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Partially Deleted Memo Forwarding Info Re Two Allegations Concerning Emergency Feedwater Valves Issue & Apparent Falsification of Procedure Implementation
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 12/16/1996
From: Jimi Yerokun
To: Letts B
Shared Package
ML20199H836 List:
FOIA-97-401 NUDOCS 9802050142
Download: ML20199H883 (4)


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4 DEC-17-8996 W134 INAsilGATIQra 610 337 5131 P.02/a2 4

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! seen or reungA, PENNEYLVMe4 toGH45 i

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December 16,1996 i

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, MEMORANDUM To: Berry Latte, Chief, Othee of En%=Ges, Region 1 Through: Rich Conte, Chief, Branch 5, DRP M From: Jimi Yorokun, senior Resident Yankee Subiset: MAINE YAMEE ATOMIC POWER

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This memorandum forwende information related to two asogeti$ne. Abogetion FWe No.

i 96A4254 deele with mT-t-decourate information on

~~~~~ /




,n 4 ' j) on the first essestion and as requested ty the office of erwestigation too,Irowlewed the i foiiowing Maine Yankee documente pertainin0 to the emersoney feedwater (EPW) velves


1 l

  • 4 Three versions of Maine Yankee's Plant Boot cause Evaluation Report (PRCE)

No.100, Emergency Foodwater Velva Leekage (deted October 6,1994;

! August 1,1996; and August 2,1996).

4 Four versione of Maine Yankee's Emergency Feedwater Velve Leeksee Event i investlestion Report (EIRI. Three of these were detod September 20,1994 j and one wee dated September 16,1994.

i The seven dooumonte were besloelly various in4wiuse versions of the root oeuse evaluation

! that wee performed by Maine Yankee. The metter wee the subject of an enforcement j

- orderence held on October 14,1994. Meine Yankee's response to the resulting Notice of l

Vloietion wee tronomitted in a letter dated November 15,1994.

I i

i "8T DBENO.

1 040 PAGE / OF3- PAGE(S) lO 12-17-1996 07:19AM 610 337 5131 P,02

! 9802050142 980203 PDR FOIA i CHRISTI97-401 PDR I

i j Memorandum

, Berry Lette 2 I rev6ewed the root oeuse evolustions, some suoerpte from Ol's interview whh a llooneee personnel, the roeutte of the enforsom64 conferonos of October 14,1394, including NRC's reguletory actiorm with respect to the EPW velves problems and Meine Yankae's response to the Notlos of Vloietion. My focue wee to determine if there were algnifloent or

' subetontial ditteronoce between the vertous versions of the root eeuse snelysis and what the Econese presented to the NRC et the enforooment contwenos as the root causes of the prob 6em. The fotowing are my abeervations and findings in thle metter, as dlnoussed wkh

you en November 7,1996 l

e 1 o Thors were verlous levels of detogs and information in the Event investigation Reporte end the Plant Root Cause Evolustion Reporte reviewed. The PRCEe contelnod vertous detage on the idenpfled wooknesses in incorvios j ,

Testing / Poet Melntsnance Test progreme and the Maintenanoe Procedures for i

the EPW volves. Weeknesses wwe also klontified in the self eseeeement prooose end in the preones for trenemhting eefety onelyele to plant pwformann, i '

i e

' At the enforcement confotence, Meine Yankee's presented the following as the main oeuse of the problem:

1 Inedequate meintonence procedure and malmenance estMty.

A contributor to the proldom wee ineaequecy in Engineering prescribing the required poet maintenance test (PMT).

, e 1

in Meine Yankee's docketed response (deted November 15,1994) to the Notice of Violation, the twa causes were identified as:

Inadequate poet maintenance testing by Engineering.

Inedequete Maintenance procedube for valve eseemtdy, e

During the enforcem9r't conference, Yankee Nuoiser servloes 06violon (YNSD), en 4d.g contractor for Metro Yankee, presented the oefety assessment of the leeue. The estety sig;Jfloence wee put in it's proper peropoetive, therely allowing the NRC to aieterm!ne that en esoeleted enforcement notion (Level lit or a CP) not noosesary. Beeloelly, durirvp the postulated nooident sooneries (Main Steam Une track and Steam Generator Tube Rupturel, the leakage through the volves had been weluoted and found to be bounded by the FSAR enotysis for a Main Foodwater Po4ve. Thorofore, ehhough the valves lookoge was inodoquete, the regulatory signifkanoe wee minimised. -

in concluelon on the ftret aliegation for the e4mrte that 01 eeked that i review, I did not identify any subetontial differences that would have r sused the NRC's doeleien following the enforcement conference to be different even though there were vertous levels of details in the documente reviewed. On fece value, the obenges could be viewed as algrdficent. The CASEND.

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( 12-17-1996 o(4a H1 EXHIPIT /

PAGE} OF_I_PAGE(S) 610 377 5131 P.03

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Memorondum 3 , Berry Lotto 3 1



l obenge in the levels of detail or oberecterketion on what the oeuses of the EFW wlve i

leekspe problem can be expected during the normel coures of any meragement review. In ,

i general, inadequeoles were highlighted in both engineering and maintenance processes which were the eenential messe0*e of the enforcement conferenos. During the enforcement conference, Meine Yonkee identmed the main problem to be in the maintenance procese wkh the en0ineering proceso eleo contributing. The subsequent '

l roeponse represente e more focus and developed presentation of the root causes. However, j i the main reason for the NRC's roeuking enforcement action (Level IV Violation) wee booed '

I on the oefety engrdficanos se demonstrated by the oefety sesosoment presented by Y the conferenos. '

i Vnth respect to ounent etetue on the EFW leeue, the NRC staff leeued a two part violal One part woe in the engineering eres egelnet the test proprem/PMT and the other part; in the maintenance eres egelnet the maintenanoe procedure. The corrective actions and followup to Port one of the NOV (inadequate test program /PfdT) have been Inspectedi that part closed out in NRC inspection report 50 300/9510. l

,, Conective e9tions and j followup for the other port (6nedequate maintenance procedure) should be inspected be

,Mhe end of 1896 and defirdtely in the first quarter of 1997 i

) '

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i D.Vho (File No. 96A.0254 (01 Case File 96 40))

D. Vito if95e No. 96A4266)

R. Conte J. Yarokun I

i i

oc (w/o attachment):

M. Cooper ii j CASENO.

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j 12-17-1996 07:20Af1 610 337 5131 i

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