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Matls Licensing Package for Amend 3 to License SNM-1982 for Imaging & Sensing Technology Corp.Control:125290
Person / Time
Site: 07003061
Issue date: 02/16/1999
From: Brown K
125290, NUDOCS 9907200115
Download: ML20209H055 (117)



NHc FORM 374 PAGE 1 OF 4 PAGEs u.s. NUCLEAR REGULATORY Commission Amendment No. 3 MATERIALS LICENSE Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,39,40, and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire. possess. and transfer byproduct, source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to d; liver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This license chill be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all a pplicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions speciried below.

Licensee in accordance with letter dated December 16,1997,

1. Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation 3. Ucense number SNM-1982 is amended in p-pF its entirety to read as roiiows:



2. 300 Westinghouse Circle 4. Expiration date March 31,2005 Horseheads, New York 14845C 5. Docket No. 07043061 M) Reference No.

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6. Byproduct, source, and/or special Ch 8. blaximum amount that licensee may nuclear material  % f.+h NmIcal h andfo7physica'lform y'2 possess/at any one time under this


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license s

A. Uranium 235 . i s 'Any "twad e/ l M A. 325 grams .

B. Uranium 235 O o ( ro ciNr si B. grams with no device N

OmetaHid' electrode's)Dj(

Y' " "~5 (My $containing more than 3.7 grams C. Plutonium 238/ Plutonium 239p led n,eu }C.

n sourced

  • g Not to exceed 0.05 grams per (MonsanWResearch Q source and 0.10 grams total Corporation Model 2722-BT)\

&A r h4 D. Plutonium 239/ Plutonium 241 D. Sealed n_eutron source D. Not to exceed 74 grams per (Monsanto Research source and 148 grams total Corporation Model M695)

E. Plutonium 239/ Plutonium 241 E. Sealed neutron source E. 4.5 grams (Nuclear Material & Equipment Corporation)

F. Plutonium 239/ Plutonium 241 F. Sealed neutron sources F. 37.5 grams (Nuclear Materials &

Equipment Corporation)

I 9907200115 990216 I PDR ADOCK 07003061 B PDR OFFICIAL RECORD COPY ML10

NRC FORM 374A U.s. NUCLEAR RE2ulAToRY CoMMISsloN PAGE 2 of 4 PAGEs Lic:nse Number SNM-1982 MATERIALS LICENSE Docket or Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 070-03061 Amendment No. 3

6. Byproduct, source, and/or special 7. Chemical and/or physical form 8. Maximum amount that licensee may nuclear material possess at any one time under this license G. Plutonium 239/ Plutonium 241 G. Sealed neutron sources G.146.5 grams (Nuclear Materials &

Equiament Corporation)

. Q50 0 C G{r,

9. Authorized use:



For use in the development and manufacture of radiation detectors.

/o4 B. For use in testing of fission' counters and ionization chambers.

C. through G. For use in th5't$ sting'andialibration of radiation dete ors.

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10. Licensed material may g) k@+%:( q J, be use(g,y%

E akWestinghouse Circle,~ Horseheads', New;Y6rk. Licensed material in Subitem 6.B. may also fM used'as teinp$iary j6isites of the lic$rdee anywhere in the United States where the U.S. Nuclear RegulatoIry Co'nimissidn trisiritain' s juriiidictio(6r regulah6g the use of licensed material.

11. A.

Y, D $ f bkh W h $

Licensed material shall be used by, or urider.the supervision of,, William H. Todt, Sr., James Woolridge, James RobbiEs*fhomas PatteNdm%r Thom'as Mpik'e.

A u B. The Radiation Safety Officer for thislicense is, Thomas M. Mike.

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12. A. Sealed sources and detector cells containing licensed material shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed six months or at such other intervals as are specified by the certificate of registration referred to in 10 CFR 32.210, not to exceed three years.

B. Notwithstanding Paragraph A of this Condition, sealed sources designed to emit alpha particles shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at inter /als not to exceed three months.

C. In the absence of a certif;cate from a transferor indicating that a leak test has been made within six months prior to the transfer, a sealed source or detector cell received from another person shall not be put into use until tested.

D. Each sealed source fabricated by the licensee shall be inspected and tested for construction defects, leakage, and contamination prior to any use or transfer as a sealed source.

NRC FORM 374A u.s. NUCLEAR RE;ulAToRY Commission PAGE 3 of 4 PAGES Uconse Numb ,r SNM-1982 MATERIALS LICENSE oocket or Reference Numder SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 070-03061 Amendment No. 3 E. Sealed sou.ces and detector cells need not be leak tested if:

(i) they contain only hydrogen-3; or (ii) they contain only a radioactive gas; or (iii) the half-life of the isotope is 30 '~

da9]i(or Essi~op* O

_ \h O f (iv) they contain not more 100 micrordries of beta and/or gamma emitting material or not more than 10 microcurietof alpha emitting material; or ' /'

v O (v) they are not designed to emit alpha particles, are in storage, a[d are not being used. However, when they aregsmoved from storage for use or transferto'anothsr person, and have not been tested within the required 15ak. test interval, they sh5ll be tested before use or transfer. No sealed source 7or detect 5tcell[shall be stored foi a' h tested for le*5Nage ( and/or'contsmi' E4 nation!'[

O ( < peribd of morE F. The test shall be espable of'de ect'i he e .005 microcurie of radioactive material on the test sample, if the test revelelis th6 presines~of 0.'005 rpi6rocuris or moie* of removable contamination, a report shall be fiied with ttie U.'S.Jfticlear$ Reg'ulato'ry Cokr6ission and the source or detector cell shall be removed imNdiat'ely idun seryice'drid detihotaminated, rep' aired, or disposed of in accordance with Comniissiorif egUlatidn'pThehspoN s shili'be filedWithin five days of the date the WS. NuMar RegulaPory Commission, Regional Office leak test result is knowriwjth th"e aphropriate,GThe repori sh


referenced in Appendix D ofj10 CFR Part'20 involved, the test results, and corrective action taken. 9 G. The licensee is authorized Y44 'i^

to collect leak test sam @ples for analysis by the for leakage and/or contamination may be performed by persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an Agreement State to perform such services.

13. Sealed sources or detector cells containing licensed material shall not be opened or sources removed from source holders by the licensee.
14. The licensee shall conduct a physical inventory every six months, or at other interval approved by NRC, to account for all sealed sources and/or devices receiveu and possessed under the license.
15. The licensee is authorized to transport licensed material in accordanco with the provisions of 10 CFR Part 71, " Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material."

N'RC FORM 374A U.s. NUCLEAR REOULAToRv coMMilsloN PAGE 4 of 4 PAGEs l Lic;nse Numb:r SNM-1982 MATERIALS LICENSE oocket or Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 070-03061 Amendment No. 3 )


16. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shall conduct its program in accordance with the statements, representations, and procedures contained in the documents, including any enclosures, listed below. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the j statements, representations, and procedures in the licensee's application and correspondence are more restrictive than the regulations.

A. Letter dated June 14,1993 Letter dated November 12,1993 h R RE G B.

C. Letter dated August 26,1996V hg/* l D. Letter dated December![6,31997 /h i V O l ca 94  :

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'T f .,) f( "wb For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Originalsigned by Keith D. Brown  :

D:te February 16 1999 By Keith D. Brown Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 2 Division of Nuclear Materials Safety Region i King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 m_.

9 - v. 4 i

February 16,1999 Docket No. 070-03061 License No. SNM-1982 Control No. 125290 Louis Binetti

. Executive Vice President Imaging & Sensing Technology Corporation 300 Westinghouse Circle Horseheads, NY 14845

Dear Mr. Binetti:

This refers to your license amendment request. Enclosed with this letter is the amended license. Please note that as part of this Amendment, in accordance with 10 CFR 30.36, effective February 15,1996, the expiration date of your license has been extended by a period of five years. Your new expiration date is stated in item 4 of the license.

During a recent inspection, the NRC leamed that you intend to soon change the individual designated as the Radiation Safety Officer for your program. Changing the Radiation Safety Officer requires amendment of your license. Prior to designating the new Radiation Safety Officer, submit an amendment request that includes the qualifications of the new individual. The individual will then become Radiation Safety Officer upon NRC approval of the amendment.

One of the items addressed in your amendment request was a change to your inventory procedures. This change was made in response to a finding made during an NRC inspection that on a few occasions your semiannual physical inventory differed from your running inventory by several percent and that these discrepancies were not resolved.

.- The revised procedure indicates that the past inventory discrepancies were due to double counting of plated detectors and can be eliminated by limiting the number of people involved in the inventory. These assertions are by no means apparent to the reviewer. You were, therefore, asked to demonstrate that the first assertion provided a reasonable explanation for the past discrepancies. The reviewer also noted that your procedure has no provisions to correct for measurement errors and losses during the manufacturing process, steps that are typically included in such a procedure. The reviewer requested that you include such provisions in your procedure or justify not doing so. Your response io the former issue was to note that in two inventories made with the new procedure, no large discrepancies were found. The second issue does not appear to have been explicitly addressed.

Subsequent to our last communication conceming your procedure, the NRC conducted an inspection of your facility. The inspector found that the amount of material in a given detector was rounded in the running inventory but not in the physical inventory and that all such rounding was downward. This difference had caused the discrepancies noted. In addition, the inspector ML10

L. Binetti 2 Imaging & Sensing Technology Corporation found that you keep a computer spreadsheet - effectively a second set of books -in which you enter more precise figures (i.e., not rounded) conceming the amount of material in plated detectors. Further, the inspector found that running inventory according to the computer spreadsheet has never significantly differed from the physical inventory.

It would appear, therefore, that you have had an inventory system in place for some time that is better than your ledger system. This system has several of the same shortcomings of your ledger book system, including two noted during this review: the lack of provisions for correcting measurement errors and losses during the manufacturing process and the lack of a defined process for responding to discrepancies found by the physical inventory. It does not, however, lead to the significant errors noted during our previous inspection and may be adequate for your purposes, so long as you are able to address inventory discropancies should they arise.

We do not believe the Special Nuclear Material Inventory Procedure submitted with this amendment is substantively different from the one that was previously a part of your license.

The changes in the procedure deal primarily with which individuals you have assigned responsibility for performing the inventory. The NRC does not consider such changes relevant since it considers upper management responsible for ensuring that all requirements are carried out. The NRC avoids involvement in how you assign responsibility within your organization.

Please review the enclosed document carefully and be sure that you understand and fully implement all the conditions incorporated into the amended license. If there are any errors or questions, please notify the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regicn i Office, Licensing Assistance Team, (610) 337-5093 or 5239, so that we can provide appropriate corrections and answers.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely, Originalsignedby Keith D. Brown Keith D. Brown Health Physicist Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 2 Division of Nuclear Materials Safety


1. Amendment No. 3
2. 10 CFR Part 30 cc:

Mike Hooper.


P L. Binetti 3

' Imaging & Sensing Technology Corporation DOCUMENT NAME: B:\DNMS Documents \Lic Cover Letter \LSNM-1982.wpd 80035522 To escolwe a cop ' of this Gocurrent, inslicate in the toon:'C's Copy w/o attach /enci *E's Copy w/ attach /end *N's No copy OFFICE DNMS/RI lN DNMS/RI l l NAME KBrown 9E.A*#

DATE 02/16/99 02/ /99 02/ /99 02/ /99 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

+ , - _ ,

O IMAGING & SENSING TECHNOLOGY 300 Westingnouse circle Horseheads. NY 14845 (607) 796 4400 FAX (607) 796-4579 MS(6 October 20,1998 O'7 John D. Kinneman Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406-1415 re: Mail Control No. 125290 Docket No. 070-03061 License No. SNM-1982 ,

Dear Mr. Kinneman:

This is in reply to your letter of August 5,1998 concerning the Special Nuclear Material Inventory Procedure.

Following a discussion with Keith Brown, the enclosed procedure was developed which will be used to investigate any significant discrepancies between the physical and book inventories as they occur. This is an amendment to the inventory procedure previously submitted (copy attached )

In answer to your specific questions;

1. Double counting occurred in the past due to uranium plated electrodes being moved from the plating room to the assembly area for further processing at the time an inventory was being taken.

Different individuals were involved in the inventory- taking in each area and therefor the same plated units were counted twice, once in the plating room and again in the assembly area. There could be as much as 10 to 15 grams of U-235 involved ( as an example, our 10382 detector contains four electrodes each of which have been plated with 3.56 grams of U-235 ). This type of error was corrected by having only one person do the counting and stopping any movement of items containing U-235 while inventory is being done. Any shortfall would have been due to not counting electrodes in process. There have been no large discrepencies since 1995 when this ]

procedure was initiated.

2. The attached amended procedure addresses potential errors in the measurement of stock plating material. After the solid uranium has been put into solution a working solution is prepared with a concentration of 20.65 mg per milliliter. The amount of uranium required for the electrodes to be plated is measured out with a graduate with an accuracy of plus or minus 0.1 milliliter

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OCT 2 6 HIGB ,


(which would amount to about 2 milligrams) and added to the plating solution. Depending on the number of units plated it does not appear that the accuracy of measuring the solutions would account for the inventory being off by more than a gram or two.

Please advise if you require anything further at this time.

j l

Very truly yours, SN7  :

Thomas M. Mike Radiation Safety Officer cc: Keith Brown - NRC Louis Binetti-IST l Carol Negri- IST i

l l

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CHAPTER II B. Inventory Procedure

4. Once the semi-annual U-235 reports are received, the Accountability Representative ~ will compare , the book inventory records with the physical inventory. If there is a discrepancy of more than 1.0 gram isotopic U235 between the book inventory and the physical inventory, than a detailed investigation will take place to find the discrepancy and correct it.(See 5.0). He will then complete and submit the DOE /NRC 742 form as specified in NUREG/BR-0007.
5. Upon finding a discrepancy of greater than 1.0 gram . isotopic U235 between the book inventory and the physical inventory, an

-investigation will be conducted.

a.) A comparison will be completed between the physical inventory taken in the Uranium Plating Room and the recorded amounts of U235 plated onto product. The recorded amounts of U235 plated onto product'can be found in the logbook located in the Uranium Plating Room. The logbook describes the date, the type of electrode plated, the amount of U235 used and a running depletion count of the U235 used from a specific lot of U235. By comparing the logbook and the physical inventory taken in the Uranium Plating Room, it can be noted if there was a mathematical error within the 1cgbook. The logbook will also show the, amount.and type of devices plated within the 6 month period.

b.) By knowing.the type and quantity of devices plated, the devices can only have been moved to the assembly area or shipped. By comparing the physical inventory on the assembly floor, the record of what has been shipped and the logbook records from the Uranium Plating Room, it can be observed how

and where the product has moved through the facility. By using this information and the previous 6 month physical inventory, any discrepancies can be identified and resolved. By eliminating any physical discrepancies, further discrepancies would be attributed to rounding off of book inventory.

c.) Recalculation and reverification of values used in the book inventory will be performed. Any discrepancies will be identified and resolved.

d.) Upon completion of the investigation, a detailed report will be submitted to the Radiation Saftey Comm!ttee for their approval,

e. ) If by the above procedure, a discrepancy of ::;cre than 1.0 gram isotopic U235 still exists, manage;aent will be consulted by the Accountability RepreronLative so a more extensive investigation can be undertakon.

. . ' e

2. ' . M,.

SNM Inventory Procedure Revision -

December 15, 1997 Page 1 of 2 Special Nuclear Material (SNM) Inventory Procedure A. Responsibilities:

1. Responsibility for receiving special nuclear material shall be assigned to the Shipping & Receiving Department Supervisor, who shall be authorized to sign the Waybill. In his absence, either the RSO or the Accountability Representative shall sign.

This person is also responsible for the inventory of U-235 located in the shipping department and contained in detectors ready for shipment and in detectors stored in the " Bill and Ship-in-Place" storage cage.

2. Responsibility for U-235 in solid form or in solution plated on cylinders and contained in detectors either in-process, or scrapped shall be assigned to the Supervisor of the Sensor &

Control Manufacturing department. This person is also responsible for inventory of U-235 contained in returned detectors located in the manufacturing department. Manufacturing records such as the plating room logbook and product assembly travelers will be used as the basis for tracking U-235 within the manufacturing department.

3. Responsibility for the reconciliation and oversight of the SNM inventory shall be assigned to the Accountability Representative.
4. By limiting the people responsible for U-235 inventory, it will insure items containing U-235 are not listed more than once on any department's special nuclear material report.

B. Inventory Prccadure

1. Semi-annual inventory of U-235 shall take place on March 31 and September 30 of each year by the responsible person as designated in Section Accountability Representative. The Accountability Representative will notify the responsible department supervisor, 10 working days in advance of this date, of the requirement for the upcoming semi-annual U-235 inventory.

This will insure that U-235 material is not listed on more than one department's special nuclear material report.

. p ; ., . *

\ , =, Y SNM Inventory Procedure Revision -

December 15, 1997 Page 2 of 2

2. .

semi-annual inventory report will be submitted by theWithin sevent responsible department supervisor to the Accountability Representative. Any discrepancies between the current and the previous inventory will be resolved prior to submittal to the Accountability Representative. The semi-annual U-235 inventory the following information: report shall contain, as Accountability Representative minimu Type of detector Serial number or other U-235-containing identification of the detector or subassembly Quantity Location Amount of U-235 contained within the item Amount of U-235 contained for the quantity of the item inventoried


Amount of U-235 contained within each plated electrode subassembly or detector shall be determined by the sensor,&

Control Engineering department. This information is semi-annual inventory report.a measured value and will be available prior to comple 4.

Once the semi-annual U-235 reports are received, the Accountability Representative will reconcile the book inventory records with the physical inventory. He will then complete and submit the DOE /NRC 742 form as specified in NUREG/BR-0007.

b u_ i


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b August 5,1998 Docket No. 070-03061 License No. SNM-1982 Control No. 125290 Thomas M. Mike Facility Manager Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation 300 Westinghouse Circle Horseheads, NY 14845

Dear Mr. Mike:

This is in reference to your letter dated June 30,1998 in msponse to our letter dated June 5,

- 1P^Al. In our letter, we questioned whether double counting of detectors could account for l I

inventory discrepancies of the magrutude experienced, and requested that you esther reconsider the source of the discrepancaos or demonstrate that double counting could have caused ,

discrepancies of that magnitude in your response, you restated that you believe double counting of detectors was the source of the inventory discrepancies. In support of your positien, you stated that the two most recent inventories, performed using the revised inventory procedure which guards against double l counting, did not show unacceptable discrepancies. This does not necessarily demonstrate the efficacy of the new procedure in fact, seven of ten past inventories reviewed showed no unacceptable discrepancies.

Based on the data collected dusing the inspection, it does not appear to us that double counting during the physical inventory would explain the inventory discrepancies of 21 g and 39 g that were found. Since each detector contains about 0.05 g of material, these discrepancies would require double counting 420 and 780 detectors respectively. The number of detectors at your facility at any given tims appeared to be much smaller. Furthermore, one inventory showed a shoitage of 16 g of material. There does not seem to be any way that double counting detectors during the physical invernory can lead to a shortage.

. In our letter, we asked that you consider revising your inventory procedure to address t% offect of cumulative measurement errors on the amount of stock solution assumed in h running inventory. Based on your response to our letter, we did not explain our concem clearly. We agree that taking the inventory of stock solution plus each amount used would not have a cumuletive error, if each were measured to infinite precision. Since each measurement has only finite precision, however, errors are introduced each time a measurement is made. In any repetitive process, these errors will, at times, accumulate so as to become important.

Our inspection found that your inventory procedure did ;.ot have provisions for identifying and correcting these cumulative measurement errors. We believe this could be one source of the inventory discrepancies noted during the inspection. Given the magnitude of the discreparu:ses relative to the total inventory there could be other sources of discrepancies as well.

ML10 t i

1 T. Mike 2 Imaging and Sensing Technology Cf. rporation in order to continue our review, we need the following additional information:


1. You have stated that double counting of detectors is a soerce of the inventory discrepancies noted during the inspection Calculate the mMnstude of error that you would expect from this source given the maximum sad typicai number of detectors at your facility at any time, if double counting of the type you descnos can lead to an inventory short-fall, explain how that would occur.

,2. Whether or not measurement precision contnbuted to the inventory discrepancies, it is appropriate, as part of the inventory procedure, to resolve differences between the physical measurement of the stock solution and the amount expected basod on the running total of amount used. Submit a revised inventory procedure that includes steps that will: (1) determine the expected amount of stock solution based on the amount withdrawn for plating operations; (2) determine the amount of stock solution present by physical measurement; (3) determine whether any differences are of the magnitude expected, and (4) define the appropriate follow-up achon depending on the magnitude of the difference

3. ' . Calculate the magnitude of cumulative measurement arror that would be expected for a typical inventory at your facility given the precision with which you measure the amount of stock solution withdrawn for each plating procedure and the amount of remaining stock solution.
4. Determine whether the inventory issues addressed above are sufficient to account for the observed 21 g, -16 g, and 39 g inventory discrepancies, if not, identify the likely I cause of the discrepancies. Submit an evaluation th4t demonstrates the problem you l identify is likely to be the cause of the descrepancies. Submit a revised inventory procedure that corrects the problom identified. l l

We will continue our review upon receipt of this information. Please reply in duplicate to my attention at the Region i Office and refer to Mail Control No.125290. If you have any technical questions regarding this deficiency letter, please call Keith Brown of my staff at (610) 337-5048.

If we do not receive a reply from you within 30 calendar days from the date of this letter, we shall assume that you do not wish to pursue your application.

Sincerely, OrdaalsignsdbyJohn D.Kinneman John D. Kinneman, Chief Naclear Materials Safety Branch 2 Division cf Nuclear Materials Safety j l

e 1

T. Mike 3 Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation DOCUMENT NAME: G:\DNMS\DOCWORK\DEFLTR\LSNM1982 21117748 d

To receive e sepy of thf ocument. Indioete in the boa: "C" = Copy w/o attach /enci *E' = Copy w/ sttach/enci *N' = No copy lA OFFICg! D#MS/fW N D@S/RI NAMF.L,.Jh J)(#Ilman DATE/T M 5/98 08 6 /98 08/ /98 08/ /98 v


1 6 iMAGIN;G & SENSING TECHNOLOGY 300 westmghouse cecie Horseheads, tJY 14648 l607) 796-4400 F A.t (607) 796-4570 June 30,1998 me-Ib Keith D. Brcwn Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 475 Allendale Road King of Prusda, PA 19406-1415 l

re: Mail Control No. 125290 l Docket No. 070-03061 License No. S%f-1982

Dear Mr. Brown:

This is in regard to your letter of June 5,1998 concerning the Special Nuclear Material Inventory Procedure.

The Uranium 235 inventories taken September,1997 and March,1998 showed less then one I gram and no discrepancy, respectively, using the procedure sent to you on December 16,1997 l

( copy enclosed).

The amount of Uranium-235 stripped from scrap electrodes is based on the amount of stock solution used to plate the electrode initially. This is the amount accounted for in the evaporated stripping solution. Therefore, there shottid Le no cumulative error by taking the inventory of stock solution remaining plus amount used.

We ah a feel that limiting the number of people involved with reporting has reduced the possibility of ds2ble counting. I The result of the last two inventories mentioned above indicates that the procedures now in efTect will result in more accurate reconciling cf inventories.

Very truly yours, SAf Thomas M. Mike Radiation Safety Oflicer

/zfzro ML w Jll - 61998 0FFICIALRECORDCOPY

SNM Inventory Procedure Revision -

December 15, 1997 Page 1 of 2 Special Nuclear Material (SNM) Inventory Procedure A. Responsibilities:

1. Responsibility for receiving special nuclear material shall be assigned to the Shipping & Receiving Department Supervisor, who shall be authorized to sign the Waybill. In his absence either the RSO or the Accountability Representative shall s1gn.

This person is also responsible for the inventory of U-235 located in the shipping department and contained in detectors ready for shipment and in detectors stored in the " Bill and Ship-in-Place" storage cage.

2. Responsibility for U-235 in solid form or in solution, plated on cylinders and contained in detectors either in-process or scrapped shall be assigned to the Supervisor of the Sensor & -

Control Manufacturing department. This person is also responsible for inventory of U-235 contained in returned detectors located in the manufacturing department. Manufacturing records such as the plating room logbook and product assembly travelers will be used as the basis for tracking U-235 within the manufacturing department.

3. Responsibility for the reconciliation and oversight of the SNM inventory shall be assigned to the Accountability Representative.
4. By limiting the people responsible for U-235 inventory, it will insure items containing U-235 are not listed more than once on any department's special nuclear material report.

B. Inventory Procedure

1. Semi-annual inventory of U-235 shall take place on March 31 and September 30 of each year by the responsible person as designated in Section Accountability Representative. The Accountability Representative will notify the responsible 1 department supervisor, 10 working days in advance of this date, of the requirement for the upcoming semi-annual U-235 inventory.

This will insure that U-235 material is not listed on more than one department's special nuclear material report.

L .I

e.. c

.i SNM Inventory Procedure Revision -

December 15, 1997 Page 2 of 2

2. Within seventy-two hours of completing the inventory, the semi-annual inventory report will be submitted by the responsible department supervisor to the Accountability Representative. Any discrepancies between the current and the previous inventory will be resolved prior to submittal to the Accountability Representative. The semi-annual U-235 inventory report shall contain, as Accountability Representative minimum, the following information:

Type of detector Serial number or other identification of the detector or U-235-containing subassembly Quantity Location Amount of U-235 contained within the item Amount of U-235 contained for the quantity of the item inventoried .

3. Amount of U-235 contained within each plated electrode, subassembly or detector shall be determined by the sensor &

Control Engineering department. This information is a measured value and will be available prior to completing the semi-annual inventory report.

4. Once the semi-annual U-235 reports are received, the Accountability Representative will reconcile the book inventory records with the physical inventory. He will then complete and submit the DOE /NRC 742 form as specified in NUREG/BR-0007.



t June 5,1998 Docket No. 070 P'K)61 License No. SNM-1982 Control No. 12 W )

Thomas M. Mike Facility Manager Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation 300 Westinghouse Circle Horseheads, NY 14845

Dear Mr. Mike:

This is in reference to your letter dated December 16,1997 requesting to amend Nuclear Regulatory Commission License No. SNM-1982. In order to continue our review, we need the following additionalinformation:

The proposed revision of your Special Nuclear Material Inventory Procedure addresses possible double counting of detectors containing8 "U. Because of the small quantity in each of these detectors, it is very unlikely that double counting some of these detectors could result in inventory discrepancies of the magnitude in question.

The most likely cause of these discrepancy is the lack of a process to account for cumulative errors in the volumes of 8"U solution removed in electroplating operations. While the inventory of 2"U in the electroplating waste is computed using cumulative records of the volume of 2"U solution removed from the main stock, the inventory of 2"U in the stock is determined by direct measurement of i its volume. Because measurements are not perfect, the sum of the activity accounted for in the stock and the waste will differ from the actual activity by the cumulative measurement error. Evaporation of the stock solution may introduce additional errors. At the time of our September 1997 inspection, the NRC found that you did not have a procedure for correcting your inventory for these errors.

Please submit a revised Special Nuclear Material Inventory Procedure that includes provisions for reconciling the inventory remaining in the stock solution with the records of material removed from the stock solution. After reviewing l your Special Nuclear Material Inventory, if you believe that the likely source of l your inventoiy discrepancies is double counting of detectors, please submit evidence that this problem exists at a magnitude sufficient to account for the discrepancias. j 1

We will continue our review upon receipt of this information. Please reply in duplicate to my I attention at the Region i Office and refer to Mail Control No.125290. If you have any technical  ;

questions regarding this deficiency letter, please call me at (610) 337-5048.

l l


r T. Mike 2 .

Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation if we do not receive a reply from you within 30 calendar days from the date of this letter, we shall assume that you do not wish to pursue your application.

In reviewing your revised Radiation Safety Manual, the NRC noted that the telephone number for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I office includes an outdated area code. Please update the area code to "610" at your earliest convenience. You need not submit any information to the NRC regarding this correction.

Sincerely, Originalsigned by Keith D. Brown Keith D. Brown Health Physicist Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 2 Division of Nuclear Materials Safety 1

e i.

T. Mike 3 Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation DOCUMENT NAME: G ONMS\DOCWORKOEFLTR\LSNM1982 16913704 To receive a copy of this document. Inscote in the boa: "C" = Copy w/o attach /enct *E" = Copy w/ ettschlenet *N" = No copy OFFICE DNMS/RI lN DNMS/RI l l l NAME KBrown %B# _[

DATE 06/05/98 06/ /98 06/ /98 06/ /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter / application dated f f. M [ , and to inform you that the initial processing which include an a ninistrative review has been performed.

AM6 eft. SY M ~(ft bThere were no administrative omissions. Your application was assigne to a technical reviewer. Please note that the technical review may identify additional omissions or require additionalinformation.

Please provide to this office within 30 days of your receipt of this card A copy of your action has been forwarded to our License fee & Accounts Reaivable Branch, who will contact you separately if there is a fee issue involved.

Your action has been assigned Mail Control Number .

When calling to inquire about this action, please refer to this control number, (

You may call us on (610) 337 5398, or 337-5260. j e mwsumn Sincerely, is esi Licensing Assistance Team Leader l

l 1

l l



l k

u .

IMAGING & SENSING TECHNOLOGY 300 westnotvause one.

Horseheads. NY 14845 I607) 796-4400 F AX (607) 796-4579 o70 -o3 0 to l namnhar 16,1997 Keith D. Bumn U.S.NucisarRasulakuy CW Region 1 475 All-klaRoad King ofPmesia,PA 19406-1414 m: Isnesing and Sensing Technology Corporation (IST)

Cannrrnainry ActionImner CAL No.1-97425


As required by the emannaanry Action IAtter deled September 26,1977, Items 4 & 5, enclosed is tbs sequest for an

  • to I L=== SNM1982 for the folkming:
1. Revised SpecialNuclear MaterialInventasy Procedure for resolving *4 :, --4= hetwenn running inventony and the sami an===1 physical ieventory.
2. Updated Ph Safety Manual to take into account the major mvision to 10 CFR 20.

Please adviss ifyou sequire anything ihrther at this time, 1

vs.yimir -


- u m.

Rh SafetyofEast i

125200 0FFICIALRECORD00Py ML10 DEC I 81997

6 .

6 IMAGING & SENSING TECHNOLOGY 300 westinghouse circie Horseheads. NY 14845 (607) 796-4400 FAX (607) 796-4579 Daaamhar 16,1977 KaishD.Bau U.S.NuolourRegulatory ch Region 1 475 Allandala Road King ofPrussia,PA 19406-1415 so: hanging and Sensing Technology Corporation (IST)

Am=whna=# to NRC Tk=naa SNM 1982

Dear Mr. Bmm:

' Ibis is to regnest an ==madmane to License SNM1982 for the following:

1. Revised Spooint Nuclear Material Inventcsy Procedure for resolving discropencies between running inventory and the semi-an==1 physical invandery.
2. Updated Radiation Safety Manual to take into sooount the major sevision to 10 CFR 20.

Please advise ifyou require further infrematinn at this time. I can be ramahad at 607-796-4478.

Very trulyyours, meas u.% '

Padiatian SafetyOf5cer 1

i l




O SNM Inventory Procedure Revision -

December 15, 1997 Page 1 of 2 Special Nuclear Material (SNM) Inventory Procedure A. Responsibilities:

1. Responsibility for receiving special nuclear material shall be assigned to the Shipping & Receiving Department Supervisor, who shall be authorized to sign the Waybill. In his absence, either the RSO or the Accountability Representative shall sign.

This person is also responsible for the inventory of U-235 located in the shipping department and contained in detectors ready for shipment and in detectors stored in the " Bill and Ship-in-Place" storage cage.

2. Responsibility for U-235 in solid form or in solution, plated on cylinders and contained in detectors either in-process or scrapped shall be assigned to the Supervisor of the Sensor &

Control Manufacturing department. This person is also responsible for inventory of U-235 contained in returned detectors located in the manufacturing department. Manufacturing records such as the plating room logbook and product assembly travelers will be used as the basis for tracking U-235 within the manufacturing department.

3. Responsibility for the reconciliation and oversight of the SNM inventory shall be assigned to the Accountability Representative.
4. By limiting the people responsible for U-235 inventory, it will insure items containing U-235 are not listed more than once on any department's special nuclear material report.

l B. Inventory Procedure l Semi-annual inventory of U-235 shall take place on March 31  !


and September 30 of each year by the responsible person as l designated in Section Accountability Representative. The Accountability Representative will notify the responsible I department supervisor, 10 working days in advance of this date, j of the requirement for the upcoming semi-annual U-235 inventory.  ;

This will insure that U-235 material is not listed on more than  !

one department's special nuclear material report. l l

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iW SNM Inventory Procedure Revision -

December 15, 1997 Page 2 of 2

2. Within seventy-two hours of completing the inventory, the semi-annual inventory report will be submitted by the responsible department supervisor to the Accountability Representative. Any discrepancies between the current and the previous inventory will be resolved prior to submittal to the Accountability Representative. The semi-annual U-235 inventory report shall contain, as Accountability Representative minimum, the following information:

Type of detector Serial number or other identification of the detector or U-235-containing subassembly Quantity Location Amount of U-235 contained within the item Amount of U-235 contained for the quantity of the item inventoried

3. Amount of U-235 contained within each plated electrode, subassembly or detector shall be determined by the Sensor &

Control Engineering department. This information is a measured value and will be available prior to completing the semi-annual inventory report.

4. Once the semi-annual U-235 reports are received, the Accountability Representative will reconcile the book inventory j records with the physical inventory. He will then complete and a submit the DOE /NRC 742 form as specified in NUREG/BR-0007. )

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Supporting Documentation for l New York State Department of Labor {

License Nos. 0317-0058, 0387-0058 & 0754-0058 i and NRC Licenses SNM 1982 and 31-23721-01E This Manual is the Property of:  !

l l

Imaging and Sensing Technology (IST) 300 Westinghouse Circle f Horseheads, NY 14845 l 3

T. M. Mike i Radiation Safety Officer Copy No.

Assigned to:

DECEMBER 1994 O revised APRIL 1997


1 Table of Contents .


1-1.0 I NTROD UCTION . . . .... ... . .. ..... ... ...... ...... . .... ........................ . .. . . . .... .......... .... .. . .. .. . .... .... ... . ... . . . . . 1 -1 1.1 Name & Address of Licensee.. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l-1 l l

1.2 Previous License Numbers... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ....l-1 l 1.3 Location of Use(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l-1 1.4 Statement of Basic Policy & ALARA.. .. .... . ... .. . . . . . .. . .... . . 1-1 1.5 Implementation of Policy. ... .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l-1 1.6 Philosophy of Radiation Safety: Risk versus Benefit...... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. l-1 1-2.0 RADIATION SAFETY COMMITTEE .................................................................................... l-2 1 1

2.1 Responsibilities.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . l-2 2.2 Membership & Qualifications. . . . . ..... .. ........... . .. . . ... . . . . . . . .1-2 2.3 Executive Committee. ..... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 1-3 2.4 Record s . . .. .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . l-3 2.5 Qualifications of the Radiation Safety Officer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l- 3 I-3.0 RA DIATION S AF E'iY O F FIC E....................... ............... ........................................................ l -5 3.1 Personnel... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .1-5 3.2 Duties.. . . ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l-5 3.3 Records. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . .. l-6 3.4 Reference Material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l-6 IST Page i J

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l Table of Contents (Continued)



ll-1.0 INDOCTRINATION OF PERSONNEL EXPOSED TO IO N IZIN G RA DIATION ....... . ................................ ........ .................. .. ... .. . . .. .. .. . .. ... . ...... .. l l -1 1.1 Company Policy on Matters involving Radiation Exposure.. .11- 1 1.2 Indoctrination of Personnel.. . 11- 1 1.3 Rights and Responsibilities of Radiation Workers and the Company Regarding Licensed Activities.. . .. .ll-2 1.3.1 Exposure History.. . . .II-2 1.3.2 Notification of Violations During Inspection.. . . . . . .11- 2 1.3.3 Notice of Violations, Adverse Conditions, or Potential Violations or Conditions Prior to an Inspection. . 11- 2 1.3.4 Procedure for Reporting Violations and/or Potential Violations . . 11- 3 1.3.5 Requirement for Posting NRC " Notice of Violations" . 11- 4 ll-2.0 M EDIC AL EXAMINATION S AND EMERG ENCIES........................................................11-5 2.1 Pre-Employment Medical Examination. .. . 11- 5 2.2 Follow-Up Medical Examination. . . . 11- 5 2.3 Termination Medical Examination. .. . . 11- 5 2.4 Accidents involving Radiation.. .. .ll-5 2.5 Fire.. . .II-6 2.6 Security. .. ll-6 11- 3 . 0 LABORATORY PRACTICES IN THE SAFE HANDLING O F RA DIOACTIVE MATE RIALS ..... .............................. . ........... ... .... .. ....... . . .. ... .. . . .... .... ... l l -7 3.1 Personnel Directives.. .11-7 3.2 Minor Spills. . 11- 8 3.3 Major Spills. .11- 8 3.4 List of Persons to Call In Radiation Emergency.. . .11- 9 3.5 Contarnination Control Directives. . .ll-10 O

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Table of Contents (Continued) .

Page No.

11- 4 . 0 ORDER, TRANSFER, RECE!PT AND SHIPMENT OF RAD. MATERIALS. ................ll-11 4.1 O rd e r . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . ..... . . . . . .. . . . ..... . . .11- 1 1 1.2 Transfer . ... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 11- 1 1 4.3 Receipt.... .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11- 1 1 4.4 Shipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ll-11 ll-5.0 PERS ON N EL M O NITO Ri N G .... ...._................................................................ .................. l l -12 ,

5.1 External Dosimetry. . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11- 1 2  ;

i 5.2 Internal Dosimetry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ll-12 i ll-6.0 SURVEYS.........................................................................................................................ll-13 6.1 S urvey Areas ....... .. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11- 1 3 6.2 Survey Reviews..... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . ..11-15 6.3 Decontamination .. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 11- 1 6 11- 7 . 0 I N STR U M ENT C All B RATI ON .................................. ........ ............. ........ .................... .... 11 -17 7.1 Radiation Detection instruments.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .ll-17 7.2 Calibration Schedule. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . .... .. .11- 1 7 11- 8 . 0 RA D I OACTIVE WA STE ...................................................... .......................... ................ 11 -18 8.1 Packaging Procedures for Radioactive Waste. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11- 1 8 8.2 Radioactive Waste Minimization Plan.. .. . ........ . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .l1-18 11- 9 . 0 PO S S E S SI O N LI M ITS............... ..................................................................... ............ ... .. 11 -19 ll-10.0 FAC I LITI ES & EQ U I PM ENT ... .. ................................... ................. .............. .... . . .... .. . .. . . I l -2 2 ADDENDA Department of Environmental Protection Permits................................ Addendum 1-Wo rkman's Compensation Coverage ...................................................... Addend um 2 D l a g ra m s ..... ............. .... .... . . . . ... ... .... ..... .. ... . ..... .. ....... . ....... ... .. ...... .. . .... . . ... . .. . . .. . . A d d e n d u m 3 Resume, Organization Chart & Radiation Safety Forms...................... Addendum 4 p

J H aza rd o u s M ate rials Re p o rt Fo rm ............................................................ Ad d e n d u m 5 D is p o s a l Re c o rd s ... .................................................... ................................... A d d e n d u m 6 HandHng ofRadioactive Retum Tubes AMmtmn 7 IST Page iii



l-1.1 Name and Address of Licensee:

Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation 300 Westinghouse Circle Horseheads, NY 14845 County of Chemung l-1.2 Previous License Number NYDOL No. 0317-0058, 0387-0058 & 0754-0058  !

l-1.3 Location (s) of Use Refer to Addendum 3 l-1.4 Statement of Basic Policy & ALARA The basic policy underlying this Radiation Safety Manual is that the health and safety of personnel working with ionizing radiation and the prevention of any release of radioactive contaminants that could adversely affect the environment are of paramount importance to Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation (IST). All decisions, rules and recommenda-tions will be made with the basic premise that levels of radiation exposure are to be minimized to the lowest level that can be reasonably achieved consistent with the ALARA philosophy.

1-1.5 Implementation of Policy The policy is ini,;lemented by a Radiation Safety Committee that is composed of members drawn from various company departments who use or manage the use of sources of ionizing radiation. The implementation of decisions of the Radiation Safety Committee is the responsibility of the Radiation Safety Officer. The Radiation Safety Officer for IST is Mr. Thomas Mike. Please refer to his resume found in Addendum 4.

, O IST PageI-1


O l-2.0 RADIATION SAFETY COMMITTEE l-2.1 Responsibilities of the Radiation Safety Committee The Radiation Safety Committee is responsible to the president of IST. The responsibilities of this Committee are:

1) Formulate special company policy in the area of radiation safety.
2) Make decisions on the uses and approve the users of radioactive material.
3) Approve new facilities and major equipment for the use of radioactive material by the company.
4) Approve changes for existing facilities and major equipment. l
5) Enforce the safety requirements of international, federal, state, and local i agencies as well as the procedures and policies as set forth by the Radiation i Safety Manual. l 1
6) Conduct an annual review of the Radiation Protection Program and the l O Rediet'ee Sefetvo ffier.

l-2.2 Membership & Qualifications The Committee is composed of members from the following divisions, sections or areas of responsibility:

1) Safety & Health
2) Services
3) Products
4) Administration Membership may be changed as necessary without notification to the regulating authority. The membership of the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) as of the date of this document is shown on the next page.

The company organization can be found in Addendum 4.

O IST Page 1-2 J


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MEMBERS OF RADIATION SAFET( COMMITTEE Name Iilla Thomas Mike, RSO Manager, Facilities & Technical Services Carol J. Negri Manager, S&C Operati21s Kurt Dewalt Fngim S&C James E. Lynch FngiW,S&C 4 Timothy Hughes Supervisor, S&C Quality Thomas McGiff Consultant, CHP i Note: Members are subject to change without notification to Regulatory Authodties.

l All members of the RSC must have a college level degree or five (5) years practical l

experience and be familist with radiation safety procedures and regulations. 'Ibey must also be of management level or highet.

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l-2.3 Executive Subcommittee An Executive Subcommittee comprised of the Company President and the R.S.O. is authorized to act on behalf of the RSC for approval of necessary emergency actions between j regular meetings of the Radiation Safety Committee.

l l-2.4 Records The Radiation Safety Committee is required to keep minutes of all quarterly meetings and any meetings of an Executive Subcommittee. In addition, all records required l pursuant to Code Rule 38,10 CFR Parts 19 and 20, and those listed in Section 1-3.3 will be kept in the radiation safety office files.

l-2.5 Qualifications of the Radiation Safety Officer 2.5.1 The Radiation Safety Officer must have a college degree in Health Physics or related field (science oriented) and 2 years practical experience, cr have at least 5 years practical health physics experience.

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1-3.0 RADIATION SAFETY OEFICE c l-3.1 Personnel This office is headed by a person qualified in the field of health physics and radiation protection. This person's title is Radiation Safety Officer (R.S.O.) and he performs or supervises others so that the duties required of the Radiation Safety Program are performed in a timely manner. The R.S.O. is assisted by sufficient staff to carry out the Radiation Safety Program as set forth in this manual. Some of the required duties may be l performed by outside vendors in place of on-site staff.

l I-3.2 Duties The duties of this oflice are:

1) Approve all requests for the purchase or use of radioisotopos (Form RS-01).
2) Survey all radioisotopes received by or shipped by IST (Form RS-02).
3) Maintain rwhation histories of all IST personnel working with or exposed to sources ofionizmg radiation (NRC Form 5 or the fonn required by law).

' 1 l 4) Perform the required surveys and make recommendations concemmg IST radiologically controlled areas.


5) Dispose of, or provide for safe storage for, all radioactive waste generated by IST.
6) Prepare emergency procedures in case of an accident involving ioruzing radiation. I
7) Indoctrinate all new personnel who will be working with, or be exposed to sources of iomzing radiation (Form RS-04). ,
8) Ensure the timely calibration of all radiation survey instruments.
9) Ensure that the semiannual leak tests and semi-annual inventories of all licensed sealed sources owned by IST are performed and documented.
10) Assure compliance with all effective licenses ad apply for amendments and renewals in a timely manner as approved by the Radiation Safety Committee.

I1) Formulate procedures for, revise, and maintain the Radiation Safety Manual.

O 12) Provide the final approval for all users of radioactive materials (Fonn RS-05).

i IST Page I-5


G 13) Store all radioactive materials not in curent use, including wastes.


14) h Ruhatinn Safdy Officer has the authority to shut down any operation involving the use ofradiomotim materials ifhe feels that the continuation of such activitios oculd pose a hazard to the health and well-being of the employees or the general public.
15) 'Ibe Radatinn Safety Offior will review all survey and personnel monitoring data and mport to the Ramatina Safdy Committee, at periods not excWing one year, his recommendations to mduce exposure with respect to ALARA.
16) Serve as the company liaison to the State of NY Depanment of Labor, the State of NY Departmmt ofEnvironmental Conservation, and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comminion on license and inspection matters.
17) Investigate the cause of any incident and detemune the proper preventive actions.
18) Maintain an inventory of all radioisotopes and limit the quantity of radionuclides to the amounts authorimd by the licmse. 'Ibe inventory will include locatiori, names of responsible personnel and quantities. Removal fmm inventory will be documented as to disposal.

I-3.3 Records are maintained by the Radiation Safety 0.01eer on thefollowing:

e Licenses and license applications.

o License inspection reports and responses o Radiation history, past and present, on all IST personnel where required by law.

o All requests for sources ofionizing radiation.

o Waste disposal.

o Stuveys and recommendations.

o Instrument calibration records o Results of all scaled source leak tests.

o Records necessary for Decommissioning.

o Records of all receipt, distribution and disposal of radioactive material.

o Records of any incidents and follow-up actions. ,

I-3.4 ReferenceMaterials

1) h Radiation Safety Officer maintains a current file of all regulations peninent to activities under the various licensed activities.
2) The Radiation Safety Officer maintains a reference library of health physics, radiation protection and related measurement technology as required for support oflicensed activities.

i IST Page I-6

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ll- 1.1 Company Policy on Matters involving Radiation Exposure Work performed under the various licensed activities treated in this manual require in some cases an exposure to radiation by operating personnel. It is necessary, therefore, to classify these individuals in the population subgroup of occupational radiation workers. For individuals classified in thir group, radiation exposure must be recorded on the employee's l radiation exposure history while in the employ of IST. l ll- 1. 2 Indoctrination of Personnel l

All persons starting to work with any radiation sources at IST are required to read this Manual as part of their training and this is documented on Form RS-04. In addition, each employee is required to furnish as complete a history as possible of their training in the O principles and practices of radiation protection. This is documented on Form RS-05. A basic radiation safety course is then presented to each employee. The outline of this course is given on Form RS-04 and this form is used as documentation of the presentation. These records are kept in the person's personnel folder. Refresher radiation safety training will be provided to all workers at least every 12 months.

Form RS-05 is given to the supervisor of the employee who fills in the section requesting authorization for the employee. This form is sent to the Radiation Safety Officer who will determine what additional training or monitoring is required for the employee to I begin work utilizing radioactive materials.

Persons who through their work attitudes and habits show a disregard for safe operating procedures with radioactive material are recommended for transfer out of radiation work or, if such alternative work is not available, may be terminated from employment.

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Il-1.3 Rights and Responsibilities of Rarliation Workers and the Company Regarding

. Licensed Activities


1.3.1 Exposure History i All personnel starting work with radioactive materials at IST are required to j supply their supervisor and the Radiation Safety Officer as complete a radiation l

exposure history as available (See ll-1.2). A worker may request his/her exposure l

history from a previous licensed employer.

4 A worker may request, and IST shall furnish when requested, the radiation exposure that the worker has received.

When the company (licensee) is required to report to the NYS Depantment of Labor an exposure ci an individual to radiation or radioactive material, the company (licensee) must also report to the individual.

1.3.2 Notification of Violations During inspections An inspector may consult privately with workers concerning matters of occupational radiation protection and other matters as deemed necessary by the inspector. During the course of these consultations, any worker may bring privately to the attention of the inspector, either orally or in writing, any past or i present condition which he has reason to believe may have contributed to or caused any violation of the act, the regulations of Code Rule No. 38 (or 10 CFR Parts 19 or 20), or license condition, or any unnecessary exposure of any individual to radiation from licensed radioactive material under the licensee's control.

1.3.3 Notice of Violations, Adverse Conditions, or Potential Violations or Conditions Prior to an Inspection if an employee becomes aware of any condition which may cause a violation of Code Rule No. 38 (or 10 CFR Parts 19 or 20) or a license condition or any unnecessary radiation exposure of an individual, the employee is responsible for the reporting of such a condition. The procedures for reporting can be found in Section 11-1.3.4.

IST Page ll-2

RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL . N 1.3.4 Procedure for Reporting Violations and/or Potential Violations Supervisor Contact l The first person to be intified is the supervisor of the area in question. This notification is to be in writing and as detailed as possible.

The supervisor is then to take the necessary steps to follow up the report. If the problem is of sufficient severity, he will report it to the company Radiation i Safety Officer, i Radiation Safety Officer Contact i The Radiation Safety Officer will be notified by the individual if they feel the supervisor has not handled the situation in a prompt t S efficient manner.

This report is to be in writing and as detailed as possible.

l The Radiation Safety Officer is then to take the necessary steps to follow up the report. If the problem is of sufficient severity, he will report it to the  !

Radiation Safety Committee. Radiation Safety Committee Contact l

The Radiation Safety Committee will be notified by the individual if they feel the R.S.O. has not handled the situation in a prompt and efficient manner.

This report is to be in writing and as detailed as possible.

The R.S.C. is then to take the necessary steps to follow up the report. If in the estimation of the Radiation Safety Committee, the situation warrants it, they will notify the appropriate regulatory authority (see Section 11-3.4 List of Persons to Call in Radiation Emergency for phone numbers).

O IST Page ll-3


) NYS Department ofLabor Contact (or U.S. NRC)

The NYS Department of Labor (or the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) will be notified in writing by the individual if he feels the B ndiation Safety Committee has not handled the situation in a prompt and eflicient manner. The report shall include appropriate identifying data such as the name of the licensee, the name of the individual, and a detailed description of the suspected violation. Review of Reports on Violations I

In all cases where the report reaches the Rndration Safety Committee, the  !

actions required, the actions taken, and the results obtained will be kept l with the minutes ofthe Radiation Safety Committee. If the report does not warrant the Radiation Safety Committee's review, it will be deemed of not sufficient importance and therefore no written record shall be required.

O 1.3.5 aeaeirement fer resties netice ervieintiees-If subsequent to an NYS Department of Labor (or U.S. NRC) inspection the licensee is given a " Notice of Violation", such notice must be posted in l a conspicuous place for 5 days or until compliance is achieved, whichever i period is longer.

1.3.6 All monitored workers will be advised annually, in writing, of the worker's exposure to radiation or radioactive material as shown in company records.

IST Page ll-4


O ll-2.0 MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS AND EMERGENCI 11-2.1 Pre-EmploymentMedicalExamination New nampany penonnel who will be exposed to, or potantially exposed to ioni7ing .

radiation may be required to submit to a medical exammation at the drscretion of the company I Radiation Safety Officer. The results of this examination become a part of each person's pre-employment record and is kept on file in the Personnel Department.

II-2.2 Follow-UpMedicalFamination l Routine medical examinations are not presently required for those persons who are working with ionizing radiation due to the low penmssible limits and excellent detection methods now available for damal and infamat radiation protection. At present, physical methods of detection of radiation are much more sensitive than signs or symptoms of deleterious biological effocts identifiable in a routine medical exammation.

II-2.3 TerminationMedicalE=mination Persons who are leaving the employment of the nampany may be required to submit to a I

medical erammation as directed by the Radiation Safety Officer. A radiobioassay crammation is required for all pomonnel having worked with ioninng mdiation.

1 II-2.4 Incidents l

IST policy is to investigate any exposure to a personal dosimeter.When a report is received, if any exposure is irvliet~1. a review of the employee's activities is made with the employee and supervisor to determine how the exposure occurred and how to prevent or reduce the amount in the future. Exposure that exceeds the allowabic per CR38 will be imm~iiately reported by phone to the Division of Safety and Health, Radiological Health Unit.


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IST Page 11-5

9 ll-2. 5 Fire Every precaution must be taken by all personnel to eliminate the possibility of fire on company pmperty.

  • Ibis involves personal habits in regard to smoking and housekeeping. All electrical connections and electrical vi,nment installation are made only with the approval of company Maintenance Department.

The presence of radioisotopes can complicate the control of a fire once started. Therefore, sources must not be left unattended except for standard sousecs used in instrummt cahhation containing an insignificant amount of activity (less than ten micmcuries). Overnight, all sources except as noted must bo locked in fire-resistant containers. 'Ihose sources under active pmparation are excluded from this requircment as long as adequate safeguards are instituted and cleared with the RSO Also excluded are those sources which are pennanently mounted in a shielded source holder.

In case of a fire, the emergency evacuation procedure is to be followed. In the case of restricted labs, reentry will not be made unless approved by the RSO.

O d Fires at night in wmpany bniMinga will be controlled by the local Fire Department, but company personnel will be alerted by the Fire Department and be present to direct them in fires involving radioactive material. The list of persons to call is included in Section II-3.4 and is posted in casily accessible locations.1he local Fire Department will be updated every three yeers with the location of different sources ofradioactive material at our facility or as required by regulation.

11-2.6 Security Each licensee or registrant shall sport any lost, stolen or missing licensed or registemd source of radiation to the Commissioner by telephone immediately (as soon as possible but no more than four boun after discovery) after its occurrence becomes known. Within 30 days following the telephone report, a written report is to be made to the Commissioner setting forth the information per Code Rule 38.29(a).

IST Page 11-6




1. Prior to performing operations with quantities of radioactive material which may produce significant external or intemal exposure, attention shall be given by the user to precautionary measures including the use of remote handling devices, hoods, shielding, etc. The Radiation Safety Officer must be consulted before beginning any new use of radioactive material.
2. There shall be no eating, drinking, applying cosmetics or preparation of food in any location where unsealed sources of radioactive materials are used or stored.
3. Smoking is prohibited in locations where unsealed sources of radioactive materials are used or stored.
4. Do not store food, drink, or personal effects with radioactive material.
5. Pipetting of radioactive solutions by mouth is prohibited.
6. Segregate pipetting devices used with radioactive materials from those used with non-radioactive solutions.
7. Lab coats and disposable gloves shall be wom during operations involving the handling of unsealed sources of radioactive material. The lab coat and gloves should be removed before leaving the laboratory. Care must be taken such that other items (e.g., pens, pencils, notebooks, door knobs, telephones, etc.) are pot handled with gloves used during work with radioactive materials.
8. Work which may result in contamination of work surfaces shall be done using pre-planning to minimize contamination and prevent spills. Trays made ofimpervious materials, (i.e., stainless steel, porcelain-coated, etc.) with a raised edge that will contain a spill, can help prevent the spread of contamination.
9. Work surfaces and personnel should be monitored after working with radioactive materials, and decontaminated if necessary.
10. Where there has been a spill of radioactive material (see posted Spill Procedures) which may have produced contamination of the person or clothing, both the person and the clothing shall be monitored. Personnel contamination shall be removed as soon as possible, J O

IST Page 11-7 l


Where contamination above action levels is noted during a routine survey, decontamination tpust bc mmediately initiated by the u.ser.

11. After working with unsealed sources of radioactive material, hands should be monitored and washed before leaving the laboratory.
12. Objects and equipment that may have been contaminated with radioactive material shall be surveyed and demonstrated to be free of contamination prior to their removal from a laboratory, or transferred to other laboratories, repair shops, surplus, etc. If found to be contaminated, such items must be decontaminated as soon as practicable.
13. If personnel monitoring devices (whole-body or ring badge) have been issued to you for your work with radioactive material, they must be worn at all times when in areas where these materials are used or stored. These devices should be wom as prescribed by the Radiation Safety Officer. Personnel monitoring devices should be stored in a O designated low background area when they are not being wom to monitor occupational exposures. They are not to be left on your lab coat or shared by another individual.
14. Dispose of radioactive waste only in the manner designated by the Radiation Safety Officer and maintain records as instructed.
15. Store radioactive materials in covered containers, plain!y identified and labeled vdth name of compound, radionuclide, date, activity, and radiation level, if applicable.
16. Always transport radioactive material in appropriately sbielded containers.

IST Page it 7A


i II-3.2 Minor Spills A minor spill would involve splashes or spilling of a few millilitars of Umnium plating solution in the Uranium F.ating Room or of CAT screemng solution contammg Thorium Nitrate in the Blue Room.

3.2.1 Notify persons in the area that a spill has occuned and have those not invohed in the spill vacate the room.

3.2.2 Cover the spill with absorbant material.

3.2.3 Use disposable gloves and remote handling tongs. Carefully fold the absorbant paper and  !

pad. Insert into a plastic bag and dispose ofin the radioactive waste contamer. Also insert into the plastic bag all other contaminated materials such as disposable gloves. l 3.2.4 Report the incident to the Radiation Safety Officer for follow-up survey.

II-3.3 Major Spills A major spill would occur ifit involved most of the entire contents of the vessel containing the Uranium plating solution or the CAT screening solution.

3.3.1 Notify all persons not involved in the spill to vacate the room.

3.3.2 Cover the spill with absorbant material, but do not attempt to clean it up. Confme the movement of all personnel potentially contaminated to prevent the spread.

3.3.3 If possible, and warranted by the characteristics of the isotope (s) involved, the spill should '

be shielded, but only ifit can be done withcut further contamination or without significantly increasing your radiation exposure.

3.3.4 leave the room and lock the door (s) to prevent entry. I 3.3.5 Notify the Radiation Safety Officer imm~L tely.

3.3.6 Contaminated clothing should be removed and stored for further evaluation by the Radiation Safety Officer. If the spill is on the skin, flush thoroughly and then nsh with mild soap and lukewarm water.

3.3.7 "Ibe Radiation Safety OfIicer will supervise the clean-up of the spill and will complete the report.  ;

1 RADIATION SAFETY OFFICER 'Ihomas M. Mike X478 Home 7324675 Altemate names: Tim Hnohas '

X371 Home 734-1899 Charles Lenkowsi-i X564 Home %2-0811 125290 0FFICIALRECORDCOPY ML 10

RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL 0 II-3.4 List of Persons to Callin Radiation Emergency

1) Person who is in charge oflaboratory or area where emergency has occurred. This pemon's name will be en the hazard sign for the labomtory area.
2) Radiation Safety Officer Thomas Mike Office: 607-796-4478 Home: 607-732-8675
3) Maintens nce Rngiw Thomas Mike Office: 607-796-4478 Home: 607-732-8675
4) President RoyKyles Office: 607-796-4478 Home: 607-739-9245
5) US Nuclear Regulatory Agency 215-337-5000 l
6) NYS Department ofLabor 718-797-7641 518-457-2209 (after hours )


7) NYS Department of Environmental Conservation 518-457-7362 O

ICT Page 11-9


II-3.5 Contamination Control Directives 3.5.1 Never consider the outside surface of the inner container of radioactive material -

to be free of contamination.

3.5.2 Always survey the inner container surface for contamination by taking a smear and checking it with the proper instrument. Only packages of radioactive material which contain greater than " limited quantities" are subject to this directive.

3.5.3 Always use gloves and fume hood when working with unsealed radioactive materials in excess of exempt quantities.

3.5.4 Never open a container unnecessarily without a definite purpose.

i 3.5.5 in transferring any liquids, the following steps must be taken:

l Prepare a shallow tray by lining it with plastic-backed absorbant material.

Put the radioisotope container, the properly labeled receptacle and necessary tools into the tray.

- Evaluate by calculation or measurement the extremity and whole body dose expected during the operation.

- Consider that the radioisotope container top is highly contaminated.

Perform the transfer operation in a hood wearing gloves and lab coat.

Remove and dispose of the absorbant liner, survey and dispose of or decontaminate any contaminated items.

Decontaminate the original container unless it is to be disposed of, seal it in a plastic bag and return it to storage.

3.5.6 Notify Radiation Safety Officer whenever work is to be done with finely divided powders or especially hazardous substances.

O 1 l

4 IST Page 11-10


O ii-4.o onoen. TaAnseen, neceieT Ano saiemeaT or aAoioAcrive 1 MATERIALS


11-4.1 Order l

All purchase requests for radioisotopes must be forwarded to the Radiation Safety Officer on a standard Purchase Requisition form and Form RS-01. l I

ll-4.2 Transfer No radioisotopes can be transferred from the user (s) as recorded on Form RS-01 i for the specific radioisotope or radiation source unless another Form RS-01 is submitted and approved indicating the new user (s), use, and location of the radioisotope.

ll-4.3 Receipt All incoming radioactive material must be checked and recorded by the Radiation Safety Officer or designated representative on Form RS-02. Prior to delivery of radioisotopes from the Receiving Department to a User, the shipment must be checked by the Radiation Safety Officer. No after hours packages of radioactive material will be accepted.

ll-4. 4 Shipment l

Shipment d idi racH5 active material is under the supervision of the RSO. Each shipment must be checked and approved by the RSO on Form RS-02. All shipments are to be in compliance with the U.S. Department of Transportation regulations found in 49 CFR and any other applicable New York state regulations.

O IST Page 11-11






1. Packages will be surveyed for extemal and removable radioactive contamination in accordance with the provisions of Section 38.32, of CR 38.
2. For aljl packages, the following procedures for opening packages will be canied out:
a. Put on gloves to prevent hand contaminatio#n ! ' l
b. Visually inspect package for any sign of damage (i.e., wetness, crushed). If '

damage is noted, stop procedure and notify Radiation Safety Officer.

c. Measure exposure rate at 3 feet (or 1 m) from package surface ano recoid. F it is higher than usual, stop and notify the Radiation Safety Officer.
d. Oper, the package with the following precautionary steps:

(1) Open the outer package (following manufacturer's directions, if supplied) and remove packing slip.


(2) Open inner package and verify that contents agree with those on packing slip. Compare requisition, packing slip and label on container. j i

(3) Check integrity of final source container (i.e., inspect for breakage of l

seals or vials, loss ofliquid, or discoloration of packaging material).  !

l 1

e. If there is any reason to scsp'ect c$n'tamination, wipe external surface of fmal l

source container and remove wipe to low background area. Assay the wipe  ;

and record amount of removable radioactivity (i.e., dpm/100 square  !

centimeters, etc.). Check wipes with a thin-end window GM survey meter, and  !

take precautions against the spread of contamination as necessary.

f. Monitor the packing material and packages for contammation before discarding.


.;. y (1) If contammated, treat as radioactive waste. i l

l (2) If$ot contaminated, obliterate radiation labels before discarding in. i regular trash.

1 Maintain records of the results of checking each package, using " Radioactive Shipment Receipt Record" (see next page), or a form containing the same information.

IST Page Il-11 A


Radioactive Shipment Receipt Record

1. P.O. No. Survey Date Time Surveyor
2. Condition of the Package:


Other (explain)

3. Radiation Units of Label: units (mR/hr)
4. Measured Radiation Levels:
a. Package Surface mR/hr
b. 3 feet or 1 meter from Surface mR/hr
5. Do Packing Slip and Vial Contents Agree?
a. Radionuclide Yes No Difference
b. Amount Yes No Difference
c. Chemical Form Yes No Difference
6. Wipe Results From:
a. Outer (CPM - Bkg) + (efficiency) = DPM
b. Final Source Container (CPM - Bkg) + (eFiciency) = DPM
7. Survey Results of Packing Material and Cartons mR/hr, CPM
8. Disposition of Package After Inspection
9. If Department / Carrier Notification Required, Give Time, Date, and Persons Notified O ,

Signature Date IST Page 11-11 B

1 RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL l O ii-s.o eeasonwet =owiToniao ..

ll-5.1 Extemal Dosimetry Every employee of, and visitor to, IST facilities must wear personnel monitoring j devices such as film badges, TLD badges, or pocket dosimeters if their work or tour involves entry to radiologically controlled areas containing sources of penetrating radiation. I Radiologically controlled areas are defined as specified in Code Rule 38.3 (or

, appropriate U.S. NRC regulations).

l A list of those persons monitored by external dosimeters is maintained by the RSO.

1 Il-5.2 Intemal Dosimetry l l

Some radioisotopes do not emit radiation capable of penetrating 1 millimeter of tissue but are extremely toxic if taken internally. In this case, the standard monitoring technique is to analyze urine, feces, breath or blood of the person exposed to the particular radioisotope. This analysis is called bioassay and approximate equations permit an estimate of the internal body burden and whole body dose.

I Urine samples are collected from all IST personnel working with alpha emitters on a quarterly frequency. Whole or partial body counts may also be used to estimate the body l burden in case of a suspected acute exposure. Urinalysis is also done on employees working with greater than 1 mci of C-14 at any one time. Direct thyroid counting is done on employees using quantities in excess of 0.1 mci of any of the iodine isotopes. Additional urinalyses can be ordered by the Radiation Safety Officer or the Radiation Safety Committee at their discretion depending on the isotope and quantity being used. All urinalyses are performed by a U.S. NRC or Agreement State licensed laboratory.

l The action levels for all bioassays are equal to 10 percent of the Annual Limits of Intake (ALl's). When these action levels are exceeded, an investigation into the actions and possible mode of intake is performed. Additional bioassays may be required to determine l the committed dose.

l l O i

IST Page 11-12

RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL O in.o surveys The following procedures shall be used as the method of surveying and performing wipe tests in areas where there is a potential source of contamination. These tests shall be performed on the assigned schedule, and a record kept of the results in a laboratory log book. The entries shall be dated and initialed by the individual performmg the test, and the survey instrument shall be identified, if used. Each wipe paper shall be marked with the area number and area wipe point as designated by each area map.

Using dry 1.5-inch filter papers and applying moderate pressure, a smear of a 10'J cm2 area will be made on surfaces to be tested.

The wipe papers shall be analyzed using the Ludlum 2929 with 43-10 detector ,

(or equivalent), except in the case of the six month scaled source wipes that are sent to a licensed laboratory. Certified calibration sources are used with the above counters for each analysis.

O Surveys are made using the Eberline Model PAC 43G for alpha (or equivalent) and the Eberline Model E4400 (or equivalent) with probe shield open unless otherwise noted for beta / gamma

'ihese wipes and surveys are to be made on a monthly basis, unless otherwise noted.

6.1 Survey Areas


6.1.1 Gn - A- J - Figure 1 Smt . c. U - Aipha and Beta / Gamma -

Check warning lights.

Check pressure pad operation.

6.1.2 Neutron Room - Area 4 - Figure 2 Smear A- Alpha and Beta / Gamma Check warning lights. 1 l

Check pressure pad operation.

O IST Page !!-13


6.1.3 Storage Vault - Area 7 - Figure 3 - Quarterly Smear A-D and Vaults 1 Alpha and Beta / Gamma ,

Survey areas A-H - Beta / Gamma . l l

6.1.4 Hollow Cathode Mounting Room - Area 8 - Figure 4 Smear A & B - Alpha l (When radioactive cathodes are mounted) 6.1.5 Plating Room - Area 11 - Figure 5 Smear A-K - Alpha and Beta / Gamma 6.1.6 Mounting Room - Area 12 - Figure 6 Smear J & K- Alpha and Beta / Gamma ,

Smear L & M - Alpha and Beta / Gamma l Positions L & M to be done only upon notification by Section Foreman.

6.1.7 Company Van - Area 13 - Figure 7 Smear E & F - Alpha and Beta / Gamma 6.1.8 Miscellaneous Floor Areas - Area 16 - Figure 8 A. Cafeteria Entrance at Main Aisle O B. Outside Front and Rear Doors of Electrode Assembly Room l d C. Outside Plating Room Smear A-C - Alpha and Beta / Gamma 6.1.9 Electrode Assembly Area - Area 18 -

Figure 9 Smear A-U - Alpha and Beta / Gamma 6.1.10 1 & M Phosphor Clean Room - Area 20 - Figure 10 Smear A-C- Alpha and Beta / Gamma 6.1.11 Star Building - Area 21 - Figure 11-(Quarterly)

Smear A-D - Alpha and Beta / Gamma Survey Perimeter including outside wall.

6.1.12 Uranium Electrode Test - Area 22 - Figure 12 Smear A-G - Alpha and Beta / Gamma 6.1.13 Uranium Electrode Firing - Area 23 - Figure 13 Smear A-E - Alpha and Beta / Gamma O

Page 11-14 IST

RADIA*flO, AFETY1VIANUAL - * - - - -

I  %

ll-6. 2 Survey Review G All surveys aro seviewed try the Radiation Safety Officer cr,in his absence, his designeo. Results are evaluated accoraing to tie action levels designated below. Items found to be ,

in creens of the IST ActxmiIevels will be reported to tbc RSO. Non-Controlled Areas Alpha Emitten IST Action Level

' pCi/100cm' dpm/100cm'  !

Removable, Average 10 22 Rcanovable, Maximum 30 65 1

Fix4 Avenage 140 300 Fix4 Maximum 700 1500 l

Beta - Gamma Emitten IST Actionlevel pCi/100cm' dpm/100cm' Rcunovable, Average 70 150 t Removable, Maxunum 315 700 Fixd Average 0.2 mR/br @ l em from surface Fix4 Maximum 1.0 mR/br @ 1 cm fmm surface Controlled Areas Alpha Emitten IST Actionlevel

' pCi/100cm2 dpm/100cm' Rennvable, Average 100 220 Fixed, Average 1000 2220 l

Deta4amma Emitten I

IST ActionIew1 tiCi/100cm2 dnm/100cm' Removable. Aw:rsge 450 1000 Fixed, Average 0.2 mR/hr @ l em

~ from surface .

I (Ilighcr values may be ====Ated with special precautions)

Acceptable surface contammation limits per NYS Code Rule 38 are on following rege(11-15A)

IST Page 11-15


ACCEPTABLE SURFACE CONTAMINATION LEVELS NUCLIDEa AVERAGEbcf MAXIMUMbdf REMOVABLEbcef U-nnt, U-235, U-238, and 5,000 dpm 15,000 dpm 1,000 dpm associated decay products alpha / alpha / alpha /100 cm2 except Ra-226, Th-230, Ac-227, 100 cm2 100 cm2 and Pa-231 Trcnsuranics, Ra-223, Ra-224, 1,000 dpm/ 3,000 dpm/ 200 dpm/10,0 cm2 Rc-226, Ra-228, Th-nat, 100 cm2 100 cm2 /

Th-228, Th-230, Th-232, U-232, Po-231, Ac-227, Sr-90, I-125, I-126, I-129, I-131, I-133 Bsta gamma emitters (nuclides 5,000 dpm 15,000 dpm 1,000 dpm beta, with decay modes other than beta, gamma / beta, gamma / gamma /

clphs emission or spontaneous 100 cm2 100 cm2 100 cm2 fission) except Sr-90 and I

others noted above.

a Where surface contamination by both alpha and beta gamma emitting nuclides exists, the limits established for alpha and beta gamma emitting nuclides should apply independently.

b As used in this table, dpm (disintegrations per minute) means the

[ ,} rate of emission by radioactive material as determined by

\/ correcting the counts per minute observed by an appropriate detector for background, efficiency, and geometric factors associated with the instrumentation.

c Hensareinents of average contamination level should not be averaged over more than one square meter. For objects of less surface area, the average should be derived for each object. j d The maximum contamination level applies to an area of not more than 100 cm2, e The amount of removable radioactive material per 100 cm2 of surface area should be determined by wiping that area with dry filter or soft absorbent paper, applying moderate pressure, and assessing the amount of radioactive material on th'e wipe with an appropriate instrument of known efficiency. When removable  ;

contamination on objects of less surface area is determined, the pertinent levels should be reduced proportionately and the entire surface should be wiped.

f The average and maximum radiation levels associated with surface contamination resulting from beta gamma emitters should not exceed 0.2 mead /hr at I centimeter and 1.0 mrad /hr at I centimeter, respectively, measured through not more than 7 mg/cm2 of total

/~'N absorber.

IST Page Il-15A


II-6.3 Decontamination 1

Periodically, areas will become contaminated with radioactive material. The above-I mentioned periodic surveys attempt to control this contamination hazard but will not 1

eliminate it. Therefore, IST is equipped with decontamination clothing, respirators, tools, and cleaning solutions to assist in the decontamination of equipment and buildings in case the need arises. In most cases, the RSO will merely supervise the decontamination operation because of the educational value of decontamination experience by personnel responsible for the cor,' amination. Request for permission to deviate from this rule must be made to the RSO.

l l O 1

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l 1

1 l

O IST Page ll-16 1

RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL N O 11 - 7 . 0 INSTRUMENT CAllBRATION ll-7.1 Radiation Detection Instruments IST Radiation Instruments Make Model Quantity Usage Range Eberline RM-17 1 Radiation Monitor 1,10,100,1K cpm Victoreen 491 2 Survey Meter 0.1, 0.3,1, 3,10, 30 mR/hr Victoreen 488A 2 Survey Meter 0-800, x1, x10, x100, x1000 cpm Ebedine ESP-1 1 Various (depends on probe) Various (depends on probe)

O Eberline E-400 3 Survey Meter 0-2,200 mR/hr Victoreen 440RFC 1 Survey Meter 0-3,3000 mR/hr Eberline PAC-4G3 2 Alpha Survey Meter 0-500K cpm Ludlum Model 2 1 Alpha Scintillation (43-5) N/A Ludlum Model 2 1 Alarm Ratemeter (177) 0-500, x1. x10, x100, x1K cpm Il- 7. 2 Calibration Schedule All survey instruments are sent out for calibration to a firm licensed by the U.S. NRC or an Agreement State to perform calibrations on a 12 month schedule.

ll- 7. 3 Johnson Laboratory Detector g The Johnson Laboratory Detector has its sensitivity checked when used, using a Model CL-1 calibrator. This work is done under the supervision of the R.S.O.

IST Page 11-17 i


ll-8.1 Packaging Procedures for Radioactive Waste -

All radioactive waste packaging procedures are in compliance with the current applicable regulations and license criteria of the respective processor or burial site to whom the package is intended. These procedures can be found as a separate I

document entitled, "Teledyne Brown Engineering - Environmental Services l

Radioactive Waste Packaging Procedures."

l ll-8. 2 Low Level Radioactive Waste Minimization Plan All sealed sources which are expected to be routinely exchanged will only be obtained from vendors which guarantee to receive them back.

l No non " disposable" radioactive materials will be acquired under our radioactive materials licenses unless it can be demonstrated that non-radioactive or

" disposable" radioactive alternative is not reasonably available.

Any non " disposable" radioactive materials that are permitted to be acquired will be limited to the minimum amount needed.

All uses of non " disposable" radioactive materials will be conducted so as to minimize waste production.

All persons engaged in work under a radioactive materials license will receive initial training and annual refresher training in policies and procedures to minimize production of non " disposable" low level radioactive waste.

i l

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i IST Page 11-18 1

~ '


ll-9.0 Possession Limits Isotope List for License No. 0317-0058 Items 8A,8B, and 9 - Possession Limits and Uses Radionuclide Maximum Activity Use A. Any radioactive material with Total activity of all isotopes Receipt and repair of atomic numbers 3 through 83 not to exceed 1 Curie at irradiated tubes, instruments any one time and components O

O  !

IST Page ll-19



O isotope List for License No. 0387-0058 Items 8A,8B, and 9 - Possession Limits and Uses Radionuclide '- ChemicanPhysical Form Maximum Activity A. Krypton-85 Gas 6 millicuries B. Carbon-14 Carbon dioxide gas 12 millicuries C. Hydrogen-3 Gas 5 Curies D. Source Material Any 30 pounds (Uranium & Thorium)

E. Hydrogen-3 Gas 2 millicuries Items A. through D. are to be used in Research & Development and manufacturing.

Item E. is an impurity in helium-3 that is used as a filling gas for neutron counters manufactured by the licensee.


IST Page 11-20

1 l



1 i / lsotope List for License No. 0754-0058 items 8A, 88,8C,9A,' and 9B- Possession Limits and Uses l

Scaled Sources:

l l Radionuclide , fManufacturer and.fModel No. Maximbth Activity Use-  !

A. Arnericium-241/ Gulf Nuclear, Inc. Model NEEl- One (1) source of 150 Calibration of detectors Beryllium Am-BE-71-1 millicuries B. Cadmium-109 Gulf Nuclear, Inc. Model NEE 1 One (1) sources of 2 Calibration of detectors 50-2  : microcuries C. Cobalt-60 J. L. Shepherd & Assoc in modified " Gamma Test One (1) Source of Box" and other shielded Mode 17810 11.5 facilities for cahbration D. Radium-226 Gulf Nuclear, Inc. Model No. Two (2) sources of 2.5 Calibration of detectors NEEl 50-2 microcuries l

E. Polonium-210 Nuclecel Model P-2021CR One source of 10 Static eliminator millicuries F. Cesium-13'7 Gulf Nuclear Eight microcuries Check source Any source may be replaced with a source of the same original strength and a similar configuration.

1 1

l IST Page 11-21 L

RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL ll .10.0 Facilities and Equipment hM Refer to the diagrams included in Addendum 3 for details of the building layout and various ,

pieces of equipment that are part of the survey program. There are two permitted hoods. l Refer to Addendum 1 for the correspondence with the New York State Department of l Environmental Conservation.

l l

l l


IST Page ll-22

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u ,

j * * 'n I . o

. G f<^ ] IMAGING & SENSING TECHNOLOGY,se cucie Horseheads. NY 14845 September 1,1994 Mr. Paul J. Merges Bureau of Radiation Division of Hazardous Substances Regulatidn NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 50 Wolf Road, Room 442 Albany, NY 12233-7255 )

R9: Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation Horseheads, NY

Dear Mr. Merges:

(V9 This is in response to your letter of August 10,1994 requesting the current status of radioactive materials usage and the potential for radionuclide discharges to the environment at IST's facility in Horseheads, NY.

IST has potential discharges of Uranium 235 and Carbon 14 which are currently {

under NYSDE.C Permits (copies attached). A renewal of the Radiation Control Permits 103-68-8-07-34-00 and 104-69-8-07-34-00 had been applied for January 31,1989.

Air discharged from the uranium plating hood (emission point 69) is analyzed during uranium metal or oxide dissolution, usually once pe,r year. A stack emission test performed during dissolution of Uranium 235 on June 22,1993 showed a concentration in the exhaust air of 4.5 x 10-2e Ci/ml averaged over one year.

Section 3.4 of 6 NYCRR Part 3,80 provides for an exemption from obtaining a permit.if the concentration of radionuclides in the effluent is less than ten percent (10%) of the value in Table ll, Column 1 of Subpart 380-11. Ten percent (10%)

of the listed concentration for Uranium 235 is 6 x 1045 pCi/ml. Based on this, IST is exempt from obtaining a Part 380 permit for this emission source.

Emission point 68 has occasional emission of Carbon 14. lon chambers are h, evacuated and then back filled with nitrogen-helium with Carboa 14 as Co2 impurity. This is a closed system, however, occasionally a tube is:. scrapped and must be vented. Likewise the systern's manifold must be vented.




.- l i

1 We 0.

an< assume exi- teiv 'ooa ci factor of three de<iea The calculation would be as follows:

t#8e'(3) times v te- the amount veetiea of C-14

<er aarexi- teiv smight


. released o 100 pCi X 2700 ft' X .03 m' X 10*cm'x5 min. = 2.5.104 p_Qi min. ft m' ml l If we average this over a one year time of 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> a day X 5 davs X 50 weeks X 60 min. = 1.2 X 10' mhh week year hours / day year 9

Then we would obtain ,

1 2.5 X 10 7 &

ml = 2.083 X 1042 p_Ci ml Ave./Yr.

1.2 X 108 min.

  • year For Carbon 14, ten percent (10%) of the Table ll, Column 1 value is 9 X 10 8 pCi/ml. The estimated Carbon-14 emission of 2 X 1042 Ci/mi averaged over one year is less than this and also would be exempt from having a Part 380 permit.

There is no longer any discharge of radioactive water per the attached letter from DEC.

Please advise if you require any further information at this time. You may contact me by phone,at (607) 796-4478.

Very truly yours,  ;

/8[ .

Thomas M. Mike j Radiation Safety Officer  ;

Attachments O .

3.Wat102A4hDEC 90tCK

1 C . . .

I  :

7 3 NN s. L 0 .

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N:w York St;ta D:ptriment of Envir:nm:nt:1 Cnnecrvction 6274 East Avon Lima Road, Avon, NY 14414 M . .- b '13 1993 Y Thomas C. Jorling Commissioner

7. . L. Rhorer Enviconmental Con o rol Officer j Westinghouse Electric Coro, l Westinghouse Circ 3c 11orscheads, NY 14345


Dear Mr. Rhorer:

1 Re: Part 380 SPDES NY-0004103 Permits l DEC E 8-0734-00038/00019-0 i Westinghouse Electric Corp. l (V) Horseheads, Chemung Co.

This letter is in response to your letter dated 1/18/93. The application for a Part 380 has been withdrawn for processing since radioactive wastewater will no longer be disc _hargfd.

. _from the facilitv. The radiation limits contained in the existing permit will be climinated when the Westinghouse i SPDES permit is reviewed under the Environmental Benefit  ;

Permit Strategy (EBPS), which ranks the permits in the order 7 of review. Appropriate modifications will be made at that t

V time.

/ q I have also withdrawn the request from Imaging & Sensing Technology for the Part 380 permit as a result of their lett cr dated . January 12, 1993.

Also.,11 want to thank you for the information regarding flow diagrams. discharges at the outfal s. If additional infcrma-tion is reg' u ired, you will contacted when the Departmcnr reviews your SPDES permit. Please do not hesitate to ca'.1 me j

E you have questions reaarding this letter or the pern:: j process, j d

,,f (

Sincerely, l cc. 5 g y.f ,

M. Ja Schmitt . 'f4 Sr Environmental Analyst g g .

  • Div, Regulatory Affairs C I 716-226-2466 } , /[ .- '

gs /  ;

I cc- D. Kiser -.

T. M. Mike / [Qv Y

P. Merges a i J. Kelleher j 1

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 12233-7255

[m 50 Wolf fload, Albany,

)518-457-2225 New York FAX 518-485-8390

%,J w

Langdon Mrrsh Commissioner obi 3 [l',h Mr. Thomas M. Mike Radiation Safety Officer Imaging & Sensing Technology ,

Westinghouse Circle Horseheads, New York 14845

Dear Mr. Mike:

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has received your letter dated September 1, 1994, describing the expected discharge of radionuclides in effluents to air from the uranium plating hood at Imaging & Sensing Technology. The estimated discharge of uranium-235 and carbon-14 through emission points 68 and 69 has been reviewed with respect to the

(~T requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 380.

The estimated concentrations and quantities of radioactive material to be discharged are below the levels specified in


section 380-3.4. Therefore, a Part 380 Radiation Control Permit is not required at your facility. This determination is based on the information described in your letter of September 1, 1994.


If there is any change in your radioactive materials use in the fufure, you should contact this Department for a reevaluation of the need for a Part 380 permit.

Be advised that under Subpart 380-6 you are still required to evaluate the quantities and concentrations of radioactive material discharged in effluents to the air. Furthermore,


Subpart 380-8 requires you to maintain records of all radioactive discharges. Future inspections pursuant to Part 380 should be anticipated.


/"'N ,

.c t e

i Mr. Mike Page 2 O.

If you have any questions, please contact John Abunaw of .

this office at (518) 457-2225 or:

Bureau of Radiation

- Division of Hazardous Substances Regulation New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road, Room 442 Albany, New York 12233-7255.

Sincerely, Paul . Merges, Ph.D.

Chief, Bureau of Radiation Division of Hazardous Substances Regulation

. JEA:cLm cc: R. Aldrich, NYS Department of Labor, Albany R.M. Pratt, NYS Department of Labor, Brooklyn

./~T DEC Division of Regulatory Affairs, Region 8 k) m DEC Hazardous Substances Engineer, Region 8

- DEC Air Pollution Control Engineer, Region 8 S

4 v\(-~

.s i







1. Your employer is an compliance with the Workers' Compensation 1. Su patr6n esta r:umplimiento con la Ley de Compensacion l Law Obrera. '
2. Immediately tell your employer or supervisor when. where and 2. Avise inmediatamente a su patr6n o a su supervisor cuindo how you were injured. d6nde y c6mo sufri6 la lesion.
3. Obtain first and or other necessary medical treatment immediately 3 Obtenga pnmeros auxikos u otro tratamiento medico necesario
4. Tell your doctor to file medical reports with the Board and vath inmediatamente. I your employer or his of her insurance carrier. 4 Pidale a su doctor que press to informes midicot, a la Junta y at )

5 You may be entitled to compensation if your work related injury patron suyo o a la compania de seguros de el/ella j keeps you from work for more than seven days. compels you to 5 Usted podria tener derecho a compensaci6n si su lesi6n reta-work at lower wages or results in permanent disability to any part cionada con el trabajo le impide de trabajar por mis de siete I of your body. You may be entitled to rehabilitation services if you dias o le obliga a trabajar a sueldo mas bajo o resulta en neeG help returrung to work. incapacidad permanente de alguna parte de su cuerpo. Usted 6 Obtain and file a claim form (Form C 3) with nearest Workers puede tener derecho a recibir servicios de rehabilitacion si Compensation Board Office. Failure to file within two years after necesita usted ayuda paia volver al trabajo the date of injury may result in your claim being denied. 6 Consiga y presente una forma de reclamaci6n (Form C 3) en la 7 You are entitled to be treated by a physician, psychologist (upon oficina mis cercana de la Junta de Compensaci6n Obrera El no referraf from an authorized physician), podiatrist or chiropractor presentar reclamaci6n dentro de dos a60s a partir de la fecha de of your choice, if he or she is authonzed by the Chair. Workers la lesi6n puede ser motivo de que se le rechace la reclamace6n j Compensation Board. 7. Usted tiene derecho a ser tratado por un medico psic61ogo l 8 DO NOT payyour doctor or hospital. Their bills will be paid by (cauando ha sido debidamente referido por un medico l tWe insurance caTrieIiT your case is not disputed. If your case is certificado por la Junta), podiatra o quiroprictwo que usted elija l disputed. the doctor or hospitai must wait fur payment until Ine si ellos estan autorizados por la Presidencia de la Junta de l Board decides your case. In the event you fail to prosecute your Compensaci n Obrera.

case or the board decides against you, you will have to pay the 8 NO PAGUE a su doctor ni al hospital Esas facturas seran do' ctor oThospital. pagadas por eIasegurador si el caso suyo no ha sido disputado 9 You are not required to have anyone represent you in any Si es disputado. el doctor o el hospital debe esperar para recibir workers compensation proceeding. but you have the right to be pago hasta que la Junta decida su caso Si deg usted de represented by an attorney or licensed representative of you so proseguir su caso o si la Junta faltara contra usted. se vera i ofiQado a pagar ustefmismo a su doctor o hospitaT-- ~


, . choose if you obtain representation, do not pay your attorney or-representative directly. When the Workers' Compensatio'n Board 9 No se le exige a usted tener a alguien que lo/la represente en rules on your case, the attomey's or representative s fee will be ninguno de los tramites de compensaciin obrera s+n embargo i set by the Board and the amount will be deducted from your usted tiene el derecho de ser representado/a por un/a abogado.

award a o un representante licenciado si prefiere esto. En caso de

10. If you have dahiculty in obtaining a claim form or need help in obtener usted representaci6n, no pague directamente al filling st out. of if you have any other questions or problems about aE6galdo/a o representante. Cuando la Junta de Compensacion a job related mary, contact any office of the Workers' Compen- decida en el caso de usted los honoranos de abogado!a o de j sation Board representante seran fijados poi la Junta y ser&n deducidos de .

los beneficios que se le den a usted 10 Si tiene usted dificultad en conseguir una forma de reclamacir%

WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD OFFICES o necesita tyuda para llenar la forma, o si tiene algunas preguntas o algunos problemas con respecto a lesi6n rela-12241 100 Broadway Menands -(518) 474 6674 cionada con el trabajo comuniquese con cualquiera de las Albany'mton.

Bingha 13901 113 State Street - (607) 773-7867 o,,cinas de la Junta de Compensaci6n Obera.

Buff alo.14203 State Office Bldg. 125 Main St. - (716) 847 3158 Hempstead. 11550 - 175 Fulton Avenue - (516) 560-7700 New York City. 11248 180 Uvingstone St. - Brooklyn - (718) 802 6600 Rochester. 14614 130 Main Street West -(716) 238 8300 Syracuse.13202 State Office Bidg. East Washington St. -(315) 428 4464 4

Chairwoman (Presidenta) l Workers' Compensation Benefits, when due, will be paid by (Los beneficios de Compencation Obrera, cuando debidos, serdn pagados por):


HARTFORD, CT 06183 IMAGING S SENSING TECHNOLOGY Albany Office (518) 454-4500 Buff alo Office (716) 855-5000 Long Island Office (516) 296 2551 Syracuse Otfice (315) 433 5700 WESTINGHOUSE CIRCLE HORSEHEADS, NY 14845 Effective From _04-29-% To ObN45 a o o.m> m.m > BY VH-UB-529K4745-94 Pohc ,No* THE WORKERS' CoMFENsATION BOARD EMPLOYS AND SERVES I C-105(691) MF/$C PEOPLE WITH DSADILT.Es WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION THis NOTICE MusT BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY iN AND ABOuT THE EMPLOYER's PLACE OR PLACES 01: BusiNE ss LA JUNTA DE CoMPENsACION oBRERA EMPLEA Y P escreen by Cha r siRVE A PERSONAS iNCAPACITADAs SIN DisTINCION ffy'* 8 ** w31ptoso (Rev.10/92)


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11H Floor in Front of Water Drum 11I Floor in Front of Acid Hood 11J Floor 11K Floor ill Floor, Entrance 11M Telephone FIGURE 5




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13F ( 13C - Side Entrance Step 5 Floorboard.

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Figure 7 i


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  • 200 Floor 200 Balance Table 20E Cat-coating apparatus
  • 20F Cat-coating apparatus
  • 200 Floor
  • Wipe hood surface in front of ' cat-coating apparatus.


O Area 21 Star Building

,A '

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21E q Rad 1oactive 210 Material Storage s'

, 21C ,

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21A Floor, Entrance to Cage '

218 Floor, Inside Entrance 21C Floor, Middle of Cage 210 Floor, Rear of Cage 21E Floor, Entrance to LLRW Cage Figure 11 O

1 l

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amplifiers 22E lead j preamp pig 22B l 3

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22E Scope (front) 22F Scalers, generators, amps, ND2400(front) 22G Floor e


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I O l 12529o

Addendum 4 1

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Thomas M. Mike ,

Mr. Nike has a Bachelor of Science degree in Ceramic Engineering from the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University.

He March, 1989 a one-week course in Occupational and j Environmental Radiation Protection at the Harvard School of Public Health. In addition he received on-the-job training from V. J. Santilli, the previous Radiation Safety Officer. In April, 1991 he attended a refresher course at Applied Health Physics, j Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. l t

Other experience in radiation is as follows:

1954 Brookhaven National Laboratory. Performed j 1

.. experiments related to liquid metal fueled reactors.

l 1956 Oak Ridge' National Laboratory. One-month course

.in use of radioisotopes for research.

1956 -1959 Owens-Illinois Glass Company, Toledo, Ohio.

Established radiation laboratory for use of radioisotopes in glass and plastics research and Os performed duties of Radiation Safety Officer.

1989 - Present Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation.

Radiation Safety Officer.

This will state that Mr. Mike is familiar with Code Rule 38 as amended June 29, 1994. An information session given by the NYSDOL on the amended rule was attended on November 1, 1994.

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Name Date -

Building Position isotope (s)' Telephone Number Quantity (ies) Chemical Form Present Inventory _ Physical Form Location of Use (Bldg. & Rm.) Location of Storage Proposed use (activity levels, special hazards, method of disposal of wastes, safety measures) Attach supplementary sheet if necessary.

Applicant's training and experience (relevant to use of radioisotopes):

Radiation detection instruments, facilities, and equipment that will be used

O The applicant agrees to abide by the letter and spirit of all applicable regulations as recorded in the Radiation Safety Manual.

l Applicant's Signature i

i' For use of Radiation Safety Officer only .

1 Comments of Radiation Safety Officer Decision:

Date: Signature

,. Please complete and retum with Purchase Request to: Radiation Safety Officer RS-01 Revised 12/94

E 1



TO: 1 FROM: ,

1 1


I l



ISOTOPE ACTIVITY uCi Reported by R.S.O. )


or representative i

Reviewed by Packaging i SIG. DATE l

Reviewed by Traffic SIG. D A Tt_'



l BF3 RS-02(rev.2-6-97) SHIPPING DEPT. -



Name Length of Course Presented by Test Course Outline

1. Introduction V. Radiation Protection A. Electromagnetic Spectrum A. Monitoring Instrumentation B. lonizing Radiation 1) Film Badges
2) Thermoluminescent dosimeters
1) Alpha 3) Portable survey meters
2) Beta 4) Bioassay
3) Gamma
4) X-rays B. Effects
11. History of Uses 1) Chemical change
2) Biological A. Consumer Reports 3) High doses
4) Low doses B. Medical 5) Incidence of disease C. Industry C. Cause & Effect Relationships 111. Nuclear Constituents. Procerties & Production D. Risk Assessment A. Alpha Particles E. Regulations
1) 10RP B. Beta Particles 2) NCRP
3) NRC C. Fission 4) DOT
5) NYSDOL D. Gamma & X-rays 6) NYSDEC IV. History of the Atom F. Organizational Groups A. Modern Theory G. Prenatal Exposure:

Regulatory Guide 8.13 B. Application for Radiation ,

I have recolved the training outline above, read the Radiation Safety Manual and Regulatory Guide 8.13 " Instruction concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure", and understand its implications. Any questions I may have had were answered to my satisfaction.

Employee's Signature Date Remarks


RS-04 Revised 12/94

rv 7 i  !

l I

i PERSONNEL TRAINING PROGRAM Personnel will be instructed:

1. Before assuming duties with, or in the vicir)ity of, radioactive materials.

1 i

2. During annual refresher training. l 1
3. Whenever there is a significant change in duties, regulations, or the terms of the license.

1 Instruction for individuals in attendance will include tue following subjects:


1. Applicable regulations and license conditions.
2. Areas where radioactive material is used or stored. i
3. Potential hazards associated with radioactive material in each area where the  !

cmployees will work. l

4. Appropriate radiation safety procedures.
5. Licensee's in-house work rules.
6. Each individual's obligation to repon unsafe conditions to the Radiation Safety Officer.
7. Appropriate response to emergencies or unsafe conditions.
8. Worker's right to be infonned of occupational radiation exposure and bioassay results. i 9.. Locations where the licensee has posted or made available notices, copies of pertinent ,

regulations, and copies of pertinent licenses and license conditions (including '

applications and applicable correspondence), as required by section 38 27 New York State Code of Rules and Regulations (12 NYCRR 38);

Records that Document Training Records of initial and reflesher training will be maintained for three years and will include: l

1. the name of the individual who conducted the training;
2. the names of the individuals who received the training; 3 the dat:s and duration of the training session; and

' b ). I

' '4. a list of the topics covered.


1 I I Name Social Security #

Birth Date Contact lenses: Yes No Ilighest Izvel of Education Completed Employee #

Type of Training Where Trained Duration On the Formal of Traininc Job Course

a. Principles and pracuces of radladon protection g b. Radioactive measurement standardization and yg g y3 gg O monitoring techniques and instruments W c. Mathematics and Yes No Yes No J calculations basic to the Q. use and measurement of 2 radioactivity O d. niological errects of Yes No Yes No O radlauon W

D3 O EXPERIENCE WIT 11 RADIATION (Actual use of radioisotopes or equivalent experience)

Isotope Maximum Amount Where Experience Duration of Type of l l Was Gained Experience Use I

C Radiation work for which authorization is sought:

oO m 50 mb CD g >E isotopes: Physical & Chemical Form:

OaE Supervisor Requesting Act ivity: millicuries H23 Authorization:

Om Safety Glasses Required: Yes - No -

O> Safety Shoes Required: Yes No Date:

CD ,

y Comments W WJ IL g Z Dositneter Required: Yes __ No___ Bioassay Required: Yes No 4-Type Analysis Frequency (O { g0 Om Authorization Date ny Radiation Safety Offleer y d Supenisor hh O

Radiation Safety Officer Original to Personnel Department RS-05 125290 nevised 12/94

l l

. l l

l l

l l

I l



G fCg IMAGING & SENSING TECHNOLOGY 300 Westing :sse ci<cie

, Horschoads NY 14845-2299 December 20,1994 Mr. Richard Sullivan, Fire Chief HORSEHEADS FIRE DEPARTMENT Horseheads, NY 14845

Dear Mr. Sullivan:

Enclosed is the Hazardous Materials Report Form,209u, for Imaging and Sensing Technology Corporation, Horseheads, NY as required for fire insurance policy holders by the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control.

Very truly yours, S/

. M. Mike Facilities Manager i

1 v 1 B.WstLfW2,94baceDSFO D20tt w eisa



  • y*I (General Municipal Law,9 209 u)

.r 4 ,

Tha information entered herein is essential to your local fire chief for the protection of your employees, the fire-fighters and citizens in the immediate area, and to reduce damage to your property in the event of a fire or an cm:;rgency.

Ev;ry fire insurance policyholder, engaged in commerce in this state,is required by law to report the presence of hazardous materials at their business address.

Fciture to file in accordance with the provisions of section 209-u of the General Municipal Law could result in a fin 3.

A s:parate report is required annually f or each business address.


Hazardous Materials Location



HORSEHEADS, NY 14845 HORSEHEADS, NY 14845 ity, State, zip city, State, Zip Policy Anniv.Date APRIL 29, 1994

41. N o.

Home Tel.

607-732-8675 E n rg ncy Contact Bus.Tel.

W M (Signature and Title of Person Completing Form)

  • lt is suggested that a separate form be filled out for each building that contains hazardous materials.

EXEMPTIONS RIquests for exemptions from this law must be made in writing, atteched to this form, and filed annually with your local fire department not later than the anniversary date of your policy.

All exemptions approved shall expire on the next policy anniversary date.

Exemptions denied shall require that the insured file a completed hazardous materials report form within 15 days of denial.

FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Exemptions: Approved Denied Additional Information Needed (signatureof FireChief)


V (Date)

(Fire Department Name and Address) (Print Name of Fire Chief)

F100965001 (4/82)

New York State Department of State, Office of Firei stion and Control


J W i e*7~ / c r* 2 V Hazardous Materi:1 Listing (attach additional sh>2ts if nreisstry)

N:te: D finiti ns cf symbols are on the second PIge of the instruction theet.

$dentifying Total identHying

" mhol Material Description & Proper Shipping Name T Amount Symbol Material Description & Proper Mame Amou nt A

V -


/V/ 7~R) C. A C J D (Act r cs.ormw) 90 L /3.f 1 .

ifYD4c a s!" /fR eXiog /s 'cML .



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Addendum '


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O i IST i




' " Procedure for RHRs" Process Spec. No. 212-249-3

" Radioactive Device Handling Procedures" '

j l Process Spec. No. 212-249-4 f

11.1 Poeicy )

It is the policy of IST to establish and maintain a system for handling radioactive devices in a mannor to assure maximum personnel protection, conformity to the regulations of. New York State, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and IST; and to maximize customer service and satisfaction.

11.2 A_p_grovals for Returns (from customer) 11.2.1 General All authorizations for radiation detector returns must be issued by IST Marketing. No authorizations are to be issued by Field Sales offices without prior approval. No devices are to be returned unless written assurance is provided that surface contamination has been reduced to levels below those


limits specified in 7.3.2. The Incoming Inspection Department will provide a copy of the RHR (Return Material Report, Form ET-1818) to the SNM Accounting Representative.

(See 212-249-3.) l All shipments must be pr.operly packaged and marked to meet the regulation of the applicable NRC, N.Y. State, other state, DOT, and other applicable regulations and codes.

11.2.2 Fixed Activity level 120 mR/hr. on Device


When all other requirements of this specification are met, Marketing may authorize return of devices which do not exceed the combined beta-gamma limit as indicated with the additional provision that the de'vice is in warranty.

Out-of-warranty return agreement is required from the cognizant department manager.

The applicable licenses for authorization to possess such material are:

Devices containing U235 - SNH 1982 Byproduct Material - NYS 317-0058 11.2.3 Fixed Activity Level > 20 mR/hr:

When all other requirements of this specification are met (including warranty considerations), authorization for return must be obtained from the cognizant Engineering

I l

l Manager and Radiation Safety Officer in the form of countersigning the RHR. I Such authorization will not normally be granted on standard devices unless prior Engineering discussion indicated that mutual technical gains can be achieved.

Special handling procedures for each shipment will be set up by the Engineering Manager, the responsible Manufacturing representative, and the Radiation Safety Officer.

11.3 Internal Handlina (returns from customer) 11.3.1 Incoming Receipt: All devices or materials marked with a radioactive symbol are to be held o an isolated area in the Receiving Department. Ecres shall be clearly marked to minimize perso'.nel contact and shall not be opened.

The cogn.izant Manufacturing Manager or' his authorized representatives, and Radiation Safety Officer,. are' to be notified immediately and requested to survey the package and its contents for radioactivity levels.

The following information shall be recorded on I RMR Form ET-1818 (under additional comments):

a. Dose rate & radio-nuclide (U-235 when I applicable)
b. Date
c. Initials of person making the survey If the devtce is radioactive (>0.2 mR/hr), the device shall be tagged with a Radioactive Material Inventory Tag (see Section 11.5). The RMR number, contact dose rate, and individual dated initials shall be recorded on the tag.

The white copy of the associated RHR Form ET-1818 shall be tagged with a radiation symbol. The individual performing the survey shall check the radioactive paperwork received from the customer to see if action is required (e.g.,

notification of receipt).


("' Devices or materials which are radioactive are not to be sent to the Quality Control Department. '

11.3.i.5 If the level is 120 mR/hr. the package shall be moved directly to the manufacturing section. If the level is >20 mR/hr, the package shall be immediately removed to the Radioactive Vault or turned over to cogni ant Engineering personnel for special handling. A Radioactive Haterial Storage Form (see Section 11.7) should also be made out, if applicable. RHR Form ET-1818 shall then be processed through Quality control and subseouent sections oer 212-249-3.

11.3,2- Factory Processina 1'1. 3. 2.1 Fixed activity 120 mR/hr. on device contact:

Devices or materials falling in this category O may be tested, rebuilt, and reprocessed in the manufactbring area provided proper precautions are observed including area wipe tests. If the level is greater than 0.2 mR/hr., the device or material shall be handled and stored in restricted areas where personnel are monitored by film badges and medical examinations per N.Y. State regulations. If the level is less than 0.2 mR/hr., the devices should be stored in areas of relatively limited access while-being processed. Any devices in this category shall be stored in plastic containers except when work is being performed on them. Personnel are not to remove radioactive markings except upon instructions of the manufacturing supervisor or his representative. Such removal shall be temporary wj in nature, usually for purposes of processing or s l. replacement.

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" Procedure for RHRs" Process Spec. No. 212-249-3

" Radioactive Device Handling Procedures" Process Spec. No. 212-249-4 11.1 Policy It is the policy of IST to establish and maintain a system for handling radioactive devices in a manner to assure maximum personnel protection, conformity to the regulations of New York State, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and IST; and to maximize customer service and satisfaction.

11.2 Acarovals for Returns (from customer) 11.2.1 General All authorizations for radiation detector returns n est be issued by IST Marketing. No authorizations are to be issued by Field Sales offices without prior approval. No devices are to be returned unitss written assurance is provided that i

surface contamination has been reduced to levels below those

, limits specified in 7.3.2. The Incoming Inspection Department will provide la copy of the RHR (Return Material Report, Form ET-1818) to the SNH Accounting Representative.

(See 212-249-3.)

All shipments must be properly packaged and marked to meet j the regulation of the apolicable NRC, N.Y. State, other state, DOT, and other applicable regulations and codes.

11.2.2 Fixed Activity level i 20 mR/hr. on Device


When all other requirements of this specification are met, Marketing may authorize return of devices which do not ,

exceed the combined beta-gamma limit as indicated with the additional provision that the de'v ice is in warranty.

Out-of-warranty return agreement is required from the cognizant department manager.

The applicable licenses for authorization to possess such material are:

Devices containing U235 - SNH 1982 Byproduct Material - NYS 317-0058 11.2.3 Fixed Activity level > 20 mR/hr:

OO When all other requirements of this specification are met (including warranty considerations), authorization for return must be obtained from the cognizant Engineering N


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.U Manager and Radiation Safety Officer in the form of i countersigning the RHR. <


Such authorization will not normally be granted on standard devices unless prior Engineering discussion indicated that mutual technical gains can be achieved.

Special handling procedures for each shipment will be set up by the Engineering Manager, the responsible Manufacturing representative, and the Radiation Safety Officer.

11.3 Internal Handling (returns from customer) 11.3.1 Incoming Receirt: All devices or materials marked with a radioactive symbol are to be held in an isolated area in the Receiving Department. Boxes shall be clearly marked to minimize personnel contact and shall Dot b_e opened.

The cogn.izant Hanufacturing Manager or his authorized representatives, and Radiation Safety Officer,. are' to be notified immediately and requested to survey the package and its contents for radioactivity levels.

The following information shall be recorded on RHR Form ET-1818 (under additional comments):

a. Dose rate & radio-nuclide (U-235 when applicable)
b. Date
c. Initials of person making the survey If the devi,ce is radioactive (>0.2 mR/hr), the device shall be tagged with a Radioactive Material Inventory Tag (see Section 11.5). The RHR number, contact dose rate, and individual dated initials shall be recorded on the tag.

The white copy of the associated RMR Form ET-1818 shall be tagged with a radiation symbol. The individual performing the survey shall check the radioactive paperwork received from the customer to see if action is required (e.g.,

notification'of receipt).


f.q Devices or materials which are radioactive are U not to be sent to the Quality Control Department. ' If the level is 120 mR/hr. the package shall be moved directly to the manufacturing section. 'If the level is >20 mR/hr, the package shall be immediately removed to the Radioactive Vault or turned over to cognizant Engineering personnel for special handling. A Radioactive Material Storage Form (see Section 11.7) should also be made out, if applicable. RHR Form ET-1818 shall then be processed through Quality Control and subseauent sections per 212-249-3.

11.3.2 Factory Processina Fixed activity 120 nR/hr. on device contact:

Devices or materials falling in this category may be tested, rebuilt, and reprocessed in the O manufactbring area provided proper precautions are observed including area wipe tests. If the level is greater than 0.2 mR/hr., the i device or material shall be handled and stored in restricted areas where personnel are taonitored by film badges and medical  !

examinations per N.Y. State regulations. If the level is less than 0.2 mR/hr., the devices should be stored in areas of relatively limited access while being processed. l Any devices in this category shall be stored in plastic containers except when work is being performed on them. Personnel are not to remove radioactive markings except upon instructions of the manufacturing supervisor or his representative. Such removal shall be temporary in nature, usually for purposes of processing or 0s replacement.









II. FEE NOT REQUIRED Your request for a licensing action is sub[ect'to the fee (s)in the ettmory(ies) noted below in accordance with Section 170.31 of the . Enclosed is Check No. which accompanied your enclosed Federal Register notice. Payment of the fee is required prior to request. The fee is not requ' ired because:

the issuance of the hcense, renewal, or amendment.

We received your Check c.dby. APPLICATION. . . .

_ . . RENEWAL. . . _ _i

. AMENDMENT. _ _ No. in payment of

_ _ _ .300.00 -

the fee.

s .$ s ' The Licensing staff has informed us that your request is to be

,- L,

' considered as a continuation of your request dated S 5'

{$ , Control No.

5. 8 5 8 8 Your request was combined. prior to review, with your 8

request. Control

$ 5. s No.

5 ~$ '$

111. CHECK RETURNED FEE (s) DUE s 300.00 PAYMENT RECElVED 5 0.00 Enclosed is Check No. which was retumed to us by the bank for.

AMOUNT DUE s 300.00

.. . . . _ . . _.- . . . _ INSUFFICIENT FUNDS

, ' Your request was received without the prescribed application _

< fee.

. , ACCOUNT CLOSED We recewed your Check-No.

OTHER in the amount of i'

above (s rep _ _ _ . _ _ Payment of the additional fee noted Your request will increase the scope of your h. cense program. Mall THE REPLACEMENT CHECK TO THE ADDRESS LISTED AT THE Therefore, your request is subject to the application fee (s) noted TOP OF THIS FORM AND REFERENCE THE ABOVE CONTROL NUMBER.

above. Refer to Section 170 31 and Footnote 1(d)(2).

IV. LICENSE ISSUED WITHOUT THE REQUIRED FEE Your hcense expired pnor to th'e receipt of your apphcation for ' Ucense ', Amendment renewal. Therefore, your request is subject to the apphcation fee (s) No. No. , issued on noted above Refer to Section 170 31 and Footnote 1(a).

was issued without the required fee being collected. The fee required is noted in Section 1 of this MAKE PA'YMENT OF THE FEE (S)' TO THE U S. NUCLEAR ~ Nscope of your'hcensed program was increased Therefore, your REGULATORY COMMISSION AND MAIL THE PAYMENT TO THE request is subject to the application fee (s) noted in Section 1 of this ADDRESS LISTED AT THE TOP OF THIS FORM IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE A REPLY FROM YOU WITHIN 30 CALENDAR DAYS FROM form. Refer to Section 170 31 and Footnote 1(d)(2).

THE DATE LISTED BELOW. WE SHALL ASSUME THAT YOU DO NOT WISH TO PURSUE YOUR APPLICATION AND WILL VOID THIS Because of 5e urgency of your request, the license was issued ACTION  : without remittance of the presenbed fee noted in Section 1 of this form.

SIGNATURE - UCENSE F EE Af4ALYST LFDCB LFDCB ' Distnbution DATE Region I LFARB BRENDA BROWN 301-415-6055 , BB h~ j Pending OCFO/DAF R/F 1/8/98 q,g_gg we rom m ow BBm OCFOW SR M,] ,,,,,,n,,,,



INFORMATION FROM LTS BETWEEN:  : ____________________

License Fee Management Branch, ARM  : Program Code: 22111 and  : Status Code: O Regional Licensing Sections  : Fee Category: 1D

Exp. Date: 20050331
Fee Comments: _____________________

, 1. APPLICATION ATTACHED Applicant / Licensee: IMAGING AND SENSING TECHNOLOGY CORP Received Date: 971218 Docket No: TOO3061 Control No.: 125290

/ License No.: SNM-1982 Action Type: Amendment

2. FEE ATTACHED Amount: ___._____

Check No.: __ ______


9 '

Signed 2' .

Date . _ _ _ ________________

i B. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (Check when mi lestone 03 is entered e /) l

1. Fee Category and Amount: _Jh ______________________________ __[ __


2. Correct Fee Paid. App 14 cation may be processed for:

Amendment ______________  !

Renewal ______________ j License ______________

3. OTHER ______________________________.____

__________________________________ l Signed ______ __________________________

Date _______ _______________________3 7


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