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NEI Presentation for the RIPE Public Meeting on August 13,2020
Person / Time
Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 08/13/2020
From: Anderson V, Riti T
Nuclear Energy Institute
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shaun Anderson (301)415-2039
Download: ML20225A095 (11)


Public Meeting Risk-Informed Process for Exemptions Victoria Anderson Technical Advisor Tim Riti Senior Project Manager August 13, 2020

©2019 Nuclear Energy Institute

Introduction Industry appreciates the continued effort to focus NRC and licensee resources on the most safety significant issues We are seeing the application of the VLSSIR process improvements implemented in January We are encouraged by the NRCs efforts to address very low safety significant compliance issues in a manner consistent with the Principles of Good Regulation A streamlined approach that leverages our advanced understanding of plant risk is appropriate

©2020 Nuclear Energy Institute 2

Insights Regarding RIPE Process Development of streamlined licensing actions using a risk-informed approach is appropriate Further consideration of issues discussed at May 14, 2020 public meeting

  • Examples of issues that could be used with RIPE
  • Entry criteria
  • Risk evaluation
  • Streamlined licensing actions
  • NRCs streamlined review process

©2020 Nuclear Energy Institute 3

Resolution of Box 4 Issues NRCs RIPE Phase 1 Consideration for NRCs RIPE

©2020 Nuclear Energy Institute 4 Phase 2

Potential Areas for Use of RIPE Exemptions Part 20, Part 26, Part 74 Conformance to ANSI, IEEE and Regulatory Amendments Guides, or Clarification of DB or CLB

©2019 Nuclear Energy Institute 5

Entry Criteria: Leveraging Risk-Informed Initiatives We fully support leveraging work done in previous risk-informed initiatives, where appropriate:

  • The proposal identifies 50.69 and TSTF-505 based on the Integrated Decision-Making panel (IDP) under 50.69 and PRA technical acceptability under TSTF-505
  • Consideration should be given to allowing use of a TSTF-425 IDP, and a TSTF-425 PRA which has a technical acceptability evaluation
  • The NRC should also consider a graded approach informed by the rigor of the PRA and the issue being evaluated This should not prohibit or limit the use of other risk insights when assessing a condition

©2020 Nuclear Energy Institute 6

RIPE IDP Composition Using the TSTF-425 IDP as a model, an appropriate RIPE IDP would consist of:

  • Engineering Manager
  • Maintenance Manager
  • Operations Manager (ideally SRO qualified)
  • Risk Management (PRA) Engineer
  • Work Control/Work Management Representative
  • Systems Engineering Representative
  • Safety Analysis Representative
  • Licensing Representative

©2020 Nuclear Energy Institute 7

Comparison of PRA Acceptability by Program Increasing Internal Events Internal Fire PRA External Hazards PRA PRA PRA Rigor Capability RIPE Category I Qualitative or N/A Qualitative or N/A (Screening)

Capability Qualitative/ Qualitative/

TSTF-425 Category II Bounding Bounding Site specific (Qualitative/

Capability Capability TSTF-505 Bounding or Category II Category II Capability Category II

RIPE Risk Evaluation - Screening Considerations Consider use of absolute change in risk as basis Remove more than minimal and risk significant criteria given lack of context or clear definition A criteria of degradation instead of any impact is more appropriate Reconsider treatment of defense in depth and safety margins in cases where the PRA appropriately reflects the issue being evaluated The cumulative risk approach referencing the PSA Applications Guide is not appropriate - RG 1.174 criteria are more appropriate

©2020 Nuclear Energy Institute 9

Streamlined Licensing Actions There are benefits in the use of the RIPE process for both streamlined exemption requests and streamlined license amendment requests Allowing both types of licensing actions would allow broader use of the RIPE process that could be used to address potential areas and issues described earlier

©2020 Nuclear Energy Institute 10

Conclusion We appreciate the NRCs risk-informed approach to address issue of low safety significance which helps focus NRC and licensee resources on the most safety significant issues

©2020 Nuclear Energy Institute 11