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Rev to 850913 Application for Amend to Licenses DPR-57 & NPF-5,revising Tech Spec to Provide Value of 45 Closure Time Requirement for Scram Discharge Vol Vent & Drain Valves for Unit 1
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1986
From: Beckham J
To: Muller D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20137F304 List:
0195C, 195C, AL-860106, SL-128, TAC-53327, TAC-53328, NUDOCS 8601170494
Download: ML20137F301 (3)



., . Geor0ia Power Company 333 Piedmont Avenue Atlanta. Georgia 30308

. Telephone 404 526 7020

- Maihng Address:

Post Office Box 4545 Atlanta. Georgia 30302 Georgia Power J. T. Beckham, J,. The southem eleCf"C System Vice President and General Manager Nuclear Operations Jamary 6,1986 SL-128 0195C Director of Maclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. D. Miller, Project Director BWR Project rtrectorate No. 2 Division of Boiling Water Reactor Licensing U. S. M1 clear Regulatory Cbanission Washington, D. C. 20555 NRC DOCKEIS 50-321, 50-366 OPERATING LICENSES DIR-57, NPF-5 EDWIN I. HA'IUI NUCLEAR PLANT UNITS 1,2 REVISION 'IO IREVIOUS SUBMITTAL:


Georgia Power Conpany's subnittal of September 13, 1985, rentested

'Dechnical Specification changes providing a 60 second cloaire time req 11rement for the scram discharge volume (SDV) vent and drain valves for Plant Hatch Units 1 and 2. %is time value was based on an analysis of SDV inflow, which demonstrated that the SDV would not be filll prior to valve cloaire, this precluding the,need for hydrodynamic analysis to alpport the 60 second closure time. R1rther information was provided in our letter of November 15, 1985.

%e Unit 1 SDV volume, per as hiilt cala11ations, is 549 gallons. Unit 2 has an SDV volume of 636 gallons.

%e NRC staff has indicated that the 60 second value is acceptable '.for Unit 2, based on the margin it provides to SDV fillup. Die to its smaller volume, and to preserve an eq11 valent margin to fillup as Unit 2, it is appropriate to assign a shorter closire time reglirement for Unit 1.

Based on conservative interpretations of the correlation between stall flow test data and SDV inleakage provided in our November 15, 1985 letter, as well as the conservative asainption that zero drainage ocuirs, a cloaire time value of 45 seconds for Unit 1 will preserve a greater margin to SDV fillup than Unit 2, with its 60 second cloatre time. A cloalre time of 45 seconds is this proposed for Unit 1. %is mmber has been disatssed with and tentatively agreed to by the NRC staff.



Georgia Power d Attention: Mr. D. Miller, Project Director BWR Project Directorate No. 2 Director of M1 clear Reactor Reg 21ation Jamary 6,1986 Page Wo

%e following parameters are used to perform the SDV fillup cala11ation:

SDV inflow, asalming 2.79 gpm stall flow, ecatals 3.4 gpn (using GE NEDO-24342, figire 6.2.2) . %is is conservative for both units.

0.765 gallons per drive is displaced by the scram.

Following the scram, leakage into the SDV eca.lals 3.4 r,pm per drive, nultiplied by 0.75 mimtes Er " 1 and 1 mimte for Unit 2.

his, for Unit 1, total SDV inflow in 45 seconds ecstals:

(0.765) (137) + (3.4) (0.75) (137) = 454 gallons Margin to fillup ecatals.

549 - 454 = 95 gallons = 17.3%

For Unit 2, total SDV inflow in 60 seconds ectlais:

(0.765) (137) + (3.4) (1) (137) = 571 gallons Margin to fillup ecatals:

636 - 571 = 65 gallons = 10.2%

We Unit 1 proposed vahle is thus conservative with respect to the criteria for acceptability applied to Unit 2.

Post scram CRD bypass leakage is limited by our program of CRD stall flow testing and drive rehlilding. Stall flow testing is performed at power on all drives during a partiallar cycle. Based on the reallts of this testing, certain drives are rehlilt c11 ring the following cutage. We drives rehlilt are those ten percent with the hight:st leakage figures, as well as any other drives whose leakage exceeds 4 gpm. Generally, very few if any drives have fallen into the latter category.

%e cloaire time limit for Unit 1 proposed in this letter is conservative with respect to that proposed in our submittal of September 13, 1985. Mia, the safety evaluation and datermination of no significant bazards included in that albmittal remain appropriate.

%e Plant Review Board and Safety Review Board alboommittee have reviewed the proposed change and determined that it does not constitute an unreviewed

- safety <*1estion.



n-Georgia Powerb Attention: Mr. D. M211er, Project Director BWR Project Directorate No. 2 Director of N2 clear Reactor Reg 21ation Jaruary 6,1986 Page Two Attachment 1 protrides page change instnictions for incorporating the proposed change. 'Ihe proposed changed page follows Attachment 1.

Payment of application fee is not recuired s'nce this letter modifies a previa 2s alixnittal.

R1ralant to the reasirements of 10 CFR 50.91, Mr. J. L. Iedbetter of the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Nabaral Resources will be sent a copy of this letter and all applicable attachments.

J. T. Beckham, Jr. states that he is Vice President of Georgia Ibwer Conpany atxi is althorized to exec 2te this oath on behalf of Georgia Ibwer Company, and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the facts set forth in this letter are true.


h Sworn to and albscribed before me this 6th day of January,1986.

YNI~: fS.-

Notary Putdic.'Geoqua State at Large Notary Riblic My Commission Expres Aug.26,1986 REB /lc Encloalre c: Mr. H. C. Nix, Jr.

Senior Resident Inspector Dr. J. N. Grace, (NRC-Region II)

Mr. J. L. Iedbetter CD-10RMS rws

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