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Safety Evaluation Supporting Util 861125 Rept on Conformance to Reg Guide 1.133,Rev 1, Loose-Part Detection Program for ...Sys of Light Water Cooled Reactors. License Condition 2.C(14) Adequately Addressed
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/05/1987
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20207R094 List:
RTR-REGGD-01.133, RTR-REGGD-1.133 TAC-64073, NUDOCS 8703110212
Download: ML20207R105 (4)





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By letter from 0. D. Kingsley to H. R. Denton dated November 25, 1986, Mississippi Power and Light Company (the licensee at that time) provided an evaluation of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS) loose parts monitoring

, system addressing conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.133, Revision 1, " Loose -

Part Detection Program for the Primary System of Light Water Cooled Reactors,"

dated May 1981. The licensee's submittal presented a general description of the LPMS and an item-by-item discussion of conformance to the identified Regulatory Guide.

2.0 EVALUATION License condition 2.C.(14) for GGNS contains a requirement that a submittal, describing conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.133, Revision 1 (RG 1.133) be provided to the staff prior to startup following the first refueling outage.

In addition, the staff Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for GGNS (NUREG-0831, September 1981) required emphasis on diagnostic procedures used to confirm the presence of a loose part and a discussion of operator training in the operation of the system. The staff has reviewed the licensee's November 25, 1986 submittal. The submittal includes a general description of the loose parts ironitoring system (LPMS) which is supplied by Babcock and Wilcox (B&W).

8703110212 B70305 6 PDR ADOCK 0500 P


41 The licensee's evaluation results indicated-that the LPMS is in compliance '

- with RG 1.133 except for four items, which are addressed as follows:

i Item (1): Regulatory Position 1(b) - System Sensitivity

( The licensee stated that the Grand Gulf system does.not fully conform to the .

RG -1.133 recommerdation for-on-line automatic detectioii system sensitivity. The' RG 1.133 reconnendation for system sensitivity states that on-line automatic- '

, detection sensitivity be such that, at a minimum, the system can detect a metallic loose part weighing between 0.25 lb and 30 lb with kinetic energy I impacts of 0.5 ft-lb on the inside surface of the reactor coolant pressure .

boundary within three feet of a sensor. Except for one sensor, the individual sensors meet this sensitivity requirement in the manual mode. The lesser sensitivity of the GGNS system in the automatic mode is due to the alert logic which requires that at least two channels respond to an impact such that both loose parts detector modules go into high alam. This results in a system sensitivity based on two sensors with the sensitivity limited by the sensor which is more than three feet from the loose part. (High alann setpoints for visual and audible annunciation are established in connection with the system baseline data for startup and power operation).

RG 1.133 allows consideration of specific in-plant conditions in the evaluation of on-line sensitivity. The November 25, 1986 submittal provides both the actual on-line sensitivity as well as the alert levels for the GGNS system and demonstrates an adequate sensitivity. This satisfies RG 1.133 and is acceptable.

Item (2): Regulatory Position 1(h) - Quality of System Components RG 1.133 recomends that components of the LPMS should be compatible with-the 40-year design life of the reactor system. The licensee has stated that the accelerometers and preamplifiers are not rated for a 40 year life. As an alternative, the licensee has established a schedule of daily and monthly surveillances in conjunction with the low level alarms which will identify failed channels. This, in combination with the cabability of rapidly switching over to one of the passive channels, minimizes the need for a strict replacement

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3 program based on service life. The staff finds the GGNS alternative to be acceptable..

e Item (3): Regulatory Position 3 - Using the Data. Acquisition System RG 1.133 describes various initial tests and periodic surveillance tests for the manual and automatic modes of the LPMS-.

Regarding the manual mode. the GGNS has adopted Technical Specifications

[SurvellanceRequirement]whicharebasedontheStandardTechnical Specifications and are similar to those used at other BWR-6 plants. The-licensee has adopted en alternative calibration technique for the 18 month surveillance interval as recomended by the vendor (B&W). In lieu of reporting alert levels to the NRC within 90 days after completion of startup tests, the licensee has reported these values in the November 25, 1986 submittal. The staff finds that the adoption of Technical Specifications' typical of those used by other utilities and reporting alert levels in this submittal are acceptable alternatives to _the guidelines of RG 1.133 for the manual mode.

Full compliance with RG 1.133 requirements is made for the automatic mode.

Item (4): Regulatory Position 5 - Technical Specific'ations for the Loose Parts Monitoring System f AsnotedunderItem(3)abovetheGGNSTechnicalSpecifications(TS's)forthe LPMS are consistent with BWR Standard Technical Specifications and are an acceptable alternative to the recommended TSs in RG 1.133. Regulatory Position 5 also recommends that TSs include specific listing of sensor locations. The

- specific locations are identified in Attachments 1 and 2 to the November 25, i i986 submittal, which is an acceptable alternative to Position 5.

SER Confirmatory Items:

The staff's Safety Evaluation Report (NUREG-0831), September 1981, Section 4.4.1 requires that both diagnostic procedures and operator training on the

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LPMS be addressed by the licensee. The November 25, 1986 submittal is respon-sive to the staff Grand Gulf SER confirmatory item and is acceptable in this area.


S The staff has reviewed the GGNS Report on Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.133, Revision I submitted November 25, 1986 and has confirmed that the licensee has adequately addressed the requirements in license condition 2.C.(14) and the GGNS SER Section 4.4.1 for a conformance report on the GGNS LPMS with emphasis on diagnostic procedures used to confirm the presence of a loose part and a discussion of operator training in the operation of the system. We con-clude that sufficient information has been provided to satisfy the requirement of License condition 2.C.(14). No additional information or changes to the Technical Specifications are required.

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