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Db March 7, 1997 g-M Carol S. Marcus, Ph.D., M.D.
Department of Radiology Harbor UCLA Medical Center UCLA School of Medicina .
Torrance, CA 90509
Dear Dr. Marcus:
In December 1990, you submitted a petition for rulemaking requesting that the Commission en,cr J ;ta regulations regarding the release of patients containing radiopharmaceuticals or permanent implants.
As a result of your petition, the Commission has considered and approved final amendments to 10 CFR Parts 20 and 35. These amendments have been published in the Federal Realster (62 FR 4120; January 29,1997) and will become effective on May 29,1997.
A copy of the Federal Register notice is enclosed for your information.
Original Signed By Cheryl A.Trottier, Acting Branch Chief Radiation Protection and Health Effects Branch Division of Regulatory Applications Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Federal Register Notice Distribution: (g%chneidthankyou.frm) cTrother/RPHE8 RF Central File Fcostanzi S Treby, oGC MLesar, ADM ATse
'e E [M. Y ,eYv Y $,y Nw ese office RPHEB. ORA RPHEB:0RA Name SSchne4 del $d CTrottier bI Date 2 / gh 19 7 3/ ') /97 Distribution he)No Yes/No OFFICIAL RECORD copy RES File Center Number 2D-6 G/ 0 y
vj n o 6 9708150333 970007 PDR PR 20 62FR4120 PDR
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