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Telcon W/M Lederman & P Blasioli of Util Re Valves 1-RR-2A & 1-RR-2B
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 03/05/1987
From: Kelly G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8703190648
Download: ML20207S539 (1)


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March 17, 1987 Docket No.: 50-245 NOTE T0: File FROM: Glenn Kelly RE: Telecon between Glenn Kelly (NRC), Mitch Lederman(NNECO) and Paul Blasioli (NNECO)

Telecon date: 3/5/87 Call regarding. Millstone 1 valves 1-RR-2A and-1-RR-28. Paul said NNEC0 99% sure they would not ask for continued exemption of the valve operators on these valves and installation would be performed next outage. NNEC0 said they had no EQ data on these motor operators and had no additional supporting data for their earlier exemption argument. NNECO stated only estimated a factor of 5 reduction in CMF when sharpened pencils. Instal-lation doses for these motor operators is estimated to drop from 57 to 14 man-rem due to decontamination work planned for the next outage.

cc: Docket File ISAPD File J.Shea LPDR PDR m

3/B /87 8703190648 870305 PDR ADOCK 05000245 P PDR

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