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ITS News,Spring 1986,Vol 2,Number 2
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/01/1986
NUREG-BR-0056, NUREG-BR-0056-V02-N2, NUREG-BR-56, NUREG-BR-56-V2-N2, NUDOCS 8908110302
Download: ML20245E621 (12)


== - Volume 2, Number 2 i EWa W M M

= Spring 1986 NUREG/BR-0056 W umN 1 E W Dien of Automated Information Technology [) U.S.Regulatory Nuclear sennamn sou.

Services Support Center g ennement o.veionm nt and Tra6ning Laboratory s .... Commission Training Staff The W SHl.IST is ad ually Region I WlSHLIST Comes True! ,

a series of three programs 1

that are used to assemble, edit, and prioritize in-hl spection requests.

first program is designed The

  1. g'T
Y for use on site by the

' ~

Y' '\f 7

  • > N 4

[ /

7 ~~

resident inspector to as-semble and format the "wish-s .


,s ,.)

if f

site's quarterly list" of regionally based 1

.' M Y 1 / i -

inspections. Using the

. , h-

~s O w -


.c -


I program, the inspector h b. > f enters the requested IE j.'j f[





I inspection procedure num-ber and any remarks needed

! ,' , to assist the specialist

~. , ' '

.- .# e, inspector in his prepara-

  • 7 The resident then

/ >-


/ g tion.

transmits the list, using


a- .7 P CROSSTALK XVI, from an IBM k[ M M k .

k. /A dd PC in his office to a PC in the office of his One of the primary notifies the region and supervisor, responsibilities of an NRC many times joins a pool of resident inspector is en- other inspectors also re- "'

suring the timely comple- questing support.

tion of the appropriate IE ,

THE ISSUE AT HAND inspection program con- ,

Given the finite inspec- ,,,,,,,, ,, ,, ,,, ,

ducted at his assigned tion resources available, Pc 8af'a " Padat 6's"d" -

facility. There programs it is up to regional man- "" "'"'*"""*"""'

l consist of inspection pro- agement to determine the

  • * * ' ' "". a . u n ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ 4 l

cedures, performed both at priority of these inspec-I selected intervals and on tion requests. To accom- sw turni. ort rios. .t the "S Support Ce,t er . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 an as-needed basis in re- plish this , Region I has sponse to plant events. In developed an IBM PC prior- cettin Tours Au = n to von

{ Region I, the resident itization program, using RI',$],i",'Q"j'N"*,"d ,,,,,,,,, ,

reviews the site inspec- dBASE III, called "WISH- * * * **" " " " " " " " " " " " #

tion program status quar- LIST," which uses the re-d5ASE 6 At traer cr==P ......... 8 terly and requests inspec- suits of Systematic As-tion support to complete sessment of Licensee Per- 4 ,,,to, r,,3u , no...,.i ,,,,, ,

I the program's goals. When formance (SALP) Reports as '""""""""""""*"*

j the assistance of a re- the primary indication of l gionally based specialist resident and regional in- Z'" 8g'**jd i ,'"*"[ , 3, is needed, the resident spection priority.

8908110302 e606tG PDR NUREG S -

r Tha s:cond progran iS ustd by ths cupzrviscr to of inspsction responsibil-audit and amend, if neces- ity and prioritized. The sary, the inspection re- ITS WS Credits tP 25% of the requests i_ queats submitted to the

. The iTS NEWS is a quarterly are assigned a priority _of ng,n the middle 50% are regional office. Upon Publication provedsng informaNon of interest to users of compnr completion of this review, technology at the NRC. It is given a priority "2," with the remainder receiving a requests from each site produced by the staff of the NRC are transferred to the informaton Technology Services priority "3." These lists third program disk {u nier and Trainin9 are then reviewed and ap-for

?rioritization. Y ' $ ' ' proved by the Division of

,n cci n eEt re'w f e"S Reactor Projects branch The third program is the Please statt by:forwara them to the ITS chiefs prior to submittal heart of the WISHLIST sys- Phone: 492 4160 to the Division Director tem, for it contains the for his signature.

Magn p Perso%

databas o used in the pri- ,g orititig of all inspec- ITS Support Center This approach gives the tion reper.ts. These data resident inspector the bases 1 dade: 1) all in- .

Francine Goidberg, flexibility n n to identify spection cniet. information Technology ,

procedures and Sr needs in a structured p, ee5 s Secten and disciplined the Region I organization- Scien afic Programmer manner al entity (at section ,A"c"$ (

with subsequent management level) responsible for computer Assistant V*#VI'" .t assure that each procedure's perfor- Geogiann

' the prioritization is rea-mance; 2) the current p

Emov Robinson.

sonable. Por unique situ-plant operational status; Sc entific Programrneri ations or problem plants, i y,,

and 3) the current SALP James P. Smith, the Division Director has report functional area compute Pr mmer the ability to assign a category rating for each n y,, u , higher weighting factor plant. Editor. ITS NEWS reflecting k8' " v"" "

  • operational S s en A yst Problems. This is used To prioritize the in- sparingly, but reflects spection requests, WISH- ITS Training Laboratory the program's flexibility.

LIST matches an inspection p ,n ,,d g ,cy ,,, g,,,c,,,

u.cnaei canyes. instructo, request sith the section 8 1o' The WISHLIST System is a ,

responsible for, and the g',vj'(r"j5,,,"yy,g,,,c,,, powerful yet simple pro-Peggy tester. instructor SALP section influenced gram, which has reduced an by, that procedure's per- """ fc[j'l,; ,,,,, ,,, almost unmanageable task Jad vererson. instructor formance. Next, the pro- to a few keystrokes and gram retrieves the SALP $ '*8", Sianbac ck ,,y

. insuucio' two hours of course coordinator, and computer result for a particular time. Its use has enabled Editor. ITS NEWS SALP section and ob uins Region I to allow SALP the operational status of Management Developrnent results efficiently and the plant. The program and Training Staff directly to Influence then computes a priority regional inspection prior- ,

"f'L",'p'"M"am Anal rating value for the in- yst ities, thereby more spection request using a effectively allocating weighted formula with the yo,,. 7ne 7,,,n,ng Laboratory inspection resources, is operated by the USDA Graduate SALP results and the plant ' ' ""

ku'" [s's"$7[",Ma'ADff DTS.

operational status used as This example is one of variables. many ways in which Region

_ Graphics I is presently utilizing When all requests sub- 0"O"c'$ap*h5c "Secton the NRC investment in per-mitted to the regional Photography: Dan Dehn sonal computers. E office have had their rat-ing values computed, they are separated into areas


_ 2

t request with justification . Ability to position of need for the new fea- printed charts identi-tures. If an agency-wide cally with plotted k+ l requirement for compati-bility of data is known ones.

y M (e.g., budget submittal)


\; RM/D will assist in co-ordinating this effort.


-r UP coming issues of ITS . Global capitalization.

Di 3 NEWS will carry discus-and dBA NEW FEATURES OF LOTUS I P ewl a : S EME si revised products addressed 1-2-3, RELEASE 2: Ex-M in this issue are Chart- Pl oding Pies and Other yr Master, Sign-Master, end "0*#8 Lotus 1-2-3, the new fea- . . .

e m st significant new tures of which are high-lighted below. eatnes are:

For ad-ditional information abcut The Data Parse capa-the use of these products. .

PC SOFTWARE PRODUCT please refer to "Using Old bility, which permits the distribution of UPGRADES - ARE THEY and New Releases" in our FOR YOU? new CLIPBOARD, page 7. Parts of ceil tuforma-tron to other cells.

Software vendors, con-tinually refining their The ability to embed F S FEATURES SHARED BY .

products, periodically CHART-MASTER 6.1 and Page breaks in the issue upgrades to those SIGN-MASTER 5.1 8Preadsheet for con-products. An upgrade may trol of printing.

take the form of a new . Two new text fonts, j version (minor chsage or Swiss and Bold Swiss , . The ability to copy a enhancement) or a new and a new symbol font calculated value to release (major change or with 94 symbols and another cell on the enhancement). Some up- icons to lend pizzazz 8Preadsheet.

grades are of fered to NRC to signs and charts.

users by RM/D, while . Greatly improved func-others are not. Factors . Ability to plot on the tions for string mani-that determine whether IBM Proprinter. Pulation.

RM/D will purci:ase a given upgrade include the sig- . Capability of instal- . The ability to move, nificance of product lation on a hard disk copy, or edit a record changes, the status of with no need to unlock identified by the Data vendor support for pre- using a diskette. Query Find command, vious vers ions , cost, and compatibility with other . Full DOS directory software. NEW FEATURES SPECIFIC TO access.

CHART-MASTER 6.1 Because of the work in- . Translation capability r volved in converting ap- . Charts of mixed type to and from dBASE III, plication code and data, (e.g., lines and bars j sof tware upgrades are not in one chart). Also, . The ability to define always in the best inter- negative stacked bar scale in graphics gen-est of the individual NRC charts. eration and to create user. Accordingly, NRC exploded pie charts.

software will not normally . Support for the trans-be upgraded unless the fer of ASCII data from . More rows -

maximum user submits to RM/ DSS a 1-2-3 and dBASE. increased to 8192.

______ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k

r ,


. . More efficient file .i ,

....... - =_

storage and memory 2 1 f"

allocation. MMM3[  ;;

. The ability to utilize --

l @4g h[

a Math Co-processor md y_._, .z.. .'

(which must be reques- y ( $g v?i @g ~

ted separately) for > ,.

4 faster calculation of '

1 ,

large spreadsheets.



CAUTION: this upgrade p  %

of 1-2-3 may affect @ SUMS ^

p, q and (including macros ~

l Print macros) in your Release 1A spreadsheets. -

i Be sure to allow yourself sufficient time if yeu ,

choose j

to convett your applications to the ~

Release 2 softwar' E What's Wrong with this Picture?

WHAT'S WRONC HERE!? cause severe damage to our friend's disks are your equipment. Make sure about to take an early How much do you know your work space is well retirement. What with the about the care and feeding ventilated and away from paper clips, finger marks, of your PC? Here's an ex- direct heat sources. ball point pens, heat, ercise that :an put you to smoke, and dust, the data the test. How many poten- me . ee a sk On the other hand, don't tial. problams can you envel Pe anyvbere? Think identify in the picture ventilate by means of an open window. (Our friend he made a backup?


got this one rightI) Open .

windows invite dust, Mat. .There 1s no documenta-Test yourself .

first, .

E10" V1stble near the then read on to see how and humidity to play havoc .

with the silicon innards v rkstation. Think he'll well you really fare as a be able to find it when he PC expert! of your machine, needs it?

To start with, the flim- You can probably imagine Finally, this gentle-sy card table our friend how your expensive LP man's eyes would no doubt is using really isn't record collection would be thank him if he were to strong enough to support affected by constant ex- replace the lamp atop his the PC reliably and leaves posure to smoke. Not only PC with diffused lighting.

almost no wo: z ing space. are data diskettes simi-If you missed this one, be larly affested, but so are Did you catch them all?

sure to see our article on the sens it.Ive read / write Perhaps you found some workstation furniture and heads in your PC's disk that we dida't mention.

supplies on page 12 of drivas. If you must (Hint take a close look this issue. smoke, use a smokeless at the telephone.) Thank ashtray placed away from goodness we don't do these PCs generate plenty of the PC. things, right? E heat on their own without being subjected to addi- Your PC was never in-tional heat from a radia- tended to double as a Our thanks to Ken Raynor, ADM, tor or direct sunlight. lunch counter. Drinks who despite appearances is a modei This additional heat can spill, doughnuta crumble. NRC computer user.

i 1

._ s 4

NEW TUTORIAL and use program files in information on components ,

OFFERINGS AT THE ITS Command Mode, the Disk Operating System SUPPORT CENTER _

(DOS), DOS comand s , the

. 9 IBM PC/IT and Expansion by Jay Vargo l r #at------ ,

Unit, and PC applications.

_,-~ .

l'... ..,

,_ {,.

. T. _ . _

One of my projects as an gi;{ This ITS Support Center rota- e, 3


video tutorial with refer-tional assignee har been - _ .J _. ' ' ence handbook discusses to update the list of com-


the effects of VDIs and puter- and video-assisted a gives information on how tutorials available at the -

' to improve the VDT envi-Support Center. In the Screen from Teach Yourself ronment.

past several months I have dBASE /// Computer based been using these tutorials Tutorial. Appointmen t s , which are as a means of gaining a recommended for using any basic working knowledge of of these tutorials, may be the software used at NRC. USING IEM PISPLAYWRITE 3 arranged by calling the This self-paced, inter- Support Center on x24160.

I am particularly active, computer-based Regional staff interested pleased that after going course can accommodate new in tutorials should call through the dBASE III tu- users, knowledgeable their program support torial I was able to un- users, and occasional staff.

derstand the basic con- users of the DisplavWrite cepts and commands needed 3 word processing soft- Computer-based tutorials to begin writing my first ware. Ic combines printed for DisplavWrite 3 and dEASE II,I programs. I instruction with computer. d BASE III can now be bor-highly recommend the tu- based exercises, and its rowed from the ITS Support toria18 to anyone who is modular design allows a Center for a one week looking for a self-paced user to take training in Period. Due to the limit- -

approach to learning about time periods suitable to ed number of tutorial the microcomputer. his or her individual work copies available for loan, requirements. Please note Priority will be given to You may obtain a copy of that to use this tutorial, users whose offices are the current tutorial list one must have a copy of not in the Phillips build-by contacting either your DisplavWrite 3. ing. If you wish to bor-


office Training Coordina- row either of these tuto-tor or the Support Center. The introductory portion rials, call the Support l The following new tutori- of this course covers com- Center and ask for Jean als are now available at mands to create, print, Caldwell. Tutorials must the Support Ce2ter: revise, change format, and be picked up and returned paginat e a document. The in, person to the Support TEACH YOURSELF dBASE III . advanced portion, building Center. (Sorry, they can-This interactive computer- on the skills learned in not be sent in the mail.)

based training program the introductory material, uses a combination of tu- covers advanced revision, Additional tutorials are torial Jiskettes and re- pagination, formatting, on order, including those ference guide to teach the and even keystroke pro- for FORTRAN, DOS, and key-novice and advanced user gramming. boarding skills. Look for the concepts of dPASE III, announcements of new tuto-Volume I introduces, step GETTING STARTED WITH THE rials in future issues of by step, the features of IBM PC. This 35-minute ITS NEWS. E the Assist Mode. Volume video is designed to ac-II is designed to teach quaint new users with the Jay Vargo, /P, is completing a six.

the basic concepts and IBM PC. Giving an over- month assignment in the ITF commands needed to write view of the PC, it covers Support Center.

i 5

l ;g -

T )

cs soon- es possible if tha hardw:rs cnd asftvsro !

they must be ordered. inventory maintained by 1 What do you mean by "stan-RM/D. Please consult NRC i Manual Chapter 0904-5 for l ,

., d ard" hardware and sof!; , a discussion of the agen- !

g ware? cy's software policy. '

l J( RM/D has selected parti- What are the power re-cular products for agency- ouirements for my PC?

[ d' # "


wide use. These are the j IBM PC and a variety of You will need separate

((.% sof tware packages such as grounded outlets for the !

Lotus 1-2-3, dBASE III, PC and the printer. (Ex - !

D and DisplavWrite 3.

tension cords should NOT

-[yg Picase refer to NRC Manual be used.) If you are re-Mike MacWilliams Chapter 0904-1 for a com- questing either a modem 1 Piete listing.

(for data communications)

GETTING YOURS: ANSWERS or a color monitor, you TO YOUR QUERIES ON AC. Suppose I know of some vill need one additional QUIRING AND MAINTAINING "non-standard" hardware or outlet for each. By the YOUR PC software that appears to way, see also articles in

_.. Recently I ran into meet my needs beautifully, this issue and the Winter Sally N. Yuzer, a new NRC Can I Pet it? issue of ITS NEWS for


employee with lots of helpful information on questions about her own PC. It occurred getting }u should submit a written request and just"

, creating a comfortable and healthful environment both  !

to me later that our con- ification to RM/ DSS ex- for you and for your PC.

versat. ion might be useful Plaining thoroughly the to ITS NEWS readers, so nature of your intended From conversations with application and the rea-I've deleted the personal colleacues. I'm led to

_. stuff and distilled the sons why standard NRC believe I may need to re-remainder to its essence: items cannot meet your cuest a PC/XT. Are there

_ needs. All such requests any particular worde of How do I recuest a PC? are reviewed on their in- visdom for XT users?

dividual merits by RM/ DSS.

A memo must be sent to Funny you should askt the Director, RU, from My neighbor down the hall your Office Director or already has the sof tware I For PCs with fixed drives, Regional Administrator. expect to use. Why don't both software and menus See NRC Manual Chapter are installed by RM/D be-I iust recuest the hard- fore installation of the 0904-1 for guidelines. ware I need, share his

- sof tware, and save NRC the hardware. This facili-My friend has a PC. but it tates end users' use of a_diditional cost? the machines, while simul-doesn't meet her needs. . . . taneously enabling RM/D to How can she upgrade it? To remain within the bounds of software ven- provide telephone support, To upgrade her PC with dors license agreements, If a user modifies the NRC standard hardware and/ ,

NRC mu s t confine the use menu or the software con-4 or software, she should of a single piece of soft- figurations, such support use the " Request for NRC becomes difficult and

- ware to a single machine.

-A Standard PC System Up- To ensure compliance with time-consuming both for

! grade" form. Tell her to this principle, RM/D con- the user and for the sup-

, g

submit it directly to trols all PC software RM/ DSS at P-622. Standard using the PC a NRC tag such modification is hardware and a >f tware up- number and the control strongly discouraged. Of

! grades will be provided number on each piece of s est h i "

immediately if the reques- software. ,

Each office is you may have for changing g l;q ted items are in stock, or provided with a copy of (continued on page 9) f -p w

% 6

_y .. m -

mesh -

m h ""

m M M M M uss N N W .

Library News Farewell to earlier would have been from the Support Center Karen McCallon called simply MYFILE will, under the lateec release, Where do you go to ex- Karen McCallon, whose be named either MYFILE.CHT pand the horizcas of your cheerful smile and helpful or MYFILE.SGN.) Therefore, computing knowledge? The manner have graced the ITS if you create a file under ITS Support Center li- Training Lab, will soon be the latest release and brery, of course! leaving. She has elected then, for any resson, need to remain home following to access it using a pre-The library now contains the birth of her eagerly vious release, you must over 60 books, from Your anticipated child. Karen type in the full filename IBM PC Made Easy to Ex- has done an outstanding including the extension, pert dBASE. A listing of job and will be missed.

resources, including a You should also be aware wide variety of periodi- that both Chart-Master and cals, can be obtained by Using Old and New Sien-Master access files calling x24160 or by stop- Releases by means of catalogs. If ping by the Support Center you will need to access at P-808. Multiple releases of your files on another ma-standard software packages chine , be sure that the are being used within the diskette containing the Training Lab Modifies Courses for Updater agency. Bycause of dif- chart or sign files also ferences in capabilities contains your CHART. CAT The ITS Training Lab amon'.: releases and, in (for Chart-Master) or modifies its courses as some cases, incompatibil- SIGNCAT.TXT (for Sien-now versions of software ity between files created Master).

are distributed throughout with different releases, the NRC. you are advised to know Please be aware that if the release with which you create or revise a Recently the Display- your files were created spreadsheet using Release Write course was modified and the release available 2 of Lotus 1-2-3 and then to include the new Dis- on the machine you wish to for any reason need to pisvWrite 3 features of use. (See "...Are They return to using Release 1A automatic outlining and for You?" on page 3.) with that spreadsheet, footnoting, some addition- some Release 2 features al block funct ions , and Unlike the files created will not be available to spell checking within a with previous releases, you. (For some specific document. chart and sign files cre- features, please see the

,i ated with Chart-Master article referenced above.)

Modifications will soon release 6.1 and Sinn- Also, if you use the Sup-be. made to the chart- Master reletse 5.1 carry port Center machines ,

' Master 'and Sien-Master an extension on the file- where both releases are course -to incorporate name. For charts it is available, be sure to use these products' new fea- .CHT; for signs, .SGN. the version that exists on tures.' Refer to "... Are (EKAMPLE: A file that your own PC for compati-

They for You?" on page 3. bility's sake.



hF Mw '3 -

7 in ..b, ,um. .e 1 -

L dBASE 111 USER GROUP without retyping. Summary Al USER GROUP handouts of these proce-dures will be available at The purpose of the NRC NRC's en mr t m mee gs. ganization, the Artifie dBASE III User Group, chaired by Barry Marcus, Intelligence User Gr@

In the April meeting the has been well attendes is to share ideas and gr up addressed the prob- its two meetings to do techniques among begin- lem f GIGO (garbage in, ning , it termediate , and Led by Jim Smith in cle advanced 4 BASE III users ga age oud with demgn- room A of the ITS Traio strations from William Lab (W-102), the AI O here at the NRC. Clements of SECY and Lance Group has thus far expH Lessler of NMSS. The ed AI work already un@

The. User Group is ex- group then discussed the way by NRC.

panding rapidly and cur- various methods of error rently has over 80 mem- checking data inputs and #*

bers. Meetings are held other techniques for im- .

on the first Taesday of proving data integrity.

  • " """"# Y ' * * *?"*

given a presentation each month at the ITS the expert systems det Training Lab (W-102) at Frustrated users of memo P"*"' " #

  • 8 3 1:30 p .m . and last for fields were treated to a #* 7
  • approximately one hour. truly memo-rable treeting the IE Operations Cen0 Becoming a member puts you in May. Lance Lessler, c ae ray, Icahr on our mailing list and is SGAS, demonstrated a nifty the development team,H quick and painless. Call program he designed that the presentation and g Doug Vickery, the User emulates the memo field a demonstration for d Group's Coordin ator , on while leaving its problems "*n aMe to m 407-5723 for more infor- behind . following the meeting.


The dBASE User Group has At the March meeti At the March meeting the established a user program

, several NRC emplos group enjoyed a demonstra- library to assist its briefly described tD tion by Doug Vickery of members with sharing work and answered the o several simple methods for ideas and exchanging pro- questions posed by o(

transferring selected grams, routines, and tech- , group members. Speat data from dBASE III data- niques that are of inter- at this meeting were bases into DisplavWrite 3,. est to NRC d BASE III Rathbun, MDTS; Les 2 This allows data to be users. Call the Coor- caster, RRBR; Jim Jenk:

incorporated into reports dinator for details, also of RRBR; and 1 Baybutt, of Battelle lumbus Labs, sitting r

j @,'"" br ,.ms 6 for George Marino, IM Y Several other NRC emp E T & arn M24*" "

4 g 'gu )3 ees involved with AI s s "* b- were unable to attend Q)f 7,1b"7 M,M> will share their integ 9 [59i

.. j

at a future meeting.

,h ,

h The AI User Group it p

)t _ s h *

,< informal organization tablished for the mm

  1. )

g 0 '

h L edification of its 1

/T k ,,' g--



  • s

, k 'k L . g .

bers. At its next me@

on May 27, Leo Beltro t ' (,- g,' i ums, Ij J

% - will prasent "Commentt T Expert Displays." All 1y


  • j gk[t ~ terested NRC employeem welcome.


Att:nti:n Pr:JIct irprovem:nts or altera- Also, en interegsney

~ Managers! - Contractor tions to the software. agreement is being negot-Code Development isted with another Federal Guidelines 2. Documents (e.g., re- agency for timesharing ports submitted in ma- services to support the

'Are your contractors de- chine-readable form) CDN. This agency, whose veloping scientific or shonid be produced with two Isrge computer facil-technical applications on IBM DisplayWrite votd it ir,s already use much of microcomputers Producing Processing software. the technology envisioned This will allow them to for the CDN, has shown an machine-readable contract be used both on NRC's interest in providing ser-deliverables such as docu-ments created with word microcomputers and on vices to NRC ano has de-processing software? Even its word processing monsgrated its abj,lity to if you have not asked for equ1Paent, prov de the technt:a1 sup-computer application de- Port needed for a project velopment in your state- 3. All sof tware should be as complex es the CDN. A ment of work, you may find accgmpanted by documen-final agreement should be tation, including both reached by the time this your contractor offering Programmer and user issue of ITS NEWS reaches to provide results in inf rmation. readers hands, machine-readable form. In many cases this can be advantageous for the NRC, To help project managers but nc,t if the delivered incorporate the above re-incompatible quirements (as well as items are ,

thers relating to main- (Getting Yours - continued with NRC equipment and frame software) into con-software, from ILags, 9 tracts and DOE lab agree-To avoid incompatibility ments, the Support Center the standard wenus are and costly conversion ef- has prepared a document welcome; contact the ITS entitled "Sof tware Devel-forts, and to maximize the Support Center on x24160.

usefulness of maclaine. OPment, Submittal, Distri- ,

buti n, and Documentation What if I move and need to i readable contract deliver- Requirements for NRC Con-ables, be sure to put the relocate mv PC?

following requ? ecents tractors.' This document into your- statement of can be attached to your Contact RM/ DSS well in sistement of work. To advance. Please do not work- obtain a copy, call the move your PC youtwelf. (

1. All microcomputer disk- ITS Support Center on ettes should be capable x 4160 or FTS 492-4160. What do I do if ev hard-ware needs repair?

of use on an IBM PC or compatible, and all CORPORATE DATA microcomputer applica-ur 8rdware 8Pecialist, tions developed for the NETWORK Steve Hedlund, will take NRC should be written By Jack Frost your ct.11 on x28219. l using one of the stan-dard software packages With the Prototype Pro- Sally had several other supported for use by ject recently completed, good questions, but I felt l

Agency staff. By re- CDM work is progressing on that these were the ones quiring the contractor two major fronts. of most general tuterest.

to use NRC standard If you have others, you hardware and software, Proposals received for may direct them to me on you are assured of com- the multi-year development x28143. Who knows? You patibility and of sup- contract are presently may even see them in the j port and training from under review. It is ex- next ITS NEWS!

ITS; also, you won't be pected that a contract )

dependent on the con- will be awarded by late Mike is Chief of the O// ice Automa-tractor for subsequent summer. tion Section of RM/ DSS.

l 9




. m- -TECH l vn7 NOTES -


This section of the news- f actured by Ven-Tel, Inc. DisplayWrite: Block letter (formerly the Bul- Even though these devices Underscore l letin Board) serves as an are functionally identical ]

stea for disseminating to the more familiar Hayes Users of DisplayWrite 2,<'

tips and technical infor- modems, they are not put 3 should note that "blo mation of interest to NRC together in exactly the underscoring" - via the micro and mainframe com- same way. Figure 1 shows key - cannot be handl ,

puter users. If you have how the eight small properly by 5520s or '

any questions regarding switches must be set for many of the printers the Tech Notes or wish to your software to work use at NRC. Users are a.

contribute an item for properly, vised to utilize the Wo 5 publication, contact the Underscore feature inste.

ITS Support Center by Switch block 1 can he of the " block underscore calling 492-4160. reached only by (care- l fully!) removing the i modem's cover, whereas dBASE III: CONFIG.DB PERSONAL COMPUTERS block 2 is located en the back exterior of the de- Usars of dBASE IQ shou Corrections EPSON Printers vin . not alter the CONFIG..

file supplied with tl Last issue we ran an item P advised that this in- sof tware by RM/D, as une: 1 entitled "One Thing an f a,rmation applies only to pectedsystemproblemsc.1 EPSON Printer Won't Do," model 1200-32 of the Ven- result. J wherein it was stated that Tel modem; other models, a i the EPSON lacks the IBM few of which may have graphics character set. found their way into Caution, FOR'13AN Users!

Although this is true of users' hands, have not yet I older models, the reader been definitively config- Before you download F0' i should note that the ured. Contact the Support TRAN programs to your FX-85, FX-185, and FX-286 Center if you need assis- from mainframes or ti models can accommodate tance. MV/8000, please call ti either the EPSON or the Support Center for info ,

IBM character set with the mation sbout size limit.l '

flick of c- switch. For tions.

further information, please refer to " DIP Switch Settings Block 1 Block 2 switches in your printer For Ven-Tel Modem (rear of unit)

, (under cover) msnual e index. Model 1200-32 Crosstalk XVI All Down All Up Except #3 Ven-Tel Modem Switch & Smartenn 400


Settings j All Down #1 & 3 Up Some NRC employees doing UCFTP Except #4 #2 & 4 Down )

data communication have been issued modems mann- Figure 1.



= - - = TECH a m G NOTES .,

5520/PC Attachment Program enter the NOS command VSN of the tape on which

"*:PP ?I." To resume system your file is archived. To Users of version 3 of the page breaks, enter retrieve your file, submit 5520/PC Attachment Pro- "%PG=Y." a job to use the LOADPF gram, please contact Dawn utility or call the Sup-Oliver (x24832) or Beth port Cr.nter for help.

Williams (x28314) to be INEL Users Please Notel sure you've got the ven-dor's most recent issue of Your personal charge num- Reminder, BNL Users version 3. ber is not 462091015.

INEL's computerized The BNL identifiers for notices regarding user printers at P-634 and dBASE II and EasyWriter access paramei:ers always SS-050 have been changed.

list this general NRC num- ROUTE command parameters Please note that RM/D will ber rather than individual for Phillips and Willste discontinue support for charge numbers. Beginning respectively are now these two products effec- May 15, all files stored TID =AK and TID =AL; use tive June 15. Users of under the general number ST=MFC with both.

these products are encour- will be deleted without aged to request copies of natice to the user. If their NRC-standard succes- you don't know your per- DATA GENERAL MV/8000 sors, dBASE III and Dis- sonal charge number, plavWrite 3 by the usual please contact Emily Graphics!

means. Robinson on x28316.

Initial testing of a I

graphics software pacleage Displaycomm and One Key BNL has been successfully com-pleted on the MV/ 8000.

Users of DisplavComm who Old MFA Files Lost? The package, DISSPLA, is do not aircady have one fami*.iar to NRC users from Kev may ob'.-In the latter 'Inen MFA was retired last its longstanding availa-simply by calling the ITS February, all permanent bility on NRC-accessible Support Center on x24160. files were archived to timesharing systems. NRC's

[ne, Kev is a useful time- tape. An index of ar- interest in the product saving adjunct to Dis- chived files may be viewed has been instrumental in plavComm. at the Support Center; or, persuading its vendor, you may obtain your own Integrated Software Sys-list from MFC by entering: tems Corporation (ISSCO), i INEL to adapt it to the Data )

ATTACH,1fn,MFAPFLIST, General 32-bit environ-Page Wait Feature ID=PUBLIC ment. Purchase of the {

4 product is under consider-To avoid automatic page You can search through the ation; look for more in- {

vait on the screen (espec- listing with EDITOR or formation in the next ially when downloading), PAGE. Be sure to note the issue of ITS NEWS.

i i

i 11 I



, e f Computer supplies that h; ;%Q'31

%$$j nay be obtained by requi-

A, sition are listed in Fig- ,
a. g$y,% {,4 ure 2. These include five

. ~ U* '

g&;A4] items added since the last issue of the NRC Stock E- r j% List of,, Supplies. Included m

are items to enhance your 4 hgyk 4 comfort and productivity.

33 9 Ergonomic workstation g' O furniture is also avail-able from the Property and Supply Branch (P&SB) to suppoti. both ADP and word processing systems. These COMPUTER YOUR NU,'ABERSISUPPLIES AND FURNITURE: WE'VE GOT items are fully adaptable to accommodate either Item catalog right- or left-hand work-Floppy Diskettes (10/ box) NRC Sot civ Nutnber Pare 8 Pace and can be reduced

. . . . . 5.25 " . . . . . . . 7 43 0-00-NRC-003 21 . . . . 18 or enlarged as space re-Diskette Bon (holde 50 diske) . 5.25" ....... 7045-00-NRC-00011... . 10 classified (Red) Disk sleeve ... 5.25" . . . . . . . 7 510-00-NRC 00531 . . . . . ** q ements change.

Sensitive Unclassified Sleeve .. 5.2 5" . . . . . . . 7 510-00-NRC-00 5 2I . . . . . **

Pinf eed T aper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 K 11" . . . 7530-00-NRC-0058 . . . . . 24 Pin f ee t Pap er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1 8.5" .. 7530-00-NRC-0070 ..... 25 .

Whether your workstation P icie ed Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1 11" ... 7530-00-NRC-0005I ..... ** 1s not yet in place or is Pinieed Letterbead ............. 9.5 1 11" ... 7530-00-NRC-00571 .... 24 Pinfeed labels ,1 Acros s .. .. .. 1.5 I 4" ... . 7 530-00-082-2662 . .... 25 Well broken in, you are Labels, 3 Across ....... 1.5 1 4" .... 7530-01-015-6402 ..... 25 encouraged to call P&SB on Ribbon for IF.M Graphics Printers .............. 7510-00-NRC-0061I .... 15 x28293 to discuss your Ribbon for Epson FK 100/185 Printers .......... 7510-00-NRC-0061K .... 15 needs Printer Stand for ALL craphics Printers ....... 7110-00-NRC-0043 ...... **

for Workstation Copy Ec1 der, Swivel, Fully Adbstable ......... 7520-00-NRC-00552 .... 06 furniture. Grover Estep Clare screen for Monitor t....... . . . . . . . . . . . 704 5-00-NRC-0003 ..... ** and his staff will be glad Figure 2.

Computer Supplies Available f rom Property and supply Branch. to assist you.

g ---- .._ _ ___ _.-__ ._.___ __,_._,___,,,

[ NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION I l ITS SUPPORT CENTER ITS TRAINING LABORATORY l Location: l Location: l l Room P-808 Phillips Building Suite W-102 Woodmont Building l l 7920 Norfolk Bethesda, MD Avenue20814 8120 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 l I Phone: i l (FTS) or (301) 492-4160 Phone: I I NRC Local 2-4160 (FTS) or (301) 492-5790 l Center Hours: NRC Local 9-492-5790 8 l 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. M - F I l Open:

Consulting Hours: Monday - Friday l

[ 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. M - F I I 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. M - F I


! Services:

Hours: J 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. I l I User Assistance (Telephone & Walk-in) I l l Equipment and Software for Trial Use Services: I l Demonstrations Three classrooms for formal ADP training in- l i g Technical Library ciuding two equipped with twelve IBM PCs. l l Tours " Hands-cn" instruction in the use of  !

I g L. Computer- and Video-based Tutorials microcomputers and timesharing systems g

