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Application for Amend to License NPF-42,revising Tech Spec Figures 6.2-1,6.2-2 & Section to Reflect Title Change,Change in Reporting Relationship & Addition & Deletion of Groups from Unit Organization Figure.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 03/04/1986
From: Koester G
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20154L061 List:
KMLNRC-86-037, KMLNRC-86-37, TAC-60977, NUDOCS 8603110383
Download: ML20154L057 (10)




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Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 KMLNRC 86-037 Re: Docket No. STN 50-482 Subj : Revision to Technical Specification Sections 6.2 and 6.5.2

Dear Mr. Denton:

The purpose of this letter is to transmit three original and 40 conformed copies of an application for Amendment to Facility Operating License No.

NPF-42 for Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1.

The application for Amendment revises Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1, Technical Specification Figure 6.2-1, Figure 6.2-2, and Section to reflect a title change, a change in reporting relationship, the correction of typographical errors, addition and deletion of groups from the Unit Organization Figure, the addition of positions and group from the Nuclear Department organization, and two changes in membership to the Nuclear Safety Review Committee.

The proposed changes to the Technical Specifications are provided in Attachment III. A complete Safety Evaluation and Significant Hazards consideration are provided as Attachments I and II respectively.

In accordance with. 10 CFR 50.91, a copy of this application, with Attachments is being provided to the designated Kansas State Official.

Enclosed is a check (No. 85877) for the $150.00 application fee required by 10 CFR 170.21.



\ g[l 3-960311CKNR3 860004 v/lCHet /L YI A 5 201 N. Market -WicMe, Kansas - Med Address PO. Box 208 i NcMa. Kansas 67201 - Telephone Area Code (3161 26 f.6451

( f Mr. H. R. Denton KMLNRC 86-037 Page 2 March 4, 1986 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me or Mr. .

O. L. Maynard of my staff.

Very truly yours, Glenn L. Koester Vice President - Nuclear Enclosure


I-Safety Evaluation II-Significant Hazards Consideration III-Proposed Technical Specification Changes cc: P0'Connor (2)

JCummins GAllen EJohnson l





.l Glenn L. Koester, of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon oath .

says that he is Vice President - Nuclear and an Officer of Kansas Gas and Electric Company; that he has read the foregoing document and knows the content thereof; that he has executed that same for and on behalf of said Company with full power and authority to do so; and that the facts therein stated are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.

By_ g.8 Glenn L. Koester Vice President - Nuclear


SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this day of fGY b ,1986, i

hC - 1/te_

% tary Public \

Expiration Date )1 1M i

N i.

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- Attachment I to KMLNRC 86-037 Page 1 of 2

. SAFETY EVALUATION This amendment request revises Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1, Technical Specification Figure 6.2-1, Figure 6.2-2, and Section to reflect a title change, a change in reporting relationship, the correction of typographical errors, addLLion and deletions of groups from the . Unit Organization figure, the addition of positions and groups to the Nuclear Department organization, and two changes in membership to the Nuclear Safety Review Committee.

The first requested revision changes the title Procurement & Materials Superintendent, Figure 6.2-1, to Procurement & Material Manager. This is an administrative change that does not constitute a change in reporting relationships or overall organizational commitments.

The second revision changes the reporting relationship of onsite Emergency Planning, Figure 6.2-2, from the Supt. of Regulatory, Quality and Administrative Services to the Supt. of Plant Support. This change represents an organizational enhancement by altering reporting relationships. . This does not constitute a change in job responsibilities, or overall organizational commitments.

The next three changes rectify clerical errors present in the Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1, Technical Specifications. The titles Manager Operations Support, Figure 6.2-1, and Ops Coordinator Planning and Projects. Figure 6.2-2, are being corrected to read Manager Nuclear.

Operations Support and Ops Coordinator Projects and Planning respectively.

In addition, the spelling of Security, Figure 6.2-2, is also being corrected.

The next four changes are being made to Figure 6.2-2 in order to reflect a more accurate and consistent organizational representation. The Safety and Medical groups, reporting to the Supt. of Plant Support and the Supt. of Regulatory , Quality and Administrative Services respectively, are existing groups being added for completeness. The Computers group, reporting through the Instrument & Controls group to the Supt. of Technical Support, is being deleted in order to reflect a consistent level of organizational detail.

The Utility Helper position, reporting through Ops Coord-Ops to the Supt. of Operations, is being deleted since this position no longer exists. Its function is fulfilled by personel in other existing positions. These changes do not constitute a change in reporting relationships or overall organizational committeents.

The final three requested revisions to Figures 6.2-1 and 6.2-2 reflect positions and groups that have been added to the Nuclear Department organization. These revisions represent organizational enhancement s and augmentations that do not effect any existing reporting relationships or overall organizational commitments. In Figure 6.2-2 a Compliance group is

Attachment I to KMLNRC 86-037 Page 2 of 2 being edded to the Unit Organization. This group reports to the Supt. of Regulatory , Quality and Adminstrative Services. The positions Supervisor Project Plans & Schedule, reporting to the Director Nuclear Ope' rations, and

. the position Manager Engineering & Technical Services Support reporting to I the Director Engineering and Technical Services, have been added to the Offsite Organization shown in Figure 6.2-1.

Section is being revised changing the Nuclear Safety Review Committee (NSRC) membership list to reflect a Nuclear Department organizational change, which deleted the position Manager Licensing and. ,

Radiological Services, and the recent retirement of the Vice President Engineering. The NSRC membership list is being revised to read Manager i Licensing rather than Manager Licensing and Radiological Services. The Manager Radiological Services and Manager Licensing report directly to the Manager Nuclear Services, who is the NSRC Chairman. Thus the Manager Nuclear Services can fully address issues involving Radiological Services, while the Manager Licensing is present as a committee membe r to address licensing issues. Additionally the NSRC membership list is being revised to read KCP&L Senior Director of Nuclear Affairs rather than Vice President-Engineering. Kansas Cas and Electric Company's Vice President-Engineering recently retired. His position en the NSRC is being filled by Kansas City Power & Light Company's Senior Director of Nuclear Affairs whom has extensive experience in nuclear industry. Therefore, the requested revisions do not effect the level of expertise present in the NSRC since the same technical and management responsibilities are still represented.

The aforementioned proposed revisions to the Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit 1 Technical Specification Figure 6.2-1, Figure 6.2-2, and Section do not adversely af fect or endanger the health or safety of the general public or involve an unreviewed safety question.

ATTACIDOUfT II Attachment 11 to KMLNRC 86-037 ,

Page 1 of 2 SIGNIFICANT mATABhR CONSIDERATION This amendment requests revised Wolf Creek Generating Station, tinit No. 1, ,

Technical Specification Figure 6.2-1, Figure 6.2-2, and Section to reflect a title change, a change in reporting relationship, the correction of typographical errors, addition and deletions of groups from tho Unit Organization figure, the addition of positions and groups to the Nuclear Department organization, and two changes in membership to the Nuclear Safety Ra' view Committee.

The first requested revision changes the title Procuremont & Materials Superintendent, Figure 6.2-1, to Procurement & Material Manager. This is an administrative change that does not constitute a change in reporting relationships or overall organizational commitments.

The second revisinn changes the reporting relationship of onsite Emergency Planning, Figure 6.2-2, from the Supt. of Regulatory, Quality and Administrative Services to the Supt. of Plant Support. This change represents an organizational enhancement by altering reporting relationships. This does not constitute a change in job responsibilities, or overall organizational commitments.

The next three changes rectify clerical errors present in the Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1 Technical Specifications. The titles Manager Operations Support, Figure 6.2-1, and Ops Coordinator Planning and Proj ect s , Figure 6.2-2, are being corrected to read Manager Nuclear Operations Support and Ops Coordinator Projects and Planning respectively.

In addition, the spelling of Security, Figure 6.2-2, is also being corrected.

The next four changes are being made to Figure 6.2-2 in order to reflect a ,

more accurate and consistent organizational representation. The Safety and Medical groups, reporting to the Supt. of Plant Support and the Supt. of Re gulatory , Quality and Administrative Services respectively, are existing groups being added for completeness. The Computers group, reporting through the Instrument & Controls group to the Supt. of Technical Support, is being deleted in order to reflect a consistent level of organizational detail.

The Utility Helper position, reporting through Ops Coord-Ops to the Supt. of  ;

Operations, is being deleted since this position no longer exists. Its '

function is fulfilled by personel in other existing positions. These changes do not constitute a change in reporting relationships or overall organisational committnents.

The final three requested revisions to Figures 6.2-1 and 6.2-2 reflect positions and groups that have been added to the Nuclear Department organization. These revisions represent organizational enhancement s and augmentat f or.s that do not effect any existing reporting reistionships or ,

overall organizational commitments. In Figure 6.2-2 a Compliance group is

Attachment 11 to KMLNRC 86-037 Page 2 of 2 being added to the Unit Organization. This group reports to the Supt. of i

l Regulatory, Quality and Adminstrative Services. The positions Supervisor Project Plans & Schedule, reporting to the Director Nuclear Operations, and the position Manager Engineering & Technical Services Support reporting to the Director Engineering and Technical Services, have been added to the Offsite Organization shown in Figure 6.2-1.

Section is being revised changing the Nuclear Safety Review Committee (NSRC) teenbership list to reflect a Nuclear Department organizational change, which deleted the position Manager Licensing and Radiological Services, and the recent retirement of the Vice President Engineering. The NSRC membership list is being revised to read Manager Licensing rather than Manager. Licensing and Radiological Services. The Engineering. The NSRC membership list is being revised to read Manager Licensing rather than Manager Licensing and Radiological Services. The Manager Radiological Services and Ma' nager Licensing report directly to the Manager Nur. lea r Services, who is the NSRC Chairman. Thus the Manager Nuclear Services can fully address issues involving Radiological Services, while the Manager Licensing is present as a committee member to address licensing issues. Additionally the NSRC membership list is being revised to read KCP&L Senior Director of Nuclear Affairs rather than Vice President-Engineering. Kansas Cas and Electric Company's Vice President-Engineering recently retired. His position on the NSRC is being filled by Kansas City Power & Light Company's Senior Director of Nuclear Affairs whom has extensive experience in nuclear industry. Therefore, the requested revision do not effect the level of expertise present in the NSRC since the same technical and management responsibilities are still represented.

l I The Commission has provided guidance concerning the application of the standards in 10CFR50.92 by providing examples of Amendments that are not likely to involve Significant Hazards Considerations (48 FR 14870). Among those examples are, "A purely administrative change to technient specifications: for example, a change to achieve consistency throughout the Technical Specifications, corrections of an error, or a change in i

nomenclature" and "A change that consitutes an additional limitation, restriction, or control not presently included in the technical specifications. . . .".

The above requested revisions to the Wolf Creek Cenerating Station, Unit No.

l 1 Technical Specification Figure 6.2-1, Figure 6.2-2, and Section 1 do not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident or other adverse condition over previous evaluations; or create the possibility of a new or dif ferent kind of accident or condition over previous evaluations; or involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. Based on this informatinn and utilizing the guidance provided by the Commission, the requested license amendment does not present a significant hazard.

I i




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