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Insp Rept 70-0008/99-01 on 990414-15.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Confirmatory Survey of Building KA-A & Trench Adjacent to Building KA-2
Person / Time
Site: 07000008
Issue date: 05/27/1999
Shared Package
ML20207D477 List:
70-0008-99-01, 70-8-99-1, NUDOCS 9906030349
Download: ML20207D479 (4)



070-00008 License No:

SNM-7 Report No:



Battelle Memorial Institute - Columbus Division Location:

505 King Avenue, Columbus, Ohio Dates:

April 14-15,1999 Inspector:

John E. House, Senior Radiation Specialist Accompanied By:

Joseph Crombie, Ohio Department of Public Health James Webb, Ohio Department of Public Health Diane Williams, Ohio Department of Public Health Approved By:

Bruce L. Jorgensen, Chief Decommissioning Branch Division of Nuclear Materials Safety j.

i 9906030349 990527 PDR ADOCK 07000008 C


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This was a routine announced inspection and confirmatory survey of Building KA-A and the trench adjacent to Building KA-2. A final survey of these areas had been conducted for the licensee by Oak Ridge institute for Science and Education (ORISE). Ohio Department of Health personnel were present during the ORISE survey and observed the acquisition of soil samples split for the NRC by ORISE. All rooms in Building KA-A that had been designated as affected areas were surveyed. Wipe samples and soil samples were collected for independent radiological analysis in the NRC Region 111 laboratory. Results of surveys and analyses indicated that residual radioactivity was below NRC release guidelines for unrestricted use.

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- e Report Details

' 1.0


in 1943, Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI) commenced atomic energy research and development while under contract with the Manhattan Engineering District. These -

programs continued under the Atomic Energy Commission and the Department of Energy. Other nuclear programs were operated under NRC Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) License No. SNM-7. Work conducted under License No. SNM-7 included:

evaluations of power and research reactor fuels; post-irradiation examination of fissile material, control rods and structural components; operation of a critical assembly laboratory; and operation of a research reactor, in 1986, BMI discontinued its nuclear fuel research and began remediation of its facilities such that they would be available for unrestricted use. The decommissioning and decontamination operations were being conducted at the King Avenue and West I

Jefferson facilities. The Decontamination Plan was approved via an NRC letter dated December 6,1993.

2.0 Radiological Surveys a.

Insoection Scope (87104)

The inspectors conducted surface scans in Building KA-A using Ludlum Model 2241-2 and Model 3 scalar / rate-meters with Ludlum 44-9 pancake GM detectors. Dose rates were measured with the Ludlum Model 19 dose rate meter. Ludlum 44-10 sodium iodide detectors were used to survey the trench. Surveys inside the building


emphasized floors, side walls, crevices, wall / floor junctions, drain areas, and overhead horizontal surfaces. Direct survey measurements were conducted for beta / gamma radiation. In addition to the surveys, the inspectors collected 30 wipe samples, and performed a direct radiological measurement with the 44-9 probe in each area where a

' wipe was taken. A dose rate measurement was made with a Ludlum Model 19 dose rate meter at a distance of one meter above the horizontal surface where each wipe sample was taken. A total of eighteen soil samples were taken by Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) for the NRC during the final survey. These samples came from the outside trench as well as from excavations in Building KA-A.


Qbservations and Findinos Trench Outside Building KA-2:

The trench was surveyed by lowering the Ludlum 44-10 sodium iodide probes into the j

trench along the walls and bottom. All readings were in counts per minute and were consistent with background activity which was approximately13,000-15,000 counts per minute. Aliquots of soil samples taken by ORISE were given to the NRC for analysis in the Region ill laboratory. These samples were collected and split under the observation of an inspector from the Ohio Department of Health. Analysis in the Region ill laboratory showed all of the soil results were below the NRC release criteria.

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Building KA-A


All of the affected areas of Building KA-A were on the first floor or in the sub-basement.

All of the affected rooms, with the exception of Room 017, and any excavated areas within these rooms were surveyed. All measurements were consistent with background activity. Selected areas of the sub-basement were surveyed. All measurements were consistent with background activity.

A total of 30 wipe samples were collected from the floor and walls to determine if removable contamination was present above the NRC release guidelines. A one minute count was taken at each sample location. Analysis in the Region ill laboratory showed t

that activity on the wipe samples was below NRC release guidelines for unrestricted i



Conclusions I

Data from direct measurements and samples (wipes and soil) indicated that Building KA-A (except for Room 017) and the trench adjacent to Building KA-2 had been remediated such that they met the NRC release guidelines for unrestricted use.

All survey measurements were consistent with background readings. Analysis of the wipes showed that no residual loose radioactive material was present. Activity levels in soil samples met the NRC release guidelines for unrestricted use.

3.0 Exit Meeting Summary The inspectors discussed the preliminary inspection results with members of licensee management and staff at the conclusion of the inspection on April 15,1999. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented.

PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED L. Ermold, Battelle Memorial Institute C. Jensen, Dattelle Memorial Institute R. Lang, Bartlett Nuclear Services J. Polizian, Battelle Memorial Institute M. Rubadue, Battelle Memorial Institute 4