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Applicant Response to Intervenor Ba Bursey
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/02/1978
From: Nichols T
Shared Package
ML20147F465 List:
NUDOCS 7810190239
Download: ML20147F466 (7)


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South Carolina Electric and Gas) Docket No. 50-395  ;

Company ) ,

) -

Virgil C. Summer Nuclear ) $

Station Unit'l ) F

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{A :.g% Q SCA South Carolina Electric and Gas Co. (Applicant) pursu hM< ss to 10 CFR, Section 2.740b, submits its Answers to the Int > -

ogatories posed by Intervenor, Brett A. Bursey. Applicant shall file its objections 13) certain of those interrogatories concurrently with these answers.

The answers below are numbered the same as the Intervenor's questions except that Applicant has sub-numbered Intervenor's multiple-part questions.

la. The exact type of decommissioning fo, the V. C. Summer Station will not be selected until shortly before the end of the facility's useful lire.

I lb. For purposes of assuring financial qualification, Applicant '

assumed a cost of seven million dollars ($7,000,000.00).

ic. The necessary funds for dec7mmisssioning will be handled the same as any other normal financing requirements of the Applicant. The decommissioning costs plus the depreciation requirements for the nuclear facility will be established and such depreciation charges recovered.over the life of the plant.

1 2a Since Applicant has not selected a method of decommissioning,

&b it is not currently prepared to answer these questions.

3a. Objection filed.

3b. For the first core, the cost of Uranium, as Uranium Hexa-flouride, is approximately $16 423 000 00

, , . . If this material were all provided at the original Westinghouse contract price, the cost would be $12,270,712.66.

4a. The on site spent fuel storage capacity currently is 682 assemblies.

4b. Spent assemblies will be stored in Applicant's spent fuel  ;

pool another location until a federal waste repository is established.


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4c. Since the ultimate disposal methodology has not been

, s finally decided upon, Applicant cannot provide a meaningful figure for these costs.

4d. The necessary funds for spent fuel disposal will be. handled

  • through the regular financing requirements of the Applicant;-

that is, the financing for spent fuel disposal will be the same as that of any other normal financing requirements of the Applicant.

5. Objection filed.
6. There have been no concrete pours,made at the Summer Station for the purpose of geological stabilization, nor are.any such concrete pours planned.
7. Objection filed.

8a The clearance between the circulating water intake pipe and

& b. the floor of the circulating water pumphouse is 42". This is the Bingham Willamett specification to assure unimpeded water flow at maximum capacity.

9. Objection filed.
10. An updated assessment of the structures' ability to withstand .

" seismic activity" is contained in " REPORT NO. 2-Service Water Intake Structure Settlement Effects and Related Work" which was submitted to the NRC on July 10, 1978, and which has been supplied to Intervenor, lla This interrogatory is confusing and difficult to interpret.

& b. Assuming the impoundment area referred to means the Monticello Reservoir area prior to filling, Frees Creek was the principle drainage stream of the approximate 11 square mile drainage basin that includes the 6,800 acre Monticello Reservoir.

No gauging station history exists for Frees Creek, so no accurate normal flow value can be stated. An estimate of the average flow which entered the Broad River behind Parr Dam is 11 CFS based on the assumption of one second' - flow per square mile drainage area. The existence of the impound-ment has no effect on the low flow.

12. The maximum rise of water in the Monticello Reservoir is to elevation 425 MSL and the maximum fall is to 418 MSL.
13. As can be seen by a review of the NPES permit, the permit does contain provisions applicable to the Monticello Reservoir.
14. Using data from Alden Research Laboratories Progress Report No. 2, June 1973, the maximum temperature of the discharge from the lower impoundment of the Fairfield Pumped Storage Project of Parr Dam is estimated to be no more than 3 F above the uneffected water temperature.
15. Releases of gaseous and liquid radioactive wastes are discussed in Sections 11.2 and 11.3 of the FSAR.

16 a .. - The original cost projection for'the cons,truction of the '

Virgil C. Summer Station was $234,000,000.00.

16b. The dates and amounts of subsequent upward revisions are .

as follows: ,

Date Amount 7/15/71 $234,000,000.00 12/31/71 $234,000,000.00 6/30/72 $296,541,000.00 1/15/73 $340,950,000.00 7/16/73 $341,792,000.00 1/15/74 $35C,398,000.00 7/15/74 $356,398,u00.00 12/01/75 $365,895,000.00 12/15/75 $492,623,000.00 1/15/77 S635,053,000.00 6/30/77 $638,953,000.00 1/01/78 S674,853,000.00

17. Based on the first full year of operation, the present projection of the per kilowatt cost for generation of electricity at the Summer Station is 29.60 mills per KWH.
18. Objection filed.
19. Objection filed.
20. Objection filed.
21. Objection filed.
22. Objection filed.
23. Objection filed. '
24. Objection filed.
25. Objection filed.
26. " Working capital" relates to investor-supplied funds I

necessary to cover current operating expenses during the' time lag between the point when service is rendered and the related operating costs are incurred and the point when revenues to recover such costs are received.

They do not reasonably relate to a non-operating facility, i.e. one under construction.

27. This question cannot, without further definition, rea-sonably be answered. It has been assumed from the outset  ;

that the V. C. Summer Nuclear Station, Unit No. 1 will not operate forever.

28. Objection filed.

l l

- , -. . - . _ ~- - . - . - - - . - . - ..- . .. . - _

.: -r 29.. Because.the fuel' loading date for the plant is more'than i one year away, there are no approved yearly security .i

-budget figures-for plant operation; however, we.have no *

, l

. reason to believe'it.will exceed the about 0.1 millLper r KWH figure used by the NRC Staff'in the Blackfox. pro-ceedings and approved by'the Licensing Board in.its' Partial Initial Decision dated July 24, 1978 (NRC Docket '

Nos' STN- 556,557).

30. " Gathering intelligence" on possible the I

security of the Summer Facility is a function of law enforcement-agencies. Applicant, therefore, had no .

budget for " gathering intelligence".

31.; Objection filed.

32a. Amendment 8, Figure 13.1-5, to' Applicant's FSAR, dated September, 1978 reflects'a manning. requirement of 109 persons. However, Applicant is currently developing a ,

revised manning projection which will increase that t figure. . What that number will be and what the breakdown:


by function is not certain.

32b. Objection 1 filed.

33. Objection filed. ,

34 - The South Carolina Peacetime RadiologicalLPlan provides a 36- framework for the evacuation'of the LPZ. Nuclear emer-gency plans, which'will address contingencies such as transportation and evacuee relocation, are currently under development by the State and local governments'within.the affected area. See minutes of Meeting with Staff dated September , 1978. There, of course, no emergency plans for a-Class Nine accident per se. Any emergency plan developed pursuant to Appendix E and Regulatory Guide 1.101- ,

must meet the spectrum of postulated accidents and other. f conditions described therein. ,

37. Dames and Moore, Inc., consulting engineers in the applied ,

L earth sciences, provided the ground acceleration values associated.with a design seismic event. Refer to FSAR

  • Section 1.4.4.


  • 38a Dames and Moore, Inc., consulting engineers'in the applied l earth sciences, provided the ground acceleration values used by the Applicant. FSAR Section 2.5.2.


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39. YeG-
40. Compliance with regulatory requirements assures that .

radioactive releases from the fuel cycle associated with ,

the V..C. Summer Nuclear Station will pose no long-term threat to life.

41. Objection filed.
42. Objection filed.
43. Objection filed. ,

e 0


. .. c VERIFICATION State of South Carolina )

County of ) ss T. C. Nichols, Jr., being first duly sworn, states that he is Vice President & Group Executive - Power Productions

& System Operations for the South Carolina Electric & Gas Company; that he has been duly authorized to execute, verify and file the foregoing document, APPLICANT'S ANSWER TO INTERVENOR'S INTERROGATORIES TO APPLICANT; that he has read the contents of same and that the statements contained therein are true and correct to his best information, know-ledge and belief.

/ .i

  • , ,a o Subscribed and sworn to before me this fi,elday of ,


,e c.

, . . ... /. .,

(Notary Public)

My Commission Expires: .

8 e

d e. .


. q. ,



SOUTH CAROLINA ELECTRIC & GAS ) Docket No. 50-39 COMPANY I ! @A Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, ) ,4d' pocvmo Unit 1 ) umtG Tf

S OCI 6 BIBP CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ' t.f. e, *= % 4 I hereby certify that copies of " APPLICANT'S ANSWERS TO- #

INTERVENOR'S INTERROGATORIES TO APPLICANT" in the abov - e captioned proceeding have been served on the following b deposit in the United States mail, first class this 2nd day of October, 1978:

Ivan W. Smith, Esq. Richard P. Wilson, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Assistant Attorney General U. S. Nuclear Regulatory 2600 Bull Street Commission Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Washington, D. C. 20555 Dr. Frank F. Hooper Atomic Safety and Licensing University of Michigan Board Panel Camp Filibert Roth U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Iron River, Michigan 49935 Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Appeal Panel (5)

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20555 Brett Allen Bursey Docketing and Service Section

- Route 1, Box 93-C Office of the Secretary Little Mountain, South Carolina U. S. Nuclear Regulatory 29076 Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Randolph R. Mahan Counsel for Applicant