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Resume of MP Mills
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/01/1985
From: Mills M
Shared Package
ML17198A272 List:
RTR-NUREG-0787, RTR-NUREG-787 NUDOCS 8510030029
Download: ML20137U234 (4)


{{#Wiki_filter:. A S T14 @l -RESUME-N Michael Peter Mills 4 832 Riverview Dr. Dnporia, KS 66801 w (3(C,) 30 - 8411 Telephone No.: H (316) 342-1485, Date of Birth: 9/17/43 Health: Excellent Marital Status: Single Height: 6' Weight: 170 lbs. i Education: Brown in Root, Inc. - Courses University of North Carolina at Inspection - Civil (15 hrs.) Wilmington - Two years in Engineering Inspection - Coatings (16 hrs.) Cape Fear Technical Institute Inspection - Mechanical (10 hrs.) l Wilmington, North Carolina Inspection - Electrical (10 hrs.) Two Courses in Nuclear Instrumentation Audits / Surveys (16 hrs.) ASME, ANSI Codes (5 hrs.) Carolina Power & Light Management Seminar (16 hrs.) Wilmington, North Carolina General Vendor Surveillance (16 hrs.) Two courses in Radiation / Contamination Work Procedures Certifications: f illance Inspection Auditor r --Certified to ANSI N45.2.6 rtified to ANSI N45.2.23 1 Experience: t Jan. 1983 Consultant - Wolf Creek, Kansas (KC&E) to Wrote and reviewed Administrative, Work, and Quality Procedures for Construction, Start-up and Operations. Interfaced with Present utility and contractor personnel for the implementation of required revisions. Reviewed all closed contractor N3s for acceptable resolution and close-out. Developed review and tracking system for this NCR activity. Consultant - Waterford III, LA (LPst) Revir d work traveler packages for electrical installation (including penetrations) and cable installation for start-up activities. Responsible for Traveler Docunent Library and established the file contract. system used in this library. CompletrA 0510030029 B51001 ADOCK 0%y2 PDR E

l m Exoerience (cent.) Jan. 1981 EDG TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. to Coerations Manager i Jan. 1983 Responsible for supervision and direction of the inspection activities of approximately 160 field personnel located in the U.S. and U.K.. Provided client interface and scheduling of technical functions necessary to support field operations. Initiated internal Records Management Systems, designed new forms and monitored documentation activities. Technically familiar with the following codes and standards for their application to the petro-chemical and the power generation industries: AWS, ASME, API, IEEE, ANSI, ASNT, Ni24A,

NEC, 10CFR50 Appendix B, and 10CFR21.

4 Aug. 1978 BROWN & ROCff, INC: to 11/79-1/81 Vendor Surveillance Staff j Jan.1981 Conducted special studies, researched projects, generated i procedures and reviewed Vendor Surveillance operations for compliance to Federal Regulations. Prepared and inst:ucted the General Vendor Surveillance course. Coordinated liscipline training and monitored cerrifications to all vendor Surveillance personnel. _10/78-11/79 Vendor Surveillance Coordinator Coordinated all Fossil Surveillance Activities (Pcwer Division - l Four Projects). Coordinated Electrical Surveillance Activities for the South Texas Project and Ccxnanche Peak (Nuclear). Responsibilities while a Surveillance Specialist III were inspections at vendor's facilities (Material and Documen htion), to review vendor's QA programs for compliance to purchase documentation requirements and conducted vendor audits to ] document compliance with code requirements. ] Feb. 1977 Instrtrnentation Forenan (Oil Platform - North Sea) to Supervised a Multi-National Crew whicn installed pneumatic Oct. 1978 instrumentation and controls for process systems. Tested aM calibrated instruments / valves prior to and after installation. maintained Test Equipoment Inventory and Calibration. inspected, and stowed all instrumentation inventory.

cederM, Completed Contract.

Feb. 1977 I Electrician - Nuclear Power Plant to 1 1/2 years attached to General Electric Site Office, Brunswich Aug. 1973 Steam Electric Plant. Pasponsibilities were the modification, i calibration, and maintenance of General Electric Systems; power, controls, and instrumentation. Six months attached to Carolina Power and t.ight Ccmpany, assigned to the Instrumentation and Calibration (I&C) Shop as an Instrument / Control Technician, j i Responsibilities were repair, maintenance, and calibration of instrumentation ' nd test equipment. 1ho remainder of my time a with Brown & Root was in the capacity of construction electrician installing cable tray,

conduit, and terminating electrical cables.

The information presented in this Pasume is true to the test of my knowledge. i 2 4

~s t$24.4/2 s2 E3Asco senveces eescompon4Tro RECORD OF RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE rou [ M ICk W l keh [b ( k5 cu us ric A rsons 1 - PRESENT RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE EB/.SCO SERVICES INCORPORAT1ED Location:-_ b A [F R O Ad l#E From: //O/A3 h O C LA fM F A/E o AJ O OFCi Al t ST P2sition: Supervisor: _ O t / l To M D b enif Description of Dulles: b F t> f F f.t> a Al SIA ttCIf M Al C-F O R A A IS~c/ oc u e-A C A E o A> -06 f1 C D u O ll u t R-Tb 58r]r-AA.l Coe]fA A-M c] 0{ t M MT 12e su I n e meure. I Il - PRIOR RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE (INCLUDE LAST 5 PostTIONS INCLUDING RELATED EBASCO PO58T10NS PRIOR T Company: E$W, tee N vte k \\ $Gt1tle t GG Location:,,N O U STo tJ. TX From: l# El Tc; $ * ' 1 P2 ition: __ 00 C TL AT, o,s3 4cL son,,,isor: Dit. 4 H_ f(>s 37 N:t Descr,pt of Duties: b4 A A/A C-Fe) A TA Aib o A A'I~s d r; Ala T/ A 55 c4 A A A/f c~_ _Mt u s AY n t1T / 0 5 i AtA o GeTe nL.s leXDnelr T$zus /Au eli To as ' A s < t c si e d u ><,b e dbvvIe oeel su<TE m x ud o0 ec e]o Ak A 'The d w A lc 6 I A K c-U ~ ' $ C h D h C. A M r] e oe nb VJTen Comcany; Oflot116) l AnkT LocaUon: N 0ilJTO M EX from8 SA To;. Ofl Position: G A Sos c, AltsT son., visor: PAuf Bra lTo u iet Descriotson of Out es:- S'A$c (L M G'N Su >Jc.TI e u 3 ch ( CKTt

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e E cASCO SERV,CE, INCoKPORA T23 RECORD OF EDUCAT,10N AND TRAINING MickAE! kc[6R Mills c e A...,, c A,,,,, - A: FOR.tAL EDUCATION NAmt Amo LocAvlew or sustituteow mAJon 7 I LT H rn.L m. L ont sue ist i STc). Ves Q u o.~nt s 170 < # % n T1. O arte t u x 4/& s II/a ex. Ato A T~ hJ u I r!, uc Teu (U AJC W) 5: PROFES$10NAL REGISTRATIONS (UCENSES/ CERTIFICATES) 7 TYPE maoistaattom wo. tar Amys sisuso av McMbsn ASQC C RELA,Tto TRAlmine COURSES coum. Numeam Amo TITLE comeAwv' LOCAfton DATas Tvrt. El-e%e rl h a. Paat-3bo BAewa /R ooTYIotah HousT u. Tx 8he-).1 e /* DAL L Pact-I11-M T %wut %r /11.1 M oasT. u T1 lb/20,/no 1A ce L Y us o. Q vu-D ois - M T %anwahtaaY (IcLn1 M c u <Te u T1 8/2411R P \\ P $cuanx\\ rus o. QVP.70k HT 81townf IteeT (toLn1 H r u <Ts u Tx Blt%1'19 G Iu < o. (Cents u'es) Qvc.20tt.-kY Ritewvf L T (ssn) Ale usT,1l Tv 9/1s l_18 f luen l CnvnI) " P6CC 4 oR-14 T 83 n o w d % T b% MousTer).TA l'l4 l9 8 P 91.Tl%c CssT uu Peac.3so nr o n e w ut n r fitt.a\\ Wu sTau. Ya 1h3/se P i 3ual,Tu bud,Yo u e dAA-3eL MT Brewd%r (ILLnb 14 etu Te uIX Maus'cr nruT PF:TS-%D. MT AbwdLY fII.Ln\\ H o u srau Tx 9'l23f Ra S[ \\ 10 s/h V \\S H E f t'nels h Ala uw BAL.40s.T I 1 Ln) 14 e u sTau. T> 10/413A S .1 we, us o u nees.t any see netee.os ner.m.sen e.nt.onenero6n oe ce, net. sto=47ume>LL As oAtacomptatso r ..e, < y, -- -}}