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Transcript of Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards - NuScale Design-Centered Subcommittee Meeting, February 15, 2023, Pages 1-47 (Open)
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/15/2023
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Download: ML23066A022 (1)


Official Transcript of Proceedings NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION


Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards NuScale Design-Centered Subcommittee Open Session Docket Number: (n/a)

Location: teleconference Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Work Order No.: NRC-2266 Pages 1-24 NEAL R. GROSS AND CO., INC.

Court Reporters and Transcribers 1716 14th Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20009 (202) 234-4433

1 1

2 3



10 11 The contents of this transcript of the 12 proceeding of the United States Nuclear Regulatory 13 Commission Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, 14 as reported herein, is a record of the discussions 15 recorded at the meeting.

16 17 This transcript has not been reviewed, 18 corrected, and edited, and it may contain 19 inaccuracies.


(202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701




9 WEDNESDAY 10 FEBRUARY 15, 2023 11 + + + + +

12 The Subcommittee met via Teleconference, 13 at 1:00 p.m. EST, Walter L. Kirchner, Chair, 14 presiding.







8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

3 1 P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S 2 1:00 p.m.

3 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Okay, let's begin, then.

4 This meeting will now come to order. This is a 5 meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor 6 Safeguards, NuScale Design-Centered Subcommittee.

7 I am Walt Kirchner, the Chair or lead 8 member for this meeting. Members in attendance today 9 are Ron Ballinger, Vicki Bier, Charles Brown, Vesna 10 Dimitrijevic, Greg Halnon, Jose March-Leuba, David 11 Petti, Joy Rempe, and Matt Sunseri. We also have our 12 consultants, Dennis Bley and Stephen Schultz, with us.

13 Mike Snodderly is the Designated Federal Official for 14 this meeting.

15 The Subcommittee will discuss NuScale's 16 standard design approval application for its updated 17 small modular reactor.

18 The ACRS was established by statute and is 19 governed by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, FACA.

20 The NRC implements FACA in accordance with its 21 regulations found in Title X of the Code of Federal 22 Regulations, Part 7.

23 The Committee can only speak through its 24 published letter reports. We hold meetings to gather 25 information and perform preparatory work that will NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

4 1 support our deliberations at a full Committee meeting.

2 The rules for participation in all ACRS 3 meetings were announced in the Federal Register on 4 June 13, 2019. The ACRS section of the U.S. NRC 5 public website provides our charter, bylaws, agendas, 6 letter reports, and full transcripts of all full and 7 Subcommittee meetings, including slides presented 8 there. The agenda for this meeting was posted there.

9 A portion of this meeting will be closed 10 to protect NuScale proprietary and export controlled 11 information to pursuant to 5 USC 552BC4.

12 As stated in the Federal Register notice 13 and in the public meeting notice posted to the 14 website, members of the public who desire to provide 15 written or oral input to the Subcommittee may do so, 16 and should contact the Designated Federal Official 17 five days prior to the meeting, as practicable.

18 The communications channel has been opened 19 to allow members of the public to monitor the open 20 portions of this meeting. The ACRS is now inviting 21 members of the public to use the MST link -- Teams 22 link to view slides and other discussion materials 23 during these open sessions. The MS Teams link 24 information was placed in the agenda on the ACRS 25 public website.


5 1 We received no written comments or 2 requests to make oral statements from members of the 3 public regarding today's session. Written comments 4 may be forwarded to Mike Snodderly, today's DFO.

5 There will be an opportunity for public 6 comment, and we have set aside 15 minutes on the 7 agenda after our open session for comments from 8 members of the public listening to this meeting.

9 A transcript of the open portions of the 10 meeting is being kept, and it is requested that 11 speakers identify themselves and speak with sufficient 12 clarity and volume so that they can be readily heard.

13 Additionally, participants should mute themselves when 14 not speaking.

15 And I see that we have a number of people 16 on the line. Please mute your phones if you're not 17 speaking.

18 We'll now proceed with the meeting, and I 19 call upon Tom Griffith of NuScale to begin today's 20 presentations.

21 And, Tom, before you begin, I just want to 22 say thank you to NuScale for this informational 23 briefing. And the floor is yours.

24 MR. GRIFFITH: Thank you. This is Thomas 25 Griffith from NuScale Power. I'm the acting licensing NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

6 1 manager for SDAA. I have with me Kristopher Cummings, 2 who is a licensing engineer 5 for NuScale, as well as 3 Brian Meadors, our chief licensing engineer.

4 Thank you for having us. This is an 5 opportunity for NuScale to provide an overview of the 6 submitted US460 standard design. In essence, this 7 presentation is a continuation of our June 22, 2022 8 meeting. And with that, I'll turn over the floor to 9 Kris Cummings to start the presentation.

10 PARTICIPANT: You need to turn your volume 11 down. Okay.

12 MR. CUMMINGS: Can you hear me?


14 MR. CUMMINGS: Great, thank you. And now 15 you can see me. Thank you.

16 So it's good to be here again in front of 17 the ACRS. And like Tom said, we're here to provide 18 additional details on the application that's been 19 submitted to the NRC for approval of the US460 design.

20 We gave you much information about the 21 design enhancements and improvements and additions 22 back in the June meeting. We are going to have a very 23 brief recap of that here in the open meeting, touch on 24 the technical and topical reports, and then we'll go 25 into more detail in the closed session about the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

7 1 technical and topical reports and various other areas.

2 I do want to recognize the support for the 3 Department of Energy for this particular project, both 4 the design certification and also the standard design 5 application. And also there's support for the UAMPS 6 project in Idaho for the building of the first NuScale 7 SMR. Next slide.

8 Before I get into the content, I also want 9 to acknowledge the participation in this meeting of 10 our customers. We have individuals from UAMPS, CFPP, 11 and our parent company, Fluor. For the purposes of 12 this meeting, they're basically observers for this 13 particular meeting, because we are focused on the 14 NuScale submittal of the US460. Next slide.

15 And, Mike, could you work to admit 16 additional NuScale people to the -- to the meeting, 17 please? That would be appreciated.

18 MR. SNODDERLY: Understood.

19 MR. CUMMINGS: So why are we here? And we 20 had a very similar slide in our --- in our meeting in 21 June. Again, we've gone through an optimization of 22 the NuScale design that was submitted and approved in 23 the DCA that will become effective here in about a 24 week that will allow for better -- better customer use 25 and deployment.


8 1 We pretty much maintained the approved 2 technical and licensing basis from the DCA while 3 maintaining the overall safety and risk profile.

4 From a high-level perspective, the design 5 changes were a redesign of the site layout for the --

6 for the six-module configuration in increased power 7 output on a per-module basis, with additional 8 optimization to ease manufacturing, maintenance, and 9 operation. Again, maintaining similar or improved 10 safety margins from what was in the DCA.

11 Just to go back to the DCA, the steam 12 generator was over-designed for the 160 megawatt 13 application. And really, we've taken another look at 14 that and determined ways that we can allow for 15 increased power output while maintaining the same 16 design limits.

17 We have performed additional testing and 18 we will get into some of that in the closed portion, 19 that has helped to validate the performance of the 20 increased power and design feature enhancements of the 21 NPM at that increased power level.

22 And then there were additional safety 23 features added. We touched on a lot of that in June, 24 and we will certainly touch on that in this 25 presentation today.


9 1 And, finally, we didn't talk about much 2 about PRA in June, but we will today in the closed 3 portion. But overall, we've reassessed the PRA within 4 the application and have been able to conclude that it 5 doesn't significantly alter the PRA risk insights from 6 the DCA, the design in the SPA doesn't significantly 7 impact that.

8 MEMBER REMPE: Kris, this is Joy.


10 MEMBER REMPE: In the open session, can 11 you state whether you went through and not only 12 reassessed the frequency part of the PRA, but also the 13 consequence part where appropriate. And you actually 14 went through and, for example, ran another MELCOR run 15 to look at in-vessel retention?

16 MR. CUMMINGS: Yeah, Joy, we've got all of 17 the PRA discussion in the closed portion for today's 18 meeting.

19 MEMBER REMPE: Okay, but in the open 20 session, can you say that you did reassess the 21 consequence? Or you can't even say that in the open 22 session?

23 MR. CUMMINGS: Yeah, we've really tried to 24 preserve the PRA discussion for the closed session 25 today.


10 1 MEMBER REMPE: Thank you.

2 MR. CUMMINGS: All right, next slide. So 3 I want to talk a little bit about the application 4 content. We talked about this in June, but I think 5 it's again important to reiterate, you know, what is 6 part of the scope of the SDA. Next slide.

7 So what we've done is basically 8 consolidated a bunch of the slides that we presented 9 in June to illustrate here with the gold and the green 10 one, differences from the DCA. So in particular, what 11 is and isn't required by the regulations to be part of 12 a standard design application versus a design 13 certification application.

14 And so for instance, in particular Part 15 Two, which is the tier one information, and Part 16 Three, the Environmental Report, while required by a 17 design certification, are not required as part of a 18 standard design approval, or standard design 19 application, excuse me. And so those are not included 20 as part of the SDAA that was submitted on December 31.

21 The green rows are essentially information 22 that while not required by a standard design 23 application, per the regulation subpart 10 CFR 52, 24 Subpart E, we have included this information for the 25 conveniences of future customers and applicants. In NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

11 1 particular, combined operating licensed applicants if 2 they chose to use the SDAA in their application.

3 And those two particular areas are the 4 technical specifications and then the license 5 conditions in ITAAC. And a lot of that is, well, 6 we've put them together for DCA and we could -- we 7 could leverage that work and provide that additional 8 information as part of the SDAA.

9 Any questions on that? All right, next 10 slide.

11 So, again, as I mentioned previously, 12 we're going to provide a brief overview of the design 13 changes, not to the same level of detail that we did 14 in June, but certainly just to familiarize everybody 15 with the overall design changes. So next slide.

16 As mentioned before, the big change here 17 is the change from a 12-module to a 6-module. And so 18 that needs to accommodate various design changes. In 19 particular, a smaller footprint. You've got less 20 modules so you've got less support. Information like 21 turbine generators needed. So that allows for us to 22 accommodate a reduced footprint with the overall plant 23 site.

24 One other change that we've -- that we've 25 included that we discussed back in June was the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

12 1 introduction of dry cooling via air-cooled condensers.

2 That is part of the standard plant design, that is 3 part of the SDA.

4 And, now, as you can see on the figure, we 5 have a single one-by-six turbine building that is to 6 the east of the reactor building. In the DCA we had 7 two turbine buildings, one to the north and one to the 8 south. So that's allowed, again, a consolidation of 9 the site.

10 And then there's various other conforming 11 site layouts, site layout changes that we -- that we 12 decided to implement to accommodate that reduced 13 footprint. Next slide.

14 All right, we've shown this again before 15 in June, but again, this is the reactor building 16 design changes. You can see it's a much more compact 17 reactor building, in large part because of the reduced 18 number of modules from 12 to 6. We have reclassified 19 the seismic classification of parts of the reactor 20 building. Some of the roof and floor slabs are SC2.

21 The details of that were provided in June in the 22 closed session.

23 We've also transitioned to a steel plate 24 composite wall from what was previously reinforced 25 concrete in the ECA. And that's supported by our NRC-NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

13 1 approved building design and analysis LTR, licensed 2 topical report.

3 We've also lowered the pool level, which 4 accommodates long-term cooling but still allows us to 5 maintain spent fuel pool and ECCS coverage during the 6 events that that's needed. It also allows us 7 additional room to rearrange the containment vessel 8 penetrations.

9 The similar reductions in the sizes and 10 quantities of the SSCs that are in the reactor 11 building, most of that's associated with the reduction 12 in the number of modules. And then there's also 13 conforming changes associated with the new design of 14 the building, in particular the reactor building crane 15 and the bioshield.

16 And with the bioshield, as we discussed 17 back in June, it's that basically because of the lower 18 water level, we've extended the bioshield. So now, as 19 in DCA, the bioshield extended down to the water 20 level. And again, we're doing that, it's just the 21 water level's lower.

22 And the finally we have COO items for the 23 spent fuel storage racks and the reactor flange tool.

24 Those are both areas that are not going to be the 25 responsibility of the COL applicant.


14 1 MEMBER PETTI: Just a question for 2 clarification. So the bioshield is actually deeper 3 than it was in the previous design.

4 MR. CUMMINGS: That is -- it's, yeah, 5 deeper, longer. There's you know --

6 MEMBER PETTI: Oh, okay, thank you.

7 MR. CUMMINGS: So that point where it 8 shows bio, biological shied, there was one panel, and 9 now there's two.

10 MEMBER PETTI: Thanks.

11 MEMBER BROWN: Could I ask a question?

12 Charlie Brown.

13 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Yeah, please.

14 MEMBER BROWN: Is the water level now 15 lower in the reactor pool building now that -- I'm 16 trying to remember whether it covered upper, closer up 17 to the top of the head or not.

18 MR. CUMMINGS: Yes, it did. So that the 19 reactor pool level was reduced by about 18, 19 feet.

20 MEMBER BROWN: Thank you. So you're 21 really using the bioshield then to pick up that 22 change, from a radiation standpoint?

23 MR. CUMMINGS: To ensure that we have a 24 similar level of radiation protection and dose rates 25 in the reactor building, yes, we want -- we did not NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

15 1 want to have a streaming path, you know, between the 2 water and, you know, not having a bioshield there. So 3 yes, that's for radiological protection.

4 MEMBER BROWN: Okay, thank you.

5 MR. CUMMINGS: All right, next slide. So 6 this is just an overview or an overhead view of the 7 reactor building. You can see in particular the 8 reactor building crane and its coverage. And then the 9 fuel handling equipment including the spent fuel pool, 10 the new fuel elevator, and the refueling machine.

11 There's also, you can see the locations 12 where the reactor vessel flange tool and the 13 containment vessel flange tool would be located, along 14 with the dry dock and the area where we allow the 15 module to be imported into the -- into the reactor 16 building. Next slide.

17 In terms of changes to the NuScale power 18 module itself, we've already mentioned the increased 19 power level. There's also additional conforming 20 changes with the associated pressures and temperature 21 changes associated with that power level increase. As 22 in the DCA, the NPM is safety-related and risk-23 significant.

24 And we have re-performed the safety 25 analysis in Chapter 15 of the SDAA to accommodate the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

16 1 increased power level and the various other design 2 changes that we've made.

3 We have made a material change in the 4 lower reactor vessel pressure from SA-508, low-alloy 5 stainless steel to FXM-19 austenitic stainless steel.

6 That's -- there's no expected radiation embrittlement 7 for that material. And allows us a removal of the 8 reactor pressure vessel surveillance program. We do 9 have some additional information on that in the 10 context of our technical reports in the closed 11 session.

12 And then we also have a material change 13 for the upper containment vessel from SA-508 low-alloy 14 stainless steel to F6NM martensitic stainless steel.

15 And that's to accommodate the higher design pressure 16 with the reduced wall thickness with -- because of the 17 stronger material properties associated with F6NM.

18 Next slide.

19 So this is a summary of the changes of the 20 module protection system set-points for design-basis 21 events. A couple that I want to point out here. So 22 on the table on the left, the last four columns, we've 23 talked about this back in June, but we've just 24 summarized.

25 We basically replaced the high CNV water NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

17 1 level and the low RCS pressure with the low RPV riser 2 level and low, low RPV riser level. And that's to 3 accommodate the changes in the ECCS design.

4 Essentially, it allows ECCS to get actuated prior to 5 uncovery of the riser holes.

6 The other one that I wanted to point out 7 that we haven't mentioned previously was the third --

8 the third row in the, again, the table on the left.

9 That's the high RCS average temperature. That's a new 10 set-point that we've added. And that's to accommodate 11 slow-moving reactivity events.

12 The table on the right is basically set-13 points that were in DCA that we have not modified, 14 either the set-point itself, or the level, the 15 particular value of that set-point. But you can see 16 there's some other changes in the values of the set-17 points.

18 And again, those are to accommodate the 19 changes in the design. Again, the power level and the 20 ECCS design.

21 MEMBER REMPE: So Kris, I looked ahead, 22 and the technical reports have -- the one on the 23 guided wave water level instrumentation for low 24 pressurizer pressure has not been submitted.

25 And I believe I asked this question NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

18 1 whenever we talked about the EPC report, and I was --

2 the status I guess I heard from NuScale is that no 3 additional work has been done in that development of 4 that sensor. Is that still a true statement, or are 5 you guys planning to submit this report? It's not 6 listed in your slides here.

7 MR. CUMMINGS: Yeah, we did not have any 8 update today on the sensor.

9 MEMBER REMPE: Are you planning to submit 10 that technical report as part of this SDA? Because I 11 looked ahead in the open slides and I did not see it 12 listed.

13 MR. CUMMINGS: Yeah, we just don't have an 14 update today on the -- on the sensor. But we'll take 15 that, know we took that action in June also, but 16 we'll follow up on that.

17 MEMBER REMPE: Okay, and you'll let us 18 know whether you're going to submit it on the docket 19 and to describe your progress in developing that 20 sensor.

21 MR. CUMMINGS: Yeah, we'll take an action.

22 MEMBER REMPE: Thank you.

23 MR. CUMMINGS: All right, next slide.

24 DR. BLEY: In the closed session, are you 25 going to address the bases for these changes in the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

19 1 set-points? I'm looking at the pressure ones 2 especially, or can you do that?

3 MR. CUMMINGS: Yeah, we can get into that, 4 yes.

5 DR. BLEY: Thanks.

6 MR. CUMMINGS: Okay, next slide. All 7 right, so this is really just a listing of the topical 8 reports. We've got a set of topical reports that have 9 already been approved by the NRC. Some of those were 10 either part of the DCA that didn't need to be 11 modified, or they're ones that were outside of the DCA 12 or SDA, things like control room staffing.

13 One that we have submitted as part of, 14 I'll say as part of the SDA was the Framatome Fuel 15 Methodologies applicability. That's now been 16 approved. That really was just to update and show 17 that those fuel methodologies from Framatome were 18 equally applicable to the -- to the increased power, 19 NuScale power module.

20 Currently under review by the NRC are the 21 critical heat flux statistical subchannel analysis 22 methodology and the rod ejection analysis. So we've 23 had good engagement with the NRC staff on those 24 particular topical reports. And those are in various 25 stages of review.


20 1 And then the other five topical reports, 2 those were submitted with the SDA application. And 3 those are currently under acceptance review the NRC 4 and are on a similar timetable to the SDA acceptance 5 review. Next slide. And next slide.

6 This is really a listing of the various 7 technical reports that we've either updated or are new 8 from DCA, listed by chapter in parenthesis. We'll be 9 going through more in more detail these technical 10 reports in the closed portion of the meeting.

11 All right, with that, that's the gist of 12 the presentation for the open session. But I'm open 13 to questions, and we can get the appropriate staff on 14 the line if need be.

15 MEMBER REMPE: So this is Joy, and I was 16 slow on the button. On the technical reports, I don't 17 believe, but Mike Snodderly can correct me, but I 18 don't think we've seen any of them. But we will as 19 part of our review be allowed to get access to all of 20 these technical process --

21 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Joy, this is Walt.


23 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Not to answer for Kris, 24 but a lot of these technical reports have been 25 included with the chapters that are part of the SDAA NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

21 1 application. So for example, I can tell you I've 2 looked at quite a few of these. The one on use of 3 austenitic stainless steel for the lower reactor 4 pressure vessel, you know, that was attached to, I 5 believe, Kris, that was attached to either Chapter 4 6 or 5.

7 MR. CUMMINGS: Chapter 5. So the 8 individual topical reports would have been submitted 9 or attached with the chapters as they were submitted.

10 MEMBER REMPE: So I'm interested in the 11 instrument set-point methodology technical report. Is 12 that attached to Chapter 7, for example?

13 MR. CUMMINGS: That's correct, yeah, 14 that's correct.

15 MEMBER REMPE: Thank you. Okay, I just, 16 I haven't gone through all the chapters yet, so thank 17 you.

18 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Okay, members, any other 19 questions of Kris at this point? Okay, I thank you, 20 Kris.

21 At this point, Mike, I think we turn to 22 the public for any comments. Is that correct?

23 MR. SNODDERLY: Yes, Walt.

24 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Okay, so members of the 25 public who are online, please unmute yourself, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

22 1 identify yourself, any affiliation as appropriate, and 2 make your comment.

3 I see Ed Lyman has his hand up. Why don't 4 we start with you, Ed.

5 DR. LYMAN: Yeah, thank you. Can you hear 6 me?

7 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Yes. Go ahead.

8 DR. LYMAN: Yes, Edwin Lyman from the 9 Union of Concerned Scientists. I would just like to 10 comment that I'm disappointed NuScale was unwilling to 11 answer the simple question about what's included in 12 its probabilistic risk assessment at this point.

13 It doesn't seem reasonable that they would 14 conceal that information from the public at this 15 point. And frankly, if this design is really safe, as 16 the company bills it to be, I don't know they are 17 trying to hide.

18 That's my comment. Thank you.

19 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Okay, thank you. Other 20 members of the public?

21 MS. FIELDS: This is Sarah Fields.

22 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Good afternoon, Sarah.

23 Go ahead.

24 MS. FIELDS: Obviously there's a lot of 25 conversation that's going to go on behind the fence.


23 1 And I wonder whether when those documents and -- that 2 are going to be discussed, like the PRA and PRA 3 information, are going to be made publicly available.

4 So that's my question.

5 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Okay. Thank you, Sarah.

6 Further comments?

7 MR. CUMMINGS: Hey, Walt, I just wanted --

8 I just wanted to mention that the information is in 9 the application itself. That is publicly available 10 information that can be gotten off of the NRC's 11 website.

12 We simply, for the purposes of this 13 meeting, in anticipation of getting into some of the 14 proprietary information that may be embedded in some 15 of our methodologies chose to have some of those 16 discussions in the closed session.

17 As we go through this review process, we 18 certainly will, I anticipate being back in front of 19 the ACRS, and some of those discussions will be more 20 open.

21 And but, you know, we're very sensitive to 22 the fact that right now we are in the pre-application 23 phase. The NRC is undergoing their application 24 review, their acceptance review, and so yeah, if 25 people are looking for more information, they can NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

24 1 certainly go look at what we've submitted on the 2 docket.

3 CHAIR KIRCHNER: Thank you for that, Kris.

4 Other public comments? Pausing a little bit longer 5 than usual because we have so many people on the Teams 6 meeting.

7 Okay, not hearing any further comments ,

8 that will conclude the open portion of our meeting 9 today. For those of you that have the invitation, 10 we'll leave this Teams meeting and rejoin on a 11 separate invitation on Teams.

12 Thank you for your presentations, Kris.

13 And with that, we'll close the open portion of this 14 meeting.

15 (Whereupon, the above-entitled matter 16 went off the record at 1:31 p.m.)

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STREET, N.W., SUITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309

LO-135022 February 14, 2023 Docket No.52-050 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738


NuScale Power, LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled US460 Design and SDAA Overview Update, PM-135236, Revision 0 (Open Session)

The purpose of this submittal is to provide presentation materials to the NRC for use during the upcoming Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) NuScale Subcommittee Meeting on February 15, 2023. The materials support NuScales presentation of the US460 design and overview of the NuScale Standard Design Approval Application.

The enclosure to this letter is the nonproprietary version of the presentation entitled US460 Design and SDAA Overview Update (Open Session).

This letter makes no regulatory commitments and no revisions to any existing regulatory commitments.

If you have any questions, please contact Thomas Griffith at 541-452-7813 or

Sincerely, Mark W. Shaver Acting Director, Regulatory Affairs NuScale Power, LLC Distribution: Michael Dudek, NRC Getachew Tesfaye, NRC Bruce Bavol, NRC Mike Snodderly, NRC


US460 Design and SDAA Overview Update, PM-135236, Revision 0 (Open Session)

NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Office 541.360.0500 Fax 541.207.3928



US460 Design and SDAA Overview Update , PM-135236, Revision 0 (Open Session)

NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Office 541.360.0500 Fax 541.207.3928

NuScale Nonproprietary 1

US460 Design and SDAA Overview Update ACRS Presentation (Open Session)

February 15th, 2023 Kristopher Cummings Licensing Engineer V Brian Meadors Chief Engineer, Regulatory Affairs Tom Griffith Licensing Manager, Acting - SDAA PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 2

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-NE0008928.

This presentation was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States (U.S.)

Government. Neither the U.S. Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the U.S. Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the U.S. Government or any agency thereof.

PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 3

Agenda - Open Portion

  • SDAA Content
  • US460 Design Overview
  • Topical and Technical reports PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 4

Why we are here and how did we get here?

  • The SDA submittal is an engineering optimization of the NuScale DCA to allow for better customer use and deployment. The SDA maintains the approved technical and licensing basis from the DCA while maintaining the overall safety and risk profile.

High Level Design Changes

  • Redesigned site layout to accommodate a 6 NPM configuration
  • NPM optimized for increased power output; ease of maintenance, manufacturing and operation while maintaining safety margins:

o Steam generator was over designed for 160MWth application (DCA) and allows for increased power output while maintaining design limits o Additional testing has been performed to validate performance of NPM engineered safety features at an increased power level o Additional engineered safety features added to eliminate certain events and simplify Chapter 15 analysis

  • Current evaluation of SDA design changes does not significantly alter the DCA PRA risk insights.

PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 5

Standard Design Approval (SDA) Application Content PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 6

SDA Application Content DESIGN CERTIFICATION SDAA - Required by Regulation SDAA - Needed to Include as Part of SDAA APPLICATION PART (10 CFR 52 subpart B) (10 CFR 52 subpart E) Support COL Submittal Transmittal Letter Yes Yes N/A Yes Part 1: General and Financial Information (financial info. Not required) (financial info. Not required) N/A Yes Part 2: Safety Analysis Report - Tier 1 Yes No No No Ch. 1 - Introduction Yes No No No Ch. 2 - Unit Specific SSCs Design Descriptions Yes No ITAAC Only ITAAC Only and ITAAC (see Part 08)

Ch. 3 - Shared SSCs and Non-SSCs Design Yes No ITAAC Only ITAAC Only Descriptions and ITAAC (see Part 08)

Ch. 4 - Interface Requirements Yes No No No Ch. 5 - Site Parameters Yes No No No (in FSAR Ch. 2)

Part 2: Safety Analysis Report - Tier 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Part 3: Environmental Report Yes No No No Part 4: Technical Specifications Yes No Yes Yes Part 5: Emergency Plans Optional (Limited Scope) Not in NuScale No No No DCA Part 6: Security Plans Optional (Limited Scope) Not in NuScale No No No DCA Part 7: Exemptions, Departures, and Variances Yes, if Applicable Yes, if Applicable N/A Yes - Exemptions Part 8: License Conditions; Inspections, Tests, Yes, (ITAAC only) NuScale DCA No Yes (only ITAAC) Yes (only ITAAC)

Analyses and Acceptance Criteria references Part 2 Tier 1 Part 9: Withheld Information Yes, NuScale DCA provides list of tables Yes N/A Yes and figures Part 10: Quality Assurance Program Description Yes, NuScale DCA references separate Yes Yes Yes topical report Part 11: Supplemental Information Yes, if applicable No No No (e.g., Limited Work Authorization) None for NuScale DCA Gold - differences from DCA Green - Included for COLA PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 7

US460 Design Changes PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 8

Site Design Changes

  • Reduced footprint Balance of Site Equipment
  • Dry cooling via air-cooled condensers Reactor Building
  • Single (1x6) turbine building Central Utilities Building o Rather than two (2x3) Control Building
  • Conforming site layout changes Annex Building Radwaste Building Turbine Building Onsite Warehouse Substation Transmission Air-cooled Condensers Towers PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 9

Biological Reactor RXB Design Changes Refueling Building Shield Machine Crane

  • Six modules o 2x3 configuration Ground
  • Reclassify seismic class of RXB Surface o Some floor and roof slabs are SC-II
  • Steel plate composite walls (from reinforced concrete) o Supported by the BDAM LTR
  • Lower Pool Level o Improves long term cooling, while still maintaining SFP and ECCS coverage. Allows room to re-arrange CNV penetrations.
  • Reduction in sizes and quantities of SSC in RXB Reactor Reactor Pool
  • Conforming changes - i.e., RBC, Bioshield Spent Fuel Vessel NuScale Containment Power Module Pool Flange Tool

NuScale Nonproprietary 10 Reactor Building Overhead View PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 11 NPM Design Changes

  • Increased Power Level (250MWth from 160MWth) steam line o Includes conforming changes (e.g., pressures, temperatures) feedwater line o Safety-related and risk significant containment vessel o Re-performing safety analyses in SDAA reactor vessel
  • Lower RPV material change from SA-508 low alloy SS to FXM-19 austenitic SS pressurizer o No expected radiation embrittlement, allows removal of the RPV support lug surveillance program steam generator
  • Upper CNV Material change from SA-508 low alloy SS to F6NM martensitic SS feedwater header o Stronger material allows for higher design pressure with reduced wall thickness and no need for cladding reactor core module support skirt PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 12 Module Protection System Setpoints for Design Basis Events Setpoints with Changes DCA SDAA Setpoints without Changes High Power (% RTP) [for <15% RTP] 25 High Power (% RTP) [for 15% RTP] 120 115 Source and Intermediate Range Log Power Rate 3 High RCS Hot Temperature (°F) 610 620 (decades per min)

High RCS Average Temperature (°F) N/A 555 High Power Rate (+/-% RTP per min) 15 High Source Range Count Rate (counts per sec) 5.0E+05 High Pressurizer Pressure (psia) 2000 2100 High Subcritical Multiplication 3.2 Low Pressurizer Pressure (psia) 1720 1850 High Containment Pressure (psia) 9.5 Low Low Pressurizer Pressure (psia) 1600 1200 High Pressurizer Level (%) 80 Low Low Pressurizer Level (%) 20 15 Low Pressurizer Level (%) 35 Low Low Main Steam Pressure (psia)* 20 High Main Steam Pressure (psia) 800 1200 Low Main Steam Pressure (psia)* 300 Low RCS Flow (ft3/sec) 1.7 1.0 High Main Steam Superheat (°F) 150 High CNV Water Level (inches) 240 - 264 N/A Low Main Steam Superheat (°F) 0 Low RCS Pressure (psia) 800 N/A Low Low RCS Flow (ft3/sec) 0 Low RPV Riser Level (inches) N/A 540 - 552 Low AC Voltage (seconds) 60 High Under-the-Bioshield Temperature (°F) 250 Low Low RPV Riser Level (inches) N/A 460 - 472

  • In SDAA, the setpoint bypass is changed from RTP=15% to Thot=500 °F PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 13 Topical Reports PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 14 SDAA Topical Reports

  • Approved Topical Reports
  • Acceptance Review ongoing o Nuclear Analysis Codes and Methods (NACM) o Quality Assurance Program Description (QAPD) o Highly Integrated Protection System (HIPS)

Platform o LOCA Analysis Methodology o Accident Source Term (AST) o Non-LOCA Analyses Methodology o Risk Significance Determination o Density Wave Oscillation (DWO) o Control Room Staffing o Extended Passive Cooling and Reactivity o Soil-Structure-Fluid Interaction Control o Building Design and Analysis Methodology (BDAM) o Framatome Fuel Methodologies Applicability o Evaluation Model for Stability Analyses

  • Under NRC review o Critical Heat Flux (CHF) o Statistical Subchannel Analysis Methodology o Rod-Ejection Analysis (REA)

PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 15 Technical Reports PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

NuScale Nonproprietary 16 SDAA Technical Reports (by Chapter)

  • Pipe Rupture Hazards (3)
  • Fluence Calculation Methodology and Results (5)
  • Containment Vessel Ultimate Pressure Integrity (3)
  • Containment Leakage Integrity Assurance (6)
  • US460 NPM Seismic Analysis (3)
  • Instrument Setpoint Methodology (7)
  • NuScale CVAP Analysis (3)
  • Effluent Release (GALE Replacement)

Methodology and results (11)

  • NuScale CVAP Measurement and Inspection Plan (3)
  • NuScale Design of Physical Security System (13)
  • Treatment of DC Power in Safety Analyses (15)
  • NuFuel-HTP2TM Fuel and CRA Designs (4)
  • US460 SDAA Technical Specification
  • Use of Austenitic Stainless Steel for NPM Lower Development (16)

Reactor Pressure Vessel (5)

  • Human Factor Engineering and Concept of
  • Pressure and Temperature Limits Methodology (5)

Operations (18) - 10 Technical Reports PM-135236 Rev. 0 Copyright © 2023 NuScale Power, LLC.

ACRS Open Meeting Attendance on the Afternoon of February 15, 2023 Full Name Michael Snodderly Larry Burkhart Thomas Dashiell James Cordes - Court Reporter Dave Petti Tammy Skov Gregory Halnon Derek Widmayer Ron Ballinger Vicki Bier Greg Myers (NuScale Licensing)

Walt Kirchner Erin Blumsack (NuScale)

Vesna Dimitrijevic Kevin Lynn (NuScale Licensing)

Gene Eckholt (NuScale Licensing)

Matt Sunseri Shandeth Walton Sarah Fields Scott Head Andrew Bowman (NuScale Power)

Cindy Williams (NuScale)

Stephanie Meyer - NuScale Joy Rempe Kris Cummings (NuScale)

Adam Stein (Breakthrough Institute)

J.J. Arthur (NuScale)

Jeff Luitjens (NuScale)

Meghan McCloskey (NuScale)

Stephanie Terwilliger (NuScale)

Wei Zhang (NuScale)

Sarah Turmero - NuScale Licensing Doug B (NuScale)

Sarah Bristol, NuScale Power Jana Bergman Dong Zheng Marissa Womble (CFPP)

Hiral Kadakia (NuScale)

Brian Wolf (NuScale)

John Volkoff Robert Gamble (NuScale)

Blake Bixenman (NuScale Licensing)

Sooyun Joh Daniel Diefendorf (NuScale)

Yeon Jong Yoo

Matt Featherston Jason Peyton (NuScale)

Rob Meyer (NuScale)

Augi Cardillo (NuScale)

Brian Meadors - NuScale Peter Subaiya (NuScale)

Mark Shaver John Fields Tom Case (NuScale)

Kyle Hoover (NuScale Power)

David Drucker Susan Baughn (NuScale)

Seth Robison (NuScale)

Shawn Hughes Larry Linik Allyson Callaway (NuScale, Fuels)

Angelo Stubbs Ken Rooks (NuScale)

Thomas Griffith (NuScale)

Andy Lingenfelter / NuScale NF Engineering Boyd, Michael Matthew Presson (TerraPower)

Bergman, Tom Omid Tabatabai Leigh Lloveras (Breakthrough Institute)

Joe Remic - NuScale Power Raul Hernandez Gus Farra Bruce Bavol Taylor Coddington (NuScale)

Bradley Brown Amanda Bode (NuScale)

Matt Salac (NuScale Power)

Jeff Ehlers (NuScale)

Ben Bristol (NuScale Power)

Keith Tetter Neil Sheehan Fehmida Mesania - NuScale Power Bill Acton (NuScale Power)

Samuel D'Amico (NuScale)

David Nold Josh Parker (NuScale Power)

Dennis Pereira Dennis Bley HQ Xu Gus Farra Jon Bristol (NuScale Power)

Gary Becker, NuScale Shanlai Lu

Alina Schiller Rani Franovich (Breakthrough Institute)

Shane Scanlon (NuScale)

Edwin Lyman Hannah Rooks (NuScale)

Stacy Joseph Marissa Womble (CFPP)

Maurice LaFountain Getachew Tesfaye Andrea Kock Jim Osborn (NuScale Licensing)