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Rev 3 to Vol 1 of Training Instruction TI-202, Replacement Training for Senior Licensed Operating Personnel
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/12/1984
Shared Package
ML20127F235 List:
TI-202, NUDOCS 8506250092
Download: ML20127F256 (8)


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Director - Training


8506250092 B50419 PDR ADOCK 05000324 G PDR

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.TI-202 Page(s) Revision 1-6 3 4

BSEP/Vol. I/TI-202 i Rev. 3 1


1.0 Puroose To ensure that senior operator replacement personnel. receive sufficient training to meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI Standard N18.1-1971, 10CFR55, and NUREG 1021. It is intended that graduates of this program be prepared to pass the NRC Hot ' License Examination for Senior Reactor Operators (SR0s) and to supervise the safe and efficient operation of the Brunswick plant.

2.0 Procedure 2.1 Experience Requirements 2.1.1 Senior Reactor Operator candidates without a four-year degree in Engineering or Applied Science will:

a. Hold a high school diploma or its equivalent.
b. Have at least four years' experience as a Control Room Operator (fossil or r aclear)--at least two years of nuclear plant experience, with at least six months at the Brunswick plant.
c. Have at least one year of experience as a licensed operator or equivalent military experience.
d. Satisfactorily complete the additional training for Senior P.eactor Operator candidates described in the paragraphs following.

2.1.2 Senior Reactor Operator candidates with a four year degree in Engineering or Applied Science will:

a. Have a minimum of two years of responsible nuclear plant experience which may be as a staff engineer

, involved in the day-to-day operation of the plant.

4 b. Have minimum of six months on site at the Brunswick

, plant.

2.2' Training Requirements The Senior Reactor Operator Candidate Training Program will consist of scheduled lectures and self-study in the classroom, simulator exercises conducted on a plant-specific simulator, and on-the-job training. The program will not be identical ior an SRO candidate without a degree and an SRO candidate with a degree.

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BSEP/Vol. I/TI-202 1 Rev. 3 4

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2.2.1 Senior Reactor Operator candidates without a four-year degree:

'a . Classroom phase will consist of lectures or self-study in the following areas:

1. Reactor Theory (a) Source neutron (b) Reactivity coefficients (c) Effects of neutron absorber (d) Integral and differential rod worth (e) Xenon and sanarium curves (f) Reector konstics
2. Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow, and Thermodynamics (a) Basic properties of fluids and matter

, (b) Fluid statics (c) Fluid dynamics (d) Heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation (e) Change of phase boiling (f) Burnout and flow instability (g) Reactor heat transfer limits

3. Nuclear Systems Including Emergency Core Cooling Systems (a) Reactor vessel instrumentation (b) Neutron monitoring (c) Reactor manual control (d) High pressure coolant injection (e) Residual heat removal (f) Core spray (g) ADS

-(h) Primary containment isolation (i) Primary and secondary containment

4. Mitigating Core Damage (a) In-core instrumentation (b) Vital instrumentation (c) Primary chemistry (d) Radiation chemistry (e) Gas generation


5. Core Parameters (a) Safety limits (b) Limiting safety systems ,

(c) Core thermal limits (d) Preconditioning limits .

I BSEP/Vol. I/TI-202 2 Rev. 3 1

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6. Transient and Accident Analysis (a) Anticipated transients (b) Design basis accidents
7. Fuel Handling (a) Fuel characteristics (1) Mechanical (2) Nuclear (3) Thermal (4) Decay heat (b) Fuel leak detection (c) Fuel storage facilities (d) Fuel handling (1) Core alterations (2) Tools and equipment (3) Fuel handling and inspection

, procedures (e) Inadvertent criticality (1) Incidents (2) Recognition (3) Refueling interlocks and other prevention measures (f) Inverse count rate calculations

8. Integrated Plant Response (a) Core power-flow map (b) Electro-Hydraulic Control System (c) Boiling and heat transfer in the core
9. Administrative Procedures, Conditions, and Limitations (a) Technical specifications (b) Facility operating license (c) POM, Volume I, Administrative Procedures (1) Duties and responsibilities (2) Operation conduct (3) Operating discipline and phirosophy (d) Volume XIII, Emergency Plan (e) Volume IV, Generating Operating Procedure (f) Corporate QA Manual, Part 2 (g) FP-07 (h) 10CFR50, 55, and 115


BSEP/Vol..I/TI-202 3 Rev. 3

b. Simulator phase will consist of simulator exercises conducted on a plant-specific simulator. Exercises will consist of the following:
1. Normal plant operation
2. Plant transients
3. Equipment malfunction
4. Decision-making and problem-solving situation
c. On-the-Job Training Candidates will have a minimum of three months on shift as an extra person in training for a position as Senior Reactor Operator. The shift schedule' consists of four shift rotations for 12 weeks.
d. Management Training Skills Each candidate will be scheduled at the earliest opportunity for management development training, after he has been selected for SRO training.

2.2.2 Senior Reactor Operator candidates with a four-year degree will attend the following classroom training:

a. An instant Senior Reactor Operator candidate must successfully complete requirements outlined in TI-201, Reactor Operator Replacement Training Instruction.
b. Simulator Training The SRO candidate will complete the RO portion of simulator training. He will also receive training on the simulator as an SRO. This training will be the same as nondegreed candidates, but shorter in duration.
c. On-the-Job Training Candidates will have a minimum of three months on shift as an extra person in training for a position as Senior Reactor Operator. The shift schedule will consist of four shift rotations for 12 weeks.
d. Reactivity
1. Each candidate is required to have five reactivity manipulations on the Brunswick-facility. These reactivity changes should be diversified.

BSEP/Vol. I/TI-202 4 Rev. 3

2. All instant SR0s will go to North Carolina State University and participate in ten reactor startups as specified in the Brunswick cold license program.

2.3 The entire content of the listed documents might not be presented in formal lectures, but quizzes and examinations will require detailed knowledge to the extent required of a Senior .

Control Operator or Shift Foreman in the performance of his duties.

Throughout the Senior Operator Replacement Training Program, a candidate's progress will be evaluated through a combination of quizzes, examinations, and/or oral examinations.

Instructors who teach systems, integrated responses, transient, and simulator courses shall hold a valid SRO license or pass an NRC SRO examination and participate in the retraining program.

3.0 Responsibility 3.1 Manager - Operations The selection of candidates will be the responsibility of the Manager - Operations and the Director - Training. No more than 12 candidates will be selected to enter simulator phase of this training program.

3.2 Director - Training 3.2.1 The Director - Training will be responsible to the Manager - Nuclear Training Section.

The Director - Training will be responsible for the following (concerning operator training):

a. The execution and overall conduct of the Senior Operator Replacement Training Program, including the procedure for granting of exemptions or waivers,
b. Timely initiation of license applications for the NRC license examinations.
c. Determination of the duration and content of license training program.

3.2.2 The Director - Training or designated assistant will be e responsible to the Manager - Nuclear Training Section for the proper maintenance of records pertaining to this training program, including:

BSEP/Vol. I/TI-202 5 Rev. 3 m m. _ . ; n.- ,. . . -. - _.


a. Copies of study material, lesson plans, and l instructional aids.
b. Copies of examinations administered and the l

answers provided by the candidates.

c. Lecture attendance and grade sheets,
d. Training reports as required.

3.3 Shift Operating Supervisor i

Shift Operating Supervisors will be responsible for the supervision of training during the on-the-job training phase for candidates assigned to their shifts.

a 4.0 Documentation 1, Documentation of training obtained under this procedure will be kept on file in accordance with plant filing instructions. It will be used to i

substantiate information on license applications and certifications, t

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