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Transcript of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards - Evinci Design Subcommittee Meeting, February 28, 2023, Pages 1-71 (Open)
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/28/2023
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Download: ML23108A097 (1)


Official Transcript of Proceedings NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION


Advisory Committee on reactor Safeguards eVinci Design Subcommittee Open Session Docket Number: (n/a)

Location: teleconference Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 Work Order No.: NRC-2288 Pages 1-50 NEAL R. GROSS AND CO., INC.

Court Reporters and Transcribers 1716 14th Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20009 (202) 234-4433

1 1

2 3



10 11 The contents of this transcript of the 12 proceeding of the United States Nuclear Regulatory 13 Commission Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, 14 as reported herein, is a record of the discussions 15 recorded at the meeting.

16 17 This transcript has not been reviewed, 18 corrected, and edited, and it may contain 19 inaccuracies.


(202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701




9 OPEN SESSION 10 + + + + +

11 TUESDAY 12 FEBRUARY 28, 2023 13 + + + + +

14 The Subcommittee met via Teleconference, 15 at 1:00 p.m. EST, Walter L. Kirchner, Chair, presiding.



2 1 JOY L. REMPE, Member 2 MATTHEW W. SUNSERI, Member 3




9 CHRISTOPHER BROWN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

3 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 PAGE 3 Opening Remarks and Objectives 4 4 Staff Opening Remarks 7 5 Overview 12 6 Public Comments 50 7

8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

4 1 P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S 2 (1:00 p.m.)

3 CHAIR KIRCHNER: It's 1:00 Eastern Time, 4 and this meeting will now come to order.

5 This is a meeting of the eVinci Design 6 Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee on reactor 7 Safeguards.

8 I am Walt Kirchner, Chairman of today's 9 Subcommittee meeting. ACRS members in attendance are 10 Charles Brown, Jose March-Leuba, Joy Rempe, Dave Petti, 11 Ron Ballinger, and I think we have -- and Greg Halnon 12 are present here. I believe we have Vesna Dimitrijevic 13 and Vicki Bier on virtual connection. And Matt 14 Sunseri. Our consultants, Dennis Bley and Stephen 15 Schultz, are also present.

16 Christopher Brown of the ACRS staff is the 17 Designated Federal Official for this meeting.

18 During today's meeting, the Subcommittee 19 will receive an overview of the eVinci Micro Reactor 20 Design. The Subcommittee will hear presentations by 21 and hold discussions with the NRC staff, Westinghouse 22 representatives, and other interested persons 23 regarding this matter.

24 Part of the presentations by the Applicant 25 and the NRC may be closed in order to discuss information NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

5 1 that is proprietary to the licensee and its contractors 2 pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552 Bravo, Charlie, four.

3 Attendance at the meeting that deals with 4 such information will be limited to NRC staff and its 5 consultants, WEC, and those individuals and 6 organizations who have entered into an appropriate 7 confidentiality agreement with them. Consequently, 8 we will need to confirm that we have only eligible 9 observers and participants in the closed part of the 10 meeting.

11 The rules for participation in all ACRS 12 meetings, including today's, were announced in the 13 Federal Register on June 13th, 2019. The ACRS section 14 of the U.S. NRC public website provides our charter, 15 bylaws, agendas, letter reports, and full transcripts 16 of all full and subcommittee meetings, including slides 17 presented there.

18 The meeting notice and agenda for this 19 meeting were posted there. We have received no written 20 statements or requests to make an oral statement from 21 the public.

22 The Subcommittee will gather information, 23 analyze relevant issues and facts, and formulate 24 proposed positions and actions, as appropriate, for 25 deliberation by the full Committee.


6 1 The rules for participation in today's 2 meeting have been announced as part of the notice of 3 this meeting previously published in the Federal 4 Register. A transcript of the meeting is being kept 5 and will be made available as stated in the Federal 6 Register notice.

7 Today's meeting is being held in person 8 and over Microsoft Teams for ACRS staff and members, 9 NRC staff, and the licensee attendees. There is also 10 a telephone bridge line and an MS Teams link allowing 11 participation of the public.

12 When addressing the Subcommittee, the 13 participants should first identify themselves and then 14 speak with sufficient clarity and volume so that they 15 may be readily heard.

16 When not speaking, we request that 17 participants mute your computer microphone or phone 18 by pressing star six. Again, please, those here in 19 the room, please mute your laptop.

20 We will now proceed with the meeting, and 21 I'd like to start by calling on Mike Wentzel, the Branch 22 Chief from NRR.

23 Mike, good afternoon. Go ahead.

24 MR. WENTZEL: Good afternoon, Dr.

25 Kirchner, and thank you for the opportunity to be here NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

7 1 today.

2 My name is Mike Wentzel, and I am Chief 3 of Advanced Reactor Licensing Branch Number 2 in the 4 Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production 5 and Utilization Facilities, also referred to as DANU.

6 And, as you know, we're in the Office of Nuclear Reactor 7 Regulations.

8 So I'd like to talk today a little bit about 9 the staff's focus on preapplication activities. In 10 accordance with the advanced reactor policy statement, 11 the NRC encourages early interaction with advanced 12 reactor developers and prospective applicants.

13 While preapplication interactions are not 14 unique to advanced reactors, the NRC recognizes that 15 such interactions may be particularly beneficial for 16 advanced reactor developers, because they allow the 17 early identification of resolution of technical and 18 policy issues that could affect licensing.

19 In the staff's draft White Paper entitled 20 Preapplication Engagement to Optimize Advanced Reactor 21 Application Reviews that was issued in 2021, the NRC 22 staff proposed a set of preapplication activities that, 23 if fully executed, will enable the staff to offer more 24 predictable and potentially shorter schedules and other 25 benefits during the review of a license application.


8 1 The White Paper states that if an advanced 2 reactor applicant completes preapplication 3 interactions on certain topics proposed by the staff 4 that we would anticipate a review schedule that is 5 tentatively six months shorter than the NRC's generic 6 milestone schedules, depending on the complexity of 7 the design and other issues associated with the work.

8 The staff can then compare the list of 9 preapplication topics in the White Paper against those 10 that are completed and anticipated submittals that --

11 from vendors to evaluate the effectiveness of our 12 preapplication interactions.

13 Another thing that we're doing to ensure 14 effective and efficient preapplication reviews is 15 implementing a core team approach. We anticipate that 16 the core team that is created for the preapplication 17 phase will be the same that is assigned to future license 18 applications.

19 In this approach, the overall 20 responsibility for the staff review lies within our 21 division referred to as DANU. The core team review 22 includes a project manager and technical reviewers from 23 DANU and subject matter experts in other divisions and 24 offices for selected topics.

25 Technical reviewers from within DANU with NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

9 1 significant advanced reactor technology expertise have 2 responsibility for broader portions of the design, 3 including many of the topics that are integral to the 4 reactor design, such as thermal and structural 5 analysis, fuel and core design, and accidents.

6 Some topics that are being reviewed outside 7 the core team include instrumentation and controls, 8 emergency planning, fissile security, and seismic 9 methodology.

10 In the case of eVinci, the core team will 11 work very closely with staff of -- from the Office of 12 Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards due to the 13 unique transportation and storage aspects of this 14 particular design.

15 So, again, I'd just like to thank you for 16 the opportunity to be here today, and we continue --

17 we will look forward to continued interactions with 18 the ACRS as the review of the eVinci design progresses.

19 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Thank you, Mike. And now 20 we'll turn to Westinghouse. I think Mike Shaqqo is 21 going to make an introduction for the team. Thank you 22 for being here, by the way, as well.

23 MR. SHAQQO: Yeah. Thank you for the 24 opportunity to be here, and thank you for taking the 25 time to listen to our team as we share with you our NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

10 1 progress with eVinci.

2 Go to the next slide, Anthony.

3 So just jumping into it here, I guess to 4 make sure our team will have the opportunity to share 5 the progress we've made, I'll keep mine short.

6 Again, my name is Mike Shaqqo. I'm the 7 Senior VP for Advanced Reactor Programs with 8 Westinghouse. As you see here, Westinghouse has --

9 and you probably know -- Westinghouse has a very long 10 history of developing and successfully licensing the 11 reactor technologies.

12 We really appreciate the NRC's past effort 13 with our AP1000 and the design certification that we 14 received from the NRC to support deployment. This 15 really has enabled us to deploy AP1000, certainly here 16 in the U.S., but as well as internationally.

17 eVinci, as you see here on the list of our 18 portfolio of reactors, is one of our -- is our smallest 19 reactor technology that we are talking about today.

20 This technology is -- as you'll hear from our team, 21 we're very excited about it. The reason we're excited 22 about it, certainly because of the innovative aspect 23 of it, as well as the advancement the team has made 24 in progressing this technology.

25 But just as important, as you will hear NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

11 1 from our team today, we are excited about this 2 technology because of the broad range of applications 3 that this technology will have. We heard many 4 feedbacks from our customers, potential end users, on 5 how this technology will actually help them achieve 6 their net zero goals. So that really gets us excited 7 and gets our engineers excited as we talk and advance 8 this technology.

9 So, in addition to eVinci, as you see here, 10 we have two other areas that we are focused on as well.

11 Specifically, we are working on -- soon to deploy --

12 our Westinghouse SMR. It's a 300-megawatt electric 13 unit, and it will be based mainly on the advancement 14 and the lessons learned from our AP1000 technology and 15 deployment.

16 In addition, with our innovation team, we 17 have our Lead Fast Reactor, which is in our innovation 18 R&D phase as it is our next generation and gen forward 19 technology that our team is also working on.

20 So, with that said, the focus of this team 21 here today is really solely on eVinci, and which is, 22 as I mentioned, it's one of our key products that we 23 are investing significantly in the development, and 24 I believe -- maybe it's self-serving -- I do believe 25 we have the smartest and the brightest people working NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

12 1 on this technology.

2 So looking forward for this interaction, 3 and looking forward to see where this will take us.

4 And thank you.

5 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Thank you.

6 MR. HALACKNA: All right. Thank you, 7 Mike. So you can see on the screen the agenda we have 8 for today.

9 Oh, yeah. Joe Halackna. I'm Deputy 10 Director for Advanced Reactor Engineering at 11 Westinghouse. I'll lead us through a number of the 12 slides here, and then -- between myself and Anthony.

13 So you can see the agenda. We're going 14 to walk through some of our technology, our design, 15 how we got to this point, what's the market that we're 16 targeting, why we created the product. And, as Mike 17 just mentioned, you know, we had a set of products --

18 reactor products -- in our portfolio, and what sort 19 of differentiates eVinci from those existing products 20 that we have today.

21 All right. So, first and foremost, right, 22 so why are we, you know, designing this -- you know, 23 this technology for this market? And it is a very 24 different market than we have from our past large 25 centralized power facilities, like an AP1000, but we NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

13 1 are seeing a lot of customers that are very interested 2 in different market sizes.

3 So, again, in our case, we're designing 4 towards a 5 megawatt electric plant to really provide 5 a solution to some of the net zero carbon-free energy 6 solutions that customers are seeking and providing 7 energy security, energy resiliency, and really driving 8 that new nuclear demand in the market today.

9 So you can see on the screen a number of 10 our applications that we can deliver this technology 11 to. We're focused, again, on a land-based terrestrial 12 5 megawatt electric plant that primarily will provide 13 electricity but is also capable of providing thermal 14 heat and thermal energy as well.

15 MEMBER BROWN: Can I ask a question?


17 MEMBER BROWN: Why did you pick 5 megawatt 18 electric?

19 MR. HALACKNA: So we'll get into that in 20 a little bit, but there is --

21 MEMBER BROWN: If you were going to do it 22 later, just wait.

23 MR. HALACKNA: -- but I think -- so, one, 24 I think it's the market differentiates ourselves, but 25 I think there is a number of constraints, for example, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

14 1 around being able to passively remove decay heat in 2 terms of -- so there are some technical reasons in 3 addition to the market that we're seeking to deploy 4 to.

5 MEMBER BROWN: Thank you.

6 MEMBER PETTI: Question. How many units 7 do you anticipate on the previous slide, the market?

8 How big is the market? 50? 100? 300?

9 MR. HALACKNA: Good questions. I think 10 -- Mike, do you want to answer the market question?

11 MR. SHAQQO: Sure. The great question is 12 -- I would say we're really being guided by the recent 13 INL study, Idaho National Lab study, that was done about 14 a year and a half ago. And they are projecting this 15 market to be in the thousands -- in the thousands of 16 units of a 5 megawatt or equivalent type microreactors 17 to support and to decarbonize the market sector that 18 INL analyzed.

19 So that's really one of our key reference 20 points, so it's really in thousandths.

21 MEMBER BROWN: Is that worldwide or just 22 U.S.?

23 MR. SHAQQO: It's worldwide. It's 24 globally.



15 1 MR. SHAQQO: Right.

2 MR. HALACKNA: So, first, I'll start off 3 with what's really driving the technology of eVinci.

4 That's the heat pipe itself. So that's really the 5 technology that makes this unique. For us, it's a game 6 changer in terms of making the -- really, the reactor 7 coolant system, a passive system that's not dependent 8 on a force flow, single pressure boundary, reactor 9 coolant.

10 So heat pipes are, again, a passive thermal 11 transfer device, primarily functioning off of capillary 12 flow, and the difference in pressure and temperatures 13 in -- within the core to our primary heat exchanger.

14 So that really is what separates that, and we have 15 an array of heat pipes within the core, and that --

16 what that enables us to do is those operate in a 17 sub-atmospheric pressure.

18 So that allows our core design also then 19 to be operating at just over atmospheric pressure, which 20 is a real game changer in terms of different failure 21 modes and effects that we have to analyze, all the 22 different design basis events and accidents that go 23 into the safety case for this reactor.

24 So it does very much follow sort of the 25 nuclear battery model. In essence, during normal NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

16 1 operation, there are no moving parts in the core outside 2 of the sodium within each heat pipe, and there is roughly 3 around 800 heat pipes in total within this reactor.

4 So that's really what separates us.

5 Again, it's the low pressure design where, again, as 6 much as possible there is nothing moving within our 7 core, and that really is what excites us about having 8 a solid state reactor that, again, can operate upwards 9 of eight years or more without refueling, and then, 10 again, like a battery can be taken back to the factory, 11 refueled and refurbished, and delivered again.

12 Go to the next slide.

13 All right. So just, really, where did this 14 technology come from? First, going back even before 15 what I have on the slide here, going back to the sixties, 16 heat pipe technology was invented out of Los Alamos 17 National Lab. Through the '80s, it was a big focus 18 of the space reactors. So whether it's SNAP 10A, SP-100 19 programs.

20 From there, Los Alamos and NASA most 21 famously worked on the Kilopower and the KRUSTY test, 22 and that's really when we started to work with Los Alamos 23 in a more commercializable sense on different 24 opportunities there, through the Department of Energy 25 in many cases, to further that technology and really NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

17 1 take it to the commercial market from the focus that 2 had been on space and defense applications.

3 So we've had several different awards 4 through the Office of Nuclear Energy and ARPA-E that 5 really led to us being able to progress the design and 6 do a lot of the yearly technology development within 7 this product, ultimately to show this is demonstrated 8 as a technology that we can take to market and is the 9 right technology readiness levels for us to pursue this 10 product in the licensing that we are currently in the 11 preapplication phase in.

12 So you can see some of our milestones there.

13 We completed -- we have an eVinci laboratory and test 14 facility just outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We 15 built our first heat pipes in 2020 and have built dozens 16 essentially every year since.

17 Sort of capstoning, we did an electrical 18 demonstration early in 2021. So, basically, 19 electrical silicon carbide heaters to simulate the fuel 20 temperature. So that reached an operating temperature 21 of 800 degrees Celsius, steady state operation. We're 22 continuing to expand upon that facility today to do 23 more transient and more thermal benchmarking of our 24 codes and analyses. And, again, a lot of compatibility 25 testing.


18 1 So I mentioned our work in fluidized sodium 2 within each heat pipe. So a lot of sodium compatibility 3 testing, material interactions, to demonstrate the 4 safety and longevity of this design.

5 So, and again, we've had a very robust 6 preapplication phase where we've submitted to date 24 7 technical White Papers as part of our preapplication 8 on a host of topics.

9 And then, lastly there, most importantly, 10 you know, we've built our prototypic heat pipe or what 11 we're planning as our nuclear test reactor that would 12 be demonstrated at Idaho National Lab that we're working 13 as part of the NRIC organization on.

14 So you can see just on the bottom there 15 a timeline as we've progressed, iterated on the early 16 design phases, the different concepts, continued to 17 mature the technology, the integration of these 18 systems, ultimately to the design that we're at today, 19 which is a transportable 5 megawatt electric reactor.

20 MEMBER BROWN: Another question?

21 MR. HALACKNA: Go for it.

22 MEMBER BROWN: You mentioned sodium.

23 Obviously, it's solid. Do you transport it in the solid 24 mode and then heat --



19 1 MEMBER BROWN: -- and then you heat it up 2

3 MR. HALACKNA: Yep. Well --

4 MEMBER BROWN: -- the reactor or without 5 the reactor?


7 MEMBER BROWN: Do you have to have an 8 independent system, is what I'm saying, to put 9 yourselves in service initially?

10 MR. HALACKNA: Right. So right now we 11 will start up without any external heaters.

12 MEMBER BROWN: If I say something that's 13 proprietary, tell me to be quiet.

14 MR. HALACKNA: No worries.

15 MEMBER BROWN: I'm trying to avoid that 16 after reading the paper.

17 MEMBER PETTI: I have a question. Why 18 sodium? Why not another liquid metal? Is there unique 19 about sodium that makes it better as a heat pipe than, 20 say, potassium or NaK or --

21 MR. HALACKNA: Yeah. So it's really --

22 it goes to the power level that we're seeking to get 23 at each heat pipe, which drives which operating 24 temperature we're in, which drives back to really the 25 liquid metal properties, right, between the viscosity NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

20 1 of each heat pipe, the working fluid, the surface 2 tension, so the different materials all drive to the 3 performance factors.

4 So you can look at a number of different 5 curves that analyze the sizing between your vapor and 6 liquid regions and your operating temperatures and --

7 but also having all of those materials actually be 8 compatible to work together.

9 So it's a combination of those things that 10 we did robust sort of trade studies and parametric 11 studies to really find what is the highest TRL of our 12 materials, which ones interact with the rest of the 13 fuel and the core structure all together.

14 But sodium has sort of the best high power 15 properties. Once you go beyond that, you would go into, 16 let's say, something like lithium, which then really 17 requires a much higher temperature, which then takes 18 you back to some of the other core materials that would 19 be challenged.

20 There's a number of different options.

21 We focused on sodium because it has a pretty robust, 22 one, basis in terms (audio interference) designs.

23 CHAIR KIRCHNER: I think there's another 24 reason, too, and that's your power conversion system, 25 that you want a higher temperature and you would --


21 1 MR. HALACKNA: Absolutely. Yeah. So, 2 and I'll touch on that in a slide or two. Yep.

3 All right. So what's our deployment 4 vision? We envision two different, basically, modes 5 of operation show on the screen here. One is your 5 6 megawatt electric output with some thermal heating as 7 well, basically reusing that waste heat. It is 8 open-air Brayton cycle power conversion.

9 And then the second one would be really 10 we're seeing some other interests in really just thermal 11 energy. There is a lot of industrial processes, 12 district heating, and others that need a high 13 temperature or a very large thermal energy that they 14 can't get today in a carbon-free solution.

15 So there is an opportunity for our 16 technology there to marry up against some of the 17 existing technologies and processes that industry is 18 using today for many of our products to deliver the 19 thermal energy that they need to move themselves into, 20 let's say, a carbon neutral or net zero state for their 21 company or facility or organization.

22 So, again, it's 15 megawatts thermal, 5 23 megawatts electric. Again, we're focused on right 24 sizing, you know, for us how many onsite personnel for 25 operations and maintenance, given that we are very NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

22 1 different from a large light water reactor technology.

2 And, really, for this design, it has been, 3 how do we take very, you know, mature technology but 4 integrate them into a combined system, such that we're 5 actually meeting the customer expectations, meeting 6 the costs that we need to to be competitive in this 7 mater, but also deliver something that actually builds 8 on the resiliency, the security, and the other 9 attributes, the transportability that we're looking 10 for for the features of this product.

11 So, and lastly there, the biggest one, 12 again, is for us avoiding any onsite cooling waters 13 or any other interaction, really minimizing the 14 environmental impact, such that we can easily deploy 15 and license these to a number of different sites.

16 MEMBER BROWN: So the sites probably won't 17 have normal power grid availability, so -- based on 18 looking at the report, it looked like you all were 19 talking about a micro grid locally that you all would 20 come along with this package. Is that -- is that 21 correct or --

22 MR. HALACKNA: So I would say we envision 23 a number of different options. I think there could 24 be certainly normal grid-enabled sites where there is 25 an existing grid or an existing micro grid. Some of NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

23 1 the remote, let's say, mining or remote community 2 applications, though, may be on a micro grid where there 3 is hydro wind or solar as well. So we are designing 4 basically a micro grid interface system to deal with 5 any grid demand changes that will interface 6 MEMBER BROWN: So we're still -- you'll 7 stick with the 5 megawatt electric --

8 MR. HALACKNA: Yes. Yep.

9 MEMBER BROWN: That's pretty small when 10 you connect it to a large --

11 MR. HALACKNA: Yeah. So --

12 MEMBER BROWN: -- really heavy-duty 13 utility grid.


15 MEMBER BROWN: In terms of its, you know, 16 paralleling capacity and everything else that you're 17 so that's why I asked the question. So whether you 18 were going to be independent or not, so it's a mixed 19 bag in other words.

20 MR. HALACKNA: Yeah.

21 MEMBER BROWN: Okay. Thank you.

22 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: And on that, so I'm 23 sure he has thought about this -- not every one, but 24 you only usually have to run your I&C systems, the 25 protection system and monitoring communications, all NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

24 1 those.

2 Are you planning to bootstrap yourself or 3 have a listen button in there, or what are you thinking 4 about?

5 MR. HALACKNA: Yeah. So there certainly 6 is energy storage onsite for the safety systems to deal 7 with any number of design basis event conditions. So 8 that -- we'll get to that in part of the later slide 9 deck. We'll go through some of the I&C and electrical 10 that support the design basis.

11 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: I'm willing to wait.

12 MR. HALACKNA: Okay.


14 MR. HALACKNA: All right. So, again, just 15 high-level overview of the design that we have, again, 16 the focus here for us is it's a TRISO-fueled reactor 17 with heat pipes to transfer heat from basically the 18 core there in the center of the picture via heat pipes 19 to a primary heat exchanger on the right side of the 20 screen.

21 As I mentioned, that's an open-air Brayton 22 cycle, so we have a sleeve basically over each heat 23 pipe, which then is -- that air is then cooled and taken 24 through the open-air Brayton cycle, which will be 25 adjacent basically area to the reactor.


25 1 Again, graphite moderator core structure 2 there. And just over one atmospheric pressure inside 3 the core.

4 Go to the next slide.

5 All right. So our focus has been, again, 6 simplicity, flexibility, transportability. We want 7 to design this with as simple of an architecture as 8 we can. One of the key initiatives for this design 9 is to load the fuel before we transport this to site, 10 such that we are transportable and we can deploy this 11 to any number of locations.

12 So it will be transported, and then on the 13 other side of the operation transported offsite for 14 storage and decommissioning.

15 Again, with the number of markets that I 16 showed on the first slide, there's a lot of non 17 traditional utilities today, non-traditional 18 applications, in which case we don't envision storing 19 spent fuel on those locations, in which case we would 20 take it back to a centralized storage facility, and 21 later for potentially refueling and refurbishment, and 22 then eventually for decommissioning.

23 And, again, with the open-air Brayton 24 cycle, both really as our ultimate heat sink, it is 25 really just the ambient air environment as well as our NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

26 1 normal power conversion system working fluid. So in 2 case of -- for us, we can flexibly deploy this to any 3 number of sites, have a very generic operating model 4 that can apply basically anywhere.

5 MEMBER HALNON: Well, I was going to say 6 a couple of times I've seen the nuclear battery 7 branding. Is that how you're going to brand this thing 8 is a nuclear battery? Because it's not intuitive to 9 the public to say it's a nuclear battery. I can just 10 pop in the remote control and start working, so --

11 MR. HALACKNA: So I'd say we're still --

12 this is still an eVinci micro reactor. It is still 13 a fission reactor in that sense, but that is the model 14 that we are driving towards is where the operations 15 really are and the system operates autonomously.


17 MEMBER BROWN: Transportation. When you 18 look at existing fuels, at least the ones I'm familiar 19 with in the naval nuclear program, when you're 20 transporting stuff that's wrapped up like this, you've 21 got to meet a lot of rules like stay 300 feet off of 22 a bridge on sharp, pointed rocks, or --

23 MR. HALACKNA: Yeah.

24 MEMBER BROWN: -- steel pillars. So 25 you're anticipating having to meet those transportation NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

27 1 goals --

2 MR. HALACKNA: Exactly. Yep.

3 MEMBER BROWN: -- as well.

4 MR. HALACKNA: So what you see on the 5 screen here basically is a transportation cask that 6 will be designed to all of those regulations.

7 MEMBER BROWN: Okay. Thank you.

8 MEMBER BALLINGER: So you're not going to 9 take an exemption to Part 70?

10 MR. SCHOEDEL: So I'll weigh in. So this 11 is Anthony Schoedel. I'm the manager of Advanced 12 Reactors Licensing. So thanks, Mr. Chairman, and the 13 Committee, for having us here today.

14 So as we've communicated through some of 15 our White Papers, and focusing on the transportation 16 topic specifically, we are going to conform and comply 17 with Part 71 transportation requirements, and that 18 includes the allowance for transportation PRA, right, 19 where we would look at, say, things like the drop in 20 the testing that you're talking about, really 21 optimizing it for our design and making sure the 22 transportation PRA is part of that strategy.

23 So it's -- that will look a little 24 different, maybe from things that have historically 25 been in the past, but the end game is conform with Part NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

28 1 71.

2 MEMBER BALLINGER: So you'll be the first 3 to do that?

4 MR. SCHOEDEL: My understanding is that 5 we are going to -- we are going to be exploring territory 6 that is allowable but maybe not fully expressed in the 7 past.

8 MEMBER REMPE: So I'm not sure how much 9 of this can be said in the open session, and feel free 10 -- and I even saw a later slide where I was going to 11 bring it up, but I think I'll bring it up here.

12 I'm curious about the startup of not only 13 the first one but the second one and the switch out, 14 holding time, and how quickly you'll go -- because it 15 seems like you want to do some checkouts, in fact, I 16 think I saw that somewhere when you first bring it 17 onsite. And then you've got to plug it into something 18 and get the other one unplugged, and how quickly that 19 happens, and then there has got to be a follow on.

20 And can you talk about your -- whatever 21 you can say in the open session on that switch out and 22 23 MR. HALACKNA: Yeah. So --

24 MEMBER REMPE: -- time, et cetera.

25 MR. HALACKNA: Good question. So NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

29 1 certainly we will walk through this a little bit in 2 more detail later on today. But the overall 3 architecture and design for each site is that we would 4 switchover in a matter of days as we take -- after that 5 first eight years of full power operation, we will shut 6 down the primary reactor.

7 We will have already brought in our second 8 reactor into an adjacent structure, and basically 9 reusing the same architecture for I&C, electrical, 10 power conversion, and all the rest of the site 11 facilities and infrastructure we will switch over.

12 So you can see an example on the screen 13 here. There is basically two pipes between the power 14 conversion system and the heat exchanger attached to 15 the reactor. Right? So those two pipes we will 16 basically valve out and switch over at reactor number 17 2, and basically same with the cabling.

18 So we can then, after reactor number 1 is 19 shut down, it will basically go into decommissioning, 20 and we will wait until it cools down from a radiological 21 perspective before it's transported offsite.

22 MEMBER REMPE: Any time that you have to 23 wait for the cooldown or you'd rather not say here?

24 MR. HALACKNA: So, yeah, we'll talk more 25 in the closed session, but mostly to meet the applicable NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

30 1 design limits for the shielding that is part of the 2 transportation cask.

3 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: While we are talking 4 about this, there are two things that drive you to the 5 eight-year operating in my mind. One is, how much 6 uranium you can load into it. Another one is, how long 7 does your fuel last.

8 MR. HALACKNA: Mm-hmm.

9 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: Because I can 10 conceive of making a reactor has less reactivity and 11 more mass, allows six to 10 years. Taking this used 12 reactor out of the facility and transporting it 13 somewhere in the desert is going to be a significant 14 fraction of your cost.

15 MR. HALACKNA: Yes. So transportation, 16 the cask itself, obviously, it will be, let's say, one 17 cask for -- that can transport a number of reactors.

18 And, yes, so there are -- there are limits from the 19 fuel perspective, also from the reactivity control 20 systems between our control drums and shutdown rods 21 for their ability to maintain sufficient shutdown 22 margin as well.

23 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: And, again, feel free 24 to go to the proprietary session, but do you have 25 sufficient confidence in your fuel that it will last NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

31 1 for eight years?


3 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: Do we have sufficient 4 data?

5 MR. HALACKNA: Yes. So we are leveraging, 6 certainly, the topical reports on TRISO fuel, and that 7 is one of the things that we will go into more detail 8 in the closed session.

9 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: You don't have 10 special flex shifts and inspection shifts as things 11 burn? But we can talk more later.


13 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: But the question is, 14 do you have sufficient confidence that they will last.

15 And if it doesn't last, do we have enough I&C monitoring 16 to detect it?

17 MR. HALACKNA: Mm-hmm.

18 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: But keep that in mind 19 and hopefully answer later.

20 MR. HALACKNA: No. Thank you for the 21 comment.

22 All right. So I'll talk briefly on really 23 our development timeline that we have, where we started 24 the last -- really, 2021, 2022, focused on finishing 25 the conceptual design. That has been important really NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

32 1 to -- for us to be able to engage in a meaningful way 2 with the NRC staff having a fixed design that allows 3 us to do a lot more analysis and testing and provide 4 that data into the technical White Papers that I 5 mentioned earlier.

6 Again, our electrical demonstration unit, 7 which we will talk about more in our closed session.

8 And again, also, something we've been doing is meeting 9 both in the preapplication phase with both the U.S.

10 and Canadian regulators. So we'll talk about our 11 nuclear test reactor. That's the NTR. We've started 12 to really design that already, and that's a big focus 13 for us in the year 2023.

14 A number of the things we've done in the 15 past, too, is really integrated manufacturing 16 demonstrations, so not just testing but also how do 17 we scale up and validate the supply chain and the 18 capabilities to meet our design parameters that we're 19 putting in in terms of the materials, material 20 properties, impurities, and just be able to meet the 21 challenging configurations that we have with this 22 reactor design.

23 Again, a lot of -- I mentioned before, a 24 lot of separate effects tests in terms of materials, 25 material interactions. We are operating a high NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

33 1 temperature, so that does -- that drives a lot of the 2 testing that we've been doing in addition to that 3 material interaction.

4 And, again, as we look at '24, we have some 5 criticality testing planned, as well as irradiation 6 testing ongoing again in the future, and then we always 7 continue to challenge ourselves in terms of that 8 manufacturing, assembly, design for value, all those 9 different attributes to make sure that we're achieving 10 our market and product requirements.

11 And then, again --

12 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: Criticality testing 13 is going to be prototypical or just collecting data 14 to evaluate your method?

15 MR. HALACKNA: Sorry. Can you repeat --

16 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: Criticality testing, 17 is it going to be a prototypical geometry or just going 18 to collect data to evaluate your method?

19 MR. HALACKNA: So, do you want to take 20 that?

21 MR. SCHOEDEL: Yeah. So I think you'll 22 see when we get into the closed portion of the discussion 23 we're going to have a lot of discussion around testing, 24 overall test program, including criticality testing.

25 Ultimately, the testing that we're doing, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

34 1 whether you call it single effects or integral-type 2 tests, are all going to end up supporting in some 3 fashion, you know, V&V of our analysis code suite and 4 ultimately support our licensing case.

5 Yeah. This is Anthony Schoedel with 6 Westinghouse licensing.

7 MR. HALACKNA: All right. Joe Halackna, 8 Westinghouse. So just on the bottom of the slide there 9 you can see our licensing timelines as well, so we're 10 currently in the -- again, the preapplication, 11 prelicensing phase. We'll get into some of our future 12 submittals that we're planning there in the topicals 13 in later slides.

14 And, again, from there we'll plan to 15 eventually, in 2024, submit our design license 16 application and move through in the '25 to '27 timeline 17 our design certification.

18 In parallel, we have initiated various 19 discussions. We'll talk about vendor design review 20 with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission as well 21 as some joint reviews between the NRC and the CNSC as 22 well.

23 Go to the next slide.

24 I mentioned the test reactor. It is a 3 25 megawatt thermal reactor, so that's one-fifth power NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

35 1 scale. In our design, we refer to it as a unit cell.

2 We also think of it as a fuel assembly.

3 Basically, it's the same design in that 4 terms, but a lot less fuel assemblies or unit cells 5 are in the designs with much lower power, not -- shorter 6 axial length for the core, so enough of the design that 7 we can validate our key attributes and our key 8 performance and safety of the plant, but it's not a 9 full-scale reactor.

10 But we're targeting this to achieve a lot 11 of the integrated safety analysis that we really need 12 for the plant, and really use that as part of our design 13 certification process to close out any of the testing 14 that we need from our PIRTs and our other safety analysis 15 needs.

16 MEMBER REMPE: So it looks like you're 17 putting this in the EBR-I -- or, excuse me, II 18 containment, right? That looks like an Idaho picture.

19 It doesn't require any interactions with the NRC, but 20 I would hope that they are cognizant and this activity 21 is well coordinated, so you can address things that 22 would come up in the future. Could you talk about that 23 interaction a bit?

24 MR. SCHOEDEL: Mm-hmm. So this is Anthony 25 Schoedel, Westinghouse licensing. So spot on, yes.


36 1 So this is being -- it's intended to go into EBR-II 2 dome at INL with DOE authorization as part of that 3 process.

4 As part of the DOE authorization process 5 and the development of those application documents, 6 we're engaging with DOE and INL team and NRIC team to 7 make sure that there is, you know, access, availability 8 for both U.S. NRC and CNSC in Canada to be apprised 9 of what's going on with that test facility and making 10 sure also through our integrated test plan that we're 11 capturing through preapplication engagements, you 12 know, that this test amongst the suite of the rest of 13 our tests are going to accomplish the full gamut of 14 what's needed for licensing for eVinci micro reactor 15 in both countries.

16 So, yes, the allowance is there and that 17 coordination has been going on.

18 MEMBER REMPE: Thank you.

19 MEMBER PETTI: Just a question, smaller 20 one. Will you have the capability to measure the 21 radioactive contents of the gas, the air?

22 MR. HALACKNA: So this is Joe Halackna.

23 So we'll -- I think we'll get into --

24 MEMBER PETTI: The helium that's in the 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

37 1 MR. HALACKNA: Within the core or within 2 the --

3 MEMBER PETTI: The core.

4 MR. HALACKNA: -- EBR-II dome?

5 MEMBER PETTI: No. Within the core.


7 MEMBER PETTI: The helium. I'm just 8 talking about the fuel, okay? HEI program, the EPRI 9 topical, fuel never went beyond two years of radiation.

10 You know, eight years is a long time. you're running 11 it at a derated power relative to that.

12 You know, my personal opinion is that it's 13 probably going to survive. The problem is, there's 14 no data behind that. That's just sort of an educated 15 guess. And there's enough bad data historically that 16 could scare people who don't, you know, appreciate the 17 full landscape of TRISO fuel. And so one way to do 18 that is if you monitor the content of the helium, if 19 you feel particles, you'll know. You'll see increases 20 in noble gases.

21 And it's not a difficult thing, but it's 22 just something that if you have it, it provides some 23 assurance.

24 MR. HALACKNA: Yeah. So I think we 25 understand the comment in particular, and I think in NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

38 1 a closed session we'll have some slides that address 2 that question. Yeah.

3 MR. SCHOEDEL: This is Anthony Schoedel 4 with Westinghouse licensing. So this slide -- Joe has 5 done a good job at explaining, you know, what are some 6 of the different aspects of eVinci micro reactor and 7 maybe what's new and novel about it. This slide is 8 a great representation of maybe the full picture or, 9 you know, beginning to end on what is -- what's new 10 with eVinci, particularly around how it's deployed, 11 right, and how is it brought to market and operating, 12 right?

13 So you kind of work these in order, you 14 know, left to right, one through eight. But starting 15 with item 1 there, that's the test reactor that we were 16 just discussing, really. So what we're trying to show 17 here on this slide is you pick up with what we would 18 consider our pinnacle or the final integrated nuclear 19 test for eVinci micro reactor that supports the design 20 certification. Right?

21 So when we say, in step 2, eVinci licensing 22 approval, what we're really talking about there is, 23 you know, we have submitted a design certification 24 application under Part 52, and we're going to close 25 out any analysis, testing, and V&V ultimately to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

39 1 complete that application and get certification.

2 That transitions, then, into the dotted 3 line or the dotted box area where we really focus on, 4 how is eVinci manufactured and delivered and brought 5 into -- brought into fruition, right?

6 So Joe has talked about, you know, this 7 is going to be assembled, manufactured, fueled, and 8 then transported to the operating site. So you see 9 that in items 3, 4. Primarily, you can transport this 10 via rail, barge, or truck.

11 It will operate, then, for a period of, 12 you know, the design lifetime. We'll say eight years 13 of effective full power lifetime, with remote 14 monitoring capability. I would like to differentiate 15 that that's remote monitoring and not remote operation 16 or control, right? So it's remote monitoring 17 capability.

18 And then, finally, on the back end is, you 19 know, we -- we're not going to deal with onsite handling 20 of spent fuel. We're not going to do onsite refueling 21 as part of this vision and the strategy. It's going 22 to be taken away in the transportation canister that 23 Joe talked on earlier. That canister would be designed 24 for the limiting case, being the spent case after 25 operation, and then it's taken back to an interim NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

40 1 storage facility where it would -- it would reside until 2 deep geologic disposal is available.

3 So that's soup to nuts how eVinci is tested, 4 made, and delivered. So any questions on this before 5 the next slide?

6 MEMBER HALNON: Yeah. You mentioned and 7 emphasized remote monitoring, remote operation. Joe, 8 you mentioned autonomous operation. I assume that in 9 closed session we're going to get -- talk about the 10 difference between those two and the nuclear battery 11 versus the nuclear reactor.

12 MR. HALACKNA: Yeah. And those are two 13 separate systems in that sense, too.

14 MEMBER HALNON: Yeah. So let's not -- I 15 want to make sure we understand the role of the operator 16 on this thing.

17 MEMBER PETTI: So just a question on the 18 defueling. If you -- how long is the coil again, 19 axially?

20 MR. HALACKNA: Approximately 10 feet.

21 MEMBER PETTI: The defueling machine is 22 not something to overlook. Okay? You know, the one 23 that we use in Fort St. Vrain is long gone. That was 24 on top vertical. Horizontal defueling is going to be 25 a challenge.


41 1 MR. HALACKNA: So Joe Halackna, 2 Westinghouse. I'll just say that is one of the things 3 we have already been working on is cooling associated 4 with all of this deployment model. We have several 5 demonstrations underway to demonstrate that exact 6 process.

7 MR. SCHOEDEL: Thanks. Anthony Schoedel 8 with Westinghouse. So we've talked a number of times 9 here in the discussion about the preapplication 10 engagement. So a lot of thanks to Mr. Wentzel and NRR, 11 NMSS, over the past year plus. We're supporting a 12 volume of White Papers that -- in the Westinghouse 13 design and engineering and licensing team have put 14 together referencing the White Paper that Mr. Wentzel 15 talked about at his opening remarks, and the value of 16 preapplication engagement really as we go through 17 design development, and in the early stages of licensing 18 this new -- this new micro reactor technology.

19 So you see here, you know, that we listed 20 the 24 that have been submitted between 2021 and 2022.

21 Those are available, you know, for NRC staff and 22 through ADAMS. We've had a number of dialogues with 23 them on, you know, I'll call it like post-submittal 24 discussions where we've solicited, you know, 25 observations and feedback, making sure we clearly NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

42 1 understand, you know, where we need to, you know, 2 continue to progress in some of -- some of the more 3 challenging issues on the eVinci deployment.

4 And that's being taken back and funneled 5 into our design organization and making sure that the 6 feedback and the observations are being captured and 7 informing the design development to set up a smooth 8 and streamlined license application process, like Mr.

9 Wentzel indicated, from the staff's White Paper.

10 You can see there is more coming in 2023, 11 and these White Papers then are a stepping stone to 12 more formal submittals, topical reports, coming in 2023 13 and beyond, and then setting up the design cert 14 application, like Joe said, end of '24, early 2025.

15 So we'll have some more discussion 16 specifically around topical reports and some of the 17 other licensing strategy in the closed session of the 18 discussion, but I just wanted to highlight the good 19 engagements and the robustness of the preapplication 20 from this Westinghouse team to date.

21 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: I wanted to make a 22 comment, not a question, about -- I like that number 23 30, cybersecurity, that you are thinking about it before 24 you start, because if you follow the news, I mean, if 25 -- what I get in -- you had to scale to this because NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

43 1 you didn't know enough. You're talking about more 2 monitoring, autonomous operation. Cybersecurity is 3 number one.

4 MEMBER HALNON: So, you guys, this is 5 great. You've got a lot of good information there.

6 If we wanted to look at those, would they reflect a 7 revision to the NRC comments you have had during your 8 interaction, or is that going to be reflected in the 9 topical reports down the road?

10 MR. SCHOEDEL: Yes. So Anthony Schoedel, 11 Westinghouse licensing. So these are the submittals 12 themselves. They will not reflect any revision from 13 NRC comments and feedback. The reflection of that is 14 going to go directly into either the follow-on topical 15 reports themselves or directly into the license 16 applications.

17 MEMBER HALNON: Okay. So if we wanted to 18 get like the picture of number 15, EPZ Sizing 19 Methodology -- no specific reason why I chose that --

20 but is there a record of the NRC comments back and forth 21 between you all? Is it, you know --

22 MR. SCHOEDEL: Yes. Great question.

23 Anthony Schoedel, Westinghouse licensing. So that --

24 there is a record. Westinghouse has a preapplication 25 docket with NRC, and that's available on NRC's website.


44 1 And every paper that Westinghouse has submitted and 2 the NRC written feedback provided back to Westinghouse 3 is available with an added succession number.

4 Largely, the contents are proprietary, so 5 the links will take you to, you know, those statements.

6 But they are available on ADAMS.

7 MEMBER HALNON: All right. So if we have 8 a specific issue with one of them, we can certainly 9 run that around pretty easily. All right. Thank you.

10 MR. SHAQQO: Greg, we have them all 11 uploaded on SharePoint.

12 MEMBER HALNON: All the record is? Both 13 the White Paper and the NRC comments?

14 MR. SHAQQO: Yes.

15 MEMBER HALNON: Okay. Good.

16 MR. SHAQQO: Thanks to Donna.

17 MEMBER HALNON: Thank you.

18 MEMBER BROWN: Can you go back to your 19 slide 11?


21 MEMBER BROWN: Next previous one, the one 22 on NTR. Yeah. The one before that, excuse me. Yeah.

23 Looking at that last block it says design 24 fully received, regulatory licensing approval. Is 25 that for installing in some remote mining location or NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

45 1 is that the NTR design? I mean, that's '27, so that's 2 three and a half years from now, or four years.

3 MR. SCHOEDEL: Yeah. So Anthony 4 Schoedel, Westinghouse licensing. That's primarily 5 referring to the design certification application.

6 MEMBER BROWN: So installing -- it's 7 commercial unit delivery and operation --

8 MR. SCHOEDEL: Right. That's --

9 MEMBER BROWN: It would be pretty helpful 10 if I had my mic on. I apologize for that.

11 MR. SCHOEDEL: So that would be covered 12 by the plusses you indicated, but the initial -- the 13 initial approval here would be the design cert 14 application. So it sets up the rest of the dotted line 15 deployment model licensing activities.

16 MEMBER BROWN: So that's done in '27 or 17 so.

18 MR. SCHOEDEL: Right. The vision is 19 starting to submit the design cert application in the 20 end of '24, early '25 timeframe, like we've discussed.

21 And then there is a -- you know, a multi-year review 22 period there consistent with what Mr. Wentzel said in 23 his remarks, and that all builds off of the White Paper 24 engagement, the topical reports that we're going to 25 talk to in the closed session, too, a bit, and you're NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

46 1 taking the feedback, you're making sure that the license 2 application builds off of this engagement.

3 MEMBER BROWN: Okay. Thank you. Just 4 trying to connect the dots between the words and the 5 box. That's all.

6 MEMBER MARCH-LEUBA: Yeah. But doing 7 some advertising here. As opposed to light water --

8 larger light water reactors, you would expect 9 construction of one such facility to be in months, not 10 weeks, timeframe, right?

11 MR. SCHOEDEL: Correct.

12 MEMBER BALLINGER: I tried to go through 13 all of these documents, and there are so many of them 14 I'm sure I missed some. Probably missed a lot. But 15 if you ship one of these things up to Timmons, who owns 16 the license, the customer or you?

17 MR. SCHOEDEL: Anthony Schoedel with 18 Westinghouse licensing. So I think that's something 19 that we will be giving some more detail when we get 20 into the closed session. But there is going to be 21 handshakes and license transfers as part of the 22 deployment model.

23 MR. HALACKNA: Yeah. So Joe Halackna, 24 Westinghouse. So, again, to really deliver this 25 technology right, you need partners. We couldn't do NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

47 1 this simply by ourselves, whether it's the NTR 2 delivering out at Idaho National Lab.

3 We do have some early adopters that we're 4 working with, including Penn State and Saskatchewan 5 Research Council, design partners, highly leveraged, 6 again, our partner, Brayton Energy, in terms of 7 delivering this power conversion system, which is, 8 obviously, different than a lot of the light water 9 reactor technologies on secondary side there.

10 And, again, all of the national labs that 11 have contributed to a number of the different materials, 12 heat pipes, fuel, all of the different things that would 13 have made up this micro reactor, and, again, a lot of 14 the material that development for our high temperature 15 regime that we're operating in.

16 So you can see a number of our partners 17 on the screen there that we've been very successful 18 in working with in order to deliver this very important 19 technology and product.

20 MEMBER BALLINGER: Have you actually 21 visited Brayton Energy?



24 MR. HALACKNA: Yes. Sorry?

25 MEMBER BALLINGER: The seafood is nice.


48 1 MR. HALACKNA: All right. Yeah. So I 2 think we just want to close out with saying, again, 3 thank you. This is -- for the opportunity today to 4 present the work we've been doing in the preapplication 5 phase with the NRC.

6 We've had -- it has been a great opportunity 7 to collaborate and work with them at this phase of where 8 we are, and we look forward to, again, progressing this 9 design, and ultimately working through the licensing 10 process.

11 Anthony, any --

12 MR. SCHOEDEL: No. Just, again, thank you 13 to Mr. Chairman, to the ACRS Committee here for taking 14 the time today, and thank you to NRC for the dialogue.

15 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Okay. Well, thank you, 16 Joseph and Anthony. And thanks for your comments.

17 Members, further questions for this 18 session?

19 To our members out there, Vesna and Vicki, 20 and our consultants?


22 This is Vesna. In this -- the White Paper schedule 23 that is -- the four or five of them coming in March, 24 I just want to check with Chris, will they be made 25 available for us immediately when they receive them NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

49 1 in March?

2 MR. BROWN: I'm going to ask Donna to 3 comment on that. Donna Williams.

4 MS. WILLIAMS: Yes. We can certainly 5 share the incoming White Papers and then our feedback 6 once it's issued.

7 MEMBER DIMITRIJEVIC: All right. Thank 8 you.

9 So just what are coming on the PRA, you 10 know, programs and schedules, so I'm looking forward 11 to see that.

12 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Thank you, Vesna.

13 Others?

14 If we have no further comments, then we 15 need to turn to the public. And at this time, if there 16 are any members on the line or in the room here who 17 wish to make a comment, please identify yourself, and 18 affiliation if appropriate, and please make your 19 comment.

20 Using a long pause of 15 seconds, but I'm 21 not hearing anyone out there wishing to make a comment.

22 Okay. With that, we will close this open 23 session and return on a closed Teams link. We will 24 take time for Chris, our Designated Federal Official, 25 and NRC staff -- I think Donna Crawford -- to help with NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

50 1 Westinghouse's assistance -- I think that's you, 2 Anthony -- to check who is on the closed session.

3 So we will -- to allow time to do that, 4 I think we should take a 15-minute break, and we will 5 return at --


7 CHAIR KIRCHNER: No, that's not enough.


9 CHAIR KIRCHNER: No. Let us return at 10 2:20 Eastern Time.

11 Thank you for all that help. We will 12 reconvene at 2:20. Thank you.

13 (Whereupon, the above-entitled matter went 14 off the record at 1:55 p.m.)

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 EVR_LTR_230041 Enclosure 2 WAAP-12580, Revision 0 eVinci Microreactor Overview - Non-Proprietary Open Presentation (Non-Proprietary)

Westinghouse Electric Company 1000 Westinghouse Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066

© 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved

eVinci Microreactor TM The eVinci microreactor is a next-generation energy source for delivering clean & reliable energy for the 21st century Design & Development Program Joseph Halackna, Deputy Director Alex Harkness, Chief Engineer Anthony Schoedel, Advanced Reactor Licensing Manager eVinci and AP1000 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, its affiliates and/or its subsidiaries in the United States of America and may be registered in other countries throughout the world. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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Agenda February 28, 2023

  • New Nuclear Market & Applications
  • Heat Pipes & eVinci Microreactor
  • Development History
  • Deployment Vision
  • Design Attributes
  • Transportable Nuclear Battery
  • Technology Timeline
  • Nuclear Test Reactor for eVinci Microreactor
  • Deployment Model with Current Regulations
  • Current Status on Pre-licensing with US NRC Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The Market and Applications for New Nuclear Clean, Carbon-Free Energy Solutions and Energy Security are Driving New Nuclear Demand Remote Industrial District Mining Process Heating Operations Heat Space Remote Hydrogen Maritime Communities Generation Critical Infrastructure Disaster Research Installations Relief Reactors Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

eVinci Microreactor:

The Real Nuclear Battery Heat Pipes: Batteries as we all know them are pretty simple An Innovative, Elegant Game Changer devices, requiring no moving parts to discharge their energy, powering a multitude of everyday devices for various lengths of time.

Heat pipe technology shouldnt be new to you. Chances are youve carried heat pipes around with you for years as heat- What if we applied that concept to nuclear energy?

spread devices in your mobile phone or other electronics.

Thats what Westinghouse has achieved with the eVinci Heat pipe technology has been applied for the past 50 to 60 microreactor: a nuclear battery.

years with millions of operating hours in industries that need Like a battery, the eVinci microreactor has a simple design passive and simple designs. Westinghouse engineers have taken with no moving parts or pumps for coolant. Like a battery, that concept and applied it to nuclear energy. the eVinci microreactor can supply its power 24/7/365. But unlike most batteries we know, the eVinci microreactor can What does that mean? do this without recharging (refueling) for eight years or Heat pipes enable high-temperature, passive-heat transfer, more.

eliminating the complexity of a forced-flow reactor coolant The game has changed.

system, so no pumps or valves needed. Operated by capillary forces, heat pipes eliminate the need for high-pressure operation.

Few moving parts and low pressures make heat pipe systems highly reliable while requiring very little maintenance.

In the end, thats the game-changer.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

eVinci Microreactor - Developed from Decades of Research Background & development to date

  • 1980s to 2000 - heat pipe reactors developed for space due to simplicity, small size & passive cooling
  • 2000 to 2015 - national laboratory led materials and reactor design development research
  • 2015 - Westinghouse began development of heat pipe & microreactor concepts
  • 2018 - DOE/NASA demonstration of 5kW heat pipe reactor (KRUSTY) & technology commercialization fund initiated between Westinghouse


  • 2020 - completed construction of eVinci test facility & manufactured first sodium heat pipe
  • 2021 - electrical demonstration of heat pipe core assembly at operating temperature
  • 2022 - material compatibility testing & conceptual design completed; technical white papers & first topical reports delivered to US NRC; produced first heat pipe for design of Nuclear Test Reactor (NTR) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Deployment Vision Nuclear battery designed for safe and reliable electricity and heat

  • 15 MWt reactor with 8+ year refuel cycle
  • Effective cogeneration nuclear battery
  • Transportable for ease of installation &

elimination of spent fuel storage on site

  • Cost-competitive plant lifecycle
  • Minimal onsite personnel for O&M
  • Mature technology, manufacturing, and regulatory readiness
  • High speed load following capability
  • Versatile and flexible open-air Brayton Enabling the power conversion
  • No onsite cooling water required
  • Enabler for the energy transi
  • tion Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The eVinci Microreactor Safety through passive heat pipe technology, enabling a very low-pressure reactor Heat Pipes Shielding &

Bulkhead Parameter eVinci Control Drums Power 15 MWt Fuel Cycle 8 years Fuel (Enrichment) TRISO (19.75%)

Coolant Heat Pipes Reactor Pressure ~1 atm Moderator Graphite Power Conversion Open-Air Brayton Efficiency 34%

Decay Heat Removal Radial Conduction Primary Heat Shut Down Rods Exchanger Radial Reflector Graphite Core Block Steel Canister Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Designed for Simplicity, Flexibility & Transportability The eVinci microreactor is a transportable nuclear battery with a simple design architecture enabled by passive, low pressure heat pipes

  • Fuel load before transport
  • Transported off-site for storage & decommissioning
  • Flexibly deployed Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

eVinci Microreactor - Technology Development & Timeline Leading the way in advanced reactor development and commercialization Technology

  • Conceptual design
  • NTR design for
  • NTR component
  • NTR assembly
  • Design complete Development complete procurement fabrication and operation
  • Receive regulatory and
  • Electrical
  • Integrated
  • Analysis code licensing approvals Manufacturing demonstration unit manufacturing and irradiation validation
  • Commercial unit operational demonstrations testing
  • Initiate eVinci Unit 1 delivery and operation
  • Initiated licensing and prototyping
  • Design for manufacturing engagement with US
  • Separate effect and value, manufacturing
  • 5 MWe non-nuclear and Canadian component testing & assembly power conversion regulators test 2021-2022 2023 2024 2025-2026 2027+

US NRC pre-licensing engagement Prepare & submit NRC review & approve design certification design license to NRC Licensing (Technical papers & Topical report submittals)

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) vendor design review Other countries licensing activities Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Nuclear Test Reactor for the eVinci Microreactor

  • 3 MWt Reactor System
  • Reactor system, reactivity control systems, heat exchanger, and targeted I&C Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

A New Deployment Model Within Current Regulations eVinci Microreactor Deployment 1 2 3 4 5 Assemble in factory Transport to site Install and operate at site Test reactor for safety eVinci licensing feature performance approval Primary demonstration reactor Test reactor - testing, data collection and analysis Replacement reactor 7 6 Refuel/refurbish Transport away from site Remote monitoring station 8

Limited site staff with remote Fuel storage facility or decommission Depleted reactor monitoring Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Licensing Progress with US NRC Current Status:

  1. Topic Submittal # Topic Submittal # Topic Submittal Wave Wave Wave 1 Facility Level Design Submitted - 1 13 Advanced Logic Submitted - 3 25 Inservice Inspection 5 (March 23)

Description System(ALS) v2 Program/Inservice Testing Program 2 Principal Design Criteria Submitted - 1 14 Component Qualification Submitted- 3 26 Post-Accident Monitoring System 5 (March 23) 3 Safety and Accident Submitted - 1 15 EPZ Sizing Methodology Submitted - 3 27 Equipment Qualification 5 (March 23)

Analysis Methodologies 4 LMP Implementation Submitted - 1 16 Physical Security Submitted - 3 28 PRA Program Strategy 5 (March 23) 5 Regulatory Analysis Submitted - 2 17 Heat Pipe Design, Submitted - 3 29 Fire Protection 5 (March 23)

Qualification, and Testing 6 Deployment Model Submitted - 2 18 Nuclear Design Submitted - 3 30 Cyber Security 5 (March 23) 7 Safeguards Information Plan Submitted - 2 19 U.S Transportation Strategy Submitted - 3 31 Radiation Protection and 6 (Q2 23)

Contamination Methodology 8 Test and Analysis Process Submitted - 2 20 Phenomena Identification and Submitted - 4 Ranking Table (PIRT) 9 Functional Containment and Submitted - 2 21 Integral Effects and Transient Submitted - 4 Mechanistic Source Term Testing 10 Composite Material Submitted - 2 22 Refueling and Submitted - 4 Qualification and Testing Decommissioning 11 Fuel Qualification and Submitted - 3 23 Seismic Methodology Submitted - 4 Testing 12 Code Qualification Submitted - 3 24 Operations and Remote Submitted - 4 Monitoring Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Partnerships and Customers Early Adopters

  • Penn State University - developing research reactor project
  • Saskatchewan Research Council - developing commercial reactor project Key Design and Development Partnerships
  • Brayton Energy - Power conversion system design
  • Aerojet Rocketdyne - Fission Surface Power
  • Penn State University - R&D support
  • MIT - Material irradiation testing Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Thank You! See our Navigator for more information on the eVinci microreactor and all Westinghouse technology

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Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 l © 2023 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

NRC Staff Pre-application Interactions on the eVinci Advanced Reactor Presentation to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards eVinci Subcommittee February 28, 2023 Donna Williams, Senior Project Manager Advanced Reactor Licensing Branch 1 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, US NRC

Background on Pre-application Interactions

  • NRC draft white paper Pre-application engagement to Optimize Advanced Reactor Application Reviews ML21145A106
  • NRC staff proposed a set of pre-application activities that, if fully executed, will enable staff to offer more predictable and shorter schedules and other benefits
  • Staff reviewed 24 white papers, and plan to review 7 more white papers and 15 topical reports
  • eVinci deployment model introduces policy issues that are under evaluation by the staff.