MONTHYEARML20207G8591999-06-0404 June 1999 Correction to Amends 129 & 127 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82. Page 3/4 4-11 of TSs Contained Incorrect Paragraph Number Under Section,number 2 Appeared Instead of Number 1 ML20206H2821999-05-0303 May 1999 Amends 133 & 131 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TSs for Plant,Units 1 & 2 to Revise TS 3/, Reactor Coolant Sys - Pressure/Temp Limits ML20206D5331999-04-29029 April 1999 Amends 132 & 130 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Authorizing Revs to Licensing Basis as Described in FSAR Update to Incorporate Mod to 230 Kv Offsite Power Sys ML20205B5951999-03-26026 March 1999 Amends 131 & 129 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Approving Mod to Dcnpp Auxiliary Saltwater Sys to Install Bypass Piping ML20196H2751999-03-26026 March 1999 Corrections to Amends 130 & 128 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82. Implementation Date for Each Amend Was Incorrect.Encl Pages Reflect Requested Implementation Schedule ML20195J4661998-11-19019 November 1998 Corrected Tech Spec Page 3/4 3-34 to Amends 126 & 124 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively Corrected Inadvertently Placed Correction Bar on Incorrect Line ML20236X3361998-08-0404 August 1998 Errata to Amends 126 & 124 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82, Respectively ML20249B6861998-06-11011 June 1998 Amends 128 & 126 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TS to Change Name of Operations Mgr to Operations Director ML20249B6021998-06-0505 June 1998 Amends 126 & 124 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TS for Plant Re Change of Surveillance Frequencies from at Least Once Every 18 Months to at Least Once Per Refueling Interval for Slave Relays ML20249B5931998-06-0505 June 1998 Amends 127 & 125 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TSs for Plant to Change TS 3/, AC Source - Operating ML20248D3991998-05-28028 May 1998 Amends 125 & 123 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising TS 3/4.7.11,Table 3.7-1, Max Allowable Power Range Neutron Flux High Setpoint W/Inoperable Steam Line Safety Valves ML20248L8711998-03-12012 March 1998 Amends 124 & 122 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Allowing Implementation of SG Tube Voltage Based Repair Criteria for OD SCC Indications at Tube to Tube Support Plant Intersections ML20203L4791998-02-17017 February 1998 Amends 122 & 120 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revise Combined TS for Dcpp,Units 1 & 2 to Change Surveillance Frequencies from Once Every 18 Months to at Least Once Per Refueling Interval for RTS & ESFAS Channels ML20203L2931998-02-13013 February 1998 Amends 121 & 119 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising TSs for Plant,Units 1 & 2 to Change TS to Replace Ref WCAP-10266-P-A w/WCAP-12945-P for Best Estimate LOCA Analysis ML20203M4271998-02-0303 February 1998 Amends 120 & 118 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Authorizing Removal of Ten Sections from TS & Relocating Requirements to Equipment Control Guidelines ML20203C5051997-12-0202 December 1997 Amends 119 & 117 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TS to Revise 23 TS SR to Support Implementation of Extended Fuel Cycles at Plant.Page 3/4 3-32 Was Omitted ML20129G8711996-10-25025 October 1996 Amends 117 & 115 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TSs for Plant Units 1 & 2 to Relocate TS 6.5, Review & Audit, & 6.8, Procedures & Programs ML20116J4461996-08-0101 August 1996 Amends 114 & 112 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising TS 3/4.3.2 & 3/4.6.2 to Clarify Description of Initiation Signal Required for Operation of Containment Spray Sys at Plant ML20117J3551996-05-28028 May 1996 Amends 112 & 110 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Deleting Requirements in TS 4.0.5a for Written Approval Prior to Implementation of Relief from ASME Code ML20101C3331996-03-0808 March 1996 Amend 111 to License DPR-80,revising AOT in TS 3/, Electrical Power Sys,To Allow Operation of Unit 1 in Mode 3 (Hot Standby) During Replacement of non-safety-related Auxiliary Transformer 1-1,for one-time Extension to 48 Hrs ML20084R8821995-05-26026 May 1995 Amends 102 & 101 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Re Changes to TS to Revise Certain SRs of Combined TS for Plant Consistent W/Recommendations in GL 93-05 Line Item TS Improvements to Reduce SRs for Testing During Power.. ML20080Q6081995-03-0101 March 1995 Amends 97 & 96 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Extending DCPP Operating License Expiration Dates to 210922 for Unit 1 & to 250426 for Unit 2 or 40 Years After Date of Issuance of low-power Operating Licenses ML20073J1321994-09-23023 September 1994 Amends 95 & 94 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Specifying Alternate Method of Determining Water & Sediment Content for New Diesel Fuel Oil Re TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources Operating ML20072S5901994-09-0202 September 1994 Amends 94 & 93 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising TS 3/ ML20072N5371994-08-23023 August 1994 Amends 93 & 92 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources by Increasing Required Quantity of EDG Fuel Stored in Day Tank to 250 Gallons ML20056E4481993-08-0505 August 1993 Corrected TS Pages 3/4 4-9,B 3/4 4-1 & B 3/4 4-16 to Amends 81 & 80 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82 ML20095G8961992-04-17017 April 1992 Amends 69 & 68 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Deleting Requirement to Verify That Containment Fan Cooler Unit Dampers Transfer from Normal to Accident Position ML20092H5081992-02-0606 February 1992 Amends 68 & 67 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Section 6,administrative Controls,Of Facilities TS to Change Description of Nsoc Membership & Eliminate Use of Alternates on Committee ML20081F1991991-05-23023 May 1991 Amends 61 & 60 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined Tech Specs for Facility to Increase Surveillance Test Intervals,Allowed Outage Times & Channel Bypass Times for Certain Instrumentation ML20246K9611989-07-10010 July 1989 Errata to Amends 37 & 36 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82, Respectively,Consisting of Corrected Tech Spec Pages Xxi & Xxii ML20245F8291989-06-22022 June 1989 Amends 41 & 40 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Tech Spec Section 6, Administrative Controls to Change Description of Plant Staff Review Committee Membership,Quorum,Qualifications & Tests & Experiments ML20244C8461989-06-0707 June 1989 Amends 39 & 38 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined Tech Specs to Require That at Least 23 Ft of Water Maintained Above Top of Irradiated Fuel Assemblies within Vessel During Movement of Rod Cluster ML20247B1101989-05-10010 May 1989 Amends 37 & 36 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Tech Specs to Permit Core Reload & Operation W/ Westinghouse Fuel Assemblies ML20245L2361989-04-25025 April 1989 Amends 36 & 35 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,revising Analog Channel Operational Test Surveillance Intervals Defined in Tech Spec 3/4.1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation & Tech Spec 3/4.2, ESFAS Instrumentation ML20245H6921989-04-14014 April 1989 Amends 34 & 35 to Licenses DPR-82 & DPR-80,respectively, Changing Tech Spec, Control Room Ventilation Sys & Table 3.3-1 of Tech Spec 3/4.3.1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation ML20247L2631989-03-27027 March 1989 Amends 34 & 33 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Tech Specs & Associated Bases to Reduce Steam Generator Water Level Low & Lo Lo Setpoints from 15 to 7.2% of narrow-range Span ML20153E5271988-08-29029 August 1988 Amends 31 & 30 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Decreasing Max Closure Time for Containment Vacuum/Pressure Relief Valves from 10 to 5 ML20151L8401988-07-25025 July 1988 Amends 29 & 28 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Tech Specs Section 6,removing Organization Charts & Changing Titles of Certain Mgt Personnel,Consistent W/ Generic Ltr 88-06 ML20238C6011987-12-16016 December 1987 Amends 25 & 24 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Changing Control Sample (Background) Location for Radioactivity Sampling in Fish to Location 3 Miles South of Diablo Cove ML20236D3111987-10-20020 October 1987 Amends 22 & 21 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Allowing Expansion of Spent Fuel Storage Capacity for Each Spent Fuel Pool to 1,324 Spaces & Providing for Storage in Present or New Racks (or Both) Until New Racks Complete ML20235M7011987-09-30030 September 1987 Errata to Amends 20 & 19 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82, Respectively,Revising Organizational Chart on Page 6-2 ML20235G7451987-09-18018 September 1987 Amends 21 & 20 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Changing Tech Specs to Ensure That Position of Containment Polar Cranes Preclude Jet Impingement from Pipe Rupture & Operation of Turbine Cranes Consistent W/Seismic Analysis ML20238D3631987-09-0303 September 1987 Amends 19 & 18 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Deleting List of Containment Penetration Conductor Overcurrent Protective Devices Required to Be Operable ML20238D3841987-09-0303 September 1987 Amends 20 & 19 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Reporting Official to Security Supervisor,Changing Title of Listed Person & Requiring That Listed Minutes Be Forwarded to President within 14 Working Days ML20237L5061987-08-31031 August 1987 Amends 18 & 17 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Changing Reporting Requirements for Iodine Spiking Events & Deleting Reactor Shutdown Requirement After Accumulating 800 H of out-of-spec Dose Equivalent I-131 Activity ML20237G5321987-08-27027 August 1987 Amends 17 & 16 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Changing Tech Specs to Revise Steam Generator Water Level Low Reactor Setpoint from 25% to 15% of Narrow Range Instrument Span ML20236H3731987-07-27027 July 1987 Amends 16 & 15 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Providing for Operability & Surveillance Tests for Check Valves in RHR & Safety Injection Sys to Ensure Adequate Pressure Isolation Between RCS & Lower Pressure Support Sys ML20236B1251987-07-24024 July 1987 Amends 15 & 14 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Tech Spec Requirements for Diesel Generator Surveillance Testing ML20215C4091987-06-12012 June 1987 Amends 14 & 13 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Tech Specs to Accommodate Cycle 2 & Later Operation of Unit 2 & Cycle 3 & Later Operation of Unit 1 ML20214W2761987-06-0808 June 1987 Amends 11 & 13 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Allowing Proposed Changes Re Replacement of Fuel Rods in Fuel Assemblies W/Filler Rods or Vacancies on Limited Basis & Proposed Tech Spec 5.3.1 1999-06-04
MONTHYEARML20207G8591999-06-0404 June 1999 Correction to Amends 129 & 127 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82. Page 3/4 4-11 of TSs Contained Incorrect Paragraph Number Under Section,number 2 Appeared Instead of Number 1 ML20206H2821999-05-0303 May 1999 Amends 133 & 131 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TSs for Plant,Units 1 & 2 to Revise TS 3/, Reactor Coolant Sys - Pressure/Temp Limits ML20206D5331999-04-29029 April 1999 Amends 132 & 130 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Authorizing Revs to Licensing Basis as Described in FSAR Update to Incorporate Mod to 230 Kv Offsite Power Sys ML20196H2751999-03-26026 March 1999 Corrections to Amends 130 & 128 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82. Implementation Date for Each Amend Was Incorrect.Encl Pages Reflect Requested Implementation Schedule ML20205B5951999-03-26026 March 1999 Amends 131 & 129 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Approving Mod to Dcnpp Auxiliary Saltwater Sys to Install Bypass Piping ML20195J4661998-11-19019 November 1998 Corrected Tech Spec Page 3/4 3-34 to Amends 126 & 124 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively Corrected Inadvertently Placed Correction Bar on Incorrect Line ML20236X3361998-08-0404 August 1998 Errata to Amends 126 & 124 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82, Respectively ML20249B6861998-06-11011 June 1998 Amends 128 & 126 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TS to Change Name of Operations Mgr to Operations Director ML20249B6021998-06-0505 June 1998 Amends 126 & 124 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TS for Plant Re Change of Surveillance Frequencies from at Least Once Every 18 Months to at Least Once Per Refueling Interval for Slave Relays ML20249B5931998-06-0505 June 1998 Amends 127 & 125 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TSs for Plant to Change TS 3/, AC Source - Operating ML20248D3991998-05-28028 May 1998 Amends 125 & 123 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising TS 3/4.7.11,Table 3.7-1, Max Allowable Power Range Neutron Flux High Setpoint W/Inoperable Steam Line Safety Valves DCL-98-066, Suppl to LAR 98-04 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,replacing Requirement for Operations Manager to Hold SRO License W/ Allowance,Operations Middle Manager Hold SRO License & Responsible for Directing Work of Shift Personnel1998-05-0101 May 1998 Suppl to LAR 98-04 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,replacing Requirement for Operations Manager to Hold SRO License W/ Allowance,Operations Middle Manager Hold SRO License & Responsible for Directing Work of Shift Personnel DCL-98-028, Supplemental Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,changing Surveillance Frequency for Several TS from at Least Once Every 18 Months to at Least Once Per Refueling Interval1998-04-15015 April 1998 Supplemental Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,changing Surveillance Frequency for Several TS from at Least Once Every 18 Months to at Least Once Per Refueling Interval ML20248L8711998-03-12012 March 1998 Amends 124 & 122 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Allowing Implementation of SG Tube Voltage Based Repair Criteria for OD SCC Indications at Tube to Tube Support Plant Intersections ML20203L4791998-02-17017 February 1998 Amends 122 & 120 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revise Combined TS for Dcpp,Units 1 & 2 to Change Surveillance Frequencies from Once Every 18 Months to at Least Once Per Refueling Interval for RTS & ESFAS Channels ML20203L2931998-02-13013 February 1998 Amends 121 & 119 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising TSs for Plant,Units 1 & 2 to Change TS to Replace Ref WCAP-10266-P-A w/WCAP-12945-P for Best Estimate LOCA Analysis ML20203M4271998-02-0303 February 1998 Amends 120 & 118 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Authorizing Removal of Ten Sections from TS & Relocating Requirements to Equipment Control Guidelines ML20203C5051997-12-0202 December 1997 Amends 119 & 117 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TS to Revise 23 TS SR to Support Implementation of Extended Fuel Cycles at Plant.Page 3/4 3-32 Was Omitted ML20129G8711996-10-25025 October 1996 Amends 117 & 115 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined TSs for Plant Units 1 & 2 to Relocate TS 6.5, Review & Audit, & 6.8, Procedures & Programs ML20116J4461996-08-0101 August 1996 Amends 114 & 112 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising TS 3/4.3.2 & 3/4.6.2 to Clarify Description of Initiation Signal Required for Operation of Containment Spray Sys at Plant ML20117J3551996-05-28028 May 1996 Amends 112 & 110 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Deleting Requirements in TS 4.0.5a for Written Approval Prior to Implementation of Relief from ASME Code ML20101C3331996-03-0808 March 1996 Amend 111 to License DPR-80,revising AOT in TS 3/, Electrical Power Sys,To Allow Operation of Unit 1 in Mode 3 (Hot Standby) During Replacement of non-safety-related Auxiliary Transformer 1-1,for one-time Extension to 48 Hrs ML20084R8821995-05-26026 May 1995 Amends 102 & 101 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Re Changes to TS to Revise Certain SRs of Combined TS for Plant Consistent W/Recommendations in GL 93-05 Line Item TS Improvements to Reduce SRs for Testing During Power.. ML20080Q6081995-03-0101 March 1995 Amends 97 & 96 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Extending DCPP Operating License Expiration Dates to 210922 for Unit 1 & to 250426 for Unit 2 or 40 Years After Date of Issuance of low-power Operating Licenses ML20073J1321994-09-23023 September 1994 Amends 95 & 94 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Specifying Alternate Method of Determining Water & Sediment Content for New Diesel Fuel Oil Re TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources Operating ML20072S5901994-09-0202 September 1994 Amends 94 & 93 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising TS 3/ ML20072N5371994-08-23023 August 1994 Amends 93 & 92 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources by Increasing Required Quantity of EDG Fuel Stored in Day Tank to 250 Gallons ML20056E4481993-08-0505 August 1993 Corrected TS Pages 3/4 4-9,B 3/4 4-1 & B 3/4 4-16 to Amends 81 & 80 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82 ML20045H6481993-07-0707 July 1993 License Amend Request 93-04 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82, Revising TS 5.1.3, Map Defining Unrestricted Areas & Site Boundary for Radioactive Gaseous & Liquid Effluents for Consistency W/Interpretation of Restricted Area Per 10CFR20 ML16342B9791993-05-0707 May 1993 License Amend Request 93-01 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82, Changing TS 3/, Remote Shutdown Instrumentation, to Add Remote Shutdown Control Functions & Increase Allowed Outage Time for Inoperable Function from 7 to 30 Days ML20095G8961992-04-17017 April 1992 Amends 69 & 68 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Deleting Requirement to Verify That Containment Fan Cooler Unit Dampers Transfer from Normal to Accident Position ML20092H5081992-02-0606 February 1992 Amends 68 & 67 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Section 6,administrative Controls,Of Facilities TS to Change Description of Nsoc Membership & Eliminate Use of Alternates on Committee ML20081F1991991-05-23023 May 1991 Amends 61 & 60 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined Tech Specs for Facility to Increase Surveillance Test Intervals,Allowed Outage Times & Channel Bypass Times for Certain Instrumentation ML16341F8541990-10-18018 October 1990 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,revising Section 3/4.2.4, Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio, to Permit Determination of Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio by Full Incore Flux Map ML16341F8521990-10-18018 October 1990 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82.Amends Revise Tech Spec 3/4.2.4, Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio, to Permit Determination of Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio by Full Incore Flux Map DCL-89-226, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,revising Tech Specs,,Table 3.7-2 & Associated Bases for Pressurizer & Main Steam Line Safety Valves1989-09-0606 September 1989 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,revising Tech Specs,,Table 3.7-2 & Associated Bases for Pressurizer & Main Steam Line Safety Valves ML20246K9611989-07-10010 July 1989 Errata to Amends 37 & 36 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82, Respectively,Consisting of Corrected Tech Spec Pages Xxi & Xxii ML20245F8291989-06-22022 June 1989 Amends 41 & 40 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Tech Spec Section 6, Administrative Controls to Change Description of Plant Staff Review Committee Membership,Quorum,Qualifications & Tests & Experiments ML20244C8461989-06-0707 June 1989 Amends 39 & 38 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Combined Tech Specs to Require That at Least 23 Ft of Water Maintained Above Top of Irradiated Fuel Assemblies within Vessel During Movement of Rod Cluster ML20247B1101989-05-10010 May 1989 Amends 37 & 36 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Tech Specs to Permit Core Reload & Operation W/ Westinghouse Fuel Assemblies ML20245L2361989-04-25025 April 1989 Amends 36 & 35 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,revising Analog Channel Operational Test Surveillance Intervals Defined in Tech Spec 3/4.1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation & Tech Spec 3/4.2, ESFAS Instrumentation ML20245H6921989-04-14014 April 1989 Amends 34 & 35 to Licenses DPR-82 & DPR-80,respectively, Changing Tech Spec, Control Room Ventilation Sys & Table 3.3-1 of Tech Spec 3/4.3.1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation ML20247L2631989-03-27027 March 1989 Amends 34 & 33 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Tech Specs & Associated Bases to Reduce Steam Generator Water Level Low & Lo Lo Setpoints from 15 to 7.2% of narrow-range Span ML20153E5271988-08-29029 August 1988 Amends 31 & 30 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Decreasing Max Closure Time for Containment Vacuum/Pressure Relief Valves from 10 to 5 ML20151L8401988-07-25025 July 1988 Amends 29 & 28 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Tech Specs Section 6,removing Organization Charts & Changing Titles of Certain Mgt Personnel,Consistent W/ Generic Ltr 88-06 ML20238C6011987-12-16016 December 1987 Amends 25 & 24 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Changing Control Sample (Background) Location for Radioactivity Sampling in Fish to Location 3 Miles South of Diablo Cove ML20236D3111987-10-20020 October 1987 Amends 22 & 21 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Allowing Expansion of Spent Fuel Storage Capacity for Each Spent Fuel Pool to 1,324 Spaces & Providing for Storage in Present or New Racks (or Both) Until New Racks Complete ML20235M7011987-09-30030 September 1987 Errata to Amends 20 & 19 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82, Respectively,Revising Organizational Chart on Page 6-2 ML20235G7451987-09-18018 September 1987 Amends 21 & 20 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Changing Tech Specs to Ensure That Position of Containment Polar Cranes Preclude Jet Impingement from Pipe Rupture & Operation of Turbine Cranes Consistent W/Seismic Analysis ML20238D3841987-09-0303 September 1987 Amends 20 & 19 to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,respectively, Revising Reporting Official to Security Supervisor,Changing Title of Listed Person & Requiring That Listed Minutes Be Forwarded to President within 14 Working Days 1999-06-04
[Table view] |
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y (/g l WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 5
The Nuclear Regulatory Connission (the Comission) has found that:
The application for amendment by Pacific Gas & Electric Company (thelicensee)datedOctober 30, 1985, as supplemented, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Comission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B.
The facility wi'il operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Comission; C.
There is reasonable assurance (1) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations; D.
The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E.
The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.
%kU$o$k Ybo [
n l !
I 2.
Accordingly, the license is amended by the addition of new paragraph 2.C.(11) to Facility Operating License No. DPR-80 to read as follows:
-l (11) Spent Fuel Pool Modification The licensee is authorized to modify the spent fuel pool as described in the application dated October 30, 1985 (LAR 85-13) as supplemented. Amendment No. 8 issued on May 30, 1986 and stayed t
by the U.S. Court of Appeals fer ne Ninth Circuit pending
-completion of NRC hearings is hereby reinstated.
Prior to final conversion to the medMied rack design, fuel may be stored, as needed, in either the modified storage racks described in Technical Specification or in the unmodified storage racks (or both) which are designed and shall be maintained with a nominal 21-inch center-to-center distance between fuel assemblies placed in the storage racks.
This license. amendment becomes effective at the date of its issuance.
George V Knighton,'V rector Project" irectorate Division of Reactor Projects - III, f
IV, V and Special Projects Date of Issuance: October 20, 1987 l
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I l
J I #.
The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission) has found that:
The application for amendment by Pacific Gas & Electric Company (thelicensee)datedOctober 30, 1985,. as supplemented, complies with the standards and req)uirements'of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act, and the Comission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B.
The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Commission; C.
There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health i
and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Comission's regulations; D.
The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common
defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E.
The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Comission's regulations and all applicable requirements l
have been satisfied.
l I
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- Accordingly, the license is amended by the addition of new paragraph 2.C.(11) to Facility Operating License No. DPR-82 is hereby amended l
I to read as follows:
.(11) Spent Fuel Pool Modification i
1 The licensee is authorized'to modify the spent fuel p(ool as described in the application dated October 30, 1985 LAR85-13)as supplemented. Amendment No. 6 issued on May 30, 1986 and stayed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit pending completion of NRC hearings is hereby reinstated.
Prior to final conversion to the modified rack design, fuel may be stored, as needed, in either the modified storace racks described in Technical Specification or in the unmodified storage racks (or both) which are designed and shall be maintained with a nominal 21-inch center-to-center distance between fuel assemblies 4
placed in the storage racks.
This license amendment becomes effective at the date of its issuance.
ghton,Difector Project Directorate V Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Date of Issuance:
October 20, 1987 t
,:4-I :. :
I The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission) has, pursuant to-i the Initial Decision of its' Atomic Safety and Licensing Board dated i
September 11, 1987, issued Amendment No. 22 to Facility Operating License No.
DPR-80 and Amendment No. 21 to Facility Operating Licer.se No. OPR-82 issued
.l l
to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, which revised the licenses and appended Technical Specifications for operation of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power l
Plant, Unit Nos. I and 2, respectively, located in San 1.uis Opisbo County, California. The amendments are effective as of the date of. issuance.
The amendments authorize the licensee to modify the spent fuel pools to 1
increase the storage capacity of each from 270 fuel assemblies to 1324 fuel assemblies.
The Initial Decision is subject to review by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board prior to its becoming final. Any decision or action taken by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board in connection with the l
Initial Decision may be reviewed by the Comission.
l The application for the amendments complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations. The Comission has made appropriate findings as required by the Act and the Comission's rules and regulations in
.'10 CFR. Chapter 1, which are set forth in the license amendments.
sw w
y i
- 2'-
1; Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to facility Operating Licenses and Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration and Opportunity for-a Hearing was published in the Federal Recister on January 13, 1986 (51 FR 1451).
Comments and petitions for leave to intervene were filed by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, the Santa Lucia Chapter of the Sierra Club, and Consumers Organized for Defense of Environmental Safety.
On May 30, 1986, after the petitions to intervene had been filed, the NRC staff made a finding of "r.c significant hazards consideration". Based on that finding, NRC approved the license amendments and made them immediately effective. San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace and the Sierra Club appealed the i
finding. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that the NRC finding of "nc significant hazards consideration" violated the "Sholly" j
1 amendment to the Atomic Energy Act and implementing regulations. The Court j
i stayed any further work on the spent fuel pools and barred the licensee fron l
depositing any spent fuel therein except in accordance with the pools' original I
configuration, until the conclusion of the hearing.
The hearing was held at Avila Beach, California on June 15-18, 1987 with l
respect to the admitted contentions of the Sierra Club, other petitioners having withdrawn from the proceeding. Subsequently, the above-referenced l
Initial Decision was issued on September 11, 1987.
The hearing having been held and decided, and all other safety and environmental reviews having been completed, these amendments reauthorize the original amendments issued on May 30, 1986.
For further details with respect to this action, see (1) the application for amendments dated October 30,1985,(2) Amendments No. 8 and 6 to License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82, respectively (issued on May 30,1986),(3) Amendments
! No. 22 and 21 to License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 respectively (issued on
October'20,1987),(4) the Commission's related Safety Evaluation dated May 30,1986, (5) the Commission's Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact dated May 21,1986,(6) NRC's Supplement to the Safety Evaluation and the Environmental Assessment, dated October 15, 1987, and (7) the Initial Decision of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board dateo September 11, 1987.
All of these items are available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20555, and at the California Polytechnic State University Library, Government Document and Maps Department, San Luis Obispo, California 93407. A single copy of items (2) through (7) may be obtained upon request addressed to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.
Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this 20th day of October, 1987.
Charles M. Tramell, Project Manager Project Directorate V Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l
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