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Advanced Reactors GEIS Docs - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Advanced Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement Scoping Summary Report
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Issue date: 11/17/2020
Download: ML21224A293 (69)


From: Willingham, Laura Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 6:43 PM To: Cc: Olmstead, Joan; Talley, Sandra; Cushing, Jack


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Advanced Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement Scoping Summary Report Attachments: ANR GEIS Scoping Sum Rpt ML20269A317.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Mr. Koyiyumptewa, On April 30, 2020, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a Notice of Intent to Prepare an Advanced Nuclear Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement in the Federal Register (FR) (84 FR 62559). In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 51.26, the NRC conducted a scoping meeting to collect comments. The NRC staff also collected comments from the public via e-mail, standard mail, and

The NRC staff reviewed the transcripts from the public meeting and all comments received during the public scoping period, and identified individual comments. The NRC received approximately 3200 comment correspondence and approximately 110 unique comments. The NRC appreciates and thanks you for providing comments on the scope of the ANR GEIS. You will find a summary of the comments received and the staffs responses in the attached Scoping Summary Report.

On September 21, 2020 the Commission directed the staff to codify the findings of the ANR GEIS. The staff is currently assessing the impacts of adding rulemaking to the ANR GEIS effort and developing a revised schedule. Information on the NRCs rulemaking activities can be found at

Information on the ANR GEIS rulemaking will be added to this website in the near future.

Please direct any inquiries to Mr. Jack Cushing, Sr. Project Manager at 301-415-3835, or via email at or to Ms. Laura Willingham, Project Manager at 301-415-0857, or via email at

Thank you, Laura M. Willingham Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards Division of Rulemaking, Environmental, and Financial Support 301-741-1416

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Environmental Impact Statement Scoping Process Summary Report The Advanced Nuclear Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement Public Scoping Period September 2020 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, Maryland i

CONTENTS Section Page A. The Advanced Nuclear Reactor GEIS Public Scoping Period ............................................. 1 B. Public Comments and Responses ...................................................................................... 3 B.1 Comments Concerning the NEPA Process ............................................................... 3 B.1.1 Public Participation......................................................................................... 3 B.1.2 Additional Scoping ......................................................................................... 3 B.1.3 Rulemaking .................................................................................................... 3 B.1.4 Advanced Reactor Definition.......................................................................... 4 B.1.5 Scope of Analysis........................................................................................... 4 B.1.6 Supplemental EISs......................................................................................... 6 B.1.7 Tribal/Section 106 Consultation ..................................................................... 6 B.2 Comments Concerning the Plant Parameter Envelope and the Site Parameter Envelope .................................................................................................................... 6 B.2.1 PPE/SPE Performance-Based Approach ...................................................... 6 B.2.2 Project/Site Identification................................................................................ 7 B.2.3 Irreversible/Irretrievable Commitment of Resources ...................................... 7 B.3 Comments Concerning Hydrology ............................................................................. 8 B.4 Comments Concerning Socioeconomics ................................................................... 8 B.5 Comments Concerning Environmental Justice .......................................................... 9 B.6 Comments Concerning Historic and Cultural Resources........................................... 9 B.7 Comments Concerning Meteorology and Air Quality ............................................... 10 B.8 Comments Concerning Radiological Health ............................................................ 10 B.9 Comments Concerning Accidents............................................................................ 10 B.10 Comments Concerning the Uranium Fuel Cycle...................................................... 11 B.10.1 Fuel Cycle Impacts....................................................................................... 11 B.10.2 Spent Nuclear Fuel and Waste Disposal ..................................................... 11 B.10.3 Recycling Spent Nuclear Fuel ...................................................................... 11 B.11 Comments Concerning Transportation .................................................................... 11 B.12 Comments Concerning the Need for Power ............................................................ 12 B.13 Comments Concerning Alternative Energy Sources................................................ 12 B.14 General Comments in Support of the GEIS ............................................................. 13 B.15 General Comments in Support of Nuclear Power .................................................... 13 B.16 General Comments in Opposition to the ANR GEIS................................................ 14 B.17 General Comments in Opposition to Nuclear Power ............................................... 14 B.18 Comments Concerning Issues Outside Scope - Emergency Preparedness........... 15 B.19 Comments Concerning Miscellaneous Issues Outside Scope ................................ 15 ii

B.20 Comments Concerning Issues Outside Scope - NRC Oversight ............................ 16 B.21 Comments Concerning Issues Outside Scope - Safety .......................................... 16 C. List of Commenters ........................................................................................................... 17 D. References ........................................................................................................................ 61 iii

A. The Advanced Nuclear Reactor GEIS Public Scoping Period On November 15, 2019, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff issued a Federal Register notice (FRN) (84 FR 62559-TN6470) announcing an exploratory process and soliciting comments to determine the possibility of developing a Generic Environmental Impact Statement for licensing advanced nuclear reactors (ANR GEIS). The exploratory process included two public meetings, a comprehensive public workshop attended by multiple stakeholders, and a site visit to the Idaho National Laboratory, a location that is being contemplated for advanced reactors. As part of the exploratory process, the staff considered its experience with previous NRC GEISs that support power reactor license renewals (NRC 2013-TN2654), in situ uranium recovery facilities (NRC 2009-TN2559), and decommissioning (NRC 2002-TN665). During the exploratory process, the staff gathered information to determine whether developing an ANR GEIS to analyze the environmental impacts of both construction and operation of advanced reactors would improve the stability, effectiveness, and efficiency of the review process. The results of the exploratory process were documented in information paper, SECY-20-0020 (NRC 2020-TN6493), Results of Exploratory Process for Developing A Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction and Operation of Advanced Nuclear Reactors. In SECY 0020, the staff concluded that there was sufficient information for the staff to complete an ANR GEIS for small-scale advanced reactors that have the potential to generate up to approximately 30 megawatts thermal (MWt) per reactor with a correspondingly small environmental footprint.

The information paper also stated that the actual bounding thermal power level of the advanced reactor used in the ANR GEIS would be a topic for further engagement with external stakeholders during the scoping process for the ANR GEIS (NRC 2020-TN6493).

On April 30, 2020, the NRC issued an FRN informing the public of its intent to develop an ANR GEIS and to conduct a scoping process to gather information necessary to prepare an ANR GEIS for small-scale advanced nuclear reactors (85 FR 24040-TN6458). The NRC held a webinar on May 28, 2020 to receive comments from the public on the scope of the ANR GEIS (NRC 2020-TN6459).

The ANR GEIS scoping FRN stated that the NRC intended to develop a GEIS for advanced nuclear reactors that feature a small generating output and correspondingly small environmental footprint in order to streamline the environmental review process for future small-scale advanced reactor environmental reviews. Because small-scale advanced reactors are not specific to only one reactor design and could be sited anywhere in the United States that meets NRC siting requirements, the FRN also discussed how the NRC decided to pursue a technology-neutral approach using a plant parameter envelope (PPE). The PPE would consist of a table of bounding values or parameters for different reactor designs located on a site. In addition, a table of values representing the site parameter envelope (SPE) (e.g., size of site, quantity of water used, demographics) would be developed to describe the affected environment. The ANR GEIS would evaluate the impacts of a reactor that fits within the bounds of the PPE on a site that fits within the bounds of the SPE to determine the environmental impact.

An application that references the ANR GEIS would need to demonstrate that its project is bounded by the analysis in the ANR GEIS and that there is no significant new information that affects the evaluation. The application would also need to analyze the site-specific resource-1

related issues not resolved generically in the ANR GEIS. If the project is bounded by the ANR GEIS and there is no significant new information, the NRC would incorporate by reference the ANR GEIS in a supplemental environmental impact statement (EIS) and no further analysis would be needed for an issue that was resolved generically.

At the time of scoping, the NRC staff considered a small-scale advanced reactor as one having the potential to generate up to approximately 30 MWt per unit with a correspondingly small environmental footprint. Based on the comments received during scoping, the staff is expanding the use of performance-based plant parameters and assumptions that would reduce the reliance on a specified power level. Most resource areas do not need the power level to evaluate the impacts on the resource. For example, when evaluating water use, a performance-based parameter would be used to evaluate the advanced reactors water use versus water availability and performance assumptions; assumptions such as the advanced reactor would receive the required water permits from other agencies. A future advanced nuclear reactor application for an NRC license does not need to meet the assumptions and parameters for all the resource areas in order to incorporate by reference the ANR GEIS. The application can reference the resource areas that bound their application and then evaluate the resources areas that are not bounded.

During scoping the staff received comments concerning the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, the PPE and SPE, hydrology, socioeconomics, environmental justice, historic and cultural resources, climate change, radiological health, uranium fuel cycle, accidents, transportation of spent fuel, need for power, general comments in support of the ANR GEIS or nuclear power, general comments in opposition to the ANR GEIS or nuclear power, and comments concerning issues outside the scope of the ANR GEIS. Some comments suggested that the ANR GEIS be codified in an NRC rulemaking, similar to the codification of the findings in the NRC's License Renewal GEIS (NUREG-1437) (NRC 2013-TN2654). The Commission in SRM-20-0020, dated September 21, 2020, directed the staff to codify the results of the ANR GEIS (NRC 2020-TN6492).

The purpose of the scoping process is to help define the environmental issues to be discussed in an EIS. The NRC issues a scoping summary report to document the results of the scoping process, but if needed the appropriate NRC staff director may revise the determinations made during the scoping process, as appropriate, if substantial changes are made in the proposed action, or if significant new circumstances or information arise and bear on the proposed action or its impacts at any time prior to issuance of the draft EIS as stated in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 51.29(c) (TN250). The scoping summary report does not make the final determinations on what will be a generic issue or a site-specific issue; that determination will be made in the ANR GEIS.


B. Public Comments and Responses B.1 Comments Concerning the NEPA Process B.1.1 Public Participation Comment: A number of comments stressed the importance of and provided input on the public participation process associated with the ANR GEIS, including requests for early engagement of stakeholders and future outreach prior to publication of the draft ANR GEIS.

Comments: (1-3-3) (2-1) (3-5) (9-2) (9-14) (20-4) (94-2) (94-12)1 Response: The NRC agrees that public participation is critical to the NRCs NEPA process. The NRC staff strives to conduct effective, open, and transparent public engagement. The NRC is committed to ensuring that the public has robust and early opportunities for providing public input during the development of the ANR GEIS, consistent with Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) NEPA requirements in 40 CFR 1506.6 (TN4877) and NRC scoping requirements in 10 CFR Part 51 (TN250).

B.1.2 Additional Scoping Comment: One comment requested that if the NRC broadens the scope of the GEIS to encompass reactors larger than 30 MWt, as requested by many stakeholders, additional opportunities for comment on this revised scope should be provided.

Comment: (90-7)

Response: The NRC is evaluating the use of a broader technology-neutral, performance-based approach that would include any type of advanced reactor that fits within the bounds of the performance parameters and assumptions in the ANR GEIS. This approach would establish performance-based criteria based on the potential for adverse environmental impacts and would largely decouple the criteria from the power level and focus the analyses on impacts on resources. Therefore, a reactor of any size that meets the performance measures and assumptions for a specific resource area could use the ANR GEIS for that resource. This fact broadens the scope of the ANR GEIS to encompass analysis of certain environmental issues even for advanced reactors larger than 30 MWt. The public will have the opportunity to comment on this approach when the draft ANR GEIS is issued, consistent with the regulatory requirements in 10 CFR Part 51 (NRC 2020- TN250).

B.1.3 Rulemaking Comment: Some comments suggested that the ANR GEIS be codified in an NRC rulemaking, similar to the codification of the findings in the NRC's License Renewal GEIS (NUREG-1437)

(NRC 2013-TN2654). One comment also requested that the ANR GEIS should eliminate the opportunity for contested adjudicatory hearings on NEPA review issues.

1 Each comment correspondence submitted during the scoping period is reviewed and individual comments are numbered according to the commenter.


Comments: (1-8-1) (21-13) (3-15) (26-14)

Response: The staff in SECY-20-0020, Results of Exploratory Process For Developing A Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction and Operation of Advanced Nuclear Reactors (NRC 2020-TN6493) considered whether to conduct a rulemaking to codify the findings in the ANR GEIS and did not recommend rulemaking at that time. However, on September 21, 2020, the Commission directed the staff to conduct rulemaking for the ANR GEIS (NRC 2020- TN6492). Codifying the environmental findings in the ANR GEIS through a rulemaking would limit the potential issues that would be raised during the adjudicatory hearing process on advanced reactor applications.

B.1.4 Advanced Reactor Definition Comment: Certain comments requested clarification on the NRC's use of the term "advanced reactors."

Comments: (37-8) (91-2)

Response: The NRC will clarify the term advanced reactors in the ANR GEIS. Its definition will be informed by the one set forth in the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (aka NEIMA) (TN6469), which defines an advanced reactor as a nuclear fission or fusion reactor, including a prototype plant (as defined in Sections 50.2 [TN249] and 52.1 [TN251] of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on the date of enactment of this Act)), with significant improvements compared to commercial nuclear reactors under construction as of the date of enactment of this Act, including improvements such as A. additional inherent safety features; B. significantly lower levelized cost of electricity; C. lower waste yields; D. greater fuel utilization; E. enhanced reliability; F. increased proliferation resistance; G. increased thermal efficiency; or H. ability to integrate into electric and nonelectric applications.

B.1.5 Scope of Analysis Comment: Many comments supported the development of the ANR GEIS and made suggestions about sources of information that would be relevant to the generic analysis, including the License Renewal GEIS (NUREG-1437) (NRC 2013-TN2654) and the Clinch River early site permit (ESP) EIS (NRC 2019-TN6136), relevant law, and regulations, including Title 41 of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41) (TN6392) and Executive Order (EO) 13807 (82 FR 40463-TN6393), "Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects," and CEQ NEPA regulation updates (85 FR 43304-TN6485). Some comments suggested that compliance with applicable Federal, State, or local permits would necessarily mean that impacts associated with a given plant design would be small. Other comments stated that generic analysis of impacts of 4

advanced reactors is not possible, based upon the NRC's limited experience in regulating such reactors.

Comments: (1-4-3) (1-9-2) (1-9-3) (3-9) (3-10) (3-11) (3-12) (3-13) (3-14) (5-2) (5-3) (5-5) (5-6)

(8-1) (9-8) (9-10) (9-11) (15-4) (15-8) (21-3) (21-4) (21-7) (21-8) (21-10) (21-11) (26-3) (26-4)

(26-8) (26-9) (26-10) (26-11) (26-12) (26-13) (35-4) (37-10) (37-14) (37-16) (37-17) (37-20) (39-

5) (40-4) (48-1) (91-3) (93-1) (94-6) (94-11)

Response: In developing the ANR GEIS, the NRC is leveraging the substantial information and analyses, as well as various best practices and lessons learned, which it has developed from the licensing NRC has completed to date. For example, the staff plans to incorporate by reference specific analyses from the License Renewal GEIS (NUREG-1437) (NRC 2013-TN2654) for operational impacts and from recent new reactor EISs, where appropriate. The NRC recognizes the impacts of renewing the license for an operating reactor that has essentially become part of the environmental baseline can be different from the impacts of operating a new reactor in a setting with no history of nuclear plant operation. As discussed in SECY-20-0020 (NRC 2020-TN6493), the NRC staff concluded that there is sufficient information about advanced reactor technologies to support development of an effective ANR GEIS for small-scale reactors but noted that the power level would be discussed during scoping. Based on the comments received during scoping, the staff is expanding the use of performance-based plant parameters and assumptions that would reduce the reliance on a specified power level. The staff has experience using this approach in other licensing actions, such as ESPs. Most resource areas do not need the power level to evaluate the impacts on the resource. Therefore, an advanced reactor of any size that meets the performance measures and assumptions in the ANR GEIS can reference the ANR GEIS in an application. The NRC is also considering the implications of relatively new laws and regulations such as FAST-41 (TN6392), EO 13807 (82 FR 40463-TN6393), and CEQs NEPA regulation updates (85 FR 43304-TN6485).

The mere existence of compliance with Federal and State environmental permits does not necessarily ensure that adverse environmental impacts are not possible, that impacts can always be found to be small, or that NRC is not required to analyze such impacts. An example is included in footnote 3 to 10 CFR 51.71(d) (TN250), which states that "Compliance with the environmental quality standards and requirements of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act

[TN662] (imposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the states) is not a substitute for, and does not negate the requirement for NRC to weigh all environmental effects of the proposed action, including the degradation, if any, of water quality, and to consider alternatives to the proposed action that are available for reducing adverse effects." Therefore, the NRC staff will consider compliance with Federal and State environmental permits in addition to other considerations in reaching impact determinations for resources analyzed in the ANR GEIS.

In addition to the ANR GEIS, the NRC is pursuing several other ongoing staff efforts to streamline and clarify requirements associated with future environmental reviews. As part of these efforts, the NRC will consider all applicable laws, policy, and regulations; will incorporate applicable sources of information; and will attempt to identify criteria, best management practices, and measures that could reduce future site-specific environmental impacts.


B.1.6 Supplemental EISs Comment: One comment stated that multiple potential alternatives should be considered in the ANR GEIS and that the NRC should then determine which alternatives from the ANR GEIS should be discussed in the supplemental EIS. The comment provided the License Renewal GEIS (NUREG-1437) (NRC 2013-TN2654) as an example of such an analysis/approach.

Comment: (9-12)

Response: The staff was able to address energy alternatives in NUREG-1437 (NRC 2013-TN2654) because that GEIS was written for large light-water reactors (LLWRs) that were being used to generate electricity for the grid. But advanced reactors may be much smaller than the LLWRs and may be used for purposes other than supplying power to the grid. Because of these key differences, the staff cannot reach generic conclusions regarding energy alternatives in the ANR GEIS. However, the staff is developing a white paper that provides comparative information regarding the common energy alternatives, and this paper would be referenced in the ANR GEIS. NRC reviewers will be able to use this information (which will be updated periodically) when considering energy alternatives for supplemental EISs that reference the ANR GEIS. But the determination of the reasonable alternatives for an individual application will depend on the specifics of the project, including the purpose and need. For example, if the proposed action is a demonstration reactor, then none of the typical energy alternatives (e.g.,

natural gas, solar) would be reasonable alternatives.

B.1.7 Tribal/Section 106 Consultation Comment: Some comments requested that the NRC adhere to its responsibilities under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) (TN4157) Section 106 consultation process.

Comment: (4-1) (96-1) (96-3)

Response: As discussed in the Notice of Intent for the ANR GEIS (85 FR 24040-TN6458), the NRC will fulfill its responsibilities under NHPA Section 106 (TN4157) with regard to historic properties as part of the supplemental EIS for each application. Therefore, consultation required by the NHPA will be conducted during the site-specific review for each application and will not be part of the ANR GEIS.

B.2 Comments Concerning the PPE and the SPE B.2.1 PPE/SPE Performance-Based Approach Comment: Some comments requested that the NRC provide a justification for the values presented in the draft PPE and SPE presented at the public scoping meeting on May 28, 2020. Many of these comments generally requested that the NRC reconsider the 30 MWt bounding value in favor of a broader performance-based approach that could allow for larger reactors to benefit from the ANR GEIS analysis. Other comments stated that plant designs exceeding the ANR GEIS plant and site parameter values should be able to use the ANR GEIS analysis under various circumstances.


Comments: (1-2-1) (1-3-2) (1-4-2) (1-9-4) (3-6) (3-7) (7-1) (7-2) (7-3) (7-4) (7-5) (7-6) (9-4) (9-5)

(9-6) (9-7) (20-5) (21-2) (21-5) (21-6) (21-9) (21-12) (26-1) (31-2) (37-9) (91-5) (94-3) (94-5) (94-

9) (94-10)

Response: To the extent possible, the ANR GEIS will use a performance-based, technology-neutral approach to bound the generic impact analyses, which would largely decouple the criteria from the power level and focus the analyses on impacts on resources. The staff expects that the use of power level as a PPE criterion would be limited to resources/issues for which power level would need to be an input to the analysis (e.g., severe accident mitigation alternatives cost-benefit analysis). The staff is also considering adjusting the power level threshold value based upon comments received during the scoping process.

The intent of the ANR GEIS is to identify as many generic issues as possible and to provide generic analyses based on realistic assumptions, thereby streamlining subsequent site-specific project reviews. The NRC staff will develop performance-based parameters, assumptions, and mitigation measures that will maximize the usefulness of the generic impact analyses in the ANR GEIS for supplementals EISs for advanced reactor projects.

If power level is not used as the basis for an analysis for a given issue, then a reactor of any size could rely on the ANR GEIS for that issue, as long as the project meets the relevant performance-based assumptions and parameters used in the generic analysis. For example, the generic analyses for land use and water use would not rely on power level. Land use assumptions might include consistency with applicable zoning and land use plans and the absence of sensitive features such as wetlands and floodplains. Water use assumptions would be based on the amount of water used by the project versus the amount of water available.

B.2.2 Project/Site Identification Comment: Several comments requested information about specific advanced reactor projects and/or locations of sites being considered for siting of advanced reactor projects.

Comments: (1-1-1) (1-7-1) (1-10-1) (1-10-2) (92-4) (92-6)

Response: The ANR GEIS will not identify any specific projects or sites but will use a PPE and SPE that will allow the NRC staff to analyze generic impacts of advanced reactors. The proposed site locations for each project would be identified only when an application is received. When an application is submitted, the applicant would need to demonstrate that the proposed reactor and site fall within the relevant PPE and SPE for an issue in order to rely on the ANR GEISs generic analyses. If the relevant PPE and SPE assumptions are not met for an issue, then the applicant will need to provide information necessary for the staff to complete a site-specific analysis for inclusion in a supplemental EIS tiered from the ANR GEIS.

B.2.3 Irreversible/Irretrievable Commitment of Resources Comment: One comment stated that the NRC must address the irreversible and irretrievable commitment of strategic mineral resources that go into these reactors.


Comment: (42-1)

Response: The NRC will address generic impacts associated with advanced reactor construction and operation in the ANR GEIS, including irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources.

B.3 Comments Concerning Hydrology Comment: One comment requested additional information about the impacts on water use associated with advanced reactor development.

Comment: (15-6)

Response: The proposed ANR GEIS is being developed for a wide range of proposed reactor technologies using the PPE concept that has been previously applied to NRC ESP EISs. The ANR GEIS will use a reactor technology-neutral PPE approach to bound parameters of advanced reactor designs, including water use. To represent the range of potential sites where an advanced reactor falling within the PPE could be sited, the NRC is developing an SPE that will evaluate the amount of water being used versus a conservative estimation of the amount of water that is available (such as during low-flow periods for surface water resources) at the proposed site or within the region.

B.4 Comments Concerning Socioeconomics Comment: Some comments made observations regarding the nature of the socioeconomic impacts of operating reactors such as the beneficial impacts that are typical of nuclear power plants and the number and skill sets required for module removal at the end of the plant life.

Comments: (26-5) (92-8)

Response: Generic socioeconomic impacts will be discussed in Chapter 4 of the ANR GEIS and socioeconomic thresholds (e.g., workforce, demographics, traffic) will be identified. Subsequent site-specific socioeconomic analyses may be necessary and would be developed for the supplemental EIS once a site has been selected if the site is not bounded by the thresholds analyzed in the ANR GEIS. While the socioeconomic analysis is often the only place in an EIS where beneficial impacts can be determined, some categories of socioeconomic impacts are adverse, including the impacts on traffic and roads, and the crowding of public venues such as hospitals, schools, and recreation areas. The socioeconomic section in the ANR GEIS will also discuss the number of workers needed for the life of the plant and worker skill sets. All socioeconomic categories will be subjected to this socioeconomic threshold analysis to determine whether a future proposed project is at or below the socioeconomic threshold value in the ANR GEIS.


B.5 Comments Concerning Environmental Justice Comment: Several commenters expressed concern about the site-specific nature of environmental justice impacts expected from advanced reactor development.

Comments: (5-8) (35-5) (39-7) (40-6) (91-4)

Response: The NRC considers environmental justice issues in all licensing and regulatory actions per the Commissions Policy Statement on the Treatment of Environmental Justice Matters in NRC Regulatory and Licensing Actions (69 FR 52040-TN1009), which states The Commission is committed to the general goals set forth in EO 12898 [59 FR 7629-TN1450], and strives to meet those goals as part of its NEPA review process. Potential environmental justice impacts will be discussed in the ANR GEIS. However, because potential environmental justice communities cannot be identified prior to identifying a reactor site location, the NRC expects that this resource will likely be one that will need to be further addressed by an applicant in their application and by the staff in a supplemental EIS. As with socioeconomics, the staff will establish demographic threshold values for minority and low-income populations, above which a full analysis would need to be performed in the supplemental EIS for that application.

B.6 Comments Concerning Historic and Cultural Resources Comment: One commenter raised concerns regarding the inclusion of American Indian Tribal cultural resource concerns related to sacred and traditional land uses in the assumptions developed for the SPE, which would encourage applicants to engage Tribes early in the planning and siting process. The comment also recognizes that impacts on historic and cultural resources will be assessed through NHPA and NEPA review in site-specific supplements to the ANR GEIS.

Comment: (91-6)

Response: The NRC considers American Indian Tribal cultural resource concerns related to sacred and traditional land uses in all licensing and regulatory actions per the Commissions Tribal Policy Statement (82 FR 2402-TN5500), primarily by conducting site-specific environmental reviews and fulfilling its NHPA (TN4157) responsibilities for these actions. The NRC staff will include consideration of historic and cultural resources in the development of the ANR GEIS. However, because potential historic and cultural resources cannot be identified prior to identifying a reactor site location, the impacts on such resources would likely be a site-specific issue and would be analyzed in the supplemental EIS. The NRC staff also recognizes the importance of early engagement with American Indian Tribes per Section 106 of the NHPA.

The NRC staff will engage/consult with potentially affected American Indian Tribes during the development of site-specific supplements to the ANR GEIS. NRC Regulatory Guide 4.2, Revision 3 (NRC 2018-TN6006) encourages license applicants to engage with American Indian Tribes as they develop their applications. In addition, the NRC endorsed the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Industry Guideline for Effective Pre-application Interactions with Agencies Other than NRC During the Early Site Permit (NEI 10-7 Revision 1) (NEI 2013-TN2672), which encourages early interactions with Tribes by license applicants.


B.7 Comments Concerning Meteorology and Air Quality Comment: One comment notes the benefit advanced reactors would provide in the reduction of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. The other comment notes that advanced reactors cannot be deployed in time to reduce climate change impacts.

Comments: (5-9) (26-6)

Response: The GEIS will include a discussion regarding the emissions of greenhouse gases from proposed advanced reactors that could contribute to climate change. The one comment that refers to the potential benefits of avoiding greenhouse gas emissions in addressing climate change and that those benefits would not be realized due to the length of time needed to license and build advanced reactors is outside the scope of the ANR GEIS. Decisions regarding the length of time for deployment of advanced reactor designs are outside of NRC's purview.

B.8 Comments Concerning Radiological Health Comment: One comment asked about the communication infrastructure that would be required to monitor health during normal operations.

Comment: (92-2)

Response: Communication infrastructure is not within the scope of the ANR GEIS. Licensees will be required to meet the regulations for radiological dose to the public and for monitoring and reporting annual results. A discussion regarding radiological health impacts from proposed advanced reactors will be presented in Chapter 4 of the ANR GEIS and the staff will determine if the impacts can be addressed generically or would require a site-specific analysis in a supplemental EIS..

B.9 Comments Concerning Accidents Comment: The NRC received comments both supporting and refuting the assertion that small-scale reactors would be able to cause significant off-site radioactive releases. One comment stated that, due to the potential of deployment of multiple advanced reactor modules, if one module has to shut down due to an accident, then all modules would likely be affected as well.

Comments: (15-7) (5-4) (35-3) (39-4) (40-3)

Response: Any advanced reactor design must demonstrate that it can be constructed and operated in a manner that adequately protects human health and safety and meets the NRCs safety regulations in 10 CFR Part 50 (TN249) and Part 52 (TN251), which would include assessing the safety of multiple modules if they are present. The environmental impacts of postulated accidents will be discussed in Chapter 4 of the ANR GEIS and the staff will determine if the impacts can be addressed generically or would require a site-specific analysis in a supplemental EIS.


B.10 Comments Concerning the Uranium Fuel Cycle B.10.1 Fuel Cycle Impacts Comment: Several comments asked whether advanced reactor fuel cycle impacts would be included in the ANR GEIS and what advanced fuel types and sources would be included.

Comments: (1-4-4) (1-5-1) (1-9-6) (90-10)

Response: The NRC staff will discuss potential advanced nuclear fuel cycles in Chapter 4 of the ANR GEIS. The staff will address fuel cycle impacts and will determine if the impacts can be addressed generically or would require a site-specific analysis in a supplemental EIS.

B.10.2 Spent Nuclear Fuel and Waste Disposal Comment: Several comments express concerns about the plan for handling, transportation, and storage of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel from advanced reactors.

Comments: (1-5-2) (5-7) (48-4) (50-2) (51-1) (54-1) (60-2) (64-1) (73-1) (90-9) (91-1)

Response: The NRC staff will discuss the storage, transportation, and disposal of nuclear fuels and wastes in Chapter 4 of the ANR GEIS in the Fuel Cycle and Waste Management sections and the staff will determine if the impacts can be addressed generically or would require a site-specific analysis in a supplemental EIS.

B.10.3 Recycling Spent Nuclear Fuel Comment: One comment expressed the advantages of recycling spent nuclear fuel.

Comment: (94-8)

Response: The potential for environmental impacts from recycling, or reprocessing, of uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel was assessed in WASH-1248 (AEC 1974-TN23) for Table S-3 of 10 CFR 51.51 (TN250) and in Supplement 1 to WASH-1248 (NRC 1976-TN292).

Fuel recycling and reprocessing for advanced nuclear reactors will be discussed in Chapter 4 of the ANR GEIS and the staff will determine if the impacts can be addressed generically or would require a site-specific analysis in a supplemental EIS. While Federal policy no longer prohibits recycling (UPI 1981-TN6476; National Archives 1981-TN6484), there is no current plan to reprocess existing spent nuclear fuel from U.S. nuclear power plants.

B.11 Comments Concerning Transportation Comment: One comment stated that transportation of materials associated with the nuclear fuel cycle would increase spills, accidents, and environmental effects.

Comment: (90-11)

Response: Chapter 4 of the ANR GEIS will evaluate the impacts of the nuclear fuel cycle, including the transportation impacts associated with the nuclear fuel cycle. The NRC will 11

determine if these impacts can be addressed generically or would require a site-specific analysis in a supplemental EIS.

B.12 Comments Concerning the Need for Power Comment: Some comments questioned the need for a project "purpose and need" statement in the ANR GEIS given that individual license applicants would be required to assess and describe the purpose and need for their projects in site-specific license applications. Some comments stated that if a purpose and need statement is included in the ANR GEIS, it be defined broadly enough to include project purposes and needs other than power generation.

Comments: (1-6-1) (9-13) (94-7)

Response: Section 105(c)(6) of the Atomic Energy Act (TN663) states the Commission shall also consider, in determining whether the license should be issued or continued, such other factors, including the need for power in the affected area, as the Commission in its judgment deems necessary to protect the public interest. While the staff understands the commenters' concerns, the need for power analysis is a mandated part of the review. However, in its guidance, the staff has sought to mitigate the concerns stated in these comments. For example, ISG-027 (NRC 2014-TN3774) provides several means of demonstrating the need for power, including relying on a public utilities commission decision on the need for power. ISG-027 is applicable to environmental reviews associated with light water SMR designs, but aspects of the guidance can be applied to any advanced reactor.

Generic determination of the purpose and need for individual advanced reactor projects may not be amenable to the differing uses and functions that are possible with advanced reactor technologies. For a purpose and need other than generation of electricity, such as desalinating water, providing process heat, or providing power to a remote community (cogeneration), staff would also conduct a second needs analysis for the end product. Each purpose and need would be specific to the project and the analysis of the need would be conducted and discussed in the site-specific license application and in the supplemental EIS.

B.13 Comments Concerning Alternative Energy Sources Comment: Certain comments requested that the NRC consider realistic energy alternatives (especially when considering the costs of the energy source) to advanced reactors, while other comments recommended that the NRC invoke rulemaking authority to eliminate the requirement to analyze alternatives as a part of NRCs NEPA reviews.

Comments: (5-10) (26-7) (37-18) (37-19) (48-2) (56-3) (68-2) (70-1) (87-1)

Response: The NRC staff has identified the consideration of energy alternatives as an issue that is dependent on the purpose and need for the project and cannot be evaluated generically in the ANR GEIS but must be addressed in a supplemental EIS. A reasonable alternative is one that meets the purpose and need for the project. The ANR GEIS will provide examples of purpose and need statements and how they can affect the analysis of energy alternatives in the supplemental EIS. When the NRC staff prepares a supplemental EIS for an advanced reactor 12

application, it will consider energy alternatives that meet the purpose and need of the project. See footnote 4 to 10 CFR 51.71(f) (TN250), which states, "The consideration of reasonable alternatives to a proposed action involving nuclear power reactors (e.g., alternative energy sources) is intended to assist the NRC in meeting its NEPA obligations and does not preclude any State authority from making separate determinations with respect to these alternatives and in no way preempts, displaces, or affects the authority of States or other Federal agencies to address these issues."

B.14 General Comments in Support of the GEIS Comment: Several comments expressed support for the development of a GEIS for advanced nuclear reactors. Comments stated that developing an ANR GEIS would improve the efficiency of the environmental review process by avoiding or reducing the duplication of effort in the process and by focusing future environmental reviews on important environmental issues. Comments stated that a more efficient environmental review process would help speed the deployment of advanced reactors, which would improve the environment because advanced reactors are an alternative to energy production that uses fossil fuels.

Comments: (1-3-1) (1-4-1) (1-9-1) (3-2) (3-3) (3-4) (3-8) (9-1) (9-3) (9-9) (10-1) (11-1) (12-1)

(13-1) (13-3) (16-1) (17-1) (18-1) (19-1) (20-1) (20-3) (21-1) (22-1) (23-1) (25-1) (26-2) (27-1)

(30-1) (30-3) (31-4) (32-1) (33-1) (34-1) (37-1) (37-2) (37-5) (37-6) (37-7) (37-11) (37-12) (37-

13) (37-15) (37-21) (37-22) (38-1) (39-1) (39-2) (39-8) (40-1) (40-7) (76-1) (77-1) (78-1) (79-2)

(81-1) (87-2) (89-1) (89-3) (92-1) (94-1) (94-4) (94-13) (95-1)

Response: Based on its exploratory process, as documented in SECY-20-0020 (NRC 2020-TN6493), the NRC staff concluded that developing a GEIS for constructing and operating advanced reactors would improve the efficiency of the environmental review process and, further, would be consistent with the goals of Federal directives on streamlining environmental reviews (e.g., FAST-41 [TN6392]; EO 13807 [82 FR 40463-TN6393]). Staff concluded that environmental issues related to advanced reactors could be identified and categorized in the same manner as was done for license renewal of operating power reactors in 10 CFR Part 51 (TN250), Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions," Subpart A, "National Environmental Policy Act: Regulations Implementing Section 101(2)," Appendix B, "Environmental Effect of Renewing the Operating License of a Nuclear Power Plant."

Staff concluded that by identifying and categorizing potential issues, the ANR GEIS would enhance consistency across environmental reviews, further improving the overall efficiency of environmental reviews and helping to streamline the review process. Development of an ANR GEIS would avoid duplication of effort, because the staff would incorporate the ANR GEIS findings by reference into site-specific environmental reviews for advanced reactor license applications, as appropriate.

B.15 General Comments in Support of Nuclear Power Comment: Several comments expressed support for nuclear power. Some stated that nuclear power plants have operated safely in the United States for decades and have provided 13

communities with significant economic benefits. Others stated that nuclear power is the best source of baseload power generation for reducing the short-term air quality impacts and long-term climate impacts from burning fossil fuels.

Comments: (1-9-5) (12-2) (13-2) (16-2) (17-2) (18-2) (20-2) (23-2) (24-1) (25-2) (28-1) (29-1)

(29-2) (30-2) (30-4) (32-2) (34-2) (36-1) (37-3) (37-4) (38-2) (39-3) (39-6) (40-2) (40-5) (75-1)

(77-2) (79-1) (80-1) (82-1) (83-1) (84-1) (85-1) (86-1) (89-2)

Response: These comments offer general support for the generation of nuclear power but do not provide new information for an analysis of environmental impacts.

B.16 General Comments in Opposition to the ANR GEIS Comment: Several comments expressed opposition to the NRC's development of an ANR GEIS. Some comments questioned the availability of information about advanced reactor types and the technical basis for preparing the ANR GEIS, while others stated that any EIS for nuclear reactors should be site-specific. Some comments stated that the ANR GEIS would not adequately protect public health and safety and the environment.

Comments: (5-1) (5-11) (6-1) (6-2) (14-1) (14-3) (15-1) (15-2) (15-5) (15-10) (35-1) (35-2) (46-

1) (48-5) (50-1) (51-4) (52-1) (56-1) (56-4) (57-1) (58-1) (60-4) (62-1) (63-1) (70-2) (71-1) (90-2)

(90-8) (90-12)

Response: Based on its exploratory process as documented in SECY-20-0020 (NRC 2020-TN6493), the NRC staff concluded that there is sufficient information about advanced reactor technologies to support development of an effective ANR GEIS with a small environmental footprint. The staff considered previous NRC GEIS documents, such as the License Renewal GEIS (NUREG-1437) (NRC 2013-TN2654), and concluded that developing a GEIS for advanced reactors would help in the same way to streamline the environmental review process, consistent with the goals of recent Federal directives such as FAST-41 (TN6392) and EO 13807 (82 FR 40463-TN6393).

The staff will develop a technology-neutral set of parameters that bound the characteristics of anticipated advanced reactor designs to support useful generic analyses in the ANR GEIS. The proposed strategy will look at individual resource areas and use a performance-based approach to develop criteria that would envelope the greatest number of designs and still allow a generic conclusion for that resource. The staff would develop a site-specific supplemental EIS for any application for a specific reactor tiering off the ANR GEIS. Safety issues related to advanced reactors would be addressed in the site-specific Safety Analysis Reports prepared by NRC staff for individual license applications.

B.17 General Comments in Opposition to Nuclear Power Comment: Several comments expressed general opposition to nuclear power, especially when compared to alternative energy sources. Stated reasons for opposition included concerns about public health and safety associated with radiation exposure during normal operations and, especially, during accidents; the continued generation of radioactive waste and lack of a long-14

term storage or disposal facility; and the high economic cost of developing and decommissioning nuclear reactors.

Comments: (6-3) (14-2) (14-4) (15-3) (15-9) (41-1) (44-1) (44-2) (45-1) (47-1) (48-3) (49-1) (53-

1) (56-2) (59-1) (60-1) (60-3) (61-1) (66-1) (67-1) (68-1) (69-1) (72-1) (74-1) (88-1) (90-6)

Response: These comments express opposition to nuclear power development, but do not provide new information for an analysis of environmental impacts. The staff will discuss potential impacts on human health (both radiological and non-radiological), issues related to waste management (both radiological and non-radiological), potential impacts of both design-basis and severe accidents, and issues related to the transportation of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in the ANR GEIS. However, issues related to economic cost, safety, and emergency preparedness/response are beyond the scope of the ANR GEIS and would be addressed in subsequent site-specific environmental reviews or site-specific Safety Analysis Reports for each license application.

B.18 Comments Concerning Issues Outside Scope - Emergency Preparedness Comment: Two comments relate to the emergency planning process for advanced reactors, specifically the size of the emergency planning zone.

Comments: (31-1) (31-3)

Response: Emergency preparedness is a safety issue that is outside the scope of the NRC staffs environmental review. The NRC will conduct a safety review for each advanced reactor application. As part of the safety review, the NRC staff will determine, after consultation with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, whether the emergency plans submitted by the applicant are acceptable.

B.19 Comments Concerning Miscellaneous Issues Outside Scope Comment: Some comments expressed concern about the environmental and health impacts of uranium mining activities on Tribal lands, stated that the U.S. government should fund cleanup of all uranium mines on or near Tribal lands, that the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (TN6486) should apply to all future generations of Tribal members, and that the U.S.

Government should update the 1872 Mining Law (TN6487).

Comments: (53-2) (90-1) (90-3) (90-4) (90-5) (96-2)

Response: The comments discuss historic actions or decisions over which the NRC does not have regulatory authority. The NRC acknowledges the commenters concern about human health impacts associated with uranium mining and cleanup activities, but these comments are outside the scope of the ANR GEIS.


B.20 Comments Concerning Issues Outside Scope - NRC Oversight Comment: Several comments expressed concern about the NRC's commitment to the health and safety of the public in regulating the nuclear industry, while one comment suggested that a GEIS for advanced reactors is a regulatory process improvement.

Comments: (3-1) (43-1) (46-2) (55-1)

Response: The NRC takes seriously its responsibility under the Atomic Energy Act (TN663) to protect the health and safety of the public. More information about the NRC's roles and responsibilities is available on the NRC's website at While the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 previously defined a role for the Atomic Energy Commission in formulating a national energy policy, the Act, as amended in 1974 by the Energy Reorganization Act (TN4466), created the NRC from the Atomic Energy Commission's regulatory division to regulate the nuclear power industry. The Energy Reorganization Act segregated the Atomic Energy Commission's national policy role in the Energy Research and Development Administration, which later became the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The NRC has no role in promoting nuclear power. Rather, the Congress and the President establish the energy policy of the United States, and DOE implements that policy at the direction of the President. The NRC was created by Congress and designed so that it would not report to the same part of the government that was in charge of setting energy policy (any current Administration) (NRC 2019-TN6477).

B.21 Comments Concerning Issues Outside Scope - Safety Comment: Several comments expressed concern about the safety features of an advanced reactor.

Comments: (51-2) (51-3) (65-1) (92-3) (92-5) (92-7)

Response: It is the NRC's responsibility to protect the health and safety of the public when authorizing the civilian use of radioactive material. Because NEPA (TN661) does not include a safety review, the NRC has codified the regulations for preparing an EIS separately from the regulations for reviewing safety issues. The regulations governing the environmental review are set forth in 10 CFR Part 51 (TN250), Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions, and the regulations covering the safety review are set forth in 10 CFR Part 52 (TN251) Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants and 10 CFR Part 50 (TN249), "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities."


C. List of Commenters The following tables list the commenters and their comments received by the NRC. Table C-1 provides a list of commenters who provided unique comment submissions. Unique commenters are identified by name, affiliation (if stated), the comment correspondence identification (ID) number, and the Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) accession number of their comment correspondence. The form letters are included in Table C-1 and the commenter is noted as Multiple Commenters in the Commenter column. Table C-1 and Table C-3 list the names of commenters who submitted the form letters and the ADAMS accession number for their correspondence. The commenters who added unique content to the form letter are listed both in Table C-1 and either Table C-2 or Table C-3.

Table C-1 Individuals Providing Unique Comments during the Scoping Comment Period ADAMS Correspondence Comment Accession Commenter Affiliation (if stated) ID Source Number United States Nuclear Albright, Bud 94 Email ML20203M343 Industry Council Allen, Kyla 69 Email ML20179A072 Anonymous 87 Email ML20183A474 Anonymous 92 ML20189A569 Meeting Austgen, Kati Nuclear Energy Institute 1-4 ML20161A342 Transcript Ayres, Peter 64 Email ML20173A285 Banks, Wesley 54 Email ML20170B181 Bartol, Nick 65 Email ML20173A390 Barton, Greg 19 Email ML20183A005 Bender, Kae 63 Email ML20173A064 Bergel, Peter 46 Email ML20169A003 Bezansib, David 48 Email ML20169A164 Blomquist, Roger 33 Email ML20183A466 Boudart, Jan 15 Email ML20182A777 Britsch, Karl 22 Email ML20183A070 Cannara, Alexander 38 Email ML20184A094 Carasik, Lane 11 ML20182A722 Cassidy, T 57 Email ML20171A373 Crane, Kevin 36 Email ML20183A523 Dahlgren, Shelley 68 Email ML20179A054 Detering, Dietmar 34 Email ML20183A472 Devoe, Remy 10 ML20182A720 Drury, Kathleen 14 Email ML20182A774 Frechette, Allen &

79 Email ML20183A034 Carol 17

Table C-1 (contd)

ADAMS Correspondence Comment Accession Commenter Affiliation (if stated) ID Source Number Ginsburg, Claude 51 Email ML20170B102 Gintzler, Janice 41 Email ML20168B118 Girshick, Rachel 88 Email ML20171A672 Gloege, William 29 Email ML20183A426 Griffiths, Eddie 74 Email ML20181A479 Halzack, Dee 71 Email ML20179A141 Handler, Nicholas 25 Email ML20183A340 Hanson, Art 45 Email ML20168B315 Harris, Kurt 7 Email ML20169A365 Hastings, Peter Kairos Power 3 Email ML20154K705 Hastings, Peter Kairos Power 26 Email ML20183A359 Meeting Hastings, Peter Kairos Power 1-9 ML20161A342 Transcript Higgins, Dennis 86 Email ML20183A429 Hills, Zachary 78 Email ML20182A903 Hodgins, Jean 61 Email ML20172A816 Hoff, Heather 17 Email ML20182A880 Hopf, James 89 ML20189A564 Hughes, Elaine 72 Email ML20179A176 Hult, Philip 28 Email ML20183A415 Hunter, Diane Miami Tribe of Oklahoma 4 Email ML20155K862 Jaremko, Andrew 84 Email ML20183A342 Kahanak, Gary 82 Email ML20183A207 Meeting Karr, Harrison Navajo Nation 1-5 ML20161A342 Transcript Karr, Harrison Navajo Nation 90 ML20189A565 Kenges, Alibek 81 Email ML20183A074 King, Jeremy 32 Email ML20183A463 Kirsch, Steve 16 Email ML20182A856 Klopp, Chris 56 Email ML20171A336 Koyiyumptewa, Hopi Tribe 96 ML20241A144 Stewart Kronyak, Kyle 13 ML20182A724 Kubitz, Kermit 93 ML20189A570 Lane, Linda 55 Email ML20170B216 Lenk, Vivienne 62 Email ML20173A040 Union of Concerned Lyman, Ed 35 Email ML20183A475 Scientists Meeting Maples, Pam 1-7 ML20161A342 Transcript McClaughry, John 23 Email ML20183A093 18

Table C-1 (contd)

ADAMS Correspondence Comment Accession Commenter Affiliation (if stated) ID Source Number San Manuel Band of

McCleary, Mission Indians, 91 ML20189A568 Alexandra California McDonald, Richard 50 Email ML20170A250 McMurray, Nicholas ClearPath 9 ML20182A118 Meeting Merrifield, Jeffrey 1-3 ML20161A342 Transcript Meeting Merrifield, Jeffrey 1-6 ML20161A342 Transcript Merrifield, Jeffrey ClearPath 37 Email ML20183A526 Morris, Astrid 95 Email ML20204A836
Multiple, 40 Email ML20182A900 Commenters Multiple 5 Email ML20168B082 Commenters Multiple 39 Email ML20182A815 Commenters Nichol, Marcus R Nuclear Energy Institute 21 Email ML20183A009 Norris, J Michael U.S. Geological Survey 2 Email ML20132A287 Meeting O'Neill, Marty Nuclear Energy Institute 1-8 ML20161A342 Transcript Orgel, Vivi 59 Email ML20171A924 Pack, Marion 44 Email ML20168B292 Petruschke, Haans 77 Email ML20182A847 Poulos, Bonnie 53 Email ML20170B151 Prevost, Dylan 75 Email ML20182A816 Meeting Pritchett, David 1-1 ML20161A342 Transcript Ramsay, Rebecca 6 Email ML20168B327 Reyer, Thomas 58 Email ML20171A728 Reynolds, Patricia 43 Email ML20168B286 Riznic, Jovica 20 Email ML20183A458 Roberts, Curtis 27 Email ML20183A365 Roser, Nathan 83 Email ML20183A317 Rouran, Nicholas 12 ML20182A723 Ruopp, Kathy 67 Email ML20178A596 Sachs, Harvey 73 Email ML20179A179 Meeting Sanford, Monte Shoshone-Bannock Tribe 1-10 ML20161A342 Transcript Schue, Keith 30 Email ML20183A459 Scott, Chase 24 Email ML20183A336 Shaffer, Howard 31 Email ML20183A461 Meeting Shahrokhi, Farshid 1-2 ML20161A342 Transcript 19

Table C-1 (contd)

ADAMS Correspondence Comment Accession Commenter Affiliation (if stated) ID Source Number Snelgrove, Clark 80 Email ML20183A067 Stakenborghs, R J 20 Email ML20183A008 Stefenel, Rudy 18 Email ML20182A890 Stradtman, George 49 Email ML20169A484 Stuckey, Richard 52 Email ML20170B123 Tobin, Moriah 85 Email ML20183A343 Verchinski, Stephen 42 Email ML20168B217 Wallace, Erlynn 70 Email ML20179A125 Whitmire, Diane 66 Email ML20175A783 Williams, Stephen 76 Email ML20182A825 Zirtzman, Gina 60 Email ML20172A755 Zuckerman, Naomi 47 Email ML20169A025 20

Table C-2 Individuals Submitting the Form E-Mail with Correspondence ID 5 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20168B082)

ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Dana Abbott ML20170B182 Andrew Altamirano ML20169A022 Linda Abbott ML20172A833 Kenneth Althiser ML20181A618 Kathy Abby ML20171A329 Jeri Altman ML20172A467 Greg Abernathy ML20178A605 Jim Altree ML20182A073 Michael Abler ML20178A572 Gloriamarie Amalfitano ML20170A188 Gordon Abrams ML20172A753 Anne Ambler ML20171A828 Cecile Adams ML20168B269 Jon Anderholm ML20170A103 Elizabeth Adan ML20181A622 Carl Anderson ML20173A443 Barry Eshkol Adelman ML20169A336 Clifford Anderson ML20179A292 Julie Adelson ML20168B290 Dorothy Anderson ML20171A726 Willy Aenlle ML20172A452 Edna Anderson ML20181A470 Carol Affleck ML20172A404 Frank B Anderson ML20168B161 Lisa Agard ML20168B347 Saliane Anderssen ML20181A774 Olivia Aguilar ML20179A306 Marie Andersson ML20171A889 Karen Ahern ML20169A420 Steven Andrychowski ML20169A488 Michael Ahern ML20182A072 B C Angel ML20171A007 Brian Ainsley ML20170B233 Joshua Angelus ML20168B235 Terry Akana ML20170A299 Rosenkranz Ann ML20173A335 Marie Alabiso ML20169A165 Tina Ann ML20170A051 Tamadhur Al-Aqeel ML20170A134 Marie D Anna ML20172A345 Dawn Albanese ML20170A983 Anonymous ML20163A663 Frank Albani ML20181A428 Anonymous ML20171A690 Katherin Alden ML20178A602 Hal Anthony ML20169A367 Mick Alderman ML20170A220 Barbara Antonoplos ML20173A033 Robert Aldred ML20179A272 Stephen Appell ML20169A383 Jenette D Alessandro ML20168B170 Doris Applebaum ML20172A775 Keith D Alessandro ML20173A046 Aimee Arceo ML20173A438 Laurie Alexander ML20169A929 Gerry Archibald ML20173A287 Shawn Alexander ML20173A020 Sholey Argani ML20168B226 Kathryn Alexandra ML20181A628 Phyllis Arist ML20179A033 Charlotte Alexandre ML20170A173 Susan Armistead ML20181A400 Judy Alexandre ML20170B108 Melvin Armolt ML20170A248 Paul Allard ML20171A820 Stephen Armstrong ML20179A061 Jerrold Allen ML20172A299 Diane Arnal ML20171A826 Kimberly Allen ML20172A458 Carl Arnold ML20179A084 Kyla Allen ML20179A072 Charles Arnold ML20173A071 Kelly Allison ML20181A238 Glory Arroyos ML20169A221 Richard Alloway ML20172A333 Robert Arthur ML20179A275 Benjamin Almada ML20181A647 Rolf Aschenbrenner ML20172A446 21

Table C-2 (contd)

ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Karin Ascot ML20169A173 Maryann Barnhart ML20171A015 Marilyn Ash ML20170B221 Sharon Barone ML20171A691 Maria Asteinza ML20171A456 Debra Barringer ML20181A447 Pierre Aterianus ML20179A055 Ellen Barron ML20170A185 Ed Atkins ML20172A397 Kae Barron ML20172A374 Kathryn Atkins ML20178A523 Jan Barshiis ML20170A230 Ellen Atkinson ML20171A004 Lee Bartell ML20171A772 Martha Atkinson ML20170A282 Roger Barthelson ML20170B081 Renee Austin ML20169A042 Bob Bartlett ML20172A809 Nikki Ayres ML20172A780 Nick Bartol ML20173A390 Peter Ayres ML20173A285 Cathy Barton ML20170A294 Robert Azzopardi ML20172A792 Karen Barton ML20170A150 Jill B ML20182A046 Janet Bartos ML20170B191 Annick Baaud ML20170A105 Vera Basler ML20171A418 Christina Babst ML20170A256 N J Bast ML20181A610 Steve Bach ML20179A278 Robert Battersby ML20178A558 Mildred Badlu ML20171A331 Stephen Battis ML20172A370 L Bagley ML20168B237 Vernon Batty ML20179A317 B Bailey ML20169A040 Melissa Bauer ML20170B072 Janice Bailey ML20169A024 Nancy Bauer ML20169A953 Kirk Bails ML20169A002 Randi Bauer ML20177A734 Don Bain ML20169B015 Liz Baum ML20171A894 Jeffrey Bains ML20171A389 Maria Baum ML20168B330 Doug Baker ML20170B202 Miriam Baum ML20173A423 Joy Baker ML20169A411 Sarah Bauman ML20170B240 Gerritt and Elizabeth Baker- ML20172A369 Julia Bazar ML20179A358 Smith Jon Bazinet ML20170B020 Patricia Baley ML20170A973 Laurence Beahan ML20171A439 Joan Balfour ML20169B049 Chris Beal ML20178A496 David Ball ML20173A324 Steve Bear ML20170A981 Brandon Ballinger ML20170A300 Valerie Beard ML20171A789 Felicia Bander ML20170A157 Glenn Beaver ML20171A492 Wesley Banks ML20170B181 Judith Beaver ML20171A320 Angelo Baracca ML20169A944 John A Beavers ML20173A276 Johnny Barber ML20179A322 Cindy Beckkey ML20170B225 Lois Barber ML20181A371 Thomas Behrendt ML20177A733 Mary Barbezat ML20169A054 Ann Behrmann ML20171A822 Mary Barbezat ML20169A055 tamara beinlich ML20168B326 Anne Barker ML20171A491 Frank Belcastro ML20169A327 John Barkhausen ML20182A009 John Beletsis ML20169A517 Michele Barnard ML20170B194 Elizabeth Bell ML20181A302 Brenton Barnes ML20169A435 22

Table C-2 (contd)

ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Glenn Biegon ML20178A137 Sarah Bellem ML20169A406 Judy Bierbaum ML20170B097 Peter Belmont ML20170A970 Kareb Biesanz ML20170B166 Robert Bench ML20169A393 Stephanie Bilenko ML20173A320 Kae Bender ML20173A064 Stephanie Bilenko ML20178A143 Ilene Beninson ML20172A407 Melissa Bird ML20178A575 Elaine Benjamin ML20178A146 Glenda Bissex ML20172A013 Patricia Benjamin ML20182A058 Patty Bixler ML20182A095 Virginia Bennack ML20179A143 Linda Black ML20179A119 Bryan Bennett ML20182A078 Vicki Black ML20169A227 Mary Bennett ML20173A010 Pat Blackwell-Marchant ML20179A173 Terrence Bennett ML20182A068 Jean Blackwood ML20172A021 Madalyn Benoit ML20172A393 William Blair ML20170B238 Carol Benson ML20181A772 Lincoln Blake ML20173A372 Stephanie Benson ML20175A793 Pam Blake ML20179A159 K Bensusen ML20171A444 Carmen Blakely ML20169A196 Sandra Benzeev ML20170B201 Stephen Blakely ML20169A515 Bernard Berauer ML20171A372 Mark Blandford ML20168B141 Julie Berberi ML20168B175 Diana Blanks ML20169A093 Margaret Beresford ML20172A793 Howard Blaz ML20170A041 Nick Berezansky ML20171A779 Dana Bleckinger ML20170A017 Anna berg ML20170B212 Neil Bleifeld ML20169A149 Peter Bergel ML20169A003 Alice Bloch ML20169A238 Karen Berger ML20169A031 Francesca E Blom-Cooper ML20179A123 Adrian Bergeron ML20168B346 Steve Bloom ML20170B186 Darcy Bergh ML20169A077 Steve Bloom ML20173A371 Laurel Bergman ML20169A358 Donna Blue ML20172A437 Fred Bergmann ML20169A538 Bonnie Bluestein ML20182A781 Isabel Berkelhammer ML20171A347 Joel Blumert ML20172A438 Jill Berkowitz-Berliner ML20170A065 Mina Blyly-Strauss ML20175A782 Paul Berland ML20182A004 Caryl Boehnert ML20171A937 Manuel Bermudez ML20171A382 Doug Bogen ML20182A070 Ric Bernat ML20170A269 Arthur Bogie ML20171A359 Christiane Bernier ML20181A650 Ruth Boice ML20169A116 Scott Bernstein ML20172A815 Stephen Boletchek ML20169A214 Ellen Beschler ML20169A012 Janis Bolster ML20170B155 Lourdes Best ML20168B310 Donna Bonetti ML20172A364 Elizabeth Bettenhausen ML20172A444 Tracey Bonner ML20171A661 Jonathan Betz-Zall ML20170B099 A Bonvouloir ML20173A375 J Beverly ML20169B027 Carol Book ML20169A553 David Bezansib ML20169A164 Mark Boone ML20169A951 23

Table C-2 (contd)

ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Mary Boone ML20170B144 Tina Brenza ML20169B023 Dana Bordegaray ML20170B214 Molly Brewer ML20179A083 Tika Bordelon ML20169A107 Steve Breyman ML20171A398 Gavin Bornholtz ML20169A933 Judith Brickman ML20181A617 Patricia Borri ML20168B099 Annette Briggs ML20169A073 Cindy Borske ML20172A425 Barbara Brigham ML20168B321 Patrick Bosold ML20170A210 Mary Jo Brinker ML20179A336 Claudia Bosshammer- ML20169B004 Lisabette Brinkman ML20169A920 Bilimek Stephen Brittle ML20170A181 Ken Bossong ML20169A451 David Broadwater ML20168B291 Ken Bossong ML20182A092 Peter Broderson ML20171A930 Vic Bostock ML20171A796 Gary Brooker ML20169A001 James Boston ML20170B095 Ben Brooks ML20170A179 Virginia Bottorff ML20169A947 Dorothy Brooks ML20170A307 Victoria Boucher ML20173A381 Jann Brooks ML20179A115 Jan Boudart ML20182A762 Kristen Brooks ML20169A240 George Bourlotos ML20172A415 Bernadette Brooten ML20181A333 Cynthia Bowen ML20171A430 Barbara Brown ML20178A150 Kathryn Bowers ML20181A343 Barbara Brown ML20181A300 Charley Bowman ML20178A535 Bill Brown ML20173A309 Kenneth Bowman ML20170B111 Duncan Brown ML20168B334 Nancy Boyce ML20171A929 Nancy Brown ML20170A976 Esther Boyd ML20170A149 Nancy Brown ML20181A380 Ellen Boyle ML20173A417 Robert Brown ML20173A325 Roxanne Boyle ML20181A282 Sandra S Brown ML20169A212 Wendy Bradburn ML20169A373 Deirdre Brownell ML20170A079 Kathy Bradley ML20173A329 Sarah Brownrigg ML20169A989 Barbara Bradshaw ML20171A857 Glenn Brownton ML20171A018 Kathleen Braico MD ML20171A043 Felicia Bruce ML20169A236 Kay Brainerd ML20177A745 Ginni Brumley ML20170A180 Georgia Braithwaite ML20172A413 Elizabeth Bryant ML20171A489 Anita Brandariz ML20169A547 Sandra Bryce ML20169A434 Nick Brannan ML20168B289 Matt Brzezinski ML20168B129 Debbie Brawner ML20170A257 Brad Buchanan ML20171A410 Teresa Bray ML20168B224 Ivy Buchanan ML20173A383 Shana Schwartzberg ML20172A411 Mary Buchwald ML20178A550 Brayton Barbara Buck ML20182A019 Theodore Brazeau ML20173A268 Elizabeth Buckley ML20168B329 Sandra Breakfield ML20172A377 Anthony Buda ML20168B206 Enid Breakstone ML20171A038 Joan Budd ML20171A655 Joan Breiding ML20168B091 Roslynn Budoff ML20172A789 Anne Brennan ML20182A769 24

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Michelle Buerger ML20168B112 Dudley and Candace ML20170A036 Campbell Pat Bulla ML20169A429 Tom Canning ML20169A004 Sharon Bunch ML20169A323 Tom Cannon ML20169A209 Sharon Bunch ML20179A360 Roel Cantú ML20169A329 Rev Max Burg ML20169A138 Karen Nell Capadona ML20168B307 Sharon Burge ML20168B313 Christel Capps ML20168B105 John Burke ML20173A341 Carole Caprio ML20172A460 Kerry Burkhardt ML20170A238 Barbara Capron ML20181A309 Bob E Burnham ML20171A476 Meghan Capulong ML20181A613 David Burns ML20172A459 Lyn Capurro ML20168B162 Gail Burns ML20170A097 Mike Carberry ML20182A044 Vic Burton ML20171A361 Duane Carling ML20170A985 Vic Burton ML20171A363 Christine Carlisle ML20170B038 Cara Busch ML20178A763 Bob and Linda Carlough ML20179A068 John Bush ML20169A915 Bob and Linda Carlough ML20179A069 Ronald Bush ML20179A164 William Carlson ML20169A139 Patricia Butcher ML20173A032 Cheryl Carnahan ML20170A214 David Butler ML20171A017 Cheryl Carney ML20171A455 David Butler ML20178A509 Benjamin Carpenter ML20169A019 Edward Butler ML20170A190 Barbara Carr ML20168B177 Elizabeth Butler ML20171A529 Hope Carr ML20172A352 Jane Butler ML20173A322 Phil Carr ML20175A786 Ricky Buttery ML20170B054 Adelino Carreira ML20168B282 Charles Byrne ML20170A081 Jenny Carter ML20177A737 AC ML20181A435 Marian Carter ML20178A533 FC ML20170B091 Michelle Carter ML20172A429 KC ML20169A326 Rob Carter ML20168B266 Michael C ML20170B208 Adam Casey ML20172A357 TC ML20170B069 Stewart Casey ML20169B008 Coral Cadman ML20170A163 Mark Caskey ML20179A135 Bryan Cahill ML20179A187 Chris Casper ML20172A771 Sandra Cais ML20170B103 T Cassidy ML20171A373 Sandra Cais ML20171A029 Anthony Castillo ML20169A935 Juliet Calabi ML20169A194 Deborah Cate ML20182A079 Edye Calderon ML20171A022 Deborah Cate ML20182A899 Brian Caldwell ML20171A910 Jane Cates ML20170B218 Lucy Calvillo ML20169B012 Kathryn Cates ML20179A063 Dorothy Li Calzi ML20179A100 John Catherine ML20173A001 Linda Camp ML20172A479 Lee Cattaneo ML20170B162 john campanale ML20170A996 June Cattell ML20169A166 Benita J Campbell ML20173A331 G Caviglia ML20169A095 25

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Rosemarie Ceaser ML20169A182 Susanne Cleary ML20170B180 Kathryn Clegg ML20171A915 Audrey Clement ML20169B019 John Cervantes ML20171A891 Charles Clements ML20170A234 Isabel Cervera ML20170A005 Catherine Clifton ML20171A901 Suzy Chaffee ML20171A800 Craig Cline ML20169B029 Mikki Chalker ML20169A477 Rev L Cline ML20170A135 John Chamberlin ML20168B285 Marjorie Clisson ML20172A307 B Chan ML20169A123 K Clune ML20173A354 Wallace Chan ML20169A168 Mike Coats ML20175A775 Estee Chandler ML20178A624 Sandra Cobb ML20171A816 Michele Chapman ML20171A798 Jeffrey Cody ML20170B176 Scott Chase ML20170A297 Craig Coelho ML20170A060 Phyllis Chavez ML20170B051 Eva Coffee ML20170A059 Jean Cheesman ML20178A765 Ann Coffey ML20171A823 Harriet Chenkin ML20173A280 Rotraud Coffey ML20171A335 Harriet Chenkin ML20178A544 Allen Cohen ML20171A652 Robert Cherwink ML20170B035 C Alexander Cohen ML20172A427 Deborah Childers ML20170B219 Jeffrey Cohen ML20173A387 Nat Childs ML20182A052 Judith Cohen ML20170A138 Robert Chirpin ML20169A977 Bruce Cole ML20169B011 Robbi Chisholm ML20172A359 Nathan Coles ML20168B176 Robbi Chisholm ML20172A457 Geri Collecchia ML20169A459 Bill Chockla ML20172A767 Carol Collins ML20171A817 Mike Choice ML20178A555 Kristi Collins ML20171A466 John Chong ML20170A969 Elizabeth Colon ML20179A171 Donly Chorn ML20170B128 Sharon Colyar ML20168B214 Joan Christensen ML20169A993 John Comella ML20171A824 Monique Christensen ML20172A788 Charles Comer ML20172A812 Kathryn Christian ML20169A982 Philip Condit ML20170A212 William Christwitz ML20169A930 William Conger ML20172A790 Edward Ciaccio ML20179A180 LuMarion Conklin ML20172A784 Barbara Cicalese ML20171A850 B O Connor ML20179A309 Jean Citron ML20172A408 David and Sally Conrad ML20172A358 William Claiborn ML20169A223 Norm Conrad ML20168B333 John Clark ML20170A159 Beverly Ann Conroy ML20175A794 Kathleen Clark ML20179A127 Thomas Conroy ML20172A390 Morgan Clark ML20171A654 Patricia Constantino ML20171A388 Paula B Clark ML20173A277 John Conway ML20170A242 James A Clark Jr ML20172A842 Don Cook ML20169A960 Ann Clarkson ML20171A012 Geoffrey Cook ML20168B264 Patricia Claytor ML20178A564 26

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Robin Cook ML20169A033 Daniela Cristan ML20179A038 Roger Cook ML20170A101 Daniela Cristan ML20179A039 Gaia Cooksey ML20181A473 Marian Cooley ML20170A162 John Crombie ML20173A415 Christopher Coon ML20171A414 Margaret Croner ML20179A321 Margaret Cooney ML20169A928 Carolyn Croom ML20170A089 John Cooper ML20172A371 Paul Crosson ML20172A320 Lennys Cope ML20179A105 Thomas Crothers ML20168B305 Joseph Corbett ML20170B211 Karen Crotinger ML20179A158 Kathleen Corbett ML20170B206 Lawrence Crowley ML20172A018 Isabel Cordova ML20170B179 Terry Crownover ML20170A172 Melissa Cordy ML20173A009 Kurt Cruger ML20171A759 Nan Corliss ML20171A883 Leuise Crumble ML20168B250 Stacy Cornelius ML20169A520 Katherine Crumpacker ML20173A042 Matt Cornell ML20169A043 Marian Cruz ML20170B071 F Corr ML20172A416 Tom Csuhta ML20169A074 James Corrigan ML20179A082 Kermit Cuff ML20171A839 Ronit Corry ML20170A087 Laurette Culbert ML20170A139 Dan Cosby ML20169A174 John Culloty ML20170B019 Demelza Costa ML20168B194 Johanna Cummings ML20170B195 John Costello ML20170A201 Catherine Cunningham ML20179A030 Helen Cotton ML20168B302 Jennifer Cunningham ML20173A353 Sandra Couch ML20182A835 Pauline Cunningham ML20172A328 Sandra Couch ML20183A522 William & Barbara ML20182A035 Dee Coulter ML20170A126 Cunningham Mary Counihan ML20171A021 Eva Curatolo ML20170A208 Virginia Cousins ML20172A338 Peter Curia ML20171A333 Linda Covington ML20171A432 Nancy Currah ML20169A125 Lanie Cox ML20169A034 Helen Curtis ML20171A042 Susan Cox ML20168B222 Marie Curtis ML20182A034 Thomas Cox ML20169A330 Amy Cusick ML20172A451 Penny Cragun ML20169A075 Dr Lewis Cuthbert ML20171A460 Anne Craig ML20173A407 Robert Czekaj ML20169A016 Rebekah Craig ML20169A237 Alfred Bartlett M D ML20179A308 Julia Cranmer ML20172A433 Lewis Patrie M D ML20171A782 Bruce Cratty ML20172A758 Joseph Dadgari ML20169B010 Dave Crawford ML20168B209 Shelley Dahlgren, PhD ML20179A054 Jason Crawford ML20170A990 Debra Dailey ML20170A002 Mariebessie Crawford ML20169A119 Sandy Dalcais ML20179A163 Carol Creech ML20169B036 Felicia Dale ML20170B137 Noel Crim ML20172A435 Jan Dale ML20179A271 27

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Jim and Barbara Dale ML20171A909 Sarah Demb ML20181A358 Erik Dalhuijsen ML20168B325 Gudrun Dennis ML20169A199 James Dancy ML20169A491 Genevieve Dennison ML20179A160 Joseph Dangelo ML20169A021 Paul Densmore ML20169A094 Kirk Danhouser ML20171A765 Frank Depinto ML20168B137 Al Daniel ML20172A470 Deborah DeRosa ML20169A127 Larry Daniell ML20168B191 Ineke Deruyter ML20179A283 Jodi Daniels ML20170B122 John Dervin ML20172A480 Mark Daniels ML20172A823 Victoria DeSarno ML20171A874 Michelle Darbro ML20169A131 Susan Detato ML20169A130 Amitav Dash ML20181A326 Kelly DeVine ML20169A970 Amitav Dash ML20181A339 Carol Devoss ML20170B237 Robin Dash ML20173A291 Ellen DeWitt ML20168B108 Steven Daskal ML20170A224 Stephen Diamond ML20179A298 Mary Lou Dauray ML20172A322 Sara Diaz ML20178A149 Michael Daus ML20171A918 Tim DiChiara ML20170B229 Michael Daveiga ML20170A255 Steve Dickman ML20178A586 Susan Davenport ML20169A096 Ryk Diemert ML20179A034 Maggie Davidson ML20170A137 Michele Dieterich ML20175A791 Pamela Davidson ML20171A384 Kerry Dietz ML20171A674 Buzz Davies ML20170A308 Diane DiFante ML20169A155 Sue Davies ML20171A000 Gloria Diggle ML20170B007 Adrianne Davis ML20181A649 Carol Dillingham ML20171A842 Carla Davis ML20170A000 Lawrence Dingman ML20173A303 Celeste Davis ML20172A476 Jacalyn Dinhofer ML20171A677 Charles Davis ML20168B232 Dennis Dix ML20170B075 Donald Davis ML20169A463 Jeffrey Dix ML20172A813 Heather Davis ML20168B306 Joyce Dixon ML20169A065 Stephen W Davis ML20179A287 Melba Dlugonski ML20170A295 Virginia Davis ML20170A264 Dorothy Dobbyn ML20168B328 Wendy Davis ML20178A147 Elizabeth Dodd ML20170A167 Laurel Davis-Delano ML20173A399 William Doherty ML20169A353 Jorge De Cecco ML20169A331 Patrick Donaldson ML20171A037 Ermanno de Gregorio ML20170A113 Marjory Donn ML20181A634 Thomas De Pree ML20182A060 Bruce Donnell ML20179A157 Ida de Vecchio ML20170A062 Steve Donoso ML20172A759 Norma Dean ML20172A453 John Doucette ML20173A313 Karyn Deibel ML20170B010 Kjell Dowds ML20179A325 Mitzi Deitch ML20169A224 Kevin Dowell ML20171A866 Rita DeMaria ML20168B145 Vivian Dowell ML20169A195 Julienne DeMarsh ML20171A875 Nicholas Downey ML20177A727 28

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Christine Doyka ML20170A993 Nancy Eberg ML20179A047 Linda Dragonette ML20169A504 Sabrina Eckles ML20168B265 Ronald Drahos ML20169B047 Cynthia Eckroth ML20170A197 Glen Draper ML20172A468 Curtis Eckstein ML20169A560 Lynne Draper ML20168B276 Judith Eda ML20169A023 William & Katrina Dresbach ML20179A113 William Edelman ML20172A032 Arlene Dreste ML20169A927 Dominique Edmondson ML20173A379 Terese Driscoll ML20179A048 Dan Edson ML20182A032 David Drum ML20179A111 Eric Edwards ML20170A174 Chris Drumright ML20173A402 Judi Edwards ML20173A356 Lyn du Mont ML20172A033 Kris Edwards ML20171A028 Monica M DuBina ML20179A178 Monique Edwards ML20169A201 Gretchen DuBois ML20169A184 Robert Edwards ML20171A523 Marilyn DuBois ML20173A011 Lisa Ehle ML20181A624 Tim Duda ML20170B006 Olivia Eielson ML20169A047 Lucy Duff ML20179A077 Paul Eisenberg ML20170B204 Mike Duffy ML20172A796 Joel Eisenkramer ML20172A473 Aaron Dukes ML20182A066 Valerie Eisman ML20170A296 Jo Ann Duman ML20169A133 Ted Eller ML20168B319 Ethel Dumas ML20179A062 Nancy Ellingham ML20170A251 Gregory Duncan ML20171A876 Allen Elliott ML20169A995 Sylvia Duncan ML20172A465 Jan Ellis ML20168B246 J Dunkelberger ML20170A045 Mari Ellis ML20179A104 Doug Dunkle ML20173A376 Susie Ellis ML20179A276 Tim Dunleavy ML20182A094 David Ellison ML20173A003 John Dunn ML20168B201 Shemayim Elohim ML20179A279 Margaret Dunn ML20171A450 António Eloy ML20173A059 Carole DuPre ML20181A266 Craig Emerick ML20170B241 Samuel Durkin ML20172A360 C Emerson ML20170A018 Annie Dwight ML20182A074 Jan Emerson ML20172A314 Eleanor Dwight ML20168B085 I Engle ML20170A109 Jym Dyer ML20172A422 Nancy Enkiri ML20181A342 Liz Dyer ML20172A463 Timothy Enloe ML20168B258 Susanne Hesse & Doug ML20171A934 Leann Enos ML20182A096 Dyer Elizabeth Enright ML20172A332 Dr William Skip Dykoski ML20169A169 Susan Enzinna ML20177A726 Matthew Eager ML20172A365 Lori Erbs ML20169A000 Cheryl Eames ML20169B002 Bruce Erickson ML20171A755 Lee Eames ML20181A281 Liz Erpelding-Garratt ML20169A519 Michael Earney ML20173A318 Phyllis Erwin ML20170B036 Tom Earnist ML20170A057 Greg Espe ML20171A862 Arlene East ML20170B045 29

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Randall Esperas ML20169A489 Angela Fazzari ML20168B208 Beth Estelle ML20168B195 Tracy Feldman ML20170A053 Gina Estrada ML20179A133 Karen D Felts ML20179A305 Bud Evams ML20169A158 Reed Fenton ML20171A688 Jeri Fergus ML20171A871 Julia Ferguson ML20173A332 Bronwen Evans ML20170A221 Linda Ferland ML20169A153 Donald Evans ML20168B240 Mary Ferraro ML20181A630 Donald Evans ML20173A062 Mary Ferraro ML20181A631 Donald Evans ML20173A305 William Ferrell ML20170A037 Hersha Evans ML20169A015 Chris Ferrio ML20169A202 Mr Evans ML20179A081 Neal Ferris ML20170A170 Randy Eveleigh ML20171A933 Thomas Ferrito ML20169A990 Kinney Evitt ML20170A056 Carolyn Ferry ML20182A131 Lois Evron ML20182A049 J Allen Feryok ML20169A056 Kellie F ML20168B120 Ed Fiedler ML20172A381 TF ML20172A827 Marilyn Field ML20170B198 Gary Owen Faas ML20181A275 Norma Field ML20182A772 Laurel Facey ML20181A607 Sylvia Field ML20179A333 Katie Fagan ML20171A710 Aixa Fielder ML20170A252 Rita Fahrner ML20171A416 Aixa Fielder ML20170A254 Stephanie Fairchild ML20182A031 Aixa Fielder ML20170A306 Richard Fairfield ML20169A525 Linda Fielder ML20169A144 Judy Fairless ML20171A477 Kate Fields ML20179A199 Lawrence Fait ML20178A507 Ruth Fields ML20171A745 Jenna Fallaw ML20171A921 Alex Fierro-Clarke ML20170A048 Audrey Famette ML20179A331 Michael Figueroa ML20179A195 Valerie Fannin ML20170B220 Clayton Cunha Filho ML20173A273 Joyce R Farber ML20177A720 Deborah Filipelli PhD ML20179A071 Chanda Farley ML20169A461 Lynne Firestone ML20171A751 Jean Farris ML20168B216 Bob Fischella ML20170B130 Mark Farris ML20170A204 Robert Fischoff ML20179A286 Peter Farris ML20179A074 Anne Fishef ML20179A089 David Fasano ML20179A293 Kristina Fisher ML20168B151 David Fasano ML20179A311 Yvonne Fisher ML20182A063 Sharon Fasnacht ML20179A044 Kaitlin Fitch ML20169A028 Wendy Fast ML20171A027 Judy Fitzgerald ML20168B215 Jane Fasullo ML20169A150 Ned Flaherty ML20169A999 Jean-Francois Fauconnier ML20177A728 Patricia Fleetwood ML20171A727 Dennis Faulkner ML20172A340 Tim Fleischer ML20170A092 Charles Favorite ML20170A164 Bernard Fleitman ML20170B063 John Fay ML20179A070 30

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number John AND Jean Fleming ML20169A390 Claudia Freeman ML20171A469 Susan Fleming ML20173A065 Gregory Freeman ML20171A019 Susan F Fleming ML20179A288 Kristin Freeman ML20172A373 Carol Fletcher ML20169A334 Dr Ann Frisch ML20169A439 Judith Fletcher ML20170B210 Mary Froehlich ML20173A057 Brian Florian ML20169A938 Denise Fry ML20181A461 Dawn Florio ML20181A376 Peggy Fugate ML20172A447 Roxann Carmean Floyd ML20169A113 Grant Fujii ML20171A729 Dan Fogarty ML20170A962 Ernest Fuller ML20181A598 Ken Fogel ML20169A052 James Fuller ML20171A441 Patricia Foley ML20173A336 Evan Fulmer ML20169A136 Joyce Follingstad ML20168B294 JR Fulton ML20169A097 Adrienne Fong ML20169A457 Shearle Furnish ML20171A705 Siamak Fooladi ML20178A478 Shearle Furnish ML20177A736 Julie Ford ML20169A509 Carol Anne Fusco ML20172A304 Darin Fork ML20171A343 Gilda Fusilier ML20168B197 William Forrest ML20172A804 Sherrill Futrell ML20182A097 Hal Forsen ML20172A797 Sherrill Futrell ML20183A348 MaryAnna Foskett ML20171A788 Wendy Futrick ML20173A414 Janice Foss ML20171A422 SG ML20170B044 Lorraine Foster ML20178A000 Ron Gerrard ML20181A608 Tracy Foster ML20170A284 Donna Gaab ML20171A833 Carol Fox ML20173A370 Linda Gable ML20172A421 Deborah Fox ML20175A787 Nick Gaetano ML20170A077 Stephanie C Fox ML20170A008 Janet Gahagan ML20172A756 Stuart Francis ML20170A960 Querido Galdo ML20168B249 Matthew Franck ML20169B050 Gary Gall ML20182A048 Patricia Franczyk ML20170A175 Monica M Gallicho ML20170A968 Patricia Franczyk ML20170A176 Christopher Galton ML20181A599 Franklin Frank ML20179A303 M Sharon Gambocorto ML20170A155 Gail Frank ML20171A747 Croitiene ganMoryn ML20170A136 Randall Frank ML20170A982 Suzanne Garbarini ML20172A810 Sharon Frank ML20168B164 Elizabeth Garber ML20168B106 Sandra Franz ML20172A477 Jeffery Garcia ML20170A229 Shelley Frazier ML20173A448 A Gardner ML20170A287 Frank Fredenburg ML20182A038 Marie Garescher ML20169A208 Ruth Ann Fredenthal ML20179A335 Michael Garitty ML20168B337 Patricia Frederick ML20172A791 Donald Garlit ML20173A028 Ken Freedman ML20169A152 T Garmon ML20169A494 Beth Jane Freeman ML20171A692 T Garmon ML20181A467 Beth Jane Freeman ML20171A693 D Garratt ML20169A521 31

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Daniel Gartner ML20170B028 MaryAnne Glazar ML20169A980 Lydia Garvey ML20169A162 Allan Glick ML20172A841 Jen Gavin ML20181A286 Ingeborg Glier ML20169A187 Carol Gay ML20179A138 Stephen Gliva ML20170B053 Diana Gazzola ML20178A492 Susanae Glovacki ML20181A424 Clare Geddes ML20173A352 Robert Glover ML20168B154 Lisa Gee ML20178A136 Tim Glover ML20171A461 Becky Geiser ML20170A216 Erma Gluck ML20169A936 Sheila Geist ML20169B034 Irene Gnemi ML20172A361 Janet Geldert ML20172A836 Barbara Gocella ML20179A092 Maj(R) Douglas Gendron ML20171A379 Joan Goddard ML20179A147 Meredith George ML20171A006 Terrence Goebel ML20170A112 Jim Gergat ML20171A935 Sandra Goettling ML20170A199 David Gerke ML20178A592 Sandra Goettling ML20170A202 Susan Gerke ML20181A654 Kate Goetz ML20168B084 Randy Gerlach ML20168B234 Frances Goff ML20170A144 Bonnie German ML20181A474 Leslie Gold ML20169A241 Lisa Gherardi ML20169A211 Joseph Goldenberg ML20169A985 Ken Gibb ML20170A151 Donald Goldhamer ML20177A730 Wayne Gibb ML20171A438 Martha Goldin ML20169A242 Covelo Gibbs ML20170A226 Sally Goldin ML20181A478 Catherine Gibson ML20178A581 John Golding ML20169A364 Kenneth Gibson ML20168B198 Freya Goldstein ML20171A387 Mark M Giese ML20181A775 Peter Gollon ML20172A449 Mark M Giese ML20181A777 Brydon Gombay ML20179A041 Elizabeth Gifford ML20173A350 Michael Gomel ML20172A781 Elizabeth Gifford ML20181A365 Frank Gonzales Jr ML20172A445 Camille Gilbert ML20169A219 Hiram Gonzalez ML20169A041 Jessica Gilbert ML20170B124 Maria Gonzalez ML20171A803 Susan Gill ML20182A050 Yazmin Gonzalez ML20171A757 Thomas Gilmore ML20170A283 Joyce Good ML20179A137 Claude Ginsburg ML20170B102 Beth Goode ML20173A422 Janice Gintzler ML20168B118 Brenda J Goode ML20172A323 Larry Gioannini ML20172A831 Emma Goode-DeBlanc ML20172A396 Barbara Giorgio ML20169A942 Margaret Goodman ML20169A063 Diane Girard ML20179A154 Wendy Goodman ML20173A047 Josephine Girardin ML20173A051 Kahlil Goodwyn ML20169A009 Denise Giroux ML20181A440 Carol Gordon ML20168B219 Rachel Girshick ML20171A672 Marcy Gordon ML20173A284 Jean Glassman ML20170A259 Suzanne Gordon ML20181A642 Vesna Glavina ML20171A001 Arnold Gore ML20169A226 32

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Jean Gore ML20173A360 Bozena Grossman ML20170A006 Kevin J Gosztonyi ML20171A035 Eldon Grossman ML20182A011 Deidre Gotjen ML20169A142 Kathleen Grossman ML20170A114 Mark Gotvald ML20173A274 Patrick Groulx ML20179A165 Pat and Gary Gover ML20169B037 Clara Guerrero ML20172A754 Leona Grage ML20181A625 Peter Guerrero ML20179A166 Barbara Graham ML20173A358 Elizabeth Guimarin ML20179A132 H G Graham ML20182A088 Valerie Guinan ML20169A490 Judith Graham ML20171A756 Jana Gunnell ML20173A070 Monique Grajeda ML20170A010 Peter Gunther ML20173A275 Elizabeth Grant ML20169A172 John Guros ML20171A807 Thomas Grant ML20169A436 Alice Gustavson ML20179A362 Chuck Graver ML20172A834 Ellen Gutfleisch ML20168B089 Gardner Gray ML20170A095 Rand Guthrie ML20182A014 Elisa Greco ML20179A319 Daniel Guy ML20169A266 Dan & Ann Green ML20170A004 Marvin Guymon ML20172A368 Lance Green ML20179A289 Lori Haaland ML20171A805 Linda Green ML20170A093 Charles Haas ML20181A305 Linda Greene ML20172A389 Jane Haasch ML20171A806 Manna Jo Greene ML20169B041 James K Hadcroft ML20171A328 Manna Jo Greene ML20179A146 John Hafkenshiel ML20172A410 Sara Greene ML20170A302 Jon Hager ML20169A535 Karen Greenspan ML20171A863 Paul Haggard ML20172A777 Bobby Greg ML20169A135 Jonny Hahn ML20168B140 Judith Greil ML20171A840 Mary Hahn ML20169A997 Pamylle Greinke ML20171A902 Rachel Haines ML20172A768 Mark Hayduke Grenard ML20169A118 Ellen Halbert ML20170A047 Mary Grenough ML20181A272 Deborah L Hall ML20169A160 L Greywolf ML20171A786 Katy Hall ML20179A285 Kathy Grieves ML20169A049 Shawn Hall ML20178A495 Eddie Griffiths ML20181A479 Sherrie Hall ML20172A782 Carol Grimm ML20171A365 Sherrie Hall ML20173A296 Russell Grindle ML20171A435 Sherrie Hall ML20173A385 Scott Grinthal ML20168B211 Marcia Halligan ML20177A746 Bruce Grobman ML20171A694 Sue Halligan ML20169A007 Paul Grohman ML20175A784 Leah Hallow ML20172A795 Norda Gromoll ML20172A405 Dee Halzack ML20179A141 James Gronquist ML20171A760 Louisa Hamachek ML20182A003 Joanne Groshardt ML20169B032 Keith Hamilton ML20171A400 Jacqueline Gross ML20181A360 Penny Hammack ML20170A042 Steve Gross ML20171A845 Teri Hammer ML20178A487 33

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Lisa Hammermeister ML20182A030 Andrew Harwell ML20170A278 Marcella Hammond ML20169B046 Nancy Hasenpusch ML20168B256 Martin Hampel ML20179A118 Robert Haslag ML20169A337 Jena Hamra ML20170B033 Robert Hasselbrink ML20169A059 Richard Han ML20173A067 William Hassig ML20173A398 Susan Hancock ML20171A926 Howard Hassman ML20181A351 David Hand ML20170B205 Dorothy Hatch ML20173A330 Robert Handelsman ML20169A038 Don Hawkins ML20170A142 Janet Handford ML20169A154 Kay Hawklee ML20177A744 Laura Hanks ML20169A426 Pat Hawthorn ML20169A061 Bob Hannigan ML20172A312 Ann Hayden ML20172A481 Debby and John Hanrahan ML20171A773 David Hayes ML20168B153 Arthur Hansen ML20171A490 Elizabeth Hayes ML20181A338 Art Hanson ML20168B315 Sara Hayes ML20169A349 Mary Hanson ML20168B236 Tim Hayes ML20173A045 Hashi Hanta ML20170A078 Helen Hays ML20177A735 Charles Happel ML20172A354 Tom Hazelleaf ML20170B029 Jane Harada ML20171A764 Jim Head ML20179A295 Kate Harder ML20173A269 Kris Head ML20169A151 Gina Hardin ML20173A442 Shannon Healey ML20182A026 Merja Harju ML20170B089 Seth Healy ML20170A245 Lynne Harkins ML20170A213 Anne Heaney ML20171A321 Donald Harland ML20171A446 Anne Heaney ML20171A325 Amy Harlib ML20171A830 Clarice Hearne ML20181A259 Nancy Harlow ML20170B120 Susan Heath ML20168B158 Larry Harper ML20172A439 Elaine Heathcoat ML20181A419 Daniel L Harris ML20173A048 Alicia Hecht ML20182A028 Debra Harris ML20169A544 Ross Heckmann ML20169A110 Freya Harris ML20168B171 Lloyd Hedger ML20170A168 Paige Harrison ML20171A810 Joshua Heffron ML20170A198 Randy Harrison ML20169A965 Maureen Heilman ML20179A142 Merry Harsh ML20168B338 Courtney Hein ML20169A932 Diane Hart ML20169A157 Hans-Peter Heinrich ML20173A319 Jolene Hart ML20181A643 Penny Heintz ML20170A073 James Hartley ML20170A291 Madeline Helbraun ML20173A069 Matthew Hartlieb ML20168B152 Helen Henderson ML20179A329 Evan Hartman ML20179A128 Mike Henderson ML20170B183 Evan Hartman ML20179A304 Allen Hengst ML20170B239 Lorraine Hartmann ML20169A359 Chip Henneman ML20173A298 Florence Harty ML20179A090 Huntley Hennessy ML20173A334 Jef Harvey ML20170A066 David Henning ML20169A974 34

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Amy Henry ML20170B059 Peter Hochfellner ML20171A696 Carole Henry ML20169A163 Jean Hodgins ML20172A816 Lana Henson ML20170A044 Bruce Hodo ML20181A288 Annabelle Herbert ML20171A039 Jeffrey Hodson ML20168B309 Ricardo Hernandez ML20169A454 Dennis Hoerner ML20171A369 Thomas Hernandez ML20170A121 Janice Hoffman ML20169A375 Beverly Herrbert ML20170B039 Mark Hogarth ML20169A232 Ann Herren ML20178A501 Sam Holden ML20175A790 Mary O Herron ML20169A966 Simon Holden ML20169A371 Randy Herz ML20172A353 Brett Holland ML20181A626 Rilla Heslin ML20173A041 Mark Holland ML20181A476 Joseph Hess ML20178A601 David Holmes ML20171A322 Joanne Hesselinmk ML20173A297 Kendra Holt ML20168B101 Bill Hessell ML20172A343 Jayne Holtman ML20169A372 Bill Hessell ML20172A344 Thomas Holubeck ML20170A014 Luis Hestres ML20173A413 Thomas Holubeck ML20170B066 John Heuman ML20173A391 Ellen Homsey ML20169A234 Stephan Hewitt ML20169A218 Alexander Honigsblum ML20172A363 J M Hiatt ML20173A348 Stan Hoobing ML20181A322 Mary Hicklin ML20169B001 Shelby L Hood ML20169B042 Elaine Hickman ML20170A182 Niels Henrik Hooge ML20173A411 Arlene Hickory ML20172A820 Michael Hoover ML20171A893 Arlene Hickory ML20182A813 Laurie Hope ML20171A023 Lacey Hicks ML20173A421 Steve Hopkins ML20172A420 Nancy Hiestand ML20170A211 Jay Hormel ML20171A904 Ritsuko Higashi ML20178A600 Marianne Horn ML20171A864 Debra Higbee-Sudyka ML20170A007 Laura Horowitz ML20173A419 Todd Hildebrandt ML20171A678 Tom Hougham ML20170A223 Leigh Hill ML20169A105 Jay Houlahan ML20172A029 Michael Hill ML20168B097 Brian Houser ML20169A057 Holly Hillman ML20169A382 Larry Hovekamp ML20169A470 Susan Himes-Powers ML20173A418 Celeste Howard ML20170A263 Mark Hinds ML20173A044 Ron Hubert ML20171A922 James Hipp ML20169A010 Carole Huelsberg ML20170A153 Mike Hlat ML20182A076 Glenn Hufnagel ML20170B092 Bruce Hlodnicki ML20171A682 Glenn Hufnagel ML20170B105 Hu Ho ML20181A348 Barbara Hughes ML20182A016 Dorinda Hoag ML20172A392 Dwight Hughes ML20168B109 Andreas Hobyan ML20173A363 Elaine Hughes ML20179A176 Adrienne Hochberg ML20171A689 Karen Hughes ML20173A058 Kathleen Hochevar ML20179A277 Vicki Hughes ML20170A965 35

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Anne Huibregtse ML20169A189 Mark Jacquinot ML20172A802 Beth Huizenga ML20182A062 Carol Jagiello ML20169A356 Ace Hull ML20172A336 Denise Jakobsberg ML20171A344 Gary Hull ML20179A067 Ellen Jamieson ML20181A359 Juanita Hull ML20179A064 Marsha Jarvis ML20169A954 Matt Hulstrunk ML20171A457 Virginia Jastromb ML20168B165 Jennifer Humiston ML20168B255 Paul Jefferson ML20178A476 Jennifer Humiston ML20171A024 Brian Jeffery ML20172A350 Rhonda Hungerford ML20173A439 Robert Jehn ML20179A324 Donald Hunt ML20170A038 Monika Jelonnek ML20171A790 Obie Hunt ML20181A224 Pia Jensen ML20172A387 Stephanie Huntington ML20181A450 Terry Jess ML20171A856 Holly Huntley ML20172A324 Darynne Jessler ML20169A478 Mark Hurley ML20170A104 Angie Johnson ML20179A122 Sharon Hurley ML20182A025 Bettemae Johnson ML20171A913 Laurel Husk ML20171A009 Charles Johnson ML20171A680 Lee Hutchings ML20170A281 Dorothy Johnson ML20173A027 Judith Hutchison ML20171A316 Jo Johnson ML20171A405 Amy Hutto ML20169A916 Joel Johnson ML20171A895 Richard & Joyce Hybil ML20171A367 Jonna Johnson ML20179A282 Nancy Iannuzzelli ML20169A216 Keith Johnson ML20170B094 Carol Ilic ML20182A008 Lorraine D Johnson ML20169A317 Mana Iluna ML20169A529 Margaret Johnson ML20179A139 Aurora Insurriaga ML20168B227 MIchele Johnson ML20169A379 John Jeffrey Irwin ML20172A394 Rebecca Johnson ML20179A046 Martin Iseri ML20181A256 Rheta Johnson ML20178A582 James Jachimiak ML20169A100 Ron Johnson ML20182A103 Alicia Jackson ML20172A030 Teresa Johnson ML20181A258 Anne Jackson ML20169A405 Pamela Johnston ML20170A094 Dewey Jackson ML20181A413 Virginia Johnston ML20173A406 John Robert Jackson ML20169A102 Dr Virginia Jones ML20172A418 Rena Jackson ML20182A091 Karen Jones ML20171A873 Russell Jackson ML20181A409 Kathrine Jones ML20168B086 Sasha Jackson ML20170B152 Rodney and Terri Jones ML20169A171 Sue Jackson ML20181A457 Shawn Jones-Bunn ML20169A048 April Jacob ML20171A897 Renee Joos ML20168B332 Chris Jacobs ML20171A931 Sandra Joos ML20179A156 Eric Jacobs ML20169A496 Alena Jorgensen ML20172A434 Robert Jacobs ML20169A984 Janette Jorgensen ML20173A327 Barbara Jacobsen ML20171A818 Lesley Jorgensen ML20169A384 Mark Jacquinot ML20172A800 Darina Joy ML20170A289 36

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Holly Juch ML20182A024 Maryann Kauffman ML20170A098 Timothy Judson ML20171A940 Lois Kaufmann ML20173A364 John Jumonville ML20171A396 jumpei kawakami ML20168B308 Carol Jurczewski ML20172A760 Jumpei Kawakami ML20168B324 Lee Jurman ML20179A052 Joel Kay ML20171A709 William Justis ML20181A633 Gabrielle Kayser ML20173A272 ZK ML20178A001 Hiroko Kazama ML20172A034 ZK ML20181A391 Roxanne Kearns ML20169B017 Keith Kaback ML20182A064 Alix Keast ML20172A414 Zach Kadar ML20172A837 Leo Keightley ML20179A144 Zach Kadar ML20172A838 John Keiser ML20169A018 Lauren Kaden ML20179A182 Mary Keithler ML20169A068 Moe Kafka ML20173A294 Elizabeth Kelley ML20171A936 Lisa Kagan ML20173A342 Susan Kelley ML20170B174 Marilyn Kaggen ML20169A458 Elizabeth Kelly ML20169A185 Nalei Kahakalau ML20169A964 Florence Kelly ML20170A247 Peter Kahigian ML20169A143 Arthur Kennedy ML20170A184 Elaine Kalantarian ML20181A641 Tom Kennedy ML20179A110 Joe Kaleel ML20170B141 Kate Kenner ML20173A299 Paul Kalka ML20179A334 Diane Kent ML20179A059 Dixie van der Kamp ML20182A089 Valery Keramaty ML20173A338 Kevin Kamps ML20182A767 Paul Kerman ML20168B252 Jack Kanack ML20170B027 Chris Kermiet ML20179A051 Catherine Kandefer-Lang ML20181A629 Loretta Kerns ML20170B189 Mona Kandeler ML20169A952 Harry Kershner ML20170A271 Caitilin Kane ML20181A399 Harry Kershner ML20181A264 Gail Kansky ML20179A194 Jerry Kessinger ML20170A232 David Kanter ML20168B271 Siri Kar Kaur Khalsa ML20172A401 Mike Kappus ML20170A140 Siri Kar Kaur Khalsa ML20172A402 Dave Karasic ML20169B044 Corwin Khoe ML20169A476 Dave Karasic ML20169B045 Catherine Kilgore ML20169A381 Theresa Kardos ML20170A177 Linda Musmeci Kimball ML20173A315 Dave Karrmann ML20169A983 Annie Stevenson - King ML20177A732 A Kasbarian ML20173A405 Chris King ML20171A378 Susan Kassouf ML20177A740 Tammy King ML20170A154 Michael Kast ML20169A487 Lawrence Kinsley ML20169A546 Vicki & Rod Kastlie ML20171A793 Ken & Ethel Kipen ML20179A140 Ron Katz ML20179A274 Caroline Kipling ML20169B014 Shari Katz ML20182A099 John Kirchner ML20181A646 Walda Katz-Fishman ML20179A043 Margaret Kirtley-Sternberg ML20169A401 Dave Kauble ML20171A337 Bernard Kirtman ML20179A302 37

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Allison Kiser ML20168B094 Cheryl Kozanitas ML20169B020 Robin Kladke ML20169A396 Ted Kozlowski ML20172A799 Elaine Klein ML20179A310 Dave Kraft ML20182A768 Judith E Klein ML20169A551 Julie Kramer ML20181A627 Phil Klein ML20173A410 Andrea Kraus ML20170A171 Siegfried Kleinau ML20179A356 Dennis Kreiner ML20179A313 Kevin Klenner ML20170B193 Evan Kroeker ML20178A141 Leona Klerer ML20171A809 Frank Kroger ML20169A122 Jon Klingel ML20179A281 Mike Krouse ML20172A382 George F Klipfel II ML20170B227 Gloria Krueger ML20169A482 Marija Kljuce ML20168B156 K Krupinski ML20171A478 Chris Klopp ML20171A336 Ginny Krystel ML20173A374 Ulla Kltzer ML20170B113 Holly Kukkonen ML20178A626 Christina Knapp ML20178A762 Susan Kulis ML20171A836 Paige Knight ML20177A721 Daniel Kurz ML20173A307 Donna Knipp ML20171A763 Carol Kussart ML20169A443 Glenn Knoblock ML20172A798 Christopher Kustra ML20168B220 Robert Knoer ML20169A961 Susan Kutz ML20170B177 Charles Knowles ML20179A075 Mia L ML20169A385 Judy Knueven ML20173A007 Rochelle La Frinere ML20172A839 Ruth Koblenz ML20169A120 Kaab Laab ML20172A448 Joann Koch ML20169A213 Gail Lack ML20169A937 Carol Koehler ML20169A483 Edie Lackland ML20178A620 Ken Koenigshofer ML20169A480 Brian Laddy ML20169A540 Karl Koessel ML20168B317 Susan LaDue ML20181A336 Sybil Kohl ML20170A215 Monika Laendle ML20170B235 Michael F Kolassa ML20170A292 Sally Laing-Malcolmson ML20170B131 Michael F Kolassa ML20170A967 Laura Lake ML20179A076 Robert Kolodny ML20173A382 Anne Lakota ML20171A858 Jeff Komisarof ML20170B077 Lisa Lamb ML20168B323 Rebecca Koo ML20169A014 Richard Lamb ML20172A309 Robert Koopmans ML20169A129 Eric Lambart ML20179A174 Mark Koritz ML20169A978 George Lambert ML20179A121 Meryle A Korn ML20178A534 Jerell Lambert ML20177A747 Bill Kornrich ML20179A364 Sylvia Lambert ML20169A469 Robin Kory ML20169A320 Larry Lambeth ML20168B082 ewa koscielna ML20170B088 Larry Lambeth ML20173A349 Greg Koshak ML20172A773 Kathryn Lambros ML20169A925 Kathy Kosinski ML20172A483 Frank Lampe ML20171A750 Aleks Kosowicz ML20169A474 Dmitry Landa ML20168B247 Jenni Kovich ML20170B136 James Landers ML20171A916 38

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Mary Landrum ML20170A218 Cindy Leerer ML20170B143 Deborah Lane ML20179A363 Magaly Léger ML20172A776 Linda Lane ML20170B216 Don Leichtling ML20171A666 Sandra Lane ML20169A156 Don Leichtling ML20171A668 Lynn C Lang ML20168B339 Charles Leiden ML20169A447 Barbara Langan ML20173A061 Charles Leiden ML20175A778 M Langelan ML20172A474 Laura Leipzig ML20170A108 Joan Langue ML20177A723 Laura Leipzig ML20179A153 Joan Langue ML20177A725 Joel Leitner ML20171A345 Paul Lapidus ML20169A514 Eric Lemberg ML20181A623 Mike LaPorte ML20170A120 Kathryn Lemoine ML20169A005 George Laroza ML20181A637 Cecile Leneman ML20171A802 Elaine Larson ML20181A653 Margot Lenhart ML20172A825 Frances Larson ML20181A388 Vivienne Lenk ML20173A040 Gary Larson ML20170B172 Brian Leslie ML20181A384 Wendy Larson ML20179A270 H Richard Leuchtag ML20171A737 Erik LaRue ML20170A286 Vladimir Levchenko ML20181A639 T LaRue ML20173A357 Edmund Levering ML20168B092 Dona LaSchiava ML20168B122 Paul Levesque ML20169A945 Norman W Lathrop ML20169A388 Patricia Levin ML20169A011 Roxey Lau ML20171A754 Joel Levine ML20170A239 Victor Becker Lau ML20170A076 Gilda Levinson ML20169A071 Chris Pan Launois ML20172A342 Jeri Levitt ML20178A612 Rachel Lauze ML20169A217 Elana Levy ML20169A008 Charlene Lauzon ML20171A357 George Lewis ML20173A351 Annamaria Laverty ML20169A479 Gloria Lewis ML20173A440 Toni Lavery ML20181A345 Marvin Lewis ML20168B230 Lynn Lavezzi ML20171A835 Shawn Lewis ML20172A801 Fred Lavy ML20173A409 Marcel Liberge ML20170A233 Alan Lawrence ML20170B138 Robert Lieber ML20171A870 Joan Lawson ML20171A684 Sharon Lieberman ML20171A735 David Lax ML20170B158 Susan and Philip Likes ML20179A320 Barbara Laxon ML20182A007 Andrea Likovich ML20178A493 Kevin Lay ML20169A492 Kathryn Lilley ML20181A615 Gail Lebeck ML20168B123 John Limbach ML20169A210 Dennis Ledden ML20169A941 John Lindberg ML20173A355 John Leddy ML20179A365 Christine Linderman ML20170B132 Ann Lee ML20181A387 Gerald Lindhorst ML20170A080 Marlies Lee ML20179A184 MaryAnn Linehan ML20172A399 Peter Lee ML20169A078 Virginia Linstrom ML20182A042 Rob Lee ML20169A913 Connie Lippert ML20173A416 39

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Timothy Lippert ML20173A030 David Loy ML20172A298 Robert Lippman ML20173A293 Joe Luca ML20172A808 Roger Lippman ML20173A321 Bron Lucas ML20182A098 Roger Lippman ML20179A036 Sandra Lucas ML20173A404 Joseph Lipsey ML20169B021 Stephen Ludwig ML20168B248 Richard Lipton ML20172A430 Thom Lufkin ML20171A429 Christopher Lish ML20182A104 Judy Lukasiewicz ML20178A134 Christopher Lish ML20182A116 Andy Lupenko ML20169B018 John Liss ML20179A094 Alvaro Luque ML20172A015 Laurie Litman ML20179A085 Jayson Luu ML20182A022 Wendy Little ML20178A135 Thomas Lux ML20182A020 Norm Littlejohn ML20172A783 Andrew Lyall ML20169A350 Joan Lobell ML20169A069 Nancy Lyles ML20169A333 Jonahan Lockie ML20171A925 Henry Lyman ML20173A068 Ross Lockridge ML20172A757 Frances Lynch ML20169A362 Wolfgang Loera ML20168B343 Michal Lynch ML20169B048 Patricia Loftman ML20182A013 Dawn Lyons ML20169A103 Sharon Logan ML20170A102 Deborah Lyons ML20171A036 Regina Logue ML20173A343 Rani Lyons ML20169A181 Leslie Lomas ML20171A920 Denise Lytle ML20172A341 Michael Lombardi ML20170A110 Marleny M ML20182A027 Robert Lombardi ML20169A090 Mitch M ML20172A014 Lois Lommel ML20170A191 Barbara MacAlpine ML20171A767 John Long ML20169A955 Rich Mackin ML20170B109 John Long ML20169B052 Neal Madnick ML20172A461 John Long ML20171A375 Martin Mador ML20179A031 Marilyn Long ML20171A712 Calli Madrone ML20170B185 Patricia Long ML20169B040 Tara Mae ML20170B192 Paula Long ML20172A469 Millie Magner ML20170A050 Mary Loomba ML20170A236 Pat Magrath ML20168B173 Dian Lopez ML20181A477 Yefim Maizel ML20170A186 Roxanne Lopez ML20169A159 Gene Majewski ML20170B042 Herbert Lord ML20171A724 Janet Maker ML20170A253 Ernie Loreen ML20170A183 Janet Maker ML20171A354 Catherine Loudis ML20168B340 Janet Maker ML20178A552 Karen Lovequist ML20169A485 Joan Makurat ML20173A397 Sammy Low ML20168B166 Charles Malarkey ML20181A606 Melissa Lowe ML20169A338 Catherine Malec ML20171A458 Janet Lowenthal ML20178A599 Rina Malerman ML20179A149 Steven Lowenthal ML20171A785 Karen Malley ML20172A311 Josephine Lowrey ML20172A400 Sue Malone ML20173A317 40

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Patrick Maloney ML20171A914 Carolyn Massey ML20169A471 Tania Malven ML20168B119 Carolyn Massey ML20181A394 Peter Maly ML20172A026 Rik Masterson ML20169A191 Ann Malyon ML20170A039 Harald Matej ML20181A439 Ann Malyon ML20179A198 Vicki Matheny ML20173A403 Ann Malyon ML20182A081 Holger Mathews ML20171A720 Richard Mammel ML20172A840 Ellen Matis ML20181A636 Sally Mann ML20173A000 Patricia Matteson ML20171A003 Natalie Mannering ML20169A465 Gail Matthews ML20179A168 Michael Mannion ML20171A002 Sally Mavroides ML20169A981 Jonathan Mansell ML20168B144 Mindy Maxwell ML20172A376 Mario Maraldo ML20170A195 Dana May ML20170A228 Amy Sophia Marashinsky ML20182A021 Lana May ML20173A039 Lorretta Marcel ML20169A039 S L May ML20171A887 Leslie March ML20178A619 Bob Mayberry ML20179A150 Robert Marcus ML20182A039 Lucie Mayer ML20171A016 Sandra Mardigian ML20170A011 Paul Mayer ML20171A938 Margo Margolis ML20179A327 Kenneth Mayers ML20170A083 Lee Margulies ML20173A055 Kenneth Mayers ML20182A036 Kathleen Margulis ML20168B241 Nat Mayers ML20173A366 Mitchell Maricque ML20170A193 Steven & Susan Mayes ML20173A377 Patricia Marida ML20179A328 Doug Mayor ML20172A016 Patricia Marida ML20182A771 Teresa Mays ML20169A934 Fabio Markon ML20178A513 Gary Mazzotti ML20172A348 Michael Marquardt ML20169A419 Janet McCalister ML20171A911 Sandra Marr ML20171A032 Barb McCarthy ML20169A455 Jesse Marsden ML20179A057 Cynthia McCarthy ML20170A132 Dorrine Marshall ML20173A012 Julie McCarthy ML20168B148 Linda Marshall ML20171A706 Susann McCarthy ML20170B164 Benjamin Martin ML20172A478 Harriet McCleary ML20168B150 Darlene St Martin ML20170A068 Daviann McClurg ML20171A888 Gordon Mac Martin ML20172A375 Chris McCluskey ML20182A101 Martha E Martin ML20182A075 Robert McCombs ML20181A644 William Martin ML20168B221 James McConkey ML20170A258 Alice Anne Martineau ML20169A197 James McConkey ML20170A260 Flora Martinez ML20170A178 Kelly McConnell ML20169A991 Bill Marvin ML20170A145 Mike McCool ML20169A450 Susannah Masarie ML20170B199 Joan McCoy ML20172A019 Marty Mason ML20172A301 Marta McCracken ML20169A230 Peter Mason ML20171A903 PJ Mcdaniel ML20172A362 Joel Masser ML20172A822 Ruthann McDermott ML20177A719 41

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Linda McDevitt ML20173A270 Tim Meier ML20173A361 John McDonald ML20169A140 Peter Meissner ML20168B351 Richard McDonald ML20170A250 Cara Melbye ML20168B083 Tracy McDonald ML20168B331 Peter Melka ML20169A179 Lillian McDonell ML20172A300 Lisa Mell ML20171A912 Rebecca McDonough ML20171A769 Jonathan Memmert ML20170B175 Betty McElhill ML20170B004 R Miles Mendenhall ML20172A366 Lauren McElroy ML20179A079 Mari Mennel-Bell ML20173A023 Doreen McElvany ML20179A037 Mardelle Mercurio ML20179A028 Aileen McEvoy ML20171A890 David Merrill ML20178A597 Mitclh McFarland ML20183A022 Joan Merrill ML20169A473 Robert McFarland ML20173A054 Nancy Merritt ML20179A161 Brent McFarlane ML20179A148 Regna Merritt ML20170B134 A McGarry ML20170A015 Prof Len Messina ML20170A118 Susan Mcgaughey ML20182A045 Douglas Meyer ML20171A338 Bonnie McGill ML20168B229 Elizabeth Meyer ML20168B245 William McGoldrick ML20171A837 Twyla Meyer ML20170A146 Lynn McGovern ML20169A453 Cindy Meyers ML20170A054 Lynn McGovern ML20169A505 Kathi Meyers ML20168B098 Nancy McGovern ML20181A341 Rick M Micciulla ML20172A441 Wendy McGowan ML20168B293 Brenda Michaels ML20182A061 Edwin McGrath ML20172A763 George E Milkowski ML20172A778 Peggy McGuire ML20181A446 Maria Millar ML20175A795 Margaret C McHugh ML20169A076 Caroline Miller ML20169A532 Patricia McHugh ML20173A326 Charles Miller ML20169A060 JoAnn McIntosh ML20179A114 Genevieve Miller ML20175A789 Barbara McKay ML20172A443 Kathryn Miller ML20171A777 Don McKelvey ML20169A926 Kirk Miller ML20182A783 Linda McKillip ML20169A141 Sam Miller ML20173A441 Michael McMahan ML20170B217 Steven Miller ML20168B288 Mary McMahon ML20170A074 Suzanne Miller ML20179A073 Pam McMahon ML20179A120 Tim Miller ML20173A017 Mara McManus ML20171A827 Victoria Miller ML20169A498 Odette McMillan ML20169A403 Gerry Milliken ML20172A464 Alice McNally ML20170A192 Karen Milliken ML20179A130 Cynthia McNamara ML20171A675 Roger Mills ML20177A722 James and Leslee ML20171A350 Bonnie Milrod ML20177A742 McPherson Karen Milstein ML20171A791 Mari McShane ML20172A440 Shelley Minden ML20172A764 Nancy Mead ML20169A109 Laura Miner ML20169B000 Kimberly Medeiros ML20170B231 Herbert F Mintz II ML20179A097 F Meek ML20172A455 42

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Kathleen Mireault ML20172A297 James Mosley ML20171A330 Kurt Miron ML20170B107 Anguss Moss ML20173A394 Seth Mirsky ML20172A331 Carol Moss ML20170B215 Patrick J Mitchell ML20172A436 Glenn Moss ML20170A116 Sidney Mitchell ML20182A047 John Moszyk ML20168B121 Margaret Motley ML20181A601 Judy Mouradian ML20173A346 Susannah Mitchell ML20172A380 Alexander Mouton ML20170A052 William Mitchell ML20173A386 John Mrakowitz ML20173A420 Glenn Mitroff ML20170B196 Stephen Mudrick ML20170B170 Arlene Mittenthal ML20173A031 Karsten Mueller ML20170A084 Steven Miyamoto ML20179A183 Lindsay Mugglestone ML20179A131 T Mo ML20170B046 Mark Muhich ML20173A021 Henry Mobley ML20172A022 Bernardo Alayza Mujica ML20169A145 Neal Mock ML20172A824 James Mulcare ML20172A819 Norman Moldestad ML20179A108 James Mulder ML20171A880 Cynthia Molinero ML20173A447 Carrie Mullen ML20178A148 Stephen Molk ML20168B213 Charlotte Mullen ML20198M670 James Monroe ML20171A349 Edna Mullen ML20171A917 David Monsees ML20170A166 Timothy Mullen ML20172A372 Danielle Montague-Judd ML20169A437 Christine Muller ML20172A472 Lisa Montanus ML20178A587 Mary Anne Muller ML20173A400 Deborah Montero ML20179A186 Maureen Mulligan ML20171A383 Chris Monti ML20169B013 Susan Mullins ML20170B031 Vi Mooberry ML20173A037 Barbara Jo Mullis ML20169A500 William Moody ML20169B006 S Mumford ML20168B336 Chris Moore ML20170A096 Prashanth Mundkur ML20171A346 Colleen Moore ML20178A571 Lauren Murdock ML20168B251 Hugh Moore ML20178A526 Bonnie Murphy ML20169A445 Nancy Moore ML20172A765 Dacia Murphy ML20172A835 Mary Morell ML20169A206 Gordon Murphy ML20169A032 Linda Morgan ML20169A352 Linda Murphy ML20172A398 Gina Mori ML20171A482 Liz Murphy ML20171A825 Jules Moritz ML20169A092 Paige Murphy-Young ML20171A334 Larry Morningstar ML20169A976 Gail Musante ML20172A475 Samuel Morningstar ML20171A749 Mallory Musser ML20179A106 Cynthia Morrell ML20171A332 Carol Myers ML20169A511 Nancy Morris ML20170B230 Jon Nadle ML20171A437 Sue and John Morris ML20171A795 Patricia Nadreau ML20169A204 Sam Morrison ML20178A516 Michael Nagy ML20168B281 Steven Morr-Wineman ML20170A071 Sandra Naidich ML20169A046 Kerry Mortensen ML20177A739 43

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Joseph Naidnur ML20172A325 Lillian Nordin ML20172A829 Judy Nakadegawa ML20168B100 Scott Norris ML20178A475 S Nam ML20170B023 Judy Northrop ML20171A919 Remy Naumann ML20173A388 Matthew Nossal ML20169A464 Maureen O Neal ML20169A072 Sharon Noviss ML20172A305 Meredith Needham ML20172A774 Anita Cannata Nowell ML20169A466 Grace Neff ML20181A620 Raymond Nuesch ML20173A301 Beatrice Nelson ML20169A006 Robert Oberdorf ML20170A035 Brad Nelson ML20169A036 Monica O'Brien ML20169A921 Chris Nelson ML20182A084 Alfredo Ocasio ML20170A244 Dennis Nelson ML20170B154 Richard Ochs ML20172A428 Dennis Nelson ML20173A446 Mary Beth OConnor ML20178A628 Dennis Nelson ML20179A129 Elizabeth ODear ML20168B303 Katherine Nelson ML20168B279 Michael Odell ML20173A288 L Nelson ML20169A472 Gloria Oehl ML20172A020 Victor Nepomnyashchy ML20169A067 Edith Ogella ML20178A133 Mary Neptune ML20170A205 LJ Okaldek ML20170A063 Kimberly Nero ML20170A298 Meghan Olafson ML20178A002 Alice Neuhauser ML20172A391 Maurice Oldis ML20168B344 Priscilla Newcomer ML20171A698 Michael Olenjack ML20169A117 Margo Newhouse ML20179A314 George Oleyer ML20179A045 Roberta E Newman ML20170A117 Donna Olsen ML20171A878 Carol A Newton ML20182A037 Barbara Olson ML20181A443 Duane Niatum ML20169A177 F Olson ML20172A025 Janice Niblack ML20181A278 Robert L Oman ML20169A104 Jenny Nichols ML20178A497 Mahmut Onde ML20179A185 Stephen Nickels ML20179A316 Kathy Oppenhuizen ML20170A219 Kathy Nickodemus ML20168B268 Vivi Orgel ML20171A924 Ricardo Nicol ML20169A026 David Osinga ML20170A115 Thomas Nieland ML20169A968 Hillary Ostrow ML20179A103 Antonella Nielsen ML20170A161 Fred Oswald ML20170B163 Erik Nielsen ML20171A699 otter ML20170A124 Whitney Nieman ML20170A971 Ned Overton ML20168B335 Whitney Nieman ML20170A972 Steve Overton ML20172A346 Robert Nobrega ML20173A424 Timothy Owen ML20181A377 Nancee Noel ML20170A099 Linda Owens ML20173A395 Lyndsey Nolan ML20169A979 Theresa Owens ML20168B138 Nancy Nolan ML20172A766 Douglas and Diane Ower ML20173A066 Zeb Nole ML20170B197 Carol P ML20171A932 Felice Nord ML20170A305 EP ML20170A303 Pamela Nordhof ML20173A314 Rosemarie Pace ML20181A609 44

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Roseanne Pacheco ML20171A498 Joyce Pear ML20171A653 Marion Pack ML20168B292 Craig Peariso ML20168B142 Zola Packman ML20179A102 Nancy Pearlman ML20170B150 Urmila Padmanabhan ML20169A948 Tia Pearson ML20169A918 Peggy Page ML20173A311 s peirce ML20172A779 Victor Paglia ML20171A041 Tyra Pellerin ML20168B253 Gregory Pais ML20169B039 Antonio Perez ML20170A111 Tami Palacky ML20170A131 Susan Perez ML20169A215 Linda Paleias ML20178A568 Susan Perez ML20169A530 Paul Palla ML20170A156 Andy Peri ML20182A043 Mary Anna Palmer ML20169A939 Jana Perinchief ML20179A177 William Palmisano ML20179A280 Jean Perkins ML20172A803 Elaine Palmquist ML20169A198 Kathryn Perkins ML20171A310 Harold & Lorraine Panciera ML20172A335 Debbie Perlmutter ML20170A125 Rachael Pappano ML20171A371 Martha D Perlmutter ML20170B009 Kate Paradis ML20173A043 Mary Perner ML20179A040 Sandy Parbury ML20170A243 Claire Perricelli ML20171A923 Marco Pardi ML20172A770 Mona Perrotti ML20178A633 Jeannie Park ML20168B233 Robin Perry ML20168B278 Linda Park ML20171A733 William Persky ML20179A162 Phyllis Park ML20179A169 Carla Peterson ML20168B314 Bob Parker ML20182A017 Davin Peterson ML20173A408 Eric Parker ML20168B287 Elen Peterson ML20170B148 Erin Parker ML20171A702 Karen Peterson ML20172A403 Sheila Parks ML20173A401 Mary Peterson ML20172A321 Faun Parliman ML20179A101 Richard Peterson ML20168B168 Dolores Parra ML20169A101 John Petroni ML20170A262 David Parrish ML20168B111 Edward Petroski ML20181A235 Adina Parsley ML20168B212 Carolyn Pettis ML20170A040 Michael Parsons ML20169A524 Kimberly Pettit ML20168B126 Ron Parsons ML20172A351 Terry Phelan ML20172A462 Susan Parsons ML20182A082 Cindy Phillips ML20173A013 Ronald Partridge ML20179A080 Clifford Phillips ML20172A419 Rama K Paruchuri ML20172A012 Clifford Phillips ML20178A579 Richard Patenaude ML20171A762 Jack Phillips ML20170A975 Ron Patrick ML20179A315 Linda Phillips ML20168B263 Carol Joan Patterson ML20169A959 Ingrid Picazo ML20181A638 Michelle Pavcovich ML20169A203 Gloria Picchetti ML20170B084 P A Paye ML20173A365 Gloria Picchetti ML20170B086 Gail Payne ML20170A277 Jay Pine ML20179A312 Richard Payne ML20169A946 Robert Pinkus ML20173A025 45

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Dolores Pino ML20179A189 Hank Prensky ML20179A112 Meryl Pinque ML20173A034 Lynne Preston ML20169A943 Robin Pinsof ML20169A121 Laura Prestridge ML20170A001 Annette Pirrone ML20179A273 Carl Pribanic ML20170A049 Brent Pitcher ML20171A854 Elisabeth Price ML20168B132 Leon Pivinski ML20170A189 Fiona Priskich ML20169A962 J Pizzo ML20168B242 Alvera Pritchard ML20170A100 Judy Plank ML20179A065 Mark Proa ML20169A994 Lesley Pleasant ML20179A056 Susan Proietta ML20170A088 Daphne Pleasonton ML20173A026 Micaela Pronio ML20168B311 Isaiah Plovnick ML20170B226 Linda Prostko ML20168B114 Mary Poggi ML20173A038 Nicholas Prychodko ML20173A367 Pat Poggi ML20170A266 Carol Pucak ML20168B295 Barbara Pohl ML20173A072 Lindsay Pugh ML20169A207 Barbara Poland ML20169A235 Edythe Quinn ML20173A368 Eric Polczynski ML20170A069 Timothy Quinn ML20170B117 Gene Polito ML20172A349 Manolo Quintana ML20170B224 Jeannie Pollak ML20171A408 Jose Quirago ML20172A326 Shannon Pollak ML20170A165 Joseph Quirk ML20169A987 Pat Pollard ML20168B157 LR ML20168B261 Lance Polya ML20173A282 Linda Raiteri ML20169A536 Ramona Ponessa ML20169A416 Kirk Ramble ML20171A442 Joseph Ponisciak ML20182A100 Lorenzo Ramero ML20171A832 Donna Pope ML20169A395 Erandy Ramirez ML20172A024 Karen Pope ML20168B275 Bob Ramlow ML20172A329 Christine Popowski ML20173A302 Joann Ramos ML20169A167 Jeff Popp ML20177A748 Dee Randolph ML20169A229 Joel Porter ML20170A986 Susanne Rash ML20179A058 Mary Porter ML20178A604 Dorri Raskin ML20169A161 Susan Porter ML20172A318 Ron Rattner ML20182A006 Fran Post ML20170B087 Karen Ratzlaff ML20168B284 Heath Post ML20169A518 Bruce Rauscher ML20169A468 Marion Potyondy ML20171A005 Evan Ravitz ML20169A967 Bonnie Poulos ML20170B151 Jack Ray ML20171A780 Judi Poulson ML20171A906 Bob Rayburn ML20172A450 Terry Poulson ML20169A029 Becky Raymond ML20171A470 Terry Poulson ML20181A310 Deborah Reade ML20169A013 Christine Powell ML20173A444 Louise Reardon ML20179A152 George Powell ML20169A091 Matthew Reardon ML20172A814 Dave Powelson ML20179A290 Robert Reece ML20173A060 Jennifer Powers ML20170A249 Michele Reed ML20181A614 46

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Robert Reed ML20169A956 Virginia Robinson ML20168B174 Robert Reese ML20171A739 Madeleine Rocha ML20170A231 N Refes ML20171A808 Ingrid Rochester ML20170B243 Nora Reid-leZotte ML20173A373 Brent Rocks ML20170A160 Hector Reillo ML20172A302 Soretta Rodack ML20169A507 PE Reimer ML20170A275 Lenore Rodah ML20171A819 Bettie Reina ML20169A924 Kay Reinfried ML20171A421 Jodi Rodar ML20179A203 Robin Reinhart ML20171A472 Patricia Rodgers ML20179A078 Tilman Reitzle ML20178A545 Merrill Rodin ML20169A986 Cate Renner ML20173A345 Kelvin Rodolfo ML20171A697 Michael Reshetnik ML20170A034 Sylvia Rodriguez ML20172A761 Terri Resley ML20170B173 Linda Roe ML20169A112 Mr & Mrs Bruce Revesz ML20170A246 Jo Roehrig ML20169A070 Thomas Reyer ML20171A728 George and Barbara Rofkar ML20171A434 Patricia Reynolds ML20168B286 Barb Rogers ML20171A834 William Reynolds ML20183A194 Dirk Rogers ML20177A743 Jennifer Rials ML20169B025 Meryl Rogers ML20173A024 Ellen Rice ML20172A482 Meryl Rogers ML20173A378 Michael Rice ML20172A379 William Rogers MPH MD II ML20169A391 Michael Rice ML20173A328 Ina Rogovin ML20169A315 Shirley Rice ML20170A268 Kathlene Rohm ML20172A388 Gail and John Richardson ML20172A786 Mary Rojeski ML20170A977 Carolyn Riddle ML20170B146 Kevin Rolfes ML20172A315 Bill Ridgeway ML20169A988 Edward Rollin ML20172A806 George Riggs ML20169A126 Philip Roman ML20168B345 Callie Riley ML20171A368 Catherine Tinney Rome ML20169A030 Laura Riley ML20171A364 Roberto Romo ML20169A058 D Rincon ML20168B113 Doyle Rood ML20181A655 Barbara Risacher ML20171A716 Timothy Root ML20170A143 Mary Burton Riseley ML20169B031 Ken De La Rosa ML20171A804 Carol Rittenhouse ML20173A323 Gregory Rosasco ML20179A151 Paco Rivera ML20169A975 Anne Rosati ML20170B242 George Roberts ML20169A146 Deirdre Rose ML20170A067 Jack Roberts ML20170B207 Kathryn Rose ML20169A098 Leon Roberts ML20170A194 Maria Rose ML20172A313 Les Roberts ML20171A886 Marilyn Rose ML20173A300 Lisa Roberts ML20170A016 Helene Rosen ML20173A290 Nancy Roberts-Moneir ML20178A131 Tracey Rosenlund ML20168B107 Ed Robertson ML20170A013 Carolyn and Richard ML20169A324 Joyce Robinson ML20172A794 Rosenstein 47

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Bruce Ross ML20170A106 Joe Sain ML20179A155 Jean Ross ML20172A832 Jan Salas ML20168B312 Robert Ross ML20179A357 Bonnie Salatti ML20169A051 Daniela Rossi ML20171A687 Jennifer Salhus ML20170A130 Jeremy Rossman ML20173A289 Deborah Sallee ML20181A297 A Rossner ML20169A099 Susan Saltzman ML20171A867 Jerome Roth ML20168B254 Avram Salzmann ML20173A445 Emily Rothman ML20170B119 Michael Salzmann ML20170A237 H Rotstein ML20178A479 Dorothy Sanchez ML20179A050 Dwight Rousu ML20172A417 Karen Sanguinetti ML20170B168 Cathy Rowan ML20171A860 Jamie Dos santos ML20173A347 Marvin Rowe ML20173A337 Michael Sarabia ML20178A614 Gary Rowland ML20173A014 Dora Saso ML20171A908 Trina Rowles ML20169B051 Jay Satterwhite ML20169A243 Vincent Rubino ML20168B225 Carol Saulsbury ML20169B026 Kenneth Ruby ML20173A006 Andrea Saunders ML20169A402 Patricia Ruge ML20171A896 Janet Saupp ML20170B079 Emily Rugel ML20173A286 Jane Savage ML20171A939 John Ruhland ML20170B178 Carol Savary ML20172A355 Kathleen Ruiz ML20171A420 Rosemarie Sawdon ML20169A205 Elena Rumiantseva ML20169A017 Diana Saxon ML20169A400 Margaret Runfors ML20182A102 Peter Sayre ML20169A124 Kathy Ruopp ML20178A596 M Sazonov-Robinson ML20169B016 Steve Rusk ML20172A330 Jeffrey Meyers M Sc ML20169A343 Carlton Russell ML20170B055 Timothy Schacht ML20169A115 Lucymarie Ruth ML20170A086 Kevin Schader ML20172A807 Ben Ruwe ML20168B104 Georgina Schaeff ML20171A861 Bart Ryan ML20171A031 Steven Schafer ML20181A389 Eileen Ryan ML20181A321 Bruce Scharf ML20172A334 Mary Ryan-Hotchkiss ML20171A753 Kay Schaser ML20171A428 Denis Rydjeski ML20172A384 Marsha Schaub ML20170A043 William Ryerson ML20173A393 Matthew Schaut ML20169A147 Helen Rynaski ML20172A339 George Scherba ML20168B274 Bob S ML20170B074 Elizabeth Scherbak ML20169A417 John S ML20173A362 Lauren Schiffman ML20169A462 Sister Clare Ann Litteken C ML20169A370 Daniel Schlagman ML20181A771 PP S Edwin Schlapfer ML20168B160 Will S ML20169A193 William Schlesinger ML20169B043 Frank Sabatini ML20171A844 Julie Schmidt ML20179A091 Rosalie Sable ML20171A010 P Jacquelyn Schmidt ML20181A465 Harvey Sachs ML20179A179 Roger Schmidt ML20170A158 Robert Sadot ML20179A332 48

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Joan Schmitz ML20171A030 Elizabeth Sexton ML20168B243 Lynda Schneekloth ML20171A821 Marguerite Sgrillo ML20170A285 Dan Schneider ML20170A141 Steve Shapiro ML20170A072 Lynn Schneider ML20170A019 Mukund Sharma ML20169A449 Regine Schneider ML20179A134 Dr Lindsay Sharp ML20181A648 Susan Schoch ML20169A963 Timothy Shaw ML20169A108 Chris Scholl ML20170A270 Bonita Shea ML20172A772 Robert Schuessler ML20172A011 Steve Shearer ML20179A296 Susan Sheinfeld ML20170B112 Sam Sheldon ML20171A487 Steve Schueth ML20171A766 Marilyn Shepherd ML20172A409 Georgiann Schulte ML20171A748 Mike Sheppard ML20171A471 Sara Schultz ML20170A055 Leslie Sheridan ML20172A442 Brandy Schumacher ML20171A360 Aron Shevis ML20173A029 Henry Schwan ML20179A093 Timothy Shields ML20173A304 Don Schwartz ML20172A471 Robert Shippee ML20171A847 Elizabeth Schwartz ML20172A395 Christopher J Shirley ML20172A327 Greg Schwartz ML20169B009 Lula Shoberg ML20168B350 Francine Schwarzenberger ML20170A122 Amit Shoham ML20171A386 Jean Schwinberg ML20172A337 Philip Shook ML20171A013 Mark Scibilia-Carver ML20177A731 Michael Shores ML20168B117 Dorinda Scott ML20182A093 Ansi Shotwell ML20170A070 Jennifer Scott ML20168B322 Merle Showers ML20171A685 Pamela Scott ML20181A228 Joseph Shulman ML20171A848 Lee Scoville ML20169A053 Carolyn Shuman ML20181A651 Margaret Scripp ML20182A040 Steve Shuput ML20179A294 Nancy Seaberg ML20178A580 Sharon Sickles ML20173A016 Santiago Munoz Sebastián ML20173A052 Joanne Sieck ML20169A050 Douglas Sedon ML20170B082 Carol Sills ML20171A701 Joshua Seff ML20173A344 Gail Silva ML20169A949 Kimberly Seger ML20172A466 Fran Silver ML20173A308 Tony Segura ML20170B169 Fran Silver ML20173A310 Laura Seitz ML20172A818 Regene silver ML20172A828 Susan Selbin ML20171A905 Laura Silverman ML20169A175 David Seldin ML20179A116 Linda Silversmith ML20168B210 Isabel de Sena ML20171A877 Patricia Simmons ML20173A369 Virginia Sendor ML20168B259 Paula Simmons ML20173A384 Virginia Sendor ML20169A408 Eric Simpson ML20169A148 Gloria Sennert ML20172A378 Gregory D Simpson ML20170B008 Victoria Sepulveda ML20171A449 Robert Simpson ML20173A063 Elliott Sernel ML20169A180 Jon Singleton ML20169A950 Heather Servais ML20170A301 49

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Peter Sipp ML20179A053 Theodore C Snyder ML20181A241 Joan Sitnick ML20169A992 Mark Soenksen ML20173A306 Georgia Sizemore ML20168B103 Risa Sokolsky ML20179A326 Beryle Skaar ML20178A761 Laila Solaris ML20168B223 Dita -kalic ML20169A380 Raenell Soller ML20170A966 Julie Skelton ML20169A132 Todd Somodevilla ML20173A281 Scott Sklar ML20181A315 Todd Somodevilla ML20178A511 Kate Skolnick ML20169A341 Marshall Sorkin ML20179A330 Darren Skotnes ML20181A320 Winthrop Southworth ML20170B236 James Sliger ML20198M671 Barbara Slitkin ML20179A300 William Spadel ML20173A340 Ron Slosky ML20171A656 Gregg Sparkman ML20171A025 Sally Small ML20170A009 Rick Sparks ML20169A931 Kathleen Smaluk-Nix ML20177A749 Tim Speece ML20179A088 Virginia Smedberg ML20181A645 Kurt Speidel ML20170A293 Barry Smith ML20182A812 Brent Spence ML20181A773 Bret Smith ML20171A859 Susan Spengler ML20169A527 Brian Smith ML20168B095 Susan Spengler ML20169A528 Deborah Smith ML20169A557 Martha and Irwin ML20170B165 Dennis Smith ML20170A090 Spiegelman Donna Smith ML20169A239 Allen Spivack ML20172A787 Elizabeth Smith ML20171A040 Karen Spradlin ML20169A318 Gaye Smith ML20169A969 Julie Squire ML20169A506 Gayle Smith ML20168B348 William St George ML20169A549 Jaszmene Smith ML20173A019 Delores Stachura ML20169A111 jennifer Smith ML20170A148 Carol Stamets ML20179A167 Joan Smith ML20172A406 Karen Stamm ML20173A316 Leslie Smith ML20170B073 James Stamos ML20179A307 Mary Ann Smith ML20170A107 Beth Stanberry ML20179A098 Michael Smith ML20178A764 Phyllis Standish ML20170B037 Peter Smith ML20170A187 Lee Stanfield ML20169A919 Ronald Smith ML20171A741 David Stanley ML20169A233 Ronald Smith ML20173A312 Erica Stanojevic ML20171A941 Sandra Smith ML20169A409 Garry Star ML20173A036 Sheila Smith ML20179A170 Alex Stavis ML20169A267 Sue Smith ML20178A583 Jason Steadmon ML20171A659 Dr William M Smith Jr ML20179A175 Joanne Steele ML20168B169 Clare Smith-Larson ML20171A415 Beth Stein ML20169A128 Astrid Smulders ML20173A004 Tim Stein ML20169A321 Seth Snapp ML20170A058 Bob Steinberg ML20170B209 Paula Sneddon ML20171A721 Richard Steinberg ML20172A385 50

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Kelsy Steiner ML20169A424 Eli Sutton ML20169A134 Lorenz Steininger ML20168B349 Sophia Sutton ML20171A771 Kurt Steinman ML20171A768 Karen Suyemoto ML20168B146 John Steponaitis ML20171A480 Kathy Svendsen ML20169A170 Richard Stern ML20168B163 Kathy Svendsen ML20169B035 Roberta Stern ML20170A265 Kathy Svendsen ML20169B038 Jean Stevens ML20169A183 Kathy Svendsen ML20179A126 Mara Stevens ML20170B157 Bo Svensson ML20170A091 Tatyana Stevens ML20169A523 Molly Swabb ML20170A082 Noreen Stevenson ML20172A412 Gabrielle Swanberg ML20169A914 Christine Stewart ML20169A531 Phyllis Swank ML20171A020 Laura Stewart ML20179A318 Jay Sweeney ML20182A053 Lon Stewart ML20169A972 Wesa Sweeney ML20168B318 Karen Stimson ML20170B050 Lillian Swindell ML20171A663 Ellin Stiteler ML20173A050 William Swinney ML20171A781 Nelson Stockdill ML20168B116 Oleh Sydor ML20169A973 Richard Stockton ML20168B283 Oleh Sydor ML20179A188 Debra Stoleroff ML20171A898 CS Symington ML20170B032 Debra Stoleroff ML20179A087 John Szalasny ML20173A049 Garold Stone ML20179A145 Carol Taccetta ML20171A034 Jan Stone ML20170A147 Julie Takatsch ML20171A872 Lisa Stone ML20171A881 Masaaki Takeuchi ML20179A301 Sister Sheila Stone ML20171A882 Monica Takiguchi ML20178A138 Susan Stone ML20171A900 Kathie E Takush ML20169A231 Mika Stonehawk ML20168B172 J Talbot ML20171A326 George Stradtman ML20169A484 Ruben Tamamian ML20170A241 Anthony Straka ML20170A963 hideko tamura ML20178A145 Lynette Strangstad ML20182A029 Binh Tang ML20181A415 Susan Strasser ML20173A278 Rosemary Tann ML20169A556 Annette Straubinger ML20169A456 Yvette Tapp ML20169A045 Charleen Strelke ML20169A106 Amy Tappen ML20170A075 James Strick ML20173A002 Carol Taylor ML20182A069 Deb Stringham ML20178A630 Dave Taylor ML20169A178 Sue Stromberg ML20173A295 Donald Taylor ML20170A290 Richard Stuckey ML20170B123 Dr F Taylor ML20182A054 Helen Stuehler ML20169A044 Laura Pitt Taylor ML20168B280 Lois Sturm ML20172A424 Nancy Taylor ML20178A576 Carmela Sudano ML20168B273 Roy Taylor ML20182A057 Steven Sugarman ML20171A662 Cornelia Teed ML20168B155 Gail Sullivan ML20173A005 Michele Temple ML20179A361 Andrew Sutphin ML20181A252 Marcia Tendick ML20181A363 51

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Joanne Tenney ML20173A333 Maureen Todhunter ML20169A137 Justina Tennikait ML20178A594 Kathy Tolman ML20172A811 Robie Tenorio ML20179A323 Pela Tomasello ML20172A456 Lynne Teplin ML20168B267 Michael Tomczyszyn ML20169A062 Terumi Teraao ML20168B238 Myra Toth ML20171A703 Terumi Teraao ML20168B239 John Tovar ML20169B007 Eaine Terrell ML20169A467 Charles Towne ML20179A099 Colleen Tester ML20170A012 Erline Towner ML20171A743 Christina Teunissen ML20170B078 Linda Townill ML20170A206 Frank Thacker ML20173A018 Pat Townsend ML20181A372 Gary Thaler ML20170B232 Debora Tramposh ML20172A423 John R Thayer ML20175A781 Carolyn Treadway ML20170A959 Melissa Thirloway ML20171A380 Janice Treichel ML20179A284 Melissa Thirloway ML20182A018 Galen Trembath ML20171A907 Carolyn Thomas ML20170B115 Dennis Trembly ML20169A998 Clara Thomas ML20181A621 Leonard Tremmel ML20181A656 Debbie Thomas ML20182A080 Charles Tribbey ML20181A632 Ellen Thomas ML20169A114 Tom Tripp ML20173A359 Jan Thomas ML20172A367 Steve Troyanovich ML20172A830 Jan Thomas ML20177A738 Mary True ML20170A133 Kat Thomas ML20169A188 Susan Trujillo ML20168B218 Laurie Thomas ML20170A003 Joel Trupin ML20178A515 Mollie Thomas ML20173A437 Jackie Tryggeseth ML20173A412 Don Thompson ML20171A395 Theodora Tsongas ML20168B178 John Thompson ML20170B025 Susan Tucker ML20172A386 Joseph Thompson ML20170A152 Ian Turner ML20173A056 Kris Thompson ML20172A017 Nolan Turner ML20170B024 Susan Thompson ML20173A015 Shannon Turner ML20172A805 Don Thomsen ML20171A351 Patricia Tursi ML20178A498 Jerry Thorne ML20179A060 Katharine Tussing ML20170A207 Janet Tice ML20181A619 Jeff Twine ML20179A032 Gerald Tichy ML20170B184 Barbara Tyler ML20175A792 Doreen Tignanelli ML20178A483 John Tyler ML20182A071 Robert Tinsley ML20171A528 Kristin Ulibarri ML20171A673 Devon Tipp ML20169B028 Albert Ulrich ML20181A635 Rebecca Tippens ML20172A319 Sandra Underwood ML20178A608 Alice Tobias ML20170A222 Elizabeth Ungar ML20173A022 Alice Tobias ML20170A227 Francine Ungaro ML20168B139 Karin Tobin ML20178A482 Richard Uzzell ML20179A109 A Todd ML20169A433 Sean V ML20172A028 David Todd ML20179A042 Nancy Vader ML20178A543 52

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ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Barbara Vaile ML20178A484 Erlynn Wallace ML20179A125 Mehdie Vakili ML20179A291 Margaret Wallace ML20169A345 Natalie Van Leekwijck ML20181A437 Sissy Wallach ML20171A311 Jordan Van Voast ML20170B234 Mark Walleman ML20170B167 Gwyn Vandevere ML20171A831 David Walls ML20170A235 Diane Vandiver ML20170A169 David Walls ML20182A055 Barbara Vanhorn ML20169A555 David Walls ML20182A056 Montie VanNostrand ML20168B207 Susan Walp ML20179A299 Carolyn Vaughan ML20170A129 Donald Walsh ML20170A200 Lisa Vaughan ML20170A128 Ellen Walsh ML20169A037 Kevin Vaught ML20173A279 Steve Walsh ML20170B203 Satya Vayu ML20168B257 Hannah Walters ML20171A927 Francisco J Velez ML20168B087 Kenneth Walters ML20179A096 Deborah Veneziale ML20172A027 Rick Walts ML20173A008 Laura Vera ML20169A066 Christine Walturz ML20181A390 Anne Veraldi ML20182A067 Rosemary Ward ML20172A317 Stephen Verchinski ML20168B217 Burwell Ware ML20173A035 Evelyn Verrill ML20169B005 Terry Warkentine ML20178A547 Paul Vesper ML20170A974 Thomas Warner ML20170A280 Dennis Vieira ML20169B033 Jan Warren ML20179A066 Joan Viers ML20171A928 Megan Warren ML20169A389 Helen Villarreal ML20169A917 Nicola Washington ML20173A267 Vicky Viray ML20181A602 L Watchempino ML20169A035 Susan Virnig ML20171A851 Mr Anje Waters ML20181A616 Marie Vogel ML20170A992 Anita Watkins ML20170A119 Axel Vogt ML20168B316 Vivian Watkins ML20170A240 Diane Vogt-O'Connor ML20181A337 Harold Watson ML20182A051 Marian Volkman ML20169A222 Kym Waugh ML20170A061 Bruce von Alten ML20182A012 Randall Wayne ML20171A794 Citizen Voter ML20169A357 Carol Weaver ML20169A192 Theodore Voth ML20169A996 Charlie Weaver ML20182A083 Pamela Vouros Callahan ML20168B231 Kathy Weaver ML20171A008 Deborah Voves ML20169A493 John Webb ML20172A306 Brian Waak ML20169A020 Randall Webb ML20170B156 Carolyn Wacaser ML20172A826 Lore Weber ML20172A817 Jeannie Wadst ML20170B061 Susan Wechsler ML20171A714 Hillary Wagner ML20172A821 Michael Wechter ML20171A447 Nancy Wagner ML20169A922 Faith Weidner MD ML20173A389 Pauline Wagner ML20179A359 Eileen Weilbacher ML20179A035 Marie Wakefield ML20169A325 Elyette Weinstein ML20169A079 Brad Walker ML20172A769 Joseph Weinstein ML20181A421 53

Table C-2 (contd)

ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Stuart Weinstock ML20171A885 Christopher Williams ML20182A010 Joel Weisberg ML20179A107 Donald Williams ML20170A196 Lynne Weiske ML20169A190 Freddie Williams ML20169A971 AJ Weiss ML20169B030 Glen Williams ML20169B024 Valerie Weiss ML20169A335 Jane Williams ML20182A090 Roberta Weissglass ML20179A181 Kenneth Williams ML20171A758 Joanna Welch ML20172A023 Margery Williams ML20173A380 Jeannette Welling ML20168B192 S E Williams ML20172A762 Jeannette Welling ML20168B193 Terrie Williams ML20171A353 Neil Wellington ML20179A095 Nancy Willing ML20179A172 Genevera Wells ML20179A086 Charlie Wilson ML20172A316 Lasha Wells ML20170A127 Mark Wengler ML20171A443 Doris (Jody) Wilson ML20177A729 Dorotohy Werne ML20171A841 Kathy Wilson ML20179A190 F Robert Wesley ML20172A356 Sharon Wilson ML20179A029 Margaret Wessels ML20172A031 Thomas Windberg ML20170A046 Karin Westdyk ML20178A505 Joseph & Sandra ML20168B228 Kjell Westerdahl ML20170B160 Windwalker Richard Whaley ML20171A707 Kristine Winnicki ML20172A431 Mark Wheeler ML20171A314 Lee Winslow ML20170A123 Mike Wheeler ML20178A500 Amy Winter ML20168B199 Bruce White ML20172A426 Amy Winter ML20168B200 Bruce White ML20172A432 Lisa Witham ML20173A292 Mary White ML20173A392 Andrew & Kathleen ML20179A136 Diane Whitmire ML20175A783 Wittenborn Danby Whitmore ML20170A021 Deborah Wolf ML20182A065 James Whitted ML20171A445 Rachel Wolf ML20169A200 Alexander Whittle ML20171A011 Janet Wolfe ML20181A481 Erika Whitton ML20182A041 Morey Wolfson ML20168B244 Jean Wiant ML20168B125 Michael Wollman ML20168B342 Padma Wick ML20173A339 Nan Wollman ML20178A140 Max Wilder ML20168B262 Linda Wood ML20171A799 Sharon Wilensky ML20168B260 Rick Wood ML20169A481 Carol Wiley ML20179A117 Bennie Woodard ML20169A940 Carol Wiley ML20181A234 Charlene Woodcock ML20170A288 Kimberly Wiley ML20183A490 Roselynn Woodward ML20171A307 Janice Wilfing ML20169A186 Cathy Wootan ML20170B222 James Wilhelmi ML20170A064 Bonnie Worden ML20170A225 P Willa ML20172A303 Jaymee Workman ML20169B022 Lin Willett ML20182A015 Michael Worsham ML20182A023 Carole Williams ML20181A652 John Wozniak ML20168B320 54

Table C-2 (contd)

ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Linda Wright ML20172A785 Andrea Zajac ML20171A708 William Wurtz ML20172A308 Joseph Zakrzewski ML20171A014 Doug & Mary Wylie ML20178A129 Michael Zamm ML20171A695 Gregg Wynia ML20181A776 Marya Zanders ML20170A209 Patricia Wynn ML20179A049 Cortney Zaret ML20168B196 Josef Wyss-Lockner ML20170A020 Gretchen Zeiger-May ML20177A741 Ivona Xiezopolski ML20171A829 Bernie Zelazny ML20173A053 Doug Yamamoto ML20168B304 Rev Elizabeth Zenker ML20171A419 Jim Yarbrough ML20169B003 William Zentis ML20172A383 Jane Yater ML20168B270 Laura Ziegler ML20170B041 Jane Yater ML20168B277 Robert Ziegler ML20179A297 Jane Yater ML20169A410 Russell Ziegler ML20173A396 Joan Yater ML20169A064 Alexey Zimenko ML20178A508 Kathy Yeomans ML20172A310 Mark Zimmermann ML20169A228 Susan Yeske ML20173A436 Ran Zirasri ML20169A027 Bonnie Yohe ML20169A387 Gina Zirtzman ML20172A755 Nancy York ML20169A361 Yvonne Zola ML20172A454 Bernadine Young ML20169A220 Naomi Zuckerman ML20169A025 Marie Young ML20169A957 Naomi Zuckerman ML20179A124 Patricia Hedrick Young ML20170B228 Alex Zukas ML20173A283 Kristina Younger ML20173A271 J Zupkus ML20170A085 Mary Yunker ML20168B272 Dorthee ML20169A958 John Zahos ML20168B159 55

Table C-3 Individuals Submitting the Form E-Mail with Correspondence ID 39 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20182A815) and Correspondence ID 40 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20182A900)

ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Brian Abts ML20183A256 Brian Cam ML20182A852 Jarret Adams ML20183A055 Brian Campbell ML20182A839 John Ahlberg ML20182A915 Wendy Carames ML20182A889 Kim Ahlberg ML20183A032 Phillip Carew ML20183A062 Drew Krecicki AIA ML20183A315 Philip Carlson ML20183A064 Jose Luis Alvarellos ML20183A100 Konner Casanova ML20183A066 Anonymous ML20183A474 Steve Castellino ML20183A477 Calvin Armerding ML20183A453 Sebastian Cerny ML20182A882 Vidal Soares Andre Augusto ML20183A430 Bonita Chan ML20183A180 Jerry Austin ML20183A498 Alvian Chavez ML20183A316 Jackson Bailey ML20182A922 Chris Cogan ML20183A012 Paul S Balik ML20183A036 Charles Cohen ML20183A202 Sara Bancroft ML20183A076 Patrick Cohenour ML20183A497 Hermann Bautzmann ML20183A109 Jared Conway ML20183A525 Scott Bean ML20183A507 Ryan Coogan ML20183A331 Nicholas Beaule ML20182A911 David Cornell ML20182A834 Daniel Belenky ML20183A209 Ryan Patrick Dailey ML20182A848 Jack E Bennett ML20183A089 Eric Danielski ML20183A063 Christopher Bergan ML20183A096 Ekaterina Danilova ML20183A420 Elvira Bertsche ML20182A927 Mickey Davis ML20182A892 David Betterman ML20183A449 Shane Day ML20183A354 Walter R Bird ML20183A476 Richard Demar II ML20183A447 Jared Boesch ML20183A191 Ben DeNardo ML20183A349 R Stuart Bondurant ML20183A438 Logan Dernoshek ML20183A311 Doug Bowman ML20183A069 Adam Devoe ML20182A926 Michael Branco-Katcher ML20183A499 Carl Doane ML20183A493 Jacob Branson ML20182A844 Samuel Doane ML20183A407 Joseph Brassard ML20182A905 Stuart Doane ML20183A044 Eugene Brown ML20183A465 Mohan Doss ML20183A229 Gerrit Bruhaug ML20182A879 Jennifer Dotson ML20183A337 Gerrit Bruhaug ML20182A881 Samuel Dotson ML20183A078 Eric Brundick ML20182A910 Tyler Downard ML20183A483 Canon Bryan ML20183A246 Matthew Durbin ML20182A843 Justine Buchman ML20182A861 Matt Dusenbury ML20183A031 Jeff Buesing ML20183A021 Natalia A Efremenko ML20183A506 Eric Burkholder ML20183A251 Yuri Efremenko ML20183A411 Nikole Bussom ML20183A403 Angela Egan ML20183A103 Lorraine Calissi-Corral ML20183A488 Adrian Egholm ML20183A471 56

Table C-3 (contd)

ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Patrick Everett ML20183A092 Patrick Hebert ML20183A208 Amanda F ML20182A833 Walter Heenan ML20183A480 Ozzie Aery Fallick ML20183A366 Matthew Herald ML20182A846 Alan Fellman ML20182A878 Jonathan Hewitt ML20183A508 James Finke ML20183A228 Dennis Higgins ML20183A429 Russ Finley ML20183A518 Zachary Hills ML20182A903 Gregory Fitz ML20183A028 Aaron Hinman ML20182A822 Tao Flaherty ML20183A192 Megan Hoover ML20182A914 Jim Fogarty ML20183A051 Noah Hoppis ML20183A462 Tim Francis ML20182A895 Steve Housden ML20183A011 Erik Franks ML20183A087 Kris Hubby ML20183A440 Allen & Carol Frechette ML20183A034 Kathryn Huff ML20183A248 Joel Van der Gaast ML20182A906 George Hults ML20183A452 Billy Garner ML20183A313 Brian Hunt ML20183A501 Jim Garrison ML20183A040 Aaron Huxford ML20183A018 Josh Gathany ML20182A823 Gabriel de la Iglesia ML20182A918 Monica Gehrig ML20183A015 Gabriel Ignetti ML20183A233 Owen Lewis ML20183A489 Andrew Jaremko ML20183A342 Jeff Gerardot ML20182A859 Matthew Jasica ML20183A487 Cliff Ghiglieri ML20183A017 Macie Jonath ML20183A024 Corak Gokhan ML20183A027 Gary Kahanak ML20183A207 Grzegorz Golba ML20183A030 Sami Karam ML20183A368 Jeff Goldman ML20183A050 Benjamin Kasper ML20182A924 Jackie Goulding ML20183A511 Sean Kauder ML20183A107 Christian Graff ML20183A095 Jackie Kempfer ML20183A361 Jaime Graff ML20183A219 Alibek Kenges ML20183A074 McKay Graff ML20183A047 Kathy Kenyon ML20183A486 Nathan Graff ML20183A516 Dimitris Killinger ML20183A007 Alyssa Granito ML20182A877 Paula King ML20183A245 David C Gravereaux ML20183A412 Louis Kissinger ML20183A199 Jonathan Gray ML20183A467 Joel Krakower ML20182A898 William Groom IV ML20182A888 Jane Krecicki ML20183A479 Wilhelm Guggisberg ML20183A370 Matthew A Krecicki ML20183A243 Philip H ML20183A418 Miraim Kreher ML20183A006 Richard Hahn ML20182A923 Ernestine Kuhr ML20183A478 Joshua Halsted ML20182A902 Jens Kunze ML20183A503 Brian Hanley ML20183A016 Altenburg Kurt ML20183A436 John Hanson ML20183A046 Dilan Kurukulasuriya ML20183A492 Scott R Hart ML20183A468 Peter Lacovara ML20183A061 Nicholas Hashem ML20183A239 Markus Landgraf ML20183A502 Robert R Hasspacher ML20183A382 Amanda Lang ML20182A819 57

Table C-3 (contd)

ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Brad Laufenberg ML20183A075 Nate Myhre ML20182A894 William Limestall ML20182A842 Brooks Nelson ML20183A445 Maximillian Lipkin ML20183A485 Connor Nepomuceno ML20182A873 Faruk logoglu ML20182A925 Tom Nigl ML20183A521 Aristidis Loumis ML20183A514 Michael Nordman ML20183A236 Racquel Lovelace ML20182A832 Joshua Norton ML20183A042 Lydia Luciano ML20183A266 Joaquin Noyola ML20183A329 Nathan Macher ML20183A079 Philip Ord ML20182A908 Colin Mackenzie ML20182A824 Joseph Osborn ML20183A379 Ethan Mackler ML20183A437 Jesse N Otto ML20183A517 Jeffrey Mahn ML20182A917 Dario Panici ML20182A920 Tyler Majerus ML20183A077 Frederick Pardoe ML20183A057 Michael Mann ML20182A887 Alfred P Parish ML20183A189 Mary Manous ML20183A385 Chuck Patterson ML20183A416 John Marshon ML20198M673 Karl Pauls ML20183A068 Sahlan Martin ML20183A241 Faith Paulsen ML20183A443 Dario Martinez ML20183A434 Michael Paulsmeyer ML20184A092 Jeff May ML20182A872 Perry Pederson ML20183A321 Ross Mazur ML20183A373 Michael Pelizzari ML20183A052 Luke Mazza ML20183A505 Joe Peltier ML20182A840 Colby McElveen ML20182A900 Haans Petruschke ML20182A847 Jon McWhirter ML20183A392 Jeffrey Philbin ML20183A457 Nick Meade ML20183A273 Marcin Piwnik ML20182A817 Keith Means ML20183A380 Irina Popova ML20183A400 Alan Medsker ML20182A828 Cesar Pozas ML20182A838 Caryl Medsker ML20183A446 Dylan Prevost ML20182A816 Peter Mergen ML20183A454 Charles Price ML20183A481 Brant Merryman ML20183A389 Douglas Price ML20183A203 Bruce Meyer ML20182A821 Chris Quartly ML20183A025 Eric Meyer ML20182A818 Ferheen Qureshi ML20183A049 Isaac Meyer ML20183A444 Cody Race ML20183A464 Mark Miller ML20182A909 Dan Randolph ML20183A441 Christopher Milwa ML20183A212 Mikko Rsnen ML20183A033 Viktor Moberg ML20183A500 Samantha Rawlins ML20182A912 Mark Moorcroft ML20183A059 Ben Reade ML20182A814 Joseph Morgan ML20183A102 Robert W Ream ML20183A257 Dee Solarz ML20183A513 Don Redfoot ML20183A433 Katie Mummah ML20183A425 Emma Redfoot ML20183A091 Michael Munoz ML20183A520 Nathan Reid ML20182A853 William Murray ML20183A002 Caleb Reidhead ML20182A850 Debra Musgrove ML20183A512 Alex Renner ML20183A378 58

Table C-3 (contd)

ADAMS ADAMS Accession Accession Commenter Number Commenter Number Greg Renner ML20183A390 Laura Snelgrove ML20183A494 Tim Rickman ML20182A891 Nolan Snelgrove ML20183A182 Tori Riso ML20182A896 Rebecca Snelgrove ML20183A105 Jesabel Rivera ML20183A509 Terrin Snelgrove ML20183A450 Dylan Robideaux ML20183A072 Patrick Snouffer ML20183A099 Keith Rodan ML20183A397 Herschel Specter ML20183A442 Nathan Roser ML20183A317 Michael stalls ML20182A851 Rodrigo Rovner ML20183A037 Richard Steeves ML20182A855 Mike Ruby ML20183A332 Adam Stein ML20183A271 Audrey Sabatino ML20183A394 Ryan Stewart ML20182A845 William Sacks ML20183A004 Ray Sundby ML20183A029 Roberto M. Sanabria ML20183A260 Jake Teufert ML20183A053 Eric Sandberg ML20183A496 Casey Thormahlen ML20183A335 Justin Sattler ML20182A841 Amelia Tiemann ML20183A432 Adam Scheider ML20183A262 Daniell Tincher ML20183A058 Joseph C Schiewe ML20183A451 Leonardo Tinti ML20182A876 Eric Schmitz ML20183A195 Moriah Tobin ML20183A343 Dennis Schreiner ML20182A919 paul van Linden Tol ML20183A071 Traber Schroeder ML20183A482 Paul van Linden Tol ML20183A409 Rob De Schutter ML20183A065 William Tolpegin ML20183A448 Chase Scott ML20183A419 Chris Tooley ML20183A484 William Scullin ML20183A422 Florencia Renteria del Toro ML20182A836 Colby King Searle ML20183A026 Brayden Toth ML20183A238 Dan See ML20182A815 Scott Travis ML20182A913 Clare Seguin ML20183A510 David Tremain ML20183A097 Isuru Seneviratne ML20183A428 Eric Uhrhane ML20183A013 Farshid Shahrokhi ML20183A088 Christina Unger ML20182A904 Todd Sherman ML20183A060 Julianna VenDouern ML20182A886 Pierre-Clement Simon ML20183A010 Robert Versluis ML20183A003 Wakter Simon ML20182A884 Ricardo Vidrio ML20182A837 Chris Slaughter ML20182A857 Brad Volz ML20182A885 Rachel Slaybaugh ML20183A048 Daniel Wagner ML20182A820 Kira Smiley ML20183A495 Sean Wagner ML20183A232 Andrew Coffman Smith ML20183A455 Simon Wakter ML20182A871 Charlyne Smith ML20182A854 Hannah Wald ML20183A056 Charlyne A Smith ML20182A858 Noah Walton ML20182A883 Eric Smith ML20183A504 Seaver Wang ML20183A524 Erik Smith ML20182A874 Brenda E Ward ML20183A045 Kurt Smithpeters ML20183A344 Bill Warner ML20183A473 Ashton Snelgrove ML20183A206 Mackenzie Warwick ML20183A019 Clark Snelgrove ML20183A067 James Webber ML20183A491 59

Table C-3 (contd)

ADAMS Accession Commenter Number Bruce Weir ML20183A345 Nicholas Wells ML20183A424 Kory Welsch ML20183A519 Adrian Westall ML20183A347 Philip Weyenberg ML20183A035 William J Wiggins ML20183A020 Searight Will ML20183A101 Stephen Williams ML20182A826 Stephen H Williams ML20182A825 Gregory B. Wolff ML20182A916 Marc Wonders ML20182A928 Elizabeth Worsham ML20182A921 Mark Young ML20183A023 Dan Yurman ML20183A014 Marie Zabell ML20182A907 60

D. References 10 CFR Part 50. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities." TN249.

10 CFR Part 51. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 51, "Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions." TN250.

10 CFR Part 52. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 52, "Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants." TN251.

40 CFR Part 1506. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Protection of Environment, Part 1506, "Other Requirements of NEPA." TN4877.

59 FR 7629. February 16, 1994. "Executive Order 12898 of February 11, 1994: Federal Actions To Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations." Federal Register, Office of the President. TN1450.

69 FR 52040. August 24, 2004. "Policy Statement on the Treatment of Environmental Justice Matters in NRC Regulatory and Licensing Actions." Federal Register, Nuclear Regulatory Commission. TN1009.

82 FR 2402. January 9, 2017. "Tribal Policy Statement." Federal Register, Nuclear Regulatory Commission. TN5500.

82 FR 40463. August 24, 2017. "Executive Order 13807 of August 15, 2017: Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects." Federal Register, Office of the President. TN6393.

84 FR 62559. November 15, 2019. "Agency Action Regarding the Exploratory Process for the Development of an Advanced Nuclear Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement."

Federal Register, Nuclear Regulatory Commission. TN6470.

85 FR 24040. April 30, 2020. "Notice To Conduct Scoping and Prepare an Advanced Nuclear Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement." Federal Register, Nuclear Regulatory Commission. TN6458.

85 FR 43304. July 16, 2020. "Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act." Final Rule, Federal Register, Council on Environmental Quality. TN6485.

AEC (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission). 1974. Environmental Survey of the Uranium Fuel Cycle. WASH-1248, Washington, D.C. ADAMS Accession No. ML14092A628. TN23.

Atomic Energy Act of 1954. 42 U.S.C. § 2011 et seq. TN663.

Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended. 42 U.S.C. § 5801 et seq. TN4466.


Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (commonly referred to as the Clean Water Act). 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq. TN662.

Fixing Americas Surface Transportation Act. 42 U.S.C. § 4370m et seq. TN6392.

Mining Law of 1872. 30 U.S.C. § 21a. TN6487.

Reagan Library (National Archives and Records Administration). 1981. "Statement Announcing a Series of Policy Initiatives on Nuclear Energy." Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, October 8, 1981. Accessed September 16, 2020, at TN6484.

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended. 42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.


National Historic Preservation Act. 54 U.S.C. § 300101 et seq. TN4157.

NEI (Nuclear Energy Institute). 2013. Industry Guideline for Effective Pre- Application Interactions With Agencies Other Than NRC During the Early Site Permit Process. NEI 10-07, Washington, D.C. ADAMS Accession No. ML13028A392. TN2672.

NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 1976. Environmental Survey of the Reprocessing and Waste Management Portions of the LWR Fuel Cycle. W.P. Bishop and F.J. Miraglia, Jr.

(eds.). NUREG-0116 (Supplement 1 to WASH-1248), Washington, D.C. ADAMS Accession No. ML14098A013. TN292.

NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 2002. Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement of Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities: Regarding the Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors. NUREG-0586, Supplement 1, Volumes 1 and 2, Washington, D.C.

ADAMS Accession Nos. ML023470327, ML023500228. TN665.

NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 2009. Generic Environmental Impact Statement for In-Situ Leach Uranium Milling Facilities. Final Report, NUREG-1910, Volumes 1 and 2, Washington, D.C. ADAMS Accession Nos. ML15093A359 and ML15093A486. TN2559.

NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 2013. Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants [GEIS]. NUREG-1437, Revision 1, Washington, D.C.

ADAMS Package Accession No. ML13107A023. TN2654.

NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 2014. Specific Environmental Guidance for Light Water Small Modular Reactors Reviews. Interim Staff Guidance, COL/ESP-ISG-027, Washington, D.C. ADAMS Accession No. ML14100A648. TN3774.

NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 2018. Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Stations. Regulatory Guide 4.2, Revision 3, Washington, D.C. ADAMS Accession No. ML18071A400. TN6006.


NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 2019. Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Clinch River Nuclear Site. NUREG-2226, Washington, D.C.

ADAMS Package Accession ML19087A266. TN6136.

NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 2019. "History." Washington, D.C. Website accessed September 14, 2020, at TN6477.

NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 2020. Memorandum from A.L. Vietti-Cook to M.M. Doane, dated September 21, 2020, regarding Staff Requirements - SECY-20-0020 -

Results of Exploratory Process for Developing a Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction and Operation of Advanced Nuclear Reactors." SRM-SECY-20-0020, Washington, D.C. ADAMS Accession No. ML20265A112. TN6492.

NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 2020. Policy Issue: Results of Exploratory Process for Developing a Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction and Operation of Advanced Nuclear Reactors. SECY-20-0020, Washington, D.C. ADAMS Accession No. ML20052D175. TN6493.

NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). 2020. Summary of Public Scoping Meeting Conducted for the Advanced Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement. Washington, D.C. ADAMS Package Accession No. ML20161A339. TN6459.

Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act. Public Law 115-439. 132 Stat. 5565.


Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. 42 U.S.C. § 2210 Note. Public Law 101-426. TN6486.

UPI (United Press International, Inc.). 1981. "Reagan Lifts Ban on Nuclear Fuel Recycling." E.

Roby, October 8, 1981. Accessed September 10, 2020, at 0issued,for%20speedier%20power%20reactor%20licensing. TN6476.