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Forwards TMI Program Ofc Weekly Status Rept for Wk of 850805-11
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/1985
From: Travers W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Harold Denton, Snyder B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-NRC-TMI-85-059, CON-NRC-TMI-85-59 NUDOCS 8508190551
Download: ML20136G560 (4)



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August 12, 1985 fiRC/THI-85-059 liEHORAllDUH FOR: liarold R. Denton, Director Office of fluclear Reactor Regulation Bernard J. Snyder, Program Director THI Program Office FROH:

William D. Travers, Deputy Program Director Tff! Program Office



1. PLNIT STATUS The facility remains in long tem cold shutdown with the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) vented to the reactor building atmosphera and i the reactor vessel head and plenum assembly removed from the res -tor vessel.

The plenum is on its storage stand in the deep end of the fuel transfer canal. A dau has been installed batucoc. the ueep ano snallow ends of the fuel transfer canal. The deep end is filled L

l with of thewater to a depth of about 20 feet (about 5 feet above the top plenum).

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The modified internals indexing fixture is installed on the reactor vcssel flange and is flooded to elevation 327 feet 6 inches (15) l icet above the top of the core region).

Calculated reactor decay heat is less than 12 kilowatts.

4 RCS cooling is by natural heat loss to the reactor building ambient atmosphere.

with an average Incore thermocouple of 80 F. Averagereadings range from 70*F to 91"F

- cold leg temperature is 56*F.

The average reactor building temperature is 59"F. The reactor building airborne activity is 2.2 E-8 uCi/cc Tritium and 4.1 E-9 uti/cc partidilate, predominantly Cesium 137,

2. .WASTE ttNIAGEMENT The this period. Subaerged Demineralizer System (SDS) and EPICOR II were shutdown Total volume processed through SDS to date is 2,963,375 gallons, and the total volume processed through EPICOR II is 2,547,671 gallons, }4 p


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! narold R.-Denton  ? August 12, 1985  !

Bernard J. Snyder NRC/TMI-85-059 I f

l 3. DOSE REDUCTION /DEC0!iTAlilllATION ACTIVITIES Decontamination activities are continuing on the 281' level of the i

Auxiliary Building.

Average general area radiation dose rate is 40 aren per hour on the 347' level of the reactor building and is 67 mrem per hour on the 305' level of the reactor building.

4. ENVIRONMENTAL l*0NITORIt!G EPA sample analysis results show THI site liquid effluents to be in accordance with regulatory limits, DRC requirements, and the City of Lancaster Agreenent.

TMI water samples taken by the US Environuental Protection Agency at the plant discharge to the river consisted of seven daily composite samples taken fron July 20, to July 27, 1985. G ana scans detected no reactor related radioactivity.

The Lancaster water sample taken at the water works intake and analyzed by the US Environnental Protection Agency consists of a seven day composite sample taken from July 31 to August 8,1985. A gama scan detected no reactor related radioactivity.

The NRC outdoor airborne particulate sarpler at the THI Site  !

collected a sample between July 31, and August 8, 1985. No reactor related radioactivity was detected. Analysis showed I-131 and Cs-137 concentrations to be less than the lower limits of detectability.

5. REACTOR BUILDING ACTIVITIES Installation of the rotating work platforn and service platform (over the reactor vessel) has been completed.

Equipment was staged into the reactor building and installation is aluost coaplete on the cable manageacnt system.

Installation of the reactor building service platforn jib cranes was completed.

Loop calibration of Detueling Water Cleanup Systen (DUCS) instruuentation and final preparations for system preoperational testing continued this week.

Installation of tool racks for defueling tools has begun.

6. AUXILIARY AND FUEL HAfiDLIliG BUILDING ACTIVITIES Installation of the DUCS continued. Partial DUCS turnover for processing RCS during early defueling is scheduled to be completed in late August.

The first of four fuel canister racks are on site with further deliveries scheduled througn August.

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I Harold R. Denton 3 August 12, 1985 Bernsrd J. Snyder liRC/TH1-85-059

7. SUSPEllSIO!! 0F UASTE BURIAL Ili UASHINGTON STATE On August 6,1935 the State of Washington, Departaant of Social and i llealth Services notified itRC THIPO of the suspension of GPU iiuclear's l Three itile Island huclear Station pemit to ship radioactive waste to U.

2 S. Ecology's Hanford Waste Management Facility at Richland, Washington.

The State action was taken as a result of a radioactive waste shipment of 104 barrels, di:, patched from Tl11 on July 13, and received at the U. S.

Ecology site on July 23, 1985. Contrary to likC and Washington State requirulents, three barrels were incorrectly classified, labeled and certified by GPUN. The three barrels exceed the 10 CFR 61.55 requirements for Class A waste coritaining strontium-90 (>.04 uCi/cc) and should have been classified and handled as Class b waste. Class B waste must be segregated from Class A waste and ocet stability requirements which do not apply to Class A waste. All of the barrels ruet Departmnt of Transportation (DOT) shipping requircaents. The three barrels will be segregated from the balance of the shipmot. The 101 Class A barrels will be buried, and the three Class B barrels will be returned to TMI.

No further shipuents will be pernitted until approval is received from the State. Among the requiraaents for reinstatenent of burial privileges is a description of the quality Assurance ;)rogran to be applied to radioactive waste shipments made from the TMI site which will prevent future violaticus of shipping and classification requireaants.

8. N.!C EVALUATIONS Ill PROGRESS Technical Specification Change Requests nua.bers 43, 49, and 50 itecovery Operations Plan Change nua.bers 29, 31, 32, and 34 Fuel Canister Technical Evaluation.

Fuel liandling Senior Reactor Operator Training Prograa .

Defueling Safety Evaluation.

Applice. tion for seisaic exemption.

9. PROJECTED SCHEi1ULE OF FUTURE EVEhTS Start of Detueling: October 1935
10. PUdLI_C CEETlhG Tne next meeting of the Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Thra2 Hile Island Unit 2 is scheduled for September 1985 at a location in Annapolis, l'aryland, the specific date and location will be ioantified 1ater. ogyNg smHED BTs vmiam D. Tronts Williau D. Travers Deputy Progran Director T:11 Progren Office
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! liarold R. Denton _4 August 12, 1985 Bernard J. Snyder liRC/Till-85-059 J


! Office Directors I

I Comissioner's Technical Assistants HRR Division Directors (4RR A/D's Regional Administrators i

!. IE Division Directors I TAS f EIS THI Program Office Staff (10) e PHS (

( EPA l

l DOE l

l RI Division Directors '

Public Affairs, RI State Liaison, RI

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