MONTHYEARML17191B4081999-07-27027 July 1999 Exemption to 10CFR50.71(e)(4) Granted to Submit Updates to Plant UFSAR Annually or within 6 Months of Each Unit Refueling Outage.Licensee Required to Submit Updates to Plant within 24 Months of Previous Usfar Rev Submittal ML20207E0051999-03-0202 March 1999 Transcript of 990302 Public Meeting with Commonwealth Edison in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-104.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20236H9381998-06-30030 June 1998 Transcript of 980630 Meeting W/Commonwealth Edison in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-123.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20197K2341997-12-12012 December 1997 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.60, Acceptance Criteria for Fracture Prevention Measures for Lightwater Nuclear Power Reactors for Normal Operation ML20198P3001997-11-0404 November 1997 Transcript of 971104 Public Meeting W/Ceco in Rockville,Md Re Measures Established by Ceco to Track Plant Performance & to Gain Understanding of CAs Put Into Place to Improve Safety.Pp 1-105.W/Certificate & Viewgraphs ML20149H0301997-06-19019 June 1997 Comment Opposing Proposed Generic Communications Re Control Rod Insertion Problems ML20086T7411995-07-28028 July 1995 Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR73.55 Re Issuance,Storage & Retrieval of Picture Badges for Individual Granted Unescorted Access to Protected Areas of Site ML20086H5841995-07-13013 July 1995 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.60, Acceptance Criteria for Fracture Prevention for Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors for Normal Operation ML20059C2351993-12-17017 December 1993 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-21-2 Re Commercial Grade Item Dedication ML20204G3081988-10-19019 October 1988 Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $50,000, Per 880506 Notice of Violation from Insp on 880301-17 NUREG-1002, Unexecuted Amend 6 to Indemnity Agreement B-102.SSER 6 (NUREG-1002) Encl1988-05-20020 May 1988 Unexecuted Amend 6 to Indemnity Agreement B-102.SSER 6 (NUREG-1002) Encl ML20154K0301988-05-20020 May 1988 Transcript of 880520 Dicussion/Possible Vote in Rockville,Md Re Full Power OL for Facility.Pp 1-70.Related Info Encl ML20148G2161988-03-25025 March 1988 Decision.* Affirms Concluding Partial Initial Decision, LBP-87-14,25 NRC 461.Served on 880325 ML20149D8231988-02-0101 February 1988 Notice of Withdrawal.* Withdraws Appearance as Atty for Util in Proceeding,Effective 880201.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20236A8341987-10-21021 October 1987 Transcript of 871021 Proceedings in Bethesda,Md.Pp 1-100 ML20235K8741987-09-30030 September 1987 Notice of Oral Argument.* Oral Argument on Pending Appeal of Intervenors Bridget Little Rorem from Board 870519 Concluding Partial Initial Decision in Proceeding Will Be Heard on 871021.Served on 871002 ML20235H7121987-09-25025 September 1987 Memorandum & Order.* Intervenor Appeal from ASLB Rejection of late-filed Contention Dismissed & LBP-87-19 & LBP-87-22 Vacated on Grounds of Mootness Due to Util Withdrawing Amend Application.Served on 870928 ML20237L7461987-09-0303 September 1987 Order.* Oral Argument on Pending Appeal of Intervenors Bl Rorem Et Al from Licensing Board 870519 Concluding Partial Initial Decision in OL Proceeding Will Be Heard on 871021 in NRC Public Hearing Room.Served on 870903 ML20237L7721987-09-0101 September 1987 Reconstitution of Aslab.* Notice That Aslab Has Been Reconstituted for OL Proceeding.Board Will Consist of as Rosenthal,Wr Johnson & Ha Wilber.Served on 870902 ML20237L6931987-08-28028 August 1987 Decision.* Review of Licensing Board 870513 & 0706 Partial Initial Decisions Revealed No Error Necessitating Corrective Action.Result Reached by Licensing Board Re Decision LBP-87-13 Affirmed.Served on 870831 ML20237K0361987-08-11011 August 1987 NRC Staff Brief in Support of LBP-87-14.* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20236N9791987-07-31031 July 1987 NRC Staff Response to Aslab Order of 870721.* NRC Supports Deferral of Briefing of Intervenors Appeal Until Applicant Affirmation Re Withdrawal of License Amend Application Received.Bc Hunsader Encl.W/Certificate of Svc ML20236N8851987-07-31031 July 1987 Response to Intervenors Request for Deferral of Further Appellate Proceedings.* Forwards Util to NRC Withdrawing License Amend Applications Re Ownership.Pending Appeal Should Be Dismissed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20236P1101987-07-31031 July 1987 Brief of Comm Ed.* Brief Filed Re Appeal by Bridget Little Rorem,Et Al from ASLB 870519 Concluding Partial Initial Decision.Appeal Shoud Be Denied & Decision Affirmed. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20235Y8711987-07-23023 July 1987 Appeal from Licensing Board Denial of Motion to Reopen Record.* Intervenors Rorem Appeal from Decision of Licensing Board of 870706 Denying Rorem Motion to Reopen Record for Purpose of Admitting Late Contention.W/Certificate of Svc ML20235Y9081987-07-21021 July 1987 Order.* Date for Filing Briefs Re Intervenor Appeal of Board 870706 Memorandum & Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration & Motion to Admit late-filed Contention Postponed Until Further Order by Board.Served on 870722 ML20235D6761987-07-0202 July 1987 Order.* Intervenors 870623 Motion That ASLB Reconsider 870610 Memorandum & Order Denying 870506 Motion to Reopen Record & 870701 Motion to Admit late-filed Contention Denied.Motion in Alternative Dismissed.Served on 870707 ML20234D0521987-07-0202 July 1987 Motion to Reopen Record to Admit late-filed Contention on Financial Qualifications.* Record Should Be Reopened Since Rule Barring case-by-case Financial Qualification Adjudication Not Applicable ML20234D0361987-07-0101 July 1987 Opening Brief of intervenors-appellants Bridget Little Rorem,Et Al.* Board Majority Committed Errors of Fact & Law That Compel Reversal of 870519 Concluding Partial Initial Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20234D0961987-07-0101 July 1987 Affidavit of DW Cassel.* Affidavit Re Intervenors Rorem,Et Al Motion to Reopen Record to Admit Late Filed Contention on Financial Qualification.Related Info Encl.W/Certificate of Svc & Svc List ML20216J8821987-07-0101 July 1987 Motion in Alternative Before Appeal Board.* Intervenors Hold That Jurisdiction Over 870701 Motion to Reopen Record to Admit Late Filed Contention on Financial Qualifications Remains W/Aslb.W/Svc List & Certificate of Svc CLI-87-07, Order CLI-87-07.* ASLB Concluding Partial Initial Decision, Resolving All Contested Issues & Authorizing NRR to Issue Ol,Reviewed by Commission & Effective Immediately.Separate Views of Commissioner Asselstine Encl.Served on 8707011987-06-30030 June 1987 Order CLI-87-07.* ASLB Concluding Partial Initial Decision, Resolving All Contested Issues & Authorizing NRR to Issue Ol,Reviewed by Commission & Effective Immediately.Separate Views of Commissioner Asselstine Encl.Served on 870701 ML20235A7271987-06-30030 June 1987 Transcript of 870630 Discussion/Possible Vote in Washington, DC Re Full Power OL for Facility.Pp 1-70.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20216D1941987-06-22022 June 1987 Order.* Amend to 861107 Protective Order Which Resolved Dispute Between ASLB & Commission Ofc of Investigation Over Disclosure of Certain Investigatory Matls.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 870623 ML20215J8891987-06-19019 June 1987 Applicant Texas Utils Electric Co Petition for Directed Certification of Licensing Board Order of 870312.* Brief Supports Granting Petition to Vacate ASLB 870312 Order. Supporting Documentation & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20215D9241987-06-15015 June 1987 Memorandum on Licensing Board Jurisdiction.* Jurisdiction Over Intervenors 870506 Motion Retained Until Further Action of Licensing Board Due to Util 870528 Filing of Application for Amend to Ol.Served on 870616 ML20214W9601987-06-12012 June 1987 Transcript of 870612 Telcon in Washington,Dc.Pp 18,585- 18,596 ML20214W5031987-06-10010 June 1987 Memorandum & Order (Denying Intervenors Motion to Admit late-filed Contentions on Financial Qualifications).* Rorem, Et Al 870506 Motion Re Financial Qualifications of New co- Licensees Denied for Want of Jurisdiction.Served on 870611 ML20214W5491987-06-0909 June 1987 Notice of Reconstitution of Board.* Iw Smith,Chairman & Rf Cole & AD Callihan,Members.Served on 870610 ML20214W4911987-06-0909 June 1987 Order.* ASLB 870513 Partial Initial Decision Addressing Emergency Planning Issues Will Be Reviewed Sua Sponte & Will Not Be Deemed Final Until Further Order.No Appeal from Decision Received ML20214P0811987-06-0101 June 1987 Notice of Appeal.* Intervenor Bl Rorem,By Attys & in Accordance w/10CFR2.762,appeal ASLB 870519 Concluding Partial Initial Decision Re Plant Which Served on Parties on 870521.Notice of Appearance & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20214N0521987-05-28028 May 1987 Affidavit of Mj Wallace.* Affidavit of Mj Wallace Re Startup & Initial Criticality of Unit 1.W/Certificate of Svc ML20214N0471987-05-28028 May 1987 Affidavit of Jc Bukovski.* Affidavit of Jc Bukovski Re Delay in Startup,Testing & Commercial Operation of Unit 1 ML20214N0421987-05-28028 May 1987 Commonwealth Edison Co Comments to Commission on Immediate Effectiveness Issues.* Forwards Affidavits of Mj Wallace & Jc Bukovski.Requests Opportunity to Be Heard If Commission Contemplates Such Stay ML20214N4321987-05-26026 May 1987 NRC Staff Response to Motion to Admit late-filed Contention on Financial Qualifications.* Board Must Deny Motion to Admit late-filed Contention & Deny Request to Certify Question of Waiver to Commission.W/Certificate of Svc ML20214N3901987-05-22022 May 1987 Amend to Concluding Partial Initial Decision.* Amends 870519 Concluding Initial Decision to Delete Limited Authorization Granted NRR to Issue License for Low Power Testing,Due to Issuance of LBP-87-13 on 870513.Served on 870526 ML20214G5141987-05-19019 May 1987 Response to Intervenor Motion Seeking to Reopen Record for Admission of New Contention.* Intervenor Filed Motion, Motion to Admit Late Filed Contention on Financial Qualifications. Affidavit & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20214N0851987-05-19019 May 1987 Errata.* Forwards Corrected Pages to Minority Opinion, Matters of Dissent.Served on 870528 ML20214G5921987-05-19019 May 1987 Concluding Partial Initial Decision (Ol).* Due to Violation Re Discouragement to Document Any Major Deficiency That Could Result in Lengthy Delay in Production,Civil Penalty Should Be Imposed on Comstock & Util.Served on 870521 ML20214N0631987-05-19019 May 1987 Errata Correction.* Requests Pen & Ink Corrections to Minority Decision Pages Forwarded as Corrected Pages to Errata .Pages 73,74 & 75 Should Be Numbered as Pages 72,73 & 74,respectively.Served on 870529 1999-07-27
[Table view] Category:SUBPOENAS
MONTHYEARML20137A8321986-11-15015 November 1986 Subpoena Directing D Coss to Appear on 851212 in Braidwood,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc. Related Correspondence ML20214N6121986-09-10010 September 1986 Subpoena Directing Rl Martin to Appear on 860911 in Chicago,Il ML20209H9581986-09-0404 September 1986 Subpoena Directing Gj Archambeault to Appear on 860909 in Chicago,Il to Testify on Behalf of Intervenors.Related Correspondence ML20209A9321986-08-27027 August 1986 Subpoena Directing G Archambeault to Appear on 860903 in Chicago,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc & Schedule of Documents to Be Produced ML20209A9721986-08-27027 August 1986 Subpoena Directing R Martin to Appear on 860903 in Chicago, Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc & Schedule of Documents to Be Produced ML20202G5221986-03-0404 March 1986 Subpoena Directing RM Saklak to Appear on 860326 in Chicago Il to Give Deposition.Related Correspondence ML20154K9771986-03-0303 March 1986 Application for Issuance of Subpoena Directing RM Saklak to Appear for 860326 Deposition in Chicago,Il Re Documents Reflecting Adverse,Derogatory or Other Info Concerning QC Inspectors.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20138B3261986-02-21021 February 1986 Subpoena Directing D Peterson to Appear on 860304 in Chicago,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc & Schedule of Documents to Be Produced.Related Correspondence ML20138B2731986-02-21021 February 1986 Subpoena Directing Custodian of records,Raymond-Kaiser Engineers,Inc to Produce on 860303 in Chicago,Il Documents Re WO Puckett Work Between 1975 & 1984.W/Return of Svc. Related Correspondence ML20138B2871986-02-21021 February 1986 Subpoena Directing L Perryman to Appear on 860303 in Chicago,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc & Schedule of Documents to Be Produced.Related Correspondence ML20138B2841986-02-21021 February 1986 Subpoena Directing Fj Rolan to Appear on 860307 in Chicago, Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc & Schedule of Documents to Be Produced.Related Correspondence ML20138B2961986-02-21021 February 1986 Subpoena Directing R Martin to Appear on 860303 in Chicago, Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc & Schedule of Documents to Be Produced.Related Correspondence ML20138B3021986-02-21021 February 1986 Subpoena Directing R Wicks to Appear on 860304 in Chicago,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc & Schedule of Documents to Be Produced.Related Correspondence ML20138B3091986-02-21021 February 1986 Subpoena Directing M Klatchko to Appear on 860307 in Chicago,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc & Schedule of Documents to Be Produced.Related Correspondence ML20138B3151986-02-21021 February 1986 Subpoena Directing L Bossong to Appear on 860308 in Chicago, Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc & Schedule of Documents to Be Produced.Related Correspondence ML20138B3191986-02-21021 February 1986 Subpoena Directing T Gorman to Appear on 860306 in Chicago, Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc & Schedule of Documents to Be Produced.Related Correspondence ML20137A8591985-11-15015 November 1985 Subpoena Directing Dr Holley to Appear on 851213 in Braidwood,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20137A8541985-11-15015 November 1985 Subpoena Directing H Stout to Appear on 851216 in Chicago,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20137A8451985-11-15015 November 1985 Subpoena Directing L Phillips to Appear on 851212 in Braidwood,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20137A8261985-11-15015 November 1985 Subpoena Directing R Snyder to Appear on 851212 in Braidwood,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20137A8151985-11-15015 November 1985 Subpoena Directing T Stewart to Appear on 851213 in Braidwood,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20137A8001985-11-15015 November 1985 Subpoena Directing M Sproull to Appear on 851212 in Braidwood,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20137A7911985-11-15015 November 1985 Subpoena Directing Rd Hunter to Appear on 851213 in Braidwood,Il for Deposition.W/Return of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20209H2121985-10-21021 October 1985 Subpoena Directing Jd Seeders to Appear on 851107 in Chicago,Il.Related Correspondence ML20209H2181985-10-21021 October 1985 Subpoena Directing WO Puckett to Appear on 851112 in Chicago,Il.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20133K9631985-10-18018 October 1985 Application for Encl Subpoenas to WO Puckett & Jd Seeders to Appear in Chicago,Il on 851112 & 05,respectively,for Deposition.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20116C4731985-04-25025 April 1985 Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum Directing L Creek & Bl Rorem to Appear on 850513 & 14,respectively,in Chicago,Il for Depositions.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence 1986-09-04
[Table view] |
Mnitch fMa2es af Amerita NUCLEAR REGULATORY CONDf1SS10N O
In the matter of:
COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY 50-456 (Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2)
>. DOCKET NO. 50-457 TO Dean Peterson 18 Richard Street Kankakee, Illinois 60901 YOU ARE HEREBY C0501ANDED to appear
.. a t...I.s ham,... Li.n coln...L..Be.a l e.,
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in the above entitled action and bring with you the document (s) or object (s) described in the attached schedule.
i Herbert Grossman, Administrative Judge ATTOR.NEY_ FOR Y
. F,,ebr,ua,,r,y, 21 39 86 Elena Z. Keze11s Isham, Lincoln & Beale Three First National Plaza Chicaco Illinois 60602 8603200335 860313 TELEPHOSE,(;;;) 333_ 3g; ADOCK 05000456 DR PDR 10 C.E.R. 2.7 0 (t) prrnoung orpcar or, af he at unalaau, the On morton made promptly, and m any twnt Commnsaan may ()) quash or moefy the W~
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Any and all documents related to your em-ployment at L.K. Comstock at the Braidwood Power Station.
Any and all documents related to discussions
or correspondence involving Braidwood Station and Inter-venors Bridget Little Rorem, et al., agents and employees of Business and Professional People for the Public Interest, or employees of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Any and all documents related to claims of harassment, intimidation, retaliation, or discrimination by any L.K. Comstock employee or manager including Irv DeWald, Robert Seltmann, Larry Seese, Bob Marino and Richard Saklak.
Any and all documents related to claims of inadequate quality or of safety concerns at Braidwood Station.
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State of Illinois f
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