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Rev 16 to QA Program Description
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/12/1996
Shared Package
ML20134L947 List:
NUDOCS 9611220175
Download: ML20134M033 (35)


e Os Attachment 1 Affected pages from the DAEC UFSAR Chapter 17.2, Revision 17, date to be determined.

9611220175 961112 PDR ADOCK 05000331 P PDR

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Attachment i NG-96-2432 The responsibility and authority for the establishment and execution of the Operational Quality Assurance Program for the operation of the DAEC will be retained by IES Utilities Inc. Manager, Regulatory Perfurmance

! The Manager, Regulatory Performance reports to the Vice President - Nuclear and is

, responsible for quality assurance, emergency planning and nuclear licensing functions.

Reporting to the Manager, Regulatory Performance are the Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance, Manager, Emergency Planning and Supervising Engineer, Licensing.

i Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance i

The Manger, Corporate Quality Assurance reports to the Manager, Regulatory Performance -

and is assigned the primary responsibility for ensuring that quality requirements relative to the

safe operation of the DAEC are identified and met. The Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance also has the authority and organizational freedom to directly access the Vice President -

4 Nuclear regarding quality matters. The Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance is responsible for elevatir.g conflicts regarding quality matters with the Manager, Regulatory Performance to the Vice President, Nuclear for resolution.

Fulfilling the responsibilities of the Corporate Quality Assurance Department requires significant communication with the DAEC, the Nuclear Licensing Department, the Emergency Planning Department, the Nuclear Business Unit, the Engineering Department, the Training Department, and the Purchasing Department.


The Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance is responsible for preparing, approving and maintaining the Operational Quality Assurance Program and the Quality Assurance Department implementing procedures.

The Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance is also responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the Operational Quality Assurance Program and issuing periodic reports to the appropriate levels of management. Effectiveness of the Operational Quality Assurance Program at the DAEC is determined through internal audits and surveillances and through analysis and trending of reported conditions adverse to quality. The Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance also provides support for the procurement of materials and equipment through audits, surveillances, and evaluations of suppliers and contractors for quality capabilities and performance and maintains the list of approved suppliers for nuclear procurements.

Training responsibilities include the training of Quality Assurance Department personnel and Nuclear Generation Division personnel relative to the Operational Quality Assurance Program.

The Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance provides direct support to the nuclear Safety Committee and assures that Quality Assurance Department personnel are designated to support the Operations Committee.

17.2-2 Revision 17 Date to be determined

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l 18.2 Section 1.1, " Scope", and Section 1.2, " Applicability", of ANSI N45.2.12-1977 reference ANSI N45.2. IES Utilities Inc. is committed to ANSI N18.7-1976 for the operational phase, consistent with its commitment to Regulatory Guide 1.33.

l 18.3 Regulatory Position C.3.b(1) states that external audits, after the award of a contract, 4 are not necessary for procurement actions where acceptance of the product is in 1 accordance with Section 10.3.2," Acceptance by Reviewing Inspection", of ANSI i N45.2.13-1976. The suppliers of products that meet this requirement are included on

, the IES Utilities Inc. external audit schedule and are audited on a triennial basis.

1 1 18.4 ANSI N45.2.12, Section 4.3.1 " Pre-Audit Conference"

For internal audits, a " pre-audit planning meeting" may be substituted for the " pre-audit conference." The pre-audit planning meeting should accomplish the following

i j 1) The Lead Auditor to present the proposed audit plan and an opportunity for the audited organizations to provide input to the proposed audit plan.

2) Introduce the Lead Auditor and identify proposed audit team members. Those
audit team members available will be introduced. Note
Non-utility team j members are usually not available at these meetings.
3) Counterparts are invited to these audit planning meetings as part of the planning j process.

i 4) The audit schedule is presented, including a tentative exit date. The final exit

date is announced separately during the audit period.
5) The channels of communication are opened at the audit planning meeting j through participation in the audit planning process.
6) Following the audit planning meeting, the Lead Auditor will finalize the audit plan.

l 18.5 In lieu of an annual supplier evaluation specified by Regulatory Position C.3.b(2), a i

documented ongoing evaluation of the supplier should be performed. Where l applicable, this evaluation should take into account (1) review of supplier-furnished documents such as certificates of conformance, non-conformance notices, and corrective actions, (2) results d previous source verifications, audits, and receiving inspections, (3) operating experience of identical or similar products furnished by the same supplier, and (4) results of audits from other sources, e.g., customer, ASME, or NRC audits. The results of the evaluations should be reviewed and appropriate corrective action should be taken. Adverse findings resulting from these evaluations should be periodically reviewed in order to determine if, as a whole, they result in a significant condition adverse to quality and to provide input to support cuppHor audit ,

activities conducted by IES Utilities or a third party auditing entity.

17.2 A-13 Revision 17 To be determined

l 19.0 BE_GULATORY GUIDE 1.146. " Qualification of Quality Assurance Program Audit Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants" COMMENTS AND CLARIFICATIONS:

1 IES Utilities Inc. complies with the Regulatory Position of this Regulatory Guide with i the following clarifications:

19.1 The IES Utilities Inc. commitment is to Regulatory Guide 1.146, August 1980, and to ANSI N45.2.23-1978 which it endorses.

19.2 ANSI N45.2.23 Section 1.2 references ANSI N45.2. For IES Utilities Inc., the entities subject to audit are defined in 10 CFR 50 Appendix B and ANSI N18.7-1976. This is consistent with IES Utilities Inc.'s commitment to Regulatory Guide 1.33 which endorses ANSI N18.7-1976, in lieu of ANSI N45.2.

19.3 In lieu of ANSI N45.2.23 Section 2.3.4, prospective lead auditors shall demonstrate their ability to effectively implement the audit process and effectively lead an audit team. This demonstration process shall be described in written procedures or instructions. The demonstration shall be evaluated and the results documented.

Regardless of the methods used for the demonstration, the prospective lead auditor shall have participated in at least one nuclear quality assurance audit within the year preceding the individual's effective date of qualification. Upon successful demonstration of the ability to effectively implement the audit process and effectively >

lead audits, and having met the other provisions of Section 2.3 of ANSI N45.2.23 -

1978, the individual may be certified as being qualified to lead audits.


IES Utilities Inc. complies with Appendix A," Quality Assurance Guideline for Non-Safety Systems and Equipment," to Regulatory Guide 1.155, Revision 1, August 1988. i l

i 21.0 REGULATORY GUIDE 4.15. " Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Ooerations)- Effluent Streams and the Environment" COMMENTS AND CLARIFICATIONS IES Utilities Inc. complies with the Regulatory Position in Regulatory Guide 4.15, Revision 1, February 1979.

17.2 A-14 Revision 17 To be determined g


22.0 ASME B&PV Code.Section XI.1980 Edition with Addenda through Winter 1981 COMMENTS AND CLARIFICATIONS:

The IES Utilities Inc. commitments relative to the Ten-Year Inspection Program and the Pump and Valve Test Program are established separately in formal correspondence with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and incorporated into appropriate IES Utilities Inc. documents.

17.2 A-15 Revision 17 To be determined

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- a Attachment 2 Discussion of Changes in the Quality Assurance Program Description l

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Attachment 2 NG-96-2432 Discussion of Changes in the Quality Assurance Program Description 4

Identification of Change:

The DAEC current commitment to Regulatory Guide 1.144 Revision 1 1980 (c.3.b.2) is as follows:

A documented evaluation of the supplier should be performed annually. Where applicable, this evaluation should take into account (1) review of supplier-furnished documents such as certificates of conformances, nonconformance notices, and corrective actions, (2) results of previous source verifications, audits, and receiving inspections, (3) operating experience of identical or similar products furnished by the same supplier, and (4) results of audits from other sources (e.g., customer, ASME, or NRC audits).

The DAEC revised commitment is stated in the revised 17.2 A-13 paragraph 18.5 (of this submittal).

Reason for Change: i DAEC has developed more effective and efficient practices for conducting the reviews recommended in Regulatory Guide 1.144 Revision 1,1980. The DAEC's operating l experience and the operating experience of other licensee's is included in supplier evaluations (as applicable). As a Nuclear Procurement issues Committee (NUPIC) member the DAEC receives significant information as a result of audits performed by other members. The significant information is included in the supplier evaluation process on a real time basis. An additional annual review is an unnecessary resource burden because the function and purpose of the review has already been accomplished.

Reliance for effective control over supplier quality is better placed on real time evaluations than by deferring reviews to one selected time frame.

These activities may . result in some supplier evaluations being performed more frequently than annually to address the operating experience, etc. (categories of information identified above), and for some suppliers the evaluation period may be extended, commensurate with actual procurement activity.

Basis for Concluding the Change Continues to Comply with 10 CFR 50 Appendix B and Previous Commitments:

10 CFR 50 Appendix C, Criterion Vil, " Control of Purchased Material, Equipment and Services", requires:

"The effectiveness of the control of quality by contractors and subcontractors shall be assessed by the applicant or designee at intervals consistent with the importance, complexity, and quantity of the product or services."


Attachm:nt 2 NG-96-2432 Discussion of Changes in the Quality Assurance Program Description This requirement continues to be met through the performance of an on-going evaluation system versus a delayed process of an annual evaluation. Existing DAEC practices are performing the function described in Regulatory Guide 1.144 Revision 1,1980 more l effectively and efficiently through an on-going evaluation process. l l

Other considerations supporting the basis for the change are:

l. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Prepared Improvements to Quality Assurance  !

Program (NEI letter dated January 30,1996 to Suzanne C. Black of the Nuclear l Regulatory Commission). l

2. Letter dated October 24,1996, from Suzanne C. Black of the NRC to Stephen Floyd  !


This change is a reduction in commitment. The evaluation function is being performed in a more efficient, effective and productive manner that enhances safety through a more expedient assessment of potential deficiencies.

2.0 Page A-13; Position 19.3 on Regulatory Guide 1.146


The process of becoming a Lead Auditor is defined by ANSI N45.2.23-1978,

" Qualification of Quality Assurance Program Audit Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants" as endorsed by NRC Regulatory Guide 1.146 of August 1980. This standard also incorporates the requirements of ANSI N45.2.12 which defines the process by which audits are performed.

As defined by ANSI N45.2.23, the process of becoming Lead Auditor certified is essentially composed of three parts:

  • Candidate's prior education and experience, professional accomplistunents, and some discretion by management in regards to the candidates maturity, etc., to achieve 10 or more points within 'Le system defined by section 2.3.1.


s Attachment 2 NG-96-2432 Discussion of Changes in the Quality Assurance Program Description e Candidate receives, or is evaluated and found to already have, knowledge of quality assurance program requirements as defined by section 2.3.3. This section addresses knowledge and understanding of ANSI N45.2 standards, and other applicable standards, general understanding of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, auditing techniques, and audit planning. Then as stated by section, on-the-job training is required to )

demonstrate an understanding of the audit process. The lead auditor candidate is also i required to take an examination to evaluate the candidate's knowledge of these j requirements.

  • The candidate is required to demonstrate their capabilities by participation in the performance of audits as defined by section 2.3.4. l From the above chronology, the process oflead auditor qualification is composed of prior l knowledge and experience, knowledge obtained in the quality assurance processes, and demonstrated performance. This approach to lead auditor qualification is a systematic approach and ensures an individual has demonstrated their ability to lead audits prior to being lead auditor certified. Section 2.3.4, " Audit Participation" currently states: "The Prospective Lead Auditor shall have participated in a minimum of five (5) quality assurance audits within a period of time not to exceed three (3) years prior to :he date of  !

qualification, one audit of which shall be a nuclear quality assurance audit within the year


prior to his qualification." In addition, there are other approaches that address the same objective, based on the candidate being able to demonstrate competency as a lead auditor.

Identification of Change:

Section 2.3.4 is replaced with:

" Prospective Lead Auditors shall demonstrate their ability to effectively implement the audit process and effectively lead an audit team. Upon successful demonstration of the ability to effectively implement the audit process and effectively lead audits and having met the other provisions of Section 2.3 of ANSI N45.2.23-1978, licensee management may certify the individual as a Lead Auditor." This prospective Lead Auditor shall have participated in at least one nuclear quality assurance audit within the year preceding the individuals effective date of qualification.


, o Attachm
nt 2 NG-96-2432 Discussion of. Changes i in the Quality Assurance Program Description Reason for Change:

Currently, section 2.3.4, ANSI N45.2.23 for Audit Participation does not ensure a lead auditor has the necessary skills prior to certification. The standard requires

" participation" in five audits and does not require a prospective lead auditor to demonstrate their skills as a lead auditor during the five audits in which they

" participate". An individual may have related experience and be capable of demonstrating their skills to lead an audit in less than five audits, but the standard does J not permit a licensee to certify such an individual until the individual bad " participated" in at least five audits. The objective of tHs section of the standard is for the prospective lead auditor to demonstrate the ability to lead audits. The prospective lead auditor may need less than, or more than, five audits to demonstrate adequate on-the-job performance  !

for certification depending on the abilities of the individual.  !

As the nuclear industry moves into the performance based regime for audits, many .

utilities have established rotation programs, or similar programs to broaden personnel l experience by working in different areas, e.g., auditing. These individuals are generally capable of demonstrating their ability to effectively lead audits in less than five audits, but because of the restrictive nature of section 2.3.4 of ANSI N45.2.23, they must continue to be supervised to comply with these provisions. This is unnecessary and is not an effective utilization oflicensee resources.

Licensee management should be permitted to assess the performance of the prospective  !

lead auditor against the knowledge and performance criteria described in the ANSI standards; knowledge of the audit process, knowledge of the licensee's quality assurance program, knowledge of the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, knowledge of applicable and pertinent sections ofindustry standards, the candidates demonstrated )

performance in implementing the audit process (including leading), demonstrated oral and written communication skills, and demonstrated interpersonal skills interacting with other departments within the Company or supplier organizations.

Basis for Concluding the Change Continues to Comply With 10 CFR 50 Appendix B and Previous Quality Assurance Program Commitments:

The proposed change continues to require demonstrated performance by the individual prior to certification as a lead auditor but provides management the flexibility to certify the individual, once the skills have been demonstrated. This is consistent with 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, criterion II, Quality Assurance Program, which requires a program be  ;

&Gned for the indoctrination and training of personnel performing activities affecting


quality as accessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained. This  ;

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Attachment 2 NG-96-2432 Discussion of Changes in the Quality Assurance Program Description 1

' is also consistent with 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, criterion XVIII, Audits, which requires audits to be performed by appropriately trained personnel.

Other considerations supporting the basis for change are: l

1. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Proposed Improvemeras to Quality Assurance Program (NEI letter dated January 30,1996 to Suzanne C. Black of the Nuclear Regulatory -


2. Letter dated October 24,1996 from Suzanne C. Black of the NRC to Stephen Floyd (NEI). j This change is a reduction in commitment.

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  • D Attachment 3 Mark-up of USFAR Section 13.1,

" Conduct of Operations" i

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!. UFSAR/DAEC-1 j _



i l IES Utilities. Inc. (formerly lowa Electric Light and Power Company) is responsible for all station operations from the start of preoperational testing and is responsible for using properly

. licensed personnel to operate the plant. Technical assistance and direction during the preoperational testing. initial core loading, startup. and precommercial testing was provided by ,

Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel) and the General Electric Company (GE). Technical assistance is '

made available as required during plant operation. l l The DAEC Plant Manager is responsible for the safe, reliable, and efficient operation of the facility. He has a staff of trained and properly licensed personnel to accomplish all of the  ;

various plant functions and disciplines. All phases of plant operation are performed in accordance with written and approved operation, maintenance, radiation protection, and i emergency procedures. These procedures factor in all available experience encountered in the startup and operation of earlier boiling-water reactor (BWR) plants. Significant operations. tests,  :

and pertinent information are recorded and a file of these records is maintained.

A training program to qualify the staff to satisfy the then existing Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) license requirements for the initial fuel loading, preliminary testing, and commercial operation was carried out. Training, retraining, and licensing has continued after startup to ensure an adequate number oflicensed operators and properly trained replacement

~ '

personnel for all disciplines.

A Safety Committee has been established to advise the President 3 Chief Operatingd ChkfI';nc.ndd Officeron the status of nuclear safety and make recommendations regarding I major procedure, facility, and license modifications, and to conduct periodic safety reviews on the site. An Operations Committee consisting of plant supervisory personnel makes j recommendations to the DAEC Plant Manager, reviews plant operations in detail, and approves j procedure changes involving nuclear safety. Records of the proceedings of both committees are i maintained.


l i I'FS art DAEC-1 Design and Oceratine Resoonsibilities l Design and Operating Responsibilities - Project Phase The Design and Operating responsibilities for the DAEC during the project phase were described in Section of the original FSAR. Technical Support for Operations Management and technical responsibility for the operation of the DAEC resides in the Nuclear Generation Division. This Division is responsible for the integration oflicensing.

engineering and technical support, and operation of the DAEC. The Engineering Department within the Nuclear Generation Division is responsible for providing engineering and technical l support for the DAEC.

l DAEC depends on consultant assistance from specialized consulting companies. Work activities are authorized by the Vice President, Nuclear, or his designated attemate. Work may be authorized by purchase order or letter.

Offsite senior management resources are readily available by virtue of the proximity of l the DAEC to the IES Utilities, Inc. corporate offices.

W Oreanizational Arranuement Corporate Organization .

l IES Utilities. Inc., which is a subsidiary ofIES Industries, In , is organized into divisions, departments, groups, and committees, which are uniqu ntities that have been j assigned specific responsibilities. The corporate organizational gement is shown in Figure i 13.1-1. The Vice President, Nuclear and the Vice Ncaiden , hical Scrsic and their - l irespectwe ergamzations and the Safety Committee, report to the President 4 NOperating-and- l'

-Ghief Finaneial Officer and have responsibilities that are, germane to the safe operation of the DAEC.

Chairman of the Board and Chief'Exkutive Officer The Chaimian of the Board and Chief Executive Officer ofIES Industries, Inc N. 3-as '

general supervision of the Company's business affairs and performs such ot by the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.

l 13.1-2 Revision 12 - 10/95 i


l Presideng Chief Ooerating and Chkf Finanaa! Officer. ggjg 4 4 -

l The President,, Chief Operating =d Chicf T;.ieicis! Officer o ES Utilities. Inc. directs the Company's affairs. subject to policies and directives formulated b, the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

l The Presidenta CM.ef Operating =d Chief Fin = !a! Office ~r assigns to other corporate officers the authority to conduct the Company's operations. He is responsible for all of the operating maintenance, and facility expansion activities in the Company.

Q responsibihties M :*~rd C o-include, btft are ot limit to: tee management of engineering.

design. construction and contractual execution of all expansion or revisions of physical plant facilities; the management of all electrical generation facilities, including fuel supply to support these functions; and the management of all gas department activities, including the wholesale purchases of same, hlO MQ$YO& M4 JEis responsible for all marketmg arid conynercial activities and for the inter-Company relations, including wholesale sales and purchases, other utility and REA relations, and Regional and/or business and professional organizational participation.

l The PresidengChief Operating ad Chicf Tiiisiciel Officer endorses the Operational Quality Assurance Progragand hr @e respensibility =d auierity fer 6e revi:r =d :pprer2!

vf tim Operational Quainy nasuraceProgramais-function-is a-rnan2gement+eviev , net !Me_


g,f ,

l Nuclear Generation Division Organization l Vice President. Nuclear

  • m4 l The Vice President Nuclear reports to the President, Chief Operating of Chief Tiiisica ,

. Officer. The Nuclear Generation Division Organization is shown in Figure 13.1-1.

The primary responsibility of the Vice President, Nuclear is the safe operation of the DAEC. Other responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Nianaging the Nuclear Generation Division, which is responsible for:

l a. Operation and maintenance of the DAEC

b. Regulatory agency interfaces and relations.

j 13.1-3 Revision 12 - 10/95

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c. Licensing activities.
d. Emergency planning activities.
e. Nuclear fuel management activities.
f. Nuclear facility engineering activities, including consultive or special engineering requirements and the special consultant support that may be necessary to ensure the most effective operation.
g. Training of nuclear personnel.

l h. Outage planning and scheduling.


( 2.

f Maintaining relationships and integration with the co-owners of the nuclear facilities.

EAs'sistant Vice President. Nuclef

% _' % , N The Assistant Vice President, Nuclear reports to the Vice President, Nuclear and p.---

performs certain activities delegated by the Vice President. The Assistant Vice President acts in behalf of the Vice President in his absence. - - - Duane Arnold Energy Center To achieve the objective of safe operation of the DAEC, the Nuclear Generation Division has been given specific assignments for operation, engineering, licensing, and emergency planning, and the procurement of nuclear fuel. These responsibilities are distributed among the organizations within the division. These include the Engineering Department Nuclear Licensing Department, Emergency Planning Department, Nuclear Training Department, Outage and Support Group, Business Unit and the Duane Arnold Energy Center (see Figure 13.1-1).

Engineering Deoartment jg g g The Mana ineering is assigned the primary re ponsibility for the design changes and engineeri lative to the safe operation of the DAEC. reports to the Vice President.

Nucle responsibilities inc!+, but = net liniited te,Lthe following:


l. Planning, designing and construction of all facility changes at the DAEC.

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l $ 13.1-4 Revision 12 - 10/95 1

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2. Supervising project engineering activities assigned to the Nuclear Generation Division.

This includes the implementation of appropriate project financial and schedular control.

3. Assisting in negotiations involving Nuclear Generation Division projects in achieving compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

l 4. Coordination of those activities associated with maintaining those engineering j documents, drawings, specifications, manuals. and computer software and databases i necessary to support the day-to-day activities within the Nuclear Generation Division.

l 4
5. Providing specialized engineering support to the organization in such areas as Systems.

Procurement, Analysis, AShiE,ISI,IST, Environmental Qualification (EQ),

hiaintenance, etc.

l l 6. Preparing and maintaining lists that denote the specific safety-related structures, systems.

t and components.


, 7. Receipt, storage and issuance of spare parts and materials utilized in the operation and -

maintenance of the DAEC. M M


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  • A description of organizational responsibilities are contained within the Nuclear

! Generation Division Procedures.

Nuclear Licensine. ?v-w M"=~"h # 2 i

The hianager 3 v v gp v lear 4:iaming, reports to the Vice President. Nuclear.-ths -

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responsibilities 4nglude, 'vui - ist liiiiited to, ^' e fullun uig:

j l. Nianaging nuclear licensing activities regarding the DAEC to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

2. Niaintaining the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report and preparing the periodic t submittal of revisions in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e) requirements.

l3. Preparation and submittal of any necessary changes to the DAEC Operating License

and/or Technical Specifications in accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, {50.91 and 50.92.


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. l4. Assigning the responsibility for the evaluation ofInspection and Enforcement Bulletins.

l Generic Letters and Regulatory Guides. Such evaluations will determine applicability to i

l the DAEC and the necessity for establishing a DAEC position.

! 5. Investigating plant incidents to determine root cause and recommend corrective actions to I l plant management. assist in the determination of the reportability of such events pursuant

to 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73 requirements and prepare Licensee Event Reports (LER) in i accordance with 10 CFR 50.73 requirements.

1 l , O Performing Post Scram reviews and making recommendations to the Operations j Committee for plant re-start in accordance with NRC Generic Letter 83-28. Item 1.1 requirements.

I 7. Coordinating the dissemination and review ofIndustry Operating Experience on site.

A description of organizational responsibilitiesjNntained in the Nuclear Generation Division Procedures.


! Emercenev Plannine

$ /fc f,C = = m The Manager, Emergency Planning, reports to the Vic . na;m.a, Nud.c and is assigned the primarv responsibility for Emergency Planning activities for the Nuclear Generation j

l f Division. both onsite and offsitD The purpose of the DAEC onsite and offsite plans is to ensure J that the public is adequately protected in the event of a radiological emergency at the DAEC.

i The Manager, Emergency Planning, is designated as the primary contact with the NRC, State of

Iowa and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in matters affecting the j emergency plans and implementing procedures.

! Duane Arnold Enercy Center _

l n AACC /N8-yS l The dutie d responsi tiities of the DAEC Plant Manager, can be found in Section' ports to the Vice President, Nuclear.

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snAf y/ a, gn, 9 %na/wM 13.1-6 g~ a mp pm, xW " c d c*:2 l & M - w fx sion 12 - 10/95

UFS AR DAEC-1 l Training The Training Department is headed by the Manager. Nuclear Training. who reports to the Vice President. Nuclear and includes the instructors, the DAEC Simulator and other training facilities needed for carrying out the DAEC training programs for licensed personnel. unlicensed personnel, and general employee training discussed in Section 13.2.2.

Outage and Suncort The Manager, Outage and Support reports to the Vice President, Nuclear and is responsible for managing all activities required to prepare for and conduct refueling and other planned outages. These responsibilities include but are not limited to budget and cost monitoring, planning and scheduling, resource procurement, scope control, and work execution.

During the conduct of refueling outages, the Manager, Outage and Support will be responsible for management and coordination of all activities associated with the outage.

-The Plant-Procedures Grouprwhieh-is-responsible-for-maintaining-therlant procedures-for operations and maintenance, reports to the-Manager; Outage and-Support.

The Fire Protection Engineering Supervisor heads the Fire Protection Group and reports to the Manager, Outage and Support. The Fire Protection group is responsible for maintaining the DAEC Fire Plan and for coordination of those activities necessary to ensure compliance with the Plan, applicable Fire codes and Federal Regulations. Such activities include control of combustibles materials on site, coordination and scheduling of fire drills, ensuring routine maintenance of the fire protection equipment is properly performed, ensuring that the DAEC fire i brigade is properly trained and staffed and providing fire protection engineering support. The l DAEC Fire Marshall reports to the Fire Protection Engineering Supervisor.

1 The Security Superintendent is responsible for conducting the security program under the I direction of the Manager, Outage and Support. The primary responsibility of the security )

organization is to regulate access to the plant and protect against radiological sabotage. in  !

addition, they issue and collect radiation monitoring devices. They also are responsible for implementing the DAEC Fitness for-Duty Program. See Section 13.6.

-The Tecing nnd Surveillance-group-ideaded-by-the-Testing-end-Surveitiunec Supervisor l

who reports to the Manager,-Outagesndfiupport-The groupronsists of testinrandmuveillance personnel-and is-responsible for the DAEC Surveillance ProgramrModification-Acceptance-

-Testinrand SpecialTesting-(SpTP) programs, A

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l UFSAR/DAEC-1 Business Unit The hianager. Business Unit reports to the Vice President. Nuclear. The Business Unit is responsible for the Nuclear Generation Division accounting. budgeting and contract administration. The Unit is also responsible for long-term planning, monitoring of the tinancial viability and decommissioning of the DAEC. The Nianager. Business Unit coordinates l communications with the DAEC co-owners, i.e. CIPCO and Combelt.

l The Nuclear Fuels function within the Business Unit is responsible for the design and economics of each fuel reload, the procurement of nuclear fuel. long-term fuel management for the DAEC, providing for the long term disposition of spent fuel and for providing operational support to the DAEC. .

[c/Sc.a[413. Corocrate Ouality Assurance Decartment .

p g e No /--f A n The hianager, Corporate Quality Assurance, is assigned the primary responsibility for ensuring that quality requirements relative to the safe operation of the DAEC are identified and l met. He reports to Vice President,-Nuclear. (See Figure 13.1-1).

The current description of organizational responsibilities are contained within the l Corporate Quality Assurance Department Procedures.

1 The Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance, is responsible for preparing and maintaining )

the DAEC Operational Quality Assurance Program. (See Chapter 17.2).

The hlanager, Corporate Quality Assurance,is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the DAEC Operational Quality Assurance Program and issuing periodic reports to the a ro riate l vels__of m_anagement. .-f


I 8 - =A &^ '

l . ure asmg Depart en 7' 6[ q t

Thetreeter-of-Purchasius, B( / Mmy JQyij cx6s Timisyuuauun and Meterials Managcmenhis assigned the responsibilitygrfer equipment ....yocurement of ofnew, replacement, and spare j componentpwi DAEC c.nd :he prc=ement services relative to the operation of the DAEC.

is responsible for establishing procedures for the control of associated procurement activities.

44ehresponsibic for implcmenting the m; cria! ==a;;ement pmgr=

  • nAF **ti;h in&&-

-inven: cry couuvi, prucarement activitics, eid issueicc cf part numbers for :hc Dill of MatcdaL

-(BOM)-program. The department is responsible for evaluating suppliers for their commercial

! qualifications. __--

,#4_rg4 -y A ~/' 3 y , x 4 es A k 4, G & nA , f d p"' A+ ,

" "7- Z Ii d b, D ' '

_ Revision 12 - 10/95 m

l ,

l UFSAR'DAEC-1 l Records and N!icrofilm Administrator l

The Records and Niicrotilm Administrator reports to the Ntanager. Corporate Services l

and is responsible for storing, protecting, and retrieving records relating to the operation of the l DAEC. The organizations responsible for initially controlling records are responsible for the formal turnover of records to the Records and Niicrofilm Administrator who provides microfilming and record reproduction services.

l Safety Committee The Safety Committee functions to provide independent reviews and audits of designated activities. The functions and composition of the Safety Committee are specified in the Technical Specifications and the Safety Committee Charter. See Section - Oualifications M ' ==^-

l The principal sen~ r members of the IES Utilities, Inc. corporate staff responsible for providing technical su ort for opgerati ns of the DAEC include the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Of rcer; PresidenL Chief Operating and4hief=FinanciabOfficer; the Vice President, Nucle theAssistant-Vice-President,-Nuclear; the Manager, Engineering: the Manager, Nuc! car Eieensing; the Manager Emergency Planning; the Manager Outage and Support; the Manger, Business Unit; the Manager, Nuclear Training and the Manager, Corporate

- Quality Assurance.

The Regional Administrator, Region III, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, will be kept informed of the individuals filling these positions. Information regarding their individual l educational background and related experience will be made available at IES Utilities, Inc. for NRC review upon request.



l Plant Organization Am" e The Vice President, Ny ea as direct line responsibility for the operation of the DAEC, I The DAEC Plant Manager (s res nsible for the safe, reliable, and efficient management of the I plant. The following c et in e DAEC Plant Manager's behalf during his absence from the plant: Operations Supervisor; ianager, Outage and Support; Manager, Engineering; and the i Maintenance S@$ gelt. he basic organization of the DAEC consists of departments l headed by the OperationsShserrNuclearenalysisSupervisor, Maintenance SuperindeNNI.F l and the Radiation Protection Manager. The Operations Committee also reports to the DAEC l Plant Manager. The plant organization is shown in Figure 13.1-2. This basic group is backed up l 13.1-9 Revision 12 - 10/95  !

.'* ,c.

UFSAR/DAEC-1 by technical personnel as required, and it is enlarged during periods of refueling, and major equipment maintenance.

1 l IES Utilities. Inc. has been responsible for all station operations from the start of '

preoperational tests. General Electric and Bechtel provided technical direction and assistance during the period of preoperational testing, core loading, startup and pre-commercial operations. I x Ap37Ap.s nMmyatm[7L i

Ocerations Decartment / -- )

The Operations Department is headed by th O erationsSupervrsonmd the A=nant ,

Operations Supervisors. Each is a Senior Reactor Operator p y p g Most of the personnel who make up this group are q ed emic instruction and experience at operating reactor and simulator facilities. The Operations Shift Supervisors, the i

Nuclear Station Operating Engineers, and the Assistant Nuclear Station Operating Engineers i hold appropriate NRC licenses. These,pepons monitor and operate the plant nuclear.

mechanical, and electrical equipment: conduct radiation surveys as required;, and dircet i!w Eel handling activities. A,W fk Ane/ h #9 Rof " 4 M l c/ L % s, g /A' o p a d h w y ~ d , r l The personnel for these positions were initially assigned their duties by selection from those undergoing training. Their experience and performance during training were evaluated before they were assigned to a position. Most of the initial individuals were chosen from a group of Company personnel who successfully completed a Company-conducted nuclear power orientation course. These individuals were supplemented by personnel who had previous nuclear experience in the Naval Nuclear Power Program.

Since the DAEC has become operational, positions on the staff that become vacant are filled, where possible, by employees who progress through the different positions. They, of course, have to meet all the requirements of the appropriate NRC licenses. Individuals are initially assigned to these positions after a careful evaluation of their qualifications, their progress in the training program, and the proficiency level reached in their last position.

The duties and responsibilities of personnel from the Operations Group on an operating shift are described in Section

g eThReactor Engineering Group, headed by the Reactor Engineering Group Leader, Mns to the Operations Supervisor. The group has responsibility for monitoring the performance of the reactor core to ensure safe and economical use of the nuclear fuel and for maintaining all the necessary records for the special nuclear material on site. Reactor Engineering also assists Nuclear Fuels.

l 13.1-10 Revision 12 - 10/95

. . 3 l

UES AR'DAEC-1 _ _ _ . _

ff AdAf & . __ dbfJ Mf Maintenance Denartment 4' - s h , ,4_

$/vc. 1M <A- A92M A *2%ggAw4 1 The M ntenanc epartment is heidNb7th1Mamtenance SupcI[M nd ##

divided into gr ps: the Mechanical Group. headed by the Mechanical Maintenance A , A4 ,

Supervisor; the detrical Group, headed by the Electrical Maintenance SuperviQhhe l Instrumentat and Controls Group. headed by the Instrumentation and Controls Maintenance l Supenisor.' e Mechanical Maintenance Group is composed of the Supenisor. nuclear l mechanics / nuclear mechanic machinists, nuclear mechanic welders, and apprentices as required.  ;

Their duties consist of day-to-day repairs and adjustments, equipment condition inspections, equipment overhauls. and equipment modifications. The Electrical Maintenance Group is composed of the Supenisor, nuclear station and substation electricians, and apprentices as required. Their duties consist of the maintenance, and modification of plant electrical equipment i and equipment condition inspections. The Instrumentation and Controls Group is composed of the Supervisor, nuclear station control system technicians and apprentices as required. Their L duties consist of the maintenance, modification and calibration ofinstruments and controls.


/ The maintenance staffis augmented with qualified personnel from outside sources during f l refueling and major maintenance periods. The maintenance with the Operations Department and assisgh ent staff closely c refueling operations. /jr.ff gyp p h j, % g < q ->( 'E~e ,

l ,L,.6, a x .ch C ri n ~~

Radiation Protection Deoartment %pe 9~ ,ev , pff_ M f M(&TN

& M y "* W f & , ,

The Radiation Protection Department-is headed by'the~ Radiation Protection" Manager- >

This Department is camposed of de Health Physics, Chemistry and Radioactive Waste Groups.

The Radiation Protection Department is responsible for plant radiation safety and perfarias contamination and radiation surveys and radiological decontamination activities necessary to ensure plant safety. The Radiation Protection Department is on call at all times.

Thc Upartment is also responsible for those plant activities associated with maintaining the plant water chemistry as well as collection, packaging and transport of all radioactive waste materials. l The department is responsible for satisfying the Technical Specifications and manpower requirements for shift coverage in radwaste, chemistry, and health physics.

Health Physics Technicians are assigned shift work as required to meet plant operating needs. All members of the plant operating staff receive sufficient health physics traiting to be able to perform self-monitoring activities.

7"p 13.1-1 Revision l' - 10/95

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i ~

. s e l'.

UFSAR/DAEC-1 l Plant Personnel Resoonsibilities and Authorities The job description. requirements, and responsibilities of key plant personnel are included in this section. The responsibilities described are not meant to apply to only one specific position. Supervisors who meet the necessary qualifications may assume the responsibilities of positions other than their own on a ten;porar, basis.

l DAEC Plant Manager The DAEC Plant Manager is assigned the primary responsibility for the safe operation of the DAEC The DAEC Plant Manager has st.pervisory control over those onsite activities necessary for sve operation and maintenance of the DAEC. The organizational arrangement is presented in Figure 13.1-2. The current organizational arrangement and description of organizational responsibilities are contained within the administrative procedures and the Technical Specifications. The license requirements for each position are specified in the Technical Specifications.

l. The various organizations reporting to the DAEC Plant Manager are responsible for those activities associated with operations, maintenancge, re air, refueling, performance evaluation, testing, radiation protection /ALARA the environmental survey 3

.pretectic .. ==iy xd nra= ' .;;.

l. The Operations Committee functions to advise the DAEC Plant Manager on all matters related to nuclear safety. The composition, function, and responsibilities of the Operations Committee are specified in the Technical Specifications and are A.lineated in appropriate DAEC administrative procedures.

l The DAEC Plant Manager reports to the Vice President, Nuclear. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Managing the day-to-day activities of the DAEC. These activities include power plant operations, maintenance, radiation protection, security, and technical support.
2. Coordinating interfacing activities with the NRC inspecting personnel and Corporate Quality Assurance personnel, i

Planning and coordinating all onsite activities.


4 l

l 13.1-12 Revision 12 - 10'95

..t UFSAR'DAEC-1 Mm l Operations Supu usor

/O 9,

The Operations S is responsible for the operation. safety, and security of a i plant equipment and the safety and action of all personnel involved in plant operations.Jie is responsible for maintaining sution operating records in accordance with the facility license.

l 13 Operations Shift A: f g hscese The Operations Shift SYpYed in charge of their respective shiftgand supervise personnel and equipment operation for the safe, efficient, and reliAle cperation of the plant. See Section

/f - f -

l Maintenance-Superiotcndent The Maintenance p$ int is responsible for day-to-day maintenance, alteration.

overhaul, and repair of electrical, mechanical, and auxiliary equipment associated with the plant.

The A4aintenanee-Engineer, Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor, Electrical Maintenance Supervisor, pd' Instrumentation and Controls Mair.tenance Supervisor 4eport to the Maintenance Superintendent. Cg /

l Mechanical Mairanance Supervisor /

K M AJM&m, w, 4 The techanical Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for supervising the day-to-day I maintenanpe, alteration, overhaul, and repair of mechanica!cquipment associated with the  ;

facility.Ee participates in personnel training and in the review of operating and maintenance manuals for his area of responsibility.

I l El trical Maintenance Supervisor g 1%bJ M A ~ - W l 1

The Electrical Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for supervising the day-to-day maintenance, alteration, overhaul, and repair of electrical equ!pment associated with the facility.

JVparticipates in personnel training and in the review of operating and maintenance manuals for l his area of responsibility.

l Instrument & Control (I&C) Maintenance Supervisor g y -f,j., A The I&C Maintenance Supervisor is responsible f supervising the day-to-day maintenance, alteration, overhaul, calibration, repair surveillance ofinstrumentation anc' l

control equipment associated with the facility.Jldarticipates in personnel training and in the review of operating and maintenance manuals for his area of responsibility.

/ y , /,L . 2. ff / 1 Y&' 'S/W EWM c


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Revision 12 - 10/95

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) l 13.1.2.p Radiation Protection Manager (ffp) N 6' 4

The Radiation Protection Man'^ =: e 3r t radiation safety and plant chemistry.hupervises plantbical iological etivitie

'n charge of the 3 la~ooratory, plant chemical equipm , d radiological ana sis. In addition e aintains a l decumented record of ra levels within plant areas as ecified by the Plant Manager. and mt.intains a doc ed exposure history on all plant perso el and visitors who are subject to j exposure. Novides technical advice to plant personnel. s responsible for establishing, j ano has the authority to enforce. the radiation safety control policies by which the plant operates

! ar.d with which all plant personnel and visitors must comply.

l[ Environmental Supervisor i

j 'Ihe Environmental Supervisor is responsible for developing and maintaining programs for onsite compliance with environmental regulations. This includes compliance with RCRA 4

hazardous waste regulations, spill regulations, regulations on liquid (non-radiological) discharges, water use regulations, and air emission regulations.

/k l Chemistry Supervisor f Y?s[lM)

Se plant Chemistry Supervisor is sponsible for performing the chemical and radio-chemical anagfs or the power plant. is responsible for maintaining the Plant Water l Chemistry @is-responsiMeh the radiological environmental monitoring program.

l Radwaste Supervisor The Radwaste Supervisor is responsible for the collection, treatment, packaging, storage l and shipment of all radioactive waste generated at the DAEC. The Radwaste Operators report to the Radwaste Supervisor. Decontamination Supervisor The Decontamination Supervisor is responsible for coordinating all radiological decontamination activities performed on site and for the lease, purchase, storage and issue of all radiological protective clothing.

l 13.1-14 Revision 12 - 10/95

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!j l'!

l./5-UFSAR/DAEC-1 l Health Physics Supervisor l

t1r,d & d p i

The Health Physics Supervis r is responsible for performing the radiation and contamination surveys of the plant. osting of radiological conditions. issuance of Radiation l Work Permits and establishing th ecessary radiological controls for work performed in radioactive areas of the plant. is also responsible for evaluating radiological conditions in the i plant,and making recommendations on work practices and design changes to ensure doses are

- AL# rag; rspensib!c for the issuance and analysis of personnel dosemitry. maintenance of records of personnel exposurg and the off-site environmental monitoring program. The Health l Physics technicians report to the Health Physics Supervisor.


{ -}/ ALARA Supervisor Agu/ff, i

j The ALARA Supervisor impi ents the site program to maintain personnel radiation i exposure As Low As ReasonablyA.e!cabic-(ALARA). The ALARA Supervisor is responsible j for the measurement and documentation of personel radiation exposure.

j Qua!ity Control and Quality Assurance Assessment Supervisors 8


The Quahty Control Supervisor and the Quality Assurance Assessment Supervisor are l I responsible for vetifying that the Operational Quality Assurance Program is being adequately

} implemented at the DAEC. Quality Control is responsible for providing the inspection and i testing necessary to support operation, testing, maintenance, and modification of the' DAEC.

[ I m

Both Supervisors report to the Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance.

i- Ooerating Shift Crews lb. . o- l i

1 The ormal operating shift consists of an 'A" Operatians Shift Supcmser (SRO) in

// g >v \

l charge, a, '.B" Operations Shift Supervisor (SRO), a Nuclear Station Operating Engineer (RO), an Assistant Nuclear Station Operating Engineer (RO), a Second A=irtara Nucim S:c.:: s j

i j

O pc m:ing En d Wren - Nuclear Station &gina-in The duties and responsibilitics of tiie'pe.


%,+ 8 ' Engiacer, I

.,/ O and p ., a&Shift Technical Adviso

'siiTperaung shift are as follows:

! A%<yv j 1. " " Operations Shift Suj~ uw. SRO 1 na e.-

j. The Operations Shift Sup c. y=r is in charge of the shift. He supervises personnel to l ensure safe, efficient, and proper operation of the DAEC. He is responsible for radiation j safety and chemistry, as well as tests and results on his shift. He participates in personnel training and in the review of operating manuals and instructions in the startup, operation.

l i

l 13.1-15 Revision 12 - 10/95 i

I i


t . ,

l . .

UFSAR/DAEC-1 i and shutdown of the facility. He participates in and contributes to the planning and

! scheduling of maintenance and refueling activities,

2. perations Shift Supervisor - SRO f

The ations Shift Supervisor has the same duties and responsibilities as th Shift Su; 5% t hat of bei e in charge of the shift. He is included in the shift in

! order to permit the ' Shift S YTrYo~ move about the plant as needed during normal j and emergency situations while at the same time fulfilling the NRC requirement that a

! ' Senior Licensed Operator be present at all times in the control room when the unit is ,

I being operated. The@perations Shift Supervisor is required for all reactor modes l' except cold shutdown and refuel mode. I I

3 Nuclear Station Operating Engineer - RO j i The Operating Engineer, on instructions from the Operations Shift Supervisor, directs

!' generator loading and electrical switching. He monitors, controls, and directs the

! operation of the reactor, turbogenerator, auxiliaries, and electrical equipment. He interprets, audits, and reviews instrumentation and chart indications as to the performance, efficiency, radiation, and chemistry of the plant. He assists in the training

[ of personnel in the skills and knowledge required for the safe and efficient operation of

!- the facility. He performs work in reactor-fuel-handling operations involving the

_ preparation, transfer, loading, and unloading of fuel. He may be assigned to the j maintenance crew while the teactor plant is not in operation.
4. Assistant Nuclear Station Operating Engineer - RO ygg h.h Mo.,ena, The First Assistant OperatingJngineer works under the intermittent supervisi6n of the, j[ Operations Shift Supervisor, Operating Engineer.urRelicf Oysisiig Ciigiiieer. The l duties of the First Assistant Operating Engineer are essentiall.5 the same as those of the Operating Engineer; thus, the Operating Engineer and First Assistant Operating Engineer

. are equally qualified to operate either the reactor control borid or turbine-generator I control board. The First Assistant Operating Engineer may be assigned to the maintenance crew while the reactor plant is not in operation.

3 5. Second Artistrt Nuclear Stationope= ting Engin::: Mg/ EpdW' djWo 4 f A Aos147 6 /%d 6p~ , nf Op+ a A 1 Thefecend Assistet Op-rating Engin er, nder the direction oflicensed operators in the plant control room, inspects, services, starts, and stops turbogenerators, mechanical, y electrical, related nuclear equipment, and auxiliaries ph.dly in the reactor building j M( v.5MO observes charts, gauges, instruments, and controls,pd' records readings as requiredg 13.1-16 evision 12 - 10/95 l

h v N <. L Y

/Wa. Ad ,wp [m'

< 0 04 y /o m ,$ y,/

.. . 1

, q { -:

UFS AR/DAEC-1 f< MSMo assists in the preparation of station log sheets and reports. )te is able to conductgri surveys and possesses a working knowledge of water treatment equipment. p(hBfbe assigned to the maintenance crew while the reactor plant is not in operation.


6. Nuclear Station Auxiliaries Engineer l

The Auxiliaries Engineer has essentially the same duties as the Second Assistant Operating Engineer, except that his duties are routinely performed in the turbine building.

pump house, intake structure, and cooling towers. The Auxiliaries Engineer may be assigned to the maintenance crew while the reactor plant is not in operation.

7. ShiftTechnical Advisor l

The Shift Technical Advisor (STA) provides engineering support on-shift in accordance with NUREG-0737, item I.A.1 requirements.

The requirements and responsibilities of the STA include the following:

a. The Shift Technical Advisor will be stationed onsite and will be present in the control room within 10 minutes of being summoned during plant power operation.

in other than cold shutdown or refuel mode,

b. The Shift Technical Advisor serves as an advisor to the Operations Shift

--g-S perv during off normal reactor plant conditions.

c. The Shift Technical Advisor will provide operating experience assessment .

functions as related to DAEC design, procedures, and practice, and in support of l their transient / accident assessment functions.

d. In the performance of these duties, the Shift Technical Advisor will be free of i

duties associated with the commercial operation of the plant and will report  ;

l directly to the Operationsig .im ih m ut 13.1.3 QUALIFICATION OF NUCLEAR PLANT PERSONNEL Oualifications Reauirements The qualifications ofindividual members of the plant staff meet or exceed the minimum qualification requirements referenced in ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978 for comparable positions.

l 13.1-17 Revision 12 - 10/95

.- p . ' .

UFSAR/DAEC-1 The Radiation Protection Manager meets or exceeds the qualification requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975.

Table 13.1-1 provides the cross-reference for the various positions within the DAEC organization to those comparable position descriptions and training and experience requirements within ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978, where applicable. Oualifications of Plant Personnel Personnel qualifications are set forth in the Technical Specifications. It is the intent of l IES Utilities, Inc. to adhere to these qualifications when obtaining replacements for vacant positions, whether they be current DAEC employees advancing to positions of greater responsibility or newly hired personnel.

The personnel qualifications of key ;>lant managerial and supervisory personnel at the time of DAEC initial fuel loading were included in the original FSAR.

Information regarding qualifications of personnel currently occupying positions in the operating l organization of the DAEC n file and available at the site for NRC inspection.

l l

l 13.1-18 Revision 12 - 10/95 l

  • UFS AR/DAEC-1 Cnairmaq of (nj Boaro ano

. Che<f Executwe OMeer n d

_e_,.m. u_ Presioent g Cnief oceraang e __ _ m__

" ~ ' "

_ :- _ . - _ ' ~. rd C- :' - :- .;^ OVeer ~~

- . ~ , - .-a _s'tc:-;; n; c.':;;

- U: ;6; ,, # ;.., c-I Safety Committee -

m 4, Vice Presioent l


ffs* I b) ** Nucfear I 1

/tL.- < - , < .

  • f f / . _ . f, , " n _:; i vice /
  • ben , I

"'gW gN

?/( ( '*' '/ President %e 4,- ##/// (

C l --


L41 s u u $ ' qie l


.f,y &r ffma er 1

/// ' '.L. l 6' ,&


,5/% *f 4 <

j% v <w[ Manager, Ot'actc cf Nechesg ,

Manager, i Corporate Quahty Tsaasportem M * "' 9 Emergency Corocrate Services  !", e Assurance Matemrtt.boyco ,oni , Planning l

N Records and i I l l I Mic.cfilm Tw m ant Manager ,

-3pecar -GA T , . .. , c, - Administrator Succ ;;;.. -6voemsos, m____,_ y__


/ See Figure '

gp gg g _ c .

l Assessment Secobee4veMy l

l -DAEG OO-Mettenc Capw -Sucemsat_._

-Ouahty-Sta& I I I

-CC , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


_.-Ananrss- w . ~ . .

l RPrGnomtstry.

Dasesssment / ./

Manager, Manager, Ma ,egv,

'"W""'"'8 j j Nuclear Outage and -Nueleer Assesssnew Manager, Manager, Training Support Business Un t W Engineenno


-Aeseesment- / / g__..___

Simutator Outage ,(

c. c, F,7rAAr - Sta'f Management

_Buoget & Gost Control Q{ _

Project Engineenna

~Assessmerl ~

/ / /

Ao man atwe -

Scheduhng -

Fuels -


Eng eenna b27:GCs(J1:CZ Pref;; c..;; Fire y ,,,. ,. ,, , w o u Program Or: c..s

""~ -

Contracts -

, Protection Engineenna f d /


Operations -

Plant -

Speciai -

v uwe v wr ,

Procedures Pro!ects L o.,m.m_._..,,-

. m-j j -Ce,r,... a mo.-

/ Tecnnical 7Testmg4-

---9se- .& .;,::e, ,s -


. u _.,v o . ,



- D'" "


IES Utilities, Corporate Organization Figure 13.1-1 Revisicn 12 - 10/95

~ ,

%l')'1 -


. From Firgure 131 1 Vce i President.  !

Nuclear I

l Plant Manager (a) l I

1 Operations Commitee l

. . . . - . . >__/.Y.1N. g .a Radiation C?;.0-- .

Operations ]nr uon Protection Maritenance 900"?!!?' ($ M Supervisor (b) ana p _,gO,, 4 g ,, mf

[t] e, r e b&3 f

@ Mnff v [d)f Decon ,

Mecnanical S,jv Suoennsor Maintenance Operabons  ;

Reactor Environmental Electrcal Supervisor (b)

Enoineenno qne Supervisor Maintenance fugv I"" #

Nuclear Station chernistry lac Operating and Nuclear Station Supervisor Maintenance Jeg Assistant Operating Radwaste Engineers (c) Supervisor i 2[o/j/-CW'r R i

$ V f f) o / h h r' l


Health hNC l 9 ??Nd ."i . . Physics Supervisor nfpsod/ff u .-i. .e ,

Op**2 % I..e..;;r

-and Nuclear Station Awmheaee-I, gg 4g

/ ra&

M.",,Y '

byvaforJ l a Piant Manager or one of fus despated pencoe alternates meet ANS4 31 1978 Lmense Regwrements 0 Semot peactor operarot c Reactor Ocerator j l

l l


UPDATED FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Duane Arnold Energy Center Organization Figure 13.1-2 Revision .2 - 15/95

.s 4 ,

o"% . UFSAR/DAEC-1 j , , Table 13.1-1 DAEC Plant Staff Position Standard of Qualification (Note 1) Description of Duties l UFSAR Section (Note 4) l l ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978 Tech Spec NUREG 0737 Reg Guide l Section (Note 2) Section i Plant Manager 4.2.1 6.3.4 3

Operations Sutervrsor /%,n o , 4.2.2 6.3.5 Operauon Shift Supr+a:orWfray-- 4.3.1,

ha ~71 f6MIMb# ' l Operating Engineerr 4.5.1 (Note 3) i ShiftTechnical Advaors 4.5.1 6.3.3 Item I.A.I I Mamtenance Strperrr/endentAfa w e - 4.2.3  !

Mechanical Maintentxe Supervisor" 4.3.2 I3. Electncal Maintenance Supervisor 4.3.2 6 i & C Supervisor 4.4.2 Reactor Engineers 4.4.1

Fire Protection Engineenng Supervisor 432 Radiation Protection Manacer 4.4.4 6.3.2 1.8 1975 I Chemistry Supervisor 4.4.3 Radwaste Supervisor 4.3.2 I Health Physics Supervisor 4.3.2 Decon Supervisor 4.3.2 ALARA Supervisor 4.3.2 Manager. Outace and Support 4.3.2 Supervisor Procedures Department 4.3.2
Testine and Surveillance Supervisor 4.2.4 Secunty Superintendent 4.3.2 Manager Corporate Quality Assurance 4.2.4

. -QA-ProeurementSuper- 4.4.5

) (* - -OA-Assessment 6apervisor- 4.4.5

.-QC 5 : =c- m 4.4.5 13. l .2.2. I 5 Manacer.Nueleas4.scensiaM,, /f./ 4.2.4 13. I .1.2.2. !

Supervisor Nuclear Licensine f 4.3.2

{ Supervisor.ResulatorvGunmunication+- 4 3.2 i

! Manager. Engmeenne 4.2.4 l Project Engineenng Supervisor 4.3.2 Plant Engineenng Supervisor 4.3.2 Procram Eneineering Supervisor 4.3.2 Materials Management Supervisor 4.3.2 Manager. Nuclear framing- 4.2.4 Training Supervisor Simulator 4.3.2

Traming Supervisor-Technical Programs 4.3.2 l Training Supervisor-Operations 4.3.2 Training Supervisor-Administrative 4 3.2

, -Trainmg4uperwsoe-lastructional Std 4.3.2

-Trainmy Sum,bm Mamtenance 4.3.2 Note: I - In some cases, plant design features or unusual operating conditions may indicate that additional or more specialized expertise e beyond qualifications presented in this Standard is needed. This determination will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Note: 2 - See DAEC Technical Specifications Section 6.3.1 for commitment to ANSI /ANS 3.1 1978.

Note: 3 - Applicants for senior operator licenses shall have 4 years of responsible power plant experience. Responsible power plant experiences should be that obtained as a control room operator (fossil or nuclear) or as a power plant staff engineer involved in the day-to-day j activities of the facility, commencing with the final year of construction. A maximum of 2 years power plant experience may be fulfilled by academic or related technical training, on a one-for-one time basis. Two years shall be nuclear power plant experience. At least 6 months of

, the nuclear power plant experience shall be at the plant for which he seeks a license.

I Applicants for senior operator licenses shall have held an operators license for 1 year Note: 4 If no UFS AR Section is listed. staff nosition is not discussed in Chapter 13.1.

jQ91 Fam fu etW f 12-8 f/ga/,4ea.-tr EpyUV f f f,2 T13.1-1 Revision 12 - 10/95

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