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Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Updated Decommissioning Safety Analysis Report, DSAR 2.2, Rev. 4, General Description of Site and Environs
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun, 07100256  Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2020
From: Church R, Layman R
Omaha Public Power District
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20170A380 List: ... further results
Download: ML20170A387 (7)


Page 1 of 7 DSAR-2.2 Site and Environs General Description of Site and Environs Rev 4 Safety Classification: Usage Level:

Safety Information Change No.: EC 70009 Reason for Change: Due to EC 70009, Partial Site Release - Phase 2. Changes on page 4, 7, 8 and 9.

Preparer: R.L. Church/Ryan Layman Fort Calhoun Station

DSAR-2.2 Information Use Page 2 of 7 General Description of Site Rev. 4 and Environs Table of Contents 2.2 General Description of Site and Environs ................................................................ 4

DSAR-2.2 Information Use Page 3 of 7 General Description of Site Rev. 4 and Environs List of Figures The following figures are controlled drawings and can be viewed and printed from the applicable listed aperture cards.

Figure No. Title Aperture Card 2.2-1 Aerial Photograph of Site and Environs 36042 2.2-2 Geographical Features Within 60 Miles of Site 36043 2.2-3 Geographical Features Within 30 Miles of Site 36044 2.2-4 Metes and Bounds 36045

DSAR-2.2 Information Use Page 4 of 7 General Description of Site Rev. 4 and Environs 2.2 General Description of Site and Environs The post permanent shutdown site extent is approximately 540 acres; approximately 445 acres of this area is on the alluvial flood plain of the Missouri River, and the remainder is part of the bluff system on the southwest side of the river. An additional exclusion area of approximately 117 acres is included on the northeast bank of the river directly opposite the plant buildings.

This additional exclusion area is provided by means of perpetual easements which allows OPPD to restrict or prohibit access should evacuation be necessary. More specifically on October 28, 1969, the owners of property located across the Missouri River from OPPD's Fort Calhoun facility executed easements in perpetuity to the OPPD which consists of the following:

In consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration and of further agreements herein stated, the undersigned owners of real estate hereinafter described, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereinafter called "Grantor" hereby grant and convey to the Omaha Public Power District, its successors and assigns, hereinafter called "District", a perpetual easement over, along and upon the following described accretion land owned by the Grantor and sometimes described as:

October 28, 1969 Agreement:

From the South 1/4 corner of Section 17, Township 18 North, Range 12 East of the 6th P.M., Washington County, Nebraska; thence North 00° 10'15" West along the 1/4 line a distance of 2,088.27 feet to the point of beginning, said point being on the right bank of the designed channel of the Missouri River, thence continuing North 00° 10' 15" West a distance of 574.52 feet to intersect the 1943 Nebraska-Iowa compact line; thence along the compact line as follows:

South 42°52' East a distance of 277.91 feet; South 47°12' East a distance of 476.86 feet; South 51°42' East a distance of 477.30 feet; South 55°42' East a distance of 479.83 feet; South 59°24' East a distance of 478.09 feet; South 64°14' East a distance of 481.84 feet; South 68°56'20" East a distance of 1,031.14 feet; South 62°14' East a distance of 468.62 feet; South 56°54' East a distance of 566.97 feet; South 51°30' East a distance of 366.47 feet; South 46°48' East a distance of 468.26 feet; South 41°07' East a distance of 282.40 feet;

DSAR-2.2 Information Use Page 5 of 7 General Description of Site Rev. 4 and Environs To intersect the projected centerline of Broadway Street in Old DeSoto Townsite; thence South 32° 35' West along said center line a distance of 925.90 feet to intersect the right bank of the designed channel of the Missouri River, thence along said right bank as follows:

North 61°18' West a distance of 299.23 feet; North 59°40' West a distance of 500.00 feet; North 57°48' West a distance of 500.00 feet; North 56°20' West a distance of 500.00 feet; North 54°16' West a distance of 500.00 feet; North 52°30' West a distance of 500.00 feet; North 50°50' West a distance of 500.00 feet; North 49°00' West a distance of 500.00 feet; North 47°26' West a distance of 500.00 feet; North 44°50' West a distance of 500.00 feet; North 43°32' West a distance of 500.00 feet; North 41°30' West a distance of 234.74 feet; To the point of beginning, lying in Sections 16, 17, 20 and 21, Township 18 North, Range 12 East of the 6th P.M., Washington County, Nebraska, and containing 109.26 acres, more or less.

"1. District shall have the right of ingress and egress along the Grantor's property for any purpose necessary in maintaining the described property as an exclusion area, as later described."

"2. That part of the above described property is part of an exclusion area, now defined in the rules and regulations published by the United States Atomic Energy Commission, and more particularly by Title 10 - Atomic Energy, Part 100, 100.3 Definitions, (a) thereof, which exclusion area is an integral part of the District's nuclear power plant site, the balance of which lies on the Nebraska side of the Missouri River opposite said property and in said County.

"3. The Grantor may make any use of the above described property for their own benefit, except that the Grantor shall not make or permit any use or occupancy of said property, which shall be inconsistent with the maintenance of said property by District as such an exclusion area, or which shall be prohibited by any law or regulation now or hereafter enacted by proper public authority, either governing or applicable to the use and maintenance of said property as an exclusion area as now or hereafter defined, or otherwise.

"4. Grantor specifically covenants that no structure shall be built and that any structure now existing upon said land shall not be occupied at any time by any person or persons."

DSAR-2.2 Information Use Page 6 of 7 General Description of Site Rev. 4 and Environs "5. The District shall have the right to post said land for the purpose of securing the area as a minimum exclusion as defined and required by the Atomic Energy Commission.

"6. In the event that an emergency should occur in connection with the operation of District's power plant, which in District's opinion would require such action in the interest of public health and safety, District may, without notice, take all necessary steps to exclude persons and property from within the posted area and to continue to exclude said persons and property until such time as said emergency has passed.

"7. The District shall reimburse the Grantor for any crop damage that might occur as a result of the District's personnel or any of its representatives entering upon the exclusion area property during an emergency.

"8. As further consideration for said easement, District shall, subject to the rights of the District created by this easement, quit-claim all right, title and interest of ownership of the above described property to Grantor herein.

"9. It is further agreed that Grantor has lawful possession of said real estate, good, right and lawful authority to make said conveyance and that their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns shall warrant and defend same and will indemnify and hold harmless to the District forever against claims of all persons whomsoever in any way asserting any right, title or interest prior to or contrary to this conveyance.

DSAR-2.2 Information Use Page 7 of 7 General Description of Site Rev. 4 and Environs In the opinion of counsel, paragraphs 3 and 6 of these agreements give OPPD ample legal authority to vacate said property in the event that an emergency should occur.

Figure 2.2-1 is an aerial photograph of the site and immediately surrounding area. A majority of the site is being farmed at the present time and it is planned that farming will continue. On-site farming consists primarily of grain. Approximately 354 acres of the total approximately 540 acres are under cultivation. The environmental monitoring program includes on-site crops as one of several vegetation samples. The sample is obtained and analyzed near the end of the growing season. The area adjacent to the site is farm land and is sparsely populated. The nearest population area is the town of Blair, Nebraska, approximately 3.4 miles west northwest of the plant.

Figures 2.2-2 and 2.2-3 show the geographical features within 60 and 30 miles, respectively, of the site center; Figure 2.2-4 defines the metes and bounds of the site.

Both private and commercial traffic make use of U. S. Highway No. 75 which forms the southwest boundary of the site and of the Missouri River which forms the northeast boundary. The highway is located at least 3,200 feet away, therefore, it is unlikely that an accident on this route would affect the station. The river traffic handles few hazardous materials. The danger to the station from air traffic is considered minimal since the site is not located near landing patterns or runways of any large commercial or military airport facility.