ML21200A100 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 07/31/2021 |
From: | Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
To: | |
MABartlett NMSS/DFM/FFL 301.415.7154 | |
References | |
Download: ML21200A100 (2) | |
Smarter Fuel Cycle Licensing Program July 2021 Status BACKGROUND The NRC staff developed a charter dated April 26, 2019 (ADAMS Accession No. ML19115A016) for building a smarter fuel cycle licensing program. It directed the Working Group (WG) to seek and evaluate input from NRC staff and stakeholders (e.g., industry, Nuclear Energy Institute). On April 30, 2020, the NRC staff issued recommendations for addressing the feedback from both internal and external stakeholders (ADAMS Accession No. ML20099F354). The suggestions ranged from simple procedure changes, such as more frequent communication with applicants to more resource intensive projects such as development of standard review plans (e.g., update NUREG-1520).
Division management endorsed the implementation of the recommendations and directed the staff to develop an action plan (AP), first published July 10, 2020 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20184A267). The AP grouped the implementation of the recommendations into three general categories: Near-term actions anticipated to be completed by Fall-2021, Mid-term actions anticipated to be completed by Early-2022, and Long-term actions with completion dates beyond 2022, (note: completion dates have been updated).
The smarter licensing team is working to incorporate the Near-term recommendations into division instructions (DIs) which will provide guidance on the procedures for Division of Fuel Management licensing activities. The DIs are entitled:
LIC-FM-1, Licensing Overview, LIC-FM-2, Acceptance Review Process, LIC-FM-3, Requests for Additional Information, and LIC-FM-4, Safety Evaluation Reports.
Work on the Mid-Term recommendations to develop job-aids, templates, and training have started and will progress further as the NRC staff transition from DI development to implementation. Some of the Long-term recommendations are under development (e.g., guidance for management turnover and a standard review plan for licensing greater than critical mass facilities) and will progress further as resources and priorities allow.
OBJECTIVE To provide a status update on the staffs ongoing efforts to revise and implement approved smarter licensing recommendations, which consist of Near-, Mid-, and Long-term recommendations.
- 1. Provided status update at the fuel facilities stakeholder meeting, 03/24-25/2021, see ML21120A058.
- 2. Provided status update at the fuel facilities stakeholder meeting, June 16, 2021, see ML21200A120.
- 3. Incorporating Near-and Mid-term recommendations into the DIs (LIC-FM-1, -2, -3, and -4).
- 4. Implementing recommendations as summarized in the table below.
- 1. Finalize the DIs by Fall 2021.
- 2. Develop job-aids and conduct training on the recommendations in the finalized DIs by early 2022.
- 3. Review DIs to identify portions that can be made public in early 2022.
- 4. Proceed with implementation of the Mid-and Long-Term recommendations Points of
Matthew Bartlett, Smarter Licensing Project Manager, NMSS/DFM/FFLB, 301-415-7154 Jacob Zimmerman, Branch Chief, NMSS/DFM/FFLB, 301-415-1220
Timeline for Implementing the Smarter Licensing Recommendations as if July 2021 0
Task Status Finish Date Task Status Finish Date 32 Develop Division Instructions (DI)
Ongoing Fall 2021 15 LIC-FM-1, job-aids, & training Ongoing Early 2022 19 Training on DIs Future Early 2022 18 LIC-FM-1, job-aids, & training Ongoing Early 2022 16 Make DIs Public Future Mid 2022 21 LIC-FM-1 & 4, job-aids, &
training Ongoing Early 2022 1
DI, LIC-FM-1 & 2 Ongoing Fall 2021 25 (P1)
LIC-FM-1, job-aids, & training Ongoing Early 2022 2
DI, LIC-FM-1 & 2 Ongoing Fall 2021 27 (P2)
LIC-FM-1, job-aids, & training Ongoing Early 2022 3
DI, LIC-FM-1 & 2 Ongoing Fall 2021 30 Creat a roadmap for licensing actions and templates Future Early 2022 6
DI, LIC-FM-1 & 2 Ongoing Fall 2021 31 Expand the risk tool Future Early 2023 29 (P1)
DI, LIC-FM-1 & 2 Ongoing Fall 2021 LT-1 13 (P2)
IG working group updates Ongoing To Be Determined 29 (P2)
DI, LIC-FM-1 & 2 Ongoing Fall 2021 14 LIC-FM-1, job-aids, & training Ongoing To Be Determined 4
DI, LIC-FM-1 & 2 Ongoing Fall 2021 23 Update NUREG-1520 Future To Be Determined 7 (P2)
DI, LIC-FM-1 & 2 Ongoing Fall 2021 LT-3 20 Develop SRP Ongoing To Be Determined 27 (P1)
DI, LIC-FM-1 & 2 Ongoing Fall 2021 24 Develop roadmap for templates Future To Be Determined 5
DI, LIC-FM-1, 2, & 3 Ongoing Fall 2021 25 (P2)
Make roadmap easily accessible to staff Future To Be Determined 10 (P2)
DI, LIC-FM-1 & 3 Ongoing Fall 2021 LT-5 26 Guidance for new types of facilities Future To Be Determined 17 DI, LIC-FM-1 Ongoing Fall 2021 28 DI, LIC-FM-1 & 2 Ongoing Fall 2021 7 (P1)
DI, LIC-FM-1, 2, & 3 Ongoing Fall 2021 8
DI, LIC-FM-3 Ongoing Fall 2021 9
DI, LIC-FM-2 & 3 Ongoing Fall 2021 10 (P1)
DI, LIC-FM-3 Ongoing Fall 2021 11 DI, LIC-FM-3 Ongoing Fall 2021 12 DI, LIC-FM-1 and LIC-FM-3 Ongoing Fall 2021 13 (P1)
DI, LIC-FM-1 and LIC-FM-3 Ongoing Fall 2021 22 DI, LIC-FM-3 Ongoing Fall 2021 NT-3 NT-4 Recommendation NT-0 NT-1 NT-2 Recommendation MT-1 LT-2 LT-4 Division Instruction (DI),
Standard Review Plan (SRP),
Inspector General (IG),
Near-Term (NT),
Mid-Term (MT),
Long-Term (LT)
LIC-FM-1: "Overview of the Licensing and Certification Process of NRC-Regulated Activitie" LIC-FM-2: "Acceptance Review Process" LIC-FM-3: "Request for Additional Information" LIC-FM-4: "Safety Evaluation Report" Completed In Process Projected Completed In Procress Future Completed In Process Projected