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Rev 25 to Reg Guide 1.85 Matls Code Case Acceptability ASME Section III Div 1
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Issue date: 05/31/1988
REGGD-01.085, REGGD-1.085, NUDOCS 8807010005
Download: ML20196C074 (16)


- - . --.


%[) REGULATORY v OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH GUIDE REGULATORY GUIDE 1.85 MATERIALS CODE CASE ACCEPTAt31LITY ASME SECTION lli DIVISION 1 A. INTRODUCTION Appendix B, "Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to 10 CFR Section 50.55a, "Codes and Standards," of 10 CFR Part Part 5s requires, in part, that measures be established 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization for the control of special processing of materials and Facilities,' requires, in part, that components of the that proper testing be performed.

reactor coclant pressure boundary be designed, fabricated, erected, and tested in accordance with the requirements p-This regulatory guide lists those Section ill ASME for Class I con ponents of Section ill, "Nuclear Power Code Cases oriented to materials and testing that are L

Plant Components,"1 of the American Society of Mechani-generally acceptable to the NRC staff for implementation cal Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or in the licensing of light water cooled nuclear power plants.

equivalent quality standards. Footnote 6 to @50.55a states that the use of specific Code Cases may be authorized by Any information collection activities mentioned in this the Commission upon request pursuant to 50.55a(aX2Xii),

regulatory guide are contained as requirements in 10 CFR which requires that proposed alternatives to the described Part 50, which provides the regulatory basis for this guide.

requirements or portions thereof provide an acceptable , lhe information collection requirements in 10 CFR Part 50 level of quality and safety.

have been cleared under OMB Clearance No 3150 0011.

General Design Criterion 1, "Quality Standards and B. OlSCUSSION Records," of A tpendix A, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50 requires, in part, that structures, systems, and compenents important The Boder and Pressure Vessel Committee of the ASME to safety be designed, fabricated, erected, and tested to publishes a document entitled "Code Cases."1 Generally, the individual Code Cases that make up this document quality standards commensurate with the importance of explain the intent of Code rules or provide for alterna-the safety function to be performed. Where generally tive requirements under special circumstances.

recognized codes and standards are used, Criterion I requires that they be identified and evaluated to deter. Most Code Cases are eventually superseded by revision mine their applicabihty, adequacy, and sufficiency and be to the Code and then are annulled by action of the supplemented or modified as necessary to ensure a quality ASME. In such cases, the intent of the annulled Code product in keeping with the required safety function. Case becomes part of the revised Code, and therefore Criterion 30, "Quality of Reactor Coolant Pressure continued use of the Code Case intent is sanctioned under the rules of the Code, in other cases, the Code Boundary," of the same appendix requires, in part, that Case is annulled because it is no longer acceptable or components that are part of the reactor coolant pressure there is no further requirement for it. A Code Case boundary be designed, fabricated, erected, and tested to that was approved for a particular sitaation and not for the highest quality standards practical.

a generic application should be used for construction of the approved situation because annulment of such a Mechanfca Engfne s, ed Eng eer ng Ce te 34 s E st 4 7

' treet, New York, New York 10017. Code Case could result in construction that would not meet Code requirements.

8G07010005 0G0531 PDR RECOD 01.095 R PDR USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:

Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the pu blic meth ods acceptable to the NRC staff of 6mplementbng 1. Power Reactors speclfic parts of the Commission's regulations, to delineate tech- 6. Products n1 Ques used by the staff in evaluating specific problems of postu- 2. Research and Test Reactors 7. Transportation lated accidents, Or to provide guidance to Jpplicants. Regulatory 3. Fuels and Materials Facilities 8. Occupational Health Guides are not substitutes for regulations, and comottarste with 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust and Financial Review them is not required. Methods and solutior's dif ferent from those set S. Materials and Pf ant Protection 10. General out in the guides will be acceDiable if they provide a bash for the flndings requisite to the issuance or Continuance of a pstmit or license by the Commission. Copies of issued guides may be purchased from the Government Printing Of fice at the current GPO price. Information on current This guide was issued af ter consideration of comments received from GPO Documentprices s, may be obtained by contacting the Suoerintendent of the public. Comments and suggestions for improvements in these U. S. G ov er n me n t Printing O f fice, Post Office Box 9uldes are encouraged at all times, and guides will be rerised, as 3 7082, Washington. DC 20033-7082, telephone (202)275-2060 or appropf bate, to accommodate comments and to reflect new nforma- (202)275 2171.

tion or experience.

I Written comments may be submitted to the Rules and Procedures Branch, DRR ADM i n forma t to n Se rvic e on a standing order ba sis. Details on th#s Washington, O 205S5, U.S. Nuclear R egulat ory Com mission, service mayVbe obtained by writing NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, A 22161.


'Ih: Code Cases listed in this guide are limited to those (1) Code Cases involving plate:

cases applicable to Section 111 that are oriented toward materials and testing. N-7 1 12 13-82 liigh Yield Strength Steel, Sec-02 20-86 tion Ill, Division 1, Class ! Vessels l All pubbshed Code Cases in the area of materials and test-ing that are applicable to Section ill of the Code and were Code Case N 71 is acceptable subject to the following

'l in effect on August 1,1986, were reviewed for inclusion in condition in addition to those conditions specified in this guide, in addition to the listing of acceptable Code the Code Case: The information required to be devel-Cases, this revision of the guide includes listings of (1) Code oped by Note 1 in the Code Case should be provided Cases that were identified as acceptable in a prior version in each referencing Safety Analysis Report.

of this regulatory guide and that were annulled after the original issuance of this guide (June 1974) and (2) Code Cases that were identified as acceptable in a prior version of (2) Code Cases involving pipe and tubes:

this regulatory guide and that were superseded by revised Code Cases after the original issuance of this guide (June 1474 1 10-29-71 Integrally Finned Tubes for Section 1974). Code Cases that are not listed herein are either not (N 17) 01-08-79 111 endorsed or will require supplementary provisions on an 01-21-82 individual basis to attain endorsement status. 01 21-85 N 1 09-05-85 SB-163 Nickel-Chromium tron Tub- l The endorsement of a Code Case by this guide constitutes ing (Alloy 600 and 690) and Nickel-acceptance of its technical position for apphcations not Iron-Chromium Alloy 800 at a precluded by regulatory or other requirements or by the Specified Minimum Yield Strength recommendations in this or other regulatory guides. Contin- of 40.0 Ksi Section 111, Division 1, gent endcrsement is indicated in regulatory position C.l.a Class 1 for sp ecific cases. Ilowever, it is the responsibility of the 1527 06 26-724 Integrally Finned Tubes, Section user to make ccitain that no regulatory requirements are (N-26) 01-08 79 111 violated and that there are no conflicts with other recom- 01-21-82 mended limitations resulting from Code Case usage. 01 21 85 N-188 1 05-15-78 Use of Welded Ni-Fe-Cr Mo-Cu Acceptance or endorsement by the NRC staff applies only 07-13-81 (Alloy 825) and NiCrAlo-Cb (Alloy to those Code Cases or Code Case revisions with the date 07 13-84 625) Tubing, Section Ill, Division of ASME approval as shown in the regulatory position 1, Class 2 and 3 of this guide. Earlier or later revisions of a Code Case are N-2241 05 11-81 Use of ASTM A(00 Grade B and not endorsed by this guide. New Code Caser will require 04-05-84 ASTM A501 Structural Tubing for

( evaluation by the NRC staff to determine if they quahfy Welded Attachments for Section for inclusion m the approved hst. Because of the continu- 111, Class 2, 3, and MC ing change m t x status of Code Cases, it is planned that N 294 08 25-80 SB-148 Alloy 952 and 954, and this guide will wquire periodic updating to accommodate 05-25-83 S B-62 Alloy 836 Fittings Sec-new Code Cases and any revisions of existing Code Cases. tion 111, Division 1, Class 2 N 321-1 12-05-85 Use of Modified SA 249, Grade C. REGULATORY POSITION TP 304, Section 111, Division 1, Class 1

1. The Section ill ASME Code Cases 2 1 sted below(by N-3 79-1 07 18-85 Bimetallt Tubmg Section lit, Divi-number, date of ASMI approval, and title) are acceptable sion 1, Class 1 to the NRC staf f for appbeation in the construction of com- N-404 04-05-84 Annealed Alloy UNS N06625 Over ponents forlight-water-cooled nuclear power plants. Their use UNS N06600 Bimetallic Tubing, is acceptable within the limitations stated in the "Inquiry" Section Ill, Division 1, Class 1 and "Reply" sections of each individual Code Case, within the limitations of such NRC or other requirements as may exist, and within the additional limitations recommend.d Code Case N-404 is acceptable subject to the follow-by the NRC staff given with the individual Code Cases in ing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-the listing. The categorization of Code Cases used in this fied in the Code Case: The outside layer of the guide is intended to facilitate the Code Case bsting and is bimetallic tubing should be limited to a minimum of not intended to indicate a limitation on its usage. 5 percent and to a maximum of 40 percent of the wall thickness. The tolerance on the outside layer
a. Materials-oriented Code Cases (Code Case number, of material should not exceed -0.000 to +0.007 inches date of ASME approval,3 and title): of the specified design wall thickness.

' Lines indicate substantive changes from Revision 24.

2A numerical listing of the Code Cases appears in the arpendix.

3 When rnore than one date is given, the earlier date is that on which the Code Case was approved by the ASME, and the later date(s) is that on which the Code Case was reaffirmed by the ASM E. ] Corrected date.

1.85 2

l N-4181 0730-86 Use of Seamless Ni-Fe-Cr Alo Cu (2) the material is not subject to stress corrosion Low Carbon (UNS N08028 and cracking by virtue of the fact that (a) a corrosive

) UNS N08904) Tubing, Section 111, Division 1, Classes 2 and 3 environment is not present and (b) the component that contains the material has essentially no residual (3) Codes Cases involving bars and forgings: stresses or assembly stresses, and it does not experi-ence frequent sustained loads in service. In the last 1337 11 sentence of paragraph 5.3, reference should be made 05-15 78 Special Type 403 Modified Forgings (N-4 11 ) 07 13-81 to paragraph, "Alternate Atmosphere Expo-or Bars, Section til, Division 1, sure Time Periods Established by Test," of the AWS 07 13 84 Class 1 and CS 1747 03-01-76 Requirements for Startensitic Stain-D.l.1 Code for the evidence presented to and accepted (N 124) 01-08-79 less Steel Forgings with 13% Chro-by the Authorized Inspector concerning exposure of electrodes for longer periods of time. Paragraph 16.2.2 07 13 81 mium and 4'I Nickel, Section 111, is not acceptable as written and should be replaced 07-13-84 Division I l N 299-1 07 18 85 Use of Nickel-Chromiun>Molybde.

with the following: When not exempted by 16.2.1, above, the postweld head treatment shall be performed numColumbium Alloy 625 Forgings, in accordance with NF-4622 except that for ASTM Section Ill, Division 1, Class 2 and A-710 Grade A material, it shall be at least 1000*F Class 3 Components N-353 07 l6 82 Niarking of SA 354 Grade BD Bolt. (540FC) and shall not exceed 1150'F (620'C) for 05-19-85 ing Section 111, Division 1 Class 1 and Class 2 material and 1175'F (640*C) for N-36 7 02-14-83 Class 3 matenal. The new holding time at tempera-SA-372 Type V, Grade 1, Class B, ,

02-19-86 Section ill, Divisior 1 ture for weld thickness (nominal) shall be 30 minutes for '

N-3 70 2 12-05-85 1/2 inch or less, I hour ner inch for thickness over Mahfied SA-705 Grade XM 13 Forg- 1/2 inch to 5 inches, and 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> plus 15 minutes ings, Section 111, Division i N-388 07-25 83 Component Support Bolting, See- for each additicnal inch over 5 inches. The fracture toughness requirements as listed in this Code Case tion lu, Division 1, Classes 2, 3, and MC apply only to piping supports and not to Class I, 2, and 3 component supports. The fracture tough'-

ness of Classes 1, 2, and 3 component supports (4) Code Cases involving general usage:

shall be characterized in accordance with paragraph N-60-3 09-05-85 Material for Core Support Struc- 5.3.4 of the USNRC Standard Review Plan (NUREG-0800) or on a case-by-case basis, tures, Section 111, Division 1 1754 01 14 77 liard Surfacing by the Spray Fuse Code Case N-60-3 is acceptable subject to the follow-(N-126) 01 07-80 Method,Section III, Class l, 2 and ing condition m addition to those conditions specified in the Code Case Welding of age-hardenable alloy SA-453 12 13 82 3 Construction 02 20-86 Grade 660 and SA437 Grade 688 should be performed 1759-1 l 05 15-78 Material for Internal Pressure Retain-when the material is in the solution treated condition.

For SA 479 matenal, the maximum yield strength (N-131 1) 07-13 81 ing items for Pressure Relief Valves, 12 11-81 Section III, Division 1, Class 1, 2, shoulJ not exceed 90,000 psi in view of the suscep- 12-05-84 and 3 tibthty of this matenal to environmental cracking.

N 71-14 Code Case 1759-1 is acceptable subject to the following 12-05 85 Additional Materials for Subsection condition in addition to those conditions specified in NF, Classes 1, 2, 3 and MC Com-the Code Case: Applicants using this Case should also ponent Supports Fabricated by use Code Case 1711 for the design of pressure relief Welding, Section 111, Division 1 valves.

Code Case N 7114 is acceptable subject to the following N 205 condition in addition to those conditions specified in 05-15 78 Use of Ductile Iron SA 395 for 07 13-81 Section 111, Division 1, Class 3 the Code Case : The maximum measured ultimate 07 13-84 Construction tensile strength (UTS) of the component support mate- N 246-2 05-25-83 SB-169, Alloy C61400, Section 111, rial should not exceed I70 Ksiin view of the susceptibil- 07-30-86 Division 1, Class 3 ity of high-strength materials to brittleness and stress N 249-8 corrosion cracking. Certain applications may exist where 12-05 85 Additional Material for Subsection a UTS value of up to 190 Ksi could be considered NF, Classes 1, 2, 3, and MC Compo-nent Supports Fabricated Without acceptable for a matenal and, under this condition, Welding, Section 111, Division 1 the Design Specification should specify impact testing far the material For these cases, it should be demon.

strated by the applicant that (1) the impact test Code Case N-249-8 is acceptable subject to the following results for the material meet code requirements and conditions in addition to those conditions specified in the Code Case: The fracture toughness requirements 1.83-3 T i ,

apply only to piping supports and no to Classes 1, 2,and (4) Code Cases involving general usage:

3 comporrnt supports. The fracture toughness of Classes 1,2, and 3 component supports should be characterized N-351 07 16-82 Use of Subsize Charpy V Notch in accordance with paragraph 5.3.4 of the USNRC 05 19-85 Specimens, Section 111, Division 1 Standard Review Plan (NUREG-0800) or on a case-by. N-398 02 20-84 Reporting of Giarpy V Notch Test case tusis. The fouowing is to be added to paragraph Results, Section 111, Division 1 (5) of the Case: For these cases, it should be d':rnon-strated by the owner that (1) the impact test results Code Case N 398 is acceptable subject to the follow-for the material meet Code requirements and (2) the ing condition in addition to those conditions speci-material is not subject to stress corrosion cracking by fied in the Code Case: The Code Case is not accept-virtue of the fact that (a) a corrosive environment is able to steam generator or reactor coolant pump not present and (b) the component that contains the su pports. Applicants wishing to use this Code Case material has essentiauy no residual stresses or assemNy should indicate in the Safety Analysis Report the stresses, and it does not experience frequent sustained component supports to which the case is applied for loads in senice, review on a case by-case basi.i.

N-265 1 05 19-85 Modified SA-487 Castings, Section 2. Code Cases thac were endorsed by the NRC in a Ill, Division 1, Class 1 prior version of this guide and were later annuued by l N-337-1 07 18-85 Use of ASTM B5 25-70 Grade 11, action of the ASME should be considered as deleted Type 11, Sintered Austenitic Stain- from the list of acceptable Code Cases as of the date of less Steel for Class 2, 3, and MC the ASME action that approved the annulment. Such Component Standard Supports, Code Cases that were annuued on or after July 1,1974, Section Ill, Division I are listed in the fouowing by number, effective dates,6 N 348-1 09-07-855 Use of SA 574 Socket Ilead Cap and title.7 02 20 86 Screws, Section 111, Division 1 1141-1 08 31-61 Foreign Produced Steel Code Case N-3481 is acceptable subject to the follow. 07-23-76 ing condition in addition to those conditions specj- 1332-7 01-08 79 Requirements for Steel Forgings, fied in the Code Case: Applicants should justify in (N 1-7) 07-01-82 Section 111, Division I their Safety Analysis Reports why use of these socket 1334-3 04 29 74 Requirements for Corrosion-head cap screws will not result in early failure from (N-2) 01 08-79 Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes, stress corrosion cracking. 01-01-81 Section ill 1335-10 08 28-78 Requirements for Bolting Materials, l N 371-1 07 18-85 12 Cr lWlMo-l/4V Martensitie Stain- (N 310) 08 28-81 Section 111 less Steel Valve Internals, Section 09 16 84 111, Division 1 N-5-1 12 13 82 Nickel Chromium Age liardenable 12 13-85 Alloys (AUoy X750), Section 111,

b. Testing-oriented Code Cases: Division 1, Clases 1, 2, 3, MC, and CS (1) Code Case involving plates: 1345 2 03-09-72 Requirements for Nickel Molybde-(N-6) 03-01-79 nu.wChrom6m Iron Alloys, Sec-1407 3 07-01 74 Time of Examination for Classes 1, tion 111 (h 10) 01-08 79 2, and 3 Section ill Vessels 1395-4 01-08 79 SA 508, Class 2 Forgings with 01-21-82 (N-9 4) 07-01-82 Modified Manganese Content, Sec-09 17-84 tion 111 1412-4 11-03 75 Modified liigh Yield Strength (2) Code Case involving bars and forgings: 01-01-77 Steel for Section 111, Division 1, Class ! Vessels N 329 12 11-81 Examination of Bar Material, See-12-05 84 tion 111, Division 1, Class ! Code Case 1412-4 was acceptable subject to the follow-ing condition in addition to those conditions specified (3) Code Case involving pipe and tubes: in the Code Case: The information required to be developed by Note 1 in the Code Case should be 17551 01 14 77 Alternative Rules for Examination provided in each referencing Safety Analysis Report.

(N 127) 01-07 80 of Welds in Pipin g, Section 111, 02 14 83 Class 1 and 2 Construction artier date-4 ate Code Case was arproved by ASME; later date-date Code Case was annu'Jed. Where rnore than two dates 02 20-86 appear, the last date is the dat, that the Code Case was annulled.

The rniddle date (or dates) was the date of reaffirmation of the SCode Case N 348 w as annutled on 9 7 85. It was reinstated Code Case, a.s N.3481 on 2 20 86. Because of the circurnstances and because 7 Code Cases 1401 1,149 31, and 1599 whkh were listed in there were no changes in the Code Case, the N RC considers that the Code Case was in effect during the period 9 7 85 through the original issue of guide, were annulled by ASME action 2 20-86. prior to July 1,1974.


The material given in the inquiry section of the Code 15298 06-29-72 Materials for instrument Line Fit.

Case should be SA 508, Class 4b, instead of SA-508, 07-01 73 tings, Section til Class 4. 1531 08 14 72 Electrical Penetrations, Special Al-03 21 77 loys for ElectricalItnetration Seals,

) 1414-5 08-29 77 liigh Yield Strength Cr-Mo Steel Section 111 (N-115) 08 29-80 for Section 111, Division I, Class 1 1532 08-14-72 SxtionIII, Oass3 Components Made Vessels 01-01 78 of 8 Itrcent and 9 Percent Nickel Steel Code Case 1414-5 was ceceptable subject to the foUowing 1542-1 04-29-74 Type 403 Forgings or Bars for condition in addition to those conditions specified in (N-33) 01-08 79 Bolting Material, Section ill the Code Case: The information required to be 01 21-82 developed by Note i in the Code Case should be 01 21-85 provided in each referencing Safety Analysis Report. 1557 3 01 08-79 Steel Products Refined by Second-(N 37 3) 07 01 82 ary Remelting, Section ill and 1423 2 03-09 72 Wrought Type 304 and 316 with Vill, Division I and 2 07-01-77 Nitrogen Added, Sections I, III, 1567 03-03-73 Testing Lots of Carbon and Low Vill, Division 1 and 2 01-01-78 Alloy Steel Covered Electrodes,Section III Code Case 1423-2 was acceptable subject to compliance 1568 03 03 73 Testing lots of flux Cored and Fab-with the recommendations contained in Regulatory 01-01-78 ricated Carbon and low Alloy Steel Guides 1.31, "Control of Ferrite Content in Stainless Welding Electrodes, Section 111 Steel Weld Metal," and 1.44, "Control of the Use of 1571 03 03 73 Additional Material for SA 234 Sensitized Stainless Steel" (N-41) 01-08 79 Carbon Steel Fittings, Section ill 01 21-82 14341 03-09 72 Posteld lleat Treatment of SA-487 01 21-85 01-01 78 Gass 8N Steel Castings, Section 111 1578 06-75-73 SB-167 Nickel-Chromium Iron (Al-1456 2 06-25-73 Substitution of Ultrasonic Examina- (N-43) 01-08 79 loy 600) Pipe or Tube, Section (N-15) 03-01-79 tion for Progressive Penetrant or 07 01-82 111 Magnetic Particle Examinations of 1583 06 25-73 Use of 8040 Carbon Steel Castings, Partial Penetration and Oblique 03-21-77 Section III Nozzle Attachment Welds, Sec- 15878 08 13-73 SA Sm Class 3 Forgirigs with Q4/1.0 tion til 12-31-75 Ni for Section 111 and VIII, Division 1475-18 03-02-74 Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steel 2 Construction 07 01 75 Seamless Tu ocs for Section 111, 1590 08-13-73 Chemical Analysis Variations, Sec-Class 2 and 3 Construction 03-21-77 tion til Construction 14981 11-06 72 SA 508-Class 2 and 3, Minimum 1602 1 04-29 74 Use of SB-42 Alloy 122, SB lli (N-2 2 ) 01 08 79 Tempering Temperature, Section 12-31-74 A!!oys 122, 715 and 706, SB 171 07-01-82 til Alloys 715 and 706 and SB-466 1515 03-09-72 Ultrasonic Examination of Ring Alloys 706 and 715,Section III, 07 01 77 Forgings for Shell Sections, Section Class 2 and 3 Components ill, Class ! Vessels 1603 12 17-73 Toughness Tests When Ooss,Section 1521-1 04 29 74 Use of IICrades of SA-240, SA479, 07-01-74 limits Orientation and location of 01-01-78 SA 336, and SA 358, Section 111 Specimens 1605 11-05-73 Cr Ni Ho V Bolting Material for Code Case 1521-1 was acceptable subject to compliance 11 20-78 Section III, Class 1 Components with the recommendations contained in Regulatory 03 17-80 Guides 1.31, "Control of Ferrite Conter t in Stainless 16081 12 17 73 Use of ASME SB-265, SB-337, SB 338, Steel Weld Metal," and 1.44, "Control of the Use of 03 21-77 SB-348, and SB-381, Grades 1, 2, 3, Sensitized 5tainless Steel." and 7 Unalloyed Titanium and ASTM B-363 Titanium Welding Fittings, 1528-3 11-03 75 lbgh Strength Steel SA 508. Class 2 Section III Class 2 and 3 Components 01-01 78 and SA 541, Class 2 Forgings, Sec- 1612 12-17-73 Use of Type 308 Stainless Steel tion 111, Class 1 Components (N 56) 07-01-78 Rod and Bar for Section III, Class 1, 2, 3, and CS Construction Code Case 15286 was acceptable subject to the follow- 1613 12 17-73 Use of SA 372 Class IV Forgings, ing condition in addition to those conditions speci. 01-01 78 Section III Construction fied in the Code Case: The information required to be 1615 12-17-73 Use of A587 73, Section 111, developed by Note 1 in the Code Case should be provided 01-01 78 Class 3 Construction in each referencing Safety Analysis Report. 16168 12 17 73 Ultrasonic Examination of Seamless 8 07-01 75 Austenitic Steel Pipe, Section 111,

) mentCode wasCase first was annulled on date as indicated, but the annul-so indicated in Revision 12 of this guide. Class ! Construction 1.85 5

16228 03-02 74 PWilT cf Repair Welds in Carbon 1714-2 08 28-78 Postweld lleat Treatment of P 1 01-01 76 Steel Castings, Section 111, Class 1, (N 102-2) 07-13 81 Material, Section 111, Class M 2, and 3 06-30-84 1625 03 02 74 Repair of Section III Class 2 and 3 1722-1 01-08-79 Vacuum, Carbon Deoxidized SA 12-31-74 Tanks (N 107-1) 01-08-82 508 Forgings, Section 111, Divi 16261 01-08 79 Normalized and Tempered 11/4 sion 1 (N-65-1) 01 21 82 Cr Low AUoy Steel Forgings, 1724 11 03-75 Deviation from the Specified Silicon 01 21-85 Section I and Section 111 (N 108) 07-01-78 Ranges in ASME Material Specifica-1634 2 08 13-76 Use of S B-359 for Section 111, tions, Section 111, Division 1, and (N-68) 07-01-78 Division 1, Class 3 Construction Vill, Division I and 2 16379 04 29-74 Effective Date for Compliance with 1728 11-03-75 Steel Structural Shapes and Small 01-01 75 NA 3700 of Section 111 07-01-77 Material Products for Component 16458 08-12-74 Use of DeLong Diagram for Calcu- Supports, Section ill, Division 1 01-01 76 lating the Delta Ferrite Content of Construction Welds in Section III, Class 1, 2, and 1740 12-22 75 Weld Metal Test, Section W, Clars 1, CS Construction 07-01 76 2, 3, MC and CS 1648 08 12 74 SA-537 Plates for SectionW, Oass ), 17411 01 14 77 Interim Rules for the Required 07-01-76 2, 3, and MC Components 01-01-78 Number of Impact Tests for Rolled 16498 08 12 74 Modified SA453GR 660 for Class 1, S ha pes, Section 111, Division 1, 01-01 76 2,3, and CS Construction Subsection NF, Ccimponent Supports 1650 08-12 74 Use of SA414 Grade C for Class 2 1742 03-01-76 Use ( f SB-75 Annealed Copper 12-31 74 and 3 Components,Section III, 07-01-76 Alloy 122,Section III, Division 1, ,

Division 1 Class 2 Construction l 1664 1

11-04 74 Use of Cr Ni Fe Mo-CuCb Stabilized 1743 03-01 76 Use of SB-98 Qi sib Rod CDA651 03-21-77 AUoy Cb-3 for Section 111 Class 2 07-01 76 Section 111, Division I, Class 2 and 3 Construction Components 1666 11-04-74 Use of SB-12, Alloy 122 for Sec- 1746 03-01-76 Leak Testing of Seal Welds, Sec-07-01 75 tion III, Class 2 and 3 Construction (N 123) 03-01-79 tion W, Division 1, Classl, 2, and l 1682-1 081175 Alternate Rules for Material Manu- 3 Construction 12 31 75 facturers and Suppliers, Section 111, 1748 03-01-76 Low Carbon Austenitic Stainless Subarticle NA-3700 (N 125) 07-01-78 Steel Pipe Welded With Filler Metal, 16848 03-03-75 A637 Grade 718 for Bolting Class 1 SectionW, Division 1, Construction 01-01 76 and 2 Construction 1760 04 26-76 Maximum Dimensions for Isolated 16908 04-28 75 Stock Materials for Section W Con- 01-01-78 Pores in Welds-Class 1 Components, 01-01-77 struction, Section 111, Division 1 Section 111, Division 1 1691 04-28-75 Ultrasonic Examination in Lieu of 1766 04-26-76 Testing Requirements for Welding 01 01 78 Radiography of Repair We}ds for 07 01-77 Materials, Class 1, 2,3, MC and CS Vessels, Section 111, Class 1 Construction, SectionIII, Division 1 1698 06-30-754 Waiver of Ultrasonic Transfer 1767 04-26 76 Examination of Tubular Products (N-92) Il 20-78 Method, Section 111, V, and Vill, 01 01 77 Without Filler Metal-Class 1 Con-07-13-81 Division I struction, Section 111, Division i 1770 08-13 76 Testing of Electroslag Wire and Code Case 1698 was acceptable subject to the following (N 139) 01 01-79 Flux for Class 1, 2, 3, MC, and CS conditions in addition to those specif9d in the Code Construction, Section W, Division !

Case: The material from which the tusic clibration block 1772 08-13-76 Use of SA-453 Bolts in Service Be-is fabricated should be of the sarr e product form, (N 140) 08 30-79 low 800*F Without Stress Rupture alloy, and heat treatment as the material being 07 16-82 Tests, Section Ill, Division i examined. Alloys of equivalent P-r umber grouping 12-31-85 may be used for the fabrication of c.libration blocks 1773 08 13 76 Use of Other Product Forms of if adjustments to signal height can be made to compen- 07-01 77 Materials for Valves, Section 111, sate for sound beam attenuation difference between Division I the calibration block a,d the material under examina- 1777 08-13-76 Use of SA 106, Grade C in Class tion by following the transfer method procedure of 07-01-77 MC Construction, Section Ill, T-535.l(d), Article 5,Section V, ASME B&PV Code, Division 1 1977 edition. 1781 09 10-76 Use of Modified SA-487 Grade (N 147) 07-01 78 CA6NM, Section Ill, Division 1, 1713 08 11 75 Small Material items, Section lil, Class 1, 2, 3, MC or CS 12 31 75 Division 1, Class 1, 2, 3, CS and MC 1782 09-10-76 Use of Copper Nickel Alloy 962 (N-148) 08 30-79 for Castings, Section 111, Divi-de Case 1637 has been accepted only on a case 5y<ase 07 16-82 sion I, Class 3 Construction d.[9 06-30-83 1.85-6

1787 09 10-76 Depth of Weld Repairs for forgings, N 207-1 03 19-79 Use of Modified SA-479 Type XM 19 01 01-78 Section B1, Division 1, Class 1,2,3, 01 21 82 for Section ill, Division 1, Class I, MC and CS Construction 01 21-85 2,3, or CS Construction 01 14-77 Structural Steel Rolled Shapes, N 223

) (1793 N 156) 01-07-80 Section 111, Division 1, Class 2, 11-30 78 Requirements for Stainless Steel 11 20-81 Precipitation liardening, Section 02 14 83 3, and MC 111, Division 1, Class MC 02 14 86 N-2 25 1794 01 14 77 Use of Scomtess Al Br, Alloy CDA 11 20-78 Certification and identification of 01-01-81 Material for Component Supports, (N 157) 01-07-80 614 Pipe, Section 111, Division 1, Section 111, Division 1 01-07-83 Class 3 N 227 1795 01-14-77 Ex amination of Weld Repairs in 07-09 79 Examination of Repair Welds, Sec-(N 158) 07-01-78 07-0982 tion Ill, Class 2 and 3 Tanks Forgings, Section 111, Division 1, N 2421 Class 1, 2, 3, MC and CS 04-10-80 Materials Certification, Section 111, 1798 05-06-83 Division 1, Classes I, 2, 3, MC, and 01 14-77 Use of ASTM A352-75, Grades 06 30-84 CS Construction 01 01 78 LCA and LCC,Section III, Division 1, Class 1, 2, and 3 1810 Cale Case N-242-1 was acceptable subject to the following 03 03-77 Testing Lots of Carbon Steel Solid, condition in addition to those conditions specified in 03-03 80 Bare Welding Electrode or Wire, the Code Case: Applicants should identify in theirSafety

_ Section 111, Division 1, Class I, 2, Analysis Reports the components and supports for 3, MC, and CS 181910 which the Code Case is bein; applied and should specify 03 23-77 Use of Type XM 19 for Construe- the respective paragraphs of the Code Case.

01-01-78 tion, Section 111, Division I, Class 1, 2, 3 N 245 07 09-79 Use of ASTM B61-76 and B62 76 1819-111,12 03-23 77 Use of Twe XM-19 for Construction, 07 16-82 Copper Alloy Castings for Section111, (N 176-1) 03 23-80 Section 111, Division 1, Class 1, 2, 07 17 85 Division I, Class 3 Construction 08-25-80 and 3 N 246 08 25-83 07-09 79 Use of SB-169, Alloy CA 614, See-1820 09-07-82 tion ill, Division 1, Class 3 03 23 77 Alternative Ultrasonic lia.1ination N 248 08-30-79 Alternative Reference Radiographs, (N-17 7) 03 17-80 Technique, Section 111, Dntsion 1 07-01-80 Section W, Division 1, Classes 1, 2, 021443 01-01-84 3, MC, and CS Construction N-259 01-07 80 Ni-Cu-Al Bolting Material SB 164 N-178 05 25-77 Use of El B271, CDA 954, Alloy 01-01 80 9C for Class 3 Construction, Sec- 02 14 83 Modified, Section 111, Division 1, tion 111, Division 1 01 01 84 Class 3 N-26513 01-07 80 Modified SA-48 7 Cas tings, Sec tion lli, S 180 07 11-77 Examination of Springs for Class 1 07-01-78 09-01-83 Division I, Class 1 Component Standard Supports, Sec- 12 31 84 tion lil, Division 1 N 181 05 19-85 07 11-77 Steel Castings Refined by the Argon N-267 01-07-80 Double-Wall Radiography, Section 07-11-80 Decarturization Process, Section W, 07 01-81 til, Division 1, Class 1 and 2 Division 1, Construction N 274 N 183 07-11-77 03-17-80 Alternative Rules for Examination Ue of Modified SA 182 Grade F22 09-07 82 of Weld Repairs for Section ill, 01-01 80 for Section W, Division 1, Class I, 06 30-86 Division 1 Construction 2 and 3 Construction N- 190 08 29-77 Use of SA-455 for Class 3 Com- Code Case N 274 was acceptable subject to the 07-01-78 ponents, Sectiori Ill, Division I following conditionld in addition to those conditions N204 03-20-78 Use of Modified SA 508, Class 3, 01-0144 specified in the Code Case. Paragraph 6 should be and SA-541, Class 3 for Section W, expanded as follows: The ultrasonic examination Divtsion 1, Class 1, 2, and 3 Con-procedures shall be proven by actual demonstration, struction N 206 to the satisfaction of the Authorized NuclearInspector, 03-20-78 Use of ASTM B15175 Copper Nickel that the procedures are capable of detecting unaccept-03-16-81 Alloy 706 Rod and Bar for Section able cracks according to Section XI requirements.

06 30-83 W, Division 1, Class 3 Construction IO 13 This Code Cue was reaffirrned as Case 1819 t. See regu- Code Case N 265 was allowed to expire on 17 83 because istory position 2 for the effective dates. of an administrative error. It was reinstated on 9183 with no II technical changes The Case is, therefore, considered in effect Case 1819 (N 176) was annuUed December 31, 1977. Ifowever, during that period of time. Again, Code Case N 265 was allowed it was later reaffirmed to continue providing rules pertaining to to expire on 12 31-84 (mandatory annulment date). It was rein.

external pressure charts. stated as N 2651 on 519 85. Because of the circumstances and 12 because there were no changes in the Code Case, the NRC con-Code Case N 1761: The 3 23 80 is an annulment date- siders that this Case was in effect during the period of 12 3I 84 This Case was allowed to expire on 32380 beca use of an through 5 t 9-85, a d ministrative error. It w as reinstated on 82580 with no I4 tec hnical c h anges. It is, therefore, considered to be in effect The reason for the conditional acceptance of parapaph 6 is during that lapse in time The 8 25 83 ls the mandatory annub to make certain that there is a qualified ultrasonic testing proce-

) ment date. The Case did not appear in Revisions 18-21 of this dure capable of detecting small flaw 1 and dif ferentia ting the guide because of the ASME administative error- small flaws from geometric reflectors. This paragraph does not in any way alter the acceptance criteria as specified in paragraph 3.

1.85 7

N 277 03 17-80 Use of Type XM 19 Austenitic listed in the following by number, effective dates,85 and 09-17-80 Stainless Steel for Section 111, Divi- title.16 sion 1, Class MC Construction N 295 01 15-81 NCA-Il40, blaterials, Section 111, 1332 6 03-09-72 Requirements for Steel Forgings, 12-11-81 Division 1 01-08-79 Section 111 and Vill, Division 2 06 30-82 1335 9 04 29 74 Requirements for Bolting Materials N-296 11 17 80 Welding Material, Section 111, Divi- 08-28-78 12-01 83 sion ! Construction 1337 9 04-29 74 Special Type 403 Modified Forg-N 298 11 17-80 Examination of Component Supports, 04-28-75 ings or Bars, Section 111 12-01-83 Section III, Division 1, Class 1, 2, 1337 10 04-28 75 Special Type 403 Modified Forg.

3, and MC 05 15 78 ings or Bars, Section Ill N 310-1 08-14-81 Certification of Bolting Materials, 1344-5 04 29-74 Nickel-Chromium, Age-llardenable 07-01-82 Section 111, Division I, Class 1, 2, (N-5) 01-08 79 Alloys (Alloy X750), Section 111 3, MC and CS 01 21 82 12-13-82 1358-5 11 03-75 liigh Yield Strength Steel, Section Code Case N-310-1 was acceptable subject to the follow- (N-7) 01-08 79 111, Division 1. Class ! Vessels ing conditions in adJition to those conditions speci- 01-21-82 l fled in the Code Case: Each applicant who applies 12-13-82 the Code Case should indicate in the referencing Safety Analysis Report (1) in what way the bolting does Code Case 1358-5 was acceptable subject to the following not meet NCA 3800 (or NA 3700), (2) where the condition in addition to those conditions specified in bolting will be used in the plant, and (3) how it will the Code Case: The information required to be devel-be show n that the bolting material properties required oped by Note 1 in the Code Case should be provided by the Equipment Support Design Specification are in each referencing Safety Analysis Report.

present in the actual bolting material 1395-3 11-06 72 SA508, Oass2 Forgings with Modi-01-08 79 fied Manganese Content, Sectionlil N-317 07 13 81 ASTM A276 Bar Section 111, or Section Vill, Division 2 07-01-82 Division 1 1407-2 06-26 72 lime of Examination for Classl, 2, N 342 04-0242 Use of SA-249 and SA 312 Type 07-01-74 and 3, Section 111 Vessels 04 02-85 317 Stainless Steel, Section 111, 1414-3 11-03-75 liigh Yield Strength Cr-Mo Steel for Division 1, Classes 1, 2, and 3 03-01-76 Section Ill, Division 1, Class 1 i

N 348 09-09 82 Use of SA 574 Socket llead Cap Vessels 09-07-85 Screws, Section 111, Division 1 Code Case 1414-3 was acceptable subject to the following condition in addition to those conditions specified in Code Case N 348 was acceptable subject to the follow- the Code Case: The information required to be devel-ing condition in addition to those conditions speci- oped by Note 1 in the Code Case should be provided fied in the Code Case: Applicants should justify in in each referencing Safety Analysis Report.

their Safety Analysis Reports why use of these socket head cap screws wdl not result in early failure 1414-4 03-01-76 liigh Yield Strength Cr Mo Steel for fro n strcss corrosion cracking. 08-09-77 Section 111, Division 1, Class 1 Vessels N 3521 07-18-85 Use of SA-638 Grade 660 Forg- Code Case 1414-4 was acceptable subject to the follow-06 30-86 ings and Bars Below 700* F With- ing condition in addition to those conditions speci-out Stress Rupture Tests, Sec. fied in the Code Case: The information required to be tion 111, Division I developed by Note 1 in the Code Case should be N 372 02-14-83 SB-163 Ni Fe-Cr Mo-Cu Alloy 825 provided in each referencing Safety Analysis Report.

12-31-83 (UNS N0f>825) Tubing,Section III, Division 1 14841 04 29 74 SB 163 Nickel-Chromium Iron Tub-N 378 10-2W 3 faamination of Piping Support Ma- I l-04-74 ing (Alloy 600) at a Specified Mini-12-J ! M terial,Section III, Division 1, Class 1 mum Yield Strength of 40.0 Ksi, Section 111, Class 1

3. Code Cases that were endorsed by the NRC in a prior version of this guide and were superseded by isEarlier d.te-date code case was approved by ASME; la'er revised Code Cases on or after July 1,1974, should be date-date revision of Code Case was approved by ASML considered as not endorsed as of the date of the ASME action that approved the revised version of the Code y, ,${n*$e b u'e' o tNis'gDe,Ye'r*"reN1'b t Cases. These Code Cases that are no longer endorsed are AsME prior to July 1,1974.

1.85 8

1484 2 11-04 74 SB 163 Niekel Gromium-Iron Tub- N 60-2 09-17-84 Material for Core Support Strue-08 13 76 ing (Alloy 600 and 690) at a Speci- 09-05 85 tures, Section ill, Division I fied hiinimum Yield Strength of f

) 40.0 K si, Section 111, Class 1 Code Case N-60 2 was acceptable subject to the follow-1484-3 08-13 76 SB-163 Nickel-Chromium Iron Tub- ing condition in addition to those conditions specified (N 20) 08-30-79 ing (Alloy 600 and 690) and in the Code Case: Welding of age hardenable alloy 07-16-82 Nickel IrorChromium Alloy 800 SA-453 Grade 660 and SA-637 Grade 688 should be 05-19-85 at a Spmfied Minimum Yield performed when the material is in the solution 09-05 85 Strength cf 40.0 Ksi, Section 111, treated condition. For SA-479 material, the maxi-Division 1, Class I mum yield strength should not exceed 90,000 psi 149237 10 29 71 Post Weld ileat Treatment, Section i, in view of the susceptibility of this ma terial to 03-03 75 III and Vill, Division 1 and 2 ensironmental cracking.

1557-2 12 17 73 Steel Products Refined by Sewndary 01-08 79 Remelting 1626 03-02-74 Normalized anJ Tempered 11/4 Cr 1618 03-02 74 Material for Core Support Struc- 01-08 79 Low Alloy Stwl Forgings, Section 1, 03-03 75 tures - Section 111, Subsection NG Section lu, and Section Vlu, Divi-sion I and 2 Code Case 1618 was acceptable subject to the follow- 1634 07-01-74 Use of S B-359 for Section 111, ing conditions in addition to those specified in the 08-12-74 Class 3 Construction Code Case: 16341 08 12-74 Use of S B-35 9 for Section Ill, 08-13-76 Class 3 Construction

a. Welding of age hardenable alloy SA-453 Grade 660 1644 08 12 74 Additional hiaterial.s for Component and SA-637 Grade 686 should be performed when 04 28-75 Supports - Section lu, Subsection the material is in the solution-treated condition. NF, Class 1, 2, 3, and htC Construc-tion
b. Use of alloy ASDI A 564 Grade 631 is not acceptable on a generie basis. Code Case 1644 was acceptable subject to the foUowing condition in addition to those conditions specified in 1618-1 03-03 75 Material for Core Support Structures the Code Case: The maximum measured ultimate 03-01 76 Section 111, Subsection NG tensile strength of the com ponent support ma terial should not exceed 170 Ksi.

Code Case 1618-1 was acceptable subject to the follow-ing condition in addition to those specified in the 16441 04 26 75 Additional hbterials for Component Code Case: Welding of age-hardenable alloy SA 453 06-30-75 Support - section 111, Subsection Grade 660 and SA-637 Grade 688 should be per- NF, Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Con-formed w hen the matenal is in the solution treated struction condition.

Code Case 16441 was acceptable subject to the follow-16182 03-01 76 Material for Core Support Structures- ing condition in addition to those conditions speci-(N-60) 01-08 79 Section III, Division 1, Subsection fied in the Code Case: The maximum measured 01-21-82 NG ultimate tensile strength of the component support 05-25 83 material should not exceed 170 Ksi.

Code Case 1618 2 was acceptable subject to the follow- 1644 2 06-30-75 Additional Materials for Component ing condition in addition to those conditions speci- 11-03-75 Supports - Saticolu, SubsectionNF, fled in the Code Case: Welding of age hardenable alloy Class 1, 2, 3 and MC Construction SA-453 Grade 660 and SA-637 Grade 688 should be performed w hen the material is in the solution- Code Case 1644 2 was acceptabk subject to the fouow-treated condition. ing condition in addition to those conditions speci-fled in the Code Case: The maximum measured ultimate N60-1 05 25-83 Matenal for Core Support S t ru c- tensue strength of the companent support material 09 17 84 tures, Section Ill, Division I should not exceed 170 Ksi.

Code Case N-60-1 was acceptab!c subject to the fol- 1644-3 11-03-75 Additional Materials for Canponent lowing condition in addition to those conditions spe- 03-01 76 Supports - Section !!!, Subsection cified in the Code Case: Welding of age-hardenable NF, Class 1, 2, 3 and MC Construc-alloy SA-453 Grade 660 and SA-637 Grade 668 should tion be performed when the material is in the solution-treated condition. Code Case 1644-3 was acceptable subject to the fouow-ing condition in addition to those conditions speci-


fied in the Code Case: The maximum measured 17 Code Case 1492 3 no longer bsted by ASNE as a 5tttion til ultimate tensde strength of the component support Code Case and is therefore deleted frorn the acceptaNe listing.

material should not exceed 170 Ksi.

1.85 9

1644-4 03-01 76 Additional 5bterials for Component Case: The maximum measured ultimate tensile strength 08 13 76 Supports and Alternate Design (UTS) of the component support material should not Requirements for Bolted Joints, exceed 170 Ksi in view of the susceptibihty of high-Section !!!, Disision 1, Subsection strength materials to brittleness and stress corrosion Nr, Class 1, 2, 3 and MC Construc- cracking. Certain applicatior.. may exist where a UTS tion value of up to 190 Ksi could be considered accept-a ble for a material and, under this condition, the Code Case 1644-4 was acceptable subject to the follow- Design Specification should specify impact testing for ing conditions in addition to those specified m the the material. For these cases, it should be demonstrated Code Case: The maximum measured ultimate tensde by the applicant that (1) the impact test results for strength (UTS) of the component su pport ma terial the material meet code requirements and (2) the mate-should not exceed 170 Ksi in view of the susceptibility rial is not subjec t to stress corrosion cracking by of high-st re ngth materials to bnttleness and stress virtue of the fact that (a) a corrosive environment is corrosion cracking. Certain applications raay exist where not present and (b) the component that contains the J UTS value of up to 190 Ksi could be considered material has essentially no residual stresses or assembly accept,.ble for a material and, under this condition, stresses, and it does not experience frequent sustained the Design Specification should specify impact testing loads in service.

for the material.1 or these cases, it should be demon-i strated by the applicant that (1) the impact test results 1644-7 11-21 77 Additional 5bterials for Component l for the matenal mect code requiremen:s and 12) the (N-71-7) 05 15 78 Supports,Section III, Divisien 1, I m.tenal is not subject to stress corrosion cracking by Subsection NF, Class 1, 2, 3 and virtue of the fatt that Q) a torrosive environment is not MC Component Supports present and (b) the component that contains the mate-rial has essentially no residual stresses or assembly Code Case 1(44-7 was acceptable subject to the following stresses, and it does not experience frequent sustained conditions in addition to those specified in the Code loads in seruce. Case: The maximum measured ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the component support material should not 1644 5 08-13 76 Aahtional Matenals for Component exceal 170 Ksi in view of the susceptibility of high-03-03 77 Supports and Alternate Design strength matenals to bnttleness and stress corrosion Requirements for Bolted Joints, cracking. Certain applications may exist where a UTS htion Ill, Division I, Subsection NF, value of up to 190 Ksi could be considered accept-Class 1, 2, 3 and MC Construction able for a material and, under this condition, the Design Specification should specify impact testing for Code Case 1644 5 was aueptable subject to the follow- the matenal. For these cases, it should be demonstrated ing conditions in addition to thme specified in the by the applicant that (1) the impact test results for Code Case: The maximum measured ultimate tensile the matenal meet code requirements and (2) the strength (UTS) of the com pone n t su pport matenal material is not subject to stress corrosion cracking by should not escced 170 Ksi in view of the susceptibihty virtue of the fact that (a) a corrosive environment is of high strength materials to bnttleness and stress not present and (b) ihe component that contains the corrosion crac kin g. Certain applications may exist material has essentially no residual stresses or assembly w here a UTS salue of up to 190 Ksi could be stresses, and it does not experience frequent sustained considered acceptable for a material and, under this loads in service.

condition, the Design Specification should specify impact testing for the material. For these cases, it 1644 8 05 15 78 Additiona: Materials for Component should be demonstrated by the applicant that (1) the (N 71-8) 01-07 80 Supports, Section 111, Division 1, impact test results for the matenal meet code require. Subsection NF, Class 1, 2, 3 and ments and (2) the matenal is not su bjec t to stress MC Component Supports corrosion cracking by virtue of the fact that (a) a corrosive ens tronmen t is not present and (b) the Code Case 1644 8 was acceptable subject to the follow-component that contains the material has essentially ing conditions in addition to those specified in the no residual stresses or assembly stresses, and it does Code Case: The maximum measured ultimate tensile not ex penence f requent sustained loads in se rvic e. strength (UTS) of the component support material should not exceed 170 Ksiin view of the susceptibility 1644-6 03-03-77 AdJitional Nbterials for Component of high strength materials to brittleness and stress 11-21 77 Supports and Alterna e Design corrosion c racking. Certain applications may exist Requirements for Bolted Joints, where a UTS value of up to 190 Ksi could be considered Section lil, Division 1, Subsection acceptable for a material and, under this condition, NT, Class I, 2, 3 and MC Construc- the Design Specification should specify impact testing tion for the matenal. For these cases, it should be demon-strated by the applicant that (1) the impact test Code Case 1644 was acceptable subject to the following results for the material meet code requirements and conditions in addition to those specified in the Code (2) the matenal is not subject to stress corrosion 1.85 10

cracking by virtue of the fact that (a) a corrosive environment is not present and (b) the component fied in the Code Case: De maximum measured ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the component support mate-that contains the material has essentially no residual rial should not exceed 170 Ksiin view of the susceptibil-

] stresses or assembly stresses, and it does not ex peri- ity of high-strength materials to brittleness and stress ence frequent sustained loads in service.

corrosion cracking. Certain applications may exist where 1644-9 a U13 value of up to 190 Ksi could be considered 01-07 80 Additional Materials for Component (N 719) 05-11-81 acceptable for a material and, under this condition, the Supports Fabricated by Welding, Design Specification should specify impact testing for Section 111, Division 1, Subsection the material. For these cases, it should be demonstrated NF, Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Compo. by the applicant that (1) the impact test results for the nent Supports material meet code requirements and (2) the material is not su bjec t to stress corrosion cracking by virtue Code Case 1644M was acceptable subject to the follow-ing condition in addition to those condttions specified of the fact that (a) a corrosive environment is not

' present and (b) the component that contains the in the Code Case: In the last sentence of paragraph material has essentially no residual stresses or assembly 5.3, reference should be made to paragraph, stresses, and it does not experience frequent sustained "Alternate Atmosphere Exposure Time Periods Estab-loads in service. In the last sentence of paragraph 5.3, lished by Test," of the A%S D.l.1 Code for the esidence reference should be made to paragraph 4. 5. 2. 2, presented to and accepted by the Authorized Inspec- "Alternate Atmosphere Exposure Time Periods Estab-tor concerning ex posure of electrodes for longer lished by Te s t ," of the AWS D.I.1 Code for the periods of time.

evidence presented to and accepted by the Authorized N ,71 10 Inspector concerning exposure of electrodes for 051181 Additional Materials for Component longer periods of time.

06 17 82 Supports Fabncated by Welding, Section ill, Division 1, Subsection N-71 12 02-14-83 Additional Materials for Component NF, Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Compo. 02-20-84 nent Supports Supports Fabricated by Welding, Section 111, Division I, Class I, 2, 3, and MC Code Case N-71 10 was acceptable subject to the follow-ing conditions in addition to those conditions speci- Code Case N 71 12 was acceptable su bject to the fied m the Code Case: The maximum measured following condition m addition to those conditions ultimate tensde strength (UTS) of the component specified m the Code Case: The maximum measured support matenal should not exceed 170 Ksi in view of the su sceptibility of high strength matenals to ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the component support material should not exceed 170 Ksi in view bnttleness and stress corrosion cracking. Certam of the susceptibilit y of high,trength matenals to applications may exist w here a UTS value of up to 190 Ksi could be considered acceptable for a matenal brittleness and stress corrosion crac k mg. Certain and, under this condition, the Design Specification applications may exist where a UTS value of up to should specify impact testing for the material. For 190 Ksi could be considered acceptable for a mate-rial and, under this condition, the Design Specifica-these cases, it should be demonstrated by the appli- tion should specify impact testing for the material.

cant that (1) the impact test results for the material meet code requirements and (2) the material is not For these cases, it should be demonstrated by the su bject to stress corrosion crackmg by sirtue of the applicant that (1) the impact test results for the material meet code requirements and (2) the mate.

fact that (a) a corrosive envtronment is not present and (b) the component that contains the material has rial is not subject to stress corrosion cracking by essentially no residual stresses or assembly stresses, and virtue of the fact that (a) a corrosive environment is not presen t and (b) the component that contains it does not ex perience frequent sustained loads in the material has essentially no residual stresses or service. In the last sentence of paragraph 5.3, reference assembly stresses, and it does not exp"ience frequent should be made to paragraph,"Alternate Atmos-sustained loads m service. In the last sentence of para-phere Exposure Time Periods Established by Test," of graph 5.3, reference sinuld be made to ruragraph, the AWS D. l .1 Code for the evidence presented to "Alternate Atmost.;ere Exposure Time Periods Estab-and accepted by the Authorized Inspector concerning hshed by Test," of the AWS D.I.1 Code for the evidence ex posure of electrodes for longer periods of time. presented to and accepted by the Authorized Inspector N 71-11 concerning exposure of electrodes for longer periods of 06 17-82 Additional Materials for Component time. The provisions of paragraph 4.3 are not acceptable 02-14 83 Suppris Fabricated by Welding, Sec-on a generic basis. Paragraph 16.2.2 is not acceptable as tion III, Division 1, Subsection NF, written and should be replaced with the following: When Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Component not exempted by 16.2.1, above, the postweld heat treat-Supports ment stiall be performed in accordance with NF-4622 except that for ASint A 710 Grade A materialit shall be

) Code Case N 71 11 was acceptable subject to the follor-ing conditions in addition to those conditiony at least 1000*F (540*C) and shall not exceed llS0'F

e. oe c .-

(620*C) for Class 1 and Class 2 material and ll75'F l.85 11

(640*C) for Class 3 material. The new holding time at 1714 08 11-75 Postweld lleat Treatment of P-1 '

temperature for weld thickness (nominal) shall be 30 0711 774 Material, Section 111, Class MC minutes for 1/2 inch or less, I hour per inch for thick- 17141 07 11-774 Postweld lleat Treatment of P 1 ness over 1/2 inch to 5 inches, and 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> plus 15 (N 1021) 08 28 78 Material, Section Ill, Class M(

minutes for each additional inch over 5 inches. 1722 11 03 75 Vacuum, Cartxin fkoxidized SA-508 01 08 79 Forgings, Section Ill, Division 1, and N-71 13 02-20-84 Additional Materials for Su bsec- Vill, Division 1 and 2 12-05-85 tion NF, Classes 1, 2, 3 and MC 1741 12-22-75 Interim Rules for the Required Componen t Supports Fabricated 01 14 77 Number of Impact Tests for Rolled by Welding, Section 111, Divi- Shapes, Section 111, Division 1, sion 1 Subsection NF, Component Supports 1755 04 26-76 Alternative Rules for Examinatiori Code Case N-71 13 was acceptable subject to the 01-14-77 of Welds in Piping, Class I and 2 following condition in addition to those conditions Construction,Section III, Division I specified in the Code Case: The maximum measured 1759 08-13-76 Material for Internal Pressure Re.

ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the component 05 15-78 items fcr Pressure Relief support material should not exceed 170 Ksi in view Vcives,Sxtion 111, Division 1, Class of the susceptibility of high-strength materials to 1, 2, and 3 -

brittleness and stress corrosion cracking. Certain applications may exist where a UTS value of up to Code Case 1759 was acceptable subject to the follow.

190 Ksi could be considered acceptable for a mate- ing condition in addition to those conditions speci-rial and, under this condition, the Design Specification fied in the Code Case: Applicants using this Case should specify impact testing for the material. For should also use Code Case 1711 for the design of these cases, it should be demonstrated by the appli- pressure relief valves. ,

, cant that (1) the impact test results for the mate-i rial meet code requirements and (2) the material is N 188 08 29-77 Use of Welded Ni-Fe-Cr-M o-Cu l not subject to stress corrosion cracking by virtue of 05-15-78 (Alloy 825) and Ni-Cr-Mo-Cb (Al-

. the fact tMt (a) a corrosive environment is not loy 625) Tubing, Section ill, present and (b) the component that contains the Division 1, Class 3 03 20-78 Use of Modified S A-479 Type material has essentially no residual stresses or assembly N 207 stresses, and it does not experience frequent sustained 03-19 79 XM 19 for Section ill, Division 1, loads in service. in the last sentence of paragraph 5.3, Class I, 2 or 3 Construction r reference should be made to paragraph, N 224 11 20 78 Use of ASTM A500 Grade B and -

"Alternate Atmosphere Exposure Time Periods Estab- 05-11-81 ASIM A501 Structural Tubing for lished by Test," of the AWS D.l.1 Code for the Welded Attachments for Section 111, '

evidence presented to and accepted by the Authorized Class 2 and 3 Construction Inspector concerning ex posure of electrodes for N 242 04 12 79 Materials Certification, Section Ill, longer periods of time. Paragraph 16.2.2 is not accept. 04 10-80 Division 1, Classes 1,2, 3, MC, and able as written and should be replaced with the CS Construction following. When not exempted by 16.2.1 above, the l postweld head treatment shall be performed in accor- Code Case N-242 was acceptable subject to the follow.

, dance with NF 4622 except that for ASTM A-710 ing condition in addition to those conditions speci<

Grade A material, it shall be at least 1000* F (540* C) fied in the Code Case: Applicants should identify the and shall not exceed ll50* F (620*C) for Class I and components and supports requiring the use of para.

Class 2 material and ll75* F (640* C) for Class 3 graphs 1.0 through 4.0 of the Code Case in theli m a terial. The new holding time at temperature for Safety Analysis Reports.

w e!d thick ness (nominal) shall be 30 minutes for 1/2 inch or less, I hour per inch for thickness over N 2461 09-07 82 Sill 69, Alloy C 61400, Section 111, -

1/2 inch to 5 mehes, and 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> plus 15 minutes 05 25 83 Division 1, Class 3 I for each additicnal inch over 5 inches. The fracture N 249 01-07-80 Additional Materials for Compo.

toughness requirements as hMed in this Code Case 05 11 81 nent Supports Fabricated Wit h.

l out Welding, Section 111, Divi <

apply only to piping supports and not to Class 1, 2, , ,

and 3 component supports. The fracture toughness of sion 1, Subsection NF, Class 1 Classes I, 2, and 3 component supports sha5 me char- 2, 3 and MC Component Support! -

acterued in accordance with paragraph 5.3.4 of the USNRC Standard Review Plan (NUREG-0800) or on Code Case N 249 was acceptable subject to the follow. . ,

a case by-case basis, ing condition in addition to those conditions speci fied in the Code Case: Footnote 2 of the Code Cast 1682 01 29 75 Alternate Rules for Material Manu- should apply to all materials listed in Tables 1, 2, 3 08 11 75 facturers and Suppliers.Section III, 4, and 5 of the Code Case and should be so indicatet Subarticle NA 3700 on line 5 of the "Reply."


1.85 12 4

N 2491 05 11-81 Additional Materials for Compo. (NUREG-0800) or on a case by-case basi 3. The follow-06 17 82 nent Supports Fabricated Without ing is to be added to paragraph (5) of the Case: For Welding, Section 111, Division 1, these cases, it should be demonstrated by the owner Subsection NF, Class 1, 2, 3, and that (1) the impact test results for the material meet MC Compcnent Supports Code requirements and (2) the material is not subject to stress corrosion cracking by virtue of the fact that Code Case N-2491 was acceptable subject to the follow-(a) a corrosive environment is not present and (b) the ing condition in addition to those conditions speci- component that contains the material has essentially fied in the Code Case: Paragraph 7 of the "Reply" no residual stresses or assembly stresses, and it does should reference the requirements of NF 2600 instead not ex perience frequent sustained loads in service.

of NF-2800. This is a typographical error in that NF 2800 does not exist. N-249-7 09-05-85 Additional Material for Subsection 12-05-85 NF, Classes 1, 2, 3, and 51C Com-N 249 2 06-17-82 Additional Materials for Subsection ponent Supports Fabricated With.

02 14-83 NF Class 1,2,3,and MC Component out Welding, Section ill, Division 1 Supports Fabricated Without Weld-ing, Section !!!, Division 1 Code Case N-249-7 w as acceptable subject to the N-249-3 following conditions in addition to those conditions 02 14-83 Additional Materials for Subsection specified in the Code Case: The fracture toughness 02-20-84 NF Class 1, 2. 3, and MC Compo- requirements apply only to piping supports and not nent Supports Fabricated Without to Classes I, 2, and 3 component supports. The frac-Welding, Section 111, Division I ture toughness of Classes 1, 2, and 3 component N 249-4 supports should be characterized in accordance with 02-20-84 Additional Material for Subsection paragraph 5.3.4 of the USNRC Standard Resiew Plan 09-17-84 NF, Classes 1, 2, 3, and MC Com- (NUREG-0800) or on a case-by-case basis. The follow-ponent Supports Fabricated Withou t ing is to be added to paragraph (5) of the Case: For Welding, Sec tion 111, Division 1 these cases, it should be demonstrated by the owner that (1) the impact test results for the material meet The fracture toughness requirements as listed in Code Code requirements and (2) the material is not subject Case N 249-4 apply only to piping supports and not to to stress corrosion cracking by virtue of the ikt that Classes 1, 2, and 3 component supports. The fracture (a) a corrosive environment is not present and tb) the toughness of Classes 1, 2, and 3 component supports coniponent that contains the material has essentially shodd be characterited in xmrdance with paragraph 114 re residual stresses or assembly stresses, and it does of the USNRC Standard Review Plan (NUREG-0800) not ex perience frequent sustained loads in service.

or on a case-by-case basis.

N-26518 01-07-80 Modified S A-48 7 Castings, Sec-N-249 5 09-17 84 Additional Material for Subsection 09-01-83 tion !!I, Division 1, Class 1 04-08 85 NF, Classes 1, 2, 3, and MC Com- 12 31 84 ponent Supports Fabricated With- 05 19 85 out Welding,Section III, Division i N 299 11 17-80 Use of Nickel-Chromium Molybde-The fracture toughness requirements as li>ted in Code Il-28 83 num-Columbium Alloy 625 Forg-Case N 249-5 apply only to piping supports and not 07-18 85 ings, Section lli, Division 1, Class 2 ;

to Classes 1, 2, and 3 component supports. The frac-and Class 3 Components I ture toughness of Classes 1, 2, and 3 component sur-ports should be characterized in accordance with para- N 321 0713-81 Use of Modified SA 249, Type 304 graph 5.3.4 of the USNRC Standard Revie w Plan 07 13 84 for Section 111, Division 1 Class 1 (NUREG-0800) or on a case-by-case basis.

12 05 85 Construction l N 249-6 04-08 85 Additional Material for Subsection N 337 04-02 82 Use of ASTM B525 70 Grade 11,

09-05 85 NF, Classes 1, 2, 3, anJ MC Com- 05 19 85 Type 11 Smtered Austenitic Stain-1 ponent Supports Fabricated With- 07 18-85 less Steel for Class 2, 3, and MC l out Welding, Section 111, Division i Component Standard Support s, Section Ill, Division 1 Code Case N 249-6 was acceptable subject to the follow- {

ing conditions in addition to those conditions speci- __

fied in the Code Case: The fracture toughness 18 Code Case N 265 was aHoweJ to expire on I 7 83 because l

requirements apply only to piping supports and not of an administrative error, it was rein,tated on 9183 with no i

to Classes 1, 2, and 3 component supports. The frac- technical changes. The Case is, therefore, considered in effect during that period of time. Again, Code Case N 265 was atlowed ture toughness of Classes 1, 2, and 3 component to expire on 12 31-84 (mandatory annulment date). It was rein-supports should be characterited in accordance with stated ast N 2651 w on 519 85. Isecause of the circumstances and

$ca , , ,gre,, ch,a" n N bh' C b c"*'od th NR pn d Ih N "A paragraph 5.3.4 of the USNRC Standard Review Plan through 519 85. urins l 1.85 13

' N 357 07 16-82 Use of SA-638 Grade 660 Forg- other regulatory guides should be considered not accept-05 19-85 ings and Bars Below 700* F With- able on : generic basis.

07 18-85 out Stress Rupture Tests, Sec-tion 111, D2,ision 1 i -370 02 14-83 Modified SA 705 Grade XM !3 07-18 85 Forgings, Section 111, Dnisjon i The purpose of this section is to provide information to applicants regarding the use of this regulatory guide.

N-3 70- 1 07 18-85 Modified SA 705 Grade XMl?

I 12-05-85 Forgings, Section !!!, Division 1 1. Except for those Code Cases that have been annulled l by action of the ASME, the NRC staff has found

! N 371 02-14-83 12 Cr lW lMo-1/4V Martensitic the Code Cases listed in this regulatory guide under regu-07 18-85 Stainless Steel Valve Internals, latory position C.! acceptable for apprcpriate use. Other Section lil, Division 1 Code Cases may be considered for use la accordance with footnote 6 of the Codes and Standards rule, @$0.55a of N-3 79 04 04-83 Bimetallic Tubing Section 111, 10 CFR Part 50.

07 18 85 Division 1, Class 1

2. Components ordered to a specific version of a N-418 12-05-84 Use of Seamless Ni- Fe-Cr-M o-Cu Code Case need not be changed because a subsequent 1 07-30-86 Low Carbon (UNS N08028 and revision of the Code Case is listed as the approved j UNS N08904) Tubing, Section til, version in this guide.

l Division 1, Classes 2 and 3

3. Components ordered to a Code Case that w as
4. Code Cases for Class 1 components that are not on previously approved for use need not be changed because the approsed hst of this guide (paragraph C.1) er other the Code Case has been subsequently annulled.

regulatory guides. or for which authorization by the Commission has not been granted, are not acceptable for 4. Code Cases on the approved list may be applied Class I components. to components that were in process of construction prior to the effective date of the Code Case within the

5. Code Cases for other classes of components that are limits specified in the Code Case and applicable regula-not on the approved hst of this guide (paragraph C.1) or tions or recommended in other regulatory guides.

k 1.85 14


  • 133711 (N-411) N. i g g. : 3,34 g, j g N71 N.205 N 351 1407-3 (N 10) N.;;41 N 353 14741 (N-17) N 246 2 N.367 i N 20-1 l N 249-8 N.3 70. ,

1527 (N 26) N 2651 N.3 7 j .[ -

N-60-3 N.;94 3,379,3 N 71-14  ; N.;99 3 3,3 g g 1747 (N-124) l N.3 3 3.g 3,393 1754 (N-126) N.329 N-404 1755-1 (N-127) i N.3371 N.4 j g. g l 1759-1 (N 131-1)

-m Code1.Case 1624 was inadsertently listed in the appendix of Regulatory Guide 1.85.



m 1.85 15



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