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Mit Response to Us DOE Questionnaire on Value of Us Univ Research & Training Reactors
Person / Time
Site: MIT Nuclear Research Reactor
Issue date: 04/22/1985
From: Lisa Clark, Harling O
Shared Package
ML20214R331 List:
MITNRL-013, MITNRL-13, NUDOCS 8609290150
Download: ML20214R350 (36)



0. K. Harling and L. Clark, Jr.

Authors April 22, 1985 l

l 1 8609290150 860925 PDR ADOCK 05000020 p PDR l

INTRODUCTION The information contained in this document was compiled in re-sponse to a request from Richard E. Stephens, Director of the Division of University Programs, Office of Field Operations Management, Office of Energy Research, United States Department of Energy.

A copy of the letter from Mr. Stephens as well as a copy of the questionnaire are included in the document in addition to the response by the M.I.T. Nuclear Reactor Laboratory.

Section 1 gives statistical information on the number and types of publications resulting from work supported by the M.I.T. research reactor (MITR), Section 2 indicates the number of bachelors', masters' and doctoral theses which were carried out with the assistance of the MITR, Section 3 Lists some of the highlights of technical accom-plishments achieved using the reactor, Section 4 covers educational uses, and Section 5 gives additional information on accomplishments.

We would like to call the reader's particular attention to the section entitled " Highlights of Technical Accomplishments Using the Reactor," which we believe you will find interesting and informative.

Overall, the information contained in this report provides a good overview of the accomplishments of the MIT Research Reactor since its startup on July 21, 1958.

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y MAR 7 1935 Dr. Otto Harling Director Nuclear Reactor Laboratory 138 Albany Street Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 65211

Dear Dr. Harling:

Information of the type sought in the attachment is necessary to help demonstrate the value of U.S. university research and training reactors. We would appreciate it if you would complete this questionnaire and send it to us by April 15. Please use the enclosed instructions for guidance.

If you have any questions, please call Harold Young on 301/353-3995. We expect to summarize and correlate the information you provide and use it as a basis fo r developing options for future support of university research reactors.


'A s Richard E. Stephens , Director Division of University and Industry Programs Office of Field Operations Management Office of Energy Research Enclosures

INSTRUCTIONS FOR QUESTIONNAIRE Provide name of reactor, address and power level.

Answers to all items should refer to all users of your reactors, not just to the parent university that operates your reactor. The statistics you provide should be for a defined period of time, which you should specify.

The time period can be the total operating life of your reactor.

Question 1 This is a summary of publications in different disciplines which resulted

, from work supported by your reactor. Fully refereed papers, such as those J in Physical Review or Journal of Nuclear !!aterials, are to be included in j the first column. The second column is for all other full length papers and j reports. The third column refers to short papers or abstracts, e.g.,

1 Bulletin of the American Physical Society.


Please provide the numbers of Doctoral, Masters' and Bachelors' theses

} which were carried out with the assistance of your reactor.

l Questionj[

The most important achievements in the technical and scientific areas can be listed here.

Examples might be:

o Demonstration of neutron interferometry o First clinical trials of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy o First determination of a phonon dispersion curve Question 4 The question asks for statistics related to educational uses of the reactor.


\ - In part (a) please provide statistics for regular university or college students.

(a) 1. refers to student involvement, which is primarily a lecture or tour (a) 2. refers to an experimental use of the reactor in a demonstration; (a) 3. refers to laboratory courses where students do experiments or carry out special projects and where they provide written reports.

Part (b) refers to students who are not regularly registered college or university level students, e.g., participants in short courses or reactor training programs would be in this category.

Question 5 This item gives you an opportunity to provide any additional pertinent information on accomplishments which are related to your research reactor.

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QUESTIONNAIRE Date Prepared Preparer Reactor Name and Address

. Power Level The following statistics refer to the research, teaching and training output of this reactor for the following time period: to

1. Number of research publications resulting from work supported by the research reactor, summary by discipline:

Other Major Full- Short Papers Fully Refereed Major Sized Reports and And Discipline _ _

Journal Publications Papers Abstracts Neutron Physics Nuclear Physics Neutron Scattering Radiochemistry and Trace Analysis Earth Sciences and Life Science and Medicine Physical Sciences Other Nuclear Engineering Radiography Medical Applications Nuclear Materials and Irradiation Effects Isotope Research and Development Reactor Operator Training Other (specify)

. _ _ . = __ _ - . . ____-

2. Number of these carried out with the assistance of the reactor:

Doctoral Masters Bachelors

3. Highlights of technical accomplishments:
4. Educational uses of the reactor:

(a) Number of students enrolled in courses which made use of the reactor:

1. Lecture or tour of reactor 3
2. Demonstrations (e.g. , startups or l radioisotope production) i
3. Lab courses or special projects (implies written reports)

(b) Number of atudents and trainees in special making extended use of reactor (e.g., reactor operator trainees) ,

5. Additional information on accomplishments:

4 1

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MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY O K. HARLING 138 Albany Street CamDridge Mass 02139 L CLARK, JR Director (617)253-4 2 0 1 Duector of Aeactor operations April 22, 1985 Dr. Richard E. Stephens , Director Division of University and Industry Programs Office of Field Operations Management Office of Energy Research Department of Energy Washington, D.C. 20585

Dear Dr. Stephens:

Enclosed is MIT's reply to the questionnaire you sent us early in Maren 1;35. Please note that in answering Question No. 3, Highilghts of technical accomplishments, we have organized the highlights under sections which parallel but are not completely identical to the " Disci-plines" in Question 1. Also, for Question 4 we have added Item 4(c),

which refers to the total number of reactor visitors of all types.

A suumary report using the information from these questionnaires should make a valuable contribution to documenting the national impor-tance of U.S. university research and training reactors. I hope your report will be widely disseminated in the Federal agencies and will also be brought to the attention of the Secretary of Energy and the Director of the National Science Foundation. A statement of the needs of the university research reactors might be considered as an accompanying docu-ment with your report on the value of these facilities.

If I can be of any assistance in these matters,please let me know.



( / ' <

Otto Harling OKH:DKE Enclosure

QUESTIONNAIRE Date Prepared April 15, 1985 Preparar 0. Harling and L. Clark, Jr.

Reactor Name and Address Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Reactor (MITR-II) 138 Albany Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 Power Level 5 MW Tha following statistics refer to the research, teaching and training output of this reactor for the following time period: 1958 to 1985




Other Major Full- Short Papers Fully Refereed Major Sized Reports and And Discipline Journal Publica tions Papers Ab s trac ts Totals Neutron Physics 29 16 --

45 l

Nuclear Physics 60 20 39 119 Neutron Scattering 64 21 1 86 Radiochemistry and Trace Analysis Earth Sciences 97 26 105 228 l

Life Science and 61 8 7 76 Medicine Physical Sciences 14 9 17 40 Other -- -- -- ---

! Nuclear Engineering 40 119 88 247 Radiography -- -- -- ---

I Madical Applications 64 11 10 85 Nuclear Materials 35 30 2 67 .

and Irradiation Effects  !

Isotope Research 7 1 -- 8 cud Development Reactor Operator 1 -- -- 1 ll Training i

) l l Other (specify) l Research Reactor 8 15 6 29  ;

Utilization TOTALS 480 276 275 1,031 l

Note: The above does not include theses, which are tabulated in Question 2.

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i t Doctoral Masters Bachelors Total i

l 165 250 73 488 l


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1. Sensitive scintillation screens were developed that permit instant photography in Polaroid cassettes of neutron beams.

These have been very useful in neutron technology.

2. The electrical neutrality of neutrons was studied with a double-crystal spectrometer exploiting the high angular sensitivity of a pair of perfect silicon crystals. This was able to set a neu-trality limit about six orders of magnitude smaller than previous de termina tions.


3. It was shown that neutrons in passing through perfect crystals travel with a drif t velocity which is smaller than their normal

! group velocity. This reduction in transport speed depends upon the Bragg dif fraction angle and becoms anomalaur'.y .$.ov as thi

  • angle approaches 90'.

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4. It has been found that neutrons passsing through a diffracting crystal display an " effective mass" which is not only anomalously low (five orders of magnitude smaller than normal) but is also of both algebraic signs. This was demonstrated by applying a mag-netic force to the neutrons and measuring the resultant large deflection.
5. The very low effective mass of neutrons in crystals is being used to set new limits on the magnetic neutrality of neutrons.
6. Extensive studies of neutron interferometer systems have been carried out to determine their operational and coherency charac-teristics. This has led to the development of new types of two-crystal systems which offer advantage over the usual three-crystal assembly for some applications.
7. Experiments with a two-crystal neutron interferometer have served to set new limits on the existence of non-linear terms in the Schroedinger equation and also on the existence of a magnetic vector potential interaction with neutrons. j i
8. Rotational motion of a two-crys tal neutron interferometer has been shown to introduce an inertial Coriolis force on the neu-trons which produces a phase modification of the neutron wave function. Accurate measurements of this ef fect have been found in excellent agreement with theoretical prediction.

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1. Using a 6 M bent quartz crystal spectrometer, we measured the binding energy of the deuteron relative to the rest mass of the electron (annihilation radiation). At the time (1961) it was the most accurate measurement of this quantity.
2. The most comprehensive measurements of the thermal neutron capture gamma rays' energies and intensities of the naturally occurring elements using a 50 cm3 Li drifted Ge detector in a triple coincidence pair spectrometer for energies above 1.5 MeV and a Compton suppression spectrometer 0-1.5 MeV.
3. Analyzed line spectra plus continuum to generate intensity vs energy curves for the capture y ray from chermal capture for all the elements in their ratural abundance of their isotopes.

4 Developed a fast fourier transform method for determining the area and centroid of experimentally measured Y-ray peaks, GAMANAL, the first application of this methodology to Y-ray spectroscopy.

5. During the 1960's a great deal of new and fundamental research was done on neutron-induced fission. Highlights of this work included:

a) Proof that Br-87 was the only delayed-neutron precursor of l-minute half-life.

1 b) The assignment of half-lives and gamma-rays to many fission products which had previously been unidentified or misidentified in older studies, including 3-minute Br-85 and 54-second Br-86, Sb-135, isomers of I-136 and 2.6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> cd-117.

c) The independent yields of Te-131 and Te-133 isomers were used to determine the angular momenta imparted to fission fragments at the moment of scission of the nascent fragments, an important question for the fundamental understanding of the fission process.


1. A three-axis spectrometer at MITR-I was used for a series of quasi-elastic neutron scattering measurements of high pressure hydrogen gas. They were the first to show that a neutron scat-tering experiment can be used to critically test the validity of the famous Boltzmann equation.
2. First measurement of a dispersion curve in teflon, only the sec-ond polymer for which such a measurement had been made. This resulted is substantial modification of the previously proposed force field for this polymer, which had been based only on inf ra-red and Raman data.
3. Polarized neutron beam technology was developed and shown to be very effective in studying details of atomic magnetization in magnetic materials. It was exploited in studies of the internal magnetization distribution in the ferromagnetic transition ele-ments and of the aligned paramagnetism and diamagnetism of mate-rials. Accurate magnetic form factor information is obtained with this technique.
4. The polarization of nuclei by application of an external magnetic field or by action of the internal hyperfine field in solids was demonstrated and studied using polarized neutron scattering.

This was used in the determination of the nuclear spin state scattering amplitudes for various nuclei.

5. Neutron refractive index studies were carried out on both mag-netic and non-magnetic materials and also with pure magnetic field configurations. These were capable of yielding accurate scattering interaction informa tion independent of intensity mes-surement.

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Earth Sciences

1. U and microcracks - It is commonly believed in the geological

) community that U occurs on grain boundaries in rocks. We have j shown that in at least 98% of the cases in which the location of


l U would be ascribed to grain boundaries, the U is located in sealed microcracks. This finding changes completely models of the origin of such uranium.

2. Mineral hosts for U in microcracks - The location of U with spa-

, tial resolution of about 10 microns allows us to identify the j minerals that are the hosts for the U. In microcracks, these j minerals commonly occur in grains smaller than 2-3 microns. Such l minerals have been commonly misidentified by others. The sig-

) nificance of this work is that the interpretation of the pres-i sure, tempera ture , and chemical conditions under which the migra-I tion and deposition of the U occurred depends on the correct

{ identification of the minerals.


3. Migration of U and rare earths (REs) in granites - The precise

] mapping of the location of U and associated rare earths has

! allowed us to show that the REs have been mobile in many gran-j ites. One of the basic assumptions of a very large amount of j work in geochemistry is that the REs are immobile. We have shown

{ tha t this assumption is not valid on a local scale. Its validity i

on a scale larger than perhaps a meter has now been placed in question.

. 4. U in clays - Clay minerals, because of their sorption properties  ;

I have been assumed to be suitable materials for secondary and higher order barriers to the migration of radioisotopes from rad-

{ waste repositories in the event of a breach in the primary bar-j rier. Examination of the location of U in clay rich regions of l several granites has shown that the uranium is not located in J

clay minerals but in grains (1 to 2 microns, or smaller, in size) j of several non-clay minerals. This finding suggests that the i retention times for radioisotopes in clays may not be the most l important factor in designing engineered backfill and in select-

) ing respository sites in crystalline rocks.

5. Minerals hosts for U in granites. The precise mapping of U in granites has allowed us to show that several minerals believed
previously to host uranium are not the host. For example, bio-l

{ tite, the Fe-rich mica, is commonly described as a host for U.

{ In the granites examined by us, the U occurs not in the mineral i

biotite, but in very small uraniferous minerals that are them- I i

selves inclusions in the biotite.

. 6. Age of U mineralization - The Sherman granite of Wyoming and

) colorado is 1.35 billion years old (determined by others). We i

have shown that the U in that rock was redistributed about 1.35 billion years ago and has not migrated since. The redistribution i

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occurred in open microcracks which became scaled and have not j been reopened for a period of time about one-fourth the age of the earth.

7. Pioneering ef forts in determining the abundances of rare earth elements in rocks and minerals which establish that terres trial

, geologic processes can change the relative abundance of these


elements. As a result in the study of rocks Rare Earth Element Geochemistry has become the most important subfield in Trace Ele-l ment Geochemistry. When this research began (mid-60's) neutron activation was the only reliable analytical technique; even today there is only one other competitive technique.

8. We have pioneered the combined use of trace element geochemistry with other types of da ta, major element and petrologic constraints, to understand the origin of basaltic lavas, the mos t
common type of magma erupted at volcanoes. Basaltic magma forms l below the earth's crust, i.e., within the mantle, and studies of l these rocks enable us to infer the mineralogy and composition of j the earth's interior.
9. In order to understand the origin and evolution of silicate melts J formed in the earth's interior, it is necessary to understand the

, partitioning of elements between coexisting melts and mineral

] phases. We have analyzed minerals formed at high pressures and 3 inferred trace element partition coefficients between such miner-j als and melt.

1 10. At the earth's surface there are rare occurrences of rocks which

! originated at deep levels (30-300 km) within the earth. Such j samples provide direct information about the inaccessible inte-

. rior of the earth. We were the first to obtain extensive trace element data for such samples, and to interpret these data in i

terms of melt-solid segregation processes occurring at depth within the earth.

11. During the last fifteen years, the understanding of geological
processes has advanced dramatically with the advent of plate tec-l tonics theory. This advance is akin to that of quantum theory in l physics. In terms of plate tectonics, terrestrial volcanism i l occurs in three dif ferent types of environments

a) In regions of plate divergence which are marked by mid-ocean ridges created by upwelling basaltic magma; b) In regions of plate convergence, where oceanic plates are sub-ducted beneath other plates which results, for example, in linear l

volcanic chains which surround the Pacific Ocean, such as the i Cascades including Mount St. Helens, the Andes, Aleutian Islands, l Japan and the Philippines; I


o c) Within plate volcanism, such as the Hawaiian Islands , which has no obvious relationship to plate tectonics and therefore is believed to result from processes occurring below the plates, i.e. , grea ter than 100 km.

Much of our current research is focused on studying volcanic rocks from these three environments. Our significant results include the following:

Ocean Floor Volcanism--Plate Divergence:

a) We have studied rocks forming the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from Iceland in the north to Bouvet Island in the south. We were the first to show that lavas now forming in regions of plate diver-gence are anomalously depleted in elements with large ionic radii, and by studying ocean floor rocks recovered by drilling into the Atlantic Ocean floor, we established that such composi-tions characterize the Atlantic Ocean floor during its entire 150 x 106 years of development. These results, along with those of others, establish that large-scale solid-melt segregations have cccutred within the earth's mancie (>100 km) over the last 2 to 3 x 109 years.

b) In conjunction with the Deep Sea Drilling Project and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Ins titute, we have studied ocean floor rocks from the Indian Ocean. Principal results are that a long linear north-south structure, the Ninety East Ridge, has not formed as a result of plate divergence, but as a result of the passage of the Indian Ocean plate over a " hot spot" in the earth's mantle. Also, we have studied drill core and dredged samples from other parts of the Indian Ocean and defined that the Indian Ocean floor has subtle but important compositional differ-ences from Atlantic and Pacific Ocean floor. This has implica-tions for compositional heterogeneities within the mantle and how they can be maintained in a convecting mantle.

c) A major difficulty with studying present-day ocean floor is the limitation on sampling as a function of depth. Most ocean floor drilling has penetrated less than 1 km of oceanic crust.

There are subaerial occurrences of ocean floor where complex geo-logic processes have uplif ted and exposed 5-6 km of old ocean floor. In Newfoundland our studies have shown that this approxi-mately 600 x 106 year ocean floor is very similar to that being produced today. This is strong evidence' that plate tectonics, involving formation and destruction of oceans, has occurred over a significant fraction of the earth's history.

Continental Margin Volcanism--Plate Convergence:

a) We are studying several active volcanoes in the Chilean Andes of South America because this is the best active example of col-lision between an oceanic and continental plate. Our results show that several different source regions are involved in the genera tion of these volcanoes. The principal source is the i

1 4

continental mantle beneath South America, but subduction of the i

i oceanic plate apparently triggers the volcanism by providing a i water-rich component which is driven from plate as it heats up during the subduction process. Oceanic sediments contribute to this water-rich component and may, in part, be a source material

, for the abundant ore-bodies associated with plate convergence.

b) A rare lava type, boninites, occurs in some regions of plate l

convergence. It appears to require a water-rich source and we

were the first to define the geochemical characteristics of this

] lava type which aids in understanding the causes of volcanism in I regions of plate convergence.

i 1

j c) In all areas of volcanism, some lavas crystallize at depth, i forming coarse-grained rocks, e.g. , in regions of plate conver-

{ gence these are usually granites which are the rock types of ten j associated with ore deposits. In our studies of granites from i New England, the Sierra Nevada range in Caliifornia and Chile, we i have established the systematic geochemical variations exhibited j by such rocks, thereby constraining the physical-chemical pro-cesses controlling their origin and evolution, which is complex

! and variable as a function of distance from the active site of l plate convergence.

! Intraplate Volcanism--The Formation of Oceanic Islands:

l It is well-known that the trace element and radiogenic isotopic J characteristics of lavas forming oceanic islands are very differ-j ent from those of the lavas forming ocean floor away from islands. This is interpreted as reflecting compositional hetero-i geneity within the earth's mantle, but the size, distribution, I and cause of these heterogeneities are not understood. In order >

1 to resolve this problem, we have studied lavas from Iceland and

! various Hawaiian islands. The Hawaiian islands are particularly l interesting because of the linear trend they form on the surf ace 1 of the Pacific Plate. Our results show that at each island there l are systematic geochemical variations as a function of age, and

! such data enabled us to formulate quantitative models for oceanic

) lavas involving mixing of components from the deep and shallow i oceanic mantle. Our data and models have stimulated several l other approaches to the problem, and have been responsible for a j major increase in the understanding of how oceanic island vol-

canoes form and evolve.

l j 12. Developed a new technique for analyzing coal for sulphur and l other ash content by prompt y-ray analysis.

l Atmospheric Sciences ,

l i

{' 1. First determination of C1, Br and I in marine aerosol particles which demonstrated the anomalous enrichment of I and the deple-tion of C1 relative to seawater composition.


2. Firs t demons tra tion tha t Br in aerosol particles of a coas tal city,(Cambridge, Massachusetts) is largely due to air pollution from burning of leaded gas, greatly exceeding the natural marine aerosol background concentration.
3. A major breakthrough at the MIT reactor was the development cf INAA of atmospheric particulate material for trace elements (ini-tially about 25, later = 35), which has allowed us to determine sources of the particles in urban air.
4. The first measurements of gaseous bromine and iodine in the remote atmosphere were made using neutron activation analysis.
5. The firs t chemical analyses of atmospheric particles as a func-tion of particle size were made.
6. The first indications that bromine was lost from particles to the gas phase as a result of photochemical oxidation processes was ob ta ined .
7. The first neasurerents of iodine and bromire in the Arctic atomosphere were made.
8. The first measurements of pollution bromine and its association j with pollution lead in an urban atmosphere were made.
9. The first measurements of gaseous bromine in polluted air and its

} relation to leaded gasoline were made.

10. The first chemical measurements which indicate pollution-derived i aerosol particles can be transported from North America to Hawaii were made.

I j 11. Relationships among gaseous iodine, particulate lead, and ice nuclei in polluted air were determined.

12. The determination that particles smaller than 1 um radius are the primary nuclei for cloud droplet formation in tradewind showers was made.
13. The first measurements of the large difference in chemical compo-sition of surf-produced atmospheric seasalt particles and open-ocean bubble produced atmospheric seasalt particles were made.


1. Novel methods were developed for determination of picomolar con-
centrations of 12 Rare Earth Elements (REE) in seawater by neu-tron activation analysis. These methods and isotope dilution mass spectrometry are the only analytical techniques with ade-quate sensitivity for determination of REE distributions in the open ocean environment.

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2. Simultaneous determinations of La, Ce , Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Ho, Tm, Yb and Lu profiles for the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, to depths of 4.5 km, show comparable distributions for these REE, consistent with the very similar chemical properties of the REE group.
3. Sediment trap e7periments at sites in the Sargasso Sea and in the Atlantic off Barbados have determined the mass flux and chemical composition of material sinking to the sea floor.

Life Sciences and Medicine

1. New methods have been developed for the application of stable isotope tracer techniques, based on radiochemical neutron activa-tion analyses, to study the metabolism of the nutritionally essential mineral elements in humans. The elements of particular interest were calcium, copper, zine and selenium. This series of studies represents the first major application of these non-invasive techniques in studies conducted directly in man and open new avenues for exploring the significance of minerals in the heal th nnd well-beirg of humans at all ages.
2. One of the important recent applications of neutron activation analysis is the use of neutron irradiation to radioactively label biopolymers, such as RNA, DNA and proteins, af ter their separa-tion by a variety of biochemical procedures. The approach

(" indirect labeling") involves binding of highly activatable metal ions, such as Mn 2 + or Eu3 + to separated biopolymers followed by a neutron irradiation. Extremely high sensitivities and the ability to deal with non-radioactive polymers until the very last step of the procedure are among the unique advantages i of this new method.

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1. From 1959 through 1970 the Heavy Water Lattice Project carried out a coordinated series of experiments in a suberitical facility j driven by the MITR. Principal results included:

J l a) Design and construction of the facility itself, and the j experimental apparatus and pracedures employed.

i l b) Measurement of a range of lattice parsmeters (buckling and j foil activation ratios) for some twenty D 20 moderated LEU

arrays, involving several rod diameters and spacings.

J l c) Development and evaluation of experimental and analytical j methods to infer lattice properties from measurements on a single

fuel pin.

! 2. From 1969 through 1983 the Fast Reactor Blanket Research Project ,

carried out a series of experiments on mock-ups of simulated l

. LMFBR blankets. Principal results included:

a) Design and construction of the facility itself, a tailored-

, spectrum fission plate driven by the MITR thermal column, in turn driving blanket mock-ups with'a realistic LMFBR leakage spectrum.


, b) Experiments on some half dozen blanket mock-ups, measuring neutron 'and gamma spectra and key reaction rates using a variety i

of technilues, several perfected in-house.

j c) A para!.lel effort on a wide variety of related topics -

j heterogeneous self-shielding, the selective addition of moderat- l

! ing material, the benefits of internal axial (" parfait")

i i blankets, thorium blankets, and economic optimization of blanket l

configuration, composition and fuel management.
3. Initial MITR Startup - The MIT Research Reactor was a central focus for the entire Nuclear Engineering section in 1958. Essen-
tially, everyone in the Department, faculty and students, had j some contact or activity with the reactor. The reactor began its
important role of steady operations in 1959, providing a valuable research tool for MIT and the surrounding communities.


, 4. Power Increases - The operating power level of MITR was raised

! from 1.0 MW to 2.0 MW in 1962, and the heat transfer system was j then increased so that the power could be raised to 5 1965. In addition to improving the reactor capability, these

power increases again gave many students the opportunity to be e

involved in tests and measurement as well as documentation j required to obtain the approvals for the new power level.

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5. Modification (MITR-II) - In 1974 it was decided to shut the MITR-I down and to enhance the reactor capability by installing a new design in a reconstruction of the reactor core and core tanks. The new design with enhanced safety has unique features, particularly in the fuel design that provides a compact core with a high power density and a long burnup lifetime, while continuing to utilize the original 5 MW heat removal capability. The design aspects were developed through supervised student projects and students were involved in all areas of the development, construc-tion, safety analysis, startup and initial operation.

More than 30 students were directly involved and most of these completed thesis research projects as a part of this develop-ment. This makes the MIT Reactor one of few, or probably the only medium powered research reactor where design basis is largely defined by student involved research. This modification of the MITR made it into the most modern research reactor in the U.S. and has allowed continued availability of this research tool for MIT and surrounding communities.

6. The design of the MIT Reactor ircorporates a nunber of unique f ea ture s:

a) The power density in the core, as normally configured, averages 70 KW/ liter, giving a peak fast neutron flux of >l x 1014 n/cm2 -sec (En > 0.1 MeV). Power peaking is reduced by use of the hexagonally shaped core.

b) The design, combination of a compact core, cooled and moder-ated by light water, surrounded by heavy water, providing a well thermalized peak flux in the reflector, just below the core, of 1 x 1014 n/cm 2 -sec, which is the source flux for the 11 radial beam ports.

c) The fuel elements are symmetrical end-to-end, so that they can be inverted half way through life. This, plus the capability to ro ta te them, facilitates relatively uniform burnup, which has been running about 42% (average over the element).

d) Another unique feature is the " medical room" located directly beneath the reactor. A vertical, shuttered beam entering through the ceiling was designed for boron neutron capture and other medical research, and has been useful for other beam experiments, such as neutron radiography.

7. In the mid-1960's the MIT Reactor staff worked closely with a U.S. Atomic Energy Commission's Ad Hoc Task Force to develop a new concept for the Technical specifications which are now an i integral part of the operating license for all reactors under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The July 1965 draf t of MITR Technical Specifications is an early example of such a document, probably the first for a research reactor.

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8. In neutron-induced autoradiography, a linit on sensitivity occurs at neutron fluences of 1017 n/cm2 and higher because the dark background regis tered by the detector (plastic film) tends to oblitera te the images of interest. The ARIE process (Anneal, Re-Irradiate and Etch), firs t demons trated at the MIT Reactor, increases the sensitivity of the technique by as much as an order of umgnitude.
9. Development and experimental demonstration of a set of general principles for the closed-loop, digital control of reactor power. The approach uses reactivity constraints for the on-line evaluation of the safety of any proposed control action.

Enumeration and definition of the specific concepts required for the closed-loop control of reactor power. Examples include the

'su f ficien t' and ' absolute' reactivity cons traints.

First demonstration of decision analysis techniques for the closed-loop (steady-state) control of reactor power.

Firs e demonstratica of the use of " fuzzy" logic in the closeo-loop (transient and steady-state) control of reactor power.

Development and first experimental demonstration of a closed-loop, transient controller based on a cognitive model of the human decision process.

10. Design construction and safe operation of in-reactor loop for continuous irradiation of organic liquids under conditions of high temperatures and pressure.
11. Stability of organic-based coolants for nuclear reactors under conditions of combined irradiation and high temperatures.

Several terphenyl-based coolants for nuclear reactors were inves-tigated. The stabilities of the various isomers to neutron and gamma radiation into high temperatures were studied. This project was a source of such information from the United States to the Joint U.S.-Canada-Euratom Programs.

12. Development of new dosimetry methods for measuring and separating the radiation doses from the fast neutrons and gamma rays in nuclear reactors.
13. Early development and improvements in analytical methods of gas chromatography for analysis of liquid and gaseous organic com-pounds.

14 Development of methods for predicting organic coolant behavior in nuclear power reactors.

15. Measurement of heat transfer properties of organic coolants under irradiation in nuclear reactors.

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1. Successful treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (radiation synovec-tomy) using dysprosium-165 produced at the MIT Research Reactor.

This procedure avoids the need for surgery. The proximity of the MIT Research Reactor to excellent hospitals such as Brigham and Women's makes possible the use of this short-lived isotope.

2. Central regulation of breathing depends upon regulation of brain extracellular fluid acid-base content. During acid-base stresses of the central nervous system, changes in cerebral spinal fluid bicarbonate ion concentration are reciprocally related to chlo-ride ion concentration changes. With the radionuclide Chloride-38 (37.3 min) produced in the MIT research reactor, we have developed a unique technique for directly studying the ef fect of various interventions on chloride movement intocerebral spinal fluid.
3. First clinical trials of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) using a reactor which was specifically designed for BNCT around 1960.

4 The firs t quantitation of B-10 concentration in blood by prompt gamma-ray ana lysis.

5. First Monte Carlo simulation of BNCT and its verification by experiment.
6. First study on normal beagle dogs injected with boron to deter-mine the safe neutron fluence for neutron capture therapy.
7. First study of the effects of BNCT on intercranial implanted tumors in beagle puppies injected with boron. In those dogs where the implanted tumor remained interstitially and intercrani-ally, tumor destruction was successful by BNCT.
8. First quantitative dose determination on a micro and macro scale for the B-10 (n ,a) reaction in tissue.
9. A unique multiparametric method was developed to assess the influence of radiation beam and pharmacological parameters on the effectiveness of therapy using the MITR-I, MITR-II, and other neutron beams. A combination of experimental and numerical com-puter methods was employed, using the ANISN, ANDY, and CAMMLEG codes in the MITNE library. These studies were extended to analyze the influence of immunological characteristics of anti-bodies as possible new vehicles for boron.
10. A new method was developed to analyze the elemental composition of the living human body by prompt gamma and inelastic scattering {

i gamma analysis. Preliminary experiments were done using Be(L1) detectors and the MITR-I horizontal port.




11. Initial development of the osmium-191+ iridium-191 radionuclide generator was conducted at the MIT Reactor beginning in 1975. A prototype generator permitted feasibility studies of Ir-191 I

radionuclide angiocardiography in animals. Subsequent work a t Children's Hospital in Boston resulted in an improved generator

design which permitted the use of Ir-191m in humans.

Ir-191m is a radionuclide with a very short physical half-life (T

1/2 = 5.0 sec). Advantages of Ir-191m compared to presently available radionuclides include the following
a) a significant reduction in the radiation dose to the patient, b) high photon flux resulting in improved dynamic images, and c) the ability to j obtain studies in the same patient within a short period of time j such as in interventional studies with drugs or exercise.

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1. A unique irradiation test was designed and carried out in the  !

MITR-II to simula te, simul taneou sly , the effects of energetic ion bombardment, fast neutron irradiation, stress and temperature cycling at the first wall of future fusion reactors. The results included the important result that near surface ion implantation and damage may enhance rather than reduce fatigue life of fusion reactor first walls.

2. High dose ion irradiations on a prototypic fusion reactor first wall alloy were carried out in the MITR-II with energetic ions genera ted with the (n .o) reaction on B-10. A continuum of ener-gies and angles of incidence provided the best simulation to date of the actual firs t wall conditions in a fusion reactor. No sur-face blistering was observed under these conditions.
3. A unique miniature mechanical property test has been developed, at the MIT Reactor, for use on irradiated materials. Specimens as small as 3mm diameter by 0.25mm thick can be used to obtain strength and ductility information. An important feature of the test is the use of finite element analysis to extract mechanical properties.
4. Developed a new method of using high resolution y-ray spectros-copy to nondestructively determine the burnup in spent reactor fuel.
5. The MIT Reactor facility has been essential in the development and execution of several major nuclear materials projects. Maj or emphasis has been placed on the use of rapid solidification pro-cessing to create unique alloy microstructures for the fusion reactor application.


P OTHER Wear Studies

l. Use of highly activated high-speed-s teel and tungsten carbide cutting tools was critical in substantiating a new, high-J temperature mechanism of cutting tool wear.


1. Use of minute V-185 implants on a cutting tool permitted automated tool-wear detection.

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(a) Number of students enrolled in courses which made use of the reactor:

1. Lecture or tour of reactor 8,200
2. Demonstrations (e.g., startups or radioisotope production) 1,232
3. Lab courses or special projects (implies written reports) 1,213 TOTAL 10,645 (b) Number of students and trainees in special courses making extended use of reactor (e.g. , reactor operator --

trainees) 154 (c) Number of reactor visitors, including s tuden ts 47,000



e The beneficial impact of the MITR includes a great deal more than the answers to questions 1-4. Some of these benefits will be touched upon here.

The MITR-II is one of the two best research reactors at U.S.

universities and the " newest" university reactor due to a unjor up-grade completed in 1976. It is the only high performance medium flux reactor at a large first class research university. With a current replacement cost in excess of $20 million, it represents the largest investment by any private university in a research reactor.

In a typical year, seven MIT academic departments make substan-tial use of the reactor. The MITR thus impacts on the research and training of academic staff and students in some of the best academic departments in the USA. . Typically four of these departments are ranked as the strongest in the USA. Of the MIT students who have used the reactor, a significant iraction go on to assume leadership roles -

in academe, industry and government service.

! Situated in the Cambridge-Boston area the MITR provides unique i research capabilities for a broad user base. This location is within the Country's largest concentration of universities, colleges and teaching hospitals. The reactor is also conveniently located near a major centroid of high technology industries. Many important research projects such as those using short half-lived isotopes are possible only because of the proximity of MITR.

The greater New England area has a particularly heavy concentra-tion of institutions of higher education. These institutions are pro-vided research capabilities by the medium flux MITR-II which are not otherwise available in this area.

In addition to academic education the MITR serves an important educa tional function for nontechnical professionals and members of the general public. Examples of this type of education include special short courses and lectures on nuclear technology for high school and college teachers, and for members of the news media. Groups of people from the general public have very easy access to the MITR since it is located in a large urban area. The many majo,r conferences and sympo-sia at and near MIT provide further opportunities for educational experiences related to nuclear technology, e.g., the World Council of Churches meeting at MIT in 1979 provided an oppportunity for many of the delegates to visit MITR-II and to attend a special symposium on nuclear energy issues sponsored by the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory.

The research reactor at MIT is a highly visable demonstration of some of the many peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

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-w Report No. DOE /ER/10N/) b REACTOR SilARING PROGRAM REPORT-(September 1, 1984 - August 31, 1985)

University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Location: Nuclear Reactor Laboratory 138 Albany Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Program Director: Lincoln Clark,.Jr. Telephone No. 61//253-4202 Director Reactor Operations Grant Number: DE-FG02-80ER10770.A005 Reactor Type Type

1. i gh t water moderat or lleavy water reflector Power Leve1: 5 MW Number of Participating Principal Student / Description of Reactor Sharing Institution Investinator Faculty Project / Program Support
1. Bates College Prof. G.A. Clough 1/1 Investigation of the technique of neutron- $ 1,080.50 Lewiston, Maine Dept. of Physics induced autoradiography for possible use in and Astronomy determining the history and authenticity of paint ings.

2.c Boston College Prof. .I.C. liepburn 8/3 Activation of 272 geological specimens and 3,650.00 Chestnut 11111, MA and Prof. R. Han standards for neutrou activation analysis of Geology and Rare Earth and other trace elements in studies Geophysics of the geologic development of the northeastern United States.

3.0 Massachusetts liigh J.A. Tyrell -/15 Series of seminars for I;oston area high school S,756.39 Schools and others science teachers on nuclear energy in general Numerous towns and and on the uses of nuclear research reactors in cities particular for teaching and research in many disciplines of the life and physical sciences (15 teachers in 2 groups, 2 visits each). In-cludes preparations for FY 1986.

4.c Boston Univer3ity Prof. 1. Janghort. ant 3/3 Use of neut ron act ivat ion analysis for the assay 8,403.54 School at Medicine of st able isot opes such as ziac, selenium and Boston, tiA ca lc ium in health and nut rit ion studies in collab-oration with the Yale University School of Medicine and the use of lanthanide > as noa absorhable markers.

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Number of Participating Principal Student / Description of Reactor Sharing Institution Investigator Faculty Pro ject /P rogram Support

11. Northeastern Univ. a) Prof. A.R. Foster 40/2 12 visits for 40 nuclear engineering students 4,732.49 Boston, MA Prof. Y. Yener participating in lectures, tours, health physics Mechanical Eng'g Dept. indoctrination, neutron activation analyses, and neutron energy spectrum measurements, Course 02.236.

l b) Prof. G. Perry 4/2 Tour, neutron energy spectrum measurements by use 1,780.00 Prof. R.S. Markiewicz ot a mechanical chopper, and demonstration of Physics Dept. DeBroglie relationship by use of a neutron dif-fracting crystal, for an undergraduate "Wa ve Laboratory" Course 11.260 plus graduate students.

  • c) Prof. W. Reiff 1/1 Irradiation of " Pt foils for use in "

Au Moss- 3,219.00 Chemistry Dept, bauer spectroscopy to study the chemistry and structure of gold compounds, some of which exhibit anti-a rt hrit is and anti-tumor propert ies.

12.*Renssalaer Poly- Prof. 1.L. Preiss 1/1 Use of NAA to find relationship between cancer 455.00 technic Inst. Dept. of Chemistry incidence in rats and trace element abundances Troy, N.Y. in rat spleen, liver and other organs.

13. Southern Maine 6/1 Reactor tour and lecture 30.00 Vocational Tech-nical Institute So. Portland, ME.
14. Teachers College -/6 Reactor tour and lecture 75.00 Tanzania 15.* Univ. Maine Prof. J. Vetelino 1/1 Measurement of radiation effects on surface 95.00 Orono, ME Electrical Eng'g accoustic wave devices.
16. Univ. Mass. Prof. M. Posner 10/1 Graduate students in Physics 6D3 visited MITR for 4,624.61 Bostoa, MA Dept. of Physics 12 laboratory sessions that include an Indoctri-nation tour, health physics, demonstration of i DeBroglie relationship, neution activation analysis, reactor operation, and spatial distribution of neutrons in a suberitical pile.


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i Item 2 (cont.)

William Swartz: Geological and Geochemical Correlation of Five-Mile-Brook Volcanics, Northwestern Maine.

Christopher Loftenius: Comparison of the Petrogenesis of the Alkaline Cape Ann Complex and the Newburyport Quartz Diorite, Northeastern Massachusettu and New llampshire.

c) Papers published, papers presented and abstracts published resulting from research utilizing Reactor Sharing funds:

Collins, R.D. ,11111, M. , lion, R. and nepburn, J.C. , " Petrographic and Geochemical Subdivision of the Andover Granite, Eastern Massachusetts", Geol. Soc. Am., Abstracts with Program, Vol. 17, No. 1, March, 1985, p. 12.

Durfee-Cardoza, K . , lio n , R . , and liepburn, J.C., " Petrology and Geochemist ry of the Precambrian Intermediate and Mafic Volcanic Rocks of the Boston Platform, Eastern Massachusetts", Geol . Soc. Am. , Abstracts with Program, Vol. 17, No. 1, March, 1985, p. 16.

Sahagian, C. and lion, R., " Geochemical and Petrological Nature of the Precambrian (?)

Gabbro-Basaltic Terrane of Eastern Massachusetts", Geol. Soc. Am., Abstracts with

Program, Vol. 17, No. 1, March, 1985, p. 62.

l lion , R. and Thirwall, M.F., "Newbury Volcanics - A Late Silurian Island Arc (?)", Geol.

Soc. Am., Abst racts with Program, Vol. 17, No. 1, March, 1985, p. 25.

Dillon, P., lio n , R. and liepburn, J.C. , " Petrological and Geochemical Assessment of the Granodiorite to Granite Terrane South of Boston, Eastern Massachusetts", presentation at the Geological Society of America, Northeast Sect. Ann. Mtg., Lancaster, PA.,

f March, 1985, p. 15.

Brown, C., and llon, R., "A Crystal Fractionation Model for the Origin of a Zoned Calc-Alkalic Quartz Diorite-Granodforite Body - The Horserace Quartz Diorite of North Central l Maine", presentation at the Geological Society of America, Northeast Sect.

I Ann. Mtg., Lancaster, PA., March, 1985, p. 8.

d) Theses completed, papers published, papers presented and abstracts published where data from

! research utilizing Reactor Sharing funds was combined with other data.

Smith, S.J., " Late Proterozoic Avalonian Magmatism North of Boston, Eastern Massachusetts",

M.S. Thesis, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Boston College (August, 1985).

11111, M.D. , llepburn, J.C. and lion, R., (Abst.), " Analysis of Accreted Terrancs Using Isotope and Trace Element Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks", Geological Society of American, Natl.

Mtg., Reno, Nev., Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 16, #6, 1984, p. 539.

! Brenninkmeyer, B.M. and Dillon, P.M., " Rock Lithology and Glacial Transport Southeast of Boston", in llanson, L., (ed.), Geology of Coastal Lowlands Boston, Massachusetts to l Kennebunk, Maine, New England Intercollegiate Geologic Conference Guidebook, 76th Ann.

Mtg., 1984, Salem, MA., pp. 417-435.

_-. - __ .. -- - - - _ _ _ _ _- _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . - - _ - _ . _. _ - -- _ = - -

-- e Item 2, (cont.)

j DiNitto, R.G., Hepburn, J.C., Durfee-Cardoza, K. and 11111, M., "The Marlboro Formation in j Its Type Area and Associated Rocks Just West of the Bloody Bluff Fault Zone, Marlborough I Area, Massachusetts", in llanson, L., (ed. ), Geology of Coastal Lowlands Boston, Massachusetts to Kennebunk, Maine, New England Intercollegiate Geologic Conference Guide-book, 76th Ann. Mtg., 1984, Salem, MA., pp. 271-279.

11111, M.D. , liepburn, J.C. , Collins, R.D. and lion, R. , " Igneous Rocks of the Nashoba Zone


Eastern Massachusetts", _in llanson, L., (ed. ), Geology of Coastal Lowlands Boston, Massachusetts to Kennebunk, Maine, New England Intercollegiate Geologic Conference

{ Guidebook, 76th Ann. Mtg., 1984, Salem, MA., pp. 61-80.

liepburn, J.C., Trask, N.J., Rosenfeld, J.L. and Thompson, J.3., Jr., " Bedrock and Geology of the Brattleboro Quadrangle, Vermont, New llampshire", Vermont Geological Survey i Bulletin #32, 1984, 162p.

Smith, C.J., Hon, R. and 11111, M. , " Geochemistry and Origin of the Late Proterozoic Volcano-Plutonic Silicic Suite North of Boston, Eastern Massachusetts", Geol. Soc. Am.,

Abstracts with Program, Vol. 17, No. 1, March 1985, p. 63.

Hepburn, J .C. , lion, R. , and 11111, M. , "Tectonomagmatic provinces within the Eastern Marginal Zone of the Appalachian - Caledonide Orogen Mountain Ranges, Southeastern New England, USA",

i in Symposium Vol. ICCP, Project No. 27, Appalachian - Caledonide Orogen, Rabat, Morocco, ed.

! J. Destombes, (in press).

Item 4 - See Item 18 (Yale).

i Item 5 - Chowdhury, A.B., Collins, C.S. , and flohenger, C. , "Anomolous Critical Slowing Down of Spin Fluctuations in Gd Observed with Dy Mossbauer Effect", Phys. Rev. B30, 6277 (1984).

Chowdhury, A.R., "M'ossbauer Effect Studies of Dynamic and Static Critical Behaviors in Ferromagnets", PhD Thesis, Department of Physics, Clark University, Worcester, MA (1985).

Item 7 - Johnson, D.C., lloop, B., and Kazemi, 11. , " Movement of CO2 and itC03 fr m Blood to train in

'j Dogs", J. Appl. Physiol: Environ. Exercise Physiol, 54: 989-996 (1983).

Kazemi, H., Frankel, ll.F., and Johnson, D.C., " Chloride Ion Regulation in the Brain ECF",

Proc. of the Physiological Society of New Zealand, (abstract), 3:18 (1983).

l Johnson, D.C., Orlowitz, L., and liitzig, B.M., " Comparison between CSF and Plasma Na+ and K+

Activities and Concentrations", Fed. Proc. (abstract) 43:318 (1984).


! Johnson, D.C., Frankel,ll.M., and Kazemi, 11. , "Effect of Furosemid on Cerebrospinal Fluid l Composition", Respir. Physiol., 56:301-308 (1984).

! Johnson, D.C., Orlowitz, L., and liitzig, B.M. , "Dif ferences between CSF and Plasma Na* and K+

I Activities and Concentrations", Am. J. Physiol. , Vol. 248, pp. R621-R626 (1985).

I Nishimura, M., Johnson, D.C., Pappagianopoulos, P., and Kazemi,11., "The Effects of Inhibitors on Chloride Outlfux frotn CSF", Fed. Proc. (in press).

i f

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Item 9 (cont.)

Item 9 - Mortimer, A.W., "The Petrology of Anorthosite and Related Rocks in the Mercy Massif, Elizabeth-town Area, New York", Bachelor's Thesis, Department of Geology, Middleburv College, Vewrmont (1983).

Perry, D.A., "A Geochemical Study of Greenstones in the Stowe Formation North of Waterbury, Vermont",

Bachelor's Thesis, Department of Physics, Middlebury College, Vermont (1983).

Coish, R.A., Fleming, F.S., Larsen, M., Poyner, R., and Seibert, J., "Early Rift IIistory of the Proto-Atlantic Ocean: Geochemical Evidence from Metavolcanic Rocks in Vermont", Ame r . J . Sc i . ,

l Vol. 285, pp. 351-378, (April, 1985).

! Coish, R.A., Perry, D.A., Anderson, C.D., and nailey, D., "Metavolcanic Rocks from the Stowe Formation, Vermont: Remnants of Ridge and Intraplate Volcanism in the Iapetus Ocean", Am. J. Sci., (in press).

Item 11 - (c)llill, D.T. , Reif f, W.M. , Kwiecien, M.J., and Girard, C.R., "Trichloro(Pyg4 dine) Cold (III)

1,1-Dichloro(2-Pyridinecarboxylato-N1, 02) Cold: Synthesis, Au Mossbauer Spectrum and X-Ray Crystal Structure", to be presented at the National American Chemical Society Meeting, September, 1985.

j llo rmann, A.L. , Shaw III , C.F. , Bennett, D.W., Guy, Jr., J.T., Reiff, W.M., Zhang, J.ll.,

and Kw " Solid State Structure and Solution Equilibria of EtaPAuCN and Et4PAu{gcien,M.J.,

CN",to be presented at the National American Chemical Society Meeting, September, 1985.

Item 18 - Ehrenkranz, R.A., Ackerman, B.A., Nelli, C.M., and Janghorhani, M., " Absorption of Calcium in Premature Infants as Measured with a Stable Isotope " Ca Extrinsic Tag", Soc. Ped. Res.,

Vol. 19, pp. 178-184 (1985).

  • Note: The work carried out under these projects has resulted in the submission of several grant applications to NSF, Nlli and USDA, some of which have been funded.

Some of last year's thesis titles are repeated if the research was still in progress during the report j year. Papers that were listed as "in press" last year are listed again in order to show the complete reference information.

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