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Rev 31 to Reg Guide 1.84,task DG-1048, Design & Fabrication Code Case Acceptability,Asme Section Iii,Div 1
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/31/1999
TASK-*****, TASK-RE REGGD-01.084, REGGD-1.084, NUDOCS 9906150096
Download: ML20195F790 (20)


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/#,orag'o May 1999



DESIGN AND FABRICATION CODE CASE ACCEPTABILITY, ASME SECTION 111, DIVISION 1 A. INTRODUCTION formed. Where generally recognized codes and stan-dards are used, Criterion 1 requires that they be identi-Section 50.55a," Codes and Standards,"of 10 CFR fled and evaluated to determine their applicability, Part 50, " Domestic Licensing of Production and Uti-adequacy, and sufficiency and be supplemented or lization Facilities," requires, in part, that components modified as necessary to ensure a quality product in of the reactor coolant pressure boundary be designed, keeping with the required safety function.

fabricated, erected, and tested in accordance with the requirements for Class I components of Section III, Cn.terion 30," Quality of Reactor Coolant Pressure

" Nuclear Power Plant Components,"I of the American Boundary,"of the same appendix requires,in part, that Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and components that are part of the reactor coolant pressure Pressure Vessel Code or equivalent quality standards. boundary be desig.1ed, fabricated, erected, and tested to Footnote 6 to 10 CFR 50.55a states that the use of spe- the highest quality standards practical.

cific Code Cases may be nuthorized by the Commission Appendix B," Quality Assurance Criteria for Nu-upon request parsuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3), which clear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to requires that proposed alternatives to the described re. 10 CFR Part 50 requires, in part, that measures be es-quirements or portions thereof provide an acceptable tablished for the ccmtrol of special processing of materi-level of quality and safety. als and that proper testing be performed.

General Design Criterion 1, " Quality Standards This regulatory guide lists those Section Ill ASME and Records,"of Appendix A," General Design Crite. Code Cases oriented to design and fabrication that are ria for Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50 re. generally acceptable to the NRC staff for implementa-



quires, in part, that structures, systems, and compo- tion in the licensing of light-water-cooled nuclear q nents important to safety be designed, fabricated, erected, and testnd to quality standards commensurate power plants. The guide is being revised to update the hg>_

NRC's position on new Code Cases, revised Code /

with the importance of the safety function to be per. Cases, and annulled Code Cases since Revision 30 of the guide was issued in October 1994.

icopies may be obtained from the American Society of Mechanical Engi.

neers.Three Park Avenue, New York. New York 10016-5990. Phone This regulatory guide contains no information (2:2)591-8500; rax (2:23591-8501. collection activities and, theref. ore, as not subj.ect to the USNRC RI.GULATORY GUIDES Tn. guides .r. in in t.n bro.d dm.ons

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requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 no conflicts with other recommended limitations re-(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). sulting from Code Case usage.

B. DISCUSSION Acceptance or endorsement by the NRC staff ap-plies only to those Code Cases or Code Case revisions The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee with the date of ASME approval as shown in the Regu-publishes a document entitled " Code Cases."1 Gener- latory Position of this guide. Earlier or later revisions of ally, the individual Code Cases that make up this docu- a Code Case are not endorsed by this guide. New Code ment explain the intent of Code rules or provide for al- Cases will require evaluation by the NRC staff to deter-ternative requirements under special circumstances. mine whether they qualify for inclusion in the approved Most Code Cases are eventually superseded by re. list. Because of the continuing change in the status of vision to the Code and then are annulled by action of the Code Cases,it is planned that this guide will require pe-ASME. In such cases, the intent of the annulled Code riodic updating to accominodate new Code Cases and Case becomes part of the revised Code, and therefore any revisions of existing Code Cases.

continued use of the Code Case intent is sanctioned un. C. REGULATORY POSITION der the rules of the Code. In other cases, the Code Case

1. ACCEPTABLE CODE CASES is annulled because it is no longer acceptable or there is The Section HI ASME Code Cases,-listed below no further requirement for it. A Code Case that was ap-(by number, date of ASME approval, and title) are ac-proved for a particular situation and not for a generic ,

application should be used only for construction of the ceptable to the NRC staff for application in the mnstmaion of mmponents for light-water-cooled nu-approved situation because annulment of such a Code c ar p wer plantsmeir use is acceptable within the li-Case could result in c(mstruction that would not meet mitations stated in the " Inquiry" and " Reply" sections Code requirements.

of each individual Code Case, within the limitations of The Code Cases listed in this guide are limited to such NRC or other requirements as may exist, and with-those cases applicable to Section til that are oriented to- in the additional limitations recommended by the NRC ward design and fabrication. staff given with the individual Code Case in the listing.

All published Code Cases in the area of design and The categorization of Code Cases used in this guide is fabrication that are applicable to Section Ill of the Code intended to facilitate the Code Case listing and is not in-and were in effect on May 12,1994, were reviewed for tended to indicate a limitation on its usage.

inclusion in this guide. In addition to the listing of ac- a. Design Oriented Code Cases (Code rase ceptable Code Cases, this revision of the guide includes Number, Date of ASME Appmval,3 and listings of (1) Code Cases that were identified as ac- Title):

ceptable in a prior version of this regulatory guide and (1) Code Cases Applicable to Piping Design:

that were annulled after the original issuance of this N-122-2 04-28-94 Procedure for Evaluation of the guide (June 1974) and (2) Code Cases that were identi- .

fied as acceptable in a prior version of this regulatory **'.gn f Rectangular Cross Secticm Attachments on Class guide and that were superseded by revised Code Cases after the original issuance of this guide (June 1974). ' P ' "E' ' '"" " ' ' '*

8 "I Code Cases that are not listed herein are either not en-dorsed or will require supplementary pmvisions on an N-160-1 07-18-85 Finned Tubing for Construc-individual basis to attain endorsement status. 07-18-88 tion, Section 111, Division 1 03-14-91 The endorsement of a Code Case by this guide 03-14-94 constitutes acceptance of its technical position for ap-N-453-2 04-30-92 Nickel-Chromium-Molybde-plications not precluded by regulatory or other require-n C an ments or by the recommendations in this or other regu-latory guides. Contingent endorsement is indicated in Se miess and Welded Pipe for Regulatory Position 1.c for specific cases. Ilowever, it Gass 2 and 3 Construction, is the responsibility of the user to make certain that no ,

Sedmn HI, Divismn 1 regulatory requirements are violated and that there are 2A numericalinstmg of the Code Cases appears in the appendix.

3 When more than one date is given, the earlier date is that on which the Cale Case was approved by the AsME and the later date(s)is that on

  • Lines indicare substantive changes from Revision 30. w hoch the Code Case was reaffirmed by the ASMii 1.84 - 2 i

l l . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


N-454-1 04-30-92 Nickel-Chromium-Molybde- N-309-1 12-05-85 Identification of Materials for i num-Copper Stainless Steel 07-27-88 Component Supports, Section 03-14-91 III, Division 1 9 (UNS N08925 and N08926)

Wrought Fittings for Class 2 and 3 Construction Section III, Dwision 1 N-411-1 02-20-86 Alternative Damping Values 02-20-89 for Response Spectra Analysis 04-30-92 of Classes 1,2, and 3 Piping, N-455-1 04-30-92 Nickel-Chromium-Molybde- Section III, Division 1 num-Copper Stainless Steel Code CastJ-411-1 is acceptable subject to the fol-(UNS N08925 and N08926) lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-Forged Flanges and Fittings for fied in the Code Case: (1) The Code Case damping Class 2 and 3 Construction, should be used completely and consistently, if used at Section III, Division 1 all. (For equipment other than piping, the damping val-(2) Code Cases Applicable to Valve Design: ues specified in Regulatory Guide 1.61," Damping Val-ues for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants,"

N-133-3 07-18-85 Use of SB-148 Alloys 952 and should be used.) (2) The damping values specified may 07-18-88 954,Section III, Division 1, be used only in those analyses in which current seismic 03-14-91 Class 3 spectra and procedures have been employed. Such use 03-14-94 should be limited only to response spectral analyses N-313 05-11-81 Alternate Rules for Half. (similar to that used in the study supporting its accep-11-28-83 Coupling Branch Connections, tance-Reference NUREG/CR-3526). (3) When used 11-28-86 Section III, Division 1 for reconciliation work or for support optimization of 11-28-89 existing designs, the effects ofincreased motion on ex-11-28-92 isting clearances and on line mounted equipment should be checked. (4) This Code Case is not appropri-N-394 02-20-84 Restricting Lift to Achieve ate for analyzing the dynamic response of piping sys-n 07-30-86 Reduced Relieving Capacities tems using supports designed to dissipate energy by 1 07 30-89 of Full Lift, Nozzle Type, and

' yielding (i.e., the design of which is covered by Code 07-27-92 Flat Seated Safety and Safety Case N-420). (5) This Code Case is not applicable to Relief Valves for Compressible piping in which stress corrosion cracking has occurred Fluid Applications,Section III, unless a case-specific evaluation is made and is re-Division 1, Classes 2 and 3 viewed by the NRC staff.

N-410 12-05-84 Certified Relieving Capacities N-420 02-14-85 Linear Energy Absorbing Sup-07-27-88 of Pressure Relief Valves 02-14-88 ports for Subsection NF, 03-14-91 Having Set Pressure of 3 psig 03-14-91 Classes 1,2, and 3 Construc-03-14-94 up to but Not including 15 psig 03-14-94 tion,Section III, Division 1 Installed for Overpressure Protection of Compressible N-433 12-16-86 Non-Threaded Fasteners for Fluid Systems,Section III, Di. 12-16-89 Section 111, Division 1, vision 1, Classes 2 and 3 12-16-92 Class 1,2, and 3 Component and Piping Supports, Section (3) Other Code Cases Related to Design: III, Division 1 N-122-2 04-28-94 Procedure for Evaluation of the N-476 05-06 89 Class 1,2,3, and MC Linear Design of Rectangular Cross 37-27-92 Component Supports-Design Section Attachments on Class Criteria for Single Angle Mem-1 Piping,Section III, Divi- bers,Section III, Division 1, sion 1 Subsection NF N-243 08-30-79 Boundaries Within Castings N-505 07-27-92 Alternative Rules for the Ex-07-16-82 Used for Core Support Struc- amination of Butt Welds Used O 05-19-85 tures,Section III, Division 1, as Closure Welds for Electrical

() 05-19-88 Class CS 03-14-91 Penetration Assemblies in Con-tainment Structures, Section 03-14-94 III, Division 1 1.84 - 3 g , .

N-511 02-12-93 Design Temper:ture for Atmo- N 392-2 12-11-92 Procedure for Evaluation of the spheric and 0-15 PSI Storage Design of IIollow Circular Tanks,Section III, Division 1 Cross Section Welded Attach-

! ments on Classes 2 and 3 Pip-l N 520 12-09-93 Alternative Rules for Renewal ing,Section III, Division 1 l of N-type Certificates for I N-393 11-28-83 Repair Welding Structural Steel Plants Not in Active Construc-tion,Section III, Division 1 07-30-86 Rolled Shapes and Plates for 07-30-89 Component Supports, Section 07-27-92 III, Division 1

b. Fabrication-oriented Code Cases N 395 12-11-89 Laser Welding,Section III, (1) Code Cases Related to Welding and 12-11-92 Division 1 Brazing: N-452 03-08-89 Specialized Subcontracted 04-30-92 Welding Process (Electron N-154-1 12-05-85 Projection Resistance Welding

02-05-92 Division 1, Class 1,2, and 3 Valves N-464 03-08-89 Laser Welding of Lap-Joints, 04-30-92 Section III, Division 1, Class 2 N-304-4 02-23-87 Use of 20Cr-25Ni-6Mo (Alloy and 3 Construction 12-11-89 UNS N08366) Plate, Sheet, 02-12-93 Strip and Welded Pipe, Class 2 (2) Other Code Cases Related to Fabrication and 3 Section III, Division 1 N-240 03-19-79 Ilydrostatic Testing of Open 01-21-82 Ended Piping,Section III, N-315 02-14-83 Repair of Bellows,Section III, 09-17-84 Division 1 02-19-86 Division 1 09-17-87 02-19-89 08-14-90 02-05 92 08-14-93 Code Case N-315 is acceptable subject to the fol- N-241 07-09-79 Ilydrostati: Testing of Piping, 01-21-82 Section III, Division 1 lowingconditions in addition to those conditions speci-fied in the Code Case: Prior to repair the user will quali. 09-17-84 09-17 87 fy the repair procedures on a full-scale mockup bellow 12-11-89 to ensure that the repair meets all design requirements 12-11-92 for bellows.

N-368 07-06-83 Pressure Testing of Pump N-345-1 12-13-82 Attachment of AMS 5382 06-30-87 Discharge,Section III, 06-30-88 Alloy 31 Seat Rings by Fric- 08-14-90 Division 1, Classes 2 and 3 03-14-91 tion Welding,Section III, 08-14-93 03-14-94 Division 1, Classes 1,2, and 3 N-369 02-14-83 Resistance Welding of N-391-1 07-24-89 Procedure for Evaluation of the 02-19-86 Bellows,Section III, Divi-07-27-92 Design ofllollow Circular 02-19-89 sion 1 Cross Section Welded Attach- 02-05-92 ments on Class 1 Piping, Sec- c. Code Cases with Contingent Appmval tion 111, Division 1 N-62-7 05-11-94 Internal and External Valve Code Case N 391-1 is acceptable subject to the fol- Items,Section III, Division 1, lowing conditions in addition to those specified in the Class 1,2, and 3 Code Case: The following typographical errors need to Code Case N-62-7 is acceptable subject to the fol-be corrected: lowing condition in addition to those conditions speci-fled in the Code Case: The Code requires that Class 1

1. In equation (3) the + sign should be changed to and Class 2 valve manufacturers meet the provisions of an = sign, NCA 4000 " Quality Assurance," and, in addition,
2. In equation (4) the first + sign should be Class 3 valve manufacturers should also meet the pro-changed to an = sign. visions of NCA 4000.

1.84 - 4

1 1792 2 01-08-79 Fiberglass Reinforced Thermo- 2. ANNULLED CODE CASES l (N-155-2) 01-21-82 setting Resin Pipe,Section III, Code Cases that were endorsed by the NRC in a 9 01-21-85 Division 1 01-21-88 03-14-91 prior version of this guide and were later annulled by action of the ASME should be considered as deleted from the list of acceptable Code Cases as of the date of 03-14-94 the ASME action that approved the annulment. Such Code Cases, which were annulled on or after July 1, Code Case 1792-2 (N-155 2)is acceptable subject 1974, are listed below by number, effective dates,4and to the following condition in addition to those condi- title.5 tions specified in the Code Case: The applicant should 1361-2 03-09-72 Socket Welds,Section III satisfy the additional limitations that are specified in 03-01-79 Regulatory Guide 1.72, " Spray Pond Piping Made from Fiberglass-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin." Code Case 1361-2 was acceptable when used in connection with Section III, paragraph NB-3356, Fillet N-192-2 09-16-81 Use of Braided Flexible Con- Welds.

09-17-84 nectors,Section III, Division 1, 1461-16 03-09-72 Electron Beam Welding, Sec-09-17-87 Class 2 and 3 02-16-77 tion I, Ill, and VIII, Division 1 08 14-90 and 2 08-14-93 1470-27 12-18-72 External Pressure Charts for N-284 08-25-80 Metal Containment Shell 11-04-74 High-Strength Carbon Steels 05-25-83 Buckling Design Methods, and for Low-Alloy Steels, Sec-07-30-86 Section III, Division 1, Class tion VIII, Division 1 and 2, and 07-30-89 MC Section III 07-27-92 1471-1 03-09-72 Vacuum Electron Beam Weld-01-01-78 ing of Tube Sheet Joints, Sec-0 Code Case N-284 is acceptable subject to the fol-lowing conrtition in addition to those conditions speci-fled in the Code Case: If axisymmetric techniques are 1477-1 tion III 03-09-72 Use of 1970 Addenda of ANSI 01-01-78 B31.7,Section III employed in the analysis of vessels with large open-ings, the applicability of the methodology in these ap- 1494-1 03-03-73 Weld Procedure Qualification plications should be demonstrated. 01-01-78 Test,Section III 1506 12-13-71 Stress Intensification Factors, N-292 01-05-81 Depositing Weld Metal Prior to 01-01-78 Section III, Class 2 and 3 11-28-83 Preparing Ends for Welding, Piping 07-30-86 Section III, Division 1, Class 1, 1516-2 08-11-75 Welaing of Seats or Minor In-07-30-89 2, and 3 Construction (N-24) 07-01-78 ternal Permanent Attachments 07-27-92 in Valves for Section III Ap-Code Case N-292 is acceptable subject to the fol-lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-fled in the Code Case: Class 3 piping that is longitudi-nally welded and that has a weld efficiency factor of 1.0 as selected from Table ND-3613.4-1 should receive a 100 percent volumetric examination (RT or UT) of the d Earlier date--date Code Case was approved by AsME;later date--date deposited weld metal in accordance with the reauire- Code Case was annuited.where more than twodates appear,the lastdate ments of ND-5000* is the date that the Code Case was annulled. The middle date (or dates) was the date of reaffirmation of the Code Case.

5 Code Cases 1355 3,1534. and 1554, which were listed in the original N-318 5 04-28-94 Procedure for Evaluation of the issue of the guide,were annulled by AsME action prior toJuly 1,1974.

. 6 Code Case 1461 1 is no longer listed as a Section 111 Code Case and is Design of Rectangular Cross therefore deleted from the acceptable listing.

Section Attachments on Class 2 trhe annuiment or code Case 1470-2 was effective upon AsME ap-or 3 PiEing'Section III, Divi- P'wai f Code Case 1630. Howna,bnause of an oversight,the annul.

, ment was not noted until publication of Supplement No.13 to the 1974 slon 1 Code Cases.

1.84 - 5

1516-2 11-20-788 Welding of Seats or Minor In- N-32-4 03-16-81 Hydrostatic Testing of Em-(N-24) 01-01-80 ternal Permanent Attachments 03-16-84 bedded Class 2 and 3 Piping in Valves for Section 111 Ap- for Section 111, Division 1 plications Construction 15339 06-14-72 Pressure Temperature Ratings Code Case N-32-4 was acceptable subject to the 07-01-75 of SA-351 Grades CF8A, CF3, following conditions in addition to those conditions and CF3M,Section III specified in the Code Case:

The acceptance was based on the following clarifi-1535-2 04-30-73 Hydrostatic Testing of Section 03-21-77 III, Class 1 Valves cation and interpretation. Code Case N-32-4 does not replace paragraph NC/ND 6129," Provisions for Em-1536 08-14-72 Closing Seam for Electrical bedded or Inaccessible Welded Joints in Piping," of the 07-01-77 Penetrations for Section III, Code. The intent of the Code Case is to (1) provide l

Class 2,3, and MC additional testing above Code requirement and (2) per-l 1539-1 11-21-77 Metal Bellows and Metal Dia. mit liquid penetrant or magnetic particle testing in (N-30-1) 01-0181 phragm Stem Sealed Valves, place of radiographic testing for Class 3 piping with Section III, Division 1, Classes 3/8" nominal wall thickness or less.

1,2, and 3 Paragraph (1) contains an additional requirement N-31-1 07-18-85 Elastomer Diaphragm Valves, to the Code. It was, therefore, acceptable but unneces-07-18-88 Section III, Class 2 and 3 sary to include in the Code Case. Paragraph (2) is a vari-03-14-91 ation in the volumetric examination technique arJ was 07-01-93 acceptable as written. Paragraph (3) contains an addi-tional requirement and is not a relaxat on of the Code. it i

Code Case N-31-1 was acceptable subject to the was, therefore, acceptable but unnecessary to include in following conditions in addition to those ccmditions the Code Case, specified in the Code Case: Each applicant who applies 1552-1 08-29 77 Design by Analysis of Section the Code Case should indicate in the referencing Safety

, (N-35-1) 07-01-79 Ill, Class 1 Valves Analysis Report that the service life of the elastomer di-aphragm should not exceed the manufacturer's recom. 1553-19 03-03-75 Upset Heading and Roll mended service life. This recommended service life 01-01-76 Threading of SA-453 for Bolt-should not exceed 1/3 of the minimum cycle life as es, ing in Section III tablished by the requirements of paragraph 3 of the 1555-1 01-14-77 Certification of Safety Relief Code Case. In addition, the service life of the elastomer 01-01-78 Valves,Section III, Division 1 diaphragm should not exceed 5 years, and the com- 1569 03-03-7510 Design of Piping for Pressure bined service and storage life of the elastomer dia- 07-01-79 Relief Valve Station, Section phragm should not exceed 10 years. III 1541-3 05-15-78 Hydrostatic Testing of Em- Code Case 1569 was acceptable subject to com-(N-32-3) 07-01-79 bedded Class 2 and Class 3 pliance with the recommendations contained in Regu-Piping for Section III, Division latory Guide 1.67, " Installation of Over-pressure 1 Construction Protection Devices."

1573 04-30-73 Vacuum Relief Valves, Section 01-01-78 III 1574 04-30-73 Hydrostatic Test Pressure for 12-31-74 Safety Relief Valves,Section III

%"isi n ftheC deCasewuwiginany appmvedby the ASMEon 8-1173 and was annulled on 7178 because of the publication of revi- 1580-1 11-05-73 Buttwelded Ali Enment Toler-sions to section !!!in the Winter 1977 Addenda. liowever, the psers did 01-01-78 ance and Acceptable Slopes for not beheve that the Code Case was covered in the Code revision; there.

fore, AsME reaffirmed the Case on 11-20-78. Because of these circum- Concentric Centerlines for Sec-stances and because there were no changes in the Code Case, the NRC tion 111, Class 1,2, and 3 considers that this Case was in effect durmg the period 7178 through 11 20-78.


' Code Case was annulled on date as indicated,but the annulment was first indicated in Revision 12 to this guide. 10 Corrected date.

1.84 - 6

1581 06-25-73 Pow:r-Operated Pressure Re- 1630 1 07-10-78 External Pressure Charts for 03-01-79 lief Wives,Section III (N-66-1) 07-10-81 High Yield Strength Carbon C 's 1588 08-13-73 Electro-Etching of Section III Steels and Low Alloy Steels.

(Yield Strength above 38 Ksi to K. (N-46) 03-19-79 Code Symbols 03-19-82 60 Ksi Inclusive.) For Section III, Class 1,2,3, and MC 1601 11-05-73 Limits of Reinforcement for 1630-1 12-11-8111 External Pressure Charts for 07-01-74 irds Area,Section III, (N-66-1) 12-05 84 High Yield Strength Carbon 12-05-87 Steels and Low Alloy Steels.

(Yield Strength above 38 Ksi to 1606-1 12-16-74 Stress Criteria Section III, 60 Ksi Inclusive.)Section III, 07-01-77 Classes 2 and 3 Piping Subject Division 1, Class 1,2,3, and to Upset, Emergency, and MC Faulted Operating Conditions 1633 04-29-74 Brazing of Seats to Class 1,2, Code Case 1606-1 was acceptable subject to the in. 01-01-78 and 3 Wlve Body or Bonnets, terpretation that the stress limit designations of "Up- Section III set," " Emergency," and " Faulted" do not necessarily 1635-112 08-12-74 Stress Criteria for Section III, imply agreement with specified plant conditions appli-07-01-77 Class 2 and 3 Valves Subjected cable to ASME Code Class 2 and 3 components for to Upset, Emergency, and fluid systems. These designations should be estab-Faulted Operating Conditions lished and justified in the design specifications.

Code Case 1635-1 was acceptable subject to the in.

1607-1 11-04-74 Stress Criteria for Section III, terpretation that the stress limit designations of "Up-07-01-77 Classes 2 and 3 Vessels De- set," " Emergency," and " Faulted" do not necessarily signed to NC/ND-3300 Ex-mply agreement with specified plant conditions appli-p)


cluding the NC-3200 Alternate Code Case 1607-1 was acceptable subject to the in.

cable to ASME Code Class 2 and 3 components for fluid systems. These designations should be estab-terpretation that the stress limit designations of "Up- lished and justified in the design specifications.

set," " Emergency," and " Faulted" do not necessarily 1636-112 08-12-74 Stress Criteria for Section III, imply agreement with specified plant conditions appli- 07-01-77 Class 2 and 3 Pumps Subjected cable to ASME Code Class 2 and 3 components for w Upset, Emergency, and fluid systems. These designations should be estab- Faulted Operating Conditions lished and justified in the design specifications.

Code Case 1636-1 was acceptable subject to the in-terpretation that the stress limit designations of"Up-N-551 04-05-84 Inertia and Continuous Drive set," " Emergency," and " Faulted" do not necessarily (1609) 04-05-87 Friction Welding,Section III, imply agreement with specified plant conditions appli-Division 1 cable to ASME Code Class 2 and 3 components for fluid systems. These designations should be estab-1614 12-17-7310 Hydrostatic Testing of Piping lished and justified in the design specifications.

01-01 79 Prior To or Following the Installation of Spray Nozzles 1651 08-12-74 Interim Requirements for Cer-for Section III, Classes 1,2, 03-01-79 tification of Component Sup-and 3 Piping Systems ports,Section III, Subsection 1620 03-02-74 Stress Category for Partial Pen- NF (N-61) 01-08-79 etration Welded Penetrations, ur he code Case was annulled on July 10,1981 (AsME mandatory an.

01-08-82 Section III, Class 1 Construc- nuimeni date). It was reinstaied on December 11,1981. Ilecause of the tjon circumstances and because there were no changes in the Code Case,the NRC considers that this Case was in effect durmg the period of 710-81 1623 03-02-74 Design by Analysis for Section through 12 11-81.

.s ) 03-01-79 III, Class 1 Sleeve-Coupled 12 Code Cases 1635 and 1636 were approved by AsME on July 1,1974,

.. and revised on August 12,1974. Because Code Cases 1635 and 1636 l and Other Patented Piping were not in effect on september 1,1974, they are not included in this

,Ioints guide.

1.84 - 7

1657 11-04-74 Stress Criteria for Class 2 and 1685 04-28-75 Fu nace Brazing Section III, 07-01-77 3 Atmospheric and Low Pres- 01-01-78 Class 1,2,3 and MC Construc-sure (0-15 psig) Steel Storage tion Tanks 1686 03-03-75 Furnace Brazing, Sedion III, 1659 11-04-74 Interconnection of Two Piping 01-01-78 Subsection NF, Component 07-01-77 Systems for Section III, Class Supports 1,2, and 3 Construction 1689-1 09-10-76 Alternate PWHT Time and 1660 11-04-74 Overpressure Protection Under 01-01-78 Temperature for SA-182 Grade (N-77) 03-01-79 Emergency Operating Condi- F-22, SA-387 Grade 22, Class tions for Section III, Class 1 2, and SA-335 Grade P-22 Sec-tion III, Class 1,2,3 and CS 1661 11-04 74 Postweld Heat Treatment Code Case 1689-1 was acceptable subject to the 01-01-78 P-No.1 Materials for Section following condition in addition to that specified in the III, Class 1 Vessels Code Case: The alternate postweld heat treatment 1662 11-04-74 Shop Assembly of Compo- should be prequalified along with the applicable weld- k 01-01-78 nents, Appurtenances and Pip- in8 Procedure in accordance with ASME Section IX.

ing Subassemblies for Section 1692 04-28-75 Rules for Design of Welded III, Class 1,2,3 and MC (N-90) 07-01-78 Class 1 Pumps Construction 1695-1 11-03-75 Brazing, Section Ill, Division 1665 11-04-74 Pressure-Temperature Ratings 01-01-78 1, Class 3 (N-81) 07-01-78 for Class 1 Valves Made from 1700 11-03-75 Determination of Capacities of 5 Cr-1/2 Mo,Section III (N-94) 03-19-79 Liquid Relief Valves, Section 1672 11-04-74 Nuclear Valves for Section III, 03-19-82 III, Division 1, Class 1,2, 03-21-77 Division 1, Class 1,2,3 and 3 Construction 1701-2 07-09-79 Determination of Capacities of 1675 12-16-74 Tubesheet to Shell or Formed (N-95-2) 07-09-82 Vacuum Relief Valves, Section 07-01-76 Head Weld Joints,Section III, III, Division 1, Classes 2,3, Class 1 Vessels and MC and Division 2 Con-crete Containments 16769 12-16-74 Clarification of Stress Intensi-07-01-76 ties in Curved Pipe or Welded 1702-1 07-11-77 Flanged Valves Larger than 24 Elbows,Section III (N-96-1) 01-01-80 inches for Section III, Division I, Class 1,2, and 3 Construc-1677 12-16-74 Clarification of Flange Design .

03-01-79 Loads,Section III, Class 1,2, tion (N-82) and 3 1703 06-30-75 Brazing of Copper Alloys, Sec-01-01-78 tion III, Class 2 1678 12-16-74 Butterfly Valves of Circular 01-08-79 Cross Section Larger than 24 1706 06-30-75 Data Report Forms for Compo-01-01-80 in. NPS for Section III, Class 2 12-31-75 nent Supports,Section III, and 3 Construction Class 1,2 and 3 1681 113 03-03-75 Organizations Accepting Over- 1711 11-03-75 Pressure Relief Valve Design (N-84) 03-01-79 all Responsibility for Section (N 100) 01-08-79 Rules,Section III, Division 1, III Construction 01-21-82 Class 1,2 and 3 1683-1 03-01-76 Bolt Holes for Section III, 01-01 83 1 07-01-76 Class 1,2,3 and MC Compo- Code Case 1711 was acceptable subject to the fol-nent Supports lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-fled in the Code Case. The following information should be provided in the Safety Analysis Report:

3I75Ica'use c5IeN7YsIwNn$ii efr$o'n$[a"ch31 75, (1) Ifstress limits are bscd in excess of those speci-the Code Case was not included in this guide. [jed for the upset operating Condition, it should 1.84 - 8

be demonstrated how the pressure relief func- for the fluid selected for use in the pressure test. The in-tion is ensured. Refer to paragraph 3.1, Section formation provided should demonstrate that the fluid O I, of the Case for Class 1 and paragraph 3.2, selected will not have deleterious effects on the mate-I Section II, of the Case for Class 2 and 3 pres- rial of the pressure boundary and that the fluid may be

,d sure relief valves. safely used at the specified temperature and pressure of the test. When the fluid selected for use is the operating (2) If Case 1660 is to be used in conjunction with fluid, additional information is not required.

this Case,it should be stated that the stresslim-its of Case 1660 supersede those of paragraph 1729 11-03-75 Minimum Edge Distance-Bolt-3.2(b),Section I, of Case 1711. Functional as. (N-111) 03-01-79 ing for Section III, Division 1, surance of (1) above is required in all situa- Class 1,2, and 3 and MC tions. Construction of Component Supports 1732 11-03-75 liardsurfaced Valves with Inlet 1712 08-11-75 Nameplates and Stamping for (N-114) 01-01-79 Connections less than 2-in.

(N 101) 03-01-79 Section Ill, Division 1, Class 1, Nominal Pipe Size for Section 2,3 and MC Construction as III, Division 1, Class 1 and 2 Referenced in NA-8300 Construction 17189 08-11-75 Design of Structural Connec- 1733 11-03-75 Evaluation of Safe Shut Down 07-01-76 tions for Linear Type Compo- (N-115) 01-01-78 Earthquake Loadings for Sec-nent Supports, Section W, Di- tion III, Division 1, Class MC vision 1, Class 1,2 and 3 and Containment Vessels MC 1734 11-03-75 Weld Design for Use for Sec-17199 08-11-75 Single-Welded, Full- (N-116) 01-01-78 tion III, Division 1, Class 1,2, 07-01-76 Penetration Sidewall Butt 3 and MC Construction of p Joints in Atmospheric Storage Component Supports T ,Section III, Division 1, Code Case 1734 was acceptable subject to the fol-lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-1720-2 11-20-78 Weld End Preparation for Sec- fied in the Code Case: If the configuration of Figure 1 of (N-106-2) 08-28-81 tion III, Division 1 Construc- the Code Case is used for Class 1 and MC component 09-17-84 tion supports, full penetration welds should be used. The ap-09-17-87 plication of the configuration shown in Figures 2 and 3 08-14-90 should be restricted to the welding of cans for spring en-08-14-93 capsulation in spring hangers. In Figure 3, the length of Code Case 1720-2 (N-106-2) was acceptable sub, the leg of the fillet weld adjacent to the plate should be ject to the following condition in addition to those con- equal to the thickness of the exposed end of the plate; ditions specified in the Code Case: The acceptance of also, the leg of the fillet weld adjacent to the shell weld end preparations other than those shown in Fig- should be equal to the thickness of the exposed end of ures 1,2, and 3 of the Code Case should be evaluated on the shell.

a case-by-case basis. 1739-4 11-17-80 Pump Internal Items, Section 1726 11-03-75 Refinement of Low Alloy Steel (N-119-4) 12-01-8314111, Division 1, Class 1,2, (N-109) 03-01-79 lleat Affected Zone Under and 3 Overlay Cladding,Section III, N-119-6 09-05-85 Pump Internal Items, Section Division 1, Class 1 Compo- 07-27-88 III, Division 1, Class 1,2 and 3 nents 03-14-91 1727 12-22-75 Alternate Test Fluids, Section 03-14-94 (N-110) 01-01-79 III, Division 1

, [~'N Code Case 1727 was acceptable subject to the fol-

    • TheCode Case was annulled on December 1,1983 (AsME mandatory

( '

lowing condition in addition to those c(mditions speci- annulment date), it was reinstated on February 20,1984. Because of the fled in the Code Case: The applicant should provide circumstances and because there were no changes in the Code Case,the NRC considers that this Case was in e ffect durmg the period of 12 1 -83 Justification in the referencing Safety Analysis Report through 2 20-84.

1.84 - 9

1744 03-01-76 Carbon Steel Pipe Flanges then the verification of such certificcte is the responsi-(N-121) 03-01-79 Larger than 24 in.,Section III, bility of the Certificate Holder."

Division 1, Class 2 and 3 1791 01-14-77 Projection Resistance Welding Construction (N-154) 01-14-80 of Valve Seats,Section III, Di-1765 04-26 76 Machining AfterIIydrostatic vision 1, Class 1,2 and 3 07-01-77 Testing Class 2 and 3 Con- Valves ,

struction,Section III, 1796 01-14-77 Body Neck Thickness Deter-Division 1 l (N-159) 07-01-78 mination for Valves with Inlet l 1768 06-29-76 Permanent Attachments to Connections 4-Inch Nominal l 01-01-78 Containment Vessels---Class Pipe Size and Smaller, Section MC,Section III, Division 1 III, Division 1, Class 1,2, and 3 1769-1 02-16-77 Qualification of NDE Level III 10-01-77 Personnel,Section III, 1808 02-16-77 F-Number Classification of Division 1 01-01-78 Low Alloy and Carbon Steel Bare Rod Electrodes, Sections  !

1774-1 07-11-77 Minimum Wall Thickness for I, II, III, IV, V, VIII, and IX l (N-142-1) 01-01-80 Class 2 and 3 Valves,Section III, D vision 1 1812 03-23-77 Size of Fillet Welds for Socket (N-174) 01-07-80 Welding of Piping,Section III, 1775 08-13-76 Data Report Forms for Core 01-01-81 Division 1 08-13-79 Support Structures, Class CS, .

1818 03-23-77 Welded Joints in Component Section III, Division 1 (N-175) 07-01-79 Standard Supports, Section 111, 1780-1 07-10-7810 Hydrostatic Testing and Stamp- Division 1 (N-146-1) 12-11-81 ing of Components,Section III,

, Code Case 1818 was acceptable subject to the fol-01-01-82 Division 1, Construction lowing condition in addition to those conditions speci-Code Case 1780-1 was acceptable subject to the fied in the Code Case: That portion of the unwelded following conditions in addition to those conditions housing that is limited to 90* maximum should include specified in the Code Case: On a generic basis, the ap- a minimum of two sectors that are uniform in length.

plication of the Code Case is limited to pumps and N-179 07-11-77 Openings in Valves for Section valves. Application to other components should be 07-11-80 III, Division 1, Class 1,2 and 3 treated on a case-by-case basis. Each licensing applica- Construction tion in which the Code Case is to be used should contain information showing that, as a minimum, the closure N 182 07-11-77 Alternate Rules for Procedure fixture will impose loads that result in stresses equal to 07-01-81 Qualification Base Material or greater than those induced during the hydrostatic test Orientation,Section III, Divi-of a complete pump assembly. A closure fixture for the sion 1, Class 2 and 3 Construc-part being tested that is similar in sin and shape to the tion actual mating part is considered adequate to impose N 184 07-11-77 Roll Threading of SA-453 these loads. It is not intended that piping reaction load- 07-01-79 Bolting for Section III, Divi-ings be simulated in the hydrostatic testing. sion 1, Class 1,2,3 or CS Construction 1783-1 01-14-77 Qualification of Nondestructive 01-01-79 Examination Personnel, Sec- N-189 08-29-77 Primary Membrane Plus Pri-tion III, Division 1 07-01-79 mary Bending Stress Intensity Limits for Other Than Solid j Code Case 1783-1 was acceptable subject to the Rectangular Sections for Sec-following condition in addition to those conditions spe- ,,

tion m, D2 vision 1, Class MC cified in the Code Case: The first sentence of paragraph ,

Construction (1) should be replaced with the following: "The certifi-cation of the level III nondestructive examination per- N-193 11-21-77 Use of SB-61 and SB-62 sonnel for the purpose of this Section of the Code shall 11-21-80 Bronze for Section III, Divi-be the responsibility of the employer of the LevelIIIin- sion 1, Class 3 Flange and  !

dividual. If the employer is not a Certificate Holder, Socket Weld End Valves 1.84 - 10

N-196-1 01-08-79 Exemption from the Shake- N-228 03-19-79 Alternate Rules for Sequence 01-21-82 down Requirements When 03-19-82 of Completion of Code Data "N 01-21-85 Plastic Analysis is Performed Report Forms and Stamping

! 01-21-88 for Section III, Division 1, for Section III, Class 1,2,3 x#

12-03-90 Class 1 and CS Construction and MC Construction 07-01-92 N-229 01-08-79 Alternate Rules for Fabrication 01-21-82 Welding SB-148 Alloy CDA N-199 03-20-78 Intervening Elements, Section 01-21-85 954 for Section III, Division 1, 01-01-81 III, Division 1, Classes 1,2,3 01-21-88 Class 3 Construction and MC Component Construc- N-233 01-08-79 Alternate Rules for PWHT of tion 01-21-82 P-No. 6, Group 4 Material Code Case N-199 was acceptable subject to the fol- 09-17-84 forSectionIII, Division 1, Class lowing condition in addition to those conditions speci- 09-17-87 1,2, or 3 Construction fied in the Code Case: The applicant should provide in-N-237-2 05-25-83 Hydrostatic Testing ofInternal formation in the referencing Safety Analysis Report 07-30-86 Piping,Section III, Division 1, that demonstrates that all intervening elements have 12-07-87 Classes 2 and 3 been designed in comphance with the requirements of 07-01-88 the respective design specification.

N-238 05-14-79 High Temperature Furnace 1693 03-20-78 Welding Procedure Qualifica. 01-01-82 Brazing of Seat Rings in Valve (N 212) 01-01-81 tion of Dissimilar Metal Welds Bodies or Bonnets for Section When" Buttering"with Alloy III, Division 1, Class 1,2, and Weld Metal and Heat Treat- 3 Valves ment May Be Involved, Sec- Code Case N 238 was acceptable subject to the fol-A tion III, Division 1, and Sec- lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-tion IX fied in the Code Case: The furnace brazing process pro-N-214-2 05-25-83 Use of SA-351 Grade CN7M, cedure qualification should include a verification for 12-31-83 for Valves,Section III, Divi. nonsensitization as given in ASTM A 262-70, Pramic-sion 1 es AorE,or ASTM A708-74whenevermaterialssab-N 21515 05-15-78 Integrally Finned Titanium r quired that a nonsensita. zing brazing procedure was 05-15-81 Tubes,Section III, Division 1, mPl oyed for valves produced to this Case.

Class 3 Construction N-217-1 01-07-80 Postweld lieat Treatment of N-247 07-09-79 Certified Design Report St.m.

09-07-82 Weld Deposit Cladding on 01-21-82 mary for Component Standard 12-05-84 Clast;es 1,2,3, MC, and CS 01-21-85 Supports,Section III, Division 09-05-85 Jtems,Section III, Division 1 01-21-88 1, Class 1,2,3 and MC 02-23 87 03-14-91 04-30-93 N-220 08-28-78 Code Effective Date for Com-07-13-84 ponent Supports,Section III, N-252 11-19-79 Low Energy Capacitive Dis-07-13-81 Division 1 07-01-82 charge Welding Method for N-226 11-20-73 Temporary Attachmem of 01-01-80 Thermocouples,Section III, fac ent to Comp nents a d Supports,Section III, Division Division 1, Class 1,2 and 3 1, and XI Component Construction Code Case N-252 was acceptable subject to the fol-lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-fled in the Code Case: The applicant should indicate in O)

( i3 Code Case N-215 was annulled effective May 15,1981.It was removed the Safety Analysis Report the application, the mate-rial, and the material thickness to which the strain gage from the active Code Case hsung with Revision 290f Regulatory Guide 1.84 - 11 l


N-260-2 12-05-85 Weld Repair of SA-182 Type ceptable to goge through the wall in order to qualify 12-05-88 316 Forgings,Section III, Divi- for use of the Code Case. Instead, examination of the sion 1, Classes 1,2,3, and MC cavity is required when such an indication has been re-m ved.

Code Case N-260-2 was acceptable subject to the following condition in addition to those conditions spe- N-276 03-17-80 Welding of SA-358 Pipe, Sec-cified in the Code Case: Type 308 L welding materials 02-14-83 tion III. Division 1 should not be used to repair grade F 316 N forgings be- 02-14-86 l cause of the difference in strength levels. N-279 05-15-80 Use of Torquing as a Locking N-261 05-15-80 Weld Procedure Qualification 07-13-81 Device for Section III, Division 12-13-82 for Materials with Impact Re- 1, Class 1,2,3, and MC Com-quirements for Section III, Di. ponent Supports vision 1, Class 3 Construction Code Case N-279 was acceptable subject to the fol-N-262 01-07-80 Electric Resistance Spot Weld. lowing condition in addition to those conditions speci-09-07-82 ing for Structural Use in Com. fled in the Code Case: When torquing or other preload-09-05-85 ponent Supports,Section III, ing is used as a locking device and the joint is later 07-27-88 Division 1 unloaded or disassembled, the bolting should be re-03-14-91 placed unless it can be demonstrated or proved to the 07-27 91 authorized nuclear inspector that the original bolting has not been permanently strained.

N-263 03-17-80 Alternate Thread Forms, Series 03-17-83 and Fits for Component Sup- N-280 05-15-80 Alternate Rules for Examina-ports,Section III, Division 1 07-01-81 tion of Welds in Section III, Class 3 Storage Tanks Code Case N-263 was acceptable subject to the fol-lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci- N-281 05-15-80 Welding Operator Performance fled in the Code Case. The following information 07-01-81 Qualification,Section III, Divi-should be provided in the Safety Analysis Report: (1) a 8! " I description of the application, (2) a need for the use of N-282 05-15-80 Nameplates for Valves, Section the Code Case, and (3) a demonstration that support de- 05-25-83 III, Division 1, Class,1,2, and sign will withstand maximum conditions of loading 07-30-86 3 Construction with the worst combination of thread tolerance. 07-30-89 N-271 03-17-80 Simplified Method for Analyz- N-300 11-17-80 Pressure-Temperature Ratings, 02 14-86 ing Flat Face Flanges with 12-01-83 Hydrostatic Tests, and Mini-Metal to Metal Contact Outside mum Wall Thickness of the Bolt Circle for Section III, Valves,Section III, Division 1, Class 2,3, and MC Construc- Class 1 tion N-302 03-16-81 Tack Welding,Section III, N-272 05-15-80 Compiling Data Report Forms, 11-28-83 Division 1, Construction 01-01-82 Section III, Division 1 N-309 05-11-81 Identification of Materials for  !

N-275 05-15-80 Repair of Welds,Section III, 05-11 84 Component Supports, Section 12-07-82 Division 1 III, Division 1 12-31-83 N-314 05-11-81 Alternate Rules for Thread En-05-11-84 gagement,Section III, Code Case N-275 was acceptable subject to the fol- I lowing condition in additio,. to those conditions speci-fied in the Code Case: Use of the Code Case is applica- Code Case N-314 was acceptable subject to the fol-ble only when the removal of an indication requires that lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-the full weld thickness be removed and,in addition, the fied in the Code Case: Applicants should identify in backside of the weld assemblyjoint is not accessible for their Safety Analysis Repon (1) the minimum length of the removal of examination material. If an indication is thread engagement and (2) the procedure used to estab- I removed ar d weld-metal layers still remain, it is not ac- lish thread engagement.

1.84 - 12 l

N-316 12-11-81 Alternate Rules for Fillet Weld N 362-2 07-12-84 Pressure Testing of Contain-09-17-84 Dimensions for Socket Welded 04-05-87 ment Items,Section III,

/] 09 17-87 Fittings,Section III, Division 07-27-87 Division 1, Classes 1,2, and y 08-14-90 1, Class 1,2, and 3 08 4 93 07-01-88 MC N-376 05-25-83 Pressure Testing of Embedded N-320 07-13-81 Alternate PWHT for SA-487, 07-30-86 Class 2 and 3 Piping, Section 12-31-83 Grade CA6NM,Section III, III, Division 1 Division 1 N-377 04-04-83 Effective Throat Thickness of N-328 12-11-81 Thermit Brazing or Welding of 12-31-83 Partial Penetration Groove 09-17-84 Nonstructural Attachments, Welds,Section III, Division 1, 09-17-87 Section III, Division 1 Classes 1,2, and 3 N-336 06-17-82 Examination of Welds Inacces- N-383-1 07-18-85 Weld Repair of SA-182 Auste-06-30-83 sible During Pressure Test, 09-05-85 nitic Forgings,Section III, Di-Section III, Division 1, Class vision 1, Classes 1,2, and 3 MC Code Case N-383-1 was acceptable subject to the N-339 06-17-82 Examination of Ends of Fillet following condition in addition to those conditions spe-09-17 84 Welds,Section III, Division 1, cified in the Code Case: Applicants who apply the pro-Classes 1,2, and MC visions of this Case to permit material manufacturers to weld repair austenitic forgings without re-solution heat N-341 06-17-82 Certification of Level III NDE treatment should provide justification to the NRC staff 05-19-85 Examiner,Section III, Division (via the Safety Analysis Report) why this is acceptable 02-23-87 1 and 2 for their applications, including their evaluation of the G7-01-88 susceptibility for stress corrosion cracking.

, ~3 N-346 06-17-82 Explosive Welding,Section III, N-397 02-20-84 Alternative Rules to the Spec-05-19-85 Division 1 (V) 06-30-86 02-20-87 tral Broadening Procedures of N-1226.3 for Classes 1,2, and N-347 12-07-82 Continuous Electric Resistance 3 Piping,Section III, 12-13-85 Seam Welding of P-No. 8 Ma- Division 1 terials for Component SuP- Code Case N-397 was acceptable subject to the fol-ports,Section III, Division 1 lowing condition in addition to those conditions speci-N-349 07-16-82 Pressure Testing Piping Sys- fled in the Code Case. The Code Case is acceptable for 12-31-85 tems,Section III, Division 1, specific plant applications on a case-by-case basis Classes 2 and 3 Pending revision of Regulatory Guide 1.122,"Devel-opment of Floor Design Response Spectra for Seismic N-350 12-07-82 Postweld Heat Treatment- Design of Floor-Supported Equipment or Compo-09-05-85 Thickness of Material, Section nents."

III, Division 1 N-412 04-15-85 Alternative Rules for Witness-Code Case N-350 was acceptable subject to the fol- 04-15-88 ing the Piping System Pressure lowing condition in addition to those conditions speci- 04-15-91 Tests of Classes 1,2, and 3 fled in the Code Case: Applicants wishing to use this Piping Systems,Section III, Case for other than P-1 materials should demonstrate Division 1 that the use of this Case will not adversely affect the re- ,

quired material properties. N-413 02-14-85 Minimum Size of Fillet Welds 02-14-88 for Subsection NF Linear Type N-357 12-13 82 Certification of Material for Supports,Section III, 05-19 85 Component Supports, Section Division 1 p 07-01-88 III, Division 1, Subsection NF N-414 02-20-86 Tack Welds for Class 1,2,3 n, N-359 12-13-82 Weld Connection for Coaxial 02-20-89 and MC Components and 12-31-84 Cylinders,Section III, Division 02-20-92 Piping Supports, Section Ill, 1, Class 1 Division 1 1.84 - 13

N-421 02-14-85 Brazing Using a Radiant 1539 11-06-72 Metal Bellows and Metal Dia-05-19-85 Energy Source, Section 111, (N-30-1) 11-21-77 phragm Stem Sealed Valves, 06-30-86 Division 1 Section III, Classes 1,2, and 3 N-430 02-28-86 Alternative Requirements for 1540-1 03-03-73 Elastomer Diaphragm Valves, 02-28-89 Welding Workmanship and 01-14-77 Section Ill, Classes 2 and 3 l 02-05-92 Visual Acceptance Criteria for 07-01-93 Class 1,2,3 and MC Linear-Type and Standard Supports, 1540-2 01-14-77 Elastomer Diaphragm Valves,Section III, Division 1 (N31) 01-07-80 Section III, Class 2 and 3 02 W 83 Code Case N-430 was acceptable subject to the fol-lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-fled in the Code Case: (1)The applicant should demon- Code Case 1540-2 (N-31) was acceptable subject I strate that the applicable supports are not subject to to the following conditions in addition to those condi-cyclic loading in excess of 20,000 cycles and (2) the tions specified in the Code Case: Each applicant who

( first sentence of 3.0(f)(1) should be replaced with the applies the C6 Case should indicate in the referenc- {

following: "For material 3/8 in. and less nominal thick. ing Safety Angsis Report that the service life of the ness, undercut depth of 1/32 in. on one side of the mem. elastomer diaphragm should not exceed the manufac-ber for the full length of the weld, or 1/32 in. on one side turer's recommended service life. This recommended i

I for one-half the length of the weld, and 1/16 in, for one- service life should not exceed 1/3 of the minimum cycle fourth the length of the weld on the face of a rectangular life as established by the requirements of paragraph 3 of i

tube or one-fourth the length of the weld on the same the Code Case. In addition, the service life of the elasto-side of the member is acceptable." mer diaphragm should not exceed 5 years, and the com-bined service and storage life of the elastomer dia-N-442 02-23-87 1977 Addendum to ANSI / Phragm should not exceed 10 years.

04-30-90 ASME PTC 25.3-1976, Safety 03-08-92 and Safety Relief Valves, Class 1541-1 08-13-73 Hydrostatic Testing of Em-1,2,3, and MC,Section III, 09-30-76 bedded Class 2 and Class 3 Division 1 Piping for Section III Construction 1541-2 09-30-76 Hydrostatic Testing of Em-

3. REVISED CODE CASES 05-15-78 bedded Class 2 and Class 3 Code Cases that were endorsed by the NRC in a Piping for Section III, Division prior version of this guide and were superseded by re- 1 Construction vised Code Cases on or after July 1,1974, should be 1552 12 18-72 Design by Analysis of Section considered as not endorsed as of the date of the ASME 08-29-77 III, Class 1 Valves action that approved the revised version of the Code Cases. These Code Cases that are no longer endorsed 1553 12-18-72 Upset Heading and Roll are listed in the following by number, effective dates,16 03-03-75 Threading of SA-453 for Bolt-and title, ing, Section Ill 12-13-71 Allowable Stresses, Design 1555 12-18-72 Certification of Safety Relief 150817 06-30-75 Intensity and/or Yield Strength 01-14-77 Valves on Liquids Values, Section 1, III, and Vill, 1606 11-05-73 Stress Criteria for Section III, Divisions 1 and 2 12-16-74 Class 2 and 3 Piping Subjected 1516-1 06-25-73 Welding of Seats in Valves for to Upset, Ernergency, and 08-11-75 Section111 Applications Faulted Operating Conditions Code Case 1606 was acceptable subject to the in-terpretation that the stress limit designations of"Up-set," " Emergency," and " Faulted" do not necessarily imply agreement with specified plant conditions appli-16 Earlier date-date Code Case was approved by ASME;later dates- cable to ASME Code Class 2 and 3 components for ,

d"eMon f C de Case was approved by AsME. i fluid systems. These designations should be estab-

" Code Case 1508 is no longerlisted by AsME as a Section 111 Code Case and is thcrefore deleted from the acceptable listing. lished and justified in the design specifications.

1.84 - 14

1607 11-05 73 Stress Criteria for Section III, N-62-5 07 24-89 Internal and External Valve 11-04-74 Classes 2 and 3 Vessels Sub- 12-11-89 Items,Section III, Division 1, jected to Upset, Emergency, Class 1,2 and 3 g and Faulted Operating Condi-Code Case N-62-5 was acceptable subject to the tions following condition in addition to those conditions spe-Code Case 1607 was acceptable subject to the in- cified in the Code Case: The Code requires that Class 1 terpretation that the stress limit designations of "Up- and Class 2 valve manufacturers meet the provisions of NCA 4000, ' Quality Assurance, and, m addition, set," " Emergency," and " Faulted', do not necessarily imply agreement with specified plant conditions apph,- Class 3 valve manufacturers should also meet the pro-cable to ASME Code Class 2 and 3 components for visions of NCA 4000' fluid systems. These designations should be estab. N-62-6 12-11-89 Internal and External Valve lished and justified in the design specifications. 12-11-92 Items,Section III, Division 1, 05-11-94 Class 1,2 and 3 1609-1 03-01-76 Inertia and Continuous Drive Code Case N-62-6 was acceptable subject to the (N-55) 08-28-78 Friction Welding,Section I, III, following condition in addition to those conditions spe-07-13-81 IV, VIII, Division 1 and 2, and cified in the Code Case: The Code requires that Class 1 04-05-84 IX and Class 2 valve manufacturers meet the provisions of 1621-2 05 25-77 Internal and External Valve NCA 4000, " Quality Assurance," and, in addition, (N-62 2) 05-15-80 Items,Section III, Division 1, Class 3 valve manufacturers should also meet in the 05-25-83 Class 1,2 and 3 Line Valves Provisions of NCA 4000.

07-18-85 1630 11-04-74 External Pressure Charts for (N-77) 07-10-78 High Yield Strength Carbon Code Case 1621-2 (N-62-2) was acceptable subject Steels and Low Alloy Steels, to the following condition in addition to those condi- (Yield strength above 38 Ksi to g tions specified in the Code Case: The Code requires 60 Ksi Inclusive.) For Section

(' that Class 1 and Class 2 valve manufacturers meet the III, Class 1,2,3, and MC; and provisions of NCA 4000, " Quality Assurance," and, in Section VIII, Division 1 and 2 addition, Class 3 valve manufacturers should also meet 1683 03-03-75 Bolt IIoles for Section III, Di-the provisions of NCA 4000.

03-01-76 vision 1, Class 1,2,3 and MC N-62 3 07-18-85 Internal and External Valve Component Supports 09-05-85 Items,Section III, Division 1, 1689 06-30-75 Altemate PWIIT Time and Class 1,2 and 3 Line Valves 09 10-76 Temperature for SA-182 Grade F22,Section III, Class 1,2,3 r~1e Case N-62-3 was acceptable subject to the and CS fol! awing condition in addition to those conditions spe-Code Case 1689 was acceptable subject to the fol-cified in the Code Case: The Code requires that Class I lowing condition in addition to that specified in the and Class 2 valve manufacturers meet the provisions of Code Case: The alternate postweld heat treatment NCA 4000, " Quality Assurance," and, in addition, should be prequalified along with the applicable w cid-Class 3 valve manufacturers should also meet the pro-ing procedure in accordance with ASME Si.ction IX.

visions of NCA 4000.

1695 04 28-75 Brazing,Section III, Class 3 N-62-4 09-05-85 Internal and External Valve 11 03-75 07-27-88 Items,Section III, Division 1, 1701 06-30-75 Determination of Capacities of 07-24-89 Class 1,2 and 3 03 20-78 Vacuum Relief Valves,Section III, Class MC Code Case N-62-4 was acceptable subject to the following condition in addition to those conditions spe- 1701-1 03-20-78 Determination of Capacities of cified in the Code Case: The Code requires that Class 1 (N-95-1) 03-19-79 Vacuum Relief Valves, Section

.O and Class 2 valve manufacturers meet the provisions of 07-09-79 III, Division 1 and 2, Class MC

\ ) NCA 4000, " Quality Assurance," and, in addition, 1702 06-30-75 Flanged Valves Larger than 24 Class 3 valve manufacturers should also meet the pro- 07-11-77 inches for Section III, Class 1, visions of NCA 4000. 2 and 3 Construction i 1.84 - 15

1720 08-11-75 Weld End Prepcration for Sec- N 133-2 05-19-85 Use of SB-148 Alloys 952 and 03-01-76 tion III, Division 1 Construc- 07-18-85 954 Section III, Division 1, tion Class 3 Code Case 1720 was acceptable subject to the fol- 1769 08-13-76 Qualification of NDE Level III lowing condition in addition to those conditions speci- 02-16-77 Personnel, Section Ill, fled in the Code Case: Weld end preparations other than Division 1 those shown in Figures 1,2, and 3 of the Code Case are 1774 08-13-76 Minimum Wall Thickness for not acceptable on a generic basis. Such alternative end 07-11-77 Class 2 and 3 Wlves, Section preparations should be treated on a case-by-case basis. III, D vision 1 1780 09-10-76 Hydrostatic Testing and Stamp-t 1720-1 03-01-76 Weld End Preparation for Sec- 03-10-78 ing of Pumps for Class 1 f 11-20-78 tion III, Division 1 Construc- Construction,Section III, Divi-tion sion 1 Code Case 1780 was acceptable subject to the fol-Code Case 1720-1 was acceptable subject to the lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-following condition in addition to those conditions spe- fled in the Code Case: Each licensing application in cified in the Code Case: The acceptance of weld end which the Code Case is to be used should present infor-preparations other than those shown in Figures 1,2, and mation that satisfactorily demonstrates that the subas-3 of the Code Case should be evaluated on a case-by- sembly tests adequately simulate the pressure loadings.

case basis. Also, the closure fixture for the test subassembly should adequately simulate the rigidity of adjacent sub-1739 2 08-28-78 Pump Internal Items, Section assemblies and also simulate the interface loadings (N-119-2) 08-25-80 III, Division i, Class 1,2, fr m adjacent subassemblies that would result from a and 3 hydrostatic pressure test of a complete pump assembly.

1739-3 08-25-80 Pump Internal Items, Section As a ndnimum, the closure fixture should impose loads (N-119-3) 12-01-80 III, Division 1, Class 1,2, that result in stresses equal to or greater than those in-and 3 duced during the hydrostatic test of a complete pump assembly. It is not intended that piping reaction load-1739-4 12-01-80 Pump InternalItems, Section ings be simulated in the hydrostatic testing.

(N-119-4) 02-20-8414 III, Division 1, Class 1,2, 07-18-85 and 3 1783 09-10-76 Qualification of Nondestructive 01-14-77 Personnel, Section 111, N 119-5 07-18-85 Pump Internal Items, Section ,

Division 1 09-05-85 III, Division 1, Class 1,2, and 3 Code Case 1783 was acceptable subject to the fol-w g n n a nt s n ns spes 1745 03-01-76 Stress Indices for Stmetural fied in the Code Case: The first sentence of paragraph (N-122) 01-08-79 Attachrnents, Class 1, Section (1) should be replaced with the following:"The certifi-01-21-82 III, Division 1 cation of the Level III nondestructive examination per-5 sonnel for the purposes of this Section of the Code shall 0 8 *

  • '** E "* II ***P' Y
  • 07-24-89 dividual. If the employer is not a Certificate Holder, 1761 04-26-76 Use of SB-148 Alloy CA954 then the verification of such certificate is the responsi-01-14-77 for Section III, Division 1, bility of the Certificate 11 older."

Class 2 or 3 Flanged End 1791 03-17 8018 Projection Resistance Welding Valves (N-154) 09-09-82 of %1ve Seats,Section III, 01-14-77 Use of SB-148 Alloy CA954, 09-05-85 Division 1, Class I,2 and 3 1761-1 (N-133) 01 07-80 Section III, Division 1, Class 3 12-05-85 Valves 04-02-82 18The Code Case was annulled on January 14,1980 (AsME rnandatory N-133-1 04-02-82 Use of SB-148 Alloys 952 and annutment daie). It was reinstated on March l7,1980. Because of the cir-cmnstances and because there were no changes in the Code Case, the j 05-19-85 954'Section III' Division 1* NRC considers that this Case was in efrect during the period of 1 14-80 l Class 3 through 317-80, 1.84 - 16

1797 03-23-77 Finned Tubing for Construc- N-260-1 07 18-85 Weld Repair of S A-182 Type (N-160) 03 17-80 tion,Section III, Division 1 12-05-85 316 Forgings,Section III, Divi-G 09-07-82 sion 1, Classes 1,2,3,and MC

(,) 07-18-85 Code Case N-260-1 was acceptable subject to the N-192 01-09-78 Use of Flexible Hose for Sec- f 11 wingc nditi ninadditiontothoseconditionsspe-08-30-79 tion III, Division 1, Class 1,2, cified in the Code Case: Type 308 L welding materials and 3 Construction should not be used to repair grade F 316 N forgings be-cause of se difference in strength levels.

Code Case N 192 was acceptable subject to the fol- N-304 06-11-81 Use of 20Cr 25Ni-6Mo (Alloy lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-04-05-84 UNS N08366) Welded Tubes fled in the Code Case. The applicant should indicate 07-12-84 for Section III, Division 1, system application, design and operating pressure, and Classes 2 and 3 Construction pressure-temperature rating of the flexible hose. Data to demonstrate compliance of the flexible hose with N-304-1 07-12-84 Use of 20Cr-25Ni 6Mo (Alloy NC/ND-3649, particularly NC/ND-3649.4(e), are re- 05-19-85 UNS N08366) Welded Tubes for Section III, Division 1, quired to be furnished with the application.

Classes 2 and 3 Construction N-192-1 08-30-79 Use of Flexible Hose for Sec- N-304-2 05-19-85 Use of SB-676 20Cr-25Nk6Mo 09-16-81 tion III, Division 1, Class 1,2, 12-05-85 (Alloy UNS N08366) Welded and 3 Construction Tubes,Section III, Division 1, Classes 2 and 3 Code Case N-192-1 was acceptable subject to the following conditions in addition to those conditions N-304-3 12-05-85 Use of SB-676 20Cr-25Ni-6Mo specified in the Code Case: The applicant should indi- 02-23-87 (Alloy UNS N08366) Plate, cate system application, design and operating pressure, Sheet, Stnp and Welded Pipes, and pressure-temperature rating of the flexible hose. Section III, Division 1, Classes O Data to demonstrate compliance of the flexible hose 2 and 3 V with NC/ND-3649,particularly NC/ND-3649.4(e),are N-309 09-17-8419 Identification of Materials for required to be furnished with the application. 12-05-85 Component Supports,Section III, Division 1 N-196 01-09-78 Exemption from the Shake-N-318 07-13-81 Procedure for Evaluation of the 01-08-79 down Requirements When Plastic Analysis is Performed 02-20-84 Design of Rectangular Cross for Section III, Division 1, Section Attachments on Class Class 1 Construction 2 or 3 Piping,Section III, Divi-sion 1 N-214 05-15-78 Use of SA-351, Grade CN7M, Code Case N-318 was acceptable subject to the fol-07-13-81 for Valves for Section III, Divi- lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci-09-07-82 sion 1, Construction fied in the Code Case. Applicants should identify in their Safety Analysis Report: (1) the method oflug at-N 214-1 09-07-82 Use of SA-351 Grade CN7M, tachment, (2) the piping system involved, and (3) the 05-25-83 for Valves,Section III, Divi-location in the system where the Case is to be applied.

N-318-12002-20-84 Procedure for Evaluation of the N-237 07-09-79 Hydrostatic Testing ofInternal 07-12-84 Design of Rectangular Cross 01-21-82 Piping,Section III, Division 1 Section Attachments on Class 09-07-82 2 or 3 Piping,Section III, Divi-sion 1 N-237-1 09-07-82 Hydrostatic Testing ofIntemal 05-25-83 Piping,Section III, Division 1, i+Ihe Code Case was annulled on May 11.1984 (ASME mandatory an-Classes 2 and 3 nulment datQ h waneinstawd n Septembet 17,1984. Because of the A

circumstances and because there were no changes in the Code Case, the


) NPCconsiders that this Case was in effect during the period of 5 II-84

() N 260 01-07-80 Weld Repair of S A-182 Type through 9-17-84.

5 sion ,3, mitied in nevisi n 23 07 as es 1, dh Ihis g'* ng naiaccepiance wasinadverientiy 1.84 - 17

Code Case N-318-1 was acceptable subject to the N-345 06-17 82 Attachment of AMS 5382 following conditions in addition to those conditions 12-13-82 Alloy 31 Seat Rings by Fric-specified in the Code Case. Applicants should identify tion Welding,Section III, Divi-in their Safety Analysis Report: (1) the method oflug sion 1, Classes 1,2, and 3 attachment, (2) the piping system involved, and (3) the N-362 02-14-83 Alternate Rules for Pressure location in the system where the Case is to be applied. 05-25-83 Testing of Containment Items,Section III, Division 1 2 N-318-2 07-12-84 Procedure for Evaluation of the 09-05-85 Design of Rectangular Cross N-362-1 05-25-83 Pressure Testing of Contain-Section Attachments on Class 07-12-84 ment items,Section III, Divi-2 or 3 Piping,Section III, Divi- sion 1, Classes 1,2, and MC sion 1 N-383 10-05-83 Weld Repair of SA-182 Auste-Code Case N 318-2 was accept.ble subject to the ".

'E E*' * "

"**#8 * ' * "


following conditions in addition to those conditions specified in the Code Case. Applicants should identify Code Case N 383 was acceptable subject to the fol-in their Safety Analysis Report: (1) the method of lug lowing condition in addition to those conditions speci-attachment, (2) the piping system involved, and (3) the fled in the Code Case: Applicants who apply the provi-location in the system where the Case is to be applied. sions of this Case to permit material manufacturers to weld repair austenitic forgings without resolution heat N-318-3 09-05-85 Procedure for Evaluation of the treatment should providejustifiution to the NRC staff 07 27-88 Design of Rectangular Cross (via the Safety Analysis Report) why this is acceptable 12-11-89 Section Attachments on Class for their applications, including their evaluation of the 2 or 3 Piping,Section III, Divi- susceptibility for stress corrosion cracking.

sien 1 N-391 11-28-83 Procedure for Evaluation of the 07-30-86 Design ofliollow Circular Code Case N-318-3 was acceptable subject to the 07-24-89 Cross Section Welded Attach-following conditions in addition to those conditions specified in the Code Case. Applicants should identify ments on glass 1 Piping, Sec-tion W, Divmon 1 in their Safety Analysis Report: (1) the method oflug attachment, (2) the piping system involved, and (3) the N-392 11-28-83 Procedure for Evaluation of the location in the system where the Case is to be applied. 07-30-86 Design ofIIollow Circular 07-30-89 Cross Section Welded Attach-N-318-4 12-11-89 Procedure for Evaluation of the 12-11-89 ments on Classes 2 and 3 Pip-12-11-92 Design of Rectangular Cross ing,Section III, Division 1 04-28-94 Section Attachments on Class N-392-1 12-11-89 Procedure for Evaluation of the 2 or 3 Piping,Section III, Divi- 12-11-92 Design ofIIollow Circular 8 "1 Cross Section Welded Attach-ments on Classes 2 and 3 Pip-Code Case N-318-4 was acceptable subject to the ing,Section III, Division 1 following conditions in addition to those conditions specified in the Code Case. Applicants should identify Code Case N-392-1 was acceptable subject to the in their Safety Analysis Report: (1) the method of lug following conditions in addition to those conditions attachment, (2) the piping system involved, and (3) the specified in the Code Case: Applicants should identify location in the system where the Case is to be applied. in their Safety Analysis Report: (1) the method oflug attachment, (2) the piping system involved, and (3) the N-319 07-13-81 Alternate Procedure for Evalu- location in the system where the Case is to be applied.

07-13-84 ation of Stresses in Butt Weld N-41'1 09-17-84 Alternative Damping Values 07-13-87 Elbows m Class 1 Piping, Sec-

, 02-20-86 for Seismic Analysis of Classes 07-24-89 tion III, Division 1 . .

1,2, and 3 Piping Sections, Section 111, Division 1 N 319-1 07-24-89 Alternate Procedure for Evalu-

, 08-14-90 ation of Stresses in Butt Weld Code Case N-411 was acceptable subject to the fol-Elbows in Class 1 Piping, Sec- lowing conditions in addition to those conditions speci- 1 tion III, Division 1 fled in the Code Case: (1)The damping values specified 1.84 - 18

l may be used in analyzing piping response for seismic N-455 12-07-87 Nickel-Chromium-Molybde-and other dynamic loads being filtered through build- 12-03-90 num-Copper Stainless Steel Q ing structures provided response mode frequencies are 04-30-92 (UNS N08925) Forged Flanges y") limited to 33 Hz and below. Within this range, the Code Case damping should be used completely and consis-and Fittings for Class 2 and 3 Construction Section III, Divi-tently, if used at all. (For equipment other than piping, sion 1 the damping values specified in Regulatory Guide 1.61," Damping Values for Seismic Design of Nuclear 4. UNACCEPTABLE CODE CASES Power Plants," should be used.) (2) The damping val- Code Cases for Class 1 components that are not on ues specified may be used only in those analyses in

, the approved list of this guide (paragraph C.1) or other which current seismic spectra and procedures have regulatory guides, or for which authorization by the been employed. Such use shouhl be limited only to re-Commission has not been granted, are not acceptable sponse spectral analyses (similar to that used in the for Class I componen ts. Code Cases for other classes of study supporting its acceptance-Reference NUREG/

components that are not on the approved list of this CR-3526). The acceptance of the use with other types

, guide (paragraph C.1) or other regulatory guides of dynamic analyses (e.g., time-history analysis) is should be considered not acceptable on a generic basis.

pending furtherjustification. (3) When used for recon.

ciliation work or for support optimization of existing D. IMPLEMENTNTION designs, the effects of increased motion on existing clearances and on line mounted equipment should be The purpose of this section is to provide informa-checked. (4) This Code Case is not appropriate for ana, tion to applicants regarding the use of this regulatory lyzing the dynamic response of piping systems using guide.

supports designed to dissipate energy by ielding (i.e.,

the design of which is covered by Co/ ae N-420). 1. Except for those Code Cases that have been an-(5) This Code Case is not applicable to i ingin which nulled by action of the ASME, the NRC staff has stress corrosion cracking has occurn nless a case- found the Code Cases listed in this regulatory guide f O specific evaluation is made and is reviewd by the NRC under Regulatory Position 1 acceptable for ap-( ) staff' pr pri teuse.OtherCodeCasesmaybeconsidered for use in accordance with footnote 6 of the Codes N-453 12-07-87 Nickel-Chromium-Molybde- and Standards rule,10 CFR 50.55a.

11-30-88 num-Copper Stainless Steel (UNS N08925) Welded Pipe 2. Components ordered to a specific version of a Code for Class 2 and 3 Construction, Case need not be changed because a subsequent re-Section III, Division 1 vision to the Code Case is listed as the approved N-453-1 11-30-88 Nickel-Chromium-Molybde- version in this guide.

12-16-91 num Copper Stainless Steel

3. Components ordered to a Code Case that was pre-04 30-92 (UNS N08925) Seamless and Welded Pipe for Class 2 and 3 viously approved for use need not be changed be-Construction,Section III, Divi- c use the Code Case has been subsequently an-sion 1 nulled.

N-454 12-07-87 Nickel-Chromium-Molybde- 4. Code Cases on the approved list may be applied to 12-03-90 num-Copper Stainless Steel components that were in the process of construc-04-30-92 (UNS N08925) Wrought Fit- tion prior to the effective date of the Code Case tings for Class 2 and 3 within the limits specified in the Code Case and ap-Construction Section III, Divi- plicable regulations or recommended in other regu-sion 1 latory guides.

g l

1.84 - 19

APPENDIX NUMERICAL LISTING OF CODE CASES N-62-7 N-309-1 N-411-1 N-122-2 N-313 N-420 N-133-3 N-315 N-433 N-154-1 N-318-5 N-452 g N-155-2(1792-2) N-345-1 N-453-1 N-160-1 N-368 N-454 N-192-2 N-369 N-455 N-240 N-391-1 N-464 N-241 N-392-2 N-476 N-243 N-393 N-505 N-284 N-394 N-511 N-292 N-395 N-520 N-3(M-4 N-410 }

VALUE/ IMPACT STATEMENT A draft value/ impact statement was published with the draft of this guide when it was published for public comment (Task DG-1048, May 1997). No changes were necessary, so a separate value/ impact statement for Revision 31 of Regulatory Guide 1.84 has not been prepared. A copy of the draft value/im-pact statement is available for inspection or copying for a fee in the NRC's Public Document Room at 2120 L Street NW., Washington, DC, under Task DG-1(M8.


O 1.84 - 20 l

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