IR 05000170/1985003

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Insp Rept 50-170/85-03 on 850813-14.No Violation Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Facility Operations,Organization, Reviews & Audits,Operator Requalification Training, Surveillance Activities & Radiation Protection
Person / Time
Site: Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Issue date: 08/26/1985
From: Beall J, Gallo R
Shared Package
ML20134Q028 List:
50-170-85-03, 50-170-85-3, NUDOCS 8509090138
Download: ML20134Q035 (5)


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Report N /85-03 Docket N '50-170 l License N R-84 Priority -

Category -


, Licensee: Defense Nuclear Agency

Bethesda, Maryland 20014

l Facility Name: Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI)



Inspection at: Bethesda, Maryland I Inspection Conducted: August 13-14, 1985 i Inspectors: 25- f  !

7 E. Be Project Engineer ' date Approved by
h 36 9E i R. M. Gallo, Chief i Reactor Projects Section 2A, date i CRP i

l Inspection Summary: Inspection on August 13-14, 1985 (Report No. 50-170/85-03)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unanr.aunced inspection by a region-based inspector

! (13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br />) of facility' operations, organization, reviews and audits, operator requalification training, surveillance activities, and radiation protectio ! Results: No violations were identifie i l

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persons Contacted
Col. J. J. Conklin, Director, AFFRI i Mr. N. K. Chawla, Head, AFFRI Safety


  • Mr. T. Kirkwood, Head, Safety Dosimetry
  • Mr. M. L. Moore, Director, Reactor Facility
  • Cdr. R. I. Walker, Deputy Director, AFRRI


  • Cpt. C. R. Williamson, Reactor Operations Supervisor


The inspector also interviewed reactor operators and radiation safety 1 personnel during the inspectio i

] * denotes those present at the exit meetin ,

I j Facility Tour i The inspector examined the facility with a licensee representative

! immediately after arriving at the facility and during preparations for a t reactor startup. The areas were clean, free of debris and well

maintained. No deficiencies were identified.

! Facility Operation


j The AFRRI reactor is used as a mixed neutron and gamma source for Department of Defense radiation research. The reactor is operated during dayshift, five days a week.

I J Followup on Outstanding Items


4.1 (Closed) Radiation Training for personnel Allowed Unescorted Access (79-01-03)


Inspection Report 79-01 noted that personnel records would be 3 examined in a subsequent inspection concerning general radiation j training required for unescorted access to the reactor facilit Access to reactor operations areas such as the control room and the j reactor deck is controlled by a combination of keys, number codes,

and key cards as well as administrative controls. Radiation safety

{ training is a prerequisite to obtaining a key card badge which will 1 allow access through the doors into the reactor operations areas.

i The list of personnel allowed unescorted access is prominently i posted. The inspector selected the names of several individuals who j were not reactor operators but who were on the unescorted access

list. The^ inspector verified that the licensee's records documented '

i that the selected individuals had received the appropriate training.

This item is closed.





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4.2 (Closed) Re-definition of Controlled Area Boundary (83-02-01)


The controlled area involves the floor space around the openings


into the two exposure rooms. Since the previous inspection, the licensee has painted the floor in a color coded pattern which t


clearly marks the areas of potential surface contamination and radiation fields. The perimeter of the area roped off, the outer


floor within the area is painted yellow, and an inner zone is

, painted red. Prominent signs specify the potential hazards of each area. A control point is provided with survey logs, survey equipment

and a portable frisker. No deficiencies were identified; this item


is close !

4.3 (Closed) Placement of Run Cards on Response Fire Engines (84-01-01) 1 During the observation of the licensea's annual emergency drill


conducted on February 29, 1984, the inspectors recommended that the licensee consider placing Pre-Plan (Run Cards) describing the AFRRI facility on the response fire engine. This recommendation was implemented as documented in the licensee's letter dated May 21,


j 1984. This item is closed.

! 4.4 (Closed) Posting of Evacuation Routes (84-01-03)

! The licensee committed to complete the posting of evacuation route diagrams in the licensee's May 21, 1984 letter with an estimated

! completion date of September 1,1984. The inspector verified that


the signs were posted. This item is closed.

i 4.5 (Closed) Facility Organization (84-05-01)

] The licensee revised the structure of the reactor facility organiza-tion in response to the findings documented in Inspection Report


84-05. The inspector reviewed the modified organizational structure I

and verified that the requirements of ANSI 15.4 and the Technical l Specifications were met. No deficiencies were identified; this item is closed.

i 4.6 (Closed) Procedure Control (84-05-02)

This item involved the absence of a document to control the review, approval and revision of operating procedures. The licensee created


a document, identified as Procedure 0, which details the manner in

[ which Reactor Operating Procedures may be changed. The inspector

reviewed the new procedure and selected examples of its

, implementation for examination. No deficiencies were identified;

} this item is closed, t






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4.7 (Closed) Operator Requalification Training (84-05-03)

This item involves the verification that all subjects required by the licensee's requalification program were covered in exams during the two year requalification period. The inspector reviewed the SRO requalification exams for 1984 and 1985. All subjects required by the requalification program and by 10 CFR 55 Appendix A were covered. This item is close .0 Surveillance Activities The following surveillance requirements were selected from the Technical Specifications:

Description Frequency Time Period Measure Control Rod Semiannual 1984 to date drop times (4.2.1)

High-flux scram Daily July 10, 1985 channel check (4.2.2) to date Power Level monitor Annual 1984 to date cnannel calibration (4.2.2)

Fuel temperature measuring Annual 1984 to date channel calibration (4.2.3)

Facility interlock system Annual 1984 to date functional checks (4.2.4)

Area radiation monitoring Quarterly 1985 to date channel test (4.5)

Area radiation monitoring Annual 1984 to date system calibration Area particulate monitoring Annual 1984 to date system calibration The inspector verified that the selected surveillance items had been completed as required. The licensee uses a bulletin board to depict the surveillance items which are due. A compact folder using index cards is used to document the surveillance items and the procedures to be used. The file cards have clearly labeled tabs and are cross referenced for ease of access. The system works well and is considered to be a strength by tne inspecto No deficiencies were identifie _

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6.0 Radiation Surveys The inspector observed several radiation surveys conducted by Radiation Safety Department personnel. The surveys were thorough and the personnel, based on discussions with the inspector, showed good knowledge of the purposes of the surveys and expected radiation levels. Good technique was demonstrated during the survey of small cylinders containing radioactive argon gas as the cylinders were removed from the core region and placed in a shielded container, Readings were taken using an extended probe with the field strength at one meter obtained by placing the cylinder on a platform shielded on one side and with the one meter point clearly labeled on the other side. This arrangement demonstrated pre planning and ALARA principle The inspector reviewed the records of the area surveys performed in the controlled area outside the two exposure rooms and the surface contamination surveys performed on the reactor deck during the period from July 1, 1985 to August 13, 1985. No deficiencies were identifie .0 Reactor and Radiation Facility Safety Committee (RRFSC) Activities The composition, qualifications, functions and authority of the RRFSC are defined in section 6.2 of the Technical Specification The inspector reviewed the minutes for the meetings conducted in 1984 and to date in 1985. In all cases the requirements associated with quorum and frequency were met. The RRFSC meeting minutes documented the review of audit reports, Emergency Plan changes, and events reported to NR No deficiencies were identifie .0 Exit Meeting The NRC inspector discussed the issues and findings contained in this report throughout the course of the inspection and at an exit meeting held with Cdr. R. Walker, Mr. M. Moore, and others of the AFRRI staff on August 13, 1985. At this meeting, the representatives of the licensee indicated that the items discussed in this report did not involve proprietary information. No written material was provided to the licensee during the inspection.