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Review of Beaver Valley,Unit 2 FSAR Amends 17 & 18
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 07/19/1988
Shared Package
ML20151F845 List:
CON-NRC-03-87-029, CON-NRC-3-87-29 SAIC-88-3034, TAC-65611, TAC-66018, NUDOCS 8807270286
Download: ML20151F842 (4)



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5 SAIC-88/3034 l l l

REVIEW 0F l BEAVER VALLEY, UNIT 2 FSAR AMENDMENTS 17 AND 18 TAC Nos, 65611 and 66018 g e >

July 19, 1988 E ,

E 5pg e



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E Prepared for:

l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C. 20555 Contract NRC-03-87-029 E Task Order No. 3 g lg461Tp3oh. .

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l By latter dated May 1987, Duquesne Light Company, the Licensee, transmitted Amendment 17 to the Final Safety Analysis Report for Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2.

I In the Supplement 3 of the SER, the Staff stated that the Beaver Valley Unit I

2 operating license will be conditioned in accordance with Generic Letter 8

t 86-10, to require that the applicant implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protectien program.

g In Amendment 17 to the FSAR, the Licensee has referenced the license condi-tion re' ed to in Supplement 3 of the SER and stated that the provisions of the Fire Protection Program which normally wuid have been part of the.

Technical Specifications havs been included in Section 9.5.1 and Appendix 9.5A of the FSAR and Site Administrative procedure 9D "Fire Protection" and has stated that the license condition applies to these sections. This modification has been reviewed and found to be consistent with the direction as outlined in Generic Letter 86-10 and is therefore acceptable.

Since Amendment 17 now defines Administrative Procedure PD as ,the governing document for fire protection surveillance requirements and compensatory m __ _

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!' measures. Amendment 17 includes a number of changes to reference docu-this ment. These FSAR modifications include the basis for system design and testing and reference the site procedu:'e for specific requirements. *

(Admin-istrativo Procedure 90 contains those requirements which are i intended to directly replace the f4e protection surveillance requirements and com tory ,

measures previously found in the Technical Specifications.)Section of the FSAR "Fire Suppression Systems' was significantly revised  : '

to include the basis for fire suppression system design and compensatory 1 measures.

These FSAR modifications have been reviewed found and have bi to be consistent with NRC staff guidance.

Throughout Section 9.5-1 of Amendment'17 to the FSAR.

modifications have been made which reflect changes in assigned responsibilities of plant personnel ,

including fire protection program responsibilities, combustible control and training. These changes have been reviewed and are consistent with NRC staff guidance and are therefore acceptable.

A number of changes have been made in Amendment 17 to clarify certain I sections or correct errors.

These changes have been reviewed and no changes have been made which modify the basis for accepting the plant fire protec-tion program.

f AMENDMENT 18 By letter dated June 1987, Amendment 18 of the Beaver Valley Unit 2 FSA transmitted. A number of changes have been made to Section 9.5.1 Fire Protection Systems, in Amendment 18 for the purpose of clarification or correction of infomation. These changes have been reviewed and found not

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I to change any Licensee comitments or alter the i lant fire protection program and are therefore acceptable.

Supplement 5 of the Beaver Valley Unit 2 SER contained evaluations of fire protection program deviations from BTP CHEB 9.5-1. Where these deviations have been found acceptable in the SER, the Licensee has modified the Fire Hazards Ana ysis, Section 9.5A of the FSAR, in Amendment 18 to the FSAR to include these deviations. These modifications have been reviewed and found to be consistent with the information in Supplemsint 5 of the SER and are I

therefore acceptable.


_ es1 ,g No changes were made to the fire protection sections of the FSAR with this Amendment.

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