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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18, Revising TS 3/4.1.3 to Provide Allowed Outage Times for Scram Discharge Vol Vent & Drain Valves,Remove Surveillance Requirements & Testing of Surveillances
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/01/1992
From: Shields J
To: Murley T
Shared Package
ML20125A822 List:
NUDOCS 9212090076
Download: ML20125A819 (2)


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' ( l_ . / 1400 opus Place U

g J Downers Grove, Illinois 60515

. U December 1,1992 Dr. Thomas E. Murley, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attn: Document Control Desk


LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2 Supplement to the Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating Licenses NPF-11 and NPF-18 Appendix A, Technical Specifications NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374 SctaaLDiactlarge Volume _and_GontroLBod_Qperability


(a) P.L. Piet letter to USNRC, dated April 24,1991, Application for Amendment to Facility Operating Licenses NPF-11 and NPF-18, Appendix A, Technical Specifications, Scram Discharge Volume and Control Rod Operability ,

(b) J.M. Shields letter to USNRC, dated June 2,1992, Supplemental Application for Amendment to Facility Operating Licenses NPF-11 and NPF-18, Appendix A, Technical Specifications, Scram Discharge Volume and Control Rod Operability

Dear Dr. Murley,

This letter supplements References (a) and (b), which requested changes to -

_ Technical Specification 3/4.1.3 which would provide Allowed Outage Times (AOT) for -

the Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) Vent and Drain Valves,' remove the Unit.1 and 2 SDV Surveillance 14equirements for SDV Level Instrumentation from the Control Rod Operability Specifications, and delete the requirement for SDV Vent and Drain Valve surveillance to be tested "...from a normal control rod configuration of less than or equal to 50% ROD DENSITY...". This supplement revises the Action Statements to allow continued operation with one or more valve in one or more SDV vent or drain line inoperable provided the associated line is isolated. Also, a Note is added to tne Surveillance Requirements to allow unisolating c. line under administrative control to allow venting or draining the Scram Discharge Volume.

The purpose of the Scram Discharge Volume is to provide an adec uate water volume to allow a complete scram as well as to prevent uncontrolled lea < age of the scram water into the secondary containment through open SDV vent and/or drain lines.

08001G 9212o90076 921201 1 \) 1 PDR- ADOCK 0500o373

.p. PDR

Mr. T. E. Murley December 1,1992 The SDV instrumentation provides a high level alarm arlor to the automatic scram, which allows sufficient time to unisolate any iso'atec lines to drain the SDV before a scram would occur. The Scram Discharge Volume high water level automatic scram assures that while an adequate volume remains in the Scram Discharge Volume, a scram will occur and be able to fully insert all operable control rods.

Isolating a SDV vent and/or drain line within the allowed time assures that the reactor water accumulated in the Scram Discharge Volume will be contained until the scram is reset and/or the SDV is drained.

There are no normalinputs to the Scram Discharge Volume, so only Hydraulic Control Unit scram outlet valve leakage will enter the SDV during normal unit operation. Control Rod Drive maintenance and Hydraulic Control Unit preventive maintenance limit any leakage into the SDV. Excessive leakage associated with a single Control Rod would cause the Control Rod to drift and provide a Control Room alarm. If the rod continued to drift, then the drifting control rod would be fully inserted and hydraulically isolated at the full-in position, eliminating the source of leaka ge to the SDV. Continued unit operation would not be possible with excessive leakage nto the SDV.

The changes requested by this su provided with the Reference (a) and (b)pplement submittals. are consistent The previously submittedwith the justificatio Significant Hazards Consideration Evaluations have been reviewed and remain valid.

The proposed wording of the Action S?atements is included in Attachment A to this letter, and includes all changes requested in this supplement, as well as the Reference (a) and (b) submittals.

Therefore, it is requested that this supplement, in combination with the Reference (a) and (b) submittals, be approved, if there are any questions, please call this office.

Respectfully Jo' Ann M. Shields Nuclear Licensing Administrator JMS/lk Attachment M bw t cc: A.B. Davis, Regional Administrator - Rlli D.L Hills, Senior Resident inspector - LSCS R.J. Stransky, Project Manager - NRR j


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Office of Nuclear Facility Safety - IDNS MARYELLEN D.LONG NOTARY puSUC STATF 0F ILUN0iS MY COMM;ss!cN Exp;pg3 gj;)jg3

