ML20207J595 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Cooper |
Issue date: | 07/31/1998 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20207J584 | List: |
References | |
NEDC-98-024, NEDC-98-024-R01, NEDC-98-24, NEDC-98-24-R1, NUDOCS 9903160330 | |
Download: ML20207J595 (87) | |
Pmytyg y am 1.47
g'p.g V hN,ib 't.
'O i Nebraska Piblic Power District DESIGN CALCULATIONS COVER SHEET Tlle APRM-RBM SebointCalcidahon Calculation No. 98424 TaskidentificationNo. N/A System / Structure NM Design Change No. N/A Component M" ".'" 'R2. Disepline instrument and Control Closellicebon. [X] Essenhal [ ] Non-Essental m (-
Deterrrunshon of the AHowable Values and selpoints for NMWM-AR 2,3,4,7,8,9 and NM-NAMM 5,6. This calculabon supersedes the APRM and RBM portons of NEDC 92450S Rev.2.
t Revised RBM Setpoints based on 6 rnonth M (44=
- 174A ET44 W EQ.. %ffff, g
g caNbra6on Irm and added COLR and 7/yofff 7/3[/6
/[Je/f8 7/3ibO NEDC 92450S rev 2 to affected documents.
initial issue supersedes APPM and ROM Alan L Able 7/27/98 Mark E UniJh 7/27/98 Mark E.Unruh 7/27/98 Ted Gifford 7/27S8 0
1 portion of NEDC 92-050S and resoluton of Alan L Able 7/1958 Raph Krause 7/19/98 Mark E. Unruh Rev 0 Review comments (App A,B)7/23SB I
Ralph Krause 7/19/98
Status Prepared Checked or Design Approved No.
Revision Description By/Date Reviewed By/Date Verification /Date By/Date Status Codes
- 1. As-Built
- 3. For Construebon
- 2. Information only
- 4. Superseded or Deleted 9903160330 990310 7 l
Pon ApocKosooo29ej P
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Nebraska Public Power District DESIGN CALCULATIONS COVER SHEET Title APRM -RBM Setxxnt Calculabon Calculabon No.98-024 Task idenbfcahon No. _N/A System / Structure NM L'esign Change No. N/A Component NM *1^P ^R 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 Discipline instrument and Control Classdicatm [X] Essenhal [ ] Non-Essential Calc. Ce41' I Determination of the Allowable Values and setpoints for NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,7,8,9 and NM-NAM-AR 5.6. This calculabon supersedes the APRM and RBM portons of NEDC 92-050S Rev. 2.
TlesoL>+, y f ~/2er.o @ nceu 40fdWE AnA*6:'AMl'%Q.
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initellssue supersedes APRM and RBM (d /N Q,b QM
porbon of NEDC 9240S.
7/#ht of 9ler
'Ile /4 F h
0 1
Status Prepared Checked or Design hroved No.
Revision Description ByIDate Reviewed By/Date Verification /Date ByIDate Status Codes
- 1. As. Built
- 3. For Construebon
- 3. Information only
- 4. Superseded or Deleted b
. ]
Nebraska Public Power District
AL 8 d/A Checked / Reviewed By:
7/JO 19 98 Date:
7[30 19 98 i
US AR Section 111-7.5.4 ITS Section 2
USAR Section VII-5.7 ITS Section 3
USAR Section VII-5.8 TRM Section 3.3.1 i
4 USAR Section VII-7.4.3 6.1 APRM.302 5
NEDC-32676P 1/97 6.l APRM.303 6
6.1 APRM.304
7-GENE-187-27-1292 6.1 APRM.305
8 VM1025, Vol. 8. Part 4, Book 1 9/70 6.lRBM.301 (GE Type 555 DP Transmitter) 9 197R148, Sheet 2 NO3 6.1RBM.302
10 197R148, Sheet 3 N05 DCN 97-0830 6.lRR.303 11 197R148, Sheet 4 N04 6.2APRM.302 j
12 197R148, Sheet 11 N02 6.2APRM.303 j
13 197Rl48, Sheet 13 NOS 6.2APRM.304 14 791E256, Sheet 9 N16 6.2APRM.305 15 791E256, Sheet 10 -
N10 6.2RBM.301 16 EQDP 46 4
6.2RBM.302 17 GE Spec. 23A1399 1
6.2RR.303 1
18 GE Spec. 22A2811 3
DCD 14 19 GE Spec. Data Sheet 22A281 AC 0 22 GE Spec. 21 A1368 2
Core Operating Limits Report g15 23 YMll77 0
NEDC 92-050S 24 VM1025, Vol. 4, Part 2 8/93 (Neutron Monitoring System) 25 VM1025, Vol. 4, Part 1 9/86 (Neutron Monitoring Components) 26 VM0067 6
27 Design and Perf. Spec.175A9679 0
28 Design and Perf. Spec. 235A1386 1
29 257HA392AD 4
j 30 VM1518 0
1 31 VMI575 1
i i
,a Sheet 20f 2 Nebraska Public Power District DESIGN CALCULATION CROSS REFERENCE INDEX
- d. f W NEDC 98-024 Rev. No. O Prepared By:
60 /M Checked / Reviewed By:
v Date:
7//9 19 98 Date:
)olw li 19 98 0
32 VMll37 1
33 VM1045 4
34 DC89-219 0
35 DI-004 36 VM 1106 1
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 1 of 65
~ ~
DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: ggg Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//7 1998 Company's Name:
d, y a _
Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:
/4 Date:
1998 Date:
1998 a
USAR Sections 111-7.5.4, Flow Control, VII 5.7, Avetage Power Range Monitor Subsystem; Vll 5.8 Rod Block Monitor Subsystem; VII-7.4.3, Rod Block Interlocks.
J. E. Walker, P.D. Knecht, Analytical Limits for Cooper Nuclear Station, NEDC-32676P, General Electric Company, San Jose, CA, January 1997.
General Electric Report NEDC-31892P, Revision 1 May 1991, Extended Load Line Limit and ARTS Improvement Program Analyses for Cooper Nuclear Station Cycle 14.
W.H. Cooley, J.L. Leong, M.A. Smith and S. Wolf, General Electric Instrument Setpoint Methodology, NEDC-31336P-A, General Electric Company, San Jose, CA. September 1996.
W.H. Cooley, Setpoint Calculation Guidelinesfor the Cooper Nuclear Station, EDE-38-1090, Rev. O, General Electric Nuclear Energy, San Jose, CA, January 25,1991.
GE Report GENE-187-271292, DRF-A00-05122, " Neutron Monitoring New Analytical Limits for Cooper Nuclear Station", December 1992.
CNS Engineering Procedure 3.26.3, Rev. 3.0, Instrument Setpoint and Channel Error Calculation Methodology.
VM 1025, Volume 8, Part 4, Book 1, (198-4532K16-300C), GE Type 555 DifTerential Pressure Transmitter instructions.
CNS Surveillance Procedure 6.lAPRM.305 / 6.2APRM.305, APRM System (Flow Bias and Startup)
Calibration and Functional Test, Rev. O.
- 10. CNS Surveillance Procedure 6.lRBM.302 / 6.2RBM.302, RBM Calibration and Functional Test, Rev. O.
- 11. CNS Surveillance Procedure 6.lRR.303 / 6.2RR.303, Reactor Recirculation Flow Transmitter a'id Flow Unit Cyclic Calibration and Functional Test, Rev. 0.2.
- 12. GE Elementary Diagram Power Range Neution Monitoring System,197R148, Sheet 2, Rev. NO3; Sheet 3, Rev. N05; Sheet 4, Rev. N04; Sheet 11, Rev. NO2; Sheet 13, Rev. N05.
- 13. GE Elementary Diagram Reactor Protection System,791E256, Sheet 9, Rev. N16; Sheet 10, Rev. N10.
- 14. EQDP 46, Rev. 4, Emironmental Conditions.
- 15. GT Letter, J. Leong (GE) to R. Bussard (NPPD), Subject " Coop:r Low Power APRM Analytic Limits",
l Dmed October 1,1992.
- 16. Cooper Letter, CNS 928823 P. Ballinger (NPPD) to J. Leong (GE), "LPRM Information / APRM j
Setpoint Review", November 13,199:c..
- 17. Equipment Data File (EDF).
- 19. Cooper Nuclear Station Improved Technical Specifications.
4 Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 2 of 65
- ~
DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: r;p g g g,4.
Setpoint Calculation Date:
7Mf 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h.
NPPD Reviewer:
r y --
,)1 lT 1998 Date:
-1 o
Setpoint Analysis), September 11,1996.
"2. ud Design Specification,23 A1399, Neutron Monitoring System (RBM/ ARTS), Rev.1.
- 23. CNS 1AC Procedum 14.1.40. Rev. 2.1, Fluke 8600A Digital Multimeter Operation and Maintenance.
- 24. GE Neutron Monitoring System Design Specification,22A2811, Rev. 3.
- 26. GE Neutron Monitoring System Instrument Data Sheet,248A9730NS, Rev. O.
- 27. GE Nuclear Boiler Instrument Data Sheet, 234 A930lNS, Rev. 9.
- 28. GE Recirculation Flow Element Specification,21 A1368, Rev. 2.
- 29. VM i177, RR Venturi Flow Elements, Rev. 0
- 30. VM 1025, Volume 4, Part 2, (GEK-34550C), Power Range Neutron Monitoring System (W/ ARTS Modification), August 1993.
31 VM 1025, Volume 4, Part 1, (GEK-34551B), Power Range Neutron Monitoring Components, September 1986.
- 32. Flow Unit (GE Dwg 791E392NSGl; Design & Perf Spec 225A6445). Also, VM 0067 (GEK-34642D),
Flow Unit OMI, January 1995,
- 33. Local Power Range Monitor Design and Performance Specification,175A9679 Rev. O.
- 34. APRM Page Design and Performance Specification,235A1386, Rev.1.
- 35. Nuclear Engineering Data Book - Nuclear Instrumentation Cooper Station,257HA392AD Rev. 4.
- 36. Average Power Range & Flow Converter Specification,175A8250, Rev. 0
- 37. VM 1518, DVM Fluke 45, Rev. O.
- 38. VM 1575, Pneumatic Calibrator, Crystal Engineering, Rey,1
- 39. VM 1137, Ametek Type RK Dead Weight Tester, Rev.1.
- 40. VM 1045, Fluke 8600A Digital Multimeter Instruction Manual, Rev. 4
-41. Letter, J.S. Charnley (GE) to G. Sen (NPPD), Subject " Analytical Limits for Neutron Monitoring System". December 12,1996.
- 42. Memo, P. Ballinger (CNS) to Dr. R. Burch (CNS), " Review of NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3 and NEDC 95-109, Rev.1", Dated January 16,1997.
- 43. GE Susceptibility Design and Performance Specification,225A4338, Rev. O.
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~ -
DESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: nL _ f g Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/27 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h NPPD Reviewer:
Date: ~7/A '7 /
1998 Date:
- 45. ST96-084, Determination of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) by Hello Direct Wireless Headsets in the i
Control Room.
- 46. SP97-010, Testing of Permanent Cellular Phones.
- 47. SP97-009, Testing SAIC Model PDE-4 and PD-4 Teledosimetry and Repeater Units.
- 48. DI-004,ImpellDesignInput
- 49. NUREG-1433, Vol.1, Rev.1, Standard Technical Specifications, GE Plants, BWR/4, dated April 1995.
- 50. VM 1106, Fluke Model 8502A Digital Multimeter Instruction Manual, Re i.1
- 51. GE Letter, from D. J. Bouchie (GE) to EHen Plettner (CNS), dated July 8,1998, APRM Restricted Condition Definition.
- 52. GE 1.ctter NPPD R-98062, fram Richard Rossi (GE) to Elden Plettner (CNS), dated July 22,1998, impact of Questions on APRM/RBM Calculations.
Rod Block Monitor (RBM) and Technical Specification (ARTS) and Power Range Monitoring Setpoint Calculations (NEDC 92-050S, Rev. 3)
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 4 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET
- ~
Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: AMJ Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/.m 1998 Company's Name:
Checke/l By:
N NPPD Reviewer:
7/3o [
1998 Date:
- 1. PURPOSE In consideration of the Cooper setpoint verification program in conjunction with a 7.5 month suneillance interval (required 6 months plus 25% grace period), determine the Nominal Trip Setpoint and Allowable Value for the Reactor Protection Syctem (RPS) scrams from the Average Power Range Monitoring High Neutron Flux, Flow Biased, and Low Power (Setdown) High Neutron Flux trip functions.
Also considerations of allowable APRM gain adjustment factors (AGAF) of 0.95 to 1.01 wi!! be made (CNS NCR 92-100).
In conjunction with a 7.5 month surveillance interval (required 6 months plus 25% grace period),l determine the Nominal Trip Setpoint and Allowable Value for the Rod Block Monitoring System (RBM).
The RBM System (NM-NAM-ARS and NM-NAM-AR6) monitors local neutron flux around a control rod selected for withdrawal, and blocks control rod withdrawal when neutron flux exceeds predefined, power dependent setpoints, Reference 1.
- 2. REQUIREMENTS 2.1 The APRM System (NM-NAM AR2, NM-NAM-AR3, NM-NAM-AR4, NM-NAM-AR7, NM-NAM-AR8, NM-NAM-AR9) monitors average neutron flux throughout the entire core and provides a rod block and scram at two separate flow-biased setpoints. The APRM system has the further requirement of prosiding rod biocks and scrams at other lower setpoints when the reactor mode switch is in a mode other than RUN (rod block in STARTUP, and scram in REFUEL or STARTUP and HOT STANDBY), Reference 1.
Per References 2,6,15, and 41, the Analytical Limits for the APRM Trip Channels are as follows; APRM Trio Function Analytical Limit Flow Biased Scram 0.58W + 64.4% RTP Flow Biased Rod Block 0.58W + $3.1% RTP High Neutron Flux Scram 123.0% RTP Downscale Neutron Flux Rod Block 0.0% RTP High Flux - Setdown Scram 17.4% RTP High Flux-Setdown Rod Block 14.4% RTP Where "W " is the two loop recirculation flow rate in percent of rated (rated loop recirculation loop flow rate is that recirculation flow rate which presides 100% core flow at 100% power).
2.2 The APRM, Rod Block Monitor, and Technical Specifications (ARTS) / Extended Load Line Limit Analysis (ELLLA) Implementation of DC-89-219 physically reconfigured the RBM and changed the Analytical Limits of the setpoints for both the RBM and APRM (in RUN mode), Reference 3. Per References 2, 3, and 22, the Analytical Limits for the RBM ARTS Trip Channels and Nominal Trip Setpoints for the Time Delay (Tdi) and Time Constants (Tcl, Tc2)*, Reference 44, are as follows; Bl}M Trio Function Analytical Limit Low Power Setpoint (LPSP) 30 %
Intermediate Power Setpoint (IPSP)
High Power Setpoint (HPSP) 85 %
%7 4 4E Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 5 cf 65 m
, Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. 0 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: gfdg Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/p 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h.
m a NPPD Resiewer:
Y Date:
1998 Date:
1998 Anahtical Limit MCPR Limit Low Trip Setpoint (LTSP) 117.0 %
1.20 120.0 %
1.25 123.0 %
1.30 125.8 %
1.35 Intermediate Trip Setpoint (ITSP) 111.2 %
1.20 115.2 %
1.25 118.0 %
1.30 121.0 %
1.35 High Power Setpoint (HTSP) 107.4 %
1.20 110.2 %
1.25 J
l13.2 %
1.30 116.0 %
1.35 Downscale Trip Setpoint (DTSP) 89.0%*
- NTSP Time Delay 1 (Tdl) 3.5sec.
Time Constant 1 (Tc!)
0.5 sec.
Time Constant 2 (Tc2) 6 sec.
Time Delay 1 (Tdl): Delays nulling sequence after rod selection so RBM filtered signal nears equilibrium before calibration; no delay without filter. Adds additional time delay from rod selection to allowable rod withdrawal start.
Time Constant 1 (Tcl): RBM signal filter time constant.
Time Constant 2 (Tc2): Variable APRM signal filter constant. Does not affect RWE transient response.
" The Downscale trip setpoint (DTSP) functions to prevent a rod withdrawal if the selected RBM channel power is too low from its most recent normalized calibration conditions (i.e.100%). This assures that the calibration (i.e., normalization) performed at the time of rod selection remains valid before permitting withdrawal of the rod. The Analytical Limit was changed from 91% to 89% of reference level per Reference 6. The DTSP limit is not utilized in any licensing bases Rod Withdrawal Error (RWE) analysis or that the range is restricted by design to values considered in the RWE analysis.
- There is no MCPR limitation associated with the DTSP.
2.3 This calculation is performed in accordance with CNS Engineering Procedure 3.26.3, instrument Setpoint and Channel Error Calculations (Reference 7).
2.4 The methods used in tids calculation are consistent with the requirements of Reg. Guide 1.105 that the GE Instrument Setpoint Methodology (Reference 4) is in compliance.
r Nebraska Public Power Dirtrict Sheet 6 of 65
- ~
DESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD l.
Generated Calculation
- NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: apg l
Setpoint Calculation Date:
y/,y 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
m NPPD Reviewer:
y-l Date:
.)ul li 1998 Date:
- 3. ASSUMPTIONS 3.1 The GE APRM/RBM equipment accuracy specification includes the uncertainties due to scismic effect on the equipment located in the Neutron Monitoring System equipment panels. All equipment in these panels are qualified as a unit.
3.2 The recirculation loop flow transmitters are classified as non-essential instruments. These instruments are rigidly mounted and their ZPA (zero period acceleration) during a seismic event would be insignificant.
Thus Seismic Effects (SE) will not be considered for this calculation, l
3.3 The values of the As Left Tolerance, CTOOL, and CREAD are contre!!cd by 100% testing. Therefore, they are assumed to represent 3 sigma values, Reference 5. Calibrating equipment accuracies are taken as three (3) sigma values due to industry required periodic calibration with high accuracy standards traceable to NIST. The accuracy of the calibration standard is assumed the same as that of the accuracy of the testing equipment, unless otherwise specified.
3.4 The manufacturer does not spectfy Vendor drift for the RBM signal conditioning equipment (Reference 22). Therefore the value used for Vendor Drift (VD) will be assumed to be equal to the random portion of Vendor Accuracy for 6 months, on a 2-sigma basis (References 4 and 5). The long term Vendor Drift for the RBM trip unit, is assumed to be adequate for the allowed VD within the period between surveillance tests (assumed 3 months), based on GE's experience of this equipment's performance in BWR plants.
3.5 The manufacturer does not specify Vendor drift for the recirculation loop flow transmitters (Reference 8).
Therefore the value used for Vendor Drift (VD) will be assumed to be equal to the random portion of Vendor Accuracy for 6 months, on a 2-sigma basis (References 4 and 5).
3.6 For ARTS operation, setpoints for the RBM with filter are considered (Reference 3). Table 10-5(b) of Reference 3 states, for these items that no limitations exist (setpoint does not affect the RWE analysis or j
the range is restricted by design to values considered in the RWE analysis). The time delay (Tdl) and time constant (Tc t, Tc2) settings currently used are assumed to be valid, and it is assumed that no setpoint calculations (using setpoint methodology) are required for these timing functions.
3.7 The APRM/RBM Technical Specification (ARTS) improvemeri to the RBM does not degrade the instrument accuracy and drift of the system.
3.8 The Radiation Effect (RE) to the equipment in the specified emironment does not exceed the normal integrated dose specified in NPPD Emironmental Design Conditions document (Reference 48).
3.9 The variation of the LPRM ion chamber output current with 11 percent change of the ion chamber voltage in the saturated range is negligibly small or equal to zero (Reference 4).
3.10 The APRM/RBM equipment is electrical and is not subject to Overpressure Effects (OPE). The recirculation loop flow transmitter has a design pressure rating of 2,000 psig (Reference 8), well above the nonnat and accident pressures that will be seen by this instrument.
3.11 It is assumed that the currently installed NMS equipment is the same as that originally supplied by GE other than normal PC board (by GE) electronic upgrades (References 30, 31, and 32).
3.12 Unless otherwise specified, the vendor accuracies are considered to bc 2 sigma values.
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 7 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET
Calc IJo: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD NM-NAM-AR2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: r M-g;/_4 Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//f 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: d NPPD Reviewer:
o r y-Date:
c) &
1998 Date:
1998 n
3.13 The manufacturer does not specify a Power Supply Effect (PSE) for the APRM/RBM Technical Specification (ARTS) equipment and it is assumed to be included in the equipment accuracy.
3.14 The APRM/RBM Technical Specification (ARTS) equipment is subject only to normal ambient emironment and are not subject to harsh, post-accident conditions. Trip and accident environmental conditions will be considered equal to normal ambient conditions for the purpose of this calculation.
Accuracy Temperature Effect (ATE) and Humidity Effect (HE) will not be considered.
3.15 Static Pressure Effects (SPE) are generally only applicable for dilTerential pressure instruments (References 3 and 4). The SPE will only apply to the recirculation loop flow transmitter for calculations which itwolve flow signal inputs. Per References 8 and 52, for an assumed 1,000 psig process pressure, the SPE is equal to 0.88% span per 1,000 psig.
3.16 The flow element inaccuracy is assumed by References 28, 29 to be 2% of flow at normal temperature.
3.17 The As Left Tolerance (ALT) allowance for the APRM gain adjustment factor (AGAF) of greater than 1 (NPPD allowables are 0.95 to 1.01) is treated as an ALT of 1% power. This ALT is not included in the APRM Neutron Flux High Rod Block - Setdown or the Neutron Flux High Scram - Setdown, because AGAF is not performed at that low power. The ALT for the LPRMS is assumed to be the same as that of the APRMS, Reference 9.
l 3.18 The ALT for the recirculation loop flow unit summer output is assumed equal to the sum of the two recirculation flow loop square root unit output, Reference 11.
3.19 The APRM/RBM/ Flow Unit equipment meets the requirements of the Susceptibility Design and Performance Specification, Reference 43. For normal plant operations with expected operational l
transient radio frequency or electromagnetic emissions, there are negligible RFUEMI Effects (REE).
I Peak transient REE that may occur during plant maintenance that may afTect performance of the i
APRM/RBM/ Flow Unit equipment is not considered in this calculation. APRM/RBM/ Flow Unit equipment has been subjected to various testing for determination of effects from REE (References 45,46 j
& 47) and the results of these tests show no adverse effect on the components from the introduce REE.
i Therefore, REE will not be considered for this calculation.
l l
3.20 It is assumed that for all APRM and RBM clectronics in the Control Room, the stated accuracy includes temperature effects, so the ATE and DTE values are assumed to be zero.
3.21 Reference 38 gives a temperature accuracy of 0.01% per F for 30 F to 130 F for a crystal engineering calibrator. Therefore, the temperature accuracy for calibration temperatures from 65 F to 104 F is:
Temperature Accuracy = 0.01%/'F x 39 F = 0.39% F.S.,
3.22 Leave Alone Tolerance (LAT) for the APRM and RBM functions is assumed to be equal to 21.25%
l power for consistency within this calculation. The use of 21.25% is conservative since the current procedures (Ref. 9,10,11) have a LAT of 21.25% or less for the identified APRM and RBM functions.
I 1L.
p l
l l+ n l
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 8 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Cale No: NEDC 98 024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation
. NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: &pg 4
Setpoint Calculation Date:
1998 Company's Name:
NPPD Reviewer-i Checked By:
,)e, f l9 1998 Date:
1998 i
- 4. METHODOLOGY 4.1 Instrument Channel Arranaement 4.1.1 Channel Diazmm (References 12,13,30)
Flow Unit Channel RRC FLOW UNI
TRIP Other LPRMs 1
P Nebraska Public Power Distict Sheet 9 of 65
- ~~
0'ESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98 024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: (Agg Setpoint Calculation Date:
r//f 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h, NPPD Reviewer:
/9 1998 Date:
4.1.2 Definition of Channels The APRM channel (loop) consists of the LPRM neutron detector inputs and electronic signal conditioning equipment for the neutron flux trip logic. In addition to above, the flow biased trip logic includes input frota the recirculation flow signal. The APRM panel electronics is located in the main control room.
i The RBM channel (loop) consists of the LPRM neutron detector inputs along with an APRM j
power trip reference input. The RBM panel electronics is located in the main control room.
The Flow Unit channel (loop) consist of the recirculation transmitter input to the flow unit which outputs to the APRM and RBM for flow biased trips (also output to Flow Unit Rod i
Block trip). The recirculation loop flow transmitters are located in the reactor building on instrument rack 25-7, northwest 859' elevation (Reference 11).
I 4.1.3 Instrument Definition and Determination of Den.. ? Error Ter_ms s Instrument Definition Reference
APRM/RBM Channels CIC:
NM-NAM-AR2,3,4,7,8,9 ( APRMS) 17 NM-NAM-ARS,6 (RBMS) 17 Manufacturer:
GE 26,30 Model:
K605 52 Upper Range Limit (UR):
125 %
24,25,26 Calibrated Range:
0-125% Power 24,25,26 Calibrated Span (SP):
0-125% Power 24,25,26 Output Signal:
0-10 Vdc 24.26 Vendor Perf. Specs:
See Section Flow Transmitter CIC:
RR-FT-110A-D 17 Manufacturer:
GE 26,30 Model:
Type 555 8,27 Upper Range Limit (UR):
850 in WC 27 Calibrated Range:
0-125% Flow 30
( 5.7 in WC to 403.2 in WC) 11 Calibrated Span (SP):
125 %
30 (408.9" WC)
Input Signal:
differential pressure 1I Output Signal:
10-50 mV 11 (across precision 1 ohm resistor)
Vendor Perf. Specs:
See Section 1
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 10 of 65 CESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. 0 NPPD Generated Calculatiori Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: go_ / g Setpoint Calculation Date:
y//9 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:
/q Date:
1998 Date:
1998 a
Elow Unit Manuf:
GE 32 Input Signals (2) 10 - 50 mA 32 Output Signal 0 - 10 Volts 32 Vendor Perf. Specs:
See Section Process and Physical Interfaces APRM/RBM/ Flow Unij Reference Calibration Temperature 60 - 90 *F 14 Range:
Calibration Interval 6 months (+25% grace) APRM 19 18 months (+25% grace) RBM 49 Normal Plant Conditions Temperature:
60 - 90 *F 14 2
1.75x10 R(TID,40 yrs) 48 Pressure:
0.10" to 1.0" WG 14 Humidity:
40% - 50% R.H.
14 Trip Emironment Conditions -(if required):
60 - 90 *F 14 2
1.78x10 R(TID,40 yrs) 48 Pressure:
0.10" to 1.0" WG 14 Humidity:
40% - 50% R.H.
14 Temperature Range for Trip condition Error Calculations:
f(max trip temp - min calib temp)
I 90 - 60 = 30 *F i
Tot. Temp range ( AT ) = urger of l
or T
l (max calib temp - min trip temp) i l
90 - 60 = 30 7
= 30 7 Temp range for DTE calc ( ATo)
= max calib temp - min calib temp
= 90 - 60 = 30 *F
= AT - ATo Temp range for ATE calc (ATAT)
= 30 - 30 = 0 7 Temperature Ra ige for Normal condition Error Calculations:
f(max norm temp - min calib temp) = 30 *F Tot. T mp range ( ATu) = larger of l
or L(max calib temp - min norm temp) = 30 7 i
r-Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 11 of 65
~~~ ~
DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: cs pg Setpoint Calculation Date:
p//r 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h.
m NPPD Reviewer:
k[r) 1998 Date:
1998 Date:
Temp range for DTE calc ( ATo)
= max calib temp - min calib temp
= 90 - 60 = 30 F Temp range for ATE calc (ATAs)
= ATu-ATo
= 30 - 30 = 0 *F Seismic Conditions -(if required):
Prior to Function:
N/A Assumption 3.1 During Function:
N/A Assumption 3.1 Process Conditions -(if required):
During Calibration:
N/A Worst Case:
N/A During Function:
N/A Flow Transmitter Calibration Temperature 65 - 104 *F 20 Range:
Calibration Interval 18 months (+25% grace) 19,20 Normal Plant Conditions i
40 - 104 *F 14 Radiation:
5.2x10' R (TID,40 yrs) 48 Pressure:
-0.10" to -1.0" WG 14 Humidity:
20% - 90% R.H.
14 Trip Environment Conditions Temperature:
40 - 104 'F 14 Radiation:
5.2x10' R (TID,40 yrs) 14 Pressure:
-0.10" to 1.0" WG 14 Humidity:
20% - 90% R.H.
14 Temperature Range for Trip condition Error Calculations:
f(max trip temp - min calib temp) l 104 - 65 = 39 *F
Tot. Temp range ( AT ) = larger of I
or T
I (max calib temp - min trip temp)
L = 104 - 40 = 64 *F
= 64 *F Temp range for DTE calc ( ATo )
= max calib temp - min calib temp
= 104 - 65 = 39 *F
= AT - ATo Temp range for ATE calc (AT r)
= 64 - 39 = 25 *F
- 1 Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 12 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: /7p.. g @
Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//9 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h,
,imu NPPD Reviewer:
'T Date:
JmL 19 1998 Date:
1998 f
Temperature Range for Normal condition Error Calculations:
f(max norm temp - min calib temp) = 39 'F Tot. Temp range ( ATw) = larger of l
or L(max calib temp - min norm temp) = 64 *F
= 64 'F Temp range for DTE calc ( ATo)
= max calib temp - min calib temp
= 104 - 65 = 39 'F Temp range for ATE calc (ATm)
= ATs-ATo
= 64 - 39 = 25 *F Seismic Conditions-(if required):
Prior to Function:
0 Assumption 3.2 During Function:
0 Assumption 3.2 Process Conditions -(if required):
During Calibration:
N/A Worst Case:
N/A During Function:
N/A Determination ofIndividual Device Accuracies All accuracy error contributions are random variables unless otherwise noted. Vendor Accuracy (VA) APRM Charmel Valug Sji.gma Reference VA (LPRM Card) = 0.8% FS 2
33,35 VA (LPRM/APRM) = ((0.8 % )/ [SQRT (11 Iprms)]} x 125%
= 0.30% Power 35 VA (APRM Avg. Circuit) = 0.8% FS 2
= 0.8% x 125%
= 1.00% Power VA (Trip Unit Fixed) = 1%FS 2
= 1% x (125%)
= 1.25% Power VA (Trip Unit Flow-Biased) = 1% FS 2
= 1% x (125%)
= 1.25% Power
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 13 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: M(J(
Setpoint Calculation Date:
- 7// 9 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h.
a, NPPD Reviewer:
j Date:
/9 1998 Date:
1998 VA (Flow Trans.nitter) = 0.4% Span 2
8 VA (RR Flow Element) = 2% Rated Flow 2
28 1 RBM Channel
33,35 VA (LPRM/RBM) = (0.8% )/ [SQRT (21prms)] x 125%
= 0.707 % Power VA (Signal Conditioning Eq.) = 1.32% FS 2
= 1.32% x (125%)
= 1.65% Power VA,(Trip Unit) = 0.5% FS 2
= 0.5% x (125%)
= 0.63% Power Flow Unit
VA,(Flow Unit.)= 2.0 % FS 2
32 VA;(Flow Tmnsmitter) = 0.4% Span 2
8 VA (RR Flow Element) = 2% Rated Flow 2
28 i
1 Accuracy Temperature Effect (ATE)
ATE for the recirculation GEMAC 555 flow transmitter per Reference 8, is 11% span per 100 *F at 100% to 50% span and i 1% to i2% of span per 100 *F from 49% to 20% span As shown in the calibrated span is 408.9 in WC which corresponds to 48.1% of the 850 in WC upper range limit. The temperature coeflicient for 48.1% span is obtained by linear extrapolation to be:
50 - 48.1 Temp Coeff = 1 + 1 x
= 1.06 % span per 100 deg F 50 - 20 Therefore, for ATEu calculation where ATm = 25" F (from
ATEw (Flow Transmitter) = 1.06% span x 25* F/100* F = 0.27% span
i Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 14 of 65
- ~
DESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Cale No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. 0 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD i
Generated Calculation
. NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: /7dd M Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//f 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
, NPPD Reviewer:
i w-Date:
f l9 1998 Date:
1998 Other Errors (Recirculation Flow Loop)
Valug Sigina Reference OPE: 0 Assumption 3.10 SPE: 0.88% span 2
Assumption 3.15 SE: 0 Assumption 3.2 RE: 0 Assumption 3.8 HE: 0 Assumption 3.14 PSE: 0 Assumption 3.13 REE: 0 Assumption 3.19 Accuracy Values The identified accuracy error contributions are combined using the SRSS method to determine total device accuracy under normal conditions. The device accuracy is normalized to a 2 sigma co Jidence level, and is given by:
A = 2 x SQRT((VA /n)* + (ATE /n)* + (OPE /n)' + (SPEj/n)* +
i i
(SEj/n) + (REj/n)* + (HEj/n)' + (PSEj/n)* + (REEj/n) ) +
any bias terms Where the terms inside the square root sign are the randem portions of the ir.dividual effects, and 'n' is the sigma value assocized with each individual effect. Normal Accuracy For the APRM and RBM channels, there are several desices in the loop. Thus first the device accuracies under normal conditions will be calculated.
VA (APRM and LPRM) = 2 x SQRT (( VAip./2)2 + VA,p /2)2 ))
= 2 x SQRT ((0.30/2)2 + (1.00/2)2)
= 1.044 % Power 2 sigma
- 2. Accuracy of APRM Trip Unit ATU (Flow Biased Trip Unit)
= 1.25 % Power j
ATU (Fixed Trip Unit)
= 1.25 % Power i
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 15 cf 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD i
Generated Calculation l
NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: r;o_ j gf A
'Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//p 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:
7 Date:
/7 1998 Date:
1998 n
v b) Accuracy of devices in the flow loop
- 1. Accuracy of Flow Transmitter VA GMAC 555 = 0.40% span SPE GMAC 555 = 0.88% span at 1,000 psig Arr = 2x SQRT[(0.40/2)2 + (0.88/2)2 + (0.27/2)2 ]
= 1.00% span = 4.08 in WC The flow crror at the output of the flow unit due to this Art error from both loop transmitters has been calculated in Appendix B to be:
Fr Error = 0.7366 % flow
- 2. Accuracy of Flow Element The Flow Element error from the venturis used in the flow 4
loops is 2% flow per loop (Ref. 28). The flow error at the output of the flow unit due to this error from both loop flow elements has been calculated in Appendix B to be:
FE Error = 1.414 % flow
- 3. Accuracy of Flow Unit The Flow Unit error for is 2% FS (Ref. 32). The flow error at the output of the flow unit due to this error has been calculated in Appendix B to be:
FU Error = 2.5 % flow
- 4. Total Flow Channel Accuracy The total flow error due to the 2 transmitters, 2 flow elements and the I flow unit is:
f 13 f
13 f
13 10.7366 I1 1.414 I,j 25 [
AFC (ft+ fe + fu) = 2 t 2 >
L 2 s i2e
= 2.965 % flow This flow error can be converted to power error by multiplying by the Flow Control Trip Reference (FCTR) slope, which refers to the slope of the power / flow line (Ref.1).
FCTR slope = 0.58 (W coeflicient)
(Ref. 3)
Therefore AFC = 0.58 x 2 965 = 1,720 % power
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 16 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 R'w. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM AR 2,3,4 J,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: gfjg Setpoint Calculation Date:
-///P 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h.
NPPD Reviewer:
m r
1(a (9
1998 Date:
1998 2
- 1. Accuracy of RBM Unit (including LPRM) from is VA(RBM and LPRM) = 2 x SQRT((0.707/2)2 + (l.65/2)2)
= 1.80 % Power
- 2. Accuracy of RBM Trip Unit is:
VA (Trip Unit) = 0.63% Power I
- 3. Total Channel Accuracies The total channel accuracies for the various APRM and RBM functions are:
- 1. APRM Fixed Am.r, = 2 x SQRT ((VNn)2 (lprm + aprm) + (ATU/n)2 (fixed trip unit))
Am.t. = 2 x SQRT((1.044/2)2 + (1.16/2)2 )
Am r = 1.63% Power
- 2. APRM Flow Blased Am.S = 2 x SQRT ((VNn)2 (lprm + aprm)
+ (ATU/n)2 (f.b. trip unit) + (AFC/n)2 (ft+fe+fu))
Am.S = 2 x SQRT((l.044/2)2 + (1.25/2)2 + (l.720/2)2)
Am.m = 2.37 % Power
- 3. RBM Power Function Am.Rau, = 2 x SQRT ((VNn)2 (Iprm + aprm)
+ (ATU/n)2 (trip unit))
Am.gnug = 2 x SQRT ((1.044/2)2 + (0.63/2)2 )
Am.nau, = 1.22% Power
- 4. RBM Trio Function Am.anu, = 2 x SQRT ((VNn)2 (lprm + rbm)
+ (ATU/n)2 (trip unit))
Am.nau, = 2 x SQRT ((l.80/2)2 + (0.63/2)2 )
Ameu., = 1.91% Power 1
I l
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 17 of 65 CESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. 0 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Parpared By: gpdg Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/g 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h.
NPPD Reviewer:
l4 1998 Date:
1998 Date: Trio Accuracy Since the normal and trip emironments are the same, per assumption 3.14, the accuracy under trip conditions is the same as accuracy under normal conditions.
l Determination ofIndividual Device Drift Vendor Drift (VD)
The drift for APRM Trip Units was derived from analysis of site calibration data, and for the rest of the APRM and RBM processing electronics channels the drifts were derived from vendor drift and accuracy specifications.
- 1. APRM Channel Drift (6 month + 25% erace = 7.5 months) a) APRM Electronics DriA 1.LPRM and APRM Unit Drift The specified driA for the LPRM and APRM Units are:
LPRM = 0.8 % FS / 8 Weeks 2 sigma (Ref. 33)
APRM = 0.5 % FS / 700 Hours 2 sigma (Ref. 34) the drift times specified in the above specifications are longer than the weekly calibration interval of the APRM electronics based on heat balance and process computer calculations. Therefore, conservatively the above drif. values will be used as is (without reduction) in the drift calculation.
As done for VA in, the drift error due to LPRM cards is reduced by the square root of the minimum number of LPRMs in the APRM channel. Thus the APRM clectronics drift error is:
O.8 ' '
= 0.555 % FS l(
= 0.555 x 1.25 % Power
= 0.694 % Power i
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 18 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS Sl!EET Cale No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. ')
NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: gg_ p g Setpoint Calculation Date:
-///p 1998 Company's Name:
h,,a Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:
,)ul li 1998 Date:
- 2. APRM Trip Unit Drift The drift error for the Trip Units was determined by analyzing field data by program Y-GEITAS (and GEITAS) as described in Appendix A. Results of this calculation show that the Trip Units drift for 7.5 is 1.34 % Power:
DTU (fixed trip) = 1.34 % Power DTU (flow-biased trip) = 1.34 %
b) Flow Channel Drift
- 1. Flow transmitter Drift Specified vendor drift is:
VD (GEMAC 555) = 0.40% span per 6 months Assumption 3.5 Therefore the drift for 22.5 months is:
= 0.40% x SQRT(22.5 mo / 6 mo) for 22.5 mo.
= 0.775 % span The DTE value for the flow transmitter is:
DTE = 0.413 % span from section
Therefore the total drift for the flow transmitter is:
Dn (flow transmitter) =2 x SQRT ((VDocuAc 555/n)' + (DTE/n)2)
Drr = 2 x SQRT((0.775/2)2 + (0.413/2)2)
= 0.878 % span
= 0.00878 fraction of span to convert flow transmitter drift in % span to % flow, use the method shown in Appendix B (equation 10) and substitute Dn in place of Arr.
Thus the error due flow transmitter drift is:
FTD = 73.66 x Dn = 0.647 % flow
- 2. Flow Unit Drift From Ref. 32 the flow unit drill is specified to be:
Dm = 1.25 % FS / 700 Hours Since the flou units are checked every month, it is assumed that the above drift is applicable for calculation.
I Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 19 of 65
Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD l
Generated Calculation l
NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: 1g g4 Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/yg 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:N(
NPPD Resiewer:
1998 Date':
1998 Therefore the error due to flow unit drift is:
FUD = 1.25 x 10/8 = 1.56 % flow
- 3. Flow Element Drift The flow element drift is assumed to be negligible.
FED = 0
- 4. Total Flow Channel Drift The total driA of the flow channel is:
DFC = 2 x SQRT ( (FTD/n)2 + (FUD/n)2 + (FED /n)2 )
= 1.689 % flow 2
2, s
u r
To convert this flow channel error in % flow to % Power, multiply by the FCTR slope shown in DFC = 0.58 x 1.689 % Power
= 0.98 % Power l
- 2. RBM Channel (6 month + 25% erace = 7.5 months) Drift i
The RBM specifications (Ref. 22) does not specify drift for the RBM signal conditioning equipment, hence it is assumed that the drift for 6 months is equal to the vendor accuracy. (Ref. 5)
VD (signal cond. equipment) = VA x SQRT( 7.5 mo. / 6 mo.)
MA fl$NW
= 1.65% x SQRT (7.5 / 6)
= 1.84 % Power As described in the APRM drift calculation above, the drift of the LPRM electronics is 0.8% FS (or 0.8 x 1.25 = 1.0% Power). Also, for RBM, the minimum number of LPRMs is 2. Therefore the overall drift of the RBM signal conditioning electronics is:
( 1.00 3
- Mk S8 I
= 1,91 % Power
+( 2,
1 2
.z y.
l Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 20 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET 4
Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Snerated Ca'culation Resiew of Non NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: gL ff g, Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/f) 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: M/[d[
NPPD Reviewer:
1 Date:
1998 Date:
1998 b) RBM Trip Unit Drift For the RBM Trip Unit, the vendor specification (Ref. 22) states that the driA for the maximum calibration period (assumed to be equal to the i
maximum previous calibration of 3 months plus 25% grace, or 3.75 months)is 0.4 % FS.
I Drift (3.75 month) = (0.4% x 125) % Power = 0.50 % Power Therefore the driA for 7.5 months is:
DTU (rbm trip) = 0.5% x SQRT (7.5 mo. / 3.75 mo.)
= 0.5% x SQRT (7.5 / 3.75) l1T
= 0.71%
DTU (rbm power) = 0.5% x SQRT (7.5 mo. / 3.75 mo.)
= 0.5% x SQRT (7.5 / 3.75)
= 0.71 % Power Drift Temocrature Effect (DTE)
The only device in the APRM system that has a drift temperature effect is the GEMAC 555 flow transmitter. For this device the error temperature coefficient is 1.06% span per 100*F (from Therefore:
DTE = (1.06% /100*F) x ATo, where ATo = 39*F (section
DTE = (l.06/100) x 39 i
DTE = 0.413% span This DTE value has been included in the flow transmitter drift shown in Drift Values The total Device Drift Error is calculated by SRSS combination of the random portion of vendor drift and the DTE errors, and normalizing to 2 sigma. Bias errors are added (or subtracted) separately.
D,= 2 x SQRT((VDu, / n)2 + (DTE, / n)2 ) + any bias terms The overall drift for the various charmels is obtained by SRSS addition of the total drifts of the desices in that channel, and is shown below:
i 9-Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 21 of 65
- ~~~
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Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/.70 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: /Afd Td NPPD Reviewer:
7/Jo /
1998 Date:
1998 a) APRM Flow Biased Channel Drift 2
2 Da,= 2 x SQRT [VD (APRM and LPRM) + DTU (Flow Biased Trip 2
Unit) + DFC (Flow Channel)]
= 2 x SQRT [(0.694/2)2 + (1.34/2 ) + (0.980/2 ))
2 2
= 1.80 % Power b) APRM Fixed Channel Drift 2
Dr,x= 2 x SQRT [VD (APRM and LPRM) 2
+ DTU (Fixed Trip Unit)]
= 2 x SQRT [(0.694/2)2 + (l.34/2 )]
= 1.51 % Power c) RBM Power Channel Drift 2
Daauw = 2 x SQRT [VD (LPRM and APRM) +
2 DTU (RBM Power)]
= 2 x SQRT [(0.694/2)2 + (0.71/2 )]
CS 2
= 0.99 % Power 7/3N d) RBM Trip Channel Drift 2
2 Danwern, = 2 x SQRT [VD (RBM and LPRM) + DTU (RBM Trip)]
gg 2
= 2 x SQRT [(1.91/2)' + (0.71/2 )j TMgf
= 2.04 % Power Establishina As-Left Tolerances The As-Left Tolerance for the APRM and RBM channels are established as shown below. All values are assumed to be 3-sigma unless otherwise specified.
% Power Rg[
0.10 1.251prm Assumption 3.17 i
0.10 1.25 aprm nf fixed high scram 9
2 ALT A =
0.08 1.0 aprm downscale rod block 9
2 ALT 3 =
0.10 1.25 aprm nf f-b scram 9
ALT 4=
0.10 1.25 aprm nf f-b rod block 9
0.05 0.5 aprm nf setdown scram 9
3 ALT. =
0.05 0.5 aprm nf setdown rod block 9
ALT 2 =
1.0 ( AGAF)
Assumption 3.17
1 Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 22 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: g/(jf.4 Setpoint Calculation Date:
///f 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h, NPPD Reviewer:
,w v-Jw(a l9 1998 Date:
1998 Date:
M de/Vdc
%Bi M
0.20 0.5 xmit output. I mV/ImA 11 ALT,=
0.01 0.01 test current, Sq Rt input 11 ALT o =
0.005 0.05 Sq Rt Output 11 i
ALTu =
0.01 0.1 Summer Output Assmnption 3.18 Since the transmitter is spanned to 125% of rated flow multiply %FS by 1.25% flow to obtain % flow for the above ALTs. Therfore:
ALT = 0.5 x 1.25% flow = 0.625 % flow ALT, = 0.01 x 1.25% flow = 0.0125 % flow ALT o = 0.05 x 1.25% flow = 0.0625 % flow i
ALTn = 0.1 x 1.25% flow = 0.125 % flow i
To convert % flow to % power for the above ALTs, multipy by FCTR = 0.58.
ALT = 0.625 x 0.58 = 0.36 % power ALT, = 0.0125 x 0.58 = 0.01% power ALT o = 0.0625 x 0.58 = 0.04% power i
ALTn = 0.125 x 0.58 = 0.07 % power
% Power M
ALTi =
t 10 1.25 Iprm Assumption 3.17 ALTn =
0.10 1.251 psp 10 i
ALT. =
0.10 1.25 ipsp 10 i
ALT s =
0.10 1.25 hpsp 10 i
ALTm =
0.10 1.25 disp 10 ALTn =
0.08 1.00 itsp 10 ALTis =
0.10 1.25 itsp 10 ALT, =
0.09 1.131; tsp 10 i
4 Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 23 of 65 l
DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: /7d _ #d4. i Setpoint Calculation Date:
7Mp 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h,
,g,A NPPD Reviewer:
19 1998 Date:
1998 Determination of Device Calibration Error (Refs. 9.12)
- 1. APRM Channels Flow Flow Control Trip Unit Reference Unit LPRM INPUT LPRM APRM l APRM TRIP SIMULATOR CARDS UNIT UNIT C3 Cl C2 C3std Clstd C2sid Calibration Eauipment Ci = DVM Fluke 45 or Fluke 8600A CSTD = C i
C = DVM Fluke 45 or Fluke 8600A 2
CSTD = C2 2
C3 = DVM Fluke 45 or Fluke 8600A CSTD = C3 3
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 24 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET
- Calc No: NEDC 98 024 Rev. 0 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: g /gLc4 Setpoint Calculation Date:
///f _
1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:
,m 7
1(g /1 1998 Date:
1998 Date:
- 2. APRM Flow Reference Channel (Refs 9. I1.12)
C4Ba C5B,a.
FLOW UNIT C8 C8a C4A CSA C6A C7A C4a C5,ta C7A,4 Calibrgi_on Eauipment Cu.s = Pneumatic Calibrator CE 1120 CSTDu.a = Dead Weight Tester Ametek RK C e = DVM Fluke 45, Fluke 8502A, or Fluke 8600A 3
CSTD3a = C3e C e = DVM Fluke 45, Fluke F
_ Fluke 8600A 6
CSTD e = C6o i
6 C7o = DVM Fluke 45, Fluke 8502A, or Fluke 8600A CSTD7u = C7o Ce = DVM Fluke 45, Fluke 8502A, or Fluke 8600A CSTD, = C.
I Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 25 of 65 CESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM NAM-AR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: god gf_4 Setpoint Calculation Date:
y//p 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h.
NPPD Reviewer:
Y' Date:
Il I9 1998 Date:
- 3. RBM Channel (Refs.10.12)
l C9 l
C9std Calibration Eauioment l
= DVM Fluke 45 or Fluke 8600A CSTD, = C, Device Calibration Tool Error The APRM and RBM channels are calibrated using Digital Voltmeters (DVM) widch can be the Fluke '45, Fluke 8502A, or Fluke 8600A per References 9,10. The DVMs are sent off site for calibration against a standard. Therefore the calibration tool ertor is assumed to be equal to
1-the calibration standard error. The least accurate DVM calibration tool is i
used as bounding in this calculation. (References 37,40,50)
The recirculation flow loop transmitter is calibrated with a pneumatic calibrator which can be an Ametek or Crystal Engineering, per References 11,21. The least accurate pneumatic calibrator tool is used as bounding in this calculation. The pneumatic calibrator tool is in turn calibrated by an Ametek type RK deadweight tester, Reference 21.
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///P 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:
mo Y
,)u (
(f 1998 Date:
1998 v Device Calibration Error The Calibration Error ( C,) for Device "i" is the SRSS combination of the As Left Tolerance (ALT), and the errors due to input and output calibration tools (including tool accuracy and readability and the error of the calibration standards). Thus, on a 2 sigma basis the calibration crror is:
C, = 2 x SQRT( (ALT / n )' + (CTOOL,/ n),2 + (CREAD,/ n),2 +
i (CSTD, / n ),2 + (CTOOLo. / n),2 + (CREADu /n),' +
(CSTDom/ n),2 )i any bias terms where 'n' is the sigma value associated with each individual term. Device Calibration Error Values Since the values of ALT, CTOOL, CREAD and CSTD are controlled by 100% testing, they are assumed to represent 3 sigma values. Vendor j
- Accuracy is written as " Vendor Accur. or VA" below.
- 1. APRM Channels Item Cal. Instrument Description Errpr C
DVM Fluke 45 Vendor Accur.
0.025% reading + 6 i
digits Range =10 Vdc Display Exp
-3 (Ref. 37)
Temp. Comp. 0.1 x VA per *C/(T-28) *C Resolution 100 microVdc CREADi N/A(digital)
For DVM 10.000 Vdc = 125% Power on APRM meter, range = 10 Vde, and maximum calibration temperature 90 deg F = 32 deg C. Therefore, CTOOL = SQRT {[0.025% x 10 Vdc + 6 digits x 10]2 i
+ [0.1 x (0.025% x 10 Vdc + 6 digits x 10-3 ) x (32-28) *C]2
+ (100 microVdc)2)
CTOOL = 0.0092 Vdc i
= (0.0092 Vdc /10 Vde) x 100% = 0.092 % FS
= 0.092% FS x (1.25 % Power /100% FS)
= 0.115 % Power CREAD = 0 Vdc = 0.000% FS = 0.000% Power And since items C and C3 are idemical to Ci and use the same range:
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 27 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: 41 fg Setpoint Calculation Date:
'7//9 1998 Company's Name:
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NPPD Reviewer:
Date: 1l l *)
1998 Date:
1998 CTOOL = CTOOL = CTOOL = 0.115 % Power 2
3 CREAD = CREAD = CREAD = 0.000 % Power i
2 3
The calibration standard error for each TOOL in the fixed neutron flux channel is conservatively assumed to be equal to the calibration tool error.
CSTDi = CSTD = CSTD = 0.I15 % Power 2
- 2. APRM Flow Reference Channel item Cal Instrument Description Error C4rs Pneu calib Vendor Acc.
0.1% FS + 1 digit (4 digit display)
Display Exp.
-1 Temp. Comp.
0.39 %
(Assump. 3.21)
Read N/A (digital)(Ref. 38)
CSTD4rs Ametek RK VA 0.05% ofind (Ref. 39)
C3rs DVM Fluke 45 (range = 100 mVde)
VA 0.025% reading + 6 digits Disp Exp
-2 Temp. Comp. 0.1 x VA per C/(T-28) *C Resolution 1 microVdc Read N/A (digital)
C6Ss DVM Fluke 45 (range = 100 mVde)
VA 0.025% reading + 6 digits Disp Exp
-2 Temp. Comp.
0.1 x VA per 'C/(T-28) C Resolution 1 microVdc Read N/A (digital)
Cws DVM Fluke 45 (range = 10 Vde)
Cs DVM Fluke 45 (range = 10 Vde) l t
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 28 cf 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation
- NM-NAM-AR2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: gfgg Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//7 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By h.
,,a NPPD Reviewer:
y --
l4 1998 Date:
.__ 1998
Calibration Error for C4o Pneumatic calibrator = 0 - 830 in WC; therefore:
CTOOL4 = SQRT[(0.1% FS x 830 inWC + 1 x 10 )2 4
+ (0.39% FS x 830 inWC)2]
= 3.37 in WC over span of 408.9 in WC
= (3.37 in WC/ 408.9 in WC) x 100% = 0.824% FS
= 0.824% FS x (1.25 % Power /100% FS)
= 1.03% Power i
- Also, CREAD4 = 0 or 0.000% FS Calibration Errvr for CSTDu.s Unit = Ametek Type RK deadweight tester, Range = 830 in WC CSTD 4e = 0.05% x 830
= 0.415 in WC (over span of 408.9 in WC)
= (0.415 in WC / 408.9 in WC) x 100%
= 0.101 % FS x (1.25 % Power /100% FS)
= 0.126% Power Calibration Error for Cso Unit: DVM Fluke 45; Range: 100.00 mV de, Reading = 50.00 mVdc Max Calib Temp = 40 deg C Therefore:
CTOOL = SQRT{(0.025% x 50 mVdc + 6 x 10 2):
+ [0.1 x (0.025% x 50 mVdc + 6 x 10 2) x 12*C]2
+ (1 microVdc)2)
= 0.113 mVdc
= (0.113 mVdc/40.0 mAdc) x 100%
= 0.283% FS x (1.25 % Power /100% FS)
= 0.353% Power CREAD = 0 or 0.000% FS 5
Calibration Error for CSTDsu Assume calibration standard error is equal to the tool error
CSTD3 = CTOOL = 0.353% Power 3
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 29 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Cale No: NEDC 98424 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared Dy: g/(;g Setpoint Calculation Date:
p//p 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: d, NPPD Reviewer:
,m Date:
1998 Date:
1998 Calibration Error for C u 6
Unit: DVM Fluke 45; Range: 100.00 mV de, Reading = 50.00 mVdc Max Calib Temp = 32 deg C Therefore:
CTOOL = SQRT{(0.025% x 50 mVdc + 6 x 10 2)2 6
+ [0.1 x (0.025% x 50 mVdc + 6 x 10-2) x 4 C]2
+ (1 microVdc)2)
= 0.078 mVdc
= (0.113 mVde/40.0 mAde) x 100%
= 0.195% FS x (l.25 % Power /100% FS)
= 0.244% Power
- Also, CREAD = 0 or 0.000% FS 6
Calibration Error for C6.asm Assume calibration standard error is equal to the tool error CSTD6 = CTOOL = 0.244% Power 6
Calibration Error for Ctu Unit: DVM Fluke 45; Range = 10.000 Vdc at 100% FS CTOOL, = 0.0092 Vdc = 0.092 % FS
= 0.092% FS x (1.25 % Power /100% FS)
= 0.115% Power CREAD, = 0 or 0.000% FS Calibration Error for CSTD7u Assume calibration standard error is equal to the tool error CSTD, = CTOOL, = 0.115 % Power Calibration Error for C.
Unit: DVM Fluke 45; Range = 10.000 Vdc at 100% FS CTOOLs = 0.0092 Vdc = 0.092% FS
= 0.092% FS x (l.25 % Power /100% FS)
= 0.I15% Power CREADs = 0 or 0.000% FS Calibration Error for CSTDs Assume calibration standard error is equal to the tool error CSTD3 = CTOOLs = 0.115% Power
i o
r Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 30 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: no, fg4 Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//f 1998 Company's Name:
% f,
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NPPD Reviewer:
7 1
i Date:
(9 1998 Date:
- 3. Overall APRM Channel Calibration Errors The overall 2 sigma calibration errors for the various APRM functions is obtained by SRSS addition of the 3 sigma loop errors one to calibration tools, calibration standards and As Left Tolerance (ALT). Since all the calibration equipment is well maintained and tested, it is asumed that the i
C, and C,STD values given above are 3 sigma values. Also, since the instruments are always kept within ALT after calibration, the ALT valves listed in the calibration procedures (and shown in represent 3 i
sigma values. Thus the overall 2 sigma calibration errors for the various APRM functions is obtained from:
C. = 2 x SQRT{I(ALT /n)2 + I(CTOOL/n)2 + I(CREAD/n)2 t
+ I(CSTD/n)2) a) For APRM flow biased scram (ALT /3)2 + (ALTd3): +
CosenAu = 2 x SQRT {(ALT /3)2 +
i 2(ALTs/3)2 + 2(ALTd3)2 + 2(ALT d3)2 + (ALTn/3)2 i
+ (CTOOL /3)2 + (CTOOL /3)2 + (CTOOL /3)2 i
2 3
+ 2(CTOOL /3)2 + 2(CTOOLd3)2 + 2(CTOOLd3)2 4
(CTOOLs/3)2 + (CSTD /3)2 +
+ 2(CTOOLd3)2 +
i (CSTD/3)2 + 2(CSTD,a/3)2 (CSTD/3)2 4A
,D 3) + 2(CSTD643/3)2 + 2(CSTD7A.3 3)2 +
SA (CSTD /3)2}
CosenAu = 2 x SQRT {(1.25/3)2 + (1.25/3)2 + (1.0/3)2 + 2(0.36/3)2 +
(0.07/3)2 (0.115/3)2,
2(0.01/3)2 2(0.04/3)2
2(1.03/3)2 + 2(0.353/3)2 (0.115/3)2 (0.115/3)2 +
2(0.244/3)2 + 2(0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2,
+ 2(0.353/3)2,
j (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + 2(0.126/3)2 2(0.244/3)2 + 2(0.I15/3)2 + (0.;15/3)2y i
CSSCRAM = 1.82% Power b) For APRM flow biased rod block CSaa = 2 x SQRT {(ALT /3)2 + (ALT /3)2 + (ALTd3)2 + 2(ALTs/3)2 i
+ 2(ALT,/3)2 + 2(ALT d3)2 + (ALTn/3)2 + (CTOOL /3)2 i
+ (CTOOLd3)2 + (CTOOL/3)2 + 2(CTOOL4A3/3)2
+ 2(CTOOL x3/3)2 + 2(CTOOL6A3/3)2 + 2(CTOOL7A3/3)2 3
+ (CTOOLs/3)2 + (CSTD /3)2 + (CSTD/3)2 + (CSTD/3)2 i
+ 2(CSTD4A3/3)2 + 2(CSTD o/3)2 + 2(CSTD6A3/3) 3
+ 2(CST ;A3/3)2 + (CSTD/3)2)
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 31 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation
' NM-NAM AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: ggg Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//r 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h, NPPD Reviewer:
\\ y --
1 11 1998 Date:
1998 Date:
Cuan = 2 x SQRT ((l.25/3)2 + (l.25/3)2 + (l.0/3)2 + 2(0.36/3)2
+ 2(0.01/3)2 + 2(0.04/3)2 + (0.07/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115S)2
+ (O.I15/3)2 + 2(l.03/3)2 + 2(0.353/3)2 + 2(0.244/3)2
+ 2(0.115/3)' + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2
+ (O.I15/3)2 + 2(0.126/3)2 + 2(0.353/3)2 + 2(0.244/3)2
+ 2(0.I15/3)2 + (O.I15/3)2)
Cuas = 1.82 % Power c) For APRM neutron flux fixed high SCRAM Cr.. scam = 2 x SQRT {(ALT /3)' + (ALT /3)2 + (ALTd3)2 i
+ (CTOOL /3)2 + (CTOOL /3)* + (CTOOL/3)2 i
+ (CSTDi 3)2 + (CSTD /3)2 + (CSTD/3)2)
2 Cr.. scam = 2 x SQRT {(1.25/3)2 + (1.25/3)2 + (1.0/3)2 + (0.115/3)2
+ (0.115S)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115S)2
+ (0.1158)2)
Cr.-scam = 1.37% Power q
d) For APRM neutron flux downscale rod block
Cwas = 2 x SQRT {(ALTi
)' + (ALT d3)' + (CTOOL /3)'
/3 2
+ (CTOOL /3)' + (CTOOL/3)' + (CSTDi )'
/3 2
+ (CSTD/3)2 + (CSTD/3)2)
Cwas = 2 x SQRT ((1.25/3)2 + (1.0/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2
+ (O.I15/3)2 + (O.I15/3)' + (O.I15/3)' + (O.I15/3)2)
Cwas = 1.08% Power j
e) For APRM neutron flux fixed high scram - seldon n i
Co. scam = 2 x SQRT {(ALT /3)2 + (ALT /3)2 + (CTOOL /3)2 i
+ (CTOOL /3)2 + (CTOOLv3)2 + (CSTDiS)2 2
+ (CSTD /3)2 + (CSTD/3)2) 2 C. scam = 2 x SQRT {(1.25/3)2 + (0.5S)' + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2
+ (O.I15/3)2 + (O.I15/3)2 + (O.I15/3)2 + (O.I1SS)'}
C. scam = 0.92% Power f) For APRM neutron flux fixed rod block - setdown C.a3 = 2 x SQRT (( ALT /3)2 + (ALTd3)2 + (CTOOL /3)2 i
+ (CTOOLd3) + (CTOOL/3)2 + (CSTD /3)2 + (CSTD /3)'
i 2
+ (CSTD/3) )
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 32 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98 024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD j
Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: ga gg Setpoint Calet.lation Date:
7//p 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
_ NPPD Reviewer:
l9 1998 Date:
1998 = 2 x SQRT {(1.25/3)2 + (0.5/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2
+ (O.I15/3)2 + (0,115/3)2 + (O.I15/3)2 + (O.I15/3)2) = 0.92 % Power 3
- 4. RBM Channel item Cal. Instrument Description Error C,
DVM Fluke 45 Vendor Accur.
0.025% reading + 6 digits l
Range =10 Vdc Display Exp
-3 (Ref. 37)
Temp. Comp.
0.1 x VA per *C/(T-28) *C Resolution 100 microVdc CRead N/A (digital)
For DVM 10.000 Vdc = 125% Power on RBM meter, range = 10 Vde, and maximum calibration temperature 90 deg F = 32 deg C. Therefore, CTOOL, = SQRT {[0.025% x 10 Vdc + 6 digits x 10-2]2
+ [0.1 x (0.025% x 10 Vdc + 6 digits x 10': ) x (32 28) *C]2
+ (100 microVde)2) j
l CTOOL, = 0.0092 Vdc j
= (0.0092 Vdc /10 Vdc) x 100% = 0.092 % FS j
= 0.092% FS x 1.25 % Power
= 0.115 % Power CREAD, = 0 Vdc = 0.000% FS = 0.000% Power The calibration standard error for the is conservatively assumed to be i
equal to the calibration tool error. Therefore:
CSTD, = 0.115 % Power The overall 2 sigma calibration error including As Left Tolerance (ALT) is calculated from C = 2 x SQRT{(ALT /n)2 + (CTOOL/n)2 + (CREAD/n)2 + (CSTD/n)2)
This overall calibration errors for the various RBM functions, using the values of CTOOL, CREAD., and CSTD,from above and the appropriate i
ALTi values from subheading 2, are shown below :
l a) For RBM low power setpoint (LPSP)
Cip, = 2 x SQRT {(ALTi2/3)2 + (ALT 3/3)2 + (CTOOL,/3)2 i
+ (CSTD /3)2) 9 C, = 2 x SQRT {(1.25/3)2 + (1.25/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2g ip
r' Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 3'3 of 65 CES!ON CALCULATIONS SHEET
. Calc No: NEDC 98 024 Rev. O N1 u Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation
- NM-NAM AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: g /g_,/L Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//f 1998 Company's Name:
CheckM By: d.
__ NPPD Resiewer:
Al 19 1998 Date:
l Cip,, = 1.I8 % Power b) For RBM intermediate power setpoint (IPSP)
C = 2 x SQRT ((ALTi2/3)2 + (ALT /3)2 + (CTOOLv3)2 pp i
+ (CSTD/3)2)
C,p = 2 x SQRT {(1.25/3)2 + (1.25/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2) i C,p = 1.18% Power c) For RBM high power setpoint (HPSP)
Chp, = 2 x SQRT {(ALT /3)2 + (ALT /3)2 + (CTOOL/3)2 i
+ (CS1D/3)2)
Chp, = 2 x SQRT ((l.25/3)2 + (1.25/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2)
Cup.p = 1.18% Power d) For RBM downscale trip setpoint (DTSP)
% = 2 x SQRT {(ALT /3)2 + (Alli d3)2 + (CTOOLd3)2 C
i2 i
+ (CSTD/3)2)
C% = 2 x SQRT {(l.25/3)2 + (l.25/3)2 + (O.I15/3)2 + (O.I15/3)2)
C% = 1.18% Power e) For RBM low trip setpoint (LTSP)
Cn,, = 2 x SQRT {(ALT /3)2 + (ALTn/3)2 + (CTOOLd3)2 i
+ (CSTD/3)2)
Cni, = 2 x SQRT {(1.25/3)2 + (1.00/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2}
C i,p = 1.07% Power i
f) For RBM intermediate trip setpoint (ITSP)
C., = 2 x SQRT {(ALTi/3)2 + (ALTis/3)2 + (CTOOLd3)2
+ (CSTD/3)2}
Cop = 2 x SQRT {(1.25/3)2 + (1.25/3)2 + (0.115/3)2 + (0.115/3)2)
C., = 1.18% Power g) For RBM high trip setpoint (HTSP)
C wi., = 2 x SQRT (( ALT /3)2 + (ALT d3)2 + (CTOOLv3)2 i
+ (CSTD/3)2}
C% = 2 x SQRT {(1.25/3)2 + (l.13/3)2 + (O.I15/3)2 + (O.I15/3)2)
C p = 1.13% Power hi l
r 4
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 34 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98 024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-hTPD Generated Calculation
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~7//f 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: k NPPD Resiewer:
~ Date:
l9 1998 Date:
4.1.4 Determination of Loon / Channel Values For this calculation the loop contains several desices, thus the device error values for 4
Accuracy, Drift and Calibration are the same as those for the loop. These values have been reported in Section 4.1.3.
4.1.5 Determination of PEA and PMA I
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA):
APRM Chann.j e
The PEA is a combination of the GE-LPRM sensor sensitivity and sensor non-linearity uncertainties. The sensitivity of the detectors decreases with neutron influence. The average sensitivity loss, and its 2 sigma variation, for all GE LPRM detectors has been determined to be:
Sensor Sensitivity loss = 0.33 %
(bias term)
+/- 0.20%
(random term)
(Reference 4, section 4.5)
The detector non-linearity and its 2 sigma variation (in the power range) has been determined to be:
Sensor Non-linearity = 0.49%
(bias term)
+/- 1%
(random term)
(Reference 4, section 4.5)
The first part of these detector errors represent bias type errors which apply to all detectors whereas the second part are random errors that represent variability amongst the sensors.
Assuming a worst case senario where the APRM has the minimum number of operational detectors, the PEA, which on a percent of power basis, is simply obtained by adding the bias terms and taking the SRSS of the random terms, is calculated below. In the calculation, the random error is reduced by the square root of the minimum number of operable LPRMS to one APRM channel which are 11 per Reference 35.
Minimum number of LPRMS per APRM = 11 2
2 Therefore, PEA = (0.33 + 0.49)i(1/ sqrt II)(sqrt (0.20 +3 )
or PEA (APRM) = 0.82 i 0.31% power The first part of the PEA (0.82%) is treated as a drin term (DPEA) and 'he second part (i 0.31%) as an accuracy term (APEA).
The PEA value for the Westinghouse LPRM sensors instalkd at the Cooper site is given as 0.7 i 1% per Reference 52. In the present calculations the GE LPRM PEA error values will be used as they are more conservative.
r Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 35 of 65
~ ~~
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7//p 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: d
_ NPPD Reviewer:
,h I
]Q 1998 Date:
1998 Date:
BB_Bf Channej PEA is similar to that for the APRMS and equals 0.33 % (bias term)
+/- 0.20% (random term) and 0.49% (bias term)
+/- 1% (random term), respectively In the calculation, the random error is reduced by the square root of the minimum number of operable LPRMS to one RBM channel which are 2 per Reference 35.
Minimum number of LPRMS per RBM = 2 Therfore, PEA = (0.33 + 0.49)i(1/ sqrt 2 )(SQRT (0.20 +g2) 2 or PEA (RBM) = 0.82 i 0.72% power The first part of the PEA (0.82%) is treated as a drift term (DPEA) and the second part (
0.72%) as an accuracy term (APEA).
The value PEA value for the Westinghouse LPRM sensors installed at the Cooper site is given as 0.7 i 1% per Reference 52. Since the GE value is larger than the Westinghouse LPRM uncertainty value, the GE value will be used in the calculations.
Flow Unit The PEA for the flow channel venturis is included in the flow channel uncertainty, therefore no additional uncertainty is necessary, it follows that, PEA (Flow) =0
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA):
APRM Channel The PMA is a combination of the APRM tracking and the uncertainty due to neutron noise.
Considering the APRM neutron flux, for the MSIV closure transient event, the APRM tracking error is 1.11% and the uncertainty due to neutron noise is typically 2.0%, Reference
- 4. Flow noise is estimated to be 1.0% rated flow (0.58% power) per Reference 52. The tracking error is the uncertainty of the maximum deviation of APRM readings with LPRM failures or bypasses during a power transient. The neutron noise is the global neutron flux noise in the reactor core with a typical dominant frequency of approximately 0.3 to 0.5 Hertz and a typical maximum peak-to-peak amplitude of approximately 5 to 10 percent.
For neutron flux PMA = 2 x SQRT [(2.0/2)2 + (1.11/2)2] = 2.29% power (fixed)
For flow biased, PMA = 2 x SQRT[(1.11/2)2+ (2/Fr (0.58/2)2] =2.36% power (flow-biased)
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 36 of 65
- '"~
_ Calc No: NEDC 98 024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: ggg Setpoint Calculation Date:.
My 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:
m, y
<) al l9 1998 Date:
1998 aB1 The PMA of the RBM is a combination of the RBM tracking error and the uncertainty due to neutron noise. The uncertainty due to neutron noise is estimated to be the same as the APRM or 2.0% (2-sigma). The error calculated by comparing the reading with all LPRMS operable to readings with different combinations of LPRM failure is estimated to be within 1% (3-sigma) per Reference 52. A 3-sigma confidence level is used because the 1% value is based on testing.
PMA = 2 x SQRT [(2.0/2)2 + (1.0/3)2] = 2.I1% power (RBM Power)
PMA = 2 x SQRT [(2.0/2)2 + (1.0/3)2] = 2.11% power (RBM Trip)
4.1.6 Determination of Other Error Tenns
All error terms to be considered have been accounted for in the presious sections.
4.1.7 Calculation of Setooint Marcin and Operating Setooint I Setooint MaraiD
The setpoint margin is defined as the margin between the nominal setpoint and the analytic limit. Based on References 5,7, this margin is given by:
SM = (1.645/N)(SRSS OF RANDOM TERMS) + BIAS TERMS Where N represents the number of standard desiations with which all the random terms are characterized (normally 2 standard deviations) and 1.645 adjusts the results to a 95% probability (one-sided normal).
The error terms are calculated for trip conditions, and the margin becomes SM = (1.645/N) x SQRT (A r + Ct2+D 2
2 + PMA + PEA )+ (Z BIAS TERMS) 2 2
t t
Flow Biased Scram SMa,.sem = [(1.645/2) x SQRT (A r-n + Ce,. scam' + Da,2 + PMA:
2 t
+ APEA )] + DPEA 2
2 2
2 2
= (l.645/2) x SQRT (2.37 + 1.82 + 1.80 + 2.36 + 0.31 ) + 0.82
= 4.29 % Power 2.
Flow Biased Rod Block j
2 2
2 2
= 1 (1.645/2) x SQRT (A r.,I' + Csas + Da + PMA + APEA ) j j
SMSaa t
+ DPEA 3
2 2
2 2
= (l.645/2) x SORT (2.11 + 1.82 + 1.80 + 2.36 + 0.31 ) + 0.82
= 4.29 % Power
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 37 of 65
DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev.1 NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation
- r NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: g ggjf._
Setpoint Calculation Date:
-yho 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:Md[
NPPD Resiewer:
1998 Date:
1998 3.
Neutron Flux - Fixed High SCRAM SMrm.scuu = [ (1.645/2) x SQRT (A r.r=2 + Crm.scuu' + Dr=2 + PMA 2
t 2
+ APEA )] + DPEA 2
2 2
2 2
= (1.645/2) x SQRT (1.63 + 1.37 + 1.51 + 2.29 + 0.31 ) + 0.82
= 3.69% Power 4.
Neutmn Flux Downscale Rod Block SMw an = [ (1.645/2) x SQRT (A r.r,' + Cha3 + Dr,' + PMA 2
2 t
+ APEA )]+ DPEA 2
2 2
2 2
= (1.645/2) x SQRT (!.63 + 1.08 + 1.51 + 2.29 + 0.31 ) + 0.82
= 3.60 % Power 5.
Neutron Flux Fixed High Scram - Setdown Shb.scuu = [ (1.645/2) x SQRT (A r.rm2 + C scuu' + Dr.2 + PMA 2
t 2
+ APEA )] + DPEA 2
2 2
2 2
= (l.645/2) x SQRT (1.63 + 0.92 + 1.51 + 2.29 + 0.31 ) + 0.82
= 3.56 % Power 6.
Neutmn Flux Fixed High Rod Block - Setdown Shb.aa = { (1.645/2) x SQRT (A r.r,2 + Cana + Dr.2 + PMA + APEA ) j 2
2 2
+ DPEA 2
2 2
2 2
= (1.645/2) x SQRT (l.63 + 0.92 + 1.51 + 2.29 + 0.31 ) + 0.82
= 3.56 % Power 10 RBM CHANNEL 1.
Low Power Setpoint (LPSP)
SM.p= l (1.645/2) x SQRT (A r.anu.p 2 + Cipp2 + Danu.p.2 + PMA 2
ip t
+ APEA )] + DPEA 2
2 2
2 2
= (l.645/2) x SQRT(l.22 + g,g3 + 0.99 + 2.I1 + 0.72 ) + 0.82 g
= 3.26 % Power 2.
Intermediate Power Setpoint (IPSP)
SM,p = [(1.645/2) x SQRT (Atr.asu.p.2 + C,p + Danuy + PMA 2
2 2
+ APEA )] + DPEA
= (1.645/2) x SQRT (l.22 + 1 I8 + 0.99 + 2.11 + 0.72 ) + 0.82 M,y 2
2 2
2 2
= 3.26 % Power
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 38 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET
~ ~
Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev.1 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM NAM-AR 2. 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: r) o,, h(,_L Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/30 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:M 7 h NPPD Reviewer:
1998 Date:
1998 3.
Wgh Power Setpoint (HPSP) w = [ (1.645/2) x SQRT (A r.asu.p.' + Cap.p' + Danu.p.' + PMA:
SM t
+ APEA )] + DPEA 2
2 2
2 2
= (1.645/2) x SQRT (1.22 + 1.I8 + 0.99 + 2.I1 + 0.72 ) + 0.82 j97
= 3.26% Power 4.
Downscale Trip Setpoint (DTSP)
SMaup= [ (1.645/2) x SQRT (A r. gnu,' + Co,p + Daau.,' + PMA*
2 1
t 2
+ APEA )] + DPEA gc.
2 2
2 2
= (1.645/2) x SQRT (1.91 + g,gg2 + 2.04 + 2.11 + 0.72 ) + 0.82 9r
= 3.92 % Power j
Iow Trip Setpoint (LTSP)
SM., = [ (l.645/2) x SQRT (A r.anu,2 + C.p + p,,,,p2 + PMA2 2
i t
i 2
+ APEA )] + DPEA CE 2
2 2
= (l.645/2) x SQRT (1.91 + 1.07 + 2.04 + 2.Il' + 0.72 ) + 0.82 pfff
= 3.89 % Power 6.
Intermediate Trip Setpoint (ITSP)
SM., = [ (1.645/2) x SQRT (A r.anu,,' + Cop' + Danu.e,' + PMA + APEA ) ]
2 2
+ DPEA G5 2
2 2
= (l.645/2) x SQRT (l.91 + 1.18 + 2.04 + 2,g g2 + 0.72 ) + 0.82 gr
= 3.92 % Power 7.
High Trip Setpoint (HTSP)
SM.p= [ (1.645/2) x SQRT (A r.anu.u,' + C ap + Daau,2 + PMA 2
2 i
t h
+ APEA )] + DPEA 2
2 2
= (1.645/2) x SQRT (1.91 + g,g3 + 2.04 + 2.11 + 0.72') + 0.82 p/91
= 3.90 % Power M9minal Trio Setooint (NTSPli Calculation The Nominal Trip Setpoint (NTSP1) far process variables which increase to trip is given by:
NTSPI = AL - SM NTSPI represents the upper limit (closest to AD at which the setpoint can be set assuming zero leave alone tolerance in the directive toward the Allowable Value (AV).
I l
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 39 of 65
~~ ~
CESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: (;p, f g l
Setpoint Calculation Date:
7[/f 1998 Company's Name:
l Checked By:
, NPPD Reviewer:
19 1998 Date:
1998 a) APRM CHANNEL 1
Flow Biased Scram Flow biased setpoints will be shown in terms of the intercept, since the slope (0.58 W)is a constant NTSP1a sena = AL-SMS3 cam For this function AL= 0.58W + 64.4 % Power (Reference 2)
l NTSPIn,. scam = 64.4% - 4.29% = 60.I1% Power 2.
Flow Biased Rod Block = AL-SMa na For this function AL= 0.58W + $3.1% Power (Reference 2)
NTSP1n,.na = 53.1% - 4.29% = 48.81% Power 3.
Neutrun Flux - Fixed High SCRAM NTSPIrm scam = AL - SMs.sena For this function AL= 123.0% Power (Reference 2)
l NTSP1rm. scam = 123.0% - 3.69% = 119.31% Power 4.
Neutron Flux Downscale Rod Block l
NTSPlwna = AL + SMwna For this function AL= 0.0% Power (Reference 2)
NTSP1m na = 0.0% + 3.60% = 3.60% Power I
f l
l l
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 40 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET
- Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '/, 8, 9 Prepared By: r;L_ g af4JL Setpoint Calculation Date:
f /,so 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:[7 NPPD Reviewer:
1998 Date:
1998 5.
Neutron Flux Fixed High SCRAM - See down NTSPl.. scam = AL-SM scam For this function AL= 17.4% Power (Reference 2)
NTSPl.. scam = 17.4% - 3.56% = 13.84 % Power 6.
Neutron Flux Fixed High Rod Block - Setdown NTSPl..aa = AL - For this function AL= 14.4% Power (Reference 2)
Therefore: = 14.4% - 3.56% = 10.84% Power b) RBM CHANNEL 1.
Low Power Setpoint (LPSP)
ip For this function AL= 30.0% Power (Rcference 2)
ga NTSP1ip., = 30.0% - 3.26% = 26.74 % Power T.I 2.
Intermediate Pcwcr Setpoint (IPSP)
For this function AL= 65.0% Power (Reference 2)
p NTSP1,, = 65.0%- 3.26% = 61.74 % Power qU#
r Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 41 of 65 i
1 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98 024 Rev.1 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: apg l
Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/30 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:gd [d[
NPPD Reviewer:
l Date:
7/3o 1998 Date:
1998 3.
High Power Setpcint (HPSP)
NTSPlw = AL-SMw For this function AL= 85.0% Power (Reference 2)
NTSPlhpsp = 85,0% - 3.26% = 81.74% Power 7/re/f/
Downscale Trip Setpoint (DTSP)
NTSPla,p = AL + SMa.,
l For this function AL= 89.0% Power (Reference 2)
ga NTSP1a,p = 89.0% + 3.92% = 92.92% Power 7/M//
t 5.
Low Trip Setpoint (LTSP)
i For this function AL= 117.0% Power (Reference 2) l Therefore:
gc, NTSPl p = 117.0%- 3.89% = ll3.ll% Power 7//#87 i
t 6.
Intermediate Trip Setpoint (ITSP)
l For this function l
l AL= 111.2% Power (Reference 2)
aA NTSPl.,= 111.2%- 3.92% = 107.28 % Power 77 7 l
' Note: For the RBM trip setpoints. a.'.1CPR of 1.20 is used, margins are the sarne for other MCPRs and are summarized in the conclusion (Section 5).
f l
l Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 42 of 65
~ ~
DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rey,1 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: cd, g g Setpoint Calculation Date:
-7/f0 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
j ((h NPPDReviewer:
7/ 3 o /
1998 Date:
1998 t
High Trip Setpoint (HTSP) 7.
For this function AL= 107.4% Power (Reference 2)
NTSP1wp= 107.4% - 3.90% = 103.50 % Power 1/ Allowable Value Calculation For this setpoint calculation the process variable increases to trip, so the Allowable Value (AV) is calculated using the following equation (Reference 4):
A"'s AL -(1.645/N)(SRSS OF RANDOM TERMS)- BIAS TERMS Where N repret,;.as the number of standard deviations with which all the random terms are characterized (normally 2 standard desiations) and 1.645 adjusts the results to a 95% probability (one-sided normal).
The random errors include the random portion of ALT, CL, PMA, PEA, but exclude drift. Thus, AV = AL -(1.645/N) x SQRT( A r2 + Co* + PMA + PEA' ) -(E BIAS TERMS )
2 t
- 1. Flow Biased Scram Allowable values for flow biased setpoints will be shown i i terms of the intercept, since the slope (0.58 W) is a constant.
AV scam = AL -(1.645/2) x SQRT (A
2 S
LT For this function the AL is AL = 0.58W + 64.4%
Therefore 2
2 2
2 AV scam = 64.4 -(l.645/2) x SQRT (2.37 + 1.82 + 2.36 + 0.31 )
= 61.26 % Power Rounded down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
AVuscam = 61.0% Power t Note: For the RBM trip setpoints, a MCPR of 1.20 is used, margins are the same for other MCPRs and are summarized in the conclusion (Section 5).
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 43 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET 1
Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rey,0 NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD l
Generated Calculation l
NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: a f M Setpoint Caleclation Date:
7//p 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h, u,
NPPD Resiewer:
,) m(
(1 1998 Date:
- 2. Flow Biased Rod Block Allowable values for flow biased setpoints will be shown in tenns of the intercept, since the slope (0.58 W) is a constant.
AV na= AL -(1.645/2) x SQRT(A.a + Ca,.na' + PMA + PEA )
2 2
S tT For this function the AL is AL = 0.58W + 53.1%
Therefore, 2
2 2
2 AV na = 53.1 -(1.645/2) x SQRT (2.37 + 1.82 + 2.36 + 0.31 )
= 49.96 % Power Rounded down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
AV na = 49.5 % Power S
- 3. Neutron Flux-Fixed High SCRAM 2
2 2
AVrm. scam = AL-(1.645/2) x SQRT (A -r=2 + Crm. scam + PMA + PEA )
LT For this function the AL is:
AL = 123.0%
Therefore, 2
2 2
2 AVrm. scam = 123.0%-(1.645/2) x SQRT (1.63 + 1.37 + 2.29 + 0.31 )
= 120.41 % Power Rounded down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
AVrm. scam = 120.0 % Power
2 2
t For this function the AL is:
1 AL=0.0%
Therefore, 2
2 2
2 AVa.ns = 0.0% + (1.645/2) x SQRT (1.63 + 1.08 + 2.29 + 0.31 )
= 2.49 % Power Rounded up consen ativeiy for ITS implementation consideration: = 3.0 % Power f
d Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 44 cf 65 CESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98424 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: com pgjA Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/Jo 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:Nd[ j NPPD Resiewer:
7/3o 1998 Date:
- 5. Neutron Flux Fixed High SCRAM - Setdown Abscam = AL -(1.645/2) x SQRT (Au.r=2 + Cw. scam: + PMA + PEA )
2 2
For this function the AL is AL = 17.4 %
Therefore, 2
2 2
2 Ab3 cam = 17.4% -(1.645/2) x SQRT(l.63 + 0.92 + 2.29 + 0.31 )
= 14.95 % Power Rounded down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
Abscam = 14.5% Power
- 6. Neutron Flux Fixed High Rod Block-Setdown Abas= AL -(1.645/2) x SQRT (Au.rm* +' + PMA + PEA )
2 2
For this function the ALis AL = 14.4 %
Therefore, 2
2 2
Abas = 14.4% - (1.645/2) x SQRT (1.63 + 0 "2 + 2.29 + 0.3l')
= 11.95 % Power Rounded down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
Aban = 11.5% Power i
- 1. Low Power Setpoint (LPSP) 2 2
AVirp = AL -(1.645/2) x SQRT (Au.asu.y + Cigp + PMA* + PEA )
For this function the AL is AL = 30.0 %
Therefore, l
AVirp = 30.0%-(1.645/2) x SQRT (1.22 + 1.18 + 2.11 + 0.72 )
2 2
2 2
= 27.69 % Power Roun$cd down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
gg &
AV, = 27.5% Power ip
f l
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 45 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET
~ -
Calc No: NEDC 98 024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By:
aj f(g/]
1 l
- Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/s o 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:M((II NPPD Reviewer:
'7[3 o 1998 Date:
1998 j
- 2. Intermediate Power Setpoint (IPSP) 2 2
2 AV,,, = AL -(1.645/2) x SQRT (A ; + C,p2 + PMA + PEA )
t For this function the AL is AL = 65.0 %
Therefore, 2
2 2
2 AV,p = 65.0 -(1.645/2) x SQRT(1.22 + 1.18 + 2.11 + 0.72 )
= 62.69 % Power Rounded down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
CA'~lif gp AV,,, = 62.5% Power
- 3. High Power Setpoint (HPSP)
AVyp = AL -(1.645/2) x SQRT ( + Cyp + PMA + PEA )
2 2
2 t
For this function the AL is AL = 85.0 %
Therefore, 2
2 2
AVyp = 85.0%-(1.645/2) x SQRT(1.22 + 1.18 + 2.11 + 0.72.')
= 82.69 % Power I
. Rounded down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
9/14/N AV5p = 82.5% Power
- 4. Downscale Trip Setpoint (DTSP)
AVa,p = AL -(1.645/2) x SQRT (,p2 + Ca,p2 + PMA + PEA )
2 2
For this function the ALis AL = 89.0 %
Therefore, AV,,, = 89.0% + (1.645/2) x SQRT (1.91, y,gg2 + 2.11 + 0.72 )
2 2
= 91.60%
Rounded up conservatively to nearest readable increment:
y/7dfy AVa,p = 92.0 % Power l
i Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 46 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET
- ~
Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev.1 NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD l
Generated Calculation l
' NM-NAM-AR2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: gpg Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/30 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
.I [
NPPD Reviewer:
"M Jo 1998 Date:
1998 t
- 5. Low Trip Setpoint (LTSP)
AW, = AL -(l.645/2) x SQRT (Au.anuw' + Cn p2 + PMA + PEA )
2 2
For this function the ALis AL a ll7 %
Therefore, 2
2 2
2 A%, = 117.0% -(l.645/2) x SQRT (l.91 + 1.07 + 2.I1 + 0.72 )
= 114.42 % Power C/A Rounded down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
y AWp = 114.0 % Power
- 6. Intermediate Trip' Setpoint OTSP)
AV,,, = AL -(1.645/2) x SQRT (Au.asu.inp2 + C.,p + PMA + PEA )
2 2
2 For this function the ALis AL = 111.2 %
Therefore, 2
2 2
A%g= 111.2% -(l.645/2) x SQRT (l.91 + 3,gg2 + 2.I1 + 0.72 )
= 108.59 % Power Rounded down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
gy AL, = 108.5 % Power
- 7. High Trip' Setpoint GITSP)
AVat, = AL - (1.645/2) x SQRT ( Au.asu.inp' + Cin.p + PMA + PEA )
2 2
2 For this function the ALis AL = 107.4 %
Therefore, 2
2 2
2 AVai,, = 107.4% -(1.645/2) x SQRT (1.91 + 3,33 + 2.11 + 0.72 )
= 104.81 % Power i
Rounded down conservatively to nearest readable increment:
7/yoffy AVui., = 104.5 % Power t Note: For the RBM trip setpoints, a MCPR of 1.20 is used, margins are the same for other MCPRs and are summarized in the conclusion (Section 5).
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 47 cf 65 L
Cale No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD l
Generated Calculation NM-NAM AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: ggM l
Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//F 1998 Company's Name:
NPPD Resiewer:
Checked By:
m l
V Date: 16 14 1998 Date:
^ LER Avoidance Evaluation The purpose of the LER Avoidance Evaluation is to assure that there is sufficient margin provided between the Allowable Value and the Nominal Trip Setpoint to avoid violations of the Tech Spec Allowable Value (which, when discovered during suneillance, could lead to LER conditions). The method of avoiding violations of the Allowable Value is to determine the errors that may be present during surveillance testing, examine the margin between the calculated values of NTSP1 and AV, and then adjust NTSP1 to provide added margin if necessary. The following equation is used to determine the errors that would be expected to contribute to a potential LER situation.
Where N represents the number of standard deviations with which the random tenns are characterized (normally 2 standard deviations).
4.1,7.4.1 Random Terms included In LER Avoidance The Random Terms that should be included in the LER Avoidance evaluations include:
Loop Accuracy under Normal plant Condition (Am)
Loop Calibration Error (C )
t Loop Drift (D.)
t Process and Primary Element Errors are not included because calibration and surveillance testing are performed using input signals which simulate the process and primary element input.
2 2
Sigma (LER) = (1/2)SQRT (Am + C ' + Dt) t LER Marcin Calculation Once the value of Sigma (LER) is determined, the margin between the values of NTSP1 and AV is calculated in terms of Sigma (LER) using the equation below:
Z(LER) = lAV-NTSPlj / Sigma (LER)
This value of Z is then used to detennine the probability of violating the Allowable Value by treating the error distribution as a random Normal Distribution, and then determining the area under the curve of the Normal Distribution corresponding to the number of standard desiations represented by Z. GE Recommendation GE recommends that a nominal probability of 90% for avoiding an LER condition be used as the acceptance criterion for the LER Avoidance (or Tech Spec Action Avoid.mce) Evaluation. For a single instr ment a
channel, the value of Z(LER) corresponding to this 90% criterir 4 is 1.29
e i
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 48 of 65
- ~
DESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. 0 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM NAM-AR 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: gg,gog Setpoint Calculation Date:
1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: d NPPD Reviewer:
a Date:
.)u f l9 1998 Date:
1998 or greater. For an instrument channel which is part of a multiple channel logic system a value of Z(LER) greater than 0.81 can assure 90% Tech Spec Action Avoidance criterion. Governina Setooint Determination a) APRM CHANNEL
Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (2.372 + 1.822 + 3,g9 )
= 1.74 q
Z(LER) = lAV-NTSPIsscuul / Sigma (LER)
= l61.0% - 60.11%l /1.74
= 0.51 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one sided normal distribution) for a multiple channel (0.81), the s
NTSP is adjusted as follows:
NTSP2ai-scuu = AV - 0.81 x Sigma (LER)
= 61.0% - 0.81 x 1.74 NTSPa scuu = NTSP2a scuu= 59.59% Power
- 2. Flow Biased Rod Block Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am.a,2 + Cai-an' + Da,2) 2 2
Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (2.372 + 1.82 + 1.80 )
= 1.74 Z(LER) = lAV NTSPlai-nal / Sigma (LER) i
= l49.5% - 48.81%l /1.74
= 0.40 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than j
90% (one sided normal distribution) for a multiple channel (0.81), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:
NTSP2a an = AV - 0.81 x Sigma (LER)
= 49.5% - 0.81 x 1.74 NTSPa an = NTSP2a na = 48.09 % Power
1 Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 49 of 65 CESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: f;Lf M Setpoint Calculation Date:
///9 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h, g
NPPD Reviewer:
1(4 l9 1998 Date:
1998 o
- 3. Neutrun Flux - Fixed High SCRAM Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am.a2 + m2 + Da )
2 2
2 Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (1.632 + 3,37 + 1.51 )
= 1.31 Z(LER) = lAV-NTSPIa.scaml / Sigma (LER)
= 1120.0% - 119.31l /1.31
= 0.53 Since this value of 2 does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one sided normal distribution) for a multiple channel (0.81), the
NTSP is adjusted as follows:
NTSP2a scam = AV - 0.81 x Sigma (lek)
= 120.0%. 0.81 x 1.31 1
I NTSPa. scam = NTSP2a. scam = 118.93 % Power
- 4. Neutron Flux Downscale Rod Block Sigma (LER)= (1/2)x SQRT(Am.a2 + C w a32 + p,2) 2 2
2 Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (1.63 + 1.08 + 1.51 )
= 1.24 Z(LER) = lAV-NTSPlwl / Sigma (LER)
= l3.0% - 3.60l / 1.24
= 0.48 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one sided normal distribution) for a multiple channel (0.81), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:
NTSP2a a3 = AV + 0.81 x Sigma (LER)
= 3.0% + 0.81 x 1.24 NTSPw na = NTSP2w na = 4.00% Power i
l Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 50 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Cale No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: n p g g I.
Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/JO 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:
7/3 o 1998 Date:
- 5. Neutron Flux Fixed High SCRAM - Setdown Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am.r.2 + C. scam 2 + Dr=* )
2 2
2 Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (1.63 + 0.92 + 1.51 )
= 1.20 Z(LER) = lAV-NTSPl..semd / Sigma (LER)
= l14.5% - 13.84%l /1.20
= 0.55 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one sided normal distribution) for a multiple channel (0.81), the NTSPis adjusted as follows-NTSP2 scam = AV - 0.81 x Sigma (LER) 1
= 14.5% - 0.81 x 1.20 NTSP. scam = NTSP2 cam = 13.52 % Power
- 6. Neutron Flux Fixed High Rod Block - Setdown l
Sigma (LER) = 1/2) x SQRT (Am.r=2 + C na2 + Dr=2 )
2 2
2 Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT(1.63 + 0.92 + 1.51 )
= 1.20 Z(LER) = lAV-NTSPl..a3l / Sigma (LER) l
= l11.5% - 10.84%l /1.20
= 0.55 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one sided normal distribution) for a multiple channel (0.81), the NTSP is adjusted as follows: = AV - 0.81 x Sigma (LER) l
= 11.5% - 0.81 x 1.20 l = 10.52 % Power i
l b) RBM CHANNFL 1, Low Power Setpoint (LPSP)
Sigma (LER)= (1/2)x SQRT(Am.anuy2 + Cip p2 + Daawy )
2 2
2 Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (1.22, g,3g2 + 0.99 )
= 0.98 l.
F, Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 51 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM AR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: af _ f Q44._
Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/30 1998 Company's Name:
Checked BydI ((
NPPD Reviewer:
7/JO 1998 Date:
1998 Z(LER) = lAV-NTSP)wl / Sigma (LER) p/
= l27.5% - 26.74%l / 0.98 gf
= 0.77 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-side normal distribution) for a single channel (1.29), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:
NTSP2,, = AV - 1.29 x Sigma (LER) ip
= 27.5% - 1.29 x 0.98 Tf5#
= 26.23 % Power
- 2. Intermediate Power Setpoint (IPSP)
Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am.anuy* + C, p2, p,,u,2 )
2 2
2 Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (1.22 + 1.18 + 0.99 )
= 0.98 Z(LER) = lAV-NTSP1,,.pl / Sigma (LER)
= l62.5% - 61.74%l / 0.98 jyg/fy
= 0.77 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-side normal distribution) for a single channel (1.29), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:
NTSP2,,,, = AV - 1.29 x Sigma (LER) gg.
= 62.5% - 1.29 x 0.98 g/ff NTSP,,, = NTSP2,y,p = 61.23 % Power i
i j
i 4
., s Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 52 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD 1
Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: g g /(;g.d Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/3C 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
M NPPD Reviewer:
7/3o 1998 Date:
- 3. High Power Setpoint (HPSP)
Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am.muy2 + Cng,p2, pRDMp )
Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (1.22 + g,3g2 + 0.99 )
d" 2
2 N
= 0.98 Z(LER) = / Sigma (LER)
= 182.5% - 81.74%l / 0.98 MA 7!
= 0.77 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-side normal distribution) for a single channel (1.29), the NTSP l
is adjusted as follows:
NTSP2np., = AV - 1.29 x Sigma (LER) ga
= 82.5% - 1.29 x 0.98 y/fdi NTSPw = NTSP2.p = 81.23 % Power 1
- 4. Downscale Trip Setpoint (DTSP)
Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am.nsu,' + Ca,p2 + Daou,2)
Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (1.912 + 1.18 + 2.04 )
2 2
= 1.52 Z(LER) = lAV-NTSP1a,pl / Sigma (LER)
= l92.0 - 92.92l /1.52 f
= 0.60 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-side normal distribution) for a single channel (1.29), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:
NTSP241., = AV + 1.29 x Sigma (LER) j
= 92.0% + 1.29 x 1.52 g
NTSPa,p = NTSP2 amp = 93.96% Power
- 5. Low Trip Setpoint (LTSP)
Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am.nsu,' + Cn.p* + Danu,2) 2 2
Sigma (LER)= (1/2)x SQRT(1.912 + 1.07 + 2.04 )
= 1.50 7/>"///
Z(LER) = lAV-NTSP1it pl / Sigma (LER)
= l114.0% - 113.11l /1.50 da
= 0.59 f/sr/ry
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 53 of 65 GESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc Mo: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: &fg/ g.
Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/Jo 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:dh NPPD Reviewer:
7/Jo 1998 Date:
1998 Since this value of 2 does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-side normal distribution) for a single channel (1.2G), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:
NTSP2iop = AV - 1.29 x Sigma (LER) gc,.
= 114.0% - 1.29 x 1.50 ggy NTSP u, = NTSP2a,p = 112.06 % Power i
- 6. Intermediate Trip Setpoint (ITSP)
Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am.a3u.mp2 + Cn.p2 + p,,
,,p )
2 Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (1.912 + 1.18' + 2.04 )
= 1.52 Z(LER) = lAV NTSPly / Sigma (LER)
= l108.5% - 107.28%l /1.52 gfp
= 0.80 Since this value of 2 does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-side normal distribution) for a single channel (1.29), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:
NTSP2,,, = AV - 1.29 x Sigma (LER)
= 108.5%- 1.29 x 1.52 7/gf NTSP,,, = NTSP2,,p = 106.53 % Power l
- 7. High Trip Setpoint (HTSP)
Sigma (LER) = (1/2) x SQRT (Aw.anu.mp2 + C u.p2 + )
2 i
Sigma (LER)= (1/2)x SQRT(1.912 + 1.13 + 2.04 )
- cyc, 2
2 7/"/"
= 1.51 Z(LER) = lAV-NTSPIhupl / Sigma (LER)
= l104.5% - 103.5l /1.51
= 0.66 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-side normal distribution) for a single channel (1.29), the NTSP 1
is adjusted as follows:
NTSP2ni, = AV - 1.29 x Sigma (LER)
= 104.5%- 1.29 x 1.51 au NTSPai,, = NTSP2nup = 102.55 % Power 7/#///
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 54 of 65
~~ ~
NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pnpared By: gg. fgr4 Setpoint Calculation Date 7[/f 1998 Company's Name:
0 Checkect tsy:
NPPD Reviewer:
o, #
- Alf,
/4 1998 Date:
1998 Selection of Oncratina Setpoints it is recommended that the method of using NTSP as the center of the Leave Alone Zone be used. Thus, according to Reference 4, the nominal setpoint is:
NTSP = NTSP2 iLAT Where the LAT is the SRSS combination of the leave alone tolerances for all the devices in the loop. Establishinn leave Alone Zones The LAT for both APRM and RBM functions within this calculation is i 1.25%
Power. (Assumption 3.22) Reauired Limits Evaluation The Required Limits Evaluation calculates an adjustment to NTSP for the case when NTSP is set at the center of the leave alone zone. The adjustment assures that with the stack-up of the errors (including leave alone tolerances) for all the devices i
in the loop, there is enough margin for Tecimical Specification Action Avoidance (or LER avoidance).
- 1. Flow Biased Scram The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
RL, = NTSPn scam + LATi
= 59.59% + 1.25% = 60.84%
This is compared against AVa scam = 61.0% from Section Since RL < AVa scuw, i
therefore brTSP need not be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ)a scuu = NTSPa scam = $9.59 %
Rounding down to the nearest readable increment NTSP(ADJ)n scam = 59.5%
- 2. Flow Blased Rod Block The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
RL, = NTSPa,as + LATi
= 48.09% + 1.25% = 49.34%
This is compared against AVa as = 49.5% from Section Since RL, < AV, therefore NTSP need not be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ)n as = NTSPa an = 4K09 %
p-4 l
t i
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 55 of 65
- ~
CESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98 024 Rev. 0 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD l
Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: gym f y Setpoint Calculation Date:
///p 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h.
m NPPD Resiewer:
Y Date:
1l (4
1998 Date:
1998 Rounding down to the nearest readable increment:
NTSP(ADJ)S an = 48.00%
Neutron Flux Fixed High SCRAM The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
RL = NTSPrm scam + LATi i
= 118 93% + 1.25% = 120.18%
This is compared against AVrm. scam = 120.0% from Section Since RL > AVrm scam, i
therefore NTSP needs to be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ)rm-scum = AVra-scam - LAT= 120.0 - 1.25 = 118.75 %
To determine if further adjustment is needed, the Required Limits of all desices in the loop are calculated, and Sigma (LER, RL) given by the following equation (Ref.
5)is calculated:
i RL = NTSP (ADJ)a. scam + LAT, i
a 118.75% + 1.25% = 120.00%
Sigma (LER, RL) = (1/2) x SQRT((E((2/3)(RL, -NTSP(ADJ)rm scam))*
+ Crm scam' + Dr=* )
For this calculation the loop error values are used which is equivalent to using one device with the error of the whole loop. Thus:
I 2
2 Sigma (LER, RL) = (1/2) x SQRT(((2/3) x ( 120.00- 118.75))2 + 1.37 + 1.51 )
= 1.10 %
Also compute Z(LER, RL) given by:
Z(LER, RL) = ABS (AVrm. scam-NTSP(ADJ)rm-scam) / Sigma (LER,RL)
For this case of multiple channel,If Z(LER, RL) > 0.81 then LER avoidance condition is met.
l Z(LER, RL) = ABS (120.0 - 118.75) /1.10
= 1.13 This value of Z(LER, RL) is greater than the Z criterion for multiple channels of 0.81. Therefore the criterion is met without further adjusttr:nts.
NTSP (ADJ)s. scam = 118.5 % Pouer (Rounded conservatively to nearest I
readable increment)
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 56 of 65 q.
CESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98 024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: ghm /M Setpoint Calculation Date:
7//f 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h.
m _ NPPD Resiewer:
( 8) 1998 Date:
1998 V
- 4. Neutron Flux Downscale Rod Block The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
RL = NTSPu,. - LATi i
= 4.0% - 1.25% = 2.75%
This is compared against AVu,. = 3.0% from Section Since RL < AVu,,
i therefore NTSPw needs to be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ)u,m = AV,. + LAT= 3.0 + 1.25 = 4.25 %
3 To determine if further adjustment is needed, the Required Limits of all desices in the loop are calculated, and Sigma (LER, RL) given by the following equation (Ref.
5)is calculated:
RL = NTSP (ADJ)&,. - LAT4 i
= 4.25% - 1.25% = 3.00%
Sigma (LER, RL) = (1/2) x SQRT((Z((2/3)(RL -NTSP(ADJ)e, ))2 + Cem,,.na*
+ Da2)
For this calculation the loop error values are used which is equivalent to using one device with the error of the whole loop. Thus:
Sigma (LER, RL) = (1/2) x SQRT(((2/3) x ( 3.00- 4.25))2 + 1.08 + 1.51 )
2 2
= 1.02 %
Also compute Z(LER, RL) given by:
Z(LER, RL) = ABS (AV-NTSP(ADJ)&,.) / Sigma (LER,RL)
For this case of multiple channel,If Z(LER, RL) > 0.81 then LER avoidance condition is met.
Z(LER, RL) = ABS (3.0 - 4.25) /1.02
= 1.23 i
This value cl2(LER, RL) is greater than the Z criterion for multiple channels of 0.81. Therefore the criterion is met without funher adjustments.
Final NTSP (ADJ)u,. = 4.5 % Power (Rounded conservatively up to nearest readable increment) l
d Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 57 of 65 CESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: Opjg Setpoint Calculation Date:
-7Mf 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:
i r
1998 Date:
- 5. Neutron Flux Fixed H5h SCRAM -Setdown The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
RL = NTSP scam + LATi i
= 13.52% + 1.25% = 14.77%
This is compared against AV. scam = 14.5% from Section Since RL > AV scam, i
therefore NTSP. scam needs to be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ).. scam = AV. scam - LAT= 14.5 - 1.25 = 13.25 %
To determine if funher adjustment is needed, the Required Limits of all desices in the loop are calculated, and Sigma (LER, RL) given by the following equation (Ref.
5)is calculated:
RL = NTSP (ADJ).. scam + LATi i
= 13.25% + 1.25% = 14.50%
Sigma (LER, RL) = (1/2) x SQRT((E((2/3)(RLi -NTSP(ADJ). scam))2 C,. scam: + Ds )
2 For this calculation the loop error values are used which is equivalent to using one desice with the error of the whole loop. Thus:
Sigma (LER, RL) = (1/2) x SQRT {((2/3) x ( 14.5-13.25))2 + 0.92 + 1.51 )
2 2
= 0.98 %
Also compute Z(LER, RL) given by.
Z(LER, RL) = ABS (AV.. scam - NTSP(ADJ).. scam) / Sigma (LER,RL)
For this case of multiple channel, If Z(LER, RL) > 0.81 then LER avoidance condition is met.
i Z(LER, RL) = ABS (14.5 - 13.25) / 0.98
= 1.28 This value of Z(LER, RL) is greater than the Z criterion for multiple channels of 0.81. Therefore the criterion is met without further adjustments.
Final NTSP (ADJ),,i. scam = 13.0 % Power (Rounded conservatively to nearest readable increment)
I Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 58 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: gfy Setpoint Calculation Date:
-7//f 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
, NPPD Resiewer:
(1 1998 Date:
- 6. Neutron Flux Fixed High Rod Block-Setdown The Required Limit (RL) of desice "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
RL, = NTSP..a + LATi l
= 10.52% + 1.25% = 11.77%
This is compared against AV..a = 11.5% from Section Since i
RL, > AV,..aa, therefore NTSP,..e eeds to be adjusted:
n NTSP (ADJ) a3 = AV..m - LAT= 11.5 - 1.25 = 10.25%
l To determine if funher adjustment is needed, the Required Limits of all desices in the loop are calculated, and Sigma (LER, RL) given by the following equation (Ref.
i 5)is calculated:
l Ph = NTSP (ADJ) + LATi l
= 10.25% + 1.25% = 11.5%
Sigma (LER, RL) = (1/2) x SQRT((E((2/3)(RL,-NTSP(ADJ),,.na))2 + C,'
For this calculation the loop error values are used which is equivalent to using one device with the error of the whole loop. Thus:
Sigma (LER, RL) = (1/2) x SQRT (((2/3) x ( l1.5-10.25))2 + 0.92 + 1.51 )
2 2
= 0.98 %
Also compute Z(LER, RL) given by:
Z(LER, RL) = ABS ( - NTSP(ADJ).aa) / Sigma (LER,RL)
For this case of multiple channel,If Z(LER, RL) > 0.8I then LER avoidance condition is met.
Z(LER, RL) = ABS (l1.5 - 10.25) / 0.98
= 1.28 This value of Z(LER, RL) is greater than the Z criterion for multiple channels of 0.81. Therefore the criterion is met without further adjustments.
Final NTSP (ADJ).as = 10.0 % Power (Rounded conservatively to nearest readable increment) l 3
i L
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 59cf 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Resiew of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM AR 2,3,4, 5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: /70. / 44.2.
Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/:ro 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:
I NPPD Reviewer:
7/Jo 1998 Date:
1998 b) RBM Channel j
- 1. Low Power Setpoint (LPSP)
The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
RL = NTSPpp + LAT i
= 26.23% + 1.25% = 27.48%
CM This is compared against AVp, = 27.5% from Section Since
. Th M RL < AVpp, i
therefore NTSPppdoes not need to be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ)ip,, =NTSP,p = 26.0 %
(Rounded conservatively to nearest GM I
ip readableincrement) 7/7U
- 2. Intermediate Power Setpoint (IPSP)
The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" w ith the largest LAT in the loop is:
RL, = NTSP,p + LAT6 e
= 61.23% + 1.25% = 62.48%
II This is compared against AV,p = 62.5% from Section Since RL < AV,p, i
therefore NTSP,pdoes not need to be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ)pp =NTSP,, = 61.0 %
(Rounded conservatively to nearest ip readableincrement) 7/7#h/
- 3. High Power Setpoint (HPSP)
The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
RL = NTSP,p,p + LATi i
= 81.23% + 1.25% = 82.48%
i 7/##!##
This is compared against A%p,, = 82.5% from Section Since RL < A%p p, i
therefore NTSPnp., does not need to be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ)ip.p =NTSP,p = 81.0 %
(Rounded conservatively to nearest ip 7g,7r, readable increment)
- 4. Downscale Trip Setpelat (DTSP)
The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" with the largest LAT in the loop for this decreasing setpoint is:
RL = NTSPa,p - LATi g
= 93.96% - 1.25% = 92.71%
This is compared against AV,p = 92.0% from Section Since RL, > AVa,p, for this decreasing setpoint therefore NTSPa., does not need to be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ)ip,, =NTSP,, = 94.0 %
(Rounded conservatively to nearest N
ip readable increment) 7/>s/fF
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 60 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculction Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: Og Setpoint Calculation Date:
7/30 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By:fd [
NPPD Reviewer:
"7[30 1998 Date:
- 5. Law Trip Setpoint (LTSP)
The Required Limit (RL) of desice "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
R1, = NTSP% + LAT.
= 112.06% + 1.25% = 113.31%
This is compared against AV., = 114.0% from Section Since 1/J#N#
i RL, < AVi.p, therefore NTSPi, does not need to be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ) igg =NTSP, = 112.0 % (Rounded conservatively to nearest ig readable merement) 7//#Ng
- 6. Intermediate Trip Setpoint (ITSP)
The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
R1, = NTSP., + LAT.
= 106.53% + 1.25% = 107.78%
This is compared against AV., = 108.5% from Section Since 7/#
RL, < AV.p, therefore NTSP., does not need to be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ)y,.p =NTSPipp = 106.5.% (Rounded conservatively to nearest readable increment)
- 7. High Trip Setpoint (HTSP)
The Required Limit (RL) of device "i" with the largest LAT in the loop is:
RL = NTSP p + LAT i
3 4
= 102.55% + 1.25% = 103.8%
7 This is compared against A%, = 104.5% from Section Since RL < AV.p, i
3 therefore NTSPw, does not need to be adjusted:
NTSP (ADJ)ipp =NTSP, = 102.5 % (Rounded conservatively to nearest C / '-
ip readable increment) f/#/4 Selection of Operatina Setnoint The recommended Operating Setpoints for the APRM and RBM are the NTSP(ADJ) values from section OSP = NTSP(ADJ)
The lower limit of the setpoint (NTSP3) for purposes of performing the spurious trip avoidance calculation is:
2 NTSP3 = OSP -(1.645/3) x SQRT( Z LAT )
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 61 of 65 l
Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev,0 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD l
Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: &gg Setpoint Calculation Date:
1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: k NPPD Reviewer:
lq 1998 Date:
1998 Sourious Trio Avoidance Evaluation The Spurious Trip Avoidance Evaluation is used to ensure that there is a reasonable probability that spurious trips will not occur using the selected NTSP. The method of avoiding spurious trips is to determine the errors that may be present during normal plant operation and examine the margin between the worst applicable operational transient for which trip is not required, and the lower limit (NTSP3) of selected setpoint.
The following equation is used to determine the errors that would be expected to contribute to a potential spurious trip.
Sigma (STA) = (1/N)(SRSS OF RANDOM TERMS) 2 2 + pt,2 + PMA + PEA )
2 2
Sigma (STA) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am + Ct Once the value of Sigma (STA) is determined, the margin to the selected NTSP is j
calculated as shown below:
Z(STA) = l NTSP3 - Operational Limit l / Sigma (STA)
To meet spurious scram avoidance criterion (Ref. 4)
Z(STA) > 1.65 If the spurious scram criterion is not violated, no further adjustments are necessary.
Flow Biased Seram For the flow biased scram, the Operational Limit (OL) is considered to be the flow biased rod block Analytic Limit value.
OL = 0.58W + $3.1% Power Sigma (STA) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am.n + CSscam' + Da,2 + PEA + PMA )
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
(1/2) x SQRT ( 2.37 + 1.82 + 1.80 + 0.31 + 2.36 )
1 For this function NTSP scam = $9.5, and therefore:
S NTSP3 scam = 59.5 -(1.645/3) x 1.25 = 58.81 % Power S
Z= ABS l NTSP3 scam - OL l / Sigma (STA)
= ABSl 58.81 - 53.1 l / 2.11
= 2.70
s a
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 62 of 65 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SilEET
' Cale, No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. O NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM NAM-AR 2,3,4, 5,6,7,8,9 Prepared By: ggg Setpoint Calculation Date:
1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h, m,
_ NPPD Reviewer:
bL I4 1998 Date:
n Since this value of Z corresponds to a probability of more than 95% (one-sided normal distribution),1.65, the NTSP scam satisfies the STA criteria.
S 2.
Flow Blased Rod Block For the flow biased rod block function, the Operational Limit (OL) is not available.
Consequently the spurious trip avoidance evaluation for this setpoint has not been computed.
Neutron Flux Fixed High SCRAM For the fixed neutron flux high scram function, the Operational Limit (OL) is considered to be the rod block setpoint at 100% flow. The calculated value rod block setpoint at 100% flowis:
OL = Rod Block Setpoint at 100% = 0.58 x 100 + 48.0 = 106.0 % Power 2
2 Sigma (STA) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am.r 2 + Cs. scam' + Dr,' + PEA + PMA )
2 2
2 2
2 (1/2) x SQRT( l.63 + 1.37 + 1.51 + 0.31 + 2.29 )
1.74 j
For this function NTSP(ADJ)rm-scam = 118.5, therefore:
NTSP3rm. scam = 118.5 -(1.645/3) x 1.25 = 117.8 % Power Z= ABSI NTSP3r. scam - OL l / Sigma (STA)
= ABSl 117.8 - 106.0j /1.74
= 6.78 Since this value of Z corresponds to a probability of more than 95% (one-sided normal distribution).of 1.65, the NTSPrm. scam satisfies the STA criteria.
Neutrun Flux Downscale Rod Block For the fixed neutron flux downscale rod block function, the Operational Limit (OL)is not available. Consequently the spurious trip avoidance evaluation for this setpoint has not been computed.
Neutron Flux Fixed High SCRAM - Setdown For the Neutron High Flux Scram - Setdown function, the Operational Limit (OL) is considered to be that approximate power level whereby operations personnel would transfer the reactor mode switch to run or 9.5% power.
OL = 9.5% Power i
2 Sigma (STA) = (1/2) x SQRT (Am-rf + Cw. scam + Dr,* + PEA + PMA )
2 2
2 2
2 (1/2) x SQRT ( l.63 + 0.92 + 1.51 + 0.31 + 2.29 )
l l
l Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 63 of 65
Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. 0 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation
- NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: gfg 1
l Setpoini Calculation Date:
1998 Company's Name:
I Checked By:
m, NPPD Reviewer:
Date: _
J.Jp Ii 1998 Date:
1998 1.67 %
For this function NTSP(ADJ) -scr.m = 13.0%, therefore:
NTSP3. scam = 13.0 -(1.643/3) x 1.25 = 12.3 % Power Z= ABSl NTSP3.. scam - OL l / Sigma (STA)
= ABS l 12.3 - 9.5 l /1.67
= 1.67 Since this value of Z corresponds to a probability of more than 95% (one-sided normal distribution) of 1.65, the NTSPw. scam satisfies the STA criteria.
Neutrun Flux Fixed High Rod Block - Setdown For the fixed neutron flux setdown rod block function, the Operational Limit (OL)
' is not available. Consequently the spurious trip avoidance evaluation for this setpoint has not been computed.
b) RBM CHANNEL Operational limits for these setpoints are not available. Consequently STA for these setpoints have not been computed. Elevation Correction Not applicable to the APRM and RBM channels which are electrical devices. The recirculation loop flow transmitters are differential pressure devices and are not subject to elevation correction. Determination of Actual Field Setpoint Since there is no elevation correction for the APRM and RBM channels:
Actual Field Setpoint (ASP ) = Operating Setpoint (OSP)
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 64 of 65 EESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. I NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: &fcf.c Setpoint Calculation Date:
7ho 1998 Company's Name:
Checked By h
NPPD Reviewer:
7ho 1998 Date:
- 5. CONCLUSION For As Left Tolerance (ALT) see section, and for the Leave Alone Tolerance (LAT) see section
a) APRM Channel The Analytic Limit (AL), Allowable Value (AV), calculated actual field Setpoints (equal to OSP since there is no elevation correction) for the APRM instruments NM-NAM-AR2,3,4,7,8,9 are as follows:
Trio Function Anahtical Limit Allowable Value Setooint (OSP)
- 1. Flow Biased Scram 0.58W + 64.4%
0.58W + 61.0%
0.58W + $9.5%
- 2. Flow Biased Rod Block 0.58W + 53.1%
0.58W + 49.5%
0.58W + 48.0%
- 3. High Neutron Flux Scram 123.0 %
120.0 %
118.5 %
- 4. Downscale Neutron Flux Rod Block 0.0%
- 5. High Flux - Setdown Scram 17.4 %
13.0 %
- 6. High Flux - Setdown Rod Block 14.4 %
10.0 %
b) RBM Channel The Analytic Limit (AL), Allowable Value (AV), calculated actual field Setpoints (equal to OSP since there is no elevation correction), for the ARTS / RBM instruments NM-NAM-ARS,6 are as follows:
Trio Function Anahtical Allowable Setpoint Limit Value (OSP)
- 1. Low Power Setpoint (LPSP) 30 %
27.5 %
26.0 %
- 2. Intermediate Power Setpoint (IPSP) 65 %
62.5 %
61.0 %
- 3. High Power Setpoint (HPSP) 85 %
82.5 %
81.0 %
- 4. Downscale Trip Setpoint (DTSP) 89.0 %
92.0 %
94 0 %
MCPR Cl" yplN Limit
- 5. Low Trip Setpoint (LTSP) 1.20 117.0 %
114.0 %
112.0 %
1.25 120.0 %
1.30 123.0 %
120.0 %
118.0 %
1.35 125.8 %
123.0 %
121.0 %
- 6. Intermediate Trip Setpoint (ITSP) 1.20 111.2 %
108.5 %
1.25 115.2 %
112.5 %
110.5 %
1.30 118.0%
113.0 %
1.35 121.0 %
116.0 %
- 7. High Trip Setpoint (HTSP) 1.20 107.4 %
104.5 %
102.5 %
1.25 110.2 %
107.5 %
105.5 %
1.30 113.2 %
110.5 %
108.5 %
1.35 116.0 %
113.0 %
111.0 %
1 1
I Nebraska Public Power District Sheet 65 of 65 CESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 98-024 Rev. 0 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Prepared By: ry/_ gy Setpoint Calculation Date:
1998 Company's Name:
Checked By: h, NPPD Reviewer:
mv Y'
,) u (
(j 1998 Date:
1998 v
The settings (based on Reference 22 and current site settings per Reference 10) for the ARTS /RBM timing functions are:
Time Delay 1 (Tdl) 3.5 sec. i 0.8 sec.
Time Constant 1 (Tcl) 0.5 sec. i 0.05 sec.
Time Constant 2 (Tc2) 6.0 sec. i 1.0 sec.
Since the field functional testing and calibration cannot functionally meet the stated tolerances of Sections and (as their divisions are smaller than half the smallest division on the meters), the as left and leave alone tolerances can be adjusted. The tolerance adjustment will be such that the encompassed tolerance band is comparable to the tolerance bands stated within this calculation.
The limit closest to the Allowable Value is to be moved further from the Allowable Value to the next value conesponding to half the smallest division of the meter.
The limit furthest from the Allowable Value is to be mosed i' either direction to the next value corresponding to half the smallest division of the meter.
f Nebraska Public Power District Sheet Al of A7 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SIIEET Calc No: NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,7,8,9 Prepared By:
NM-NAM-AR 5, 6 Date:
1997 Company's Name: General Electric Co.
Setpoint Calculation Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:k[
,M, 23 /fff; J997~Mr Date:
1997 Date:
APPENDIX A APRM Trip Unit Drift Data Summary A.1 Method The calibration data for the APRM trip units was analyzed by an Excel spreadsheet program (called Y-GEITAS) which was programmed to carry out a statistical analysis of the data similar to that performed by the GE Proprietary Program called GEITAS (General Electric Instrument Trending Analysis System).
i Only drift data for the APRM trip units was analyzed, since for the APRM system the APRM chassis l
electronics are calibrated every week (using power distribution calculations by the process computer), and only the trip units are calibr ed at the extended calibration interval (7.5 months based on a 6 months e
iriterval and the 1.25 grace tactor). Moreover, only data for the fixed neutron trip was analyzed, and it was assumed that since this drift was applicable to all APRM trip setpoint calculations.
ne program Y-GEITAS provides a quantitative estimate ofinstrument drift (D), for a specified calibration interval. He methodology for Y-GEITAS drift analysis is the same as GEITAS (described in Reference 3), however for Y-GEITAS only adjacent rather than overlappii.3 ntervals were used, assuring i
complete data is independence. Here was sufficent data for this calculation because data was taken for 6 trip units over a 6 year period. An examination of the data showed that there had been no adjustments in the trip settings, so the raw data provided an accurate represention how the instrument drifted over the 6 years, once the accuracy and calibration errors (which are present in every calibration data point) were accounted for. Briefly, the Y-GEITAS program compiles a list of all data pairs separated by a particular i
calibration interval which do not overlap each other, and calculates the change in calibration value for I
each pair, nese are called the Observed In-Service Differences (OISD), and for each calibration interval a statistically significant number (N) of OISDs are needed to predict drift for that interval. For Y-GEITAS each OISD is a separate and independent measure of the drift of that instrument for the specified calibration interval. Y GEITAS then performs a number of statistical analyses on the OISD data to compute the values needed for a statistical evaluation of the drift over this interval. Including in this computation is the average OISD, and a measure of the variance in this value about zero called SMAZ (second moment about zero). Expressed as a percent of the instrument span (to make it dimensionless),
the square root of the observed SMAZ is:
SQRT(SMAZ),,, = (100/ span) x SQRT d (OISD,- OISD,, )'/ (N - 1) + (OISD,y )' f ne numerical value of the span used in this equation is not important, since it cancels out in the determination of drift.
Since, as explained in Ref 3, drift is random and can be both positive and negative for any particular calibration interval, square-root of SMAZ is a measure cithe " apparent" drift for the calibration interval.
The "true" instrument drift can not be directly measured because the measurements include errors due to the accuracy of the instrument, the calibration accuracy, and the errors due to temperature effects within the calibr&tir temperature range. Y-GEITAS computes an allowable value for SQRT(SMAZ) based on i
an initial 2 sigma estimate of true instrument drift (VD) for the specified calibration interval, and other l
known instrument errors. He calculational algorithm is as follows:
j SQRT(SMAZ),% = (100/ span) x (1/2) x SQRT(2VA' + 2C' + VD' + DTE')
l Where A, C, and DTE are the accuracy, calibration erroi and drift temperature effect for the instrument,
all 2 sigma values. Although there are other instruments in the loop, only the trip units have been
Nebrr.ska Public Power District Sheet A2 of A7 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,7,8,9 Prepared By:
NM-NAM-AR 5,6 Date:
1997 Company's Name: General Electric Co.
Serpoint Calculation Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:h[
1997 Date: U _21.//f6 WyN
/ /
considered in this calculation, so only the accuracy and calibration error for the trip units are used in this formula. Y-GEITAS then computes the Confirmation Ratio (CR)(vefined as the ratio of the experimentally observed to allowable SQRT(SMAZ)), which is a mea ure ofhow well the drift has been estimated. assuming the accuracies are estimated correctly and the sampi size is adequate.
CR = SQRT(SMAZ),6,,,,, / SQRT(SMAZ),%,u, To determine drift D, the value of SQRT(.SMAZ),%,w, is adjusted, by adjustig, the drift (VD). so that CR is close to unity.
A.2 Drift The 7.5 month drift for this calculation was obtained by examining the confirmation ratio for 7.5 month calibration interval. If CR was greater than 1, then the drift value for that interval was assumed to be too low, and if significantly less than I, the drift was assumed to be too high. The drift input to GEITAS (in terms of the equivalent 6 month drift) was then manually adjusted until the CR was less than one and as close to unity as reasonable. The dritt input was made in terms of the equivalent 6 month drift (VD(6 mo)), which when extrapolated to 7.5 month calibration interval according to:
VDu = VD SQRT(7.5/6),
6 produced an acceptable CR. Some engineering judgment was used to evimate the acceptable value of CR and hence the drift value used in the setpoint calculation.
The calculational procedure for determining the 7.5 month drift was as follows:
The observed drift for 7.5 months was calculated as shown below:
D(observed)u = SQRT((4 x (SQRT(SMAZ)u X (Span /100) / CR)* - 2(A* + C ))
2 2.
Since the observed drift was calculated for 7.5 months, no extrapolation was required:
D(extrapolated)u = D(observed)u The drift values are treated as 2 sigma values, because the inputs that go into the drift calculation are 2 sigma.
i A3 D aenita Results of Y-GEITAS analysis are shown in Table A 1, and A 2. Since this calculation was only for the APRM Trip Units, the VA, C and DTE values used in the calculation (and shown in Tables A 1, and A-2) are specifically for the Trip Units and were obtained from the body of this report. VA = 1.25 % was obtained from; C = 0.157 % was obtained from; and DTE = 0 was from assumption 3.20. Table A-1 shows a summary of the SMAZ and CR calculations for the desired extended interval of 7.5 months. Results are also shown for the 3.75 months calibration interval for canfinnation. Table A 2 uses the results of the 7.5 month " apparent" drift calculation from site calibration data (Table A-1), to obtain the true instrument drift D for the required 7.5 months calibration interval using the method descfbed above.
The results for APRM trip units are:
VDn 1.34 % power.
1.34 % power
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet A3 of A7 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,7,8,9 Prepared By:
NM-NAM-AR 5,6 Date:
1997 Company's Name: General Electric Co.
i Setpoint Calculation Checked By:
_ NPPD Reviewer: f)ft/ff[ (?
dd, 23 /ff6 199r7~7Mr l
1997 Date:
/ /
These results from the Y-GEITAS program were also verified against results from GEITAS program.
GEITAS calculation results are shown in Tables A-3 and A-4, and although GEITAS has more data points (because it uses all data points including those with overlapping intervals), the " apparent drift" values were approximately equal, and the final drift (D) values were the same u those obtained by Y-GEITAS.
The drift values shown above are both 2 sigma values, and are used in the main body of this report for calculating the APRM setpoints.
1 i
r 3
i cf.
- ;9 Nebraska Public Pow r District Sheet A4 of A7 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated C2.lculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,7,8,9 Prepared By:
NM-NAM-AR 5, 6 Date:
1997 Company's Name: General Electric Co.
Setpoint Calculation Checked By:
NPPD Reviewerg/[ITfh
,1(, 2 3 / f fS
- 7[yh
1997 Date:
Table A-1. Y-GEITAS Calculation Calc. # l-7 NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,7,8,9 APRM.WK3 (Trip Trend #s.
1417,1422,1427,1432,1437,1 442)
(% SP)
(% SP) 3.75 100 0.M60 0.4448 0.8592 0.5177 7.5 52 0.7261 0.5809 0.8921 0.6511 i
,x Nebraska Public Power District Sheet AS of A7 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD I
Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,7,8,9 Prepared By:
NM-NAM-AR 5, 6 Date:
1997 Company's Name: General Electric Co.
- Setpoint Calculation Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:Mf f (([
i Date:
1997 Date:.
23 /ffB Mf,74 Table A-2. Drift & LAT Calculation Calc # =
1-7 (Y-GEITAS)
(Trip Unit only)
125 VA =
1.25 C=
0.157 DTE =
1.2l M=
7.5 7.5 IVD =
1.342 1.342 D=
1.342 1.342 Let X = Calculated SQRT(SMAZ)
0.892 0.892 Let Y = Observed SORT (SMAZ)
0.581 0.581 Let CF = Confirmation Ratio CF=Y/X =
0.651 0.651
y Nebraska Public Power District Sheet A6 of A7
' DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Cale No: NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3 NPPD Generated Calcula: ion Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3.4,7,8,9 Prepared By:
NM-NAM-AR 5, 6 Date:
1997 Company's Name: General Electric Co.
Setpoint Calculation Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer://((
Dated) TYkt) { is rHQ997~~
1997 Table A-3. GEITAS Calculation Calc. # 17 NM-NAM AF.2,3,4,7,8,9 APRM.WK3 (Trip Trend #s:
1417,1422,1427,1432,1437, 1442) tNE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY
OF SMAZ CALCULATIONS FOR: GE NM-NAM-AR3 SPAN = 125.0 Largest INTERVAL (in Months) requested: 22 Accuracy =- 1.250000 Calibration Error = 0.157000 Drift (6 mos) =
(% UR)
(% SP)
(% SP)
/ Attowable, X SP) 1 846 0.003393 0.111807 0.334375 0.334375 0.859237 0.389154 2
-0.020076 0.129819 0.360304 0.360304 0.859237 0.419330 3
-0.019945 0.146681 0.382990 0.382990 0.859237 0.445733 4
-0.024543 0.165151 0.406388 0.406388 0.854237 0.472964 5
623 0.046998 0.190247 0.436173 0.436173 0.859237 0.507629 6
592 0.084459 0.196006 0.442725 0.442725 0.859237 0.515254 7*
592 0.154189 0.292421 0.540760' O.540760 0.881299 0.613594 8
-0.166197 0.200400 0.529528 0.529528 0.902822 0.586525 9
573 0.181640 0.323646 0.568899 0.568899 0.923844 0.615795 10 560 0.194714 0.313990 0.560348 0.560348 0.944398 0.593339 11 559
-0.187764 0.309500 0.556327 0.556327 0.964514 0.576795 12 548 0.187007 0.322920 0.568260 0.568260 0.984219 0.5 77371 13 555 0.208577 0.300618 0.548286 0.548286 1.003538 0.546353 14 560
-0.246286 0.330425 0.574426 0.574826 1.022491 0.562182 15 568 0.288732 0.363942 0.603276 0.603276 1.041099 0.579461 16 592 0.326892 0.387858 0.622783 0.622783 1.059381 0.587874 17 608 0.370789 0.437483 0.661425 0.661425 1.077352 0.613936 18 614
-0.376417 0.454503 0.674168 0.674168 1.095029 0.615663 19 605 0.378050 0.441692 0.664599 0.664599 1.112424 0.597433 20 594
-0.382222 0.455179 0.674669 0.674669 1.129552 0.597289 21 559 0.376673 0.422169 0.649745 0.649745 1.146424 0.566758 22 520 0.370000 0.412012 0.641882 0.641882 1.163051 0.551895
- The 7 month value of observed (SMAZ)"' from column 6 from this Table was used in Table i
A.4 to get extrapolated results for 7.5 month calibration interval.
I l
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet A7 of A7 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET l
Calc No: NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM NAM-AR 2,3,4,7,8,9 Prepared By:
1 NM-NAM-AR 5, 6 Date:
'997 Company's Name: General Electric Co.
Setpoint Calculation Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:/fgf Tkj
A s m t <f Date:
1997 Date: f)& 2 5 /995 W r/* sift
/ /
Table A-4. Drift & LAT Calculation Calc # =
1-7 (GEITAS)
(Trip Unit only)
125 VA =
1.25 C=
0.157 DTE =
1.2l M=
7 7.5 VD =
1.296 1.342 D=
1.296 1.342 Let X = Calculated SORT (SMAZ)
0.881 0.892 Let Y = Observed SORT (SMAZ)
0.541 0.547 Let CF = Confirmation Ratio CF=Y/X =
0.614 0.614 1
I 1
p a
i*T N1braska Public Power District Sheet B1 of B3 4
= Calc No: NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3.
NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM AR 2,3,4,7,8,9-Prepared By:
- NM-NAM AR 5,6 Date:
1997 Company's Name: General Electric Co.
Setpoint Calculation -
Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:f((2 Nf 23 / 998 Mfh[g
. Date:
1997 Date:
APPENDIX B APRM Flow Channel Uncertainty Calculation B.1 Method a) Flow Trnnsminer Errors The total Recirculation flow is the sum of the flows from 2 separate but virtually identical flow loops. There is J a flow transmitter in each loop and the output from each transmitter goes to a square root converter and then to a summer. The output of the summer provides a signal proportional to the total recirculation flow.
. The flow (Q) in each flow loop is proponional to M measured by the loop flow transmitter. The transmitter puts out a 10 - 50 ma signal proportional to AP, and this signal goes to the square root converter which outputs a signal S proportional to the M. Thus for each loop:
S=Kx M (1) where K is a constant. The error dS at the output of the square root converter due to an error d(AP) in the transmitteris:
1 dS = (K/2) x d(AP)/ M (2)
For a constant transmitter error d (AP), the dS error is a function of the flow and is larger for low flows than for high flows. Assuming that the errors from the 2 transmitters are independent, they can be added by the SRSS method, so the total input error (dSr ) from the flow transmitters to the summer is:
dS = 8 dS = d t(K/2)x d(AP)/ M (3) t The summer output (V )is proportional to the sum of the outputs from the 2 square root converters, and for equal outputs from the square root converters, can be written as:
V = G x 2S = G x 2K x M (4) where G is a constant. The summer output error due to total input error dSr from the square root conveners is:
dV = G x dSr = G x 8 dS = G x 8 x(K/2)x d(AP)/ M (5)
Combining equations (4) and (5) we get:
dV 1
1 d (AP)
-=-x-x (6)
,fi 2.
AP For the equipmert used in the flow loop, full scale output corresponds to:
Maximum flow = 125% flow JAP (Full Scale)./AP(FS)-408.9 in WC V(max) = 10 volts
Nebraska Public Power District Sheet B2 of B3 4
l Calc No: NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,7,8,9 Prepared By:
NM-NAM-AR 5,6 Date:
1997 Company's Name: General Electric Co.
i Setpoint Calculation Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:#)//j f Date:
1997 Date.
23 /998 M/f ft U /
10 - G x 2K x JAP (FS),c, ' = 5 / (G x JAP (FS) 1 Substituting this value of K into equation (4) shows that V for any arbitrary flow (or AP) is:
V = 10 x JAP / JAP (FS) *
This yields:
(7) 2 Substituting equation (7) into equation (6) gives:
1 d (AP)
I x50x x-(Volts) dV = di AP(FS) V Let the total transmitter error as a fraction of full scale (or full span) be defined as An, then:
d ( AP)
An " AP(FS) and i
1 dV = fi x50 x Arr x-(Volts)
(8) l V
This error is a function of the voltage V (or flow), and is twice as high at 50% flow than at 100% flow.
However, to enable a constant error to be used for setpoint calculation throughout the range ofinterest, a constant error must be chosen. For the APRM flow biased setpoint calculation the error at 75% flow (or V= 6 volts) has been chosen because it is conservative compared to flow which gives 100% power. At lower flows there is more margin in the analytic limit, and the contribution of the flow error is not significant. Thus the error for APRM flow biased setpoint calculation is:
1 1
dV (for setpoint calculation) = Ji x50x A n x = 5.893 x An (Volts)
(9) 6
'Ihe cc responding enor in flow is given by multiplying equation (9) by the volts required to get 100% flow.
As mentioned earlier:
V(100% flow) = 8 volts Thus the flou mor due to the flow transmitters is:
FT Error = dV x100
(% flow) l 8
FT Error = 5.893 x 100 x A n - 73.66 x An
(% tiow)
(10) 8 Note that An is the total fractional transmitter error and includes error due to vendor accuracy, SPE, ATE etc.
i t
L Nebraska Public Power District Sheet B3 of B3 DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET Calc No: NEDC 92-50S, Rev. 3 NPPD Generated Calculation Review of Non-NPPD Generated Calculation NM-NAM-AR 2,3,4,7.8,9 Prepared By:
l l
NM-NAM-AR 5, 6 Date:
1997 Company's Name: General Electric Co.
Setpoint Calculation Checked By:
NPPD Reviewer:/f)/ / k[
h 2[ /fft MM Date:
1997 Date:
/ /
b) Flow Element Errors In addition to flow transminer error, each of the 2 flow loops also has a Flow Element (FE) Error due the accuracy of the venturis. Assuming the errors from the 2 loops are independent they can be combined usir'g the SRSS method. Also noting that the total flow is equal to the sum of the flows from the 2 loops the total Flow Element Error is:
1 FE Error = E x FE Error in % flow per loop
(% flow)
(11) c) Flow Unit Error The Flow Unit, cons sting of two square root converters and a summer, has an error which must also be considered in determining the overall flow 1000 error, nis value is given in the specifications as percent of full scale output, and can be converted to % flow by multiplying by the ratio of the output corresponding to 100 %
flow and the full scale output.
FU Error = FU Error as % FS x (full scale volts / volts for 100% flow)
For the equipment used, the error is:
FU Error = FU Error as % FS x (10/8)
(% flow)
B.2Re<ults a) E]ow Transmitter Error As shown in, the error for the GEMAC555 transmitter is:
An = 1.00 % span. = 0.01 fraction of span Dus, the corresponding flow error for setpoint calculation from equation (10) is:
FT Error = 73.66 x 0.01 = 0.7366 % flow his value is used as a 2 sigma value in the setpoint calculations.
b) Flow Flement Error As shown in, the flow element error for the venturis used in the plant is:
FE Error per loop = 2.0 % flow per loop nerefore, from equation (11) 1 x 2 % = 1.414 % flow FE Error = E c) Flow Unit Error -
As shown in, the flow unit error is:
FU Enor as % FS = 2 %
Therefore, from equation (12)
FU Error = 2 x (10/8) = 2.5 % flow
r 1
1 l
Document Number:
Basic functions (including safety function) of each structure,
[ ]
system, and component that may be affected directly or indirectly.
Performance requirements, such as, capacity, rating, system output.
[ ]
System performance and reliability; significant reduction / increase in flow, decrease / increase in voltage / amperage, etc.
Codes, standards (including quality standards), and regulatory
[ ]
requirements and guides including the applicable issue and/or addenda.
(Include a description of how the applicable requirements were derived).
Design conditions, such as, pressure, temperature, fluid chemistry,
[Pr" [ ]
and voltage.
Loads and protection from loads, such as, seismic, wind, thermal,
[ ]
I and dynamic (e.g.,
missile loads) and natural phenomena protection
including seismic (IS, IIS, II/I considerations), tornado j
protection, and external flood protection.
4 6.
Environmental conditions anticipated during storage, construction,
[ F7~
[ ]
I and operatioc. such as, pressure, temperature, humidity, corrosiveness, eite elevation, wind direction, nuclear radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and duration of exposure l including EQ Requirements).
Interface requirements including definition of the functional and
[ ]
[yf physical interfaces involving structures, systems, and components (include safety and non-safety-related interfaces).
Material requirements including such items as compatibility,
[ ]
[d J
electrical insulation properties, protective coating, and corrosion
i 9.
Mechanical requirements covering such items as vibrations, stress,
[ ]
shock, reaction forces, and high energy line pipe breaks.
- 10. Structural requirements covering such items as equipment
[ ]
[yf foundations and pipe supports.
- 11. Hydraulic requirements, such as, pump net positive suction heads
[ ]
(NPSH), allowable pressure drops, allowable fluid flow and i
velocities, and proper valve orientation in regard to flow direction [In Response to CR 94-04371
- 12. Chemistry requirements, such as, provisions for sampling and
[ ]
[g limitations on water chemistry.
- 13., Electrical requirements, such as, source of power, voltage,
[ ]
[yf electrical coordination, fuse considerations (size, type, rating),
raceway requirements, electrical insulation, motor requirements, load limitations, and electrical separation.
Layout and arrangement requirements.
[ ]
[vf j
- 15. Operational requirements under various conditions, such as, plant
(( [ ]
startup, normal plant operation, plant shutdown, plant emergency l
operation, special or infrequent operation, and system abnormal or j
l emergency operation, including any impact on Emergency Operating j
Procedures and Emergency Procedure guidelines and the possibility j
of Operator error.
i i
PAGE 13 OF 41 l
f l
Document Nunber:
- 16. Components are being added, replaced, or removed which contain
[ ]
[ pf'
> 25 gallons of Petroleum Products.
If YES, spill Preventive Control and Countermeasure plan is listed on applicable change attachment.
- 17. Instrumentation and control requirements including indicating
[Vf' [ ]
instruments, centrols, and alarms required for operation, testing, and maintenance.
Other requirements such as the type of instrument, installed spares, range of measurement, setptints and accuracy, and location of indications should also be included (Human Factors Requirements).
17.1 Instrument Line Sloping Requirements [In Response to
[ ]
[vf NCR 89-174).
17.2 Component Atmospheric Vent Plugs to be removed or remain
[ ]
[6d" installed [In Response to NCR 91-005).
- 18. Access and administrative control requirements for plant security.
[ ]
[vf In addition, security plan considerations.
- 19. Redundancy, diversity, and separation criteria / requirements of
[ ]
[PI structures, systems, and components.
- 20. Failure modes and effects requirements and single failure criteria
[ ]
[ vf' of structures, systems, and components, including a definition of those events and accidents which they must be designed to withstand.
- 21. Test requirements including in-plant tests and the conditions under
[ ]
which they will be performed.
21.1 Loss of air and/or loss of electrical power tests for
[ ]
[e7 components to be added or affected.
21.2 Effects of radio frequency interference on component
[ ]
- 22. Accessibility, maintenance, repair, and in-service inspection / test
[ ]
[6d' requirements for the plant, including the conditions under which these shall be performed.
Personnel requirements and limitations including the qualification
[ ]
[uf' and number of personnel available for plant operation, maintenance, testing, and inspection and permissible personnel radiation exposures for specified areas and conditions.
- 24. Transportability requirements, such as, size and shipping weight
[ ]
[ pf' limitation, ICC regulations.
Fire protection / fire resistance requirements.
[ ]
[44' 26.
Handling, storage, and shipping requirements.
[ ]
[ P['
- 27. Other requirements to prevent undue risk to the health and safety
[ ]
[ pf" of the public.
- 28. Materials, processes, parts, and equipment suitable for
[ ]
[vf application.
- 29. Safety requirements for preventing personnel injury including such
[ ]
[MI items as radiation hazards, restricting use of dangerous materials, escape provisions from enclosures, and grounding and electrical l
Personnel and equipment safety during and after installation.
PAGE 14 OF 41 l
Document Number:
- 30. Retest requirements and the conditions under which they shall be
[ ]
[kf' performed.
- 31. Inspection req ~.irements and the conditions under which they shall
[ ]
-be performed.
Internal flooding considerations during and af ter implementation of
( )
this modification [In Response to SOER 85-5):
32.1 Increase in potential for flooding.
[ ]
[ed' 32.2 Reduction in capability to isolate or cope with flooding.
[ ]
[vf 32.3 Location of Essential equipment.
[ ]
- 33. Radiological and ALARA design and installation requirements and the
[ ]
[ef potential for release of radioactivity.
- 34. Effects of altered ventilation flow paths (either permanent or
[ ]
during installation) in areas containing electrical equipment (In Response to SER 25-91).
- 35. Changes in flow, piping geometry, valve line-ups, check valve
[ ]
[pf location, etc., which effect the water hammer analysis for the SW System (refer to NEDC 92-034).
- 36. SOV design considerations (i.e.,
operating pressure differentials,
[ ]
[vf heatup due to energization, direction of installation, etc.) have been considered [In Response to GL 91-15).
- 37. Proper actuator sizing for air operated valves to account for all
( )
[v7 forces including pressure, and the friction forces from packing and i
seat material (In Response to IN 88-94).
Pressure locking or thermal binding of gate valves, as described in
[ ]
[ vf' NUREG 1275, Volume 9.
- 39. Fibrous materials installed in drywell (refer to NEDC 93-178) [In
[ ]
[PI Response to NRC Bulletin 93-02).
- 40. Thermal insulation or heat tracing on piping, equipment, or ducting
[ ]
[vf (refer to Topical Reference Information Manual for Thermal Insulation for CNS) to be added, rem 7ved, or changed [In Response to DR 93-522).
- 41. 'he Operating Experience Review Group and/or NPRDS Coordinator has
[ ]
[vf' completed a query of the Industry Data Systems.
Incorporated or obtain industry experience regarding design and/or parts and this information han been incorporated into the design, parts selection, and resultant maintenance philosophy.
Primary Containment isolation and integrity and secondary
[ ]
[/f containment integrity [ Commitment per IR 93-18).
- 43. Control Room habitability including Control Room teinperature,
[ ]
[LT Control Room and Cable Spreading Room pressure, including pressure boundary integrity, and gas control.
Interim plant conditions during modification implementation and
[ ]
acceptance testing (e.g.,
valve or breaker line-up change).
PAGE 15 OF 41 l
stpi, 4
,. +
4 7N l
.l Document Number:
NEDC 98-024 APPLICABLE IH 11 9 3lg23 - Determine if proposed activit.y will violate any Tech Specs.
[ ]
Amendments, Technical Specifications and Technical Specification Change Requests, QA Program for Operation Policy Document, DCDs, LERs, Condition Reports, QA findings or CRs, previous MPs and Safety Evaluations, drawings, calculations, CNS procedures including EOPs and~ Emergency Procedure Guidelines, NRC Standard Rtview PI?.n, etc. (Design Input Documents).
I have considered the above items and incorporated where appropriate.
Design Engineer:
0I 7!/9 98 Date:
l l
PAGE 16 OF 41 l
t L.y l -
D,ocument Number:
NEDC 98-024 Rev 1 APPLICABLE m
m 1.
Basic functions (including safety function) of each structure,
[ ]
( -T' '
system, and component that may be affected directly or indirectly.
Performance requirements, such as, capacity, rating, system output.
[ ]
[kT' System performance and reliability; significant reduction / increase in flow, decrease / increase in voltage / amperage, etc.
Codes, standards (including quality standards), and regulatory
[ ]
[kf' requirements and guides including the applicable issue and/or addenda. -(Include a description of how the applicable requirements were derived).
Design conditions, such as,. pressure, temperature, fluid chemistry,
( )
and voltage.
Loads and protection from loads, such as, seismic, wind, thermal,
[ ]
[ of" and dynande (e.g., missile loads) and natural phenomena protection including seismic (IS, IIS, II/I considerations), tornado protection, and external flood protection.
Environmental conditions anticipated during storage, construction, (rf
( )
and operation, such as, pressure, temperature, humidity, corrosiveness, site elevation, wind direction, nuclear radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and duration of exposure (including EQ Requirements).
Interface requirements including definition of the functional and
[ ]
[Pf' physical interfaces involving structures, systems, and components (include safety and non-safety-related interfaces).
Material requirements including such items as compatibility,
[ ]
[ Ff'"
electrical insulation properties, protective coating, and corrosion resistance.
Mechanical requirements covering such items as vibrations, stress,
[ ]
shock, reaction forces, and high energy line pipe breaks.
- 10. Structural requirements covering such items as equipment
[ ]
(ef' foundations and pipe supports,
- 11. Hydraulic requirements, such as, pump net positive suction heads
[ ]
[pf' (NPSH),. allowable pressure drops, allowable fluid flow and velocities, and proper valve regard to flow direction (In Response to CR 94-0437).
- 12. Chemistry. requirements, such as, provisions for sampling and
[ ]
[vf' limitations on water chemistry.
- 13. Electrical requirements, such as, source of power, voltage,
[ ef' electrical coordination, fuse considerations (size, t ype, rating),
raceway requirements, electrical insulation, motor requirements, j
load limitations, and electrical separation.
- 14. Layout and arrangement requirements.
[ ]
[ vf '
- 15. Operational requirements under various conditions, such as, plant (A1'~ []
startup, normal plant operation, plant shutdown, plant emergency cperation, special or infrequent operation, and system abnormal or emergency operation, including any impact on Emergency Operating Procedures and Emergency Procedure guidelines and the possibility of operator error.
i l
PAGE 13 OF 41 l
i l
l-Document _ Number:
- 16. Components are being added, replaced, or removed which contain
[ ]
> 25 gallons of Petroleum Products.
If YES, spill Preventive Control and Countermeasure plan is listed on applicable change attachment.
Instrumentation and control requirements including indicating bd"
[ ]
instruments, controls, and alarms required for operation, testing, and maintenance. Other requirements such as the type of instrument, installed spares, range of measurement, setpoints and accuracy, and location of indications should also be included (Human Factors Requirements).
17.1 Instrument Line Sloping Requirements [In Response to
[pP" NCR 89-174).
17.2 Component Atmospheric Vent Plugs to be removed or remain
[ ]
[uP-installed [In Response to NCR 91-005).
- 18. Access and administrative control requirements for plant security.
[ ]
[ *f' In addition, security plan considerations.
- 19. Redundancy, diversity, and separation criteria / requirements of
( )
[ ef' structures, systems, and components.
- 20. Failure inodes and effects requirements and single failure criteria
[ ]
[ *T' of structures, systems, and components, incluaing a definition of those events and accidents which they must be designed to withstand.
- 21. Test requirements including in-plant tests and the conditions under
[ ]
which they will be performed.
21.1 Loss of air and/or loss of electrical power tests for
[ ]
[ot" 4
components to be added or affected.
21.2 Effects of radio frequency interference on component
[ "f~
[ ]
- 22. Accessibility, maintenance, repair, and in-service inspection / test
[ ]
[si' requirements for the plant, including the conditions under which these shall be performed.
j 23.
Personnel requirements and limitations including the qualification
[ ]
[ pf' and number of personnel available for plant operation, maintenance, testing, and inspection and permissible personnel radiation exposures for specified areas and conditions.
- 24. Transportability requirements, such as, size and shipping weight
( )
[vf limitation, ICC regulations.
Fire protection / fire resistance requirements.
[ ]
[pf' 26.
Handling, storage, and shipping requirements.
[ ]
- 27. Other requirements to prevent undue risk to the health and safety
[ ]
[ ct" of the public.
- 28. Materials, processes, parts, and equipment suitable for
[ ]
[pF' application.
- 29. Safety requirements for preventing personnel injury including such
[ ]
[DF' items as radiation hazards, restricting use of dangerous materials, escape provisions from enclosures, and grounding and electrical systems.
Personnel and equipment safety during and after installation.
PAGE 14 OF 41 l
s l
. Document Number:
- 30. Retest requirements and the conditions under which they shall be
-[ ]
Inspection requirements and the conditions under which they shall
[ ]
.be performed.
- 32. Internal" flooding considerations during and after implementation of
-[ ]
[ A7' ~ ~
this modification'[In Response to SOER 85-5):
l 32.1 Increase in potential for flooding.
[ ]
32.2 Reduction in capability to isolate or cope with flooding.
[ ]
[g-32.3 Location of Essential equipment.
[ ]
- 33. Radiological and ALARA design and installation requirements and the
[ ')
[W-potential for release of radioactivity.
- 34. Effects of altered ventilation flow paths (either permanent or
[ ]
[ 5P' during installation) in areas containing electrical equipment [In Response to SER 25-91).
- 35. Changes in flow, piping geometry, valve'line-ups, check valve
[ ]
location, etc., which effect the water hammer analysis for the SW System (refer to NEDC 92-034).
- 36..Sov design considerations (i.e.,. operating pressure differentials,
[ ]
[ 47
heatup due to energization, direction of installation, etc.) have been considered [In' Response to GL 91-15).
Proper actuator sizing for air operated valves to account for all
[ ).
[ 67' forces including pressure, and the friction forces from packing and seat material [In Response to IN 88-94).
Pressure locking or thermal binding of gate valves, as described in
[Lt' NUREG 1275, Volume 9.
- 39. - Fibrous naterials installed in drywell (refer to NEDC 93-178) [In
[ ]
[Ar' Response to NRC Bulletin 93-02).
Thermal insulation or heat tracing on piping, equipment, or ducting
[ ]
["I' (refer to Topical Reference Information Manual for Thermal Insulation _for CNS) to be added, removed, or changed [In Response to DR 93-522).
- 41. The Operating Experience Review Group and/or NPRDS Coordinator has
[ ]
[67' completed a query of the Industry Data Systems.
Incorporated or
.obtain' industry experience regarding design and/or parts and this information has been incorporated into the design, parts selection, and resultant maintenance philosophy.
- 42. Primary Containment isolation and integrity and secondary
[ ]
[kf containment integrity [ Commitment per IR 93-18).
- 43. Control Room habitability including Control Room temperature,
[ ]
[pt' Control Room and Cable Spreading Room pressure, including pressure boundary integrity, and gas control.
Interim plant conditions during modification implementation and
[ ]
[ CF
acceptance testing.(e.g., valve or breaker line-up change).
PAGE 15 OF 41 l
I l
' Document Number:
NEDC *)8-024 Rev 1 APPLICACLE 31Q23 - Ditermine if proposed' activity will violate any Tech Specs.
((. [ ]
Amendments, Technical Specifications and Technical Specification j
Change Requests, QA Program for Operation Policy Document, DCDs, LERs,' Condition Reports, QA findings or CRs, previous MPs and Safety Evaluations, drawings,. calculations, CNS procedures including EOPs and Emergency Procedure Guidelines, NRC Standard Review Plan, etc. (Design Input Documents).
I-have considered the above items and incorporated where appropriate.
7 #/fP Design Engineer:
l l
.-AGE 16 Of 41 l