ML20138N167 | |
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Site: | 07001374 |
Issue date: | 02/24/1997 |
References | |
NUDOCS 9702270166 | |
Download: ML20138N167 (3) | |
p M%
AR LINGToN, TE XAS 76011 8064 February 24, 1997 Dr. Jay F. Kunze, Dean School of Engineering Idaho State University Pocatello, Idaho 83209-0009
Dear Dr. Kunze:
Thank you for your letter dated January 9,1997,in response to our Notice of Violation (Notice) dated December 9,1996. We have reviewed your reply and find that no further information is needed at this time regarding the violations described in the Notice. We will review the implementation of your corrective actions during a future inspection to determine that full compliance has been achieved and will be maintained.
Should you have any questions concerning this letter please contact Mr. William Radcliffe at (817) 860-8151 or the undersigned at (817) 860-8213.
Sinc ely, d2 Li da L. Howell, Chief Nuclear Materials Inspection and Fuel Cycle \\ Decommissioning Branch Docket: 070-01374 License: SNM-1373 cc: Idaho Radiation Control Program Director l
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l 9702270166 970224 PDR ADOCK 07001374 C
Idaho State University bec:
DMB - Original (IE-07)
JEDyer RAScarano CLCain LLHowell DBSpitzberg FAWenslawski WHRadcliffe NMI&FC/DB (5th Floor)
MIS System RIV Nuclear Materials File - 5th Floor i
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DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\NMIS.0\\WHR2\\01374AK1.702 To receive copy of document, indicate in box: "C" = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No copy RIV:NMI&FC/DB C:NMi&FC/I]p
- WHRadclitfe LLHowelld, OW /97 01/Z//!4T/ ['
'Previously Concurred V
_ _ _. - ~. _ -. _ _ _ _ _
I Idaho State University l t
r bec:
DMB - Original (IE-07)
JEDyer i
RAScarano CLCain LLHowell DBSpitzberg FAWenslawski I
WHRadcliffe NMI&FC/DB (5th Floor)
MIS System RIV Nuclear Materials File - 5th Floor t
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l DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\NMIS.O\\WHR2\\01374 AK1.702 1
To receive copy of document, indicate in box: "C" = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No copy RIV:NMI&FC/DB C:NMi&FC/gp
- WHRadcliffe LLHowell d, 01/ -/97 OS/Z//9T/ /'
'Previously Concurred V
OFFIC AL RECORD COPY 2'70018 yppgypppgy,
u January 9,1997 erp g rpp U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 0 1li1 D A'ITN: Document Control Desk UNIVERSITY Washington, DC 20555
Reply to the Notice of Violation, Inspection Report 70-01374/96-01.
Dear Madam / Sir:
In compliance of the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, enclosed is our reply to the notice college or of violation resulting from NRC inspection 70-01374/96-01 of Materials License No.
SNM-1373. As discussed in our reply, full license compliance will be achieved when P
Idaho approval of our proposed license amendment is granted by NRC. This amendment will be submitted to NRC by February 1,1997.
Please feel free to contact me at (208) 236-2902 regarding any questions you may have concerning this matter.
Sine rely yours,
/, e f
y F. Kunze, Ph.D., P.E., CHP Dean and Professor cc: Administrator,RegionIV /
ca 23m2 97-o5.37 FAX:
(208) 236-4538 ISU is An Equal Opportunity Employer G 70 / 2%CES7 5'f{
- - ~ _ - -
. ~.
4 h
This is the reply to the Notice of Violation issued to Idaho State University (ISU) in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Inspection Report 70-01374/96-01 on Materials License SNM-1373 pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201.
Item A:
Violation 01374/9601-01: Failure on two occasions to perform required contamination and leak tests prior to operation of the suberitical assembly, j
Reason for violation:
The Reactor Supervisor (RS) at the time of the first infraction forgot that leak tests and t
contamination surveys were required prior to each operation of the subcritical assembly, and the faculty member who operated the suberitical assembly at that time was unaware of these requirements.
At the time of the second infraction, the same faculty member, who was at the time the Acting RS, was still i
unaware that leak tests and contamination surveys are l
required prior to each use of the subcritical assembly.
All l
personnel involved were aware of the requirements to perform semiannual leak tests of the fuel plates and uranium foils and monthly contamination surveys of Room 23. These tests and surveys had been completed within required periodicity prior to the two occasions that the subcritical assembly was operated.
Corrective actions taken and results achieved:
All current personnel with operational responsibilities for the subcritical assembly have been trained on and are aware of the requirements to perform (1) leak tests on 10 percent of the fuel plates and uranium
- foils, and (2) general area contamination surveys of Room 23 prior to each operation of the subcritical assembly. New personnel will be similarly trained.
In addition, the Reactor Administrator (RA) has assumed administra.tive responsibility and final authority for
operation of the subcritical assembly.
He will personally verify completion of required leak tests and contamination surveys before authorizing operation of the suberitical I
1 1
I ISU-Engineering 1/9/97
Corrective actions that will be taken to avoid further violations:
An amendment to Materials License No. SNM-1373 will be requested to give final authority for operation of the subcritical assembly to the RA.
The RA will establish written operating procedures that will include steps for ensuring that the required leak tests and general area surveys are performed prior to each operation of the subcritical assembly.
The RA will verify completion of the leak tests and contamination surveys prior to authorizing operation of the subcritical assembly.
Date when full compliance will be achieved:
The proposed request for amendment to Materials License No. SNM-1373 will be drafted, reviewed internally, and submitted to NRC by February 1,
A. general operating procedure for the suberitical assembly is being prepared for implementation by February 1, 1997.
An application for renewal of License No.
SNM-1373, which expires October 31, 1997, will be submitted later (in the Spring of 1997).
Full compliance will be achieved when the NRC approves the requested amendment to Materials License No. 1373.
Item B:
Violation 01374/9601-02:
Failure to notify the NRC and obtain approval through a license amendment before designating new individuals to serve in positions identified in the materials license application as having direct responsibility for operation of the suberitical assembly.
Reason for violation:
The RA and RS were aware that individuals directly responsible for the operation of the subcritical assembly are identified by name in the application for renewal of Materials License No. SNM-1373.
The RA and RS were also aware of the fact that the NRC had been promptly notified in writing of all staffing changes affecting the positions specified in the application.
These notifications, however, were submitted to NRC with respect to the operation of the AGN-201 nuclear reactor, License No. R-110, Docket No.
The RA and RS incorrectly believed that such notification concerning the reactor license was sufficient to demonstrate the qualifications of personnel responsible for operating the ISU Nuclear Facility equipment governed by the SNM license.
It was not clear that a separate license 2
ISU-Engineering 1/9/97
amendment was required for the operation of the subcritical assembly.
Corrective actions taken and results achieved:
The NRC is hereby notified that individuals with direct responsibility for the operation of the suberitical assembly area as follows:
Jay F.
- Kunze, Ph.D.,
CHP, Dean and Professor, College of Engineering - the Institutional Representative John S.
- Bennion, Ph.D.,
- SRO, NRRPT, Assistant Professor, Reactor Administrator Thomas F. Gesell, Ph.D.,
Professor of Health Physics, Radiation Safety Officer Biographical data describing the technical qualifications of these individuals have been appended to this response.
Corrective actions that will be taken to avoid further violations:
An amendment to Materials License No. SNM-1373 will be requested to give direct responsibility for operation of the subcritical assembly to the RA, the College of Engineering Dean, and the ISU Radiation Safety Officer (RSO),
and the individuals currently holding these positions (named above) will be identified by name in the amendment.
In addition, in the event of turnover in any of these positions, NRC approval to designate a successor will be obtained promptly via the required request for license amendment.
Date when full compliance will be achieved:
The proposed request for amendment to Materials License No. SNM-1373 will be drafted, reviewed internally as designed in 3 above, and submitted to NRC by February 1, 1997. Full compliance will be achieved when the NRC approves the requested amendraent to Materials License No. SNM-1373.
3 ISU. Engineering 1/9/97 1
Currictdum l'itae Jay F. Kim:e 5/96 l
JAY Frederick KUNZE Dean and Professor of Engineering Home Address:
College of Engineering 3488 Desert View Ct.
PO Ilox 8060, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83201-8015 Pocatello, Idaho 83209 208-238-9385 208-236-2902 FAX:236-4538 i
EDITCATION Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Nuclear Physics (1959)
Master of Science (M.S.) in Physics (1955) llachelor of Science (ll.S.) in Engineering Physics, minor in Mechanical Engineering (1954)
All of the above from Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie-Mellon University),
Pittsburgh, PA 1.lCENSES/ CERTIFICATIONS Licensed Professional Mechanical Engineer in Missouri (21035), Idaho (2124), Utah (4864-0948-3). Nevada (5601), California (22628), New Mexico (8044), Colorado (18167)
(The last four are not current.)
Certified ilealth Physicist - American lloard of Health Physics,1992 -
PROFESSION Al. EXPERIENCE 1995 - present. Dean and Professor of the College of Engineering at Idaho State Unviersity.
The College of Engineering consists of 350 undergraduate students,60 graduate students, 17 full-time faculty. The program is AllET-accredited 1993 -1995. I'rofessor (R.LTatum Engineering Chair), Nuclear Engineering Program, Director ofIlealth and Medical Physics Options.
1983 - 1993 University of Missouri - Columbia, Chairman and Robert Lee Tatum professor of Nuclear Engineering Program, an all-graduate program in the College of Engineering. The program has approximately 60 graduate students, six full-time faculty, and nine part-time affiliate faculty. Degree programs are in general nuclear power engineering, health physics emphasis, and medical physics emphasis at the MS level. PhD degree is in Nuclear Engineering, with various emphasis areas permitted. Personal research has included upgrading the power capability of the current 10-MW research reactor, fusion energy research, thermalhydraulic nuclear safety analysis, practical health physics research, laser enrichment of medical isotopes, and general energy analysis, including a small peak power mitigation experimental project.
- Jay F.
Kunze s/96 Service work for various organizations in the state of Missouri has been provided.1985 to present: member, research Reactor Advisory Committee (10 MW,6x10" thermal flux reactor, operates 95% capacity factor, employs 120 full time, plus 50 part-time students). Chairman of Reactor Safety Subcommittee,1988 to present.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (CONTINUED) 1978 - 1983, Energy Services, Inc., Idaho Falls, ID. General Manager / President of consulting engineering firm engaged in development of geothermal and bio-mass energy projects, in energy conservation for large public buildings, and on researc'i and development for advancing the state-of-the-art in ground water heat pump applications. Operated in the intermountain area, with seven employees. and professional engineering services sales of approximately $0.5 million per year, which supported typically $2.5 million per year in construction projects. (Af61iated with Forsgren Engineering, Rexburg, Pocatello, Salt Lake City, Wenatchee.)
1975 - 1978, EG&G - Idaho, Idaho Falls, ID. Manager of Advanced Energy Projects at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Initiated and directed $20 million research and developed programs in geothermal, solar, hydroelectric, and in industrial energy conservation. Directed annual research expenditures of approximately $8 million, and a geothermal construction project at Raft River Test Site of nominally $20 million.
1 i
1970 - 1975, Aerojet Nuclear Co., Manager of Reactor Technology. involving calculational work on all major reactors at main Idaho National Engineering Laboratory complex, and operation oflbur critical experiments. Staffincluded 50 reactor physicists, engaged in code development, basic cross section data improvement, design of new experiments, as well as calculation of routine reactor operational parameters.
l l
1969 - 1970, University of Utah, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of l
Nuclear Engineering Program (a sabbatical appointment, on leave from Idaho National l
Engineering Lab). A supporting undergraduate proom, particularly fbr the Navy NESEP l
program, and graduate students with associated research in use of newly available Cf-252, l
neutron activation analysis, and reactor safety studies. Subsequently assisted in the licensing and installation of a 100 kw TRIGA reactor.
1962 - 1969, General Electric Co., Idaho Test Station. Manager of Nuclear Engineering, Space Nuclear Propulsion Projects, involving development of high temperature nuclear reactors for space electric power and space propulsion using hydrogen propellant and coolant. Directed the first full scale UF critical experiment in simulated gas core configuration. Supervisor of Low 6
Power Test Facility, with two critical experiment reactors.
1961 - 1962, General Electric Co., Manager of Analysis for SL-1 special accident recovery 2
- Jay F.
Kunze s/96 operation, National Reactor Testing Station. Involved examination and analysis of the evidence, reconstruction of the accident sequence, scale model re-creation tests to reproduce the accident.
f 1958 -1961, General Electric Co., Idaho Test Station. Reactor Engineer, Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project, involving advanced state-of-art high temperature reactor technology, special ceramic moderator and structure, and new control methods using rare-earth isotopes. Certified reactor operator.
1955 - 1958, Carnegie-Mellon University, Graduate Research Assistant.
1954 - 1958, University of Pittsburgh, telescope operator for 40" refractor telescope parallax observation research program, and public lecturer.
OTilER ACADEMIC AFFILIATIONS (prior to University of Missouri)
Visiting Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah 1969-70.
Director of Nuclear Engineering Program, both undergraduate and graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.)
1 l
Evening Graduate School Faculty, University ofIdaho,1959-83.
Teaching graduate school engineering courses and directing of M.S. and Ph.D. thesis research.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah,1970-1980.
l Committee assignments for thesis research. Participation in licensing, construction and start-up of TRIGA research reactor.
t University ofIdaho College of Engineering Advisory Board, Member from 1975 - 1982, and Chairman of Board from 1979 to 1981.
i CONSULTING (not including consulting work while president of Enerev Services. Inc.)
Union Electric Co., St. Louis, Nuclear Safety Review Board, consultant and alternate member, 1985 to present.
Consultant to Corporate Radiation Safety Committee,1990 to present.
Ellis Fischel State Cancer Center, Columbia. MO., member ofInstitutional Review Board,1986 to 1990 Oak Ridge Association of Universities, Review and Selection Committee for U.S. Dept. of Energy Nuclear Engineering and llcalth Physics Fellowships, 1988,1989 Argonne National Laboratory, advisory group for nuclear engineering education for the integrated Fast Reactor Project,1989.
i State ofIdaho, advisory panel for PhD program in Nuclear Engineering,1989 i
PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION AFFil IATIONS American Nuclear Society, elected Fellow in 1976. Member since 1959.
Board of Directors, 1978-81 Chairman, Central East Missouri Section, 1987-89 (V. Chm.1986-87) 3
- Jay F. Kunze 5/96 I
Chairman of Alternative Energy Division, 1979-80 (previously V. Chm.)
f Chairman of Reactor Physics Division, 1974-75(Previously V. Chm.& Sec'y) l Public Information Committee, 1975-78.
j i
American Nuc. ear Society (continued)
Chairman, Topical Meeting for Remote Systems Technology,1969 Program Committee, 1965-68 l
Chairman, Eastern Idaho Section,1965 (previously V. Chm. & Sec'y)
Treasurer,1963 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
i Chairman of the Nuclear Engineering Department lleads Organization 1993 - 1994 National Society of Professional Engineers - Member since 1970 i
Chairman, NRTS Chapter - 1973-74 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, member of Advanced Reactors Comm. and Public i
information Chairman, 1986 - 1990 Secretary of Advanced Reactors Comm., 1990-1992
Vice Chair of Advanced Reactors Committee, 1992-1994 Chairman, Advanced Reactors Committee, member Nuclear Engineering Div.. operating committee,1994 to 1996 American Society oflleating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers -
j Member since 1978 llealth Physics Society - plenary member since 1990, American Academy ofIIealth Physics.
since 1992 American Physical Society - Member since 1954 American Association of Physicists in Medicine - Member since 1987 American Society for Engineering Education - Member since 1985 Nuclear Engineering Division, Chairman, 1989-90, Program Chairman 88-89, Secretary 1987-88 Geothermal Resources Council-Member 1974 to 1993 Board of Directors - 1978-81 Chairman of Publications Committee - 1978-82 International Society for Neutron Capture, member since 1992 American Association for Advancement of Science Sigma Xi - Member since 1957 INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES United States representative to the International Energy Agency (Paris) and to the NATO -
Committee for Concerns of a Modern Society, from 1974-1977, on geothermal energy, specializing in direct-heat-applications, j
4 J
- Jay F.
Kunze 5/96 Led scientific eclipse expeditions to Labrador (1954) and Sudan (1955) for Georgetown Univ.
for accurate eclipse timing under a USAF contract.
Nuclear reactor design consultant to the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan (Republic of China), summer of 1983.
IlONORS. AWARDS. FEI LOWSillPS Tau Beta Pi - 1953 Sigma Xi - 1957, member to present time American Nuclear Society "Best Paper Award", Aerospace Division - 1972 American Nuclear Society - Elected to Fellow - 1976 Professorial Chair, Robert L. Tatum Engineering Prof., Univ.of Missouri,1983 to present.
CURRENT RESEARCll INTERESTS a) llealth physics effects of contamination adsorbed, and later released from the surface of spent fuel shipping casks.
b ) Gas Core / Aerosol Core Nuclear Reactors for fission driven laser applications. Nuclear design and thermal hydraulic analysis for cooling of high temperature operations.
c) Thermal hydraulic and nuclear analysis of normal and accident conditions for up-graded 1
power level of Univ. of Missouri Research Reactor.
d) Accelerator moderator system design ihr boron neutron capture (cancer) therapy treatment.
i e) Expert system applications to nuclear reactor operation.
f) Thermal storage to mitigate peak loads while increasing electric utility capacity factors by providing cost-effective storage systems for residential and small commercial IIVAC systems.
g) Analysis oflow levels of man-made radioactivity in domestic sewage.
h) Laser isotope enrichment methods applied to medical radioisotope production RECENTTEAClIING ASSIGNMENTS / INTERESTS Nuclear Fuel Cycle / Radioactive Waste Management (graduate)
Physics of Diagnostic Radiology (graduate)
Physics of Radiation Therapy (graduate)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasound (graduate)
Energy Systems and Resources (senior / graduate)
Radiation Protection (graduate) Environmental Seminar (graduate, joint with Law School)
Kumuduni Kulasekere, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1994, "A Calculation Using 'QAD' to Evaluate Gamma Dose Rates Produced by Accelerator-based Neutron Sour:es for BNCT" Nicholas Schaff, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1993, "Radiatien Effects vs. Public Perception" Earl Dietrich, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1993, " Treatment Machine Quality Assurance for Medical Accelerator" Yi Lee, MS, Nuclear Engineering, Analysis Using New Implementation Procedures for the DISNEL Code" 5
i l
- Jay F.
Kunze s/96 George Vosnidis, MS. Nuclear Engmeeting,1993, " Determining Parts per Trillion Content of Non-radioactive i
Metal lons in Spent Fuel Pool Water" Esmail Parsai, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1993, " Acceptance Testing and Performance Evaluation of a Philips Gyroscan Magnetic Resonance Imager" IIIESES DIRECTED AND ADVISED BY JAY R KUNZE(cont.)
Vernon Shanks, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1993, " Makeup Water Treatment Plant Evaluation, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Tennessee Valley Authority" James Rehfeld, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1992, " Thermal Energy Storage Winter Operation at the MU llorticultural Research Center" Anthony llanlin, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1992, " Optimizing Design Characteristics involving Operational Stability of a Gas-Core Nuclear Rocket" Wei-Wu (William) Chao, PhD, Nuclear Engineering,1992, " Benchmark Experiments and Calculations on Convective Boiling in Narrow Channels" Terry 11. Wu, PhD, Nuclear Engineering,1992, "A Low Energy Accelerator Based Neutron Source for Neutron-Capture Therapy" I
D. Jay Moreno Jalandoni, MS, Medical Physics emphasis in Nuclear Engineering,1992, An Experiment to Evaluate Calculations for the Design of an Accelerator for Boron Neutron Capture (Cancer) Therapy" Tod Moser, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1992, " Expert System Characterization of the Callaway Plant Flow Anomaly" l
liaijo Jung, MS, llealth Physics emphasis in Nuclear Engineering,1992, " Accumulation of Cs-137 and K-40 in I
Trees as Measured in Wood Ash" Weimin Dai, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1992, " Dissolved Air Effects in Narrow Vertical Channels / Experimental Verification Related to MURR" James Nurrenbern, MS, Medical Physics emphasis in Nuclear Engineering,1991, " investigation of Radionuclides Release tann Shipping Cask Surfaces" Robert Maura, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1991, " Thermal Energy Storage Summer Operation at MU liorticultural Center."
Charles Hansford, MS. Nuclear Engineering,1991, " Thermal Energy Storage Demonstration Project Design for the MU llorticultural Research Center" David A. Smith, MS, llealth Physics emphasis in Nuclear Engineering,1990, " Effectiveness of Decontamination Methods on Shipping Cask Surfaces" Kang (Kevin) liuang, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1990, " Thermal liydraulic Benchmark Experiment" Kevin Reaves, MS, llealth Phy sics emphasis in Nuclear Engineering,1990, " investigation of Environmental Weeping of Radioactive Contamination from the Surface of Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipping Casks" Kang Lu, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1990, " Environmental Testing of Surface Contamination on Shipping Casks" Zhong, Guan, MS, Medical Physics emphasis in Nuclear Engineering,1990, " Brachytherapy Isodose Distribution Calculation with QAD and Modulex RTP File" Albert Daume, MS, Nuclear Engineering,1989 " Reduced Primary Water Inventory Operations for Commercial PWR Reactors" Vincent A. Miles, MS, Physics,1989, "A Stability Study of the Coaxial Flow Gas Core Cavity Nuclear Rocket i
Engine" Alan Bako, MS, Medican Physics emphasis in Nuclear Engineering,1989, " Investigative Effect of Static Magnetic Field Upon Cerebral Blood Flow in Rats Using IIMPAO as a Monitoring Agent.
Thomas P. Sharkey, MS, Nuclear Engineering, MU,1989, " Design Basis Review of Callaway Plant Liquid Radwaste Effluent Radiation Monitor.
6 l
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- Jay F.
Chida Tseng, MS, Nuclear Engineering, Univ, of Missouri,1988, " Verification of Wedge Angles with 6 and 15 MeV Photon Beams."
Wun-Jin Lin, MS, NE, Univ. of Missouri,1988, " Acceptance Test of Siemens Mevatron MD Linear Accelerator at Ellis Fischel State Cancer Center" Jan-Li Wang, Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, University of Missouri,1987, "MURR 30 MW Power Upgrade LOCA Analysis Using RELAP5/ MOD 2" Jae-Kon Shin, MS, Nuclear Engineering, Univ.of Missouri,1987. "DISNEL 19-group Diffusion Code for IBM-PC and Compatibles."
Phil Bennett, MS, Univ. of Missouri,1987. " Robotics Applications to Remote Reprocessing Cells."
Dheya Alothmany, MS, Nuclear Engineering (llealth Physics),1987. "lligh Level Nuclear Waste Storage for Saudi Arabia."
Luis Granados, MS, Univ. of Missouri,1987. " Reactor Safety Analysis for the RP-10 Peru Research Reactor."
John M. Freeman,MS, Nuclear Engineering, UMC,1985. " Mechanical Design of a 4-Tesla Magnetic Cusp Experiment."
Michael S. Lesnet, MS, Nuclear Engineering, UMC,1985.* Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis for MURR Upgrade. "
Chun Liu llwang,M.S., Nuclear Engr., UMC,1984. " Decay lleat and Radiation from Spent Fuel for MURR Upgrade." TilESES WHICil WERE DIRECTED AND ADVISED BY JAY F. KUNZE (continued)
Jan Li Wang, M.S., Nuclear Engr., UMC,1984. " Analysis of Loss of Flow Accident for MURR Upgrade."
Richard Brenton, M.S., Mechanical Engr., Univ, of Idaho,1961. " Power increase Analysis from 1 to 2 MW for Pool Reactor Comective Cooling."
Arthur Lovell, PhD, Metallurgy, Univ of Idaho,1965. " Radiation Damage in inconel Alloys."
James M. Byrne, MS, Mechanical Engr., Univ. of Utah,1968. " Neutron Lifetime Measurements in Fast Reactor Assemblies."
Paul MacBeth, M.S., Physics, Brigham Young Univ.1970. " Flow Stabilization in a Gas Core, Plasma Reactor.
- i Melvin Johnson, MS, Mechanical Engineering, Univ.of Idaho,1962. "lieat Exchanger Design for Forced Convectisc Flow Comersion of Nuclear Reactor' l
Farrell Sims. MS, Physics, Univ. of Idaho,1962. " Reactor Parameter Measurements in Hot Critical Experiment."
Dennis Goldman, Ph.D., Hydro-Geology, Univ. of Idaho,1982. "Modelling of the Raft River Geothermal Resource. (co-director of research)."
George Bakevitch, M.S., Physics, Univ, of Idaho,1973. " Neutron Radiography of Irradiated Fuel Elements."
Robert 11. Dart, MS, Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Idaho,1976. " Analysis of Medium Temperature Fluid for the Production of Electricity."
Three PhD students from Unisersity of Missouri - study mg various aspects of radioactive contamination adsorbed on, and later released from, the surfaces of spent fuel shipping casks, tx)ron neutron capture therapy, hormesis of ionizing radiation, gas-core rocket engine operability.
C. REM 1VE ACTIVITY U.S. Patent #3,888,733, Fluidized Bed Nuclear Reactor (with E.A. Grimmett)
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- Jay F.
Kunze s/96 E!MLICATIONS The following are full length refereed journal articles, as a principal author, unless indicated as co-author.
Wei-Wu Chao, Jay F. Kunze, Weimin Dai, S.K. Loyalka, " Dissolved Gas Desorption Effects in Narrow Channels of a Research Reactor", Nuclear Technology, ES, p.201, February 1994, (co-author) Wu, Terry 11., R.M. Brugger, and J.F.Kunze,
- Low Energy Accelerator-based Neutron Source for Neutron Capturc Therapy" Myances in Neutron Capture Therapy, edited by A. Soloway et al, p.105, (Pergamon,1993)
Miles, V.A. and J.F. Kunze. " Stability Study of Co-Axial Gas Core Nuclear Rocket," Space Nuclear Power Systems. Vll, Vol.1, January 1990, Univ of New Mexico.
Wang, J.L. and J.F. Kunze, "Using the RELAP5/ MOD 2 Code Under Low Pressure / Low Temperature LOCA Conditions", Nuclear Technolegv. 85., p285, June 1989, Gu,G., Kunze,J.F., Boody, F.P., and Prelas M. A., "A UF,,-Fueled Visible Nuclear-Pumped Flashlamp". To be published in Space Nuclear Power Systems. M.S. El-Genk and M.11oover, editors, Orbit Book Co.,
(co. author) Gu, G-X, Prelas, M. A., Kunze, J.F., et al, "Neutronics Considerations of Nuclear Pumped Laser / Reactor Concepts", Space Nuclear Power Systems. Editors: M.S. El-Genk and M. Iloover. Orbit Book Co. (1988).
(co-author) Prelas, M.A., E.L. Leal-Quiros, J.F.Kunze, et. al, " Magnetic Cusp Contours & Measured ECRil Surfaces", Fusion Technology,1989 Kun7e, J.F., Prelas,M. A., Dolan,T.J., et al, " Design Study and Supporting Experiments for an Axially Symmetric Anchor for a Tandem Mirror", Fusion Technology.10. p 1034 (Nov.1986).
(co-author) Gu, G.X., Prelas, M. A., and Kunze, J.F., " Studies of an Aerosol Core Reactor / Laser's Critical Properties", Laser Interactions and Related Phenomena. Vol. 7. Editors 11. llora and G. Miley,603, Plenum Publishing Co.1986.
(co-author) Prelas, M. A., Kunze, J.F., and Boody, F.P., "A Compact Aerosol Core Reactor / Laser Fueled with ReDective Micropellets", Laser Interactions and Related Phenomena. Vol. 7. Editors II. llora and G.
Miley,143, Plenum Publishing Co.,1986.
Kunze, J.F. and Gould, R.W., " Low Temperature Geothermal lleating Systems in Two Greenhouse Facilities" Americ;tn Society of fleating. Refrie.. ana Air Conditioning Engineers. Vol. 88, June 1982 TO-82-4,
- 2.
Kunze, J.F., " Direct Utilization of Geothermal Energy" Editor of Chapter on Reservoir Development and Management, Geothermal Resources Council,1979.
Kunze, J F.," Breaking the Economic Barrier: Generating Power from Fluids of Less Than 150 C." Geothermal Energy Magazine, July 1978 (Vol. 6, #7),
i Kunze, J,F., Lofthouse, J.ll, and Cooper, C.G.," Benchmark Gas-Core Critical" (selected as Best ANS Aerospace Div. Paper for 1972). Nuclear Science and Engineering, January 1972 (Vol. 47), p.59-65.
Kunze, J.F., Sims, F.I..
Byrne, J.M., and Reid, R.E.," Measurement of Control Methods in Compact Fast Reactors" & clear Applic.ations, March 1970 (Vol. 3), p.226 to 239.
Kunze, J.F., Lofthouse, J.11. and Ilyland, R.E., " Cavity Reactor Critical Experiments" &rls;ttlpplications, Feb.1969 (Vol. 6).
Wood, R.E., Kunze, J.F., Sims, F.L. and Robertson, C.S.," Filter for Fast Flux Testing in a Thermal Reactor" Nuclear Applications, Sept.1968 (Vol. 5).
Kmue, J.F. and llenderson, W, S., " Experiments in the MSRE and 710 Assemblies" (co-author), p.198, ANL-7320, Oct.1%6, Procer_ dings of Intern. Conference on Fast Reactor Critical Experiments.
Kunze, J.F., Ashkin, J., and Romanowski, T. A., " Polarization of Protons in Pi-Meson Scattering" Phpical Esria, (Vol.117, #3. p. 859,1960).
i Kunze, J.F., "The lleat from Beneath" USA TODAY. Vol.108, p.31-34, July 1979. (Note, this was an invited j
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- Jay F.
Kunze 5/96 article, for a general interest monthly magazine.)
Kunze, J.F., " Observing a Solar Eclipse", Duauesne Science Counsehg, March 1955. (This was an invited article for a general interest journal.)
- Indicates those for which Kunze was principal author.
- Kunze, J.F., R.Kudchadker, J.Luo,Y.le, F liarmon, "Results of Benchmark Experiment of Accelerator / Moderator Configuration for BNCT - Using RFQ Accelerator", Proceedings of 1st initIDational Conference on Accelerator Sources for Neutron Capture Theracy. Sect.1993.
Chao, W.W., J.F.Kunze, Weimin Dai, S.K.Loyalka, " Pulsed Boiling in Two Narrow Channels - Comparison of Experiment with RELAP", TRANS.of Am. Nuclear Society. 66, p.604, Nov.1992
- Kunze, J.F. and A.G. Gu, "Open Cycle Gas Core Start-up and Operational Stability", Proceedings of the NuclearTechnologies for Space Exnloration Conference. Vol. II, p.371-379, August 1992 (Jackson, i
Brugger, RM., X. Luo, JF Kunze, " Targets for the Production of Neutrons from Low Energy Positive ion j
Accelerators", TRANS. Am. Nuclear Society. 65, p.146 June 1992
M. A. Prelas and J.F.Kunze, " Direct Nuclear Energy Conversion Cycles using Excimer Fluorescence",6th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES '91), hosted by LLNL at Monterey, CA (June 1991)
- Kunze, J.F., K. Iluang, W.W.Chao, and S.K.Loyalka. " Desorption Effects in Narrow Vertical Channels following a LOCA", Irans. Am. Nuc1 car Society. 63, p.228, June 1991 Bennett, P.C., J.F. Kunze, and B.M. Rutherford,
- Scoping Experimental analysis of Factors Affecting Cask Contamination Weeping," Proceedings of 2nd.Atunial International Conference on high level Radioactive i
Waste ManagemenL_ April 1991, p.1248
'Kunic, J.F... S.K.leyalka, R A.liultsch, O.Oladiran, J.C.McKibben, "RELAP Simulation and Experiment Verification of Transient Boiling condition in Narrow Coolant Channels", Preceedines of the Safety and Status of Non-Commercial Reactors". American Nuclear Society, Boise, Idaho, Sept.1990 Kunie, J.F., S.K, Loyalka, J.C.McKibben, R.L. liulisch, W. Olidaran, " Benchmark Evaluation of the RELAP Code to Calculate Boiling in Narrow Channels", Trans. of Am. Nuclear Society. 61. p.473, June 1990
- Reaves, K.M., J.F.Kunze, K. Lu, P.C.Bennett, " Adsorption of Spent Fuel Storage pool contaminants on Metal Surfaces", Irans/ of Am. N_gelear society. 61., p.79, June 1990
- Wang, J.L., J.F.Kunie, J.C.McKiNien. "The Development and Application of Transient Analysis at the University of Missouri Research Reactor", heccedingtef the International Symnosium on Research Ecatters, Dec.1988, p 351-358, National Tsing Ilua University, fisinchu, Taiwan.
- Wideman, J.K., J F. Kunze. J.B. Miles, M. A.Prelas. R.E.Schmunck, " Feasibility Studey of Aircraft Mild",
hoccedings of 26th Symposium on Engineering Aspects of Mild, June 1988, p. 8.2.1-9
- Kunze. J.F. and R.M.Brugger, "The Influence of Research Reactors on Publication Productivity, Irans. of Am.
Nuclear Societs. 56, p.19, June 1988 Wang, J.L., J.F. Kunze, and J.C. McKibben, "LOCA Analysis of Proposed Power Upgrade of the Univ. of Missouri Research Reactor", Irans. of Am. Nuclear Society. 55, p. 698 (Nov.1987)
- Kunze, J.F., Miller, W. and Durand, J., " Residential Energy Storage to Reduce System Power Peaks",
Transactions of the 8th International Conference on Alternative Enercy Sources. p.307-321, (llemisphere Publishing,1989).
Gu, G.,
Prelas, M. A., and Kunze, J.F., " Space Based Nuclear-Pumped Laser / Reactor Concepts", Procedings eithe 4th Symoosium on S. pace Nuclear Power Systems, Jan.1987, 9
l l
- Jay F.
Kunze s/gs i
- Kunze,J.F., " Reducing the Peak Power Crisis With Residential Energy Storage Systems", Trans. of Am.
Nuclear Society. Vol.52., p.8,Nov.1986 Prelas,M.A., Kunze, J.F., et al, + Observations of a llot Electron Mode in the MMMPX Spindle Cusp" InnL l
of Am. Nuclear Society,51, p.231, June 1986
- Kunze, J.F., Prelas, M. A. and Gu, G., " Dynamic Criticality Sensitivity of a Nuclear Pumped Laser", Trans. of Am. Nuclear Soc., Vol. 50, p.574, Nov.1985.
- Kunze, J.J., Wang, J.L., liwang, C.L., and Alger, D.M., " Loss of Flow Analysis for Upgraded Power Operation of MURR", Transactions of Am. Nuclear Soc., Vol.47, p.39 (June 1985).
- Freeman, J.M., Kunze, J.F., Prelas, M.A., Baldwin, J.M., and Salane,11., " Structural and Volume Design Limitations for a 4-Tesla Magnetic Cusp", Transactions of Am. Nuclear Society, Vol 47, p.109 (June 1985)
Brugger, R.M. and Kunze, J.F., " Neutron Capture Therapy Beam for the University of Missouri Research Reactor", Trans. of Am. Nuclear Society, Vol. 47, p. 39 (Nov.1984).
- l ofgren, B. and Kunze, J.F., " Pilgrim Springs Alaska Geothermal Exploration, Drilling and Testing " Inat of Geothermal Resources Council, Vol. 7, p. 301 (1983).
- Kunze, J.F, and Gould, R.W., " Economic Results of Geothermal licat for Two Large Greenhouses", Trans. of Grothermal Resources Council, Vol. 7, p. 611 (1983).
- Kunze, J.F. and Gould, R.W., " Case Studies of Developing Geothermal Wells", Transacliens of Geothermal Resourcs1. Council, Vol.5, p.251-252 (Oct.1981)
- Kunic, J.F. and Forsgren, K.F., "The Economics of the lleat Pump as a Device to Assist in Geothermal District Space lleating" Ifansactions oLGeothermal Resources Council, Vol.2, p.383 (July 1978)
- Kunze, J.F. and Spencer, S.G., " Environmental Necessity and Sufficiency:The Case of the Raft River Project:,
Trans. of Geothermal Resourcss Council, Vol.2, p.391 (July 1978)
- Kun7e, J.F. and Spencer, S.G., " Consumptive Use of Water in Geothermal Energy Applications", Proceedings of Topical Meeting on Environmental Aspects of Non-Consumptive Energy Resources, Am. Nuclear Soc., paper 39, (Sept.1978)
- Kun/e, J.F. and Freund, G.A., " Incentives for Geothermal Energy Development", Proc. of 2nd lleliosciences Alternative Energy Conf., ( April 1978)
- Kun7e, J,F., " Moderate-Temperature Geothermal Fluids - The Program to Make Their Use More Economical",
invited paper, Petroleum Society of Canada, 78-29-45 (July 1978).
- Kunze, J.F., Stoker, R.C. and bonovan, LE., " Geothermal Community lleating Systems", Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Alternative Energy, p.2767-2783 (Dec.1977).
- Kunze, J.F, " Geothermal Space lleating, The Symbiosis With Fossil Fuel", Intersociety Energy Conversion and Engineering Conference, Sept.1977.
- Kunze,JF and Stoker, RC, " Evaluating the energy Capacity and Lifetime of a Fracture-Dominated Reservoir",
PIncredjngs of 12th Intersociety Encrev ConYcnion and Encineerine Conference, (Sept.1977)
Swanson,S.R., Sandquist, G.M., and Kunze, J.F., " Forced Convective ficat Transfer in Porous Media with Small Biot Number", Proceedmgs of AICilE-ASME Ileat Transfer Conf.,77-IIT 46 (Aug.1977)
- Kunze, J.F., Stoker, R.C., and Goldman, D., "lleat Transfer in Formanen as a Geothermal Resenoir Engineering Tool", Proc. of AICilE-ASME Ileat Transfer Conf.,77-IIT.88 (Aug.1977)
- Kunze, J.F., Miller, LG., and Stoker, R.C., " Raft River Wells & Reservoir Performance", InnLSf Grothermal Resomrces Council, Vol 1, p.177, (May 1977)
- Kunze, J.F., Donovan, 'L.E., and Griffith, J.L.,"The Size Effect for District Space lleating in Boise. Idaho",
Trans. of Gcothermal Resources Council, Vol.1, p.179 (May 1977)
Kunze, J.F. and Witherspoon, P. A., " Energy Extraction & Reservoir Management of Moderate Temperature flydrothermal System" Proceedings of Energy and Mineral Recovery Conf., DOE-CONF. 770440, P.68 (Apr.1977) t 10
i r
- Jay F.
Kunze s/96
- Kunze, J.F. and flytand, R.E., " Flow and Criticality in the Open Cycle Gas Core Reactor", Proc. of 2nd Symoosium on Uranium Plasmu, November 1971.
- Kunze, J.F., Stoker, R.C., Goldman, D., and Miller, L.G., " Studies of a 3-well Reservoir System in Raft River",2nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford Univ., p.168 (Dec.1976)
- Kunze, J.F., Miller, L.G., and Whitbeck, J.F.," Moderate Temperature Utilization Project in the Raft River Valley", Proc. of 2nd United Nations Symposium on Development and Use of Geothermal Energy, p.2021-2029 (May 1975)
- Kunze,J.F., Richardson, A.S., liollenbach,K.M., Nichols,C.R., and Mink,L.L., " Nonelectric Utilization Project, Boise, ID", Proc. of 2nd United Nations Symposium on Dev. and Uses of Geothermal Energy, p.2141-2145 (May 1975)
- Bakevitch, G.J., Miller, L.G., Kunze, J.F, and Sandquist. G.M., Experimental Comparison of an Unfueled Cf-252 Spectrum with that from a Muhiplier, hans. ANS. 16, 87 (1973)
%fthouse,111, Kunze,JF, Young,RC, and Young TE, " Gamma lleating in a Gas Core Rocket Reflector", Trans.
of ANS.15,7 (1972)
Miller, RG, Kunze, JF, "A Cahfornium-252 Neutron Multiplier for Neutron Radiography and Activation",
Proceedings of ANS Topical Meeting on Cf-252, (1972)
- Kunze, JF, Lofthouse,111, and Shaffer, CJ, "Ilydrogen Effect on a Demonstration Test for Open Cycle Gas Core Reactor", Inns. of ANS. 15, 616 (1972)
Sandquist, GM and Kunze,JF, " Educating Iligh School Teachers on Nuclear Power, Trans. of ANS.15,637 (1972)
Miller, LG, Kunze, JF, and Watanabe,T, Boosting Neutron Radiography Output from a Cf-252 Irradiator",
Irans. of ANS. 14,(1971)
'*Kunze,JF, Lofthouse,Jil, Suckling,DE, and liyland, RE, "Ilow Mixing and Reactisity Effects in the Gas Core Reactor", Inu1JLAEL4,11 (1971)
- Lofthouse,Jil and Kun/c JF, " Spherical Gas-Coie Benchmark Critical Experiment", Trans. of ANS.13. 443 l
(1970) l
Sawyer, CD, Wilkins,DR, Gilliland,DL, and Kunze,JF, " Neutron Shield for Locally Flattening Flux Gradient in Reactor Test Facihty", hans. of ANS. 12. 747 (1469) 1 Sawyer,CD, Ilill,PR, and Kun/c,JF, "Thermionic Reactor Cruical Experiment", Trans. of ANS. 12, 409 (1969) incock,GD, KunzcJF, Wood,RE, and liyland,RE, " Cavity Reactor Engineering Mockup Critical Experiment",
IJans. of ANS. I1,129 (1968) 1 Masson,LS, Pincock,GD, Kunze,JF, Wood,RE, and Ilyland,RE, " Cavity Reactor Gas-Core Critical Experiment", han1Jf ANS.10,419 (1967) l
- Kunie,JF, Sims,FL, and Reid.RE, " Control Methods in Space Power Reactors", Trans. of ANS. 10, 421 (1967)
- llyland,RE, Pincock.GD, Kunze JF, and Wood,RE, Casity Reactor Critical Experiments", Trans. of ANS.10, 8 (1967)
- Kunze,JF, Pincock GD. Sims.1 L, and Walsh,WP, "Rossoalpha Measurements on a Fast Reflected Critical Assembly", Inns. of ANS. 9, 467 (1966)
- 1 ofthouse,Jil, Pincock GD, Kunze,JF, Wood,RE, and ll) land.RE, "" Cavity Reactor Critical Experiments",
Trans. of ANS. 4, 341 (1966) t l
'Sims,FL, Kunze,JF, Walsh.WP, and llenderson,RE, " Critical Experiments for 710 Fast Reactor Program",
Rans, of ANS. 9, 489 (1966) l
- Kunze,JF, and Bills,CW, " Correlation of Neutron and Mechanical effects in the SL-1 Incident", Hans. of ANS.
5, 154 (1962)
Churchill,JW and JF Kunze, " Nuclear and Thermodynamic Determination of Catcher Foil Efficiency", Hans. of ANL4.61 (1961)
l 4
- Jay F.
Kunze sles l
- Kunze, JF and Kincaid,RN, " Reactivity Measurement in the Presence of Neutron Source", Trans. of ANS. 2 (1959)
RE. CENT TECIINICAL PAPERS PRESENTED - Unpublished except as abstracts or informally. Record only includes last eleven years.
Kunze, J.F., Y.Gu,.I.Lu, P.C.Bennett, " Decontamination of Metal Surfaces Used for Spent Fuel Shipping Casks",38th Annual llealth Physics Society Meeting, July 1993, Abstracts, p.S-50.
" Contamination Cleanup and Subsequent weeping Observations on Metal Shipping Cask Surfaces, ABSTRACTS pf the llealth PhysictSociety. 60, p.567, July 1991.
" Review of Gas Core Reactor Criticality and Flow Tests", Seminar, Idaho National Engineering Lab, March 1991.
" Assessment of RELAP vs. a Benchmark Experiment of Natural Circulation Boiling in Narrow Channels,"
International Workshop for RELAP Users, Sargent-Lundy, Chicago, Sept.1990
" Swipe Effectiveness in Assessing Conditions of Metal Surfaces,", ABSTR ACTS of the llealth Physics Society.
18, June 1990 "The Need for a Benchmark Test of RELAP Under low Pressure and Temperature Transient Conditions" presented at RELAP Users Conference sponsored by USNRC and USDOE at Texas A&M University, January 1989
" Review of Gas Core Nuclear Propulsion Reactor Experiments", presented at NASA Nuclear Propulsion Workshop, Cleveland,011 August 1988 (invited).
" Aerosol Core Reactor Concept for a Nuclear-Pumped Laser" Missouri Academy of Science, April 1986
" Development of Ground-Water lleat Source", invited paper presented at special session on Industrial lleat Pumps Workshop, Oct.1983, Geothermal Resources Council.
j EXTENSIVE (creater than 100 pues) TECilNICAL REPORTS - peered reviewed by mdustrial contractor or government agency (DOE or NSF) for which Kunze was principal investigator and author.
" Mild for Power Generation in a Compact, Mobile Unit", prepared for McDonnell Aircraft Company, March 1988
" Magnetic Refrigeration Feasibility Study for Aircraft Applications", prepared for McDonnell Aircraft Company, l
September 1986.
" Energy Conservation Technica! Analysis Report on the Caldwell County Courthouse", for the Idaho Dept. of Water Resources, (1983) l
" Energy Conservation Tech. Analysis Report on the Mechanical Technology Building of Eastern Idaho Vo-Tech i
School", for Idaho Dept. Water Resources, (1983) l
" Energy Conservation Technical Analysis Report on the Technology Building of the Eastern Idaho Vo-Tech l
School", for the Idaho Dept. of Water Resources,1983)
" Geothermal Exploration Well for the City of Alamosa, Colorado", DOE /ID/122259, April 1983
" Floral Greenimuse Geothermal lleating Demonstration", DOE /ET-27028-5. December 1982 j
" Industrial Food Processing and Space lieating with Geothermal lleat", DOE /ET-27028-5 October 1982 l
" Energy Conservation Technical Analysis Report for the Madison Senior liigh School", for the Idaho Dept. of
Water Resources, (1981)
" Energy Conservation Technical Analysis Report for the Irwin School", for the Idaho Dept. of Water Resources, (1981)
A listing of previous extensive reports (past fifteen years old), most produced while employed at the National Reactor Testing Station, is available.
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i e
RESEARCH GRANTS (while at MU, principal or co investigator - last 10 years) f MU Research Board, $33,853, (1993) " Space Nuclear Propulsion Gas Core Stability Studies" Kansas City Power & Light (1993)," Cold Fusion Evaluation",$15,000(with D. Smith)
Sandia National Laboratory, " Investigation of Shipping Cask Weeping", October 1988 to j
present, $140,700 i
U.S. Dept. of Energy, " Design of Accelerator Source of Neutrons for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy", with RM Brugger, 1990-1993, $157,000 l
Argonne National Laboratory, " Aluminum-Lithium Target Test for Tritium Production Safety Testing of Production Reactor Targets", 1990-1992, $14,000 Union Electric Co., " Assessment of Radioactivity in Domestic Sewage", (with WH Miller as P.I.). June 1992 to May 1994, $74,000 U.S. Dept. of Energy. Idaho Nat. Engineering Lab., " Benchmark for RELAP5/ MOD 2 at Low Pres. & Temp. Conditions, October 1988 to May 1992, $136,900 McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Co., June 1987. Feasibility Study of MHD for Fighter Aircraft,
$39,000 Emerson Electric Co., May 1986 "A Device to Mitigate the Impending Peak Power Crisis",
$15,000 (plus $12,000 graduate assist, support from Union Electric, with W. Miller).
McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Co., February 1986, " Feasibility Study of Magnetic Refrigeration for Aircraft", $37,000 j
l McDonnell Douglas Foundation, Fusion Linergy Research, $600,000, June 1986.(with M.
r Prelas)
Union Electric Co., Fusion Energy Research, $100,000, April 1984 (with Prelas & Kimel)
COMMUNITY SERVICE AND RELATED AFFILIATIONS Rotary International, since 1974 (c' abs in Idaho Falls, Columbia, MO, and Pocatello, ID, served on Board of Directors of first two clubs)
Idaho Governor's Task Force on Nuclear Waste Management (1979-80) l US Dept. of Energy Interlaboratory Coordinating Committee on Geothermal Energy, 1973-1978 Boy Scouts of America, Unit Commissioner, 1982-83 (Teton Peaks Council),
1989-1991 (Great Rivers Council).
District Commissioner, Boonslick District (MO), Great Rivers Council,1991-present Missouri Radioactive Users Group, Coordinating Committee (1985-86)
Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, Energy Subcommittee (1984 to 1987)
Oak Ridge Assoc. of Universities, Fellowship Review and Selection Comm., for US Dept. of Energy Nuclear Engineering Fellowships, 1988,1989 Religious service: various positions (High Council, Bishop's Councilor, etc.) LDS Church Astronomy Club of Idaho Falls, President, 1962-1977 I
i 23 i
4 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY POCATELLO, ID 83209-8060 USA Curriculum Vitae as of January 1997 NAME John Stradling BENNION TITLES & POSITIONS Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Idaho State University Reactor Administrator, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, College of Engineering, Idaho State University Adjunct Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah Licensed Professional Engineer (States of Idaho and Utah)
Licensed Senior Reactor Operator (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Registered Radiation Protection Technologist EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, Nuclear Engineering, University of Utah,1996 Master of Science, Nuclear Engineering, University of Utah,1990 Bachelor of Science, Chemistry, University of Utah,1987 Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering, University cf Utah,1987 EXPERIENCE (Academic)
. Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Idaho State University, January 1995 - Present.
Adjunct Instructor, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Utah, July 1992 - Present.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Ut:.h, September 1987 -
June 1994.
EXPERIENCE (Industrial)
Acting Reactor Supervisor, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, Idaho State University, January 1997 - Present.
Reactor Administrator, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, Idaho State University, July 1996 - Present.
Acting Reactor Supervisor, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, Idaho State University, December 1995 - July I996.
Senior Reactor Engineer, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah, September 1987 - December 1993.
Graduate Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Utah, September 1987 -
December 1994.
Laboratory Assistant, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah, September 1985 - September 1987.
EXPERIENCE (Consulting)
Lockheed Martin Advanced Environmental Systems, Enurnnmental Technology Division. Pocatello, ID.
Performed nuclear criti ality safety analyses for the ht-9 Comprehensive Demonstration Project at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. February 1996 - Present.
Rogers & Associates Engineering Corporation, Salt Lake City, UT. Determined probable routes and performed transportation risk assessment using the RADTRAN 4 computer code for the shipment of low-level radioactive waste from major waste generators in the State of Texas and the Vermont Yankee and Maine Yankee nuclear power plants to the proposed waste site in Hudspeth County, TX.
July 1994 - December 1994.
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. Beta testing of the SNL-SAND-Il neutron energy spectrum unfolding and adjustment computer code. June 1993 - July 1994.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA. Beta testing of the HOTSPOT radioactive material atmospheric dispersion computer code. January 1993 - September 1993.
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division, Western Zirconium Plant, Ogden, UT. Consultant for neutron activation and radiochemical analyses of actinide and rare earth elements in process streams. August 1992 - September 1993.
New Mexico State University. Las Cruces, NM and Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM.
Alpha and beta testing of the ERAD-computer-code graphical user interface. July 1992 - September 1993.
l John S. Bennion Curriculum Vitae page 2 i
EXPERIENCE (Administrative)
Reactor Supervisor Position Search and Screen Committee, College of Engineering, Idaho State University, January 1997.
American Nuclear Society, NEED Committee, Member,1996 - Present.
Nuclear Engineering Department 11eads Organization (NEDHO), Idaho State University College of Engineering Representative,1996 - Present.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 5th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-5), Nice, France, Session Organizer: Session 2.14 Reactor Safety, 1996-1997.
Pi Beta Tau Engineering Honor Society, Member of Advisory Board, Idaho State Univenity Chapter,1996
- Present.
American National Standards Institute /American Nuclear Society ANSI /ANS-8.6: Safety in Conducting I
Suberitical Neutron-Multiplication Measurements In Situ, Working Group Member,1996 - Present.
i American Nuclear Society,1996 Annual Meeting Reno, NV. Session Co-Chair: Student Research in Nuclear Criticality Safety,1996.
Idaho Society of Professional Engineers, Southeast Chapter, President-Elect, 1996-1997.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Nuclear Engineering Division Advanced Reactors Committee, Member,1996 - Present.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 4th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-4), New Or'eans, LA, Session Chair: Session 2.12 - Demonstration Testing 1,11 March 1996.
American Society of Mechanical Engineer.s, 4th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (lCONE-4), New Orleans, LA, Session Chair: Session 2.14 - Component Demonstration Testing, 12 March 1996.
Promotion Rcview Committee for Assistant Professor Solomon W. Leung, College of Engineering, Idaho State University,1996.
Reactor Supervisor Position Search and Screen Committee, College of Engineering, Idaho State University, December 1995 - January 1996.
Eli M Oboler Library General Collection and Documents Committee, College of Engineering Representative, Idaho State University,1995 - Present.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 4th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 4), New Orleans, LA Seuion Organizer: Session 2.14 - Component Demonstration Testing, 1995-1996.
Idaho Society of Professional Engineers, Southeast Chapter, Secretary-Treasurer, 1995-1996.
Nuclear Criticality Safety Curriculum Committee, joint University of Idaho / Idaho State University Graduate Nuclear Science & Engineering Piogram,1995 - Present.
American Nuclear Society Student Branch, Faculty Advisor, Idaho State University,1995 - Present.
Idaho State University Budget Council, Member,1995 - Present.
Reactor Safety Committee, College of Engineering, Idaho State University, Committee Member,1995 -
Alpha Nu Sigma Nuclear Engineering 11onor Society, Faculty Advisor, Idaho Alpha Chapter,1995 -
Mathematics Curriculum Committee, Joint Unisersity of Idaho / Idaho State University Graduate Nuclear Science & Engineering Program,1995 - Present.
American Nuclear Society, Professional Engineers Examination Committee Member,1995 - Present.
American Nuclear Society, Organizing Committee for 1996 Annual Meeting - Reno, NV: Student Program Chair,1995-1996.
Mechanical Engineering Faculty Position Search and Screen Committee, College of Engineering, Idaho State University,1995.
Joint Idaho State University / University of Idaho Engineering Faculty Committee to investigate Cooperative Engineering Education in Eastern Idaho, College of Engineering, Idaho State University,1995.
licalth Physics Society, Great Salt Lake Chapter, Science Teachers Workshop Program Finance Committee Chair,1994.
l 11ealth Physics Society, Great Salt Lake Chapter, Secretary-Treasurer, 1994 - 1995.
i Health Physics Society, Great Salt Lake Chapter, Secretary-Treasurer, 1993 - 1994.
Reactor Safety Committee, University of Utah, Committee Member, 1987 - 1993.
Reactor Safety Committee, University of Utah, Recorder, 1987 - 1991.
Arnerican Nuclear Society, University of Utah Student Branch Chair, 1988 - 1990.
Alpha Nu Sigma Nuclear Engineering Honor Society, University of Utah Chapter President, 1988 - 1993.
,o John S. Bennion Curriculum Vitae page 3 EXPERIENCE (Reviewing)
American Nuclear Society, Professional Engineering Examination Committee, Problem Reviewer for 9710 Professional Engineering Examination.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Paper Reviewer for 5th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-5) Nice France,26-30 May 1997,
American Nuclear Society, Judge for 1996 National Student Design Competition.
American Nuclear Society, Professional Engineering Examination Committee, Problem Reviewer for 9610 Professional Engineering Examination.
American Nuclear Society, Paper Reviewer for 1996 Annual Meeting, Paper Review Meeting, Reno, NV, 12-13 February 1996.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Paper Reviewer for 4th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-4)- New Orleans, L.A. I l-14 March 1996.
American Nuclear Society, Professional Engineering Examination Committee, Problem Reviewer for 9510 Professional Engineering Exammatmn.
RESEARCll INTERESTS Radiation dosimetry and metrology, nuclear waste management, radiation transport and shielding, nuclear i
reactor physics, neutron activation analysis, probabilistic risk assessment, health physics, atmospheric dispersion of radioactive materials, nuclear-hardness-assurance testing of electronic components, research reactor operations, nuclear criticality safety.
Investigator," Irradiation of Electronics," US Air Force Contract, 1989 - 1992, $37,500.
Investigator, "USDOE Research Reactor Safety Analysis," LLNL-DOE Contract, 1989 - 1990,
$ 15,000.
Principal Investigator, " NATO Advanced Study Institute," North Atlantic Treaty Organization Grant, 1991, $1,400.
Principal Investigator, " NATO Advanced Study Institute Trascl Award " National Science Foundation Grant, 1991, $1,200.
Investigator, " Risk Assessment for Nuclear Materials Transportation," LLNL-DOE Contract,1991 -
1993, $65,000.
Co-Principal Investigator, " Neutron Irradiation of Electronics," US Air Fcvce Contract, 1993 - 1994, 6.
Principal Investigator, " Neutron Radiation Effects in Thermoluminescence Materials," Teledyne isotopes, Inc, Grant, 1993, $ 1,200.
Principal Investigator, " Laboratory Equipment Upgrade: Gamma and Alpha / Beta Spectroscopy instrumentation," Idaho State University College of Enginecting Grant, 1995, $12,50%
Principal Investigator, " Waste Assay Measurement Integration System - Nondestructise Assay 9.
(NDA) System Data Classification," Subcontract with ISU Physics Department /LMITCo DOE, 1995, $ 19,5(X).
Co-Principal Investigator, " Performance of Criticality Calculations for the Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Study," LMITCo-DOE Contract, 1995 - 1996, $67,000.
Principal Investigator, " Cooperative Research and Development Agreement between Idaho State University and the USAF Survivability and Vulnerability Integration Center " US Air Force CRDA, i
1995 - Present.
Principal Investigator, "USDOE Reactor Sharing Grant," DOE Grant, 1995 - 1996, $7,000.
Principal Investigator " Performance of Criticality Calculations for the Pit 9 Comprehensive Demonstration Project," Lockheed Martin Advanced Environmental Systems Contract, 1996,
$ 10,000.
Principal Investigator, " Performance of Criticality Calculations for the Pit-9 Comprehensive Demonstration Project," Lockheed Martin Advanced Environmental Systems Contract i
i Augmentation, 1996 - 1997, $5,000.
Principal Investigator, "USDOE Reactor Sharing Grant," DOE Grant, 1996 - 1997, $7,100.
Director / Principal Investigator, "AGN-201 Nuclear Reactor Control Console Upgrade: Modernization of Reactor and Nuclear instrumentation Channels," American Nuclear Society (Idaho Section) Grant, 1996 - 1997, $13,000.
Co-Principal Investigator, " Design-Based Engineering Education on the Internet." Idaho SBOE Grant,
l996 - 1997, $147,000.
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i John S. Bennion Curriculum Vitae l'
page 4 i
Co-PrincipalInvestigator, " Development of a Nuclear Instrumentation Laboratory," National Science l-Foundation Grant, 1997, $33,000 (Pending).
MEMilERSHIP American Association for the Advancement of Science 1
American Chemical Society f
l l
American Nuclear Society American Society for Engineering Education American Society of Mechanical Engineers l
American Society for Quality Control Eastern Idaho Chapter of the Health Physics Society Great Salt Lake Chapter of the Health Physics Society Health Physics Society Idalm Section of the American Nuclear Society i
Idaho Society of Professional Engineers l
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Institute of Nuclear Materials Management i
international Radiation Physics Society National Orgardzation of Test, Research, and Training Reactors National Society of Professional Engineers l
New York Academy of Sciences i
Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers l
Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters t
Hazardous Materials Operational Certifier. tion; 1995
- Licensed Professional Engineer; State ofIdaho; License No. 7802; 1995 Present
'l l
Licensed Professional Engineer; State of Utah; License No. 173654; 1992 - Present l
Registered Radiation Protection Technologist; National Registry of Radiation Protection Technologists; l.
1991 - Present l.
Licensed Senior Nuclear Reactor Operator; Idaho State University 0.005-kWt AGN-20lM Reactor; US j
i Nuclear Regulatory Commission License No. SOPr70156; 1995 - Present.
i Licensed Senior Nuclear Reactor Operator; University of Utah 100-kWt TRIGA Reactor; US Nuclear l
Regulatory Commission License No. SOP-43366; 1987 - 1993 l
i Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society l
Alpha Nu Sigma National Nuclear Science and Engineering Honor Society Pi Tau Sigma National Honorary Mechanical Engineering Fraternity l'
Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society Order of the Engineer LISTINGS & CITATIONS International Directory of Nuclear Safety Personnel,1993 - Present National Registry of Nuclear Professionals,1992 - Present National Registry of Radiation Protection Technologists,1991 - Present j
Outstanding College Students of America,1989 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, 1990,1992 Who's Who in Science and Engineering,2nd ed.,1994 - 1995 Who's Who in Science and Engineering,3rd ed.,1996 - 1997 Who's Who in the World,12th ed.,1995 I-Who's Who in the West,25th ed.,1996 - 1997 l'
ENGR 206: Statics (AS96) i ENGR 341: Fluid Mechmes (AS96, SS96, AS96, SS95) i ENGR 371: Introduction to Nuclear Engineering (SS97, SS96)
ENGR 400: Fluid Mechanics Review Session for FE Examination (SS97, AS96, SS96, SS95) l I
~ _. - -
- -. -.. - -. ~.
John S. Bennion Curriculum Vitae page5 ENGR 431: Nuclear Reactor Analysis I (AS96) e ENGR 432: Nuclear Reactor Analysis II(SS97) l ENGR 433 Nuclear Reactor Experiments (SS97, SS96)
NS&E 601: Nuclear Engineering Experiments (SS96, AS95)
ENGR 651: Graduate Seminar on Special Topics in Engineering (SS95) i ENGR 652: Special Problems in Engineering (AS95)
ME 577: Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (University of Utah)
ME 672: Experimental Nuclear Reactor Physics (University of Utah)
ME 130: Statics (University of Utah) i ME $70: Nuclear Engineering I (University of Utah)
ME 571: Nuclear Engineering II (University of Utah)
, ME 670: Nuclear Reactor Physics I (University of Utah) 3 ME 671: Nuclear Reactor Physics II (University of Utah)
Kazi Farriduddin Ahmed," Iodine Neutron Capture Therapy," 1997.
Radiation Safety Training for Users of Radioisotopes; training conducted by the University of Utah Radiological Health Department at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; 24 April 1987.
First Annual ANS Student Branch Presidents' Workshop; American Nuclear Society; Chicago, IL; 25 August 1989.
" Emergency First Aid;" training conducted by the American Red Cross at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; 27 June 1990.
" Training Program for Operation of the J.L. Shepherd and Associates Model Mark I-30 Irradiator;"
training conducted by J.L. Shepherd and Associates and the University of Utah Radiological Health Department; University Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT; 27 February 1991.
" Medical Management in Radiation Accidents;" US DOE REAC/TS emergency response training course; St. Benedict's Hospital, Ogden, UT; 14 May 1991.
" NASA Photovoltaic Short Course;" course presented by D.J. Flood, NASA Lewis Research Center, at the NATO Advanced Study Institute, "The Behavior of Systems in the Space Environment;"
Pitlochry, Scotland, UK; 11-18 July 1991.
Laboratory Safety Seminar; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; 24 September 1991.
8 RADTRAN Users Workshop; training conducted by S.K. Neuhauser, Sandia National Laboratories and R.F. Weiner, Western Washington University; Las Vegas, NV; 12 April 1992.
" Emergency Program Manager;" Emergency Management Institute, Federal Emergency Management Agency; October 1992.
"Models of Con'emporary College Teaching;" Engineering Education Survival Course taught by Dr.
L). Peck, Professor of Educational Studies; Sponsored by The College of Engineering, University of Utah and American Society for Engineering Education; 15 October 1992.
I 1.
" Reorganizing College Teaching;" Engineering Education Survival Course taught by Dr. D. Peck, Professor of Educational Studies; Sponsored by The College of Engineering, University of Utah and American Society for Engineering Education; 22 October 1992.
" Evaluating College Teaching, Research on College Teaching;" Engineering Education Survival Course taught by Dr. D. Peck, Professor of Educational Studies; Sponsored by The College of Engineering, University of Utah and American Society for Engineering Education; 29 October 1992.
" Emergency Preparedness, U.S.A.;" Emergency Management Institute, Federal Emergency Management Agency; February 1993.
" Radiological Emergency Management;" Emerg:ncy Management Institute, Federal Emergency Management Agency; March 1993.
" Preparedness Planning for a Nuclear Crisis;" Emergency Management Institute. Federal Emergency Management Agency; March 1993.
i 16.
" Hazardous Materials: A Citizen's Orientation;" Emergency Management Institute, Federal Emergency Management Agency; April 1993.
" Portable Emergency Data System;" Emergency Management Institute, Federal Emergency Management Agency; May 1993.
John S. Bennion Curriculum Vitae page 6 i
"A Citizen's Guide to Disaster Assistance;" Emergency Management Institute, Federal Emergency Management Agency; June 1993.
US DOE / Health Physics Society Science Teachers Workshop; training conducted by E.P. Katsikis, Health Physics Society, McLean, VA; Salt Lake City, UT; 17 September 1994.
I 20.
" Gamma Spectroscopy;" 5-day course conheted by P.W. Frame, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and l
Education; Oak Ridge, TN; 20-24 March D95.
" Hazardous Materials Operational Certification Training;" 16-hour certification course conducted by K. Quick and B. Estes, Pocatello Fire Department: Pocatello, ID; 17-19 April 1995.
Idaho Postsecondary Instructors Workshop; Center for Occupational Research and Development:
Waco, TX; 21-23 May 1995.
" Cross Sections and Neutron Transport in Nuclear Criticality Analysis;" training conducted by C.V.
~ Parks, L.M. Petrie, and R.M. Westfall, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Criticality and Fuel Safety l
Group, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies; Idaho Falls, ID; 9-10 August 1995.
" Nuclear Criticality Safety Workshop;" training provided by T.P. McLaughlin; Los Alamos National Laboratory; U.S. Department of Energy Idaho Operations Office; Idaho Falls, ID; 4 5 October 1995.
i 25.
" Nuclear Criticality Safety Short Course;" 5-day course conducted by R.A. Knief, Ogden Environmental & Energy Systems and R.D. Busch, University of New Mexico; Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico; Albuquerque, NM; 15-19 July 1996.
!J Eighth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy; American Nuclear Society; Salt Lake l-City, UT; 9-13 October 1988.
First Annual Conference on Cold Fusion; National Cold Fusion Institute; Salt Lake City, UT; 28-31 March 1990.
Technical Conference for Shipping AGN-20lM Reactor Fuel to Y 12 Plant, Oak Ridge, TN; Idaho National Engineering Laboratory; Idaho Falls, ID; 9 January 1991.
Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters Spring Meetings; Westminster College; Salt Lake City, 4.
Utah; 10 May 199L 5.
Hypervelocity Impact Test Center Orientation. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority; Culham l
Laboratory, Oxon, UK; 6 July 1991.
NATO Advanced Study Institute, "The Behavior of Systems in the Space Environment;" North i
Atlantic Treaty Organization; Pitlochry, Scotland. 7-19 July 1991.
j' 7.
1991 Winter Meeting; American Nuclear Society San Francisco, CA; Il-14 November 1991.
i j
Contractors' Meeting on US DOE Transportation System Risk Assessment; Lawrence Livermore.
l National Laboratory: Livermore, CA; 15 November 1991.
i j
- 9.
- Meeting on US DOE Transportation System Risk Assessment; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Livermore, CA; 25-26 March 1992.
Third Annual International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference; Las Vegas, NV; 13-15 April 1992, 11.
Nuclear Technologies for Space Exploration; American Nuclear Society; Jackson, WY; 16-19 1
i August 1992.
j 12.
Contractors' Meeting on US DOE Transportation System Risk Assessment; The Univecsity of Utah; l
Salt Lake City, UT; 10-11 September 1992.
Fifth International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics: American Nuclear Society; Salt Lake City, UT; 21-24 September 1992.
Contractors' Meeting on US DOE Transportation System Risk ' Assessment - Safety Guide Coordination Meeting; University of Utah; Salt Lake City, UT; 27 May 1993.
Contractors' Meeting on US DOE Transportation System Risk Assessment and Safety Guide 1
Coordination Meeting; University of Utah; Salt Lake City, UT; 14-15 July 1993.
30th Annual International Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference; Institute of Electrical and i
Electronic Engineers: Snowbird, UT; 19-23 July 1993.
DOE Spent Nuclear Fuel: Challenges and Initiatives; American Nuclear Society; Salt Lake City, UT; 13-16 December 1994.
Idaho Engineering Educators' Conference; Sun Valley, ID; 28-29 April 1995.
Robotics and Automation,32nd AnnJai Idaho Section ASME Symposium, American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Idaho Falls, ID; 19 May 1995.
- 20. ' University Working Conference; American Nuclear Society; Philadelphia, PA; 23-24 June 1995.
1995 Annual Meeting; American Nuclear Society: Philadelphia, PA; 25-29 June 1995.
John S. Bennion Curriculum Vitae page 7 Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-4), American Society of 22.
Mechanical Engineers, New Orleans, LA; 10-13 March 1996.
1996 Conference on Hazardous Wastes & Materials; Idaho State University Continuing Education and Conferences; Idaho Falls, ID; 4 April 1996.
ASME Region Vill Graduate Student Technical Conference; Idaho State University Student Section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Pocatello,ID; 1213 April 1996.
Idaho Council of Engineering Educators Conference; McCall, ID; 26-27 April 1996.
University Working Conference; American Nuclear Society; Reno, NV; 14-15 June 1996.
1996 Annual Meeting; American Nuclear Society; Reno, NV; 16-20 June 1996.
1996 ANS/ ENS International Meeting; American Nuclear Society and European Nuclear Society; Washington, DC: 10-14 November 1996.
PRESENTATIONS (Conferences, Seminars, & Workshops) 1.
" Decommissioning of a Research Nuclear Reactor;" University of Utah Mechanical Engineering Department Graduate Seminar; Salt Lake City, Utah; 4 May 1990.
" Transportation of Nuclear Materials;" Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters Spring Meetings; Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT; 10 May 1991.
" Comparison of NRC and DOE Reactor Maintenance Guidance and Requirements;" American Nuclear Society International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant and Facility Maintenance; Salt Lake City, UT; 10 April 1991.
" Irradiation Damage A:,sesment of Electronics;" NATO Advanced Study Institute, "The Behavior of Systems in the Space Envronment;" Pitlochry, Scotland, UK; 16 July 1991.
" Risk Assessment for the Transportation of Nuclear Materials;" American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting; San Francisco, CA; 11 November 1991.
" Determination of Actinide and Rare Earth Element Concentrations in Waste Streams by Neutron Activation Analysis;" Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division, Western Zirconium Plant, Ogden, UT; 15 October 1992.
" Characterization and Qualification of a Fast Neutron irradiation Environment for Radiation liardness Assurance Testing of Electronic Devices;" Idaho State University College of Engineering Graduate Seminar; Pocatello, ID; 28 October 1994 8.
" Experiments Using a Subcritical Assembly;" U.S. DOE Nuclear Criticality Safety Workshop; Idaho State University College of Engineering; Pocatello, ID; 6 and 16 October 1995.
9 "A Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis of the PACT-8 Melter for the INEL Pit-9 Comprehensive Demonstration Project;" Embedded Topical Meeting: Worldwide Experience - Decommissioning, 1
Decontamination, and Reutilization. What Does It Mean?,1996 American Nuclear Society / European Nuclear Society International Meeting; Washington, DC; I I November 1996.
PUllLICATIONS (Journals & Proceedings)
Bennion, J.S., K.C. Crawford T.C. Gansauge, and G.M. Sandquist; " Identification of Leaking TRIGA Fuel Elements;" Proceedings of the Twelfth TRIGA Users Conference; Austin, TX; 11-14 March 1990; 47-56.
l 2.
Sandquist, G.M., J.S. Bennion, K.C. Crawford, and D.M. Slaughter; " Assessing the Maintenance, Quality Assurance and Control, and Decommissioning of DOE Research Reactors;" Proceedings the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting on The Safety, Status and Future of Non i
Commercial Reactors and Irradiation Facilities, Boise, ID,30 September - 4 October 1990;172 178.
I 3.
Sandquist, G.M., J.S. Bennion, C.Y. Kimura, and W.W. Banks; " Human Factor Desien Guidelines of Maintainability of DOE Nuclear Reactors," Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant and Facility Maintenance, Salt Lake City, UT,7-10 April 1991-87-94.
Bennion, J.S., G.M. Sandquist, and V.C. Rogers; " Comparison of NRC and DOE Reactor Maintenance Guidance and Requirements;" Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant and Facility Maintenance, Salt Lake City, UT,7-10 April 1991; 153-163.
Bennion, J.S., and G.M. Sandquist; " Transportation of Nuclear Materials;" Encyclia,68, 364-365, 1991.
Bennion, J.S., G.M. Sandquist, and C.Y. Kimura; "Recent DOE and NRC Reactor Maintenance Regulations;" Nucl. Plant./.,9, No. 5,46-89,1991.
Sandquist, G.M., J.S. Bennion, and C.Y. Kimura; " Risk Assessment for the Transportation of Nuclear Materials," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 64, 70-71, 1091.
p John S. Bennion Curriculum Vitae page 8 8.
Taheri, M.S., G.M. Sandquist, D.M. Slaughter, and J.S. Bennion; " Graphite Epoxy Composite Degradation by Space Radiation," Truns. Am. NucL Soc.,64,268-269,1991.
Sandquist, G.M., J.S. Bennion, J.E. Moore, and C.Y. Kimura; " Consequence Analysis of a DOE Weapons Package in a Beyond 10 CFR 71.73 Transportation Accident Environment;" Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment, Clearwater Beach, FL, 2%29 January 1993;489-494.
Sandquist, G.M., J.S. Bmnion, J.E. Moore, D.M. Slaughter, and C.Y. Kimura; " Risk Assessment of Radioactive and Hazardous Materials in DOE Defense Package Transportation Accidents;" Int. J.
Radia:. Mat. Trans.,3(2/3),121-128,1993.
Sandquist, G.M., J.S. Bennion, J.E. Moore, and D.M. Slaughter; "A Route-Specific Transportation Risk Assessment Model;" Trans. Am. NucL Soc.,68,151 853,1993.
Bennion, J.S., G.M. Sandquist, and C.Y. Kimura: " Comparison of Health Effect Consequences from Atmospheric Releases of Pu 239 Using the ERAD and HOTSPOT Computer Codes;" Health Phys.,
64, No. 6. S31, June 1993.
Sandquist, G.M., J.S. Ber.nion, P.S. Sheehan. J.G. Kelly, and P.J. Griffin; " Characterization of the Neutron Energy Spectrum in the University of Utah TRIGA Reactor for Electronics Testing;" Trans.
Am. Nucl Soc., 69, 181 182, 1993.
14 Bennion. J.S., G.M. Sandquist, P.S. Sheehan, and V.C. Rogers; " Irradiation Damage Assessment of Electronics;" in The Behavior of Systems in the Snace Environment; R.N. DeWitt, D.P. Duston, and A.K. Hyder (Eds.); Kluwer Academic Publishing Co.; Dordrecht (1993).
Kelly, J.G., P.J. Griffin, D.C. Raupach T.H. Daubenspect, J.S. Bennion, and D.L. Newell;
" Investigation of Laboratory Neutron Spectral Characterizations Used for the Testing of Electronic Parts;" in Reactor Dosimetry ASTM STP 1228. Harry Farrar IV, E. Parvin Lippincott, David W.
Vehar, and J.G. Williams, (Eds.); American Society for Testing and Materials; Philadelphia (1994).
Bennion, J.S., G.M. Sandquist, B.L. Hardy, V.C. Rogers, and B.W. Terry; " Comparative Response of Selected Thermoluminescence Materials in a Mixed Gamma and Neutron Radiation Environment;"
Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology; Gatlinburg, TN; 9-13 May 1994; 104-108.
17 Bennion, J.S., G.M. Sandquist, and B.L. Hardy; " Gamma Radiation Environment in a Fast Neutron Irradiation Facihty for Electronic Parts Testing;" 7'rans. Am. NucL Soc.,70,130-131,1994.
Bennion, J.S., G.M. Sandquist, J.G. Kelly, P.J. Griffin, P.S. Sheehan, and B.L. Saxey;
" Characterization and Qualification of a Neutron irradiation Environment for Neutron Hardness Asssurance Testing of Electronic Devices;" Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference; Madison, Wl; 17-21 July 1995.
Becker, G.K., T.J. Roney, C.L. Watts, and J.S. Bennion; " Utility of Neural Networks in Nondestructive Waste Assay Measurement Methods;" Proceedings of the 4th Nondestructise Assay and Nondestructive Examination Waste Characterization Conference; Salt Lake City, UT; 24-26 October 1995; 161-187.
Bennion, J.S., G.M. Sandquist J.G. Kelly, P.J. Griffin, P.S. Sheehan, and B.L. Saxey;
" Character zation and Qualification of a Neuuan irradiation Environment for Neutron Hardness Asssurance Testing of Electronic Devices;" /EEE Trans. NucL Sci.,42, No. 6,1886-1894,1995.
McWhirter, J.D., J.S Bennion, J.F. Kun/c, H.A. Larson, M.J. Lineberry, D.T. Neill, and A G.
Stephens: "Re. Engineering Nuclear Science and Engineering Education at Idaho State University;"
58th Annual Meeting Pacific Northwest Section of the American Society for Engineering Education and 13th Annual Sy mposium on Technology Education; Klamath Falls, OR; 25-27 April 1996.
Bennion. J.S.. R.D. Boston, A.S. Johnson and N.L. Pruvost, "A Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis of the PACT-8 Melter for the INEL Pit 9 Comprehensive Demonstration Project," Trans.
Am. Nucl Soc., 75, 455-457, 1996.
Bennion, J.S., R.D. Boston, A.S. Johnson, and N.L. Pruvost, "A Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis of the PACT-8 Melter for the INEL Pit 9 Comprehensive Demonstration Project,"
Proceedings of the Embedded Topical Meeting on Decommissioning, Decontamination, and Reutilization: Worldwide Experience - DD&R, What Does It Mean; Washington, D.C.;I l-14 November 1996.
Bennion, J.S., " Experimental characterization and qualification of a quasi-fission neutron irradation environment for neutron hardness assurance testing of electronic devices and materials damage investigations," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Utah,1996.
John S. Benniou Curriculum Vitae a
page 9 25.
Neill, D.T., and J.S. Bennion," Suggestions for the Evaluation and Use of Reactivity Bias Mean and Standard Deviation,"(submitted for presentation at the 1997 ANS Nuclear Criticality and Safety Division Topical Meeting, September 7-11,1997, Chelan, WA).
PUBLICATIONS (Technical Reports) 1.
Annual Report on AGN 20lM Nuclear Reactor Operations License No. R-25, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah, December 1987.
Annual Report on TRIGA Nuclear Reactor Operations, License No. R-126. Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah, August 1988.
Annual Report on AGN-20lM Nuclear Reactor Operations, License No. R-25, Nuclear Engineering
' Laboratory, University of Utah, December 1988.
4 Annual Report on TRIGA Nuclear Reactor Operations, License No. R-126, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah August 1989.
Technical Report to the US Air Force Concerning the Neutron Irradiation of Electronics by the University of Utah Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, UTEC 90-19, August 1989.
Annual Report on AGN-20lM Nuclear Reactor Operations, License No. R-25, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah December 1989.
US DOE Class B Research Reactor Safety Study, Chapter 11: Maintenance, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, June 1990 (Contributor).
8 US DOE Class B Research Reactor Safety Study, Chapter 12: Decommissioning, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, June 1990.
Decommissioning Plan for the University of Utah AGN-20!M Nuclear Reactor, License No. R 25, 9.
UTEC 90-18, July 1990.
Annual Report on AGN-20lM Nuclear Reactor Operations License No. R-25, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah, December 1990.
I 1.
Quality Assurance (QA/QC) Program for Transporting Spent Fuel for AGN-20lM Reactor, License No. R-25, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah, December 1990.
Annual Report on TRIGA Nuclear Reactor Operations, License No. R-126, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah, August 1991, 13.
Modification Authorization M 3: Safety and Hazards Evaluation for the Implementation of a New Physical Security System. Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah, September 1991.
Annual Repon on AGN-20lM Nuclear Reactor Operations, License No. R-25 Nuclear Engineermg Laboratory, University of Utah, December 1991.
Annual Report on TRIGA Nuclear Reactor Operations, License No. R-126 Nuclear Engineering i
Laboratory, University of Utah, August 1992.
Annual Repon on AGN 20lM Nuclear Reactor Operations License No. R-25 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah, December 1992.
US DOE Safety Guide 200: Overview of the Transportation System Risk Assessment, UCRL-ID-114670-Draft, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, September 1993 (Contributor).
US DOE Safety Guide 250: Radioactive and Hazardous Material Release and Dose Consequences, URCL-ID-114675-Draft, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, September 1993 (Contributor).
Fast Neutron Fluence and Gamma Radiation Uniformity Over Irradiation Target: A Technical Report to the US Air Force Regarding Neutron Hardness Assurance Testing of Electronic Components at the University of Utah Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of l
Utah, UTEC 93-66, December 1993.
Hazard Evaluation Report for the Use of Fission Foils to Characterize the Neutron Energy Spectrum in the Fast Neutron Irradiation Facilty of the TRIGA Research Reactor, US NRC License No. R-l l
126, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, University of Utah, June 1994.
Environmental Report for the Idaho State University AGN-201 Nuclear Reactor, US NRC License No. R-110, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, Idaho State University College of Engineering, October 1995.
Safety Analysis Report for the Idaho State University AGN-201 Nuclear Reactor, US NRC License No. R-110, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, Idaho State University College of Engineering, November 1995 (Contributor).
A Preliminary Study of Nuc! car Criticality Safety Concerns for the INEL Pit 9 Actinide-i Contaminated Waste-Stabilization Demonstration Project; Idaho State University College of Engineering; March 1996.
l l
e John S. Bennion Curriculum Vitae page 10 24.
Criticality Calculation Study on the Benchmark Experiment LEU-COMP-THERM-007 Done at Valduc, France; Technical Report No. TR 95/96-002; Idaho State University College of Engineering; May 1996 (Contributor).
Annual Report on AGN-20lM Nuclear Reactor Operations, License No. R-110, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, Idaho State University College of Engineering, June 1996.
Criticality Calculation Study on the Benchmark Experiment MIX-SOL-TiiERM-003 Done at Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, United Kingdom; Technical Report No. TR 95/96-004; Idaho State University College of Engineering; June 1996 (Contributor).
Criticality Calculation Study on the Benchmark Experiment HEU-MET-FAST-015 Done at All Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNilEF), Russia; Technical Report No. TR 95/96-006; Idaho State University College of Engineering: July 1996 (Contributor).
l 28.
Criticality Calculation Study on the Benchmark Experiments IEU-MET-FAST-003, IEU-MET-FAST-005, ilEU-MET-FAST-020 Done at All Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNilEF), Russia; Technical Report No. TR 95/96-008; Idaho State University College of Engineering; August 1996 (Contributor).
Summary of. Nuclear Criticality Safety Calculations for the INEL Pit-9 Comprehensive Demonstration Project; Technical Report No. TR 96/97-001; Idaho State University College of Engineering; 3 September 1996.
t d
9 h
Thomas F. Gesell l
Professor of Health Physics and l
Director of Enviromnental Safety l
Idaho State University Campus Box 8106 Pocatello, Idaho 83209 (208) 236-2350 DUTIES University Radiation Safety Officer; directs hazardous waste management; teaching, research l
i and service in radiation protection and environmental science.
Radiological Environmental Monitoring and Surveillance; Topics in Health Physics I & II;
. Accelerator Health Physics; Quantitative Methods in Physics; Non-ionizing Radiation i
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE 5/88-10/91 -- Director of the DOE Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory l
(RESL) located on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (iNEL) Site. Directed several j
programs related to protection of health and environment. These included: environmental sampling and analysis (surveillance) for the INEL and its environs (air, water, soil, vegetation, animals); analytical and radiochemistry; environmental, ecological and radio-ecological research; DOE Laboratory Accreditation Programs in personnel dosimetry, bioassay and whole body counting; support of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with radiochemical standards and analyses; measurements in support of emergency response; oversight of programs in personnel radiation dosimetry, bioassay, and meteorology.
5/87-5/88 -- Deputy Assistant Manager for Nuclear Programs, DOE Idaho Operations Office.
Served as Acting Assistant Manager for Nuclear Programs, supervised the Environmental Support Office, and managed the INEL environmental restoration program with its associated sampling and analysis. Nuclear Programs had responsibility for test reactors, nuclear fuel reprocessing, radioactive and hazardous waste management and technology development at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. The Environmental Support Office activity required close coordination with EPA and State regulatory programs.
5/81-6/87 -- Chief of the Dosimetry Branch, DOE Idaho Operations Office.
Developed and implemented operational and applied research and development programs in personnel and environmental radiation dosimetry as well as a DOE-wide accreditation program 1
l l
A in personnel radiation dosimetry. Supervised the INEL personnel dosimetry program.
Managed the development and implementation of a new dosimetry system and a new, computerized data acquisition, record-keeping and reporting system.
5/71-5/81 - Assistant, then Associate Professor of Health Physics, University of Texas School of Public Health; Convener of the Environmental Sciences Discipline. Responsibilities included teaching, conducting research and consulting in radiation protection and environmental science.
EDUCATION BS in physics from San Diego State University (6/65). MS (6/68) and PhD (6/71) degrees in physics with specialization in radiation protection from the University of Tennessee.
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Associate Editor, Health Physics (1985-1990); chair, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Hot Particle Committee (1988-present); member, International Commission on Radiological Protection Task Group on Skin (1989-1992); member, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (1990-present); member, EPA Science Advisory Board, Radiation Advisory Committee subcommittee on standards for radioactivity in water (1990); member of the EPA / Industry Technical Review Group pertaining to the use of radioactive phosphate slag in construction (1992-present); member, International Atomic Energy Agency Panel on Radon in the Workplace (1994-present); member, DOE Environmental Management Board "FUSRAP" Advisory Committee (1995-present);
consultant, EPA Science Advisory Board, Radiation Advisory Committee (1996-present).
SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS Special assignments have included: consultant to EPA Office of Radiation Programs (1974-1980); consultant, President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island (1979); DOE Idaho's Liaison to the Idaho State Government (1/89-6/89); member, Secretary of Energy's Special Team assessing environmental conditions at the Rocky Flats Plant (6/89-8/89); chair, DOE fatal accident investigation committee (5/91-6/91); administrative lead, INEL Historical Dose Evaluation (12/88-9/91); member, Monitoring Activities Review Panel for the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Waste Management Program (1992); member, ES&H Panel of the University of California President's Council on National Laboratories (1995-present).
l 2
l l
4 REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS Proceedings Edited John A. S. Adams, Wayne M. Lowder and Thomas F. Gesell, Editors. The Natural Radiation Environment II (in two volumes), Energy Research and Development Agency, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, CONF-720805-P1 and P2 (1975).
i T. F. Gesell and W. M. Lowder, Editors. Natural Radiation Environment III: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on the Natural Radiation Environment, U. S. Department of Energy Technical Information Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, CONF-780422, (in two volumes) (1980).
T. F. Gesell, Executive Chairman. Proceedings of the International Beta Dosimetry Symposium, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report NUREG/CP-0050 (1984).
T. F. Gesell and Paul Voilleque, Guest Editors. Evaluation of Environmental Radiation Exposures from Nuclear Testing in Nevada, Special Issue, IIealth Physics 59, No. 5,501-746 (1990).
Articles and Renorts T. F. Gesell and E. T. Arakawa. Attenuation length for Photoelectrons Excited in Aluminum by 21.2 eV Photons, Phys. Rev. Letters 26,377-380 (1971).
T. F. Gesell. Radiation-Induced Ilead and Neck Tumors (letter), Lancet,27 April, pp.
815-816 (1974).
T. F. Gesell. Estimation of the Dose Equivalent to the U. S. Population from Radon in Liquefied Petroleum, in Proceedings of the Eight Midyear Topical Symposium of the Ilealth Physics Society - Population Doses, J. C. Ilart, R. II. Ritchie and B. S. Varnadore, eds.,
i USAEC Report CONF-741018, pp. 347-354 (1974).
J.A.S. Adams and T. F. Gesell. Real and Apparent Variations in the Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flux, in Proceedings of the Second USAEC IIealth and Safety Laboratory Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity, W. M. Lowder, ed., New York, USAEC Report IIASL-287, pp. 60-69 (1974).
T. F. Gesell and J. A. S. Adams. Geothermal Powers Plants: Environmental Impact (letter),
Science 189, 328 (1975).
T. F. Gesell and II. M. Prichard. The Technologically Enhanced Natural Radiation Environment. IIealth Physics 28, pp. 361-366 (1975).
p T. F. Gesell. Occupational Radiation Exposure Due to 222Rn in Natural Gas and Natural Gas Products. Health Physics 29, pp. 681-687 (1975).
T. F. Gesell, Gail de Planque Burke and Klaus Becker. An International Intercomparison of Environmental Dosimeters. Health Physics 30, pp.125-133 (1976).
G. de Planque Burke and T. F. Gesell. Error Analysis of Environmental Radiation Measurements Made with Integrating Detectors, in NBS Special Publication 456,
" Measurements for the Safe Use of Radiation," U.S.C.P.O., Washington, D.C., pp. 187-198 (1976).
D. L. Duncan, T. F. Gesell and R. H. Johnson. Radon-222 in Potable Water. Proceedings of the Tenth Midyear Topical Symposium of the Health Physics Society, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, pp. 340-357 (1977).
i H. M. Prichard and T. F. Gesell. Rapid Measurements of Rn Concentrations in Water with 222 a Commercial Liquid Scintillation Counter. Health Physics 33, pp. 577-581 (1977).
G. de Planque and T. F. Gesell. Second International Intercomparison of Environmental Dosimeters, Health Physics 36, pp. 221-233 (1979).
T. F. Gesell, H. Prichard and J. Haygood. Applications of Commercial Liquid Scintillation Counters to Radon-222 and Radium-226 Analyses, Proceedings of the lith Midyear Topical Symposium of the Health Physics Society: Radiation Instrumentation. W. W. Wadman III, ed., San Diego, California, January 1978, pp. 258-271 (1979).
T. F. Gesell, D. C. Christian, R. E. Gammage and G. de Plangue. Effects of Packaging on the Temperature of Environmental Radiation Dosimeters, Health Physics 38, pp. 690-696 (1980).
i H. M. Prichard, T. F. Gesell and C. R. Meyer. Liquid Scintillation Analyses for Radium-226 and Radon-222 in Potable Waters. Liquid Scintillation Counting: Recent Applications and Development. Academic Press, New York, pp. 347-355 (1980).
C. V. Gogolak and T. F. Gesell, Intercomparison Experiment at NRE III. Natural Radiation Environment III, T. F. Gesell and W. M. Lowder, eds. D.O.E. CONF 780422 (1980).
T. F. Gesell and H. M. Prichard. The Contribution of Radon in Tap Water to Indoor Radon Concentrations. Natural Radiation Environmental III, T. F. Gesell and W. M. Lowder, eds.
D.O.E. CONF 780422 (1980).
i T. F. Gesell and G. de Planque. Highlights of the Fourth International Intercomparison of Environmental Dosimeters. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 175, pp.186-188 (1980).
D H. M. Prichard, T. F. Gesell and E. Davis. Iodine-131 Levels in Sludge and Treated Municipal wastewaters Near a Large Medical Complex. The American Journal of Public Health 71, pp. 47-52 (1981).
H. M. Prichard and T. F. Gesell. An Estimate of Population Exposures Due to Radon in Public Water Supplies in the Area of Houston, Texas. Health Physics 41, pp. 599-606
M. F. Jones, T. F. Gesell, J. Nanus and C. E. Racster. Radioactive Well Logging: A Review and an Analysis of Texas Incidents. Health Physics 40, pp. 361-368 (1981).
Gail de Planque and Thomas F. Gesell. Thermoluminescence Dosimetry - Environmental Applications. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes 33, pp.1015-1034 (1982).
R. H. Johnson, N. S. Nelson, A. S. Goldin and T. F. Gesell. Natural Radiation Quality of the Environment in the United States. in: Natural Radiation Environmental (K. G. Vohra. K. C.
Pillai, V. C. Mishra and S. Sadasivan, eds.) Bombay, Wiley Eastern Ltd. pp. 180-187 (1982).
T. F. Gesell. Environmental Monitoring with Thermoluminescence Dosimetry. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-29, pp.1225-1232 (1982).
H. M. Prichard, T. F. Gesell, C. T. Hess, C. V. Weiffenbach and P. Nyberg. Associations Between Grab Sample and Integrated Radon Measurements in Dwelling in Main and Texas.
Environment International 8, pp. 83-87 (1982).
T. F. Gesell. Background Atmospheric Radon Concentrations Outdoors and Indoors: A Review. Health Physics 45,289-302 (1983).
C. T. Hess, C. V. Weiffenbach, H. M. Prichard and T. F. Gesell. Field and Laboratory Measurements of Radon Concentrations in Maine, Proceedings of the USEPA International Meeting on Radon and Radon Daughter Measurements. Montgomery, Alabama (1983).
H. M. Prichard, T. F. Gesell, C. T. Hess and C. Weiffenbach, Integrated Radon Detector Data from Swellings in Maine and Texas, Health Physics 45,428432 (1983).
H. M. Prichard and T. F. Gesell. Radon-222 in Municipal Water Supplies in the Central United States. Health Physics 45,991-993 (1983).
T. F. Gesell, V. P. Gupta, F. L. Kalbeitzer, J. P. Cusimano, D. E. Jones, B. R. Rich, J. L.
Alvarez and S. R. Adams. Skin Dosimetry Research at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Applications and Technology of Ionizing Radiations, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, King Saud University Press (1983).
II. M. Prichard and T. F. Gesell. Radon in the Environment, in Advances in Radiation Biology, Volume 11, Academic Press, New York, pp. 391-428 (1984).
T. F. Gesell and R. D. Carlson. The Appropriate Depths to Measure Skin Dose for Radiation Protection. Proceedings of the International Beta Dosimetry Symposium, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report NUREG/CP-0050. (1984).
T. F. Gesell (Chairman). Limit for Exposure to " Hot Particles" on the Skin, NCRP Report
- 106 (1989).
L. DeWayne Cecil and Thomas. F. Gesell. Sampling and Analysis for Radon-222 dissolved in ground water and surface water, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 20,55-66 (1992).
T. F. Gesell, M.A. Hall, and B.L. Andersen. Technical Basis of the INEL Personal Photon-Beta Dosimeter, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho. (1992).
G. Klemic, J. Shobe, T. Gesell and P. Shebell. Results of the Tenth International Intercomparison of Environmental Dosimeters, Radiation Protection Dosimetry,58,133-142 (1995).
T. F. Gesell, Environmental Radioactivity, Article in the Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology, Academic Press (1995).
T. F. Gesell, R. D. Boston, B.L. Andersen and R. Perry. Technical Basis of the INEL Personal Neutron Dosimeter, Report 960112, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho. (1996).
T. F. Gesell. Graded Decision Guidelines for Individuals Exposed to Natural Radiation from Slag. in NORM /NARM: Regulation and Risk Assessment, Proceedings of the 29th Midyear Topical Meeting of the Health Physics Society held January 7-10,1996 in Scottsdale, AZ, Health Physics Society, McIzan, VA, pp 175-181 (1996).
I Works in press Merril Eisenbud and T. F. Gesell, Environmental Radioactivity from Industrial and Military Sources, Fourth Edition, Academic Press (expected to be published in February,1997).