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Forwards Monthly Status Rept of Activities Re 850609 Loss of Feedwater Event,For Info.Nrc Restart Test Review Group Currently Reviewing Licensee Restart Program & Observing Testing Activities
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/11/1986
From: Norelius C
To: Jordan E, Miraglia F
NRC OFFICE OF INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT (IE), Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8609150281
Download: ML20209H575 (4)



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k SEP 111986 MEMORANDUM FOR: F. J. Miraglia, Jr., Director, Division of Pressurized Water Reactor Licensing B, NRR E. L. Jordan, Director, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response, IE FROM: Charles E. Norelius, Director, Division of Reactor Projects, Region III


LOSS OF FEEDWATER EVENT STATUS - DAVIS-BESSE Attached for your information is our monthly status report of activities at Davis-Besse relating to the Loss of Feedwater Event on June 9, 1985.

Activities relating to corrective actions on equipment that malfunctioned on June 9, 1985, and evaluations and repairs of safety-related hangers and supports are continuing. Inspection and repair of Raychem safety-related electric wire splices is in progress. All four new Reactor Coolant Pump shafts are now installed and the licensee is completing related installation -

work. The unit outage completion date is projected to be November 6, 1986.

The NRC Restart Test Review Group is on site reviewing the licensee's restart program and observing testing activities.

If you have any questions, please call me or Nick Jackiw of my staff (FTS 388-5697).

1 Origianl Signed by W. G. Guldemond Charles E. Norelius, Director Division of Reactor Projects


Status Report j as of September 10, 1986 See Attached Distribution 8609150281 860911 PDR ADOCK 05000346


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a F. J. Miraglia, Jr. 2 SEP 1119M J

Distribution cc w/ attachment:

T. Rehm, ED0 J. Sniezek, ED0 A. DeAgazio, NRR G. Holahan, NRR G. Lainas, NRR J. Stolz, NRR J. Taylor, IE B. Grimes, IE A. Howell, IE J. Partlow, IE J. Henderson, IE J. G. Keppler, RIII A. B. Davis, RIII J. A. Hind, RIII C. J. Paperiello, RIII E. G. Greenman, RIII R. M. Lickus, P.III C. A. VanDenburgh, RIII Resident Inspector, Davis-Besse i

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t REGION III STATUS REPORT DAVIS-BESSE LOSS OF FEEDWATER EVENT SEPTEMBER 10, 1986 Plant Status The plant remains in cold shutdown. The primary system is at atmospheric pressure and partially drained for Reactor Coolant Pump work.

Restart Activities i MOVATS testing, environmental qualification work and other maintenance activities have been completed for almost all of the 165 safety-related motor-operated valves onsite.

The NRC test review team continues to provide coverage of licensee testing activities. The licensee's System Review and Test Program (SRTP) includes

279 tests of which 19 will be performed following criticality. This program consists of 164 existing, or modified, surveillance tests and 115 new test i procedures. To date, 131 tests have been performed. The first major integrated test, the integrated Safety Features Actuation System (SFAS) test was completed on August 8,1986, minor retesting is presently scheduled for completion next week. The second major intearated test, of the Steam and Feedwater Line Rupture Control System (SFRCS) is scheduled for performance on September 19, 1986. Both tests will be monitored by the test review team.

The licensee has developed a procedure to assess plant performance at various stages during heat-up and power escalation. The NRC will be monitoring the licensee's activities during the various stages of testing.

2 Other Activities New rotating elements (shaft and impeller) have now been installed in all four 3 reactor coolant pumps (RCP). Reassembly of two RCPs is complete, the licensee is now reinstalling items that had been removed to avoid interference with the work on those RCPs. The licensee is completing reassembly of the other two RCPs.

The licensee has inspected 992 safety related electrical connections. Ninety four remain to be inspected. The licensee has found 434 Raychem installations requiring repair and 116 taped installations requiring repair. The licensee has completed 167 repairs, The licensee's Raychem test program at Acton Labs (Acton, MA) was completed on August 13 and the final test report was issued September 1, 1986. The licensee's repair, replacement and engineering review of items requiring environmental qualification (EQ) is continuing. The NRC EQ inspection team completed the onsite EQ inspection on August 8,1986.


I" The licensee's inspection of 1,877 flood barrier penetration seals protecting safety-related equipment revealed 214 seals that require repair or rework. j The licensee also inspected barriers limiting the effects of high energy line  !

breaks and the floors of 42 rooms to insure that safety-related equipment in '

the rooms below are protected from water. The licensee estimated that these inspections will identify 239 more penetrations that require rework.

The licensee has found that substantial modifications must be made to ensure proper operation of the Post Accident Sampling System. All modifications are scheduled to be completed before restart.

Miscellaneous The Governor of Ohio requested that the NRC not allow the restart of Davis-Besse until a state commission completed a reevaluation of the evacuation plan for the area around the plant.

The licensee will have an Emergency Preparedness drill on September 11 which will be evaluated by INP0 and another of Septermber 23 which will be evaluated by the liRC.

On August 21, 1986, a damaged non-safety related transformer released approximately 100 gallons of PCB contaminated oil. The PCBs were contained on

, site, no personnel were injured and no safety related equipment was threatened. Clean-up is still in progress.


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