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Notification of 971125 Meeting W/Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station Defueled Technical Specifications
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 11/12/1997
From: Michael Webb
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Weiss S
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9711190269
Download: ML20199C224 (4)


. _ . . - - - - - . _ _ - - . . _- . . - - - - - - - . . - . - ._ -

November 12, 1997 i .,, ,

MEMORANDUM TO: Seymour H. Weiss, Director _

Non Power Reactors and Decommissioning i Project Direct (, rate Division of Reactor Program Management, NRR FROM: NcN6eN. N, bfect Managar Non Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate Olvision of Reactor Program Management, NRR ,


1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  ;

LOCATION: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North

. 11555 Rockville Pike _3 Rockville, Maryland, 20852 2738

- Room: 0 10 813 J PURPOSE: The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the proposed Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station defueled technical specifications PARTICIPANTS: NRC Licensee S. Weiss M. Meisner M. Webb S. Evans M. Masnik etal.

D. Barss B. Zalcman Docket No. 50 309 ,


As stated  ;

cc: es next page g {(j gj7CQ pg p CONTACT: Michael K. Webb - (301) 415 1347

                   ' Meetings between NRC technical staff and applicants or licensees are open for interested members of the public, petitioners, intervenors, or other parties to attend as observers pursuant to " Commission Policy Statement on Staff Meetings Open to the Public" 59 Federal Realster 48344; 9/20/94.

DlC . DISTRIBUTION: See next page PDND:PM PDN . PDND:(A)S P :D D MWebb * .E on MMasnik f ' SWeiss '

114/97 1 /r2/97 ' ,11 A497 11/P197 ,
                . OFFICIAL RECORD COPY-
                - DOCUMENT NAME: G:\SECY\MTG NOTC\1125.MW                -                                                                           '

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i f DISTRIBUTION: DOCUMENT NAME: G:\SECY\MTG_NOTC\1125 MW E MAIL HARD COPY i SCollins/FMiraglia - Docket File 50 309' , JHickey (JWH1) PUBLIC f RZimmerman (RPZ) PDND r/f JRoe (JWR) OGC DMatthews (DBM) Receptionist: OWFN ' SWeiss (SHW)-

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NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION wAssiwstow. o.c. sones-cooi


Novenber 12, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Seymour H. Weiss, Director Non Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate < Division of Reactor Program Management, NRR FROM: Michael K. Webb, Project Manager epwQWM Non Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate Division of Reactor Program Management, NRR


FORTHCOMING MEETING WITH MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY DATE & TIME: Titesday, November 25,1997 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. LOCATION: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockvillo Pike Rockville, Maryland, 20852-2738 Room: 0-10 B13 PURPOSE: The purpose of this meeting :s to discuss the proposed Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station defueled technical specifications PARTICIPANTS: ,NRC Licensee S. Weiss M. Meisner M. Webb S. Evans M. Masnik et al. D. Barss B. Zaleman Docket No. 50-309


As Ctated cc: See next page CONTACT: Michael K. Webb (301) 415 1347

           ' Meetings between NRC technical staff and applicants or licensees are open for interested members of the public, petitioners,intervenors, or other parties to attend as observers pursuant to "Comtnission Policy Statement on Staff Meetings Open to the Public" l

59 Federal Register 48344,9/20/94.

I }

   .            o
                                                                                                                                      -3 Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station                 Docket No. 50 309 CC:

i Mr. Charles B. Brinkman Friends of the Coast I Manager - Washington Nuclear P.O. Box 98 Operations Edgecomb, ME 04556 ABB Combustion Engineering , 12300 Twinbrook Parkway, Suite 330 Mr. William O' Dell  ! Rockville, MD 20852 Operations Director Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station Thomas G. Dignan, Jr., Esquire P.O. Box 408  : Ropes & Gray Wiscasset, ME 04578 l One International Place Boston, MA - 02110 2624 Mr. Michael J. Meisner Vice President Mr. Uldis Vanags Licensing and Regulatory Compliance State Nuclear Safety Advisor Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company State Planning. Office 329 Bath Road State House Station #38 Brunswick, ME 04011 Augusta, ME 04333 Mr. Jonathan M. Block Mr. P. L. Anderson, Project Manager Attorney at Law  ; Yankee Atomic Electric Company P.O. Box 566 580 Main Street Putney, VT 05346-0566 Bolton, MA 01740 1398 Mr. Michael B. Sellman, President 3 Regional Administrator, Region l Main Yankee Atomic Power U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 329 Bath Road 475 Allendale Road Brunswick, ME 04011 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. Robert Fraser, Director First Selectman of Wiscasset Engineering Municipal Building Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company U.S. Route 1 320 Bath Road Wiscasset, ME 04578 Brunswick, ME 04011 Mr. Richard Rasmussen Mr. Patrick J. Dostle Senior Resident inspector State of Maine Nuclear Safety Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station P.O. Box E P.O. Box 408 Wiscasset, ME 04578 Wiscasset, ME 04578

                       - Mary Ann Lynch, Esquire                             Mr. Mark Ferri Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company                 Decommissicning Director 329 Bath Road                                     Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station Brunswick, ME 04011                               P.O. Box 408 Wiscasset, ME 04578 Mr.' George Zinke, Manager                                                                                    ,

Regulatory Affairs

                       . Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company 329 Bath Road Brunswick, ME 04011-
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