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Intervenor Exhibit I-OCRE-8,consisting of Tdi 850318 Part 21 Rept Re Potential Defect in Oil Plugs in Crankshaft of Standby Diesel Generator Dsr or DSRV-16.List of Affected Sites,Including Shoreham & Perry Plants,Provided
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/09/1985
From: Boyer R
REF-PT21-85 OL-I-OCRE-008, OL-I-OCRE-8, NUDOCS 8505070410
Download: ML20116N937 (5)




.S 5 0 E :n Aven f

P.o. ccx 2161 N

p oax! Int Cahfernia 9 A.

(415) 577 7400


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March 18, 19S5

@c Directer, Office of Insoectica & Enforcenent g

U.S. Naclear Regdancry' Cccc:ission O/'


Washing:ca, D.C.


Dear Sir:

In accordr.ce si2 de regairements of Title 10, Chapter 10, Code of Federal Regdaticas, ?arr 21, Trr. srb Delaval Inc., hereby nctifies the Ccctissicn of a cotential' defect in a eccocnent of a DSR or DSO.V-16 S.r.6y Diesel' Generator. Tnere exists' a poten:4' pr61en with oil Plugs in :he Crankshaft, which cculd result in E.gine nca-availabili-y.


Transarerica Delaval has supplied the DSR and DSRV ?ngines to the following Sites:

Engine Serial Utility Site Serial No.

Model Drher A fected Icag Island Shcreha.

74010/12 DSR 48 C)

Lighting w

Middle Soud Grand 0 lf 74033/36 DSRV 16 Ene T Gulf States River Send 74039/40 DSR 48 74040, 74039 Utilities Carolina Power -

Shearen Earris 74046/49 DSRV 16 74046 andLi@t Dake ?cwer Ccapany Catasta 75017/20 DSRV 16 Scu2ern Cali c:nia San Cnofre 75041/42 DSRV 20 Edison Cleveland Elec:ric Ferry 75051/54 DSRV 16 i.,

Ill ".a:ing WA Bellefonte 75080/83 DSRV 16 Washing:en ?s lic

'EPSS 1 75054/85 DSRV 16 L

Fower 3@S Washing:cn ?61ic WF?SS 4 76031/32 DSRV 16


?cwer nn eo Texas U:ilities Ceaanche Peak 76001/04 DSRV 16 c.:e Se-eices



gg Geogia ?cwer Vogtle 76021/24 DSRV 16 76021,76022,76023,76024 E<

Censumars ?cwer Midland 77001/04 DSRV 12 ng$

WA Eartsvflle/

77024/35 DSRV 16 77033,77034,77035 p

cm.m Phipps Send pq SWD


%n 81015/16 DSR 48 81016 6

I 8505070410 850409 PDR ADOCK 05000440 m- -

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i Page 2 March 18, 1935 U.S. R= lear Regulatory Ccxrission At Gulf States Utilities River Send Site, a failed Cra isF2f: Oil Plug was recently discovered during routine raintenance. The failed Plug was 22 gauge raterial.

On 3/10/80 the Oil Plug raterial specification was cFr.ged fr xn 16 gauge to 22 gauge. On 6/22/82 s ez:sterial specifica:icn was changed back frec 22 gauge to 16 gauge.

This Oil Plug, *.ich seals drilled oil passages in de Cradshaft, is installed by Transarerica Delaval. Tne til Plug is rolled into the CraisF2f: using an e:cansien tool. Foi ycr= inic:ra ion,..

atta6ed is a ske:6 shcuing the Oil Plug as it is installed in the Cran'< shaft.

on the arom: c:g fails, Engine availability ray be affected depending

" *" s Oil Plu oil fics st.ich is lost.

The F.ngines ranufactured before 3/10/80 and after 6/23/82 should have 16 gauge Flugs triless for scoe reason they have been changed after shipment. Parag aph 2 indicates those 11 Sgine Serial N.:6ers st.ich ocr records shcra :ny have 22 gauge Plugs installed.

We recocznend da all Fngines be inspected to deced.e if any 22 gauge Plugs are installed. The 16 gauge Flug has a wall thickness of

.0595. The 22 gauge Flug has a wall thickness of.0299. This wall thic'< ness should be checked by reasure::nn:.

w Transamerica Delaval recocrnends all 22 gauge Flugs be replaced with 16 gauge Flugs.

The 22 gauge Flug can be re eved and replaced in the Sgine widcu difficulty.

A copy of 61s le::er will be sent to all the Sites in paragraph 2 of this letter as indicated by the cc's, m


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.De,sval i



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ialt; Paee 3 Parch 18, 1985 U.S. 9mlerz P.egf_atory Cdssion Tec'r.ical services and any parts or inforaticn will be 5.:=ished as required, en req 2est, and in accordr.ce si-h each i*. divi 4 *' c0~.CaOO.

Since acti= is re= ired by o-hers, we camo: es irate sen the con ective actica will be cccoleted.

v_.,,..,,o,,tica of this po:e.tial proble: was cccoleted en Our evalua eo-2.

4, Very ::uly ycrs,


, =. 3, e.


Manager, Qaality Ass rance P23:hw
















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a REB, 3/18/85