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Applicant Exhibit A-16-1,consisting of Table 8.3-1, Connected,Automatic & Manual Loading & Unloading of Efs Switchgear,
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/09/1985
OL-A-016-1, OL-A-16-1, NUDOCS 8505070414
Download: ML20116N947 (10)



n n /9y h e ErJ d & A -1 -

TARIZ 8.3-1 CDNNECTED, AUTOMATIC AND MANUAL IDADINC AND tR8!AADIMC OF ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES SWITCHGEAR Maximum Operatina Requirements Without Offsite Power Available Forced Shutdous Imse of Coolant Accident Ihamber Full Inrush (9) Req'd on (9) Reg'd Equipment Description WP laed Current Time of Running -Type of Time of Running Type of Rus Each (Amperes) (Amperes) Start Time control . Start Time Control Unit 1 Division 1 Safety Feature leads Low Pressure Core Spray Pump  ! 1750 222 1643 - -

(1) O see cont (3)

Residual seat Removal Pump A 1 900 115 747 to sin Coat (1) 5 see Cont (3)

Emergency Service Water Pump A 1 800 102 618 to see Cont (2) 10 see Cont (2)

Emergency Closed Cooling Pump A 1 100 0 see

!!2 72 8 Coat (2) O see Coat (3) tou Pressure Core Spray and Residual Heat Removal A water Les Pump 1 5 6.35 46 0 see

.en cone (1) O see Cont (1)

Y u

Reactor Core Isolation Coollag Water Leg Pump I 5 7.5 w 49 0 see Cont (1) o see Cont (1)

Standby Liquid Control Pump A 1 40 48.8 317 - -

(1) - -


Fuel Fool Cooling and Circulating Water Pump A 1 200 229 1450 0 see Coat (1) O see cone (1)

Diesel Room Supply Fans 2 50 57.5 376 0 see cone (2) 0 see Coat (2)

Residual Heat Removal A Pump Room Cooling Tan 20 25 1 130 10 min Cont (2) 5 see Coat (2)

Low Pressure Core Spray Pump Room Cooling Fan 1 25 130 20 . - - -

(2) 0 see Cont (2)

Annulus Exhaust Fan t 1 15 19 105 0 see Coat (2) O see coat (3)

Annulue Exhaust System Heating '

Coit A 1 20 kw 24


O see Cont (2) O sec cont (3) r Control Room Supply Fan A 60 77 - '436 0 see coat vi 1

(2) O see Cent (3) m control Comptes Chiller A 582 kw 94 152 see w


, l 540 Coat (2) 152 see Cont (3)

Y control Comptes Chiller A 011 Pump 1 1.5 2.2 13.4 152 see coat (2) 152 see Coat (2) w T /

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D D TABI.E 8.3-1 (Continued)

Maximum operatina seguiremente Without Offelte Pouer Availabt Forced Shutdoun Imes of Coolant Accident Number Full Iarush (9) Beg'd (9) Beg'd on RF Imed Current Equipment Description flee of Running Type of Tlee of Running Type o

_ Sue Each (Amperes) (Amperes) Start Time Control Start flee contro Unit 1. Diviolos 1 (Cont'd)

Safety Feature Imade (Cont'd)

Control Complex Chilled Water Pump A 1 100 710 0 see Cont (2) 0 see Cont (3)

Control Room Betura Faa A 1 60 77 436 0 eee Cent (2) - - -

Control Room Recirculation Fan A 1 100 116 660 0 see Coat (2) O see coat (3)

Control Room Emergency Becirculation A Electric meatles Coll 1 100 kW 125 0 see Coat (1) O see cont (3)

Battery Room Rahamet Fan A 10 1 13.5 80 15 see Cont (2) 15 see Coat (3) o*

Motor Control Center. Suitchgear, and Battery Room Supply Fan A 1 100 116 w 490 25 see Coat (2) 25 see Cont (2)

2. Motor control Center and suitchgear Room Retura Fan A 1 100 116 490 25 see coat (2) 25 see Coat (2)

Emergency Closed Cooling Puey Area Cooling Faa A 1 20 25 130 0 eec Cont (2) 0 see Cont (2)

Off-cas Building vent Fee A 1 40 50 '

280 0 ese Cent (2) 0 see cont (2)

Fuel Rand 11ag Building Supply Fan A 1 30 34 210 0 see Cont (1) - -


Fuel Randling Building Exhaust Fan A 1 40 50 255 0 see coat (1) - -


Fuel Randling Sullding Exhaust Fan C 1 40 50 255 0 see Coat (1) - -

(11) (1)

Fuel Randling Building Inhaust Fan A Resting coil 1 50 kW 63 O see Coat (1) - -


Fuel Bandling Building Eukauet Fan C Heating Coil 50 kW 1 63 -

O see Coat (2) - -

(11) (2)

Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Pump Room Cooling Fan 5 1 7 42.7 0 see Cent (2) o see Cent I. (2)

Emergency Service Water Pumphouse.

g vent Supply Fan A 1 30 38 290 10 see Coot (2) 10 see cont (2)

O Emergency Service Water Pumphouse

{Y Intake Screen Wash Pump A 1 50 56 362 0 see Cycled (5) (2) 0 see cone (3)

Emegency Service Water Pumphouse

$ Traveling screen A 1 15 19.5 103 0 see cycled (5)

(2) 0 see cont (2)


I TABLE 8.3-1 (Contioned)

Maximum operatina Reeutremente without of fette Power Availabh

. Forced shutdown Lees of Coolant Accident Number Full larueh (9) Reg'd (9) Reg'd on EP Lead Corrent< Time of Running Type of Time of Running Type d tenisment Description Bus tech (Amperea) (Amperes) Start Time control Start Time coated Unit 1. Divioise 1 (Coet'd)

Safety Feature 1,mede (Cont'd)

Emergency Service Water Suction sluice Cate A 1 1 1.6 15 0 sec 20 min (2) o sec 20 min (2)

Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer Pump 15 20 0 see Cycled (6) 1 130 (2) 0 see cycled (6) (2)

Diesel Cenerator Fuel Oil Treaefer Backup Pump 1 15 20 130 0 eec cycled (6) (2) O see Cycled (6) (2)

Diesel Generator Jacket Water Keep Wars Pump 3 4.1 1 32 - -

(2) - -


Diesel Generator Jacket Water Keep

,CD Wars seater 75 kW 94 (10) 1 - -

(2) (10) -

(2) u a

Dieset Camerator 1mbe 011 Keep Maru U Pump 1 15 19 116 - -

(2) - -


Diesel Generator 1mbe 011 Eaep Wars Eeater 1 50 kW 63 (10) (2)

(10) -


Maia steam Isolation Valve Leakage control Pipe seaters 4 4 kW 5 -

O see (2) 0 see coat coat (2)

Main Steen Ieelation valve Leakage control Air Blauer 1 4.5 EP 6.5 42.25 0 see Coat (2) 0 eec coat (2) 125 volt D-C Battery Charger 1 50 kW 87 -

O see cost (6) 0 see cone (4) 125 volt D-C teserve Battery Charger 1 50 kW 87 - - - - - - -

Eydroges Receablaer A 1 75 kW 95 - - -

(1) 18.4 hr coat (1)

Eydrogen Mixing Compressor A 1 60 77 436 10 min Coat (1) 287 hr coat (2) g Motor Operated Yelves 118 1.2(7) - -

O see 30 see -

0 see 30 oee -

vi n

W co k

v w


.D . D I

l TABLE 3.3-1 (Contimmed)

Mesimum operating Requiremente Witbout offsite Pauer Avellable Forced h edoun imes of Coolmat Accident leumber Full tarueh (9) Reg'd on nr (9) Seg'd Equipment Descriptios 1med current Time of Banalog Type of Time of Bunaing Type of

_3me tech (Amperes) (Amperes) Start Time Control Start Time Control Unit I, Division I (Cent'd)

Isomeafety Feature laeds leuclear Closed Cooling Pump A 1 700 90.5 588 0 see Coat (1) - -


Control Rod Drive Pump A I 400 52 312 - -

(I) - -


Emergency Service Water Screes Wash -

Pump Discharge Strainer A 1 0.5 6.5 0 see Cycled (5) 1 (2) - - -

Time Segaeace Forced h edoua Loss of Coolant Accident Subtotal, kw per Time Sequence 0 sec 1772 2395 5 see -

718 10 see 663 663

= 15 see 10 10 25 see 168 0

  • 152 sec 584 164 584 10 mia 791 -

18.4 hr -

75 287 hr -

55 Net Total Masimum Contiamous Imod (kW) 3988 4668 Unit 1, Division 2 Safety Feature imeds Residual seat memovat Pump 3 1 900 115 747 10 mia cont (1) 5 see Cent (3)

Residual seat Removal Pump C 1 900 115 747 Coat (I) O see cont (3)

Emergency Service Water Pump B 800 102 618 10 see 1

Coat (2) 10 see Cent (2)

Emergency Closed Cooling Pump B 1 100 728 0 see

!!2 Coat (2) 0 see Coat (3) l Residual seat memoval 3 and C y water Les Pump I $ 6.35 46 0 see coat (1) 0 sec coat (1)

O Standby Liquid Control Pump 3 1 40 48.8 317 -

(1) n (1) 5 Fuel Foot Cooling and Circulating

& Water Pump 3 1 200 229 1450 0 see cent 7 (I) 0 see Coat (I)

) y Diesel Room Supply Fans 2 50 57.5 376 0 see cont (2) 0 see coat (2)

O R D TABLE 8.3-1 (Continued)

Mexianas Operatina Requiremente Without Offsite Power Available Forced Shutdown Imes of Coolant Accident Number Full (9) Reg'd laruek (9) Reg *d on WP Imed Current Time of tunning Type of Time of Equipment Descripties Running Type of see Each (Ampe res ) (Amperes) Start Time Control Start Time Control Unit I, Division 2 (Cont'd)

Sofety Feature I.oede (Cont'd) seeidual meet memovat B Pump Room Cooling Fee 1 20 25 130 10 mie Coat (2) O see Coat (2) neelesel meet ammewel C Pump Room Cooling Fee 20 25 1 130 - -

- (2) O see Coat (2)

Aamules W h t Fee 3 1 15 19 105 0 eec coat (2) 0 eee Cent (3)

Asamtme Es.eeet System Beattag coil 3 20 kw 24 1 -

O sec coat (2) O see Cent (3)

Control Room Supply Fee 5 1 60 77 436 O see Coat (2) 0 see Cont (3) l control comptes Chiller 3 542 kW 94 540 152 sec 1 coat (2) 152 see cont * (3) y Control Comptes Chiller B 011 Pump 1 1.5 2.2 13.4 152 see coat (2) 152 see Coat (2)

E control Complex chilled veter Pump 3 100 1 115 710 0 see coat (2) o see cent (3)

Control Room metern Fee 5 1 60 77 436 0 see Coat (2) - - -

Control Room Recirculation Fee B 1 100  !!6 660 6 see Coat (2) O see Cont (3)

Control Room Emergency Recirculation j 8 Electric meeting coit 100 kw 125 0 see coat 1 -

(1) O see Cont (3) settery soom y h t Fee 8 13.5 80 15 see 1 to Cont (2) 15 see coat (3)

Motor Control Center. Switchgear, and Settery Room Sepply Fee B 1 100  !!6 490 25 see Coat (2) 25 eec coat (2) l Motor Control Center and Switchgear Room meture Fee 3 1 100 116 490 25 see Coat (2) 25 see cant (2) l taerseecy closed coollag Pump

) Area Cooling Fee B 1 20 25 130 0 see coat (2) O see i coat (2)

{ Off-Ces teilding veet Fee B 1 40 50 280 0 see Coat (2) 0 see w Cent (2) g Fi.el needling Building Supply Fee 3 1 30 34 210 0 see Coat (1) - -


Fuel Reedling Su11 ding Enhaust Fee B 1 40 50 255 0 see coat (1)

(1) g . edli.g iidi.g .m .t ,em C 40 50 255 0 see l i (i) - -

(ii) (i) l l


m R R TAB 12 S.3-1 (Contlewed)

Maalamm Operatina Reesiremente without Offeite Power Available Forced Shutdown Emes of Coolant Accident shamber Isrush Fis11 (9) Reg'd (9) seg'd

, on Rp land current . Time of Equipment Description tus Each (Amperes)

Sunnias Type of Time of Running Type of (Amoeres) Start Time Control Start Time Control Unit 1 Division 2 (Cent'd)

Safety Feature imede (Cont'd)

Fuel Beedling Smilding e h et Fan B '

neeting coit 50 kw 1 63 -

O sec coat (1) - -


Fuel Reedling Building Inhauet Fan C heating Call 50 kw 1 63 -

O see Caet. (2) - -

(11) (2)

Emergency Service Meter 7 _ * -:e vent Supply Faa 5 30 1 34 290 10 eec coat (2) 10 see Coat (2)

Emergency Service Water 7- N r Intake Screee Wash Pump 3 1 50 56 352 0 eee Cycled (S) (2) O see coat (3)

, Imagency Service Weter Papbouse Traveling Screen B 1 15 19.5 e

103 0 eec cycled (5) (2) 0 see cone (2)

N Imergency Service Meter Section Sluice Cste B 1 1 1.6 15 0 sec 20 min (2) 0 see 20 min (2)

Diesel Cenerator Fuel Oil framefer Pump 15 1 20 130 0 see cycled (6) (2) 0 eec cycled (6) (2)

Diesel Cenerater Fuel Oil Treaefer Backup Pump 1 15 20 130 0 eec Cyclog(6) (2) 0 see Cycle 4(6) (2)

Diesel Cenerator Jacket Water Keep vara Pump 3 1 6.1 32 - -

(2) - -


Diesel Cenerator Jacket Water Keep .

Warm mester 1 75 kw 96 - - -

(2) - -


Diesel Cenerator tambe Oil Eeep Wars Pump 15 1 19 116 -


'I (2)

Diesel Cenerator tabe Oil Keep warm O mester 50 ku 1 63 - - -

(2) - -

(2) cp Main Steam Isolation valve 1.eakage Control Air Blauer 2 4.5 6.5 42 0 see coat (2) 0 see coat (2)

$ 125 volt IH: Battery Charger 1 50 kw 87 -

0 sec coat (6) 0 see Coat (6) l

.vu -



O .

O O TASIA S.3-1 (Contimmed)

Mesimum Oseratina Reestremente Ulthout offeite Peuer avellable Forced Shutdous less of Caetent Accident Ihsaber Pts 11 !arueb (9) Beg'd (9) Reg'd on W 1aed Current Time of Sumalag Type of Time of Sunning Type of Equisment Beecristles _Sme tech (Amoores) (Amoeree) Start Time concret Start Time concret Unit 1. Divistee 2 (Cent'd)

Safety Poetare Leeds (Cont'd) 125 Telt 3-C Bemerve Bettery Cherser 1 50 W 87 - - - - - - -

Bydrogen necembiner 5 1 75 W 95 - - -

(1) 18.4 hr coat (1)

Bydrogen niming Campresser A 1 60 77 436 to mia Cost (1) 207 br coat (2)

Motor Operated Telves SS 1.6(7) - -

O sec 30 see -

O sec 30 see -

Monsafety Feature Leade nuclear Cleoed Cooling Pump 3 1 700 90.5 548 0 see Coat (15 - -

(1) w Control Red Drive Pemp 3 1 400 $2 312 (1) 4 (1)

M e Service Water Pump 3 1 1000 129 800 10 see Coat (2) - -


Steadby Ligeld Control Operating mester 1 10 W 11 -

O see Coat (2) - -

(2) mydrogen mein Seal 011 Pump 1 20 28.7 145 0 see Coat (1) - -

(1) mydrogen Recirculating Seal Oil Pump 1 7.5 11.2 63.5 0 eee coat (1) - -

(1) sydrogen Seat 011 vapor Extractor 1 2 3 21 0 see Coat (1) i (1)

Turbine Turning Coer unter 1 60 80 435 0 see coat (2) - -


Turbine Terming Cear Piggy anck noter 1 10 15 98 0 eee Coat (2) - -


Turbine amering Lift Pumpe 9 5 8.1 46 0 see Coat (1) - -



Turbine labe 011 Motor Section Pump 50 61.5 363 0 see coat (2) 1 - -


Turbine Tarsing Geer Oil Pump 1 50 61.5 363 0 see cone (2) - -


Reactor Peedseter Pump Turbine &

a Turning cear 1 1.5 2.5 16 0 see Coat (2) - -

(2) u es b

O O TAB 12 8.3-1 (Centlemed)

Healmsm Oseratina teostremente Withmet Offeite Power Available member Forced Shutdoun Ames of Cevleet Accident Fis11 !aruch (9) Beg'd (9) Reg'd en It !aed Chstreet Time of testement Descristies ame tech (Ameeree) (Ameeres)

Sumains Type of Time of Rumaing Type of Start time Centret Store Time control Unit t. Division 2 (Cent'd)

Nemesfety Feature Leeds (Cent'd)

Beacter Feedeeter Ptsap Turbine B .

Tureing Gear 1 1.5 2.5 16 0 eec coat (2) - -


Diesel Camerater Starting Air Ca pressore 4 30 34 217 to ele Cycled (6) (2) - -


Dieset Camerecer Starting Air Aftercoolers 4 1.68 1 15 to als cycled (6) (2) - -


Reactor Protection System Set A Noter Ceeerecer 1 25 38.9 253 0 sec coat (1) - -


, teactor Water Closamp Piesp A 1 60 66.8 434 0 see Coat (1) - -


La Beactor wetor Closeup Ptsap 3

1 60 66.8 434 0 see Coat C* (1) - -

(1) o Immer Drywell Casting Fees 2 to 73.5 435 0 eec Cent (2) - -


Middle Drywell Coeling Fame 2 6C 73.5 435 0 see Cent (2) - -


Upper trywell Caeling Fees 2 60 73.5 435 0 see coat (2) - -


Diesel Drivee Fire Ptsme A Fee 1 7.5 10.4 63.5 0 eec coat


(2) - -


Off-Ces Building vent Eshaust mediation monitor 1 2 2.5 -

O sec cone' (4) - -

(4) 125 volt D-C System A Settery Charger i 1 75 kW 133 -

O sec cont (4)

! 10 mis Coat (4) l 125 volt D-C System A Reserve Settery Charger 1 75 kw 133 - - -

125 volt D-C System B Bettery i y Charger 1 37.5 kw 67 B

0 see cone (4) to sie Coat (4) i Essentist Lighting -

44 kw t


O see Coat (4) 10 mis Cont (4) l Vital A-C Distribution System Alternate Supply Trenoformer 1 45 kVA 94 0 see Cont (4) 10 mis coat (4) t a

ta e,

l O ~

O O l TABl.E 8.3-1 (Continued) i l Mazimum Operatina Requirements Without Offsite Power Available j Forced Shutdown loss of Coolant Accident l Number Full larush (9) Reg'd (9) Reg'd i on WP Imad Current Time of Running Type of Time of Running Type of l Equipment Description aus _ Each (Amperes) (Amperes) Start Time Control Start Time control l

Unit 1. Division 2 (Cont'd) l l Nonsafety Feature lands (Cont'd)


  • l Emergency Service Water Screen Wash Pump Discharge Strainer 5 1 0.5 1 6.5 0 see Cycled (5) (2) - - -

Motor Operated Valves 8 1(7) - - O see 30 see - - - -

Time Sequence Fcreed Shutdown Loss of Coolant Accident subtotal, kW per Time Sequence O see 2588 1690 5 see -

718 l 10 see 1468 663 l

15 see 10 10 l 25 sec 168 168

. l oin - -

t L 152 sec 584 584 a

10 min 816 242 18.4 he -

75 287 hr -

55 Net Total Maximum continuous load (kW) 5634 4I30 Unit 2. Division I Safety Feature Loads Low Pressure Core Spray Pump 1 1750 222 1443 - -

(1) 0 see Coat (3)

Residual Heat Removal Pump A 1 900 115 747 10 min cont (1) 5 see Cont (3)

Emergency Service Water Pump A 1 800 102 618 10 see Cont (2) 10 see Cont (2)

Emergency Closed Cooling Pump A 1 100 112 728 0 sec Cont (1) O see Cont (3)

Low Pressure Core Spray and Residual Heat Removal A Water Les Pump 1 5 6.35 46 0 see Cont (1) 0 sec cont (1) f Standby Liquid control Pump A 1 40 48.8 317 - -

(1) - -


O Diesel Room Supply Fans 2 50 57.5 376 0 see Coat (2) 0 see Cont (2)

O Residual Heat Removal A Pump Room Y Cooling Fan 1 20 25 130 to sin cont (2) 5 see Cont (2)

Low Pressure Core Spray Pump Room f, Cooling Fan 1 20 25 130 - -

(I) 0 sec cont (2)

- - _ _ _ _