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Enclosure-Inspection Status for Wy Sites
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/05/2018
From: Paul Michalak
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
To: Schiele R
State of WY, Dept of Environmental Quality
Poy S
Shared Package
ML18291B251 List:
Download: ML18291B252 (3)


Inspection Status for Wyoming Sites NRC Manual Date Report Date of Last Last Exit Licensee Type Chapter/Inspection issued/ADAMS Next Inspection Inspection Date Frequency Accession No.

Uranium One USA, Inc.

2641 9/28/18 (Willow Creek and Ludeman ISR 8/7-9/18 9/28/18 August 2019 Annual* ML18256A065 Projects)

Strata Energy, Inc. 2641 9/12/18 ISR 7/17-19/18 8/14/18 July 2019 (Ross Project) Annual* ML18242A674 Power Resources Inc., dba 2641 7/27/18 ISR 6/25-28/18 6/28/18 December 2018 Cameco Resources 6 month ML18199A299 2641 6/22/18 Lost Creek ISR, LLC ISR 5/22-24/18 5/24/18 May 2019 Annual* ML18156A411 Uranerz Energy Corp. 2641 7/12/18 ISR 4/17-19/18 6/20/18 April 2019 (Nichols Ranch ISR Project) Annual* ML18177A428 NA - no activity AUC LLC 2641 Preoperational ISR See memo NA NA (Reno Creek Project) 6 month inspection TBD ML18278A285 Uranium One Americas, Inc. NA - no activity 2641 Preoperational (Moore Ranch Uranium ISR See memo NA NA 6 month inspection TBD Project) ML18276A105 UR Mill in 2801 9/25/18 Kennecott Uranium Co. 8/29/18 8/27/18 August 2020 Standby 2 year** ML18267A188 Future ExxonMobil Corp. 2801 9/26/18 Title II 8/31/18 8/31/18 August 2020 (Highland) 2 year** ML18268A041 site Future Pathfinder Mines Corp. 2801 9/26/18 Title II 8/30/18 9/11/18 August 2020 (Shirley Basin) 2 year** ML18267A337 site Future 2801 9/20/18 UMETCO Minerals, Corp. Title II 8/28/18 8/28/18 August 2020 2 year** ML18262A051 site Future Western Nuclear Inc. 2801 9/18/18 Title II 8/28/18 8/28/18 August 2020 (Split Rock) 2 year** ML18260A113 site Future AREVA NC Inc., 2801 9/19/18 Title II 8/28/18 9/13/18 August 2020 Lucky Mc Uranium Mill 2 year** ML18257A159 site Future Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 2801 9/26/18 Title II 8/31/18 9/20/18 August 2020 Bear Creek Uranium Co. 2 year** ML18267A385 site

  • NRC Manual Chapter 2641, In-situ Leach Facilities Inspection Program, dated August 25, 2000, states that the normal frequency for (most) inspection procedures is 6 months, with a minimum inspection frequency of 12 months. Extensions of inspection intervals can be implemented based on good licensee performance. Based on MC 2641 criteria, RIV made the decision to inspect these licensees on an annual basis.
    • NRC Manual Chapter 2801, Uranium Mill and 11e.(2) Byproduct Material Disposal Site and Facility Inspection Program, dated August 25, 2000, states that the minimum inspection frequency for (most) procedures is annually, with the normal frequency (mostly) semi-annual. Extensions of inspection intervals can be implemented based on good licensee performance. Based on MC 2801 criteria, RIV made the decision to extend the inspection frequency for these sites to biennially.

Revised October 17, 2018