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W/1992-12-31031 December 1992 1992 Annual Radiological Environ Surveillance Rept. 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GeorgiaPower d ENCLOSURE 2 PLANT HATCH - UNITS 1, 2 NRC DOCKETS 50-321, 50-366 i
COMPARISON OF 1983 AND 1987 NPDES PERMITS Changes to Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Part 1.A) l 0UTFALL SERIAL NO.
DESCRIPTION OF MONITORING Previous New HASTE STREAM REQUIREMENTS 001A1 01G Low Volume Haste (Neutralization Deleted pH Tank) 001A2 O1H Low Volume Haste (Pressure Filter Deleted pH Backwash) l 001B 01A Cooling Tower Blowdown - Units 1 Added FAC.2/.5 mg/l and 2 Added TRC 120 min / day / unit Added TRC monitoring with no limits Deleted Temperature monitoring (river survey, delta T)
Deleted pH 001C OlF Sewage Treatment Plant Monitoring deleted i
l Special Requirement added to require proper operation and maintenance.
018 Unit 1 Cooling Hater Overflow Monitoring required 02B Unit 2 Cooling Tower Overflow as per OlA and 02A to Storm Drains when discharge via 02C Unit 2 Cooling Hater Overflow O1B, 02B, or 02C used in lieu of 01A of 02A.
0010 01E Low Volume Hastes (Liquid Deleted pH 02E Radwaste Unit 1 & 2)
Changes in wording I
to require annual 8801050108 871229 e
1 fDR ADDCK 0500 1
radiological effluent release report to EPD 1
s 1876C E2-1 12/29/87 SL-3853C j
Georgia Power d ENCLOSURE 2 (Continued)
ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CQ4 PARIS 0N OF 1983 AND 1987 NPDES PERMITS Changes to Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Part 1.A)
QUIEALL SERIAL NQ1 DESCRIPTION OF MONITORING Previoul New HASTE STREAM REQUIREMENTS 001E 01 Combined Plant Haste Streams Changed outfall 02 (Units 1 and 2) serial no. only 003 03 Intake Screen Backwash Added "This discharge shall not cause violations of water quality standards in the receiving stream.
002 Intake Screen Backwash Deleted 04 2P65 Chiller Water Blowdown Added same requirement as outfall serial no. 03 Changes to Special Requirements (Part III.B) 1.
Added - Treatment and disposal procedure for metal cleaning wastes shall be discussed in the flow monitoring and characterization submittal.
Added - Metal cleaning waste effluent shall be monitored 1/ week by grab sampling when discharge is occurring.
Deleted - pH limits.
Change - Not more than one unit in any plant may discharge free available chlorine (FAC) or total residual chlorine (TRC) at any one time.
Added - Requirement to report total time of TRC and FAC discharges on Operation Monitoring Report.
Change - Submittal to Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) of flow monitoring and characterization information is now required annually.
Added - Requirement for proper operation and maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP).
Added - Annual review, inventory, and submittal to EPD for all water treatment chemicals discharged during the previous 12 months.
1876C E2-2 12/29/87 SL-3853C 700775
I k
Georgia Power n ENCLOSURE 2 (Continued)
Added - Forms other than HQl.45 may be used for the Operation Monitoring Report.
Added - Provisions of 40 CFR 122.41(n)(1)-(4), regarding " Upset", shall be applicable to any civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding brought to enforce this permit.
- 10. Added - Clarification defining the limits for metals as
" total recoverable metals".
- 11. Added New Part III.C.,
Biomonitoring and Toxicity Reduction J
This new section requires biomonitoring and toxicity reduction evaluations at the discretion of EPD. Also provided provisions for use of alternative methodology for requirements of toxicity testing.
l l
i 1876C E2-3 12/29/87 SL-3853C vem