ML20116N966 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Perry ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/09/1985 |
From: | Battelle Memorial Institute, PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATION |
To: | |
References | |
OL-S-004, OL-S-4, NUDOCS 8505070422 | |
Download: ML20116N966 (40) | |
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""tw- Reviews l
a l
Consultants i
l e S.H. Bush i
e A.J. Henriksen e B.J. Kirkwood e P.J. Louzecky e Ricardo Consulting Engineers plc, West Sussex, j
England e A. Sarsten 1
PNL Technical Coordinators i
j e F.R. Zaloudek, Task Leader i
i e J.M. Alzheimer e J.F. Nesbitt i
O i
s i
4 l
Information Considered by PNL in l
Reviews of Resolution of Known l
Problems i
i e Owners' Group reports on known problems l
e Operating experience in nuclear and non-nuclear I
applications e Plant-specific reviews i
- Grand Gulf i; July;l
- Catawba I; August)
- Comanche Peak (September)
- San Onofre (November ll l
- Shoreham (December ll 1
l i
l I
i i
Air Start Valve Capscrew l
l l
Type Failures:
1? Loosened capscrew at Shoreham and l
Grand Gulf due to bottoming-out during I
torquing l
- 2) No failures have occurred l
. - - ~.
Air Start Valve Capscrew l
i Capscrew design is adequate, provided that
- sampling established to ensure 4
j capscrews are of spscified length
- installation is made according to SWEC l
recommendations M/S Recommendations:
l Capscrews should be torqued to Owners' Group recommendations and retorqued following first period of engine operation whenever an air-start l
valve is removed / replaced 9'
Auxiliary Module Wiring and i
Terminations 4
I Concern:
l Suitability of all class IE auxiliary module wiring and terminations l
- Flame retardancy
- Qualification to industry standards
- Routing in conduit i
- Compatibility with circuit requirements
PNL concurs with OG that wiring and terminations are adequate 1
with indicated modifications
- Shoreham
- Replace crankcase ventilating fan wiring
- Inspect sliding link terminal block i
- Catawba
- Replace wiring of questionable integrity i
- Inspect sliding link terminal blocks
- San Onofre
- Replace wiring of questionable integrity s
Connecting Rods L'DSR-48 Engines?
Type Failures:
- 1) None reported in nuclear service
- 2) One failure in non-nuclear service after 8000 hours0.0926 days <br />2.222 hours <br />0.0132 weeks <br />0.00304 months <br /> at 1975 psi peak firing pressure h
I e
Connecting Rods i
{DSR-48 Engines?
l PNL concurs with OG that
- Rods adequate for intended service
- Indications in rod eye bushing within 15 of l
bottom center are not acceptable l
- Rod eye cracks more than 0.04 inch deep are not acceptable
- No detectable cracks allowed at root of rod bolt threads Recommendation:
Connecting rod bolts should be torqued to OG/TDI recommendations at each major engine disassembly j
(approx. every 5 years) v
l I
l Connecting Rods j
s'DSRV-4 Engines?
Type Failures:
- 1) None in nuclear service
- 2) Fatigue cracking of connecting rod l
bolts, link rod box, and fretting of serrations (non-nuclear service) 1 e
Connecting Rods
{DSRV-4 Engines?
- 1) Analytical evidence alone does not provide a sufficient basis for concluding that connecting rods are adequate
- 2) Service history provides confidence that, with suitable M/S, continued use is justified Recommendations:
- 1) Implement OG recommendations
- Inspect and measure every 5 years
- Measure clearance between link pin and link rod l
every 5 years
- Visually inspect rack teeth; verify minimum specified contact surface
- Inspect 17/8-inch bolts and bolt holes each 270 hours0.00313 days <br />0.075 hours <br />4.464286e-4 weeks <br />1.02735e-4 months <br /> above 50% load
- 2) Bolt torque (both 1 1/2 and 17/8-inch bolt sizes) should be checked every 270 hours0.00313 days <br />0.075 hours <br />4.464286e-4 weeks <br />1.02735e-4 months <br /> of operation above 50% load or every 5 years t
t i
i i
Connecting Rod Bearing Shells l
i Type Failures:
- 1) Cracked bearing shells at Shoreham
after only 600-800 hours of operation i
- 2) No other reported failures in nuclear service 1
Connecting Rod Bearing Shells
Bearing shells are suitable for continued use with enhanced M/S l
M/S Recommendations of Owners' Group:
- Inspect and measure every 5 years j
- Bump test at each refueling cycle j
- X-ray new bearing shells per OG criteria I
i i
[R-48, Shoreham?
Type Failures:
- 1) Fracture of Shoreham EDG 102 11-inch crankshaft
- 2) Cracks in EDG 101 and 103
l Crankshaft
[R-48, Shoreham?
I Conclusions regarding replacement 12-inch crankshafts:
- 1) Test to 10 stress cycles proves adequacy of Shoreham crankshafts for " qualified" load (3300 kW)
- 2) Portion of test at higher loads provides basis for concluding loads to 3430 kW are acceptable for limited period in emergency
- 3) Momentary ( <1 minute) loads to 3900 kW in j
emergency would not compromise operability
M/S Recommendation:
l l
- 1) NDT fillets and oil holes of crankpin journals 5,6, j
and 7 and main journals between them in EDG l
101 and 102 engines at first refueling outage
- 2) NDT of fillets and oil holes of two most heavily
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l Crankshaft j
(DSRV-16-4, Grand Gulf) i l
- 1) Comply with DEMA recommendations for torsional stresses at i
rated speed l
- 2) System has 4th order critical at 432 rpm (within 5% DEMA i
range) i
- Engine should not be operated below 440 rpm j
- Cylinder load balance is important i
- Misfiring especially undesirable i
M/S Recommendations:
1 l
- 1) Measure hot and cold deflections at 270 hours0.00313 days <br />0.075 hours <br />4.464286e-4 weeks <br />1.02735e-4 months <br /> or each refueling (OG)
- 2) Inspect journals 4, 6, 8 (OG) l
- 3) Determine adequacy of TDI cylinder balance /governer speed j
variations by torsiograph (OG) j
- 4) Following major maintenance, balance cylinders carefully per TDI l
procedures (PN L)
- 5) Monitor for misfiring via exhaust temperatures (PNL) 1 i
i i
{DSRV-20-4, San Onofre's i
l Type Failures:
i, l
Linear crack discovered in both crankshafts
- Torsional vibration during rapid startup
likely cause l
- Cracks removed by remachining oil j
holes i
1 l
Crankshaft (DSRV-20-4, San Onofre)
- 1) At rated load and speed, torsional stresses within DEMA limits
- 2) Engines conservatively rated
- Vibratory stresses low at 450 rpm
- 3) Crankshafts are adequate for their intended function, provided that:
- requirement for rapid start testing is removed
- M/S is implemented to detect future cracking M/S Recommendations:
- 1) Hot and cold deflection checks at 270 hours0.00313 days <br />0.075 hours <br />4.464286e-4 weeks <br />1.02735e-4 months <br /> or each refueling (OG)
- 2) Inspection of oil hole regions of journals 9,10 and 11 at refuelings (OG)
- 3) Following major maintenance, balance cylinders carefully per TDI procedures (PN L)
- 4) Monitor for misfiring via exhaust temperatures (PNL)
i d
l i
Cylinder Block l
l Type Failures:
i j
- 1) Camshaft gallery cracks (8-cylinder engine) i l
- 2) Circumferential cracks in cylinder liner
counterbore j
3? Cracks in ligament between liner j
counterbore and stud
- 4) Stud-to-stud cracks 1
Cylinder Block l
- 1) Camshaft gallery cracks l
- Hot tears j
- Not expected to propagate l
- 2) Circumferential cracks
- Caused by liner proudness
- Not detrimental to engine performance 1
- 3) Ligament cracks j
- Not detrimental to engine performance
- Increase probability of stud-to-stud cracks l
- 4) Stud-to-stud cracks
- Potential threat to engine integrity l
- Must be evaluated on case-by-case basis j
- 1) Camshaft cracks should be monitored
- 2) Circumferential cracks need not be monitored
- 3) Where ligament cracks exist, check for stud-to-stud cracks l
after each operation at >50% load 1
- 4) Blocks with known stud-to-stud cracks should be analyzed for j
suitability for further service z-
l i
I l
Cylinder Heads l
i I
Type Failures:
1 j
Crack originating at stellite valve seal allowing entrance of water into cylinder j
Failures have involved principally " Group I" heads (of the three groups in service) l l
i l
Cylinder Heads i
Heads from all three groups are suitable for intended service, i
provided that:
- firedeck has no plug welds
- engine is rolled over 4 to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> after shutdown, again at 24 i
hours, to detect water leaks. Engine is rolled again before I
planned starts 1
j Recommendations:
- Liquid penetrant inspection of firedeck
- Record cold compression and maximum firing pressures at each refueling l
- Roll over engine per PNL recommendations after j
shutdowns j
- Visually inspect fuel injection ports during surveillance tests l
- Return leaking heads to vendor for repair 1
- 2) Inspections prior to nuclear service
- Ultrasonic inspection of firedeck to verify thickness is at least 0.400 inch i
- Surface inspection of firedeck and valve seats to verify l
i absence of unacceptable defects. Any heads with plug welds in firedeck should be rejected
i i
i l
l Cylinder Head Studs l
{ Straight and Necked Designs}
j Type Failure:
- 1) None in nuclear service
- 2) Isolated failures in non-nuclear service from insufficient preload
i I
Cylinder Head Studs l
[ Straight and Necked Designs) i i
i l
PNL concurs with OG that both designs are suitable for intended service i
M/S Recommendation:
Torque per Owners' Group /TDI recommendations whenever a head is removed / replaced l
l 4
j Engine Base and Bearing Caps Type Failures:
- 1) Cracks in main bearing saddles of DSR-48 engines (at Shoreham) from l
improper stud removal i
- 2) Cracks in main bearing saddles from j
insufficient stud preload (marine service) l
- 3) Nut pocket failure due to defective casting (non-nuclear) l i
s N
Engine Base and Bearing Caps I
1 i
l PNL concurs with OG that base and caps are adequate, provided that:
- LP examination of saddles is performed at l
alternate fuel cycles (DSR-48) i l
- main bearing saddle stud torque is checked at alternate cycles l
- OG recommendations on removal of oil from mating surfaces before assembly are implemented Recommendation:
Additional inspection of cap and base mating surfaces l
to ensure absence of imperfections preventing tight l
bolt-up l
l i
Jacket Water Pump Type Failures:
Fatigue failure of pump shaft initiating at keyway (Saudi Arabia and Shoreham)
Jacket Water Pump
- 1) Concur with latest Shoreham redesign and proposed River Bend and Rancho Seco redesign
- 2) Concur with OG that V-12, V-16 and.V-20 designs are adequate with addition of torque values and limits to assembly procedures M/S Recommendations:
None 1
l l
l i'
l l
l l
Types AF and AE Piston Skirts i
4 l
l Type Failure:
Fatigue cracks in skirt-to crown attachment bosses 4
I i
j l
j I
l Types AF and AE Piston Skirts
- 1) Type AF skirts suitable
- Up to 130 BMEP with initial inspection only i
- Over 130 BMEP Initial inspection 100% boss area inspection at each refueling l
- 2) Type AE skirts suitable to normal TDI ratings i
M/S Recommendations:
4 l
- 1) Inspection as above l
- 2) Inspection, measurement of pin and skirt per TDI l
recommendations I
l Types AN and AH Piston Skirts 1
l Type Failures:
i l
- 1) AN - Numerous reports of cracks in nuclear and non-nuclear applications i
- 2) AH - No reports l
l 1
Type AN and AH Piston Skirts I
- 1) AN skirts not suitable
- 2) AH skirts suitable
- Normal TDI ratings 7
- Subject to 10 cycle test on lead engine i
M/S Recommendation:
Inspect skirt and pin every 5 years per TDI recommendations i
j a
4 i
1 l
Push Rods l
{ Ball-End, Forged-End and l
Friction-Welded Designs?
l Type Failures:
1 Numerous failures of ball-end design in weld area i
Push Rods
{ Ball-End, Forged-End and Friction-Welded Designs?
- 1) Concur with OG that ball-end rods should be removed l
from service
- 2) Concur with OG that forged-end design and friction-welded design are acceptable M/S Recommendations:
- 1) Inspect after 800 hours0.00926 days <br />0.222 hours <br />0.00132 weeks <br />3.044e-4 months <br /> with LP; replace rods with detectable cracks i
- 2) Implement OG recommendation for destructive l
examination of friction-welded design i
i l
l j
Rocker Arm Capscrews (Original and Modified Designs) i Type Failures:
Isolated fatigue failures from insufficient preload i
i i
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4 l
Rocker Arm Capscrews l
{ Original and Modified Designs?
i l
i i
1? PNL predicts stress may be 3 times higher than SWEC prediction, but margin remains adequate
- 2) Both designs are adequate
- based on conservative PNL stress estimate
- based on service history l
M/S Recommendations:
- 1) Torque per Owners' Group /TDI recommendations whenever capscrews are removed / replaced 1
j l
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1 i
l I
Elliott Model 65G/90G Turbochargers Type Failure:
Thrust bearing failure from inadequate i
lubrication during startup l
l l
l I
1 Elliott Model 65G/90G 2
l Turbochargers j
- 1) Turbochargers are suitable, provided that
FaAA recommendations on drip and full-l flow prelube systems are followed
- 2) Flange and piping alignment and surge margin are possible plant-specific ite'ms Recommendations:
Follow OG recommendations on M/S j
- Inspect bearings after 40 fast /100 total starts
- Measure clearances, clean bearings, analyze oil at each refueling
- Inspect bearings, other items each 5 years Consider operation of manual prelube system for brief I
period following engine shutdown, to cool down bearings
Inlet Nozzle Ring l
Elliott Model 90G Turbocharger I
Type Failures:
- 1) Vanes l
l Missing vanes Fatigue cracks in roots (Iow operating hours)
- 2) Broken bolts l
- 3) Cracked washers
- 4) Cracked hub I
Inlet Nozzle Ring l
Elliott Model 90G Turbocharger i
4 l
- 1) No evidence that missing vanes had, in fact, been installed
- 2) Fatigue cracks pose potential threat i
Turbocharger destruction Performance degradation 3;i Other isolated failures (e.g., bolts and washers;i pose a less serious threat to operability l
i 1ll Inspect at every refueling outage l
- 2) Replace missing or cracked components s