalle County , Illinois .

2. All o ther co - petitioners are U. S . citizens , or officials, or governmental bodies from North Central Illinois .

B. Petitioners' Proposed Rule and Its History Petitioners propose that 10 C. F . R. Se ction 9 . 4 be amended so as to partially reverse the amendment made to that s e ction in 1985 . The clause: "whether in the possession of the NRC, its contractors,

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its sub-contractors, or other" was dele.ted on October 9, 1985, so as to restrict public access from information in the hands of NRG contractors. Petitioners propose that the following sentence be added at the end of the present rule: "In the case only of re-cords relevant to the health and safety of the general public, re-cords include those in the possession of NRG contractors, sub-con-tractors, and others to which the NRC has contractua~,statutory or 11 regulatory right of access. C. Petitioners' Interest in The Rule Petitioners reside in the general vicinity of Commonwealth Edison's LaSalle Nuclear Station in Illinois. They have a health and safety interest not to live in a nuclear radiation-contaminated environment caused by emissions from the La.Salle Station. I By. access to safety information in the hands of Commonwealth Edison, peti-tioners can then evaluate all the safety risks involved, and re-spond appropriately to further their safety. 11 In particular, petitioners wish to evaluate the Type A11 Inte-grated Leak Rate Tests of the LaSalle Station's containment vessels performed in 1982 and 1983 as well as any such tests performed in 1986. Petitioners require all raw data and relevant computer pro-grams used in order to evaluate the tests adequately. The conclu-sory*test results presently made available are inadequate for pur-poses of a complete independent verification. D. Argument in Favor of Rule Making

1. The Present Regulation is Inconsistant With the NRC's Statutory Mandate to Promote the Dissemination of Nuclear Information.


The Congressional intent of the Atomic Energy Act, as amended, included specifically several mandates for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. One of those mandates is the promotion of the dissem-ination of nuclear information. 42 U.S.C. Section 2013. The pre-sent Regulation--Section 9.4---is inconsistent with this statutory mandate as it keeps crucial nuclear safety information concealed from public scruti~y.

2. Access to Contractor Information is in The Public Interest.

The safety of nuclear power plants must be insured. The cata-

  • strophic possibilities of an accident have been demonstrated by the recent accident at Chernobyl, Russia.

to the NRC to promote reactor safety. It is the statutory mandate 42 u.s.c. Section 2013. This can best be done if contractor safety information is accessible to the general public as well as to the NRC. The NRC can fulfill its safety functions best if the general public can have access to the same safety information. Only then can the NRC and the general public have meaningful dialogue and co-operation in licensing hear-ings. An uninformed public cannot meaningfully participate in the licensing process. The requirements that contractors submit con-clusionary reports concerning safety are inadequate for full assess-ment. That is why the NRC has access for all safety information, which is what the public needs. Petitioners, pursuant to 10 C.F.R. Section 2.206, have no discovery rights, and also need access to safety information of contractors. Therefore, increased access to contractor records benefit the public interest by greatly increasing the ability of the general public and the NRC to safeguard reactor safety. 3

The general public also has an interest in remaining calm and psychologically assured that the reactors in the community are safe, regardless of NRC assurances. This can best be done by open public access to contractor records. Nothing less can assure the public.

3. Access to Contractor Safety Information Poses No Undue Burden on The Contractors.

There is absolutely no undue burden on contractors placed by enlarging the scope of FOIA requests to contractors. I a) For years prior to the 1985 amendment, Section 9.4 included contractors in its scope. Noun-

                .due burden has ever been documented as a re-sult of that section .
  • b) c)

Any costs to contractors which are public util-ities can be passed on to consumers, resulting in no* net costs to the contractor-utility. The NRC already has access to contractor safety information, and contractors already face the 11 burden 11 of keeping and maintaining records for NRC inspectors. These same inspectors could take custody of records requested by the gen-eral public, or the records could be available for public inspection at the NRC viewing rooms already required at all nuclear facilities. d) The contractors can be reimbursed for all copy-ing and clerical costs by the requestors of in-formation pursuant to regulations.

4. The Present Regulation Was Amended in 1985 With-out The Consideration of Any Public Commentary or Opinion.
The 1985 Amendment to Section 9.4 was promulgated without any consideration of public comments. Although the proposed rule was publ~shed in the Federal Register on August 1, 1985, no comments were received during the comment period. Ma-ny community environ-mental groups are inactive during the vacat_ion month of August.

Therefore, the lack of submitted comments should not be construed 4

as lack of interest in the amendment .

      . Since the 1986 nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl, Russia, public concern in nuclear safety has multiplied. Therefore, the NRC should take the opportunity to consider the public comments now available by starting the rule-making process again to re-view:Section 9.4.

CONCLUSION Therefore, Petitioners request that the NRC institute public rule~making to consider amendments to Section 9.4 .

  • Si~-rlt :._t;_y:c~:

Kn~~-7ro7c~i1, Vice President


Debora Parisot, Secretary


Daphne Mitchell Member, Board of Directors

1) Residents Against a Polluted Environment,_Inc.

P .0. Box 207 Ottawa, Illinois 61350

2) All other co-petitioners on the attached pages.

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Rtident:e A'gainet .A- Polluted EnvironiMnt. P tha United States Nuclear R guleton Colftllliaeion ror R laau ot T t Date ot, Leak Ra tee and Sef ety rut.urea of' tha Coamonweal th EdiBOn La Sall Station Nucl ar Power Plant-Page ti/ or k/ -z. . _ N A ~ - . _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _AOOR;. .:;c:;. .:;. . .;. ;:£;. :;.S.; . .S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PH_D_NE_NU_flm_E:_R_ _ _ __



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Roeidants A9ainat A Pollut.&d Enviro11111ent Petitions the United Stetas Nuclear Regulatory Commission for Ralsaae of Teat Data of .Leek Rates and Safety features ot the C01111110nwealth Edison La Salls Station Nucloar Power Plant~ Page #/~' ort/~- I ~ 'J

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  • before M, in paraon, by each individual petitioner. DATE*


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1teeidente A*gainet A Polluted £nviron11ent Petitiana the United States Nuclear Regulatory_ Com111iesion tor Relaes or Teat Da_ta of' leek Retee and Safety reaturee of-the Comonwaelth Ediatrn La Salle Station Nuclear Power Plant-Page *ltf or r..: V ADORESS PHOM: NU"'8£R 18. 7tl/ 20. I, ~ do ottHt thot th* obovo oignotu:roo*nra oigned, bef'ora 1119, in pereon, by each individual petitioner. DATE f zhb ....

Heeidente A'geinet A Polluted Environment Pati ti:one the United Stetaa NuclHr Regulatory Commieaion for Release or Teat Data at Leek Rates and Safety Fet1tur a or tne C0111110nwaal th Edieo'n La *saue Station Nucl ar Power Plant-Page li;!;;;..or t/1.,,? NAfflt ADDRESS PHONE NUIIIBER 3. ZI I 12. IL Ju 18. 19. 20. I, ~ da attoot that tho abov* olgneturos nre oigned, before 1119, in perean, by each individual petitioner. OATEf &

     . ileeidents A'gainst A Polluted Environment Pati tiona the Uni tad States Nucleer Regulatory Col'lllllieaion tor Ralaaaa or Teat Data ot Lenk Rataa and Safety reaturta of the Commonwealth Edison    . . la' Salle Station Nuclear Power Plant-PHONE NUl't8ER 4.

s. e. 10. 11. 12. lJ. ~------------------------------------ l 5. 11. 18. 19. 20. I, . . , .~-~?Jf!j_ ______ do attest that the above signatures war~ ~gned, bet'ore M, in person, by each individual petitioner. DATE* pf/$

Reeidanta Against A Polluted Envitonmant Patitiona the United Statae Nuclear Regulatory CoMisa!on far Raleaa* ot Teat Data or.Leak Rates and Safety reaturea of the Coanan..alth Edison La Salle Station Nuclear Power Plant* Page #:Ji,"' tf'"V* . 2.

                                          ----*- ----.,...---- '                          -1/
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11. --1------------------------------ 15. 16.

  • 18.
  • ns...,~i.~!:lts Against A Polluted Environment Petitions tha United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission far Release of Test Data of Leak Rates and Safety reatures of the Commonwealth Edison La Salle Station Nuclear Po*ar Plant-i tcJ 5:'/ R

\ ' 9. ../}[1 ~a_e, .t~ _~ /

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6/S-c 17. l 1a. r-*- -----**------* It_~~---_____ 21. I 22e 1~~3. I 24.


j I 25. I, t.lo attaat that the above signatures ware signed, before aa, in person, by each individual*patitioner. DATE1

Reeidanta A'getriat A Polluted Environunt Patitiona tha United States Nucle-'r Regulatory C011111iesinn rar Raleau or Teet. Data ot .Leek Rate end Sef'ety reature ar the toniiici'nweelth Edieon La Sell* Station Nuclear Power Plant*

                                    ,'                 Page_     #d-&JorifV ...

__ ;___:_NAfllt___, . -------------=-=A:::,;DD::;.:R.:.::E:.:;:S.=.S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _PH_O_NE~NU_IIIB_E_R_ _ _ __ "It; . -

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  • I 11.


19. *
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Raaidente A'dainet A Polluted Environment Patit.ioria the Unltad States Nuclear Ra-g~latory Cofflffliaa.ian f"or Raleas* of Tea't. Data .ar ,Leak Rates and Safety

                                   . ~.,                    '  '    . "

Faaturea of the Co11111c:,nwaelth Edison La Salle ~tatiori Nuclear Power Plant* Paga 11J7or t1 ~\:.: . , - . 3:,s~b&i1-: 66 7-1-t.=

                                              ")- 3 '-I ~ ~

10 *. . 11.*

12. *'
15. . *1
18. I 19.

20. 22. 23. 24. 25.

          *-----**---*- --------------....-----~---------------

I, do attaet that th* abov~ a!gnaturea ware signed,

             "- blfh:Jrcr 1119, in p*r-ean, by,t~tviduil'           paEftioner.       DATE a
                                                                                                   -*~- - _......... -*- ........ .....- - ... -*- --~--- --------
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Reeidente A'geinet A Polluted Environment P.etitiona the United Statee Nuclear Regulatory Co111111laaian for Ralaaa* of Teat Data ot :Leek Rates and Safety

                 . reature at th* Co.ionweal th Edieon La Sall St~tion Nuclear Power Plant*

Page #.Jfi{ or 41,..,,, .. 10. 11. I I

13. ' * :-,

~,----------------------------------~ 11. 18. 19. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. JUl.~~l,t....£,i.~~~da attest that the above e1gneturea were signed y each individual petitioner.

Reeidenta A'gainst A Polluted £nviroMant Petitions the United States Nuclear

            ,  Regula~ry Co111111iaeian tar Relaau at Teet Data ot, Leek Rtee and Satety reat.uree ot tha Co*onweal th Edison La Sall* St~Uon Nuclear Po*r Plant*

Page .,:?t) or L-/~ .

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17. 18.

  • 19 *. **'

20 *

   . 21.
  , 23.
          . -------~----


  -*25...    . .  . ,,__ ,,__    .  ' ..... --* __________ ____________
                              ~--*. ---* -.------------------------------

I, ~ - d o atteet that the above eignaturea war,e eigned, before *** in pereon, by each individual petitioner. DATE 1  :-z;(le,/8'1(;

                                                                               .I Reeidente A'gairtat A Polluted Environment Petitions the United States NucllH!lr Regulatory Collfflliee!on... ror Rel**** ot Teat.
                                    '\,                  . Date a,. leek Rates and Saf'ety reetune at th* Co111110nwaal th Edison l  Salle Station Nuclear Poar Plant-Pag*. ~\i or vJ. 'v- ..

ADDRESS PHOtt: NUIIBER _f?- .49. ~::::;::,,,,_,_,__



                                                                                                 ?-s-s-1 J..t/ - :rS-A:

22. 23. 24. 25.

  • da atteat that the above a1gneturea ware signed,

n, by each individual petit_ioner. DATE 1 1- /0-g'-6

i Reeidente Against A 'Polluted Environment Patltiona the United State Nuclear Regulatory Coilfflieai-?".' rar R l eee or Taat Date ot. leek Ra tee and Safety FeatuNa or the ColllfflOMWllal th. Edieon la Salle Station Nucleal' Power Plant* 1 ' Page 'JJ,or,.t.s/ ~- .

  • II , . ,.' ,,r; 1 2. ' ,* ,'


     . 17*.
    . la *.


    -23. --------/-'

_*24 *. bet ore 1119 1 in par

Raaidante Against A Polluted EnviroN'lent Petitions the United States Nuclaer Regulatory Coll'lllllasion for Relsaae of Teat Data of Leak Rates and Safety features or the Co111C110nwenlth Edison La Salle Station Nuclear Power Plant* Paga #1) or C,l c/ .

  ; _       __ NAlllt.. T-   . **-* __ -----------=A..;.;;D.=DR.:.:=E~SS:;;;..__ _ _ _ _ _ _PH_ONE:_N_U_l'IIB_E_R_ _ __

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I lit.CJ 5-C), 18. 19. 20, ~:QO.Vl1D£ve:, e. 0::b,1mJ ik r:'l ~, k£' 1 21. 1.---------------------------------- l 22.

       '    23. ..
       . 24.

i I 25. I, ~ L . /

  • t t e e t th,ot thB above oigneturao ..':;!igjd*

befora n, in per90n, by each individual petitioner. DATE 1 ?E / ~?,;, I ' )

     '   I

Reeidente A'gainet A Pollutad £ nv iroMent Pati tiontt the Un! tad Sta tee Nuclear

    *. * * * '**Regulatory CDfMliaa.ion...,.. tor Ral**** o, Taat Data ot.                          "

Leak Retae end s*ef'ety

   . * *
  • rutune 1>t the CoMOnweal th* Edison La Sall* Station Nuclear Power Plant*

.' . : , -. <1 Page #]1/or ~~: ..

"'     ~" ' : '                ,>                                                                         *
._....:_NAtllt._ __ .: -***
  • ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 11,_$.)~_j~-----@_¥~~.,,, JH ~::u':,;>V .

~: * *~ - . *. ... ~ 1§1 !l ~ r_fu ... . Pd. -J' ff/ -~~.J:::l-~~;___,__J~~...U.........:L--l...L-.[::µ;J...Jl.!l..u,,._,i;;;~-.r...:..:...4q -  ? sq z .**

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s. 4_ . ---.. . . , . _ . ____________________ 7'*-.,**, ~* ,*"'~-.... .._. . -** ....... _ ..

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     ~'-**',".,.                  I,   /)J~ ettt                                                             Y,et th* ebo~   ignetura  -** *i~nedt
                           *:     b~-~~, in ~*rldli. by each individual petitioner.
                                   *   ,'f..: '     .. ,.

DATE i 7_J 4-.-.f!'{p

                                                                                '  1

i.., -::--., '*:

11 1 nti rc1 v:: A r LI (t Q_,__ ( ,(' ,(_""__/.__ fc or..c,__. C, I l

7. -- [i~O -~~\StP-lf, a.

10. u. 11. 18. 19. 20. 21. 230 24. 25. I, do etteat that the abc?,ve aigneturea were signed, batore me, in pareon, by each individual petitioner. DATEa

                                                                                                                                    ,r Reaid9nte A'galnat A Polluted Environment. Petitions the United States Nuclear Regulatory Co*laslon tor Raleau ot Ta t Date ot .Leelc     Ratae and Satety
           .rntura      or      the COMOnwealth Edieon La Sell* Station Nuclear Powr Plant-Page          #11pl'" y1/ .*.


                                                          ,__fig,_ ___ Jh:;_ 7(,, .. lJ~,.J/_ 8's 3-l/55c3
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18. 19. 21.

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                      ~~ ~m;;:_t..t.                                                 t.het. t.he above                     !gnat.urea *re .~~iwd, are ** in pereon, by each individual p*t~tJ.oner.                                                        DATE I      7** /~ -               !.b

Reeidenta A'gainet A Polluted £ nv irol"IMnt Peti tiona the Un! ted 5 ta tea Nuclear

   .   ,         Regula to~ Colllfllieaion tor Relaau       or Teet. Date ot .leak Rate a and Safety
            . f'*tUHa       or   tha Co111110nweal th Edison La Salle Station Nuclear Pawar Plant*

11 Page #J7" u(fV. ... ADDRESS PHONE NU1'1BER ____ --: 'A.t._f\I~ .w.~ .___ _/.ud-:Oa~ o _ tk:22-\CfJ; 7 b72- do'1/4 t, 1~.., ('1?( - 433-0881

                                                                                                                          '    l
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I,,, I , 19. 20. 21 *.

23. __, _________________________________

24. 25 *.

-r .{' ~',, ,, ~ *~-~.,.- ,.,!
4. ~~~~~ ~ .

'." *- * ~ Reeidents A\)airiet A Polluted £ nvironrnant*, Patl Uona tha Unl ted States Nuclear

                         . Regulatory tollllliealon ror Ralaaae of Teat Da'ta of. Leak Rates and Safety
" rqturee of the C0111110"11fll th* E*diaon La Salle Station Nuclear Power Plant*
                                      , ,                       Page ;3gor Yv* .

--..~NAIi[__ .. --*----------'-A=DO;;...;.R=E.:;..SS"-_ _ _ _ _ _ _PH_O_NE_NU_"'8_E_R_ _ __

  . u;.

19 *. I' 24.

             *,.,....  ~     . --  *-* **---*-------w-*--*-------------------


                                    . * * ~ ~ attest that the above sig~turaa ware signed, before Me,   in.. p*reon, by each individual petitioner. o~n:c ')L/)/y<g

Reeidttnt.e A'gainet A Polluted Environment Petitions the United Statee Nuclear Regulatory CDffllllieeion for Release or Teat Data ot,leak Rates and Safety reatur s of tha Collll'IIOnweal th Edison La Sall* Station Nuclear Power Plant-

                    ',                            Page   11>9 or C.{/'v. . .

ADDRESS, PHONE NU"'8ER (y Lt__ 7 :-.If!:[ a.6:::.-__

                                             '76{_)   c,d.___.c,..,,,.,,_:_A.:::.'-,,._,/---'-(2""@,r..-&.'-~-~---*  l(.33 / l?_ ~-3_ _ __

_ 3_ * .J.S,,/.!:,:.f.M./--~J{JLa.frf:.J::li~--Y+~~~4,a:.-t.~--=~-t 7-it't'tL

                                                                                                                    '-/ 3 't ., 0 ), ]

_;__ _,_~_;_-~+i-~::,;'""".'"ff------

30s 1

a. 10. 11. 12. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 25. I, a (l. dt.,f.-tydo attat that the above B1Qnaturea nre eigned, bororo .., in poroon, by och individual pat1Uonor. DATE *7,J!f /~ /ff/,

Reaidente *A'gainst A Polluted Environmant Petitions the United States Nuclaer 1 Ragulatory Co111111ission tor Ralaaea of Test Data of.leek Retas end 5Bfaty feat.urea or tha ColtllftOneeel th Edison La Salle Station Nuclear Power Plant-Page #t/0 or lf L. PHONE NU1118ER a.



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8. , '

10. 13.


15. 16.

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