MONTHYEARML20205N8511999-04-12012 April 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 980117 Application & Suppls ,1109,990208 & 26. Amend Authorizes Changes to UFSAR to Reflect Revs to CR Radiological Dose Calculations ML20211E8241997-09-19019 September 1997 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Approval of Indirect Transfer of License ML20141B0471997-06-18018 June 1997 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Request for Exemption from 10CFR70.24, Criticality Accident Requirements, for Plant ML20141C9211997-05-15015 May 1997 Environ Assessment & Fonsi Re License DPR-66.Proposed Amend Would Revise BVPS-1 TS to Allow Storage for New Reactor Fuel in New Fuel Storage Racks W/Enrichment Not to Exceed Nominal 5.0 Weight % U-235 ML20141F3211997-05-15015 May 1997 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact for Indirect Transfer of Licenses DPR-66 & NPF-73 Wrt Proposed Merger Between Centerior Energy Corp & Ohio Edison Co ML20085H9851995-06-0202 June 1995 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Exemption from Certain Requirements of Paragraph III.D.2.(b)(ii) of 10CFR50,App J ML20083D1781995-05-22022 May 1995 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Licensee Application for 950208 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR73.55(d)(5) ML20059C5891993-10-26026 October 1993 Environ Assessment in Consideration of Amend to Change TS to Accommodate Proposed Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Expansion at Plant ML20081F1911991-06-0303 June 1991 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Requests for Exemption for Containment Isolation Provisions for Recirculation Spray HX river-water Radiation Monitor Sample Lines ML20070M9421991-03-19019 March 1991 EA & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 900921 & 910107 Requests for Exemptions from Requirements of 10CFR55.45(b) to Submit Form NRC-474, Simulation Facility Certification Not Later than 46 Months After Effective Date of Rule.L ML20034A3181990-04-16016 April 1990 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Issuance of Exemption from Requirements of GDC 57,App a to 10CFR50 for Certain Piping of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys ML20247B5751989-03-27027 March 1989 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Util 871112 Application for Amend to License DPR-66,revising Tech Spec Table 3.5-5 to Include Time Required for Suction Switchover to Refueling Water Storage Tank ML20236A7431987-07-20020 July 1987 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Supporting Util 860121 & 1021 Requests for Exemption from 10CFR50,App R,Section Iii.J Re Requirements for Emergency Lighting Units Covering Areas W/Safe Shutdown Equipment ML20210D2631987-04-30030 April 1987 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Supporting Licensee 870304-06 Requests for Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(h),App J ML20204H4751987-03-13013 March 1987 Environ Assessment Supporting Util Request for Exemption from Certain Requirements of GDC 4,App a to 10CFR50 ML20207E7221986-12-17017 December 1986 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Supporting Util 851107 Application for Amend to License DPR-66,changing License Expiration Date from 100625 to 160129 ML20214Q5381986-11-20020 November 1986 Notice of Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 850114 Application for Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50,App R ML20214D3951986-11-17017 November 1986 Notice of Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Util 860730 Application to Extend Expiration Date of CP CPPR-105 from 861231 to 871231 ML20154P1791986-03-0606 March 1986 Notice of Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 841108 Application for Amend to CPPR-105,extending Expiration Date to 861231.EIS Unwarranted ML20138G7341985-09-26026 September 1985 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Supporting Exemption from Portion of GDC 4 Requirements of 10CFR50,App a Re Need to Analyze Large Primary Loop Ruptures as Structural Design Basis ML20128A1691985-04-11011 April 1985 Notice of Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Schedular Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50, App E,Delaying Emergency Preparedness Exercise Until Sept 1985 ML19305B4101979-12-26026 December 1979 Eia Supporting Extension of CPPR-105 to 841231 1999-04-12
MONTHYEARL-99-147, NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Aug 1999 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2. with1999-08-31031 August 1999 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Aug 1999 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2. with L-99-133, NPDES Monthly Discharge Monitoring Rept for July 1999 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2. with1999-07-31031 July 1999 NPDES Monthly Discharge Monitoring Rept for July 1999 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2. with L-99-123, NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for June 1999 for BVPS, Units 1 & 2. with1999-06-30030 June 1999 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for June 1999 for BVPS, Units 1 & 2. with ML20196H4401999-05-31031 May 1999 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for May 1999 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2.With ML20195B9431999-04-30030 April 1999 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Apr 1999. with ML20205N8511999-04-12012 April 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 980117 Application & Suppls ,1109,990208 & 26. Amend Authorizes Changes to UFSAR to Reflect Revs to CR Radiological Dose Calculations ML20206E8611999-03-31031 March 1999 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Mar 1999 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2. with ML20205C3571999-02-28028 February 1999 NPDES Monthly Rept Discharge Monitoring Rept for Feb 1999, for Bvps,Units 1 & 2.With ML20207A6371999-01-31031 January 1999 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Jan 1999 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2. with ML20206G3451998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Environ Rept,Non-Radiological ML20205F6911998-12-31031 December 1998 Bvps,Units 1 & 2 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for CY98 ML20206G3391998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Environ Rept,Radiological ML20206P1891998-11-30030 November 1998 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept, for Nov 1998 for Bvnp Units 1 & 2.With ML20155D0961998-09-30030 September 1998 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for BVPS Units 1 & 2 for Sept 1998. with ML20154B0171998-08-31031 August 1998 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Repts for Aug 1998 for BVPS, Units 1 & 2. with ML20151T8211998-07-31031 July 1998 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Repts for July 1998 for BVPS, Units 1 & 2 ML20236V4261998-06-30030 June 1998 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for June 1998 ML20236F4441998-05-31031 May 1998 NPDES Monthly Rept for May 1998 for Beaver Valley Power Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20248D2101998-04-30030 April 1998 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Apr 1998 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2 ML20217P6901998-03-31031 March 1998 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Mar 1998, for Beaver Valley Power Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20217J4051998-02-28028 February 1998 NPDES Monthly Rept for Feb 1998 ML20203L3381998-01-31031 January 1998 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Jan 1998 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2 ML20217K0291997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Effluent Release Rept for 1997 ML20217Q4841997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Environ Rept,Non-Radiological,BVPS,Units 1 & 2 ML20217E3851997-12-31031 December 1997 BVPS Annual Exposure Rept for 1997 ML20199J4291997-12-31031 December 1997 NPDES Monthly Rept for Jan 1998 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2 ML20217Q4761997-12-31031 December 1997 Bvps,Units 1 & 2,1997 Annual Environ Rept,Radiological ML20198C4781997-11-30030 November 1997 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Nov 1997, for BVPS Units 1 & 2 ML20203B0681997-10-31031 October 1997 NPDES Monthly Discharge Rept for Oct 1997 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2 ML20212F5041997-09-30030 September 1997 NPDES Monthly Rept for Sept 1997 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2 ML20211E8241997-09-19019 September 1997 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Approval of Indirect Transfer of License ML20211F7901997-08-31031 August 1997 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Aug 1997 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2 ML20217R1841997-07-31031 July 1997 NPDES Monthly Rept for July 1997 ML20196J4801997-06-30030 June 1997 Discharge Monitoring Rept for June 1997 ML20141B0471997-06-18018 June 1997 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Request for Exemption from 10CFR70.24, Criticality Accident Requirements, for Plant ML20148T4421997-05-31031 May 1997 NPDES Monthly Rept for May 1997 for Beaver Valley Power Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20141C9211997-05-15015 May 1997 Environ Assessment & Fonsi Re License DPR-66.Proposed Amend Would Revise BVPS-1 TS to Allow Storage for New Reactor Fuel in New Fuel Storage Racks W/Enrichment Not to Exceed Nominal 5.0 Weight % U-235 ML20141F3211997-05-15015 May 1997 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact for Indirect Transfer of Licenses DPR-66 & NPF-73 Wrt Proposed Merger Between Centerior Energy Corp & Ohio Edison Co ML20140A6471997-04-30030 April 1997 NPDES Monthly Repts for Apr 1997 for Beaver Valley Power Station,Unit 1 & 2 ML20138G1701997-03-31031 March 1997 NPDES Monthly Rept for Mar 1997 for Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 & 2 ML20137H9751997-03-25025 March 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970215 Discharge Monitoring Point 203 Exceeded Allowable Monthly Average of 30 Mg/L for Total Suspended Solids ML20136B8441997-01-31031 January 1997 NPDES Monthly Rept for Jan 1997 ML20138J0161996-12-31031 December 1996 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Dec 1996 ML20137J0601996-12-31031 December 1996 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept - 1996 ML20134L2171996-12-31031 December 1996 Annual Man-Rem Rept for 1996 ML20138C6791996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Annual Environ Rept,Non-Radiological, for Beaver Valley Power Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20138C6601996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Annual Environ Rept,Radiological, for Beaver Valley Power Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20138D3621996-12-31031 December 1996 Annual Exposure Rept 1996. W/Two Diskettes ML20147B3051996-11-30030 November 1996 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Nov 1996 for BVPS, Units 1 & 2 ML20135B9221996-10-31031 October 1996 Discharge Monitoring Rept Suppl Sewage Sludge Rept for Oct 1996 1999-08-31
[Table view] |
7590-01-P l
DOCKET NO. 50-334 BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION. UNIT NO. 1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) is considering issuance of an amendment to Facility Operating License No. DPR-66, issued to Duquesne Light Company, et al. (the licensee), for operation of the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No.1 (BVPS-1-), located in Beaver County, l
l Pennsylvania.
l-ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Identifiution of the Proposed Action:'
The proposed amendment would revise BVPS-1 Technical Specification (TS) l to allow storage of new reactor fuel in the new fuel storage racks with an enrichment not to exceed a nominal 5.0 weight percent Uranium-235.
The-proposed amendment is in accordance with the licensee's application for dated February 27, 1997.
l The Need for the Procosed Action:
The proposed changes to the Facility Operating License are needed so i
that the licensee can store and use more highly enriched fuel, and thereby provide the flexibility of extending the fuel irradiation /burnup to permit 9705190272 970515 PDR ADOCK 05000334 P
._ ~
l ;
longer fuel cycles (i.e., longer continuous period of operation). Use of the proposed more highly enriched fuels would require the use of fewer fuel assemblies over the remaining life of the plant.
Environmental Imoacts of the Proposed ActiSD1 The Commission has completed its evaluation of the proposed revisions to l
the TS. The proposed revisions would permit storage of new fuel in the new fuel storage racks and subsequent use of fuel enriched with Uranium-235 (U-235) to a nominal 5.0 weight percent (5.0 weight percent plus a tolerance of 0.05 weight percent). The safety considerations associated with the storage of and subsequent reactor operation with higher enriched fuel have been evaluated by the NRC staff.
Based on its review, the NRC staff has concluded that such changes would not adversely affect plant safety.
The proposed changes have no adverse affect on the probability of any accident.
The higher enrichment, with increased fuel burnup, may slightly change the mix of fission products that might be released in the event of a serious accident, but such small changes would not significantly affect the consequences of serious accidents. No changes are being made in the types or amounts of any radiological effluents that may be released offsite. There is no significant increase in the allowable individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure. Accordingly, the Commission concludes that the proposed action would result in no significant radiological environmental impact.
The environmental impacts of transportation resulting from the use of higher enrichment fuel and extended irradiation were published and discussed I
in the staff asse:sment entitled "NRC Assessment of the Environmental Effects of Transportation Resulting from Extended Fuel Enrichment and Irradiation,"
- l dated July 7,1988. This assessment was published in connection with an Environmental Assessment related to the Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, which was published in the Federal Reaister (53 FR 30355) on August 11, 1988,
'as corrected on August 24, 1988 (53 FR 32322). As indicated therein, the l
environmental cost contribution of an increase in the fuel enrichment of up to l
5.0 weight percent Uranium-235 and irradiation limits of up to 60,000 l
gigawatt-days-per-metric-ton (GWO/MT) are either unchanged or may, in fact, be reduced from those summarized in Table S-4 asset forth in 10 CFR 51.52(c).
These findings are applicable to the proposed increase at BVPS-1 given that l
the proposal involves 5% and burnup of less than 60,000 GWD/MT. Accordingly, the Commission concludes that there are no significant radiological environmental impacts associated with th,e proposed amendment.
With regard to potential nonradiological impacts of reactor operation with higher enrichment and extended irradiation, the proposed action involves features located entirely within the restricted area as defined in 10 CFR f
_Part 20.
It does not affect nonradiological' plant effluents and has no other l
environmental impact. Accordingly, the Commission concludes that there are no l'
significant nonradiological environmental impacts associated with the proposed I
1 Alternative to the Proposed Action:
l l
Since the Commission has concluded that there are no significant environmental effects that would result from the proposed action, any other l
alternative would have equal or greater environmental impacts and need not be evaluated.
- The " principal alternative would be to deny the requested amendment.
This would not reduce environmental impact of plant operations and would j
result in reduced operational flexibility.
Alternative Use of Resources:
The action does not involve the use of any resources not.previously considered in the Final Environmental Statement for the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. I dated July 1973.
Aaencies and Persons Consulted:
In accordance with its stated policy, on April 14, 1997, the staff consulted with the Pennsylvania State official, Mr. Michael P. Murphy of the Bureau of Radiation Protection, Department of Environmental Protection, regarding the environmental impact of the proposed action.
The State official had no comments.
FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT The Commission has determined not to prepare an environmental impact i
statement for the proposed license amendment.
Based upon the foregoing environmental assessment, we conclude that the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment.
For further details with respect to this proposed action, see the application for amendment dated February 27, 1997, that is available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room, The Gelman Building, 2120 L Street, NW., Washington, DC, and at the local public document i
l '.-
! -i room locat'ed at the B. F. Jones Memorial Library, 663 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa, Pennsylvania 15001.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 15th day of May 1997.
6 l
J' '
Jo n Stolz, Director' P
ect Directorate I-Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l
e 9