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ISFSI Inspection Program Enhancement Implementation Plan Status Summary
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/28/2020
From: Jackquelyne Millner
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
JETapp NMSS/DFM/IOB 415.8047
Download: ML20244A114 (1)


ISFSI Inspection Enhancement Implementation Status Project Status as of 8/28/2020


Starting in June 2019, a working group was formed as part of the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Inspection Program Enhancements Initiative to evaluate and enhance the NRCs existing ISFSI inspection program by developing a clearer, more risk-informed, comprehensive, and consistent approach to ISFSI inspections across the four regions that focuses on those areas most important to safety. The working group used probabilistic risk analyses, byproduct material radiation exposure studies, subject matter expertise, operating experience, and lessons learned from the last 30 years of ISFSI inspection history to inform the recommended revisions to the program.

The final report of the working groups recommendations was completed and made publicly available on March 18, 2020 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20078P093). The Director of the Division of Fuel Management (DFM) approved the working groups recommendations in full considering the final recommendations report and all feedback received. Public issuance of the final decision memo (ADAMS Accession No. ML20079E064) was on May 6, 2020.


To provide a status update on NRC staffs efforts to issue a new ISFSI inspection program technical basis document Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2691, and revise IMC 2690 and 6 associated Inspection Procedures.



Working group kick-off meeting conducted on June 11


Completed public and internal implementation plans


Posted implementation plan and status document on the public website


Completed regional review and comment resolution of IP 60853, 60854, 60856, and 60857


Issued IMC 2690 for regional review on 8/19; IP 60855 and 60858 currently in regional review


Issued IP 60854 and 60857 for branch management review on 8/20


Issued IP 60853 and 60856 for DFM management review on 8/20 after receiving branch concurrence


Discussed ISFSI inspection enhancement implementation during the August 18 RSLO monthly call and August 26 ROP monthly call



Date Planned Actual Completed Initial IP/IMC drafts complete*

7/31 Present status at August ROP monthly call 8/26 8/26 NRR IMC Coordinator Meeting 8/27 8/28 NEXT STEPS Regional review complete 8/31


Continue to resolve comments as each document goes through its respective review and comment period


Incorporate aging management information in the new IMC 2691, inspection program technical basis document


Issue IMC 2691 for regional review


Develop and issue new IP for initial aging management inspections for regional review

  • To be marked as completed when additional aging management guidance is incorporated into respective inspection procedures and manual chapters Present Status at Aug RSLO monthly call 8/2020 8/18 Regional comment resolution complete 9/15 IOB/Regional BC review complete 10/6 DFM Management review complete 10/27 Issuance of documents for implementation complete 11/17 Regional training complete 11/20 Points of


Jeremy Tapp, Transportation and Storage Safety Inspector, NMSS/DFM/IOB, 301-415-8047 Matthew Learn, Transportation and Storage Safety Inspector, NMSS/DFM/IOB, 630-829-9603 Leira Cuadrado, Branch Chief, NMSS/DFM/IOB, 301-415-0324